// XYWnd.cpp : implementation file // // QERadiant // // #include "stdafx.h" #include "Radiant.h" #include "XYWnd.h" #include "qe3.h" #include "PrefsDlg.h" #include "DialogInfo.h" #include "oddbits.h" #include "groupnames.h" #include "getstring.h" #pragma warning(disable : 4786) // shut the fuck up about debug symbol name length #include using namespace std; #pragma warning(disable : 4786) // shut the fuck up about debug symbol name length #ifdef _DEBUG #define new DEBUG_NEW #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif #define PAGEFLIPS 2 const char* g_pDimStrings[] = {"x:%.f", "y:%.f", "z:%.f"}; const char* g_pOrgStrings[] = {"(x:%.f y:%.f)", "(x:%.f z:%.f)", "(y:%.f z:%.f)"}; CString g_strDim; CString g_strStatus; bool g_bScaleMode; int g_nScaleHow; bool g_bRotateMode; bool g_bClipMode; bool g_bRogueClipMode; bool g_bSwitch; CClipPoint g_Clip1; CClipPoint g_Clip2; CClipPoint g_Clip3; CClipPoint* g_pMovingClip; brush_t g_brFrontSplits; brush_t g_brBackSplits; brush_t g_brClipboard; brush_t g_brUndo; entity_t g_enClipboard; vec3_t g_vRotateOrigin; vec3_t g_vRotation; bool g_bPathMode; CClipPoint g_PathPoints[256]; CClipPoint* g_pMovingPath; int g_nPathCount; int g_nPathLimit; bool g_bSmartGo; bool g_bPointMode; CClipPoint g_PointPoints[512]; CClipPoint* g_pMovingPoint; int g_nPointCount; int g_nPointLimit; const int XY_LEFT = 0x01; const int XY_RIGHT = 0x02; const int XY_UP = 0x04; const int XY_DOWN = 0x08; PFNPathCallback* g_pPathFunc = NULL; void AcquirePath(int nCount, PFNPathCallback* pFunc) { g_nPathCount = 0; g_nPathLimit = nCount; g_pPathFunc = pFunc; g_bPathMode = true; } CPtrArray g_ptrMenus; CMemFile g_Clipboard(4096); CMemFile g_PatchClipboard(4096); extern int pressx; extern int pressy; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CXYWnd IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CXYWnd, CWnd); CXYWnd::CXYWnd() { g_brClipboard.next = &g_brClipboard; g_brUndo.next = &g_brUndo; g_bRotateMode = false; g_nScaleHow = 0; g_bRotateMode = false; g_bClipMode = false; g_bRogueClipMode = false; g_bSwitch = true; g_pMovingClip = NULL; g_pMovingPath = NULL; g_brFrontSplits.next = &g_brFrontSplits; g_brBackSplits.next = &g_brBackSplits; m_bActive = false; //m_bTiming = true; m_bTiming = false; m_bRButtonDown = false; m_nUpdateBits = W_XY; g_bPathMode = false; g_nPathCount = 0; g_nPathLimit = 0; m_nTimerID = -1; XY_Init(); } CXYWnd::~CXYWnd() { int nSize = g_ptrMenus.GetSize(); while (nSize > 0) { CMenu* pMenu = reinterpret_cast(g_ptrMenus.GetAt(nSize-1)); ASSERT(pMenu); pMenu->DestroyMenu(); delete pMenu; nSize--; } g_ptrMenus.RemoveAll(); m_mnuDrop.DestroyMenu(); } BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CXYWnd, CWnd) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CXYWnd) ON_WM_CREATE() ON_WM_LBUTTONDOWN() ON_WM_MBUTTONDOWN() ON_WM_RBUTTONDOWN() ON_WM_LBUTTONUP() ON_WM_MBUTTONUP() ON_WM_RBUTTONUP() ON_WM_MOUSEMOVE() ON_WM_PAINT() ON_WM_KEYDOWN() ON_WM_SIZE() ON_WM_DESTROY() ON_COMMAND(ID_SELECT_MOUSEROTATE, OnSelectMouserotate) ON_WM_TIMER() ON_WM_KEYUP() ON_WM_NCCALCSIZE() ON_WM_KILLFOCUS() ON_WM_SETFOCUS() ON_WM_CLOSE() ON_COMMAND(ID_SELECTION_MAKE_DETAIL, CMainFrame::OnSelectionMakeDetail) ON_COMMAND(ID_SELECTION_MAKE_STRUCTURAL, CMainFrame::OnSelectionMakeStructural) ON_COMMAND(ID_SELECTION_HIDEWAYPOINTCHILDREN, CMainFrame::OnSelectionHideWaypointChildren) ON_COMMAND(ID_SELECTION_UNHIDEWAYPOINTCHILDREN, CMainFrame::OnSelectionUnHideWaypointChildren) ON_COMMAND(ID_SELECTION_UNHIDEALLWAYPOINTS, CMainFrame::OnSelectionUnHideAllWaypoints) ON_COMMAND(ID_SELECTION_SELECTCOMPLETETALL, CMainFrame::OnSelectionSelectcompletetall) ON_COMMAND(ID_SELECTION_SELECTINSIDE, CMainFrame::OnSelectionSelectinside) ON_COMMAND(ID_SELECTION_SELECTPARTIALTALL, CMainFrame::OnSelectionSelectpartialtall) ON_COMMAND(ID_SELECTION_SELECTTOUCHING, CMainFrame::OnSelectionSelecttouching) ON_COMMAND(ID_SELECTION_UNGROUPENTITY, CMainFrame::OnSelectionUngroupentity) ON_COMMAND(ID_SELECTION_GROUPNAMES_DISPLAY, CMainFrame::OnSelectionGroupNamesDisplay) ON_COMMAND(ID_SELECTION_GROUPNAMES_ACTIVE, CMainFrame::OnSelectionGroupNamesActive) ON_COMMAND(ID_SELECTION_GROUPNAMES_GHOSTED, CMainFrame::OnSelectionGroupNamesGhosted) //}}AFX_MSG_MAP ON_COMMAND_RANGE(ID_ENTITY_START, ID_ENTITY_END, OnEntityCreate) ON_COMMAND_RANGE(ID_SCRIPTPOPUP_NOTEPAD_ID_START, ID_SCRIPTPOPUP_NOTEPAD_ID_END, OnScriptPopup_Notepad) ON_COMMAND_RANGE(ID_SCRIPTPOPUP_MSDEV_ID_START, ID_SCRIPTPOPUP_MSDEV_ID_END, OnScriptPopup_MSDev) ON_COMMAND_RANGE(ID_SCRIPTPOPUP_BEHAVED_ID_START, ID_SCRIPTPOPUP_BEHAVED_ID_END, OnScriptPopup_BehavEd) ON_COMMAND_RANGE(ID_SCRIPTPOPOP_GROUPNAMES_ID_START, ID_SCRIPTPOPOP_GROUPNAMES_ID_END, OnPopup_GroupNamesShowHide) ON_COMMAND_RANGE(ID_SELECTION_GROUPNAMES_SELECT_ID_START, ID_SELECTION_GROUPNAMES_SELECT_ID_END, OnPopup_GroupNamesSelect) ON_COMMAND_RANGE(ID_SELECTION_GROUPNAMES_ADDSELECTEDTO_ID_START, ID_SELECTION_GROUPNAMES_ADDSELECTEDTO_ID_END, OnPopup_GroupNamesAddSelectedTo) ON_COMMAND_RANGE(ID_SELECTION_GROUPNAMES_ADDSELECTEDECLASSTO_ID_START, ID_SELECTION_GROUPNAMES_ADDSELECTEDECLASSTO_ID_END, OnPopup_GroupNamesAddSelectedEClassTo) ON_COMMAND_RANGE(ID_SELECTION_GROUPNAMES_ADDSELECTEDMODELSTO_ID_START, ID_SELECTION_GROUPNAMES_ADDSELECTEDMODELSTO_ID_END, OnPopup_GroupNamesAddSelectedModelsTo) END_MESSAGE_MAP() BOOL CXYWnd::GetStringFromClipboard(CString& String) { if (OpenClipboard()) { HGLOBAL hXferBuffer; if ((hXferBuffer = GetClipboardData(CF_TEXT))==NULL) { CloseClipboard(); ErrorBox("Dammit, some sort of problem reading from the clipboard..."); return FALSE; // hmmmm... Oh well. } char *psClipBoardString = (char*) GlobalLock(hXferBuffer); String = psClipBoardString; GlobalUnlock(psClipBoardString); CloseClipboard(); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } BOOL CXYWnd::SendStringToClipboard(LPCSTR psString) { HGLOBAL hXferBuffer = GlobalAlloc((UINT)GMEM_MOVEABLE|GMEM_DDESHARE,(DWORD)strlen(psString)+1); if (hXferBuffer) { char *psLockedDest = (char*) GlobalLock(hXferBuffer); memcpy(psLockedDest,psString,strlen(psString)+1); GlobalUnlock(psLockedDest); if (OpenClipboard()) { EmptyClipboard(); // empty it (all handles to NULL); if((SetClipboardData((UINT)CF_TEXT,hXferBuffer))==NULL) { CloseClipboard(); ErrorBox("Dammit, some sort of problem writing to the clipboard..."); return FALSE; // hmmmm... Oh well. } CloseClipboard(); return TRUE; } } ErrorBox(va("Dammit, I can't allocate %d bytes for some strange reason (reboot, then try again, else tell me - Ste)",strlen(psString)+1)); return FALSE; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CXYWnd message handlers LONG WINAPI XYWndProc(HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM); BOOL CXYWnd::PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs) { WNDCLASS wc; HINSTANCE hInstance = AfxGetInstanceHandle(); if (::GetClassInfo(hInstance, XY_WINDOW_CLASS, &wc) == FALSE) { // Register a new class memset (&wc, 0, sizeof(wc)); wc.style = CS_NOCLOSE | CS_OWNDC; wc.lpszClassName = XY_WINDOW_CLASS; wc.hCursor = NULL; //LoadCursor (NULL,IDC_ARROW); wc.lpfnWndProc = ::DefWindowProc; if (AfxRegisterClass(&wc) == FALSE) Error ("CCamWnd RegisterClass: failed"); } cs.lpszClass = XY_WINDOW_CLASS; cs.lpszName = "VIEW"; if (cs.style != QE3_CHILDSTYLE) cs.style = QE3_SPLITTER_STYLE; return CWnd::PreCreateWindow(cs); } HDC s_hdcXY; HGLRC s_hglrcXY; static unsigned s_stipple[32] = { 0xaaaaaaaa, 0x55555555,0xaaaaaaaa, 0x55555555, 0xaaaaaaaa, 0x55555555,0xaaaaaaaa, 0x55555555, 0xaaaaaaaa, 0x55555555,0xaaaaaaaa, 0x55555555, 0xaaaaaaaa, 0x55555555,0xaaaaaaaa, 0x55555555, 0xaaaaaaaa, 0x55555555,0xaaaaaaaa, 0x55555555, 0xaaaaaaaa, 0x55555555,0xaaaaaaaa, 0x55555555, 0xaaaaaaaa, 0x55555555,0xaaaaaaaa, 0x55555555, 0xaaaaaaaa, 0x55555555,0xaaaaaaaa, 0x55555555, }; /* ============ WXY_WndProc ============ */ LONG WINAPI XYWndProc ( HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (uMsg) { case WM_DESTROY: QEW_StopGL( hWnd, s_hglrcXY, s_hdcXY ); return 0; case WM_NCCALCSIZE:// don't let windows copy pixels DefWindowProc (hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); return WVR_REDRAW; case WM_KILLFOCUS: case WM_SETFOCUS: SendMessage( hWnd, WM_NCACTIVATE, uMsg == WM_SETFOCUS, 0 ); return 0; case WM_CLOSE: DestroyWindow (hWnd); return 0; } return DefWindowProc (hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); } static void WXY_InitPixelFormat( PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR *pPFD ) { memset( pPFD, 0, sizeof( *pPFD ) ); pPFD->nSize = sizeof( PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR ); pPFD->nVersion = 1; pPFD->dwFlags = PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER | PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL | PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW; pPFD->iPixelType = PFD_TYPE_RGBA; pPFD->cColorBits = 24; pPFD->cDepthBits = 32; pPFD->iLayerType = PFD_MAIN_PLANE; } void WXY_Print( void ) { DOCINFO di; PRINTDLG pd; /* ** initialize the PRINTDLG struct and execute it */ memset( &pd, 0, sizeof( pd ) ); pd.lStructSize = sizeof( pd ); pd.hwndOwner = g_qeglobals.d_hwndXY; pd.Flags = PD_RETURNDC; pd.hInstance = 0; if ( !PrintDlg( &pd ) || !pd.hDC ) { MessageBox( g_qeglobals.d_hwndMain, "Could not PrintDlg()", "QE4 Print Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR ); return; } /* ** StartDoc */ memset( &di, 0, sizeof( di ) ); di.cbSize = sizeof( di ); di.lpszDocName = "QE4"; if ( StartDoc( pd.hDC, &di ) <= 0 ) { MessageBox( g_qeglobals.d_hwndMain, "Could not StartDoc()", "QE4 Print Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR ); return; } /* ** StartPage */ if ( StartPage( pd.hDC ) <= 0 ) { MessageBox( g_qeglobals.d_hwndMain, "Could not StartPage()", "QE4 Print Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR ); return; } /* ** read pixels from the XY window */ { int bmwidth = 320, bmheight = 320; int pwidth, pheight; RECT r; GetWindowRect( g_qeglobals.d_hwndXY, &r ); bmwidth = r.right - r.left; bmheight = r.bottom - r.top; pwidth = GetDeviceCaps( pd.hDC, PHYSICALWIDTH ) - GetDeviceCaps( pd.hDC, PHYSICALOFFSETX ); pheight = GetDeviceCaps( pd.hDC, PHYSICALHEIGHT ) - GetDeviceCaps( pd.hDC, PHYSICALOFFSETY ); StretchBlt( pd.hDC, 0, 0, pwidth, pheight, s_hdcXY, 0, 0, bmwidth, bmheight, SRCCOPY ); } /* ** EndPage and EndDoc */ if ( EndPage( pd.hDC ) <= 0 ) { MessageBox( g_qeglobals.d_hwndMain, "QE4 Print Error", "Could not EndPage()", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR ); return; } if ( EndDoc( pd.hDC ) <= 0 ) { MessageBox( g_qeglobals.d_hwndMain, "QE4 Print Error", "Could not EndDoc()", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR ); return; } } int CXYWnd::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct) { if (CWnd::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1) return -1; s_hdcXY = ::GetDC(GetSafeHwnd()); QEW_SetupPixelFormat(s_hdcXY, false); if ( ( s_hglrcXY = qwglCreateContext( s_hdcXY ) ) == 0 ) Error( "wglCreateContext in WXY_WndProc failed" ); if (!qwglShareLists( g_qeglobals.d_hglrcBase, s_hglrcXY ) ) Error( "wglShareLists in WXY_WndProc failed" ); if (!qwglMakeCurrent( s_hdcXY, s_hglrcXY )) Error ("wglMakeCurrent failed"); qglPolygonStipple ((unsigned char *)s_stipple); qglLineStipple (3, 0xaaaa); g_qeglobals.d_hwndXY = GetSafeHwnd(); return 0; } float ptSum(vec3_t pt) { return pt[0] + pt[1] + pt[2]; } void CXYWnd::DropClipPoint(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { CRect rctZ; GetClientRect(rctZ); if (g_pMovingClip) { SetCapture(); XY_ToGridPoint (point.x, rctZ.Height() - 1 - point.y , *g_pMovingClip); } else { vec3_t* pPt = NULL; if (g_Clip1.Set() == false) { pPt = g_Clip1; g_Clip1.Set(true); g_Clip1.m_ptScreen = point; } else if (g_Clip2.Set() == false) { pPt = g_Clip2; g_Clip2.Set(true); g_Clip2.m_ptScreen = point; } else if (g_Clip3.Set() == false) { pPt = g_Clip3; g_Clip3.Set(true); g_Clip3.m_ptScreen = point; } else { RetainClipMode(true); pPt = g_Clip1; g_Clip1.Set(true); g_Clip1.m_ptScreen = point; } XY_ToGridPoint (point.x, rctZ.Height() - 1 - point.y , *pPt); } Sys_UpdateWindows(XY | W_CAMERA_IFON); } void CXYWnd::DropPathPoint(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { CRect rctZ; GetClientRect(rctZ); if (g_pMovingPath) { SetCapture(); XY_ToGridPoint (point.x, rctZ.Height() - 1 - point.y , *g_pMovingPath); } else { g_PathPoints[g_nPathCount].Set(true); g_PathPoints[g_nPathCount].m_ptScreen = point; XY_ToGridPoint(point.x, rctZ.Height() - 1 - point.y, g_PathPoints[g_nPathCount]); g_nPathCount++; if (g_nPathCount == g_nPathLimit) { if (g_pPathFunc) g_pPathFunc(true, g_nPathCount); g_nPathCount = 0; g_bPathMode = false; g_pPathFunc = NULL; } } Sys_UpdateWindows(XY | W_CAMERA_IFON); } void CXYWnd::AddPointPoint(UINT nFlags, vec3_t* pVec) { g_PointPoints[g_nPointCount].Set(true); //g_PointPoints[g_nPointCount].m_ptScreen = point; _VectorCopy(*pVec, g_PointPoints[g_nPointCount]); g_PointPoints[g_nPointCount].SetPointPtr(pVec); g_nPointCount++; Sys_UpdateWindows(XY | W_CAMERA_IFON); } void CXYWnd::OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { g_pParentWnd->SetActiveXY(this); UndoCopy(); if (ClipMode() && !RogueClipMode()) { DropClipPoint(nFlags, point); } else if (PathMode()) { DropPathPoint(nFlags, point); } else OriginalButtonDown(nFlags, point); } void CXYWnd::OnMButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { OriginalButtonDown(nFlags, point); } float Betwixt(float f1, float f2) { if (f1 > f2) return f2 + ((f1 - f2) / 2); else return f1 + ((f2 - f1) / 2); } void CXYWnd::ProduceSplits(brush_t** pFront, brush_t** pBack) { *pFront = NULL; *pBack = NULL; if (ClipMode()) { if (g_Clip1.Set() && g_Clip2.Set()) { face_t face; VectorCopy(g_Clip1.m_ptClip,face.planepts[0]); VectorCopy(g_Clip2.m_ptClip,face.planepts[1]); VectorCopy(g_Clip3.m_ptClip,face.planepts[2]); if (selected_brushes.next && (selected_brushes.next->next == &selected_brushes)) { if (g_Clip3.Set() == false) { if (m_nViewType == XY) { face.planepts[0][2] = selected_brushes.next->mins[2]; face.planepts[1][2] = selected_brushes.next->mins[2]; face.planepts[2][0] = Betwixt(g_Clip1.m_ptClip[0], g_Clip2.m_ptClip[0]); face.planepts[2][1] = Betwixt(g_Clip1.m_ptClip[1], g_Clip2.m_ptClip[1]); face.planepts[2][2] = selected_brushes.next->maxs[2]; } else if (m_nViewType == YZ) { face.planepts[0][0] = selected_brushes.next->mins[0]; face.planepts[1][0] = selected_brushes.next->mins[0]; face.planepts[2][1] = Betwixt(g_Clip1.m_ptClip[1], g_Clip2.m_ptClip[1]); face.planepts[2][2] = Betwixt(g_Clip1.m_ptClip[2], g_Clip2.m_ptClip[2]); face.planepts[2][0] = selected_brushes.next->maxs[0]; } else { face.planepts[0][1] = selected_brushes.next->mins[1]; face.planepts[1][1] = selected_brushes.next->mins[1]; face.planepts[2][0] = Betwixt(g_Clip1.m_ptClip[0], g_Clip2.m_ptClip[0]); face.planepts[2][2] = Betwixt(g_Clip1.m_ptClip[2], g_Clip2.m_ptClip[2]); face.planepts[2][1] = selected_brushes.next->maxs[1]; } } CSG_SplitBrushByFace (selected_brushes.next, &face, pFront, pBack); } } } } void CleanList(brush_t* pList) { brush_t* pBrush = pList->next; while (pBrush != NULL && pBrush != pList) { brush_t* pNext = pBrush->next; Brush_Free(pBrush); pBrush = pNext; } } void CXYWnd::ProduceSplitLists() { CleanList(&g_brFrontSplits); CleanList(&g_brBackSplits); g_brFrontSplits.next = &g_brFrontSplits; g_brBackSplits.next = &g_brBackSplits; brush_t* pBrush; for (pBrush = selected_brushes.next ; pBrush != NULL && pBrush != &selected_brushes ; pBrush=pBrush->next) { brush_t* pFront = NULL; brush_t* pBack = NULL; if (ClipMode()) { if (g_Clip1.Set() && g_Clip2.Set()) { face_t face; VectorCopy(g_Clip1.m_ptClip,face.planepts[0]); VectorCopy(g_Clip2.m_ptClip,face.planepts[1]); VectorCopy(g_Clip3.m_ptClip,face.planepts[2]); if (g_Clip3.Set() == false) { if (g_pParentWnd->ActiveXY()->GetViewType() == XY) { face.planepts[0][2] = pBrush->mins[2]; face.planepts[1][2] = pBrush->mins[2]; face.planepts[2][0] = Betwixt(g_Clip1.m_ptClip[0], g_Clip2.m_ptClip[0]); face.planepts[2][1] = Betwixt(g_Clip1.m_ptClip[1], g_Clip2.m_ptClip[1]); face.planepts[2][2] = pBrush->maxs[2]; } else if (g_pParentWnd->ActiveXY()->GetViewType() == YZ) { face.planepts[0][0] = pBrush->mins[0]; face.planepts[1][0] = pBrush->mins[0]; face.planepts[2][1] = Betwixt(g_Clip1.m_ptClip[1], g_Clip2.m_ptClip[1]); face.planepts[2][2] = Betwixt(g_Clip1.m_ptClip[2], g_Clip2.m_ptClip[2]); face.planepts[2][0] = pBrush->maxs[0]; } else { face.planepts[0][1] = pBrush->mins[1]; face.planepts[1][1] = pBrush->mins[1]; face.planepts[2][0] = Betwixt(g_Clip1.m_ptClip[0], g_Clip2.m_ptClip[0]); face.planepts[2][2] = Betwixt(g_Clip1.m_ptClip[2], g_Clip2.m_ptClip[2]); face.planepts[2][1] = pBrush->maxs[1]; } } CSG_SplitBrushByFace (pBrush, &face, &pFront, &pBack); if (pBack) Brush_AddToList(pBack, &g_brBackSplits); if (pFront) Brush_AddToList(pFront, &g_brFrontSplits); } } } } void Brush_CopyList (brush_t* pFrom, brush_t* pTo) { brush_t* pBrush = pFrom->next; while (pBrush != NULL && pBrush != pFrom) { brush_t* pNext = pBrush->next; Brush_RemoveFromList(pBrush); Brush_AddToList(pBrush, pTo); pBrush = pNext; } } void CXYWnd::OnRButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { g_pParentWnd->SetActiveXY(this); m_ptDown = point; m_bRButtonDown = true; if (g_PrefsDlg.m_nMouseButtons == 3) // 3 button mouse { if ((GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) & 0x8000)) { if (ClipMode()) // already there? DropClipPoint(nFlags, point); else { SetClipMode(true); g_bRogueClipMode = true; DropClipPoint(nFlags, point); } return; } } OriginalButtonDown(nFlags, point); } void CXYWnd::OnLButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { if (ClipMode()) { if (g_pMovingClip) { ReleaseCapture(); g_pMovingClip = NULL; } } OriginalButtonUp(nFlags, point); } void CXYWnd::OnMButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { OriginalButtonUp(nFlags, point); } void CXYWnd::OnRButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { m_bRButtonDown = false; if (point == m_ptDown) // mouse didn't move { bool bGo = true; if ((GetKeyState(VK_MENU) & 0x8000)) bGo = false; if ((GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) & 0x8000)) bGo = false; if ((GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) & 0x8000)) bGo = false; if (bGo) HandleDrop(); } OriginalButtonUp(nFlags, point); } void CXYWnd::OriginalButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { CRect rctZ; GetClientRect(rctZ); SetWindowPos(&wndTop, 0,0,0,0, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE); if (::GetTopWindow( g_qeglobals.d_hwndMain ) != GetSafeHwnd()) ::BringWindowToTop(GetSafeHwnd()); SetFocus(); SetCapture(); XY_MouseDown (point.x, rctZ.Height() - 1 - point.y , nFlags); m_nScrollFlags = nFlags; } void CXYWnd::OriginalButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { CRect rctZ; GetClientRect(rctZ); XY_MouseUp (point.x, rctZ.Height() - 1 - point.y , nFlags); if (! (nFlags & (MK_LBUTTON|MK_RBUTTON|MK_MBUTTON))) ReleaseCapture (); } float fDiff(float f1, float f2) { if (f1 > f2) return f1 - f2; else return f2 - f1; } void CXYWnd::OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { vec3_t tdp; m_ptDown.x = 0; m_ptDown.y = 0; if ( g_PrefsDlg.m_bChaseMouse == TRUE && (point.x < 0 || point.y < 0 || point.x > m_nWidth || point.y > m_nHeight) && GetCapture() == this) { float fAdjustment = (g_qeglobals.d_gridsize / 8 * 64) / m_fScale; //m_ptDrag = point; m_ptDragAdj.x = 0; m_ptDragAdj.y = 0; if (point.x < 0) { m_ptDragAdj.x = -fAdjustment; } else if (point.x > m_nWidth) { m_ptDragAdj.x = fAdjustment; } if (point.y < 0) { m_ptDragAdj.y = -fAdjustment; } else if (point.y > m_nHeight) { m_ptDragAdj.y = fAdjustment; } if (m_nTimerID == -1) { m_nTimerID = SetTimer(100, 50, NULL); m_ptDrag = point; m_ptDragTotal = 0; } return; } //else if (m_nTimerID != -1) if (m_nTimerID != -1) { KillTimer(m_nTimerID); pressx -= m_ptDragTotal.x; pressy += m_ptDragTotal.y; m_nTimerID = -1; //return; } bool bCrossHair = false; if (!m_bRButtonDown) { tdp[0] = tdp[1] = tdp[2] = 0.0; SnapToPoint (point.x, m_nHeight - 1 - point.y , tdp); g_strStatus.Format("x:: %.1f y:: %.1f z:: %.1f", tdp[0], tdp[1], tdp[2]); g_pParentWnd->SetStatusText(1, g_strStatus); // i need to generalize the point code.. having 3 flavors pretty much sucks.. // once the new curve stuff looks like it is going to stick i will // rationalize this down to a single interface.. if (PointMode()) { if (g_pMovingPoint && GetCapture() == this) { bCrossHair = true; XY_ToGridPoint (point.x, m_nHeight - 1 - point.y , g_pMovingPoint->m_ptClip); g_pMovingPoint->UpdatePointPtr(); Sys_UpdateWindows(XY | W_CAMERA_IFON); } else { g_pMovingPoint = NULL; int nDim1 = (m_nViewType == YZ) ? 1 : 0; int nDim2 = (m_nViewType == XY) ? 1 : 2; for (int n = 0; n < g_nPointCount; n++) { if ( fDiff(g_PointPoints[n].m_ptClip[nDim1], tdp[nDim1]) < 3 && fDiff(g_PointPoints[n].m_ptClip[nDim2], tdp[nDim2]) < 3 ) { bCrossHair = true; g_pMovingPoint = &g_PointPoints[n]; } } } } else if (ClipMode()) { if (g_pMovingClip && GetCapture() == this) { bCrossHair = true; XY_ToGridPoint (point.x, m_nHeight - 1 - point.y , g_pMovingClip->m_ptClip); Sys_UpdateWindows(XY | W_CAMERA_IFON); } else { g_pMovingClip = NULL; int nDim1 = (m_nViewType == YZ) ? 1 : 0; int nDim2 = (m_nViewType == XY) ? 1 : 2; if (g_Clip1.Set()) { if ( fDiff(g_Clip1.m_ptClip[nDim1], tdp[nDim1]) < 3 && fDiff(g_Clip1.m_ptClip[nDim2], tdp[nDim2]) < 3 ) { bCrossHair = true; g_pMovingClip = &g_Clip1; } } if (g_Clip2.Set()) { if ( fDiff(g_Clip2.m_ptClip[nDim1], tdp[nDim1]) < 3 && fDiff(g_Clip2.m_ptClip[nDim2], tdp[nDim2]) < 3 ) { bCrossHair = true; g_pMovingClip = &g_Clip2; } } if (g_Clip3.Set()) { if ( fDiff(g_Clip3.m_ptClip[nDim1], tdp[nDim1]) < 3 && fDiff(g_Clip3.m_ptClip[nDim2], tdp[nDim2]) < 3 ) { bCrossHair = true; g_pMovingClip = &g_Clip3; } } } if (bCrossHair == false) XY_MouseMoved (point.x, m_nHeight - 1 - point.y , nFlags); } else if (PathMode()) { if (g_pMovingPath && GetCapture() == this) { bCrossHair = true; XY_ToGridPoint (point.x, m_nHeight - 1 - point.y , g_pMovingPath->m_ptClip); Sys_UpdateWindows(XY | W_CAMERA_IFON); } else { g_pMovingPath = NULL; int nDim1 = (m_nViewType == YZ) ? 1 : 0; int nDim2 = (m_nViewType == XY) ? 1 : 2; for (int n = 0; n < g_nPathCount; n++) { if ( fDiff(g_PathPoints[n].m_ptClip[nDim1], tdp[nDim1]) < 3 && fDiff(g_PathPoints[n].m_ptClip[nDim2], tdp[nDim2]) < 3 ) { bCrossHair = true; g_pMovingPath = &g_PathPoints[n]; } } } } else { XY_MouseMoved (point.x, m_nHeight - 1 - point.y , nFlags); } } else { XY_MouseMoved (point.x, m_nHeight - 1 - point.y , nFlags); } if (bCrossHair) SetCursor(::LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_CROSS)); else SetCursor(::LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW)); } void CXYWnd::RetainClipMode(bool bMode) { bool bSave = g_bRogueClipMode; SetClipMode(bMode); if (bMode == true) g_bRogueClipMode = bSave; else g_bRogueClipMode = false; } void CXYWnd::SetClipMode(bool bMode) { g_bClipMode = bMode; g_bRogueClipMode = false; if (bMode) { g_Clip1.Reset(); g_Clip2.Reset(); g_Clip3.Reset(); CleanList(&g_brFrontSplits); CleanList(&g_brBackSplits); g_brFrontSplits.next = &g_brFrontSplits; g_brBackSplits.next = &g_brBackSplits; } else { if (g_pMovingClip) { ReleaseCapture(); g_pMovingClip = NULL; } CleanList(&g_brFrontSplits); CleanList(&g_brBackSplits); g_brFrontSplits.next = &g_brFrontSplits; g_brBackSplits.next = &g_brBackSplits; Sys_UpdateWindows(XY | W_CAMERA_IFON); } } bool CXYWnd::ClipMode() { return g_bClipMode; } bool CXYWnd::RogueClipMode() { return g_bRogueClipMode; } bool CXYWnd::PathMode() { return g_bPathMode; } bool CXYWnd::PointMode() { return g_bPointMode; } void CXYWnd::SetPointMode(bool b) { g_bPointMode = b; if (!b) g_nPointCount = 0; } void CXYWnd::OnPaint() { CPaintDC dc(this); // device context for painting bool bPaint = true; if (!qwglMakeCurrent(dc.m_hDC, s_hglrcXY)) { Sys_Printf("ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed.. Error:%i\n",qglGetError()); Sys_Printf("Please restart QERadiant if the Map view is not working\n"); bPaint = false; } if (bPaint) { QE_CheckOpenGLForErrors(); XY_Draw (); QE_CheckOpenGLForErrors(); if (ClipMode()) { if (m_nViewType != XY) { qglPushMatrix(); if (m_nViewType == YZ) qglRotatef (-90, 0, 1, 0); // put Z going up qglRotatef (-90, 1, 0, 0); // put Z going up } qglPointSize (4); qglColor3fv(g_qeglobals.d_savedinfo.colors[COLOR_CLIPPER]); qglBegin (GL_POINTS); if (g_Clip1.Set()) qglVertex3fv (g_Clip1); if (g_Clip2.Set()) qglVertex3fv (g_Clip2); if (g_Clip3.Set()) qglVertex3fv (g_Clip3); qglEnd (); qglPointSize (1); CString strMsg; if (g_Clip1.Set()) { qglRasterPos3f (g_Clip1.m_ptClip[0]+2, g_Clip1.m_ptClip[1]+2, g_Clip1.m_ptClip[2]+2); strMsg = "1"; //strMsg.Format("1 (%f, %f, %f)", g_Clip1[0], g_Clip1[1], g_Clip1[2]); qglCallLists (strMsg.GetLength(), GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, strMsg); } if (g_Clip2.Set()) { qglRasterPos3f (g_Clip2.m_ptClip[0]+2, g_Clip2.m_ptClip[1]+2, g_Clip2.m_ptClip[2]+2); strMsg = "2"; //strMsg.Format("2 (%f, %f, %f)", g_Clip2[0], g_Clip2[1], g_Clip2[2]); qglCallLists (strMsg.GetLength(), GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, strMsg); } if (g_Clip3.Set()) { qglRasterPos3f (g_Clip3.m_ptClip[0]+2, g_Clip3.m_ptClip[1]+2, g_Clip3.m_ptClip[2]+2); strMsg = "3"; //strMsg.Format("3 (%f, %f, %f)", g_Clip3[0], g_Clip3[1], g_Clip3[2]); qglCallLists (strMsg.GetLength(), GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, strMsg); } if (g_Clip1.Set() && g_Clip2.Set()) { ProduceSplitLists(); brush_t* pBrush; brush_t* pList = ( (m_nViewType == XZ) ? !g_bSwitch : g_bSwitch) ? &g_brBackSplits : &g_brFrontSplits; for (pBrush = pList->next ; pBrush != NULL && pBrush != pList ; pBrush=pBrush->next) { qglColor3f (1,1,0); face_t *face; int order; for (face = pBrush->brush_faces,order = 0 ; face ; face=face->next, order++) { winding_t* w = face->face_winding; if (!w) continue; // draw the polygon qglBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP); for (int i=0 ; inumpoints ; i++) qglVertex3fv(w->points[i]); qglEnd(); } } } if (m_nViewType != XY) qglPopMatrix(); } if (PathMode()) { if (m_nViewType != XY) { qglPushMatrix(); if (m_nViewType == YZ) qglRotatef (-90, 0, 1, 0); // put Z going up qglRotatef (-90, 1, 0, 0); // put Z going up } qglPointSize (4); qglColor3fv(g_qeglobals.d_savedinfo.colors[COLOR_CLIPPER]); qglBegin (GL_POINTS); for (int n = 0; n < g_nPathCount; n++) qglVertex3fv(g_PathPoints[n]); qglEnd (); qglPointSize (1); CString strMsg; for (n = 0; n < g_nPathCount; n++) { qglRasterPos3f (g_PathPoints[n].m_ptClip[0]+2, g_PathPoints[n].m_ptClip[1]+2, g_PathPoints[n].m_ptClip[2]+2); strMsg.Format("%i", n+1); qglCallLists (strMsg.GetLength(), GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, strMsg); } if (m_nViewType != XY) qglPopMatrix(); } qwglSwapBuffers(dc.m_hDC); // TRACE("XY Paint\n"); } } void CXYWnd::OnKeyDown(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags) { g_pParentWnd->HandleKey(nChar, nRepCnt, nFlags); } void CreateEntityFromName(char* pName, brush_t* pBrush) { eclass_t *pecNew; entity_t *petNew; if (stricmp(pName, "worldspawn") == 0) { MessageBox(g_qeglobals.d_hwndMain, "Can't create an entity with worldspawn.", "info", 0); return; } pecNew = Eclass_ForName(pName, false); // create it petNew = Entity_Create(pecNew); if (petNew == NULL) { if (!((selected_brushes.next == &selected_brushes)||(selected_brushes.next->next != &selected_brushes))) { brush_t* b = selected_brushes.next; if (b->owner != world_entity && b->owner->eclass->fixedsize && pecNew->fixedsize) { vec3_t mins, maxs; vec3_t origin; for (int i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) origin[i] = b->mins[i] - pecNew->mins[i]; VectorAdd (pecNew->mins, origin, mins); VectorAdd (pecNew->maxs, origin, maxs); brush_t* nb = Brush_Create (mins, maxs, &pecNew->texdef); Entity_LinkBrush (b->owner, nb); nb->owner->eclass = pecNew; SetKeyValue (nb->owner, "classname", pName); Brush_Free(b); Brush_Build(nb); Brush_AddToList (nb, &active_brushes); Select_Brush(nb); return; } } MessageBox(g_qeglobals.d_hwndMain, "Failed to create entity.", "info", 0); return; } Select_Deselect (); //entity_t* pEntity = world_entity; //if (selected_brushes.next != &selected_brushes) // pEntity = selected_brushes.next->owner; Select_Brush (petNew->brushes.onext); if (strnicmp(pName, "misc_model",10) == 0) { #ifdef QUAKE3 extern CString strASSIGNMODEL; strASSIGNMODEL = (pecNew->psQuakEd_MODELNAME && strlen(pecNew->psQuakEd_MODELNAME))?pecNew->psQuakEd_MODELNAME:""; #endif SetInspectorMode(W_ENTITY); PostMessage(g_qeglobals.d_hwndEntity, WM_COMMAND, IDC_BTN_ASSIGNMODEL, 0); } } brush_t* CreateEntityBrush(int x, int y, CXYWnd* pWnd) { vec3_t mins, maxs; int i; float temp; brush_t *n; pWnd->XY_ToGridPoint (x, y, mins); x += 32; y += 32; pWnd->XY_ToGridPoint (x, y, maxs); int nDim = (pWnd->GetViewType() == XY) ? 2 : (pWnd->GetViewType() == YZ) ? 0 : 1; mins[nDim] = g_qeglobals.d_gridsize * ((int)(g_qeglobals.d_new_brush_bottom_z/g_qeglobals.d_gridsize)); maxs[nDim] = g_qeglobals.d_gridsize * ((int)(g_qeglobals.d_new_brush_top_z/g_qeglobals.d_gridsize)); if (maxs[nDim] <= mins[nDim]) maxs[nDim] = mins[nDim] + g_qeglobals.d_gridsize; for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) { if (mins[i] == maxs[i]) maxs[i] += 16; // don't create a degenerate brush if (mins[i] > maxs[i]) { temp = mins[i]; mins[i] = maxs[i]; maxs[i] = temp; } } n = Brush_Create (mins, maxs, &g_qeglobals.d_texturewin.texdef); if (!n) return NULL; Brush_AddToList (n, &selected_brushes); Entity_LinkBrush (world_entity, n); Brush_Build( n ); return n; } void CreateRightClickEntity(CXYWnd* pWnd, int x, int y, char* pName) { CRect rctZ; pWnd->GetClientRect(rctZ); brush_t* pBrush = (selected_brushes.next == &selected_brushes) ? CreateEntityBrush(x, rctZ.Height() - 1 - y, pWnd) : selected_brushes.next; CreateEntityFromName(pName, pBrush); //Select_Brush(pBrush); } brush_t* CreateSmartBrush(vec3_t v) { vec3_t mins, maxs; int i; brush_t *n; for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) { mins[i] = v[i] - 16; maxs[i] = v[i] + 16; } n = Brush_Create (mins, maxs, &g_qeglobals.d_texturewin.texdef); if (!n) return NULL; Brush_AddToList(n, &selected_brushes); //Entity_LinkBrush(world_entity, n); Brush_Build(n); return n; } CString g_strSmartEntity; int g_nSmartX; int g_nSmartY; bool g_bSmartWaiting; void _SmartPointDone(bool b, int n) { g_bSmartWaiting = false; } void CreateSmartEntity(CXYWnd* pWnd, int x, int y, const char* pName) { g_nSmartX = x; g_nSmartY = y; g_strSmartEntity = pName; if (g_strSmartEntity.Find("Smart_Train") >= 0) { ShowInfoDialog("Select the path of the train by left clicking in XY, YZ and/or XZ views. You can move an already dropped point by grabbing and moving it. When you are finished, press ENTER to accept and create the entity and path(s), press ESC to abandon the creation"); g_bPathMode = true; g_nPathLimit = 0; g_nPathCount = 0; g_bSmartGo = true; } else if (g_strSmartEntity.Find("Smart_Monster...") >= 0) { g_bPathMode = true; g_nPathLimit = 0; g_nPathCount = 0; } else if (g_strSmartEntity.Find("Smart_Rotating") >= 0) { g_bSmartWaiting = true; ShowInfoDialog("Left click to specify the rotation origin"); AcquirePath(1, &_SmartPointDone); while (g_bSmartWaiting) { MSG msg; if (::PeekMessage( &msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE )) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } } HideInfoDialog(); CPtrArray array; g_bScreenUpdates = false; CreateRightClickEntity(g_pParentWnd->ActiveXY(), g_nSmartX, g_nSmartY, "func_rotating"); array.Add(reinterpret_cast(selected_brushes.next)); Select_Deselect(); brush_t* pBrush = CreateSmartBrush(g_PathPoints[0]); array.Add(pBrush); Select_Deselect(); Select_Brush(reinterpret_cast(array.GetAt(0))); Select_Brush(reinterpret_cast(array.GetAt(1))); ConnectEntities(); g_bScreenUpdates = true; } } void FinishSmartCreation() { CPtrArray array; HideInfoDialog(); brush_t* pEntities = NULL; if (g_strSmartEntity.Find("Smart_Train") >= 0) { g_bScreenUpdates = false; CreateRightClickEntity(g_pParentWnd->ActiveXY(), g_nSmartX, g_nSmartY, "func_train"); array.Add(reinterpret_cast(selected_brushes.next)); for (int n = 0; n < g_nPathCount; n++) { Select_Deselect(); CreateRightClickEntity(g_pParentWnd->ActiveXY(), g_PathPoints[n].m_ptScreen.x,g_PathPoints[n].m_ptScreen.y, "path_corner"); array.Add(reinterpret_cast(selected_brushes.next)); } for (n = 0; n < g_nPathCount; n++) { Select_Deselect(); Select_Brush(reinterpret_cast(array.GetAt(n))); Select_Brush(reinterpret_cast(array.GetAt(n+1))); ConnectEntities(); } g_bScreenUpdates = true; } g_nPathCount = 0; g_bPathMode = false; Sys_UpdateWindows(W_ALL); } void CXYWnd::KillPathMode() { g_bSmartGo = false; g_bPathMode = false; if (g_pPathFunc) g_pPathFunc(false, g_nPathCount); g_nPathCount = 0; g_pPathFunc = NULL; Sys_UpdateWindows(W_ALL); } #ifdef QUAKE3 void ViewScript(LPCSTR psAppCommand, LPCSTR psScriptnameBaseOnly) { CString strExec = psAppCommand; // eg "start q:\\bin_nt\\behaved.exe"; strExec+= " "; strExec+= ValueForKey(g_qeglobals.d_project_entity, "basepath"); strExec+= "\\scripts\\"; strExec+= psScriptnameBaseOnly; //ScriptPopup_GetScriptName(nID - ID_SCRIPTPOPUP_BEHAVED_ID_START); strExec+= ".txt"; strExec.Replace("/","\\"); // otherwise it only works under NT... char sBatchFilename[512]; GetTempPath(sizeof(sBatchFilename), sBatchFilename); strcat(sBatchFilename,"~temp.bat"); FILE *handle = fopen(sBatchFilename,"wt"); fprintf(handle,strExec); fprintf(handle,"\n"); fclose(handle); STARTUPINFO startupinfo; PROCESS_INFORMATION ProcessInformation; GetStartupInfo (&startupinfo); BOOL ret = CreateProcess(sBatchFilename, //batpath, // pointer to name of executable module NULL, // pointer to command line string NULL, // pointer to process security attributes NULL, // pointer to thread security attributes FALSE, // handle inheritance flag 0 /*DETACHED_PROCESS*/, // creation flags NULL, // pointer to new environment block NULL, // pointer to current directory name &startupinfo, // pointer to STARTUPINFO &ProcessInformation // pointer to PROCESS_INFORMATION ); // remove(sBatchFilename); // if you do this, the CreateProcess fails, presumably it needs it for a few seconds } #endif void CXYWnd::OnScriptPopup_Notepad(unsigned int nID) { #ifdef QUAKE3 ViewScript("start notepad", ScriptPopup_GetScriptName(nID - ID_SCRIPTPOPUP_NOTEPAD_ID_START)); #endif } void CXYWnd::OnScriptPopup_MSDev(unsigned int nID) { #ifdef QUAKE3 ViewScript("start msdev.exe", ScriptPopup_GetScriptName(nID - ID_SCRIPTPOPUP_MSDEV_ID_START)); #endif } void CXYWnd::OnScriptPopup_BehavEd(unsigned int nID) { #ifdef QUAKE3 extern CString g_cstrBehavEdPath; ViewScript(va("start %s",g_cstrBehavEdPath), ScriptPopup_GetScriptName(nID - ID_SCRIPTPOPUP_BEHAVED_ID_START)); #endif } void CXYWnd::OnPopup_GroupNamesShowHide(unsigned int nID) { Grouping_ToggleGroupState(nID - ID_SCRIPTPOPOP_GROUPNAMES_ID_START); } void CXYWnd::OnPopup_GroupNamesSelect(unsigned int nID) { Grouping_Select(nID - ID_SELECTION_GROUPNAMES_SELECT_ID_START); } // returns NULL if CANCEL, else input string // LPCSTR GetString(LPCSTR psPrompt) { static CString strReturn; CGetString Input(psPrompt,&strReturn); if (Input.DoModal() == IDOK) { strReturn.TrimLeft(); strReturn.TrimRight(); return (LPCSTR)strReturn; } return NULL; } LPCSTR GetNewGroupName() { LPCSTR psGroupName = GetString(sNEWGROUPNAMEPROMPT); if (psGroupName) { // check for whitespace, since I specifically told them in the prompt not to use any... // CString strTeststring(psGroupName); if (strTeststring.FindOneOf(" \t")!= -1) { // I usually prefer being ruder for in-house, but since this'll get released... // PLAY_LAME_WAV; ErrorBox("Sigh.... for those of you who can't read very well I'll say it again....\n\n\n" "DON'T PUT SPACES IN THE NAME !!!, ( OR TABS EITHER !!! )\n\n\n\nHonestly, some people..."); return NULL; } } return psGroupName; } // 'nID' will be one higher than normal when entering here, since 0 is ... // void CXYWnd::OnPopup_GroupNamesAddSelectedTo(unsigned int nID) { nID -= ID_SELECTION_GROUPNAMES_ADDSELECTEDTO_ID_START; LPCSTR psGroupToAddTo = NULL; if (nID==0) { // this is the "" option, so... // psGroupToAddTo = GetNewGroupName(); } else { psGroupToAddTo = Grouping_GetListEntry(nID-1); } if (psGroupToAddTo) { Grouping_AddSelectedTo(psGroupToAddTo); Sys_UpdateWindows(W_ALL); } } void CXYWnd::OnPopup_GroupNamesAddSelectedEClassTo(unsigned int nID) { nID -= ID_SELECTION_GROUPNAMES_ADDSELECTEDECLASSTO_ID_START; LPCSTR psGroupToAddTo = NULL; if (nID==0) { // this is the "" option, so... // psGroupToAddTo = GetNewGroupName(); } else { psGroupToAddTo = Grouping_GetListEntry(nID-1); } if (psGroupToAddTo) { Grouping_AddSelectedEClassTo(psGroupToAddTo); Sys_UpdateWindows(W_ALL); } } void CXYWnd::OnPopup_GroupNamesAddSelectedModelsTo(unsigned int nID) { nID -= ID_SELECTION_GROUPNAMES_ADDSELECTEDMODELSTO_ID_START; LPCSTR psGroupToAddTo = NULL; if (nID==0) { // this is the "" option, so... // psGroupToAddTo = GetNewGroupName(); } else { psGroupToAddTo = Grouping_GetListEntry(nID-1); } if (psGroupToAddTo) { Grouping_AddSelectedModelsTo(psGroupToAddTo); Sys_UpdateWindows(W_ALL); } } void CXYWnd::OnEntityCreate(unsigned int nID) { if (m_mnuDrop.GetSafeHmenu()) { CString strItem; m_mnuDrop.GetMenuString(nID, strItem, MF_BYCOMMAND); if (strItem.Find("Smart_") >= 0) { CreateSmartEntity(this, m_ptDown.x, m_ptDown.y, strItem); } else { CreateRightClickEntity(this, m_ptDown.x, m_ptDown.y, strItem.GetBuffer(0)); } Sys_UpdateWindows(W_ALL); //OnLButtonDown((MK_LBUTTON | MK_SHIFT), CPoint(m_ptDown.x+2, m_ptDown.y+2)); } } void CXYWnd::HandleDrop() { static unsigned int uiPopupMenu_Grouping; static unsigned int uiPopupMenu_GroupingSelect; static unsigned int uiPopupMenu_GroupingAddSelectedTo; static unsigned int uiPopupMenu_GroupingAddSelectedEClassTo; static unsigned int uiPopupMenu_GroupingAddSelectedModelsTo; static unsigned int uiPopupMenu_Script_NOTEPAD; static unsigned int uiPopupMenu_Script_MSDEV; static unsigned int uiPopupMenu_Script_BEHAVED; static CMenu* cmenuPopup_Grouping = NULL; static CMenu* cmenuPopup_GroupingSelect = NULL; static CMenu* cmenuPopup_GroupingAddSelectedTo = NULL; static CMenu* cmenuPopup_GroupingAddSelectedEClassTo = NULL; static CMenu* cmenuPopup_GroupingAddSelectedModelsTo = NULL; static CMenu* cmenuPopup_Script_NOTEPAD = NULL; static CMenu* cmenuPopup_Script_MSDEV = NULL; static CMenu* cmenuPopup_Script_BEHAVED = NULL; if (g_PrefsDlg.m_bRightClick == false) return; if (!m_mnuDrop.GetSafeHmenu()) // first time, load it up { m_mnuDrop.CreatePopupMenu(); int nID = ID_ENTITY_START; CMenu* pChild2 = new CMenu; pChild2->CreateMenu(); pChild2->AppendMenu(MF_STRING, ID_SELECTION_SELECTCOMPLETETALL, "Select Complete Tall"); pChild2->AppendMenu(MF_STRING, ID_SELECTION_SELECTTOUCHING, "Select Touching"); pChild2->AppendMenu(MF_STRING, ID_SELECTION_SELECTPARTIALTALL, "Select Partial Tall"); pChild2->AppendMenu(MF_STRING, ID_SELECTION_SELECTINSIDE, "Select Inside"); m_mnuDrop.AppendMenu(MF_POPUP, reinterpret_cast(pChild2->GetSafeHmenu()), "Select"); m_mnuDrop.AppendMenu(MF_STRING, ID_SELECTION_UNGROUPENTITY, "Ungroup Entity"); m_mnuDrop.AppendMenu(MF_STRING, ID_SELECTION_MAKE_DETAIL, "Make Detail"); m_mnuDrop.AppendMenu(MF_STRING, ID_SELECTION_MAKE_STRUCTURAL, "Make Structural"); CMenu* pChild = NULL; {// my grouping stuff... m_mnuDrop.AppendMenu(MF_SEPARATOR, nID++, ""); // // "Grouping: Active" // m_mnuDrop.AppendMenu(MF_STRING | (bGrouping_IsActive)?MF_CHECKED:MF_UNCHECKED, ID_SELECTION_GROUPNAMES_ACTIVE, "Grouping: Active" ); // // "Grouping: Hidden = Ghosted" // m_mnuDrop.AppendMenu(MF_STRING | (bGrouping_IsGhosted)?MF_CHECKED:MF_UNCHECKED, ID_SELECTION_GROUPNAMES_GHOSTED, "Grouping: Hidden = Ghosted" ); // // "Grouping: Display Names"... // m_mnuDrop.AppendMenu(MF_STRING | (g_qeglobals.d_savedinfo.exclude & SHOW_GROUPNAMES)?MF_CHECKED:MF_UNCHECKED, ID_SELECTION_GROUPNAMES_DISPLAY, "Grouping: Display Names" ); m_mnuDrop.AppendMenu(MF_SEPARATOR, nID++, ""); // // "Grouping: Show/Hide"... // pChild = new CMenu; // LEAK? pChild->CreateMenu(); // // for (_i=0; ; _i++) // { // this menu changes dynamically, so build it at the end of this function, not in the once-only part! // pChild->AppendMenu(MF_STRING, ID_SCRIPTPOPUP_GROUPNAMES_ID_START, "test string only"); // } uiPopupMenu_Grouping = reinterpret_cast(pChild->GetSafeHmenu()); m_mnuDrop.AppendMenu(MF_POPUP, uiPopupMenu_Grouping, "Grouping: Show/Hide"); cmenuPopup_Grouping = pChild; // "Grouping: Select"... // pChild = new CMenu; // LEAK? pChild->CreateMenu(); // // for (_i=0; ; _i++) // { // this menu changes dynamically, so build it at the end of this function, not in the once-only part! // pChild->AppendMenu(MF_STRING, ID_SELECTION_GROUPNAMES_SELECT_ID_START, "test string only"); // } uiPopupMenu_GroupingSelect = reinterpret_cast(pChild->GetSafeHmenu()); m_mnuDrop.AppendMenu(MF_POPUP, uiPopupMenu_GroupingSelect, "Grouping: Select"); cmenuPopup_GroupingSelect = pChild; // kinda nicer with a seperator, to space out the "Grouping: Add functions"... // // m_mnuDrop.AppendMenu(MF_SEPARATOR, nID++, ""); // ... no it isn't // "Grouping: Add to group"... // pChild = new CMenu; // LEAK? pChild->CreateMenu(); // // for (_i=0; ; _i++) // { // this menu changes dynamically, so build it at the end of this function, not in the once-only part! // pChild->AppendMenu(MF_STRING, ID_SELECTION_GROUPNAMES_ADDSELECTEDTO_ID_START, "test string only"); // } uiPopupMenu_GroupingAddSelectedTo = reinterpret_cast(pChild->GetSafeHmenu()); m_mnuDrop.AppendMenu(MF_POPUP, uiPopupMenu_GroupingAddSelectedTo, "Grouping: Add to group"); cmenuPopup_GroupingAddSelectedTo = pChild; // "Grouping: Add ALL ents of eclass to group"... // pChild = new CMenu; // LEAK? pChild->CreateMenu(); // // for (_i=0; ; _i++) // { // this menu changes dynamically, so build it at the end of this function, not in the once-only part! // pChild->AppendMenu(MF_STRING, ID_SELECTION_GROUPNAMES_ADDSELECTEDECLASSTO_ID_START, "test string only"); // } uiPopupMenu_GroupingAddSelectedEClassTo = reinterpret_cast(pChild->GetSafeHmenu()); m_mnuDrop.AppendMenu(MF_POPUP, uiPopupMenu_GroupingAddSelectedEClassTo, "Grouping: Add ALL ents of eclass to group"); cmenuPopup_GroupingAddSelectedEClassTo = pChild; // "Grouping: Add ALL ents using models to group"... // pChild = new CMenu; // LEAK? pChild->CreateMenu(); // // for (_i=0; ; _i++) // { // this menu changes dynamically, so build it at the end of this function, not in the once-only part! // pChild->AppendMenu(MF_STRING, ID_SELECTION_GROUPNAMES_ADDSELECTEDMODELSTO_ID_START, "test string only"); // } uiPopupMenu_GroupingAddSelectedModelsTo = reinterpret_cast(pChild->GetSafeHmenu()); m_mnuDrop.AppendMenu(MF_POPUP, uiPopupMenu_GroupingAddSelectedModelsTo, "Grouping: Add ALL ents using models to group"); cmenuPopup_GroupingAddSelectedModelsTo = pChild; //m_mnuDrop.AppendMenu(MF_SEPARATOR, nID++, ""); } #ifdef QUAKE3 m_mnuDrop.AppendMenu(MF_SEPARATOR, nID++, ""); m_mnuDrop.AppendMenu(MF_STRING, ID_SELECTION_HIDEWAYPOINTCHILDREN, "Hide Waypoint Children"); m_mnuDrop.AppendMenu(MF_STRING, ID_SELECTION_UNHIDEWAYPOINTCHILDREN, "UnHide Waypoint Children"); m_mnuDrop.AppendMenu(MF_STRING, ID_SELECTION_UNHIDEALLWAYPOINTS, "UnHide All Waypoints"); m_mnuDrop.AppendMenu(MF_SEPARATOR, nID++, ""); // "send script to..." // // NOTEPAD... // pChild = new CMenu; pChild->CreateMenu(); for (int _i=0; _iAppendMenu(MF_STRING, ID_SCRIPTPOPUP_NOTEPAD_ID_START + _i, ScriptPopup_GetField(_i)); } uiPopupMenu_Script_NOTEPAD = reinterpret_cast(pChild->GetSafeHmenu()); m_mnuDrop.AppendMenu(MF_POPUP, uiPopupMenu_Script_NOTEPAD, "Send Script to Notepad"); cmenuPopup_Script_NOTEPAD = pChild; // // MSDEV... // pChild = new CMenu; pChild->CreateMenu(); for (_i=0; _iAppendMenu(MF_STRING, ID_SCRIPTPOPUP_MSDEV_ID_START + _i, ScriptPopup_GetField(_i)); } uiPopupMenu_Script_MSDEV = reinterpret_cast(pChild->GetSafeHmenu()); m_mnuDrop.AppendMenu(MF_POPUP, uiPopupMenu_Script_MSDEV, "Send Script to MSDev"); cmenuPopup_Script_MSDEV = pChild; // // BEHAVED... // pChild = new CMenu; pChild->CreateMenu(); for (_i=0; _iAppendMenu(MF_STRING, ID_SCRIPTPOPUP_BEHAVED_ID_START + _i, ScriptPopup_GetField(_i)); } uiPopupMenu_Script_BEHAVED = reinterpret_cast(pChild->GetSafeHmenu()); m_mnuDrop.AppendMenu(MF_POPUP, uiPopupMenu_Script_BEHAVED, "Send Script to BehavEd"); cmenuPopup_Script_BEHAVED = pChild; pChild = NULL; #endif m_mnuDrop.AppendMenu(MF_SEPARATOR, nID++, ""); pChild = new CMenu; pChild->CreateMenu(); pChild->AppendMenu(MF_STRING, nID++, "Smart_Train"); //pChild->AppendMenu(MF_STRING, nID++, "Smart_Rotating"); m_mnuDrop.AppendMenu(MF_POPUP, reinterpret_cast(pChild->GetSafeHmenu()), "Smart Entities"); m_mnuDrop.AppendMenu(MF_SEPARATOR, nID++, ""); pChild = NULL; eclass_t *e; CString strActive; CString strLast; CString strName; for (e=eclass ; e ; e=e->next) { strLast = strName; strName = e->name; int n_ = strName.Find("_"); if (n_ > 0) { CString strLeft = strName.Left(n_); CString strRight = strName.Right(strName.GetLength() - n_ - 1); if (strLeft == strActive) // this is a child { ASSERT(pChild); pChild->AppendMenu(MF_STRING, nID++, strName); } else { if (pChild) { m_mnuDrop.AppendMenu(MF_POPUP, reinterpret_cast(pChild->GetSafeHmenu()), strActive); g_ptrMenus.Add(pChild); //pChild->DestroyMenu(); //delete pChild; pChild = NULL; } strActive = strLeft; pChild = new CMenu; pChild->CreateMenu(); pChild->AppendMenu(MF_STRING, nID++, strName); } } else { if (pChild) { m_mnuDrop.AppendMenu(MF_POPUP, reinterpret_cast(pChild->GetSafeHmenu()), strActive); g_ptrMenus.Add(pChild); //pChild->DestroyMenu(); //delete pChild; pChild = NULL; } strActive = ""; m_mnuDrop.AppendMenu(MF_STRING, nID++, strName); } } } // the menu is created at this point, now do some selective enabling/greying for niceness... // #ifdef QUAKE3 // // send script to NOTEPAD... // m_mnuDrop.EnableMenuItem(uiPopupMenu_Script_NOTEPAD, MF_BYCOMMAND | ScriptPopup_Allowed()?MF_ENABLED:MF_GRAYED) ; for (int _i=0; _iEnableMenuItem(ID_SCRIPTPOPUP_NOTEPAD_ID_START + _i, MF_BYCOMMAND | (ScriptPopup_GetScriptName(_i)?MF_ENABLED:MF_GRAYED)); } // // send script to MSDEV... // m_mnuDrop.EnableMenuItem(uiPopupMenu_Script_MSDEV, MF_BYCOMMAND | ScriptPopup_Allowed()?MF_ENABLED:MF_GRAYED) ; for (_i=0; _iEnableMenuItem(ID_SCRIPTPOPUP_MSDEV_ID_START + _i, MF_BYCOMMAND | (ScriptPopup_GetScriptName(_i)?MF_ENABLED:MF_GRAYED)); } // // send script to BEHAVED... // m_mnuDrop.EnableMenuItem(uiPopupMenu_Script_BEHAVED, MF_BYCOMMAND | ScriptPopup_Allowed()?MF_ENABLED:MF_GRAYED) ; for (_i=0; _iEnableMenuItem(ID_SCRIPTPOPUP_BEHAVED_ID_START + _i, MF_BYCOMMAND | (ScriptPopup_GetScriptName(_i)?MF_ENABLED:MF_GRAYED)); } #endif // menu is created at this point, now do any selective menu-populating and/or greying/checking etc... {// fill in some special popup menus to do with grouping... Grouping_ConstructUsageList(); // MUST occur before any other menu groupname function calls int iGroupListCount = Grouping_GetListCount(); // // "Grouping: Active" // m_mnuDrop.CheckMenuItem(ID_SELECTION_GROUPNAMES_ACTIVE, MF_BYCOMMAND | (bGrouping_IsActive)?MF_CHECKED:MF_UNCHECKED); // // "Grouping: Hidden = Ghosted" // m_mnuDrop.CheckMenuItem (ID_SELECTION_GROUPNAMES_GHOSTED, MF_BYCOMMAND | (bGrouping_IsGhosted)?MF_CHECKED:MF_UNCHECKED); m_mnuDrop.EnableMenuItem(ID_SELECTION_GROUPNAMES_GHOSTED, MF_BYCOMMAND | (bGrouping_IsActive )?MF_ENABLED:MF_GRAYED); // // "Grouping: shownames"... // m_mnuDrop.CheckMenuItem (ID_SELECTION_GROUPNAMES_DISPLAY, MF_BYCOMMAND | (g_qeglobals.d_savedinfo.exclude & SHOW_GROUPNAMES)?MF_CHECKED:MF_UNCHECKED); m_mnuDrop.EnableMenuItem(ID_SELECTION_GROUPNAMES_DISPLAY, MF_BYCOMMAND | (bGrouping_IsActive)?MF_ENABLED:MF_GRAYED); // // "Grouping show/hide"... // { // empty previous entries first, then re-build the menu... // while (cmenuPopup_Grouping->DeleteMenu(0, MF_BYPOSITION)); // // // re-build... // m_mnuDrop.EnableMenuItem(uiPopupMenu_Grouping, MF_BYCOMMAND | (iGroupListCount && bGrouping_IsActive)?MF_ENABLED:MF_GRAYED); Grouping_BeginListRead(); for (int _i=0; _iAppendMenu(MF_STRING | (bOnOff?MF_CHECKED:MF_UNCHECKED), ID_SCRIPTPOPOP_GROUPNAMES_ID_START + _i, psText ); } } // // "Grouping select"... // { // empty previous entries first, then re-build the menu... // while (cmenuPopup_GroupingSelect->DeleteMenu(0, MF_BYPOSITION)); // // // re-build... // m_mnuDrop.EnableMenuItem(uiPopupMenu_GroupingSelect, MF_BYCOMMAND | (iGroupListCount && bGrouping_IsActive)?MF_ENABLED:MF_GRAYED); Grouping_BeginListRead(); for (int _i=0; _iAppendMenu(MF_STRING, ID_SELECTION_GROUPNAMES_SELECT_ID_START + _i, psText); } } // // "Grouping: Add to group"... // { // empty previous entries first, then re-build the menu... // while (cmenuPopup_GroupingAddSelectedTo->DeleteMenu(0, MF_BYPOSITION)); // // // re-build... // // (this items is only enabled if at least one brush is selected) m_mnuDrop.EnableMenuItem(uiPopupMenu_GroupingAddSelectedTo, MF_BYCOMMAND | (bGrouping_IsActive && Grouping_AtLeastOneEntSelected())?MF_ENABLED:MF_GRAYED); // item at top... // cmenuPopup_GroupingAddSelectedTo->AppendMenu(MF_STRING, ID_SELECTION_GROUPNAMES_ADDSELECTEDTO_ID_START, ""); // // now add existing groups... // Grouping_BeginListRead(); for (int _i=0; _iAppendMenu(MF_STRING, ID_SELECTION_GROUPNAMES_ADDSELECTEDTO_ID_START + _i + 1/* +1 to account for "" */, psText); } } // "Grouping: Add ALL ents of eclass to group"... // { // empty previous entries first, then re-build the menu... // while (cmenuPopup_GroupingAddSelectedEClassTo->DeleteMenu(0, MF_BYPOSITION)); // // // re-build... // // (this items is only enabled if at least one brush is selected) m_mnuDrop.EnableMenuItem(uiPopupMenu_GroupingAddSelectedEClassTo, MF_BYCOMMAND | (bGrouping_IsActive && Grouping_AtLeastOneEntSelected())?MF_ENABLED:MF_GRAYED); // item at top... // cmenuPopup_GroupingAddSelectedEClassTo->AppendMenu(MF_STRING, ID_SELECTION_GROUPNAMES_ADDSELECTEDECLASSTO_ID_START, ""); // // now add existing groups... // Grouping_BeginListRead(); for (int _i=0; _iAppendMenu(MF_STRING, ID_SELECTION_GROUPNAMES_ADDSELECTEDECLASSTO_ID_START + _i + 1/* +1 to account for "" */, psText); } } // "Grouping: Add ALL ents using models to group"... // { // empty previous entries first, then re-build the menu... // while (cmenuPopup_GroupingAddSelectedModelsTo->DeleteMenu(0, MF_BYPOSITION)); // // // re-build... // // (this items is only enabled if at least one brush is selected) m_mnuDrop.EnableMenuItem(uiPopupMenu_GroupingAddSelectedModelsTo, MF_BYCOMMAND | (bGrouping_IsActive && Grouping_AtLeastOneModelEntSelected())?MF_ENABLED:MF_GRAYED); // item at top... // cmenuPopup_GroupingAddSelectedModelsTo->AppendMenu(MF_STRING, ID_SELECTION_GROUPNAMES_ADDSELECTEDMODELSTO_ID_START, ""); // // now add existing groups... // Grouping_BeginListRead(); for (int _i=0; _iAppendMenu(MF_STRING, ID_SELECTION_GROUPNAMES_ADDSELECTEDMODELSTO_ID_START + _i + 1/* +1 to account for "" */, psText); } } } CPoint ptMouse; GetCursorPos(&ptMouse); m_mnuDrop.TrackPopupMenu(TPM_LEFTALIGN | TPM_LEFTBUTTON | TPM_RIGHTBUTTON, ptMouse.x, ptMouse.y, this); } // this is also now called by CMainFrame::OnMapHome // void CXYWnd::XY_Init() { m_vOrigin[0] = 0; m_vOrigin[1] = 20; m_vOrigin[2] = 46; m_fScale = 1; } void CXYWnd::SnapToPoint (int x, int y, vec3_t point) { if (g_bSnapToGrid) XY_ToPoint(x, y, point); else XY_ToPoint(x, y, point); //XY_ToPoint(x, y, point); } void CXYWnd::XY_ToPoint (int x, int y, vec3_t point) { float fx = x; float fy = y; float fw = m_nWidth; float fh = m_nHeight; if (m_nViewType == XY) { point[0] = m_vOrigin[0] + (fx - fw / 2) / m_fScale; point[1] = m_vOrigin[1] + (fy - fh / 2) / m_fScale; //point[2] = 0; } else if (m_nViewType == YZ) { ////point[0] = 0; //point[1] = m_vOrigin[0] + (fx - fw / 2) / m_fScale; //point[2] = m_vOrigin[1] + (fy - fh / 2 ) / m_fScale; point[1] = m_vOrigin[1] + (fx - fw / 2) / m_fScale; point[2] = m_vOrigin[2] + (fy - fh / 2 ) / m_fScale; } else { //point[0] = m_vOrigin[0] + (fx - fw / 2) / m_fScale; ////point[1] = 0; //point[2] = m_vOrigin[1] + (fy - fh / 2) / m_fScale; point[0] = m_vOrigin[0] + (fx - fw / 2) / m_fScale; //point[1] = 0; point[2] = m_vOrigin[2] + (fy - fh / 2) / m_fScale; } } void CXYWnd::XY_ToGridPoint (int x, int y, vec3_t point) { if (m_nViewType == XY) { point[0] = m_vOrigin[0] + (x - m_nWidth / 2) / m_fScale; point[1] = m_vOrigin[1] + (y - m_nHeight / 2) / m_fScale; //point[2] = 0; point[0] = floor(point[0] / g_qeglobals.d_gridsize + 0.5) * g_qeglobals.d_gridsize; point[1] = floor(point[1] / g_qeglobals.d_gridsize + 0.5) * g_qeglobals.d_gridsize; } else if (m_nViewType == YZ) { //point[0] = 0; //point[1] = m_vOrigin[0] + (x - m_nWidth / 2) / m_fScale; //point[2] = m_vOrigin[1] + (y - m_nHeight / 2) / m_fScale; point[1] = m_vOrigin[1] + (x - m_nWidth / 2) / m_fScale; point[2] = m_vOrigin[2] + (y - m_nHeight / 2) / m_fScale; point[1] = floor(point[1] / g_qeglobals.d_gridsize + 0.5) * g_qeglobals.d_gridsize; point[2] = floor(point[2] / g_qeglobals.d_gridsize + 0.5) * g_qeglobals.d_gridsize; } else { //point[1] = 0; //point[0] = m_vOrigin[0] + (x - m_nWidth / 2) / m_fScale; //point[2] = m_vOrigin[1] + (y - m_nHeight / 2) / m_fScale; point[0] = m_vOrigin[0] + (x - m_nWidth / 2) / m_fScale; point[2] = m_vOrigin[2] + (y - m_nHeight / 2) / m_fScale; point[0] = floor(point[0] / g_qeglobals.d_gridsize + 0.5) * g_qeglobals.d_gridsize; point[2] = floor(point[2] / g_qeglobals.d_gridsize + 0.5) * g_qeglobals.d_gridsize; } } void CXYWnd::XY_MouseDown (int x, int y, int buttons) { vec3_t point; vec3_t origin, dir, right, up; m_nButtonstate = buttons; m_nPressx = x; m_nPressy = y; VectorCopy (vec3_origin, m_vPressdelta); XY_ToPoint (x, y, point); VectorCopy (point, origin); dir[0] = 0; dir[1] = 0; dir[2] = 0; if (m_nViewType == XY) { origin[2] = MAX_WORLD_COORD; dir[2] = -1; right[0] = 1 / m_fScale; right[1] = 0; right[2] = 0; up[0] = 0; up[1] = 1 / m_fScale; up[2] = 0; } else if (m_nViewType == YZ) { origin[0] = MAX_WORLD_COORD; dir[0] = -1; right[1] = 1 / m_fScale; right[2] = 0; right[0] = 0; up[0] = 0; up[2] = 1 / m_fScale; up[1] = 0; } else { origin[1] = MAX_WORLD_COORD; dir[1] = -1; right[0] = 1 / m_fScale; right[2] = 0; right[1] = 0; up[0] = 0; up[2] = 1 / m_fScale; up[1] = 0; } m_bPress_selection = (selected_brushes.next != &selected_brushes); GetCursorPos(&m_ptCursor); //Sys_GetCursorPos (&m_ptCursor.x, &m_ptCursor.y); // lbutton = manipulate selection // shift-LBUTTON = select if ( (buttons == MK_LBUTTON) || (buttons == (MK_LBUTTON | MK_SHIFT)) || (buttons == (MK_LBUTTON | MK_CONTROL)) || (buttons == (MK_LBUTTON | MK_CONTROL | MK_SHIFT)) ) { Patch_SetView( (m_nViewType == XY) ? W_XY : (m_nViewType == YZ) ? W_YZ : W_XZ); Drag_Begin (x, y, buttons, right, up, origin, dir); return; } int nMouseButton = g_PrefsDlg.m_nMouseButtons == 2 ? MK_RBUTTON : MK_MBUTTON; // control mbutton = move camera if (m_nButtonstate == (MK_CONTROL|nMouseButton) ) { VectorCopyXY(point, g_pParentWnd->GetCamera()->Camera().origin); Sys_UpdateWindows (W_CAMERA|W_XY_OVERLAY); } // mbutton = angle camera if ((g_PrefsDlg.m_nMouseButtons == 3 && m_nButtonstate == MK_MBUTTON) || (g_PrefsDlg.m_nMouseButtons == 2 && m_nButtonstate == (MK_SHIFT|MK_CONTROL|MK_RBUTTON))) { VectorSubtract (point, g_pParentWnd->GetCamera()->Camera().origin, point); int n1 = (m_nViewType == XY) ? 1 : 2; int n2 = (m_nViewType == YZ) ? 1 : 0; int nAngle = (m_nViewType == XY) ? YAW : PITCH; if (point[n1] || point[n2]) { g_pParentWnd->GetCamera()->Camera().angles[nAngle] = 180/Q_PI*atan2 (point[n1], point[n2]); Sys_UpdateWindows (W_CAMERA_IFON|W_XY_OVERLAY); } } // shift mbutton = move z checker if (m_nButtonstate == (MK_SHIFT | nMouseButton)) { if (RotateMode() || g_bPatchBendMode) { XY_ToGridPoint (x, y, point); VectorCopyXY(point, g_vRotateOrigin); if (g_bPatchBendMode) { VectorCopy(point, g_vBendOrigin); } Sys_UpdateWindows (W_XY); return; } else { SnapToPoint (x, y, point); if (m_nViewType == XY) { z.origin[0] = point[0]; z.origin[1] = point[1]; } else if (m_nViewType == YZ) { z.origin[0] = point[1]; z.origin[1] = point[2]; } else { z.origin[0] = point[0]; z.origin[1] = point[2]; } Sys_UpdateWindows (W_XY_OVERLAY|W_Z); return; } } } void CXYWnd::XY_MouseUp(int x, int y, int buttons) { Drag_MouseUp (buttons); if (!m_bPress_selection) Sys_UpdateWindows (W_ALL); m_nButtonstate = 0; while (::ShowCursor(TRUE) < 0) ; } qboolean CXYWnd::DragDelta (int x, int y, vec3_t move) { vec3_t xvec, yvec, delta; int i; xvec[0] = 1 / m_fScale; xvec[1] = xvec[2] = 0; yvec[1] = 1 / m_fScale; yvec[0] = yvec[2] = 0; for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) { delta[i] = xvec[i] * (x - m_nPressx) + yvec[i] * (y - m_nPressy); delta[i] = floor(delta[i] / g_qeglobals.d_gridsize + 0.5) * g_qeglobals.d_gridsize; } VectorSubtract (delta, m_vPressdelta, move); VectorCopy (delta, m_vPressdelta); if (move[0] || move[1] || move[2]) return true; return false; } /* ============== NewBrushDrag ============== */ void CXYWnd::NewBrushDrag (int x, int y) { vec3_t mins, maxs, junk; int i; float temp; brush_t *n; if (!DragDelta (x,y, junk)) return; // delete the current selection if (selected_brushes.next != &selected_brushes) Brush_Free (selected_brushes.next); XY_ToGridPoint (m_nPressx, m_nPressy, mins); int nDim = (m_nViewType == XY) ? 2 : (m_nViewType == YZ) ? 0 : 1; mins[nDim] = g_qeglobals.d_gridsize * ((int)(g_qeglobals.d_new_brush_bottom_z / g_qeglobals.d_gridsize)); XY_ToGridPoint (x, y, maxs); maxs[nDim] = g_qeglobals.d_gridsize * ((int)(g_qeglobals.d_new_brush_top_z / g_qeglobals.d_gridsize)); if (maxs[nDim] <= mins[nDim]) maxs[nDim] = mins[nDim] + g_qeglobals.d_gridsize; for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) { if (mins[i] == maxs[i]) return; // don't create a degenerate brush if (mins[i] > maxs[i]) { temp = mins[i]; mins[i] = maxs[i]; maxs[i] = temp; } } n = Brush_Create (mins, maxs, &g_qeglobals.d_texturewin.texdef); if (!n) return; vec3_t vSize; VectorSubtract(maxs, mins, vSize); g_strStatus.Format("Size X:: %.1f Y:: %.1f Z:: %.1f", vSize[0], vSize[1], vSize[2]); g_pParentWnd->SetStatusText(2, g_strStatus); Brush_AddToList (n, &selected_brushes); Entity_LinkBrush (world_entity, n); Brush_Build( n ); // Sys_UpdateWindows (W_ALL); Sys_UpdateWindows (W_XY| W_CAMERA); } /* ============== XY_MouseMoved ============== */ void CXYWnd::XY_MouseMoved (int x, int y, int buttons) { vec3_t point; if (!m_nButtonstate) return; // lbutton without selection = drag new brush if (m_nButtonstate == MK_LBUTTON && !m_bPress_selection && g_qeglobals.d_select_mode != sel_curvepoint) { NewBrushDrag (x, y); return; } // lbutton (possibly with control and or shift) // with selection = drag selection if (m_nButtonstate & MK_LBUTTON) { Drag_MouseMoved (x, y, buttons); Sys_UpdateWindows (W_XY_OVERLAY | W_CAMERA_IFON | W_Z); return; } int nMouseButton = g_PrefsDlg.m_nMouseButtons == 2 ? MK_RBUTTON : MK_MBUTTON; // control mbutton = move camera if (m_nButtonstate == (MK_CONTROL|nMouseButton) ) { SnapToPoint (x, y, point); VectorCopyXY(point, g_pParentWnd->GetCamera()->Camera().origin); Sys_UpdateWindows (W_XY_OVERLAY | W_CAMERA); return; } // shift mbutton = move z checker if (m_nButtonstate == (MK_SHIFT|nMouseButton) ) { if (RotateMode() || g_bPatchBendMode) { XY_ToGridPoint (x, y, point); VectorCopyXY(point, g_vRotateOrigin); if (g_bPatchBendMode) { VectorCopy(point, g_vBendOrigin); } Sys_UpdateWindows (W_XY); return; } else { SnapToPoint (x, y, point); if (m_nViewType == XY) { z.origin[0] = point[0]; z.origin[1] = point[1]; } else if (m_nViewType == YZ) { z.origin[0] = point[1]; z.origin[1] = point[2]; } else { z.origin[0] = point[0]; z.origin[1] = point[2]; } } Sys_UpdateWindows (W_XY_OVERLAY|W_Z); return; } // mbutton = angle camera if ((g_PrefsDlg.m_nMouseButtons == 3 && m_nButtonstate == MK_MBUTTON) || (g_PrefsDlg.m_nMouseButtons == 2 && m_nButtonstate == (MK_SHIFT|MK_CONTROL|MK_RBUTTON))) { SnapToPoint (x, y, point); VectorSubtract (point, g_pParentWnd->GetCamera()->Camera().origin, point); int n1 = (m_nViewType == XY) ? 1 : 2; int n2 = (m_nViewType == YZ) ? 1 : 0; int nAngle = (m_nViewType == XY) ? YAW : PITCH; if (point[n1] || point[n2]) { g_pParentWnd->GetCamera()->Camera().angles[nAngle] = 180/Q_PI*atan2 (point[n1], point[n2]); Sys_UpdateWindows (W_CAMERA_IFON|W_XY_OVERLAY); } return; } // rbutton = drag xy origin if (m_nButtonstate == MK_RBUTTON) { Sys_GetCursorPos (&x, &y); if (x != m_ptCursor.x || y != m_ptCursor.y) { int nDim1 = (m_nViewType == YZ) ? 1 : 0; int nDim2 = (m_nViewType == XY) ? 1 : 2; m_vOrigin[nDim1] -= (x - m_ptCursor.x) / m_fScale; m_vOrigin[nDim2] += (y - m_ptCursor.y) / m_fScale; SetCursorPos (m_ptCursor.x, m_ptCursor.y); ::ShowCursor(FALSE); //XY_Draw(); //RedrawWindow(NULL, NULL, RDW_INVALIDATE | RDW_UPDATENOW); Sys_UpdateWindows (W_XY | W_XY_OVERLAY); //::ShowCursor(TRUE); } return; } } /* ============================================================================ DRAWING ============================================================================ */ /* ============== XY_DrawGrid ============== */ void CXYWnd::XY_DrawGrid() { float x, y, xb, xe, yb, ye, step; int w, h; char text[32]; qglDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); qglDisable(GL_TEXTURE_1D); qglDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); qglDisable(GL_BLEND); w = m_nWidth / 2 / m_fScale; h = m_nHeight / 2 / m_fScale; int nDim1 = (m_nViewType == YZ) ? 1 : 0; int nDim2 = (m_nViewType == XY) ? 1 : 2; //int nDim1 = 0; //int nDim2 = 1; step = 64.0f; if(m_fScale < 0.2f) { step = 512.0f; } if(m_fScale < 0.02f) { step = 2048.0f; } xb = m_vOrigin[nDim1] - w; if (xb < region_mins[nDim1]) xb = region_mins[nDim1]; xb = step * floor (xb/step); xe = m_vOrigin[nDim1] + w; if (xe > region_maxs[nDim1]) xe = region_maxs[nDim1]; xe = step * ceil (xe/step); yb = m_vOrigin[nDim2] - h; if (yb < region_mins[nDim2]) yb = region_mins[nDim2]; yb = step * floor (yb/step); ye = m_vOrigin[nDim2] + h; if (ye > region_maxs[nDim2]) ye = region_maxs[nDim2]; ye = step * ceil (ye/step); // draw major blocks qglColor3fv(g_qeglobals.d_savedinfo.colors[COLOR_GRIDMAJOR]); if ( g_qeglobals.d_showgrid ) { qglBegin (GL_LINES); for (x=xb ; x<=xe ; x+=step) { qglVertex2f (x, yb); qglVertex2f (x, ye); } for (y=yb ; y<=ye ; y+=step) { qglVertex2f (xb, y); qglVertex2f (xe, y); } qglEnd (); } // draw minor blocks if ( g_qeglobals.d_showgrid && g_qeglobals.d_gridsize * m_fScale >= 4 && g_qeglobals.d_savedinfo.colors[COLOR_GRIDMINOR] != g_qeglobals.d_savedinfo.colors[COLOR_GRIDBACK]) { qglColor3fv(g_qeglobals.d_savedinfo.colors[COLOR_GRIDMINOR]); qglBegin (GL_LINES); for (x=xb ; xGetZWnd()->m_pZClip) // should always be the case at this point I think, but this is safer { if (g_pParentWnd->GetZWnd()->m_pZClip->IsEnabled()) { qglColor3f(ZCLIP_COLOUR); qglLineWidth(2); qglBegin (GL_LINES); qglVertex2f (xb, g_pParentWnd->GetZWnd()->m_pZClip->GetTop()); qglVertex2f (xe, g_pParentWnd->GetZWnd()->m_pZClip->GetTop()); qglVertex2f (xb, g_pParentWnd->GetZWnd()->m_pZClip->GetBottom()); qglVertex2f (xe, g_pParentWnd->GetZWnd()->m_pZClip->GetBottom()); qglEnd (); qglLineWidth(1); } } } // draw coordinate text if needed if ( g_qeglobals.d_savedinfo.show_coordinates) { //glColor4f(0, 0, 0, 0); qglColor3fv(g_qeglobals.d_savedinfo.colors[COLOR_GRIDTEXT]); for (x=xb ; x region_maxs[nDim1]) xe = region_maxs[nDim1]; xe = 1024 * ceil (xe/1024); yb = m_vOrigin[nDim2] - h; if (yb < region_mins[nDim2]) yb = region_mins[nDim2]; yb = 1024 * floor (yb/1024); ye = m_vOrigin[nDim2] + h; if (ye > region_maxs[nDim2]) ye = region_maxs[nDim2]; ye = 1024 * ceil (ye/1024); // draw major blocks qglColor3fv(g_qeglobals.d_savedinfo.colors[COLOR_GRIDBLOCK]); qglLineWidth (2); qglBegin (GL_LINES); for (x=xb ; x<=xe ; x+=1024) { qglVertex2f (x, yb); qglVertex2f (x, ye); } for (y=yb ; y<=ye ; y+=1024) { qglVertex2f (xb, y); qglVertex2f (xe, y); } qglEnd (); qglLineWidth (1); // draw coordinate text if needed for (x=xb ; xGetCamera()->Camera().origin[0]; y = g_pParentWnd->GetCamera()->Camera().origin[1]; a = g_pParentWnd->GetCamera()->Camera().angles[YAW]/180*Q_PI; } else if (m_nViewType == YZ) { x = g_pParentWnd->GetCamera()->Camera().origin[1]; y = g_pParentWnd->GetCamera()->Camera().origin[2]; a = g_pParentWnd->GetCamera()->Camera().angles[PITCH]/180*Q_PI; } else { x = g_pParentWnd->GetCamera()->Camera().origin[0]; y = g_pParentWnd->GetCamera()->Camera().origin[2]; a = g_pParentWnd->GetCamera()->Camera().angles[PITCH]/180*Q_PI; } qglColor3f (0.0, 0.0, 1.0); qglBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP); qglVertex3f (x-16,y,0); qglVertex3f (x,y+8,0); qglVertex3f (x+16,y,0); qglVertex3f (x,y-8,0); qglVertex3f (x-16,y,0); qglVertex3f (x+16,y,0); qglEnd (); qglBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP); qglVertex3f (x+48*cos(a+Q_PI/4), y+48*sin(a+Q_PI/4), 0); qglVertex3f (x, y, 0); qglVertex3f (x+48*cos(a-Q_PI/4), y+48*sin(a-Q_PI/4), 0); qglEnd (); #if 0 char text[128]; qglRasterPos2f (x+64, y+64); sprintf (text, "%f",g_pParentWnd->GetCamera()->Camera().angles[YAW]); qglCallLists (strlen(text), GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, text); #endif } void CXYWnd::DrawZIcon (void) { if (m_nViewType == XY) { float x = z.origin[0]; float y = z.origin[1]; qglEnable (GL_BLEND); qglDisable (GL_TEXTURE_2D); qglPolygonMode (GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL); qglDisable (GL_CULL_FACE); qglBlendFunc (GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); qglColor4f (0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.25); qglBegin(GL_QUADS); qglVertex3f (x-8,y-8,0); qglVertex3f (x+8,y-8,0); qglVertex3f (x+8,y+8,0); qglVertex3f (x-8,y+8,0); qglEnd (); qglDisable (GL_BLEND); qglColor4f (0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1); qglBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP); qglVertex3f (x-8,y-8,0); qglVertex3f (x+8,y-8,0); qglVertex3f (x+8,y+8,0); qglVertex3f (x-8,y+8,0); qglEnd (); qglBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP); qglVertex3f (x-4,y+4,0); qglVertex3f (x+4,y+4,0); qglVertex3f (x-4,y-4,0); qglVertex3f (x+4,y-4,0); qglEnd (); } } /* ================== FilterBrush ================== */ // more funtionality added. (previous Z/NZ check is still fine) // // 0 = not filtered (ie visible/active) // 1 = filtered (ie should be hidden/ignored) // 2 = filtered, but filtered because of being a hidden group, but ghosting is on, so draw it grey // (This value only returned if 'bCalledFromDisplayCode' == true, for ghost-drawing // // Note: Do NOT return anything other than the numbers above now, ie don't just return the results of a strcmp directly, // since that'll also return -1 at times. // /*BOOL*/ int FilterBrush(brush_t *pb, BOOL bCalledFromDisplayCode /* = false */) { if (!pb->owner) return FALSE; // during construction if (g_pParentWnd->GetZWnd()->m_pZClip) // ZClip class up and running? (and hence Z window built) { if (g_pParentWnd->GetZWnd()->m_pZClip->IsEnabled()) { // ZClipping active... // if (pb->mins[2] > g_pParentWnd->GetZWnd()->m_pZClip->GetTop() // brush bottom edge is above clip top || pb->maxs[2] < g_pParentWnd->GetZWnd()->m_pZClip->GetBottom()// brush top edge is below clip bottom ) { return TRUE; } } } if (pb->owner) { int iReturn = Grouping_EntIsHidden(pb->owner, bCalledFromDisplayCode); if (iReturn) return iReturn; // but only if NZ } if (pb->hiddenBrush) { return TRUE; } if (g_qeglobals.d_savedinfo.exclude & EXCLUDE_ALL_EXCEPT_DETAIL) { if (pb->brush_faces->texdef.contents & CONTENTS_DETAIL) return false; return true; // ignore everything else when using this flag } if (g_qeglobals.d_savedinfo.exclude & EXCLUDE_HINT) { if (strstr(pb->brush_faces->texdef.name, "hint")) return TRUE; } if (g_qeglobals.d_savedinfo.exclude & EXCLUDE_CLIP) { if (strstr(pb->brush_faces->texdef.name, "clip")) return TRUE; if (strstr(pb->brush_faces->texdef.name, "skip")) return TRUE; // I could just check for "block" for these two, but you never know... // if (strstr(pb->brush_faces->texdef.name, "blocknpc")) return TRUE; if (strstr(pb->brush_faces->texdef.name, "blockplayer")) return TRUE; // and some more... // if (strstr(pb->brush_faces->texdef.name, "do_not_enter")) return TRUE; //if (!strncmp(pb->brush_faces->texdef.name, "clip", 4)) // return TRUE; } if (g_qeglobals.d_savedinfo.exclude & SHOW_CURVES_ONLY) // not actually an exclude { if (!(pb->curveBrush || pb->patchBrush)) return TRUE; } if (g_qeglobals.d_savedinfo.exclude & EXCLUDE_WATER) { for (face_t* f = pb->brush_faces ; f ; f=f->next) { if (f->texdef.contents & (CONTENTS_WATER | CONTENTS_SLIME | CONTENTS_LAVA)) return TRUE; } } if (g_qeglobals.d_savedinfo.exclude & EXCLUDE_DETAIL) { if (pb->brush_faces->texdef.contents & CONTENTS_DETAIL) return TRUE; } if (g_qeglobals.d_savedinfo.exclude & EXCLUDE_NONSOLID) { if (pb->brush_faces->texdef.flags & SURF_NONSOLID) return TRUE; } if (g_qeglobals.d_savedinfo.exclude & (EXCLUDE_EASY|EXCLUDE_MEDIUM|EXCLUDE_HARD)) { char *p = ValueForKey (pb->owner, "spawnflags"); if (p && p[0]) { // this logic is pretty shitty, but it lets you move flags around to different defines etc // and still works ok. This double-negative system of flags is a bit weird as well, but that's what // the engine uses... // int iSpawnFlags = atoi(p); int iFlags = g_qeglobals.d_savedinfo.exclude & (EXCLUDE_EASY|EXCLUDE_MEDIUM|EXCLUDE_HARD); iFlags^= (EXCLUDE_EASY|EXCLUDE_MEDIUM|EXCLUDE_HARD); iSpawnFlags&= ( (1<<(NOT_FLAGS_START+0)) | (1<<(NOT_FLAGS_START+1)) | (1<<(NOT_FLAGS_START+2)) ); iSpawnFlags^= ( (1<<(NOT_FLAGS_START+0)) | (1<<(NOT_FLAGS_START+1)) | (1<<(NOT_FLAGS_START+2)) ); if (! ( ((iFlags&EXCLUDE_EASY) && (iSpawnFlags&(1<<(NOT_FLAGS_START+0)))) || ((iFlags&EXCLUDE_MEDIUM)&& (iSpawnFlags&(1<<(NOT_FLAGS_START+1)))) || ((iFlags&EXCLUDE_HARD) && (iSpawnFlags&(1<<(NOT_FLAGS_START+2)))) ) ) { return TRUE; // not drawn } } } if (g_qeglobals.d_savedinfo.exclude & EXCLUDE_CURVES) { if (pb->curveBrush || pb->patchBrush) return TRUE; } if (pb->owner == world_entity) { if (g_qeglobals.d_savedinfo.exclude & EXCLUDE_WORLD) return TRUE; return FALSE; } else { if (!(pb->owner && !stricmp(pb->owner->eclass->name, "func_group"))) // don't exclude func_groups if excluding entities { if (g_qeglobals.d_savedinfo.exclude & EXCLUDE_ENT) return TRUE; } } if (g_qeglobals.d_savedinfo.exclude & EXCLUDE_FUNC_GROUP) { if (pb->owner && !stricmp(pb->owner->eclass->name, "func_group")) return TRUE; } #ifdef QUAKE3 if (g_qeglobals.d_savedinfo.exclude & SHOW_WAYPOINTS_ONLY) // not actually an exclude { if (!strncmp(pb->owner->eclass->name, "waypoint", 8)) return FALSE; // we're a waypoint, so always show us return TRUE; } #endif if (g_qeglobals.d_savedinfo.exclude & EXCLUDE_LIGHTS) { if (!strncmp(pb->owner->eclass->name, "light", 5)) return TRUE; } if (g_qeglobals.d_savedinfo.exclude & EXCLUDE_PATHS) { if (!strncmp(pb->owner->eclass->name, "path", 4)) return TRUE; } #ifdef QUAKE3 if (g_qeglobals.d_savedinfo.exclude & EXCLUDE_WAYPOINTS) { if (!strncmp(pb->owner->eclass->name, "waypoint", 8) || !strncmp(pb->owner->eclass->name, "point_combat", 12) ) { return TRUE; } } if (g_qeglobals.d_savedinfo.exclude & EXCLUDE_MISCMODELS) { if (!strcmp(pb->owner->eclass->name, "misc_model")) // NOT strncmp(), or it'll affect misc_model_breakable as well return TRUE; } if (g_qeglobals.d_savedinfo.exclude & EXCLUDE_MISCMODELBREAKABLES) { if (!strcmp(pb->owner->eclass->name, "misc_model_breakable")) return TRUE; } if (g_qeglobals.d_savedinfo.exclude & EXCLUDE_MISCMODELXXXX) { // special case, to avoid confusion with above I'll ignore "misc_model_breakable" in this check // if (strcmp(pb->owner->eclass->name, "misc_model_breakable")) { if (!strncmp(pb->owner->eclass->name, "misc_model_",11)) return TRUE; } } if (g_qeglobals.d_savedinfo.exclude & EXCLUDE_TRIGGERXXXX) { if (!strncmp(pb->owner->eclass->name, "trigger_",8)) return TRUE; } if (g_qeglobals.d_savedinfo.exclude & EXCLUDE_TARGETSPEAKERS) { if (!strncmp(pb->owner->eclass->name, "target_speaker", 14)) return TRUE; } if (g_qeglobals.d_savedinfo.exclude & EXCLUDE_REFTAGS) { if (!strncmp(pb->owner->eclass->name, "ref_tag", 7)) return TRUE; } // special code for hidden waypoints (hidden as in the special hide for Mike G)... // if (!strncmp(pb->owner->eclass->name, "waypoint", 8)) { char *p = ValueForKey (pb->owner, sKEY_HIDDENWAYPOINT); if (p && p[0]) return TRUE; } #endif return FALSE; } /* ============================================================= PATH LINES ============================================================= */ /* ================== DrawPathLines Draws connections between entities. Needs to consider all entities, not just ones on screen, because the lines can be visible when neither end is. Called for both camera view and xy view. ================== */ void DrawPathLines (void) { int i, j, k; vec3_t mid, mid1; entity_t *se, *te; brush_t *sb, *tb; char *psz; vec3_t dir, s1, s2; vec_t len, f; int arrows; int num_entities; char *ent_target[MAX_MAP_ENTITIES]; char *ent_target2[MAX_MAP_ENTITIES]; char *ent_target3[MAX_MAP_ENTITIES]; char *ent_target4[MAX_MAP_ENTITIES]; char *ent_target5[MAX_MAP_ENTITIES]; char *ent_target6[MAX_MAP_ENTITIES]; char *ent_target7[MAX_MAP_ENTITIES]; char *ent_target8[MAX_MAP_ENTITIES]; entity_t *ent_entity[MAX_MAP_ENTITIES]; if (g_qeglobals.d_savedinfo.exclude & EXCLUDE_PATHS) return; #ifdef QUAKE3 if (g_qeglobals.d_savedinfo.exclude & EXCLUDE_ENT) return; #endif num_entities = 0; for (te = entities.next ; te != &entities && num_entities != MAX_MAP_ENTITIES ; te = te->next) { ent_target [num_entities] = ValueForKey (te, "target"); ent_target2[num_entities] = ValueForKey (te, "target2"); ent_target3[num_entities] = ValueForKey (te, "target3"); ent_target4[num_entities] = ValueForKey (te, "target4"); ent_target5[num_entities] = ValueForKey (te, "NPC_target"); ent_target6[num_entities] = ValueForKey (te, "paintarget"); ent_target7[num_entities] = ValueForKey (te, "opentarget"); ent_target8[num_entities] = ValueForKey (te, "closetarget"); if (ent_target [num_entities][0] || ent_target2[num_entities][0] || ent_target3[num_entities][0] || ent_target4[num_entities][0] || ent_target5[num_entities][0] || ent_target6[num_entities][0] || ent_target7[num_entities][0] || ent_target8[num_entities][0] ) { ent_entity[num_entities] = te; num_entities++; } } for (se = entities.next ; se != &entities ; se = se->next) { psz = ValueForKey(se, "targetname"); if (psz == NULL || psz[0] == '\0') continue; sb = se->brushes.onext; if (sb == &se->brushes) continue; #ifdef QUAKE3 // don't draw lines to anyone if we're a hidden child waypoint char *p = ValueForKey (se, sKEY_HIDDENWAYPOINT); if (p && p[0]) continue; // don't draw lines to us if we're a waypoint and waypoints are disabled... // if (g_qeglobals.d_savedinfo.exclude & EXCLUDE_WAYPOINTS) { if (!strncmp(se->eclass->name, "waypoint", 8)) continue; } // don't draw lines to us if we're on waypoints-only and we're not a waypoint... // if (g_qeglobals.d_savedinfo.exclude & SHOW_WAYPOINTS_ONLY) // not actually an exclude { if (strncmp(se->eclass->name, "waypoint", 8)) continue; } // don't draw lines if we're drawing to a trigger and they're disabled... // if (g_qeglobals.d_savedinfo.exclude & EXCLUDE_TRIGGERXXXX) { if (!strncmp(se->eclass->name, "trigger_",8)) continue; } if (FilterBrush(sb)) continue; #endif for (k=0 ; k // int iArrowHeads; if (!strcmp (ent_target[k], psz)) { iArrowHeads = 1; } else if (!strcmp (ent_target2[k], psz)) { iArrowHeads = 2; } else if (!strcmp (ent_target3[k], psz)) { iArrowHeads = 3; } else if (!strcmp (ent_target4[k], psz)) { iArrowHeads = 4; } else if (!strcmp (ent_target5[k], psz) || !strcmp (ent_target6[k], psz) || !strcmp (ent_target7[k], psz) || !strcmp (ent_target8[k], psz) ) { iArrowHeads = 1; } else continue; te = ent_entity[k]; tb = te->brushes.onext; if (tb == &te->brushes) continue; #ifdef QUAKE3 // don't draw lines leading to hidden child-waypoints char *p = ValueForKey (te, sKEY_HIDDENWAYPOINT); if (p && p[0]) continue; // don't draw lines if source (actually called 'te' here for target entity since lines are drawn backwards ... duh...) was a trigger and triggers are disabled... // if (g_qeglobals.d_savedinfo.exclude & EXCLUDE_TRIGGERXXXX) { if (!strncmp(te->eclass->name, "trigger_",8)) continue; } if (FilterBrush(tb)) continue; #endif for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) mid[i] = (sb->mins[i] + sb->maxs[i])*0.5; for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) mid1[i] = (tb->mins[i] + tb->maxs[i])*0.5; VectorSubtract (mid1, mid, dir); len = VectorNormalize (dir); s1[0] = -dir[1]*8 + dir[0]*8; s2[0] = dir[1]*8 + dir[0]*8; s1[1] = dir[0]*8 + dir[1]*8; s2[1] = -dir[0]*8 + dir[1]*8; qglColor3f (se->eclass->color[0], se->eclass->color[1], se->eclass->color[2]); qglBegin(GL_LINES); qglVertex3fv(mid); qglVertex3fv(mid1); arrows = (int)(len / 256) + 1; for (i=0 ; inext) { if ( ( brush->mins[nDim1] > maxs[0] || brush->mins[nDim2] > maxs[1] || brush->maxs[nDim1] < mins[0] || brush->maxs[nDim2] < mins[1] ) && // if about to cull, only let cull happen if we're not drawing lights+radii and this isn't a light !( !(g_qeglobals.d_savedinfo.exclude & EXCLUDE_LIGHTS)&& !(g_qeglobals.d_savedinfo.exclude & EXCLUDE_LIGHTS_RADII)&& brush->owner && !strcmpi(brush->owner->eclass->name, "light") ) ) { culled++; continue; // off screen } int iFiltered = FilterBrush(brush, true); if (iFiltered==1) // but allow 0 or 2 through continue; drawn++; if (brush->owner != e && brush->owner) { // some designers have complained that they can't see the func_group colours (hardwired to black in QUAKED comments), so... // if (!strcmp(brush->owner->eclass->name,"func_group") && (g_qeglobals.d_savedinfo.colors[COLOR_GRIDBACK][0] + g_qeglobals.d_savedinfo.colors[COLOR_GRIDBACK][1] + g_qeglobals.d_savedinfo.colors[COLOR_GRIDBACK][2] <0.6 ) ) { qglColor3f( 1.0f - g_qeglobals.d_savedinfo.colors[COLOR_GRIDBACK][0], 1.0f - g_qeglobals.d_savedinfo.colors[COLOR_GRIDBACK][1], 1.0f - g_qeglobals.d_savedinfo.colors[COLOR_GRIDBACK][2] ); } else { qglColor3fv(brush->owner->eclass->color); } } else { qglColor3fv(g_qeglobals.d_savedinfo.colors[COLOR_BRUSHES]); } if (iFiltered == 2) { qglColor4fv(v4GhostColor); qglLineStipple( 8, 0xAAAA); qglEnable(GL_LINE_STIPPLE); qglLineWidth(2); } Brush_DrawXY(brush, m_nViewType, (iFiltered == 2)); // bIsGhost? if (iFiltered == 2) // doesn't need to be checked, but saves unnecessary GL state changes { qglDisable(GL_LINE_STIPPLE); qglLineWidth(1); } } if (m_bTiming) end2 = Sys_DoubleTime(); DrawPathLines (); // // draw pointfile // if ( g_qeglobals.d_pointfile_display_list) qglCallList (g_qeglobals.d_pointfile_display_list); if (!(m_nViewType == XY)) qglPopMatrix(); // // draw block grid // if ( g_qeglobals.show_blocks) XY_DrawBlockGrid (); // // now draw selected brushes // if (m_nViewType != XY) { qglPushMatrix(); if (m_nViewType == YZ) qglRotatef (-90, 0, 1, 0); // put Z going up //else qglRotatef (-90, 1, 0, 0); // put Z going up } qglPushMatrix(); qglTranslatef( g_qeglobals.d_select_translate[0], g_qeglobals.d_select_translate[1], g_qeglobals.d_select_translate[2]); if (RotateMode()) qglColor3f(0.8, 0.1, 0.9); else if (ScaleMode()) qglColor3f(0.1, 0.8, 0.1); else qglColor3fv(g_qeglobals.d_savedinfo.colors[COLOR_SELBRUSHES]); //qglEnable (GL_LINE_STIPPLE); //qglLineStipple (3, 0xaaaa); qglLineWidth (2); vec3_t vMinBounds; vec3_t vMaxBounds; vMinBounds[0] = vMinBounds[1] = vMinBounds[2] = MAX_WORLD_COORD; vMaxBounds[0] = vMaxBounds[1] = vMaxBounds[2] = MIN_WORLD_COORD; int nSaveDrawn = drawn; bool bFixedSize = false; for (brush = selected_brushes.next ; brush != &selected_brushes ; brush=brush->next) { drawn++; Brush_DrawXY(brush, m_nViewType); if (!bFixedSize) { if (brush->owner->eclass->fixedsize) bFixedSize = true; if (g_PrefsDlg.m_bSizePaint) { for (i = 0; i < 3; i ++) { if (brush->mins[i] < vMinBounds[i]) vMinBounds[i] = brush->mins[i]; if (brush->maxs[i] > vMaxBounds[i]) vMaxBounds[i] = brush->maxs[i]; } } } } qglDisable (GL_LINE_STIPPLE); qglLineWidth (1); if (!bFixedSize && !RotateMode() && !ScaleMode() && drawn - nSaveDrawn > 0 && g_PrefsDlg.m_bSizePaint) PaintSizeInfo(nDim1, nDim2, vMinBounds, vMaxBounds); // edge / vertex flags if (g_qeglobals.d_select_mode == sel_vertex) { qglPointSize (4); qglColor3f (0,1,0); qglBegin (GL_POINTS); for (i=0 ; iGetCamera()->Camera().origin, lastcamera); qglReadBuffer (GL_FRONT); qglDrawBuffer (GL_BACK); qglRasterPos2f (lastz[0]-9, lastz[1]-9); qglGetIntegerv (GL_CURRENT_RASTER_POSITION,r); qglCopyPixels(r[0], r[1], 18,18, GL_COLOR); qglRasterPos2f (lastcamera[0]-50, lastcamera[1]-50); qglGetIntegerv (GL_CURRENT_RASTER_POSITION,r); qglCopyPixels(r[0], r[1], 100,100, GL_COLOR); // // draw the new icons // qglDrawBuffer (GL_FRONT); qglShadeModel (GL_FLAT); qglDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); qglDisable(GL_TEXTURE_1D); qglDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); qglDisable(GL_BLEND); qglColor3f(0, 0, 0); DrawCameraIcon (); DrawZIcon (); qglDrawBuffer (GL_BACK); qglFinish(); } vec3_t& CXYWnd::GetOrigin() { return m_vOrigin; } void CXYWnd::SetOrigin(vec3_t org) { m_vOrigin[0] = org[0]; m_vOrigin[1] = org[1]; m_vOrigin[2] = org[2]; } void CXYWnd::OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy) { CWnd::OnSize(nType, cx, cy); CRect rect; GetClientRect(rect); m_nWidth = rect.Width(); m_nHeight = rect.Height(); } brush_t hold_brushes; void CXYWnd::Clip() { if (ClipMode()) { hold_brushes.next = &hold_brushes; ProduceSplitLists(); //brush_t* pList = (g_bSwitch) ? &g_brFrontSplits : &g_brBackSplits; brush_t* pList; if (g_PrefsDlg.m_bSwitchClip) pList = ( (m_nViewType == XZ) ? g_bSwitch: !g_bSwitch) ? &g_brFrontSplits : &g_brBackSplits; else pList = ( (m_nViewType == XZ) ? !g_bSwitch: g_bSwitch) ? &g_brFrontSplits : &g_brBackSplits; if (pList->next != pList) { Brush_CopyList(pList, &hold_brushes); CleanList(&g_brFrontSplits); CleanList(&g_brBackSplits); Select_Delete(); Brush_CopyList(&hold_brushes, &selected_brushes); if (RogueClipMode()) RetainClipMode(false); else RetainClipMode(true); Sys_UpdateWindows(W_ALL); } } else if (PathMode()) { FinishSmartCreation(); if (g_pPathFunc) g_pPathFunc(true, g_nPathCount); g_pPathFunc = NULL; g_nPathCount = 0; g_bPathMode = false; } } static vector BrushesToSelect; static void SelectList_Clear() { BrushesToSelect.clear(); } static void SelectList_AddList(brush_t* pList) { brush_t* pBrush = pList->next; while (pBrush != NULL && pBrush != pList) { BrushesToSelect.push_back(pBrush); pBrush = pBrush->next; } } static void SelectList_Select() { for (int i=0; inext != b) { m_vOrigin[nDim1] = b->mins[nDim1]; m_vOrigin[nDim2] = b->mins[nDim2]; } else { m_vOrigin[nDim1] = g_pParentWnd->GetCamera()->Camera().origin[nDim1]; m_vOrigin[nDim2] = g_pParentWnd->GetCamera()->Camera().origin[nDim2]; } } void CXYWnd::VectorCopyXY(vec3_t in, vec3_t out) { if (m_nViewType == XY) { out[0] = in[0]; out[1] = in[1]; } else if (m_nViewType == XZ) { out[0] = in[0]; out[2] = in[2]; } else { out[1] = in[1]; out[2] = in[2]; } } void CXYWnd::OnDestroy() { QEW_StopGL( GetSafeHwnd(), s_hglrcXY, s_hdcXY ); CWnd::OnDestroy(); // delete this; } void CXYWnd::SetViewType(int n) { m_nViewType = n; if (g_pParentWnd->CurrentStyle() == QR_QE4) { CString str = "YZ Side"; if (m_nViewType == XY) str = "XY Top"; else if (m_nViewType == XZ) str = "XZ Front"; SetWindowText(str); } }; void CXYWnd::Redraw(unsigned int nBits) { m_nUpdateBits = nBits; RedrawWindow(NULL, NULL, RDW_INVALIDATE | RDW_UPDATENOW); m_nUpdateBits = W_XY; } bool CXYWnd::RotateMode() { return g_bRotateMode; } bool CXYWnd::ScaleMode() { return g_bScaleMode; } //extern void CleanAbsoluteCoords(); void CXYWnd::SetRotateMode(bool bMode) { if (bMode && selected_brushes.next != &selected_brushes) { g_bRotateMode = true; Select_GetTrueMid(g_vRotateOrigin); g_vRotation[0] = g_vRotation[1] = g_vRotation[2] = 0.0; //CleanAbsoluteCoords(); } else { g_bRotateMode = false; } RedrawWindow(); } void CXYWnd::SetScaleMode(bool bMode) { g_bScaleMode = bMode; RedrawWindow(); } // xy - z // xz - y // yz - x void CXYWnd::OnSelectMouserotate() { // TODO: Add your command handler code here } void CleanCopyEntities() { entity_t* pe = g_enClipboard.next; while (pe != NULL && pe != &g_enClipboard) { entity_t* next = pe->next; epair_t* enext = NULL; for (epair_t* ep = pe->epairs ; ep ; ep=enext) { enext = ep->next; free (ep->key); free (ep->value); free (ep); } free (pe); pe = next; } g_enClipboard.next = g_enClipboard.prev = &g_enClipboard; } entity_t *Entity_CopyClone (entity_t *e) { entity_t *n; epair_t *ep, *np; n = (entity_t*)qmalloc(sizeof(*n)); n->brushes.onext = n->brushes.oprev = &n->brushes; n->eclass = e->eclass; // add the entity to the entity list n->next = g_enClipboard.next; g_enClipboard.next = n; n->next->prev = n; n->prev = &g_enClipboard; for (ep = e->epairs ; ep ; ep=ep->next) { np = (epair_t*)qmalloc(sizeof(*np)); np->key = copystring(ep->key); np->value = copystring(ep->value); np->next = n->epairs; n->epairs = np; } return n; } bool OnList(entity_t* pFind, CPtrArray* pList) { int nSize = pList->GetSize(); while (nSize-- > 0) { entity_t* pEntity = reinterpret_cast(pList->GetAt(nSize)); if (pEntity == pFind) return true; } return false; } void CXYWnd::Copy() { #if 1 CWaitCursor wait; g_Clipboard.SetLength(0); g_PatchClipboard.SetLength(0); Map_SaveSelected(&g_Clipboard, &g_PatchClipboard); // send it to the real clipboard... // if (g_Clipboard.GetLength() > 0) { g_Clipboard.SeekToBegin(); int nLen = g_Clipboard.GetLength(); char* pBuffer = new char[nLen+1]; g_Clipboard.Read(pBuffer, nLen); pBuffer[nLen] = '\0'; SendStringToClipboard(pBuffer); delete []pBuffer; } //CString strOut; //::GetTempPath(1024, strOut.GetBuffer(1024)); //strOut.ReleaseBuffer(); //AddSlash(strOut); //strOut += "RadiantClipboard.$$$"; //Map_SaveSelected(strOut.GetBuffer(0)); #else CPtrArray holdArray; CleanList(&g_brClipboard); CleanCopyEntities(); for (brush_t* pBrush = selected_brushes.next ; pBrush != NULL && pBrush != &selected_brushes ; pBrush=pBrush->next) { if (pBrush->owner == world_entity) { brush_t* pClone = Brush_Clone(pBrush); pClone->owner = NULL; Brush_AddToList (pClone, &g_brClipboard); } else { if (!OnList(pBrush->owner, &holdArray)) { entity_t* e = pBrush->owner; holdArray.Add(reinterpret_cast(e)); entity_t* pEClone = Entity_CopyClone(e); for (brush_t* pEB = e->brushes.onext ; pEB != &e->brushes ; pEB=pEB->onext) { brush_t* pClone = Brush_Clone(pEB); //Brush_AddToList (pClone, &g_brClipboard); Entity_LinkBrush(pEClone, pClone); Brush_Build(pClone); } } } } #endif } void CXYWnd::Undo() { if (g_brUndo.next != &g_brUndo) { g_bScreenUpdates = false; Select_Delete(); for (brush_t* pBrush = g_brUndo.next ; pBrush != NULL && pBrush != &g_brUndo ; pBrush=pBrush->next) { brush_t* pClone = Brush_Clone(pBrush); Brush_Build(pClone); Brush_AddToList (pClone, &active_brushes); Entity_LinkBrush (world_entity, pClone); Select_Brush(pClone); } CleanList(&g_brUndo); g_bScreenUpdates = true; Sys_UpdateWindows(W_ALL); } else Sys_Printf("Nothing to paste.../n"); } void CXYWnd::UndoCopy() { CleanList(&g_brUndo); for (brush_t* pBrush = selected_brushes.next ; pBrush != NULL && pBrush != &selected_brushes ; pBrush=pBrush->next) { if (pBrush->owner == world_entity) { brush_t* pClone = Brush_Clone(pBrush); Brush_AddToList (pClone, &g_brUndo); } } } bool CXYWnd::UndoAvailable() { return (g_brUndo.next != &g_brUndo); } void CXYWnd::Paste() { #if 1 /* // -slc if (g_Clipboard.GetLength() > 0) { g_Clipboard.SeekToBegin(); int nLen = g_Clipboard.GetLength(); char* pBuffer = new char[nLen+1]; g_Clipboard.Read(pBuffer, nLen); pBuffer[nLen] = '\0'; Map_ImportBuffer(pBuffer); delete []pBuffer; } */ CWaitCursor wait; CString strClipBoard; if (GetStringFromClipboard(strClipBoard)) { if (strClipBoard.GetLength() > 0) { Map_ImportBuffer((char *)((LPCSTR) strClipBoard)); } } #if 0 if (g_PatchClipboard.GetLength() > 0) { g_PatchClipboard.SeekToBegin(); int nLen = g_PatchClipboard.GetLength(); char* pBuffer = new char[nLen+1]; g_PatchClipboard.Read(pBuffer, nLen); pBuffer[nLen] = '\0'; Patch_ReadBuffer(pBuffer, true); delete []pBuffer; } #endif //CString strOut; //::GetTempPath(1024, strOut.GetBuffer(1024)); //strOut.ReleaseBuffer(); //AddSlash(strOut); //strOut += "RadiantClipboard.$$$"; //Map_ImportFile(strOut.GetBuffer(0)); #else if (g_brClipboard.next != &g_brClipboard || g_enClipboard.next != &g_enClipboard) { Select_Deselect(); for (brush_t* pBrush = g_brClipboard.next ; pBrush != NULL && pBrush != &g_brClipboard ; pBrush=pBrush->next) { brush_t* pClone = Brush_Clone(pBrush); //pClone->owner = pBrush->owner; if (pClone->owner == NULL) Entity_LinkBrush (world_entity, pClone); Brush_AddToList (pClone, &selected_brushes); Brush_Build(pClone); } for (entity_t* pEntity = g_enClipboard.next; pEntity != NULL && pEntity != &g_enClipboard; pEntity = pEntity->next) { entity_t* pEClone = Entity_Clone(pEntity); for (brush_t* pEB = pEntity->brushes.onext ; pEB != &pEntity->brushes ; pEB=pEB->onext) { brush_t* pClone = Brush_Clone(pEB); Brush_AddToList (pClone, &selected_brushes); Entity_LinkBrush(pEClone, pClone); Brush_Build(pClone); } } Sys_UpdateWindows(W_ALL); } else Sys_Printf("Nothing to paste.../n"); #endif } vec3_t& CXYWnd::Rotation() { return g_vRotation; } vec3_t& CXYWnd::RotateOrigin() { return g_vRotateOrigin; } void CXYWnd::OnTimer(UINT nIDEvent) { int nDim1 = (m_nViewType == YZ) ? 1 : 0; int nDim2 = (m_nViewType == XY) ? 1 : 2; m_vOrigin[nDim1] += m_ptDragAdj.x / m_fScale; m_vOrigin[nDim2] -= m_ptDragAdj.y / m_fScale; Sys_UpdateWindows(W_XY | W_CAMERA); //int nH = (m_ptDrag.y == 0) ? -1 : m_ptDrag.y; m_ptDrag += m_ptDragAdj; m_ptDragTotal += m_ptDragAdj; XY_MouseMoved (m_ptDrag.x, m_nHeight - 1 - m_ptDrag.y , m_nScrollFlags); //m_vOrigin[nDim1] -= m_ptDrag.x / m_fScale; //m_vOrigin[nDim1] -= m_ptDrag.x / m_fScale; } void CXYWnd::OnKeyUp(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags) { g_pParentWnd->HandleKey(nChar, nRepCnt, nFlags, false); } void CXYWnd::OnNcCalcSize(BOOL bCalcValidRects, NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS FAR* lpncsp) { CWnd::OnNcCalcSize(bCalcValidRects, lpncsp); } void CXYWnd::OnKillFocus(CWnd* pNewWnd) { CWnd::OnKillFocus(pNewWnd); SendMessage(WM_NCACTIVATE, FALSE , 0 ); } void CXYWnd::OnSetFocus(CWnd* pOldWnd) { CWnd::OnSetFocus(pOldWnd); SendMessage(WM_NCACTIVATE, TRUE , 0 ); } void CXYWnd::OnClose() { CWnd::OnClose(); } // should be static as should be the rotate scale stuff bool CXYWnd::AreaSelectOK() { return RotateMode() ? false : ScaleMode() ? false : true; }