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2006-04-20 00:00:00 +00:00
// Anim exporter
// Notes:
// We need a window that can export animations
// The animation file needs to store,
1. A list of objects that make up the skeleton.
2. A list of export files.
These need to store:
1. File name
2. Start frame
3. End frame
4. Sample rate
5. Skeleton list
6. Note track
Vars in renderGlobal
Skeleton sets:
SkelNumber : int Number of skeleton sets stored in the file.
NumOfJointsSkelxx : int The number of joints or nodes that are stored in the skeleton set. xx is the skeleton number.
Jointxx : message Connection to joint or node. The xx is the number of the joint/node in the skeleton list.
This uses the message attribute so that the object it is connected to can be re-named.
Animation export data
AnimationNumber : int The number of animations in the export settings
AnimFileNamexx : string The file name for the exporter. xx is the animation number
AnimStartxx : int The start frame of animation xx
AnimEndxx : int The end frame of animation xx
AnimSamplexx : int The sample rate of the animation export xx
AnimSkeletonxx : int The skeleton number to use in the animation export xx
Added so far:
int renderGlobal.AnimationCount the number of animation export settings stored in the renderGlobals
Each animation entry has these attributes so far :
ExportNodes# -type string . MEL dosen't allow string arrays as dynamic attributes, so the export nodes are stored as one big
string which is a select command so that the string can use eval
ExportNoteTrack# - Which note track, if any, to be exported with the animation.
To add or remove attributes to the main list, the following procs have to be altered
Global Proc List
// PROC: doubleCheckStuff
// This is called just before the export so extra checks can be added.
global proc doubleCheckStuff( int $ExportNumber)
// Check to see if the helmet joint is in the list.
// This joint was missing from a lot of the earlier export settings which messed up the animation export.
// Get the list of export nodes
string $ExportNodes = `getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.ExportNodes" + $ExportNumber)`;
print $ExportNodes;
// Check to see if DefMesh:J_Helmet is in the list
if (`gmatch $ExportNodes "*DefMesh:J_Helmet*"`)
// Check that the problem joint, rig:DefMesh:J_Head_END is also in there, if not add it.
if (`gmatch $ExportNodes "*DefMesh:J_Head_END*"` == 0)
print "\nThe head end joint is missing";
// Need to add the head end joint.
// First calc the prefex
string $Pref[];
tokenize $ExportNodes ":" $Pref;
print "\n";
print $Pref[0];
// Add the joint to the list
$ExportNodes = $ExportNodes + (" " + $Pref[0] + ":" + "DefMesh:J_Head_END");
setAttr -type "string" ("IWGlobalNode.ExportNodes" + $ExportNumber) $ExportNodes;
else print "\nThe head end joint is there";
global proc SelectListNoteTrack (int $AnimNum)
// Get a list of the note tracks from the note track mel script
source NoteTrack;
string $NoteTrackList[] = `GetNoteTrackList`;
string $EachNote;
print "\n\n\n";
print $NoteTrackList;
// Open a selection confirmDialog to select the Note Track using a created Eval command
string $DialogEval = ("confirmDialog -title \"Prefix\" -message \"Select a Note Track\" ");
for ($EachNote in $NoteTrackList)
$DialogEval = $DialogEval + (" -button \"" + $EachNote + ":\" ");
$DialogEval = $DialogEval + (" -b \"Cancel\" -cb \"Cancel\"");
string $SelNoteTrack = `eval $DialogEval`;
if ($SelNoteTrack != "Cancel" && $SelNoteTrack != "dismiss")
select -r $SelNoteTrack;
AddSelNoteTrack $AnimNum;
select -cl;
// PROC: SelectListExportNodes
// This procedure opens a selection window similar to the List COD Character button in the GUI.
// It is used to select a deformation skeleton set for the export nodes in the exporter
global proc SelectListExportNodes(int $AnimNum)
source ListCODChars;
string $AllChars[] = `ListCODChars`;
// Tokenize the list with : to get the prefix
string $EachChar;
string $CharList[];
int $CharCount = 0;
print "\nStart COD list\n";
for ($EachChar in $AllChars)
string $Tokenize[];
clear $Tokenize;
tokenize $EachChar ":" $Tokenize;
// Make sure the size of $Tokenize is > 1 meaning there was a : in the original name.
if (`size $Tokenize` > 1 )
$CharList[$CharCount] = $Tokenize[0];
warning ($Tokenize[0] + " is not referenced.");
// Open a selection confirmDialog to select the prefix using a created Eval command
string $DialogEval = ("confirmDialog -title \"Prefix\" -message \"Select a Character\" ");
for ($EachChar in $CharList)
$DialogEval = $DialogEval + (" -button \"" + $EachChar + ":\" ");
$DialogEval = $DialogEval + (" -b \"Cancel\" -cb \"Cancel\"");
print "\n\n";
string $Prefix = `eval $DialogEval`;
if ($Prefix != "Cancel" && $Prefix != "dismiss")
// textFieldGrp -e -text $Prefix TextFieldPrefix;
print $Prefix;
// Need to add in the root tag node to this first because it is not in the deformation skeleton
//select -r ($Prefix + "TAG_ORIGIN");
select -r ($Prefix + "DefSkeleton");
SetExportNodes $AnimNum;
select -cl;
// PROC: RemoveNoteTrack
// This procedure removes the note track from the export window
global proc RemoveNoteTrack(int $AnimNumber)
setAttr -type "string" ("IWGlobalNode.ExportNoteTrack" + $AnimNumber) "NO NOTE TRACK";
// update the text in the window
text -e -bgc 1 0 0.7 -label "NO NOTE TRACK" ("NoteTrackWindowText" + $AnimNumber);
// PROC: AddSelNoteTrack
// This procedure adds the selected note track to the exporter settings.
global proc AddSelNoteTrack(int $AnimNumber)
string $Sel[] = `ls -sl`;
//First check somthing is selected
if (`size $Sel[0]` == 0)
warning "Please select a NoteTrack";
// Check the selected node is a NoteTrack
string $CheckNote = `substring $Sel[0] 1 9`;
print ("Checking note track : " + $CheckNote);
if ($CheckNote == "NoteTrack" )
setAttr -type "string" ("IWGlobalNode.ExportNoteTrack" + $AnimNumber) $Sel[0];
// update the text in the window
text -e -bgc 0.9 0.9 0.9 -label $Sel[0] ("NoteTrackWindowText" + $AnimNumber);
warning "Please select a NoteTrack";
// PROC: ExportAnimation
// This procedure calls the exporter and exports a animation from the animation window.
// The animation it exports is passed into this function in (int $AnimNumber)
global proc ExportAnimation(int $AnimNumber)
// Collect all the export data from the window
// int $StartFrame[] = `intFieldGrp -q -v ("FrameStart" + $AnimNumber)`;
// int $EndFrame[] = `intFieldGrp -q -v ("FrameEnd" + $AnimNumber)`;
global int $skipPerforceEdit;
int $FrameRate;
string $timeUnit;
int $StartFrame = `getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.FrameStart" + $AnimNumber)`;
int $EndFrame = `getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.FrameEnd" + $AnimNumber)`;
$timeUnit = `currentUnit -q -time`;
switch ( $timeUnit )
case "2fps":
$FrameRate = 2;
case "3fps":
$FrameRate = 3;
case "4fps":
$FrameRate = 4;
case "5fps":
$FrameRate = 5;
case "6fps":
$FrameRate = 6;
case "8fps":
$FrameRate = 8;
case "10fps":
$FrameRate = 10;
case "12fps":
$FrameRate = 12;
case "16fps":
$FrameRate = 16;
case "20fps":
$FrameRate = 20;
case "40fps":
$FrameRate = 40;
case "game":
$FrameRate = 15;
case "film":
$FrameRate = 24;
case "pal":
$FrameRate = 25;
case "ntsc":
$FrameRate = 30;
case "show":
$FrameRate = 48;
case "palf":
$FrameRate = 50;
case "ntscf":
$FrameRate = 60;
error ("Invalid time unit " + $timeUnit );
string $PartsArray[];
clear $PartsArray;
string $Parts = `getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.ExportNodes" + $AnimNumber)`;
tokenize $Parts " " $PartsArray;
string $FileName = `getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.FileName" + $AnimNumber)`;
string $NoteTrack = `getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.ExportNoteTrack" + $AnimNumber)`;
// Test prints
print ("\n\nExport animation number " + $AnimNumber + "\n");
print ("\nStart frame = " + $StartFrame);
print ("\nEnd frame = " + $EndFrame);
print ("\nExport joints : \n");
print $PartsArray;
print ("\nPartsArry size = " + (`size $PartsArray`));
print ("\nFilename : " + $FileName);
print ("\nNoteTrack : " + $NoteTrack);
// Get the prefix of the exporting animation
string $PartsTok[];
tokenize $PartsArray[0] ":" $PartsTok;
string $PartsPref = ($PartsTok[0] + ":");
print "\n\nParts prefix = ";
print $PartsPref;
print "\n\n";
// Get the gun to switch to.
// First check that the attribute exists - Brians script wont open the window which adds the attribute
// The attribute does not exist, then skip the gun switching which is the same as default
if (`attributeExists ("GunNumber" + $AnimNumber) IWGlobalNode`)
int $GunSelection = `getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.GunNumber" + $AnimNumber)`;
// check for gun default, which is 1.
if ($GunSelection > 1)
// If this is greater than 1, then a gun has been selected, so swith to it.
$GunSelection = $GunSelection -1; // Dec by 1 because the default setting adds 1 to the gun list.
// Make the switch
COD2_SwitchGun $GunSelection $PartsPref;
string $FileNameArray[];
int $FileNameArraySize;
int $FileNameArrayIndex;
string $upperCaseFileName;
string $command;
string $dirPath;
$FileNameArraySize = `tokenize $FileName "\\" $FileNameArray`;
$FileName = "";
if ( $FileNameArraySize > 1 )
for ( $FileNameArrayIndex = 0; $FileNameArrayIndex < $FileNameArraySize; $FileNameArrayIndex++ )
$FileName += $FileNameArray[$FileNameArrayIndex];
if ( $FileNameArrayIndex < $FileNameArraySize - 1 )
$FileName += "/";
$FileName = `getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.FileName" + $AnimNumber)`;
// change forward slashes to backslashes so we could pass it into "dirname"
$FileName = `substituteAllString $FileName "/" "\\"`;
// get the directory name, but it's going to give it to us in forward slashes
$dirPath = `dirname $FileName`;
// change forward slashes to backslashes because "mkdir" accepts only backslashes
$dirPath = `substituteAllString $dirPath "/" "\\"`;
system ( "mkdir " + $dirPath );
// change backslashes to forward slash for writing the file
$FileName = `substituteAllString $FileName "\\" "/"`;
// since there's a directory called xanim_export and our extension is XANIM_EXPORT,
// we can't just use "match" function like we did in model window...
// so get the filename without its full path and see if we need extension or not.
string $tokens[];
int $tokenCount = `tokenize $FileName "/" $tokens`;
if ( $tokenCount > 0 )
$upperCaseFileName = `toupper $tokens[$tokenCount - 1]`;
if ( `match ".XANIM_EXPORT" $upperCaseFileName` == "" )
$FileName += ".XANIM_EXPORT";
//if ( $skipPerforceEdit == 0 )
// PerforceEdit $FileName;
ExportXAnim $StartFrame $EndFrame $FrameRate $Parts $FileName $NoteTrack;
// PROC: ExportEverything
// This procedure exports all the animations. It is called by the batch exporter script only.
// The other proc StartTheExport needs the window open to check to selcted animations, so
// this version skips past that part and doesn't need the window open
global proc ExportEverything()
// Set up vars
int $loop;
int $AnimationCount;
// Get the animation list number
$AnimationCount = `getAttr IWGlobalNode.AnimationCount`;
// if animation count is 0, return
if ($AnimationCount < 1)
for ($loop = 1; $loop <= $AnimationCount ;$loop++ )
// Just export it because we don't care if it's selected or not
ExportAnimation $loop;
// PROC: StartTheExport
// This procedure calls the ExportAnimation function and exports all the selected animations
global proc StartTheExport( int $Selected )
// Set up vars
int $loop;
int $CheckBox;
int $AnimationCount;
int $pluginLoaded;
string $currentSceneName;
int $perforceResult;
string $confirmResult;
global string $perforceOptionGlobal;
global int $skipPerforceEdit;
string $saveMessage;
string $saveConfirmResult;
// Find out if any animations are selected.
// Get the animation list number
$AnimationCount = `getAttr IWGlobalNode.AnimationCount`;
// if animation count is 0, return
if ($AnimationCount < 1)
$currentSceneName = `file -q -sn`;
$skipPerforceEdit = 0;
$perforceResult = `PerforceEdit $currentSceneName`;
if ( $perforceResult == 0 )
//$confirmResult = `confirmDialog -title "Continue?" -message "Would you like to continue with the export process?" -button "Yes" -button "No" -defaultButton "No" -cancelButton "No" -dismissString "No"`;
//if ( $confirmResult == "No" )
// return;
if ( `file -q -anyModified` > 0 )
$saveMessage = "Save changes to " + $currentSceneName + " ?";
$Saveconfirmresult = `confirmDialog -title "Save Changes" -message $saveMessage -button "Yes" -button "No" -defaultButton "Yes" -cancelButton "No" -dismissString "No"`;
if ( $saveConfirmResult == "Yes" )
file -save;
// check if the plugin is loaded. If not, load it. If that fails, error out
$pluginLoaded = `pluginInfo -q -loaded XanimExport`;
if ( $pluginLoaded == 0 )
loadPlugin XanimExport;
$pluginLoaded = `pluginInfo -q -loaded XanimExport`;
if ( $pluginLoaded == 0 )
error ("XanimExport plugin is not loaded");
//$perforceOptionGlobal = "";
for ($loop = 1; $loop <= $AnimationCount ;$loop++ )
// get checkbox of animation #loop if the selected flag is set
if ($Selected == 1)
$CheckBox = `checkBox -q -v ("Entry" + $loop)`;
if ($CheckBox == 1)
// Ths is a selected animation, so export it
ExportAnimation $loop;
// Just export it because we don't care if it's selected or not
ExportAnimation $loop;
string $convert;
$convert = `getAttr "IWGlobalNode.postExportConvert"`;
if ( $convert == "PC Convert" )
RunConverter "PC";
else if ( $convert == "Xenon Convert" )
RunConverter "Xenon";
// PROC: ListExportNodes
// This procedure prints the list of export nodes to the script editor.
global proc ListExportNodes (int $FileNumber)
string $Each;
string $ExportNodes = `getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.ExportNodes " + $FileNumber)`;
string $ExportNodesList[];
string $FileName = `textFieldButtonGrp -q -text ("FileNameTextField" + $FileNumber)`;
tokenize $ExportNodes " " $ExportNodesList;
print ("\n\nList of Export nodes for export #" + $FileNumber);
print "\nFilename : ";
print $FileName;
print "\n";
print $ExportNodesList;
// PROC: SetExportNodes
// This procedure loads the export list string (ExportNodes#) with the selected objects.
global proc SetExportNodes (int $FileNumber)
string $Sel[] = `ls -sl`;
string $Each;
string $ExportNodes;
for ($Each in $Sel)
$ExportNodes = $ExportNodes + $Each + " ";
// Check the export nodes list to update the status line
if (`size $ExportNodes`)
text -e -bgc 0.9 0.9 0.9 -e -label "Ready" ("ExportNodeCheck" + $FileNumber);
setAttr -type "string" ("IWGlobalNode.ExportNodes" + $FileNumber) $ExportNodes;
text -e -bgc 1 0 0.7 -label "NO EXPORT NODES" ("ExportNodeCheck" + $FileNumber);
setAttr -type "string" ("IWGlobalNode.ExportNodes" + $FileNumber) "";
// PROC: SelectExportNodes
// This procedure selects all the nodes stored in the export list string (ExportNodes#)
global proc SelectExportNodes( int $FileNumber)
string $ExportNodes = `getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.ExportNodes " + $FileNumber)`;
string $SelEval = ("select -r " + $ExportNodes);
eval $SelEval;
// PROC: CODExporterFileBrowes
// This procedure opens a file broweser window so that a file name can be selected
global proc CODExporterFileBrowes(int $FileNumber)
// "fileBrowserDialog -m 1 -fc \"CODSavePose\" -ft \".hand\" -an \"Save\"");
print "Testing call to CODExporterFileBrowes";
//fileBrowserDialog -mode 1 -fc ("UpdateNameFromBroweser " + $FileNumber) -an "Save");
fileBrowserDialog -m 1 -fc ("UpdateNameFromBroweser " + $FileNumber) -an "Set";
// PROC: UpdateNameFromBroweser
// This procedure is called by the fileBrowserDialog.
// It loads the file name into the filename test box.
global proc UpdateNameFromBroweser( int $FileNameNumber, string $filename, string $fileType )
print ("\nTest proc call to UpdateNameFromBroweser");
print ("\nFile number = " + $FileNameNumber);
print ("\nFileName = " + $filename);
// Set the text box file name
textFieldButtonGrp -e -text $filename ("FileNameTextField" + $FileNameNumber);
// Call the ChangeFileName function because changing the name above does not force the call like typing in a new name.
ChangeFileName $FileNameNumber;
// PROC: DeleteSelectedAnimations
// This procedure deletes any selected animation entrys and redraws the window.
global proc DeleteSelectedAnimations()
// Set up vars
int $loop;
int $DelLoop;
int $CheckBox;
// Find out if any animations are selected.
// Get the animation list number
$AnimationCount = `getAttr IWGlobalNode.AnimationCount`;
// if animation count is 0, return
if ($AnimationCount < 1)
for ($loop = 1; $loop <= $AnimationCount ;$loop++ )
// get checkbox of animation #loop
$CheckBox = `checkBox -q -v ("Entry" + $loop)`;
if ($CheckBox)
// delete the animation entry #loop
// need to move any entrys after this one down one and delete the last entry
for ($DelLoop = $loop; $DelLoop < $AnimationCount ; $DelLoop ++ )
// Testing, this is what I need to do
print "\n";
print ("Moving line " + ($DelLoop + 1) + " to line " + $DelLoop );
setAttr -type "string" ("IWGlobalNode.FileName" + $DelLoop) (`getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.FileName" + ($DelLoop + 1))`);
checkBox -e -v (`checkBox -q -v ("Entry" + ($DelLoop + 1))`) ("Entry" + $DelLoop);
setAttr ("IWGlobalNode.FrameStart" + $DelLoop) (`getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.FrameStart" + ($DelLoop + 1))`);
setAttr ("IWGlobalNode.FrameEnd" + $DelLoop) (`getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.FrameEnd" + ($DelLoop + 1))`);
setAttr -type "string" ("IWGlobalNode.ExportNodes" + $DelLoop) (`getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.ExportNodes" + ($DelLoop + 1))`);
setAttr -type "string" ("IWGlobalNode.ExportNoteTrack" + $DelLoop) (`getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.ExportNoteTrack" + ($DelLoop + 1))`);
//setAttr ("IWGlobalNode.GunNumber" + $DelLoop) (`getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.GunNumber" + ($DelLoop + 1))`);
// Delete the last animation entry's attributes
RemoveAnimationAttributes $AnimationCount;
$AnimationCount -- ;
setAttr IWGlobalNode.AnimationCount $AnimationCount;
// Force the loop to recheck the same checkbox in case the next one, which has just moved,
// was also checked for delete
// Lastly redraw the window
// PROC: DisplayAnimationList
// This procedure creates the animation list in the main window by gathering all the information it needs from the renderGlobals
global proc DisplayAnimationList()
// Set up some vars
int $loop;
// First get the number of animation export settings that are stored in the renderGlobals.
// If there are none, add 1 and set it to blank
int $AnimationCount;
if ( `attributeExists AnimationCount IWGlobalNode`)
$AnimationCount = `getAttr IWGlobalNode.AnimationCount`;
// If there isn't a AnimationCount attribute, make one and set it to 1
addAttr -ln AnimationCount -at byte IWGlobalNode;
setAttr IWGlobalNode.AnimationCount 0;
$AnimationCount = 0;
// Create all the animation export buttons etc.
for ($loop = 1; $loop <= $AnimationCount ; $loop++)
if ( `attributeExists ( "FileName" + $loop ) IWGlobalNode` == 0 )
AddAnimationAttributes $loop;
CheckExportAttributes $loop;
DisplayAnimationLine $loop;
// PROC: CheckExportAttributes
// This procedure checks for attributes in the IWGlobalNode to see if they all exist.
// The real reason for this check is to be able to add new attributes and not kill the exporter.
// Any new attributes that are added in the future can be checked for here so old animations will still export
global proc CheckExportAttributes (int $ExportNumber)
// Check for gun number
if (`attributeExists ("GunNumber" + $ExportNumber) IWGlobalNode` == 0)
print ("\nMissing GunNumber attribute in export settings " + $ExportNumber + " so adding it\n");
addAttr -ln ("GunNumber" + $ExportNumber) -at long IWGlobalNode;
setAttr ("IWGlobalNode.GunNumber" + $ExportNumber) 1;
// PROC: DisplayAnimationLine
// This procedure adds the animation line to the window. It is called from the DisplayAnimationList proc
global proc DisplayAnimationLine(int $loop)
// First get the data from the IWGlobalNode so the fields can be loaded
string $FileName = `getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.FileName" + $loop)`;
string $ExportNodeCheck = `getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.ExportNodes" + $loop)`;
string $NoteTrack = `getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.ExportNoteTrack" + $loop)`;
if ( `attributeExists ("AnimGroupColor" + $loop) "IWGlobalNode"` == 0)
addAttr -ln ("AnimGroupColor" + $loop) -dt "string" IWGlobalNode;
setAttr -type "string" ("IWGlobalNode.AnimGroupColor" + $loop) ("Red");
string $groupColor = `getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.AnimGroupColor" + $loop)`;
// Build the fields
rowLayout -nc 4 -columnWidth4 60 480 80 90;
checkBox ("Entry" + $loop);
textFieldButtonGrp -bc ("CODExporterFileBrowes " + $loop) -cc ("ChangeFileName " + $loop) -text $FileName -columnWidth2 450 30 -buttonLabel "..." ("FileNameTextField" + $loop);
intFieldGrp -cc ("ChangeFrameStart " + $loop) -v1 (`getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.FrameStart" + $loop)`) -numberOfFields 1 -columnWidth2 35 40 -label "Start" ("FrameStart" + $loop);
intFieldGrp -cc ("ChangeFrameEnd " + $loop) -v1 (`getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.FrameEnd" + $loop)`)-numberOfFields 1 -columnWidth2 35 40 -label "End" ("FrameEnd" + $loop);
setParent ..;
rowLayout -nc 1 -columnWidth1 725 ;
separator -w 725;
setParent ..;
rowLayout -nc 4 -columnWidth4 60 70 75 155;
text -width 60 -label "Group" -align "center" ("GroupColor" + $loop);
optionMenu -w 70 -changeCommand ( "SetGroupColor " + $loop ) ( "SetGroupOption"+$loop );
menuItem -label "Red";
menuItem -label "Green";
menuItem -label "Blue";
menuItem -label "Yellow";
menuItem -label "Purple";
menuItem -label "Orange";
optionMenu -e -value $groupColor ( "SetGroupOption"+$loop );
SetGroupColor $loop;
button -w 70 -label "Move Up" -c ("MoveAnimEntry Up " + $loop ) ("MoveEntryUp"+$loop);
button -w 70 -label "Move Down" -c ("MoveAnimEntry Down " + $loop ) ("MoveEntryDown"+$loop);
setParent ..;
rowLayout -nc 1 -columnWidth1 725 ;
separator -w 725;
setParent ..;
rowLayout -nc 5 -columnWidth5 70 110 95 110 110 ;
button -w 70 -label "Export nodes : " -c ("SelectListExportNodes " + $loop);
// Check the export nodes list (read in above) to see if it needs setting.
if (`size $ExportNodeCheck`)
text -bgc 0.9 0.9 0.9 -label "Ready" ("ExportNodeCheck" + $loop);
text -bgc 1 0 0.7 -label "NO EXPORT NODES" ("ExportNodeCheck" + $loop);
button -label "Set Export Nodes" -c ("SetExportNodes " + $loop);
button -label "Select Export Nodes" -c ("SelectExportNodes " + $loop);
button -label "List Export Nodes" -c ("ListExportNodes " + $loop);
setParent ..;
rowLayout -nc 7 -cw 1 90 -cw 2 145 -cw 3 127 -cw 4 110 -cw 5 40 -cw 6 110 -cw 7 110 ;
button -label "Add Note Track" -c ("SelectListNoteTrack " + $loop);
text -w 140 -label $NoteTrack ("NoteTrackWindowText" + $loop);
// Calc the color for the note track
if ($NoteTrack == "NO NOTE TRACK" )
text -e -bgc 1 0 0.7 ("NoteTrackWindowText" + $loop);
text -e -bgc 0.9 0.9 0.9 ("NoteTrackWindowText" + $loop);
button -l "Add Selected NoteTrack";
button -l "Remove NoteTrack" -c ("RemoveNoteTrack " + $loop);
text -l "------";
// Build the gun selection list.
//optionMenuGrp -label "Gun" -columnWidth 1 50 -columnWidth 2 120 -cc ("ChangeExportedGun " + $loop) ("AnimationExportGunMenu" + $loop);
// Get a list of all the loaded COD characters
string $CODChars[] = `ls ("*:*CODCharacterLocatorShape") ("*CODCharacterLocatorShape") `;
// Check a character was loaded
if (`size $CODChars` == 0)
// There are no COD chars loaded so ignore the gun selection
menuItem -label "Default Gun";
// A character is loaded so get the list of guns
int $GunNumber = `getAttr ($CODChars[0] + ".NumOfGuns")`;
int $GunLoop;
string $GunName;
// Add the default gun setting first
menuItem -label "Default Gun";
for ($GunLoop = 0; $GunLoop < $GunNumber ; $GunLoop++ )
$GunName = `getAttr ($CODChars[0] + ".GunList" + $GunLoop)`;
menuItem -label $GunName;
// Set the correct gun in the menu. Dont forget to add 1 to skip the default gun
int $GunSelection = `getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.GunNumber" + $loop)`; // HERE IS WHERE I SHOULD SET DEFAULT GUN ALWAYS
optionMenuGrp -e -sl $GunSelection ("AnimationExportGunMenu" + $loop);
setParent ..;
rowLayout -nc 1 -columnWidth1 725 ;
separator -w 725;
setParent ..;
rowLayout -nc 1 -columnWidth1 725 ;
separator -w 725;
setParent ..;
rowLayout -nc 1 -columnWidth1 725 ;
separator -w 725;
setParent ..;
global proc MoveAnimEntry( string $direction, int $index )
int $animCount;
int $swapIndex;
$animCount = `getAttr IWGlobalNode.AnimationCount`;
if ( $direction == "Up" )
if ( $index == 1 )
$swapIndex = $index - 1;
if ( $direction == "Down" )
if ( $index == $animCount )
$swapIndex = $index + 1;
// get all the attributes
string $fileName1 = `getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.FileName" + $index)`;
string $exportNode1 = `getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.ExportNodes" + $index)`;
string $exportNodeTrack1 = `getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.ExportNoteTrack" + $index)`;
int $frameStart1 = `getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.FrameStart" + $index)`;
int $frameEnd1 = `getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.FrameEnd" + $index)`;
int $gunNumber1 = `getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.GunNumber" + $index)`;
string $groupColor1 = `getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.AnimGroupColor" + $index)`;
string $fileName2 = `getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.FileName" + $swapIndex)`;
string $exportNode2 = `getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.ExportNodes" + $swapIndex)`;
string $exportNodeTrack2 = `getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.ExportNoteTrack" + $swapIndex)`;
int $frameStart2 = `getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.FrameStart" + $swapIndex)`;
int $frameEnd2 = `getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.FrameEnd" + $swapIndex)`;
int $gunNumber2 = `getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.GunNumber" + $swapIndex)`;
string $groupColor2 = `getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.AnimGroupColor" + $swapIndex)`;
// swap the attributes
setAttr -type "string" ("IWGlobalNode.FileName" + $swapIndex) $fileName1;
setAttr -type "string" ("IWGlobalNode.ExportNodes" + $swapIndex) $exportNode1;
setAttr -type "string" ("IWGlobalNode.ExportNoteTrack" + $swapIndex) $exportNodeTrack1;
setAttr -type "string" ("IWGlobalNode.AnimGroupColor" + $swapIndex) $groupColor1;
setAttr ("IWGlobalNode.FrameStart" + $swapIndex) $frameStart1;
setAttr ("IWGlobalNode.FrameEnd" + $swapIndex) $frameEnd1;
setAttr ("IWGlobalNode.GunNumber" + $swapIndex) $gunNumber1;
setAttr -type "string" ("IWGlobalNode.FileName" + $index) $fileName2;
setAttr -type "string" ("IWGlobalNode.ExportNodes" + $index) $exportNode2;
setAttr -type "string" ("IWGlobalNode.ExportNoteTrack" + $index) $exportNodeTrack2;
setAttr -type "string" ("IWGlobalNode.AnimGroupColor" + $index) $groupColor2;
setAttr ("IWGlobalNode.FrameStart" + $index) $frameStart2;
setAttr ("IWGlobalNode.FrameEnd" + $index) $frameEnd2;
setAttr ("IWGlobalNode.GunNumber" + $index) $gunNumber2;
// set correct fields
textFieldButtonGrp -e -text $fileName2 ("FileNameTextField" + $index);
intFieldGrp -e -value1 $frameStart2 ("FrameStart" + $index );
intFieldGrp -e -value1 $frameEnd2 ("FrameEnd" + $index );
optionMenu -e -value $groupColor2 ( "SetGroupOption" + $index );
SetGroupColor $index;
if ($exportNodeTrack2 == "NO NOTE TRACK" )
text -e -bgc 1 0 0.7 -label $exportNodeTrack2 ("NoteTrackWindowText" + $index);
text -e -bgc 0.9 0.9 0.9 -label $exportNodeTrack2 ("NoteTrackWindowText" + $index);
text -e -en 0 ("NoteTrackWindowText" + $index);
text -e -en 1 ("NoteTrackWindowText" + $index);
if (`size $exportNode2`)
text -e -bgc 0.9 0.9 0.9 -label "Ready" ("ExportNodeCheck" + $index);
text -e -bgc 1 0 0.7 -label "NO EXPORT NODES" ("ExportNodeCheck" + $index);
text -e -en 0 ("ExportNodeCheck" + $index);
text -e -en 1 ("ExportNodeCheck" + $index);
textFieldButtonGrp -e -text $fileName1 ("FileNameTextField" + $swapIndex);
intFieldGrp -e -value1 $frameStart1 ("FrameStart" + $swapIndex );
intFieldGrp -e -value1 $frameEnd1 ("FrameEnd" + $swapIndex );
optionMenu -e -value $groupColor1 ( "SetGroupOption" + $swapIndex );
SetGroupColor $swapIndex;
if ($exportNodeTrack1 == "NO NOTE TRACK" )
text -e -bgc 1 0 0.7 -label $exportNodeTrack1 ("NoteTrackWindowText" + $swapIndex);
text -e -bgc 0.9 0.9 0.9 -label $exportNodeTrack1 ("NoteTrackWindowText" + $swapIndex);
text -e -en 0 ("NoteTrackWindowText" + $swapIndex);
text -e -en 1 ("NoteTrackWindowText" + $swapIndex);
if (`size $exportNode1`)
text -e -bgc 0.9 0.9 0.9 -label "Ready" ("ExportNodeCheck" + $swapIndex);
text -e -bgc 1 0 0.7 -label "NO EXPORT NODES" ("ExportNodeCheck" + $swapIndex);
text -e -en 0 ("ExportNodeCheck" + $swapIndex);
text -e -en 1 ("ExportNodeCheck" + $swapIndex);
global proc SetGroupColor( int $index )
string $groupColor;
$groupColor = `optionMenu -q -value ("SetGroupOption"+$index)`;
switch ( $groupColor )
case "Yellow":
text -e -bgc 0.9 0.9 0.1 ("GroupColor" + $index);
case "Red":
text -e -bgc 0.9 0.1 0.1 ("GroupColor" + $index);
case "Blue":
text -e -bgc 0.1 0.1 0.9 ("GroupColor" + $index);
case "Green":
text -e -bgc 0.1 0.9 0.1 ("GroupColor" + $index);
case "Orange":
text -e -bgc 1.0 0.5 0.0 ("GroupColor" + $index);
case "Purple":
text -e -bgc 0.5 0.0 0.5 ("GroupColor" + $index);
text -e -bgc 0.5 0.5 0.5 ("GroupColor" + $index);
setAttr -type "string" ("IWGlobalNode.AnimGroupColor" + $index) $groupColor;
text -e -en 0 ("GroupColor" + $index);
text -e -en 1 ("GroupColor" + $index);
// PROC: ChangeExportedGun
// This proc updates the GunNumber varible when the value changes
global proc ChangeExportedGun (int $AnimNumber)
//int $GunSelection = `optionMenuGrp -q -sl ("AnimationExportGunMenu" + $AnimNumber)`;
setAttr ("IWGlobalNode.GunNumber" + $AnimNumber) $GunSelection;
// PROC: ChangeFileName
// This proc updates the intFieldGrp varible when the value changes
global proc ChangeFileName (int $AnimNumber)
int $animCount;
int $animIndex;
string $changedFileName;
string $compareFileName;
setAttr -type "string" ("IWGlobalNode.FileName" + $AnimNumber) (`textFieldButtonGrp -q -text ("FileNameTextField" + $AnimNumber)`);
$changedFileName = `getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.FileName" + $AnimNumber)`;
$animCount = `getAttr IWGlobalNode.AnimationCount`;
for ( $animIndex = 1; $animIndex <= $animCount; $animIndex++ )
if ( $animIndex != $AnimNumber )
$compareFileName = `getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.FileName" + $animIndex)`;
if ( $compareFileName == $changedFileName )
confirmDialog -title "Warning" -message "There are entries with duplicate export file names\nDuplicate file names are not allowed.";
// PROC: ChangeFrameStart
// This proc updates the intFieldGrp varible when the value changes
global proc ChangeFrameStart (int $AnimNumber)
setAttr ("IWGlobalNode.FrameStart" + $AnimNumber) (`intFieldGrp -q -v1 ("FrameStart" + $AnimNumber)`);
// PROC: ChangeFrameEnd
// This proc updates the intFieldGrp varible when the value changes
global proc ChangeFrameEnd (int $AnimNumber)
setAttr ("IWGlobalNode.FrameEnd" + $AnimNumber) (`intFieldGrp -q -v1 ("FrameEnd" + $AnimNumber)`);
// PROC: RemoveAnimationAttributes
// This procedure removes all the extra attributes from the IWGlobalNode for a animation file entry
// It is the reverse of AddAnimationAttributes
global proc RemoveAnimationAttributes(int $AnimNumber)
// Attributes so far :
// FileName#
deleteAttr ("IWGlobalNode.FileName" + $AnimNumber);
deleteAttr ("IWGlobalNode.FrameStart" + $AnimNumber) ;
deleteAttr ("IWGlobalNode.FrameEnd" + $AnimNumber) ;
deleteAttr ("IWGlobalNode.ExportNodes" + $AnimNumber);
deleteAttr ("IWGlobalNode.ExportNoteTrack" + $AnimNumber);
//deleteAttr ("IWGlobalNode.GunNumber" + $AnimNumber);
deleteAttr ("IWGlobalNode.AnimGroupColor" + $AnimNumber);
// PROC: AddAnimationAttributes
// This procedure adds all the extra attributes to the IWGlobalNode for a new animation file
global proc AddAnimationAttributes(int $AnimNumber)
// Attributes so far :
// FileName#
addAttr -ln ("FileName" + $AnimNumber) -dt "string" IWGlobalNode;
setAttr -type "string" ("IWGlobalNode.FileName" + $AnimNumber) ("Click on [...] button to locate the file");
addAttr -ln ("FrameStart" + $AnimNumber) -at long IWGlobalNode;
addAttr -ln ("FrameEnd" + $AnimNumber) -at long IWGlobalNode;
addAttr -ln ("ExportNodes" + $AnimNumber) -dt "string" IWGlobalNode;
addAttr -ln ("ExportNoteTrack" + $AnimNumber) -dt "string" IWGlobalNode;
setAttr -type "string" ("IWGlobalNode.ExportNoteTrack" + $AnimNumber) ("NO NOTE TRACK");
//addAttr -ln ("GunNumber" + $AnimNumber) -at long IWGlobalNode;
//setAttr ("IWGlobalNode.GunNumber" + $AnimNumber) 1;
addAttr -ln ("AnimGroupColor" + $AnimNumber) -dt "string" IWGlobalNode;
setAttr -type "string" ("IWGlobalNode.AnimGroupColor" + $AnimNumber) ("Red");
// PROC: AddAnimation
// This procedure adds a animation to the list in the IWGlobalNode and re-draws the main window to make it visible
global proc AddAnimation()
// Add 1 to the animation count attribute
int $AnimationCount = `getAttr IWGlobalNode.AnimationCount`;
$AnimationCount ++;
setAttr IWGlobalNode.AnimationCount $AnimationCount;
// Add all the extra attributes to the IWGlobalNode for the new animation
AddAnimationAttributes $AnimationCount;
// add the new animation to the window so it's visible in the list
setParent AnimationListColumnLayout;
DisplayAnimationLine $AnimationCount;
global proc SavePostExportConvertAnim()
string $convert;
$convert = `optionMenu -q -value animPostExportConvertMenu`;
setAttr -type "string" "IWGlobalNode.postExportConvert" $convert;
// PROC: CreateCODExportWindow
// This procedure creates the window.
// IN: string $win - the name of the window that's getting created.
global proc CreateCODExportWindow ( string $win )
// define the window;
-title "COD Export Window"
//create a columnLayout for the top level layout
scrollLayout ;
columnLayout -columnAttach "both" 5 -rowSpacing 10 -columnWidth 725 ExportMainLayout;
// Create a frame layout for the export list
frameLayout -label "Animation List" -borderStyle "etchedIn" -collapsable true -collapse false -p ExportMainLayout AnimationListFrameLayout;
//Create a column layout
columnLayout TopExportColLayout;
columnLayout -p TopExportColLayout AnimationListColumnLayout;
// Create the list of animations and there data
// Create column layout for the export buttons
// columnLayout -p ExportMainLayout -rowSpacing 10 -columnWidth 500 ExportButtonColumnLayout;
rowColumnLayout -p TopExportColLayout -w 500 -columnWidth 1 200 -columnWidth 2 200 -cs 1 100 -cs 2 100 -numberOfColumns 2 ExporterButtonsLayout;
button -w 100 -label "Add New Entry" -p ExporterButtonsLayout AddAnimationButton;
button -w 150 -label "Delete Selected Entries" -p ExporterButtonsLayout DeleteSelectedButton;
separator -p ExporterButtonsLayout; separator -p ExporterButtonsLayout ;
button -w 150 -label "Export Selected Entries" -p ExporterButtonsLayout ExportSelectedButton;
button -w 150 -label "Export All Entries" -p ExporterButtonsLayout ExportAllButton;
button -label "Re-order Export Settings" -p ExporterButtonsLayout ReOrderButton;
optionMenu -cc "SavePostExportConvertAnim" animPostExportConvertMenu;
menuItem -label "Export Only";
if ( `attributeExists ( "postExportConvert" ) IWGlobalNode` > 0 )
string $convert;
$convert = `getAttr "IWGlobalNode.postExportConvert"`;
optionMenu -e -value $convert animPostExportConvertMenu;
addAttr -ln "postExportConvert" -dt "string" IWGlobalNode;
setAttr -type "string" "IWGlobalNode.postExportConvert" "Export Only";
// PROC: CreateCODExportWindowCB
// This procedure sets up the callbacks for the buttons.
global proc CreateCODExportWindowCB ()
button -e -c AddAnimation AddAnimationButton;
button -e -c DeleteSelectedAnimations DeleteSelectedButton;
button -e -c ("StartTheExport 1") ExportSelectedButton;
button -e -c ("StartTheExport 0 ") ExportAllButton;
button -e -c ("source ReorderExports; ReorderExports; CODExportAnimationWindow") ReOrderButton;
// PROC: CODExportAnimationCheckReference
// Check each reference files if it is under C:\
global proc CODExportAnimationCheckReference()
string $referenceFiles[];
string $driveLetter;
int $referenceFilesCount;
int $referenceFileIndex;
$referenceFiles = `file -q -reference`;
$referenceFilesCount = `size $referenceFiles`;
for( $referenceFileIndex = 0; $referenceFileIndex < $referenceFilesCount; $referenceFileIndex++ )
$driveLetter = `startString $referenceFiles[$referenceFileIndex] 1`;
if ( $driveLetter != "c" && $driveLetter != "C" )
error ("Reference file: [" + $referenceFiles[$referenceFileIndex] + "] needs to be under C:/." );
global proc UpdateXAnimExportPath()
int $animCount;
int $animIndex;
string $fileName;
string $perforceRootDir;
if ( `attributeExists AnimationCount IWGlobalNode` == 0)
$animCount = `getAttr IWGlobalNode.AnimationCount`;
if ($animCount < 1)
$perforceRootDir = `PerforceGetRootDir`;
for ($i = 1; $i <= $animCount; $i++)
$fileName=`getAttr ("IWGlobalNode.FileName" + $i)`;
$fileName = `substitute "C:/trees/cod2/" $fileName "C:/trees/cod3/cod3/"`;
setAttr -type "string" ("IWGlobalNode.FileName" + $i) $fileName;
// PROC: CODExportAnimationWindow
// This script builds the export window
global proc CODExportAnimationWindow()
int $pluginLoaded;
string $iwGlobalNodeArray[];
// check if the plugin is loaded. If not, load it. If that fails, error out
$pluginLoaded = `pluginInfo -q -loaded perforcemaya`;
if ( $pluginLoaded == 0 )
loadPlugin perforcemaya;
$pluginLoaded = `pluginInfo -q -loaded perforcemaya`;
if ( $pluginLoaded == 0 )
error ("perforcemaya plugin is not loaded");
$iwGlobalNodeArray = `ls IWGlobalNode`;
if ( `size $iwGlobalNodeArray` == 0 )
createNode "renderLayer" -n "IWGlobalNode";
select -cl;
//source PerforceMaya;
//source CODExportCommon;
// Create a window
string $win = "CODExportWindow";
// check and see if the window exists. if it does, then delete it.
if (`window -exists $win`)
deleteUI $win;
// create the window
CreateCODExportWindow $win;
// make the callbacks
// Protect the IWGlobalNode from being deleted
// show the window
showWindow $win;
global proc createIWGlobalNodeAnimationProtect()
int $jobExists = 0;
string $scriptJobList[] = `scriptJob -listJobs`;
for($each in $scriptJobList)
if(`gmatch $each "*IWGlobalNode.postExportConvert*"` == 1)
$jobExists = 1;
if($jobExists == 0)
scriptJob -permanent -attributeDeleted "IWGlobalNode.postExportConvert" undo;