
488 lines
16 KiB

// MainFrm.h : interface of the CMainFrame class
#if !defined(AFX_MAINFRM_H__330BBF0A_731C_11D1_B539_00AA00A410FC__INCLUDED_)
#define AFX_MAINFRM_H__330BBF0A_731C_11D1_B539_00AA00A410FC__INCLUDED_
#if _MSC_VER >= 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER >= 1000
#include "LstToolBar.h"
#include "XYWnd.h"
#include "TexWnd.h"
#include "ZWnd.h"
#include "CamWnd.h"
#include "RADEditWnd.h"
#include "TextureBar.h"
#include "PlugInManager.h"
#include "PlugIn.h"
const int RAD_SHIFT = 0x01;
const int RAD_ALT = 0x02;
const int RAD_CONTROL = 0x04;
const int RAD_PRESS = 0x08;
struct SCommandInfo
char* m_strCommand;
unsigned int m_nKey;
unsigned int m_nModifiers;
unsigned int m_nCommand;
struct SKeyInfo
char* m_strName;
unsigned int m_nVKKey;
class CMainFrame : public CFrameWnd
void HandleKey(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags, bool bDown = true)
if (bDown)
OnKeyDown(nChar, nRepCnt, nFlags);
OnKeyUp(nChar, nRepCnt, nFlags);
// Attributes
// Operations
// Overrides
// ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
virtual BOOL PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs);
virtual BOOL PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg);
virtual BOOL OnCommand(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
virtual LRESULT DefWindowProc(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
virtual LRESULT WindowProc(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
virtual BOOL OnCreateClient(LPCREATESTRUCT lpcs, CCreateContext* pContext);
// Implementation
void UpdatePatchToolbarButtons();
void NudgeSelection(int nDirection, int nAmount);
void UpdateTextureBar();
void SetButtonMenuStates();
void SetTexValStatus();
void SetGridStatus();
void RoutineProcessing();
CXYWnd* ActiveXY();
void UpdateWindows(int nBits);
void SetStatusText(int nPane, const char* pText);
void UpdateStatusText();
void SetWindowStyle(int nStyle);
virtual ~CMainFrame();
CXYWnd* GetXYWnd() {return m_pXYWnd;};
CXYWnd* GetXZWnd() {return m_pXZWnd;};
CXYWnd* GetYZWnd() {return m_pYZWnd;};
CCamWnd* GetCamera() {return m_pCamWnd;};
CTexWnd* GetTexWnd() {return m_pTexWnd;};
CZWnd* GetZWnd() {return m_pZWnd;};
void SetActiveXY(CXYWnd* p)
if (m_pActiveXY)
m_pActiveXY = p;
if (m_pActiveXY)
int CurrentStyle() { return m_nCurrentStyle; };
#ifdef _DEBUG
virtual void AssertValid() const;
virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const;
protected: // control bar embedded members
CStatusBar m_wndStatusBar;
CLstToolBar m_wndToolBar;
CLstToolBar m_wndScaleBar;
CDialogBar m_wndHelpBar;
CTextureBar m_wndTextureBar;
CSplitterWnd m_wndSplit;
CSplitterWnd m_wndSplit2;
CSplitterWnd m_wndSplit3;
CXYWnd* m_pXYWnd;
CXYWnd* m_pYZWnd;
CXYWnd* m_pXZWnd;
CCamWnd* m_pCamWnd;
CTexWnd* m_pTexWnd;
CZWnd* m_pZWnd;
CRADEditWnd* m_pEditWnd;
int m_nCurrentStyle;
CString m_strStatus[15];
CXYWnd* m_pActiveXY;
bool m_bCamPreview;
CPlugInManager m_PlugInMgr;
int m_nNextPlugInID;
// Generated message map functions
bool m_bDoLoop;
bool m_bSplittersOK;
void CreateQEChildren();
void LoadCommandMap();
void SetEntityCheck();
afx_msg void OnBSPStatus(UINT wParam, long lParam);
afx_msg void OnBSPDone(UINT wParam, long lParam);
void Nudge(int nDim, float fNudge);
CPlugInManager &GetPlugInMgr() {return m_PlugInMgr;};
void AddPlugInMenuItem(CPlugIn* pPlugIn);
void CleanPlugInMenu();
// these are public so i can easily reflect messages
// from child windows..
afx_msg void OnParentNotify(UINT message, LPARAM lParam);
afx_msg int OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct);
afx_msg void OnTimer(UINT nIDEvent);
afx_msg void OnDestroy();
afx_msg void OnClose();
afx_msg void OnKeyDown(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags);
afx_msg void OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy);
afx_msg void ToggleCamera();
afx_msg void OnFileClose();
afx_msg void OnFileExit();
afx_msg void OnFileLoadproject();
afx_msg void OnFileNew();
afx_msg void OnFileOpen();
afx_msg void OnFilePointfile();
afx_msg void OnFilePrint();
afx_msg void OnFilePrintPreview();
afx_msg void OnFileSave();
afx_msg void OnFileSaveas();
afx_msg void OnView100();
afx_msg void OnViewCenter();
afx_msg void OnViewConsole();
afx_msg void OnViewDownfloor();
afx_msg void OnViewEntity();
afx_msg void OnViewFront();
afx_msg void OnViewShowblocks();
afx_msg void OnViewShowclip();
afx_msg void OnViewShowcoordinates();
afx_msg void OnViewShowdetail();
afx_msg void OnViewShowDetailOnly();
afx_msg void OnViewShowEasy();
afx_msg void OnViewShowMedium();
afx_msg void OnViewShowHard();
afx_msg void OnViewShowNonSolid();
afx_msg void OnMakeNonSolid();
afx_msg void OnClearNonSolid();
afx_msg void OnViewShowent();
afx_msg void OnViewShowlights();
afx_msg void OnViewShownames();
afx_msg void OnViewShowpath();
afx_msg void OnViewShowwater();
afx_msg void OnViewShowworld();
afx_msg void OnViewTexture();
afx_msg void OnViewUpfloor();
afx_msg void OnViewXy();
afx_msg void OnViewZ100();
afx_msg void OnViewZoomin();
afx_msg void OnViewZoomout();
afx_msg void OnViewZzoomin();
afx_msg void OnViewZzoomout();
afx_msg void OnViewSide();
afx_msg void OnTexturesShowinuse();
afx_msg void OnTexturesInspector();
afx_msg void OnMiscBenchmark();
afx_msg void OnMiscFindbrush();
afx_msg void OnMiscGamma();
afx_msg void OnMiscNextleakspot();
afx_msg void OnMiscPreviousleakspot();
afx_msg void OnMiscPrintxy();
afx_msg void OnMiscSelectentitycolor();
afx_msg void OnTexturebk();
afx_msg void OnColorsMajor();
afx_msg void OnColorsMinor();
afx_msg void OnColorsXybk();
afx_msg void OnBrush3sided();
afx_msg void OnBrush4sided();
afx_msg void OnBrush5sided();
afx_msg void OnBrush6sided();
afx_msg void OnBrush7sided();
afx_msg void OnBrush8sided();
afx_msg void OnBrush9sided();
afx_msg void OnBrushArbitrarysided();
afx_msg void OnBrushFlipx();
afx_msg void OnBrushFlipy();
afx_msg void OnBrushFlipz();
afx_msg void OnBrushRotatex();
afx_msg void OnBrushRotatey();
afx_msg void OnBrushRotatez();
afx_msg void OnRegionOff();
afx_msg void OnRegionSetbrush();
afx_msg void OnRegionSetselection();
afx_msg void OnRegionSettallbrush();
afx_msg void OnRegionSetxy();
afx_msg void OnSelectionArbitraryrotation();
afx_msg void OnSelectionClone();
afx_msg void OnSelectionClone_NoTargetNameChange() ;
afx_msg void OnSelectionConnect();
afx_msg void OnSelectionConnectSmart();
afx_msg void OnSelectionCsgsubtract();
afx_msg void OnSelectionDelete();
afx_msg void OnSelectionDeselect();
afx_msg void OnSelectionDragedges();
afx_msg void OnSelectionDragvertecies();
afx_msg void OnSelectionMakeDetail();
afx_msg void OnSelectionMakeStructural();
afx_msg void OnSelectionHideWaypointChildren();
afx_msg void OnSelectionUnHideWaypointChildren();
afx_msg void OnSelectionUnHideAllWaypoints();
afx_msg void OnSelectionMakehollow();
afx_msg void OnSelectionSelectcompletetall();
afx_msg void OnSelectionSelectinside();
afx_msg void OnSelectionSelectpartialtall();
afx_msg void OnSelectionSelecttouching();
afx_msg void OnSelectionUngroupentity();
afx_msg void OnSelectionGroupNamesDisplay();
afx_msg void OnSelectionGroupNamesActive();
afx_msg void OnSelectionGroupNamesGhosted();
afx_msg void OnTexturesPopup();
afx_msg void OnPopupSelection();
afx_msg void OnViewChange();
afx_msg void OnViewCameraupdate();
afx_msg void OnUpdateViewCameraupdate(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnSizing(UINT fwSide, LPRECT pRect);
afx_msg void OnHelpAbout();
afx_msg void OnViewClipper();
afx_msg void OnCameraAngledown();
afx_msg void OnCameraAngleup();
afx_msg void OnCameraBack();
afx_msg void OnCameraDown();
afx_msg void OnCameraForward();
afx_msg void OnCameraLeft();
afx_msg void OnCameraRight();
afx_msg void OnCameraStrafeleft();
afx_msg void OnCameraStraferight();
afx_msg void OnCameraUp();
afx_msg void OnGridToggle();
afx_msg void OnEntitylist();
afx_msg void OnMapinfo();
afx_msg void OnPrefs();
afx_msg void OnTogglecamera();
afx_msg void OnToggleconsole();
afx_msg void OnToggleview();
afx_msg void OnTogglez();
afx_msg void OnToggleLock();
afx_msg void OnEditMapinfo();
afx_msg void OnEditEntityinfo();
afx_msg void OnBrushScripts();
afx_msg void OnViewNextview();
afx_msg void OnHelpCommandlist();
afx_msg void OnFileNewproject();
afx_msg void OnKeyUp(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags);
afx_msg void OnFlipClip();
afx_msg void OnClipSelected();
afx_msg void OnSplitSelected();
afx_msg void OnToggleviewXz();
afx_msg void OnToggleviewYz();
afx_msg void OnColorsBrush();
afx_msg void OnColorsClipper();
afx_msg void OnColorsGridtext();
afx_msg void OnColorsSelectedbrush();
afx_msg void OnColorsGridblock();
afx_msg void OnColorsViewname();
afx_msg void OnColorSetoriginal();
afx_msg void OnColorSetqer();
afx_msg void OnColorSetblack();
afx_msg void OnSnaptogrid();
afx_msg void OnSelectScale();
afx_msg void OnSelectMouserotate();
afx_msg void OnEditCopybrush();
afx_msg void OnEditPastebrush();
afx_msg void OnEditPastebrushNoTargetnameChange();
afx_msg void OnEditUndo();
afx_msg void OnUpdateEditUndo(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnSelectionTextureDec();
afx_msg void OnSelectionTextureFit();
afx_msg void OnSelectionTextureInc();
afx_msg void OnSelectionTextureRotateclock();
afx_msg void OnSelectionTextureRotatecounter();
afx_msg void OnSelectionTextureScaledown();
afx_msg void OnSelectionTextureScaleup();
afx_msg void OnSelectionTextureShiftdown();
afx_msg void OnSelectionTextureShiftleft();
afx_msg void OnSelectionTextureShiftright();
afx_msg void OnSelectionTextureShiftup();
afx_msg void OnGridNext();
afx_msg void OnGridPrev();
afx_msg void OnSelectionTextureScaleLeft();
afx_msg void OnSelectionTextureScaleRight();
afx_msg void OnTextureReplaceall();
afx_msg void OnScalelockx();
afx_msg void OnScalelocky();
afx_msg void OnScalelockz();
afx_msg void OnSelectMousescale();
afx_msg void OnViewCubicclipping();
afx_msg void OnFileImport();
afx_msg void OnFileProjectsettings();
afx_msg void OnUpdateFileImport(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnViewCubein();
afx_msg void OnViewCubeout();
afx_msg void OnViewCubein10();
afx_msg void OnViewCubeout10();
afx_msg void OnFileSaveregion();
afx_msg void OnUpdateFileSaveregion(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnSelectionMovedown();
afx_msg void OnSelectionMoveup();
afx_msg void OnToolbarMain();
afx_msg void OnToolbarTexture();
afx_msg void OnSelectionPrint();
afx_msg void OnSelectionTogglesizepaint();
afx_msg void OnBrushMakecone();
afx_msg void OnTexturesLoad();
afx_msg void OnToggleRotatelock();
afx_msg void OnCurveBevel();
afx_msg void OnCurveCylinder();
afx_msg void OnCurveEighthsphere();
afx_msg void OnCurveEndcap();
afx_msg void OnCurveHemisphere();
afx_msg void OnCurveInvertcurve();
afx_msg void OnCurveQuarter();
afx_msg void OnCurveSphere();
afx_msg void OnFileImportmap();
afx_msg void OnFileExportmap();
afx_msg void OnEditLoadprefab();
afx_msg void OnViewShowWayPoints();
afx_msg void OnViewShowWayPointsOnly();
afx_msg void OnViewShowMiscModels();
afx_msg void OnViewShowMiscModelBreakables();
afx_msg void OnViewShowMiscModelXXXX();
afx_msg void OnViewShowTriggerXXXX();
afx_msg void OnViewShowTargetSpeakers();
afx_msg void OnViewShowRefTags();
afx_msg void OnViewShowcurves();
afx_msg void OnSelectionSelectNudgedown();
afx_msg void OnSelectionSelectNudgeleft();
afx_msg void OnSelectionSelectNudgeright();
afx_msg void OnSelectionSelectNudgeup();
afx_msg void OnSysKeyDown(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags);
afx_msg void OnTexturesLoadlist();
afx_msg void OnDontselectcurve();
afx_msg void OnConvertcurves();
afx_msg void OnShowFaces();
afx_msg void OnDynamicLighting();
afx_msg void OnCurveSimplepatchmesh();
afx_msg void OnPatchToggleBox();
afx_msg void OnPatchWireframe();
afx_msg void OnCurvePatchcone();
afx_msg void OnCurvePatchtube();
afx_msg void OnPatchWeld();
afx_msg void OnCurvePatchbevel();
afx_msg void OnCurvePatchendcap();
afx_msg void OnCurvePatchinvertedbevel();
afx_msg void OnCurvePatchinvertedendcap();
afx_msg void OnPatchDrilldown();
afx_msg void OnCurveInsertcolumn();
afx_msg void OnCurveInsertrow();
afx_msg void OnCurveDeletecolumn();
afx_msg void OnMapHome();
afx_msg void OnCurveDeleterow();
afx_msg void OnCurveInsertAddcolumn();
afx_msg void OnCurveInsertAddrow();
afx_msg void OnCurveInsertInsertcolumn();
afx_msg void OnCurveInsertInsertrow();
afx_msg void OnCurveNegative();
afx_msg void OnCurveNegativeTextureX();
afx_msg void OnCurveNegativeTextureY();
afx_msg void OnCurveDeleteFirstcolumn();
afx_msg void OnCurveDeleteFirstrow();
afx_msg void OnCurveDeleteLastcolumn();
afx_msg void OnCurveDeleteLastrow();
afx_msg void OnPatchBend();
afx_msg void OnPatchInsdel();
afx_msg void OnPatchEnter();
afx_msg void OnPatchTab();
afx_msg void OnCurvePatchdensetube();
afx_msg void OnCurvePatchverydensetube();
afx_msg void OnCurveCap();
afx_msg void OnCurveCapInvertedbevel();
afx_msg void OnCurveCapInvertedendcap();
afx_msg void OnCurveRedisperseCols();
afx_msg void OnCurveRedisperseRows();
afx_msg void OnPatchNaturalize();
afx_msg void OnSnapToGrid();
afx_msg void OnCurvePatchsquare();
afx_msg void OnTexturesTexturewindowscale10();
afx_msg void OnTexturesTexturewindowscale100();
afx_msg void OnTexturesTexturewindowscale200();
afx_msg void OnTexturesTexturewindowscale25();
afx_msg void OnTexturesTexturewindowscale50();
afx_msg void OnTexturesFlush();
afx_msg void OnCurveOverlayClear();
afx_msg void OnCurveOverlaySet();
afx_msg void OnCurveThicken();
afx_msg void OnCurveCyclecap();
afx_msg void OnCurveMatrixTranspose();
afx_msg void OnTexturesReloadshaders();
afx_msg void OnShowEntities();
afx_msg void OnViewEntitiesasBoundingbox();
afx_msg void OnViewEntitiesasSelectedskinned();
afx_msg void OnViewEntitiesasSelectedwireframe();
afx_msg void OnViewEntitiesasSkinned();
afx_msg void OnViewEntitiesasSkinnedandboxed();
afx_msg void OnViewEntitiesasWriteframe();
afx_msg void OnPluginsRefresh();
afx_msg void OnViewShowhint();
afx_msg void OnUpdateTexturesShowinuse(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnUpdateMiscShowFaces(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnSSStatus();
afx_msg void OnSSAdd();
afx_msg void OnSSCheckIn();
afx_msg void OnSSCheckOut();
afx_msg void OnSSUndoCheckOut();
afx_msg void OnSSHistory();
afx_msg void OnSSConfigure();
afx_msg void OnFindEnt();
afx_msg void OnFindNextEnt();
afx_msg void OnFaceFit();
afx_msg void OnViewHideshowHideselected();
afx_msg void OnViewHideshowShowhidden();
afx_msg void OnAutocaulk();
afx_msg void OnUpdateAutocaulk(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnViewShowfuncgroups();
afx_msg void OnViewShowlightradii();
afx_msg void OnViewShowlightradii_KB();
afx_msg void OnViewShowcurvesonly();
afx_msg void OnMru(unsigned int nID);
afx_msg void OnViewNearest(unsigned int nID);
afx_msg void OnTextureWad(unsigned int nID);
afx_msg void OnBspCommand(unsigned int nID);
afx_msg void OnGrid1(unsigned int nID);
afx_msg void OnDisplayChange(WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp);
void CheckTextureScale(int id);
afx_msg void OnPlugIn(unsigned int nID);
// Microsoft Developer Studio will insert additional declarations immediately before the previous line.
#endif // !defined(AFX_MAINFRM_H__330BBF0A_731C_11D1_B539_00AA00A410FC__INCLUDED_)