// Filename:- g_functions.cpp // // leave this line at the top for all g_xxxx.cpp files... #include "g_headers.h" // This file contains the 8 (so far) function calls that replace the 8 function ptrs in the gentity_t structure #include "g_local.h" #include "..\cgame\cg_local.h" #include "g_functions.h" void GEntity_ThinkFunc(gentity_t *self) { //#define THINKCASE(blah) case thinkF_ ## blah: blah(self); OutputDebugString(va("%s\n",#blah));break; #define THINKCASE(blah) case thinkF_ ## blah: blah(self); break; switch (self->e_ThinkFunc) { case thinkF_NULL: break; THINKCASE( funcBBrushDieGo ) THINKCASE( ExplodeDeath ) THINKCASE( RespawnItem ) THINKCASE( G_FreeEntity ) THINKCASE( FinishSpawningItem ) THINKCASE( locateCamera ) THINKCASE( G_RunObject ) THINKCASE( ReturnToPos1 ) THINKCASE( Use_BinaryMover_Go ) THINKCASE( Think_MatchTeam ) THINKCASE( Think_BeginMoving ) THINKCASE( Think_SetupTrainTargets ) THINKCASE( Think_SpawnNewDoorTrigger ) THINKCASE( ref_link ) THINKCASE( Think_Target_Delay ) THINKCASE( target_laser_think ) THINKCASE( target_laser_start ) THINKCASE( target_location_linkup ) THINKCASE( scriptrunner_run ) THINKCASE( multi_wait ) THINKCASE( multi_trigger_run ) THINKCASE( trigger_always_think ) THINKCASE( AimAtTarget ) THINKCASE( func_timer_think ) THINKCASE( NPC_RemoveBody ) THINKCASE( Disappear ) THINKCASE( NPC_Think ) THINKCASE( NPC_Spawn_Go ) THINKCASE( NPC_Begin ) THINKCASE( moverCallback ) THINKCASE( anglerCallback ) THINKCASE( RemoveOwner ) THINKCASE( MakeOwnerInvis ) THINKCASE( MakeOwnerEnergy ) THINKCASE( func_usable_think ) THINKCASE( misc_dlight_think ) THINKCASE( health_think ) THINKCASE( ammo_think ) THINKCASE( trigger_teleporter_find_closest_portal ) THINKCASE( thermalDetonatorExplode ) THINKCASE( WP_ThermalThink ) THINKCASE( trigger_hurt_reset ) THINKCASE( turret_base_think ) THINKCASE( turret_head_think ) THINKCASE( laser_arm_fire ) THINKCASE( laser_arm_start ) THINKCASE( trigger_visible_check_player_visibility ) THINKCASE( target_relay_use_go ) THINKCASE( trigger_cleared_fire ) THINKCASE( MoveOwner ) THINKCASE( SolidifyOwner ) THINKCASE( cycleCamera ) THINKCASE( WaitNPCRespond ) THINKCASE( spawn_ammo_crystal_trigger ) THINKCASE( NPC_ShySpawn ) THINKCASE( func_wait_return_solid ) THINKCASE( InflateOwner ) THINKCASE( mega_ammo_think ) THINKCASE( misc_replicator_item_finish_spawn ) THINKCASE( fx_runner_link ) THINKCASE( fx_runner_think ) THINKCASE( removeBoltSurface) THINKCASE( set_MiscAnim) THINKCASE( LimbThink ) THINKCASE( laserTrapThink ) THINKCASE( TieFighterThink ) THINKCASE( rocketThink ) THINKCASE( prox_mine_think ) THINKCASE( emplaced_blow ) THINKCASE( WP_Explode ) THINKCASE( pas_think ) // personal assault sentry THINKCASE( ion_cannon_think ) THINKCASE( maglock_link ) THINKCASE( WP_flechette_alt_blow ) THINKCASE( WP_prox_mine_think ) THINKCASE( camera_aim ) THINKCASE( fx_explosion_trail_link ) THINKCASE( fx_explosion_trail_think ) THINKCASE( fx_target_beam_link ) THINKCASE( fx_target_beam_think ) THINKCASE( spotlight_think ) THINKCASE( spotlight_link ) THINKCASE( trigger_push_checkclear ) THINKCASE( DEMP2_AltDetonate ) THINKCASE( DEMP2_AltRadiusDamage ) THINKCASE( panel_turret_think ) THINKCASE( welder_think ) THINKCASE( gas_random_jet ) THINKCASE( poll_converter ) // dumb loop sound handling THINKCASE( spawn_rack_goods ) // delay spawn of goods to help on ents default: Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "GEntity_ThinkFunc: case %d not handled!\n",self->e_ThinkFunc); break; } } // note different switch-case code for CEntity as opposed to GEntity (CEntity goes through parent GEntity first)... // void CEntity_ThinkFunc(centity_s *cent) { //#define CLTHINKCASE(blah) case clThinkF_ ## blah: blah(cent); OutputDebugString(va("%s\n",#blah));break; #define CLTHINKCASE(blah) case clThinkF_ ## blah: blah(cent); break; switch (cent->gent->e_clThinkFunc) { case clThinkF_NULL: break; CLTHINKCASE( CG_DLightThink ) CLTHINKCASE( CG_MatrixEffect ) CLTHINKCASE( CG_Limb ) default: Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "CEntity_ThinkFunc: case %d not handled!\n",cent->gent->e_clThinkFunc); break; } } void GEntity_ReachedFunc(gentity_t *self) { //#define REACHEDCASE(blah) case reachedF_ ## blah: blah(self); OutputDebugString(va("%s\n",#blah));break; #define REACHEDCASE(blah) case reachedF_ ## blah: blah(self); break; switch (self->e_ReachedFunc) { case reachedF_NULL: break; REACHEDCASE( Reached_BinaryMover ) REACHEDCASE( Reached_Train ) REACHEDCASE( moverCallback ) REACHEDCASE( moveAndRotateCallback ) default: Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "GEntity_ReachedFunc: case %d not handled!\n",self->e_ReachedFunc); break; } } void GEntity_BlockedFunc(gentity_t *self, gentity_t *other) { //#define BLOCKEDCASE(blah) case blockedF_ ## blah: blah(self,other); OutputDebugString(va("%s\n",#blah));break; #define BLOCKEDCASE(blah) case blockedF_ ## blah: blah(self,other); break; switch (self->e_BlockedFunc) { case blockedF_NULL: break; BLOCKEDCASE( Blocked_Door ) BLOCKEDCASE( Blocked_Mover ) default: Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "GEntity_BlockedFunc: case %d not handled!\n",self->e_BlockedFunc); break; } } void GEntity_TouchFunc(gentity_t *self, gentity_t *other, trace_t *trace) { //#define TOUCHCASE(blah) case touchF_ ## blah: blah(self,other,trace); OutputDebugString(va("%s\n",#blah));break; #define TOUCHCASE(blah) case touchF_ ## blah: blah(self,other,trace); break; switch (self->e_TouchFunc) { case touchF_NULL: break; TOUCHCASE( Touch_Item ) TOUCHCASE( teleporter_touch ) TOUCHCASE( charge_stick ) TOUCHCASE( Touch_DoorTrigger ) TOUCHCASE( Touch_PlatCenterTrigger ) TOUCHCASE( Touch_Plat ) TOUCHCASE( Touch_Button ) TOUCHCASE( Touch_Multi ) TOUCHCASE( trigger_push_touch ) TOUCHCASE( trigger_teleporter_touch ) TOUCHCASE( hurt_touch ) TOUCHCASE( NPC_Touch ) TOUCHCASE( touch_ammo_crystal_tigger ) TOUCHCASE( funcBBrushTouch ) TOUCHCASE( touchLaserTrap ) TOUCHCASE( prox_mine_stick ) TOUCHCASE( func_rotating_touch ) default: Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "GEntity_TouchFunc: case %d not handled!\n",self->e_TouchFunc); } } void GEntity_UseFunc(gentity_t *self, gentity_t *other, gentity_t *activator) { if ( (self->svFlags&SVF_INACTIVE) ) { return; } //#define USECASE(blah) case useF_ ## blah: blah(self,other,activator); OutputDebugString(va("%s\n",#blah));break; #define USECASE(blah) case useF_ ## blah: blah(self,other,activator); break; switch (self->e_UseFunc) { case useF_NULL: break; USECASE( funcBBrushUse ) USECASE( misc_model_use ) USECASE( Use_Item ) USECASE( Use_Shooter ) USECASE( GoExplodeDeath ) USECASE( Use_BinaryMover ) USECASE( use_wall ) USECASE( Use_Target_Give ) USECASE( Use_Target_Delay ) USECASE( Use_Target_Score ) USECASE( Use_Target_Print ) USECASE( Use_Target_Speaker ) USECASE( target_laser_use ) USECASE( target_relay_use ) USECASE( target_kill_use ) USECASE( target_counter_use ) USECASE( target_random_use ) USECASE( target_scriptrunner_use ) USECASE( target_gravity_change_use ) USECASE( target_friction_change_use ) USECASE( target_teleporter_use ) USECASE( Use_Multi ) USECASE( Use_target_push ) USECASE( hurt_use ) USECASE( func_timer_use ) USECASE( trigger_entdist_use ) USECASE( func_usable_use ) USECASE( target_activate_use ) USECASE( target_deactivate_use ) USECASE( NPC_Use ) USECASE( NPC_Spawn ) USECASE( misc_dlight_use ) USECASE( health_use ) USECASE( ammo_use ) USECASE( mega_ammo_use ) USECASE( target_level_change_use ) USECASE( target_change_parm_use ) USECASE( turret_base_use ) USECASE( laser_arm_use ) USECASE( func_static_use ) USECASE( target_play_music_use ) USECASE( misc_model_useup ) USECASE( misc_portal_use ) USECASE( target_autosave_use ) USECASE( switch_models ) USECASE( misc_replicator_item_spawn ) USECASE( misc_replicator_item_remove ) USECASE( target_secret_use) USECASE( func_bobbing_use ) USECASE( func_rotating_use ) USECASE( fx_runner_use ) USECASE( funcGlassUse ) USECASE( TrainUse ) USECASE( misc_trip_mine_activate ) USECASE( emplaced_gun_use ) USECASE( shield_power_converter_use ) USECASE( ammo_power_converter_use ) USECASE( security_panel_use ) USECASE( ion_cannon_use ) USECASE( camera_use ) USECASE( fx_explosion_trail_use ) USECASE( fx_target_beam_use ) USECASE( sentry_use ) USECASE( spotlight_use ) USECASE( misc_atst_use ) USECASE( panel_turret_use ) USECASE( welder_use ) USECASE( jabba_cam_use ) USECASE( misc_use ) USECASE( pas_use ) default: Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "GEntity_UseFunc: case %d not handled!\n",self->e_UseFunc); } } void GEntity_PainFunc(gentity_t *self, gentity_t *inflictor, gentity_t *attacker, vec3_t point, int damage, int mod,int hitLoc) { //#define PAINCASE(blah) case painF_ ## blah: blah(self,attacker,damage); OutputDebugString(va("%s\n",#blah));break; #define PAINCASE(blah) case painF_ ## blah: blah(self,inflictor,attacker,point,damage,mod,hitLoc); break; switch (self->e_PainFunc) { case painF_NULL: break; PAINCASE( funcBBrushPain ) PAINCASE( misc_model_breakable_pain ) PAINCASE( NPC_Pain ) PAINCASE( station_pain ) PAINCASE( func_usable_pain ) PAINCASE( NPC_ATST_Pain ) PAINCASE( NPC_ST_Pain ) PAINCASE( NPC_Jedi_Pain ) PAINCASE( NPC_Droid_Pain ) PAINCASE( NPC_Probe_Pain ) PAINCASE( NPC_MineMonster_Pain ) PAINCASE( NPC_Howler_Pain ) PAINCASE( NPC_Seeker_Pain ) PAINCASE( NPC_Remote_Pain ) PAINCASE( emplaced_gun_pain ) PAINCASE( NPC_Mark1_Pain ) PAINCASE( NPC_GM_Pain ) PAINCASE( NPC_Sentry_Pain ) PAINCASE( NPC_Mark2_Pain ) PAINCASE( PlayerPain ) PAINCASE( GasBurst ) PAINCASE( CrystalCratePain ) PAINCASE( TurretPain ) default: Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "GEntity_PainFunc: case %d not handled!\n",self->e_PainFunc); } } void GEntity_DieFunc(gentity_t *self, gentity_t *inflictor, gentity_t *attacker, int damage, int mod, int dFlags, int hitLoc) { //#define DIECASE(blah) case dieF_ ## blah: blah(self,inflictor,attacker,damage,mod); OutputDebugString(va("%s\n",#blah));break; #define DIECASE(blah) case dieF_ ## blah: blah(self,inflictor,attacker,damage,mod,dFlags,hitLoc); break; switch (self->e_DieFunc) { case dieF_NULL: break; DIECASE( funcBBrushDie ) DIECASE( misc_model_breakable_die ) DIECASE( misc_model_cargo_die ) DIECASE( func_train_die ) DIECASE( player_die ) DIECASE( ExplodeDeath_Wait ) DIECASE( ExplodeDeath ) DIECASE( func_usable_die ) DIECASE( turret_die ) DIECASE( funcGlassDie ) // DIECASE( laserTrapDelayedExplode ) DIECASE( emplaced_gun_die ) DIECASE( WP_ExplosiveDie ) DIECASE( ion_cannon_die ) DIECASE( maglock_die ) DIECASE( camera_die ) DIECASE( Mark1_die ) DIECASE( Interrogator_die ) DIECASE( misc_atst_die ) DIECASE( misc_panel_turret_die ) DIECASE( thermal_die ) default: Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "GEntity_DieFunc: case %d not handled!\n",self->e_DieFunc); } } //////////////////// eof /////////////////////