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2013-04-22 05:25:59 +00:00
** $Header: /roq/libsdsc/bin.c 1 11/02/99 4:39p Zaphod $
** Copyright (c) 1989-1995 San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC)
** a division of General Atomics, San Diego, California, USA
** Users and possessors of this source code are hereby granted a
** nonexclusive, royalty-free copyright and design patent license to
** use this code in individual software. License is not granted for
** commercial resale, in whole or in part, without prior written
** permission from SDSC. This source is provided "AS IS" without express
** or implied warranty of any kind.
** For further information contact:
** E-Mail:
** Surface Mail: Information Center
** San Diego Supercomputer Center
** P.O. Box 85608
** San Diego, CA 92138-5608
** (619) 534-5000
#define HEADER " $Header: /roq/libsdsc/bin.c 1 11/02/99 4:39p Zaphod $"
** bin.c - Binary I/O Functions
** libsdsc - SDSC standard function library
** This file contains source for the portable binary I/O function set.
** These functions allow binary files to be read and written regardless
** of the machine type and its word size and structure field padding.
** It is assumed that a variable of type 'char' is exactly 8-bits long,
** and no longer!
** The size of variables, and the resolution (amount of storage actually
** used) are both assumed to be multiplies of 1 byte (8-bits).
** It is assumed that the host represents integers in 2's compliment form.
** See the discussion of the 'binFloatFormatInfo' structure for further
** assumptions regarding floating point.
** d =defined constant
** f =function
** m =defined macro
** t =typedef/struct/union
** v =variable
** ? =other
** BinErrNo v error number
** BinNErr v number of error messages
** BinErrList v error messages
** BinQMachine f Query machine information
** BinPError f Print error message
** BinQError f Query error message
** BinErrorHandler f nominate an error condition handler func
** BinByteOrder f Select the byte order of the file
** BinQByteOrder f Query the byte order of the file
** BinFloatFormat f Select the floating point format of the file
** BinQFloatFormat f Query the floating point format of the file
** BinRead f Read binary file using unbuffered I/O
** BinFRead f Read binary file using buffered I/O
** BinSRead f Read binary string
** BinWrite f Write binary file using unbuffered I/O
** BinFWrite f Write binary file using buffered I/O
** BinSWrite f Write binary string
** BinReadStruct f Read binary file into a C struct using unbuf I/O
** BinFReadStruct f Read binary file into a C struct using buf I/O
** BinSReadStruct f Read binary string into a C struct
** BinWriteStruct f Write binary file from a C struct using unbuf I/O
** BinFWriteStruct f Write binary file from a C struct using buf I/O
** BinSWriteStruct f Write binary string from a C struct
** binFileBO v current file byte order
** binReadMBFDisp v array of MBF handling functions
** binReadLBFDisp v array of LBF handling functions
** binReadDisp v pointer to the current read function array
** binWriteMBFDisp v array of MBF handling functions
** binWriteLBFDisp v array of LBF handling functions
** binWriteDisp v pointer to the current write function array
** binTypeName v names of the types
** binTypeSize v size of each type, as stored by host
** binTypeRes v resolution of each type, as used by host
** binTypeSigned v is the type signed?
** binTypePad v how are types padded?
** binTypePadMask v how are type's padding addresses masked?
** binPadStructxxx t Dummy structures to figure padding
** binFloatFormatInfo t Floating point format description
** binFloatFormatCooked t cooked floating point format description
** binHostFloatFormat v Host floating point format description
** binFileFloatFormat v File floating point format description
** binErrFunc v error condition handler function
** binOp v Current operation (for error handling)
** binInit v Tables initialized yet?
** binInitialize f Initialize the tables
** binDefaultHandler f Default error condition handler
** binNoHandler f No error condition handler
** binByteRead f read bytes into a buffer
** binByteWrite f write bytes from a buffer
** binReadCharMBF f Read into characters from an MBF input
** binReadCharLBF f Read into characters from an LBF input
** binWriteCharMBF f Write from characters to MBF output
** binWriteCharLBF f Write from characters to LBF output
** binReadIntMBF f Read MBF input into integers
** binReadIntLBF f Read LBF input into integers
** binWriteIntMBF f Write from integers to MBF output
** binWriteIntLBF f Write from integers to LBF output
** binReadFloat f Read float from input
** binWriteFloat f Write from float to output
** $Log: /roq/libsdsc/bin.c $
* 1 11/02/99 4:39p Zaphod
** Revision 1.18 1995/06/30 21:52:27 bduggan
** added a cast
** took out curses.h
** Revision 1.17 1995/06/29 07:19:16 bduggan
** changed an unsigned char to an unsigned int (oops.)
** Revision 1.17 1995/06/29 07:17:54 bduggan
** changed an unsigned char to an inunsigned int
** Revision 1.16 1995/06/29 00:17:39 bduggan
** updated copyright
** Revision 1.15 1995/06/29 00:13:51 bduggan
** removed use of 'this', added prototypes
** Revision 1.14 1995/04/21 17:56:41 bduggan
** Changed bzero to memset, replaced prototypes for
** standard functions with include files.
** Revision 1.13 1995/04/12 22:27:52 bduggan
** Made non-ansi compatible.
** Revision 1.12 1994/10/03 16:18:52 nadeau
** Built table initializations in to code instead of using external
** include files generated by the Makefile. No longer seems necessary
** to generate on-the-fly since the value set is relatively static.
** Fixed a bug in reading & writing structures that failed to advance
** through memory correctly on non-32-bit architectures.
** Updated to ANSI C and C++ compatibility.
** Removed all use of register keyword.
** Minimized use of custom SDSC types (e.g., uchar vs. unsigned char)
** Added forward declarations.
** Added misc. casts to passify SGI and DEC compilers.
** Updated comments.
** Updated indenting on some code.
** Updated copyright message.
** Revision 1.11 92/09/02 13:28:57 vle
** Updated copyright notice.
** Revision 1.10 92/03/04 09:19:54 nadeau
** Fixed bugs in BinSWriteStruct and BinSReadStruct. Both were
** forgetting to increment the output/input 'data' buffer from
** struct field to struct field. The resulting read and write
** operations failed to read or write from the correct locations.
** Revision 1.9 91/12/23 11:43:01 nadeau
** Corrected comments. Optimized code throughout. Added generic
** byte read and write functions to handle I/O to the various
** ioType's (fd, fp, and string). Added support for string read
** and write (BinSRead, BinSWrite, etc). Simplified and reduced
** bulky code.
** Revision 1.8 91/10/03 13:06:38 nadeau
** Changed binread/binwrite to accept counts of 0 and
** just return silently.
** Revision 1.7 91/09/17 19:18:43 nadeau
** Misc changes to comments. Removed some ifdefs for MBF/LBF
** handling in favor of a defined BINHOSTBO constant. Removed
** bzero alternate code. Assume bzero is available.
** Revision 1.6 91/03/11 16:34:23 nadeau
** Fixed bug in float write case: was calling write() when
** should have called fwrite().
** Revision 1.5 91/01/09 16:36:52 nadeau
** Added BinQError().
** Revision 1.4 90/06/25 10:38:11 ferrerj
** Added IBM floating point format.
** Revision 1.3 90/05/16 12:20:45 nadeau
** Added code to handle file pointers as well as file descriptors.
** Previous code just got the fileno() of the fp and used the file
** descriptor code. This caused problems with data already in the
** input/output buffers.
** Revision 1.2 90/04/23 14:11:05 nadeau
** Changed BinErrno to BinErrNo.
** Revision 1.1 89/12/14 13:56:57 nadeau
** Initial revision
#include "sdsccopyright.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "sdsc.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
//#include <unistd.h>
#ifndef NULL
#define NULL (0)
#ifndef FALSE
#define FALSE 0
#ifndef TRUE
#define TRUE 1
#define BINMAXBUF (40*sizeof( int ))/* Max size before dynamic alloc*/
#define FPIO 1
#define FDIO 2
#define DATAIO 3
#ifdef MBF
#define BINERROR(errno,ret) {BinErrNo = (errno);return(ret);}
#ifdef __STDC__
static void binInitialize( void );
static int binNoHandler( int, int, int, void *, int, int );
static int binDefaultHandler( int, int, int, void *, int, int );
static int binByteRead( int, int, FILE *, unsigned char *, unsigned char *, int );
static int binByteWrite( int, int, FILE *, unsigned char *, unsigned char *, int );
static int binReadCharMBF( int, int, FILE *, unsigned char *, unsigned char *, int, int, int );
static int binReadCharLBF( int, int, FILE *, unsigned char *, unsigned char *, int, int, int );
static int binWriteCharMBF( int, int, FILE *, unsigned char *, unsigned char *, int, int, int );
static int binWriteCharLBF( int, int, FILE *, unsigned char *, unsigned char *, int, int, int );
static int binReadIntMBF( int, int, FILE *, unsigned char *, unsigned char *, int, int, int );
static int binReadIntLBF( int, int, FILE *, unsigned char *, unsigned char *, int, int, int );
static int binWriteIntMBF( int, int, FILE *, unsigned char *, unsigned char *, int, int, int );
static int binWriteIntLBF( int, int, FILE *, unsigned char *, unsigned char *, int, int, int );
static int binReadFloat( int, int, FILE *, unsigned char *, unsigned char *, int, int, int );
static int binWriteFloat( int, int, FILE *, unsigned char *, unsigned char *, int, int, int );
static void binInitialize( );
static int binNoHandler( );
static int binDefaultHandler( );
static int binByteRead( );
static int binByteWrite( );
static int binReadCharMBF( );
static int binReadCharLBF( );
static int binWriteCharMBF( );
static int binWriteCharLBF( );
static int binReadIntMBF( );
static int binReadIntLBF( );
static int binWriteIntMBF( );
static int binWriteIntLBF( );
static int binReadFloat( );
static int binWriteFloat( );
* BinErrNo - error number
* BinNErr - number of error messages
* BinErrList - error messages
* binErrFunc - error condition handler function
* On an error, the binary I/O package routines return -1 and set
* BinErrNo to an error code. The programmer may call BinPError
* to print the associated error message to stderr, or may do the
* message lookup in BinErrList themselves.
int BinErrNo = -1; /* Bin package error number */
char *BinErrList[] = /* Error message list */
/* BINESYS */ "System error: see errno",
/* BINETYPE */ "Unknown type selection",
/* BINENBYTES */ "nBytes cannot be <= 0",
/* BINECOUNT */ "count cannot be <= 0",
/* BINEBYTEORDER */ "Unknown file byte order selection",
/* BINEMALLOC */ "Cannot malloc more host memory",
/* BINEFLOATFORMAT */ "Unknown floating point format selection",
/* BINEFLOATUNSUPPORTED*/"Unsupported size for file floating point selection",
int BinNErr = 8; /* Number of error messages */
#ifdef __STDC__
static int (*binErrFunc)( int, int, int, void *, int, int ) = NULL;
/* Error condition callback func */
static int (*binErrFunc)( ) = NULL;
/* Error condition callback func */
* binTypeName - names of the types
* To aid in debugging, binTypeName gives the character string name for
* a type.
static char *binTypeName[BINNTYPE] =
"unsigned char",
"unsigned short",
"unsigned long",
"unsigned int",
"unsigned int8",
"unsigned int16",
"unsigned int32",
"unsigned int64"
* binTypeSize - size of each type, as stored by host
* binTypeRes - resolution of each type, as used by host
* binTypeSize holds the size, in bytes, of each type supported
* by this package. The size is defined as the number of bytes
* a single item of this type takes up in memory on the host.
* binTypeRes holds the resolution, in bytes, of each type. The
* resolution is defined as the number of bytes ** ACTUALLY USED **
* by the host in manipulating an item of this type.
* On most systems the size of a type and the resolution of a type
* are the same. A 'short' on a SPARCstation takes up 2 bytes of
* memory and can hold 2 bytes worth of data (16 bits). However,
* on some systems, most notibly the Cray, the size and resolution of
* some types differ. A 'short' on a CRAY-XMP takes up 8 bytes of
* memory but can only hold 3 bytes of data (24 bits).
* In processing items we need to know the size of an item so that
* we can properly advance through an array of data treated as
* unsigned char's.
* We need to know the resolution of an item so that we know how
* many bytes to put into and take out of a file before padding.
* binTypeSize is intialized at compile time. binTypeRes is
* initialized at runtime upon its first usage.
static int binTypeSize[BINNTYPE] =
#ifdef __STDC__
sizeof( void * ),
sizeof( unsigned char * ),
sizeof( char ),
sizeof( unsigned char ),
sizeof( short ),
sizeof( long ),
sizeof( int ),
sizeof( sdsc_int8 ),
sizeof( sdsc_int16 ),
sizeof( sdsc_int32 ),
sizeof( unsigned short ),
sizeof( unsigned long ),
sizeof( unsigned int ),
sizeof( sdsc_uint8 ),
sizeof( sdsc_uint16 ),
sizeof( sdsc_uint32 ),
sizeof( sdsc_boolean ),
sizeof( float ),
sizeof( double ),
#if LONG_SIZE >= 64
sizeof( sdsc_int64 ),
sizeof( sdsc_uint64 )
static int binTypeRes[BINNTYPE];
* binTypeSigned - is the type signed?
* binTypeSigned indicates whether a type is signed or not. Signed
* types require sign-extension when they are read into with fewer
* bytes than their size, and cause sign-extension when they are
* written out into greater bytes than their size.
* This array is initialized at compile time.
static int binTypeSigned[BINNTYPE] =
* binPadStructxxxx - Dummy structure to figure padding
* Most compilers pad structures to move integer and float types
* to the next word or halfword boundary. BinReadStruct and
* BinWriteStruct must be aware of this padding in order to
* properly advance through the input or output buffer to the
* next field of a struct to read or write.
* These pad structures are only used in the initialization of the
* binTypePad[].
#define PADSTRUCT(name,type) \
typedef struct name \
{ \
char bin_c; \
type bin_i; \
} name;
#ifdef __STDC__
PADSTRUCT( binPadStructpointer, void * )
PADSTRUCT( binPadStructpointer, unsigned char * )
PADSTRUCT( binPadStructchar, char )
PADSTRUCT( binPadStructuchar, unsigned char )
PADSTRUCT( binPadStructshort, short )
PADSTRUCT( binPadStructlong, long )
PADSTRUCT( binPadStructint, int )
PADSTRUCT( binPadStructint8, sdsc_int8 )
PADSTRUCT( binPadStructint16, sdsc_int16 )
PADSTRUCT( binPadStructint32, sdsc_int32 )
PADSTRUCT( binPadStructushort, unsigned short )
PADSTRUCT( binPadStructulong, unsigned long )
PADSTRUCT( binPadStructuint, unsigned int )
PADSTRUCT( binPadStructuint8, sdsc_uint8 )
PADSTRUCT( binPadStructuint16, sdsc_uint16 )
PADSTRUCT( binPadStructuint32, sdsc_uint32 )
PADSTRUCT( binPadStructboolean, sdsc_boolean )
PADSTRUCT( binPadStructfloat, float )
PADSTRUCT( binPadStructdouble, double )
#if LONG_SIZE >= 64
PADSTRUCT( binPadStructint64, sdsc_int64 )
PADSTRUCT( binPadStructuint64, sdsc_uint64 )
* binTypePad - how are types padded?
* binTypePadMask - how are type's padding addresses masked?
* Each entry in this array gives the padding boundary to advance to
* for a particular field type when padding structures. For instance,
* on most 32-bit machines, structure fields of type 'short' are padded
* to bring them to the next 16-bit boundary, while fields of type
* 'long' are padded to the next 32-bit boundary. A structure like
* the following:
* struct example
* {
* char c1;
* short s;
* char c2;
* long l;
* };
* actually occupies space like the following:
* struct example
* {
* char c1;
* char pad1;
* short s;
* char c2;
* char pad2[3];
* long l;
* };
* BinReadStruct and BinWriteStruct must know about such padding in
* order to properly advance from field to field within the structure.
* The above dummy padding structure declarations create one structure
* for each supported type. The structure declares a single character
* field, followed by a subject field. By calculating the difference
* in the addresses between these two fields, we get the byte boundary
* the type must be padded to. A value of 1 means no padding.
* The binTypePadMask array is an array of address masks, one per type.
* The mask is calculated to mask off the relevant bits in a char ptr
* that should be 0 for the type's alignment needs. For instance,
* on a byte-addressed machine (like a Sun) that aligns int's to 4-byte
* boundaries, the mask would be 0x3. The mask is used in code like:
* if ( ((int)addr & mask) != 0 )
* addr = (addr & ~mask) + pad;
* The pad and mask tables are both initialized at runtime.
static int binTypePad[BINNTYPE];
static unsigned long binTypePadMask[BINNTYPE];
* binFileBO - current file byte order
* binReadMBFDisp - array of MBF handling functions
* binReadLBFDisp - array of LBF handling functions
* binReadDisp - pointer to the current read function array
* binWriteMBFDisp - array of MBF handling functions
* binWriteLBFDisp - array of LBF handling functions
* binWriteDisp - pointer to the current write function array
* The output file will be read or written assuming the byte order
* is that selected by binFileBO. The programmer may call BinByteOrder
* to change that byte order.
* The read and write dispatch tables point to functions to read or
* write files in the current byte order.
* ** MBF and LBF here refer to the byte order **
* ** of data in the file, not on the host! **
* Each of the read functions read in 'nBytes' bytes from the file, then
* save the least-significant bytes into the user's buffer. When file
* data is in MBF form (the default), the least-significant bytes are
* the last ones read in. When file data is in LBF form, the least-
* significant bytes are the first ones read in.
* Each of the write functions write the 'nBytes' least-significant bytes
* of items in the user's buffer to the file. When file data is to be in
* MBF form, the least-significant bytes are the last ones written out.
* When file data is to be in LBF form, the least-significant bytes are
* the first ones written out.
* What's the significance of reading and writing only the 'nBytes'
* least-significant bytes? Consider writing out a 32-bit integer that
* is stored in a 64-bit word. For numbers that take 32-bits or less
* to represent, it is the lower 32-bits of the 64-bit word that hold
* the value. For numbers that take more than 32-bits, the number must be
* truncated in order to write it out in 32-bits. Truncation traditionally
* happens from the top of the word. So, writing the least-significant
* 'nBytes' of each incomming data item handles both cases. The
* situation is similar for reading.
static int binFileBO = BINMBF; /* File data byte order */
#ifdef __STDC__
static int (*binReadMBFDisp[])(int , int , FILE*, unsigned char *, unsigned char *, int ,int , int) =
static int (*binReadMBFDisp[])() =
#if LONG_SIZE >= 64
#ifdef __STDC__
static int (*binReadLBFDisp[])(int , int , FILE*, unsigned char *, unsigned char *, int ,int , int) =
static int (*binReadLBFDisp[])() =
#if LONG_SIZE >= 64
#ifdef __STDC__
static int (*binWriteMBFDisp[])(int , int , FILE*, unsigned char *, unsigned char *, int ,int , int) =
static int (*binWriteMBFDisp[])() =
#if LONG_SIZE >= 64
#ifdef __STDC__
static int (*binWriteLBFDisp[])(int , int , FILE*, unsigned char *, unsigned char *, int ,int , int) =
static int (*binWriteLBFDisp[])() =
#if LONG_SIZE >= 64
#ifdef __STDC__
static int (**binReadDisp)(int , int , FILE*, unsigned char *, unsigned char *, int ,int , int)
= binReadMBFDisp;
static int (**binWriteDisp)(int , int , FILE*, unsigned char *, unsigned char *, int ,int , int)
= binWriteMBFDisp;
static int (**binReadDisp)() = binReadMBFDisp;
static int (**binWriteDisp)() = binWriteMBFDisp;
* Host's floating point type.
* Crash and Burn:
* If the host's floating type is unknown, generate a syntax error
* to bring the programmer here...
<<<<--+=+ Syntax Error +=+-->>>> /* Read message below!!! */
* Programmer! This syntax error was generated because the floating point
* type used by this host is currently unknown by this package. This
* prevents the functioning of code to convert from the host's floating
* point format to that of another machine.
* Please read the comments describing the 'binFloatFormatInfo' struct and the
* initialization of the 'binFloatFormats' array below to learn about
* floating point formats and how to set them up for this host. Please do
* not simply default them to something you think is right. Check and make
* sure! Bugs arising from faulty defaulting can be very hard to find.
* When you have a format defined for this host, please forward it to us for
* inclusion in a future release of this software. Thanks!
* binFloatFormatInfo - floating point format description
* The binFloatFormatInfo struct describes the attributes of a floating
* point format. The values provided make it possible to generically
* convert a float from one format to another.
* Floating point numbers have three pieces:
* sign positive or negative flag
* exponent the power to raise the mantissa to
* mantissa the fractional part of the float
* The sign is a 1-bit value that indicates if the floating point value
* is positive or negative. Negative floats set the sign bit to a 1.
* The exponent is the power to which the float is raised. The exponent
* is "biased" to make it a positive value. For instance, in IEEE
* single-precision, the exponent is 8-bits wide and its bias is 127.
* An unbiased 8-bit value can represent a signed value between -127 and
* +128, or an unsigned value from 0 to 255. Biasing the exponent makes
* it always positive (unsigned) in representation, yet still allows
* negative exponents. So, with an IEEE bias of 127, the exponent
* -10 would be represented as: -10 + 127 = 117.
* The mantissa is the fractional part of the float. When normallized,
* the upper bit of the mantissa is always a 1. Some formats keep this
* 1 bit in the float, while others remove it (calling it an implied
* bit).
* The binFloatFormatInfo struct uses the following fields to describe a
* floating point format:
* bin_name
* The character string name of the format.
* bin_number
* The #define number associated with this format.
* bin_subname
* The name of this size of the float.
* bin_expBits
* The number of bits in the exponent.
* bin_mantBits
* The number of bits in the mantissa.
* bin_expBias
* The exponent bias.
* bin_mantImplied
* Is the implied bit kept in, or removed?
* bin_signOverflow
* Whether the sign bit is set or not on an overflow.
* bin_expOverflow
* The value of the exponent on an overflow.
* bin_flags
* Flag special "exception" conditions in the format:
* BINVAXBO Bizzare VAX float byte order
* The order of fields in a float is:
* On MBF systems:
* low high
* sign exponent mantissa
* On LBF systems:
* low high
* mantissa exponent sign
* Except when BINVAXBO is set in bin_flags, in which case bytes
* are swapped every-other to take into account of the VAX's
* strange byte ordering of floating point values.
* The sign is 1 bit.
* There are no unused bits in the float.
* (bin_expBits + bin_mantBits + 1) % 8 == 0.
* The float is normalized.
* If the sign is a 1, the float is negative.
* The sign bit is 0 when the float is 0.
* The exponent is representable as a signed 32-bit integer on the host.
* The exponent is zero when the float is zero.
* The mantissa is zero when the float is zero.
* The mantissa is zero on an overflow.
* NON-ASSUMPTIONS (ie, "It is **NOT** assumed that...")
* The mantissa is storeable in an integer on the host.
* The # of bits in the exponent or mantissa are modulo 8 or that
* the exponent starts on a byte boundary.
* The redundant high bit of the mantissa on a normalized float is dropped.
typedef struct binFloatFormatInfo
char *bin_name; /* Name of format */
/* NULL flags end of list */
int bin_number; /* Format number */
char *bin_subname; /* Name of this size of the format */
/* NULL flags unusable entry */
int bin_expBits; /* Number of bits in exponent */
int bin_mantBits; /* Number of bits in mantissa */
int bin_expBias; /* Exponent bias */
int bin_mantImplied; /* Is implied bit saved in format? */
int bin_signOverflow; /*Is sign bit set on overflow? */
unsigned int bin_expOverflow;/* Exponent value on overflow */
int bin_flags; /* Excpetion flags */
} binFloatFormatInfo;
* BINVAXBO - Bizzare VAX floating point byte order exception
#define BINVAXBO 0x1
/* 0x2-0x800000 Reserved */
* binFloatFormats - List of supported floating point formats
* The binFloatFormats array of binFloatFormatInfo structs lists the
* attributes of each of the floating point formats supported.
* 1. Create one or more entries in the array initilaization below.
* 2. Make up a name for the format and create a #define BINname in
* bin.raw.h.
* 3. Add an #if FLOAT_TYPE for the format to define the BINHOSTFLOAT
* constant on hosts that support that float (the #if's are just
* before the description of the BinFloatFormat struct).
* NOTE: The list is terminated by a NULL pointer in bin_name.
* Additionally, a NULL pointer for bin_subname flags that entry as
* unusable.
* NOTE NOTE: Different precisions of the same format must be grouped
* together!
#ifndef YES
#define YES 1
#ifndef NO
#define NO 0
binFloatFormatInfo binFloatFormats[ ] =
/* # bits overflow */
/* name number subname exp mant bias imp? sgn? exp flags*/
{ "IEEE", BINIEEE, "single", 8, 23, 127, NO, YES, 0x0FF, 0 },
{ "IEEE", BINIEEE, "double", 11, 52, 1023, NO, YES, 0x7FF, 0 },
{ "CRAYMP", BINCRAYMP, "single", 15, 48, 16384, YES, NO, 0x6000, 0 },
{ "VAX", BINVAX, "f", 8, 23, 129, NO, YES, 0, BINVAXBO },
{ "VAX", BINVAX, "d", 8, 55, 129, NO, YES, 0, BINVAXBO },
{ "VAX", BINVAX, "h", 15, 112, 16385, NO, YES, 0, BINVAXBO },
{ "VAXG", BINVAXG, "f", 8, 23, 129, NO, YES, 0, BINVAXBO },
{ "VAXG", BINVAXG, "g", 11, 52, 1025, NO, YES, 0, BINVAXBO },
{ "VAXG", BINVAXG, "h", 15, 112, 16385, NO, YES, 0, BINVAXBO },
#ifdef notdef
{ "IBM", BINIBM, "f", 7, 24, 63, NO, YES, 0, 0 },
{ NULL, -1, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NO, NO, 0, 0 },
* binFloatFormatCooked - cooked floating point format description
* The binFloatFormatCooked struct describes the attributes of a floating
* point format (as does the BinFloatFormat struct), but also includes
* some pre-calculated byte counts, shifts, and masks that help speed
* up the conversion algorithm.
* The binFloatFormatCooked struct uses these fields to describe the
* floating point format:
* bin_format
* A copy of the data from the binFloatFormatInfo struct.
* bin_nbytes
* The number of bytes it takes to store this float.
* bin_expStartByte
* bin_expEndByte
* The byte numbers of the first and last bytes
* containing exponent bits.
* bin_expStartMask
* bin_expEndMask
* An 8-bit mask to extract only the relevant exponent
* bits from the first and last bytes of the exponent.
* bin_expShift
* The number of bits in the starting byte NOT used
* for the exponent (ie, how far to shift the starting
* byte left to bring the 1st exponent bit into the
* 1st bit of the byte).
* bin_expMask
* A 32-bit mask to apply to an unsigned integer that
* will leave only the exponent bits.
typedef struct binFloatFormatCooked
binFloatFormatInfo bin_format; /* Raw format */
int bin_nbytes; /* Size, in bytes, of this entry*/
int bin_expStartByte; /* Byte containing exponent start*/
int bin_expEndByte; /* Byte containing exponent end */
unsigned char bin_expStartMask; /* Mask for starting exponent byte*/
unsigned char bin_expEndMask; /* Mask for ending exponent byte*/
int bin_expShift; /* Shift for starting exponent byte*/
unsigned int bin_expMask; /* Mask to just get relevant bits*/
} binFloatFormatCooked;
* binFloatFormatsCooked - cooked floating point format descriptions
* The binFloatFormatsCooked array gives the "cooked" (after pre-calc)
* version of the data in the binFloatFormats array. It is the
* cooked version of the data that is actually used by the floating
* point conversion code.
* This array is initialized at startup by binInitialize().
binFloatFormatCooked binFloatFormatsCooked[sizeof(binFloatFormats)/sizeof(binFloatFormatInfo)];
* binHostFloatFormat - Host floating point format description
* binFileFloatFormat - File floating point format description
* binHostFloatFormat points to the set of floating point format
* descriptions appropriate for the host.
* binFileFloatFormat points to the set of floating point format
* descriptions selected for the file.
* Both of these globals are initialized at startup by binInitialize().
binFloatFormatCooked *binFileFloatFormat = NULL;
binFloatFormatCooked *binHostFloatFormat = NULL;
* binOp - Current operation
* Each of the top level read or write functions set binOp to the
* operation type being done so that, should an error occur, the
* user's error handler can be told what operation was in progress.
static int binOp; /* Current operation (for error handling)*/
#ifdef __STDC__
static int binConvertFloat( int, binFloatFormatCooked *, int, int, unsigned char *, binFloatFormatCooked *, int, int, unsigned char *, int );
static int binConvertFloat( );
* binInit - tables initialized yet?
* binInitialize - Initialize the tables
* This routine initializes the tables:
* binTypeRes - type resolution
* binTypePad - type structure field padding
* binTypePadMask - type padding address masks
* binFloatFormatsCooked - cooked float information
* determines the floating point type of the host:
* binHostFloatFormat - host format selection
* and the default floating point type for the file:
* binFileFloatFormat - file format selection
* The resolution table indicates the number of bytes in a type that
* are actually available for storing data, as opposed to the number
* of bytes the type occupies in memory. On most machines these
* two values are the same. A notible exception is the CRAY's 'short'
* which occupies 8 bytes in memory, but can only hold a 3 byte value.
* The padding table indicates how the various types are padded when
* they occur as fields in a structure. To initialize the table we
* compute the difference between a char structure field's address
* and the address of a field of the desired type. If padding has
* taken place, the difference will be greater than 1 byte.
* Many machines require that all integer or floating point accesses
* be made at boundaries that are a multiple of the item size. For
* instance, on a SPARCstation all 32-bit integers must be on 32-bit
* boundaries, and all 16-bit integers on 16-bit boundaries. Accesses
* that are not word aligned cause a bus error.
* Compilers for machines that do not require word alignment may still
* do structure padding, such as the VAX ULTRIX compiler.
* Still other compilers do no structure padding, such as the VAX
* VMS compiler.
* The Cooked formats table includes the basic floating point format
* information from binFloatFormats[], plus various masks and byte
* counts to make floating point conversions easier and quicker.
static int binInit = FALSE;
static void /* Returns nothing */
#ifdef __STDC__
binInitialize( void )
binInitialize( )
int *br = binTypeRes; /* Pointer to Res table */
int *bp = binTypePad; /* Pointer to Pad table */
unsigned long charbit; /* Address bit for byte addressing */
unsigned long shiftbit; /* How far to shift to get to charbit */
int i; /* Counter */
binFloatFormatInfo *fp; /* Float format table pointer */
binFloatFormatCooked *fcp;/* Cooked format table pointer */
int nbits; /* Number of extra bits in byte */
binPadStructpointer structpointer;
binPadStructchar structchar;
binPadStructuchar structuchar;
binPadStructshort structshort;
binPadStructlong structlong;
binPadStructint structint;
binPadStructint8 structint8;
binPadStructint16 structint16;
binPadStructint32 structint32;
binPadStructushort structushort;
binPadStructulong structulong;
binPadStructuint structuint;
binPadStructuint8 structuint8;
binPadStructuint16 structuint16;
binPadStructuint32 structuint32;
binPadStructboolean structboolean;
binPadStructfloat structfloat;
binPadStructdouble structdouble;
#if LONG_SIZE >= 64
binPadStructint64 structint64;
binPadStructuint64 structuint64;
* Initialize the resolution table.
#define DEF(type) \
{ \
type var = ((type)1)<<(8*sizeof(type)-2);\
var <<= 1; \
if ( var != ((type)0) ) \
*br++ = sizeof(type); \
else \
{ \
int ii = 1; \
for ( var = ((type)1); var != ((type)0); var <<= 1 )\
ii++; \
*br++ = ii>>3; \
} \
*br++ = 0; /* skip pointer */
DEF(unsigned char)
DEF(unsigned short)
DEF(unsigned long)
DEF(unsigned int)
*br++ = 0; /* skip float */
*br++ = 0; /* skip double */
#if LONG_SIZE >= 64
*br++ = 0;
*br++ = 0;
#undef DEF
* Initialize the structure padding table.
*bp++ = (char *)&structpointer.bin_i-&structpointer.bin_c;
*bp++ = (char *)&structchar.bin_i-&structchar.bin_c;
*bp++ = (char *)&structuchar.bin_i-&structuchar.bin_c;
*bp++ = (char *)&structshort.bin_i-&structshort.bin_c;
*bp++ = (char *)&structlong.bin_i-&structlong.bin_c;
*bp++ = (char *)&structint.bin_i-&structint.bin_c;
*bp++ = (char *)&structint8.bin_i-&structint8.bin_c;
*bp++ = (char *)&structint16.bin_i-&structint16.bin_c;
*bp++ = (char *)&structint32.bin_i-&structint32.bin_c;
*bp++ = (char *)&structushort.bin_i-&structushort.bin_c;
*bp++ = (char *)&structulong.bin_i-&structulong.bin_c;
*bp++ = (char *)&structuint.bin_i-&structuint.bin_c;
*bp++ = (char *)&structuint8.bin_i-&structuint8.bin_c;
*bp++ = (char *)&structuint16.bin_i-&structuint16.bin_c;
*bp++ = (char *)&structuint32.bin_i-&structuint32.bin_c;
*bp++ = (char *)&structboolean.bin_i-&structboolean.bin_c;
*bp++ = (char *)&structfloat.bin_i-&structfloat.bin_c;
*bp++ = (char *)&structdouble.bin_i-&structdouble.bin_c;
#if LONG_SIZE >= 64
*bp++ = (char *)&structint64.bin_i-&structint64.bin_c;
*bp++ = (char *)&structuint64.bin_i-&structuint64.bin_c;
*bp++ = -1;
*bp++ = -1;
* Initialize the structure padding mask table.
charbit = (unsigned long)((char *)&i + 1) - (unsigned long)(char *)&i;
for ( shiftbit = ((unsigned long)(-1)); charbit != 0; shiftbit++ )
charbit >>= 1;
for ( i = 0; i < BINMAXTYPE; i++ )
binTypePadMask[i] = ((unsigned long)(binTypePad[i]-1))<<shiftbit;
* Initialize the cooked floating point format table.
for ( fp = binFloatFormats, fcp = binFloatFormatsCooked;
fp->bin_name != NULL; fp++, fcp++ )
fcp->bin_format = *fp;
fcp->bin_nbytes = (fp->bin_expBits + fp->bin_mantBits + 1)/8;
if ( (fp->bin_expBits + fp->bin_mantBits + 1) % 8 != 0 )
/* Illegal entry. */
fcp->bin_format.bin_subname = NULL;
fcp->bin_expStartByte = fp->bin_mantBits / 8;
fcp->bin_expShift = nbits = fp->bin_mantBits % 8;
fcp->bin_expStartMask = (unsigned char) (((unsigned long)0xFF) << nbits);
/* Assume last byte is end byte and last bit is sign. */
fcp->bin_expEndByte = fcp->bin_nbytes - 1;
fcp->bin_expEndMask = (unsigned char)((unsigned long)0x7F);
fcp->bin_expMask = (unsigned int) (~( (~((unsigned long)0)) << fp->bin_expBits));
* Initialize the host and file floating point format selections.
for ( fcp = binFloatFormatsCooked; fcp->bin_format.bin_name != NULL; fcp++ )
if ( fcp->bin_format.bin_number == BINHOSTFLOAT )
binHostFloatFormat = fcp;
if ( binFileFloatFormat == NULL )
for ( fcp = binFloatFormatsCooked; fcp->bin_format.bin_name != NULL; fcp++ )
if ( fcp->bin_format.bin_number == BINIEEE )
binFileFloatFormat = fcp;
binErrFunc = binDefaultHandler;
binInit = TRUE;
* BinQMachine - query machine characteristics
* The tables are initialized, if not done already, and a static
* BinMachineInfo struct set up. A pointer to the info is returned.
static BinMachineInfo binMachine; /* Machine info struct */
BinMachineInfo * /* Returns ptr to info struct */
#ifdef __STDC__
BinQMachine( void )
BinQMachine( )
if ( !binInit )
binInitialize( );
memset( (void *)&binMachine, 0x00, sizeof (binMachine) );
binMachine.bin_vendorName = VENDOR_NAME;
binMachine.bin_vendorName = "Unknown";
binMachine.bin_machineName = MACHINE_NAME;
binMachine.bin_machineName = "Unknown";
#ifdef CPU_NAME
binMachine.bin_cpuName = CPU_NAME;
binMachine.bin_cpuName = "Unknown";
#ifdef OS_NAME
binMachine.bin_osName = OS_NAME;
binMachine.bin_osName = "Unknown";
binMachine.bin_byteOrder = BINHOSTBO;
#ifdef MBF
binMachine.bin_byteOrderName = "MBF";
binMachine.bin_byteOrderName = "LBF";
binMachine.bin_floatFormat= BINHOSTFLOAT;
binMachine.bin_floatFormatName = binHostFloatFormat->bin_format.bin_name;
binMachine.bin_typeSize = binTypeSize;
binMachine.bin_typeSigned = binTypeSigned;
binMachine.bin_typeRes = binTypeRes;
binMachine.bin_typePad = binTypePad;
binMachine.bin_typeName = binTypeName;
binMachine.bin_typePadMask= binTypePadMask;
return ( &binMachine );
* BinPError - Print error message
* The error text associated with the current BinErrNo is printed
* to stderr, preceded by the given leader string.
void /* Returns nothing */
#ifdef __STDC__
BinPError( char *s )
BinPError( s )
char *s; /* Leader string */
if ( BinErrNo == BINESYS )
perror( s );
else if ( BinErrNo < 0 || BinErrNo >= BinNErr )
(void)fprintf( stderr, "Unknown error\n" );
else if ( s && *s )
(void)fprintf( stderr, "%s: %s\n", s, BinErrList[BinErrNo] );
(void)fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", BinErrList[BinErrNo] );
* BinQError - Query error message
* The error text associated with the current BinErrNo is returned.
extern int errno; /* System call error code */
extern int sys_nerr; /* # of system call error codes */
extern char *sys_errlist[]; /* Error code message strings */
char * /* Returns error text */
#ifdef __STDC__
BinQError( void )
BinQError( )
if ( BinErrNo == BINESYS )
if ( errno < 0 || errno >= sys_nerr )
return ( "Unknown error" );
return ( sys_errlist[errno] );
if ( BinErrNo < 0 || BinErrNo >= BinNErr )
return ( "Unknown error" );
return ( BinErrList[BinErrNo] );
* BinErrorHandler - nominate an error condition handler func
* binDefaultHandler - Default error condition handler
* binNoHandler - No error condition handler
* On errors in integer and floating point format conversion we call the
* nominated error condition callback function. By default it is set to
* our own stderr printing function. The user may override this by
* nominating his/her own function.
void /* Returns nothing */
#ifdef __STDC__
BinErrorHandler( int (*func)(int , int , int , void *, int , int ) )
BinErrorHandler( func )
int (*func)(); /* Function to nominate */
if ( func == BINDEFFUNC )
binErrFunc = binDefaultHandler;
else if ( func == BINNOFUNC )
binErrFunc = binNoHandler;
binErrFunc = func;
static int
#ifdef __STDC__
binNoHandler( int fd, int op, int reason, void *data, int frombits, int tobits )
binNoHandler( fd, op, reason, data, frombits, tobits )
int fd; /* File descriptor */
int op; /* Current operation */
int reason; /* Error reason code */
unsigned char *data; /* Data holding bad value */
int frombits; /* Max # bits in type comming from*/
int tobits; /* Max # bits in type going to */
return ( 0 );
static int /* Returns nothing */
#ifdef __STDC__
binDefaultHandler( int fd, int op, int reason, void *data, int frombits, int tobits )
binDefaultHandler( fd, op, reason, data, frombits, tobits )
int fd; /* File descriptor */
int op; /* Current operation */
int reason; /* Error reason code */
unsigned char *data; /* Data holding bad value */
int frombits; /* Max # bits in type comming from*/
int tobits; /* Max # bits in type going to */
char opname[100]; /* Operation name */
int nBytes; /* Number of bytes */
unsigned char *pData; /* Data byte pointer */
switch ( op )
(void)sprintf( opname, "read of file %d", fd );
(void)sprintf( opname, "write of file %d", fd );
(void)sprintf( opname, "structure read of file %d", fd );
(void)sprintf( opname, "structure write of file %d", fd );
(void)sprintf( opname, "floating point conversion" );
(void)sprintf( opname, "unknown operation" );
nBytes = frombits / 8;
if ( frombits % 8 != 0 )
pData = (unsigned char *)data;
switch ( reason )
case BINEINTEGERTRUNC: /* Integer truncation occurred */
(void)fprintf( stderr, "Bin: integer truncation during %s\n",
opname );
(void)fprintf( stderr, " %d bit integer truncated on storage into %d bit integer\n",
frombits, tobits );
(void)fprintf( stderr, " Pre-truncation integer = 0x" );
(void)fprintf( stderr, "%02x", (int)*(pData++) );
while ( --nBytes );
(void)fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
return ( 0 );
case BINEFLOATOVERFLOW: /* Floating point overflow occurred */
(void)fprintf( stderr, "Bin: floating point overflow during %s\n",
opname );
(void)fprintf( stderr, " %d bit exponent overflows when reduced to %d bits\n",
frombits, tobits );
(void)fprintf( stderr, " Pre-overflow float = 0x" );
(void)fprintf( stderr, "%02x", (int)*(pData++) );
while ( --nBytes );
(void)fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
return ( 0 );
case BINEFLOATUNDERFLOW:/* Floating point underflow occurred */
(void)fprintf( stderr, "Bin: floating point underflow during %s\n",
opname );
(void)fprintf( stderr, " %d bit exponent underflows when reduced to %d bits\n",
frombits, tobits );
(void)fprintf( stderr, " Pre-underflow float = 0x" );
(void)fprintf( stderr, "%02x", (int)*(pData++) );
while ( --nBytes );
(void)fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
return ( 0 );
default: /* Unknown!? */
(void)fprintf( stderr, "Bin: unknown error has occurred during %s\n",
opname );
return ( 0 );
* BinByteOrder - Select the byte order of the file
* BinQByteOrder - Query the byte order of the file
* The byte order of the data in the file must be known in order to
* handle conversion of data to the byte order of the host. The
* default is MBF (Most-Significant Byte First).
* BinByteOrder sets the byte order and returns -1 or 0.
* BinQByteOrder queries the byte order.
int /* Returns status */
#ifdef __STDC__
BinByteOrder( int which )
BinByteOrder( which )
int which; /* Which byte order to use */
if ( !binInit )
binInitialize( );
switch ( which )
case BINMBF:
binFileBO = BINMBF;
binReadDisp = binReadMBFDisp;
binWriteDisp = binWriteMBFDisp;
return ( 0 );
case BINLBF:
binFileBO = BINLBF;
binReadDisp = binReadLBFDisp;
binWriteDisp = binWriteLBFDisp;
return ( 0 );
int /* Returns current byte order */
#ifdef __STDC__
BinQByteOrder( void )
BinQByteOrder( )
if ( !binInit )
binInitialize( );
return ( binFileBO );
* BinFloatFormat - Select the floating point format of the file
* BinQFloatFormat - Query the floating point format of the file
* The floating format for data in the file must be known in order to
* handle conversion of data to the float format of the host. The
* default is IEEE.
* BinFloatFormat sets the floating point format and returns -1 or 0.
* BinQFloatFormat queries the floating point format.
int /* Returns status */
#ifdef __STDC__
BinFloatFormat( int which )
BinFloatFormat( which )
int which; /* Which floating point format to use */
binFloatFormatCooked *fcp;/* Cooked table pointer */
if ( !binInit )
binInitialize( );
for ( fcp = binFloatFormatsCooked; fcp->bin_format.bin_name != NULL; fcp++ )
if ( fcp->bin_format.bin_number == which )
if ( fcp->bin_format.bin_name == NULL )
binFileFloatFormat = fcp;
return ( 0 );
int /* Returns current float format */
#ifdef __STDC__
BinQFloatFormat( void )
BinQFloatFormat( )
if ( !binInit )
binInitialize( );
return ( binFileFloatFormat->bin_format.bin_number );
#define BINCHECKRTYPE(type) \
if ( (type) <= 0 || (type) > BINMAXTYPE || binReadDisp[(type)] == NULL)\
#define BINCHECKWTYPE(type) \
if ( (type) <= 0 || (type) > BINMAXTYPE || binWriteDisp[(type)] ==NULL)\
#define BINCHECKNBYTES(nBytes) \
if ( (nBytes) <= 0 ) \
#define BINCHECKCOUNT(count) \
if ( (count) == 0 ) \
return ( 0 ); \
if ( (count) < 0 ) \
* BinRead - Read binary file using unbuffered I/O
* BinFRead - Read binary file using buffered I/O
* BinSRead - Read binary string
* BinWrite - Write binary file using unbuffered I/O
* BinFWrite - Write binary file using buffered I/O
* BinSWrite - Write binary string
* The incomming arguments are checked for legality. If any are
* bad, a -1 is returned and the global error variable 'BinErrNo'
* set to an appropriate error code.
* Based on the user's 'type', an appropriate read or write function is
* called through the read or write dispatch tables. The dispatch tables
* point to LBF or MBF functions, as selected by an earlier user
* call to BinByteOrder.
int /* Returns # of bytes read */
#ifdef __STDC__
BinRead( int fd, void *buf, int type, int nBytes, int count )
BinRead( fd, buf, type, nBytes, count )
int fd; /* File descriptor */
unsigned char *buf; /* Data buffer */
int type; /* Buffer variable's type */
int nBytes; /* # of bytes when in file */
int count; /* # of items to read */
#ifdef __STDC__
int (*dispatch)( int, int, FILE *, unsigned char *, unsigned char *,
int, int, int ); /* Dispatch table entry */
int (*dispatch)( ); /* Dispatch table entry */
if ( !binInit )
binInitialize( );
dispatch = binReadDisp[type];
return ( (*dispatch)( FDIO, fd, (FILE *)NULL, (unsigned char *)NULL,
(unsigned char*) buf, type, nBytes, count ) );
int /* Returns # of bytes read */
#ifdef __STDC__
BinFRead( FILE *fp, void *buf, int type, int nBytes, int count )
BinFRead( fp, buf, type, nBytes, count )
FILE *fp; /* File pointer */
unsigned char *buf; /* Data buffer */
int type; /* Buffer variable's type */
int nBytes; /* # of bytes when in file */
int count; /* # of items to read */
#ifdef __STDC__
int (*dispatch)( int, int, FILE *, unsigned char *, unsigned char *,
int, int, int ); /* Dispatch table entry */
int (*dispatch)( ); /* Dispatch table entry */
if ( !binInit )
binInitialize( );
dispatch = binReadDisp[type];
return ( (*dispatch)( FPIO, -1, fp,
(unsigned char *)NULL, (unsigned char*) buf, type, nBytes, count ) );
int /* Returns # of bytes read */
#ifdef __STDC__
BinSRead( unsigned char *data, void *buf, int type, int nBytes, int count )
BinSRead( data, buf, type, nBytes, count )
unsigned char *data; /* Input data */
unsigned char *buf; /* Data buffer */
int type; /* Buffer variable's type */
int nBytes; /* # of bytes when in file */
int count; /* # of items to read */
#ifdef __STDC__
int (*dispatch)( int, int, FILE *, unsigned char *, unsigned char *,
int, int, int ); /* Dispatch table entry */
int (*dispatch)( ); /* Dispatch table entry */
if ( !binInit )
binInitialize( );
dispatch = binReadDisp[type];
return ( (*dispatch)( DATAIO, -1, (FILE *)NULL,
data, (unsigned char*) buf, type, nBytes, count ) );
int /* Returns # of bytes written */
#ifdef __STDC__
BinWrite( int fd, void *buf, int type, int nBytes, int count )
BinWrite( fd, buf, type, nBytes, count )
int fd; /* File descriptor */
unsigned char *buf; /* Data buffer */
int type; /* Buffer variable's type */
int nBytes; /* # of bytes when in file */
int count; /* # of items to write */
#ifdef __STDC__
int (*dispatch)( int, int, FILE *, unsigned char *, unsigned char *,
int, int, int ); /* Dispatch table entry */
int (*dispatch)( ); /* Dispatch table entry */
if ( !binInit )
binInitialize( );
dispatch = binWriteDisp[type];
return ( (*dispatch)( FDIO, fd, (FILE *)NULL,
(unsigned char *)NULL, (unsigned char*) buf, type, nBytes, count ) );
int /* Returns # of bytes written */
#ifdef __STDC__
BinFWrite( FILE *fp, void *buf, int type, int nBytes, int count )
BinFWrite( fp, buf, type, nBytes, count )
FILE *fp; /* File pointer */
unsigned char *buf; /* Data buffer */
int type; /* Buffer variable's type */
int nBytes; /* # of bytes when in file */
int count; /* # of items to write */
#ifdef __STDC__
int (*dispatch)( int, int, FILE *, unsigned char *, unsigned char *,
int, int, int ); /* Dispatch table entry */
int (*dispatch)( ); /* Dispatch table entry */
if ( !binInit )
binInitialize( );
dispatch = binWriteDisp[type];
return ( (*dispatch)( FPIO, -1, fp,
(unsigned char *)NULL, (unsigned char*) buf, type, nBytes, count ) );
int /* Returns # of bytes written */
#ifdef __STDC__
BinSWrite( unsigned char *data, void *buf, int type, int nBytes, int count )
BinSWrite( data, buf, type, nBytes, count )
unsigned char *data; /* Output data */
unsigned char *buf; /* Data buffer */
int type; /* Buffer variable's type */
int nBytes; /* # of bytes when in file */
int count; /* # of items to write */
#ifdef __STDC__
int (*dispatch)( int, int, FILE *, unsigned char *, unsigned char *,
int, int, int ); /* Dispatch table entry */
int (*dispatch)( ); /* Dispatch table entry */
if ( !binInit )
binInitialize( );
dispatch = binWriteDisp[type];
return ( (*dispatch)( DATAIO, -1, (FILE *)NULL,
data, (unsigned char*) buf, type, nBytes, count ) );
* BinReadStruct - Read binary file into a C struct using unbuf I/O
* BinFReadStruct - Read binary file into a C struct using buf I/O
* BinSReadStruct - Read binary string into a C struct
* BinWriteStruct - Write binary file from a C struct using unbuf I/O
* BinFWriteStruct - Write binary file from a C struct using buf I/O
* BinSWriteStruct - Write binary string from a C struct
* The incomming arguments are checked for legality. If any are
* bad, a -1 is returned and the global error variable 'BinErrNo'
* set to an appropriate error code.
* The structure description array is walked and the appropriate
* single type read or write function called through the read or write
* dispatch tables. The dispatch tables point to LBF or MBF functions,
* as selected by an earlier user call to BinByteOrder( ).
* Structure field padding is done per the host system's characteristics.
* For instance, on most 32-bit workstations, short's are aligned to
* 16-bit boundaries, and int's and long's to 32-bit boundaries.
int /* Returns # of bytes read */
#ifdef __STDC__
BinReadStruct( int fd, void *buf, BinField *fields )
BinReadStruct( fd, buf, fields )
int fd; /* File descriptor */
unsigned char *buf; /* Data buffer */
BinField *fields; /* Structure field description */
BinField *bfp; /* Field pointer */
int nBytes = 0; /* Number of bytes read */
int n; /* Read status & # bytes read */
unsigned long ptrAsInt; /* Pointer cast as int for math */
#ifdef __STDC__
int (*dispatch)( int, int, FILE *, unsigned char *, unsigned char *,
int, int, int ); /* Dispatch table entry */
int (*dispatch)( ); /* Dispatch table entry */
* Check all values in the fields array before doing anything.
for ( bfp = fields; bfp->bin_count; bfp++ )
BINCHECKRTYPE( bfp->bin_type );
BINCHECKNBYTES( bfp->bin_nbytes )
if ( !binInit )
binInitialize( );
* Now execute the reads.
* This is potentially confusing code, so here's what's happening:
* - If the buf pointer is not currently at the next address
* needed based upon the host's struct padding characteristics,
* then we need to move it there.
* - To do that check we need to do some arithmetic on the
* buf pointer as an integer. This requires that we cast it
* to an integer type (unsigned long). We assume that an
* unsigned long is big enough to hold a pointer (!!!).
* - As a quick check, we mask off the lower bits of the address
* based upon the binTypePadMask[] value for the type. This
* tells us fast if the buf pointer needs aligning or not.
* - Say we need to align. To do so we need to get rid of those
* lower bits, then add the right amount to leap to the next
* alignment point for the address. This is type dependent.
* The distance to leap is the pad amount for the type and is
* contained in binTypePad[]. The amount to mask off is again
* in binTypePadMask[]. Because we're doing arithmetic, we
* need to cast the buf pointer as an integer (unsigned long)
* to do the math.
* That's it.
for ( bfp = fields; bfp->bin_count; bfp++ )
ptrAsInt = (unsigned long)buf;
ptrAsInt &= binTypePadMask[bfp->bin_type];
if ( ptrAsInt != (unsigned long)0 )
/* Then we need to align the pointer. */
ptrAsInt = (unsigned long)buf;
ptrAsInt &= ~binTypePadMask[bfp->bin_type];
buf = (unsigned char *)ptrAsInt + binTypePad[bfp->bin_type];
dispatch = binReadDisp[bfp->bin_type];
if ( (n = (*dispatch)( FDIO, fd, (FILE *)NULL,
(unsigned char *)NULL, (unsigned char*) buf, bfp->bin_type,
bfp->bin_nbytes, bfp->bin_count )) == -1 )
return ( -1 ); /* Error occured */
nBytes += n;
buf = (unsigned char *)buf + binTypeSize[bfp->bin_type] * bfp->bin_count;
return ( nBytes );
int /* Returns # of bytes read */
#ifdef __STDC__
BinFReadStruct( FILE *fp, void *buf, BinField *fields )
BinFReadStruct( fp, buf, fields )
FILE *fp; /* File pointer */
unsigned char *buf; /* Data buffer */
BinField *fields; /* Structure field description */
BinField *bfp; /* Field pointer */
int nBytes = 0; /* Number of bytes read */
int n; /* Read status & # bytes read */
unsigned long ptrAsInt; /* Pointer cast as int for math */
#ifdef __STDC__
int (*dispatch)( int, int, FILE *, unsigned char *, unsigned char *,
int, int, int ); /* Dispatch table entry */
int (*dispatch)( ); /* Dispatch table entry */
* Check all values in the fields array before doing anything.
for ( bfp = fields; bfp->bin_count; bfp++ )
BINCHECKRTYPE( bfp->bin_type );
BINCHECKNBYTES( bfp->bin_nbytes )
if ( !binInit )
binInitialize( );
* Now execute the reads.
* This is potentially confusing code, so here's what's happening:
* - If the buf pointer is not currently at the next address
* needed based upon the host's struct padding characteristics,
* then we need to move it there.
* - To do that check we need to do some arithmetic on the
* buf pointer as an integer. This requires that we cast it
* to an integer type (unsigned long). We assume that an
* unsigned long is big enough to hold a pointer (!!!).
* - As a quick check, we mask off the lower bits of the address
* based upon the binTypePadMask[] value for the type. This
* tells us fast if the buf pointer needs aligning or not.
* - Say we need to align. To do so we need to get rid of those
* lower bits, then add the right amount to leap to the next
* alignment point for the address. This is type dependent.
* The distance to leap is the pad amount for the type and is
* contained in binTypePad[]. The amount to mask off is again
* in binTypePadMask[]. Because we're doing arithmetic, we
* need to cast the buf pointer as an integer (unsigned long)
* to do the math.
* That's it.
for ( bfp = fields; bfp->bin_count; bfp++ )
ptrAsInt = (unsigned long)buf;
ptrAsInt &= binTypePadMask[bfp->bin_type];
if ( ptrAsInt != (unsigned long)0 )
/* Then we need to align the pointer. */
ptrAsInt = (unsigned long)buf;
ptrAsInt &= ~binTypePadMask[bfp->bin_type];
buf = (unsigned char *)ptrAsInt + binTypePad[bfp->bin_type];
dispatch = binReadDisp[bfp->bin_type];
if ( (n = (*dispatch)( FPIO, -1, fp,
(unsigned char *)NULL, (unsigned char*) buf, bfp->bin_type,
bfp->bin_nbytes, bfp->bin_count )) == -1 )
return ( -1 ); /* Error occured */
nBytes += n;
buf = (unsigned char *)buf + binTypeSize[bfp->bin_type] * bfp->bin_count;
return ( nBytes );
int /* Returns # of bytes read */
#ifdef __STDC__
BinSReadStruct( unsigned char *data, void *buf, BinField *fields )
BinSReadStruct( data, buf, fields )
unsigned char *data; /* Input data */
unsigned char *buf; /* Data buffer */
BinField *fields; /* Structure field description */
BinField *bfp; /* Field pointer */
int nBytes = 0; /* Number of bytes read */
int n; /* Read status & # bytes read */
unsigned long ptrAsInt; /* Pointer cast as int for math */
#ifdef __STDC__
int (*dispatch)( int, int, FILE *, unsigned char *, unsigned char *,
int, int, int ); /* Dispatch table entry */
int (*dispatch)( ); /* Dispatch table entry */
* Check all values in the fields array before doing anything.
for ( bfp = fields; bfp->bin_count; bfp++ )
BINCHECKRTYPE( bfp->bin_type );
BINCHECKNBYTES( bfp->bin_nbytes )
if ( !binInit )
binInitialize( );
* Now execute the reads.
* This is potentially confusing code, so here's what's happening:
* - If the buf pointer is not currently at the next address
* needed based upon the host's struct padding characteristics,
* then we need to move it there.
* - To do that check we need to do some arithmetic on the
* buf pointer as an integer. This requires that we cast it
* to an integer type (unsigned long). We assume that an
* unsigned long is big enough to hold a pointer (!!!).
* - As a quick check, we mask off the lower bits of the address
* based upon the binTypePadMask[] value for the type. This
* tells us fast if the buf pointer needs aligning or not.
* - Say we need to align. To do so we need to get rid of those
* lower bits, then add the right amount to leap to the next
* alignment point for the address. This is type dependent.
* The distance to leap is the pad amount for the type and is
* contained in binTypePad[]. The amount to mask off is again
* in binTypePadMask[]. Because we're doing arithmetic, we
* need to cast the buf pointer as an integer (unsigned long)
* to do the math.
* That's it.
for ( bfp = fields; bfp->bin_count; bfp++ )
ptrAsInt = (unsigned long)buf;
ptrAsInt &= binTypePadMask[bfp->bin_type];
if ( ptrAsInt != (unsigned long)0 )
/* Then we need to align the pointer. */
ptrAsInt = (unsigned long)buf;
ptrAsInt &= ~binTypePadMask[bfp->bin_type];
buf = (unsigned char *)ptrAsInt + binTypePad[bfp->bin_type];
dispatch = binReadDisp[bfp->bin_type];
if ( (n = (*dispatch)( DATAIO, -1, (FILE *)NULL,
data, (unsigned char*) buf, bfp->bin_type,
bfp->bin_nbytes, bfp->bin_count )) == -1 )
return ( -1 ); /* Error occured */
nBytes += n;
data += bfp->bin_nbytes * bfp->bin_count;
buf = (unsigned char *)buf + binTypeSize[bfp->bin_type] * bfp->bin_count;
return ( nBytes );
int /* Returns # of bytes written */
#ifdef __STDC__
BinWriteStruct( int fd, void *buf, BinField *fields )
BinWriteStruct( fd, buf, fields )
int fd; /* File descriptor */
unsigned char *buf; /* Data buffer */
BinField *fields; /* Structure field description */
BinField *bfp; /* Field pointer */
int nBytes = 0; /* Number of bytes written */
int n; /* Read status & # bytes written*/
unsigned long ptrAsInt; /* Pointer cast as int for math */
#ifdef __STDC__
int (*dispatch)( int, int, FILE *, unsigned char *, unsigned char *,
int, int, int ); /* Dispatch table entry */
int (*dispatch)( ); /* Dispatch table entry */
* Check all values in the fields array before doing anything.
for ( bfp = fields; bfp->bin_count; bfp++ )
BINCHECKWTYPE( bfp->bin_type );
BINCHECKNBYTES( bfp->bin_nbytes );
if ( !binInit )
binInitialize( );
* Now execute the writes.
* This is potentially confusing code, so here's what's happening:
* - If the buf pointer is not currently at the next address
* needed based upon the host's struct padding characteristics,
* then we need to move it there.
* - To do that check we need to do some arithmetic on the
* buf pointer as an integer. This requires that we cast it
* to an integer type (unsigned long). We assume that an
* unsigned long is big enough to hold a pointer (!!!).
* - As a quick check, we mask off the lower bits of the address
* based upon the binTypePadMask[] value for the type. This
* tells us fast if the buf pointer needs aligning or not.
* - Say we need to align. To do so we need to get rid of those
* lower bits, then add the right amount to leap to the next
* alignment point for the address. This is type dependent.
* The distance to leap is the pad amount for the type and is
* contained in binTypePad[]. The amount to mask off is again
* in binTypePadMask[]. Because we're doing arithmetic, we
* need to cast the buf pointer as an integer (unsigned long)
* to do the math.
* That's it.
for ( bfp = fields; bfp->bin_count; bfp++ )
ptrAsInt = (unsigned long)buf;
ptrAsInt &= binTypePadMask[bfp->bin_type];
if ( ptrAsInt != (unsigned long)0 )
/* Then we need to align the pointer. */
ptrAsInt = (unsigned long)buf;
ptrAsInt &= ~binTypePadMask[bfp->bin_type];
buf = (unsigned char *) ptrAsInt + binTypePad[bfp->bin_type];
dispatch = binWriteDisp[bfp->bin_type];
if ( (n = (*dispatch)( FDIO, fd, (FILE *)NULL,
(unsigned char *)NULL, (unsigned char*) buf, bfp->bin_type,
bfp->bin_nbytes, bfp->bin_count )) == -1 )
return ( -1 ); /* Error occured */
nBytes += n;
buf = (unsigned char *)buf + binTypeSize[bfp->bin_type] * bfp->bin_count;
return ( nBytes );
int /* Returns # of bytes written */
#ifdef __STDC__
BinFWriteStruct( FILE *fp, void *buf, BinField *fields )
BinFWriteStruct( fp, buf, fields )
FILE *fp; /* File pointer */
unsigned char *buf; /* Data buffer */
BinField *fields; /* Structure field description */
BinField *bfp; /* Field pointer */
int nBytes = 0; /* Number of bytes written */
int n; /* Read status & # bytes written*/
unsigned long ptrAsInt; /* Pointer cast as int for math */
#ifdef __STDC__
int (*dispatch)( int, int, FILE *, unsigned char *, unsigned char *,
int, int, int ); /* Dispatch table entry */
int (*dispatch)( ); /* Dispatch table entry */
* Check all values in the fields array before doing anything.
for ( bfp = fields; bfp->bin_count; bfp++ )
BINCHECKWTYPE( bfp->bin_type );
BINCHECKNBYTES( bfp->bin_nbytes );
if ( !binInit )
binInitialize( );
* Now execute the writes.
* This is potentially confusing code, so here's what's happening:
* - If the buf pointer is not currently at the next address
* needed based upon the host's struct padding characteristics,
* then we need to move it there.
* - To do that check we need to do some arithmetic on the
* buf pointer as an integer. This requires that we cast it
* to an integer type (unsigned long). We assume that an
* unsigned long is big enough to hold a pointer (!!!).
* - As a quick check, we mask off the lower bits of the address
* based upon the binTypePadMask[] value for the type. This
* tells us fast if the buf pointer needs aligning or not.
* - Say we need to align. To do so we need to get rid of those
* lower bits, then add the right amount to leap to the next
* alignment point for the address. This is type dependent.
* The distance to leap is the pad amount for the type and is
* contained in binTypePad[]. The amount to mask off is again
* in binTypePadMask[]. Because we're doing arithmetic, we
* need to cast the buf pointer as an integer (unsigned long)
* to do the math.
* That's it.
for ( bfp = fields; bfp->bin_count; bfp++ )
ptrAsInt = (unsigned long)buf;
ptrAsInt &= binTypePadMask[bfp->bin_type];
if ( ptrAsInt != (unsigned long)0 )
/* Then we need to align the pointer. */
ptrAsInt = (unsigned long)buf;
ptrAsInt &= ~binTypePadMask[bfp->bin_type];
buf = (unsigned char *)ptrAsInt + binTypePad[bfp->bin_type];
dispatch = binWriteDisp[bfp->bin_type];
if ( (n = (*dispatch)( FPIO, -1, fp,
(unsigned char *)NULL, (unsigned char*) buf, bfp->bin_type,
bfp->bin_nbytes, bfp->bin_count )) == -1 )
return ( -1 ); /* Error occured */
nBytes += n;
buf = (unsigned char *)buf + binTypeSize[bfp->bin_type] * bfp->bin_count;
return ( nBytes );
int /* Returns # of bytes written */
#ifdef __STDC__
BinSWriteStruct( unsigned char *data, void *buf, BinField *fields )
BinSWriteStruct( data, buf, fields )
unsigned char *data; /* Output data */
unsigned char *buf; /* Data buffer */
BinField *fields; /* Structure field description */
BinField *bfp; /* Field pointer */
int nBytes = 0; /* Number of bytes written */
int n; /* Read status & # bytes written*/
unsigned long ptrAsInt; /* Pointer cast as int for math */
#ifdef __STDC__
int (*dispatch)( int, int, FILE *, unsigned char *, unsigned char *,
int, int, int ); /* Dispatch table entry */
int (*dispatch)( ); /* Dispatch table entry */
* Check all values in the fields array before doing anything.
for ( bfp = fields; bfp->bin_count; bfp++ )
BINCHECKWTYPE( bfp->bin_type );
BINCHECKNBYTES( bfp->bin_nbytes );
if ( !binInit )
binInitialize( );
* Now execute the writes.
* This is potentially confusing code, so here's what's happening:
* - If the buf pointer is not currently at the next address
* needed based upon the host's struct padding characteristics,
* then we need to move it there.
* - To do that check we need to do some arithmetic on the
* buf pointer as an integer. This requires that we cast it
* to an integer type (unsigned long). We assume that an
* unsigned long is big enough to hold a pointer (!!!).
* - As a quick check, we mask off the lower bits of the address
* based upon the binTypePadMask[] value for the type. This
* tells us fast if the buf pointer needs aligning or not.
* - Say we need to align. To do so we need to get rid of those
* lower bits, then add the right amount to leap to the next
* alignment point for the address. This is type dependent.
* The distance to leap is the pad amount for the type and is
* contained in binTypePad[]. The amount to mask off is again
* in binTypePadMask[]. Because we're doing arithmetic, we
* need to cast the buf pointer as an integer (unsigned long)
* to do the math.
* That's it.
for ( bfp = fields; bfp->bin_count; bfp++ )
ptrAsInt = (unsigned long)buf;
ptrAsInt &= binTypePadMask[bfp->bin_type];
if ( ptrAsInt != (unsigned long)0 )
/* Then we need to align the pointer. */
ptrAsInt = (unsigned long)buf;
ptrAsInt &= ~binTypePadMask[bfp->bin_type];
buf = (unsigned char *)ptrAsInt + binTypePad[bfp->bin_type];
dispatch = binWriteDisp[bfp->bin_type];
if ( (n = (*dispatch)( DATAIO, -1, (FILE *)NULL,
data, (unsigned char*) buf, bfp->bin_type,
bfp->bin_nbytes, bfp->bin_count )) == -1 )
return ( -1 ); /* Error occured */
nBytes += n;
data += bfp->bin_nbytes * bfp->bin_count;
buf = (unsigned char *)buf + binTypeSize[bfp->bin_type] * bfp->bin_count;
return ( nBytes );
* binByteRead - read bytes into a buffer
* binByteWrite - write bytes from a buffer
* binByteRead: N bytes of data are read in from a file descriptor,
* file pointer, or data buffer.
* binByteWrite: N bytes of data are written to a file descriptor,
* file pointer, or data buffer.
* When reading from or writing to file descriptors or file pointers,
* we loop on the read or write in order to block, even on non-blocking
* I/O connections, such as pipes and sockets.
static int /* Returns # of bytes read */
#ifdef __STDC__
binByteRead( int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp, unsigned char *data, unsigned char *buffer, int n )
binByteRead( ioType, fd, fp, data, buffer, n )
int ioType; /* Where to get data */
int fd; /* File descriptor */
FILE *fp; /* File pointer */
unsigned char *data; /* Input data */
unsigned char *buffer; /* Output data */
int n; /* # of bytes to read */
int cnt; /* Counter */
int nBytes; /* # of bytes read in at once */
unsigned char *pBuffer; /* Buffer pointer */
switch ( ioType )
case FDIO: /* File descriptor. */
for ( cnt = 0, pBuffer = buffer; cnt != n; )
switch ( (nBytes = read( fd, pBuffer, n-cnt )) )
case 0: /* EOF reached. */
return ( cnt );
case -1:/* Error. */
pBuffer += nBytes;
cnt += nBytes;
return ( cnt );
case FPIO: /* File pointer. */
for ( cnt = 0, pBuffer = buffer; cnt != n; )
switch ( (nBytes = fread( (char *)pBuffer, 1, n-cnt, fp )) )
case 0: /* EOF or error reached. */
return ( cnt );
pBuffer += nBytes;
cnt += nBytes;
return ( cnt );
case DATAIO: /* Data buffer. */
memcpy( (void*)buffer, (void*)data, n);
return ( n );
return( 0 );
static int /* Returns # of bytes written */
#ifdef __STDC__
binByteWrite( int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp, unsigned char *data,
unsigned char *buffer, int n )
binByteWrite( ioType, fd, fp, data, buffer, n )
int ioType; /* Where to send data */
int fd; /* File descriptor */
FILE *fp; /* File pointer */
unsigned char *data; /* Output data */
unsigned char *buffer; /* Input data */
int n; /* # of bytes to write */
int cnt; /* Counter */
int nBytes; /* # of bytes read in at once */
unsigned char *pBuffer; /* Buffer pointer */
switch ( ioType )
case FDIO: /* File descriptor. */
for ( cnt = 0, pBuffer = buffer; cnt != n; )
switch ( (nBytes = write( fd, (char *)pBuffer, n-cnt )) )
case 0: /* EOF reached. */
return ( cnt );
case -1:/* Error. */
pBuffer += nBytes;
cnt += nBytes;
return ( cnt );
case FPIO: /* File pointer. */
for ( cnt = 0, pBuffer = buffer; cnt != n; )
switch ( (nBytes = fwrite( (char *)pBuffer, 1, n-cnt, fp )) )
case 0: /* EOF or error reached. */
return ( cnt );
pBuffer += nBytes;
cnt += nBytes;
return ( cnt );
case DATAIO: /* Data buffer. */
memcpy( (void*) data, (void*) buffer, n);
return ( n );
return( 0 );
* binReadCharMBF - Read characters from an MBF input
* binReadCharLBF - Read characters from an LBF input
* binWriteCharMBF - Write characters to MBF output
* binWriteCharLBF - Write characters to LBF output
* If the host and input/output data share the same size, then a
* simple byte-for-byte read or write is done.
* Otherwise, for reads we read the required number of bytes from the
* input into a holding buffer, then pull out the least-significant
* byte of each 'nBytes' item and copy it into the next output buffer slot.
* If the incomming data has more bits of precision (and uses them) than
* the host-side character, then truncation occurs and the user's
* integer truncation callback is called. (if the input's type is signed,
* bytes that aren't 0x00 or 0xFF (sign-extension) indicate truncation.
* if the input's type is unsigned, only non-0x00 bytes indicate
* truncation).
* For each item to be written, the byte is extracted from the input
* buffer and added to a holding buffer. More-significant bytes in the
* holding buffer are zero padded or sign-extended.
* For all four routines, a 'byteHold' buffer allocated on the stack
* is prefered. However, if the buffer isn't big enough, a dynamically
* allocated holding buffer is used.
static int /* Returns # of bytes read */
#ifdef __STDC__
binReadCharMBF( int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp, unsigned char *data,
unsigned char *buf, int type, int nBytes, int count )
binReadCharMBF( ioType, fd, fp, data, buf, type, nBytes, count )
int ioType; /* Use buffered or unbuffered I/O*/
int fd; /* File descriptor */
FILE *fp; /* File pointer */
unsigned char *data; /* Input data */
unsigned char *buf; /* Data buffer */
int type; /* Always char */
int nBytes; /* # of bytes when in file */
int count; /* # of items to read */
unsigned char byteHold[BINMAXBUF]; /* Input holding buffer */
unsigned char *pHold = byteHold;/* Holding buffer pointer */
unsigned char *pAlloc = NULL; /* Dynamically allocated hold buf*/
int i, j; /* Counters */
unsigned char thisOne, that; /* Byte values to check for */
if ( nBytes == 1 ) /* sizeof( char ) assumed to be 1*/
return ( binByteRead( ioType, fd, fp, data, buf, nBytes*count));
if ( (nBytes * count > BINMAXBUF) &&
( (pAlloc = pHold = (unsigned char *)malloc( (unsigned int)(nBytes*count) )) == NULL) )
if ( binByteRead( ioType, fd, fp, data, pHold, nBytes * count ) == -1 )
if ( pAlloc )
free( (char *)pAlloc );
return ( -1 );
* Copy selected bytes from the input temp buffer to the return
* buffer. Check the bytes skipped to see if any of them contained
* information that we're truncating. If so, call the truncation
* callback.
thisOne = that = 0x00;
if ( binTypeSigned[type] )
that = 0xFF;
for ( i = count; i; --i )
for ( j = nBytes - 1; j; --j, ++pHold )
if ( *pHold != thisOne && *pHold != that )
(*binErrFunc)( fd, binOp, BINEINTEGERTRUNC,
(pHold-(nBytes-j-1)), nBytes*8, 8 );
pHold += j;
*buf++ = *pHold++; /* Use the last byte read in */
if ( pAlloc )
free( (char *)pAlloc );
return ( nBytes * count );
static int /* Returns # of bytes read */
#ifdef __STDC__
binReadCharLBF( int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp, unsigned char *data,
unsigned char *buf, int type, int nBytes, int count )
binReadCharLBF( ioType, fd, fp, data, buf, type, nBytes, count )
int ioType; /* Use buffered or unbuffered I/O*/
int fd; /* File descriptor */
FILE *fp; /* File pointer */
unsigned char *data; /* Input data */
unsigned char *buf; /* Data buffer */
int type; /* Always char */
int nBytes; /* # of bytes when in file */
int count; /* # of items to read */
unsigned char byteHold[BINMAXBUF]; /* Input holding buffer */
unsigned char *pHold = byteHold;/* Holding buffer pointer */
unsigned char *pAlloc = NULL; /* Dynamically allocated hold buf*/
int i, j; /* Counters */
unsigned char thisOne, that; /* Byte values to check for */
if ( nBytes == 1 ) /* sizeof( char ) assumed to be 1*/
return ( binByteRead( ioType, fd, fp, data, buf, nBytes*count));
if ( (nBytes * count > BINMAXBUF) &&
( (pAlloc = pHold = (unsigned char *)malloc( (unsigned int)(nBytes*count) )) == NULL) )
if ( binByteRead( ioType, fd, fp, data, pHold, nBytes * count ) == -1 )
if ( pAlloc )
free( (char *)pAlloc );
return ( -1 );
* Copy selected bytes from the input temp buffer to the return
* buffer. Check the bytes skipped to see if any of them contained
* information that we're truncating. If so, call the truncation
* callback.
thisOne = that = 0x00;
if ( binTypeSigned[type] )
that = 0xFF;
for ( i = count; i; --i )
*buf++ = *pHold++; /* Use the first byte read in */
for ( j = nBytes - 1; j; --j, ++pHold )
if ( *pHold != thisOne && *pHold != that )
(*binErrFunc)( fd, binOp, BINEINTEGERTRUNC,
(pHold-(nBytes-j)), nBytes*8, 8 );
pHold += j;
if ( pAlloc )
free( (char *)pAlloc );
return ( nBytes * count );
static int /* Returns # of bytes write */
#ifdef __STDC__
binWriteCharMBF( int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp, unsigned char *data,
unsigned char *buf, int type, int nBytes, int count )
binWriteCharMBF( ioType, fd, fp, data, buf, type, nBytes, count )
int ioType; /* Use buffered or unbuffered I/O*/
int fd; /* File descriptor */
FILE *fp; /* File pointer */
unsigned char *data; /* Output data */
unsigned char *buf; /* Data buffer */
int type; /* Always char */
int nBytes; /* # of bytes when in file */
int count; /* # of items to write */
int i, j; /* Counters */
unsigned char byteHold[BINMAXBUF]; /* Temp holding buffer */
unsigned char *pHold = byteHold;/* Pointer to holding buffer */
unsigned char *pAlloc = NULL; /* Dynamically allocated hold buf*/
if ( nBytes == 1 ) /* sizeof( char ) assumed to be 1*/
return ( binByteWrite( ioType, fd, fp, data, buf, count ) );
if ( (nBytes * count > BINMAXBUF) &&
( (pAlloc = pHold = (unsigned char *)malloc( (unsigned int)(nBytes*count) )) == NULL) )
* Transfer the input data to the holding buffer in the right
* units. Zero pad or sign-extend as necessary.
memset( (void *)pHold, 0x00, nBytes * count);
if ( binTypeSigned[type] )
for ( i = 0; i < count; i++, *pHold++ = *buf++ )
if ( (*buf & 0x70) != 0 ) /* sign bit set */
for ( j = 1; j < nBytes; j++ )
*pHold++ = 0xFF;/* Sign extend */
pHold += nBytes - 1;
for ( i = 0; i < count; i++, *pHold++ = *buf++ )
pHold += nBytes - 1;
* Write the hold buffer to the output.
if ( pAlloc )
i = binByteWrite( ioType, fd, fp, data, pAlloc, nBytes * count );
free( (char *)pAlloc );
i = binByteWrite( ioType, fd, fp, data, byteHold, nBytes * count );
return ( i );
static int /* Returns # of bytes write */
#ifdef __STDC__
binWriteCharLBF( int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp, unsigned char *data,
unsigned char *buf, int type, int nBytes, int count )
binWriteCharLBF( ioType, fd, fp, data, buf, type, nBytes, count )
int ioType; /* Use buffered or unbuffered I/O*/
int fd; /* File descriptor */
FILE *fp; /* File pointer */
unsigned char *data; /* Output data */
unsigned char *buf; /* Data buffer */
int type; /* Always char */
int nBytes; /* # of bytes when in file */
int count; /* # of items to write */
int i, j; /* Counters */
unsigned char byteHold[BINMAXBUF]; /* Temp holding buffer */
unsigned char *pHold = byteHold;/* Pointer to holding buffer */
unsigned char *pAlloc = NULL; /* Dynamically allocated hold buf*/
if ( nBytes == 1 ) /* sizeof( char ) assumed to be 1*/
return ( binByteWrite( ioType, fd, fp, data, buf, count ) );
if ( (nBytes * count > BINMAXBUF) &&
( (pAlloc = pHold = (unsigned char *)malloc( (unsigned int)(nBytes*count) )) == NULL) )
* Transfer the input data to the holding buffer in the right
* units. Sign-extend as necessary.
memset( (void *)pHold, 0x00, nBytes * count);
if ( binTypeSigned[type] )
for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
*pHold++ = *buf;
if ( (*buf++ & 0x70) != 0 ) /* sign bit set */
for ( j = 1; j < nBytes; j++ )
*pHold++ = 0xFF;/* Sign extend */
pHold += nBytes - 1;
for ( i = 0; i < count; i++, pHold += nBytes )
*pHold = *buf++;
* Write the hold buffer to the output.
if ( pAlloc )
i = binByteWrite( ioType, fd, fp, data, pAlloc, nBytes * count );
free( (char *)pAlloc );
i = binByteWrite( ioType, fd, fp, data, byteHold, nBytes * count );
return ( i );
* binReadIntMBF - Read MBF input into integers
* binReadIntLBF - Read LBF input into integers
* binWriteIntMBF - Write from integers to MBF output
* binWriteIntLBF - Write from integers to LBF output
* These functions read or write integers from or to MBF or LBF files.
* The basic shell of all four routines is identical.
* If the host's size of the item to be read or written is the same
* as the size in the file, and the byte order is the same, then
* all four routines default to using the read() or write() system
* call directly on the incomming buffer of data.
* Otherwise the packing of data differs between the host and the file
* and data must be copied to/from the byte array sent to the read()
* and write() system calls.
* The incomming buffer of data must be truncated or sign-extended as
* it is copied into the outgoing byte array. Code differs slightly
* between LBF and MBF hosts.
* All four of these functions depend upon the binTypeSize,
* binTypeRes, and binTypeSigned arrays for information on the type
* to be read or written:
* binTypeSize size of item, as stored by the host
* binTypeRes resolution of item (# of significant bytes)
* binTypeSigned signed type?
* On most machines, binTypeSize and binTypeRes are identical.
* The CRAY 'short' is an example of when they are not. A CRAY
* 'short' is stored in 8 bytes, but only the lower 3 bytes can
* be used. In this case, binTypeSize[SHORT] = 8, but
* binTypeRes[SHORT] = 3.
* We could use a great many more #ifdef's to remove lines like:
* buf += size - res;
* which is a waste of time when size and res are the same for a
* machine. However, adding #ifdef's makes getting the code
* working on a new machine more difficult, and creates a maintenance
* headache. The computation cost of such extra statements is
* low compared to the cost of the other byte-swapping loops so
* the execution time savings doesn't seem worth the increase in
* maintenance effort.
static int /* Returns # of bytes read */
#ifdef __STDC__
binReadIntMBF( int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp, unsigned char *data,
unsigned char *buf, int type, int nBytes, int count )
binReadIntMBF( ioType, fd, fp, data, buf, type, nBytes, count )
int ioType; /* Use buffered or unbuffered I/O*/
int fd; /* File descriptor */
FILE *fp; /* File pointer */
unsigned char *data; /* Input data */
unsigned char *buf; /* Data buffer */
int type; /* Type to read */
int nBytes; /* # of bytes when in file */
int count; /* # of items to read */
int i, j; /* Counters */
unsigned char byteHold[BINMAXBUF]; /* Byte buffer */
unsigned char *pHold = byteHold;/* Byte holder */
int res; /* Resolution of type */
int size; /* Size of type */
int issigned; /* Is type signed? */
unsigned char *pAlloc = NULL; /* Dynamically allocated buffer */
unsigned char thisOne, that; /* Byte comparison holders */
size = binTypeSize[type]; /* Storage size of item */
res = binTypeRes[type]; /* Significant bytes of item */
issigned = binTypeSigned[type]; /* Whether signed or not */
if ( size == nBytes && res == size && binFileBO == BINHOSTBO )
return ( binByteRead( ioType, fd, fp, data, buf, nBytes * count ));
if ( (nBytes * count > BINMAXBUF) &&
((pAlloc = pHold = (unsigned char *)malloc( (unsigned int)(nBytes*count) )) == NULL))
if ( binByteRead( ioType, fd, fp, data, pHold, nBytes * count ) == -1 )
if ( pAlloc )
free( (char *)pAlloc );
return ( -1 );
* Copy data from the holding buffer into the return buffer.
if ( nBytes < res )
* Holding buffer items require fewer bytes than the
* destination. We've got to sign-extend signed incomming
* data as we copy it to the destination.
memset( (void *)buf, 0x00, size * count);
for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
#ifdef MBF /* MBF host */
buf += size - res;
if ( issigned && (*pHold & 0x80) )
for ( j = res - nBytes; j; j-- )
*buf++ = 0xFF; /* Sign extend */
buf += res - nBytes;
for ( j = 0; j < nBytes; j++ )
*buf++ = *pHold++;
#else /* LBF host */
for ( j = nBytes - 1; j >= 0; j-- )
buf[j] = *pHold++;
if ( issigned && (*pHold & 0x80) )
buf += nBytes;
for ( j = res - nBytes; j; j-- )
*buf++ = 0xFF; /* Sign extend */
buf += size - res;
buf += size;
if ( pAlloc )
free( (char *)pAlloc );
return ( nBytes * count );
* Holding buffer items require the same number, or more bytes
* than the destination. We've got to truncate incomming data
* as we copy it to the destination.
thisOne = that = 0x00;
if ( binTypeSigned[type] )
that = 0xFF;
for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
for ( j = 0; j < nBytes - res; j++, pHold++ )
if ( *pHold != thisOne && *pHold != that )
(*binErrFunc)( fd, binOp, BINEINTEGERTRUNC,
(pHold-j), nBytes*8, res*8 );
pHold += nBytes-res-j;
#ifdef MBF /* MBF host */
buf += size - res;
for ( j = res; j; j-- )
*buf++ = *pHold++;
#else /* LBF host */
for ( j = res - 1; j >= 0; j-- )
buf[j] = *pHold++;
buf += size;
if ( pAlloc )
free( (char *)pAlloc );
return ( nBytes * count );
static int /* Returns # of bytes read */
#ifdef __STDC__
binReadIntLBF( int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp, unsigned char *data,
unsigned char *buf, int type, int nBytes, int count )
binReadIntLBF( ioType, fd, fp, data, buf, type, nBytes, count )
int ioType; /* Use buffered or unbuffered I/O*/
int fd; /* File descriptor */
FILE *fp; /* File pointer */
unsigned char *data; /* Input data */
unsigned char *buf; /* Data buffer */
int type; /* Type to read */
int nBytes; /* # of bytes when in file */
int count; /* # of items to read */
int i, j; /* Counters */
unsigned char byteHold[BINMAXBUF]; /* Byte buffer */
unsigned char *pHold = byteHold;/* Byte holder */
int res; /* Resolution of type */
int size; /* Size of type */
int issigned; /* Is type signed? */
unsigned char *pAlloc = NULL; /* Dynamically allocated buffer */
unsigned char thisOne, that; /* Byte comparison holders */
size = binTypeSize[type]; /* Storage size of item */
res = binTypeRes[type]; /* Significant bytes of item */
issigned = binTypeSigned[type]; /* Whether signed or not */
if ( size == nBytes && res == size && binFileBO == BINHOSTBO )
return ( binByteRead( ioType, fd, fp, data, buf, nBytes * count ));
if ( (nBytes * count > BINMAXBUF) &&
((pAlloc = pHold = (unsigned char *)malloc( (unsigned int)(nBytes*count) )) == NULL))
if ( binByteRead( ioType, fd, fp, data, pHold, nBytes * count ) == -1 )
if ( pAlloc )
free( (char *)pAlloc );
return ( -1 );
* Copy data from the holding buffer into the return buffer.
if ( nBytes < res )
* Holding buffer items require fewer bytes than the
* destination. We've got to sign-extend signed incomming
* data as we copy it to the destination.
memset( (void *)buf, 0x00, size * count);
for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
#ifdef MBF /* MBF host */
buf += size - res;
if ( issigned && (*pHold & 0x80) )
for ( j = res - nBytes; j; j-- )
*buf++ = 0xFF; /* Sign extend */
buf += res - nBytes;
for ( j = nBytes - 1; j >= 0; j-- )
buf[j] = *pHold++;
buf += nBytes;
#else /* LBF host */
for ( j = nBytes; j; j-- )
*buf++ = *pHold++;
if ( issigned && (*(pHold-1) & 0x80) )
for ( j = res - nBytes; j; j-- )
*buf++ = 0xFF; /* Sign extend */
buf += res - nBytes;
buf += size - res;
if ( pAlloc )
free( (char *)pAlloc );
return ( nBytes * count );
* Holding buffer items require the same number, or more bytes
* than the destination. We've got to truncate incomming data
* as we copy it to the destination.
thisOne = that = 0x00;
if ( binTypeSigned[type] )
that = 0xFF;
for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
#ifdef MBF /* MBF host */
buf += size - res;
for ( j = res - 1; j >= 0; j-- )
buf[j] = *pHold++;
buf += res;
#else /* LBF host */
for ( j = res; j; j-- )
*buf++ = *pHold++;
buf += size - res;
for ( j = 0; j < nBytes - res; j++, pHold++ )
if ( *pHold != thisOne && *pHold != that )
(*binErrFunc)( fd, binOp, BINEINTEGERTRUNC,
(pHold-j-res), nBytes*8, res*8 );
pHold += nBytes-res-j;
if ( pAlloc )
free( (char *)pAlloc );
return ( nBytes * count );
static int /* Returns # of bytes written */
#ifdef __STDC__
binWriteIntMBF( int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp, unsigned char *data,
unsigned char *buf, int type, int nBytes, int count )
binWriteIntMBF( ioType, fd, fp, data, buf, type, nBytes, count )
int ioType; /* Use buffered or unbuffered I/O*/
int fd; /* File descriptor */
FILE *fp; /* File pointer */
unsigned char *data; /* Output data */
unsigned char *buf; /* Data buffer */
int type; /* Type to write */
int nBytes; /* # of bytes when in file */
int count; /* # of items to write */
int i, j; /* Counters */
unsigned char byteHold[BINMAXBUF]; /* Byte buffer */
unsigned char *pHold = byteHold;/* Data buffer pointer */
int res; /* Resolution of type */
int size; /* Size of type */
int issigned; /* Is type signed? */
int n; /* # of bytes written */
unsigned char *pAlloc = NULL; /* Dynamically allocated buffer */
unsigned char thisOne, that; /* Byte comparison holders */
size = binTypeSize[type]; /* Storage size of item */
res = binTypeRes[type]; /* Significant bytes of item */
issigned = binTypeSigned[type]; /* Whether signed or not */
n = nBytes * count;
if ( size == nBytes && res == size && binFileBO == BINHOSTBO )
return ( binByteWrite( ioType, fd, fp, data, buf, n ));
if ( (nBytes * count > BINMAXBUF) &&
((pAlloc = pHold = (unsigned char *)malloc( (unsigned int)n )) == NULL))
if ( nBytes <= res )
* Writing same or fewer bytes than stored by host.
* Truncate high-order bytes.
thisOne = that = 0x00;
if ( binTypeSigned[type] )
that = 0xFF;
for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
#ifdef MBF /* MBF host */
for ( j = 0; j < size - nBytes; j++, buf++ )
if ( *buf != thisOne && *buf != that )
(*binErrFunc)( fd, binOp, BINEINTEGERTRUNC,
(buf-j), res*8, nBytes*8 );
buf += size - nBytes - j;
for ( j = nBytes; j; j-- )
*pHold++ = *buf++;
#else /* LBF host */
for ( j = nBytes - 1; j >= 0; j-- )
pHold[j] = *buf++;
pHold += nBytes;
for ( j = 0; j < size - nBytes; j++, buf++ )
if ( *buf != thisOne && *buf != that )
(*binErrFunc)( fd, binOp, BINEINTEGERTRUNC,
(buf-j-nBytes), res*8, nBytes*8 );
buf += size - nBytes - j;
if ( pAlloc )
i = binByteWrite( ioType, fd, fp, data, pAlloc, n );
free( (char *)pAlloc );
i = binByteWrite( ioType, fd, fp, data, byteHold, n );
return ( i );
* Writing more bytes than stored by host. Need to sign extend
* or pad with 0's.
memset( (void *)pHold, 0x00, n);
for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
#ifdef MBF /* MBF host */
if ( issigned && (*buf & 0x80) )
for ( j = nBytes - res; j; j-- )
*pHold++ = 0xFF; /* Sign extend */
pHold += nBytes - res;
buf += size - res;
for ( j = res; j; j-- )
*pHold++ = *buf++;
#else /* LBF host */
if ( issigned && (buf[res-1] & 0x80) )
for ( j = nBytes - res; j; j-- )
*pHold++ = 0xFF; /* Sign extend */
pHold += nBytes - res;
for ( j = res - 1; j >= 0; j-- )
pHold[j] = *buf++;
buf += size - res;
pHold += res;
if ( pAlloc )
i = binByteWrite( ioType, fd, fp, data, pAlloc, n );
free( (char *)pAlloc );
i = binByteWrite( ioType, fd, fp, data, byteHold, n );
return ( i );
static int /* Returns # of bytes written */
#ifdef __STDC__
binWriteIntLBF( int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp, unsigned char *data,
unsigned char *buf, int type, int nBytes, int count )
binWriteIntLBF( ioType, fd, fp, data, buf, type, nBytes, count )
int ioType; /* Use buffered or unbuffered I/O*/
int fd; /* File descriptor */
FILE *fp; /* File pointer */
unsigned char *data; /* Output data */
unsigned char *buf; /* Data buffer */
int type; /* Type to write */
int nBytes; /* # of bytes when in file */
int count; /* # of items to write */
int i, j; /* Counters */
unsigned char byteHold[BINMAXBUF]; /* Byte buffer */
unsigned char *pHold = byteHold;/* Data buffer pointer */
int res; /* Resolution of type */
int size; /* Size of type */
int issigned; /* Is type signed? */
int n; /* # of bytes written */
unsigned char *pAlloc = NULL; /* Dynamically allocated buffer */
unsigned char thisOne, that; /* Byte comparison holders */
size = binTypeSize[type]; /* Storage size of item */
res = binTypeRes[type]; /* Significant bytes of item */
issigned = binTypeSigned[type]; /* Whether signed or not */
n = nBytes * count;
if ( size == nBytes && res == size && binFileBO == BINHOSTBO )
return ( binByteWrite( ioType, fd, fp, data, buf, n ));
if ( (nBytes * count > BINMAXBUF) &&
((pAlloc = pHold = (unsigned char *)malloc( (unsigned int)n )) == NULL))
if ( nBytes <= res )
* Writing same or fewer bytes than stored by host.
* Truncate high-order bytes.
thisOne = that = 0x00;
if ( binTypeSigned[type] )
that = 0xFF;
for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
#ifdef MBF /* MBF host */
for ( j = 0; j < size - nBytes; j++, buf++ )
if ( *buf != thisOne && *buf != that )
(*binErrFunc)( fd, binOp, BINEINTEGERTRUNC,
(buf-j), res*8, nBytes*8 );
buf += size - nBytes - j;
for ( j = nBytes - 1; j >= 0; j-- )
pHold[j] = *buf++;
pHold += nBytes;
#else /* LBF host */
for ( j = nBytes; j; j-- )
*pHold++ = *buf++;
for ( j = 0; j < size - nBytes; j++, buf++ )
if ( *buf != thisOne && *buf != that )
(*binErrFunc)( fd, binOp, BINEINTEGERTRUNC,
(buf-j-nBytes), res*8, nBytes*8 );
buf += size - nBytes - j;
if ( pAlloc )
i = binByteWrite( ioType, fd, fp, data, pAlloc, n );
free( (char *)pAlloc );
i = binByteWrite( ioType, fd, fp, data, byteHold, n );
return ( i );
* Writing more bytes than stored by host. Need to sign extend
* or pad with 0's.
memset( (void *)pHold, 0x00, n);
for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
#ifdef MBF /* MBF host */
buf += size - res;
for ( j = res - 1; j >= 0; j-- )
pHold[j] = *buf++;
pHold += res;
if ( issigned && (*buf & 0x80) )
for ( j = nBytes - res; j; j-- )
*pHold++ = 0xFF; /* Sign extend */
pHold += nBytes - res;
#else /* LBF host */
for ( j = res; j; j-- )
*pHold++ = *buf++;
if ( issigned && (*(buf-1) & 0x80) )
for ( j = nBytes - res; j; j-- )
*pHold++ = 0xFF; /* Sign extend */
pHold += nBytes - res;
buf += size - res;
if ( pAlloc )
i = binByteWrite( ioType, fd, fp, data, pAlloc, n );
free( (char *)pAlloc );
i = binByteWrite( ioType, fd, fp, data, byteHold, n );
return ( i );
* binReadFloat - Read float from a input
* binWriteFloat - Write from float to output
* If the host and file floating point formats, sizes of those formats,
* and byte orders are the same, then a simple read or writesystem call
* is used.
* Otherwise, for reads, file data is read in to a holding array and
* passed off to binConvertFloat(), one at a time.
* For writes, host data is passed to binConvertFloat() to conver into
* a holding array, and then written to the file.
* NOTE: This code could be sped up by including binConvertFloat()
* code in-line and having different code for different file byte orders.
* However, in the interests of reducing the maintenance hassle for the
* rather complex code in binConvertFloat(), this has not been done.
static int /* Returns # of bytes read */
#ifdef __STDC__
binReadFloat( int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp, unsigned char *data,
unsigned char *buf, int type, int nBytes, int count )
binReadFloat( ioType, fd, fp, data, buf, type, nBytes, count )
int ioType; /* Use buffered or unbuffered I/O*/
int fd; /* File descriptor */
FILE *fp; /* File pointer */
unsigned char *data; /* Input data */
unsigned char *buf; /* Data buffer */
int type; /* Type to read */
int nBytes; /* # of bytes when in file */
int count; /* # of items to read */
int i; /* Counter */
binFloatFormatCooked *host; /* Host's float format info */
binFloatFormatCooked *file; /* File's float format info */
unsigned char byteHold[BINMAXBUF]; /* Byte buffer */
unsigned char *pHold = byteHold;/* Data buffer pointer */
unsigned char *pAlloc = NULL; /* Dynamically allocated buffer */
int size; /* Size of host type */
int n; /* # of bytes read */
size = binTypeSize[type];
host = binHostFloatFormat;
if ( host->bin_nbytes == size && host->bin_format.bin_subname )
} while ( (++host)->bin_format.bin_number == BINHOSTFLOAT );
if ( host->bin_format.bin_number != BINHOSTFLOAT )
file = binFileFloatFormat;
i = file->bin_format.bin_number;
if ( file->bin_nbytes == nBytes && file->bin_format.bin_subname)
} while ( (++file)->bin_format.bin_number == i );
if ( file->bin_format.bin_number != i )
n = nBytes * count;
if ( host == file && size == nBytes && binFileBO == BINHOSTBO )
return ( binByteRead( ioType, fd, fp, data, buf, n ) );
if ( (n > BINMAXBUF) &&
((pAlloc = pHold = (unsigned char *)malloc( (unsigned int)n )) == NULL))
if ( binByteRead( ioType, fd, fp, data, pHold, n ) == -1 )
if ( pAlloc )
free( (char *)pAlloc );
return ( -1 );
/* Convert from file format to host format. */
if ( binConvertFloat( fd, file, binFileBO, nBytes, pHold,
host, BINHOSTBO, size, buf, count ) == -1 )
if ( pAlloc )
free( (char *)pAlloc );
return ( -1 );
if ( pAlloc )
free( (char *)pAlloc );
return ( n );
static int /* Returns # of bytes written */
#ifdef __STDC__
binWriteFloat( int ioType, int fd, FILE *fp, unsigned char *data,
unsigned char *buf, int type, int nBytes, int count )
binWriteFloat( ioType, fd, fp, data, buf, type, nBytes, count )
int ioType; /* Use buffered or unbuffered I/O*/
int fd; /* File descriptor */
FILE *fp; /* File pointer */
unsigned char *data; /* Output data */
unsigned char *buf; /* Data buffer */
int type; /* Type to write */
int nBytes; /* # of bytes when in file */
int count; /* # of items to write */
unsigned char byteHold[BINMAXBUF]; /* Byte buffer */
unsigned char *pHold = byteHold;/* Data buffer pointer */
unsigned char *pAlloc = NULL; /* Dynamically allocated buffer */
binFloatFormatCooked *host; /* Host's float format info */
binFloatFormatCooked *file; /* File's float format info */
int size; /* Size of type */
int n; /* # of bytes read */
int i; /* Tmp */
size = binTypeSize[type];
host = binHostFloatFormat;
if ( host->bin_nbytes == size && host->bin_format.bin_subname )
} while ( (++host)->bin_format.bin_number == BINHOSTFLOAT );
if ( host->bin_format.bin_number != BINHOSTFLOAT )
file = binFileFloatFormat;
i = file->bin_format.bin_number;
if ( file->bin_nbytes == nBytes && file->bin_format.bin_subname)
} while ( (++file)->bin_format.bin_number == i );
if ( file->bin_format.bin_number != i )
n = nBytes * count;
if ( host == file && size == nBytes && binFileBO == BINHOSTBO )
return ( binByteWrite( ioType, fd, fp, data, buf, n ) );
if ( (n > BINMAXBUF) &&
((pAlloc = pHold = (unsigned char *)malloc( (unsigned int)n )) == NULL))
/* Convert from host format to file format. */
if ( binConvertFloat( fd, host, BINHOSTBO, size, buf,
file, binFileBO, nBytes, pHold, count ) == -1 )
if ( pAlloc )
free( (char *)pAlloc );
return ( -1 );
/* Write out the converted data. */
n = binByteWrite( ioType, fd, fp, data, pHold, n );
if ( pAlloc )
free( (char *)pAlloc );
return ( n );
* binConvertFloat - convert a float from one format to another
* This routine does the actual conversion of data in one floating
* point format into another. It handles differences in sizes of
* the exponent and mantissa fields, underflow and overflow conditions,
* exponent biasing, and whether or not the redundant most-significant
* bit in the mantissa is saved in the format.
* The procedure is thus...
* 1. Extract out the sign-bit from the source. It is assumed here
* that the sign-bit is the most-significant bit in the most-
* significant byte of the source data.
* 2. Extract out the exponent bits from the source. The exponent
* is built up into an UNSIGNED 32-BIT INT by shifting and masking.
* It is assumed that the exponent will fit into a 32-bit integer,
* and that the host actually supports such a thing. The exponent
* is then converted to a SIGNED 32-BIT INT and unbiased. It is
* assumed that the unbiased exponent will fit into a 32-bit int.
* 3. Conditions for extraction of the mantissa from the source are
* figured out. Primarily this involves checking if the source
* and destination formats both treat the redundant most-significant
* mantissa bit (the "implied bit") the same way. If they don't,
* then changes in the way the mantissa is copied in to the destination
* must be figured out. Along the way the signed exponent may be
* altered by adding or subtracting one due to the implied bit's
* existance or non-existance.
* 4. The exponent is checked for underflow and overflow. On underflow
* the destination float is set to 0 and we return. On overflow,
* the sign and exponent fields are set to the values appropriate
* for the destination format and the mantissa is not copied, thus
* leaving it zero. If all is OK, the exponent is biased by the
* desination bias.
* 5. The mantissa is then copied. This is non-trivial because the
* source and desination formats may have different numbers of
* bits in the mantissa, and may start the mantissa at different
* bit positions in the most-significant mantissa byte. So, what
* we have here is a non-aligned bit-copy operation.
* To make this easier (and faster?), the source data is copied,
* one byte at a time, in to a temporary ALIGNED byte array.
* During the copy process the implied bit is set or not-set if
* needed.
* The temp byte array data is then copied in to the destination
* byte array, with further shifting and masking taking place to
* align it appropriately for the destination format.
* 6. The exponent is then copied in to the destination and the sign
* bit set if the source was negative.
* NOTE: This code is NOT FAST! Sorry. The object was to write a
* generic floating point format converter that didn't have to change
* for different formats and different source and destination byte
* orders. This code could be sped up most easily by duplicating
* this routine four times, one for each combination of source and
* destination byte orders, then removing the unnecessary byte order
* if's. This has not been done initially because of the increase in
* the maintenance hassle of the code.
* Other speed-ups that could be done include:
* 1. Watching for the case where the source and desination
* formats are the same, but the byte order differs and
* then just do a byte swaped copy.
* 2. If the mantissa will fit into an int (whatever the size
* is on the host), copy it in to an int via shift's and
* masks, then copy it back out into the desination. This
* would save all the byte copy hassle for single-precision
* floats.
#define MAXTMP 400 /* Max # of bytes in temps */
#define MAXMANT 100 /* Max # of bytes in temp mantissa*/
static int /* Returns status */
#ifdef __STDC__
binConvertFloat( int fd, binFloatFormatCooked *srcfmt, int srcbo, int nsrcbytes,
unsigned char *srcbytes, binFloatFormatCooked *dstfmt, int dstbo,
int ndstbytes, unsigned char *dstbytes, int count )
binConvertFloat( fd, srcfmt, srcbo, nsrcbytes, srcbytes,
dstfmt, dstbo, ndstbytes, dstbytes, count )
int fd; /* File descriptor (for error handler)*/
binFloatFormatCooked *srcfmt; /* Source's float format info */
int srcbo; /* Source's byte order */
int nsrcbytes; /* # of bytes when in src */
unsigned char *srcbytes; /* Source data */
binFloatFormatCooked *dstfmt; /* Desintation's float format info*/
int dstbo; /* Destination's byte order */
int ndstbytes; /* # of bytes when in dst */
unsigned char *dstbytes; /* Destination data */
int count; /* Number of conversions to do */
int i, j, k; /* Counters and temps */
int n; /* Count of things */
int negative; /* Negative float? */
unsigned int exponent; /* Exponent */
int signed_exponent;/* Unbiased signed exponent */
unsigned char implied_bit; /* Implied bit of mantissa */
unsigned char *src; /* Source bytes pointer */
unsigned char *dst; /* Destination bytes pointer */
unsigned char *tmp; /* Temporary uchar pointer */
unsigned char tmpmant[MAXMANT];/* Temporary mantissa array */
unsigned char tmpsrc[MAXTMP];/* Temporary src float bytes array*/
unsigned char tmpdst[MAXTMP];/* Temporary src float bytes array*/
unsigned char *allocsrc; /* Allocated tmpsrc pointer */
unsigned char *allocdst; /* Allocated tmpdst pointer */
int start_byte; /* Starting byte of mantissa */
unsigned char mask1; /* First mantissa byte mask */
unsigned char mask2; /* Second mantissa byte mask */
unsigned char byte1_mask; /* Special mask for 1st src byte*/
int shift; /* Amount to shift mantissa bytes*/
int shift8; /* 8 - shift */
src = srcbytes;
dst = dstbytes;
allocsrc = NULL;
allocdst = NULL;
* Check the source format's flags to see if there is any special
* pre-processing of the source bytes that needs to be done.
if ( srcfmt->bin_format.bin_flags & BINVAXBO )
* Source float uses the VAX's LBF/MBF mix byte ordering.
* Floating point values are ordered as a list of 16-bit
* quantities, from most-significant to least-significant.
* Within a 16-bit quantity, the first byte is the least-
* significant and the second the most-significant.
* For example, a single precision float ('f' format)
* is a 4-byte quantity:
* 7 0
* byte 0 EMMMMMMM high mantissa bits
* byte 1 SEEEEEEE
* byte 2 MMMMMMMM low mantissa bits
* byte 3 MMMMMMMM middle mantissa bits
* To handle VAX byte ordering of floats, we copy the source
* bytes in to a temporary byte array, swapping every two
* bytes, then set the source byte order to the opposite of
* that selected. The generic conversion algorithm below
* can handle it from there.
src = tmpsrc;
n = nsrcbytes * count;
if ( ( n > MAXTMP ) &&
((src = allocsrc = (unsigned char *)malloc( (unsigned int)n )) == NULL ) )
n /= 2;
tmp = srcbytes;
*src++ = tmp[1];
*src++ = tmp[0];
tmp += 2;
} while ( --n );
src = tmpsrc;
if ( allocsrc )
src = allocsrc;
srcbo = (srcbo == BINLBF) ? BINMBF : BINLBF;
* Check the destination format's flags to see if there is any special
* post-processing of the destination bytes that needs to be setup.
if ( dstfmt->bin_format.bin_flags & BINVAXBO )
* Destination float uses the VAX's LBF/MBF mix byte ordering.
* See the comment above for details.
* To handle VAX byte ordering of floats, we set the
* destination pointer to point to a temp array and set the
* destination byte order to the opposite of that selected.
* When we've completed the conversion, we'll copy from
* the temp array in to the real destination, doing byte
* swapping along the way.
dst = tmpdst;
n = ndstbytes * count;
if ( ( n > MAXTMP ) &&
( (dst = allocdst = (unsigned char *)malloc( (unsigned int)n )) == NULL ) )
dstbo = (dstbo == BINLBF) ? BINMBF : BINLBF;
* Zero out the dst float as a starting point.
memset( (void *)dst, 0x00, ndstbytes * count);
* Loop through the conversions to do.
n = count;
* Check the sign bit.
* Assume sign bit is high bit in most-significant byte.
if ( srcbo == BINMBF )
if ( (src[0] & 0x80) == 0 )
negative = FALSE;
negative = TRUE;
if ( (src[nsrcbytes-1] & 0x80) == 0 )
negative = FALSE;
negative = TRUE;
* Extract and unbias the exponent.
* Assume won't overflow unsigned int.
if ( srcbo == BINMBF )
i = nsrcbytes - 1 - srcfmt->bin_expStartByte;
k = nsrcbytes - 1 - srcfmt->bin_expEndByte;
exponent = src[i--] >> srcfmt->bin_expShift;
for ( j = (8-srcfmt->bin_expShift); i > k; j += 8 )
exponent |= ((unsigned int)src[i--]) << j;
exponent |= ((unsigned int)src[i] & srcfmt->bin_expEndMask) <<j;
i = srcfmt->bin_expStartByte;
k = srcfmt->bin_expEndByte;
exponent = src[i++] >> srcfmt->bin_expShift;
for ( j = (8-srcfmt->bin_expShift); i < k; j += 8 )
exponent |= ((unsigned int)src[i++]) << j;
exponent |= ((unsigned int)src[i] & srcfmt->bin_expEndMask) <<j;
if ( exponent == 0 )
* Original float's biased exponent was zero.
* By definition, regardless of implied bit handling
* or exponent biasing, this is a zero float. Leave
* the dst float all zeros.
src += nsrcbytes;
dst += ndstbytes;
signed_exponent = exponent - srcfmt->bin_format.bin_expBias;
* Set up for copying the mantissa into the temporary array.
shift = srcfmt->bin_expShift;
if ( srcfmt->bin_format.bin_mantImplied != dstfmt->bin_format.bin_mantImplied )
* Dest and src formats don't both handle the implied
* bit the same.
* If the src format has one, but the dst doesn't,
* remove the bit during the copy and subtract one
* from the exponent.
* If the dst format has one, but the src format
* doesn't, add the bit during the copy and add one
* to the exponent.
if ( srcfmt->bin_format.bin_mantImplied )
/* Source has implied bit. Drop for dst.*/
if ( shift == 0 )
shift = 7;
mask1 = 0x7F;
mask2 = 0x80;
start_byte = srcfmt->bin_expStartByte-1;
mask1 = (~srcfmt->bin_expStartMask) >>1;
mask2 = ~mask1;
start_byte = srcfmt->bin_expStartByte;
implied_bit = 0;
if ( shift != 0 )
byte1_mask = mask1;
byte1_mask = mask2;
/* Destination has implied bit. Add from src.*/
if ( shift == 7 )
shift = 0;
start_byte = srcfmt->bin_expStartByte+1;
byte1_mask = 0x7F;
mask2 = srcfmt->bin_expStartMask<<1;
mask1 = ~mask2;
start_byte = srcfmt->bin_expStartByte;
byte1_mask = ~srcfmt->bin_expStartMask;
implied_bit = 0x80;
* The dst and src formats both treat the implied
* bit the same.
mask2 = srcfmt->bin_expStartMask;
mask1 = ~mask2;
start_byte = srcfmt->bin_expStartByte;
implied_bit = 0;
if ( shift != 0 )
byte1_mask = mask1;
byte1_mask = mask2;
* Bias the exponent to the dst format and check for
* overflow and underflow.
* Assume won't overflow int32.
signed_exponent += dstfmt->bin_format.bin_expBias;
if ( signed_exponent < 0 )
* Underflow. Float in src had an exponent too
* small to represent in the dst's format. Leave
* the dst float all zero's.
src += nsrcbytes;
dst += ndstbytes;
* Report the error
(*binErrFunc)( fd, binOp, BINEFLOATUNDERFLOW,
dstfmt->bin_format.bin_expBits );
exponent = signed_exponent;
if ( (exponent & ~dstfmt->bin_expMask) != 0 )
* Overflow. Float in src had an exponent too
* large to represent in the dst's format. Set
* the dst float to its overflow exponent and
* sign. Leave the mantissa zeroes.
exponent = dstfmt->bin_format.bin_expOverflow;
negative = dstfmt->bin_format.bin_signOverflow;;
* Report the error
(*binErrFunc)( fd, binOp, BINEFLOATOVERFLOW,
dstfmt->bin_format.bin_expBits );
* Zero out temporary mantissa byte array. This
* handles the filling in of zeros for mantissa
* bytes in the dst format that are not provided by
* the src format.
memset( (void *)tmpmant, 0x00, MAXMANT);
* Copy the src format bytes into the temporary array.
* Bytes in the array are "left-justified" to bring
* the most significant mantissa bit (perhaps the
* implied bit) in to the most significant bit of
* the first byte, and so on down the line.
* Note: the temporary array is in MBF format
* regardless of the source format byte order.
tmp = tmpmant;
if ( shift != 0 )
shift8 = 8 - shift;
if ( srcbo == BINMBF )
k = nsrcbytes - 1;
j = k - start_byte;
*tmp++ = ((src[j]&byte1_mask)<<shift8) |
((src[j+1]&mask2)>>shift) |
for ( i = j+1; i < k; i++ )
*tmp++ = ((src[i] & mask1)<<shift8) |
((src[i+1] & mask2) >> shift);
*tmp = (src[i] & mask1) << shift8;
*tmp++ = ((src[start_byte] & byte1_mask)<<shift8) |
((src[start_byte-1] & mask2)>>shift) |
for ( i = start_byte - 1; i > 0; i-- )
*tmp++ = ((src[i] & mask1)<<shift8) |
((src[i-1] & mask2) >> shift);
*tmp = (src[0] & mask1) << shift8;
if ( srcbo == BINMBF )
*tmp++ = (src[nsrcbytes-start_byte] & byte1_mask) | implied_bit;
for ( i = nsrcbytes-start_byte+1; i < nsrcbytes; i++ )
*tmp++ = src[i];
*tmp++ = (src[start_byte-1] & byte1_mask) | implied_bit;
for ( i = start_byte - 2; i >= 0; i-- )
*tmp++ = src[i];
tmp = tmpmant;
* Copy the temporary array into the dst's mantissa.
shift = dstfmt->bin_expShift;
if ( shift != 0 )
mask2 = dstfmt->bin_expStartMask;
mask1 = ~mask2;
shift8= 8 - shift;
if ( dstbo == BINMBF )
j = ndstbytes - 1;
for ( i = j - dstfmt->bin_expStartByte; i < j; i++)
dst[i] |= (*tmp >> shift8)&mask1;
dst[i+1] |= (*tmp++<< shift)&mask2;
dst[i] |= (*tmp >> shift8) & mask1;
for ( i = dstfmt->bin_expStartByte; i > 0; i-- )
dst[i] |= (*tmp >> shift8)&mask1;
dst[i-1] |= (*tmp++<< shift)&mask2;
dst[0] |= (*tmp >> shift8) & mask1;
if ( dstbo == BINMBF )
for ( i = ndstbytes-dstfmt->bin_expStartByte; i < ndstbytes; i++ )
dst[i] = *tmp++;
for ( i = dstfmt->bin_expStartByte-1; i >= 0; i-- )
dst[i] = *tmp++;
* Build the exponent and add in the sign.
if ( dstbo == BINMBF )
i = ndstbytes - 1 - dstfmt->bin_expStartByte;
j = ndstbytes - 1 - dstfmt->bin_expEndByte;
dst[i--] |= (exponent << dstfmt->bin_expShift) &
exponent >>= (8 - dstfmt->bin_expShift);
while ( i >= j )
dst[i--] |= exponent & 0xFF;
exponent >>= 8;
dst[0] &= dstfmt->bin_expEndMask;
if ( negative )
dst[0] |= 0x80;
i = dstfmt->bin_expStartByte;
j = dstfmt->bin_expEndByte;
dst[i++] |= (exponent << dstfmt->bin_expShift) &
exponent >>= (8 - dstfmt->bin_expShift);
while ( i <= j )
dst[i++] = exponent & 0xFF;
exponent >>= 8;
dst[i-1] &= dstfmt->bin_expEndMask;
if ( negative )
dst[ndstbytes-1] |= 0x80;
src += nsrcbytes;
dst += ndstbytes;
} while ( --n );
* Check the destination format's flags to see if there is any special
* post-processing of the destination bytes that needs to be done.
if ( dstfmt->bin_format.bin_flags & BINVAXBO )
* Destination float uses the VAX's LBF/MBF mix byte ordering.
* To handle VAX byte ordering of floats, we copy the temporary
* destination bytes (set up at the top of this function)
* in to the destination byte array, swapping every two
* bytes.
if ( allocdst )
dst = allocdst;
i = count * ndstbytes / 2;
*dstbytes++ = dst[1];
*dstbytes++ = dst[0];
dst += 2;
} while ( --i );
free( (char *)allocdst );
dst = tmpdst;
i = count * ndstbytes / 2;
*dstbytes++ = dst[1];
*dstbytes++ = dst[0];
dst += 2;
} while ( --i );
if ( allocsrc )
free( (char *)allocsrc );
return ( 0 );