2013-04-22 05:25:59 +00:00
* name : snd_dma . c
* desc : main control for any streaming sound output device
* $ Archive : / MissionPack / code / client / snd_dma . c $
* $ Author : Mrelusive $
* $ Revision : 117 $
* $ Modtime : 6 / 06 / 01 2 : 35 p $
* $ Date : 6 / 06 / 01 7 : 11 p $
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
# include "snd_local.h"
# include "snd_mp3.h"
# include "client.h"
void S_Play_f ( void ) ;
void S_SoundList_f ( void ) ;
static void S_Music_f ( void ) ;
void S_Update_ ( ) ;
void S_StopAllSounds ( void ) ;
static void S_UpdateBackgroundTrack ( void ) ;
extern int RE_RegisterMedia_GetLevel ( void ) ;
// vars for bgrnd music track...
const int iMP3MusicStream_DiskBytesToRead = 10000 ; //4096;
const int iMP3MusicStream_DiskBufferSize = iMP3MusicStream_DiskBytesToRead * 2 ; //10;
typedef struct
int /*qboolean*/ bIsMP3 ; // I wanted this kept as qboolean, but {0} init won't work with a typedef'd enum
// MP3 specific...
sfx_t sfxMP3_Bgrnd ;
MP3STREAM streamMP3_Bgrnd ; // this one is pointed at by the sfx_t's ptr, and is NOT the one the decoder uses every cycle
channel_t chMP3_Bgrnd ; // ... but the one in this struct IS.
// MP3 disk streamer stuff... (if music is non-dynamic)
byte byMP3MusicStream_DiskBuffer [ iMP3MusicStream_DiskBufferSize ] ;
int iMP3MusicStream_DiskReadPos ;
int iMP3MusicStream_DiskWindowPos ;
// MP3 disk-load stuff (for use during dynamic music, which is mem-resident)
byte * pLoadedData ; // Z_Malloc, Z_Free
int iLoadedDataLen ;
char sLoadedDataName [ MAX_QPATH ] ;
// remaining dynamic fields...
int iXFadeVolumeSeekTime ;
int iXFadeVolumeSeekTo ; // when changing this, set the above timer to Sys_Milliseconds().
// Note that this should be thought of more as an up/down bool rather than as a
// number now, in other words set it only to 0 or 255. I'll probably change this
// to actually be a bool later.
int iXFadeVolume ; // 0 = silent, 255 = max mixer vol, though still modulated via overall music_volume
qboolean bActive ;
// Generic...
fileHandle_t s_backgroundFile ; // valid handle, else -1 if an MP3 (so that NZ compares still work)
wavinfo_t s_backgroundInfo ;
int s_backgroundSamples ;
} MusicInfo_t ;
// this now no longer supports dynamic music for MP codebase...
typedef enum
eBGRNDTRACK_SLOW = 0 , // for normal walking around
// eBGRNDTRACK_FAST, // for when stuff gets exciting
// eBGRNDTRACK_FADE, // the xfade channel
// //
} MusicState_e ;
# define fDYNAMIC_XFADE_SECONDS (1.0f)
static MusicInfo_t tMusic_Info [ eBGRNDTRACK_NUMBEROF ] = { 0 } ;
static MusicState_e eMusic_State = eBGRNDTRACK_SLOW ;
static char sMusic_BackgroundLoop [ MAX_QPATH ] = { 0 } ;
// =======================================================================
// Internal sound data & structures
// =======================================================================
// only begin attenuating sound volumes when outside the FULLVOLUME range
# define SOUND_ATTENUATE 0.0008f
channel_t s_channels [ MAX_CHANNELS ] ;
channel_t loop_channels [ MAX_CHANNELS ] ;
int numLoopChannels ;
static int s_soundStarted ;
qboolean s_soundMuted ;
dma_t dma ;
static int listener_number ;
static vec3_t listener_origin ;
static vec3_t listener_axis [ 3 ] ;
int s_soundtime ; // sample PAIRS
int s_paintedtime ; // sample PAIRS
// MAX_SFX may be larger than MAX_SOUNDS because
// of custom player sounds
# define MAX_SFX 4096
sfx_t s_knownSfx [ MAX_SFX ] ;
int s_numSfx = 0 ;
# define LOOP_HASH 128
static sfx_t * sfxHash [ LOOP_HASH ] ;
cvar_t * s_volume ;
cvar_t * s_testsound ;
cvar_t * s_khz ;
cvar_t * s_show ;
cvar_t * s_mixahead ;
cvar_t * s_mixPreStep ;
cvar_t * s_musicVolume ;
cvar_t * s_musicMult ;
cvar_t * s_separation ;
cvar_t * s_doppler ;
cvar_t * s_CPUType ;
cvar_t * s_language ;
static loopSound_t loopSounds [ MAX_GENTITIES ] ;
static channel_t * freelist = NULL ;
int s_rawend ;
portable_samplepair_t s_rawsamples [ MAX_RAW_SAMPLES ] ;
* Open AL Specific
\ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
int s_UseOpenAL = false ; // Determines if using Open AL or the default software mixer
ALfloat listener_pos [ 3 ] ; // Listener Position
ALfloat listener_ori [ 6 ] ; // Listener Orientation
int s_numChannels ; // Number of AL Sources == Num of Channels
short s_rawdata [ MAX_RAW_SAMPLES * 4 ] ; // Used for Raw Samples (Music etc...)
channel_t * S_OpenALPickChannel ( int entnum , int entchannel ) ;
void UpdateSingleShotSounds ( ) ;
void UpdateLoopingSounds ( ) ;
void UpdateRawSamples ( ) ;
// EAX Related
ALboolean s_bEAX ; // Is EAX 3.0 support is available
bool s_bEALFileLoaded ; // Has an .eal file been loaded for the current level
bool s_bInWater ; // Underwater effect currently active
int s_EnvironmentID ; // EAGLE ID of current environment
LPEAXMANAGER s_lpEAXManager ; // Pointer to EAXManager object
HINSTANCE s_hEAXManInst ; // Handle of EAXManager DLL
EAXSet s_eaxSet ; // EAXSet() function
EAXGet s_eaxGet ; // EAXGet() function
bool s_eaxMorphing ; // Is EAX Morphing in progress
int s_eaxMorphStartTime ; // EAX Morph start time
int s_eaxMorphCount ; // EAX Morph count (1 ... 10)
EAXLISTENERPROPERTIES s_eaxLPSource ; // Source EAX Parameters
EAXLISTENERPROPERTIES s_eaxLPCur ; // Current EAX Parameters
EAXLISTENERPROPERTIES s_eaxLPDest ; // Destination EAX Parameters
char s_LevelName [ MAX_QPATH ] ; // Name of current level
void InitEAXManager ( ) ;
void ReleaseEAXManager ( ) ;
bool LoadEALFile ( char * szEALFilename ) ;
void UnloadEALFile ( ) ;
void UpdateEAXListener ( bool bUseDefault , bool bUseMorphing ) ;
void UpdateEAXBuffer ( channel_t * ch ) ;
void EALFileInit ( char * level ) ;
void EAXMorph ( ) ;
float flRatio , EAXLISTENERPROPERTIES * lpResultEAX3LP , bool bCheckValues = false ) ;
void Clamp ( EAXVECTOR * eaxVector ) ;
// EAX 3.0 GUIDS ... confidential information ...
const GUID DSPROPSETID_EAX30_ListenerProperties
= { 0xa8fa6882 , 0xb476 , 0x11d3 , { 0xbd , 0xb9 , 0x00 , 0xc0 , 0xf0 , 0x2d , 0xdf , 0x87 } } ;
const GUID DSPROPSETID_EAX30_BufferProperties
= { 0xa8fa6881 , 0xb476 , 0x11d3 , { 0xbd , 0xb9 , 0x0 , 0xc0 , 0xf0 , 0x2d , 0xdf , 0x87 } } ;
* End of Open AL Specific
\ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
// instead of clearing a whole channel_t struct, we're going to skip the MP3SlidingDecodeBuffer[] buffer in the middle...
# ifndef offsetof
# include <stddef.h>
# endif
static inline void Channel_Clear ( channel_t * ch )
// memset (ch, 0, sizeof(*ch));
memset ( ch , 0 , offsetof ( channel_t , MP3SlidingDecodeBuffer ) ) ;
byte * const p = ( byte * ) ch + offsetof ( channel_t , MP3SlidingDecodeBuffer ) + sizeof ( ch - > MP3SlidingDecodeBuffer ) ;
memset ( p , 0 , ( sizeof ( * ch ) - offsetof ( channel_t , MP3SlidingDecodeBuffer ) ) - sizeof ( ch - > MP3SlidingDecodeBuffer ) ) ;
// ====================================================================
// User-setable variables
// ====================================================================
void S_SoundInfo_f ( void ) {
Com_Printf ( " ----- Sound Info ----- \n " ) ;
if ( ! s_soundStarted ) {
Com_Printf ( " sound system not started \n " ) ;
} else {
if ( s_soundMuted ) {
Com_Printf ( " sound system is muted \n " ) ;
Com_Printf ( " %5d stereo \n " , dma . channels - 1 ) ;
Com_Printf ( " %5d samples \n " , dma . samples ) ;
Com_Printf ( " %5d samplebits \n " , dma . samplebits ) ;
Com_Printf ( " %5d submission_chunk \n " , dma . submission_chunk ) ;
Com_Printf ( " %5d speed \n " , dma . speed ) ;
Com_Printf ( " 0x%x dma buffer \n " , dma . buffer ) ;
if ( tMusic_Info [ eBGRNDTRACK_SLOW ] . s_backgroundFile ) {
Com_Printf ( " Background file: %s \n " , sMusic_BackgroundLoop ) ;
} else {
Com_Printf ( " No background file. \n " ) ;
S_DisplayFreeMemory ( ) ;
Com_Printf ( " ---------------------- \n " ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void S_Init ( void )
ALCcontext * ALCContext = NULL ;
ALCdevice * ALCDevice = NULL ;
ALfloat listenerPos [ ] = { 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 } ;
ALfloat listenerVel [ ] = { 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 } ;
ALfloat listenerOri [ ] = { 0.0 , 0.0 , - 1.0 , 0.0 , 1.0 , 0.0 } ;
cvar_t * cv ;
qboolean r ;
int i , j ;
channel_t * ch ;
Com_Printf ( " \n ------- sound initialization ------- \n " ) ;
s_volume = Cvar_Get ( " s_volume " , " 0.8 " , CVAR_ARCHIVE ) ;
s_musicVolume = Cvar_Get ( " s_musicvolume " , " 0.5 " , CVAR_ARCHIVE ) ;
//rww - multiply s_musicVolume by this value. Set in cgame when necessary.
s_musicMult = Cvar_Get ( " s_musicMult " , " 1 " , 0 ) ;
s_separation = Cvar_Get ( " s_separation " , " 0.5 " , CVAR_ARCHIVE ) ;
s_doppler = Cvar_Get ( " s_doppler " , " 1 " , CVAR_ARCHIVE ) ;
s_khz = Cvar_Get ( " s_khz " , " 22 " , CVAR_ARCHIVE ) ;
s_mixahead = Cvar_Get ( " s_mixahead " , " 0.2 " , CVAR_ARCHIVE ) ;
s_mixPreStep = Cvar_Get ( " s_mixPreStep " , " 0.05 " , CVAR_ARCHIVE ) ;
s_show = Cvar_Get ( " s_show " , " 0 " , CVAR_CHEAT ) ;
s_testsound = Cvar_Get ( " s_testsound " , " 0 " , CVAR_CHEAT ) ;
s_language = Cvar_Get ( " s_language " , " english " , CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_NORESTART ) ;
MP3_InitCvars ( ) ;
s_CPUType = Cvar_Get ( " sys_cpuid " , " " , 0 ) ;
// dontcha just love ID's defines sometimes?...
# if !( (defined __linux__ || __FreeBSD__ ) && (defined __i386__) )
# if !id386
# else
extern unsigned int uiMMXAvailable ;
uiMMXAvailable = ! ! ( s_CPUType - > integer > = CPUID_INTEL_MMX ) ;
# endif
# endif
cv = Cvar_Get ( " s_initsound " , " 1 " , 0 ) ;
if ( ! cv - > integer ) {
Com_Printf ( " not initializing. \n " ) ;
Com_Printf ( " ------------------------------------ \n " ) ;
return ;
Cmd_AddCommand ( " play " , S_Play_f ) ;
Cmd_AddCommand ( " music " , S_Music_f ) ;
Cmd_AddCommand ( " soundlist " , S_SoundList_f ) ;
Cmd_AddCommand ( " soundinfo " , S_SoundInfo_f ) ;
Cmd_AddCommand ( " soundstop " , S_StopAllSounds ) ;
cv = Cvar_Get ( " s_UseOpenAL " , " 0 " , CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_LATCH ) ;
s_UseOpenAL = ! ! ( cv - > integer ) ;
if ( s_UseOpenAL )
ALCDevice = alcOpenDevice ( ( ALubyte * ) " DirectSound3D " ) ;
if ( ! ALCDevice )
return ;
//Create context(s)
ALCContext = alcCreateContext ( ALCDevice , NULL ) ;
if ( ! ALCContext )
return ;
//Set active context
alcMakeContextCurrent ( ALCContext ) ;
if ( alcGetError ( ALCDevice ) ! = ALC_NO_ERROR )
return ;
s_soundStarted = 1 ;
s_soundMuted = qtrue ;
s_soundtime = 0 ;
s_paintedtime = 0 ;
s_rawend = 0 ;
S_StopAllSounds ( ) ;
S_SoundInfo_f ( ) ;
// Set default level name
memset ( s_LevelName , 0 , sizeof ( s_LevelName ) ) ;
// Set Listener attributes
alListenerfv ( AL_POSITION , listenerPos ) ;
alListenerfv ( AL_VELOCITY , listenerVel ) ;
alListenerfv ( AL_ORIENTATION , listenerOri ) ;
InitEAXManager ( ) ;
memset ( s_channels , 0 , sizeof ( s_channels ) ) ;
s_numChannels = 0 ;
// Create as many AL Sources (up to 32) as possible
for ( i = 0 ; i < 32 ; i + + )
alGenSources ( 1 , & s_channels [ i ] . alSource ) ;
if ( alGetError ( ) ! = AL_NO_ERROR )
// Reached limit of sources
break ;
alSourcef ( s_channels [ i ] . alSource , AL_REFERENCE_DISTANCE , 400.0f ) ;
if ( alGetError ( ) ! = AL_NO_ERROR )
break ;
s_numChannels + + ;
// Generate AL Buffers for streaming audio playback (used for MP3s)
ch = s_channels + 1 ;
for ( i = 1 ; i < s_numChannels ; i + + , ch + + )
for ( j = 0 ; j < NUM_STREAMING_BUFFERS ; j + + )
alGenBuffers ( 1 , & ( ch - > buffers [ j ] . BufferID ) ) ;
ch - > buffers [ j ] . Status = UNQUEUED ;
ch - > buffers [ j ] . Data = ( char * ) Z_Malloc ( STREAMING_BUFFER_SIZE , TAG_SND_RAWDATA , qfalse ) ;
// Open AL will always use 22K
dma . speed = 22050 ;
// These aren't really relevant for Open AL, but for completeness ...
dma . channels = 2 ;
dma . samplebits = 16 ;
dma . samples = 0 ;
dma . submission_chunk = 0 ;
dma . buffer = NULL ;
// Clamp sound volumes between 0.0f and 1.0f
if ( s_volume - > value < 0.f )
s_volume - > value = 0.f ;
if ( s_volume - > value > 1.f )
s_volume - > value = 1.f ;
if ( s_musicVolume - > value < 0.f )
s_musicVolume - > value = 0.f ;
if ( s_musicVolume - > value > 1.f )
s_musicVolume - > value = 1.f ;
return ;
r = SNDDMA_Init ( ) ;
Com_Printf ( " ------------------------------------ \n " ) ;
if ( r ) {
s_soundStarted = 1 ;
s_soundMuted = ( qboolean ) 1 ;
// s_numSfx = 0;
s_soundtime = 0 ;
s_paintedtime = 0 ;
S_StopAllSounds ( ) ;
S_SoundInfo_f ( ) ;
Mutes / Unmutes all sound
void S_MuteAllSounds ( bool bMute )
if ( ! s_soundStarted )
return ;
if ( ! s_UseOpenAL )
return ;
if ( bMute )
alListenerf ( AL_GAIN , 0.0f ) ;
alListenerf ( AL_GAIN , 1.0f ) ;
void S_ChannelFree ( channel_t * v )
if ( s_UseOpenAL )
return ;
v - > thesfx = NULL ;
* ( channel_t * * ) v = freelist ;
freelist = ( channel_t * ) v ;
channel_t * S_ChannelMalloc ( )
channel_t * v ;
if ( s_UseOpenAL )
return NULL ;
if ( freelist = = NULL ) {
return NULL ;
v = freelist ;
freelist = * ( channel_t * * ) freelist ;
v - > allocTime = Com_Milliseconds ( ) ;
return v ;
void S_ChannelSetup ( )
channel_t * p , * q ;
if ( s_UseOpenAL )
return ;
// clear all the sounds so they don't
Com_Memset ( s_channels , 0 , sizeof ( s_channels ) ) ;
p = s_channels ; ;
q = p + MAX_CHANNELS ;
while ( - - q > p ) {
* ( channel_t * * ) q = q - 1 ;
* ( channel_t * * ) q = NULL ;
freelist = p + MAX_CHANNELS - 1 ;
Com_DPrintf ( " Channel memory manager started \n " ) ;
// =======================================================================
// Shutdown sound engine
// =======================================================================
void S_Shutdown ( void )
ALCcontext * ALCContext ;
ALCdevice * ALCDevice ;
channel_t * ch ;
int i , j ;
if ( ! s_soundStarted ) {
return ;
if ( s_UseOpenAL )
// Release all the AL Sources (including Music channel (Source 0))
for ( i = 0 ; i < s_numChannels ; i + + )
alDeleteSources ( 1 , & ( s_channels [ i ] . alSource ) ) ;
// Release all the AL Buffers here or not ?
S_FreeAllSFXMem ( ) ;
// Release Streaming AL Buffers
ch = s_channels + 1 ;
for ( i = 1 ; i < s_numChannels ; i + + , ch + + )
for ( j = 0 ; j < NUM_STREAMING_BUFFERS ; j + + )
alDeleteBuffers ( 1 , & ( ch - > buffers [ j ] . BufferID ) ) ;
ch - > buffers [ j ] . BufferID = 0 ;
ch - > buffers [ j ] . Status = UNQUEUED ;
if ( ch - > buffers [ j ] . Data )
Z_Free ( ch - > buffers [ j ] . Data ) ;
ch - > buffers [ j ] . Data = NULL ;
// Get active context
ALCContext = alcGetCurrentContext ( ) ;
// Get device for active context
ALCDevice = alcGetContextsDevice ( ALCContext ) ;
// Release context(s)
alcDestroyContext ( ALCContext ) ;
// Close device
alcCloseDevice ( ALCDevice ) ;
ReleaseEAXManager ( ) ;
s_numChannels = 0 ;
SNDDMA_Shutdown ( ) ;
s_soundStarted = 0 ;
Cmd_RemoveCommand ( " play " ) ;
Cmd_RemoveCommand ( " music " ) ;
Cmd_RemoveCommand ( " stopsound " ) ;
Cmd_RemoveCommand ( " soundlist " ) ;
Cmd_RemoveCommand ( " soundinfo " ) ;
// =======================================================================
// Load a sound
// =======================================================================
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
return a hash value for the sfx name
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static long S_HashSFXName ( const char * name ) {
int i ;
long hash ;
char letter ;
hash = 0 ;
i = 0 ;
while ( name [ i ] ! = ' \0 ' ) {
letter = tolower ( name [ i ] ) ;
if ( letter = = ' . ' ) break ; // don't include extension
if ( letter = = ' \\ ' ) letter = ' / ' ; // damn path names
hash + = ( long ) ( letter ) * ( i + 119 ) ;
i + + ;
hash & = ( LOOP_HASH - 1 ) ;
return hash ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Will allocate a new sfx if it isn ' t found
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
sfx_t * S_FindName ( const char * name ) {
int i ;
int hash ;
sfx_t * sfx ;
if ( ! name ) {
Com_Error ( ERR_FATAL , " S_FindName: NULL \n " ) ;
if ( ! name [ 0 ] ) {
Com_Error ( ERR_FATAL , " S_FindName: empty name \n " ) ;
if ( strlen ( name ) > = MAX_QPATH ) {
Com_Error ( ERR_FATAL , " Sound name too long: %s " , name ) ;
char sSoundNameNoExt [ MAX_QPATH ] ;
COM_StripExtension ( name , sSoundNameNoExt ) ;
hash = S_HashSFXName ( sSoundNameNoExt ) ;
sfx = sfxHash [ hash ] ;
// see if already loaded
while ( sfx ) {
if ( ! Q_stricmp ( sfx - > sSoundName , sSoundNameNoExt ) ) {
return sfx ;
sfx = sfx - > next ;
// find a free sfx
for ( i = 0 ; i < s_numSfx ; i + + ) {
if ( ! s_knownSfx [ i ] . soundName [ 0 ] ) {
break ;
i = s_numSfx ; //we don't clear the soundName after failed loads any more, so it'll always be the last entry
if ( s_numSfx = = MAX_SFX )
// ok, no sfx's free, but are there any with defaultSound set? (which the registering ent will never
// see because he gets zero returned if it's default...)
for ( i = 0 ; i < s_numSfx ; i + + ) {
if ( s_knownSfx [ i ] . bDefaultSound ) {
break ;
if ( i = = s_numSfx )
// genuinely out of handles...
// if we ever reach this, let me know and I'll either boost the array or put in a map-used-on
// reference to enable sfx_t recycling. TA codebase relies on being able to have structs for every sound
// used anywhere, ever, all at once (though audio bit-buffer gets recycled). SOF1 used about 1900 distinct
// events, so current MAX_SFX limit should do, or only need a small boost... -ste
Com_Error ( ERR_FATAL , " S_FindName: out of sfx_t " ) ;
s_numSfx + + ;
sfx = & s_knownSfx [ i ] ;
memset ( sfx , 0 , sizeof ( * sfx ) ) ;
Q_strncpyz ( sfx - > sSoundName , sSoundNameNoExt , sizeof ( sfx - > sSoundName ) ) ;
sfx - > next = sfxHash [ hash ] ;
sfxHash [ hash ] = sfx ;
return sfx ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void S_DefaultSound ( sfx_t * sfx ) {
int i ;
sfx - > iSoundLengthInSamples = 512 ; // #samples, ie shorts
sfx - > pSoundData = ( short * ) SND_malloc ( 512 * 2 , sfx ) ; // ... so *2 for alloc bytes
sfx - > bInMemory = qtrue ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < sfx - > iSoundLengthInSamples ; i + + )
sfx - > pSoundData [ i ] = i ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Disables sounds until the next S_BeginRegistration .
This is called when the hunk is cleared and the sounds
are no longer valid .
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void S_DisableSounds ( void ) {
S_StopAllSounds ( ) ;
s_soundMuted = qtrue ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void S_BeginRegistration ( void )
s_soundMuted = qfalse ; // we can play again
if ( s_numSfx = = 0 ) {
SND_setup ( ) ;
s_numSfx = 0 ;
Com_Memset ( s_knownSfx , 0 , sizeof ( s_knownSfx ) ) ;
Com_Memset ( sfxHash , 0 , sizeof ( sfx_t * ) * LOOP_HASH ) ;
S_RegisterSound ( DEFAULT_SOUND_NAME ) ;
S_DefaultSound ( & s_knownSfx [ 0 ] ) ;
void EALFileInit ( char * level )
long lRoom ;
char name [ MAX_QPATH ] ;
char szEALFilename [ MAX_QPATH ] ;
char * szMapName ;
// If an EAL File is already unloaded, remove it
if ( s_bEALFileLoaded )
UnloadEALFile ( ) ;
// Reset variables
s_bInWater = false ;
// Try and load an EAL file for the new level
COM_StripExtension ( level , name ) ;
// Find the last occurence of the '/' character
szMapName = Q_strrchr ( name , ' / ' ) ;
if ( szMapName )
Com_sprintf ( szEALFilename , MAX_QPATH , " eagle/%s.eal " , + + szMapName ) ;
Com_sprintf ( szEALFilename , MAX_QPATH , " eagle/%s.eal " , name ) ;
s_bEALFileLoaded = LoadEALFile ( szEALFilename ) ;
if ( s_bEALFileLoaded )
UpdateEAXListener ( true , false ) ;
if ( ( s_bEAX ) & & ( s_eaxSet ) )
lRoom = - 10000 ;
NULL , & lRoom , sizeof ( long ) ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Creates a default buzz sound if the file can ' t be loaded
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
sfxHandle_t S_RegisterSound ( const char * name )
sfx_t * sfx ;
if ( ! s_soundStarted ) {
return 0 ;
if ( ! name )
Com_Error ( ERR_FATAL , " S_RegisterSound: NULL name \n " ) ;
if ( ! name [ 0 ] )
Com_Error ( ERR_FATAL , " S_RegisterSound: empty name \n " ) ;
if ( strlen ( name ) > = MAX_QPATH ) {
Com_Error ( ERR_FATAL , " S_RegisterSound: Sound name exceeds MAX_QPATH - %s \n " , name ) ;
return 0 ;
sfx = S_FindName ( name ) ;
SND_TouchSFX ( sfx ) ;
if ( sfx - > bDefaultSound )
return 0 ;
if ( s_UseOpenAL )
if ( ( sfx - > pSoundData ) | | ( sfx - > Buffer ) )
return sfx - s_knownSfx ;
if ( sfx - > pSoundData )
return sfx - s_knownSfx ;
sfx - > bInMemory = qfalse ;
S_memoryLoad ( sfx ) ;
if ( sfx - > bDefaultSound ) {
// Suppress error for inline sounds
if ( Q_stricmp ( sfx - > sSoundName , DEFAULT_SOUND_NAME ) ) {
Com_DPrintf ( S_COLOR_YELLOW " WARNING: could not find %s - using default \n " , sfx - > sSoundName ) ;
return 0 ;
return sfx - s_knownSfx ;
void S_memoryLoad ( sfx_t * sfx )
// load the sound file...
if ( ! S_LoadSound ( sfx ) )
// Com_Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW "WARNING: couldn't load sound: %s\n", sfx->sSoundName );
sfx - > bDefaultSound = qtrue ;
sfx - > bInMemory = qtrue ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Used for spatializing s_channels
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void S_SpatializeOrigin ( vec3_t origin , int master_vol , int * left_vol , int * right_vol )
vec_t dot ;
vec_t dist ;
vec_t lscale , rscale , scale ;
vec3_t source_vec ;
vec3_t vec ;
float dist_mult = SOUND_ATTENUATE ; // the more you divide it down, the further away the sound can be heard
// calculate stereo seperation and distance attenuation
VectorSubtract ( origin , listener_origin , source_vec ) ;
dist = VectorNormalize ( source_vec ) ;
if ( dist < 0 )
dist = 0 ; // close enough to be at full volume
dist * = dist_mult ; // different attenuation levels
VectorRotate ( source_vec , listener_axis , vec ) ;
dot = - vec [ 1 ] ;
if ( dma . channels = = 1 )
{ // no attenuation = no spatialization
rscale = 1.0 ;
lscale = 1.0 ;
rscale = 0.5 * ( 1.0 + dot ) ;
lscale = 0.5 * ( 1.0 - dot ) ;
//rscale = s_separation->value + ( 1.0 - s_separation->value ) * dot;
//lscale = s_separation->value - ( 1.0 - s_separation->value ) * dot;
if ( rscale < 0 ) {
rscale = 0 ;
if ( lscale < 0 ) {
lscale = 0 ;
// add in distance effect
scale = ( 1.0 - dist ) * rscale ;
* right_vol = ( master_vol * scale ) ;
if ( * right_vol < 0 )
* right_vol = 0 ;
scale = ( 1.0 - dist ) * lscale ;
* left_vol = ( master_vol * scale ) ;
if ( * left_vol < 0 )
* left_vol = 0 ;
static qboolean S_CheckChannelStomp ( int chan1 , int chan2 )
if ( chan1 = = chan2 )
return qtrue ;
// Hmmmm. without CHAN_VOICE_ATTEN this logic just dups the above, so for now...
// if ( ( chan1 == CHAN_VOICE /* || chan1 == CHAN_VOICE_ATTEN*/ ) && ( chan2 == CHAN_VOICE /*|| chan2 == CHAN_VOICE_ATTEN*/ ) )
// {
// return qtrue;
// }
return qfalse ;
channel_t * S_PickChannel ( int entnum , int entchannel )
int ch_idx ;
channel_t * ch , * ch_firstToDie ;
qboolean foundChan = qfalse ;
if ( s_UseOpenAL )
return S_OpenALPickChannel ( entnum , entchannel ) ;
if ( entchannel < 0 ) {
Com_Error ( ERR_DROP , " S_PickChannel: entchannel<0 " ) ;
// Check for replacement sound, or find the best one to replace
ch_firstToDie = & s_channels [ 0 ] ;
for ( int pass = 0 ; ( pass < ( ( entchannel = = CHAN_AUTO ) ? 1 : 2 ) ) & & ! foundChan ; pass + + )
for ( ch_idx = 0 ,
ch = & s_channels [ ch_idx ] ; ch_idx < MAX_CHANNELS ; ch_idx + + , ch + + )
if ( entchannel = = CHAN_AUTO | | pass > 0 )
{ //if we're on the second pass, or we're doing a CHAN_AUTO then just find the first open chan
if ( ! ch - > thesfx )
{ //grab the first open channel
ch_firstToDie = ch ;
foundChan = qtrue ;
break ;
else if ( ch - > entnum = = entnum
//&& (/*entchannel != CHAN_AMBIENT*/1 || pass) // don't override Ambient sounds unless 2nd pass (ie all channels in use)
& & S_CheckChannelStomp ( ch - > entchannel , entchannel )
// always override sound from same entity
if ( s_show - > integer = = 1 & & ch - > thesfx ) {
Com_Printf ( S_COLOR_YELLOW " ...overrides %s \n " , ch - > thesfx - > sSoundName ) ;
ch - > thesfx = 0 ; //just to clear the next error msg
ch_firstToDie = ch ;
foundChan = qtrue ;
break ;
// don't let anything else override local player sounds
if ( ch - > entnum = = listener_number & & entnum ! = listener_number & & ch - > thesfx ) {
continue ;
// Ignore this, loopSounds are different array under TA codebase...
// // don't override loop sounds
// if ( ch->loopSound ) {
// continue;
// }
if ( ch - > startSample < ch_firstToDie - > startSample ) {
ch_firstToDie = ch ;
if ( s_show - > integer = = 1 & & ch_firstToDie - > thesfx ) {
Com_Printf ( S_COLOR_RED " ***kicking %s \n " , ch_firstToDie - > thesfx - > sSoundName ) ;
Channel_Clear ( ch_firstToDie ) ; // memset (ch_firstToDie, 0, sizeof(*ch_firstToDie));
return ch_firstToDie ;
For use with Open AL
Allows more than one sound of the same type to emanate from the same entity - sounds much better
on hardware this way esp . rapid fire modes of weapons !
channel_t * S_OpenALPickChannel ( int entnum , int entchannel )
int ch_idx ;
channel_t * ch , * ch_firstToDie ;
bool foundChan = false ;
float source_pos [ 3 ] ;
if ( entchannel < 0 )
Com_Error ( ERR_DROP , " S_PickChannel: entchannel<0 " ) ;
// Check for replacement sound, or find the best one to replace
ch_firstToDie = s_channels + 1 ; // channel 0 is reserved for Music
for ( ch_idx = 1 , ch = s_channels + ch_idx ; ch_idx < s_numChannels ; ch_idx + + , ch + + )
// See if the channel is free
if ( ! ch - > thesfx )
ch_firstToDie = ch ;
foundChan = true ;
break ;
if ( ! foundChan )
for ( ch_idx = 1 , ch = s_channels + ch_idx ; ch_idx < s_numChannels ; ch_idx + + , ch + + )
if ( ( ch - > entnum = = entnum ) & & ( ch - > entchannel = = entchannel ) & & ( ch - > entnum ! = listener_number ) )
// Same entity and same type of sound effect (entchannel)
ch_firstToDie = ch ;
foundChan = true ;
break ;
int longestDist ;
int dist ;
if ( ! foundChan )
// Find sound effect furthest from listener
ch = s_channels + 1 ;
if ( ch - > fixed_origin )
// Convert to Open AL co-ordinates
source_pos [ 0 ] = ch - > origin [ 0 ] ;
source_pos [ 1 ] = ch - > origin [ 2 ] ;
source_pos [ 2 ] = - ch - > origin [ 1 ] ;
longestDist = ( ( listener_pos [ 0 ] - source_pos [ 0 ] ) * ( listener_pos [ 0 ] - source_pos [ 0 ] ) ) +
( ( listener_pos [ 1 ] - source_pos [ 1 ] ) * ( listener_pos [ 1 ] - source_pos [ 1 ] ) ) +
( ( listener_pos [ 2 ] - source_pos [ 2 ] ) * ( listener_pos [ 2 ] - source_pos [ 2 ] ) ) ;
if ( ch - > entnum = = listener_number )
longestDist = 0 ;
// Convert to Open AL co-ordinates
source_pos [ 0 ] = loopSounds [ ch - > entnum ] . origin [ 0 ] ;
source_pos [ 1 ] = loopSounds [ ch - > entnum ] . origin [ 2 ] ;
source_pos [ 2 ] = - loopSounds [ ch - > entnum ] . origin [ 1 ] ;
longestDist = ( ( listener_pos [ 0 ] - source_pos [ 0 ] ) * ( listener_pos [ 0 ] - source_pos [ 0 ] ) ) +
( ( listener_pos [ 1 ] - source_pos [ 1 ] ) * ( listener_pos [ 1 ] - source_pos [ 1 ] ) ) +
( ( listener_pos [ 2 ] - source_pos [ 2 ] ) * ( listener_pos [ 2 ] - source_pos [ 2 ] ) ) ;
for ( ch_idx = 2 , ch = s_channels + ch_idx ; ch_idx < s_numChannels ; ch_idx + + , ch + + )
if ( ch - > fixed_origin )
// Convert to Open AL co-ordinates
source_pos [ 0 ] = ch - > origin [ 0 ] ;
source_pos [ 1 ] = ch - > origin [ 2 ] ;
source_pos [ 2 ] = - ch - > origin [ 1 ] ;
dist = ( ( listener_pos [ 0 ] - source_pos [ 0 ] ) * ( listener_pos [ 0 ] - source_pos [ 0 ] ) ) +
( ( listener_pos [ 1 ] - source_pos [ 1 ] ) * ( listener_pos [ 1 ] - source_pos [ 1 ] ) ) +
( ( listener_pos [ 2 ] - source_pos [ 2 ] ) * ( listener_pos [ 2 ] - source_pos [ 2 ] ) ) ;
if ( ch - > entnum = = listener_number )
dist = 0 ;
// Convert to Open AL co-ordinates
source_pos [ 0 ] = loopSounds [ ch - > entnum ] . origin [ 0 ] ;
source_pos [ 1 ] = loopSounds [ ch - > entnum ] . origin [ 2 ] ;
source_pos [ 2 ] = - loopSounds [ ch - > entnum ] . origin [ 1 ] ;
dist = ( ( listener_pos [ 0 ] - source_pos [ 0 ] ) * ( listener_pos [ 0 ] - source_pos [ 0 ] ) ) +
( ( listener_pos [ 1 ] - source_pos [ 1 ] ) * ( listener_pos [ 1 ] - source_pos [ 1 ] ) ) +
( ( listener_pos [ 2 ] - source_pos [ 2 ] ) * ( listener_pos [ 2 ] - source_pos [ 2 ] ) ) ;
if ( dist > longestDist )
longestDist = dist ;
ch_firstToDie = ch ;
if ( ch_firstToDie - > bPlaying )
if ( s_show - > integer = = 1 )
Com_Printf ( S_COLOR_RED " ***kicking %s \n " , ch_firstToDie - > thesfx - > sSoundName ) ;
// Stop sound
alSourceStop ( ch_firstToDie - > alSource ) ;
ch_firstToDie - > bPlaying = false ;
// Reset channel variables
memset ( & ch_firstToDie - > MP3StreamHeader , 0 , sizeof ( MP3STREAM ) ) ;
ch_firstToDie - > bLooping = false ;
ch_firstToDie - > bProcessed = false ;
ch_firstToDie - > bStreaming = false ;
return ch_firstToDie ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Gets the specified ent / channel and mutes any sound currently playing on it
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void S_MuteSound ( int entityNum , int entchannel )
channel_t * ch ;
int i ;
if ( entchannel < 1 )
return ;
if ( s_UseOpenAL )
ch = s_channels + 1 ;
for ( i = 1 ; i < s_numChannels ; i + + , ch + + )
if ( ( ch - > entnum = = entityNum ) & & ( ch - > entchannel = = entchannel ) )
alSourcef ( ch - > alSource , AL_GAIN , 0.0f ) ;
break ;
ch = S_PickChannel ( entityNum , entchannel ) ;
if ( ! ch )
return ;
ch - > master_vol = 0 ; //just kill the volume and leave the rest alone, as to not actually interrupt anything expecting the sound to go through
ch - > leftvol = 0 ;
ch - > rightvol = 0 ;
// =======================================================================
// Start a sound effect
// =======================================================================
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Validates the parms and ques the sound up
if pos is NULL , the sound will be dynamically sourced from the entity
Entchannel 0 will never override a playing sound
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void S_StartSound ( vec3_t origin , int entityNum , int entchannel , sfxHandle_t sfxHandle ) {
channel_t * ch ;
sfx_t * sfx ;
int i ;
int curTime ;
if ( ! s_soundStarted | | s_soundMuted ) {
return ;
if ( ! origin & & ( entityNum < 0 | | entityNum > MAX_GENTITIES ) ) {
Com_Error ( ERR_DROP , " S_StartSound: bad entitynum %i " , entityNum ) ;
if ( sfxHandle < 0 | | sfxHandle > = s_numSfx ) {
Com_Error ( ERR_DROP , " S_StartSound: handle %i out of range " , sfxHandle ) ;
sfx = & s_knownSfx [ sfxHandle ] ;
if ( sfx - > bInMemory = = qfalse ) {
S_memoryLoad ( sfx ) ;
if ( s_show - > integer = = 1 ) {
Com_Printf ( " %i : %s \n " , s_paintedtime , sfx - > sSoundName ) ;
if ( s_UseOpenAL )
// To avoid playing the same sound multiple times ...
if ( ( entityNum = = ENTITYNUM_NONE ) & & ( origin ) )
// Check if we have already started playing this sound within 50 milliseconds ago
ch = s_channels + 1 ;
curTime = Com_Milliseconds ( ) ;
for ( i = 1 ; i < s_numChannels ; i + + , ch + + )
if ( ( ch - > thesfx = = sfx ) & & ( curTime < ( ch - > thesfx - > iLastTimeUsed + 50 ) ) )
return ;
else if ( entchannel = = CHAN_WEAPON )
// Check if we are playing a 'charging' sound, if so, stop it now ..
ch = s_channels + 1 ;
for ( i = 1 ; i < s_numChannels ; i + + , ch + + )
2013-04-28 01:20:45 +00:00
if ( ( ch - > entnum = = entityNum ) & & ( ch - > entchannel = = CHAN_WEAPON ) & & ( ch - > thesfx ) & & ( strstr ( Q_strlwr ( ch - > thesfx - > sSoundName ) , " altcharge " ) ! = NULL ) )
2013-04-22 05:25:59 +00:00
// Stop this sound
alSourceStop ( ch - > alSource ) ;
alSourcei ( ch - > alSource , AL_BUFFER , NULL ) ;
ch - > bPlaying = false ;
ch - > thesfx = NULL ;
break ;
ch = s_channels + 1 ;
for ( i = 1 ; i < s_numChannels ; i + + , ch + + )
2013-04-28 01:20:45 +00:00
if ( ( ch - > entnum = = entityNum ) & & ( ch - > thesfx ) & & ( strstr ( Q_strlwr ( ch - > thesfx - > sSoundName ) , " falling " ) ! = NULL ) )
2013-04-22 05:25:59 +00:00
// Stop this sound
alSourceStop ( ch - > alSource ) ;
alSourcei ( ch - > alSource , AL_BUFFER , NULL ) ;
ch - > bPlaying = false ;
ch - > thesfx = NULL ;
break ;
SND_TouchSFX ( sfx ) ;
// pick a channel to play on
ch = S_PickChannel ( entityNum , entchannel ) ;
ch - > allocTime = sfx - > iLastTimeUsed ;
/* ch = S_ChannelMalloc(); // entityNum, entchannel);
if ( ! ch ) {
ch = s_channels ;
oldest = sfx - > lastTimeUsed ;
chosen = - 1 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_CHANNELS ; i + + , ch + + ) {
if ( ch - > entnum ! = listener_number & & ch - > entnum = = entityNum & & ch - > allocTime < oldest & & ch - > entchannel ! = CHAN_ANNOUNCER ) {
oldest = ch - > allocTime ;
chosen = i ;
if ( chosen = = - 1 ) {
ch = s_channels ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_CHANNELS ; i + + , ch + + ) {
if ( ch - > entnum ! = listener_number & & ch - > allocTime < oldest & & ch - > entchannel ! = CHAN_ANNOUNCER ) {
oldest = ch - > allocTime ;
chosen = i ;
if ( chosen = = - 1 ) {
Com_Printf ( " S_StartSound(): dropping sound \" %s \" \n " , sfx - > soundName ) ;
return ;
ch = & s_channels [ chosen ] ;
ch - > allocTime = sfx - > lastTimeUsed ;
if ( origin ) {
VectorCopy ( origin , ch - > origin ) ;
ch - > fixed_origin = qtrue ;
} else {
ch - > fixed_origin = qfalse ;
if ( s_UseOpenAL )
ch - > master_vol = 255 ;
ch - > master_vol = 240 ;
ch - > entnum = entityNum ;
ch - > thesfx = sfx ;
ch - > startSample = START_SAMPLE_IMMEDIATE ;
ch - > entchannel = entchannel ;
ch - > leftvol = ch - > master_vol ; // these will get calced at next spatialize
ch - > rightvol = ch - > master_vol ; // unless the game isn't running
ch - > doppler = qfalse ;
// EF1 also had this, do we want it?
if ( entchannel < CHAN_AMBIENT & & entityNum = = listener_number ) { //only do it for body sounds not local sounds
ch - > master_vol = SOUND_MAXVOL * SOUND_FMAXVOL ; //this won't be attenuated so let it scale down
( SOUND_FMAXVOL = 0.75f )
( SOUND_MAXVOL = 255 )
// if ( entchannel == CHAN_VOICE )//|| entchannel == CHAN_VOICE_ATTEN )
// {
// s_entityWavVol[ ch->entnum ] = -1; //we've started the sound but it's silent for now
// }
if ( sfx - > pMP3StreamHeader ) // -ste
memcpy ( & ch - > MP3StreamHeader , sfx - > pMP3StreamHeader , sizeof ( ch - > MP3StreamHeader ) ) ;
ch - > iMP3SlidingDecodeWritePos = 0 ;
ch - > iMP3SlidingDecodeWindowPos = 0 ;
memset ( & ch - > MP3StreamHeader , 0 , sizeof ( ch - > MP3StreamHeader ) ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void S_StartLocalSound ( sfxHandle_t sfxHandle , int channelNum ) {
if ( ! s_soundStarted | | s_soundMuted ) {
return ;
if ( sfxHandle < 0 | | sfxHandle > = s_numSfx ) {
Com_Printf ( S_COLOR_YELLOW , " S_StartLocalSound: handle %i out of range \n " , sfxHandle ) ;
return ;
S_StartSound ( NULL , listener_number , channelNum , sfxHandle ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void S_StartLocalLoopingSound ( sfxHandle_t sfxHandle ) {
vec3_t nullVec = { 0 , 0 , 0 } ;
if ( ! s_soundStarted | | s_soundMuted ) {
return ;
if ( sfxHandle < 0 | | sfxHandle > = s_numSfx ) {
Com_Error ( ERR_DROP , " S_StartLocalLoopingSound: handle %i out of range " , sfxHandle ) ;
S_AddLoopingSound ( listener_number , nullVec , nullVec , sfxHandle ) ; //, CHAN_AUTO );
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
If we are about to perform file access , clear the buffer
so sound doesn ' t stutter .
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void S_ClearSoundBuffer ( void ) {
int clear ;
if ( ! s_soundStarted )
return ;
// stop looping sounds
Com_Memset ( loopSounds , 0 , MAX_GENTITIES * sizeof ( loopSound_t ) ) ;
Com_Memset ( loop_channels , 0 , MAX_CHANNELS * sizeof ( channel_t ) ) ;
numLoopChannels = 0 ;
S_ChannelSetup ( ) ;
s_rawend = 0 ;
if ( ! s_UseOpenAL )
if ( dma . samplebits = = 8 )
clear = 0x80 ;
clear = 0 ;
SNDDMA_BeginPainting ( ) ;
if ( dma . buffer )
Com_Memset ( dma . buffer , clear , dma . samples * dma . samplebits / 8 ) ;
SNDDMA_Submit ( ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void S_StopAllSounds ( void )
channel_t * ch ;
int i ;
if ( ! s_soundStarted ) {
return ;
// stop the background music
S_StopBackgroundTrack ( ) ;
if ( s_UseOpenAL )
ch = s_channels ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < s_numChannels ; i + + , ch + + )
alSourceStop ( s_channels [ i ] . alSource ) ;
ch - > thesfx = NULL ;
memset ( & ch - > MP3StreamHeader , 0 , sizeof ( MP3STREAM ) ) ;
ch - > bLooping = false ;
ch - > bProcessed = false ;
ch - > bPlaying = false ;
ch - > bStreaming = false ;
S_ClearSoundBuffer ( ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
continuous looping sounds are added each frame
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void S_StopLoopingSound ( int entityNum ) {
loopSounds [ entityNum ] . active = qfalse ;
// loopSounds[entityNum].sfx = 0;
loopSounds [ entityNum ] . kill = qfalse ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void S_ClearLoopingSounds ( qboolean killall ) {
int i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_GENTITIES ; i + + ) {
if ( killall | | loopSounds [ i ] . kill = = qtrue | | ( loopSounds [ i ] . sfx & & loopSounds [ i ] . sfx - > iSoundLengthInSamples = = 0 ) ) {
loopSounds [ i ] . kill = qfalse ;
S_StopLoopingSound ( i ) ;
numLoopChannels = 0 ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Called during entity generation for a frame
Include velocity in case I get around to doing doppler . . .
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void S_AddLoopingSound ( int entityNum , const vec3_t origin , const vec3_t velocity , sfxHandle_t sfxHandle ) {
sfx_t * sfx ;
if ( ! s_soundStarted | | s_soundMuted ) {
return ;
if ( sfxHandle < 0 | | sfxHandle > = s_numSfx ) {
Com_Error ( ERR_DROP , " S_AddLoopingSound: handle %i out of range " , sfxHandle ) ;
sfx = & s_knownSfx [ sfxHandle ] ;
if ( sfx - > bInMemory = = qfalse ) {
S_memoryLoad ( sfx ) ;
SND_TouchSFX ( sfx ) ;
if ( ! sfx - > iSoundLengthInSamples ) {
Com_Error ( ERR_DROP , " %s has length 0 " , sfx - > sSoundName ) ;
VectorCopy ( origin , loopSounds [ entityNum ] . origin ) ;
VectorCopy ( velocity , loopSounds [ entityNum ] . velocity ) ;
loopSounds [ entityNum ] . active = qtrue ;
loopSounds [ entityNum ] . kill = qtrue ;
loopSounds [ entityNum ] . doppler = qfalse ;
loopSounds [ entityNum ] . oldDopplerScale = 1.0 ;
loopSounds [ entityNum ] . dopplerScale = 1.0 ;
if ( s_UseOpenAL )
if ( ( loopSounds [ entityNum ] . bPlaying ) & & ( loopSounds [ entityNum ] . sfx ! = sfx ) )
// Find the channel that is playing this sound, and stop it
channel_t * ch ;
ch = s_channels + 1 ;
for ( int i = 1 ; i < s_numChannels ; i + + , ch + + )
if ( ( ch - > bLooping ) & & ( ch - > entnum = = entityNum ) )
alSourceStop ( ch - > alSource ) ;
ch - > bPlaying = false ;
ch - > thesfx = NULL ;
loopSounds [ entityNum ] . bPlaying = false ;
break ;
loopSounds [ entityNum ] . sfx = sfx ;
if ( VectorLengthSquared ( velocity ) > 0.0 ) {
vec3_t out ;
float lena , lenb ;
loopSounds [ entityNum ] . doppler = qtrue ;
lena = DistanceSquared ( loopSounds [ listener_number ] . origin , loopSounds [ entityNum ] . origin ) ;
VectorAdd ( loopSounds [ entityNum ] . origin , loopSounds [ entityNum ] . velocity , out ) ;
lenb = DistanceSquared ( loopSounds [ listener_number ] . origin , out ) ;
if ( ( loopSounds [ entityNum ] . framenum + 1 ) ! = cls . framecount ) {
loopSounds [ entityNum ] . oldDopplerScale = 1.0 ;
} else {
loopSounds [ entityNum ] . oldDopplerScale = loopSounds [ entityNum ] . dopplerScale ;
loopSounds [ entityNum ] . dopplerScale = lenb / ( lena * 100 ) ;
if ( loopSounds [ entityNum ] . dopplerScale < 0.5 ) {
loopSounds [ entityNum ] . dopplerScale = 0.5 ;
loopSounds [ entityNum ] . framenum = cls . framecount ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Called during entity generation for a frame
Include velocity in case I get around to doing doppler . . .
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void S_AddRealLoopingSound ( int entityNum , const vec3_t origin , const vec3_t velocity , sfxHandle_t sfxHandle ) {
sfx_t * sfx ;
if ( ! s_soundStarted | | s_soundMuted ) {
return ;
if ( sfxHandle < 0 | | sfxHandle > = s_numSfx ) {
Com_Printf ( S_COLOR_YELLOW , " S_AddRealLoopingSound: handle %i out of range \n " , sfxHandle ) ;
return ;
sfx = & s_knownSfx [ sfxHandle ] ;
if ( sfx - > bInMemory = = qfalse ) {
S_memoryLoad ( sfx ) ;
SND_TouchSFX ( sfx ) ;
if ( ! sfx - > iSoundLengthInSamples ) {
Com_Error ( ERR_DROP , " %s has length 0 " , sfx - > sSoundName ) ;
VectorCopy ( origin , loopSounds [ entityNum ] . origin ) ;
VectorCopy ( velocity , loopSounds [ entityNum ] . velocity ) ;
loopSounds [ entityNum ] . sfx = sfx ;
loopSounds [ entityNum ] . active = qtrue ;
loopSounds [ entityNum ] . kill = qfalse ;
loopSounds [ entityNum ] . doppler = qfalse ;
// returns qtrue if ok to continue, else qfalse if all channels filled up this frame...
static qboolean LoopSound_ChannelInit ( loopSound_t * pLoopSound , int iLeftVol , int iRightVol )
// allocate a channel
channel_t * ch = & loop_channels [ numLoopChannels ] ;
if ( iLeftVol > 255 ) {
iLeftVol = 255 ;
if ( iRightVol > 255 ) {
iRightVol = 255 ;
ch - > master_vol = 255 ;
ch - > leftvol = iLeftVol ;
ch - > rightvol = iRightVol ;
ch - > thesfx = pLoopSound - > sfx ;
ch - > doppler = pLoopSound - > doppler ;
ch - > dopplerScale = pLoopSound - > dopplerScale ;
ch - > oldDopplerScale = pLoopSound - > oldDopplerScale ;
// you cannot use MP3 files here because they offer only streaming access, not random
if ( pLoopSound - > sfx - > pMP3StreamHeader )
Com_Error ( ERR_DROP , " LoopSound_ChannelInit(): Cannot use streamed MP3 files here for random access (%s) \n " , pLoopSound - > sfx - > sSoundName ) ;
memset ( & ch - > MP3StreamHeader , 0 , sizeof ( ch - > MP3StreamHeader ) ) ;
numLoopChannels + + ;
if ( s_UseOpenAL )
if ( numLoopChannels = = s_numChannels )
return qfalse ;
if ( numLoopChannels = = MAX_CHANNELS ) {
return qfalse ;
return qtrue ;
// returns qfalse if sound would be inaudible, else qtrue for go ahead and play it this frame...
static qboolean LoopSound_SetupVolume ( loopSound_t * pLoopSound , int time , int & iLeftTotal , int & iRightTotal )
if ( pLoopSound - > kill )
S_SpatializeOrigin ( pLoopSound - > origin , 240 , & iLeftTotal , & iRightTotal ) ; // 3d
S_SpatializeOrigin ( pLoopSound - > origin , 180 /*90*/ , & iLeftTotal , & iRightTotal ) ; // sphere
pLoopSound - > sfx - > iLastTimeUsed = time ;
if ( iLeftTotal = = 0 & & iRightTotal = = 0 )
return qfalse ; // not audible
return qtrue ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Spatialize all of the looping sounds .
All sounds are on the same cycle , so any duplicates can just
sum up the channel multipliers .
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void S_AddLoopSounds ( void ) {
int i , time ;
int left_total , right_total ;
loopSound_t * loop ;
static int loopFrame ;
numLoopChannels = 0 ;
time = Com_Milliseconds ( ) ;
loopFrame + + ;
// now do the standard ones...
for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_GENTITIES ; i + + )
loop = & loopSounds [ i ] ;
if ( ! loop - > active
// this next test is pointless, since ->mergeFrame is never set - remove field? -ste.
// || loop->mergeFrame == loopFrame // already merged into an earlier sound
continue ;
if ( LoopSound_SetupVolume ( loop , time , left_total , right_total ) )
if ( ! LoopSound_ChannelInit ( loop , left_total , right_total ) )
return ; // all looping channels occupied
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
If raw data has been loaded in little endien binary form , this must be done .
If raw data was calculated , as with ADPCM , this should not be called .
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void S_ByteSwapRawSamples ( int samples , int width , int s_channels , const byte * data ) {
int i ;
if ( width ! = 2 ) {
return ;
if ( LittleShort ( 256 ) = = 256 ) {
return ;
if ( s_channels = = 2 ) {
samples < < = 1 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < samples ; i + + ) {
( ( short * ) data ) [ i ] = LittleShort ( ( ( short * ) data ) [ i ] ) ;
portable_samplepair_t * S_GetRawSamplePointer ( ) {
return s_rawsamples ;
= = = = = = = = = = = =
Music streaming
= = = = = = = = = = = =
void S_RawSamples ( int samples , int rate , int width , int s_channels , const byte * data , float volume ) {
int i ;
int src , dst ;
float scale ;
int intVolume ;
if ( ! s_soundStarted | | s_soundMuted ) {
return ;
intVolume = 256 * volume ;
if ( s_rawend < s_soundtime ) {
Com_DPrintf ( " S_RawSamples: resetting minimum: %i < %i \n " , s_rawend , s_soundtime ) ;
s_rawend = s_soundtime ;
scale = ( float ) rate / dma . speed ;
//Com_Printf ("%i < %i < %i\n", s_soundtime, s_paintedtime, s_rawend);
if ( s_channels = = 2 & & width = = 2 )
if ( scale = = 1.0 )
{ // optimized case
for ( i = 0 ; i < samples ; i + + )
dst = s_rawend & ( MAX_RAW_SAMPLES - 1 ) ;
s_rawend + + ;
s_rawsamples [ dst ] . left = ( ( short * ) data ) [ i * 2 ] * intVolume ;
s_rawsamples [ dst ] . right = ( ( short * ) data ) [ i * 2 + 1 ] * intVolume ;
for ( i = 0 ; ; i + + )
src = i * scale ;
if ( src > = samples )
break ;
dst = s_rawend & ( MAX_RAW_SAMPLES - 1 ) ;
s_rawend + + ;
s_rawsamples [ dst ] . left = ( ( short * ) data ) [ src * 2 ] * intVolume ;
s_rawsamples [ dst ] . right = ( ( short * ) data ) [ src * 2 + 1 ] * intVolume ;
else if ( s_channels = = 1 & & width = = 2 )
for ( i = 0 ; ; i + + )
src = i * scale ;
if ( src > = samples )
break ;
dst = s_rawend & ( MAX_RAW_SAMPLES - 1 ) ;
s_rawend + + ;
s_rawsamples [ dst ] . left = ( ( short * ) data ) [ src ] * intVolume ;
s_rawsamples [ dst ] . right = ( ( short * ) data ) [ src ] * intVolume ;
else if ( s_channels = = 2 & & width = = 1 )
intVolume * = 256 ;
for ( i = 0 ; ; i + + )
src = i * scale ;
if ( src > = samples )
break ;
dst = s_rawend & ( MAX_RAW_SAMPLES - 1 ) ;
s_rawend + + ;
s_rawsamples [ dst ] . left = ( ( char * ) data ) [ src * 2 ] * intVolume ;
s_rawsamples [ dst ] . right = ( ( char * ) data ) [ src * 2 + 1 ] * intVolume ;
else if ( s_channels = = 1 & & width = = 1 )
intVolume * = 256 ;
for ( i = 0 ; ; i + + )
src = i * scale ;
if ( src > = samples )
break ;
dst = s_rawend & ( MAX_RAW_SAMPLES - 1 ) ;
s_rawend + + ;
s_rawsamples [ dst ] . left = ( ( ( byte * ) data ) [ src ] - 128 ) * intVolume ;
s_rawsamples [ dst ] . right = ( ( ( byte * ) data ) [ src ] - 128 ) * intVolume ;
if ( s_rawend > s_soundtime + MAX_RAW_SAMPLES ) {
Com_DPrintf ( " S_RawSamples: overflowed %i > %i \n " , s_rawend , s_soundtime ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
let the sound system know where an entity currently is
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void S_UpdateEntityPosition ( int entityNum , const vec3_t origin )
ALfloat pos [ 3 ] ;
channel_t * ch ;
int i ;
if ( entityNum < 0 | | entityNum > MAX_GENTITIES ) {
Com_Error ( ERR_DROP , " S_UpdateEntityPosition: bad entitynum %i " , entityNum ) ;
if ( s_UseOpenAL )
if ( entityNum = = listener_number )
return ;
ch = s_channels ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < s_numChannels ; i + + , ch + + )
if ( ( s_channels [ i ] . bPlaying ) & ( s_channels [ i ] . entnum = = entityNum ) )
pos [ 0 ] = origin [ 0 ] ;
pos [ 1 ] = origin [ 2 ] ;
pos [ 2 ] = - origin [ 1 ] ;
alSourcefv ( s_channels [ i ] . alSource , AL_POSITION , pos ) ;
if ( s_bEALFileLoaded )
UpdateEAXBuffer ( ch ) ;
VectorCopy ( origin , loopSounds [ entityNum ] . origin ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = =
Change the volumes of all the playing sounds for changes in their positions
= = = = = = = = = = = =
void S_Respatialize ( int entityNum , const vec3_t head , vec3_t axis [ 3 ] , int inwater )
unsigned int ulEnvironment ;
int i ;
channel_t * ch ;
vec3_t origin ;
char * mapname ;
if ( ! s_soundStarted | | s_soundMuted ) {
return ;
if ( s_UseOpenAL )
// Check if a new level has been loaded - if so, try and load the appropriate EAL file
mapname = cl . mapname ;
if ( ( mapname ) & & ( strcmp ( mapname , s_LevelName ) ! = 0 ) )
EALFileInit ( mapname ) ;
strcpy ( s_LevelName , mapname ) ;
listener_number = entityNum ;
listener_pos [ 0 ] = head [ 0 ] ;
listener_pos [ 1 ] = head [ 2 ] ;
listener_pos [ 2 ] = - head [ 1 ] ;
alListenerfv ( AL_POSITION , listener_pos ) ;
listener_ori [ 0 ] = axis [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ;
listener_ori [ 1 ] = axis [ 0 ] [ 2 ] ;
listener_ori [ 2 ] = - axis [ 0 ] [ 1 ] ;
listener_ori [ 3 ] = axis [ 2 ] [ 0 ] ;
listener_ori [ 4 ] = axis [ 2 ] [ 2 ] ;
listener_ori [ 5 ] = - axis [ 2 ] [ 1 ] ;
alListenerfv ( AL_ORIENTATION , listener_ori ) ;
// Update EAX effects here
if ( s_bEALFileLoaded )
// Check if the Listener is underwater
if ( inwater )
// Check if we have already applied Underwater effect
if ( ! s_bInWater )
// Apply Underwater Reverb effect, and occlude *all* Sources
NULL , & ulEnvironment , sizeof ( unsigned int ) ) ;
s_EnvironmentID = 999 ;
eaxOCProp . lOcclusion = - 3000 ;
eaxOCProp . flOcclusionLFRatio = 0.0f ;
eaxOCProp . flOcclusionRoomRatio = 1.37f ;
eaxOCProp . flOcclusionDirectRatio = 1.0f ;
ch = s_channels + 1 ;
for ( i = 1 ; i < s_numChannels ; i + + , ch + + )
ch - > alSource , & eaxOCProp , sizeof ( EAXOCCLUSIONPROPERTIES ) ) ;
s_bInWater = true ;
// Not underwater ... check if the underwater effect is still present
if ( s_bInWater )
// Remove underwater Reverb effect, and reset Occlusion / Obstruction amount on all Sources
UpdateEAXListener ( false , false ) ;
ch = s_channels + 1 ;
for ( i = 1 ; i < s_numChannels ; i + + , ch + + )
UpdateEAXBuffer ( ch ) ;
s_bInWater = false ;
UpdateEAXListener ( false , true ) ;
listener_number = entityNum ;
VectorCopy ( head , listener_origin ) ;
VectorCopy ( axis [ 0 ] , listener_axis [ 0 ] ) ;
VectorCopy ( axis [ 1 ] , listener_axis [ 1 ] ) ;
VectorCopy ( axis [ 2 ] , listener_axis [ 2 ] ) ;
// update spatialization for dynamic sounds
ch = s_channels ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_CHANNELS ; i + + , ch + + ) {
if ( ! ch - > thesfx ) {
continue ;
// anything coming from the view entity will always be full volume
if ( ch - > entnum = = listener_number ) {
ch - > leftvol = ch - > master_vol ;
ch - > rightvol = ch - > master_vol ;
} else {
if ( ch - > fixed_origin ) {
VectorCopy ( ch - > origin , origin ) ;
} else {
VectorCopy ( loopSounds [ ch - > entnum ] . origin , origin ) ;
S_SpatializeOrigin ( origin , ch - > master_vol , & ch - > leftvol , & ch - > rightvol ) ;
// add loopsounds
S_AddLoopSounds ( ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Returns qtrue if any new sounds were started since the last mix
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
qboolean S_ScanChannelStarts ( void ) {
channel_t * ch ;
int i ;
qboolean newSamples ;
newSamples = qfalse ;
ch = s_channels ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_CHANNELS ; i + + , ch + + ) {
if ( ! ch - > thesfx ) {
continue ;
// if this channel was just started this frame,
// set the sample count to it begins mixing
// into the very first sample
if ( ch - > startSample = = START_SAMPLE_IMMEDIATE ) {
ch - > startSample = s_paintedtime ;
newSamples = qtrue ;
continue ;
// if it is completely finished by now, clear it
if ( ch - > startSample + ( ch - > thesfx - > iSoundLengthInSamples ) < = s_paintedtime ) {
S_ChannelFree ( ch ) ;
return newSamples ;
= = = = = = = = = = = =
Called once each time through the main loop
= = = = = = = = = = = =
void S_Update ( void ) {
int i ;
int total ;
channel_t * ch ;
if ( ! s_soundStarted | | s_soundMuted ) {
Com_DPrintf ( " not started or muted \n " ) ;
return ;
if ( s_UseOpenAL )
// debugging output
if ( s_show - > integer = = 2 )
total = 0 ;
ch = s_channels + 1 ;
for ( i = 1 ; i < s_numChannels ; i + + , ch + + ) {
if ( ch - > thesfx & & ( ch - > leftvol | | ch - > rightvol ) ) {
Com_Printf ( " %s \n " , ch - > thesfx - > sSoundName ) ;
total + + ;
// debugging output
if ( s_show - > integer = = 2 ) {
total = 0 ;
ch = s_channels ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_CHANNELS ; i + + , ch + + ) {
if ( ch - > thesfx & & ( ch - > leftvol | | ch - > rightvol ) ) {
Com_Printf ( " %f %f %s \n " , ch - > leftvol , ch - > rightvol , ch - > thesfx - > sSoundName ) ;
total + + ;
Com_Printf ( " ----(%i)---- painted: %i \n " , total , s_paintedtime ) ;
// The Open AL code, handles background music in the S_UpdateRawSamples function
if ( ! s_UseOpenAL )
// add raw data from streamed samples
S_UpdateBackgroundTrack ( ) ;
// mix some sound
S_Update_ ( ) ;
void S_GetSoundtime ( void )
int samplepos ;
static int buffers ;
static int oldsamplepos ;
int fullsamples ;
fullsamples = dma . samples / dma . channels ;
// it is possible to miscount buffers if it has wrapped twice between
// calls to S_Update. Oh well.
samplepos = SNDDMA_GetDMAPos ( ) ;
if ( samplepos < oldsamplepos )
buffers + + ; // buffer wrapped
if ( s_paintedtime > 0x40000000 )
{ // time to chop things off to avoid 32 bit limits
buffers = 0 ;
s_paintedtime = fullsamples ;
S_StopAllSounds ( ) ;
oldsamplepos = samplepos ;
s_soundtime = buffers * fullsamples + samplepos / dma . channels ;
#if 0
// check to make sure that we haven't overshot
if ( s_paintedtime < s_soundtime )
Com_DPrintf ( " S_Update_ : overflow \n " ) ;
s_paintedtime = s_soundtime ;
# endif
if ( dma . submission_chunk < 256 ) {
s_paintedtime = s_soundtime + s_mixPreStep - > value * dma . speed ;
} else {
s_paintedtime = s_soundtime + dma . submission_chunk ;
void S_Update_ ( void ) {
unsigned endtime ;
int samps ;
static float lastTime = 0.0f ;
float ma , op ;
float thisTime , sane ;
static int ot = - 1 ;
channel_t * ch ;
int i , j ;
int source ;
float pos [ 3 ] ;
if ( ! s_soundStarted | | s_soundMuted ) {
return ;
if ( s_UseOpenAL )
UpdateSingleShotSounds ( ) ;
ch = s_channels + 1 ;
for ( i = 1 ; i < s_numChannels ; i + + , ch + + )
if ( ! ch - > thesfx | | ( ch - > bPlaying ) )
continue ;
source = ch - s_channels ;
// Get position of source
if ( ch - > fixed_origin )
pos [ 0 ] = ch - > origin [ 0 ] ;
pos [ 1 ] = ch - > origin [ 2 ] ;
pos [ 2 ] = - ch - > origin [ 1 ] ;
alSourcei ( s_channels [ source ] . alSource , AL_SOURCE_RELATIVE , AL_FALSE ) ;
if ( ch - > entnum = = listener_number )
pos [ 0 ] = 0.0f ;
pos [ 1 ] = 0.0f ;
pos [ 2 ] = 0.0f ;
alSourcei ( s_channels [ source ] . alSource , AL_SOURCE_RELATIVE , AL_TRUE ) ;
// Get position of Entity
pos [ 0 ] = loopSounds [ ch - > entnum ] . origin [ 0 ] ;
pos [ 1 ] = loopSounds [ ch - > entnum ] . origin [ 2 ] ;
pos [ 2 ] = - loopSounds [ ch - > entnum ] . origin [ 1 ] ;
alSourcei ( s_channels [ source ] . alSource , AL_SOURCE_RELATIVE , AL_FALSE ) ;
alSourcefv ( s_channels [ source ] . alSource , AL_POSITION , pos ) ;
alSourcei ( s_channels [ source ] . alSource , AL_LOOPING , AL_FALSE ) ;
alSourcef ( s_channels [ source ] . alSource , AL_GAIN , ( ( float ) ( ch - > master_vol ) * s_volume - > value ) / 255.0f ) ;
if ( s_bEALFileLoaded )
UpdateEAXBuffer ( ch ) ;
int nBytesDecoded = 0 ;
int nTotalBytesDecoded = 0 ;
int nBuffersToAdd = 0 ;
if ( ch - > thesfx - > pMP3StreamHeader )
memcpy ( & ch - > MP3StreamHeader , ch - > thesfx - > pMP3StreamHeader , sizeof ( ch - > MP3StreamHeader ) ) ;
ch - > iMP3SlidingDecodeWritePos = 0 ;
ch - > iMP3SlidingDecodeWindowPos = 0 ;
// Reset streaming buffers status's
for ( i = 0 ; i < NUM_STREAMING_BUFFERS ; i + + )
ch - > buffers [ i ] . Status = UNQUEUED ;
// Decode (STREAMING_BUFFER_SIZE / 1152) MP3 frames for each of the NUM_STREAMING_BUFFERS AL Buffers
for ( i = 0 ; i < NUM_STREAMING_BUFFERS ; i + + )
nTotalBytesDecoded = 0 ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < ( STREAMING_BUFFER_SIZE / 1152 ) ; j + + )
nBytesDecoded = C_MP3Stream_Decode ( & ch - > MP3StreamHeader ) ;
memcpy ( ch - > buffers [ i ] . Data + nTotalBytesDecoded , ch - > MP3StreamHeader . bDecodeBuffer , nBytesDecoded ) ;
nTotalBytesDecoded + = nBytesDecoded ;
if ( nTotalBytesDecoded ! = STREAMING_BUFFER_SIZE )
memset ( ch - > buffers [ i ] . Data + nTotalBytesDecoded , 0 , ( STREAMING_BUFFER_SIZE - nTotalBytesDecoded ) ) ;
break ;
nBuffersToAdd = i + 1 ;
// Make sure queue is empty first
alSourcei ( s_channels [ source ] . alSource , AL_BUFFER , NULL ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < nBuffersToAdd ; i + + )
// Copy decoded data to AL Buffer
alBufferData ( ch - > buffers [ i ] . BufferID , AL_FORMAT_MONO16 , ch - > buffers [ i ] . Data , STREAMING_BUFFER_SIZE , 22050 ) ;
// Queue AL Buffer on Source
alSourceQueueBuffers ( s_channels [ source ] . alSource , 1 , & ( ch - > buffers [ i ] . BufferID ) ) ;
if ( alGetError ( ) = = AL_NO_ERROR )
ch - > buffers [ i ] . Status = QUEUED ;
// Clear error state, and check for successful Play call
alGetError ( ) ;
alSourcePlay ( s_channels [ source ] . alSource ) ;
if ( alGetError ( ) = = AL_NO_ERROR )
s_channels [ source ] . bPlaying = true ;
// Record start time for Lip-syncing
s_channels [ source ] . iStartTime = Com_Milliseconds ( ) ;
ch - > bStreaming = true ;
return ;
// Attach buffer to source
alSourcei ( s_channels [ source ] . alSource , AL_BUFFER , ch - > thesfx - > Buffer ) ;
ch - > bStreaming = false ;
// Clear error state, and check for successful Play call
alGetError ( ) ;
alSourcePlay ( s_channels [ source ] . alSource ) ;
if ( alGetError ( ) = = AL_NO_ERROR )
s_channels [ source ] . bPlaying = true ;
UpdateLoopingSounds ( ) ;
UpdateRawSamples ( ) ;
EAXMorph ( ) ;
thisTime = Com_Milliseconds ( ) ;
// Updates s_soundtime
S_GetSoundtime ( ) ;
if ( s_soundtime = = ot ) {
return ;
ot = s_soundtime ;
// clear any sound effects that end before the current time,
// and start any new sounds
S_ScanChannelStarts ( ) ;
sane = thisTime - lastTime ;
if ( sane < 11 ) {
sane = 11 ; // 85hz
ma = s_mixahead - > value * dma . speed ;
op = s_mixPreStep - > value + sane * dma . speed * 0.01 ;
if ( op < ma ) {
ma = op ;
// mix ahead of current position
endtime = s_soundtime + ma ;
// mix to an even submission block size
endtime = ( endtime + dma . submission_chunk - 1 )
& ~ ( dma . submission_chunk - 1 ) ;
// never mix more than the complete buffer
samps = dma . samples > > ( dma . channels - 1 ) ;
if ( endtime - s_soundtime > samps )
endtime = s_soundtime + samps ;
SNDDMA_BeginPainting ( ) ;
S_PaintChannels ( endtime ) ;
SNDDMA_Submit ( ) ;
lastTime = thisTime ;
void UpdateSingleShotSounds ( )
int i , j , k ;
ALint state ;
ALint processed ;
channel_t * ch ;
// Firstly, check if any single-shot sounds have completed, or if they need more data (for streaming Sources),
// and/or if any of the currently playing (non-Ambient) looping sounds need to be stopped
ch = s_channels ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < s_numChannels ; i + + , ch + + )
ch - > bProcessed = false ;
if ( s_channels [ i ] . bPlaying )
if ( ch - > bLooping )
// Looping Sound
if ( loopSounds [ ch - > entnum ] . active = = false )
alSourceStop ( s_channels [ i ] . alSource ) ;
s_channels [ i ] . bPlaying = false ;
s_channels [ i ] . thesfx = NULL ;
loopSounds [ ch - > entnum ] . bPlaying = false ;
// Single-shot
if ( s_channels [ i ] . bStreaming = = false )
alGetSourcei ( s_channels [ i ] . alSource , AL_SOURCE_STATE , & state ) ;
if ( state = = AL_STOPPED )
s_channels [ i ] . thesfx = NULL ;
s_channels [ i ] . bPlaying = false ;
// Process streaming sample
// Procedure :-
// if more data to play
// if any UNQUEUED Buffers
// fill them with data
// (else ?)
// get number of buffers processed
// fill them with data
// restart playback if it has stopped (buffer underrun)
// else
// free channel
int nBytesDecoded ;
if ( ch - > thesfx - > pMP3StreamHeader )
if ( ch - > MP3StreamHeader . iSourceBytesRemaining = = 0 )
// Finished decoding data - if the source has finished playing then we're done
alGetSourcei ( ch - > alSource , AL_SOURCE_STATE , & state ) ;
if ( state = = AL_STOPPED )
// Attach NULL buffer to Source to remove any buffers left in the queue
alSourcei ( ch - > alSource , AL_BUFFER , NULL ) ;
ch - > thesfx = NULL ;
ch - > bPlaying = false ;
// Move on to next channel ...
continue ;
// Check to see if any Buffers have been processed
alGetSourcei ( ch - > alSource , AL_BUFFERS_PROCESSED , & processed ) ;
ALuint buffer ;
while ( processed )
alSourceUnqueueBuffers ( ch - > alSource , 1 , & buffer ) ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < NUM_STREAMING_BUFFERS ; j + + )
if ( ch - > buffers [ j ] . BufferID = = buffer )
ch - > buffers [ j ] . Status = UNQUEUED ;
break ;
processed - - ;
int nTotalBytesDecoded = 0 ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < NUM_STREAMING_BUFFERS ; j + + )
if ( ( ch - > buffers [ j ] . Status = = UNQUEUED ) & ( ch - > MP3StreamHeader . iSourceBytesRemaining > 0 ) )
nTotalBytesDecoded = 0 ;
for ( k = 0 ; k < ( STREAMING_BUFFER_SIZE / 1152 ) ; k + + )
nBytesDecoded = C_MP3Stream_Decode ( & ch - > MP3StreamHeader ) ;
if ( nBytesDecoded > 0 )
memcpy ( ch - > buffers [ j ] . Data + nTotalBytesDecoded , ch - > MP3StreamHeader . bDecodeBuffer , nBytesDecoded ) ;
nTotalBytesDecoded + = nBytesDecoded ;
// Make sure that iSourceBytesRemaining is 0
if ( ch - > MP3StreamHeader . iSourceBytesRemaining ! = 0 )
ch - > MP3StreamHeader . iSourceBytesRemaining = 0 ;
break ;
if ( nTotalBytesDecoded ! = STREAMING_BUFFER_SIZE )
memset ( ch - > buffers [ j ] . Data + nTotalBytesDecoded , 0 , ( STREAMING_BUFFER_SIZE - nTotalBytesDecoded ) ) ;
// Move data to buffer
alBufferData ( ch - > buffers [ j ] . BufferID , AL_FORMAT_MONO16 , ch - > buffers [ j ] . Data , STREAMING_BUFFER_SIZE , 22050 ) ;
// Queue Buffer on Source
alSourceQueueBuffers ( ch - > alSource , 1 , & ( ch - > buffers [ j ] . BufferID ) ) ;
// Update status of Buffer
ch - > buffers [ j ] . Status = QUEUED ;
break ;
// Move data to buffer
alBufferData ( ch - > buffers [ j ] . BufferID , AL_FORMAT_MONO16 , ch - > buffers [ j ] . Data , STREAMING_BUFFER_SIZE , 22050 ) ;
// Queue Buffer on Source
alSourceQueueBuffers ( ch - > alSource , 1 , & ( ch - > buffers [ j ] . BufferID ) ) ;
// Update status of Buffer
ch - > buffers [ j ] . Status = QUEUED ;
// Get state of Buffer
alGetSourcei ( ch - > alSource , AL_SOURCE_STATE , & state ) ;
if ( state ! = AL_PLAYING )
alSourcePlay ( ch - > alSource ) ;
# ifdef _DEBUG
char szString [ 256 ] ;
sprintf ( szString , " [%d] Restarting playback of single-shot streaming MP3 sample - still have %d bytes to decode \n " , i , ch - > MP3StreamHeader . iSourceBytesRemaining ) ;
OutputDebugString ( szString ) ;
# endif
void UpdateLoopingSounds ( )
int i ;
ALuint source ;
channel_t * ch ;
loopSound_t * loop ;
float pos [ 3 ] ;
float fVolume = 0.003922 ; // 1.f / 255.f
# ifdef _DEBUG
// Clear AL Error State
alGetError ( ) ;
# endif
for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_GENTITIES ; i + + )
loop = & loopSounds [ i ] ;
if ( ( loop - > bPlaying ) | ( ! loop - > active ) )
continue ;
ch = S_PickChannel ( i , CHAN_AUTO ) ;
// Play sound on channel
ch - > master_vol = 255 ;
ch - > entnum = i ;
ch - > thesfx = loop - > sfx ;
ch - > entchannel = CHAN_AUTO ;
ch - > fixed_origin = qfalse ;
ch - > origin [ 0 ] = 0.f ;
ch - > origin [ 1 ] = 0.f ;
ch - > origin [ 2 ] = 0.f ;
ch - > bLooping = true ;
source = ch - s_channels ;
alSourcei ( s_channels [ source ] . alSource , AL_BUFFER , ch - > thesfx - > Buffer ) ;
if ( ch - > entnum = = listener_number )
// Make Source Head Relative and set position to 0,0,0 (on top of the listener)
alSourcei ( s_channels [ source ] . alSource , AL_SOURCE_RELATIVE , AL_TRUE ) ;
alSourcefv ( s_channels [ source ] . alSource , AL_POSITION , ch - > origin ) ;
pos [ 0 ] = loop - > origin [ 0 ] ;
pos [ 1 ] = loop - > origin [ 2 ] ;
pos [ 2 ] = - loop - > origin [ 1 ] ;
alSourcefv ( s_channels [ source ] . alSource , AL_POSITION , pos ) ;
alSourcei ( s_channels [ source ] . alSource , AL_SOURCE_RELATIVE , AL_FALSE ) ;
alSourcei ( s_channels [ source ] . alSource , AL_LOOPING , AL_TRUE ) ;
alSourcef ( s_channels [ source ] . alSource , AL_GAIN , ( float ) ( ch - > master_vol ) * s_volume - > value * fVolume ) ;
if ( s_bEALFileLoaded )
UpdateEAXBuffer ( ch ) ;
alGetError ( ) ;
alSourcePlay ( s_channels [ source ] . alSource ) ;
if ( alGetError ( ) = = AL_NO_ERROR )
ch - > bPlaying = true ;
loop - > bPlaying = true ;
void UpdateRawSamples ( )
ALuint buffer ;
ALint size ;
ALint processed ;
ALint state ;
int i , j , src ;
# ifdef _DEBUG
char szString [ 256 ] ;
// Clear Open AL Error
alGetError ( ) ;
# endif
S_UpdateBackgroundTrack ( ) ;
// Find out how many buffers have been processed (played) by the Source
alGetSourcei ( s_channels [ 0 ] . alSource , AL_BUFFERS_PROCESSED , & processed ) ;
while ( processed )
// Unqueue each buffer, determine the length of the buffer, and then delete it
alSourceUnqueueBuffers ( s_channels [ 0 ] . alSource , 1 , & buffer ) ;
alGetBufferi ( buffer , AL_SIZE , & size ) ;
alDeleteBuffers ( 1 , & buffer ) ;
// Update sg.soundtime (+= number of samples played (number of bytes / 4))
s_soundtime + = ( size > > 2 ) ;
processed - - ;
// S_UpdateBackgroundTrack();
// Add new data to a new Buffer and queue it on the Source
if ( s_rawend > s_paintedtime )
size = ( s_rawend - s_paintedtime ) < < 2 ;
if ( size > ( MAX_RAW_SAMPLES < < 2 ) )
OutputDebugString ( " UpdateRawSamples :- Raw Sample buffer has overflowed !!! \n " ) ;
// s_rawend = s_paintedtime + MAX_RAW_SAMPLES;
// size = MAX_RAW_SAMPLES<<2;
size = MAX_RAW_SAMPLES < < 2 ;
s_paintedtime = s_rawend - MAX_RAW_SAMPLES ;
// Copy samples from RawSamples to audio buffer (sg.rawdata)
for ( i = s_paintedtime , j = 0 ; i < s_rawend ; i + + , j + = 2 )
src = i & ( MAX_RAW_SAMPLES - 1 ) ;
s_rawdata [ j ] = ( short ) ( s_rawsamples [ src ] . left > > 8 ) ;
s_rawdata [ j + 1 ] = ( short ) ( s_rawsamples [ src ] . right > > 8 ) ;
// Need to generate more than 1 buffer for music playback
// iterations = 0;
// largestBufferSize = (MAX_RAW_SAMPLES / 4) * 4
// while (size)
// generate a buffer
// if size > largestBufferSize
// copy sg.rawdata + ((iterations * largestBufferSize)>>1) to buffer
// size -= largestBufferSize
// else
// copy remainder
// size = 0
// queue the buffer
// iterations++;
int iterations = 0 ;
int largestBufferSize = MAX_RAW_SAMPLES ; // in bytes (== quarter of Raw Samples data)
while ( size )
alGenBuffers ( 1 , & buffer ) ;
if ( size > largestBufferSize )
alBufferData ( buffer , AL_FORMAT_STEREO16 , ( char * ) ( s_rawdata + ( ( iterations * largestBufferSize ) > > 1 ) ) , largestBufferSize , 22050 ) ;
size - = largestBufferSize ;
alBufferData ( buffer , AL_FORMAT_STEREO16 , ( char * ) ( s_rawdata + ( ( iterations * largestBufferSize ) > > 1 ) ) , size , 22050 ) ;
size = 0 ;
alSourceQueueBuffers ( s_channels [ 0 ] . alSource , 1 , & buffer ) ;
iterations + + ;
// Update paintedtime
s_paintedtime = s_rawend ;
// Check that the Source is actually playing
alGetSourcei ( s_channels [ 0 ] . alSource , AL_SOURCE_STATE , & state ) ;
if ( state ! = AL_PLAYING )
// Stopped playing ... due to buffer underrun
// Unqueue any buffers still on the Source (they will be PROCESSED), and restart playback
alGetSourcei ( s_channels [ 0 ] . alSource , AL_BUFFERS_PROCESSED , & processed ) ;
# ifdef _DEBUG
sprintf ( szString , " RawSamples Source stopped with %d buffer processed \n " , processed ) ;
OutputDebugString ( szString ) ;
# endif
while ( processed )
alSourceUnqueueBuffers ( s_channels [ 0 ] . alSource , 1 , & buffer ) ;
processed - - ;
alGetBufferi ( buffer , AL_SIZE , & size ) ;
alDeleteBuffers ( 1 , & buffer ) ;
// Update sg.soundtime (+= number of samples played (number of bytes / 4))
s_soundtime + = ( size > > 2 ) ;
# ifdef _DEBUG
OutputDebugString ( " Restarting / Starting playback of Raw Samples \n " ) ;
# endif
alSourcePlay ( s_channels [ 0 ] . alSource ) ;
# ifdef _DEBUG
if ( alGetError ( ) ! = AL_NO_ERROR )
OutputDebugString ( " OAL Error : UpdateRawSamples \n " ) ;
# endif
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
console functions
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void S_Play_f ( void ) {
int i ;
sfxHandle_t h ;
char name [ 256 ] ;
i = 1 ;
while ( i < Cmd_Argc ( ) ) {
if ( ! Q_strrchr ( Cmd_Argv ( i ) , ' . ' ) ) {
Com_sprintf ( name , sizeof ( name ) , " %s.wav " , Cmd_Argv ( 1 ) ) ;
} else {
Q_strncpyz ( name , Cmd_Argv ( i ) , sizeof ( name ) ) ;
h = S_RegisterSound ( name ) ;
if ( h ) {
S_StartLocalSound ( h , CHAN_LOCAL_SOUND ) ;
i + + ;
static void S_Music_f ( void ) {
int c ;
c = Cmd_Argc ( ) ;
if ( c = = 2 ) {
S_StartBackgroundTrack ( Cmd_Argv ( 1 ) , Cmd_Argv ( 1 ) , qfalse ) ;
} else if ( c = = 3 ) {
S_StartBackgroundTrack ( Cmd_Argv ( 1 ) , Cmd_Argv ( 2 ) , qfalse ) ;
} else {
Com_Printf ( " music <musicfile> [loopfile] \n " ) ;
return ;
// this table needs to be in-sync with the typedef'd enum "SoundCompressionMethod_t"... -ste
static const char * sSoundCompressionMethodStrings [ ct_NUMBEROF ] =
" 16b " , // ct_16
" mp3 " // ct_MP3
} ;
void S_SoundList_f ( void ) {
int i ;
sfx_t * sfx ;
int size , total ;
total = 0 ;
Com_Printf ( " \n " ) ;
Com_Printf ( " InMemory? \n " ) ;
Com_Printf ( " | \n " ) ;
Com_Printf ( " | LevelLastUsedOn \n " ) ;
Com_Printf ( " | | \n " ) ;
Com_Printf ( " | | \n " ) ;
Com_Printf ( " Slot Bytes Type | | Name \n " ) ;
// Com_Printf(" Slot Bytes Type InMem? Name\n");
for ( sfx = s_knownSfx , i = 0 ; i < s_numSfx ; i + + , sfx + + )
size = sfx - > iSoundLengthInSamples ;
total + = sfx - > bInMemory ? size : 0 ;
Com_Printf ( " %5d %7i [%s] %s %2d %s \n " , i , size , sSoundCompressionMethodStrings [ sfx - > eSoundCompressionMethod ] , sfx - > bInMemory ? " y " : " n " , sfx - > iLastLevelUsedOn , sfx - > sSoundName ) ;
Com_Printf ( " Total resident samples: %i ( not mem usage, see 'meminfo' ). \n " , total ) ;
Com_Printf ( " %d out of %d sfx_t slots used \n " , s_numSfx , MAX_SFX ) ;
S_DisplayFreeMemory ( ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
background music functions
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
int FGetLittleLong ( fileHandle_t f ) {
int v ;
FS_Read ( & v , sizeof ( v ) , f ) ;
return LittleLong ( v ) ;
int FGetLittleShort ( fileHandle_t f ) {
short v ;
FS_Read ( & v , sizeof ( v ) , f ) ;
return LittleShort ( v ) ;
// returns the length of the data in the chunk, or 0 if not found
int S_FindWavChunk ( fileHandle_t f , char * chunk ) {
char name [ 5 ] ;
int len ;
int r ;
name [ 4 ] = 0 ;
len = 0 ;
r = FS_Read ( name , 4 , f ) ;
if ( r ! = 4 ) {
return 0 ;
len = FGetLittleLong ( f ) ;
if ( len < 0 | | len > 0xfffffff ) {
len = 0 ;
return 0 ;
len = ( len + 1 ) & ~ 1 ; // pad to word boundary
// s_nextWavChunk += len + 8;
if ( strcmp ( name , chunk ) ) {
return 0 ;
return len ;
// fixme: need to move this into qcommon sometime?, but too much stuff altered by other people and I won't be able
// to compile again for ages if I check that out...
// DO NOT replace this with a call to FS_FileExists, that's for checking about writing out, and doesn't work for this.
qboolean S_FileExists ( const char * psFilename )
fileHandle_t fhTemp ;
FS_FOpenFileRead ( psFilename , & fhTemp , qtrue ) ; // qtrue so I can fclose the handle without closing a PAK
if ( ! fhTemp )
return qfalse ;
FS_FCloseFile ( fhTemp ) ;
return qtrue ;
// some stuff for streaming MP3 files from disk (not pleasant, but nothing about MP3 is, other than compression ratios...)
static void MP3MusicStream_Reset ( MusicInfo_t * pMusicInfo )
pMusicInfo - > iMP3MusicStream_DiskReadPos = 0 ;
pMusicInfo - > iMP3MusicStream_DiskWindowPos = 0 ;
// return is where the decoder should read from...
static byte * MP3MusicStream_ReadFromDisk ( MusicInfo_t * pMusicInfo , int iReadOffset , int iReadBytesNeeded )
if ( iReadOffset < pMusicInfo - > iMP3MusicStream_DiskWindowPos )
assert ( 0 ) ; // should never happen
return pMusicInfo - > byMP3MusicStream_DiskBuffer ; // ...but return something safe anyway
while ( iReadOffset + iReadBytesNeeded > pMusicInfo - > iMP3MusicStream_DiskReadPos )
int iBytesRead = FS_Read ( pMusicInfo - > byMP3MusicStream_DiskBuffer + ( pMusicInfo - > iMP3MusicStream_DiskReadPos - pMusicInfo - > iMP3MusicStream_DiskWindowPos ) , iMP3MusicStream_DiskBytesToRead , pMusicInfo - > s_backgroundFile ) ;
pMusicInfo - > iMP3MusicStream_DiskReadPos + = iBytesRead ;
if ( iBytesRead ! = iMP3MusicStream_DiskBytesToRead ) // quietly ignore any requests to read past file end
break ; // we need to do this because the disk read code can't know how much source data we need to
// read for a given number of requested output bytes, so we'll always be asking for too many
// if reached halfway point in buffer (approx 20k), backscroll it...
if ( pMusicInfo - > iMP3MusicStream_DiskReadPos - pMusicInfo - > iMP3MusicStream_DiskWindowPos > iMP3MusicStream_DiskBufferSize / 2 )
int iMoveSrcOffset = iReadOffset - pMusicInfo - > iMP3MusicStream_DiskWindowPos ;
int iMoveCount = ( pMusicInfo - > iMP3MusicStream_DiskReadPos - pMusicInfo - > iMP3MusicStream_DiskWindowPos ) - iMoveSrcOffset ;
memmove ( & pMusicInfo - > byMP3MusicStream_DiskBuffer , & pMusicInfo - > byMP3MusicStream_DiskBuffer [ iMoveSrcOffset ] , iMoveCount ) ;
pMusicInfo - > iMP3MusicStream_DiskWindowPos + = iMoveSrcOffset ;
return pMusicInfo - > byMP3MusicStream_DiskBuffer + ( iReadOffset - pMusicInfo - > iMP3MusicStream_DiskWindowPos ) ;
// does NOT set s_rawend!...
static void S_StopBackgroundTrack_Actual ( MusicInfo_t * pMusicInfo )
if ( pMusicInfo - > s_backgroundFile )
if ( pMusicInfo - > s_backgroundFile ! = - 1 )
Sys_EndStreamedFile ( pMusicInfo - > s_backgroundFile ) ;
FS_FCloseFile ( pMusicInfo - > s_backgroundFile ) ;
pMusicInfo - > s_backgroundFile = 0 ;
static void FreeMusic ( MusicInfo_t * pMusicInfo )
if ( pMusicInfo - > pLoadedData )
Z_Free ( pMusicInfo - > pLoadedData ) ;
pMusicInfo - > pLoadedData = NULL ;
pMusicInfo - > iLoadedDataLen = 0 ;
pMusicInfo - > sLoadedDataName [ 0 ] = ' \0 ' ;
// called only by snd_restart
void S_UnCacheDynamicMusic ( void )
FreeMusic ( & tMusic_Info [ eBGRNDTRACK_SLOW ] ) ;
static void S_StartBackgroundTrack_Actual ( MusicInfo_t * pMusicInfo , const char * intro , const char * loop )
int len ;
char dump [ 16 ] ;
char name [ MAX_QPATH ] ;
Q_strncpyz ( sMusic_BackgroundLoop , loop , sizeof ( sMusic_BackgroundLoop ) ) ;
Q_strncpyz ( name , intro , sizeof ( name ) - 4 ) ; // this seems to be so that if the filename hasn't got an extension
// but doesn't have the room to append on either then you'll just
// get the "soft" fopen() error, rather than the ERR_DROP you'd get
// if COM_DefaultExtension didn't have room to add it on.
COM_DefaultExtension ( name , sizeof ( name ) , " .wav " ) ;
// close the background track, but DON'T reset s_rawend (or remaining music bits that haven't been output yet will be cut off)
#if 0
/* if ( pMusicInfo->s_backgroundFile ) {
Sys_EndStreamedFile ( pMusicInfo - > s_backgroundFile ) ;
FS_FCloseFile ( pMusicInfo - > s_backgroundFile ) ;
pMusicInfo - > s_backgroundFile = 0 ;
# else
S_StopBackgroundTrack_Actual ( pMusicInfo ) ;
# endif
pMusicInfo - > bIsMP3 = qfalse ;
if ( ! intro [ 0 ] ) {
return ;
// new bit, if file requested is not same any loaded one (if prev was in-mem), ditch it...
if ( Q_stricmp ( name , pMusicInfo - > sLoadedDataName ) )
FreeMusic ( pMusicInfo ) ;
if ( ! Q_stricmpn ( name + ( strlen ( name ) - 4 ) , " .mp3 " , 4 ) )
int iMP3Filelen = FS_FOpenFileRead ( name , & pMusicInfo - > s_backgroundFile , qtrue ) ;
if ( ! pMusicInfo - > s_backgroundFile )
Com_Printf ( S_COLOR_RED " Couldn't open music file %s \n " , name ) ;
return ;
MP3MusicStream_Reset ( pMusicInfo ) ;
byte * pbMP3DataSegment = NULL ;
int iInitialMP3ReadSize = 8192 ; // fairly arbitrary, whatever size this is then the decoder is allowed to
// scan up to halfway of it to find floating headers, so don't make it
// too small. 8k works fine.
pbMP3DataSegment = MP3MusicStream_ReadFromDisk ( pMusicInfo , 0 , iInitialMP3ReadSize ) ;
if ( MP3_IsValid ( name , pbMP3DataSegment , iInitialMP3ReadSize , qtrue /*bStereoDesired*/ ) )
// init stream struct...
memset ( & pMusicInfo - > streamMP3_Bgrnd , 0 , sizeof ( pMusicInfo - > streamMP3_Bgrnd ) ) ;
char * psError = C_MP3Stream_DecodeInit ( & pMusicInfo - > streamMP3_Bgrnd , pbMP3DataSegment , iMP3Filelen ,
dma . speed ,
16 , // sfx->width * 8,
qtrue // bStereoDesired
) ;
if ( psError = = NULL )
// init sfx struct & setup the few fields I actually need...
memset ( & pMusicInfo - > sfxMP3_Bgrnd , 0 , sizeof ( pMusicInfo - > sfxMP3_Bgrnd ) ) ;
// pMusicInfo->sfxMP3_Bgrnd.width = 2; // read by MP3_GetSamples()
pMusicInfo - > sfxMP3_Bgrnd . iSoundLengthInSamples = 0x7FFFFFFF ; // max possible +ve int, since music finishes when decoder stops
pMusicInfo - > sfxMP3_Bgrnd . pMP3StreamHeader = & pMusicInfo - > streamMP3_Bgrnd ;
Q_strncpyz ( pMusicInfo - > sfxMP3_Bgrnd . sSoundName , name , sizeof ( pMusicInfo - > sfxMP3_Bgrnd . sSoundName ) ) ;
pMusicInfo - > s_backgroundInfo . format = WAV_FORMAT_MP3 ; // not actually used this way, but just ensures we don't match one of the legit formats
pMusicInfo - > s_backgroundInfo . channels = 2 ; // always, for our MP3s when used for music (else 1 for FX)
pMusicInfo - > s_backgroundInfo . rate = dma . speed ;
pMusicInfo - > s_backgroundInfo . width = 2 ; // always, for our MP3s
pMusicInfo - > s_backgroundInfo . samples = pMusicInfo - > sfxMP3_Bgrnd . iSoundLengthInSamples ;
pMusicInfo - > s_backgroundSamples = pMusicInfo - > sfxMP3_Bgrnd . iSoundLengthInSamples ;
memset ( & pMusicInfo - > chMP3_Bgrnd , 0 , sizeof ( pMusicInfo - > chMP3_Bgrnd ) ) ;
pMusicInfo - > chMP3_Bgrnd . thesfx = & pMusicInfo - > sfxMP3_Bgrnd ;
memcpy ( & pMusicInfo - > chMP3_Bgrnd . MP3StreamHeader , pMusicInfo - > sfxMP3_Bgrnd . pMP3StreamHeader , sizeof ( * pMusicInfo - > sfxMP3_Bgrnd . pMP3StreamHeader ) ) ;
pMusicInfo - > bIsMP3 = qtrue ;
Com_Printf ( S_COLOR_RED " Error streaming file %s: %s \n " , name , psError ) ;
FS_FCloseFile ( pMusicInfo - > s_backgroundFile ) ;
pMusicInfo - > s_backgroundFile = 0 ;
// MP3_IsValid() will already have printed any errors via Com_Printf at this point...
FS_FCloseFile ( pMusicInfo - > s_backgroundFile ) ;
pMusicInfo - > s_backgroundFile = 0 ;
return ;
else // not an mp3 file
// open up a wav file and get all the info
FS_FOpenFileRead ( name , & pMusicInfo - > s_backgroundFile , qtrue ) ;
if ( ! pMusicInfo - > s_backgroundFile ) {
Com_Printf ( S_COLOR_YELLOW " WARNING: couldn't open music file %s \n " , name ) ;
return ;
// skip the riff wav header
FS_Read ( dump , 12 , pMusicInfo - > s_backgroundFile ) ;
if ( ! S_FindWavChunk ( pMusicInfo - > s_backgroundFile , " fmt " ) ) {
Com_Printf ( S_COLOR_YELLOW " WARNING: No fmt chunk in %s \n " , name ) ;
FS_FCloseFile ( pMusicInfo - > s_backgroundFile ) ;
pMusicInfo - > s_backgroundFile = 0 ;
return ;
// save name for soundinfo
pMusicInfo - > s_backgroundInfo . format = FGetLittleShort ( pMusicInfo - > s_backgroundFile ) ;
pMusicInfo - > s_backgroundInfo . channels = FGetLittleShort ( pMusicInfo - > s_backgroundFile ) ;
pMusicInfo - > s_backgroundInfo . rate = FGetLittleLong ( pMusicInfo - > s_backgroundFile ) ;
FGetLittleLong ( pMusicInfo - > s_backgroundFile ) ;
FGetLittleShort ( pMusicInfo - > s_backgroundFile ) ;
pMusicInfo - > s_backgroundInfo . width = FGetLittleShort ( pMusicInfo - > s_backgroundFile ) / 8 ;
if ( pMusicInfo - > s_backgroundInfo . format ! = WAV_FORMAT_PCM ) {
FS_FCloseFile ( pMusicInfo - > s_backgroundFile ) ;
pMusicInfo - > s_backgroundFile = 0 ;
Com_Printf ( S_COLOR_YELLOW " WARNING: Not a microsoft PCM format wav: %s \n " , name ) ;
return ;
if ( pMusicInfo - > s_backgroundInfo . channels ! = 2 | | pMusicInfo - > s_backgroundInfo . rate ! = 22050 ) {
Com_Printf ( S_COLOR_YELLOW " WARNING: music file %s is not 22k stereo \n " , name ) ;
if ( ( len = S_FindWavChunk ( pMusicInfo - > s_backgroundFile , " data " ) ) = = 0 ) {
FS_FCloseFile ( pMusicInfo - > s_backgroundFile ) ;
pMusicInfo - > s_backgroundFile = 0 ;
Com_Printf ( S_COLOR_YELLOW " WARNING: No data chunk in %s \n " , name ) ;
return ;
pMusicInfo - > s_backgroundInfo . samples = len / ( pMusicInfo - > s_backgroundInfo . width * pMusicInfo - > s_backgroundInfo . channels ) ;
pMusicInfo - > s_backgroundSamples = pMusicInfo - > s_backgroundInfo . samples ;
// start the background streaming
Sys_BeginStreamedFile ( pMusicInfo - > s_backgroundFile , 0x10000 ) ;
static char gsIntroMusic [ MAX_QPATH ] = { 0 } ;
static char gsLoopMusic [ MAX_QPATH ] = { 0 } ;
void S_RestartMusic ( void )
if ( s_soundStarted & & ! s_soundMuted )
if ( gsIntroMusic [ 0 ] | | gsLoopMusic [ 0 ] )
S_StartBackgroundTrack ( gsIntroMusic , gsLoopMusic , qfalse ) ; // ( default music start will set the state to SLOW )
// Basic logic here is to see if the intro file specified actually exists, and if so, then it's not dynamic music,
// but if it doesn't, and it DOES exist by strcat()ing "_fast" and "_slow" (.mp3) onto 2 copies of it, then it's dynamic.
// In either case, open it if it exits, and just set some vars that'll inhibit dynamicness if needed.
void S_StartBackgroundTrack ( const char * intro , const char * loop , qboolean bReturnWithoutStarting )
if ( ! intro ) {
intro = " " ;
if ( ! loop | | ! loop [ 0 ] ) {
loop = intro ;
Q_strncpyz ( gsIntroMusic , intro , sizeof ( gsIntroMusic ) ) ;
Q_strncpyz ( gsLoopMusic , loop , sizeof ( gsLoopMusic ) ) ;
// do NOT start music from cgame now, the functions Com_TouchMemory() and RegisterMedia_LevelLoadEnd()
// can take some time to execute (after music start), and can stutter it. So now, RegisterMedia_LevelLoadEnd()
// will call S_RestartMusic now that the strings are set...
if ( bReturnWithoutStarting )
return ;
char sName [ MAX_QPATH ] ;
Q_strncpyz ( sName , intro , sizeof ( sName ) ) ;
COM_DefaultExtension ( sName , sizeof ( sName ) , " .mp3 " ) ;
// conceptually we always play the 'intro'[/sName] track, intro-to-loop transition is handled in UpdateBackGroundTrack().
if ( S_FileExists ( sName ) )
Com_DPrintf ( " S_StartBackgroundTrack: Found/using music track '%s' \n " , sName ) ;
S_StartBackgroundTrack_Actual ( & tMusic_Info [ eBGRNDTRACK_SLOW ] , sName , loop ) ;
Com_Printf ( S_COLOR_RED " ERROR: Unable to find music file: \n ( %s ) \n " , sName ) ;
S_StopBackgroundTrack ( ) ;
void S_StopBackgroundTrack ( void )
S_StopBackgroundTrack_Actual ( & tMusic_Info [ eBGRNDTRACK_SLOW ] ) ;
s_rawend = 0 ;
// qboolean return is true only if we're changing from a streamed intro to a dynamic loop...
static qboolean S_UpdateBackgroundTrack_Actual ( MusicInfo_t * pMusicInfo )
int bufferSamples ;
int fileSamples ;
byte raw [ 30000 ] ; // just enough to fit in a mac stack frame (note that MP3 doesn't use full size of it)
int fileBytes ;
int r ;
float fMasterVol = ( s_musicVolume - > value * s_musicMult - > value ) ;
static float musicVolume = 0.25f ;
// this is to work around an obscure issue to do with sliding decoder windows and amounts being requested, since the
// original MP3 stream-decoder wrapper was designed to work with audio-paintbuffer sized pieces... Basically 30000
// is far too big for the window decoder to handle in one request because of the time-travel issue associated with
// normal sfx buffer painting, and allowing sufficient sliding room, even though the music file never goes back in time.
# define RAWSIZE (pMusicInfo->bIsMP3?SIZEOF_RAW_BUFFER_FOR_MP3:sizeof(raw))
if ( ! pMusicInfo - > s_backgroundFile ) {
return qfalse ;
musicVolume = ( musicVolume + fMasterVol ) / 2.0f ;
// don't bother playing anything if musicvolume is 0
if ( musicVolume < = 0 ) {
return qfalse ;
// see how many samples should be copied into the raw buffer
if ( s_rawend < s_soundtime ) {
s_rawend = s_soundtime ;
while ( s_rawend < s_soundtime + MAX_RAW_SAMPLES )
bufferSamples = MAX_RAW_SAMPLES - ( s_rawend - s_soundtime ) ;
// decide how much data needs to be read from the file
fileSamples = bufferSamples * pMusicInfo - > s_backgroundInfo . rate / dma . speed ;
// don't try and read past the end of the file
if ( fileSamples > pMusicInfo - > s_backgroundSamples ) {
fileSamples = pMusicInfo - > s_backgroundSamples ;
// our max buffer size
fileBytes = fileSamples * ( pMusicInfo - > s_backgroundInfo . width * pMusicInfo - > s_backgroundInfo . channels ) ;
if ( fileBytes > RAWSIZE ) {
fileBytes = RAWSIZE ;
fileSamples = fileBytes / ( pMusicInfo - > s_backgroundInfo . width * pMusicInfo - > s_backgroundInfo . channels ) ;
qboolean qbForceFinish = qfalse ;
if ( pMusicInfo - > bIsMP3 )
int iStartingSampleNum = pMusicInfo - > chMP3_Bgrnd . thesfx - > iSoundLengthInSamples - pMusicInfo - > s_backgroundSamples ; // but this IS relevant
// Com_Printf(S_COLOR_YELLOW "Requesting MP3 samples: sample %d\n",iStartingSampleNum);
if ( pMusicInfo - > s_backgroundFile = = - 1 )
// in-mem...
qbForceFinish = ( MP3Stream_GetSamples ( & pMusicInfo - > chMP3_Bgrnd , iStartingSampleNum , fileBytes / 2 , ( short * ) raw , qtrue ) ) ? qfalse : qtrue ;
//Com_Printf(S_COLOR_YELLOW "Music time remaining: %f seconds\n", MP3Stream_GetRemainingTimeInSeconds( &pMusicInfo->chMP3_Bgrnd.MP3StreamHeader ));
// streaming an MP3 file instead... (note that the 'fileBytes' request size isn't that relevant for MP3s,
// since code here can't know how much the MP3 needs to decompress)
byte * pbScrolledStreamData = MP3MusicStream_ReadFromDisk ( pMusicInfo , pMusicInfo - > chMP3_Bgrnd . MP3StreamHeader . iSourceReadIndex , fileBytes ) ;
pMusicInfo - > chMP3_Bgrnd . MP3StreamHeader . pbSourceData = pbScrolledStreamData - pMusicInfo - > chMP3_Bgrnd . MP3StreamHeader . iSourceReadIndex ;
qbForceFinish = ( MP3Stream_GetSamples ( & pMusicInfo - > chMP3_Bgrnd , iStartingSampleNum , fileBytes / 2 , ( short * ) raw , qtrue ) ) ? qfalse : qtrue ;
// streaming a WAV off disk...
r = Sys_StreamedRead ( raw , 1 , fileBytes , pMusicInfo - > s_backgroundFile ) ;
if ( r ! = fileBytes ) {
Com_Printf ( S_COLOR_RED " StreamedRead failure on music track \n " ) ;
S_StopBackgroundTrack ( ) ;
return qfalse ;
// byte swap if needed (do NOT do for MP3 decoder, that has an internal big/little endian handler)
S_ByteSwapRawSamples ( fileSamples , pMusicInfo - > s_backgroundInfo . width , pMusicInfo - > s_backgroundInfo . channels , raw ) ;
// add to raw buffer
S_RawSamples ( fileSamples , pMusicInfo - > s_backgroundInfo . rate ,
pMusicInfo - > s_backgroundInfo . width , pMusicInfo - > s_backgroundInfo . channels , raw , musicVolume
) ;
pMusicInfo - > s_backgroundSamples - = fileSamples ;
if ( ! pMusicInfo - > s_backgroundSamples | | qbForceFinish )
// loop the music, or play the next piece if we were on the intro...
// (but not for dynamic, that can only be used for loop music)
// for non-dynamic music we need to check if "sMusic_BackgroundLoop" is an actual filename,
// or if it's a dynamic music specifier (which can't literally exist), in which case it should set
// a return flag then exit...
char sTestName [ MAX_QPATH * 2 ] ; // *2 so COM_DefaultExtension doesn't do an ERR_DROP if there was no space
// for an extension, since this is a "soft" test
Q_strncpyz ( sTestName , sMusic_BackgroundLoop , sizeof ( sTestName ) ) ;
COM_DefaultExtension ( sTestName , sizeof ( sTestName ) , " .wav " ) ;
if ( S_FileExists ( sTestName ) )
S_StartBackgroundTrack_Actual ( pMusicInfo , sMusic_BackgroundLoop , sMusic_BackgroundLoop ) ;
// proposed file doesn't exist, but this may be a dynamic track we're wanting to loop,
// so exit with a special flag...
return qtrue ;
if ( ! pMusicInfo - > s_backgroundFile )
return qfalse ; // loop failed to restart
# undef RAWSIZE
return qfalse ;
static void S_UpdateBackgroundTrack ( void )
qboolean bNewTrackDesired = S_UpdateBackgroundTrack_Actual ( & tMusic_Info [ eBGRNDTRACK_SLOW ] ) ;
if ( bNewTrackDesired )
S_StartBackgroundTrack ( sMusic_BackgroundLoop , sMusic_BackgroundLoop , qfalse ) ;
// currently passing in sfx as a param in case I want to do something with it later.
byte * SND_malloc ( int iSize , sfx_t * sfx )
byte * pData = ( byte * ) Z_Malloc ( iSize , TAG_SND_RAWDATA ) ; // don't bother asking for zeroed mem
return pData ;
cvar_t * s_soundpoolmegs = NULL ;
// called once-only in EXE lifetime...
void SND_setup ( )
s_soundpoolmegs = Cvar_Get ( " s_soundpoolmegs " , " 25 " , CVAR_ARCHIVE ) ;
if ( Sys_LowPhysicalMemory ( ) )
Cvar_Set ( " s_soundpoolmegs " , " 0 " ) ;
Com_Printf ( " Sound memory manager started \n " ) ;
// ask how much mem an sfx has allocated...
static int SND_MemUsed ( sfx_t * sfx )
int iSize = 0 ;
if ( sfx - > pSoundData ) {
iSize + = Z_Size ( sfx - > pSoundData ) ;
if ( sfx - > pMP3StreamHeader ) {
iSize + = Z_Size ( sfx - > pMP3StreamHeader ) ;
return iSize ;
// free any allocated sfx mem...
// now returns # bytes freed to help with z_malloc()-fail recovery
static int SND_FreeSFXMem ( sfx_t * sfx )
int iBytesFreed = 0 ;
if ( sfx - > pSoundData ) {
iBytesFreed + = Z_Size ( sfx - > pSoundData ) ;
Z_Free ( sfx - > pSoundData ) ;
sfx - > pSoundData = NULL ;
sfx - > bInMemory = qfalse ;
if ( sfx - > pMP3StreamHeader ) {
iBytesFreed + = Z_Size ( sfx - > pMP3StreamHeader ) ;
Z_Free ( sfx - > pMP3StreamHeader ) ;
sfx - > pMP3StreamHeader = NULL ;
return iBytesFreed ;
void S_DisplayFreeMemory ( )
// Com_Printf("%.2fMB total sound bytes, %.2fMB used this map\n",
// (float)iSNDBytes_Total /1024.0f/1024.0f,
// (float)iSNDBytes_ThisMap /1024.0f/1024.0f
// );
int iSoundDataSize = Z_MemSize ( TAG_SND_RAWDATA ) + Z_MemSize ( TAG_SND_MP3STREAMHDR ) ;
int iMusicDataSize = Z_MemSize ( TAG_SND_DYNAMICMUSIC ) ;
if ( iSoundDataSize | | iMusicDataSize )
Com_Printf ( " \n %.2fMB audio data: ( %.2fMB WAV/MP3 ) + ( %.2fMB Music ) \n " ,
( ( float ) ( iSoundDataSize + iMusicDataSize ) ) / 1024.0f / 1024.0f ,
( ( float ) ( iSoundDataSize ) ) / 1024.0f / 1024.0f ,
( ( float ) ( iMusicDataSize ) ) / 1024.0f / 1024.0f
) ;
// now count up amount used on this level...
iSoundDataSize = 0 ;
for ( int i = 1 ; i < s_numSfx ; i + + )
sfx_t * sfx = & s_knownSfx [ i ] ;
if ( sfx - > iLastLevelUsedOn = = RE_RegisterMedia_GetLevel ( ) ) {
iSoundDataSize + = SND_MemUsed ( sfx ) ;
Com_Printf ( " %.2fMB in sfx_t alloc data (WAV/MP3) loaded this level \n " , ( float ) iSoundDataSize / 1024.0f / 1024.0f ) ;
void SND_TouchSFX ( sfx_t * sfx )
sfx - > iLastTimeUsed = Com_Milliseconds ( ) ; // ditch this field sometime?
sfx - > iLastLevelUsedOn = RE_RegisterMedia_GetLevel ( ) ;
// currently this is only called during snd_shutdown or snd_restart
void S_FreeAllSFXMem ( void )
for ( int i = 1 ; i < s_numSfx ; i + + ) // start @ 1 to skip freeing default sound
SND_FreeSFXMem ( & s_knownSfx [ i ] ) ;
// returns number of bytes freed up...
int SND_FreeOldestSound ( )
int iBytesFreed = 0 ;
sfx_t * sfx ;
int iOldest = Com_Milliseconds ( ) ;
int iUsed = 0 ;
// start on 1 so we never dump the default sound...
for ( int i = 1 ; i < s_numSfx ; i + + )
sfx = & s_knownSfx [ i ] ;
if ( ! sfx - > bDefaultSound & & sfx - > bInMemory & & sfx - > iLastTimeUsed < iOldest )
if ( sfx - > pSoundData )
iUsed = i ;
iOldest = sfx - > iLastTimeUsed ;
assert ( 0 ) ; // shouldn't need this, but I'm sure I saw one once then had bInMemory but !pSoundData.... ?!?!?
sfx - > bInMemory = qfalse ;
if ( iUsed )
sfx = & s_knownSfx [ iUsed ] ;
Com_DPrintf ( " SND_FreeOldestSound: freeing sound %s \n " , sfx - > sSoundName ) ;
iBytesFreed = SND_FreeSFXMem ( sfx ) ;
return iBytesFreed ;
// just before we drop into a level, ensure the audio pool is under whatever the maximum
// pool size is (but not by dropping out sounds used by the current level)...
// returns qtrue if at least one sound was dropped out, so z_malloc-fail recovery code knows if anything changed
extern qboolean gbInsideLoadSound ;
qboolean SND_RegisterAudio_LevelLoadEnd ( qboolean bDeleteEverythingNotUsedThisLevel /* 99% qfalse */ )
qboolean bAtLeastOneSoundDropped = qfalse ;
Com_DPrintf ( " SND_RegisterAudio_LevelLoadEnd(): \n " ) ;
if ( gbInsideLoadSound )
Com_DPrintf ( " (Inside S_LoadSound (z_malloc recovery?), exiting... \n " ) ;
int iLoadedAudioBytes = Z_MemSize ( TAG_SND_RAWDATA ) + Z_MemSize ( TAG_SND_MP3STREAMHDR ) ;
const int iMaxAudioBytes = s_soundpoolmegs - > integer * 1024 * 1024 ;
for ( int i = 1 ; i < s_numSfx & & ( iLoadedAudioBytes > iMaxAudioBytes | | bDeleteEverythingNotUsedThisLevel ) ; i + + ) // i=1 so we never page out default sound
sfx_t * sfx = & s_knownSfx [ i ] ;
if ( sfx - > bInMemory )
qboolean bDeleteThis = qfalse ;
if ( bDeleteEverythingNotUsedThisLevel )
bDeleteThis = ( sfx - > iLastLevelUsedOn ! = RE_RegisterMedia_GetLevel ( ) ) ? qtrue : qfalse ;
bDeleteThis = ( sfx - > iLastLevelUsedOn < RE_RegisterMedia_GetLevel ( ) ) ? qtrue : qfalse ;
if ( bDeleteThis )
Com_DPrintf ( " Dumping sfx_t \" %s \" \n " , sfx - > sSoundName ) ;
if ( SND_FreeSFXMem ( sfx ) )
bAtLeastOneSoundDropped = qtrue ;
iLoadedAudioBytes = Z_MemSize ( TAG_SND_RAWDATA ) + Z_MemSize ( TAG_SND_MP3STREAMHDR ) ;
Com_DPrintf ( " SND_RegisterAudio_LevelLoadEnd(): Ok \n " ) ;
return bAtLeastOneSoundDropped ;
* EAX Related
\ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
Initialize the EAX Manager
void InitEAXManager ( )
// Check for EAX 3.0 support
s_bEAX = alIsExtensionPresent ( ( ALubyte * ) " EAX3.0 " ) ;
if ( s_bEAX )
s_eaxSet = ( EAXSet ) alGetProcAddress ( ( ALubyte * ) " EAXSet " ) ;
if ( s_eaxSet = = NULL )
s_bEAX = false ;
s_eaxGet = ( EAXGet ) alGetProcAddress ( ( ALubyte * ) " EAXGet " ) ;
if ( s_eaxGet = = NULL )
s_bEAX = false ;
// If we have detected EAX support, then try and load the EAX Manager DLL
if ( s_bEAX )
s_hEAXManInst = LoadLibrary ( " EAXMan.dll " ) ;
if ( s_hEAXManInst )
lpEAXManagerCreateFn = ( LPEAXMANAGERCREATE ) GetProcAddress ( s_hEAXManInst , " EaxManagerCreate " ) ;
if ( lpEAXManagerCreateFn )
hr = lpEAXManagerCreateFn ( & s_lpEAXManager ) ;
if ( hr = = EM_OK )
return ;
// If the EAXManager library was loaded (and there was a problem), then unload it
if ( s_hEAXManInst )
FreeLibrary ( s_hEAXManInst ) ;
s_hEAXManInst = NULL ;
s_lpEAXManager = NULL ;
s_bEAX = false ;
return ;
Release the EAX Manager
void ReleaseEAXManager ( )
s_bEAX = false ;
if ( s_lpEAXManager )
s_lpEAXManager - > Release ( ) ;
s_lpEAXManager = NULL ;
if ( s_hEAXManInst )
FreeLibrary ( s_hEAXManInst ) ;
s_hEAXManInst = NULL ;
Try to load the given . eal file
bool LoadEALFile ( char * szEALFilename )
char * ealData = NULL ;
int result ;
char szFullEALFilename [ MAX_QPATH ] ;
if ( ( ! s_lpEAXManager ) | | ( ! s_bEAX ) )
return false ;
s_EnvironmentID = 0xFFFFFFFF ;
// Load EAL file from PAK file
result = FS_ReadFile ( szEALFilename , ( void * * ) & ealData ) ;
if ( ( ealData ) & & ( result ! = - 1 ) )
hr = s_lpEAXManager - > LoadDataSet ( ealData , EMFLAG_LOADFROMMEMORY ) ;
// Unload EAL file
FS_FreeFile ( ealData ) ;
if ( hr = = EM_OK )
return true ;
// Failed to load via Quake loader, try manually
Com_sprintf ( szFullEALFilename , MAX_QPATH , " base/%s " , szEALFilename ) ;
hr = s_lpEAXManager - > LoadDataSet ( szFullEALFilename , 0 ) ;
if ( hr = = EM_OK )
return true ;
return false ;
Unload current . eal file
void UnloadEALFile ( )
if ( ( ! s_lpEAXManager ) | | ( ! s_bEAX ) )
return ;
hr = s_lpEAXManager - > FreeDataSet ( 0 ) ;
return ;
Updates the current EAX Reverb setting , based on the location of the listener
void UpdateEAXListener ( bool bUseDefault , bool bUseMorphing )
long lID ;
if ( ( ! s_lpEAXManager ) | | ( ! s_bEAX ) )
return ;
if ( bUseDefault )
// Get Default EAX Listener attributes
hr = s_lpEAXManager - > GetEnvironmentAttributes ( EMFLAG_IDDEFAULT , & s_eaxLPSource ) ;
if ( hr = = EM_OK )
s_eaxLPSource . flAirAbsorptionHF = 0.0f ;
NULL , & s_eaxLPSource , sizeof ( EAXLISTENERPROPERTIES ) ) ;
s_eaxLPCur = s_eaxLPSource ;
s_eaxLPDest = s_eaxLPSource ;
s_EnvironmentID = EMFLAG_IDDEFAULT ;
s_eaxMorphStartTime = 0 ;
s_eaxMorphCount = 0 ;
return ;
return ;
// Convert Listener co-ordinate to left-handed system
EMPoint . fX = listener_pos [ 0 ] ;
EMPoint . fY = listener_pos [ 1 ] ;
EMPoint . fZ = - listener_pos [ 2 ] ;
hr = s_lpEAXManager - > GetListenerDynamicAttributes ( 0 , & EMPoint , & lID , EMFLAG_LOCKPOSITION ) ;
if ( hr = = EM_OK )
if ( lID ! = s_EnvironmentID )
// Get EAX Preset info.
hr = s_lpEAXManager - > GetEnvironmentAttributes ( lID , & s_eaxLPDest ) ;
s_eaxLPDest . flAirAbsorptionHF = 0.0f ;
if ( hr = = EM_OK )
if ( bUseMorphing )
// Morph to the new Destination from the Current Settings
s_eaxLPSource = s_eaxLPCur ;
s_eaxMorphCount = 0 ;
s_eaxMorphStartTime = Com_Milliseconds ( ) ;
s_eaxMorphing = true ;
// Set Environment
NULL , & s_eaxLPDest , sizeof ( EAXLISTENERPROPERTIES ) ) ;
s_eaxLPSource = s_eaxLPCur = s_eaxLPDest ;
s_eaxMorphing = false ;
s_EnvironmentID = lID ;
return ;
Updates the EAX Buffer related effects on the given Source
void UpdateEAXBuffer ( channel_t * ch )
EMPOINT EMSourcePoint ;
EMPOINT EMVirtualSourcePoint ;
// If EAX Manager is not initialized, or there is no EAX support, or the listener
// is underwater, return
if ( ( ! s_lpEAXManager ) | | ( ! s_bEAX ) | | ( s_bInWater ) )
return ;
// Set Occlusion Direct Ratio to the default value (it won't get set by the current version of
// EAX Manager)
// Convert Source co-ordinate to left-handed system
if ( ch - > fixed_origin )
// Converting from Quake -> DS3D (for EAGLE) ... swap Y and Z
EMSourcePoint . fX = ch - > origin [ 0 ] ;
EMSourcePoint . fY = ch - > origin [ 2 ] ;
EMSourcePoint . fZ = ch - > origin [ 1 ] ;
if ( ch - > entnum = = listener_number )
// Source at same position as listener
// Probably won't be any Occlusion / Obstruction effect -- unless the listener is underwater
// Converting from Open AL -> DS3D (for EAGLE) ... invert Z
EMSourcePoint . fX = listener_pos [ 0 ] ;
EMSourcePoint . fY = listener_pos [ 1 ] ;
EMSourcePoint . fZ = - listener_pos [ 2 ] ;
// Get position of Entity
// Converting from Quake -> DS3D (for EAGLE) ... swap Y and Z
EMSourcePoint . fX = loopSounds [ ch - > entnum ] . origin [ 0 ] ;
EMSourcePoint . fY = loopSounds [ ch - > entnum ] . origin [ 2 ] ;
EMSourcePoint . fZ = loopSounds [ ch - > entnum ] . origin [ 1 ] ;
hr = s_lpEAXManager - > GetSourceDynamicAttributes ( 0 , & EMSourcePoint , & eaxOBProp . lObstruction , & eaxOBProp . flObstructionLFRatio ,
& eaxOCProp . lOcclusion , & eaxOCProp . flOcclusionLFRatio , & eaxOCProp . flOcclusionRoomRatio , & EMVirtualSourcePoint , 0 ) ;
if ( hr = = EM_OK )
// Set EAX effect !
ch - > alSource , & eaxOBProp , sizeof ( EAXOBSTRUCTIONPROPERTIES ) ) ;
ch - > alSource , & eaxOCProp , sizeof ( EAXOCCLUSIONPROPERTIES ) ) ;
return ;
void EAXMorph ( )
int curPos ;
int curTime ;
float flRatio ;
if ( ( ! s_bEAX ) | | ( ! s_eaxMorphing ) )
return ;
// Get current time
curTime = Com_Milliseconds ( ) ;
curPos = ( ( curTime - s_eaxMorphStartTime ) / 100 ) ;
if ( curPos > = 10 )
// Finished morphing
s_eaxMorphing = false ;
s_eaxLPSource = s_eaxLPDest ;
s_eaxLPCur = s_eaxLPDest ;
NULL , & s_eaxLPSource , sizeof ( EAXLISTENERPROPERTIES ) ) ;
if ( curPos > s_eaxMorphCount )
// Next morph step
flRatio = ( float ) curPos / 10.f ;
EAX3ListenerInterpolate ( & s_eaxLPSource , & s_eaxLPDest , flRatio , & s_eaxLPCur ) ;
NULL , & s_eaxLPCur , sizeof ( EAXLISTENERPROPERTIES ) ) ;
s_eaxMorphCount = curPos ;
* Definition of the EAXMorph function - EAX3ListenerInterpolate
\ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
lpStart - Initial EAX 3 Listener parameters
lpFinish - Final EAX 3 Listener parameters
flRatio - Ratio Destination : Source ( 0.0 = = Source , 1.0 = = Destination )
lpResult - Interpolated EAX 3 Listener parameters
bCheckValues - Check EAX 3.0 parameters are in range , default = false ( no checking )
float flRatio , LPEAXLISTENERPROPERTIES lpResult , bool bCheckValues )
EAXVECTOR StartVector , FinalVector ;
float flInvRatio ;
if ( bCheckValues )
if ( ! CheckEAX3LP ( lpStart ) )
return false ;
if ( ! CheckEAX3LP ( lpFinish ) )
return false ;
if ( flRatio > = 1.0f )
memcpy ( lpResult , lpFinish , sizeof ( EAXLISTENERPROPERTIES ) ) ;
return true ;
else if ( flRatio < = 0.0f )
memcpy ( lpResult , lpStart , sizeof ( EAXLISTENERPROPERTIES ) ) ;
return true ;
flInvRatio = ( 1.0f - flRatio ) ;
// Environment
lpResult - > ulEnvironment = 26 ; // (UNDEFINED environment)
// Environment Size
if ( lpStart - > flEnvironmentSize = = lpFinish - > flEnvironmentSize )
lpResult - > flEnvironmentSize = lpStart - > flEnvironmentSize ;
lpResult - > flEnvironmentSize = ( float ) exp ( ( log ( lpStart - > flEnvironmentSize ) * flInvRatio ) + ( log ( lpFinish - > flEnvironmentSize ) * flRatio ) ) ;
// Environment Diffusion
if ( lpStart - > flEnvironmentDiffusion = = lpFinish - > flEnvironmentDiffusion )
lpResult - > flEnvironmentDiffusion = lpStart - > flEnvironmentDiffusion ;
lpResult - > flEnvironmentDiffusion = ( lpStart - > flEnvironmentDiffusion * flInvRatio ) + ( lpFinish - > flEnvironmentDiffusion * flRatio ) ;
// Room
if ( lpStart - > lRoom = = lpFinish - > lRoom )
lpResult - > lRoom = lpStart - > lRoom ;
lpResult - > lRoom = ( int ) ( ( ( float ) lpStart - > lRoom * flInvRatio ) + ( ( float ) lpFinish - > lRoom * flRatio ) ) ;
// Room HF
if ( lpStart - > lRoomHF = = lpFinish - > lRoomHF )
lpResult - > lRoomHF = lpStart - > lRoomHF ;
lpResult - > lRoomHF = ( int ) ( ( ( float ) lpStart - > lRoomHF * flInvRatio ) + ( ( float ) lpFinish - > lRoomHF * flRatio ) ) ;
// Room LF
if ( lpStart - > lRoomLF = = lpFinish - > lRoomLF )
lpResult - > lRoomLF = lpStart - > lRoomLF ;
lpResult - > lRoomLF = ( int ) ( ( ( float ) lpStart - > lRoomLF * flInvRatio ) + ( ( float ) lpFinish - > lRoomLF * flRatio ) ) ;
// Decay Time
if ( lpStart - > flDecayTime = = lpFinish - > flDecayTime )
lpResult - > flDecayTime = lpStart - > flDecayTime ;
lpResult - > flDecayTime = ( float ) exp ( ( log ( lpStart - > flDecayTime ) * flInvRatio ) + ( log ( lpFinish - > flDecayTime ) * flRatio ) ) ;
// Decay HF Ratio
if ( lpStart - > flDecayHFRatio = = lpFinish - > flDecayHFRatio )
lpResult - > flDecayHFRatio = lpStart - > flDecayHFRatio ;
lpResult - > flDecayHFRatio = ( float ) exp ( ( log ( lpStart - > flDecayHFRatio ) * flInvRatio ) + ( log ( lpFinish - > flDecayHFRatio ) * flRatio ) ) ;
// Decay LF Ratio
if ( lpStart - > flDecayLFRatio = = lpFinish - > flDecayLFRatio )
lpResult - > flDecayLFRatio = lpStart - > flDecayLFRatio ;
lpResult - > flDecayLFRatio = ( float ) exp ( ( log ( lpStart - > flDecayLFRatio ) * flInvRatio ) + ( log ( lpFinish - > flDecayLFRatio ) * flRatio ) ) ;
// Reflections
if ( lpStart - > lReflections = = lpFinish - > lReflections )
lpResult - > lReflections = lpStart - > lReflections ;
lpResult - > lReflections = ( int ) ( ( ( float ) lpStart - > lReflections * flInvRatio ) + ( ( float ) lpFinish - > lReflections * flRatio ) ) ;
// Reflections Delay
if ( lpStart - > flReflectionsDelay = = lpFinish - > flReflectionsDelay )
lpResult - > flReflectionsDelay = lpStart - > flReflectionsDelay ;
lpResult - > flReflectionsDelay = ( float ) exp ( ( log ( lpStart - > flReflectionsDelay + 0.0001 ) * flInvRatio ) + ( log ( lpFinish - > flReflectionsDelay + 0.0001 ) * flRatio ) ) ;
// Reflections Pan
// To interpolate the vector correctly we need to ensure that both the initial and final vectors vectors are clamped to a length of 1.0f
StartVector = lpStart - > vReflectionsPan ;
FinalVector = lpFinish - > vReflectionsPan ;
Clamp ( & StartVector ) ;
Clamp ( & FinalVector ) ;
if ( lpStart - > vReflectionsPan . x = = lpFinish - > vReflectionsPan . x )
lpResult - > vReflectionsPan . x = lpStart - > vReflectionsPan . x ;
lpResult - > vReflectionsPan . x = FinalVector . x + ( flInvRatio * ( StartVector . x - FinalVector . x ) ) ;
if ( lpStart - > vReflectionsPan . y = = lpFinish - > vReflectionsPan . y )
lpResult - > vReflectionsPan . y = lpStart - > vReflectionsPan . y ;
lpResult - > vReflectionsPan . y = FinalVector . y + ( flInvRatio * ( StartVector . y - FinalVector . y ) ) ;
if ( lpStart - > vReflectionsPan . z = = lpFinish - > vReflectionsPan . z )
lpResult - > vReflectionsPan . z = lpStart - > vReflectionsPan . z ;
lpResult - > vReflectionsPan . z = FinalVector . z + ( flInvRatio * ( StartVector . z - FinalVector . z ) ) ;
// Reverb
if ( lpStart - > lReverb = = lpFinish - > lReverb )
lpResult - > lReverb = lpStart - > lReverb ;
lpResult - > lReverb = ( int ) ( ( ( float ) lpStart - > lReverb * flInvRatio ) + ( ( float ) lpFinish - > lReverb * flRatio ) ) ;
// Reverb Delay
if ( lpStart - > flReverbDelay = = lpFinish - > flReverbDelay )
lpResult - > flReverbDelay = lpStart - > flReverbDelay ;
lpResult - > flReverbDelay = ( float ) exp ( ( log ( lpStart - > flReverbDelay + 0.0001 ) * flInvRatio ) + ( log ( lpFinish - > flReverbDelay + 0.0001 ) * flRatio ) ) ;
// Reverb Pan
// To interpolate the vector correctly we need to ensure that both the initial and final vectors are clamped to a length of 1.0f
StartVector = lpStart - > vReverbPan ;
FinalVector = lpFinish - > vReverbPan ;
Clamp ( & StartVector ) ;
Clamp ( & FinalVector ) ;
if ( lpStart - > vReverbPan . x = = lpFinish - > vReverbPan . x )
lpResult - > vReverbPan . x = lpStart - > vReverbPan . x ;
lpResult - > vReverbPan . x = FinalVector . x + ( flInvRatio * ( StartVector . x - FinalVector . x ) ) ;
if ( lpStart - > vReverbPan . y = = lpFinish - > vReverbPan . y )
lpResult - > vReverbPan . y = lpStart - > vReverbPan . y ;
lpResult - > vReverbPan . y = FinalVector . y + ( flInvRatio * ( StartVector . y - FinalVector . y ) ) ;
if ( lpStart - > vReverbPan . z = = lpFinish - > vReverbPan . z )
lpResult - > vReverbPan . z = lpStart - > vReverbPan . z ;
lpResult - > vReverbPan . z = FinalVector . z + ( flInvRatio * ( StartVector . z - FinalVector . z ) ) ;
// Echo Time
if ( lpStart - > flEchoTime = = lpFinish - > flEchoTime )
lpResult - > flEchoTime = lpStart - > flEchoTime ;
lpResult - > flEchoTime = ( float ) exp ( ( log ( lpStart - > flEchoTime ) * flInvRatio ) + ( log ( lpFinish - > flEchoTime ) * flRatio ) ) ;
// Echo Depth
if ( lpStart - > flEchoDepth = = lpFinish - > flEchoDepth )
lpResult - > flEchoDepth = lpStart - > flEchoDepth ;
lpResult - > flEchoDepth = ( lpStart - > flEchoDepth * flInvRatio ) + ( lpFinish - > flEchoDepth * flRatio ) ;
// Modulation Time
if ( lpStart - > flModulationTime = = lpFinish - > flModulationTime )
lpResult - > flModulationTime = lpStart - > flModulationTime ;
lpResult - > flModulationTime = ( float ) exp ( ( log ( lpStart - > flModulationTime ) * flInvRatio ) + ( log ( lpFinish - > flModulationTime ) * flRatio ) ) ;
// Modulation Depth
if ( lpStart - > flModulationDepth = = lpFinish - > flModulationDepth )
lpResult - > flModulationDepth = lpStart - > flModulationDepth ;
lpResult - > flModulationDepth = ( lpStart - > flModulationDepth * flInvRatio ) + ( lpFinish - > flModulationDepth * flRatio ) ;
// Air Absorption HF
if ( lpStart - > flAirAbsorptionHF = = lpFinish - > flAirAbsorptionHF )
lpResult - > flAirAbsorptionHF = lpStart - > flAirAbsorptionHF ;
lpResult - > flAirAbsorptionHF = ( lpStart - > flAirAbsorptionHF * flInvRatio ) + ( lpFinish - > flAirAbsorptionHF * flRatio ) ;
// HF Reference
if ( lpStart - > flHFReference = = lpFinish - > flHFReference )
lpResult - > flHFReference = lpStart - > flHFReference ;
lpResult - > flHFReference = ( float ) exp ( ( log ( lpStart - > flHFReference ) * flInvRatio ) + ( log ( lpFinish - > flHFReference ) * flRatio ) ) ;
// LF Reference
if ( lpStart - > flLFReference = = lpFinish - > flLFReference )
lpResult - > flLFReference = lpStart - > flLFReference ;
lpResult - > flLFReference = ( float ) exp ( ( log ( lpStart - > flLFReference ) * flInvRatio ) + ( log ( lpFinish - > flLFReference ) * flRatio ) ) ;
// Room Rolloff Factor
if ( lpStart - > flRoomRolloffFactor = = lpFinish - > flRoomRolloffFactor )
lpResult - > flRoomRolloffFactor = lpStart - > flRoomRolloffFactor ;
lpResult - > flRoomRolloffFactor = ( lpStart - > flRoomRolloffFactor * flInvRatio ) + ( lpFinish - > flRoomRolloffFactor * flRatio ) ;
// Flags
lpResult - > ulFlags = ( lpStart - > ulFlags & lpFinish - > ulFlags ) ;
// Clamp Delays
if ( lpResult - > flReflectionsDelay > EAXLISTENER_MAXREFLECTIONSDELAY )
lpResult - > flReflectionsDelay = EAXLISTENER_MAXREFLECTIONSDELAY ;
if ( lpResult - > flReverbDelay > EAXLISTENER_MAXREVERBDELAY )
lpResult - > flReverbDelay = EAXLISTENER_MAXREVERBDELAY ;
return true ;
Checks that the parameters in the EAX 3 Listener Properties structure are in - range
if ( ( lpEAX3LP - > lRoom < EAXLISTENER_MINROOM ) | | ( lpEAX3LP - > lRoom > EAXLISTENER_MAXROOM ) )
return false ;
return false ;
return false ;
if ( ( lpEAX3LP - > ulEnvironment < EAXLISTENER_MINENVIRONMENT ) | | ( lpEAX3LP - > ulEnvironment > EAXLISTENER_MAXENVIRONMENT ) )
return false ;
if ( ( lpEAX3LP - > flEnvironmentSize < EAXLISTENER_MINENVIRONMENTSIZE ) | | ( lpEAX3LP - > flEnvironmentSize > EAXLISTENER_MAXENVIRONMENTSIZE ) )
return false ;
if ( ( lpEAX3LP - > flEnvironmentDiffusion < EAXLISTENER_MINENVIRONMENTDIFFUSION ) | | ( lpEAX3LP - > flEnvironmentDiffusion > EAXLISTENER_MAXENVIRONMENTDIFFUSION ) )
return false ;
if ( ( lpEAX3LP - > flDecayTime < EAXLISTENER_MINDECAYTIME ) | | ( lpEAX3LP - > flDecayTime > EAXLISTENER_MAXDECAYTIME ) )
return false ;
return false ;
return false ;
if ( ( lpEAX3LP - > lReflections < EAXLISTENER_MINREFLECTIONS ) | | ( lpEAX3LP - > lReflections > EAXLISTENER_MAXREFLECTIONS ) )
return false ;
if ( ( lpEAX3LP - > flReflectionsDelay < EAXLISTENER_MINREFLECTIONSDELAY ) | | ( lpEAX3LP - > flReflectionsDelay > EAXLISTENER_MAXREFLECTIONSDELAY ) )
return false ;
if ( ( lpEAX3LP - > lReverb < EAXLISTENER_MINREVERB ) | | ( lpEAX3LP - > lReverb > EAXLISTENER_MAXREVERB ) )
return false ;
if ( ( lpEAX3LP - > flReverbDelay < EAXLISTENER_MINREVERBDELAY ) | | ( lpEAX3LP - > flReverbDelay > EAXLISTENER_MAXREVERBDELAY ) )
return false ;
if ( ( lpEAX3LP - > flEchoTime < EAXLISTENER_MINECHOTIME ) | | ( lpEAX3LP - > flEchoTime > EAXLISTENER_MAXECHOTIME ) )
return false ;
if ( ( lpEAX3LP - > flEchoDepth < EAXLISTENER_MINECHODEPTH ) | | ( lpEAX3LP - > flEchoDepth > EAXLISTENER_MAXECHODEPTH ) )
return false ;
if ( ( lpEAX3LP - > flModulationTime < EAXLISTENER_MINMODULATIONTIME ) | | ( lpEAX3LP - > flModulationTime > EAXLISTENER_MAXMODULATIONTIME ) )
return false ;
if ( ( lpEAX3LP - > flModulationDepth < EAXLISTENER_MINMODULATIONDEPTH ) | | ( lpEAX3LP - > flModulationDepth > EAXLISTENER_MAXMODULATIONDEPTH ) )
return false ;
return false ;
return false ;
return false ;
return false ;
return false ;
return true ;
Clamps the length of the vector to 1.0f
void Clamp ( EAXVECTOR * eaxVector )
float flMagnitude ;
float flInvMagnitude ;
flMagnitude = ( float ) sqrt ( ( eaxVector - > x * eaxVector - > x ) + ( eaxVector - > y * eaxVector - > y ) + ( eaxVector - > z * eaxVector - > z ) ) ;
if ( flMagnitude < = 1.0f )
return ;
flInvMagnitude = 1.0f / flMagnitude ;
eaxVector - > x * = flInvMagnitude ;
eaxVector - > y * = flInvMagnitude ;
eaxVector - > z * = flInvMagnitude ;
2013-04-28 01:20:45 +00:00