#ifndef __Q3_INTERFACE__ #define __Q3_INTERFACE__ //NOTENOTE: The enums and tables in this file will obviously bitch if they are included multiple times, don't do that typedef enum //# setType_e { //# #sep Parm strings SET_PARM1 = 0,//## %s="" # Set entity parm1 SET_PARM2,//## %s="" # Set entity parm2 SET_PARM3,//## %s="" # Set entity parm3 SET_PARM4,//## %s="" # Set entity parm4 SET_PARM5,//## %s="" # Set entity parm5 SET_PARM6,//## %s="" # Set entity parm6 SET_PARM7,//## %s="" # Set entity parm7 SET_PARM8,//## %s="" # Set entity parm8 SET_PARM9,//## %s="" # Set entity parm9 SET_PARM10,//## %s="" # Set entity parm10 SET_PARM11,//## %s="" # Set entity parm11 SET_PARM12,//## %s="" # Set entity parm12 SET_PARM13,//## %s="" # Set entity parm13 SET_PARM14,//## %s="" # Set entity parm14 SET_PARM15,//## %s="" # Set entity parm15 SET_PARM16,//## %s="" # Set entity parm16 // NOTE!!! If you add any other SET_xxxxxxSCRIPT types, make sure you update the 'case' statements in // ICARUS_InterrogateScript() (game/g_ICARUS.cpp), or the script-precacher won't find them. //# #sep Scripts and other file paths SET_SPAWNSCRIPT,//## %s="NULL" !!"W:\game\base\scripts\!!#*.txt" # Script to run when spawned //0 - do not change these, these are equal to BSET_SPAWN, etc SET_USESCRIPT,//## %s="NULL" !!"W:\game\base\scripts\!!#*.txt" # Script to run when used SET_AWAKESCRIPT,//## %s="NULL" !!"W:\game\base\scripts\!!#*.txt" # Script to run when startled SET_ANGERSCRIPT,//## %s="NULL" !!"W:\game\base\scripts\!!#*.txt" # Script run when find an enemy for the first time SET_ATTACKSCRIPT,//## %s="NULL" !!"W:\game\base\scripts\!!#*.txt" # Script to run when you shoot SET_VICTORYSCRIPT,//## %s="NULL" !!"W:\game\base\scripts\!!#*.txt" # Script to run when killed someone SET_LOSTENEMYSCRIPT,//## %s="NULL" !!"W:\game\base\scripts\!!#*.txt" # Script to run when you can't find your enemy SET_PAINSCRIPT,//## %s="NULL" !!"W:\game\base\scripts\!!#*.txt" # Script to run when hit SET_FLEESCRIPT,//## %s="NULL" !!"W:\game\base\scripts\!!#*.txt" # Script to run when hit and low health SET_DEATHSCRIPT,//## %s="NULL" !!"W:\game\base\scripts\!!#*.txt" # Script to run when killed SET_DELAYEDSCRIPT,//## %s="NULL" !!"W:\game\base\scripts\!!#*.txt" # Script to run after a delay SET_BLOCKEDSCRIPT,//## %s="NULL" !!"W:\game\base\scripts\!!#*.txt" # Script to run when blocked by teammate SET_FFIRESCRIPT,//## %s="NULL" !!"W:\game\base\scripts\!!#*.txt" # Script to run when player has shot own team repeatedly SET_FFDEATHSCRIPT,//## %s="NULL" !!"W:\game\base\scripts\!!#*.txt" # Script to run when player kills a teammate SET_MINDTRICKSCRIPT,//## %s="NULL" !!"W:\game\base\scripts\!!#*.txt" # Script to run when player kills a teammate SET_VIDEO_PLAY,//## %s="filename" !!"W:\game\base\video\!!#*.roq" # Play a video (inGame) //# #sep Standard strings SET_ENEMY,//## %s="NULL" # Set enemy by targetname SET_LEADER,//## %s="NULL" # Set for BS_FOLLOW_LEADER SET_NAVGOAL,//## %s="NULL" # *Move to this navgoal then continue script SET_CAPTURE,//## %s="NULL" # Set captureGoal by targetname SET_VIEWTARGET,//## %s="NULL" # Set angles toward ent by targetname SET_WATCHTARGET,//## %s="NULL" # Set angles toward ent by targetname, will *continue* to face them... only in BS_CINEMATIC SET_TARGETNAME,//## %s="NULL" # Set/change your targetname SET_PAINTARGET,//## %s="NULL" # Set/change what to use when hit SET_CAMERA_GROUP,//## %s="NULL" # all ents with this cameraGroup will be focused on SET_CAMERA_GROUP_TAG,//## %s="NULL" # What tag on all clients to try to track SET_LOOK_TARGET,//## %s="NULL" # object for NPC to look at SET_ADDRHANDBOLT_MODEL, //## %s="NULL" # object to place on NPC right hand bolt SET_REMOVERHANDBOLT_MODEL, //## %s="NULL" # object to remove from NPC right hand bolt SET_ADDLHANDBOLT_MODEL, //## %s="NULL" # object to place on NPC left hand bolt SET_REMOVELHANDBOLT_MODEL, //## %s="NULL" # object to remove from NPC left hand bolt SET_CAPTIONTEXTCOLOR, //## %s="" # Color of text RED,WHITE,BLUE, YELLOW SET_CENTERTEXTCOLOR, //## %s="" # Color of text RED,WHITE,BLUE, YELLOW SET_SCROLLTEXTCOLOR, //## %s="" # Color of text RED,WHITE,BLUE, YELLOW SET_COPY_ORIGIN,//## %s="targetname" # Copy the origin of the ent with targetname to your origin SET_DEFEND_TARGET,//## %s="targetname" # This NPC will attack the target NPC's enemies SET_TARGET,//## %s="NULL" # Set/change your target SET_TARGET2,//## %s="NULL" # Set/change your target2, on NPC's, this fires when they're knocked out by the red hypo SET_LOCATION,//## %s="INVALID" # What trigger_location you're in - Can only be gotten, not set! SET_REMOVE_TARGET,//## %s="NULL" # Target that is fired when someone completes the BS_REMOVE behaviorState SET_LOADGAME,//## %s="exitholodeck" # Load the savegame that was auto-saved when you started the holodeck SET_LOCKYAW,//## %s="off" # Lock legs to a certain yaw angle (or "off" or "auto" uses current) SET_FULLNAME,//## %s="NULL" # This name will appear when ent is scanned by tricorder SET_VIEWENTITY,//## %s="NULL" # Make the player look through this ent's eyes - also shunts player movement control to this ent SET_LOOPSOUND,//## %s="NULL" # Looping sound to play on entity SET_SCROLLTEXT, //## %s="" # key of text string to print SET_LCARSTEXT, //## %s="" # key of text string to print in LCARS frame //# #sep vectors SET_ORIGIN,//## %v="0.0 0.0 0.0" # Set origin explicitly or with TAG SET_ANGLES,//## %v="0.0 0.0 0.0" # Set angles explicitly or with TAG SET_TELEPORT_DEST,//## %v="0.0 0.0 0.0" # Set origin here as soon as the area is clear //# #sep floats SET_XVELOCITY,//## %f="0.0" # Velocity along X axis SET_YVELOCITY,//## %f="0.0" # Velocity along Y axis SET_ZVELOCITY,//## %f="0.0" # Velocity along Z axis SET_Z_OFFSET,//## %f="0.0" # Vertical offset from original origin... offset/ent's speed * 1000ms is duration SET_DPITCH,//## %f="0.0" # Pitch for NPC to turn to SET_DYAW,//## %f="0.0" # Yaw for NPC to turn to SET_TIMESCALE,//## %f="0.0" # Speed-up slow down game (0 - 1.0) SET_CAMERA_GROUP_Z_OFS,//## %s="NULL" # when following an ent with the camera, apply this z ofs SET_VISRANGE,//## %f="0.0" # How far away NPC can see SET_EARSHOT,//## %f="0.0" # How far an NPC can hear SET_VIGILANCE,//## %f="0.0" # How often to look for enemies (0 - 1.0) SET_GRAVITY,//## %f="0.0" # Change this ent's gravity - 800 default SET_FACEAUX, //## %f="0.0" # Set face to Aux expression for number of seconds SET_FACEBLINK, //## %f="0.0" # Set face to Blink expression for number of seconds SET_FACEBLINKFROWN, //## %f="0.0" # Set face to Blinkfrown expression for number of seconds SET_FACEFROWN, //## %f="0.0" # Set face to Frown expression for number of seconds SET_FACENORMAL, //## %f="0.0" # Set face to Normal expression for number of seconds SET_FACEEYESCLOSED, //## %f="0.0" # Set face to Eyes closed SET_FACEEYESOPENED, //## %f="0.0" # Set face to Eyes open SET_WAIT, //## %f="0.0" # Change an entity's wait field SET_FOLLOWDIST, //## %f="0.0" # How far away to stay from leader in BS_FOLLOW_LEADER //# #sep ints SET_ANIM_HOLDTIME_LOWER,//## %d="0" # Hold lower anim for number of milliseconds SET_ANIM_HOLDTIME_UPPER,//## %d="0" # Hold upper anim for number of milliseconds SET_ANIM_HOLDTIME_BOTH,//## %d="0" # Hold lower and upper anims for number of milliseconds SET_HEALTH,//## %d="0" # Change health SET_ARMOR,//## %d="0" # Change armor SET_WALKSPEED,//## %d="0" # Change walkSpeed SET_RUNSPEED,//## %d="0" # Change runSpeed SET_YAWSPEED,//## %d="0" # Change yawSpeed SET_AGGRESSION,//## %d="0" # Change aggression 1-5 SET_AIM,//## %d="0" # Change aim 1-5 SET_FRICTION,//## %d="0" # Change ent's friction - 6 default SET_SHOOTDIST,//## %d="0" # How far the ent can shoot - 0 uses weapon SET_HFOV,//## %d="0" # Horizontal field of view SET_VFOV,//## %d="0" # Vertical field of view SET_DELAYSCRIPTTIME,//## %d="0" # How many milliseconds to wait before running delayscript SET_FORWARDMOVE,//## %d="0" # NPC move forward -127(back) to 127 SET_RIGHTMOVE,//## %d="0" # NPC move right -127(left) to 127 SET_STARTFRAME, //## %d="0" # frame to start animation sequence on SET_ENDFRAME, //## %d="0" # frame to end animation sequence on SET_ANIMFRAME, //## %d="0" # frame to set animation sequence to SET_COUNT, //## %d="0" # Change an entity's count field SET_SHOT_SPACING,//## %d="1000" # Time between shots for an NPC - reset to defaults when changes weapon SET_MISSIONSTATUSTIME,//## %d="0" # Amount of time until Mission Status should be shown after death SET_WIDTH,//## %d="0.0" # Width of NPC bounding box. //# #sep booleans SET_IGNOREPAIN,//## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # Do not react to pain SET_IGNOREENEMIES,//## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # Do not acquire enemies SET_IGNOREALERTS,//## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # Do not get enemy set by allies in area(ambush) SET_DONTSHOOT,//## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # Others won't shoot you SET_NOTARGET,//## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # Others won't pick you as enemy SET_DONTFIRE,//## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # Don't fire your weapon SET_LOCKED_ENEMY,//## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # Keep current enemy until dead SET_CROUCHED,//## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # Force NPC to crouch SET_WALKING,//## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # Force NPC to move at walkSpeed SET_RUNNING,//## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # Force NPC to move at runSpeed SET_CHASE_ENEMIES,//## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # NPC will chase after enemies SET_LOOK_FOR_ENEMIES,//## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # NPC will be on the lookout for enemies SET_FACE_MOVE_DIR,//## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # NPC will face in the direction it's moving SET_DONT_FLEE,//## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # NPC will not run from danger SET_FORCED_MARCH,//## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # NPC will not move unless you aim at him SET_UNDYING,//## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # Can take damage down to 1 but not die SET_NOAVOID,//## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # Will not avoid other NPCs or architecture SET_SOLID,//## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # Make yourself notsolid or solid SET_PLAYER_USABLE,//## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # Can be activateby the player's "use" button SET_LOOP_ANIM,//## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # For non-NPCs, loop your animation sequence SET_INTERFACE,//## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # Player interface on/off SET_SHIELDS,//## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # NPC has no shields (Borg do not adapt) SET_INVISIBLE,//## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # Makes an NPC not solid and not visible SET_VAMPIRE,//## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # Draws only in mirrors/portals SET_FORCE_INVINCIBLE,//## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # Force Invincibility effect, also godmode SET_GREET_ALLIES,//## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # Makes an NPC greet teammates SET_VIDEO_FADE_IN,//## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # Makes video playback fade in SET_VIDEO_FADE_OUT,//## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # Makes video playback fade out SET_PLAYER_LOCKED,//## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # Makes it so player cannot move SET_LOCK_PLAYER_WEAPONS,//## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # Makes it so player cannot switch weapons SET_NO_KNOCKBACK,//## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # Stops this ent from taking knockback from weapons SET_ALT_FIRE,//## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # Force NPC to use altfire when shooting SET_NO_RESPONSE,//## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # NPCs will do generic responses when this is on (usescripts override generic responses as well) SET_INVINCIBLE,//## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # Completely unkillable SET_MISSIONSTATUSACTIVE, //# Turns on Mission Status Screen SET_NO_COMBAT_TALK,//## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # NPCs will not do their combat talking noises when this is on SET_TREASONED,//## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # Player has turned on his own- scripts will stop, NPCs will turn on him and level changes load the brig SET_DISABLE_SHADER_ANIM,//## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # Allows turning off an animating shader in a script SET_SHADER_ANIM,//## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # Sets a shader with an image map to be under frame control SET_SABERACTIVE,//## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # Turns saber on/off SET_ADJUST_AREA_PORTALS,//## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # Only set this on things you move with script commands that you *want* to open/close area portals. Default is off. SET_DMG_BY_HEAVY_WEAP_ONLY,//## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # When true, only a heavy weapon class missile/laser can damage this ent. SET_SHIELDED,//## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # When true, ion_cannon is shielded from any kind of damage. SET_NO_GROUPS,//## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # This NPC cannot alert groups or be part of a group SET_FIRE_WEAPON,//## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # Makes NPC will hold down the fire button, until this is set to false SET_NO_MINDTRICK,//## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # Makes NPC immune to jedi mind-trick SET_INACTIVE,//## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # in lieu of using a target_activate or target_deactivate SET_FUNC_USABLE_VISIBLE,//## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # provides an alternate way of changing func_usable to be visible or not, DOES NOT AFFECT SOLID SET_SECRET_AREA_FOUND,//## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # Increment secret areas found counter SET_MISSION_STATUS_SCREEN,//## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # Display Mission Status screen before advancing to next level SET_END_SCREENDISSOLVE,//## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # End of game dissolve into star background and credits SET_USE_CP_NEAREST,//## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # NPCs will use their closest combat points, not try and find ones next to the player, or flank player //# #sep calls SET_SKILL,//## %r%d="0" # Cannot set this, only get it - valid values are 0 through 3 //# #sep Special tables SET_ANIM_UPPER,//## %t="ANIM_NAMES" # Torso and head anim SET_ANIM_LOWER,//## %t="ANIM_NAMES" # Legs anim SET_ANIM_BOTH,//## %t="ANIM_NAMES" # Set same anim on torso and legs SET_PLAYER_TEAM,//## %t="TEAM_NAMES" # Your team SET_ENEMY_TEAM,//## %t="TEAM_NAMES" # Team in which to look for enemies SET_BEHAVIOR_STATE,//## %t="BSTATE_STRINGS" # Change current bState SET_DEFAULT_BSTATE,//## %t="BSTATE_STRINGS" # Change fallback bState SET_TEMP_BSTATE,//## %t="BSTATE_STRINGS" # Set/Chang a temp bState SET_EVENT,//## %t="EVENT_NAMES" # Events you can initiate SET_WEAPON,//## %t="WEAPON_NAMES" # Change/Stow/Drop weapon SET_ITEM,//## %t="ITEM_NAMES" # Give items SET_FORCE_HEAL_LEVEL,//## %t="FORCE_LEVELS" # Change force power level SET_FORCE_JUMP_LEVEL,//## %t="FORCE_LEVELS" # Change force power level SET_FORCE_SPEED_LEVEL,//## %t="FORCE_LEVELS" # Change force power level SET_FORCE_PUSH_LEVEL,//## %t="FORCE_LEVELS" # Change force power level SET_FORCE_PULL_LEVEL,//## %t="FORCE_LEVELS" # Change force power level SET_FORCE_MINDTRICK_LEVEL,//## %t="FORCE_LEVELS" # Change force power level SET_FORCE_GRIP_LEVEL,//## %t="FORCE_LEVELS" # Change force power level SET_FORCE_LIGHTNING_LEVEL,//## %t="FORCE_LEVELS" # Change force power level SET_SABER_THROW,//## %t="FORCE_LEVELS" # Change force power level SET_SABER_DEFENSE,//## %t="FORCE_LEVELS" # Change force power level SET_SABER_OFFENSE,//## %t="FORCE_LEVELS" # Change force power level SET_OBJECTIVE_SHOW, //## %t="OBJECTIVES" # Show objective on mission screen SET_OBJECTIVE_HIDE, //## %t="OBJECTIVES" # Hide objective from mission screen SET_OBJECTIVE_SUCCEEDED,//## %t="OBJECTIVES" # Mark objective as completed SET_OBJECTIVE_FAILED, //## %t="OBJECTIVES" # Mark objective as failed SET_MISSIONFAILED, //## %t="MISSIONFAILED" # Mission failed screen activates SET_TACTICAL_SHOW, //## %t="TACTICAL" # Show tactical info on mission objectives screen SET_TACTICAL_HIDE, //## %t="TACTICAL" # Hide tactical info on mission objectives screen SET_OBJECTIVE_CLEARALL, //## # Force all objectives to be hidden /* SET_OBJECTIVEFOSTER, */ SET_MISSIONSTATUSTEXT, //## %t="STATUSTEXT" # Text to appear in mission status screen SET_MENU_SCREEN,//## %t="MENUSCREENS" # Brings up specified menu screen SET_CLOSINGCREDITS, //## # Show closing credits //in-bhc tables SET_LEAN,//## %t="LEAN_TYPES" # Lean left, right or stop leaning //# #eol SET_ } setType_t; // this enum isn't used directly by the game, it's mainly for BehavEd to scan for... // typedef enum //# playType_e { //# #sep Types of file to play PLAY_ROFF = 0,//## %s="filename" !!"W:\game\base\scripts\!!#*.rof" # Play a ROFF file //# #eol PLAY_NUMBEROF } playType_t; const int Q3_TIME_SCALE = 1; //MILLISECONDS //General extern void Q3_TaskIDClear( int *taskID ); extern qboolean Q3_TaskIDPending( gentity_t *ent, taskID_t taskType ); extern void Q3_TaskIDComplete( gentity_t *ent, taskID_t taskType ); extern void Q3_DPrintf( const char *, ... ); extern void Q3_CameraRoll( float angle, float duration ); extern void Q3_CameraFollow( const char *name, float speed, float initLerp ); extern void Q3_CameraTrack( const char *name, float speed, float initLerp ); extern void Q3_CameraDistance( float distance, float initLerp ); //Not referenced directly as script function - all are called through Q3_Set extern void Q3_SetAnimBoth( int entID, const char *anim_name ); extern void Q3_SetVelocity( int entID, vec3_t angles ); extern void Q3_DeclareVariable ( int type, const char *name ); extern void Q3_FreeVariable( const char *name ); extern void Q3_DebugPrint( int level, const char *format, ... ); #endif //__Q3_INTERFACE__