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// File: dbg_console_xbox.cpp
// Desc: Listens for string commands sent from a debug console on a
// remote dev machine, and forwards them to the Q3 engine.
// Commands are sent from the remote debug console through the debug
// channel to the debug monitor on the Xbox machine. The Xbox machine
// receives the commands on a separate thread through a
// registered command processor callback function. The callback
// function will store commands in a buffer, and the app should
// poll this buffer once per frame and then decipher and handle
// the commands.
// Hist: 02.05.01 - Initial creation for March XDK release
// 08.21.02 - Revision and code cleanup
// 04.10.02 - Buthcered by BTO for use in JK3:JA
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
#include <xtl.h>
#include <xbdm.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "dbg_console_xbox.h"
#include "../client/client.h"
#include "../qcommon/qcommon.h"
// Command prefix for things sent across the dubg channel
static const CHAR g_strDebugConsoleCommandPrefix[] = "XCMD";
// Global buffer to receive remote commands from the debug console. Note that
// since this data is accessed by the app's main thread, and the debug monitor
// thread, we need to protect access with a critical section
static CHAR g_strRemoteBuf[MAXRCMDLENGTH];
// The critical section used to protect data that is shared between threads
static CRITICAL_SECTION g_CriticalSection;
// Temporary replacement for CRT string funcs, since
// we can't call CRT functions on the debug monitor
// thread right now.
// Name: dbgtolower()
// Desc: Returns lowercase of char
inline CHAR dbgtolower( CHAR ch )
if( ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z' )
return ch - ( 'A' - 'a' );
return ch;
// Name: dbgstrnicmp()
// Desc: Critical section safe string compare.
BOOL dbgstrnicmp( const CHAR* str1, const CHAR* str2, int n )
while( ( dbgtolower( *str1 ) == dbgtolower( *str2 ) ) && *str1 && n > 0 )
return( n == 0 || dbgtolower( *str1 ) == dbgtolower( *str2 ) );
// Name: dbgstrcpy()
// Desc: Critical section safe string copy
VOID dbgstrcpy( CHAR* strDest, const CHAR* strSrc )
while( ( *strDest++ = *strSrc++ ) != 0 );
// Name: DebugConsoleCmdProcessor()
// Desc: Command notification proc that is called by the Xbox debug monitor to
// have us process a command. What we'll actually attempt to do is tell
// it to make calls to us on a separate thread, so that we can just block
// until we're able to process a command.
// Note: Do NOT include newlines in the response string! To do so will confuse
// the internal WinSock networking code used by the debug monitor API.
HRESULT __stdcall DebugConsoleCmdProcessor( const CHAR* strCommand,
CHAR* strResponse, DWORD dwResponseLen,
// Skip over the command prefix and the exclamation mark
strCommand += strlen(g_strDebugConsoleCommandPrefix) + 1;
// Check if this is the initial connect signal
if( dbgstrnicmp( strCommand, "__connect__", 11 ) )
// If so, respond that we're connected
lstrcpynA( strResponse, "Connected.", dwResponseLen );
return XBDM_NOERR;
// g_strRemoteBuf needs to be protected by the critical section
EnterCriticalSection( &g_CriticalSection );
if( g_strRemoteBuf[0] )
// This means the application has probably stopped polling for debug commands
dbgstrcpy( strResponse, "Cannot execute - previous command still pending" );
dbgstrcpy( g_strRemoteBuf, strCommand );
LeaveCriticalSection( &g_CriticalSection );
return XBDM_NOERR;
// Name: DebugConsoleHandleCommands()
// Desc: Poll routine called periodically (typically every frame) by the Xbox
// app to see if there is a command waiting to be executed, and if so,
// execute it.
BOOL DebugConsoleHandleCommands()
static BOOL bInitialized = FALSE;
CHAR strLocalBuf[MAXRCMDLENGTH+1]; // local copy of command
// Initialize ourselves when we're first called.
if( !bInitialized )
// Register our command handler with the debug monitor
HRESULT hr = DmRegisterCommandProcessor( g_strDebugConsoleCommandPrefix,
DebugConsoleCmdProcessor );
if( FAILED(hr) )
return FALSE;
// We'll also need a critical section to protect access to g_strRemoteBuf
InitializeCriticalSection( &g_CriticalSection );
bInitialized = TRUE;
// If there's nothing waiting, return.
if( !g_strRemoteBuf[0] )
return FALSE;
// Grab a local copy of the command received in the remote buffer
EnterCriticalSection( &g_CriticalSection );
lstrcpyA( strLocalBuf, g_strRemoteBuf );
g_strRemoteBuf[0] = 0;
LeaveCriticalSection( &g_CriticalSection );
Cbuf_ExecuteText( EXEC_APPEND, va("%s\n", strLocalBuf) );
return TRUE;