// leave this as first line for PCH reasons... // #include "../server/exe_headers.h" #include "client.h" #include "client_ui.h" /* key up events are sent even if in console mode */ field_t historyEditLines[COMMAND_HISTORY]; int nextHistoryLine; // the last line in the history buffer, not masked int historyLine; // the line being displayed from history buffer // will be <= nextHistoryLine field_t g_consoleField; field_t chatField; qboolean key_overstrikeMode; qboolean key_wastab; // Hit tab once already? char keymatch_part[256]; char keymatch_last[256]; qboolean anykeydown; qkey_t keys[MAX_KEYS]; typedef struct { char *name; int keynum; } keyname_t; // names not in this list can either be lowercase ascii, or '0xnn' hex sequences keyname_t keynames[] = { {"TAB", K_TAB}, {"ENTER", K_ENTER}, {"ESCAPE", K_ESCAPE}, {"SPACE", K_SPACE}, {"BACKSPACE", K_BACKSPACE}, {"UPARROW", K_UPARROW}, {"DOWNARROW", K_DOWNARROW}, {"LEFTARROW", K_LEFTARROW}, {"RIGHTARROW", K_RIGHTARROW}, {"ALT", K_ALT}, {"CTRL", K_CTRL}, {"SHIFT", K_SHIFT}, {"CAPSLOCK", K_CAPSLOCK}, {"F1", K_F1}, {"F2", K_F2}, {"F3", K_F3}, {"F4", K_F4}, {"F5", K_F5}, {"F6", K_F6}, {"F7", K_F7}, {"F8", K_F8}, {"F9", K_F9}, {"F10", K_F10}, {"F11", K_F11}, {"F12", K_F12}, {"INS", K_INS}, {"DEL", K_DEL}, {"PGDN", K_PGDN}, {"PGUP", K_PGUP}, {"HOME", K_HOME}, {"END", K_END}, {"MOUSE1", K_MOUSE1}, {"MOUSE2", K_MOUSE2}, {"MOUSE3", K_MOUSE3}, {"MOUSE4", K_MOUSE4}, {"MOUSE5", K_MOUSE5}, {"MWHEELUP", K_MWHEELUP }, {"MWHEELDOWN", K_MWHEELDOWN }, {"JOY1", K_JOY1}, {"JOY2", K_JOY2}, {"JOY3", K_JOY3}, {"JOY4", K_JOY4}, {"JOY5", K_JOY5}, {"JOY6", K_JOY6}, {"JOY7", K_JOY7}, {"JOY8", K_JOY8}, {"JOY9", K_JOY9}, {"JOY10", K_JOY10}, {"JOY11", K_JOY11}, {"JOY12", K_JOY12}, {"JOY13", K_JOY13}, {"JOY14", K_JOY14}, {"JOY15", K_JOY15}, {"JOY16", K_JOY16}, {"JOY17", K_JOY17}, {"JOY18", K_JOY18}, {"JOY19", K_JOY19}, {"JOY20", K_JOY20}, {"JOY21", K_JOY21}, {"JOY22", K_JOY22}, {"JOY23", K_JOY23}, {"JOY24", K_JOY24}, {"JOY25", K_JOY25}, {"JOY26", K_JOY26}, {"JOY27", K_JOY27}, {"JOY28", K_JOY28}, {"JOY29", K_JOY29}, {"JOY30", K_JOY30}, {"JOY31", K_JOY31}, {"JOY32", K_JOY32}, {"AUX1", K_AUX1}, {"AUX2", K_AUX2}, {"AUX3", K_AUX3}, {"AUX4", K_AUX4}, {"AUX5", K_AUX5}, {"AUX6", K_AUX6}, {"AUX7", K_AUX7}, {"AUX8", K_AUX8}, {"AUX9", K_AUX9}, {"AUX10", K_AUX10}, {"AUX11", K_AUX11}, {"AUX12", K_AUX12}, {"AUX13", K_AUX13}, {"AUX14", K_AUX14}, {"AUX15", K_AUX15}, {"AUX16", K_AUX16}, {"KP_HOME", K_KP_HOME }, {"KP_UPARROW", K_KP_UPARROW }, {"KP_PGUP", K_KP_PGUP }, {"KP_LEFTARROW", K_KP_LEFTARROW }, {"KP_5", K_KP_5 }, {"KP_RIGHTARROW", K_KP_RIGHTARROW }, {"KP_END", K_KP_END }, {"KP_DOWNARROW", K_KP_DOWNARROW }, {"KP_PGDN", K_KP_PGDN }, {"KP_ENTER", K_KP_ENTER }, {"KP_INS", K_KP_INS }, {"KP_DEL", K_KP_DEL }, {"KP_SLASH", K_KP_SLASH }, {"KP_MINUS", K_KP_MINUS }, {"KP_PLUS", K_KP_PLUS }, {"KP_NUMLOCK", K_KP_NUMLOCK }, {"KP_STAR", K_KP_STAR }, {"KP_EQUALS", K_KP_EQUALS }, {"PAUSE", K_PAUSE}, {"SEMICOLON", ';'}, // because a raw semicolon seperates commands {"COMMAND", K_COMMAND}, //mac {NULL,0} }; keyname_t keynames_d[] = //deutsch { {"TAB", K_TAB}, {"EINGABETASTE", K_ENTER}, {"ESC", K_ESCAPE}, {"LEERTASTE", K_SPACE}, {"RÜCKTASTE", K_BACKSPACE}, {"PFEILT.AUF", K_UPARROW}, {"PFEILT.UNTEN", K_DOWNARROW}, {"PFEILT.LINKS", K_LEFTARROW}, {"PFEILT.RECHTS", K_RIGHTARROW}, {"ALT", K_ALT}, {"STRG", K_CTRL}, {"UMSCHALLT", K_SHIFT}, {"FESTSTELLT", K_CAPSLOCK}, {"F1", K_F1}, {"F2", K_F2}, {"F3", K_F3}, {"F4", K_F4}, {"F5", K_F5}, {"F6", K_F6}, {"F7", K_F7}, {"F8", K_F8}, {"F9", K_F9}, {"F10", K_F10}, {"F11", K_F11}, {"F12", K_F12}, {"EINFG", K_INS}, {"ENTF", K_DEL}, {"BILD-AB", K_PGDN}, {"BILD-AUF", K_PGUP}, {"POS1", K_HOME}, {"ENDE", K_END}, {"MAUS1", K_MOUSE1}, {"MAUS2", K_MOUSE2}, {"MAUS3", K_MOUSE3}, {"MAUS4", K_MOUSE4}, {"MAUS5", K_MOUSE5}, {"MRADOBEN", K_MWHEELUP }, {"MRADUNTEN", K_MWHEELDOWN }, {"JOY1", K_JOY1}, {"JOY2", K_JOY2}, {"JOY3", K_JOY3}, {"JOY4", K_JOY4}, {"JOY5", K_JOY5}, {"JOY6", K_JOY6}, {"JOY7", K_JOY7}, {"JOY8", K_JOY8}, {"JOY9", K_JOY9}, {"JOY10", K_JOY10}, {"JOY11", K_JOY11}, {"JOY12", K_JOY12}, {"JOY13", K_JOY13}, {"JOY14", K_JOY14}, {"JOY15", K_JOY15}, {"JOY16", K_JOY16}, {"JOY17", K_JOY17}, {"JOY18", K_JOY18}, {"JOY19", K_JOY19}, {"JOY20", K_JOY20}, {"JOY21", K_JOY21}, {"JOY22", K_JOY22}, {"JOY23", K_JOY23}, {"JOY24", K_JOY24}, {"JOY25", K_JOY25}, {"JOY26", K_JOY26}, {"JOY27", K_JOY27}, {"JOY28", K_JOY28}, {"JOY29", K_JOY29}, {"JOY30", K_JOY30}, {"JOY31", K_JOY31}, {"JOY32", K_JOY32}, {"AUX1", K_AUX1}, {"AUX2", K_AUX2}, {"AUX3", K_AUX3}, {"AUX4", K_AUX4}, {"AUX5", K_AUX5}, {"AUX6", K_AUX6}, {"AUX7", K_AUX7}, {"AUX8", K_AUX8}, {"AUX9", K_AUX9}, {"AUX10", K_AUX10}, {"AUX11", K_AUX11}, {"AUX12", K_AUX12}, {"AUX13", K_AUX13}, {"AUX14", K_AUX14}, {"AUX15", K_AUX15}, {"AUX16", K_AUX16}, {"ZB_POS1", K_KP_HOME }, {"ZB_PFEILT.AUF", K_KP_UPARROW }, {"ZB_BILD-AUF", K_KP_PGUP }, {"ZB_PFEILT.LINKS", K_KP_LEFTARROW }, {"ZB_5", K_KP_5 }, {"ZB_PFEILT.RECHTS",K_KP_RIGHTARROW }, {"ZB_ENDE", K_KP_END }, {"ZB_PFEILT.UNTEN", K_KP_DOWNARROW }, {"ZB_BILD-AB", K_KP_PGDN }, {"ZB_ENTER", K_KP_ENTER }, {"ZB_EINFG", K_KP_INS }, {"ZB_ENTF", K_KP_DEL }, {"ZB_SLASH", K_KP_SLASH }, {"ZB_MINUS", K_KP_MINUS }, {"ZB_PLUS", K_KP_PLUS }, {"ZB_NUM", K_KP_NUMLOCK }, {"ZB_*", K_KP_STAR }, {"ZB_EQUALS", K_KP_EQUALS }, {"PAUSE", K_PAUSE}, {"COMMAND", K_COMMAND}, //mac {NULL,0} }; //end german keyname_t keynames_f[] = //french { {"TAB", K_TAB}, {"ENTREE", K_ENTER}, {"ECHAP", K_ESCAPE}, {"ESPACE", K_SPACE}, {"RETOUR", K_BACKSPACE}, {"HAUT", K_UPARROW}, {"BAS", K_DOWNARROW}, {"GAUCHE", K_LEFTARROW}, {"DROITE", K_RIGHTARROW}, {"ALT", K_ALT}, {"CTRL", K_CTRL}, {"MAJ", K_SHIFT}, {"VERRMAJ", K_CAPSLOCK}, {"F1", K_F1}, {"F2", K_F2}, {"F3", K_F3}, {"F4", K_F4}, {"F5", K_F5}, {"F6", K_F6}, {"F7", K_F7}, {"F8", K_F8}, {"F9", K_F9}, {"F10", K_F10}, {"F11", K_F11}, {"F12", K_F12}, {"INSER", K_INS}, {"SUPPR", K_DEL}, {"PGBAS", K_PGDN}, {"PGHAUT", K_PGUP}, {"ORIGINE", K_HOME}, {"FIN", K_END}, {"SOURIS1", K_MOUSE1}, {"SOURIS2", K_MOUSE2}, {"SOURIS3", K_MOUSE3}, {"SOURIS4", K_MOUSE4}, {"SOURIS5", K_MOUSE5}, {"MOLETTEHT.", K_MWHEELUP }, {"MOLETTEBAS", K_MWHEELDOWN }, {"JOY1", K_JOY1}, {"JOY2", K_JOY2}, {"JOY3", K_JOY3}, {"JOY4", K_JOY4}, {"JOY5", K_JOY5}, {"JOY6", K_JOY6}, {"JOY7", K_JOY7}, {"JOY8", K_JOY8}, {"JOY9", K_JOY9}, {"JOY10", K_JOY10}, {"JOY11", K_JOY11}, {"JOY12", K_JOY12}, {"JOY13", K_JOY13}, {"JOY14", K_JOY14}, {"JOY15", K_JOY15}, {"JOY16", K_JOY16}, {"JOY17", K_JOY17}, {"JOY18", K_JOY18}, {"JOY19", K_JOY19}, {"JOY20", K_JOY20}, {"JOY21", K_JOY21}, {"JOY22", K_JOY22}, {"JOY23", K_JOY23}, {"JOY24", K_JOY24}, {"JOY25", K_JOY25}, {"JOY26", K_JOY26}, {"JOY27", K_JOY27}, {"JOY28", K_JOY28}, {"JOY29", K_JOY29}, {"JOY30", K_JOY30}, {"JOY31", K_JOY31}, {"JOY32", K_JOY32}, {"AUX1", K_AUX1}, {"AUX2", K_AUX2}, {"AUX3", K_AUX3}, {"AUX4", K_AUX4}, {"AUX5", K_AUX5}, {"AUX6", K_AUX6}, {"AUX7", K_AUX7}, {"AUX8", K_AUX8}, {"AUX9", K_AUX9}, {"AUX10", K_AUX10}, {"AUX11", K_AUX11}, {"AUX12", K_AUX12}, {"AUX13", K_AUX13}, {"AUX14", K_AUX14}, {"AUX15", K_AUX15}, {"AUX16", K_AUX16}, {"PN_ORIGINE", K_KP_HOME }, {"PN_HAUT", K_KP_UPARROW }, {"PN_PGBAS", K_KP_PGUP }, {"PN_GAUCHE", K_KP_LEFTARROW }, {"PN_5", K_KP_5 }, {"PN_DROITE", K_KP_RIGHTARROW }, {"PN_FIN", K_KP_END }, {"PN_BAS", K_KP_DOWNARROW }, {"PN_PGBAS", K_KP_PGDN }, {"PN_ENTR", K_KP_ENTER }, {"PN_INSER", K_KP_INS }, {"PN_SUPPR", K_KP_DEL }, {"PN_SLASH", K_KP_SLASH }, {"PN_MOINS", K_KP_MINUS }, {"PN_PLUS", K_KP_PLUS }, {"PN_VERRNUM", K_KP_NUMLOCK }, {"PN_*", K_KP_STAR }, {"PN_EQUALS", K_KP_EQUALS }, {"PAUSE", K_PAUSE}, {"COMMAND", K_COMMAND}, //mac {NULL,0} }; //end french /* ============================================================================= EDIT FIELDS ============================================================================= */ /* =================== Field_Draw Handles horizontal scrolling and cursor blinking x, y, amd width are in pixels =================== */ void Field_VariableSizeDraw( field_t *edit, int x, int y, int width, int size, qboolean showCursor ) { int len; int drawLen; int prestep; int cursorChar; char str[MAX_STRING_CHARS]; int i; drawLen = edit->widthInChars; len = strlen( edit->buffer ) + 1; // guarantee that cursor will be visible if ( len <= drawLen ) { prestep = 0; } else { if ( edit->scroll + drawLen > len ) { edit->scroll = len - drawLen; if ( edit->scroll < 0 ) { edit->scroll = 0; } } prestep = edit->scroll; /* if ( edit->cursor < len - drawLen ) { prestep = edit->cursor; // cursor at start } else { prestep = len - drawLen; } */ } if ( prestep + drawLen > len ) { drawLen = len - prestep; } // extract characters from the field at if ( drawLen >= MAX_STRING_CHARS ) { Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "drawLen >= MAX_STRING_CHARS" ); } memcpy( str, edit->buffer + prestep, drawLen ); str[ drawLen ] = 0; // draw it if ( size == SMALLCHAR_WIDTH ) { for ( i = 0 ; i < drawLen-1 ; i++ ) { SCR_DrawSmallChar( x + i * SMALLCHAR_WIDTH, y, str[i] ); } } else { // draw big string with drop shadow SCR_DrawBigString( x, y, str, 1.0 ); } // draw the cursor if ( !showCursor ) { return; } if ( (int)( cls.realtime >> 8 ) & 1 ) { return; // off blink } if ( key_overstrikeMode ) { cursorChar = 11; } else { cursorChar = 10; } if ( size == SMALLCHAR_WIDTH ) { SCR_DrawSmallChar( x + ( edit->cursor - prestep ) * size, y, cursorChar ); } else { str[0] = cursorChar; str[1] = 0; SCR_DrawBigString( x + ( edit->cursor - prestep ) * size, y, str, 1.0 ); } } void Field_Draw( field_t *edit, int x, int y, int width, qboolean showCursor ) { Field_VariableSizeDraw( edit, x, y, width, SMALLCHAR_WIDTH, showCursor ); } void Field_BigDraw( field_t *edit, int x, int y, int width, qboolean showCursor ) { Field_VariableSizeDraw( edit, x, y, width, BIGCHAR_WIDTH, showCursor ); } /* ================ Field_Paste ================ */ void Field_Paste( field_t *edit ) { char *cbd; int pasteLen, i; cbd = Sys_GetClipboardData(); if ( !cbd ) { return; } // send as if typed, so insert / overstrike works properly pasteLen = strlen( cbd ); for ( i = 0 ; i < pasteLen ; i++ ) { Field_CharEvent( edit, cbd[i] ); } Z_Free( cbd ); } /* ================= Field_KeyDownEvent Performs the basic line editing functions for the console, in-game talk, and menu fields Key events are used for non-printable characters, others are gotten from char events. ================= */ void Field_KeyDownEvent( field_t *edit, int key ) { int len; // shift-insert is paste if ( ( ( key == K_INS ) || ( key == K_KP_INS ) ) && keys[K_SHIFT].down ) { Field_Paste( edit ); return; } len = strlen( edit->buffer ); if ( key == K_DEL ) { if ( edit->cursor < len ) { memmove( edit->buffer + edit->cursor, edit->buffer + edit->cursor + 1, len - edit->cursor ); } return; } if ( key == K_RIGHTARROW ) { if ( edit->cursor < len ) { edit->cursor++; } if ( edit->cursor >= edit->scroll + edit->widthInChars && edit->cursor <= len ) { edit->scroll++; } return; } if ( key == K_LEFTARROW ) { if ( edit->cursor > 0 ) { edit->cursor--; } if ( edit->cursor < edit->scroll ) { edit->scroll--; } return; } if ( key == K_HOME || ( tolower(key) == 'a' && keys[K_CTRL].down ) ) { edit->cursor = 0; return; } if ( key == K_END || ( tolower(key) == 'e' && keys[K_CTRL].down ) ) { edit->cursor = len; return; } if ( key == K_INS ) { key_overstrikeMode = !key_overstrikeMode; return; } } /* ================== Field_CharEvent ================== */ void Field_CharEvent( field_t *edit, int ch ) { int len; if ( ch == 'v' - 'a' + 1 ) { // ctrl-v is paste Field_Paste( edit ); return; } if ( ch == 'c' - 'a' + 1 ) { // ctrl-c clears the field Field_Clear( edit ); return; } len = strlen( edit->buffer ); if ( ch == 'h' - 'a' + 1 ) { // ctrl-h is backspace if ( edit->cursor > 0 ) { memmove( edit->buffer + edit->cursor - 1, edit->buffer + edit->cursor, len + 1 - edit->cursor ); edit->cursor--; if ( edit->cursor < edit->scroll ) { edit->scroll--; } } return; } if ( ch == 'a' - 'a' + 1 ) { // ctrl-a is home edit->cursor = 0; edit->scroll = 0; return; } if ( ch == 'e' - 'a' + 1 ) { // ctrl-e is end edit->cursor = len; edit->scroll = edit->cursor - edit->widthInChars; return; } // // ignore any other non printable chars // if ( ch < 32 ) { return; } if ( key_overstrikeMode ) { if ( edit->cursor == MAX_EDIT_LINE - 1 ) return; edit->buffer[edit->cursor] = ch; edit->cursor++; } else { // insert mode if ( len == MAX_EDIT_LINE - 1 ) { return; // all full } memmove( edit->buffer + edit->cursor + 1, edit->buffer + edit->cursor, len + 1 - edit->cursor ); edit->buffer[edit->cursor] = ch; edit->cursor++; } if ( edit->cursor >= edit->widthInChars ) { edit->scroll++; } if ( edit->cursor == len + 1) { edit->buffer[edit->cursor] = 0; } } /* ================== Field_Clear ================== */ void Field_Clear( field_t *edit ) { edit->buffer[0] = 0; edit->cursor = 0; edit->scroll = 0; } /* ============================================================================= CONSOLE LINE EDITING ============================================================================== */ char *Cmd_CompleteCommandNext (char *partial, char *last); char *Cvar_CompleteVariableNext (char *partial, char *last); /* =============== CompleteCommand Tab expansion =============== */ void CompleteCommand( void ) { char *cmd; field_t *edit; static qboolean checking_cmd; edit = &g_consoleField; if (key_wastab) { if (checking_cmd) { cmd = Cmd_CompleteCommandNext(keymatch_part, keymatch_last); if(!cmd) { checking_cmd = qfalse; //go to checking variables cmd = Cvar_CompleteVariableNext(keymatch_part, NULL); if(!cmd) { checking_cmd = qtrue; //go back to checking cmd cmd = Cmd_CompleteCommandNext(keymatch_part, NULL); } } } else { cmd = Cvar_CompleteVariableNext(keymatch_part, keymatch_last); if(!cmd) { checking_cmd = qtrue; //go back to checking cmd cmd = Cmd_CompleteCommandNext(keymatch_part, NULL); if(!cmd) { checking_cmd = qfalse; //go to checking variables cmd = Cvar_CompleteVariableNext(keymatch_part, NULL); } } } if (cmd) { strcpy(keymatch_last, cmd); key_wastab= qtrue; Com_sprintf( edit->buffer, sizeof( edit->buffer ), "%s ", cmd ); edit->cursor = strlen( edit->buffer ); return; } } else { strcpy(keymatch_part, edit->buffer); checking_cmd = qtrue; cmd = Cmd_CompleteCommand(edit->buffer); if (!cmd) { //means no cmds, so check cvars only checking_cmd= qfalse; cmd = Cvar_CompleteVariable (edit->buffer); } if (cmd) { Com_sprintf( edit->buffer, sizeof( edit->buffer ), "%s ", cmd ); edit->cursor = strlen( edit->buffer ); strcpy(keymatch_last, cmd); key_wastab= qtrue; return; } } } /* ==================== Console_Key Handles history and console scrollback ==================== */ void Console_Key (int key) { // ctrl-L clears screen if ( key == 'l' && keys[K_CTRL].down ) { Cbuf_AddText ("clear\n"); key_wastab = qfalse; // For double tabbing on a cvar return; } /* extern qboolean SwallowBadNumLockedKPKey( int iKey ); if (SwallowBadNumLockedKPKey(key)){ return; } */ // enter finishes the line if ( key == K_ENTER || key == K_KP_ENTER ) { Cbuf_AddText( g_consoleField.buffer ); // valid command Cbuf_AddText ("\n"); Com_Printf ( "]%s\n", g_consoleField.buffer ); // copy line to history buffer historyEditLines[nextHistoryLine % COMMAND_HISTORY] = g_consoleField; nextHistoryLine++; historyLine = nextHistoryLine; Field_Clear( &g_consoleField ); g_consoleField.widthInChars = g_console_field_width; if ( cls.state == CA_DISCONNECTED ) { SCR_UpdateScreen (); // force an update, because the command } // may take some time key_wastab = qfalse; // For double tabbing on a cvar return; } // command completion if (key == K_TAB) { CompleteCommand(); return; } key_wastab = qfalse; // For double tabbing on a cvar // command history (ctrl-p ctrl-n for unix style) if ( ( key == K_UPARROW ) || ( key == K_KP_UPARROW ) || ( ( tolower(key) == 'p' ) && keys[K_CTRL].down ) ) { if ( nextHistoryLine - historyLine < COMMAND_HISTORY && historyLine > 0 ) { historyLine--; } g_consoleField = historyEditLines[ historyLine % COMMAND_HISTORY ]; return; } if ( ( key == K_DOWNARROW ) || ( key == K_KP_DOWNARROW ) || ( ( tolower(key) == 'n' ) && keys[K_CTRL].down ) ) { if (historyLine == nextHistoryLine) return; historyLine++; g_consoleField = historyEditLines[ historyLine % COMMAND_HISTORY ]; return; } // console scrolling if ( key == K_PGUP ) { Con_PageUp(); return; } if ( key == K_PGDN ) { Con_PageDown(); return; } // ctrl-home = top of console if ( key == K_HOME && keys[K_CTRL].down ) { Con_Top(); return; } // ctrl-end = bottom of console if ( key == K_END && keys[K_CTRL].down ) { Con_Bottom(); return; } // pass to the normal editline routine Field_KeyDownEvent( &g_consoleField, key ); } //============================================================================ /* ================ Message_Key In game talk message ================ */ void Message_Key( int key ) { char buffer[MAX_STRING_CHARS]; if (key == K_ESCAPE) { cls.keyCatchers &= ~KEYCATCH_MESSAGE; Field_Clear( &chatField ); return; } if ( key == K_ENTER || key == K_KP_ENTER ) { if ( chatField.buffer[0] && cls.state == CA_ACTIVE ) { Com_sprintf( buffer, sizeof( buffer ), "say \"%s\"\n", chatField.buffer ); CL_AddReliableCommand( buffer ); } cls.keyCatchers &= ~KEYCATCH_MESSAGE; Field_Clear( &chatField ); return; } Field_KeyDownEvent( &chatField, key ); } //============================================================================ qboolean Key_GetOverstrikeMode( void ) { return key_overstrikeMode; } void Key_SetOverstrikeMode( qboolean state ) { key_overstrikeMode = state; } /* =================== Key_IsDown =================== */ qboolean Key_IsDown( int keynum ) { if ( keynum == -1 ) { return qfalse; } return keys[keynum].down; } /* =================== Key_StringToKeynum Returns a key number to be used to index keys[] by looking at the given string. Single ascii characters return themselves, while the K_* names are matched up. 0x11 will be interpreted as raw hex, which will allow new controlers to be configured even if they don't have defined names. =================== */ int Key_StringToKeynum( char *str ) { keyname_t *kn; if ( !str || !str[0] ) { return -1; } if ( !str[1] ) { return str[0]; } // check for hex code if ( str[0] == '0' && str[1] == 'x' && strlen( str ) == 4) { int n1, n2; n1 = str[2]; if ( n1 >= '0' && n1 <= '9' ) { n1 -= '0'; } else if ( n1 >= 'a' && n1 <= 'f' ) { n1 = n1 - 'a' + 10; } else { n1 = 0; } n2 = str[3]; if ( n2 >= '0' && n2 <= '9' ) { n2 -= '0'; } else if ( n2 >= 'a' && n2 <= 'f' ) { n2 = n2 - 'a' + 10; } else { n2 = 0; } return n1 * 16 + n2; } // scan for a text match for ( kn=keynames ; kn->name ; kn++ ) { if ( !Q_stricmp( str,kn->name ) ) return kn->keynum; } return -1; } /* =================== Key_KeynumToString Returns a string (either a single ascii char, a K_* name, or a 0x11 hex string) for the given keynum. =================== */ char *Key_KeynumToString( int keynum, qboolean bTranslate ) { //note: translate is only called for menu display not configs keyname_t *kn; static char tinystr[5]; int i, j; if ( keynum == -1 ) { return ""; } if ( keynum < 0 || keynum > 255 ) { return ""; } // check for printable ascii (don't use quote) if ( keynum > 32 && keynum < 127 && keynum != '"' ) { tinystr[0] = keynum; tinystr[1] = 0; if (keynum == ';' && !bTranslate) { //fall through and use keyname table } else { return tinystr; } } kn=keynames; //init to english if (bTranslate) { if ( sp_language->integer == SP_LANGUAGE_GERMAN ) { kn=keynames_d; //use german } else if ( sp_language->integer == SP_LANGUAGE_FRENCH ) { kn=keynames_f; //use french } } // check for a key string for ( ; kn->name ; kn++ ) { if (keynum == kn->keynum) { return kn->name; } } // make a hex string i = keynum >> 4; j = keynum & 15; tinystr[0] = '0'; tinystr[1] = 'x'; tinystr[2] = i > 9 ? i - 10 + 'a' : i + '0'; tinystr[3] = j > 9 ? j - 10 + 'a' : j + '0'; tinystr[4] = 0; return tinystr; } /* =================== Key_SetBinding =================== */ void Key_SetBinding( int keynum, const char *binding ) { if ( keynum == -1 ) { return; } // free old bindings if ( keys[ keynum ].binding ) { Z_Free( keys[ keynum ].binding ); } // allocate memory for new binding keys[keynum].binding = CopyString( binding ); // consider this like modifying an archived cvar, so the // file write will be triggered at the next oportunity cvar_modifiedFlags |= CVAR_ARCHIVE; } /* =================== Key_GetBinding =================== */ char *Key_GetBinding( int keynum ) { if ( keynum == -1 ) { return ""; } return keys[ keynum ].binding; } /* =================== Key_Unbind_f =================== */ void Key_Unbind_f (void) { int b; if (Cmd_Argc() != 2) { Com_Printf ("unbind : remove commands from a key\n"); return; } b = Key_StringToKeynum (Cmd_Argv(1)); if (b==-1) { Com_Printf ("\"%s\" isn't a valid key\n", Cmd_Argv(1)); return; } Key_SetBinding (b, ""); } /* =================== Key_Unbindall_f =================== */ void Key_Unbindall_f (void) { int i; for (i=0 ; i<256 ; i++) if (keys[i].binding) Key_SetBinding (i, ""); } /* =================== Key_Bind_f =================== */ void Key_Bind_f (void) { int i, c, b; char cmd[1024]; c = Cmd_Argc(); if (c < 2) { Com_Printf ("bind [command] : attach a command to a key\n"); return; } b = Key_StringToKeynum (Cmd_Argv(1)); if (b==-1) { Com_Printf ("\"%s\" isn't a valid key\n", Cmd_Argv(1)); return; } if (c == 2) { if (keys[b].binding) Com_Printf ("\"%s\" = \"%s\"\n", Cmd_Argv(1), keys[b].binding ); else Com_Printf ("\"%s\" is not bound\n", Cmd_Argv(1) ); return; } // copy the rest of the command line cmd[0] = 0; // start out with a null string for (i=2 ; i< c ; i++) { strcat (cmd, Cmd_Argv(i)); if (i != (c-1)) strcat (cmd, " "); } Key_SetBinding (b, cmd); } /* ============ Key_WriteBindings Writes lines containing "bind key value" ============ */ void Key_WriteBindings( fileHandle_t f ) { int i; FS_Printf (f, "unbindall\n" ); for (i=0 ; i<256 ; i++) { if (keys[i].binding && keys[i].binding[0] ) { FS_Printf (f, "bind %s \"%s\"\n", Key_KeynumToString(i, qfalse), keys[i].binding); } } } /* ============ Key_Bindlist_f ============ */ void Key_Bindlist_f( void ) { int i; for ( i = 0 ; i < 256 ; i++ ) { if ( keys[i].binding && keys[i].binding[0] ) { Com_Printf( "%s \"%s\"\n", Key_KeynumToString(i, qfalse), keys[i].binding ); } } } /* =================== CL_InitKeyCommands =================== */ void CL_InitKeyCommands( void ) { // register our functions Cmd_AddCommand ("bind",Key_Bind_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("unbind",Key_Unbind_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("unbindall",Key_Unbindall_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("bindlist",Key_Bindlist_f); } /* =================== CL_KeyEvent Called by the system for both key up and key down events =================== */ void CL_KeyEvent (int key, qboolean down, unsigned time) { char *kb; char cmd[1024]; // update auto-repeat status and BUTTON_ANY status keys[key].down = down; if (down) { keys[key].repeats++; if ( keys[key].repeats == 1) { anykeydown++; } } else { keys[key].repeats = 0; anykeydown--; if (anykeydown < 0) { anykeydown = 0; } } // console key is hardcoded, so the user can never unbind it if (key == '`' || key == '~') { if (!down ) { return; } #ifdef FINAL_BUILD if (!(cls.keyCatchers & KEYCATCH_CONSOLE) && !keys[K_SHIFT].down ) //we're not in the console {//so we require the control keys to get in return; } #endif Con_ToggleConsole_f (); return; } // most keys during demo playback will bring up the menu, but non-ascii // keys can still be used for bound actions if ( down && (key < 128 || key == K_MOUSE1) // && ( cls.state == CA_CINEMATIC ) && !cls.keyCatchers ) && ( cls.state == CA_CINEMATIC || CL_IsRunningInGameCinematic()) && !cls.keyCatchers ) { SCR_StopCinematic(true); return; // Cvar_Set ("nextdemo",""); // key = K_ESCAPE; } // escape is always handled special if ( key == K_ESCAPE && down ) { if ( cls.keyCatchers & KEYCATCH_MESSAGE ) { // clear message mode Message_Key( key ); return; } if ( !( cls.keyCatchers & KEYCATCH_UI ) ) { if ( cls.state == CA_ACTIVE ) { UI_SetActiveMenu( "ingame",NULL ); } else { CL_Disconnect_f(); UI_SetActiveMenu( "mainMenu",NULL ); } return; } _UI_KeyEvent( key,down); return; } // // key up events only perform actions if the game key binding is // a button command (leading + sign). These will be processed even in // console mode and menu mode, to keep the character from continuing // an action started before a mode switch. // if (!down) { kb = keys[key].binding; if (kb && kb[0] == '+') { // button commands add keynum and time as parms so that multiple // sources can be discriminated and subframe corrected Com_sprintf (cmd, sizeof(cmd), "-%s %i %i\n", kb+1, key, time); Cbuf_AddText (cmd); } return; } // distribute the key down event to the apropriate handler if ( cls.keyCatchers & KEYCATCH_CONSOLE ) { Console_Key( key ); } else if ( cls.keyCatchers & KEYCATCH_UI ) { _UI_KeyEvent( key,down ); } else if ( cls.keyCatchers & KEYCATCH_MESSAGE ) { Message_Key( key ); } else if ( cls.state == CA_DISCONNECTED ) { Console_Key( key ); } else { // send the bound action kb = keys[key].binding; if ( !kb ) { if (key >= 200) { Com_Printf ("%s is unbound, use controls menu to set.\n" , Key_KeynumToString( key, qfalse ) ); } } else if (kb[0] == '+') { // button commands add keynum and time as parms so that multiple // sources can be discriminated and subframe corrected Com_sprintf (cmd, sizeof(cmd), "%s %i %i\n", kb, key, time); Cbuf_AddText (cmd); } else { // down-only command Cbuf_AddText (kb); Cbuf_AddText ("\n"); } } } /* =================== CL_CharEvent Normal keyboard characters, already shifted / capslocked / etc =================== */ void CL_CharEvent( int key ) { // the console key should never be used as a char if ( key == '`' || key == '~' ) { return; } // distribute the key down event to the apropriate handler if ( cls.keyCatchers & KEYCATCH_CONSOLE ) { Field_CharEvent( &g_consoleField, key ); } else if ( cls.keyCatchers & KEYCATCH_UI ) { _UI_KeyEvent( key | K_CHAR_FLAG, qtrue ); } else if ( cls.keyCatchers & KEYCATCH_MESSAGE ) { Field_CharEvent( &chatField, key ); } else if ( cls.state == CA_DISCONNECTED ) { Field_CharEvent( &g_consoleField, key ); } } /* =================== Key_ClearStates =================== */ void Key_ClearStates (void) { int i; anykeydown = qfalse; for ( i=0 ; i < MAX_KEYS ; i++ ) { if ( keys[i].down ) { CL_KeyEvent( i, qfalse, 0 ); } keys[i].down = 0; keys[i].repeats = 0; } }