// leave this line at the top for all g_xxxx.cpp files... #include "g_headers.h" #include "g_local.h" #include "g_roff.h" #include "g_icarus.h" // The list of precached ROFFs roff_list_t roffs[MAX_ROFFS]; int num_roffs = 0; extern void Q3_TaskIDComplete( gentity_t *ent, taskID_t taskType ); void G_RoffNotetrackCallback( gentity_t *cent, const char *notetrack) { int i = 0, r = 0, r2 = 0, objectID = 0, anglesGathered = 0, posoffsetGathered = 0; char type[256]; char argument[512]; char addlArg[512]; char errMsg[256]; char t[64]; char teststr[256]; int addlArgs = 0; vec3_t parsedAngles, parsedOffset, useAngles, useOrigin, forward, right, up; if (!cent || !notetrack) { return; } //notetrack = "effect effects/explosion1.efx 0+0+64 0-0-1"; while (notetrack[i] && notetrack[i] != ' ') { type[i] = notetrack[i]; i++; } type[i] = '\0'; if (notetrack[i] != ' ') { //didn't pass in a valid notetrack type, or forgot the argument for it return; } i++; while (notetrack[i] && notetrack[i] != ' ') { if (notetrack[i] != '\n' && notetrack[i] != '\r') { //don't read line ends for an argument argument[r] = notetrack[i]; r++; } i++; } argument[r] = '\0'; if (!r) { return; } if (notetrack[i] == ' ') { //additional arguments... addlArgs = 1; i++; r = 0; while (notetrack[i]) { addlArg[r] = notetrack[i]; r++; i++; } addlArg[r] = '\0'; } if (strcmp(type, "effect") == 0) { if (!addlArgs) { VectorClear(parsedOffset); goto defaultoffsetposition; } i = 0; while (posoffsetGathered < 3) { r = 0; while (addlArg[i] && addlArg[i] != '+' && addlArg[i] != ' ') { t[r] = addlArg[i]; r++; i++; } t[r] = '\0'; i++; if (!r) { //failure.. VectorClear(parsedOffset); i = 0; goto defaultoffsetposition; } parsedOffset[posoffsetGathered] = atof(t); posoffsetGathered++; } if (posoffsetGathered < 3) { sprintf(errMsg, "Offset position argument for 'effect' type is invalid."); goto functionend; } i--; if (addlArg[i] != ' ') { addlArgs = 0; } defaultoffsetposition: r = 0; if (argument[r] == '/') { r++; } while (argument[r] && argument[r] != '/') { teststr[r2] = argument[r]; r2++; r++; } teststr[r2] = '\0'; if (r2 && strstr(teststr, "effects")) { //get rid of the leading "effects" since it's auto-inserted r++; r2 = 0; while (argument[r]) { teststr[r2] = argument[r]; r2++; r++; } teststr[r2] = '\0'; strcpy(argument, teststr); } objectID = G_EffectIndex(argument); r = 0; if (objectID) { if (addlArgs) { //if there is an additional argument for an effect it is expected to be XANGLE-YANGLE-ZANGLE i++; while (anglesGathered < 3) { r = 0; while (addlArg[i] && addlArg[i] != '-') { t[r] = addlArg[i]; r++; i++; } t[r] = '\0'; i++; if (!r) { //failed to get a new part of the vector anglesGathered = 0; break; } parsedAngles[anglesGathered] = atof(t); anglesGathered++; } if (anglesGathered) { VectorCopy(parsedAngles, useAngles); } else { //failed to parse angles from the extra argument provided.. VectorCopy(cent->s.apos.trBase, useAngles); } } else { //if no constant angles, play in direction entity is facing VectorCopy(cent->s.apos.trBase, useAngles); } AngleVectors(useAngles, forward, right, up); VectorCopy(cent->s.pos.trBase, useOrigin); //forward useOrigin[0] += forward[0]*parsedOffset[0]; useOrigin[1] += forward[1]*parsedOffset[0]; useOrigin[2] += forward[2]*parsedOffset[0]; //right useOrigin[0] += right[0]*parsedOffset[1]; useOrigin[1] += right[1]*parsedOffset[1]; useOrigin[2] += right[2]*parsedOffset[1]; //up useOrigin[0] += up[0]*parsedOffset[2]; useOrigin[1] += up[1]*parsedOffset[2]; useOrigin[2] += up[2]*parsedOffset[2]; G_PlayEffect(objectID, useOrigin, useAngles); } } else if (strcmp(type, "sound") == 0) { objectID = G_SoundIndex(argument); cgi_S_StartSound(cent->s.pos.trBase, cent->s.number, CHAN_BODY, objectID); } //else if ... else { if (type[0]) { Com_Printf("Warning: \"%s\" is an invalid ROFF notetrack function\n", type); } else { Com_Printf("Warning: Notetrack is missing function and/or arguments\n"); } } return; functionend: Com_Printf("Type-specific notetrack error: %s\n", errMsg); return; } qboolean G_ValidRoff( roff_hdr2_t *header ) { if ( !strncmp( header->mHeader, "ROFF", 4 )) { if ( header->mCount > 0 && header->mVersion == ROFF_VERSION2 ) { return qtrue; } else if ( header->mVersion == ROFF_VERSION || ((roff_hdr_t*)header)->mCount > 0.0f ) { // version 1 defines the count as a float, so we best do the count check as a float or we'll get bogus results return qtrue; } } return qfalse; } qboolean G_InitRoff( char *file, unsigned char *data ) { roff_hdr_t *header = (roff_hdr_t *)data; int count = (int)header->mCount; roffs[num_roffs].fileName = G_NewString( file ); if ( header->mVersion == ROFF_VERSION ) { // We are Old School(tm) roffs[num_roffs].data = (void *) G_Alloc( count * sizeof( move_rotate_t ) ); move_rotate_t *mem = (move_rotate_t *)roffs[num_roffs].data; roffs[num_roffs].mFrameTime = 100; // old school ones have a hard-coded frame time roffs[num_roffs].mLerp = 10; if ( mem ) { // The allocation worked, so stash this stuff off so we can reference the data later if needed roffs[num_roffs].frames = count; // Step past the header to get to the goods move_rotate_t *roff_data = ( move_rotate_t *)&header[1]; // Copy all of the goods into our ROFF cache for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++, roff_data++, mem++ ) { // Copy just the delta position and orientation which can be applied to anything at a later point VectorCopy( roff_data->origin_delta, mem->origin_delta ); VectorCopy( roff_data->rotate_delta, mem->rotate_delta ); } } else { return qfalse; } } else { // Version 2.0, heck yeah! roff_hdr2_t *hdr = (roff_hdr2_t *)data; count = hdr->mCount; roffs[num_roffs].frames = count; roffs[num_roffs].data = (void *) G_Alloc( count * sizeof( move_rotate2_t )); move_rotate2_t *mem = (move_rotate2_t *)roffs[num_roffs].data; if ( mem ) { roffs[num_roffs].mFrameTime = hdr->mFrameRate; roffs[num_roffs].mLerp = 1000 / hdr->mFrameRate; roffs[num_roffs].mNumNoteTracks = hdr->mNumNotes; // Step past the header to get to the goods move_rotate2_t *roff_data = ( move_rotate2_t *)&hdr[1]; roffs[num_roffs].type = 2; //rww - any reason this wasn't being set already? // Copy all of the goods into our ROFF cache for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { VectorCopy( roff_data[i].origin_delta, mem[i].origin_delta ); VectorCopy( roff_data[i].rotate_delta, mem[i].rotate_delta ); mem[i].mStartNote = roff_data[i].mStartNote; mem[i].mNumNotes = roff_data[i].mNumNotes; } if ( hdr->mNumNotes ) { int size; char *ptr, *start; ptr = start = (char *)&roff_data[i]; size = 0; for( i = 0; i < hdr->mNumNotes; i++ ) { size += strlen(ptr) + 1; ptr += strlen(ptr) + 1; } // ? Get rid of dynamic memory ? roffs[num_roffs].mNoteTrackIndexes = new char *[hdr->mNumNotes]; ptr = roffs[num_roffs].mNoteTrackIndexes[0] = new char[size]; memcpy(roffs[num_roffs].mNoteTrackIndexes[0], start, size); for( i = 1; i < hdr->mNumNotes; i++ ) { ptr += strlen(ptr) + 1; roffs[num_roffs].mNoteTrackIndexes[i] = ptr; } } } else { return false; } } return true; } //------------------------------------------------------- // G_LoadRoff // // Does the fun work of loading and caching a roff file // If the file is already cached, it just returns an // ID to the cached file. //------------------------------------------------------- int G_LoadRoff( const char *fileName ) { char file[MAX_QPATH]; byte *data; int len, i, roff_id = 0; // Before even bothering with all of this, make sure we have a place to store it. if ( num_roffs >= MAX_ROFFS ) { Com_Printf( S_COLOR_RED"MAX_ROFFS count exceeded. Skipping load of .ROF '%s'\n", fileName ); return roff_id; } // The actual path sprintf( file, "%s/%s.rof", Q3_SCRIPT_DIR, fileName ); // See if I'm already precached for ( i = 0; i < num_roffs; i++ ) { if ( stricmp( file, roffs[i].fileName ) == 0 ) { // Good, just return me...avoid zero index return i + 1; } } #ifdef _DEBUG Com_Printf( S_COLOR_GREEN"Caching ROF: '%s'\n", file ); #endif // Read the file in one fell swoop len = gi.FS_ReadFile( file, (void**) &data); if ( len <= 0 ) { Com_Printf( S_COLOR_RED"Could not open .ROF file '%s'\n", fileName ); return roff_id; } // Now let's check the header info... roff_hdr2_t *header = (roff_hdr2_t *)data; // ..and make sure it's reasonably valid if ( !G_ValidRoff( header )) { Com_Printf( S_COLOR_RED"Invalid roff format '%s'\n", fileName ); } else { G_InitRoff( file, data ); // Done loading this roff, so save off an id to it..increment first to avoid zero index roff_id = ++num_roffs; } gi.FS_FreeFile( data ); return roff_id; } //------------------------------------------------------- // G_Roff // // Handles applying the roff data to the specified ent //------------------------------------------------------- void G_Roff( gentity_t *ent ) { if ( !ent->next_roff_time || ent->next_roff_time > level.time ) { // either I don't think or it's just not time to have me think yet return; } const int roff_id = G_LoadRoff( ent->roff ); if ( !roff_id ) { // Couldn't cache this rof return; } // The ID is one higher than the array index const roff_list_t * roff = &roffs[ roff_id - 1 ]; vec3_t org, ang; if ( roff->type == 2 ) { move_rotate2_t *data = &((move_rotate2_t *)roff->data)[ ent->roff_ctr ]; VectorCopy( data->origin_delta, org ); VectorCopy( data->rotate_delta, ang ); if (data->mStartNote != -1 || data->mNumNotes) { G_RoffNotetrackCallback(ent, roffs[roff_id - 1].mNoteTrackIndexes[data->mStartNote]); } } else { move_rotate_t *data = &((move_rotate_t *)roff->data)[ ent->roff_ctr ]; VectorCopy( data->origin_delta, org ); VectorCopy( data->rotate_delta, ang ); } #ifdef _DEBUG if ( g_developer->integer ) { Com_Printf( S_COLOR_GREEN"ROFF dat: o:<%.2f %.2f %.2f> a:<%.2f %.2f %.2f>\n", org[0], org[1], org[2], ang[0], ang[1], ang[2] ); } #endif if ( ent->client ) { // Set up the angle interpolation //------------------------------------- VectorAdd( ent->s.apos.trBase, ang, ent->s.apos.trBase ); ent->s.apos.trTime = level.time; ent->s.apos.trType = TR_INTERPOLATE; // Store what the next apos->trBase should be VectorCopy( ent->s.apos.trBase, ent->client->ps.viewangles ); VectorCopy( ent->s.apos.trBase, ent->currentAngles ); VectorCopy( ent->s.apos.trBase, ent->s.angles ); if ( ent->NPC ) { //ent->NPC->desiredPitch = ent->s.apos.trBase[PITCH]; ent->NPC->desiredYaw = ent->s.apos.trBase[YAW]; } // Set up the origin interpolation //------------------------------------- VectorAdd( ent->s.pos.trBase, org, ent->s.pos.trBase ); ent->s.pos.trTime = level.time; ent->s.pos.trType = TR_INTERPOLATE; // Store what the next pos->trBase should be VectorCopy( ent->s.pos.trBase, ent->client->ps.origin ); VectorCopy( ent->s.pos.trBase, ent->currentOrigin ); //VectorCopy( ent->s.pos.trBase, ent->s.origin ); } else { // Set up the angle interpolation //------------------------------------- VectorScale( ang, roff->mLerp, ent->s.apos.trDelta ); VectorCopy( ent->pos2, ent->s.apos.trBase ); ent->s.apos.trTime = level.time; ent->s.apos.trType = TR_LINEAR; // Store what the next apos->trBase should be VectorAdd( ent->pos2, ang, ent->pos2 ); // Set up the origin interpolation //------------------------------------- VectorScale( org, roff->mLerp, ent->s.pos.trDelta ); VectorCopy( ent->pos1, ent->s.pos.trBase ); ent->s.pos.trTime = level.time; ent->s.pos.trType = TR_LINEAR; // Store what the next apos->trBase should be VectorAdd( ent->pos1, org, ent->pos1 ); //make it true linear... FIXME: sticks around after ROFF is done, but do we really care? ent->alt_fire = qtrue; } // See if the ROFF playback is done //------------------------------------- if ( ++ent->roff_ctr >= roff->frames ) { // We are done, so let me think no more, then tell the task that we're done. ent->next_roff_time = 0; // Stop any rotation or movement. VectorClear( ent->s.pos.trDelta ); VectorClear( ent->s.apos.trDelta ); Q3_TaskIDComplete( ent, TID_MOVE_NAV ); return; } // Lock me to a 20hz update rate ent->next_roff_time = level.time + roff->mFrameTime; } //------------------------------------------------------- // G_SaveCachedRoffs // // Really fun savegame stuff //------------------------------------------------------- void G_SaveCachedRoffs() { int i, len; // Write out the number of cached ROFFs gi.AppendToSaveGame( 'ROFF', (void *)&num_roffs, sizeof(num_roffs) ); // Now dump out the cached ROFF file names in order so they can be loaded on the other end for ( i = 0; i < num_roffs; i++ ) { // Dump out the string length to make things a bit easier on the other end...heh heh. len = strlen( roffs[i].fileName ) + 1; gi.AppendToSaveGame( 'SLEN', (void *)&len, sizeof(len) ); gi.AppendToSaveGame( 'RSTR', (void *)(*roffs[i].fileName), len ); } } //------------------------------------------------------- // G_LoadCachedRoffs // // Really fun loadgame stuff //------------------------------------------------------- void G_LoadCachedRoffs() { int i, count, len; char buffer[MAX_QPATH]; // Get the count of goodies we need to revive gi.ReadFromSaveGame( 'ROFF', (void *)&count, sizeof(count) ); // Now bring 'em back to life for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { gi.ReadFromSaveGame( 'SLEN', (void *)&len, sizeof(len) ); gi.ReadFromSaveGame( 'RSTR', (void *)(buffer), len ); G_LoadRoff( buffer ); } }