2013-04-04 13:07:40 -05:00

40 lines
1.2 KiB

// Filename:- oddbits.h
#ifndef ODDBITS_H
#define ODDBITS_H
char *va(char *format, ...);
bool FileExists (LPCSTR psFilename);
void ErrorBox(const char *sString);
void InfoBox(const char *sString);
void WarningBox(const char *sString);
// (Afx message boxes appear to be MB_TASKMODAL anyway, so no need to specify)
#define GetYesNo(psQuery) (!!(AfxMessageBox(psQuery,MB_YESNO|MB_ICONWARNING)==IDYES))
char *scGetTempPath(void);
char *InputLoadFileName(char *psInitialLoadName, char *psCaption, const char *psInitialDir, char *psFilter);
long filesize(FILE *handle);
//int LoadFile (char *psPathedFilename, void **bufferptr);
void Filename_RemoveQUAKEBASE(CString &string);
void Filename_RemoveFilename(CString &string);
void Filename_BaseOnly(CString &string);
//#define StartWait() HCURSOR hcurSave = SetCursor(::LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_WAIT))
//#define EndWait() SetCursor(hcurSave)
char *Filename_WithoutPath(LPCSTR psFilename);
char *Filename_WithoutExt(LPCSTR psFilename);
char *Filename_PathOnly(LPCSTR psFilename);
char *Filename_ExtOnly(LPCSTR psFilename);
#endif // #ifndef ODDBITS_H
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