2013-04-04 13:24:26 -05:00

16 KiB

// sv_bot.c

#include "server.h" #include "../game/botlib.h"

typedef struct bot_debugpoly_s { int inuse; int color; int numPoints; vec3_t points[128]; } bot_debugpoly_t;

static bot_debugpoly_t *debugpolygons; int bot_maxdebugpolys;

extern botlib_export_t *botlib_export; int bot_enable;

/* ================ SV_BotAllocateClient ================ */ int SV_BotAllocateClient(void) { int i; client_t *cl;

// find a client slot for ( i = 0, cl = svs.clients; i < sv_maxclients->integer; i++, cl++ ) { if ( cl->state == CS_FREE ) { break; } }

if ( i == sv_maxclients->integer ) { return -1; }

cl->gentity = SV_GentityNum( i ); cl->gentity->s.number = i; cl->state = CS_ACTIVE; cl->lastPacketTime = svs.time; cl->netchan.remoteAddress.type = NA_BOT; cl->rate = 16384;

return i; }

/* ================ SV_BotFreeClient ================ */ void SV_BotFreeClient( int clientNum ) { client_t *cl;

if ( clientNum < 0 || clientNum >= sv_maxclients->integer ) { Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "SV_BotFreeClient: bad clientNum: %i", clientNum ); } cl = &svs.clients[clientNum]; cl->state = CS_FREE; cl->name[0] = 0; if ( cl->gentity ) { cl->gentity->r.svFlags &= ~SVF_BOT; } }

/* ================ BotDrawDebugPolygons ================ */ void BotDrawDebugPolygons(void (*drawPoly)(int color, int numPoints, float *points), int value) { static cvar_t *bot_debug, *bot_groundonly, *bot_reachability, *bot_highlightarea; bot_debugpoly_t *poly; int i, parm0;

if (!debugpolygons) return; //bot debugging if (!bot_debug) bot_debug = Cvar_Get("bot_debug", "0", 0); // if (bot_enable && bot_debug->integer) { //show reachabilities if (!bot_reachability) bot_reachability = Cvar_Get("bot_reachability", "0", 0); //show ground faces only if (!bot_groundonly) bot_groundonly = Cvar_Get("bot_groundonly", "1", 0); //get the hightlight area if (!bot_highlightarea) bot_highlightarea = Cvar_Get("bot_highlightarea", "0", 0); // parm0 = 0; if (svs.clients[0].lastUsercmd.buttons & BUTTON_ATTACK) parm0 |= 1; if (bot_reachability->integer) parm0 |= 2; if (bot_groundonly->integer) parm0 |= 4; botlib_export->BotLibVarSet("bot_highlightarea", bot_highlightarea->string); botlib_export->Test(parm0, NULL, svs.clients[0].gentity->r.currentOrigin, svs.clients[0].gentity->r.currentAngles); } //end if //draw all debug polys for (i = 0; i < bot_maxdebugpolys; i++) { poly = &debugpolygons[i]; if (!poly->inuse) continue; drawPoly(poly->color, poly->numPoints, (float *) poly->points); //Com_Printf("poly %i, numpoints = %d\n", i, poly->numPoints); } }

/* ================ BotImport_Print ================ */ void QDECL BotImport_Print(int type, char *fmt, …) { char str[2048]; va_list ap;

va_start(ap, fmt); vsprintf(str, fmt, ap); va_end(ap);

switch(type) { case PRT_MESSAGE: { Com_Printf("%s", str); break; } case PRT_WARNING: { Com_Printf(S_COLOR_YELLOW "Warning: %s", str); break; } case PRT_ERROR: { Com_Printf(S_COLOR_RED "Error: %s", str); break; } case PRT_FATAL: { Com_Printf(S_COLOR_RED "Fatal: %s", str); break; } case PRT_EXIT: { Com_Error(ERR_DROP, S_COLOR_RED "Exit: %s", str); break; } default: { Com_Printf("unknown print type\n"); break; } } }

/* ================ BotImport_Trace ================ */ void BotImport_Trace(bsp_trace_t *bsptrace, vec3_t start, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, vec3_t end, int passent, int contentmask) { trace_t trace;

SV_Trace(&trace, start, mins, maxs, end, passent, contentmask, qfalse, 0, 10); //copy the trace information bsptrace->allsolid = trace.allsolid; bsptrace->startsolid = trace.startsolid; bsptrace->fraction = trace.fraction; VectorCopy(trace.endpos, bsptrace->endpos); bsptrace->plane.dist = trace.plane.dist; VectorCopy(trace.plane.normal, bsptrace->plane.normal); bsptrace->plane.signbits = trace.plane.signbits; bsptrace->plane.type = trace.plane.type; bsptrace->surface.value = trace.surfaceFlags; bsptrace->ent = trace.entityNum; bsptrace->exp_dist = 0; bsptrace->sidenum = 0; bsptrace->contents = 0; }

/* ================ BotImport_EntityTrace ================ */ void BotImport_EntityTrace(bsp_trace_t *bsptrace, vec3_t start, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, vec3_t end, int entnum, int contentmask) { trace_t trace;

SV_ClipToEntity(&trace, start, mins, maxs, end, entnum, contentmask, qfalse); //copy the trace information bsptrace->allsolid = trace.allsolid; bsptrace->startsolid = trace.startsolid; bsptrace->fraction = trace.fraction; VectorCopy(trace.endpos, bsptrace->endpos); bsptrace->plane.dist = trace.plane.dist; VectorCopy(trace.plane.normal, bsptrace->plane.normal); bsptrace->plane.signbits = trace.plane.signbits; bsptrace->plane.type = trace.plane.type; bsptrace->surface.value = trace.surfaceFlags; bsptrace->ent = trace.entityNum; bsptrace->exp_dist = 0; bsptrace->sidenum = 0; bsptrace->contents = 0; }

/* ================ BotImport_PointContents ================ */ int BotImport_PointContents(vec3_t point) { return SV_PointContents(point, -1); }

/* ================ BotImport_inPVS ================ */ int BotImport_inPVS(vec3_t p1, vec3_t p2) { return SV_inPVS (p1, p2); }

/* ================ BotImport_BSPEntityData ================ */ char *BotImport_BSPEntityData(void) { return CM_EntityString(); }

/* ================ BotImport_BSPModelMinsMaxsOrigin ================ */ void BotImport_BSPModelMinsMaxsOrigin(int modelnum, vec3_t angles, vec3_t outmins, vec3_t outmaxs, vec3_t origin) { clipHandle_t h; vec3_t mins, maxs; float max; int i;

h = CM_InlineModel(modelnum); CM_ModelBounds(h, mins, maxs); //if the model is rotated if ((angles[0] || angles[1] || angles[2])) { // expand for rotation

max = RadiusFromBounds(mins, maxs); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { mins[i] = -max; maxs[i] = max; } } if (outmins) VectorCopy(mins, outmins); if (outmaxs) VectorCopy(maxs, outmaxs); if (origin) VectorClear(origin); }

/* ================ BotImport_GetMemoryGame ================ */ void *Bot_GetMemoryGame(int size) { void *ptr;

ptr = Z_Malloc( size, TAG_BOTGAME, qtrue );

return ptr; }

/* ================ BotImport_FreeMemoryGame ================ */ void Bot_FreeMemoryGame(void *ptr) { Z_Free(ptr); }

/* ================ BotImport_GetMemory ================ */ void *BotImport_GetMemory(int size) { void *ptr;

ptr = Z_Malloc( size, TAG_BOTLIB, qtrue ); return ptr; }

/* ================ BotImport_FreeMemory ================ */ void BotImport_FreeMemory(void *ptr) { Z_Free(ptr); }

/* =============== BotImport_HunkAlloc =============== */ void *BotImport_HunkAlloc( int size ) { if( Hunk_CheckMark() ) { Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "SV_Bot_HunkAlloc: Alloc with marks already set\n" ); } return Hunk_Alloc( size, h_high ); }

/* ================ BotImport_DebugPolygonCreate ================ */ int BotImport_DebugPolygonCreate(int color, int numPoints, vec3_t *points) { bot_debugpoly_t *poly; int i;

if (!debugpolygons) return 0;

for (i = 1; i < bot_maxdebugpolys; i++) { if (!debugpolygons[i].inuse) break; } if (i >= bot_maxdebugpolys) return 0; poly = &debugpolygons[i]; poly->inuse = qtrue; poly->color = color; poly->numPoints = numPoints; Com_Memcpy(poly->points, points, numPoints * sizeof(vec3_t)); // return i; }

/* ================ BotImport_DebugPolygonShow ================ */ void BotImport_DebugPolygonShow(int id, int color, int numPoints, vec3_t *points) { bot_debugpoly_t *poly;

if (!debugpolygons) return; poly = &debugpolygons[id]; poly->inuse = qtrue; poly->color = color; poly->numPoints = numPoints; Com_Memcpy(poly->points, points, numPoints * sizeof(vec3_t)); }

/* ================ BotImport_DebugPolygonDelete ================ */ void BotImport_DebugPolygonDelete(int id) { if (!debugpolygons) return; debugpolygons[id].inuse = qfalse; }

/* ================ BotImport_DebugLineCreate ================ */ int BotImport_DebugLineCreate(void) { vec3_t points[1]; return BotImport_DebugPolygonCreate(0, 0, points); }

/* ================ BotImport_DebugLineDelete ================ */ void BotImport_DebugLineDelete(int line) { BotImport_DebugPolygonDelete(line); }

/* ================ BotImport_DebugLineShow ================ */ void BotImport_DebugLineShow(int line, vec3_t start, vec3_t end, int color) { vec3_t points[4], dir, cross, up = {0, 0, 1}; float dot;

VectorCopy(start, points[0]); VectorCopy(start, points[1]); //points[1][2] -= 2; VectorCopy(end, points[2]); //points[2][2] -= 2; VectorCopy(end, points[3]);

VectorSubtract(end, start, dir); VectorNormalize(dir); dot = DotProduct(dir, up); if (dot > 0.99 || dot < -0.99) VectorSet(cross, 1, 0, 0); else CrossProduct(dir, up, cross);


VectorMA(points[0], 2, cross, points[0]); VectorMA(points[1], -2, cross, points[1]); VectorMA(points[2], -2, cross, points[2]); VectorMA(points[3], 2, cross, points[3]);

BotImport_DebugPolygonShow(line, color, 4, points); }

/* ================ SV_BotClientCommand ================ */ void BotClientCommand( int client, char *command ) { SV_ExecuteClientCommand( &svs.clients[client], command, qtrue ); }

/* ================ SV_BotFrame ================ */ void SV_BotFrame( int time ) { if (!bot_enable) return; //NOTE: maybe the game is already shutdown if (!gvm) return; VM_Call( gvm, BOTAI_START_FRAME, time ); }

/* ============= SV_BotLibSetup ============= */ int SV_BotLibSetup( void ) { if (!bot_enable) { return 0; }

if ( !botlib_export ) { Com_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "Error: SV_BotLibSetup without SV_BotInitBotLib\n" ); return -1; }

return botlib_export->BotLibSetup(); }

/* ============= SV_ShutdownBotLib

Called when either the entire server is being killed, or it is changing to a different game directory. ============= */ int SV_BotLibShutdown( void ) {

if ( !botlib_export ) { return -1; }

return botlib_export->BotLibShutdown(); }

/* ================ SV_BotInitCvars ================ */ void SV_BotInitCvars(void) {

Cvar_Get("bot_enable", "1", 0); //enable the bot Cvar_Get("bot_developer", "0", CVAR_CHEAT); //bot developer mode Cvar_Get("bot_debug", "0", CVAR_CHEAT); //enable bot debugging Cvar_Get("bot_maxdebugpolys", "2", 0); //maximum number of debug polys Cvar_Get("bot_groundonly", "1", 0); //only show ground faces of areas Cvar_Get("bot_reachability", "0", 0); //show all reachabilities to other areas Cvar_Get("bot_visualizejumppads", "0", CVAR_CHEAT); //show jumppads Cvar_Get("bot_forceclustering", "0", 0); //force cluster calculations Cvar_Get("bot_forcereachability", "0", 0); //force reachability calculations Cvar_Get("bot_forcewrite", "0", 0); //force writing aas file Cvar_Get("bot_aasoptimize", "0", 0); //no aas file optimisation Cvar_Get("bot_saveroutingcache", "0", 0); //save routing cache Cvar_Get("bot_thinktime", "100", CVAR_CHEAT); //msec the bots thinks Cvar_Get("bot_reloadcharacters", "0", 0); //reload the bot characters each time Cvar_Get("bot_testichat", "0", 0); //test ichats Cvar_Get("bot_testrchat", "0", 0); //test rchats Cvar_Get("bot_testsolid", "0", CVAR_CHEAT); //test for solid areas Cvar_Get("bot_testclusters", "0", CVAR_CHEAT); //test the AAS clusters Cvar_Get("bot_fastchat", "0", 0); //fast chatting bots Cvar_Get("bot_nochat", "0", 0); //disable chats Cvar_Get("bot_pause", "0", CVAR_CHEAT); //pause the bots thinking Cvar_Get("bot_report", "0", CVAR_CHEAT); //get a full report in ctf Cvar_Get("bot_grapple", "0", 0); //enable grapple Cvar_Get("bot_rocketjump", "1", 0); //enable rocket jumping Cvar_Get("bot_challenge", "0", 0); //challenging bot Cvar_Get("bot_minplayers", "0", 0); //minimum players in a team or the game Cvar_Get("bot_interbreedchar", "", CVAR_CHEAT); //bot character used for interbreeding Cvar_Get("bot_interbreedbots", "10", CVAR_CHEAT); //number of bots used for interbreeding Cvar_Get("bot_interbreedcycle", "20", CVAR_CHEAT); //bot interbreeding cycle Cvar_Get("bot_interbreedwrite", "", CVAR_CHEAT); //write interbreeded bots to this file }

extern botlib_export_t *GetBotLibAPI( int apiVersion, botlib_import_t *import );

/ there's no such thing as this now, since the zone is unlimited, but I have to provide something / so it doesn't run out of control alloc-wise (since the bot code calls this in a while() loop to free / up bot mem until zone has > 1MB available again. So, simulate a reasonable limit… / static int bot_Z_AvailableMemory(void) { const int iMaxBOTLIBMem = 8 * 1024 * 1024; // adjust accordingly. return iMaxBOTLIBMem - Z_MemSize( TAG_BOTLIB ); }

/* ================ SV_BotInitBotLib ================ */ void SV_BotInitBotLib(void) { botlib_import_t botlib_import;

if ( !Cvar_VariableValue("fs_restrict") && !Sys_CheckCD() ) { Com_Error( ERR_NEED_CD, "Game CD not in drive" ); }

if (debugpolygons) Z_Free(debugpolygons); bot_maxdebugpolys = Cvar_VariableIntegerValue("bot_maxdebugpolys"); debugpolygons = (struct bot_debugpoly_s *)Z_Malloc(sizeof(bot_debugpoly_t) * bot_maxdebugpolys, TAG_BOTLIB, qtrue);

botlib_import.Print = BotImport_Print; botlib_import.Trace = BotImport_Trace; botlib_import.EntityTrace = BotImport_EntityTrace; botlib_import.PointContents = BotImport_PointContents; botlib_import.inPVS = BotImport_inPVS; botlib_import.BSPEntityData = BotImport_BSPEntityData; botlib_import.BSPModelMinsMaxsOrigin = BotImport_BSPModelMinsMaxsOrigin; botlib_import.BotClientCommand = BotClientCommand;

//memory management botlib_import.GetMemory = BotImport_GetMemory; botlib_import.FreeMemory = BotImport_FreeMemory; botlib_import.AvailableMemory = bot_Z_AvailableMemory; //Z_AvailableMemory; botlib_import.HunkAlloc = BotImport_HunkAlloc;

// file system access botlib_import.FS_FOpenFile = FS_FOpenFileByMode; botlib_import.FS_Read = FS_Read2; botlib_import.FS_Write = FS_Write; botlib_import.FS_FCloseFile = FS_FCloseFile; botlib_import.FS_Seek = FS_Seek;

//debug lines botlib_import.DebugLineCreate = BotImport_DebugLineCreate; botlib_import.DebugLineDelete = BotImport_DebugLineDelete; botlib_import.DebugLineShow = BotImport_DebugLineShow;

//debug polygons botlib_import.DebugPolygonCreate = BotImport_DebugPolygonCreate; botlib_import.DebugPolygonDelete = BotImport_DebugPolygonDelete;

botlib_export = (botlib_export_t *)GetBotLibAPI( BOTLIB_API_VERSION, &botlib_import ); assert(botlib_export); // bk001129 - somehow we end up with a zero import. }

/ / * * * BOT AI CODE IS BELOW THIS POINT * * * //

/* ================ SV_BotGetConsoleMessage ================ */ int SV_BotGetConsoleMessage( int client, char *buf, int size ) { client_t *cl; int index;

cl = &svs.clients[client]; cl->lastPacketTime = svs.time;

if ( cl->reliableAcknowledge == cl->reliableSequence ) { return qfalse; }

cl->reliableAcknowledge++; index = cl->reliableAcknowledge & ( MAX_RELIABLE_COMMANDS - 1 );

if ( !cl->reliableCommands[index][0] ) { return qfalse; }

Q_strncpyz( buf, cl->reliableCommands[index], size ); return qtrue; }

#if 0 /* ================ EntityInPVS ================ */ int EntityInPVS( int client, int entityNum ) { client_t *cl; clientSnapshot_t *frame; int i;

cl = &svs.clients[client]; frame = &cl->frames[cl->netchan.outgoingSequence & PACKET_MASK]; for ( i = 0; i < frame->num_entities; i++ ) { if ( svs.snapshotEntities[(frame->first_entity + i) % svs.numSnapshotEntities].number == entityNum ) { return qtrue; } } return qfalse; } #endif

/* ================ SV_BotGetSnapshotEntity ================ */ int SV_BotGetSnapshotEntity( int client, int sequence ) { client_t *cl; clientSnapshot_t *frame;

cl = &svs.clients[client]; frame = &cl->frames[cl->netchan.outgoingSequence & PACKET_MASK]; if (sequence < 0 || sequence >= frame->num_entities) { return -1; } return svs.snapshotEntities[(frame->first_entity + sequence) % svs.numSnapshotEntities].number; }