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** $Header: /roq/libim/imxpm.c 1 11/02/99 4:38p Zaphod $
** Copyright (c) 1989-1995 San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC)
** a division of General Atomics, San Diego, California, USA
** Users and possessors of this source code are hereby granted a
** nonexclusive, royalty-free copyright and design patent license to
** use this code in individual software. License is not granted for
** commercial resale, in whole or in part, without prior written
** permission from SDSC. This source is provided "AS IS" without express
** or implied warranty of any kind.
** For further information contact:
** E-Mail: info@sds.sdsc.edu
** Surface Mail: Information Center
** San Diego Supercomputer Center
** P.O. Box 85608
** San Diego, CA 92138-5608
** (619) 534-5000
#define HEADER " $Header: /roq/libim/imxpm.c 1 11/02/99 4:38p Zaphod $"
** imxpm.c - X11 PixMap file I/O
** libim - SDSC image manipulation library
** imxpm.c contains routines to read and write Sun Icon files for
** the image manipulation library. Raster data read in is stored
** in a VFB and optional CLT in a tag list. Raster data written
** out is taken from a tag list.
** d =defined constant
** f =function
** m =defined macro
** t =typedef/struct/union
** v =variable
** ? =other
** none
** imXpmRead f read a X11 Bitmap file
** imXpmWrite f write a X11 Bitmap file
** $Log: /roq/libim/imxpm.c $
* 1 11/02/99 4:38p Zaphod
* Revision 1.5 1995/06/30 22:12:26 bduggan
* Fixed a macro bug (macro was expanded into 's)
* Revision 1.4 1995/06/29 00:28:04 bduggan
* updated copyright year
* Revision 1.3 1995/06/29 00:21:14 bduggan
* changed comment
* Revision 1.2 1995/06/15 20:12:07 bduggan
* Removed embedded comments, took out a useless var.
* Revision 1.1 1995/05/17 23:49:56 bduggan
* Initial revision
#include <ctype.h>
#include "iminternal.h"
#include "imxpm.h"
** xpm - X11 Pixel Map
** AKA
** pm
** XPM Manual by Arnaud Le Hors
** (Available in postscript format from ftp.x.org in /R5contrib/xpm-3.4a.tar.gz)
** Custom Development, Brian Dugggan, San Diego SuperComputer Center, 1995
** X11 pixmaps are simple C code to declare and initialize an array of strings.
** The elements of the array are indexes into a color lookup table, which is
** described in the beginning of the file.
** For instance, here's a typical xpm file:
** (Replace all the \'s below with /'s. I put them in
** backwards so that this example wouldn't mess up compilation
** of this file (imxpm.c). )
** static char* my_pixmap[] = {
** \* width height ncolors charsperpixel [xhot yhot] [XPMEXT] *\
** "10 10 3 2 0 0 XPMEXT",
** \* colors *\
** " c red m white s name_1",
** "xx c green m black s name_2",
** "yy c blue m white s name_3",
** \* pixels *\
** " xxyy",
** "yy yy yy yy yy",
** " yy yy yy yy ",
** "xx xx xx xx xx",
** " xx xx xx xx ",
** " xxyy",
** "yy yy yy yy yy",
** " yy yy yy yy ",
** "xx xx xx xx xx",
** " xxyy",
** "yy yy yy yy yy",
** \* extension data *\
** "XPMEXT ext1 data1",
** };
** The stuff at the end of the file (XPMEXT..) is an extension for the
** the picture. We don't touch those here.
** The color lookup table works as follows:
** The first 2 characters (since there are 2 character per pixel in this particular
** image) reference the number of the clt. Then "c red" indicates that if color
** is possible this color should be read. "m white" means if only mono is possible, this
** value should be white. "g4 val" means use val for 4-bit grayscale. "g val" means
** Use val for >4 bit grayscale. "s name" means 'name' is the name of this entry. (We
** don't use the s flag.)
** xhot and yhot are the hot spot location.
** We read and write hotspots.
* charTable
* This is the hash array that we're going to use to store the
* various character combination. That is, 2 characters determines
* an index value. So the array element corresponding to the 2 characters
* will contain this index value.
typedef int *charTable;
* XPM - MIT X11 Window System PixMap
* For information on these structures, how to use them, etc. please
* see imfmt.c.
#ifdef __STDC__
static int imXpmRead( int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp, TagTable *flagsTable, TagTable *tagTable );
static int imXpmWrite( ImFileFormatWriteMap *pMap, int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp, TagTable *flagsTable,
TagTable *tagTable );
static int imXpmReadClt(FILE* fp,int numColors, TagTable* tagTable, charTable cltTable, int charsPerPixel, ImClt* clt);
static int imXpmGetRgb(char* buffer, unsigned char *red, unsigned char *green, unsigned char *blue, int *transparent);
static char* strHasFlag(char* buffer, char c);
static int imXpmLookUpRgb(char *colorName,unsigned char*red,unsigned char *green,unsigned char *blue, int* transparent);
static int imXpmRead( );
static int imXpmWrite( );
static int imXpmReadClt();
static int imXpmGetRgb();
static char* strHasFlag();
static int imXpmLookUpRgb();
static char *imXpmNames[ ] = { "xpm", "pm", NULL };
static ImFileFormatReadMap imXpmReadMap[ ] =
/* in out */
/* type,ch,dep, attr. VFB type attr. */
{ IN,1,8, 0, IMVFBINDEX8, 0 },
{ -1, 0, -1, 0 },
static ImFileFormatWriteMap imXpmWriteMap[ ] =
/* in out */
/* VFB type, attr., type,ch,dep, attr., func */
{ IMVFBINDEX8, 0, IN,1,8, 0, imXpmWrite },
{ -1, 0, -1, 0, NULL },
static ImFileMagic imFileXpmMagic []=
{ 0, 0, NULL},
ImFileFormat ImFileXpmFormat =
imXpmNames, "X11 pixmap file",
"X Consortium / MIT",
"ASCII pixmap color indexed files.",
"ASCII pixmap color indexed files.",
imXpmRead, imXpmReadMap, imXpmWriteMap
* imXpmRead - read an X11 pixmap file
* The file is read and it's mono image written to a new mono VFB.
* Xpm files have characters which are associated with index values.
* Thus, we need to associate an integer (the index value) with
* several different one or two character strings. This is done using
* a very primitive hash table; An array of integers with 128x128 entries.
* i.e. one for each two letter comibination. When we read in the colors,
* we set the entry in the array corresponding to the two letter code, to its
* corresponding index value.
static int /* Returns # tags read in */
#ifdef __STDC__
imXpmRead( int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp, TagTable *flagsTable, TagTable *tagTable )
imXpmRead( ioType, fd, fp, flagsTable, tagTable )
int ioType; /* I/O flags */
int fd; /* Input file descriptor */
FILE *fp; /* Input file pointer */
TagTable *flagsTable; /* Flags */
TagTable *tagTable; /* Tag table to add to */
char message[1024]; /* Error message holder */
char buffer[1024]; /* really big char buffer */
char c,c1,c2; /* characters */
int xSize, ySize; /* dimensions */
int charsPerPixel; /* chars per pixel */
int numColors; /* number of colors */
ImClt* clt; /* clt */
charTable cltTable; /* table w/ clt values */
int i,j; /* indices */
ImVfb* vfb; /* vfb */
ImVfbPtr vfbPtr; /* vfb pointer */
int index; /* hash index */
ImHotSpotPtr hotspotptr; /* points to hot spot */
int xHot, yHot; /* hot spot values */
* Please notice that in this routine, I have decided NOT
* to rewrite a C-language parser. Instead, I'm only going
* to be able to read nice xpm files. So xpm's with quotation
* marks in the comment blocks, hex values instead of strings,
* extreme amounts of whitespace, or other devious sorts of things
* will not be handled very well here. Sorry.
if ( ioType & IMFILEIOFD )
* Given file descriptor. More convenient to deal with
* a file pointer for this format.
if ( (fp = fdopen( fd, "rb" )) == NULL )
return ( -1 );
* Find the first quote in the file. Then read
* in width, height, number of colors, chars per pixel.
c = '0';
while (c!='"' && !feof(fp))
c = fgetc(fp);
if (c!='"')
ImErrorFatal("Unexpected end of file", -1, IMESYS);
fscanf(fp, "%d %d %d %d", &xSize, &ySize, &numColors, &charsPerPixel);
sprintf(message,"%d x %d",xSize,ySize);
ImInfo("Type","8-bit Color Indexed");
sprintf(message,"%d entries",numColors);
ImInfo("Color Table",message);
ImInfo("Compression Type","none");
ImInfo("Alpha Channel","none");
/* Read the rest of this string into a buffer */
i = 0;
while (c!=',' && !feof(fp))
c = fgetc(fp);
buffer[i++] = c;
if (c!=',')
ImErrorFatal("Unexpected end of file", -1, IMESYS);
buffer[i] = '\0';
if (sscanf(buffer,"%d %d",&xHot,&yHot)==2)
{ /* we have a hot spot */
sprintf(message,"%d, %d",xHot, yHot);
ImInfo("Hot Spot",message);
ImMalloc(hotspotptr, ImHotSpotPtr, sizeof(ImHotSpot) * 1);
ImHotSpotSX( hotspotptr, xHot);
ImHotSpotSY( hotspotptr, yHot);
TagTableAppend( tagTable, TagEntryAlloc( "image hot spot",
POINTER, &hotspotptr) );
if (numColors > 256)
ImErrorFatal( "Too many colors", -1, IMEUNSUPPORTED );
if (charsPerPixel > 2)
ImErrorFatal( "Too many characters per pixel. (Max is 2). ", -1, IMEUNSUPPORTED);
* Allocate our hash table
ImMalloc(cltTable, charTable, (sizeof(int) * 128 * 128) );
clt = ImCltAlloc( numColors );
* Read the clt
imXpmReadClt(fp,numColors, tagTable, cltTable, charsPerPixel, clt);
* Read the pixels
vfb = ImVfbAlloc(xSize, ySize, IMVFBINDEX8);
vfbPtr = ImVfbQFirst(vfb);
for (i=0;i<ySize; i++)
* Go to the beginning of the next row
c = '\0';
while (c!='"' && !feof(fp))
c = fgetc(fp);
if (c!='"')
ImErrorFatal("Unexpected end of file", -1, IMESYS);
/* Read in this row */
for (j=0;j<xSize;j++)
if (charsPerPixel==1)
c1 = fgetc(fp);
index = (int)c1;
{ /* two chars per pixel */
c1 = fgetc(fp);
c2 = fgetc(fp);
index = ((int)c1) * 128 + ((int)c2);
ImVfbSInc(vfb, vfbPtr);
fgetc(fp); /* Get the " from the end */
TagTableAppend( tagTable,
TagEntryAlloc( "image vfb", POINTER, &vfb ) );
return ( 1 );
* imXpmReadClt
* Read a clt. This is made tricky by the fact that NAMES
* of colors may be used.
* Also, if there's a transparent color, set that in the
* the data table.
static int /* returns status */
#ifdef __STDC__
imXpmReadClt(FILE* fp,int numColors, TagTable* tagTable, charTable cltTable, int charsPerPixel, ImClt* clt)
imXpmReadClt(fp,numColors, tagTable, cltTable, charsPerPixel, clt)
FILE* fp;
int numColors;
TagTable* tagTable;
charTable cltTable;
int charsPerPixel;
ImClt* clt;
int i,j; /* index */
char c = '2'; /* holds a char */
char buffer[1024]; /* holds a line */
int index; /* hash index */
ImCltPtr cltPtr; /* clt pointer */
unsigned char red, green, blue; /* rgb values */
int transparent; /* Is this value transparent? */
char* tmp; /* holds a char* */
char message[100]; /* holds a message*/
if (numColors==0)
return 0;
cltPtr = ImCltQFirst(clt);
for (i=0;i<numColors;i++)
* Go to the beginning of the next line
* (Lines start with a " )
c = '\0';
while (c!='"' && !feof(fp))
c = fgetc(fp);
if (c!='"')
ImErrorFatal("Unexpected end of file", -1, IMESYS);
* Read a line, parse it, add it to the table
j = 0;
c = '\0';
while (c!='"' && !feof(fp))
c = fgetc(fp);
buffer[j] = c;
if (c!='"')
ImErrorFatal("Unexpected end of file", -1, IMESYS);
buffer[j] = '\0';
if (charsPerPixel==1)
index = buffer[0];
index = ((int)buffer[0])*128 + (int)buffer[1];
cltTable[index] = i;
* Now we want to set entry i in the clt to be this color.
imXpmGetRgb(buffer+charsPerPixel, &red, &green, &blue, &transparent);
ImCltSRed(cltPtr, red);
ImCltSBlue(cltPtr, blue);
ImCltSGreen(cltPtr, green);
if (transparent==1)
{ /* Add to tag table */
sprintf(message,"Pixels with index %d. (RGB %d, %d, %d)",i,
ImMalloc(tmp, char *, 15);
TagTableAppend( tagTable,
TagEntryAlloc( "transparency value", POINTER, &tmp));
return 1;
* imXpmGetRgb
* Figure out r,g,b values based on a text line.
static int /* returns status */
#ifdef __STDC__
imXpmGetRgb(char* buffer, unsigned char *red, unsigned char *green, unsigned char *blue, int* transparent)
imXpmGetRgb(buffer, red, green, blue, transparent)
char* buffer;
unsigned char* red;
unsigned char* green;
unsigned char* blue;
int* transparent;
char* colorName; /* name of the color */
int redInt, blueInt, greenInt; /* color values */
*transparent = 0;
* The string should look something like this:
* "<tab>c red"
* This means that the color is red.
* The 'c' indicates that a color is next. A 'c' may
* also be followed by an rgb value, as follows:
* "<tab>c #AA00AB"
* This indicates 0xaa red, 0x00 blue, 0xab green.
* The 'c' may be replaced by a ..
* 'g' to indicate >4 bit grayscale
* 'g4' to indicate 4-bit grayscale
* 'm' to indicate mono
* 's' to indicate a name (which we don't care about)
* More than one of the above flags may be given.
* We'll check the string in the order given above
* ('c', 'g', 'g4', 'm'), and use the first thing we find.
* There is no support for the g4 flag here. (I have yet
* to see an image with ONLY the g4 flag, and no 'c' flag.)
* If somebody wants to add g4 support, then the strHasFlag
* routine must be duplicated, and modified to check for a
* flag of length 2.
if (colorName=strHasFlag(buffer,'c'))
/* We have a color */
if (colorName[0] == '#')
sscanf(colorName,"#%2x%2x%2x",&redInt, &greenInt, &blueInt);
*red = (unsigned char)redInt;
*green = (unsigned char)greenInt;
*blue = (unsigned char)blueInt;
*transparent = 0;
return 1;
return imXpmLookUpRgb(colorName,red,green,blue,transparent);
if (colorName=strHasFlag(buffer,'g'))
/* We have something like "sgi grey 2" */
if (colorName[0] == '#')
sscanf(colorName,"#%2x%2x%2x",&redInt, &greenInt, &blueInt);
*red = (unsigned char)redInt;
*green = (unsigned char)greenInt;
*blue = (unsigned char)blueInt;
*transparent = 0;
return 1;
return imXpmLookUpRgb(colorName,red,green,blue,transparent);
if (colorName=strHasFlag(buffer,'m'))
/* we hopefully have black or white */
if (colorName[0] == '#')
sscanf(colorName,"#%2x%2x%2x",&redInt, &greenInt, &blueInt);
*red = (unsigned char)redInt;
*green = (unsigned char)greenInt;
*blue = (unsigned char)blueInt;
*transparent = 0;
return 1;
return imXpmLookUpRgb(colorName,red,green,blue,transparent);
ImErrorFatal("Couldn't parse line!", -1, IMESYNTAX);
#define IS_WHITESPACE(s) ((s)==' ' || (s)=='\t')
#define IS_SPECIAL_CHAR(xxx) ((xxx)=='m' || (xxx)=='s' || (xxx)=='g' || (xxx)=='c')
* strHasFlag
* Check to see if a string has a given character,
* surrounded by whitespace. If it does, return the
* entry that follows it.
* The string must be null terminated for this to
* work.
static char*
#ifdef __STDC__
strHasFlag(char* str,char c)
strHasFlag(str , c)
char* str;
char c;
char* ptr; /* points into the string */
int found = 0; /* means we found it */
static char *ret = NULL; /* return this */
if (ret==NULL)
ImMallocRetOnError(ret, char *, 100,NULL);
ptr = str;
while (*ptr!='\0' && !found)
/* Advance to the next occurence of c */
while (*ptr!='\0' && *ptr!=c)
if (*ptr==c)
/* is it surrounded by whitespace? */
if (ptr==str && IS_WHITESPACE(*(ptr+1)) )
found = 1;
if (IS_WHITESPACE(*(ptr-1)) && IS_WHITESPACE(*(ptr+1)))
found = 1;
if (!found && *ptr!='\0')
if (!found)
return NULL; /* boo hoo */
* Copy the next word into a new string. Return that.
* Well, we don't really want to copy just the next word.
* There are colors named "dark slate grey" and "sgi gray 0".
* What a pain.
* So, we'll copy the next words that occur, as long as
* the words are not one of { "m", "s", "g4", "g", "c" }.
strcpy(ret, ptr+2);
strcat(ret," "); /* for checking past the end */
ptr = ret;
while (*ptr!='\0')
if (*ptr=='"')
*ptr = '\0';
* Check for m,s,g,c
if (IS_WHITESPACE(*ptr) && IS_WHITESPACE(*(ptr+2))
&& IS_SPECIAL_CHAR(*(ptr+1)))
*ptr = '\0';
* Check for g4
if (IS_WHITESPACE(*ptr) && IS_WHITESPACE(*(ptr+3)) &&
*(ptr+1)=='g' && *(ptr+2)=='4')
*ptr = '\0';
* Take any whitespace off of the end of the word
while (IS_WHITESPACE(*ptr))
*ptr = '\0';
return ret;
* imXpmLookUpRgb
* Figure out the r,g,b values based on the name of the color.
static int /* returns status */
#ifdef __STDC__
imXpmLookUpRgb(char *colorName,unsigned char*red,unsigned char *green,unsigned char *blue, int* transparent)
char* colorName;
unsigned char* red;
unsigned char* green;
unsigned char* blue;
int* transparent;
static struct imXpmRecordStruct *rgbList=NULL; /* List that we read in */
static int first_time = 1; /* First time in this routine? */
imXpmColor index; /* One color entry */
char message[500]; /* message buffer */
char filename[1024]; /* Name of file with color names */
char* env_var; /* environment variable */
FILE* fp; /* file pointer */
int nColors=0; /* How many colors we read in */
char str[100]; /* string we read in */
char tmpStr[100]; /* Holds the name for a sec */
int tmpRed,tmpGreen,tmpBlue; /* holds these as ints */
* Well, here's how we do this.
* On the first pass through this routine, we'll load into memory
* a table with all of the color names and rgb values.
* On subsequent passes we'll look stuff up.
* We'll store the rgb value information in a tagTable.
* Where do we get the information?
* 1. Check for the environment variable 'IM_XPM_COLORTABLE'
* If it is set, use that filename instead of /usr/lib/X11/rgb.txt.
* 2. Look in /usr/lib/X11 for rgb.txt.
* There are some very annoying things about rgb colornames.
* Most significantly, the rgb.txt file is often different
* from the names of the colors in the rgb.dir and rgb.pag
* files. If you don't believe me, type 'showrgb'. This'll
* show you the names of the colors in the database. Then look
* through rgb.txt. Capital letters and spaces are thrown around
* like mashed potatoes in a grade school cafeteria.
* The database contained in imxpm.h came from an execution of
* the showrgb command. Hopefully by looking for rgb.txt we'll
* be okay... If we really wanted to be thorough, we'd use the
* dbm library routines to read the rgb.dir file. But, these
* routines seem to be on their way to obsolesence.
* Is this the first pass?
* If so, load in the color list.
if (first_time==1)
first_time = 0;
/* Get environment variable. */
env_var = getenv("IM_XPM_COLORTABLE");
if (env_var)
/* Load list */
fp = fopen(filename,"rb");
if (fp)
* We don't know the size of the file ahead of time,
* and we want to read into an array.
* Rather than use a complicated memory scheme, we'll
* just read the file twice. Once to see how big it is,
* the second time to read the stuff in.
nColors = 0;
while (!feof(fp))
fgets(str, 100, fp);
ImMalloc(rgbList, struct imXpmRecordStruct *,(nColors+1)* sizeof(struct imXpmRecordStruct));
/* Okay, now reopen the file, and read the stuff in */
index = rgbList;
fp = fopen(filename,"rb");
while (!feof(fp))
if (str[0]!='\0')
sscanf(str,"%d %d %d %[^\n]",
index->red = tmpRed;
index->green = tmpGreen;
index->blue = tmpBlue;
ImMalloc(index->name,char *, sizeof(char) * (strlen(tmpStr)+1));
/* Set last entry to NULL */
index->name = NULL;
} /* End of if-fp */
} /* End of if-first time */
* First check external list for color name
if (rgbList)
index = rgbList;
while (index->name != NULL && strcmp(index->name,colorName)!=0)
if (index->name!=NULL)
{ /* Found in file */
*red = index->red;
*green = index->green;
*blue = index->blue;
if (strcmp(colorName,"None")==0)
*transparent = 1;
*transparent = 0;
return 1;
* Check internal list for color name
index = imXpmColorList;
while (index->name != NULL && strcmp(index->name,colorName)!=0)
if (index->name==NULL)
{ /* Couldn't find it */
sprintf(message,"Unknown color: '%s'",colorName);
ImErrorFatal( message, -1, IMEUNSUPPORTED);
*red = index->red;
*green = index->green;
*blue = index->blue;
if (strcmp(colorName,"None")==0)
*transparent = 1;
*transparent = 0;
return 1;
* imXpmWrite - write an X11 pixmap file
* The X11 pixmap header and image content are written out.
static int /* Returns # of entries used */
#ifdef __STDC__
imXpmWrite( ImFileFormatWriteMap *pMap, int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp, TagTable *flagsTable, TagTable *tagTable )
imXpmWrite( pMap, ioType, fd, fp, flagsTable, tagTable )
ImFileFormatWriteMap *pMap; /* Write map entry to adhear to */
int ioType; /* Type of I/O to perform */
int fd; /* Output file descriptor */
FILE *fp; /* Output file pointer */
TagTable *flagsTable; /* Flags */
TagTable *tagTable; /* Table of info to write */
char message[300]; /* various messages */
int xSize, ySize; /* dimensions */
ImVfb* vfb; /* a very furry buffalo */
ImVfbPtr vfbPtr; /* points to a vfb */
ImClt* clt; /* a clt */
ImCltPtr cltPtr; /* points to a clt */
char var_name[100]; /* Name of the variable (in xpm header) */
int nColors; /* number of colors in the clt */
char** cltCodes; /* list of codes for indexes */
int i,j; /* indexes */
int transparency_color=-1; /* transparent color */
char c,d; /* characters we loop with */
char colorName[100]; /* name of a color */
ImHotSpotPtr hotspotptr; /* points to a hotspot */
int xHot, yHot; /* hot spot values */
ImInfo("Type","8-bit Color Indexed");
TagEntryQValue( TagTableQDirect( tagTable, "image vfb", 0 ), &vfb );
clt = ImVfbQClt( vfb );
if (ioType & IMFILEIOFD)
{ /* I prefer an fp, thank you very much */
if ( (fp = fdopen( fd, "rb" )) == NULL )
return ( -1 );
nColors = ImCltQNColors(clt);
xSize = ImVfbQWidth(vfb);
ySize = ImVfbQHeight(vfb);
sprintf(message,"%d x %d",xSize,ySize);
sprintf(message,"%d entries",nColors);
ImInfo("Color Table",message);
ImInfo("Compression Type","none");
ImInfo("Alpha Channel","none");
fprintf(fp,"/* XPM */\nstatic char*%s[] = {\n",var_name);
if (TagTableQNEntry(tagTable, "image hot spot")==0)
/* no hot spot */
fprintf(fp,"/* width height ncolors chars_per_pixel */\n");
fprintf(fp,"\"%d %d %d 2\",\n",xSize,ySize,nColors);
/* there is a hot spot */
fprintf(fp,"/* width height ncolors chars_per_pixel hotspotx hotspoty*/\n");
TagEntryQValue( TagTableQDirect( tagTable, "image hot spot", 0),
xHot = ImHotSpotQX( hotspotptr );
yHot = ImHotSpotQY( hotspotptr );
sprintf(message,"%d, %d",xHot, yHot);
ImInfo("Hot Spot",message);
fprintf(fp,"\"%d %d %d 2 %d %d\",\n",xSize,ySize,nColors,xHot, yHot);
fprintf(fp,"/* colors */\n");
* Print out the clt
* For each entry in the clt we want to make a new two character
* code. Then we want to print this code, followed by 'c <colorname>'.
* We also need to store this code at the array index corresponding to
* it's color entry in the clt for later reference.
ImMalloc(cltCodes, char**, nColors * sizeof(char *) ); /* list of strings of length 2 */
for (i=0; i< nColors; i++)
ImMalloc(cltCodes[i], char*, 3*sizeof(char));
* Fill up the array of codes. If we have a transparent color,
* make that " ", since then the text file will look cool.
transparency_color = ImGetTransparency(tagTable, flagsTable, vfb);
if (transparency_color!=-1)
sprintf(message,"Pixels with index %d.",transparency_color);
c = 'a';
d = 'a';
cltPtr = ImCltQFirst(clt);
for (i=0;i<nColors;i++)
if (i==transparency_color)
cltCodes[i][0] = ' ';
cltCodes[i][1] = ' ';
cltCodes[i][2] = '\0';
cltCodes[i][0] = c;
cltCodes[i][1] = d;
cltCodes[i][2] = '\0';
if (c=='z')
c = 'a';
if (i==transparency_color)
sprintf(message,"\"%s c None\",\n",
sprintf(message,"\"%s c %s\",\n",
cltCodes[i], colorName);
if (i<nColors)
ImCltSInc(clt, cltPtr);
* We're done with the clt. Now print out the pixels.
vfbPtr = ImVfbQFirst(vfb);
fprintf(fp,"/* pixels */\n");
for (i=0; i<ySize; i++)
{ /* Line number i */
for (j=0;j<xSize;j++)
if (i<ySize-1)
return 1;