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#include "common_headers.h"
#define INITGUID // this will need removing if already defined in someone else's module. Only one must exist in whole game
//#include "ff.h"
//#include "ff_ffset.h"
//#include "ff_compound.h"
//#include "ff_system.h"
FFSystem gFFSystem;
cvar_t *use_ff;
cvar_t *ensureShake;
cvar_t *ff_developer;
#ifdef FF_DELAY
cvar_t *ff_delay;
cvar_t *ff_channels;
static const char *_pass = "SUCCEEDED";
static const char *_fail = "FAILED";
const char *gChannelName[ FF_CHANNEL_MAX ] =
// Enable/Disable Com_Printf in FF_* functions
#if( 1 )
#ifdef FF_PRINT
#define FF_PROLOGUE( name, string ) qboolean result = qfalse; if ( FF_IsAvailable() ) { if ( ff_developer && ff_developer->integer ) Com_Printf( "%s: \"%s\" ", #name, string );
#define FF_PROLOGUE_NOQUOTE( name, string ) qboolean result = qfalse; if ( FF_IsAvailable() ) { if ( ff_developer && ff_developer->integer ) Com_Printf( "%s: %s ", #name, string );
#define FF_EPILOGUE FF_EPILOGUE_NORETURN; return result;
#define FF_EPILOGUE_NORETURN } if ( ff_developer && ff_developer->integer ) Com_Printf( "[%s]\n", ( result ? _pass : _fail ) );
#define FF_RESULT( function ) result = qboolean( function );
#define FF_PROLOGUE( name, string ) qboolean result = qfalse; if ( FF_IsAvailable() ) {
#define FF_PROLOGUE_NOQUOTE( name, string ) qboolean result = qfalse; if ( FF_IsAvailable() ) {
#define FF_EPILOGUE FF_EPILOGUE_NORETURN; return result;
#define FF_RESULT( function ) result = qboolean( function );
#define FF_PROLOGUE( name, string ) qboolean result = qfalse;
#define FF_PROLOGUE_NOQUOTE( name, string ) qboolean result = qfalse;
#define FF_EPILOGUE return result;
#define FF_RESULT( function ) result = qboolean( function );
/// FF_IsAvailable
// Test to see if force feedback is currently operating. This is almost useless.
// The only good it does currently is temporarily toggle effects on/off for users
// amusement... feedback on, feedback off, feedback on, feedback off. Results are
// instantaneous. FF_* calls basically skip themselves harmlessly.
// Assumptions:
// * External system unloads this module if no device is present.
// * External system unloads this module if feedback is disabled when system (re)starts
// Parameters:
// None
// Returns:
// - true: feedback currently enabled
// - false: feedback currently disabled
qboolean FF_IsAvailable(void)
return (use_ff && use_ff->integer && gFFSystem.IsInitialized()) ? qtrue : qfalse;
qboolean FF_IsInitialized(void)
return gFFSystem.IsInitialized();
/// FF_Init
// Initializes the force feedback system.
// This function may be called multiple times to apply changes in cvars.
// Assumptions:
// * If FF_Init returns qfalse, caller calls FF_Shutdown
// Parameters:
// None
// Returns:
// - qtrue: module initialized properly.
// - qfalse: module experienced an error. Caller MUST call FF_Shutdown.
qboolean FF_Init( void )
if ( !gFFSystem.IsInitialized() )
// Console variable setup
Cmd_AddCommand( "ff_stopall", CMD_FF_StopAll );
Cmd_AddCommand( "ff_info", CMD_FF_Info );
use_ff = Cvar_Get( "use_ff", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE /*| CVAR_LATCH*/);
ensureShake = Cvar_Get( "ff_ensureShake", "1", CVAR_TEMP);
ff_developer = Cvar_Get( "ff_developer", "0", CVAR_TEMP);
ff_channels = Cvar_Get( "ff_channels", FF_CHANNEL, CVAR_ARCHIVE);
#ifdef FF_DELAY
ff_delay = Cvar_Get( "ff_delay", FF_DELAY, CVAR_ARCHIVE);
return qboolean // assumes external system will call FF_Shutdown in case of failure
( ff_channels != NULL
&& gFFSystem.Init( ff_channels->string )
/// FF_Shutdown
// Shut force feedback system down and free resources.
// Assumptions:
// * Always called if FF_Init returns qfalse. ALWAYS. (Or memory leaks occur)
// * Never called twice in succession. (always in response to previous assumption)
// Parameters:
// None
// Returns:
// None
void FF_Shutdown(void)
Cmd_RemoveCommand( "ff_stopall" );
Cmd_RemoveCommand( "ff_info" );
/// FF_Register
// Loads a named effect from an .ifr file through the game's file system. The handle
// returned is not tied to any particular device. The feedback system may even change
// which device receives the effect without the need to restart the external system.
// The is ONE EXCEPTION. If this module is not loaded when the registration phase
// passes, the external system will need to be restarted to register effects properly.
// Parameters:
// * name: effect name from .ifr (case-sensitive)
// * channel: channel to output effect. A channel may play on 0+ devices.
// * notfound: return a valid handle even if effect is not found
// - Allows temporary disabling of a channel in-game without losing effects
// - Only use with trusted effect names, not user input. See CMD_FF_Play.
// Returns:
// Handle to loaded effect
ffHandle_t FF_Register( const char *name, int channel, qboolean notfound )
ffHandle_t ff = FF_HANDLE_NULL;
// Removed console print... too much spam with AddLoopingForce.
FF_PROLOGUE( FF_Register, ( name ? name : "" ) );
ff = gFFSystem.Register( name, channel, notfound );
if ( FF_IsAvailable() )
ff = gFFSystem.Register( name, channel, notfound );
return ff;
/// FF_EnsurePlaying
// Starts an effect if the effect is not currently playing.
// Does not restart currently playing effects.
// Parameters:
// * ff: handle of an effect
// Returns:
// - qtrue: effect started
// - qfalse: effect was not started
qboolean FF_EnsurePlaying(ffHandle_t ff)
FF_PROLOGUE( FF_EnsurePlaying, gFFSystem.GetName( ff ) );
FF_RESULT( gFFSystem.EnsurePlaying( ff ) );
/// FF_Play
// Start an effect on its registered channel.
// Parameters
// * ff: handle to an effect
// Returns:
// - qtrue: effect started
// - qfalse: effect was not started
qboolean FF_Play(ffHandle_t ff)
FF_PROLOGUE( FF_Play, gFFSystem.GetName( ff ) );
FF_RESULT( gFFSystem.Play( ff ) );
/// FF_StopAll
// Stop all currently playing effects.
// Parameters:
// None
// Returns:
// - qtrue: no errors occurred
// - qfalse: an error occurred
qboolean FF_StopAll(void)
FF_PROLOGUE( FF_StopAll, "" );
FF_RESULT( gFFSystem.StopAll() );
/// FF_Stop
// Stop an effect. Only returns qfalse if there's an error
// Parameters:
// * ff: handle to a playing effect
// Returns:
// - qtrue: no errors occurred
// - qfalse: an error occurred
qboolean FF_Stop(ffHandle_t ff)
FF_PROLOGUE( FF_Stop, gFFSystem.GetName( ff ) );
FF_RESULT( gFFSystem.Stop( ff ) );
/// FF_Shake
// Shake the mouse (play the special "shake" effect) at a given strength
// for a given duration. The shake effect can be a compound containing
// multiple component effects, but each component effect's magnitude and
// duration will be set to the parameters passed in this function.
// Parameters:
// * intensity [0..10000] - Magnitude of effect
// * duration [0..MAXINT] - Length of shake in milliseconds
// Returns:
// - qtrue: shake started
// - qfalse: shake did not start
qboolean FF_Shake(int intensity, int duration)
char message[64];
message[0] = 0;
sprintf( message, "intensity=%d, duration=%d", intensity, duration );
FF_PROLOGUE_NOQUOTE( FF_Shake, message );
FF_RESULT( gFFSystem.Shake( intensity, duration, qboolean( ensureShake->integer != qfalse ) ) );
/// CMD_FF_StopAll
// Console function which stops all currently playing effects
// Parameters:
// None
// Returns:
// None
void CMD_FF_StopAll(void)
// Display messages
if ( FF_StopAll() )
Com_Printf( "stopping all effects\n" );
Com_Printf( "failed to stop all effects\n" );
/// CMD_FF_Info
// Console function which displays various ff-system information.
// Parameters:
// * 'devices' display list of ff devices currently connected
// * 'channels' display list of support ff channels
// * 'order' display search order used by ff name-resolution system (ff_ffset.cpp)
// * 'files' display currently loaded .ifr files sorted by device
// * 'effects' display currently registered effects sorted by device
// Returns:
// None
void CMD_FF_Info(void)
TNameTable Unprocessed, Processed;
int i, max;
( i = 1, max = Cmd_Argc()
; i < max
; i++
Unprocessed.push_back( Cmd_Argv( i ) );
if ( Unprocessed.size() == 0 )
if ( ff_developer->integer )
Com_Printf( "Usage: ff_info [devices] [channels] [order] [files] [effects]\n" );
Com_Printf( "Usage: ff_info [devices] [channels]\n" );
gFFSystem.Display( Unprocessed, Processed );
if ( Unprocessed.size() > 0 )
Com_Printf( "invalid parameters:" );
( i = 0
; i < Unprocessed.size()
; i++
Com_Printf( " %s", Unprocessed[ i ].c_str() );
if ( ff_developer->integer )
Com_Printf( "Usage: ff_info [devices] [channels] [order] [files] [effects]\n" );
Com_Printf( "Usage: ff_info [devices] [channels]\n" );
#endif // _IMMERSION