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2013-04-22 05:25:59 +00:00
** $Header: /roq/libim/imvfbgamma.c 1 11/02/99 4:38p Zaphod $
** Copyright (c) 1989-1995 San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC)
** a division of General Atomics, San Diego, California, USA
** Users and possessors of this source code are hereby granted a
** nonexclusive, royalty-free copyright and design patent license to
** use this code in individual software. License is not granted for
** commercial resale, in whole or in part, without prior written
** permission from SDSC. This source is provided "AS IS" without express
** or implied warranty of any kind.
** For further information contact:
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#define HEADER " $Header: /roq/libim/imvfbgamma.c 1 11/02/99 4:38p Zaphod $ "
** imvfbgamma.c - Change a VFB's colors' gamma correction
** libim - SDSC image manipulation library
** $Log: /roq/libim/imvfbgamma.c $
* 1 11/02/99 4:38p Zaphod
** Revision 1.3 1995/06/29 00:28:04 bduggan
** updated copyright year
** Revision 1.2 1994/10/03 11:29:50 nadeau
** Updated to ANSI C and C++ compatibility.
** Removed all use of register keyword.
** Minimized use of custom SDSC types (e.g., uchar vs. unsigned char)
** Changed all float arguments to double.
** Added forward declarations.
** Added misc. casts to passify SGI and DEC compilers.
** Changed all macros and defined constants to have names
** starting with IM.
** Updated comments.
** Updated indenting on some code.
** Updated copyright message.
** Revision 1.1 92/12/03 01:57:58 nadeau
** Initial revision
#include <math.h>
#include "iminternal.h"
/* range of integer values: */
#define IM_MAXR 255
#define IM_MAXG 255
#define IM_MAXB 255
/* types of framebuffers: */
#define IM_FBINDEX 0
#define IM_FBRGB 1
#define IM_FBGRAY 2
* ImVfbGamma - change a vfb's colors to be brighter or darker
ImVfb * /* Returns gamma-corrected VFB */
ImVfbGamma( srcVfb, gamma, dstVfb )
ImVfb *srcVfb; /* source vfb */
double gamma; /* gamma correction */
ImVfb *dstVfb; /* destination vfb */
int r, g, b; /* red, green, blue values */
int i; /* counter */
int f; /* vfb field description */
int type; /* framebuffer type */
ImClt *srcClt; /* source CLT */
ImClt *dstClt; /* destination CLT */
float fr, fg, fb; /* floating point r, g, b */
ImCltPtr cp; /* internal clt pointer */
ImVfbPtr psrc, pdst; /* internal vfb pointers */
int ncolors; /* # colors in clt */
/* determine the fields on this vfb: */
f = ImVfbQFields( srcVfb );
/* determine vfb type: */
if( f & IMVFBRGB )
type = IM_FBRGB;
if( (f&IMVFBINDEX8) || (f&IMVFBINDEX16) )
type = IM_FBINDEX;
type = IM_FBGRAY;
/* allocate the new vfb and clt: */
if( dstVfb == IMVFBNEW )
dstVfb = ImVfbAlloc( ImVfbQWidth(srcVfb), ImVfbQHeight(srcVfb), f );
if( dstVfb == IMVFBNULL )
return( IMVFBNULL );
/* allocate the new clt, if necessary: */
if( type == IM_FBINDEX )
srcClt = ImVfbQClt( srcVfb );
ncolors = ImCltQNColors( srcClt );
dstClt = ImCltAlloc( ncolors );
if( dstClt == IMCLTNULL )
ImVfbFree( dstVfb );
return( IMVFBNULL );
ImVfbSClt( dstVfb, dstClt );
/* if a clt situation, walk through the clt changing the colors: */
if( type == IM_FBINDEX )
for( i = 0; i < ncolors; i++ )
cp = ImCltQPtr( srcClt, i );
r = ImCltQRed( cp );
g = ImCltQGreen( cp );
b = ImCltQBlue( cp );
if( r > 0 )
fr = (float) r / (float) IM_MAXR;
fr = pow( fr, gamma );
r = (int) ( fr * (float) IM_MAXR + 0.5 );
if( g > 0 )
fg = (float) g / (float) IM_MAXG;
fg = pow( fg, gamma );
g = (int) ( fg * (float) IM_MAXG + 0.5 );
if( b > 0 )
fb = (float) b / (float) IM_MAXB;
fb = pow( fb, gamma );
b = (int) ( fb * (float) IM_MAXB + 0.5 );
if( r < 0 ) r = 0;
if( r > IM_MAXR ) r = IM_MAXR;
if( g < 0 ) g = 0;
if( g > IM_MAXG ) g = IM_MAXG;
if( b < 0 ) b = 0;
if( b > IM_MAXB ) b = IM_MAXB;
cp = ImCltQPtr( dstClt, i );
ImCltSRed( cp, r );
ImCltSGreen( cp, g );
ImCltSBlue( cp, b );
return( dstVfb );
/* walk through the vfb, changing the gamma of the colors: */
for( psrc=ImVfbQFirst(srcVfb), pdst=ImVfbQFirst(dstVfb);
psrc <= ImVfbQLast(srcVfb);
ImVfbSInc(srcVfb,psrc), ImVfbSInc(dstVfb,pdst) )
switch( type )
case IM_FBRGB:
r = ImVfbQRed( srcVfb, psrc );
g = ImVfbQGreen( srcVfb, psrc );
b = ImVfbQBlue( srcVfb, psrc );
if( r > 0 )
fr = (float) r / (float) IM_MAXR;
fr = pow( fr, gamma );
r = (int) ( fr * (float) IM_MAXR + 0.5 );
if( g > 0 )
fg = (float) g / (float) IM_MAXG;
fg = pow( fg, gamma );
g = (int) ( fg * (float) IM_MAXG + 0.5 );
if( b > 0 )
fb = (float) b / (float) IM_MAXB;
fb = pow( fb, gamma );
b = (int) ( fb * (float) IM_MAXB + 0.5 );
if( r < 0 ) r = 0;
if( r > IM_MAXR ) r = IM_MAXR;
if( g < 0 ) g = 0;
if( g > IM_MAXG ) g = IM_MAXG;
if( b < 0 ) b = 0;
if( b > IM_MAXB ) b = IM_MAXB;
ImVfbSRed( dstVfb, pdst, r );
ImVfbSGreen( dstVfb, pdst, g );
ImVfbSBlue( dstVfb, pdst, b );
g = ImVfbQGray( srcVfb, psrc );
if( g > 0 )
fg = (float) g / (float) IM_MAXG;
fg = pow( fg, gamma );
g = (int) ( fg * (float) IM_MAXG + 0.5 );
if( g < 0 ) g = 0;
if( g > IM_MAXG ) g = IM_MAXG;
ImVfbSGray( dstVfb, pdst, g );
return( dstVfb );