
796 lines
25 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2008-01-19 00:00:00 +00:00
#include common_scripts\utility;
#include maps\_utility;
#include maps\_ac130;
#include maps\ac130_code;
if ( getdvar( "credits_load" ) == "1" )
thread maps\ac130_credits::credits_main();
if ( getdvar( "ac130_gameplay_enabled") == "" )
setdvar( "ac130_gameplay_enabled", "1" );
setExpFog( 1000, 17300, 0/255, 0/255, 0/255, 0 );
setsaveddvar( "scr_dof_enable", "0" );
flag_init( "mission_failed" );
flag_init( "hijacked_vehicles_stopped" );
flag_init( "friendlies_loading_vehicles" );
flag_init( "choppers_inbound" );
flag_init( "friendlies_moving_to_choppers" );
flag_init( "ignore_friendly_move_commands" );
flag_init( "friendlies_in_choppers" );
flag_init( "choppers_flew_away" );
level.hintPrintDuration = 5.0;
level.minimumFriendlyCount = 3;
level.minimumAutosaveFriendlyCount = 5;
add_start( "church", ::start_church, &"STARTS_CHURCH" );
add_start( "field", ::start_field, &"STARTS_FIELD" );
add_start( "hijack", ::start_hijack, &"STARTS_HIJACK" );
add_start( "junkyard", ::start_junkyard, &"STARTS_JUNKYARD" );
default_start( ::start_start );
wait 10;
objective_add( 1, "current", &"AC130_OBJECTIVE_SUPPORT_FRIENDLIES", ( 0, 0, 0 ) );
level waittill( "introscreen_almost_complete" );
spawn_friendlies( "friends_start" );
thread dialog_opening();
thread gameplay_start();
spawn_friendlies( "friends_church" );
level.ac130.origin = getent( "ac130_waypoint_fight1", "targetname" ).origin;
flag_set( "clear_to_engage" );
flag_set( "allow_context_sensative_dialog" );
thread dialog_cleared_to_engage();
thread gameplay_chuch();
spawn_friendlies( "friends_field1" );
level.ac130.origin = getent( "ac130_waypoint_field1", "targetname" ).origin;
flag_set( "clear_to_engage" );
flag_set( "allow_context_sensative_dialog" );
thread gameplay_fields();
spawn_friendlies( "friends_hijack" );
level.ac130.origin = getent( "ac130_waypoint_hijack", "targetname" ).origin;
flag_set( "clear_to_engage" );
flag_set( "allow_context_sensative_dialog" );
wait 0.05;
thread gameplay_hijack();
spawn_friendlies( "friends_junkyard" );
level.ac130.origin = getent( "ac130_waypoint_junkyard1", "targetname" ).origin;
flag_set( "clear_to_engage" );
flag_set( "allow_context_sensative_dialog" );
wait 0.05;
thread gameplay_junkyard1();
move_friendlies( "friendly_location_01" );
thread movePlaneToWaypoint( "ac130_waypoint_fight1" );
wait 27;
thread gameplay_chuch();
thread autosaveFriendlyCountCheck( "church" );
if ( getdvar( "ac130_gameplay_enabled") == "1" )
spawn_vehicle( "first_truck_spawn_trigger" );
wait 5;
spawn_enemies( "first_truck_reinforcement_spawn_trigger" );
wait 5;
spawn_enemies( "first_shack_spawner_trigger" );
spawn_enemies( "church_spawner_trigger" );
spawn_enemies( "church_spawner_trigger2" );
spawn_enemies( "house1_spawner_trigger" );
wait 25;
move_friendlies( "friendly_location_02" );
waitForPlayerKillCount( 7 );
wait 15;
thread movePlaneToWaypoint( "ac130_waypoint_fight2" );
if ( getdvar( "ac130_gameplay_enabled") == "1" )
stop_enemies( "first_shack_spawner_trigger" );
spawn_enemies( "house2_spawner_trigger" );
wait 10;
waitForPlayerKillCount( 5 );
stop_enemies( "church_spawner_trigger2" );
move_friendlies( "friendly_location_03" );
if ( getdvar( "ac130_gameplay_enabled") == "1" )
wait 12;
stop_enemies( "church_spawner_trigger" );
move_friendlies( "friendly_location_04" );
if ( getdvar( "ac130_gameplay_enabled") == "1" )
spawn_vehicle( "long_road_truck_spawn_trigger" );
wait 12;
stop_enemies( "house1_spawner_trigger" );
stop_enemies( "house2_spawner_trigger" );
thread gameplay_fields();
thread dialog_passing_church();
thread autosaveFriendlyCountCheck( "fields" );
thread movePlaneToWaypoint( "ac130_waypoint_field1" );
move_friendlies( "friendly_location_05" );
if ( getdvar( "ac130_gameplay_enabled") == "1" )
wait 8;
spawn_enemies( "field1_spawner_trigger" );
wait 8;
spawn_vehicle( "field1_truck_spawn_trigger" );
wait 20;
waitForPlayerKillCount( 10 );
stop_enemies( "field1_spawner_trigger" );
waittill_dead( getEnemiesInZone( "volume_field1" ), undefined, 30 );
thread gameplay_hijack();
#using_animtree( "vehicles" );
thread ac130_move_in();
thread movePlaneToWaypoint( "ac130_waypoint_hijack" );
move_friendlies( "friendly_location_06" );
wait 10;
thread autosaveFriendlyCountCheck( "hijack" );
vehGroup = [];
vehGroup[ 0 ] = [];
vehGroup[ 1 ] = [];
if ( getdvar( "ac130_gameplay_enabled") == "1" )
maps\_vehicle::create_vehicle_from_spawngroup_and_gopath( 5 );
level.getaway_vehicle_1 = getent( "getaway_vehicle_1", "targetname" );
if ( !isdefined( level.getaway_vehicle_1 ) )
level.getaway_vehicle_1 = maps\_vehicle::waittill_vehiclespawn( "getaway_vehicle_1" );
level.getaway_vehicle_2 = getent( "getaway_vehicle_2", "targetname" );
if ( !isdefined( level.getaway_vehicle_2 ) )
level.getaway_vehicle_2 = maps\_vehicle::waittill_vehiclespawn( "getaway_vehicle_2" );
level.getaway_vehicle_1 thread friendly_fire_vehicle_thread();
level.getaway_vehicle_2 thread friendly_fire_vehicle_thread();
thread civilian_car_riders_spawn_and_idle();
thread dialog_hijack();
// stop the vehicles at the hijack roadbloack
getVehicleNode( "vehicle_hijack_start_stop", "script_noteworthy" ) waittill( "trigger" );
level.getaway_vehicle_1 setSpeed( 0, 10 );
level.getaway_vehicle_2 setSpeed( 0, 10 );
flag_set( "hijacked_vehicles_stopped" );
wait 3;
// cars are stopped - create 2 groups of friendlies to hijack 2 cars
wait 2;
for( i = 0 ; i < level.friendlies.size ; i++ )
if ( !isdefined( level.friendlies[ i ] ) )
if ( !isalive( level.friendlies[ i ] ) )
if ( vehGroup[ 0 ].size < 4 )
vehGroup[ 0 ][ vehGroup[ 0 ].size ] = level.friendlies[ i ];
else if ( vehGroup[ 1 ].size < 4 )
vehGroup[ 1 ][ vehGroup[ 1 ].size ] = level.friendlies[ i ];
assertMsg( "Tried to load more than 8 friendlies into two vehicles." );
// there should at least be one vehicle since mission is failed if there is less than 3 AI alive
assert( vehGroup[ 0 ].size > 0 );
// Asign animnames
for( p = 0 ; p < 2 ; p++ )
for( i = 0 ; i < vehGroup[ p ].size ; i++ )
if ( p == 0 )
switch( i )
case 0:
vehGroup[ p ][ i ].animname = "hijacker_car1_guy1";
vehGroup[ p ][ i ].sitTag = "tag_driver";
case 1:
vehGroup[ p ][ i ].animname = "hijacker_car1_guy2";
vehGroup[ p ][ i ].sitTag = "tag_passenger";
case 2:
vehGroup[ p ][ i ].animname = "hijacker_car1_guy3";
vehGroup[ p ][ i ].sitTag = "tag_guy0";
case 3:
vehGroup[ p ][ i ].animname = "hijacker_car1_guy4";
vehGroup[ p ][ i ].sitTag = "tag_guy1";
switch( i )
case 0:
vehGroup[ p ][ i ].animname = "hijacker_car2_guy1";
vehGroup[ p ][ i ].sitTag = "tag_driver";
case 1:
vehGroup[ p ][ i ].animname = "hijacker_car2_guy2";
vehGroup[ p ][ i ].sitTag = "tag_passenger";
case 2:
vehGroup[ p ][ i ].animname = "hijacker_car2_guy3";
vehGroup[ p ][ i ].sitTag = "tag_guy0";
case 3:
vehGroup[ p ][ i ].animname = "hijacker_car2_guy4";
vehGroup[ p ][ i ].sitTag = "tag_guy1";
// Get friendlies into animation position, then play the hijack animations
thread do_hijack( level.getaway_vehicle_1, vehGroup[ 0 ], %ac130_carjack_door_1a, %ac130_carjack_door_others );
thread do_hijack( level.getaway_vehicle_2, vehGroup[ 1 ], %ac130_carjack_door_1b, %ac130_carjack_door_others );
flag_set( "friendlies_loading_vehicles" );
level.getaway_vehicle_1 thread mission_fail_vehicle_death();
level.getaway_vehicle_2 thread mission_fail_vehicle_death();
if ( getdvar( "ac130_gameplay_enabled") == "1" )
if ( vehGroup[ 1 ].size > 0 )
waittill_multiple_ents( level.getaway_vehicle_1, "hijack_done", level.getaway_vehicle_2, "hijack_done" );
waittill_multiple_ents( level.getaway_vehicle_1, "hijack_done" );
thread dialog_ambush();
wait 17.0;
thread gameplay_ambush();
thread ac130_move_out();
wait 17.0;
// Cars continue path with friendlies in them
if ( getdvar( "ac130_gameplay_enabled") == "1" )
level.getaway_vehicle_1 resumeSpeed( 5 );
wait 1.3;
level.getaway_vehicle_2 resumeSpeed( 5 );
thread movePlaneToWaypoint( "ac130_waypoint_ambush" );
if ( getdvar( "ac130_gameplay_enabled") == "1" )
wait 5;
spawn_vehicle( "ambush_truck1_spawn_trigger" );
spawn_enemies( "ambush_rooftop_spawn_trigger" );
wait 5;
spawn_enemies( "ambush_rpg_spawn_trigger1" );
spawn_enemies( "ambush_rpg_spawn_trigger4" );
wait 5;
thread ac130_move_in();
thread autosaveFriendlyCountCheck( "ambush" );
if ( getdvar( "ac130_gameplay_enabled") == "1" )
spawn_enemies( "ambush_rpg_spawn_trigger3" );
wait 5;
spawn_enemies( "ambush_rpg_spawn_trigger2" );
wait 20;
spawn_vehicle( "ambush_bmp_spawn_trigger" );
wait 32;
thread movePlaneToWaypoint( "ac130_waypoint_junkyard1" );
// stop the vehicles at the hijack roadbloack
getVehicleNode( "stop_at_junkyard", "script_noteworthy" ) waittill( "trigger" );
thread dialog_junkyard1();
level.getaway_vehicle_2 setSpeed( 0, 10 );
wait 1;
level.getaway_vehicle_1 setSpeed( 0, 10 );
wait 3;
level.getaway_vehicle_1 notify( "getout" );
level.getaway_vehicle_2 notify( "getout" );
level notify( "getaway_vehicles_unloaded" );
thread gameplay_junkyard1();
thread movePlaneToWaypoint( "ac130_waypoint_junkyard1" );
// move friendlies to their position
move_friendlies( "friendly_location_07" );
wait 5;
thread autosaveFriendlyCountCheck( "junkyard" );
// Spawn groups of enemies to kill
if ( getdvar( "ac130_gameplay_enabled") == "1" )
array_thread( getaiarray( "axis" ), ::self_delete );
spawn_enemies( "junkyard_spawn_trigger1" );
wait 3;
spawn_enemies( "junkyard_spawn_trigger4" );
wait 5;
spawn_enemies( "junkyard_spawn_trigger2" );
wait 10;
spawn_enemies( "junkyard_spawn_trigger5" );
wait 15;
spawn_enemies( "junkyard_spawn_trigger3" );
wait 45;
waitForPlayerKillCount( 12 );
thread gameplay_junkyard2();
thread dialog_junkyard2();
stop_enemies( "junkyard_spawn_trigger1" );
stop_enemies( "junkyard_spawn_trigger2" );
stop_enemies( "junkyard_spawn_trigger3" );
thread movePlaneToWaypoint( "ac130_waypoint_junkyard2" );
move_friendlies( "friendly_location_08" );
thread autosaveFriendlyCountCheck( "junkyard2" );
if ( getdvar( "ac130_gameplay_enabled") == "1" )
spawn_enemies( "junkyard2_spawn_trigger1" );
spawn_vehicle( "junkyard_truck2_spawn_trigger" );
wait 10;
spawn_vehicle( "junkyard_truck1_spawn_trigger" );
wait 10;
waitForPlayerKillCount( 5 );
stop_enemies( "junkyard_spawn_trigger4" );
stop_enemies( "junkyard_spawn_trigger5" );
// here come the blackhawks
flag_set( "choppers_inbound" );
//array_thread( getentarray( "landnode", "script_noteworthy" ), ::blackhawk_land );
spawn_vehicle( "blackhawks_spawn_trigger" );
// Temp end of level
flag_wait( "choppers_flew_away" );
missionEnd( true );
assert( isdefined( self ) );
assert( isalive( self ) );
assert( isAI( self ) );
self thread magic_bullet_shield();
// old veteran only stuff never really got tested so it didn't make it in :(
skill = getdifficulty();
switch( skill )
case "gimp":
case "easy":
case "medium":
case "hard":
case "difficult":
self thread magic_bullet_shield();
case "fu": = 2000;
clear_to_engage( fDelay )
if ( isdefined( fDelay ) )
wait fDelay;
flag_set( "clear_to_engage" );
array_thread( getAIArray(), ::dontShoot, false );
dontShoot( qTrue )
if ( qTrue )
self.ignoreme = true;
self.ignoreall = true;
self.ignoreme = false;
self.ignoreall = false;
if (getdvar("ac130_enabled") == "0")
array_thread( getAIArray(), ::dontShoot, true );
wait 2;
// Wildfire, we are moving up the road towards a town to the east. Confirm you have a visual on us.
playSoundOverRadio( level.scr_sound["price"]["ac130_pri_towntoeast"], true );
wait 1;
// Got eyes on friendlies!
playSoundOverRadio( level.scr_sound["tvo"]["ac130_tvo_eyesonfriendlies"], true );
wait 1;
// Crew, do not fire on any target marked by a strobe, those are friendlies.
playSoundOverRadio( level.scr_sound["fco"]["ac130_fco_nofirestrobe"], true );
wait 0.5;
if ( !flag( "player_changed_weapons" ) )
hintPrint( &"AC130_HINT_CYCLE_WEAPONS" );
thread dialog_church_spotted();
// Uh, TV, confirm you see the church in the town.
playSoundOverRadio( level.scr_sound["nav"]["ac130_nav_confirmchurch"], true );
wait 1;
// We see it, start the clock.
playSoundOverRadio( level.scr_sound["tvo"]["ac130_tvo_weseeit"], true );
level notify( "start_clock" );
wait 1;
// Roger that we're there, start talking.
playSoundOverRadio( level.scr_sound["fco"]["ac130_fco_rogerwerethere"], true );
wait 0.5;
// You are not authorized to level the church. Do not fire directly on the church.
playSoundOverRadio( level.scr_sound["nav"]["ac130_nav_notauthorizedchurch"], true );
thread dialog_cleared_to_engage();
if ( getdvar( "ac130_alternate_controls" ) == "1" )
// Got a vehicle moving now!
playSoundOverRadio( level.scr_sound["tvo"]["ac130_tvo_vehiclemovingnow"], true );
wait 1;
// One of the vehicles is moving right now.
playSoundOverRadio( level.scr_sound["fco"]["ac130_fco_onevehiclemoving"], true );
wait 1;
// Personnel coming out of the church.
playSoundOverRadio( level.scr_sound["tvo"]["ac130_tvo_personnelchurch"], true );
wait 1;
// We have armed personnel approaching from the church, request permission to engage.
playSoundOverRadio( level.scr_sound["fco"]["ac130_fco_armedpersonnelchurch"], true );
wait 1;
thread clear_to_engage( 1.5 );
// Copy. You are cleared to engage the moving vehicle, and any personnel around you see.
playSoundOverRadio( level.scr_sound["pilot"]["ac130_plt_cleartoengage"], true );
wait 1;
flag_set( "allow_context_sensative_dialog" );
// Affirmative. Crew you are cleared to engage but do not fire on the church.
playSoundOverRadio( level.scr_sound["fco"]["ac130_fco_cleartoengage"], true );
flag_clear( "allow_context_sensative_dialog" );
// Wildfire, this is Bravo Six, be advised, we're passing a large church and continuing towards the main highway! Keep up the fire! Bravo Six out!
playSoundOverRadio( level.scr_sound["pri"]["ac130_pri_passingchurch"], true );
// Roger that. Engage anything without a flashing strobe light. Those are all hostiles.
playSoundOverRadio( level.scr_sound["plt"]["ac130_plt_woutstrobe"], true );
flag_set( "allow_context_sensative_dialog" );
flag_clear( "allow_context_sensative_dialog" );
// We got a moving vehicle here.
playSoundOverRadio( level.scr_sound["fco"]["ac130_fco_movingvehicle"], true );
// Negative negative. Do not engage, I repeat do not engage any vehicles on the main highway.
playSoundOverRadio( level.scr_sound["fco"]["ac130_fco_donoengage"], true );
// Wildfire, we're going to commandeer civilian transports on the main highway. Cover us!
playSoundOverRadio( level.scr_sound["pri"]["ac130_pri_coverus"], true );
// Crew, do not engage any vehicles traveling on the highway, those are civilians.
playSoundOverRadio( level.scr_sound["fco"]["ac130_fco_civilianvehicles"], true );
flag_wait( "hijacked_vehicles_stopped" );
// Ground units are acquiring alternate transport at this time. Do not engage any vehicles on the highway unless cleared to do so.
playSoundOverRadio( level.scr_sound["fco"]["ac130_fco_alttransport"], true );
// I bet that guy<75>s pissed! That<61>s a nice truck!
playSoundOverRadio( level.scr_sound["tvo"]["ac130_tvo_nicetruck"], true );
// Nah, hehe, he<68>s scared shitless.
playSoundOverRadio( level.scr_sound["fco"]["ac130_fco_nahscared"], true );
// Wildfire, we<77>re marking the vehicles! Confirm you see the beacons!
playSoundOverRadio( level.scr_sound["pri"]["ac130_pri_confirmyousee"], true );
// Roger, we see the beacons. Crew, do not fire on the vehicles marked with the flashing beacons. I repeat, do NOT fire on the vehicles with the flashing beacons, those are friendlies.
playSoundOverRadio( level.scr_sound["fco"]["ac130_fco_seebeacons"], true );
flag_set( "allow_context_sensative_dialog" );
flag_clear( "allow_context_sensative_dialog" );
// Heads up. Hostile forces are setting up ambush points along the curved road.
playSoundOverRadio( level.scr_sound["nav"]["ac130_nav_ambushroad"], true );
// Uh, navigation, which one's the curved road over?
playSoundOverRadio( level.scr_sound["fco"]["ac130_fco_whichcurved"], true );
// Fire control, do you see the water tower, over?
playSoundOverRadio( level.scr_sound["nav"]["ac130_nav_seewatertower"], true );
// TV, confirm you see the water tower.
playSoundOverRadio( level.scr_sound["fco"]["ac130_fco_confirmyousee"], true );
// Are you talking about the uh, water tower near the intersection?
playSoundOverRadio( level.scr_sound["tvo"]["ac130_tvo_nearintersection"], true );
// Roger, that's the one.
playSoundOverRadio( level.scr_sound["nav"]["ac130_nav_thatstheone"], true );
// And next to that water tower is a curved road, do you see that?
playSoundOverRadio( level.scr_sound["nav"]["ac130_nav_doyouseethat"], true );
// Roger that.
playSoundOverRadio( level.scr_sound["fco"]["ac130_fco_rogerthat"], true );
// Track that road into the next village. You should be able to see another water tower in the village further down that road.
playSoundOverRadio( level.scr_sound["nav"]["ac130_nav_trackthatroad"], true );
// Uh, we're having a bit of trouble acquiring the village. How far up the road is it?
playSoundOverRadio( level.scr_sound["fco"]["ac130_fco_howfar"], true );
// Approximately<6C>uh, hang on<6F>
playSoundOverRadio( level.scr_sound["nav"]["ac130_nav_uhhangon"], true );
// It's about 600 metres along the curved road, going away from the highway.
playSoundOverRadio( level.scr_sound["nav"]["ac130_nav_600meters"], true );
// Roger that.
playSoundOverRadio( level.scr_sound["tvo"]["ac130_tvo_rogerthat"], true );
//We're banking towards the village. Stand by to engage ground targets.
playSoundOverRadio( level.scr_sound["plt"]["ac130_plt_bankingtovillage"], true );
// We got hostiles setting up along the curved road.
playSoundOverRadio( level.scr_sound["tvo"]["ac130_tvo_hostilescurved"], true );
// Hostiles preparing to ambush along the curved road. They're partially concealed by the trees.
playSoundOverRadio( level.scr_sound["fco"]["ac130_fco_partiallyconcealed"], true );
// Whoa, someone just fired an RPG!
playSoundOverRadio( level.scr_sound["tvo"]["ac130_tvo_firedrpg"], true );
// Roger that. Crew, go ahead and take out everything in that village.
playSoundOverRadio( level.scr_sound["fco"]["ac130_fco_takeout"], true );
// Armored vehicle right there! Right there, coming out of the barn.
playSoundOverRadio( level.scr_sound["fco"]["ac130_fco_outofbarn"], true );
// Targets in the village are confirmed as hostile. Cleared to engage. Smoke 'em.
playSoundOverRadio( level.scr_sound["plt"]["ac130_plt_smokem"], true );
// Wildfire, we're under attack. We could use some help here.
playSoundOverRadio( level.scr_sound["pri"]["ac130_pri_underattack"], true );
// Crew, track those smoke trails and take 'em out at the source. Clear a path for our guys.
playSoundOverRadio( level.scr_sound["fco"]["ac130_fco_smoketrails"], true );
// Personnel on the roof of that U-shaped building.
playSoundOverRadio( level.scr_sound["tvo"]["ac130_tvo_ushaped"], true );
// Uh, U-shaped building?
playSoundOverRadio( level.scr_sound["fco"]["ac130_fco_ushaped"], true );
// Roger, it's the one with the square structure on the roof. It's the one with a flat roof.
playSoundOverRadio( level.scr_sound["tvo"]["ac130_tvo_flatroof"], true );
flag_set( "allow_context_sensative_dialog" );
flag_clear( "allow_context_sensative_dialog" );
// Wildfie, we're approaching the LZ at the junkyard and leaving the vehicles.
playSoundOverRadio( level.scr_sound["pri"]["ac130_pri_junkyard"], true );
// Roger that Bravo Six. Crew, friendlies are leaving the vehicles and moving on foot towards the LZ. Do not fire on any personnel marked by a flashing strobe.
playSoundOverRadio( level.scr_sound["fco"]["ac130_fco_flashingstrobe"], true );
// Affirmative. Keep watching for those strobe lights. Those are friendlies.
playSoundOverRadio( level.scr_sound["fco"]["ac130_fco_watchstrobe"], true );
// Enemy personnel in the junkyard.
playSoundOverRadio( level.scr_sound["tvo"]["ac130_tvo_enemyjunkyard"], true );
// Crew, go ahead and smoke <20>em.
playSoundOverRadio( level.scr_sound["fco"]["ac130_fco_smokeem"], true );
// Man these guys are goin' to town!
playSoundOverRadio( level.scr_sound["fco"]["ac130_fco_gointotown"], true );
flag_set( "allow_context_sensative_dialog" );
flag_clear( "allow_context_sensative_dialog" );
// Wildfire, we've reached the LZ, but we're taking fire from all sides!! Request fire support on all sides of the LZ, danger close!!!
playSoundOverRadio( level.scr_sound["pri"]["ac130_pri_fireallsides"], true );
// Enemy personnel closing on the LZ from multiple sides. Danger close. Recommend you stick to the 25 millimeter in the vicinity of the LZ.
playSoundOverRadio( level.scr_sound["nav"]["ac130_nav_dangerclose"], true );
flag_set( "allow_context_sensative_dialog" );
flag_wait( "choppers_inbound" );
flag_clear( "allow_context_sensative_dialog" );
// Crew, be advised, friendly helicopters entering the area. Watch your fire.
playSoundOverRadio( level.scr_sound["fco"]["ac130_fco_friendliesentering"], true );
// Copy.
playSoundOverRadio( level.scr_sound["tvo"]["ac130_tvo_copy"], true );
flag_wait( "friendlies_moving_to_choppers" );
// Wildfire, we've moving towards the helicopters now. Thanks for the assist. Bravo Six out.
playSoundOverRadio( level.scr_sound["pri"]["ac130_pri_thanksforassist"], true );
// Hehe, this is gonna be one helluva highlight reel.
playSoundOverRadio( level.scr_sound["fco"]["ac130_fco_highlightreel"], true );
// I heard that!
playSoundOverRadio( level.scr_sound["tvo"]["ac130_tvo_heardthat"], true );
flag_wait( "friendlies_in_choppers" );
// Crew, VIP is secure and in custody. Good job everyone.
playSoundOverRadio( level.scr_sound["nav"]["ac130_nav_vipsecure"], true );
// Roger that. Returning to base.
playSoundOverRadio( level.scr_sound["plt"]["ac130_plt_returningbase"], true );