// Anim exporter // Notes: // // We need a window that can export animations // // // The animation file needs to store, // /* 1. A list of objects that make up the skeleton. 2. A list of export files. These need to store: 1. File name 2. Start frame 3. End frame 4. Sample rate 5. Skeleton list 6. Note track 3. Vars in renderGlobal Skeleton sets: SkelNumber : int Number of skeleton sets stored in the file. NumOfJointsSkelxx : int The number of joints or nodes that are stored in the skeleton set. xx is the skeleton number. Jointxx : message Connection to joint or node. The xx is the number of the joint/node in the skeleton list. This uses the message attribute so that the object it is connected to can be re-named. Animation export data AnimationNumber : int The number of animations in the export settings AnimFileNamexx : string The file name for the exporter. xx is the animation number AnimStartxx : int The start frame of animation xx AnimEndxx : int The end frame of animation xx AnimSamplexx : int The sample rate of the animation export xx AnimSkeletonxx : int The skeleton number to use in the animation export xx //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// Added so far: int renderGlobal.AnimationCount the number of animation export settings stored in the renderGlobals Each animation entry has these attributes so far : FileName# FrameStart# FrameEnd# ExportNodes# -type string . MEL dosen't allow string arrays as dynamic attributes, so the export nodes are stored as one big string which is a select command so that the string can use eval ExportNoteTrack# - Which note track, if any, to be exported with the animation. IMPORTANT To add or remove attributes to the main list, the following procs have to be altered RemoveAnimationAttributes AddAnimationAttributes DeleteSelectedAnimations DisplayAnimationLine Global Proc List CheckExportAttributes SelectListNoteTrack SelectListExportNodes AddSelNoteTrack ExportAnimation StartTheExport ListExportNodes SetExportNodes SelectExportNodes CODExporterFileBrowes UpdateNameFromBroweser DeleteSelectedAnimations DisplayAnimationList DisplayAnimationLine ChangeFileName ChangeFrameStart ChangeFrameEnd RemoveAnimationAttributes AddAnimationAttributes AddAnimation CreateCODExportWindow CreateCODExportWindowCB CODExportAnimationWindow RemoveNoteTrack */ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// // PROC: doubleCheckStuff // // This is called just before the export so extra checks can be added. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// /* global proc doubleCheckStuff( int $ExportNumber) { // Check to see if the helmet joint is in the list. // This joint was missing from a lot of the earlier export settings which messed up the animation export. // Get the list of export nodes string $ExportNodes = `getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.ExportNodes" + $ExportNumber)`; print $ExportNodes; // Check to see if DefMesh:J_Helmet is in the list if (`gmatch $ExportNodes "*DefMesh:J_Helmet*"`) { // Check that the problem joint, rig:DefMesh:J_Head_END is also in there, if not add it. if (`gmatch $ExportNodes "*DefMesh:J_Head_END*"` == 0) { print "\nThe head end joint is missing"; // Need to add the head end joint. // First calc the prefex string $Pref[]; tokenize $ExportNodes ":" $Pref; print "\n"; print $Pref[0]; // Add the joint to the list $ExportNodes = $ExportNodes + (" " + $Pref[0] + ":" + "DefMesh:J_Head_END"); setAttr -type "string" ("IWGlobalNode.ExportNodes" + $ExportNumber) $ExportNodes; } else print "\nThe head end joint is there"; } } */ global proc SelectListNoteTrack (int $AnimNum) { // Get a list of the note tracks from the note track mel script source NoteTrack; string $NoteTrackList[] = `GetNoteTrackList`; string $EachNote; print "\n\n\n"; print $NoteTrackList; // Open a selection confirmDialog to select the Note Track using a created Eval command string $DialogEval = ("confirmDialog -title \"Prefix\" -message \"Select a Note Track\" "); for ($EachNote in $NoteTrackList) { $DialogEval = $DialogEval + (" -button \"" + $EachNote + ":\" "); } $DialogEval = $DialogEval + (" -b \"Cancel\" -cb \"Cancel\""); string $SelNoteTrack = `eval $DialogEval`; if ($SelNoteTrack != "Cancel" && $SelNoteTrack != "dismiss") { select -r $SelNoteTrack; AddSelNoteTrack $AnimNum; select -cl; } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// // PROC: SelectListExportNodes // // This procedure opens a selection window similar to the List COD Character button in the GUI. // It is used to select a deformation skeleton set for the export nodes in the exporter // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// global proc SelectListExportNodes(int $AnimNum) { source ListCODChars; string $AllChars[] = `ListCODChars`; // Tokenize the list with : to get the prefix string $EachChar; string $CharList[]; int $CharCount = 0; print "\nStart COD list\n"; for ($EachChar in $AllChars) { string $Tokenize[]; clear $Tokenize; tokenize $EachChar ":" $Tokenize; // Make sure the size of $Tokenize is > 1 meaning there was a : in the original name. if (`size $Tokenize` > 1 ) { $CharList[$CharCount] = $Tokenize[0]; $CharCount++; } else { warning ($Tokenize[0] + " is not referenced."); } } // Open a selection confirmDialog to select the prefix using a created Eval command string $DialogEval = ("confirmDialog -title \"Prefix\" -message \"Select a Character\" "); for ($EachChar in $CharList) { $DialogEval = $DialogEval + (" -button \"" + $EachChar + ":\" "); } $DialogEval = $DialogEval + (" -b \"Cancel\" -cb \"Cancel\""); print "\n\n"; string $Prefix = `eval $DialogEval`; if ($Prefix != "Cancel" && $Prefix != "dismiss") { // textFieldGrp -e -text $Prefix TextFieldPrefix; print $Prefix; // Need to add in the root tag node to this first because it is not in the deformation skeleton //select -r ($Prefix + "TAG_ORIGIN"); select -r ($Prefix + "DefSkeleton"); SetExportNodes $AnimNum; select -cl; } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// // PROC: RemoveNoteTrack // // This procedure removes the note track from the export window // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// global proc RemoveNoteTrack(int $AnimNumber) { setAttr -type "string" ("IWGlobalNode.ExportNoteTrack" + $AnimNumber) "NO NOTE TRACK"; // update the text in the window text -e -bgc 1 0 0.7 -label "NO NOTE TRACK" ("NoteTrackWindowText" + $AnimNumber); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// // PROC: AddSelNoteTrack // // This procedure adds the selected note track to the exporter settings. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// global proc AddSelNoteTrack(int $AnimNumber) { string $Sel[] = `ls -sl`; //First check somthing is selected if (`size $Sel[0]` == 0) { warning "Please select a NoteTrack"; return; } // Check the selected node is a NoteTrack string $CheckNote = `substring $Sel[0] 1 9`; print ("Checking note track : " + $CheckNote); if ($CheckNote == "NoteTrack" ) { setAttr -type "string" ("IWGlobalNode.ExportNoteTrack" + $AnimNumber) $Sel[0]; // update the text in the window text -e -bgc 0.9 0.9 0.9 -label $Sel[0] ("NoteTrackWindowText" + $AnimNumber); } else { warning "Please select a NoteTrack"; return; } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// // PROC: ExportAnimation // // This procedure calls the exporter and exports a animation from the animation window. // The animation it exports is passed into this function in (int $AnimNumber) // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// global proc ExportAnimation(int $AnimNumber) { // Collect all the export data from the window // int $StartFrame[] = `intFieldGrp -q -v ("FrameStart" + $AnimNumber)`; // int $EndFrame[] = `intFieldGrp -q -v ("FrameEnd" + $AnimNumber)`; global int $skipPerforceEdit; int $FrameRate; string $timeUnit; int $StartFrame = `getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.FrameStart" + $AnimNumber)`; int $EndFrame = `getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.FrameEnd" + $AnimNumber)`; $timeUnit = `currentUnit -q -time`; switch ( $timeUnit ) { case "2fps": $FrameRate = 2; break; case "3fps": $FrameRate = 3; break; case "4fps": $FrameRate = 4; break; case "5fps": $FrameRate = 5; break; case "6fps": $FrameRate = 6; break; case "8fps": $FrameRate = 8; break; case "10fps": $FrameRate = 10; break; case "12fps": $FrameRate = 12; break; case "16fps": $FrameRate = 16; break; case "20fps": $FrameRate = 20; break; case "40fps": $FrameRate = 40; break; case "game": $FrameRate = 15; break; case "film": $FrameRate = 24; break; case "pal": $FrameRate = 25; break; case "ntsc": $FrameRate = 30; break; case "show": $FrameRate = 48; break; case "palf": $FrameRate = 50; break; case "ntscf": $FrameRate = 60; break; default: error ("Invalid time unit " + $timeUnit ); break; } string $PartsArray[]; clear $PartsArray; string $Parts = `getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.ExportNodes" + $AnimNumber)`; tokenize $Parts " " $PartsArray; string $FileName = `getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.FileName" + $AnimNumber)`; string $NoteTrack = `getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.ExportNoteTrack" + $AnimNumber)`; // Test prints print ("\n\nExport animation number " + $AnimNumber + "\n"); print ("\nStart frame = " + $StartFrame); print ("\nEnd frame = " + $EndFrame); print ("\nExport joints : \n"); print $PartsArray; print ("\nPartsArry size = " + (`size $PartsArray`)); print ("\nFilename : " + $FileName); print ("\nNoteTrack : " + $NoteTrack); // Get the prefix of the exporting animation string $PartsTok[]; tokenize $PartsArray[0] ":" $PartsTok; string $PartsPref = ($PartsTok[0] + ":"); print "\n\nParts prefix = "; print $PartsPref; print "\n\n"; // Get the gun to switch to. // First check that the attribute exists - Brians script wont open the window which adds the attribute // The attribute does not exist, then skip the gun switching which is the same as default /* if (`attributeExists ("GunNumber" + $AnimNumber) IWGlobalNode`) { int $GunSelection = `getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.GunNumber" + $AnimNumber)`; // check for gun default, which is 1. if ($GunSelection > 1) { // If this is greater than 1, then a gun has been selected, so swith to it. $GunSelection = $GunSelection -1; // Dec by 1 because the default setting adds 1 to the gun list. // Make the switch COD2_SwitchGun $GunSelection $PartsPref; } } */ string $FileNameArray[]; int $FileNameArraySize; int $FileNameArrayIndex; string $upperCaseFileName; string $command; string $dirPath; $FileNameArraySize = `tokenize $FileName "\\" $FileNameArray`; $FileName = ""; if ( $FileNameArraySize > 1 ) { for ( $FileNameArrayIndex = 0; $FileNameArrayIndex < $FileNameArraySize; $FileNameArrayIndex++ ) { $FileName += $FileNameArray[$FileNameArrayIndex]; if ( $FileNameArrayIndex < $FileNameArraySize - 1 ) $FileName += "/"; } } else { $FileName = `getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.FileName" + $AnimNumber)`; } // change forward slashes to backslashes so we could pass it into "dirname" $FileName = `substituteAllString $FileName "/" "\\"`; // get the directory name, but it's going to give it to us in forward slashes $dirPath = `dirname $FileName`; // change forward slashes to backslashes because "mkdir" accepts only backslashes $dirPath = `substituteAllString $dirPath "/" "\\"`; system ( "mkdir " + $dirPath ); // change backslashes to forward slash for writing the file $FileName = `substituteAllString $FileName "\\" "/"`; // since there's a directory called xanim_export and our extension is XANIM_EXPORT, // we can't just use "match" function like we did in model window... // so get the filename without its full path and see if we need extension or not. string $tokens[]; int $tokenCount = `tokenize $FileName "/" $tokens`; if ( $tokenCount > 0 ) { $upperCaseFileName = `toupper $tokens[$tokenCount - 1]`; if ( `match ".XANIM_EXPORT" $upperCaseFileName` == "" ) $FileName += ".XANIM_EXPORT"; } //if ( $skipPerforceEdit == 0 ) // PerforceEdit $FileName; ExportXAnim $StartFrame $EndFrame $FrameRate $Parts $FileName $NoteTrack; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// // PROC: ExportEverything // // This procedure exports all the animations. It is called by the batch exporter script only. // The other proc StartTheExport needs the window open to check to selcted animations, so // this version skips past that part and doesn't need the window open // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// global proc ExportEverything() { // Set up vars int $loop; int $AnimationCount; // Get the animation list number $AnimationCount = `getAttr IWGlobalNode.AnimationCount`; // if animation count is 0, return if ($AnimationCount < 1) { return; } for ($loop = 1; $loop <= $AnimationCount ;$loop++ ) { // Just export it because we don't care if it's selected or not ExportAnimation $loop; } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// // PROC: StartTheExport // // This procedure calls the ExportAnimation function and exports all the selected animations // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// global proc StartTheExport( int $Selected ) { // Set up vars int $loop; int $CheckBox; int $AnimationCount; int $pluginLoaded; string $currentSceneName; int $perforceResult; string $confirmResult; global string $perforceOptionGlobal; global int $skipPerforceEdit; string $saveMessage; string $saveConfirmResult; // Find out if any animations are selected. // Get the animation list number $AnimationCount = `getAttr IWGlobalNode.AnimationCount`; // if animation count is 0, return if ($AnimationCount < 1) return; $currentSceneName = `file -q -sn`; $skipPerforceEdit = 0; /* $perforceResult = `PerforceEdit $currentSceneName`; if ( $perforceResult == 0 ) { //$confirmResult = `confirmDialog -title "Continue?" -message "Would you like to continue with the export process?" -button "Yes" -button "No" -defaultButton "No" -cancelButton "No" -dismissString "No"`; //if ( $confirmResult == "No" ) // return; } else { if ( `file -q -anyModified` > 0 ) { $saveMessage = "Save changes to " + $currentSceneName + " ?"; $Saveconfirmresult = `confirmDialog -title "Save Changes" -message $saveMessage -button "Yes" -button "No" -defaultButton "Yes" -cancelButton "No" -dismissString "No"`; if ( $saveConfirmResult == "Yes" ) file -save; } } */ // check if the plugin is loaded. If not, load it. If that fails, error out $pluginLoaded = `pluginInfo -q -loaded XanimExport`; if ( $pluginLoaded == 0 ) loadPlugin XanimExport; $pluginLoaded = `pluginInfo -q -loaded XanimExport`; if ( $pluginLoaded == 0 ) error ("XanimExport plugin is not loaded"); //$perforceOptionGlobal = ""; for ($loop = 1; $loop <= $AnimationCount ;$loop++ ) { // get checkbox of animation #loop if the selected flag is set if ($Selected == 1) { $CheckBox = `checkBox -q -v ("Entry" + $loop)`; if ($CheckBox == 1) { // Ths is a selected animation, so export it ExportAnimation $loop; } } else { // Just export it because we don't care if it's selected or not ExportAnimation $loop; } } /* string $convert; $convert = `getAttr "IWGlobalNode.postExportConvert"`; if ( $convert == "PC Convert" ) RunConverter "PC"; else if ( $convert == "Xenon Convert" ) RunConverter "Xenon"; */ } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// // PROC: ListExportNodes // // This procedure prints the list of export nodes to the script editor. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// global proc ListExportNodes (int $FileNumber) { string $Each; string $ExportNodes = `getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.ExportNodes " + $FileNumber)`; string $ExportNodesList[]; string $FileName = `textFieldButtonGrp -q -text ("FileNameTextField" + $FileNumber)`; tokenize $ExportNodes " " $ExportNodesList; print ("\n\nList of Export nodes for export #" + $FileNumber); print "\nFilename : "; print $FileName; print "\n"; print $ExportNodesList; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// // PROC: SetExportNodes // // This procedure loads the export list string (ExportNodes#) with the selected objects. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// global proc SetExportNodes (int $FileNumber) { string $Sel[] = `ls -sl`; string $Each; string $ExportNodes; for ($Each in $Sel) { $ExportNodes = $ExportNodes + $Each + " "; } // Check the export nodes list to update the status line if (`size $ExportNodes`) { text -e -bgc 0.9 0.9 0.9 -e -label "Ready" ("ExportNodeCheck" + $FileNumber); setAttr -type "string" ("IWGlobalNode.ExportNodes" + $FileNumber) $ExportNodes; } else { text -e -bgc 1 0 0.7 -label "NO EXPORT NODES" ("ExportNodeCheck" + $FileNumber); setAttr -type "string" ("IWGlobalNode.ExportNodes" + $FileNumber) ""; return; } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// // PROC: SelectExportNodes // // This procedure selects all the nodes stored in the export list string (ExportNodes#) // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// global proc SelectExportNodes( int $FileNumber) { string $ExportNodes = `getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.ExportNodes " + $FileNumber)`; string $SelEval = ("select -r " + $ExportNodes); eval $SelEval; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// // PROC: CODExporterFileBrowes // // This procedure opens a file broweser window so that a file name can be selected // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// global proc CODExporterFileBrowes(int $FileNumber) { // "fileBrowserDialog -m 1 -fc \"CODSavePose\" -ft \".hand\" -an \"Save\""); print "Testing call to CODExporterFileBrowes"; //fileBrowserDialog -mode 1 -fc ("UpdateNameFromBroweser " + $FileNumber) -an "Save"); fileBrowserDialog -m 1 -fc ("UpdateNameFromBroweser " + $FileNumber) -an "Set"; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// // PROC: UpdateNameFromBroweser // // This procedure is called by the fileBrowserDialog. // It loads the file name into the filename test box. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// global proc UpdateNameFromBroweser( int $FileNameNumber, string $filename, string $fileType ) { print ("\nTest proc call to UpdateNameFromBroweser"); print ("\nFile number = " + $FileNameNumber); print ("\nFileName = " + $filename); // Set the text box file name textFieldButtonGrp -e -text $filename ("FileNameTextField" + $FileNameNumber); // Call the ChangeFileName function because changing the name above does not force the call like typing in a new name. ChangeFileName $FileNameNumber; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// // PROC: DeleteSelectedAnimations // // This procedure deletes any selected animation entrys and redraws the window. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// global proc DeleteSelectedAnimations() { // Set up vars int $loop; int $DelLoop; int $CheckBox; // Find out if any animations are selected. // Get the animation list number $AnimationCount = `getAttr IWGlobalNode.AnimationCount`; // if animation count is 0, return if ($AnimationCount < 1) { return; } for ($loop = 1; $loop <= $AnimationCount ;$loop++ ) { // get checkbox of animation #loop $CheckBox = `checkBox -q -v ("Entry" + $loop)`; if ($CheckBox) { // delete the animation entry #loop // need to move any entrys after this one down one and delete the last entry for ($DelLoop = $loop; $DelLoop < $AnimationCount ; $DelLoop ++ ) { // Testing, this is what I need to do print "\n"; print ("Moving line " + ($DelLoop + 1) + " to line " + $DelLoop ); setAttr -type "string" ("IWGlobalNode.FileName" + $DelLoop) (`getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.FileName" + ($DelLoop + 1))`); checkBox -e -v (`checkBox -q -v ("Entry" + ($DelLoop + 1))`) ("Entry" + $DelLoop); setAttr ("IWGlobalNode.FrameStart" + $DelLoop) (`getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.FrameStart" + ($DelLoop + 1))`); setAttr ("IWGlobalNode.FrameEnd" + $DelLoop) (`getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.FrameEnd" + ($DelLoop + 1))`); setAttr -type "string" ("IWGlobalNode.ExportNodes" + $DelLoop) (`getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.ExportNodes" + ($DelLoop + 1))`); setAttr -type "string" ("IWGlobalNode.ExportNoteTrack" + $DelLoop) (`getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.ExportNoteTrack" + ($DelLoop + 1))`); //setAttr ("IWGlobalNode.GunNumber" + $DelLoop) (`getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.GunNumber" + ($DelLoop + 1))`); } // Delete the last animation entry's attributes RemoveAnimationAttributes $AnimationCount; $AnimationCount -- ; setAttr IWGlobalNode.AnimationCount $AnimationCount; // Force the loop to recheck the same checkbox in case the next one, which has just moved, // was also checked for delete $loop--; } } // Lastly redraw the window CODExportAnimationWindow; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// // PROC: DisplayAnimationList // // This procedure creates the animation list in the main window by gathering all the information it needs from the renderGlobals // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// global proc DisplayAnimationList() { // Set up some vars int $loop; // First get the number of animation export settings that are stored in the renderGlobals. // If there are none, add 1 and set it to blank int $AnimationCount; if ( `attributeExists AnimationCount IWGlobalNode`) { $AnimationCount = `getAttr IWGlobalNode.AnimationCount`; } else { // If there isn't a AnimationCount attribute, make one and set it to 1 addAttr -ln AnimationCount -at byte IWGlobalNode; setAttr IWGlobalNode.AnimationCount 0; $AnimationCount = 0; return; } // Create all the animation export buttons etc. for ($loop = 1; $loop <= $AnimationCount ; $loop++) { if ( `attributeExists ( "FileName" + $loop ) IWGlobalNode` == 0 ) AddAnimationAttributes $loop; CheckExportAttributes $loop; DisplayAnimationLine $loop; } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// // PROC: CheckExportAttributes // // This procedure checks for attributes in the IWGlobalNode to see if they all exist. // The real reason for this check is to be able to add new attributes and not kill the exporter. // Any new attributes that are added in the future can be checked for here so old animations will still export // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// global proc CheckExportAttributes (int $ExportNumber) { // Check for gun number if (`attributeExists ("GunNumber" + $ExportNumber) IWGlobalNode` == 0) { print ("\nMissing GunNumber attribute in export settings " + $ExportNumber + " so adding it\n"); addAttr -ln ("GunNumber" + $ExportNumber) -at long IWGlobalNode; setAttr ("IWGlobalNode.GunNumber" + $ExportNumber) 1; } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// // PROC: DisplayAnimationLine // // This procedure adds the animation line to the window. It is called from the DisplayAnimationList proc // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// global proc DisplayAnimationLine(int $loop) { // First get the data from the IWGlobalNode so the fields can be loaded string $FileName = `getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.FileName" + $loop)`; string $ExportNodeCheck = `getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.ExportNodes" + $loop)`; string $NoteTrack = `getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.ExportNoteTrack" + $loop)`; if ( `attributeExists ("AnimGroupColor" + $loop) "IWGlobalNode"` == 0) { addAttr -ln ("AnimGroupColor" + $loop) -dt "string" IWGlobalNode; setAttr -type "string" ("IWGlobalNode.AnimGroupColor" + $loop) ("Red"); } string $groupColor = `getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.AnimGroupColor" + $loop)`; // Build the fields rowLayout -nc 4 -columnWidth4 60 480 80 90; checkBox ("Entry" + $loop); textFieldButtonGrp -bc ("CODExporterFileBrowes " + $loop) -cc ("ChangeFileName " + $loop) -text $FileName -columnWidth2 450 30 -buttonLabel "..." ("FileNameTextField" + $loop); intFieldGrp -cc ("ChangeFrameStart " + $loop) -v1 (`getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.FrameStart" + $loop)`) -numberOfFields 1 -columnWidth2 35 40 -label "Start" ("FrameStart" + $loop); intFieldGrp -cc ("ChangeFrameEnd " + $loop) -v1 (`getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.FrameEnd" + $loop)`)-numberOfFields 1 -columnWidth2 35 40 -label "End" ("FrameEnd" + $loop); setParent ..; rowLayout -nc 1 -columnWidth1 725 ; separator -w 725; setParent ..; rowLayout -nc 4 -columnWidth4 60 70 75 155; text -width 60 -label "Group" -align "center" ("GroupColor" + $loop); optionMenu -w 70 -changeCommand ( "SetGroupColor " + $loop ) ( "SetGroupOption"+$loop ); menuItem -label "Red"; menuItem -label "Green"; menuItem -label "Blue"; menuItem -label "Yellow"; menuItem -label "Purple"; menuItem -label "Orange"; optionMenu -e -value $groupColor ( "SetGroupOption"+$loop ); SetGroupColor $loop; button -w 70 -label "Move Up" -c ("MoveAnimEntry Up " + $loop ) ("MoveEntryUp"+$loop); button -w 70 -label "Move Down" -c ("MoveAnimEntry Down " + $loop ) ("MoveEntryDown"+$loop); setParent ..; rowLayout -nc 1 -columnWidth1 725 ; separator -w 725; setParent ..; rowLayout -nc 5 -columnWidth5 70 110 95 110 110 ; button -w 70 -label "Export nodes : " -c ("SelectListExportNodes " + $loop); // Check the export nodes list (read in above) to see if it needs setting. if (`size $ExportNodeCheck`) text -bgc 0.9 0.9 0.9 -label "Ready" ("ExportNodeCheck" + $loop); else text -bgc 1 0 0.7 -label "NO EXPORT NODES" ("ExportNodeCheck" + $loop); button -label "Set Export Nodes" -c ("SetExportNodes " + $loop); button -label "Select Export Nodes" -c ("SelectExportNodes " + $loop); button -label "List Export Nodes" -c ("ListExportNodes " + $loop); setParent ..; rowLayout -nc 7 -cw 1 90 -cw 2 145 -cw 3 127 -cw 4 110 -cw 5 40 -cw 6 110 -cw 7 110 ; button -label "Add Note Track" -c ("SelectListNoteTrack " + $loop); text -w 140 -label $NoteTrack ("NoteTrackWindowText" + $loop); // Calc the color for the note track if ($NoteTrack == "NO NOTE TRACK" ) text -e -bgc 1 0 0.7 ("NoteTrackWindowText" + $loop); else text -e -bgc 0.9 0.9 0.9 ("NoteTrackWindowText" + $loop); button -l "Add Selected NoteTrack"; button -l "Remove NoteTrack" -c ("RemoveNoteTrack " + $loop); text -l "------"; // Build the gun selection list. //optionMenuGrp -label "Gun" -columnWidth 1 50 -columnWidth 2 120 -cc ("ChangeExportedGun " + $loop) ("AnimationExportGunMenu" + $loop); // REALLY HAVE TO THINK ABOUT THIS PART, AND SEE IF WE CAN GET AWAY WITH JUST DEFAULTING GUN AND IGNORING CHARACTER LOCATOR SHAPE /* // Get a list of all the loaded COD characters string $CODChars[] = `ls ("*:*CODCharacterLocatorShape") ("*CODCharacterLocatorShape") `; // Check a character was loaded if (`size $CODChars` == 0) { // There are no COD chars loaded so ignore the gun selection menuItem -label "Default Gun"; } else { // A character is loaded so get the list of guns int $GunNumber = `getAttr ($CODChars[0] + ".NumOfGuns")`; int $GunLoop; string $GunName; // Add the default gun setting first menuItem -label "Default Gun"; for ($GunLoop = 0; $GunLoop < $GunNumber ; $GunLoop++ ) { $GunName = `getAttr ($CODChars[0] + ".GunList" + $GunLoop)`; menuItem -label $GunName; } // Set the correct gun in the menu. Dont forget to add 1 to skip the default gun int $GunSelection = `getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.GunNumber" + $loop)`; // HERE IS WHERE I SHOULD SET DEFAULT GUN ALWAYS optionMenuGrp -e -sl $GunSelection ("AnimationExportGunMenu" + $loop); }*/ setParent ..; rowLayout -nc 1 -columnWidth1 725 ; separator -w 725; setParent ..; rowLayout -nc 1 -columnWidth1 725 ; separator -w 725; setParent ..; rowLayout -nc 1 -columnWidth1 725 ; separator -w 725; setParent ..; } global proc MoveAnimEntry( string $direction, int $index ) { int $animCount; int $swapIndex; $animCount = `getAttr IWGlobalNode.AnimationCount`; if ( $direction == "Up" ) { if ( $index == 1 ) return; $swapIndex = $index - 1; } if ( $direction == "Down" ) { if ( $index == $animCount ) return; $swapIndex = $index + 1; } // get all the attributes string $fileName1 = `getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.FileName" + $index)`; string $exportNode1 = `getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.ExportNodes" + $index)`; string $exportNodeTrack1 = `getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.ExportNoteTrack" + $index)`; int $frameStart1 = `getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.FrameStart" + $index)`; int $frameEnd1 = `getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.FrameEnd" + $index)`; int $gunNumber1 = `getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.GunNumber" + $index)`; string $groupColor1 = `getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.AnimGroupColor" + $index)`; string $fileName2 = `getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.FileName" + $swapIndex)`; string $exportNode2 = `getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.ExportNodes" + $swapIndex)`; string $exportNodeTrack2 = `getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.ExportNoteTrack" + $swapIndex)`; int $frameStart2 = `getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.FrameStart" + $swapIndex)`; int $frameEnd2 = `getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.FrameEnd" + $swapIndex)`; int $gunNumber2 = `getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.GunNumber" + $swapIndex)`; string $groupColor2 = `getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.AnimGroupColor" + $swapIndex)`; // swap the attributes setAttr -type "string" ("IWGlobalNode.FileName" + $swapIndex) $fileName1; setAttr -type "string" ("IWGlobalNode.ExportNodes" + $swapIndex) $exportNode1; setAttr -type "string" ("IWGlobalNode.ExportNoteTrack" + $swapIndex) $exportNodeTrack1; setAttr -type "string" ("IWGlobalNode.AnimGroupColor" + $swapIndex) $groupColor1; setAttr ("IWGlobalNode.FrameStart" + $swapIndex) $frameStart1; setAttr ("IWGlobalNode.FrameEnd" + $swapIndex) $frameEnd1; setAttr ("IWGlobalNode.GunNumber" + $swapIndex) $gunNumber1; setAttr -type "string" ("IWGlobalNode.FileName" + $index) $fileName2; setAttr -type "string" ("IWGlobalNode.ExportNodes" + $index) $exportNode2; setAttr -type "string" ("IWGlobalNode.ExportNoteTrack" + $index) $exportNodeTrack2; setAttr -type "string" ("IWGlobalNode.AnimGroupColor" + $index) $groupColor2; setAttr ("IWGlobalNode.FrameStart" + $index) $frameStart2; setAttr ("IWGlobalNode.FrameEnd" + $index) $frameEnd2; setAttr ("IWGlobalNode.GunNumber" + $index) $gunNumber2; // set correct fields textFieldButtonGrp -e -text $fileName2 ("FileNameTextField" + $index); intFieldGrp -e -value1 $frameStart2 ("FrameStart" + $index ); intFieldGrp -e -value1 $frameEnd2 ("FrameEnd" + $index ); optionMenu -e -value $groupColor2 ( "SetGroupOption" + $index ); SetGroupColor $index; if ($exportNodeTrack2 == "NO NOTE TRACK" ) text -e -bgc 1 0 0.7 -label $exportNodeTrack2 ("NoteTrackWindowText" + $index); else text -e -bgc 0.9 0.9 0.9 -label $exportNodeTrack2 ("NoteTrackWindowText" + $index); text -e -en 0 ("NoteTrackWindowText" + $index); text -e -en 1 ("NoteTrackWindowText" + $index); if (`size $exportNode2`) text -e -bgc 0.9 0.9 0.9 -label "Ready" ("ExportNodeCheck" + $index); else text -e -bgc 1 0 0.7 -label "NO EXPORT NODES" ("ExportNodeCheck" + $index); text -e -en 0 ("ExportNodeCheck" + $index); text -e -en 1 ("ExportNodeCheck" + $index); textFieldButtonGrp -e -text $fileName1 ("FileNameTextField" + $swapIndex); intFieldGrp -e -value1 $frameStart1 ("FrameStart" + $swapIndex ); intFieldGrp -e -value1 $frameEnd1 ("FrameEnd" + $swapIndex ); optionMenu -e -value $groupColor1 ( "SetGroupOption" + $swapIndex ); SetGroupColor $swapIndex; if ($exportNodeTrack1 == "NO NOTE TRACK" ) text -e -bgc 1 0 0.7 -label $exportNodeTrack1 ("NoteTrackWindowText" + $swapIndex); else text -e -bgc 0.9 0.9 0.9 -label $exportNodeTrack1 ("NoteTrackWindowText" + $swapIndex); text -e -en 0 ("NoteTrackWindowText" + $swapIndex); text -e -en 1 ("NoteTrackWindowText" + $swapIndex); if (`size $exportNode1`) text -e -bgc 0.9 0.9 0.9 -label "Ready" ("ExportNodeCheck" + $swapIndex); else text -e -bgc 1 0 0.7 -label "NO EXPORT NODES" ("ExportNodeCheck" + $swapIndex); text -e -en 0 ("ExportNodeCheck" + $swapIndex); text -e -en 1 ("ExportNodeCheck" + $swapIndex); } global proc SetGroupColor( int $index ) { string $groupColor; $groupColor = `optionMenu -q -value ("SetGroupOption"+$index)`; switch ( $groupColor ) { case "Yellow": text -e -bgc 0.9 0.9 0.1 ("GroupColor" + $index); break; case "Red": text -e -bgc 0.9 0.1 0.1 ("GroupColor" + $index); break; case "Blue": text -e -bgc 0.1 0.1 0.9 ("GroupColor" + $index); break; case "Green": text -e -bgc 0.1 0.9 0.1 ("GroupColor" + $index); break; case "Orange": text -e -bgc 1.0 0.5 0.0 ("GroupColor" + $index); break; case "Purple": text -e -bgc 0.5 0.0 0.5 ("GroupColor" + $index); break; default: text -e -bgc 0.5 0.5 0.5 ("GroupColor" + $index); break; } setAttr -type "string" ("IWGlobalNode.AnimGroupColor" + $index) $groupColor; text -e -en 0 ("GroupColor" + $index); text -e -en 1 ("GroupColor" + $index); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// // PROC: ChangeExportedGun // // This proc updates the GunNumber varible when the value changes // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// /* global proc ChangeExportedGun (int $AnimNumber) { //int $GunSelection = `optionMenuGrp -q -sl ("AnimationExportGunMenu" + $AnimNumber)`; setAttr ("IWGlobalNode.GunNumber" + $AnimNumber) $GunSelection; } */ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// // PROC: ChangeFileName // // This proc updates the intFieldGrp varible when the value changes // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// global proc ChangeFileName (int $AnimNumber) { int $animCount; int $animIndex; string $changedFileName; string $compareFileName; setAttr -type "string" ("IWGlobalNode.FileName" + $AnimNumber) (`textFieldButtonGrp -q -text ("FileNameTextField" + $AnimNumber)`); $changedFileName = `getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.FileName" + $AnimNumber)`; $animCount = `getAttr IWGlobalNode.AnimationCount`; for ( $animIndex = 1; $animIndex <= $animCount; $animIndex++ ) { if ( $animIndex != $AnimNumber ) { $compareFileName = `getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.FileName" + $animIndex)`; if ( $compareFileName == $changedFileName ) { confirmDialog -title "Warning" -message "There are entries with duplicate export file names\nDuplicate file names are not allowed."; break; } } } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// // PROC: ChangeFrameStart // // This proc updates the intFieldGrp varible when the value changes // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// global proc ChangeFrameStart (int $AnimNumber) { setAttr ("IWGlobalNode.FrameStart" + $AnimNumber) (`intFieldGrp -q -v1 ("FrameStart" + $AnimNumber)`); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// // PROC: ChangeFrameEnd // // This proc updates the intFieldGrp varible when the value changes // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// global proc ChangeFrameEnd (int $AnimNumber) { setAttr ("IWGlobalNode.FrameEnd" + $AnimNumber) (`intFieldGrp -q -v1 ("FrameEnd" + $AnimNumber)`); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// // PROC: RemoveAnimationAttributes // // This procedure removes all the extra attributes from the IWGlobalNode for a animation file entry // It is the reverse of AddAnimationAttributes // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// global proc RemoveAnimationAttributes(int $AnimNumber) { // Attributes so far : // // FileName# deleteAttr ("IWGlobalNode.FileName" + $AnimNumber); deleteAttr ("IWGlobalNode.FrameStart" + $AnimNumber) ; deleteAttr ("IWGlobalNode.FrameEnd" + $AnimNumber) ; deleteAttr ("IWGlobalNode.ExportNodes" + $AnimNumber); deleteAttr ("IWGlobalNode.ExportNoteTrack" + $AnimNumber); //deleteAttr ("IWGlobalNode.GunNumber" + $AnimNumber); deleteAttr ("IWGlobalNode.AnimGroupColor" + $AnimNumber); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// // PROC: AddAnimationAttributes // // This procedure adds all the extra attributes to the IWGlobalNode for a new animation file // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// global proc AddAnimationAttributes(int $AnimNumber) { // Attributes so far : // // FileName# addAttr -ln ("FileName" + $AnimNumber) -dt "string" IWGlobalNode; setAttr -type "string" ("IWGlobalNode.FileName" + $AnimNumber) ("Click on [...] button to locate the file"); addAttr -ln ("FrameStart" + $AnimNumber) -at long IWGlobalNode; addAttr -ln ("FrameEnd" + $AnimNumber) -at long IWGlobalNode; addAttr -ln ("ExportNodes" + $AnimNumber) -dt "string" IWGlobalNode; addAttr -ln ("ExportNoteTrack" + $AnimNumber) -dt "string" IWGlobalNode; setAttr -type "string" ("IWGlobalNode.ExportNoteTrack" + $AnimNumber) ("NO NOTE TRACK"); //addAttr -ln ("GunNumber" + $AnimNumber) -at long IWGlobalNode; //setAttr ("IWGlobalNode.GunNumber" + $AnimNumber) 1; addAttr -ln ("AnimGroupColor" + $AnimNumber) -dt "string" IWGlobalNode; setAttr -type "string" ("IWGlobalNode.AnimGroupColor" + $AnimNumber) ("Red"); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// // PROC: AddAnimation // // This procedure adds a animation to the list in the IWGlobalNode and re-draws the main window to make it visible // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// global proc AddAnimation() { // Add 1 to the animation count attribute int $AnimationCount = `getAttr IWGlobalNode.AnimationCount`; $AnimationCount ++; setAttr IWGlobalNode.AnimationCount $AnimationCount; // Add all the extra attributes to the IWGlobalNode for the new animation AddAnimationAttributes $AnimationCount; // add the new animation to the window so it's visible in the list setParent AnimationListColumnLayout; DisplayAnimationLine $AnimationCount; } global proc SavePostExportConvertAnim() { string $convert; $convert = `optionMenu -q -value animPostExportConvertMenu`; setAttr -type "string" "IWGlobalNode.postExportConvert" $convert; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// // PROC: CreateCODExportWindow // // This procedure creates the window. // // IN: string $win - the name of the window that's getting created. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// global proc CreateCODExportWindow ( string $win ) { // define the window; window -title "COD Export Window" $win; //create a columnLayout for the top level layout scrollLayout ; columnLayout -columnAttach "both" 5 -rowSpacing 10 -columnWidth 725 ExportMainLayout; // Create a frame layout for the export list frameLayout -label "Animation List" -borderStyle "etchedIn" -collapsable true -collapse false -p ExportMainLayout AnimationListFrameLayout; //Create a column layout columnLayout TopExportColLayout; columnLayout -p TopExportColLayout AnimationListColumnLayout; // Create the list of animations and there data DisplayAnimationList; // Create column layout for the export buttons // columnLayout -p ExportMainLayout -rowSpacing 10 -columnWidth 500 ExportButtonColumnLayout; rowColumnLayout -p TopExportColLayout -w 500 -columnWidth 1 200 -columnWidth 2 200 -cs 1 100 -cs 2 100 -numberOfColumns 2 ExporterButtonsLayout; button -w 100 -label "Add New Entry" -p ExporterButtonsLayout AddAnimationButton; button -w 150 -label "Delete Selected Entries" -p ExporterButtonsLayout DeleteSelectedButton; separator -p ExporterButtonsLayout; separator -p ExporterButtonsLayout ; button -w 150 -label "Export Selected Entries" -p ExporterButtonsLayout ExportSelectedButton; button -w 150 -label "Export All Entries" -p ExporterButtonsLayout ExportAllButton; button -label "Re-order Export Settings" -p ExporterButtonsLayout ReOrderButton; optionMenu -cc "SavePostExportConvertAnim" animPostExportConvertMenu; menuItem -label "Export Only"; if ( `attributeExists ( "postExportConvert" ) IWGlobalNode` > 0 ) { string $convert; $convert = `getAttr "IWGlobalNode.postExportConvert"`; optionMenu -e -value $convert animPostExportConvertMenu; createIWGlobalNodeAnimationProtect(); } else { addAttr -ln "postExportConvert" -dt "string" IWGlobalNode; setAttr -type "string" "IWGlobalNode.postExportConvert" "Export Only"; createIWGlobalNodeAnimationProtect(); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// // PROC: CreateCODExportWindowCB // // This procedure sets up the callbacks for the buttons. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// global proc CreateCODExportWindowCB () { button -e -c AddAnimation AddAnimationButton; button -e -c DeleteSelectedAnimations DeleteSelectedButton; button -e -c ("StartTheExport 1") ExportSelectedButton; button -e -c ("StartTheExport 0 ") ExportAllButton; button -e -c ("source ReorderExports; ReorderExports; CODExportAnimationWindow") ReOrderButton; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// // PROC: CODExportAnimationCheckReference // // Check each reference files if it is under C:\ // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// global proc CODExportAnimationCheckReference() { string $referenceFiles[]; string $driveLetter; int $referenceFilesCount; int $referenceFileIndex; $referenceFiles = `file -q -reference`; $referenceFilesCount = `size $referenceFiles`; for( $referenceFileIndex = 0; $referenceFileIndex < $referenceFilesCount; $referenceFileIndex++ ) { $driveLetter = `startString $referenceFiles[$referenceFileIndex] 1`; if ( $driveLetter != "c" && $driveLetter != "C" ) error ("Reference file: [" + $referenceFiles[$referenceFileIndex] + "] needs to be under C:/." ); } } /* global proc UpdateXAnimExportPath() { int $animCount; int $animIndex; string $fileName; string $perforceRootDir; if ( `attributeExists AnimationCount IWGlobalNode` == 0) return; $animCount = `getAttr IWGlobalNode.AnimationCount`; if ($animCount < 1) return; $perforceRootDir = `PerforceGetRootDir`; for ($i = 1; $i <= $animCount; $i++) { $fileName=`getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.FileName" + $i)`; $fileName = `substitute "C:/trees/cod2/" $fileName "C:/trees/cod3/cod3/"`; setAttr -type "string" ("IWGlobalNode.FileName" + $i) $fileName; } } */ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// // PROC: CODExportAnimationWindow // // This script builds the export window // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// global proc CODExportAnimationWindow() { int $pluginLoaded; string $iwGlobalNodeArray[]; /* // check if the plugin is loaded. If not, load it. If that fails, error out $pluginLoaded = `pluginInfo -q -loaded perforcemaya`; if ( $pluginLoaded == 0 ) loadPlugin perforcemaya; $pluginLoaded = `pluginInfo -q -loaded perforcemaya`; if ( $pluginLoaded == 0 ) error ("perforcemaya plugin is not loaded"); */ $iwGlobalNodeArray = `ls IWGlobalNode`; if ( `size $iwGlobalNodeArray` == 0 ) { createNode "renderLayer" -n "IWGlobalNode"; select -cl; } //source PerforceMaya; //source CODExportCommon; //UpdateXAnimExportPath(); // Create a window string $win = "CODExportWindow"; // check and see if the window exists. if it does, then delete it. if (`window -exists $win`) deleteUI $win; CODExportAnimationCheckReference(); // create the window CreateCODExportWindow $win; // make the callbacks CreateCODExportWindowCB; // Protect the IWGlobalNode from being deleted createIWGlobalNodeAnimationProtect(); // show the window showWindow $win; } global proc createIWGlobalNodeAnimationProtect() { int $jobExists = 0; string $scriptJobList[] = `scriptJob -listJobs`; for($each in $scriptJobList) { if(`gmatch $each "*IWGlobalNode.postExportConvert*"` == 1) $jobExists = 1; } if($jobExists == 0) scriptJob -permanent -attributeDeleted "IWGlobalNode.postExportConvert" undo; }