mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 22:01:33 +00:00
1741 lines
41 KiB
1741 lines
41 KiB
#include "../game/q_shared.h"
#include "qcommon.h"
#include "files.h"
#define MAX_SEARCH_PATHS 2048
#define MAX_FILEHASH_SIZE 1024
#define DEMOGAME "demo"
// every time a new demo pk3 file is built, this checksum must be updated.
// the easiest way to get it is to just run the game and see what it spits out
#define DEMO_PAK_CHECKSUM 4102795916u
#define DEMO_PAK_MAXFILES 5174u
//static int fs_numServerPaks;
//static int fs_serverPaks[MAX_SEARCH_PATHS];
// productId: This file is copyright 2003 Raven Software, and may not be duplicated except during a licensed installation of the full commercial version of Star Wars: Jedi Academy
static const byte fs_scrambledProductId[] = {
42, 143, 149, 190, 10, 197, 225, 133, 243, 63, 189, 182, 226, 56, 143, 17, 215, 37, 197, 218, 50, 103, 24, 235, 246, 191, 183, 149, 160, 170,
230, 52, 176, 231, 15, 194, 236, 247, 159, 168, 132, 154, 24, 133, 67, 85, 36, 97, 99, 86, 117, 189, 212, 156, 236, 153, 68, 10, 196, 241,
39, 219, 156, 88, 93, 198, 200, 232, 142, 67, 45, 209, 53, 186, 228, 241, 162, 127, 213, 83, 7, 121, 11, 93, 123, 243, 148, 240, 229, 42,
42, 6, 215, 239, 112, 120, 240, 244, 104, 12, 38, 47, 201, 253, 223, 208, 154, 69, 141, 157, 32, 117, 166, 146, 236, 59, 15, 223, 52, 89,
133, 64, 201, 56, 119, 25, 211, 152, 159, 11, 92, 59, 207, 81, 123, 0, 121, 241, 116, 42, 36, 251, 51, 149, 79, 165, 12, 106, 187, 225,
203, 99, 102, 69, 97, 81, 27, 107, 81, 178, 63, 35, 185, 64, 115
return a hash value for the filename
long FS_HashFileName( const char *fname, int hashSize ) {
int i;
long hash;
char letter;
hash = 0;
i = 0;
while (fname[i] != '\0') {
letter = tolower(fname[i]);
if (letter =='.') break; // don't include extension
if (letter =='\\') letter = '/'; // damn path names
if (letter == PATH_SEP) letter = '/'; // damn path names //mac and unix are different
hash = (hash ^ (hash >> 10) ^ (hash >> 20));
hash &= (hashSize-1);
return hash;
static FILE *FS_FileForHandle( fileHandle_t f ) {
if ( f < 0 || f > MAX_FILE_HANDLES ) {
Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "FS_FileForHandle: out of reange" );
if (fsh[f].zipFile == (int)qtrue) {
Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "FS_FileForHandle: can't get FILE on zip file" );
if ( ! fsh[f].handleFiles.file.o ) {
Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "FS_FileForHandle: NULL" );
return fsh[f].handleFiles.file.o;
void FS_ForceFlush( fileHandle_t f ) {
FILE *file;
file = FS_FileForHandle(f);
setvbuf( file, NULL, _IONBF, 0 );
If this is called on a non-unique FILE (from a pak file),
it will return the size of the pak file, not the expected
size of the file.
int FS_filelength( fileHandle_t f ) {
int pos;
int end;
FILE* h;
h = FS_FileForHandle(f);
pos = ftell (h);
fseek (h, 0, SEEK_END);
end = ftell (h);
fseek (h, pos, SEEK_SET);
return end;
Copy a fully specified file from one place to another
// added extra param so behind-the-scenes copying in savegames doesn't clutter up the screen -slc
qboolean FS_CopyFile( char *fromOSPath, char *toOSPath, qboolean qbSilent = qfalse );
qboolean FS_CopyFile( char *fromOSPath, char *toOSPath, qboolean qbSilent ) {
FILE *f;
int len;
byte *buf;
if (!qbSilent)
Com_Printf( "copy %s to %s\n", fromOSPath, toOSPath );
f = fopen( fromOSPath, "rb" );
if ( !f ) {
return qfalse;
fseek (f, 0, SEEK_END);
len = ftell (f);
fseek (f, 0, SEEK_SET);
buf = (unsigned char *) Z_Malloc( len, TAG_FILESYS, qfalse);
if (fread( buf, 1, len, f ) != (size_t) len)
Z_Free( buf );
if (qbSilent){
return qfalse;
Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "Short read in FS_Copyfiles()\n" );
fclose( f );
FS_CreatePath( toOSPath );
f = fopen( toOSPath, "wb" );
if ( !f ) {
Z_Free( buf );
return qfalse;
if (fwrite( buf, 1, len, f ) != (size_t)len)
Z_Free( buf );
if (qbSilent){
return qfalse;
Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "Short write in FS_Copyfiles()\n" );
fclose( f );
Z_Free( buf );
return qtrue;
If the FILE pointer is an open pak file, leave it open.
For some reason, other dll's can't just call fclose()
on files returned by FS_FOpenFile...
void FS_FCloseFile( fileHandle_t f ) {
if ( !fs_searchpaths ) {
Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "Filesystem call made without initialization\n" );
if (fsh[f].zipFile == qtrue) {
unzCloseCurrentFile( fsh[f].handleFiles.file.z );
if ( fsh[f].handleFiles.unique ) {
unzClose( fsh[f].handleFiles.file.z );
memset( &fsh[f], 0, sizeof( fsh[f] ) );
// we didn't find it as a pak, so close it as a unique file
fclose (fsh[f].handleFiles.file.o);
memset( &fsh[f], 0, sizeof( fsh[f] ) );
// The following functions with "UserGen" in them were added for savegame handling,
// since outside functions aren't supposed to know about full paths/dirs
// "filename" is local to the current gamedir (eg "saves/blah.sav")
void FS_DeleteUserGenFile( const char *filename )
char *ospath;
if ( !fs_searchpaths )
Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "Filesystem call made without initialization\n" );
ospath = FS_BuildOSPath( fs_basepath->string, fs_gamedir, filename );
if ( fs_debug->integer )
Com_Printf( "FS_DeleteUserGenFile: %s\n", ospath );
remove ( ospath );
// filenames are local (eg "saves/blah.sav")
// return: qtrue = OK
qboolean FS_MoveUserGenFile( const char *filename_src, const char *filename_dst )
char *ospath_src,
if ( !fs_searchpaths )
Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "Filesystem call made without initialization\n" );
ospath_src = FS_BuildOSPath( fs_basepath->string, fs_gamedir, filename_src );
ospath_dst = FS_BuildOSPath( fs_basepath->string, fs_gamedir, filename_dst );
if ( fs_debug->integer )
Com_Printf( "FS_MoveUserGenFile: %s to %s\n", ospath_src, ospath_dst );
/* int iSlashes1=0;
int iSlashes2=0;
char *p;
for (p = strchr(filename_src,'/'); p; iSlashes1++)
p = strchr(p+1,'/');
for (p = strchr(filename_dst,'/'); p; iSlashes2++)
p = strchr(p+1,'/');
if (iSlashes1 != iSlashes2)
int ret = FS_CopyFile( ospath_src, ospath_dst, qtrue );
return ret;
return (0 == rename (ospath_src, ospath_dst ));
fileHandle_t FS_FOpenFileWrite( const char *filename ) {
char *ospath;
fileHandle_t f;
if ( !fs_searchpaths ) {
Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "Filesystem call made without initialization\n" );
f = FS_HandleForFile();
fsh[f].zipFile = qfalse;
ospath = FS_BuildOSPath( fs_basepath->string, fs_gamedir, filename );
if ( fs_debug->integer ) {
Com_Printf( "FS_FOpenFileWrite: %s\n", ospath );
//Com_DPrintf( "writing to: %s\n", ospath );
FS_CreatePath( ospath );
fsh[f].handleFiles.file.o = fopen( ospath, "wb" );
Q_strncpyz( fsh[f].name, filename, sizeof( fsh[f].name ) );
fsh[f].handleSync = qfalse;
if (!fsh[f].handleFiles.file.o) {
f = 0;
return f;
static bool FS_FileCacheable(const char* const filename)
extern cvar_t *com_buildScript;
if (com_buildScript && com_buildScript->integer)
return true;
return( strchr(filename, '/') != 0 );
Finds the file in the search path.
Returns filesize and an open FILE pointer.
Used for streaming data out of either a
separate file or a ZIP file.
int FS_FOpenFileRead( const char *filename, fileHandle_t *file, qboolean uniqueFILE ) {
searchpath_t *search;
char *netpath;
pack_t *pak;
fileInPack_t *pakFile;
directory_t *dir;
long hash=0;
unz_s *zfi;
ZIP_FILE *temp;
// int i;
if ( !fs_searchpaths ) {
Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "Filesystem call made without initialization\n" );
if ( file == NULL ) {
Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "FS_FOpenFileRead: NULL 'file' parameter passed\n" );
if ( !filename ) {
Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "FS_FOpenFileRead: NULL 'filename' parameter passed\n" );
// qpaths are not supposed to have a leading slash
if ( filename[0] == '/' || filename[0] == '\\' ) {
// make absolutely sure that it can't back up the path.
// The searchpaths do guarantee that something will always
// be prepended, so we don't need to worry about "c:" or "//limbo"
if ( strstr( filename, ".." ) || strstr( filename, "::" ) ) {
*file = 0;
return -1;
// search through the path, one element at a time
*file = FS_HandleForFile();
fsh[*file].handleFiles.unique = uniqueFILE;
// this new bool is in for an optimisation, if you (eg) opened a BSP file under fs_copyfiles==2,
// then it triggered a copy operation to update your local HD version, then this will re-open the
// file handle on your local version, not the net build. This uses a bit more CPU to re-do the loop
// logic, but should read faster than accessing the net version a second time.
qboolean bFasterToReOpenUsingNewLocalFile = qfalse;
bFasterToReOpenUsingNewLocalFile = qfalse;
for ( search = fs_searchpaths ; search ; search = search->next ) {
if ( search->pack ) {
hash = FS_HashFileName(filename, search->pack->hashSize);
// is the element a pak file?
if ( search->pack && search->pack->hashTable[hash] ) {
// disregard if it doesn't match one of the allowed pure pak files
/* if ( !FS_PakIsPure(search->pack) ) {
// look through all the pak file elements
pak = search->pack;
pakFile = pak->hashTable[hash];
do {
// case and separator insensitive comparisons
if ( !FS_FilenameCompare( pakFile->name, filename ) ) {
// found it!
if ( uniqueFILE ) {
// open a new file on the pakfile
fsh[*file].handleFiles.file.z = unzReOpen (pak->pakFilename, pak->handle);
if (fsh[*file].handleFiles.file.z == NULL) {
Com_Error (ERR_FATAL, "Couldn't reopen %s", pak->pakFilename);
} else {
fsh[*file].handleFiles.file.z = pak->handle;
Q_strncpyz( fsh[*file].name, filename, sizeof( fsh[*file].name ) );
fsh[*file].zipFile = qtrue;
zfi = (unz_s *)fsh[*file].handleFiles.file.z;
// in case the file was new
temp = zfi->file;
// set the file position in the zip file (also sets the current file info)
unzSetCurrentFileInfoPosition(pak->handle, pakFile->pos);
// copy the file info into the unzip structure
memcpy( zfi, pak->handle, sizeof(unz_s));
// we copy this back into the structure
zfi->file = temp;
// open the file in the zip
unzOpenCurrentFile( fsh[*file].handleFiles.file.z );
fsh[*file].zipFilePos = pakFile->pos;
if ( fs_debug->integer ) {
Com_Printf( "FS_FOpenFileRead: %s (found in '%s')\n",
filename, pak->pakFilename );
return zfi->cur_file_info.uncompressed_size;
pakFile = pakFile->next;
} while(pakFile != NULL);
} else if ( search->dir ) {
// check a file in the directory tree
// if we are running restricted, the only files we
// will allow to come from the directory are .cfg files
if ( fs_restrict->integer /*|| fs_numServerPaks*/ ) {
int l;
l = strlen( filename );
if ( Q_stricmp( filename + l - 4, ".cfg" ) // for config files
&& Q_stricmp( filename + l - 4, ".sav" ) // for save games
&& Q_stricmp( filename + l - 4, ".dat" ) ) { // for journal files
dir = search->dir;
netpath = FS_BuildOSPath( dir->path, dir->gamedir, filename );
fsh[*file].handleFiles.file.o = fopen (netpath, "rb");
if ( !fsh[*file].handleFiles.file.o ) {
// if running with fs_copyfiles 2, and search path == local, then we need to fail to open
// if the time/date stamp != the network version (so it'll loop round again and use the network path,
// which comes later in the search order)
if ( fs_copyfiles->integer == 2 && fs_cdpath->string[0] && !Q_stricmp( dir->path, fs_basepath->string )
&& FS_FileCacheable(filename) )
if ( Sys_FileOutOfDate( netpath, FS_BuildOSPath( fs_cdpath->string, dir->gamedir, filename ) ))
fsh[*file].handleFiles.file.o = 0;
continue; //carry on to find the cdpath version.
Q_strncpyz( fsh[*file].name, filename, sizeof( fsh[*file].name ) );
fsh[*file].zipFile = qfalse;
if ( fs_debug->integer ) {
Com_Printf( "FS_FOpenFileRead: %s (found in '%s/%s')\n", filename,
dir->path, dir->gamedir );
// if we are getting it from the cdpath, optionally copy it
// to the basepath
if ( fs_copyfiles->integer && !Q_stricmp( dir->path, fs_cdpath->string ) ) {
char *copypath;
copypath = FS_BuildOSPath( fs_basepath->string, dir->gamedir, filename );
switch ( fs_copyfiles->integer )
case 1:
FS_CopyFile( netpath, copypath );
case 2:
if (FS_FileCacheable(filename) )
// maybe change this to Com_DPrintf? On the other hand...
Com_Printf( S_COLOR_CYAN"fs_copyfiles(2), Copying: %s to %s\n", netpath, copypath );
FS_CreatePath( copypath );
if (Sys_CopyFile( netpath, copypath, qtrue ))
// clear this handle and setup for re-opening of the new local copy...
bFasterToReOpenUsingNewLocalFile = qtrue;
fsh[*file].handleFiles.file.o = NULL;
if (bFasterToReOpenUsingNewLocalFile)
break; // and re-read the local copy, not the net version
return FS_filelength (*file);
while ( bFasterToReOpenUsingNewLocalFile );
Com_DPrintf ("Can't find %s\n", filename);
*file = 0;
return -1;
Properly handles partial reads
int FS_Read( void *buffer, int len, fileHandle_t f ) {
int block, remaining;
int read;
byte *buf;
int tries;
if ( !fs_searchpaths ) {
Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "Filesystem call made without initialization\n" );
if ( !f ) {
return 0;
if ( f <= 0 || f >= MAX_FILE_HANDLES )
Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "FS_Read: Invalid handle %d\n", f );
buf = (byte *)buffer;
fs_readCount += len;
if (fsh[f].zipFile == qfalse) {
remaining = len;
tries = 0;
while (remaining) {
block = remaining;
read = fread (buf, 1, block, fsh[f].handleFiles.file.o);
if (read == 0) {
// we might have been trying to read from a CD, which
// sometimes returns a 0 read on windows
if (!tries) {
tries = 1;
} else {
return len-remaining; //Com_Error (ERR_FATAL, "FS_Read: 0 bytes read");
if (read == -1) {
Com_Error (ERR_FATAL, "FS_Read: -1 bytes read");
remaining -= read;
buf += read;
return len;
} else {
return unzReadCurrentFile(fsh[f].handleFiles.file.z, buffer, len);
Properly handles partial writes
int FS_Write( const void *buffer, int len, fileHandle_t h ) {
int block, remaining;
int written;
byte *buf;
int tries;
FILE *f;
if ( !fs_searchpaths ) {
Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "Filesystem call made without initialization\n" );
if ( !h ) {
return 0;
f = FS_FileForHandle(h);
buf = (byte *)buffer;
remaining = len;
tries = 0;
while (remaining) {
block = remaining;
written = fwrite (buf, 1, block, f);
if (written == 0) {
if (!tries) {
tries = 1;
} else {
Com_Printf( "FS_Write: 0 bytes written\n" );
return 0;
if (written == -1) {
Com_Printf( "FS_Write: -1 bytes written\n" );
return 0;
remaining -= written;
buf += written;
if ( fsh[h].handleSync ) {
fflush( f );
return len;
int FS_Seek( fileHandle_t f, long offset, int origin ) {
int _origin;
if ( !fs_searchpaths ) {
Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "Filesystem call made without initialization\n" );
return -1;
if (fsh[f].zipFile == qtrue) {
char foo[65536];
if (offset == 0 && origin == FS_SEEK_SET) {
// set the file position in the zip file (also sets the current file info)
unzSetCurrentFileInfoPosition(fsh[f].handleFiles.file.z, fsh[f].zipFilePos);
return unzOpenCurrentFile(fsh[f].handleFiles.file.z);
} else if (offset<65536) {
// set the file position in the zip file (also sets the current file info)
unzSetCurrentFileInfoPosition(fsh[f].handleFiles.file.z, fsh[f].zipFilePos);
return FS_Read(foo, offset, f);
} else {
Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "ZIP FILE FSEEK NOT YET IMPLEMENTED for big offsets(%s)\n", fsh[f].name);
return -1;
} else {
FILE *file;
file = FS_FileForHandle(f);
switch( origin ) {
_origin = SEEK_CUR;
_origin = SEEK_END;
_origin = SEEK_SET;
_origin = SEEK_CUR;
Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "Bad origin in FS_Seek\n" );
return fseek( file, offset, _origin );
int FS_FileIsInPAK(const char *filename ) {
searchpath_t *search;
pack_t *pak;
fileInPack_t *pakFile;
long hash = 0;
if ( !fs_searchpaths ) {
Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "Filesystem call made without initialization\n" );
if ( !filename ) {
Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "FS_FOpenFileRead: NULL 'filename' parameter passed\n" );
// qpaths are not supposed to have a leading slash
if ( filename[0] == '/' || filename[0] == '\\' ) {
// make absolutely sure that it can't back up the path.
// The searchpaths do guarantee that something will always
// be prepended, so we don't need to worry about "c:" or "//limbo"
if ( strstr( filename, ".." ) || strstr( filename, "::" ) ) {
return -1;
// search through the path, one element at a time
for ( search = fs_searchpaths ; search ; search = search->next ) {
if (search->pack) {
hash = FS_HashFileName(filename, search->pack->hashSize);
// is the element a pak file?
if ( search->pack && search->pack->hashTable[hash] ) {
// disregard if it doesn't match one of the allowed pure pak files
/* if ( !FS_PakIsPure(search->pack) ) {
// look through all the pak file elements
pak = search->pack;
pakFile = pak->hashTable[hash];
do {
// case and separator insensitive comparisons
if ( !FS_FilenameCompare( pakFile->name, filename ) ) {
return 1;
pakFile = pakFile->next;
} while(pakFile != NULL);
return -1;
Filename are relative to the quake search path
a null buffer will just return the file length without loading
#include "../client/client.h"
int FS_ReadFile( const char *qpath, void **buffer ) {
fileHandle_t h;
byte* buf;
int len;
if ( !fs_searchpaths ) {
Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "Filesystem call made without initialization\n" );
if ( !qpath || !qpath[0] ) {
Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "FS_ReadFile with empty name\n" );
// stop sounds from repeating
// look for it in the filesystem or pack files
len = FS_FOpenFileRead( qpath, &h, qfalse );
if ( h == 0 ) {
if ( buffer ) {
*buffer = NULL;
return -1;
if ( !buffer ) {
FS_FCloseFile( h);
return len;
buf = (byte*)Z_Malloc( len+1, TAG_FILESYS, qfalse);
*buffer = buf;
Z_Label(buf, qpath);
if (com_sv_running && com_sv_running->integer && cls.state >= CA_ACTIVE) { //com_cl_running
if (strncmp(qpath,"menu/",5) ) {
Com_Printf( S_COLOR_MAGENTA"FS_ReadFile: %s NOT PRECACHED!\n", qpath );
FS_Read (buf, len, h);
// guarantee that it will have a trailing 0 for string operations
buf[len] = 0;
FS_FCloseFile( h );
return len;
void FS_FreeFile( void *buffer ) {
if ( !fs_searchpaths ) {
Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "Filesystem call made without initialization\n" );
if ( !buffer ) {
Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "FS_FreeFile( NULL )" );
Z_Free( buffer );
Creates a new pak_t in the search chain for the contents
of a zip file.
static pack_t *FS_LoadZipFile( char *zipfile )
fileInPack_t *buildBuffer;
pack_t *pack;
unzFile uf;
int err;
unz_global_info gi;
char filename_inzip[MAX_ZPATH];
unz_file_info file_info;
int i, len;
long hash;
int fs_numHeaderLongs;
int *fs_headerLongs;
char *namePtr;
fs_numHeaderLongs = 0;
uf = unzOpen(zipfile);
err = unzGetGlobalInfo (uf,&gi);
if (err != UNZ_OK)
return NULL;
fs_packFiles += gi.number_entry;
len = 0; //find the length of all filenames
for (i = 0; i < gi.number_entry; i++)
err = unzGetCurrentFileInfo(uf, &file_info, filename_inzip, sizeof(filename_inzip), NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
if (err != UNZ_OK) {
if ( file_info.size_filename > MAX_QPATH)
Com_Error(ERR_FATAL, "ERROR: filename length > MAX_QPATH ( strlen(%s) = %d) \n", filename_inzip, file_info.size_filename );
len += strlen(filename_inzip) + 1;
buildBuffer = (fileInPack_t *)Z_Malloc( gi.number_entry * sizeof( fileInPack_t ) + len , TAG_FILESYS, qtrue );
namePtr = ((char *) buildBuffer) + gi.number_entry * sizeof( fileInPack_t );
fs_headerLongs = (int*)Z_Malloc( gi.number_entry * sizeof(int), TAG_FILESYS, qtrue );
// get the hash table size from the number of files in the zip
// because lots of custom pk3 files have less than 32 or 64 files
for (i = 1; i <= MAX_FILEHASH_SIZE; i <<= 1) {
if (i > gi.number_entry) {
pack = (pack_t*)Z_Malloc( sizeof( pack_t ) + i * sizeof(fileInPack_t *), TAG_FILESYS, qtrue );
memset (pack, 0, sizeof( pack_t ) + i * sizeof(fileInPack_t *));
pack->hashSize = i;
pack->hashTable = (fileInPack_t **) (((char *) pack) + sizeof( pack_t ));
Q_strncpyz( pack->pakFilename, zipfile, sizeof( pack->pakFilename ) );
pack->handle = uf;
pack->numfiles = gi.number_entry;
for (i = 0; i < gi.number_entry; i++)
err = unzGetCurrentFileInfo(uf, &file_info, filename_inzip, sizeof(filename_inzip), NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
if (err != UNZ_OK) {
if (file_info.uncompressed_size > 0) {
fs_headerLongs[fs_numHeaderLongs++] = LittleLong(file_info.crc);
Q_strlwr( filename_inzip );
hash = FS_HashFileName(filename_inzip, pack->hashSize);
buildBuffer[i].name = namePtr;
strcpy( buildBuffer[i].name, filename_inzip );
namePtr += strlen(filename_inzip) + 1;
// store the file position in the zip
unzGetCurrentFileInfoPosition(uf, &buildBuffer[i].pos);
buildBuffer[i].next = pack->hashTable[hash];
pack->hashTable[hash] = &buildBuffer[i];
pack->checksum = Com_BlockChecksum( fs_headerLongs, 4 * fs_numHeaderLongs );
pack->checksum = LittleLong( pack->checksum );
pack->buildBuffer = buildBuffer;
return pack;
#define MAX_FOUND_FILES 0x1000
static int FS_ReturnPath( const char *zname, char *zpath, int *depth ) {
int len, at, newdep;
newdep = 0;
zpath[0] = 0;
len = 0;
at = 0;
while(zname[at] != 0)
if (zname[at]=='/' || zname[at]=='\\') {
len = at;
strcpy(zpath, zname);
zpath[len] = 0;
*depth = newdep;
return len;
static int FS_AddFileToList( char *name, char *list[MAX_FOUND_FILES], int nfiles ) {
int i;
if ( nfiles == MAX_FOUND_FILES - 1 ) {
return nfiles;
for ( i = 0 ; i < nfiles ; i++ ) {
if ( !Q_stricmp( name, list[i] ) ) {
return nfiles; // allready in list
list[nfiles] = CopyString( name );
return nfiles;
Returns a uniqued list of files that match the given criteria
from all search paths
char **FS_ListFiles( const char *path, const char *extension, int *numfiles ) {
int nfiles;
char **listCopy;
char *list[MAX_FOUND_FILES];
searchpath_t *search;
int i;
int pathLength;
int extensionLength;
int length, pathDepth;
pack_t *pak;
fileInPack_t *buildBuffer;
char zpath[MAX_QPATH];
if ( !fs_searchpaths ) {
Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "Filesystem call made without initialization\n" );
if ( !path ) {
*numfiles = 0;
return NULL;
if ( !extension ) {
extension = "";
pathLength = strlen( path );
extensionLength = strlen( extension );
nfiles = 0;
FS_ReturnPath(path, zpath, &pathDepth);
// search through the path, one element at a time, adding to list
for (search = fs_searchpaths ; search ; search = search->next) {
// is the element a pak file?
if (search->pack) {
// look through all the pak file elements
pak = search->pack;
buildBuffer = pak->buildBuffer;
for (i=0 ; i<pak->numfiles ; i++) {
char *name;
int zpathLen, depth;
// check for directory match
name = buildBuffer[i].name;
zpathLen = FS_ReturnPath(name, zpath, &depth);
if ( (depth-pathDepth)>2 || pathLength > zpathLen || Q_stricmpn( name, path, pathLength ) ) {
// check for extension match
length = strlen( name );
if ( length < extensionLength ) {
if ( Q_stricmp( name + length - extensionLength, extension ) ) {
// unique the match
nfiles = FS_AddFileToList( name + pathLength + 1, list, nfiles );
} else if (search->dir) { // scan for files in the filesystem
char *netpath;
int numSysFiles;
char **sysFiles;
char *name;
netpath = FS_BuildOSPath( search->dir->path, search->dir->gamedir, path );
sysFiles = Sys_ListFiles( netpath, extension, &numSysFiles, qfalse );
for ( i = 0 ; i < numSysFiles ; i++ ) {
// unique the match
name = sysFiles[i];
nfiles = FS_AddFileToList( name, list, nfiles );
Sys_FreeFileList( sysFiles );
// return a copy of the list
*numfiles = nfiles;
if ( !nfiles ) {
return NULL;
listCopy = (char**)Z_Malloc( ( nfiles + 1 ) * sizeof( *listCopy ), TAG_FILESYS, qfalse);
for ( i = 0 ; i < nfiles ; i++ ) {
listCopy[i] = list[i];
listCopy[i] = NULL;
return listCopy;
void FS_FreeFileList( char **filelist ) {
int i;
if ( !fs_searchpaths ) {
Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "Filesystem call made without initialization\n" );
if ( !filelist ) {
for ( i = 0 ; filelist[i] ; i++ ) {
Z_Free( filelist[i] );
Z_Free( filelist );
static int FS_AddFileToListBuf( char *name, char *listbuf, int bufsize, int nfiles ) {
char *p;
if ( nfiles == MAX_FOUND_FILES - 1 ) {
return nfiles;
if (name[0] == '/' || name[0] == '\\') {
p = listbuf;
while ( *p ) {
if ( !Q_stricmp( name, p ) ) {
return nfiles; // already in list
p += strlen( p ) + 1;
if ( ( p + strlen( name ) + 2 - listbuf ) > bufsize ) {
return nfiles; // list is full
strcpy( p, name );
p += strlen( p ) + 1;
*p = 0;
return nfiles + 1;
Returns a uniqued list of files that match the given criteria
from all search paths
int FS_GetModList( char *listbuf, int bufsize );
int FS_GetFileList( const char *path, const char *extension, char *listbuf, int bufsize ) {
int nfiles;
searchpath_t *search;
int i;
int pathLength;
int extensionLength;
int length, pathDepth;
pack_t *pak;
fileInPack_t *buildBuffer;
char zpath[MAX_QPATH];
if (Q_stricmp(path, "$modlist") == 0)
return FS_GetModList(listbuf, bufsize);
if ( !fs_searchpaths ) {
Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "Filesystem call made without initialization\n" );
if ( !path ) {
return 0;
if ( !extension ) {
extension = "";
pathLength = strlen( path );
extensionLength = strlen( extension );
nfiles = 0;
*listbuf = 0;
FS_ReturnPath(path, zpath, &pathDepth);
// search through the path, one element at a time, adding to list
for (search = fs_searchpaths ; search ; search = search->next) {
// is the element a pak file?
if (search->pack) {
// look through all the pak file elements
pak = search->pack;
buildBuffer = pak->buildBuffer;
for (i=0 ; i<pak->numfiles ; i++) {
char *name;
int zpathLen, depth;
// check for directory match
name = buildBuffer[i].name;
zpathLen = FS_ReturnPath(name, zpath, &depth);
if ( (depth-pathDepth)>2 || pathLength > zpathLen || Q_stricmpn( name, path, pathLength ) ) {
// check for extension match
length = strlen( name );
if ( length < extensionLength || (length == (extensionLength + pathLength))) {
if ( Q_stricmp( name + length - extensionLength, extension ) ) {
// unique the match
nfiles = FS_AddFileToListBuf( name + pathLength, listbuf, bufsize, nfiles );
} else if (search->dir) { // scan for files in the filesystem
char *netpath;
int numSysFiles;
char **sysFiles;
char *name;
netpath = FS_BuildOSPath( search->dir->path, search->dir->gamedir, path );
sysFiles = Sys_ListFiles( netpath, extension, &numSysFiles, qfalse );
for ( i = 0 ; i < numSysFiles ; i++ ) {
// unique the match
name = sysFiles[i];
nfiles = FS_AddFileToListBuf( name, listbuf, bufsize, nfiles );
Sys_FreeFileList( sysFiles );
return nfiles;
Returns a list of mod directory names
A mod directory is a peer to base with a pk3 in it
int FS_GetModList( char *listbuf, int bufsize ) {
int nMods, i, nTotal, nLen, nPaks, nPotential, nDescLen;
char **pFiles = NULL;
char **pPaks = NULL;
char *name, *path;
char descPath[MAX_OSPATH];
fileHandle_t descHandle;
*listbuf = 0;
nMods = nPotential = nTotal = 0;
pFiles = Sys_ListFiles( fs_basepath->string, ".*", &nPotential, qtrue );
for ( i = 0 ; i < nPotential ; i++ ) {
name = pFiles[i];
if (Q_stricmp(name, BASEGAME) && Q_stricmpn(name, ".", 1)) {
// ignore base
path = FS_BuildOSPath( fs_basepath->string, name, "" );
nPaks = 0;
pPaks = Sys_ListFiles(path, ".pk3", &nPaks, qfalse);
if (nPaks > 0) {
nLen = strlen(name) + 1;
// nLen is the length of the mod path
// we need to see if there is a description available
descPath[0] = '\0';
strcpy(descPath, name);
strcat(descPath, "/description.txt");
nDescLen = FS_SV_FOpenFileRead( descPath, &descHandle);
if ( nDescLen > 0 && descHandle) {
FILE *file;
file = FS_FileForHandle(descHandle);
memset( descPath, 0, sizeof( descPath ) );
nDescLen = fread(descPath, 1, 48, file);
if (nDescLen >= 0) {
descPath[nDescLen] = '\0';
} else {
strcpy(descPath, name);
nDescLen = strlen(descPath) + 1;
if (nTotal + nLen + 1 + nDescLen + 1 < bufsize) {
strcpy(listbuf, name);
listbuf += nLen;
strcpy(listbuf, descPath);
listbuf += nDescLen;
nTotal += nLen + nDescLen;
else {
Sys_FreeFileList( pPaks );
Sys_FreeFileList( pFiles );
return nMods;
void FS_Dir_f( void ) {
char *path;
char *extension;
char **dirnames;
int ndirs;
int i;
if ( Cmd_Argc() < 2 || Cmd_Argc() > 3 ) {
Com_Printf( "usage: dir <directory> [extension]\n" );
if ( Cmd_Argc() == 2 ) {
path = Cmd_Argv( 1 );
extension = "";
} else {
path = Cmd_Argv( 1 );
extension = Cmd_Argv( 2 );
Com_Printf( "Directory of %s %s\n", path, extension );
Com_Printf( "---------------\n" );
dirnames = FS_ListFiles( path, extension, &ndirs );
for ( i = 0; i < ndirs; i++ ) {
Com_Printf( "%s\n", dirnames[i] );
FS_FreeFileList( dirnames );
void FS_Path_f( void ) {
searchpath_t *s;
int i;
Com_Printf ("Current search path:\n");
for (s=fs_searchpaths ; s ; s=s->next) {
if (s->pack) {
Com_Printf ("%s (%i files)\n", s->pack->pakFilename, s->pack->numfiles);
/* if ( fs_numServerPaks ) {
for ( i = 0 ; i < fs_numServerPaks ; i++ ) {
if ( s->pack->checksum == fs_serverPaks[i] ) {
break; // on the aproved list
if ( i == fs_numServerPaks ) {
Com_Printf( " not on the pure list\n" );
} else {
Com_Printf( " on the pure list\n" );
} else {
Com_Printf ("%s/%s\n", s->dir->path, s->dir->gamedir );
Com_Printf( "\n" );
for ( i = 1 ; i < MAX_FILE_HANDLES ; i++ ) {
if ( fsh[i].handleFiles.file.o ) {
Com_Printf( "handle %i: %s\n", i, fsh[i].name );
The only purpose of this function is to allow game script files to copy
arbitrary files during an "fs_copyfiles 1" run.
void FS_TouchFile_f( void ) {
fileHandle_t f;
int count = Cmd_Argc();
if ( (count == 2) || (count == 3) ) {
FS_FOpenFileRead( Cmd_Argv( 1 ), &f, qfalse );
if ( f ) {
FS_FCloseFile( f );
if ( count == 3 ) {
FS_FOpenFileRead( Cmd_Argv( 2 ), &f, qfalse );
if ( f ) {
FS_FCloseFile( f );
else {
Com_Printf( "Usage: touchFile <file> [file2] -- You gave %d args!\n", Cmd_Argc() );
static int QDECL paksort( const void *a, const void *b ) {
char *aa, *bb;
aa = *(char **)a;
bb = *(char **)b;
return Q_stricmp( aa, bb );
Sets fs_gamedir, adds the directory to the head of the path,
then loads the zip headers
#define MAX_PAKFILES 1024
static void FS_AddGameDirectory( const char *path, const char *dir ) {
int i;
searchpath_t *search;
pack_t *pak;
char *pakfile;
int numfiles;
char **pakfiles;
char *sorted[MAX_PAKFILES];
Q_strncpyz( fs_gamedir, dir, sizeof( fs_gamedir ) );
// add the directory to the search path
search = (searchpath_t *)Z_Malloc (sizeof(searchpath_t), TAG_FILESYS, qtrue );
search->dir = (directory_t*)Z_Malloc( sizeof( *search->dir ), TAG_FILESYS, qtrue );
search->pack = 0;
Q_strncpyz( search->dir->path, path, sizeof( search->dir->path ) );
Q_strncpyz( search->dir->gamedir, dir, sizeof( search->dir->gamedir ) );
search->next = fs_searchpaths;
fs_searchpaths = search;
Z_Label(search, path);
Z_Label(search->dir, dir);
// find all pak files in this directory
pakfile = FS_BuildOSPath( path, dir, "" );
pakfile[ strlen(pakfile) - 1 ] = 0; // strip the trailing slash
pakfile = FS_BuildOSPath( path, dir, "asset0.pksp" );
if ( ( pak = FS_LoadZipFile( pakfile ) ) == 0 )
if ( (pak->numfiles^ 0x84268436u) != (DEMO_PAK_MAXFILES^ 0x84268436u)) //don't let them use the full version, even if renamed!
search = (searchpath_t*)Z_Malloc(sizeof(searchpath_t), TAG_FILESYS, qtrue );
search->pack = pak;
search->dir = 0;
search->next = fs_searchpaths;
fs_searchpaths = search;
pakfiles = Sys_ListFiles( pakfile, ".pk3", &numfiles, qfalse );
// sort them so that later alphabetic matches override
// earlier ones. This makes pak1.pk3 override asset0.pk3
if ( numfiles > MAX_PAKFILES ) {
numfiles = MAX_PAKFILES;
for ( i = 0 ; i < numfiles ; i++ ) {
sorted[i] = pakfiles[i];
qsort( sorted, numfiles, 4, paksort );
for ( i = 0 ; i < numfiles ; i++ ) {
pakfile = FS_BuildOSPath( path, dir, sorted[i] );
if ( ( pak = FS_LoadZipFile( pakfile ) ) == 0 )
search = (searchpath_t*)Z_Malloc(sizeof(searchpath_t), TAG_FILESYS, qtrue );
search->pack = pak;
search->dir = 0;
search->next = fs_searchpaths;
fs_searchpaths = search;
// done
Sys_FreeFileList( pakfiles );
void FS_Startup( const char *gameName ) {
Com_Printf( "----- FS_Startup -----\n" );
fs_debug = Cvar_Get( "fs_debug", "0", 0 );
fs_copyfiles = Cvar_Get( "fs_copyfiles", "0", CVAR_INIT );
fs_cdpath = Cvar_Get ("fs_cdpath", Sys_DefaultCDPath(), CVAR_INIT );
fs_basepath = Cvar_Get ("fs_basepath", Sys_DefaultBasePath(), CVAR_INIT );
fs_gamedirvar = Cvar_Get ("fs_game", "", CVAR_INIT|CVAR_SERVERINFO );
fs_restrict = Cvar_Get ("fs_restrict", "", CVAR_INIT );
Cvar_Get( "com_demo", "", CVAR_INIT );
// set up cdpath
if (fs_cdpath->string[0]) {
FS_AddGameDirectory ( fs_cdpath->string, gameName );
// set up basepath
FS_AddGameDirectory ( fs_basepath->string, gameName );
// check for game override
if ( fs_gamedirvar->string[0] &&
!Q_stricmp( gameName, BASEGAME ) &&
Q_stricmp( fs_gamedirvar->string, gameName ) ) {
if ( fs_cdpath->string[0] ) {
FS_AddGameDirectory( fs_cdpath->string, fs_gamedirvar->string );
FS_AddGameDirectory( fs_basepath->string, fs_gamedirvar->string );
// add our commands
Cmd_AddCommand ("path", FS_Path_f);
Cmd_AddCommand ("dir", FS_Dir_f );
Cmd_AddCommand ("touchFile", FS_TouchFile_f );
// print the current search paths
Com_Printf( "----------------------\n" );
Com_Printf( "%d files in pk3 files\n", fs_packFiles );
Looks for product keys and restricts media add on ability
if the full version is not found
void FS_SetRestrictions( void ) {
searchpath_t *path;
byte *productId;
// if fs_restrict is set, don't even look for the id file,
// which allows the demo release to be tested even if
// the full game is present
if ( !fs_restrict->integer ) {
// look for the full game id
FS_ReadFile( "productid.txt", (void **)&productId );
if ( productId ) {
// check against the hardcoded string
unsigned int seed, i;
seed = 102270;
for ( i = 0 ; i < sizeof( fs_scrambledProductId ) ; i++ ) {
#if 0
fs_scrambledProductId[i] = productId[i] ^ (seed&255);
Com_Printf("%3i, ", fs_scrambledProductId[i]);
if ( ( fs_scrambledProductId[i] ^ (seed&255) ) != productId[i] ) {
seed = (69069 * seed + 1);
FS_FreeFile( productId );
if ( i == sizeof( fs_scrambledProductId ) ) {
return; // no restrictions
Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "Invalid product identification" );
Cvar_Set( "fs_restrict", "1" );
Cvar_Set( "com_demo", "1" );
Com_Printf( "\nRunning in restricted demo mode.\n\n" );
// restart the filesystem with just the demo directory
FS_Startup( DEMOGAME );
// make sure that the pak file has the header checksum we expect
for ( path = fs_searchpaths ; path ; path = path->next ) {
if ( path->pack ) {
// a tiny attempt to keep the checksum from being scannable from the exe
if ( (path->pack->checksum ^ 0x10228436u) != (DEMO_PAK_CHECKSUM ^ 0x10228436u) ) {
Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "Corrupted pk3: %u", path->pack->checksum );
void FS_Restart( void ) {
// free anything we currently have loaded
// try to start up normally
FS_Startup( BASEGAME );
// see if we are going to allow add-ons
// if we can't find default.cfg, assume that the paths are
// busted and error out now, rather than getting an unreadable
// graphics screen when the font fails to load
if ( FS_ReadFile( "default.cfg", NULL ) <= 0 ) {
Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "Couldn't load default.cfg" );
Handle based file calls for virtual machines
int FS_FOpenFileByMode( const char *qpath, fileHandle_t *f, fsMode_t mode ) {
int r;
qboolean sync;
sync = qfalse;
switch( mode ) {
case FS_READ:
r = FS_FOpenFileRead( qpath, f, qtrue );
case FS_WRITE:
*f = FS_FOpenFileWrite( qpath );
r = 0;
sync = qtrue;
*f = FS_FOpenFileAppend( qpath );
r = 0;
Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "FSH_FOpenFile: bad mode" );
return -1;
if ( *f ) {
if (fsh[*f].zipFile == (int)qtrue) {
fsh[*f].baseOffset = unztell(fsh[*f].handleFiles.file.z);
} else {
fsh[*f].baseOffset = ftell(fsh[*f].handleFiles.file.o);
fsh[*f].fileSize = r;
fsh[*f].handleSync = sync;
return r;
int FS_FTell( fileHandle_t f ) {
int pos;
if (fsh[f].zipFile == (int)qtrue) {
pos = unztell(fsh[f].handleFiles.file.z);
} else {
pos = ftell(fsh[f].handleFiles.file.o);
return pos;