
2674 lines
72 KiB

** $Header: /roq/libim/imfile.c 1 11/02/99 4:38p Zaphod $
** Copyright (c) 1989-1995 San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC)
** a division of General Atomics, San Diego, California, USA
** Users and possessors of this source code are hereby granted a
** nonexclusive, royalty-free copyright and design patent license to
** use this code in individual software. License is not granted for
** commercial resale, in whole or in part, without prior written
** permission from SDSC. This source is provided "AS IS" without express
** or implied warranty of any kind.
** For further information contact:
** E-Mail:
** Surface Mail: Information Center
** San Diego Supercomputer Center
** P.O. Box 85608
** San Diego, CA 92138-5608
** (619) 534-5000
#define HEADER " $Header: /roq/libim/imfile.c 1 11/02/99 4:38p Zaphod $"
** imfile.c - file I/O for the image manipulation library
** libim - SDSC image manipulation library
** imfile.c contains the top level read and write routines of the
** image library and the dispatch table for each format supported.
** d =defined constant
** f =function
** m =defined macro
** t =typedef/struct/union
** v =variable
** ? =other
** ImFileQFormat f query the format of a file
** ImFileQFFormat f query the format of a file
** ImFileQNFormat f query # of formats
** ImFileRead f read an image file from a file descriptor
** ImFileFRead f read an image file from a file pointer
** ImFileWrite f write an image file to a file descriptor
** ImFileFWrite f write an image file to a file pointer
** ImFileFindFormat f find the format info given a format name
** imFileQCompression f query the compression scheme of a file
** ImFileFindCompressionScheme f find the scheme info given a name
** IOTYPE d figure the IoType for an unbuffered stream
** FIOTYPE d figure the IoType for a buffered stream
** imFileRead f do the real work of read
** imFileSelectMap f select a good write map to use
** imFileReadCompressedFile f Read a compressed file
** imFileWriteCompressedFile f Write a compressed file
** $Log: /roq/libim/imfile.c $
* 1 11/02/99 4:38p Zaphod
** Revision 1.44 1995/08/15 08:37:32 bduggan
** Modified ImFileWrite to return the name of the format.
** Revision 1.44 1995/08/15 08:37:32 bduggan
** Modified ImFileWrite to return the name of the format.
** Revision 1.43 1995/06/30 21:59:39 bduggan
** removed mktemp prototype
** put 'int' between 'static' and the variable name
** Revision 1.42 1995/06/29 00:28:04 bduggan
** updated copyright year
** Revision 1.41 1995/06/29 00:19:29 bduggan
** changed error message
** Revision 1.40 1995/06/16 08:40:19 bduggan
** Improved compression support
** Revision 1.39 1995/05/19 13:01:17 bduggan
** Added imcompress interface
** Revision 1.38 1995/05/06 01:43:56 bduggan
** Added .Z compression support!
** Revision 1.38 1995/05/06 01:43:56 bduggan
** Added .Z compression support!
** Revision 1.37 1995/04/03 21:23:57 bduggan
** took out #ifdef NEWMAGIC
** Revision 1.36 1995/02/16 21:38:44 bduggan
** Added support checking for 'image compression quality' tag
** Moved ImFileFormatEquivs and ImFileFormatOptions from here
** to imtools.c
** Revision 1.35 1995/01/10 23:22:33 bduggan
** Added grouping option for tiles vs. scanlines
** Revision 1.34 94/10/03 11:29:33 nadeau
** Updated to ANSI C and C++ compatibility.
** Removed all use of register keyword.
** Minimized use of custom SDSC types (e.g., uchar vs. unsigned char)
** Changed all float arguments to double.
** Added forward declarations.
** Added misc. casts to passify SGI and DEC compilers.
** Changed all macros and defined constants to have names
** starting with IM.
** Rearranged magic number structures for format handlers.
** Made format handler routines static (i.e., local to file).
** Updated comments, adding format descriptions and references.
** Updated indenting on some code.
** Updated copyright message.
** Revision 1.33 93/10/22 23:20:17 nadeau
** Added restoration of binary I/O library state around all
** file I/O calls.
** Revision 1.32 92/11/24 11:48:58 groening
** Corrected problem that caused the wrong write-map to be
** selected for non-RGB images when the flagsTable requested
** interleaving.
** Revision 1.31 92/11/04 11:45:03 groening
** since ImFileFormats got changed around
** I changed all the types dealing with
** ImFileFormats, also added multiple magic
** number capabilities. cheerio!
** Revision 1.30 92/10/12 15:55:23 vle
** Added code to handle ImInfo stuff.
** Revision 1.29 92/09/03 17:00:55 nadeau
** Fixed a minor typo.
** Revision 1.28 92/09/03 16:47:18 vle
** Updated calls to ImVfbGrayRamp() to match new parameters.
** Revision 1.27 92/04/09 09:33:11 groening
** In order for the compiler to like the code had to add extern statements.
** Revision 1.26 91/10/03 08:59:13 nadeau
** Changed 'interlace' to 'interleave'. Made format arguments
** only show up under -fullhelp.
** Revision 1.25 91/03/12 10:59:49 nadeau
** Fixed bug in fopen of temp files for read and write.
** Revision 1.24 91/03/08 14:27:01 nadeau
** Totally rewrite. Moved the formats table and declarations into
** a separate file (imfmt.c). Enhanced ImFileRead to automatically
** copy pipe data into a temp file for formats that cannot handle
** pipes directly. Enhanced ImFileWrite to do likewise. Lots of
** changes to ImFileWrite to make it automatically do VFB depth
** conversions prior to calling format write code. It also does
** lots of standard error checking.
** Revision 1.23 91/01/30 17:14:36 nadeau
** First attempt at restructuring to support more error checking
** in ImFile before it gets to the format routines.
** Revision 1.22 91/01/22 09:48:23 nadeau
** NULL-ed out all info query calls. Added more equiv names for
** various formats.
** Revision 1.21 90/11/14 18:35:03 mjb
** Added cgm support
** Revision 1.20 90/08/30 10:00:27 moreland
** Added MacPaint support
** Revision 1.19 90/08/02 13:32:51 mcleodj
** Added PIC support
** Revision 1.18 90/07/31 12:42:39 mjb
** Changed PICT routine names to match those in impict.c
** Revision 1.17 90/07/30 16:38:47 moreland
** Enabled Apple PICT format.
** Sorry, no single magic number...
** Revision 1.16 90/07/30 16:31:20 nadeau
** Remove 'x' as one of the equivalent names for XWD. Added support for
** the 'x' format used by Stardent for their AVS system.
** Revision 1.15 90/07/25 13:32:02 todd
** Add imtiff back in to the list of known formats
** Revision 1.14 90/07/24 15:34:23 ferrerj
** Temporarily removed TIFF support.
** Revision 1.13 90/07/24 13:51:23 nadeau
** Added XWD support.
** Revision 1.12 90/07/23 13:48:34 nadeau
** Added HDF support and prepared for PIC support.
** Revision 1.11 90/07/05 11:41:36 todd
** add .tif and .TIF to equivalent name table. Changed tif magic number
** to 4d4d (MBF). 4f4f is LBF.
** Revision 1.10 90/07/02 13:18:15 nadeau
** Changed ImTag* to Tag* (new names), added new error handling code, added
** flags table code, entered SYNU format, unifdefed TIFF format, and
** rearranged the names of all read/write calls from ImReadXXX to
** ImXXXRead, etc.
** Revision 1.9 90/06/25 14:32:19 nadeau
** Changed ImTag* to Tag* (new names).
** Revision 1.8 90/06/25 14:27:11 ferrerj
** Removed #ifdef's from RGB format initialization.
** Revision 1.7 90/06/04 10:42:08 nadeau
** Just added some curly braces.
** Revision 1.6 90/05/15 16:29:13 todd
** Add imiff.c and imrla.c to tables
** Revision 1.5 90/05/15 13:59:30 nadeau
** Removed old format table code between #ifdefs and added more comments.
** Revision 1.4 90/05/11 09:53:29 nadeau
** Changed format arg to read/write calls to a character string. Added
** a master file format table with lots of info on the format, including
** magic number and equivalent names. Added format query calls to intuit
** a file's format. Added calls to add the format names to the options
** and equivs lists for the arg package. All additions are #ifdef'ed in.
** Revision 1.3 90/04/09 10:58:56 todd
** Added Sun-TAAC IFF format ImReadIff() and ImWriteIff()
** Revision 1.2 90/03/28 11:15:17 nadeau
** Dropped the format set/query functions. Added format and flags
** arguments to the read and write calls. Added two new variations
** of the read and write calls: fd and fp read.
** Revision 1.1 90/03/06 17:32:14 nadeau
** Initial revision
//#include <unistd.h>
//#include <sys/wait.h>
#include "im.h"
#include "iminternal.h"
#include "impref.h"
** Custom development, Dave Nadeau, San Diego Supercomputer Center, 1990.
** Custom development, Brian Duggan, San Diego Supercomputer Center, 1995.
* Note that here and throughout the library, we try to refer to a file
* compression 'scheme' and an image 'format'; not a compression
* 'format', (and not an image 'scheme') in order to keep things clear.
* These macros are used by input routines in
* imfile.c and imcompress.c to query the magic
* number of a file.
#define IMMAXMAGIC 100 /* Max size magic number */
#define IMREADMAGIC(fd,buf,size,at) \
{ \
long location; /* Saved file location */\
location = lseek( (fd), 0, L_INCR ); \
lseek( (fd), (at), L_SET ); \
BinRead( (fd), (buf), UCHAR, 1, (size) ); \
lseek( (fd), location, L_SET ); \
#define IMREADFMAGIC(fp,buf,size,at) \
{ \
long location; /* Saved file location */\
location = fseek( (fp), 0, F_INCR ); \
fseek( (fp), (at), F_SET ); \
BinFRead( (fp), (buf), UCHAR, 1, (size) ); \
fseek( (fp), location, F_SET ); \
#ifdef __STDC__
/* extern char *mktemp( char * ); */
static char *imFileQFormat( int, int, FILE *, char * );
static void imFileErrorTags( TagTable * );
static void imFileInfoTags( TagTable * );
static void imFileImageTags( TagTable *, int *, int *, int *, int *,
int *, int *, int *, int *, int *, int * );
static int imFileRead( int, int, FILE *, char *, TagTable *,
TagTable * );
static ImFileFormatWriteMap *imFileSelectMap( ImVfb *, ImFileFormat **, int,
int, int, int, int, int, int, int );
static int imFileWrite( int, int, FILE *, char *, TagTable *,
TagTable * );
static int imFileWriteSingle( int, int, FILE *, ImFileFormat **,
TagTable *, TagTable * );
static int imFileWriteMultiple( int, int, FILE *, ImFileFormat **,
TagTable *, TagTable * );
static int imFileWriteIt( ImFileFormatWriteMap *, int, int, FILE *,
ImFileFormat **, TagTable *, TagTable * );
static int imFileReadCompressedFile(int , int , FILE* , TagTable* , TagTable* , char* );
static int imFileWriteCompressedFile(int, int, FILE*, TagTable*, TagTable*,
ImFileFormatWriteMap *, char* );
static char * imFileQCompression(int ioType, int fd, FILE* fp, TagTable* flagsTable);
extern char *mktemp( );
static char *imFileQFormat( );
static void imFileErrorTags( );
static void imFileInfoTags( );
static void imFileImageTags( );
static int imFileRead( );
static ImFileFormatWriteMap *imFileSelectMap( );
static int imFileWrite( );
static int imFileWriteSingle( );
static int imFileWriteMultiple( );
static int imFileReadCompressedFile();
static int imFileWriteCompressedFile();
static char * imFileQCompression();
* imMakeTempFile()
* Because some files use byte offsets that point hither and yon
* throughout the file, we can't always handle an input or output
* stream "on the fly".
* For reads we copy the input stream to a file, then read it.
* For writes we write to a file, then copy it to the output stream.
* imMakeTempFile() generates a char* which should be used as the
* a temporary file.
#ifdef __STDC__
static char* imMakeTempFile(void);
static char* imMakeTempFile();
* IOTYPE - figure the IoType for an unbuffered stream
* FIOTYPE - figure the IoType for a buffered stream
* These macros determine whether the stream corresponds to a tty,
* pipe, or file. Tty's and pipes must be handled specially (without
* seeking) by the lower level read and write code.
* The following cases must be recognized (using input as an example):
* Command line Meaning Classification
* tool file read from file file
* tool < file redirect from file file
* tool < /dev/tty read from tty pipe
* tool read from tty pipe
* cat file | tool read from pipe pipe
* lseek() or fseek() on a pipe will fail. Seeking on a tty is supposed
* to fail, but doesn't on some versions of UNIX.
* isatty() reports whether an fd is a tty device.
#define IOTYPE(fd) \
((((lseek( (fd), 0, L_INCR )==-1) && (errno==ESPIPE))||isatty( (fd) ))?\
: \
#define FIOTYPE(fp) \
(((fseek( (fp), 0, F_INCR )==-1)||isatty( fileno(fp) ))? \
: \
* ImFileFindFormat - find the format info given a format name
* The format's name is converted to lower case, then looked up in the
* format table. A pointer to the found format table entry is returned.
ImFileFormat ** /* Returns ptr to file format info*/
#ifdef __STDC__
ImFileFindFormat( char *format )
ImFileFindFormat( format )
char *format; /* Format name to look up */
ImFileFormat **pFormat; /* Pointer into format table */
char **pName; /* Name list pointer */
char lcFormat[IMMAXNAME];/* Lower case name */
char *s; /* String pointer */
if (format==NULL || *format==NULL)
return NULL;
/* Convert to lower case. */
for ( s = lcFormat; *format; s++, format++ )
if ( isupper( *format ) )
*s = tolower( *format );
*s = *format;
*s = '\0';
/* Scan the format table. */
for ( pFormat = ImGetFileFormats(); *pFormat; pFormat++ )
for ( pName = (*pFormat)->format_names; *pName; pName++ )
if ( strcmp( *pName, lcFormat ) == 0 )
if ( *pName )
if ( ( pFormat== NULL ) || (!(*pName)) )
return ( NULL );
return ( pFormat );
* ImFileQFormat - query the format of a file
* ImFileQFFormat - query the format of a file
* imFileQFormat - do the actual format search
* ImFileQFormat( ) and ImFileQFFormat( ) call the underlying
* imFileQFormat( ) to do the actual work, telling it what type of
* file is open and how it was opened (descriptor or pointer).
* If input isn't a pipe, tty, or write-only file, we check the magic
* number against the format list. If that doesn't work, we check the
* file name extension against the format list. The name of the format,
* or NULL is returned.
char * /* Returns format name */
#ifdef __STDC__
ImFileQFormat( int fd, char *fileName )
ImFileQFormat( fd, fileName )
int fd; /* File's descriptor */
char *fileName; /* File's name */
return ( imFileQFormat( /*IOTYPE(fd)*/ 0, fd, NULL, fileName ) );
char * /* Returns format name */
#ifdef __STDC__
ImFileQFFormat( FILE *fp, char *fileName )
ImFileQFFormat( fp, fileName )
FILE *fp; /* File's pointer */
char *fileName; /* File's name */
return ( imFileQFormat( /*FIOTYPE(fp)*/ 0, -1, fp, fileName ) );
static char * /* Returns format name */
#ifdef __STDC__
imFileQFormat( int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp, char *fileName )
imFileQFormat( ioType, fd, fp, fileName )
int ioType; /* File descriptor or pointer */
int fd; /* File's descriptor */
FILE *fp; /* File's pointer */
char *fileName; /* File's name */
ImFileFormat **pFmt; /* Format list pointer */
int length; /* Length of magic # */
unsigned char magic1[IMMAXMAGIC];/* Test magic # */
unsigned char magic2[IMMAXMAGIC];/* Another test magic # */
unsigned char *magic; /* Current magic # */
unsigned char *fmtMagic; /* Current format's magic # */
int i; /* Counter */
int doMagic = TRUE; /* Do we check magic numbers? */
char *extension; /* File name extension */
int ioOperation; /* Read or write? */
ImFileMagic *pMagic; /* pointer to magic file info */
char tmpExtension[128];/* Holds the extension */
char *tmp; /* points to a char* */
* Should we check the magic number?
* 1. If file is a pipe or a tty, NO.
* 2. If file is open for writing only, NO.
* 3. Otherwise, YES.
/* if ( ioType & IMFILEIOPIPE )
doMagic = FALSE; // Input is a pipe or a tty
if ( ioType & IMFILEIOFD )
ioOperation = fcntl( fd, F_GETFL, &ioOperation );
ioOperation = fcntl( fileno(fp), F_GETFL, &ioOperation);
if ( ioOperation == -1 )
ImErrNo = IMESYS; // Bad fp/fd?
return ( NULL );
if ( ioOperation == O_WRONLY )
doMagic = FALSE;
* Get the magic number from the file and check it against each of
* the file format list.
if ( doMagic )
* Read in the magic number at location 0 (where most are).
if ( ioType & IMFILEIOFD )
* Check it against the format list. If a format doesn't
* have a magic number, skip it. If it has a magic number,
* but not at byte 0 in the file, then read in and test
* with that magic. Otherwise test with the magic numbers
* read in above.
magic = magic1;
for ( pFmt = ImGetFileFormats(); *pFmt; pFmt++ )
pMagic = (*pFmt)->format_magicMap;
if ( pMagic == NULL )
/* This format has no magic numbers. */
for ( ; pMagic->format_magicNumber != NULL; pMagic++ )
if ( pMagic->format_magicLength == 0 )
continue; /* No magic # */
if ( pMagic->format_magicLocation != 0 )
if ( ioType & IMFILEIOFD )
IMREADMAGIC( fd, magic2,
pMagic->format_magicLocation );
IMREADFMAGIC( fp, magic2,
pMagic->format_magicLocation );
magic = magic2;
length = pMagic->format_magicLength;
fmtMagic = pMagic->format_magicNumber;
/* See if it matches the magic number */
for ( i = 0; i < length; i++ )
if ( fmtMagic[i] != magic[i] )
if ( i == length )
return ( (*pFmt)->format_names[0] );
magic = magic1;
/* No match. Fall through to the file name check. */
* Get the file name extension, then check it against the format list.
extension = &fileName[strlen(fileName)-1];
while ( extension != fileName && *extension != '.' )
if ( *extension != '.' )
return ( NULL );
strcpy (tmpExtension, extension+1);
pFmt = ImFileFindFormat( tmpExtension );
if ( pFmt != NULL )
return ( (*pFmt)->format_names[0] );
* There may be a compression suffix on the file name.
* Search back to one more '.'.
while ( extension != fileName && *extension != '.' )
if ( *extension != '.' )
return ( NULL );
strcpy(tmpExtension, extension+1);
/* Take the compression suffix off */
tmp = strchr(tmpExtension,'.');
*tmp = '\0';
pFmt = ImFileFindFormat( tmpExtension );
if (pFmt==NULL)
return ( NULL );
return ( (*pFmt)->format_names[0] );
* ImFileQNFormat - query # of formats
* On the first call, the number of formats in the format table is
* counted and saved away. On all subsequent calls, this saved
* count is returned.
int /* Retursn # of formats */
#ifdef __STDC__
ImFileQNFormat( void )
ImFileQNFormat( )
ImFileFormat **pFmt; /* File format list pointer */
static int count = -1; /* Saved format count */
if ( count != -1 )
return ( count );
for ( count = 0, pFmt = ImGetFileFormats(); *pFmt; count++, pFmt++ )
return ( count );
* imFileErrorTags - process error tags
* imFileImageTags - process image tags
* imFileInfoTags - process info tags
* imFileErrorTags looks for the generic error handling tags in the
* flagsTable and sets globals accordingly.
* imFileImageTags looks for the image write handling tags in the
* flagsTable and sets arguments accordingly.
* imFileInfoTags looks for the generic info handling tags in the
* flagsTable and sets globals accordingly.
static void /* Returns nothing */
#ifdef __STDC__
imFileErrorTags( TagTable *flagsTable )
imFileErrorTags( flagsTable )
TagTable *flagsTable; /* Flags */
TagEntry *tmpEntry; /* Tmp table entry holder */
ImErrorProgramName = "program";
ImErrorFileName = "stream";
ImErrorHandler = NULL;
ImErrorStream = NULL;
if ( flagsTable == TAGTABLENULL )
tmpEntry = TagTableQDirect( flagsTable, "program name", 0 );
if ( tmpEntry != TAGENTRYNULL )
TagEntryQValue( tmpEntry, &ImErrorProgramName );
tmpEntry = TagTableQDirect( flagsTable, "file name", 0 );
if ( tmpEntry != TAGENTRYNULL )
TagEntryQValue( tmpEntry, &ImErrorFileName );
tmpEntry = TagTableQDirect( flagsTable, "error handler", 0 );
if ( tmpEntry != TAGENTRYNULL )
TagEntryQValue( tmpEntry, &ImErrorHandler );
tmpEntry = TagTableQDirect( flagsTable, "error stream", 0 );
if ( tmpEntry != TAGENTRYNULL )
TagEntryQValue( tmpEntry, &ImErrorStream );
static void /* Returns nothing */
#ifdef __STDC__
imFileImageTags( TagTable *flagsTable, int *monoThreshold, int *typeRequest,
int *channelRequest, int *depthRequest, int *interRequest,
int *groupRequest, int * qualityRequest, int *compRequest,
int *cltRequest, int *alphaRequest )
imFileImageTags( flagsTable, monoThreshold, typeRequest, channelRequest,
depthRequest, interRequest, groupRequest, qualityRequest, compRequest,
cltRequest, alphaRequest )
TagTable *flagsTable; /* User flags */
int *monoThreshold; /* Mono conversion threshold */
int *typeRequest; /* Image type request */
int *channelRequest; /* # of channels requested */
int *depthRequest; /* Depth request */
int *interRequest; /* Interleave request */
int *groupRequest; /* Group request */
int *qualityRequest; /* Quality request */
int *compRequest; /* Compression request */
int *cltRequest; /* CLT request */
int *alphaRequest; /* Alpha request */
TagEntry *tmpEntry; /* Table entry holder */
*monoThreshold = IMDEFMONOTHRESH;
*typeRequest = -1;
*channelRequest = -1;
*depthRequest = -1;
*interRequest = -1;
*compRequest = -1;
*cltRequest = -1;
*alphaRequest = -1;
*groupRequest = -1;
*qualityRequest = -1;
if ( flagsTable == TAGTABLENULL )
tmpEntry = TagTableQDirect( flagsTable, "image mono threshold", 0 );
if ( tmpEntry != TAGENTRYNULL )
TagEntryQValue( tmpEntry, monoThreshold );
tmpEntry = TagTableQDirect( flagsTable, "image interleave request", 0 );
if ( tmpEntry != TAGENTRYNULL )
TagEntryQValue( tmpEntry, interRequest );
tmpEntry = TagTableQDirect( flagsTable, "image type request", 0 );
if ( tmpEntry != TAGENTRYNULL )
TagEntryQValue( tmpEntry, typeRequest );
tmpEntry = TagTableQDirect( flagsTable, "image channel number request", 0 );
if ( tmpEntry != TAGENTRYNULL )
TagEntryQValue( tmpEntry, channelRequest );
tmpEntry = TagTableQDirect( flagsTable, "image channel depth request", 0 );
if ( tmpEntry != TAGENTRYNULL )
TagEntryQValue( tmpEntry, depthRequest );
tmpEntry = TagTableQDirect( flagsTable, "image compression request", 0);
if ( tmpEntry != TAGENTRYNULL )
TagEntryQValue( tmpEntry, compRequest );
tmpEntry = TagTableQDirect( flagsTable, "image clt request", 0 );
if ( tmpEntry != TAGENTRYNULL )
TagEntryQValue( tmpEntry, cltRequest );
tmpEntry = TagTableQDirect( flagsTable, "image alpha request", 0 );
if ( tmpEntry != TAGENTRYNULL )
TagEntryQValue( tmpEntry, alphaRequest );
tmpEntry = TagTableQDirect( flagsTable, "image group request", 0 );
if ( tmpEntry != TAGENTRYNULL )
TagEntryQValue( tmpEntry, groupRequest );
tmpEntry = TagTableQDirect( flagsTable, "image compression quality request", 0 );
if ( tmpEntry != TAGENTRYNULL )
/* We don't care about the value; we just care that the
request is there. */
*qualityRequest = IMQUALITYYES;
static void /* Returns nothing */
#ifdef __STDC__
imFileInfoTags( TagTable *flagsTable )
imFileInfoTags( flagsTable )
TagTable *flagsTable; /* Flags */
TagEntry *tmpEntry; /* Tmp table entry holder */
ImInfoHandler = NULL;
ImInfoStream = NULL;
if ( flagsTable == TAGTABLENULL )
tmpEntry = TagTableQDirect( flagsTable, "info handler", 0 );
if ( tmpEntry != TAGENTRYNULL )
TagEntryQValue( tmpEntry, &ImInfoHandler );
tmpEntry = TagTableQDirect( flagsTable, "info stream", 0 );
if ( tmpEntry != TAGENTRYNULL )
TagEntryQValue( tmpEntry, &ImInfoStream );
* ImFileRead - read an image file from a file descriptor
* ImFileFRead - read an image file from a file pointer
* imFileRead - do the real work of read
* ImFileRead and ImFileFRead just call imFileRead to do their work.
* Incomming arguments are checked and the flagsTable scanned for
* relevant flags. The format table is searched for the format's
* read function, and that function called.
int /* Returns number of entries added*/
#ifdef __STDC__
ImFileRead( int fd, char *format, TagTable *flagsTable, TagTable *tagTable )
ImFileRead( fd, format, flagsTable, tagTable )
int fd; /* File descriptor to read from */
char *format; /* File format to use */
TagTable *flagsTable; /* Flags */
TagTable *tagTable; /* Tag table to append to */
return ( imFileRead( /*IOTYPE(fd)*/ 0, fd, NULL, format,
flagsTable, tagTable ) );
int /* Returns number of entries added*/
#ifdef __STDC__
ImFileFRead( FILE *fp, char *format, TagTable *flagsTable, TagTable *tagTable )
ImFileFRead( fp, format, flagsTable, tagTable )
FILE *fp; /* File pointer to read from */
char *format; /* File format to use */
TagTable *flagsTable; /* Flags */
TagTable *tagTable; /* Tag table to append to */
return ( imFileRead( FIOTYPE(fp), -1, fp, format,
flagsTable, tagTable ) );
static int /* Returns status */
#ifdef __STDC__
imFileRead( int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp, char *format, TagTable *flagsTable,
TagTable *tagTable )
imFileRead( ioType, fd, fp, format, flagsTable, tagTable )
int ioType; /* I/O flags */
int fd; /* Input file descriptor */
FILE *fp; /* Input file pointer */
char *format; /* File format to use */
TagTable *flagsTable; /* Flags */
TagTable *tagTable; /* Tag table to append to */
ImFileFormat **pFormat; /* Pointer into format table */
FILE *tmpFp; /* Temporary fp */
int tmpFd; /* Temporary fd */
char tmpName[1024]; /* Temporary file name */
unsigned char buffer[1024]; /* Temporary write buffer */
char message[1024]; /* Holds iminfo message */
int status; /* Return status */
int n; /* # of bytes read */
int binByteOrder; /* Current byte order */
int binFloatFormat; /* Current floating point format*/
TagEntry *tmpEntry; /* Tmp table entry holder */
char *fileName; /* name of file */
char *tmp; /* temp string */
ImCompressScheme* pCompress; /* compression scheme */
* Get and save the current state of the Binary I/O package.
binByteOrder = BinQByteOrder( );
binFloatFormat = BinQFloatFormat( );
* Get stuff from the flags table.
imFileErrorTags( flagsTable );
imFileInfoTags( flagsTable );
/* Check tagTable */
if ( tagTable == TAGTABLENULL )
ImErrorFatal( ImQError( ), -1, ImErrNo );
* Check for compression.
if ((tmp = imFileQCompression(ioType, fd, fp, flagsTable))!=NULL)
pCompress = ImFileFindCompressionScheme(tmp);
sprintf(message,"'%s' (%s)",pCompress->compress_suffixes[0],pCompress->compress_name);
ImInfo("File Compression",message);
if (imFileReadCompressedFile(ioType, fd, fp, flagsTable, tagTable, tmp)==-1)
return -1;
* Read an uncompressed file
* If no format was specifed, get the format from the
* file name, or flags in the flags table.
if (format==NULL || *format=='\0')
tmpEntry = TagTableQDirect( flagsTable, "file name", 0 );
if ( tmpEntry != TAGENTRYNULL )
TagEntryQValue( tmpEntry, &fileName);
fileName = NULL;
if (ioType & IMFILEIOFD)
format = ImFileQFormat(fd, fileName);
format = ImFileQFFormat(fp, fileName);
* Look up the format
if ( (pFormat = ImFileFindFormat( format )) == NULL )
ImErrorFatal( ImQError( ), -1, ImErrNo );
if ( (*pFormat)->format_read == NULL )
ImErrorFatal( ImQError( ), -1, ImErrNo );
sprintf(message,"'%s' (%s)",(*pFormat)->format_names[0],(*pFormat)->format_help);
ImInfo("Image Format",message);
* If the fd/fp is a file, or it's a pipe and the handler can read
* directly to a pipe, read it.
if ( ioType & IMFILEIOFILE || (*pFormat)->format_readPipe == IMPIPE )
status = (*(*pFormat)->format_read)( ioType, fd, fp,
flagsTable, tagTable );
* Create a temporary file, copy input to the temp file, then do
* all reading from it. When complete, delete the file, then
* return. If errors occur, save them until the unlink has been done.
strcpy( tmpName, imMakeTempFile() );
if ( ioType & IMFILEIOFD )
if ( (tmpFd = open( tmpName, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0666 )) == -1 )
ImErrorFatal( ImQError( ), -1, ImErrNo );
while ( (n = read( fd, buffer, sizeof( buffer ) )) > 0 )
write( tmpFd, buffer, n );
lseek( tmpFd, 0, 0 );
status = (*(*pFormat)->format_read)( IMFILEIOFD | IMFILEIOFILE,
tmpFd, NULL, flagsTable, tagTable );
close( tmpFd );
unlink( tmpName );
if ( (tmpFp = fopen( tmpName, "w+b" )) == NULL )
ImErrorFatal( ImQError( ), -1, ImErrNo );
while ( (n = fread( buffer, 1, sizeof( buffer ), fp )) != 0 )
fwrite( buffer, 1, n, tmpFp );
fseek( tmpFp, 0, 0 );
status = (*(*pFormat)->format_read)( IMFILEIOFP | IMFILEIOFILE, -1,
tmpFp, flagsTable, tagTable );
fclose( tmpFp );
unlink( tmpName );
* Restore the Binary I/O library state.
BinByteOrder( binByteOrder );
BinFloatFormat( binFloatFormat );
* Process input requests
if ( flagsTable && TagTableQDirect(flagsTable, "channel map request", 0) != TAGENTRYNULL )
if (ImVfbProcessMapRequests( flagsTable, tagTable )<=0)
ImErrorFatal( ImQError( ), -1, ImErrNo );
return ( status );
* imFileSelectMap - select a good write map to use
* The format's write map is scanned to find the best match for output
* of the given VFB based upon the user's requests.
static ImFileFormatWriteMap * /* Returns write map entry */
#ifdef __STDC__
imFileSelectMap( ImVfb *pVfb, ImFileFormat **pFormat, int typeRequest,
int channelRequest, int depthRequest, int interRequest,
int groupRequest, int qualityRequest, int otherRequest, int otherRequestMask )
imFileSelectMap( pVfb, pFormat, typeRequest, channelRequest, depthRequest,
interRequest, groupRequest, qualityRequest, otherRequest, otherRequestMask )
ImVfb *pVfb; /* Image to handle */
ImFileFormat **pFormat; /* Format conversion info */
int typeRequest; /* Type request */
int channelRequest; /* Channel request */
int depthRequest; /* Depth request */
int interRequest; /* Interleave request */
int groupRequest; /* Group request */
int qualityRequest; /* Quality request */
int otherRequest; /* CLT/Alpha/Comp requests */
int otherRequestMask; /* Which of those are in otherRequest*/
ImFileFormatWriteMap *pMap; /* Write map entry */
int fields; /* VFB field mask */
imFilePrefTable *pPrefTable; /* Preference table */
imFilePref *pPrefSubTable; /* Preference subtable */
imFilePref *pPref; /* Preference table entry ptr */
int bestIndex; /* Best preference index */
ImFileFormatWriteMap *pBest; /* Best write map entry */
int i; /* Counters */
* To gauge which of possibly many output image types (and their
* CLT, alpha, interleave, grouping, and compression attributes) is
* "best" for the incomming VFB we use a series of "preference tables".
* There is one master table for each VFB type (mono, index8,
* index16, and rgb). Within each table are four sub-tables, for
* each combination of (have/don't have CLT) and (have/don't have
* alpha planes).
* Within each sub-table are 16 entries for every combination of
* (mono, index8, index16, rgb), (have/don't have CLT), and
* (have/don't have alpha). These are ordered from most preferable
* to least preferable for this VFB.
* In evaluating a given format's selection of write map entries,
* we look up each one in the preference table and get the table
* index of it's entry. The entry with the lowest index, of those
* available to the format, is the one we select.
* Among several write map entries with the same preference value
* (same incomming VFB and attributes but different channel numbers
* and depths), the earliest one in the write map is chosen.
fields = ImVfbQFields( pVfb );
if ( fields & IMVFBMONO )
pPrefTable = &imPrefMono;
else if ( fields & IMVFBINDEX8 )
pPrefTable = &imPrefIndex8;
else if ( fields & IMVFBINDEX16 )
pPrefTable = &imPrefIndex16;
else if ( fields & IMVFBRGB )
pPrefTable = &imPrefRgb;
/* What kind of image is stored here? */
return ( NULL );
if ( fields & IMVFBALPHA )
if ( ImVfbQClt( pVfb ) != IMCLTNULL )
pPrefSubTable = pPrefTable->pref_cltAlpha;
pPrefSubTable = pPrefTable->pref_noCltAlpha;
if ( ImVfbQClt( pVfb ) != IMCLTNULL )
pPrefSubTable = pPrefTable->pref_cltNoAlpha;
pPrefSubTable = pPrefTable->pref_noCltNoAlpha;
bestIndex = 1000;
pBest = NULL;
for ( pMap = (*pFormat)->format_writeMap; pMap->map_inField != -1; pMap++ )
/* Reject if not the type, # channel, channel depth requested.*/
if ( typeRequest != -1 && pMap->map_outType != typeRequest )
if ( channelRequest != -1 && pMap->map_outNChannels != channelRequest )
if ( depthRequest != -1 && pMap->map_outChannelDepth != depthRequest )
/* Reject if not the CLT/Alpha/Comp requested. */
if ( (pMap->map_outAttributes & otherRequestMask) !=
otherRequest )
/* Reject if not the interleave requested. */
if ( (interRequest != -1) &&
((pMap->map_outAttributes & IMINTERMASK) != interRequest) )
/* Reject if not the group request */
if ( (groupRequest != -1) &&
((pMap->map_outAttributes & IMGROUPMASK) != groupRequest))
/* Reject if not the quality request */
if ( (qualityRequest != -1) &&
((pMap->map_outAttributes & IMQUALITYMASK) != qualityRequest))
/* Find it's preference index. */
for ( pPref = pPrefSubTable, i = 0; i < 16; i++, pPref++ )
if ( pMap->map_inField != pPref->pref_field ||
pMap->map_inAttributes !=pPref->pref_attributes)
/* Match. Better than last match? */
if ( i < bestIndex )
bestIndex = i;
pBest = pMap;
if ( pBest == NULL )
/* Nothing got past user requirements! */
return ( NULL );
return ( pBest );
* ImFileWrite - write an image file to a file descriptor
* ImFileFWrite - write an image file to a file pointer
* imFileWrite - do the real work of write
* ImFileWRite and ImFileFWRite just call imFileWRite to do their work.
* Incoming arguments are checked and the flagsTable scanned for
* relevant flags. The format table is searched for the format's
* write map. The write map is scanned to find the best match, or
* the match requested by incomming flags. If the match requires
* depth conversion of the VFB(s), it's done. The match's write
* routine is then called.
* If NULL is passed as the image file format, then the format is
* discerned from this routine.
* If the format parameter points to NULL, then the format is discerned
* here, AND the format which is ultimately chosen is returned in the format
* parameter.
int /* Returns number of entries used*/
#ifdef __STDC__
ImFileWrite( int fd, char *format, TagTable *flagsTable, TagTable *tagTable )
ImFileWrite( fd, format, flagsTable, tagTable )
int fd; /* Output file descriptor */
char *format; /* File format to use */
TagTable *flagsTable; /* Flags */
TagTable *tagTable; /* Tag table to read from */
return ( imFileWrite( IOTYPE(fd), fd, NULL, format,
flagsTable, tagTable ) );
int /* Returns number of entries used*/
#ifdef __STDC__
ImFileFWrite( FILE *fp, char *format, TagTable *flagsTable, TagTable *tagTable )
ImFileFWrite( fp, format, flagsTable, tagTable )
FILE *fp; /* Output file pointer */
char *format; /* File format to use */
TagTable *flagsTable; /* Flags */
TagTable *tagTable; /* Tag table to read from */
return ( imFileWrite( FIOTYPE(fp), -1, fp, format,
flagsTable, tagTable ) );
static int /* Returns number of entries used*/
#ifdef __STDC__
imFileWrite( int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp, char *format, TagTable *flagsTable,
TagTable *tagTable )
imFileWrite( ioType, fd, fp, format, flagsTable, tagTable )
int ioType; /* I/O flags */
int fd; /* Output file descriptor */
FILE *fp; /* Output file pointer */
char *format; /* File format to use */
TagTable *flagsTable; /* Flags */
TagTable *tagTable; /* Tag table to read from */
int nVfb; /* # of vfb's in tag table */
ImFileFormat **pFormat; /* Pointer into format table */
int status; /* Return status */
int binByteOrder; /* Current byte order */
int binFloatFormat; /* Current floating point format*/
char* fileName; /* name of file (in flagsTable) */
TagEntry* tmpEntry; /* entry in tag table */
* Get and save the current state of the Binary I/O package.
binByteOrder = BinQByteOrder( );
binFloatFormat = BinQFloatFormat( );
/* Check integrity of tagTable */
if ( tagTable == TAGTABLENULL )
ImErrorFatal( ImQError( ), -1, ImErrNo );
nVfb = TagTableQNEntry( tagTable, "image vfb" );
if ( nVfb < 1 )
ImErrorFatal( ImQError( ), -1, ImErrNo );
* Get stuff from the flags table.
imFileErrorTags( flagsTable );
imFileInfoTags( flagsTable );
* If no format was specifed, get the format from the
* file name, or flags in the flags table.
if (format==NULL || *format=='\0')
tmpEntry = TagTableQDirect( flagsTable, "file name", 0 );
if ( tmpEntry != TAGENTRYNULL )
TagEntryQValue( tmpEntry, &fileName);
fileName = NULL;
* Return the format name in 'format' if
* NULL was not passed
if (format==NULL)
if (ioType & IMFILEIOFD)
format = ImFileQFormat(fd, fileName);
format = ImFileQFFormat(fp, fileName);
if (ioType & IMFILEIOFD)
strcpy(format,ImFileQFormat(fd, fileName));
strcpy(format, ImFileQFFormat(fp, fileName));
* Handle any channel mapping requests
if ( flagsTable && TagTableQDirect(flagsTable, "channel map request", 0)
if (ImVfbProcessMapRequests( flagsTable, tagTable )<=0)
ImErrorFatal( ImQError( ), -1, ImErrNo );
* Find the format
if ( (pFormat = ImFileFindFormat( format )) == NULL )
ImErrorFatal( ImQError( ), -1, ImErrNo );
if ( (*pFormat)->format_writeMap == NULL )
ImErrorFatal( ImQError( ), -1, ImErrNo );
* Handle the single- and multiple-VFB cases separately.
if ( nVfb == 1 )
status = imFileWriteSingle( ioType, fd, fp,
pFormat, flagsTable, tagTable );
status = imFileWriteMultiple( ioType, fd, fp,
pFormat, flagsTable, tagTable );
* Restore the Binary I/O library state.
BinByteOrder( binByteOrder );
BinFloatFormat( binFloatFormat );
return ( status );
static int /* Returns number of entries used*/
#ifdef __STDC__
imFileWriteSingle( int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp, ImFileFormat **pFormat,
TagTable *flagsTable, TagTable *tagTable )
imFileWriteSingle( ioType, fd, fp, pFormat, flagsTable, tagTable )
int ioType; /* I/O flags */
int fd; /* Output file descriptor */
FILE *fp; /* Output file pointer */
ImFileFormat **pFormat; /* File format to use */
TagTable *flagsTable; /* Flags */
TagTable *tagTable; /* Tag table to read from */
TagEntry *tmpEntry; /* Tmp table entry holder */
TagEntry *newEntry; /* New table entry holder */
TagTable *newTable; /* New Tag Table */
ImFileFormatWriteMap *pMap; /* Write map entry */
ImVfb *origVfb; /* Original VFB */
int origFields; /* Original VFB field mask */
ImVfb *newVfb; /* New VFB */
ImVfb *statusVfb; /* Return status as a VFB */
int newFields; /* New VFB field mask */
ImClt *newClt; /* New CLT */
int status; /* Return status */
int nEntry; /* Tag entry # */
int monoThreshold; /* Mono conversion threshold */
int typeRequest; /* Type request */
int channelRequest; /* Channel request */
int depthRequest; /* Depth request */
int interRequest; /* Interleave request */
int groupRequest; /* Group request */
int qualityRequest; /* Quality request */
int compRequest; /* Compression request */
int cltRequest; /* CLT request */
int alphaRequest; /* Alpha request */
int otherRequest; /* CLT/Alpha/Comp requests */
int otherRequestMask; /* Which of those are in otherRequest*/
* Get stuff from the flags table.
imFileImageTags( flagsTable, &monoThreshold, &typeRequest,
&channelRequest, &depthRequest, &interRequest,
&groupRequest, &qualityRequest, &compRequest, &cltRequest,
&alphaRequest );
otherRequest = 0;
otherRequestMask = 0;
if ( compRequest != -1 )
otherRequest |= (compRequest & IMCOMPMASK);
otherRequestMask |= IMCOMPMASK;
if ( cltRequest != -1 )
otherRequest |= (cltRequest & IMCLTMASK);
otherRequestMask |= IMCLTMASK;
if ( alphaRequest != -1 )
otherRequest |= (alphaRequest & IMALPHAMASK);
otherRequestMask |= IMALPHAMASK;
if ( groupRequest != -1 )
otherRequest |= (groupRequest & IMGROUPMASK);
otherRequestMask |= IMGROUPMASK;
if ( qualityRequest != -1 )
otherRequest |= (qualityRequest & IMQUALITYMASK);
otherRequestMask |= IMQUALITYMASK;
* Get the single VFB in the tag table and determine its type.
TagEntryQValue( TagTableQDirect( tagTable, "image vfb", 0 ), &origVfb );
origFields = ImVfbQFields( origVfb );
* Get the write map entry that matches this VFB best.
pMap = imFileSelectMap( origVfb, pFormat, typeRequest, channelRequest,
depthRequest, interRequest, groupRequest, qualityRequest, otherRequest,
otherRequestMask );
if ( pMap == NULL )
/* Can't do it. */
ImErrorFatal( ImQError( ), -1, ImErrNo );
* Avoid making a new VFB and new tag table if the current
* one matches in depth and doesn't require an alpha plane.
if ( (origFields & pMap->map_inField) &&
!( (pMap->map_inAttributes & IMALPHAYES) &&
!(origFields & IMVFBALPHA) ) )
* Generate a CLT if we need to.
if ( (ImVfbQClt( origVfb ) == IMCLTNULL) &&
(pMap->map_inAttributes & IMCLTYES) )
* Make a CLT, attach it, write it all out,
* then remove the CLT and throw it away.
* Note that we always generate a grayscale CLT:
* if Mono, no CLT means grayscale.
* if Index8, no CLT must default to grayscale.
* if Index16, no CLT must default to grayscale.
* if RGB, any CLT is meaningless. So grayscale.
if ( origFields & IMVFBMONO )
newClt = ImCltGrayRamp( IMCLTNULL, 0, 1, 0,
else if ( origFields & IMVFBINDEX16 )
newClt = ImCltGrayRamp( IMCLTNULL, 0, 65535,
0, 65535, IMCLTNEW);
newClt = ImCltGrayRamp( IMCLTNULL, 0, 255, 0,
if ( newClt == IMCLTNULL )
ImErrorFatal( ImQError( ), -1, ImErrNo );
ImVfbSClt( origVfb, newClt );
status = imFileWriteIt( pMap,
ioType, fd, fp, pFormat,
flagsTable, tagTable );
ImVfbSClt( origVfb, IMCLTNULL );
ImCltFree( newClt );
return ( status );
* The VFB matches just fine. Write it out.
return ( imFileWriteIt( pMap, ioType, fd, fp, pFormat,
flagsTable, tagTable ) );
* Allocate a new VFB.
newFields = pMap->map_inField;
if ( pMap->map_inAttributes & IMALPHAYES )
newFields |= IMVFBALPHA;
newVfb = ImVfbAlloc( ImVfbQWidth( origVfb ), ImVfbQHeight( origVfb ),
newFields );
if ( newVfb == IMVFBNULL )
ImErrorFatal( ImQError( ), -1, ImErrNo );
if ( newFields & IMVFBALPHA )
if ( origFields & IMVFBALPHA )
* Copy alpha from original VFB.
if ( ImVfbCopy( origVfb, 0, 0, ImVfbQWidth( origVfb ),
ImVfbQHeight( origVfb ), IMVFBALPHA,
newVfb, 0, 0 ) == IMVFBNULL )
ImVfbFree( newVfb );
ImErrorFatal( ImQError( ), -1, ImErrNo );
* Generate an empty alpha plane.
if ( ImVfbClear( IMVFBALPHA, ~0, newVfb ) == IMVFBNULL )
ImVfbFree( newVfb );
ImErrorFatal( ImQError( ), -1, ImErrNo );
* Copy the original image to the new VFB, changing
* depth if necessary.
if ( newFields & IMVFBMONO )
statusVfb = ImVfbToMono( origVfb, monoThreshold, newVfb );
else if ( newFields & IMVFBINDEX8 )
statusVfb = ImVfbToIndex8( origVfb, newVfb );
else if ( newFields & IMVFBINDEX16 )
statusVfb = ImVfbToIndex16( origVfb, newVfb );
else if ( newFields & IMVFBRGB )
statusVfb = ImVfbToRgb( origVfb, newVfb );
/* Unknown VFB selection? How is that possible? */
ImVfbFree( newVfb );
ImErrorFatal( ImQError( ), -1, ImErrNo );
if ( statusVfb == IMVFBNULL )
ImVfbFree( newVfb );
ImErrorFatal( ImQError( ), -1, ImErrNo );
* Add a CLT if necessary.
newClt = ImVfbQClt( newVfb );
if ( (newClt == IMCLTNULL) && (pMap->map_inAttributes & IMCLTYES) )
* Note that we always generate a grayscale CLT:
* if Mono, no CLT means grayscale.
* if Index8, no CLT must default to grayscale.
* if Index16, no CLT must default to grayscale.
* if RGB, any CLT is meaningless. So grayscale.
* Mono gets a 2 entry CLT. All others 255 entries.
if ( newFields & IMVFBMONO )
newClt = ImCltGrayRamp( IMCLTNULL, 0, 1, 0, 255,
else if ( newFields & IMVFBINDEX16 )
newClt = ImCltGrayRamp( IMCLTNULL, 0, 65535, 0, 65535,
newClt = ImCltGrayRamp( IMCLTNULL, 0, 255,0,255,
if ( newClt == IMCLTNULL )
ImVfbFree( newVfb );
ImErrorFatal( ImQError( ), -1, ImErrNo );
ImVfbSClt( newVfb, newClt );
* Copy the tag table, replacing the VFB and CLT, if any.
* Note: we can't just temporarly swap the new VFB into the
* original tag table. Doing so causes the VFB's tag entry to be
* freed and a new one allocated. If the caller had a pointer to
* that entry, it would become garbage. So, we are not allowed
* to change, in any way, the incomming tag table.
newTable = TagTableAlloc( );
if ( newTable == TAGTABLENULL )
ImCltFree( newClt );
ImVfbFree( newVfb );
ImErrorFatal( ImQError( ), -1, ImErrNo );
TagTableCopy( tagTable, newTable, 0, TagTableQNEntry( tagTable, NULL )-1 );
/* Replace the VFB. */
tmpEntry = TagTableQDirect( newTable, "image vfb", 0 );
nEntry = TagEntryQNthEntry( tmpEntry );
TagTableReplace( newTable, TagEntryQNthEntry( tmpEntry ),
TagEntryAlloc( "image vfb", POINTER, &newVfb ) );
/* Replace the CLT (assume there is at most one!). */
tmpEntry = TagTableQDirect( newTable, "image clt", 0 );
if ( newClt == IMCLTNULL )
/* New format doesn't want CLT. Remove it, if any. */
if ( tmpEntry != TAGENTRYNULL )
TagTableDelete( newTable, TagEntryQNthEntry( tmpEntry));
/* New format requires CLT. Replace or insert. */
newEntry = TagEntryAlloc( "image clt", POINTER, &newClt);
if ( tmpEntry != TAGENTRYNULL )
TagTableReplace( newTable, TagEntryQNthEntry( tmpEntry),
newEntry );
TagTableInsert( newTable, nEntry - 1, newEntry );
* Write it out, then clean up.
status = imFileWriteIt( pMap, ioType, fd, fp, pFormat,
flagsTable, newTable );
if ( newClt != IMCLTNULL )
ImCltFree( newClt );
ImVfbFree( newVfb );
TagTableFree( newTable );
return ( status );
static int /* Returns number of entries used*/
#ifdef __STDC__
imFileWriteMultiple( int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp, ImFileFormat **pFormat,
TagTable *flagsTable, TagTable *tagTable )
imFileWriteMultiple( ioType, fd, fp, pFormat, flagsTable, tagTable )
int ioType; /* I/O flags */
int fd; /* Output file descriptor */
FILE *fp; /* Output file pointer */
ImFileFormat **pFormat; /* File format to use */
TagTable *flagsTable; /* Flags */
TagTable *tagTable; /* Tag table to read from */
TagEntry *tmpEntry; /* Tmp table entry holder */
TagTable *newTable; /* New Tag Table */
ImFileFormatWriteMap *pMap; /* Write map entry */
ImVfb *origVfb; /* Original VFB */
int origFields; /* Original VFB field mask */
ImVfb *newVfb; /* New VFB */
int newFields; /* New VFB field mask */
ImClt *newClt; /* New CLT */
ImVfb *statusVfb; /* Return status as a VFB */
int status; /* Return status */
int nEntry; /* Tag entry # */
int i; /* Entry # */
char *tag; /* Tag name */
int error; /* Error occured? */
int monoThreshold; /* Mono conversion threshold */
int typeRequest; /* Type request */
int channelRequest; /* Channel request */
int depthRequest; /* Depth request */
int interRequest; /* Interleave request */
int groupRequest; /* Group request */
int qualityRequest; /* Quality request */
int compRequest; /* Compression request */
int cltRequest; /* CLT request */
int alphaRequest; /* Alpha request */
int otherRequest; /* CLT/Alpha/Comp requests */
int otherRequestMask; /* Which of those are in otherRequest*/
* Get stuff from the flags table.
imFileImageTags( flagsTable, &monoThreshold, &typeRequest,
&channelRequest, &depthRequest, &interRequest,
&groupRequest, & qualityRequest, &compRequest,
&cltRequest, &alphaRequest );
otherRequest = 0;
otherRequestMask = 0;
if ( compRequest != -1 )
otherRequest |= (compRequest & IMCOMPMASK);
otherRequestMask |= IMCOMPMASK;
if ( cltRequest != -1 )
otherRequest |= (cltRequest & IMCLTMASK);
otherRequestMask |= IMCLTMASK;
if ( alphaRequest != -1 )
otherRequest |= (alphaRequest & IMALPHAMASK);
otherRequestMask |= IMALPHAMASK;
if ( groupRequest != -1 )
otherRequest |= (groupRequest & IMGROUPMASK);
otherRequestMask |= IMGROUPMASK;
if ( qualityRequest != -1 )
otherRequest |= (qualityRequest & IMQUALITYMASK);
otherRequestMask |= IMQUALITYMASK;
* Allocate a new tag table.
newTable = TagTableAlloc( );
* Walk through the original tag table, watching for VFB's and CLT's.
* Everything else is copied straight across.
nEntry = TagTableQNEntry( tagTable, NULL );
error = FALSE;
for ( i = 0; i < nEntry; i++ )
tmpEntry = TagTableQLinear( tagTable, i );
tag = TagEntryQTag( tmpEntry );
if ( strcmp( tag, "image clt" ) == 0 )
continue; /* Remove these for now */
if ( strcmp( tag, "image vfb" ) != 0 )
/* Some other tag. Copy to new table. */
TagTableCopy( tagTable, newTable, i, i );
* At this point we have a VFB from the original tag table.
TagEntryQValue( tmpEntry, &origVfb );
origFields = ImVfbQFields( origVfb );
* Get the write map entry that matches this VFB best.
pMap = imFileSelectMap( origVfb, pFormat, typeRequest,
channelRequest, depthRequest, interRequest,
groupRequest, qualityRequest, otherRequest, otherRequestMask );
if ( pMap == NULL )
/* Can't do it. */
error = TRUE;
* Allocate a new VFB.
newFields = pMap->map_inField;
if ( pMap->map_inAttributes & IMALPHAYES )
newFields |= IMVFBALPHA;
newVfb = ImVfbAlloc( ImVfbQWidth( origVfb ),
ImVfbQHeight( origVfb ), newFields );
if ( newVfb == IMVFBNULL )
error = TRUE;
if ( newFields & IMVFBALPHA )
if ( origFields & IMVFBALPHA )
* Copy alpha from original VFB.
if ( ImVfbCopy( origVfb, 0, 0,
ImVfbQWidth( origVfb ),
ImVfbQHeight( origVfb ), IMVFBALPHA,
newVfb, 0, 0 ) == IMVFBNULL )
ImVfbFree( newVfb );
ImErrorFatal( ImQError( ), -1, ImErrNo);
* Generate an empty alpha plane.
if ( ImVfbClear( IMVFBALPHA, ~0, newVfb ) == IMVFBNULL )
ImVfbFree( newVfb );
ImErrorFatal( ImQError( ), -1, ImErrNo);
* Copy the original image to the new VFB, changing
* depth if necessary.
if ( newFields & IMVFBMONO )
statusVfb = ImVfbToMono( origVfb, monoThreshold,newVfb);
else if ( newFields & IMVFBINDEX8 )
statusVfb = ImVfbToIndex8( origVfb, newVfb );
else if ( newFields & IMVFBINDEX16 )
statusVfb = ImVfbToIndex16( origVfb, newVfb );
else if ( newFields & IMVFBRGB )
statusVfb = ImVfbToRgb( origVfb, newVfb );
/* Unknown VFB selection? How is that possible?*/
error = TRUE;
if ( statusVfb == IMVFBNULL )
error = TRUE;
* Add a CLT if necessary.
newClt = ImVfbQClt( newVfb );
if ( (newClt == IMCLTNULL) && (pMap->map_inAttributes & IMCLTYES) )
* Note that we always generate a grayscale CLT:
* if Mono, no CLT means grayscale.
* if Index8, no CLT must default to grayscale.
* if Index16, no CLT must default to grayscale.
* if RGB, any CLT is meaningless. So grayscale.
* Mono gets a 2 entry CLT. All others 255 entries.
if ( newFields & IMVFBMONO )
newClt = ImCltGrayRamp( IMCLTNULL, 0, 1, 0, 255,
else if ( newFields & IMVFBINDEX16 )
newClt = ImCltGrayRamp( IMCLTNULL, 0, 65535, 0,
65535, IMCLTNEW);
newClt = ImCltGrayRamp( IMCLTNULL, 0, 255,0,
if ( newClt == IMCLTNULL )
error = TRUE;
ImVfbSClt( newVfb, newClt );
* Add the new CLT & VFB to the tag table and continue.
if ( newClt != IMCLTNULL )
TagTableAppend( newTable,
TagEntryAlloc( "image clt", POINTER, &newClt ));
TagTableAppend( newTable,
TagEntryAlloc( "image vfb", POINTER, &newVfb ) );
* Write out the new tag table.
if ( !error )
status = imFileWriteIt( pMap, ioType, fd, fp, pFormat,
flagsTable, newTable );
* Scan the new table for all the CLT's and VFB's we created
* and blow them away.
nEntry = TagTableQNEntry( newTable, "image clt" );
for ( i = 0; i < nEntry; i++ )
tmpEntry = TagTableQDirect( newTable, "image clt", i );
TagEntryQValue( tmpEntry, &newClt );
ImCltFree( newClt );
nEntry = TagTableQNEntry( newTable, "image vfb" );
for ( i = 0; i < nEntry; i++ )
tmpEntry = TagTableQDirect( newTable, "image vfb", i );
TagEntryQValue( tmpEntry, &newVfb );
ImVfbFree( newVfb );
TagTableFree( newTable );
if ( error )
ImErrorFatal( ImQError( ), -1, ImErrNo );
return ( status );
static int /* Returns number of entries used*/
#ifdef __STDC__
imFileWriteIt( ImFileFormatWriteMap *pMap, int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp,
ImFileFormat **pFormat, TagTable *flagsTable, TagTable *tagTable )
imFileWriteIt( pMap, ioType, fd, fp, pFormat, flagsTable, tagTable )
ImFileFormatWriteMap *pMap; /* Write map entry to use */
int ioType; /* I/O flags */
int fd; /* Output file descriptor */
FILE *fp; /* Output file pointer */
ImFileFormat **pFormat; /* Format to use */
TagTable *flagsTable; /* Flags */
TagTable *tagTable; /* Tag table to read from */
FILE *tmpFp; /* Temporary fp */
int tmpFd; /* Temporary fd */
char tmpName[1024]; /* Temporary file name */
unsigned char buffer[1024]; /* Temporary write buffer */
int status; /* Return status */
int n; /* Number of bytes read */
char message[1024]; /* Holds a message */
ImCompressScheme* pCompress; /* compression scheme */
char *tmp; /* temp string */
if ((tmp=imFileQCompression(ioType, fd, fp, flagsTable ))!=NULL)
pCompress = ImFileFindCompressionScheme(tmp);
sprintf(message,"'%s' (%s)",pCompress->compress_suffixes[0],pCompress->compress_name);
ImInfo("File Compression",message);
sprintf(message,"'%s' (%s)",(*pFormat)->format_names[0],(*pFormat)->format_help);
ImInfo("Image Format",message);
status = imFileWriteCompressedFile(ioType, fd, fp, flagsTable, tagTable, pMap, tmp);
/* Write an uncompressed file */
sprintf(message,"'%s' (%s)",(*pFormat)->format_names[0],(*pFormat)->format_help);
ImInfo("Image Format",message);
* If the fd/fp is a file, or it's a pipe and the handler can write
* directly to a pipe, write it.
if ( ioType & IMFILEIOFILE || (*pFormat)->format_writePipe == IMPIPE )
return ( (*pMap->map_write)( pMap, ioType, fd, fp,
flagsTable, tagTable ) );
* Create a temporary file. Write to it, then copy it out to the
* stream and delete it. If errors occur, save them until the
* unlink has been done.
strcpy( tmpName, imMakeTempFile() );
if ( ioType & IMFILEIOFD )
if ( (tmpFd = open( tmpName, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0666 )) == -1 )
ImErrorFatal( ImQError( ), -1, ImErrNo );
status = (*pMap->map_write)( pMap, IMFILEIOFD | IMFILEIOFILE,
tmpFd, NULL, flagsTable, tagTable );
lseek( tmpFd, 0, 0 );
while ( (n = read( tmpFd, buffer, sizeof( buffer ) )) > 0 )
write( fd, buffer, n );
close( tmpFd );
unlink( tmpName );
return ( status );
if ( (tmpFp = fopen( tmpName, "w+b" )) == NULL )
ImErrorFatal( ImQError( ), -1, ImErrNo );
status = (*pMap->map_write)( pMap, IMFILEIOFP | IMFILEIOFILE, -1, tmpFp,
flagsTable, tagTable );
fseek( tmpFp, 0, 0 );
while ( (n = fread( buffer, 1, sizeof( buffer ), tmpFp )) != 0 )
fwrite( buffer, 1, n, fp );
fclose( tmpFp );
unlink( tmpName );
return ( status );
* ImFileQCompression
* ImFileQFCompression
* imFileQCompression
* Query the compression scheme of a file using the
* file descriptor, file pointer, or ioType.
char *
#ifdef __STDC__
ImFileQCompression( int fd, TagTable* flagsTable)
ImFileQCompression( fd, flagsTable)
int fd;
TagTable* flagsTable;
return imFileQCompression(IOTYPE(fd), fd, NULL, flagsTable);
char *
#ifdef __STDC__
ImFileQFCompression( FILE* fp, TagTable* flagsTable)
ImFileQFCompression( fp, flagsTable)
FILE* fp;
TagTable* flagsTable;
return imFileQCompression(FIOTYPE(fp), -1, fp, flagsTable);
* imFileQCompression
* Determine whether or not a file is compressed. If it is,
* return the name of the compression scheme.
static char * /* returns name of compression scheme or NULL */
#ifdef __STDC__
imFileQCompression(int ioType, int fd, FILE* fp, TagTable* flagsTable)
imFileQCompression(ioType, fd, fp, flagsTable)
int ioType;
int fd;
FILE* fp;
TagTable* flagsTable;
char* fileName; /* file name */
TagEntry* tmpEntry; /* holds a tag table entry */
int doMagic; /* should we check magic#? */
int ioOperation; /* Read or write? */
char *strTmp; /* holds a string */
int i; /* index */
int length; /* length of a magic # */
ImCompressScheme**ppScheme;/* points into the table of schemes */
ImCompressScheme*pScheme; /* points into the table of schemes */
unsigned char magic1[IMMAXMAGIC]; /* Test magic number */
unsigned char magic2[IMMAXMAGIC]; /* another magic # */
unsigned char *magic; /* current magic # */
unsigned char *fmtMagic; /* current format's magic # */
ImFileMagic *pMagic; /* pointer to magic file info */
* We are compressed if...
* the file compression option is in the flags table
* OR we have one of the magic numbers in the compression table
* OR the filename in the flags table ends in a suffix in the compression table
if (TagTableQNEntry( flagsTable, "file compression" )>0)
tmpEntry = TagTableQDirect( flagsTable, "file compression", 0 );
TagEntryQValue( tmpEntry, &strTmp);
if (ImFileFindCompressionScheme(strTmp)!=NULL)
return strTmp;
return NULL;
* Should we check the magic number?
* 1. If file is a pipe or a tty, NO.
* 2. If file is open for writing only, NO.
* 3. Otherwise, YES.
doMagic = TRUE;
#if 0
if ( ioType & IMFILEIOPIPE )
doMagic = FALSE; /* Input is a pipe or a tty */
if ( ioType & IMFILEIOFD )
ioOperation = fcntl( fd, F_GETFL, &ioOperation );
ioOperation = fcntl( fileno(fp), F_GETFL, &ioOperation);
if ( ioOperation == -1 )
ImErrNo = IMESYS; /* Bad fp/fd? */
return ( 0 );
if ( ioOperation == O_WRONLY )
doMagic = FALSE;
* Get the magic number from the file and check it against each of
* the ones in the compression scheme list.
if (doMagic)
* Read in the magic number at location 0 (where most are)
if (ioType & IMFILEIOFD)
* Check it against the scheme list. If a scheme
* doesn't have a magic number, skip it. If it has
* a magic number, but not at byte 0, then read in
* and test with that magic. Otherwise test with the
* the magic number ead in above.
magic = magic1;
for (ppScheme = ImGetCompressSchemes(); *ppScheme; ppScheme++)
pMagic = (*ppScheme)->compress_magic_numbers;
if (pMagic == NULL )
/* No magic numbers */
for ( ; pMagic->format_magicNumber != NULL; pMagic++)
if (pMagic->format_magicLength==0)
continue; /* no magic number */
if (pMagic->format_magicLocation != 0 )
if ( ioType & IMFILEIOFD )
IMREADMAGIC( fd, magic2,
pMagic->format_magicLocation );
IMREADFMAGIC( fp, magic2,
pMagic->format_magicLocation );
magic = magic2;
length = pMagic->format_magicLength;
fmtMagic = pMagic->format_magicNumber;
/* See if it matches the magic number */
for (i=0; i < length; i++)
if (fmtMagic[i] != magic[i] )
if (i==length)
return ( (*ppScheme)->compress_suffixes[0] );
magic = magic1;
* No magic number match. Check the file name.
tmpEntry = TagTableQDirect( flagsTable, "file name", 0 );
if ( tmpEntry != TAGENTRYNULL )
TagEntryQValue( tmpEntry, &fileName);
* Set strTmp to be the one more than the last period
* in the filename.
strTmp = fileName + strlen(fileName) - 1;
while (*strTmp!='.' && strTmp!=fileName)
if (*strTmp=='.')
if ( (pScheme=ImFileFindCompressionScheme(strTmp))!=NULL)
return pScheme->compress_suffixes[0];
return NULL;
* imFileWriteCompressedFile
* Write a compressed file from the tagTable
static int /* returns status */
#ifdef __STDC__
imFileWriteCompressedFile(int ioType, int fd, FILE* fp, TagTable* flagsTable, TagTable* tagTable,
ImFileFormatWriteMap *pMap, char* scheme)
imFileWriteCompressedFile(ioType, fd, fp, flagsTable, tagTable, pMap, scheme)
int ioType;
int fd;
FILE* fp;
TagTable* flagsTable;
TagTable* tagTable;
ImFileFormatWriteMap *pMap;
char* scheme; /* Compression scheme to use */
char tmpName[1024]; /* uncompressed file */
char newName[1024]; /* compressed file */
FILE* tmpFp; /* a file pointer */
int status; /* status */
int n; /* bytes read */
unsigned char buffer[1024]; /* Temporary write buffer */
ImCompressScheme* pScheme; /* points into our table */
* 1. Dump all of the data into a temp file.
* 2. Compress the temp file using the write routine from our table.
* (This will destroy the uncompressed file)
* 3. Dump the compressed file to our output stream.
* 4. Remove the compressed file.
tmpFp = fopen(tmpName,"wb");
if (tmpFp==NULL)
ImErrorFatal( ImQError( ), -1, ImErrNo );
status = (*pMap->map_write)( pMap, IMFILEIOFP | IMFILEIOFILE, -1, tmpFp,
flagsTable, tagTable );
* Look up the compression scheme
pScheme = ImFileFindCompressionScheme(scheme);
if (pScheme==NULL)
return NULL;
if ( pScheme->compress_encode == NULL )
ImErrorFatal( ImQError( ), -1, ImErrNo );
* Compress our temp file, and destroy the uncompressed one.
if ((*pScheme->compress_encode)(tmpName, newName, flagsTable)==-1)
return -1;
tmpFp = fopen(newName,"rb");
if (tmpFp==NULL)
ImErrorFatal( ImQError( ), -1, ImErrNo );
* Send the new file to the outgoing stream
if ( ioType & IMFILEIOFD )
while ( (n = fread( buffer, 1, sizeof( buffer ), tmpFp )) != 0 )
write( fd, buffer, n );
while ( (n = fread( buffer, 1, sizeof( buffer ), tmpFp )) != 0 )
fwrite( buffer, 1, n, fp );
return status;
* imFileReadCompressedFile
* Read a compressed file into the tagTable
static int
#ifdef __STDC__
imFileReadCompressedFile(int ioType, int fd, FILE* fp, TagTable* flagsTable, TagTable* tagTable, char* scheme)
imFileReadCompressedFile(ioType, fd, fp, flagsTable, tagTable, scheme)
int ioType;
int fd;
FILE* fp;
TagTable* flagsTable;
TagTable* tagTable;
char* scheme;
char tmpName[1024]; /* compressed file */
char newName[1024]; /* uncompressed file */
FILE* tmpFp; /* holds an fp */
int tmpFd; /* holds an fd */
unsigned char buffer[1024]; /* Temporary write buffer */
int status = 1; /* status */
int n; /* num of bytes read */
ImFileFormat **pFormat; /* format that we're reading */
char* fileName; /* Name of file (in flagsTable) */
TagEntry* tmpEntry; /* holds a tag table entry */
char* format; /* format name */
char message[1024]; /* holds a message */
ImCompressScheme* pScheme; /* compression scheme entry */
* We could do things here with lots of processes
* and lots of pipes. However, that would get
* quite messy. Instead we're just going to
* use temp files.
* Algorithm:
* 1. Put all the data in a temp file
* 2. Uncompress the temp file
* 3. Read the uncompressed file
* 4. Destroy both files.
strcpy( tmpName , imMakeTempFile() );
* Write all the data
if ( ioType & IMFILEIOFD )
if ( (tmpFd = open( tmpName, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0666 )) == -1 )
ImErrorFatal( ImQError( ), -1, ImErrNo );
while ( (n = read( fd, buffer, sizeof( buffer ) )) > 0 )
write( tmpFd, buffer, n );
close( tmpFd );
if ( (tmpFp = fopen( tmpName, "w+b" )) == NULL )
ImErrorFatal( ImQError( ), -1, ImErrNo );
while ( (n = fread( buffer, 1, sizeof( buffer ), fp )) != 0 )
fwrite( buffer, 1, n, tmpFp );
/* Write an EOF */
fclose( tmpFp );
* Call the scheme's read routine.
* This routine will uncompress the file,
* delete the file we pass it,
* and tell us the name of the new file.
pScheme = ImFileFindCompressionScheme(scheme);
if (pScheme==NULL)
return NULL;
if ( pScheme->compress_decode == NULL )
ImErrorFatal( ImQError( ), -1, ImErrNo );
if ((*pScheme->compress_decode)(tmpName, newName, flagsTable)==-1)
return -1;
* Read the uncompressed file
tmpFp = fopen(newName,"rb");
if (tmpFp==NULL)
ImErrorFatal( ImQError( ), -1, ImErrNo );
* What format is the image file?
tmpEntry = TagTableQDirect( flagsTable, "file name", 0 );
if ( tmpEntry != TAGENTRYNULL )
TagEntryQValue( tmpEntry, &fileName);
fileName = NULL;
if ((format = ImFileQFFormat(tmpFp, fileName))==NULL)
ImErrorFatal( ImQError( ), -1, ImErrNo );
* Look up the format
if ( (pFormat = ImFileFindFormat( format )) == NULL )
ImErrorFatal( ImQError( ), -1, ImErrNo );
if ( (*pFormat)->format_read == NULL )
ImErrorFatal( ImQError( ), -1, ImErrNo );
sprintf(message,"'%s' (%s)",(*pFormat)->format_names[0],(*pFormat)->format_help);
ImInfo("Image Format",message);
status = (*(*pFormat)->format_read)( IMFILEIOFP | IMFILEIOFILE, -1,
tmpFp, flagsTable, tagTable );
* Destroy the uncompressed file
return status;
* ImFileFindCompressionScheme
* Search through the compression table for this
* scheme.
ImCompressScheme *
#ifdef __STDC__
ImFileFindCompressionScheme( char* scheme)
char* scheme;
int found; /* Have we found it yet? */
ImCompressScheme** pCompress; /* points into the table */
char** strPtr; /* points to list of strs */
found = 0;
pCompress = ImGetCompressSchemes();
while (!found && *pCompress)
* Check all the names for this scheme
strPtr = (*pCompress)->compress_suffixes;
while (*strPtr!=NULL && strcmp(*strPtr,scheme)!=0)
if (*strPtr!=NULL)
found = 1;
if (!found)
if (!found)
return NULL;
return *pCompress;
* imMakeTempFile
* make file name for a temp file.
* This name will have the full path of
* the temp file. (i.e. in the correct
* temp directory)
static char*
#ifdef __STDC__
char* tmpDir; /* temp directory */
static char ret[1024]; /* string to return */
/* Get tmpDir from environment. */
tmpDir = getenv("TMPDIR");
if (tmpDir==NULL)
return ret;