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2003 lines
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2003 lines
47 KiB
// Filename:- sv_savegame.cpp
// leave this as first line for PCH reasons...
#include "../server/exe_headers.h"
// a little naughty, since these are in the renderer, but I need access to them for savegames, so...
extern void Decompress_JPG( const char *filename, byte *pJPGData, unsigned char **pic, int *width, int *height );
extern byte *Compress_JPG(int *pOutputSize, int quality, int image_width, int image_height, byte *image_buffer, qboolean bInvertDuringCompression);
//#define USE_LAST_SAVE_FROM_THIS_MAP // enable this if you want to use the last explicity-loaded savegame from this map
// when respawning after dying, else it'll just load "auto" regardless
// (EF1 behaviour). I should maybe time/date check them though?
#include "server.h"
#include "../game/statindex.h"
#include "../game/weapons.h"
#include "../game/g_items.h"
#ifdef _XBOX
#include <stdlib.h>
//support for mbstowcs
HANDLE sg_Handle;
#define SG_BUFFERSIZE 8192
byte sg_Buffer[SG_BUFFERSIZE];
int sg_BufferSize;
//used for save game reading
int sg_CurrentBufferPos;
#define filepathlength 120
struct XValidationHeader
// Length of the file, including header, in bytes
DWORD dwFileLength;
// File signature (secure hash of file data)
//validation header going into file and coming out of file
XValidationHeader sg_validationHeader;
//validation header calculated on file read to test against file
XValidationHeader sg_validationHeaderRead;
//signature handle
HANDLE sg_sigHandle;
int SG_Write(const void * chid, const int bytesize, fileHandle_t fhSG);
qboolean SG_Close();
int SG_Seek( fileHandle_t fhSaveGame, long offset, int origin );
#pragma warning(disable : 4786) // identifier was truncated (STL crap)
#pragma warning(disable : 4710) // function was not inlined (STL crap)
#pragma warning(disable : 4512) // yet more STL drivel...
#include <map>
using namespace std;
static char saveGameComment[iSG_COMMENT_SIZE];
//#define SG_PROFILE // enable for debug save stats if you want
int giSaveGameVersion; // filled in when a savegame file is opened
fileHandle_t fhSaveGame = 0;
SavedGameJustLoaded_e eSavedGameJustLoaded = eNO;
qboolean qbSGReadIsTestOnly = qfalse; // this MUST be left in this state
char sLastSaveFileLoaded[MAX_QPATH]={0};
#ifndef LPCSTR
typedef const char * LPCSTR;
static char *SG_GetSaveGameMapName(const char *psPathlessBaseName);
static void CompressMem_FreeScratchBuffer(void);
class CChid
int m_iCount;
int m_iSize;
m_iCount = 0;
m_iSize = 0;
void Add(int iLength)
m_iSize += iLength;
int GetCount()
return m_iCount;
int GetSize()
return m_iSize;
typedef map<unsigned int, CChid> CChidInfo_t;
CChidInfo_t save_info;
LPCSTR SG_GetChidText(unsigned int chid)
static char chidtext[5];
*(unsigned int *)chidtext = BigLong(chid);
chidtext[4] = 0;
return chidtext;
static const char *GetString_FailedToOpenSaveGame(const char *psFilename, qboolean bOpen)
static char sTemp[256];
Q_strncpyz(sTemp + strlen(sTemp), va( SE_GetString(psReference), psFilename),sizeof(sTemp));
return sTemp;
// (copes with up to 8 ptr returns at once)
static LPCSTR SG_AddSavePath( LPCSTR psPathlessBaseName )
static char sSaveName[8][MAX_OSPATH];
static int i=0;
char *p = strchr(psPathlessBaseName,'/');
if (p)
while (p)
*p = '_';
p = strchr(p,'/');
Com_sprintf( sSaveName[i], MAX_OSPATH, "saves/%s.sav", psPathlessBaseName );
return sSaveName[i];
void SG_WipeSavegame( LPCSTR psPathlessBaseName )
#ifndef _XBOX
LPCSTR psLocalFilename = SG_AddSavePath( psPathlessBaseName );
FS_DeleteUserGenFile( psLocalFilename );
unsigned short namebuffer[filepathlength];
mbstowcs(namebuffer, psPathlessBaseName,filepathlength);
//kill the whole directory
//remove it
XDeleteSaveGame( "U:\\", namebuffer);
static qboolean SG_Move( LPCSTR psPathlessBaseName_Src, LPCSTR psPathlessBaseName_Dst )
#ifndef _XBOX
LPCSTR psLocalFilename_Src = SG_AddSavePath( psPathlessBaseName_Src );
LPCSTR psLocalFilename_Dst = SG_AddSavePath( psPathlessBaseName_Dst );
qboolean qbCopyWentOk = FS_MoveUserGenFile( psLocalFilename_Src, psLocalFilename_Dst );
if (!qbCopyWentOk)
Com_Printf(S_COLOR_RED "Error during savegame-rename. Check \"%s\" for write-protect or disk full!\n", psLocalFilename_Dst );
return qfalse;
return qtrue;
char psLocalFilenameSrc[filepathlength];
char psLocalFilenameDest[filepathlength];
unsigned short widecharstring[filepathlength];
mbstowcs(widecharstring, psPathlessBaseName_Dst, filepathlength);
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != XCreateSaveGame("U:\\", widecharstring, OPEN_ALWAYS, 0, psLocalFilenameDest, filepathlength))
return qfalse;
mbstowcs(widecharstring, psPathlessBaseName_Src, filepathlength);
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != XCreateSaveGame("U:\\", widecharstring, OPEN_ALWAYS, 0, psLocalFilenameSrc, filepathlength))
return qfalse;
Q_strcat(psLocalFilenameDest, filepathlength, "JK3SG.xsv");
Q_strcat(psLocalFilenameSrc, filepathlength, "JK3SG.xsv");
CopyFile( psLocalFilenameSrc, psLocalFilenameDest,false);
return qtrue;
/* JLFSAVEGAME used to find if there is a file on the xbox */
#ifdef _XBOX
qboolean SG_Exists(LPCSTR psPathlessBaseName)
char psLocalFilename[filepathlength];
unsigned short widecharstring[filepathlength];
mbstowcs(widecharstring, psPathlessBaseName, filepathlength);
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != XCreateSaveGame("U:\\", widecharstring, CREATE_NEW, 0, psLocalFilename, filepathlength))
return qtrue;
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == XDeleteSaveGame("U:\\", widecharstring))
return qfalse;
return qfalse;
qboolean gbSGWriteFailed = qfalse;
static qboolean SG_Create( LPCSTR psPathlessBaseName )
gbSGWriteFailed = qfalse;
#ifdef _XBOX
char psLocalFilename[filepathlength];
char psScreenshotFilename[filepathlength];
unsigned short widecharstring[filepathlength];
mbstowcs(widecharstring, psPathlessBaseName, filepathlength);
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != XCreateSaveGame("U:\\", widecharstring, OPEN_ALWAYS, 0, psLocalFilename, filepathlength))
return qfalse;
// create the path for the screenshot file
strcpy(psScreenshotFilename, psLocalFilename);
Q_strcat(psScreenshotFilename, filepathlength,"saveimage.xbx");
// create the path for the savegame
Q_strcat(psLocalFilename, filepathlength, "JK3SG.xsv");
sg_Handle = CreateFile(psLocalFilename, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, 0,
//clear the buffer
sg_BufferSize = 0;
DWORD bytesWritten;
// save spot for validation
WriteFile(sg_Handle, // handle to file
&sg_validationHeader, // data buffer
sizeof (sg_validationHeader), // number of bytes to write
&bytesWritten, // number of bytes written
NULL // overlapped buffer
//start the validation key creation
// Start the signature hash
sg_sigHandle = XCalculateSignatureBegin( 0 );
if( sg_sigHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
return FALSE;
// attempt to copy the last screenshot to the save game directory
if( !CopyFile("u:\\saveimage.xbx", psScreenshotFilename, FALSE) )
CopyFile("d:\\base\\media\\defaultsaveimage.xbx", psScreenshotFilename, FALSE);
SG_WipeSavegame( psPathlessBaseName );
LPCSTR psLocalFilename = SG_AddSavePath( psPathlessBaseName );
fhSaveGame = FS_FOpenFileWrite( psLocalFilename );
#ifdef _XBOX
if (!sg_Handle)
Com_Printf(GetString_FailedToOpenSaveGame(psLocalFilename,qfalse));//S_COLOR_RED "Failed to create new savegame file \"%s\"\n", psLocalFilename );
return qfalse;
assert( save_info.empty() );
giSaveGameVersion = iSAVEGAME_VERSION;
SG_Append('_VER', &giSaveGameVersion, sizeof(giSaveGameVersion));
return qtrue;
// called from the ERR_DROP stuff just in case the error occured during loading of a saved game, because if
// we didn't do this then we'd run out of quake file handles after the 8th load fail...
void SG_Shutdown()
if (fhSaveGame )
FS_FCloseFile( fhSaveGame );
fhSaveGame = NULL;
eSavedGameJustLoaded = eNO; // important to do this if we ERR_DROP during loading, else next map you load after
// a bad save-file you'll arrive at dead :-)
// and this bit stops people messing up the laoder by repeatedly stabbing at the load key during loads...
extern qboolean gbAlreadyDoingLoad;
gbAlreadyDoingLoad = qfalse;
#ifdef _XBOX
qboolean SG_CloseWrite()
DWORD bytesWritten;
//clear the buffer to the file
if (!WriteFile(sg_Handle, // handle to file
sg_Buffer, // data buffer
sg_BufferSize, // number of bytes to write
&bytesWritten, // number of bytes written
NULL // overlapped buffer
return qfalse;
//get the length of the file
unsigned int filelength =GetFileSize (sg_Handle, NULL);
// create the validation code
sg_validationHeader.dwFileLength = filelength;
// Release signature resources
DWORD dwSuccess =XCalculateSignatureEnd( sg_sigHandle, &sg_validationHeader.Signature );
assert( dwSuccess == ERROR_SUCCESS );
//seek to the first of the file
//write the validation codes
WriteFile (sg_Handle, &sg_validationHeader,sizeof (sg_validationHeader),&bytesWritten, NULL);
return SG_Close();
qboolean SG_Close()
#ifdef _XBOX
sg_Handle = NULL;
assert( fhSaveGame );
FS_FCloseFile( fhSaveGame );
fhSaveGame = NULL;
if (!sv_testsave->integer)
CChidInfo_t::iterator it;
int iCount = 0, iSize = 0;
Com_DPrintf(S_COLOR_CYAN "================================\n");
Com_DPrintf(S_COLOR_WHITE "CHID Count Size\n\n");
for(it = save_info.begin(); it != save_info.end(); ++it)
Com_DPrintf("%s %5d %8d\n", SG_GetChidText((*it).first), (*it).second.GetCount(), (*it).second.GetSize());
iCount += (*it).second.GetCount();
iSize += (*it).second.GetSize();
Com_DPrintf("\n" S_COLOR_WHITE "%d chunks making %d bytes\n", iCount, iSize);
Com_DPrintf(S_COLOR_CYAN "================================\n");
return qtrue;
qboolean SG_Open( LPCSTR psPathlessBaseName )
// if ( fhSaveGame ) // hmmm...
// { //
// SG_Close(); //
// } //
assert( !fhSaveGame); // I'd rather know about this
return qfalse;
#ifdef _XBOX
unsigned short saveGameName[filepathlength];
char directoryInfo[filepathlength];
char psLocalFilename[filepathlength];
DWORD bytesRead;
mbstowcs(saveGameName, psPathlessBaseName,filepathlength);
XCreateSaveGame("U:\\", saveGameName, OPEN_ALWAYS, 0,directoryInfo, filepathlength);
strcpy (psLocalFilename , directoryInfo);
strcat (psLocalFilename , "JK3SG.xsv");
sg_Handle = NULL;
sg_Handle = CreateFile(psLocalFilename, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, 0,
if (!sg_Handle)
LPCSTR psLocalFilename = SG_AddSavePath( psPathlessBaseName );
FS_FOpenFileRead( psLocalFilename, &fhSaveGame, qtrue ); //qtrue = dup handle, so I can close it ok later
if (!fhSaveGame)
// Com_Printf(S_COLOR_RED "Failed to open savegame file %s\n", psLocalFilename);
Com_DPrintf(GetString_FailedToOpenSaveGame(psLocalFilename, qtrue));
return qfalse;
#ifdef _XBOX
//read the validation header
if (!ReadFile( sg_Handle, &sg_validationHeader, sizeof(sg_validationHeader), &bytesRead, NULL ))
Com_Printf (S_COLOR_RED "File \"%s\" has no sig");
return qfalse;
//initialize buffer data
sg_BufferSize = 0;
sg_CurrentBufferPos =0;
SG_Read('_VER', &giSaveGameVersion, sizeof(giSaveGameVersion));
if (giSaveGameVersion != iSAVEGAME_VERSION)
Com_Printf (S_COLOR_RED "File \"%s\" has version # %d (expecting %d)\n",psPathlessBaseName, giSaveGameVersion, iSAVEGAME_VERSION);
return qfalse;
return qtrue;
// you should only call this when you know you've successfully opened a savegame, and you want to query for
// whether it's an old (street-copy) version, or a new (expansion-pack) version
int SG_Version(void)
return giSaveGameVersion;
void SV_WipeGame_f(void)
if (Cmd_Argc() != 2)
Com_Printf (S_COLOR_RED "USAGE: wipe <name>\n");
if (!Q_stricmp (Cmd_Argv(1), "auto") )
Com_Printf (S_COLOR_RED "Can't wipe 'auto'\n");
// Com_Printf("%s has been wiped\n", Cmd_Argv(1)); // wurde gel<65>scht in german, but we've only got one string
// Com_Printf("Ok\n"); // no localization of this
// Store given string in saveGameComment for later use when game is
// actually saved
void SG_StoreSaveGameComment(const char *sComment)
qboolean SV_TryLoadTransition( const char *mapname )
char *psFilename = va( "hub/%s", mapname );
Com_Printf (S_COLOR_CYAN "Restoring game \"%s\"...\n", psFilename);
if ( !SG_ReadSavegame( psFilename ) )
{//couldn't load a savegame
return qfalse;
Com_Printf (S_COLOR_CYAN "%s.\n",SE_GetString("MENUS_DONE"));
return qtrue;
qboolean gbAlreadyDoingLoad = qfalse;
void SV_LoadGame_f(void)
if (gbAlreadyDoingLoad)
Com_DPrintf ("( Already loading, ignoring extra 'load' commands... )\n");
// // check server is running
// //
// if ( !com_sv_running->integer )
// {
// Com_Printf( "Server is not running\n" );
// return;
// }
if (Cmd_Argc() != 2)
Com_Printf ("USAGE: load <filename>\n");
const char *psFilename = Cmd_Argv(1);
if (strstr (psFilename, "..") || strstr (psFilename, "/") || strstr (psFilename, "\\") )
Com_Printf (S_COLOR_RED "Bad loadgame name.\n");
#ifndef _XBOX // VVFIXME : Part of super-bootleg SG hackery
if (!Q_stricmp (psFilename, "current"))
Com_Printf (S_COLOR_RED "Can't load from \"current\"\n");
// special case, if doing a respawn then check that the available auto-save (if any) is from the same map
// as we're currently on (if in a map at all), if so, load that "auto", else re-load the last-loaded file...
if (!Q_stricmp(psFilename, "*respawn"))
psFilename = "auto"; // default to standard respawn behaviour
// see if there's a last-loaded file to even check against as regards loading...
if ( sLastSaveFileLoaded[0] )
LPCSTR psServerInfo = sv.configstrings[CS_SERVERINFO];
LPCSTR psMapName = Info_ValueForKey( psServerInfo, "mapname" );
char *psMapNameOfAutoSave = SG_GetSaveGameMapName("auto");
if ( !Q_stricmp(psMapName,"_brig") )
{//if you're in the brig and there is no autosave, load the last loaded savegame
if ( !psMapNameOfAutoSave )
psFilename = sLastSaveFileLoaded;
// if the map name within the name of the last save file we explicitly loaded is the same
// as the current map, then use that...
char *psMapNameOfLastSaveFileLoaded = SG_GetSaveGameMapName(sLastSaveFileLoaded);
if (!Q_stricmp(psMapName,psMapNameOfLastSaveFileLoaded)))
psFilename = sLastSaveFileLoaded;
if (!(psMapName && psMapNameOfAutoSave && !Q_stricmp(psMapName,psMapNameOfAutoSave)))
// either there's no auto file, or it's from a different map to the one we've just died on...
psFilename = sLastSaveFileLoaded;
//default will continue to load auto
Com_Printf (S_COLOR_CYAN "%s\n",va(SE_GetString("MENUS_LOADING_MAPNAME"), psFilename));
gbAlreadyDoingLoad = qtrue;
if (!SG_ReadSavegame(psFilename)) {
gbAlreadyDoingLoad = qfalse; // do NOT do this here now, need to wait until client spawn, unless the load failed.
} else
Com_Printf (S_COLOR_CYAN "%s.\n",SE_GetString("MENUS_DONE"));
qboolean SG_GameAllowedToSaveHere(qboolean inCamera);
//JLF notes
// save game will be in charge of creating a new directory
void SV_SaveGame_f(void)
// check server is running
if ( !com_sv_running->integer )
Com_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "Server is not running\n" );
if (sv.state != SS_GAME)
Com_Printf (S_COLOR_RED "You must be in a game to save.\n");
// check args...
if ( Cmd_Argc() != 2 )
Com_Printf( "USAGE: \"save <filename>\"\n" );
if (svs.clients[0].frames[svs.clients[0].netchan.outgoingSequence & PACKET_MASK].ps.stats[STAT_HEALTH] <= 0)
Com_Printf (S_COLOR_RED "\n%s\n", SE_GetString("SP_INGAME_CANT_SAVE_DEAD"));
//this check catches deaths even the instant you die, like during a slo-mo death!
gentity_t *svent;
svent = SV_GentityNum(0);
if (svent->client->stats[STAT_HEALTH]<=0)
Com_Printf (S_COLOR_RED "\n%s\n", SE_GetString("SP_INGAME_CANT_SAVE_DEAD"));
char *psFilename = Cmd_Argv(1);
if (!Q_stricmp (psFilename, "current"))
Com_Printf (S_COLOR_RED "Can't save to 'current'\n");
if (strstr (psFilename, "..") || strstr (psFilename, "/") || strstr (psFilename, "\\") )
Com_Printf (S_COLOR_RED "Bad savegame name.\n");
if (!SG_GameAllowedToSaveHere(qfalse)) //full check
return; // this prevents people saving via quick-save now during cinematics.
if ( !Q_stricmp (psFilename, "auto") )
#ifdef _XBOX
extern void SCR_PrecacheScreenshot(); //scr_scrn.cpp
SG_StoreSaveGameComment(""); // clear previous comment/description, which will force time/date comment.
Com_Printf (S_COLOR_CYAN "%s \"%s\"...\n", SE_GetString("CON_TEXT_SAVING_GAME"), psFilename);
if (SG_WriteSavegame(psFilename, qfalse))
Com_Printf (S_COLOR_CYAN "%s.\n",SE_GetString("MENUS_DONE"));
static void WriteGame(qboolean autosave)
SG_Append('GAME', &autosave, sizeof(autosave));
if (autosave)
// write out player ammo level, health, etc...
extern void SV_Player_EndOfLevelSave(void);
SV_Player_EndOfLevelSave(); // this sets up the various cvars needed, so we can then write them to disk
// write health/armour etc...
Cvar_VariableStringBuffer( sCVARNAME_PLAYERSAVE, s, sizeof(s) );
SG_Append('CVSV', &s, sizeof(s));
// write ammo...
Cvar_VariableStringBuffer( "playerammo", s, sizeof(s) );
SG_Append('AMMO', &s, sizeof(s));
// write inventory...
Cvar_VariableStringBuffer( "playerinv", s, sizeof(s) );
SG_Append('IVTY', &s, sizeof(s));
// the new JK2 stuff - force powers, etc...
Cvar_VariableStringBuffer( "playerfplvl", s, sizeof(s) );
SG_Append('FPLV', &s, sizeof(s));
static qboolean ReadGame (void)
qboolean qbAutoSave;
SG_Read('GAME', (void *)&qbAutoSave, sizeof(qbAutoSave));
if (qbAutoSave)
char s[MAX_STRING_CHARS]={0};
// read health/armour etc...
SG_Read('CVSV', (void *)&s, sizeof(s));
// read ammo...
SG_Read('AMMO', (void *)&s, sizeof(s));
Cvar_Set( "playerammo", s);
// read inventory...
SG_Read('IVTY', (void *)&s, sizeof(s));
Cvar_Set( "playerinv", s);
// read force powers...
SG_Read('FPLV', (void *)&s, sizeof(s));
Cvar_Set( "playerfplvl", s );
return qbAutoSave;
// write all CVAR_SAVEGAME cvars
// these will be things like model, name, ...
extern cvar_t *cvar_vars; // I know this is really unpleasant, but I need access for scanning/writing latched cvars during save games
void SG_WriteCvars(void)
cvar_t *var;
int iCount = 0;
// count the cvars...
for (var = cvar_vars; var; var = var->next)
if (!(var->flags & CVAR_SAVEGAME))
// store count...
SG_Append('CVCN', &iCount, sizeof(iCount));
// write 'em...
for (var = cvar_vars; var; var = var->next)
if (!(var->flags & CVAR_SAVEGAME))
SG_Append('CVAR', var->name, strlen(var->name) + 1);
SG_Append('VALU', var->string, strlen(var->string) + 1);
void SG_ReadCvars(void)
int iCount;
char *psName;
char *psValue;
SG_Read('CVCN', &iCount, sizeof(iCount));
for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++)
SG_Read('CVAR', NULL, 0, (void **)&psName);
SG_Read('VALU', NULL, 0, (void **)&psValue);
Cvar_Set (psName, psValue);
Z_Free( psName );
Z_Free( psValue );
void SG_WriteServerConfigStrings( void )
int iCount = 0;
int i; // not in FOR statement in case compiler goes weird by reg-optimising it then failing to get the address later
// count how many non-blank server strings there are...
for ( i=0; i<MAX_CONFIGSTRINGS; i++)
if (sv.configstrings[i] && strlen(sv.configstrings[i])) // paranoia... <g>
SG_Append('CSCN', &iCount, sizeof(iCount));
// now write 'em...
for (i=0; i<MAX_CONFIGSTRINGS; i++)
if (sv.configstrings[i] && strlen(sv.configstrings[i]))
SG_Append('CSIN', &i, sizeof(i));
SG_Append('CSDA', sv.configstrings[i], strlen(sv.configstrings[i])+1);
void SG_ReadServerConfigStrings( void )
// trash the whole table...
int i;
for (i=0; i<MAX_CONFIGSTRINGS; i++)
if ( sv.configstrings[i] )
Z_Free( sv.configstrings[i] );
sv.configstrings[i] = CopyString("");
// now read the replacement ones...
int iCount;
SG_Read('CSCN', &iCount, sizeof(iCount));
Com_DPrintf( "Reading %d configstrings...\n",iCount);
for (i=0; i<iCount; i++)
int iIndex;
char *psName;
SG_Read('CSIN', &iIndex, sizeof(iIndex));
SG_Read('CSDA', NULL, 0, (void **)&psName);
Com_DPrintf( "Cfg str %d = %s\n",iIndex, psName);
//sv.configstrings[iIndex] = psName;
SV_SetConfigstring(iIndex, psName);
static void SG_WriteComment(qboolean qbAutosave, LPCSTR psMapName)
char sComment[iSG_COMMENT_SIZE];
if ( qbAutosave || !*saveGameComment)
Com_sprintf( sComment, sizeof(sComment), "---> %s", psMapName );
SG_Append('COMM', sComment, sizeof(sComment));
// Add Date/Time/Map stamp
time_t now;
SG_Append('CMTM', &now, sizeof(time_t));
Com_DPrintf("Saving: current (%s)\n", sComment);
// Test to see if the given file name is in the save game directory
// then grab the comment if it's there
int SG_GetSaveGameComment(const char *psPathlessBaseName, char *sComment, char *sMapName)
int ret = 0;
time_t tFileTime;
qbSGReadIsTestOnly = qtrue; // do NOT leave this in this state
if ( !SG_Open( psPathlessBaseName ))
qbSGReadIsTestOnly = qfalse;
return 0;
if (SG_Read( 'COMM', sComment, iSG_COMMENT_SIZE ))
if (SG_Read( 'CMTM', &tFileTime, sizeof( time_t ))) //read
if (SG_Read('MPCM', sMapName, iSG_MAPCMD_SIZE )) // read
ret = tFileTime;
qbSGReadIsTestOnly = qfalse;
if (!SG_Close())
return 0;
return ret;
// read the mapname field from the supplied savegame file
// returns NULL if not found
static char *SG_GetSaveGameMapName(const char *psPathlessBaseName)
static char sMapName[iSG_MAPCMD_SIZE]={0};
char *psReturn = NULL;
if (SG_GetSaveGameComment(psPathlessBaseName, NULL, sMapName))
psReturn = sMapName;
return psReturn;
// pass in qtrue to set as loading screen, else pass in pvDest to read it into there...
static qboolean SG_ReadScreenshot(qboolean qbSetAsLoadingScreen, void *pvDest = NULL);
static qboolean SG_ReadScreenshot(qboolean qbSetAsLoadingScreen, void *pvDest)
#ifdef _XBOX
return qfalse;
qboolean bReturn = qfalse;
// get JPG screenshot data length...
int iScreenShotLength = 0;
SG_Read('SHLN', &iScreenShotLength, sizeof(iScreenShotLength));
// alloc enough space plus extra 4K for sloppy JPG-decode reader to not do memory access violation...
byte *pJPGData = (byte *) Z_Malloc(iScreenShotLength + 4096,TAG_TEMP_SAVEGAME_WORKSPACE, qfalse);
// now read the JPG data...
SG_Read('SHOT', pJPGData, iScreenShotLength, 0);
// decompress JPG data...
byte *pDecompressedPic = NULL;
int iWidth, iHeight;
Decompress_JPG( "[savegame]", pJPGData, &pDecompressedPic, &iWidth, &iHeight );
// if the loaded image is the same size as the game is expecting, then copy it to supplied arg (if present)...
if (iWidth == SG_SCR_WIDTH && iHeight == SG_SCR_HEIGHT)
bReturn = qtrue;
if (pvDest)
memcpy(pvDest, pDecompressedPic, SG_SCR_WIDTH * SG_SCR_HEIGHT * 4);
if (qbSetAsLoadingScreen)
SCR_SetScreenshot((byte *)pDecompressedPic, SG_SCR_WIDTH, SG_SCR_HEIGHT);
Z_Free( pJPGData );
Z_Free( pDecompressedPic );
return bReturn;
// Gets the savegame screenshot
qboolean SG_GetSaveImage( const char *psPathlessBaseName, void *pvAddress )
return qfalse;
#if 0
unsigned short saveGameName[filepathlength];
char directoryInfo[filepathlength];
char psLocalFilename[filepathlength];
DWORD bytesRead;
mbstowcs(saveGameName, psPathlessBaseName,filepathlength);
XCreateSaveGame("U:\\", saveGameName, OPEN_ALWAYS, 0,directoryInfo, filepathlength);
strcpy (psLocalFilename , directoryInfo);
strcat (psLocalFilename , "saveimage.xbx");
sg_Handle = NULL;
sg_Handle = CreateFile(psLocalFilename, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, 0,
if (!sg_Handle)
return qfalse;
if (!SG_Open(psPathlessBaseName))
return qfalse;
SG_Read('COMM', NULL, 0, NULL); // skip
SG_Read('CMTM', NULL, sizeof( time_t ));
qboolean bGotSaveImage = SG_ReadScreenshot(qfalse, pvAddress);
return bGotSaveImage;
static void SG_WriteScreenshot(qboolean qbAutosave, LPCSTR psMapName)
#ifndef _XBOX
byte *pbRawScreenShot = NULL;
if( qbAutosave )
// try to read a levelshot (any valid TGA/JPG etc named the same as the map)...
int iWidth = SG_SCR_WIDTH;
int iHeight= SG_SCR_HEIGHT;
byte byBlank[SG_SCR_WIDTH * SG_SCR_HEIGHT * 4] = {0};
pbRawScreenShot = SCR_TempRawImage_ReadFromFile(va("levelshots/%s.tga",psMapName), &iWidth, &iHeight, byBlank, qtrue); // qtrue = vert flip
if (!pbRawScreenShot)
pbRawScreenShot = SCR_GetScreenshot(0);
int iJPGDataSize = 0;
byte *pJPGData = Compress_JPG(&iJPGDataSize, JPEG_IMAGE_QUALITY, SG_SCR_WIDTH, SG_SCR_HEIGHT, pbRawScreenShot, qfalse);
SG_Append('SHLN', &iJPGDataSize, sizeof(iJPGDataSize));
SG_Append('SHOT', pJPGData, iJPGDataSize);
qboolean SG_GameAllowedToSaveHere(qboolean inCamera)
if (!inCamera) {
if ( !com_sv_running || !com_sv_running->integer )
return qfalse; // Com_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "Server is not running\n" );
if (CL_IsRunningInGameCinematic())
return qfalse; //nope, not during a video
if (sv.state != SS_GAME)
return qfalse; // Com_Printf (S_COLOR_RED "You must be in a game to save.\n");
//No savegames from "_" maps
if ( !sv_mapname || (sv_mapname->string != NULL && sv_mapname->string[0] == '_') )
return qfalse; // Com_Printf (S_COLOR_RED "Cannot save on holodeck or brig.\n");
if (svs.clients[0].frames[svs.clients[0].netchan.outgoingSequence & PACKET_MASK].ps.stats[STAT_HEALTH] <= 0)
return qfalse; // Com_Printf (S_COLOR_RED "\nCan't savegame while dead!\n");
if (!ge)
return inCamera; // only happens when called to test if inCamera
return ge->GameAllowedToSaveHere();
qboolean SG_WriteSavegame(const char *psPathlessBaseName, qboolean qbAutosave)
if (!qbAutosave && !SG_GameAllowedToSaveHere(qfalse)) //full check
return qfalse; // this prevents people saving via quick-save now during cinematics
int iPrevTestSave = sv_testsave->integer;
sv_testsave->integer = 0;
// Write out server data...
LPCSTR psServerInfo = sv.configstrings[CS_SERVERINFO];
LPCSTR psMapName = Info_ValueForKey( psServerInfo, "mapname" );
#ifdef _XBOX
char mapname[filepathlength];
char numberedmapname[filepathlength];
int mapnumber =0;
char numberbuffer[10];
if ( !strcmp("JKSG3",psPathlessBaseName))
//strcpy(mapname, psMapName);
strcpy (mapname, psPathlessBaseName);
strcpy( numberedmapname, mapname);
strcpy(mapname, psMapName);
strcpy(numberedmapname, psPathlessBaseName);
while (!qbAutosave && SG_Exists( numberedmapname))
strcpy( numberedmapname, mapname);
strcat ( numberedmapname,numberbuffer);
SG_Create( numberedmapname);
if ( !strcmp("quick",psPathlessBaseName))
SG_StoreSaveGameComment(va("--> %s <--",psMapName));
if(!SG_Create( "current" ))
Com_Printf (GetString_FailedToOpenSaveGame("current",qfalse));//S_COLOR_RED "Failed to create savegame\n");
SG_WipeSavegame( "current" );
sv_testsave->integer = iPrevTestSave;
return qfalse;
char sMapCmd[iSG_MAPCMD_SIZE]={0};
strcpy( sMapCmd,psMapName); // need as array rather than ptr because const strlen needed for MPCM chunk
SG_WriteComment(qbAutosave, sMapCmd);
// SG_WriteScreenshot(qbAutosave, sMapCmd);
SG_Append('MPCM', sMapCmd, sizeof(sMapCmd));
WriteGame (qbAutosave);
// Write out all the level data...
if (!qbAutosave)
SG_Append('TIME', (void *)&sv.time, sizeof(sv.time));
SG_Append('TIMR', (void *)&sv.timeResidual, sizeof(sv.timeResidual));
ge->WriteLevel(qbAutosave); // always done now, but ent saver only does player if auto
#ifdef _XBOX
if (gbSGWriteFailed)
Com_Printf (GetString_FailedToOpenSaveGame("current",qfalse));//S_COLOR_RED "Failed to write savegame!\n");
SG_WipeSavegame( "current" );
sv_testsave->integer = iPrevTestSave;
return qfalse;
SG_Move( "current", psPathlessBaseName );
sv_testsave->integer = iPrevTestSave;
return qtrue;
qboolean SG_ReadSavegame(const char *psPathlessBaseName)
char sComment[iSG_COMMENT_SIZE];
char sMapCmd [iSG_MAPCMD_SIZE];
qboolean qbAutosave;
int iPrevTestSave = sv_testsave->integer;
sv_testsave->integer = 0;
if (!SG_Open( psPathlessBaseName ))
Com_Printf (GetString_FailedToOpenSaveGame(psPathlessBaseName, qtrue));//S_COLOR_RED "Failed to open savegame \"%s\"\n", psPathlessBaseName);
sv_testsave->integer = iPrevTestSave;
return qfalse;
// this check isn't really necessary, but it reminds me that these two strings may actually be the same physical one.
if (psPathlessBaseName != sLastSaveFileLoaded)
// Read in all the server data...
SG_Read('COMM', sComment, sizeof(sComment));
Com_DPrintf("Reading: %s\n", sComment);
SG_Read( 'CMTM', NULL, sizeof( time_t ));
// SG_ReadScreenshot(qtrue); // qboolean qbSetAsLoadingScreen
SG_Read('MPCM', sMapCmd, sizeof(sMapCmd));
// read game state
qbAutosave = ReadGame();
eSavedGameJustLoaded = (qbAutosave)?eAUTO:eFULL;
SV_SpawnServer(sMapCmd, eForceReload_NOTHING, (eSavedGameJustLoaded != eFULL) ); // note that this also trashes the whole G_Alloc pool as well (of course)
// read in all the level data...
if (!qbAutosave)
SG_Read('TIME', (void *)&sv.time, sizeof(sv.time));
SG_Read('TIMR', (void *)&sv.timeResidual, sizeof(sv.timeResidual));
ge->ReadLevel(qbAutosave, qbLoadTransition); // always done now, but ent reader only does player if auto
Com_Printf (GetString_FailedToOpenSaveGame(psPathlessBaseName,qfalse));//S_COLOR_RED "Failed to close savegame\n");
sv_testsave->integer = iPrevTestSave;
return qfalse;
sv_testsave->integer = iPrevTestSave;
return qtrue;
int Compress_RLE(const byte *pIn, int iLength, byte *pOut)
int iCount=0,iOutIndex=0;
while (iCount < iLength)
int iIndex = iCount;
byte b = pIn[iIndex++];
while (iIndex<iLength && iIndex-iCount<127 && pIn[iIndex]==b)
if (iIndex-iCount == 1)
while (iIndex<iLength && iIndex-iCount<127 && (pIn[iIndex]!=pIn[iIndex-1] || iIndex>1 && pIn[iIndex]!=pIn[iIndex-2])){
while (iIndex<iLength && pIn[iIndex]==pIn[iIndex-1]){
pOut[iOutIndex++] = (unsigned char)(iCount-iIndex);
for (int i=iCount; i<iIndex; i++){
pOut[iOutIndex++] = pIn[i];
pOut[iOutIndex++] = (unsigned char)(iIndex-iCount);
pOut[iOutIndex++] = b;
return iOutIndex;
void DeCompress_RLE(byte *pOut, const byte *pIn, int iDecompressedBytesRemaining)
signed char count;
while (iDecompressedBytesRemaining > 0)
count = (signed char) *pIn++;
if (count>0)
if (count<0)
count = (signed char) -count;
pIn += count;
pOut += count;
iDecompressedBytesRemaining -= count;
// simulate decompression over original data (but don't actually do it), to test de/compress validity...
qboolean Verify_RLE(const byte *pOut, const byte *pIn, int iDecompressedBytesRemaining)
signed char count;
const byte *pOutEnd = &pOut[iDecompressedBytesRemaining];
while (iDecompressedBytesRemaining > 0)
if (pOut >= pOutEnd)
return qfalse;
count = (signed char) *pIn++;
if (count>0)
int iMemSetByte = *pIn++;
for (int i=0; i<count; i++)
if (pOut[i] != iMemSetByte)
return qfalse;
if (count<0)
count = (signed char) -count;
// memcpy(pOut,pIn,count);
if (memcmp(pOut,pIn,count))
return qfalse;
pIn += count;
pOut += count;
iDecompressedBytesRemaining -= count;
if (pOut != pOutEnd)
return qfalse;
return qtrue;
byte *gpbCompBlock = NULL;
int giCompBlockSize = 0;
static void CompressMem_FreeScratchBuffer(void)
if ( gpbCompBlock )
Z_Free( gpbCompBlock);
gpbCompBlock = NULL;
giCompBlockSize = 0;
static byte *CompressMem_AllocScratchBuffer(int iSize)
// only alloc new buffer if we need more than the existing one...
if (giCompBlockSize < iSize)
gpbCompBlock = (byte *) Z_Malloc(iSize, TAG_TEMP_WORKSPACE, qfalse);
giCompBlockSize = iSize;
return gpbCompBlock;
// returns -1 for compression-not-worth-it, else compressed length...
int CompressMem(byte *pbData, int iLength, byte *&pbOut)
if (!sv_compress_saved_games->integer)
return -1;
// malloc enough to cope with uncompressable data (it'll never grow to 2* size, so)...
pbOut = CompressMem_AllocScratchBuffer(iLength*2);
// compress it...
int iOutputLength = Compress_RLE(pbData, iLength, pbOut);
// worth compressing?...
if (iOutputLength >= iLength)
return -1;
// compression code works? (I'd hope this is always the case, but for safety)...
if (!Verify_RLE(pbData, pbOut, iLength))
return -1;
return iOutputLength;
#ifdef _XBOX// function for xbox
int SG_Write(const void * chid, const int bytesize, fileHandle_t fhSG)
DWORD bytesWritten;
int currentsize;
if (!WriteFile(sg_Handle, // handle to file
chid, // data buffer
bytesize, // number of bytes to write
&bytesWritten, // number of bytes written
NULL // overlapped buffer
return 0;
return bytesWritten;
int SG_Write(const void * chid, const int bytesize, fileHandle_t fhSG)
DWORD bytesWritten;
int currentsize;
if (sg_BufferSize + bytesize>= SG_BUFFERSIZE)
if (!WriteFile(sg_Handle, // handle to file
sg_Buffer, // data buffer
sg_BufferSize, // number of bytes to write
&bytesWritten, // number of bytes written
NULL // overlapped buffer
// return bytesWritten;
// else
return 0;
DWORD dwSuccess = XCalculateSignatureUpdate( sg_sigHandle, (BYTE*)(sg_Buffer),
sg_BufferSize = 0;
if (bytesize >= SG_BUFFERSIZE)
if (!WriteFile(sg_Handle, // handle to file
chid, // data buffer
bytesize, // number of bytes to write
&bytesWritten, // number of bytes written
NULL // overlapped buffer
return 0;
DWORD dwSuccess = XCalculateSignatureUpdate( sg_sigHandle, (BYTE*)(chid),
sg_BufferSize = 0;
byte * tempptr = &(sg_Buffer[sg_BufferSize]);
memcpy(tempptr, chid, bytesize);
sg_BufferSize += bytesize;
return bytesize;
//pass through function
int SG_Write(const void * chid, const int bytesize, fileHandle_t fhSaveGame)
return FS_Write( chid, bytesize, fhSaveGame);
qboolean SG_Append(unsigned int chid, const void *pvData, int iLength)
unsigned int uiCksum;
unsigned int uiSaved;
#ifdef _DEBUG
int i;
unsigned int *pTest;
pTest = (unsigned int *) pvData;
for (i=0; i<iLength/4; i++, pTest++)
assert(*pTest != 0xfeeefeee);
assert(*pTest != 0xcdcdcdcd);
assert(*pTest != 0xdddddddd);
Com_DPrintf("Attempting write of chunk %s length %d\n", SG_GetChidText(chid), iLength);
// only write data out if we're not in test mode....
if (!sv_testsave->integer)
uiCksum = Com_BlockChecksum (pvData, iLength);
uiSaved = SG_Write(&chid, sizeof(chid), fhSaveGame);
byte *pbCompressedData = NULL;
int iCompressedLength = CompressMem((byte*)pvData, iLength, pbCompressedData);
if (iCompressedLength != -1)
// compressed... (write length field out as -ve)
iLength = -iLength;
uiSaved += SG_Write(&iLength, sizeof(iLength), fhSaveGame);
iLength = -iLength;
// [compressed length]
uiSaved += SG_Write(&iCompressedLength, sizeof(iCompressedLength), fhSaveGame);
// compressed data...
uiSaved += SG_Write(pbCompressedData, iCompressedLength, fhSaveGame);
// CRC...
uiSaved += SG_Write(&uiCksum, sizeof(uiCksum), fhSaveGame);
if (uiSaved != sizeof(chid) + sizeof(iLength) + sizeof(uiCksum) + sizeof(iCompressedLength) + iCompressedLength)
Com_Printf(S_COLOR_RED "Failed to write %s chunk\n", SG_GetChidText(chid));
gbSGWriteFailed = qtrue;
return qfalse;
// uncompressed...
uiSaved += SG_Write(&iLength, sizeof(iLength), fhSaveGame);
// uncompressed data...
uiSaved += SG_Write( pvData, iLength, fhSaveGame);
// CRC...
uiSaved += SG_Write(&uiCksum, sizeof(uiCksum), fhSaveGame);
if (uiSaved != sizeof(chid) + sizeof(iLength) + sizeof(uiCksum) + iLength)
Com_Printf(S_COLOR_RED "Failed to write %s chunk\n", SG_GetChidText(chid));
gbSGWriteFailed = qtrue;
return qfalse;
return qtrue;
#ifdef _XBOX// function for xbox
//SG_ReadBytes replaces FS_Read. I was going to use SG_Read but it is already in use
int SG_ReadBytes(void * chid, int bytesize, fileHandle_t fhSG)
byte* bufferptr;
unsigned char* destptr;
DWORD retBytesRead=0;
DWORD bytesRead =0;
int segmentLength;
//bufferptr = (byte*)chid;
//destptr = NULL;
if (ReadFile(sg_Handle, // handle to file
chid, // data buffer
bytesize, // number of bytes to write
&bytesRead, // number of bytes written
NULL // overlapped buffer
{ return bytesRead;
return 0;
return retBytesRead;
int SG_ReadBytes(void * chid, int bytesize, fileHandle_t fhSG)
byte* bufferptr;
unsigned char* destptr;
DWORD retBytesRead=0;
DWORD bytesRead =0;
int segmentLength;
//bufferptr = (byte*)chid;
//destptr = NULL;
if ( bytesize < (sg_BufferSize - sg_CurrentBufferPos))
bufferptr = &(sg_Buffer[sg_CurrentBufferPos]);
memcpy(chid,bufferptr, bytesize);
sg_CurrentBufferPos+= bytesize;
retBytesRead = bytesize;
destptr = (byte*)((void*)chid);
while ( bytesize >0)
bufferptr = &(sg_Buffer[sg_CurrentBufferPos]);
segmentLength = sg_BufferSize - sg_CurrentBufferPos;
if (segmentLength <= bytesize)
memcpy(destptr, bufferptr, segmentLength);
destptr += segmentLength;
retBytesRead += segmentLength;
bytesize -= segmentLength;
sg_CurrentBufferPos += segmentLength;
memcpy(destptr, bufferptr, bytesize);
destptr += bytesize;
retBytesRead += bytesize;
sg_CurrentBufferPos += bytesize;
bytesize -= bytesize;
if (sg_BufferSize - sg_CurrentBufferPos <= 0 && bytesize >0)
if (ReadFile(sg_Handle, // handle to file
sg_Buffer, // data buffer
SG_BUFFERSIZE, // number of bytes to write
&bytesRead, // number of bytes written
NULL // overlapped buffer
sg_BufferSize = bytesRead;
sg_CurrentBufferPos = 0;
bufferptr = sg_Buffer;
//sig processing
return 0;
return retBytesRead;
// handle offset origin
//fhSaveGame not used (use global variable)
int SG_Seek( fileHandle_t fhSaveGame, long offset, int origin )
switch (origin)
return SetFilePointer(
sg_Handle, // handle to file
offset, // bytes to move pointer
NULL, // bytes to move pointer
FILE_CURRENT // starting point
return SetFilePointer(
sg_Handle, // handle to file
offset, // bytes to move pointer
NULL, // bytes to move pointer
FILE_END // starting point
return SetFilePointer(
sg_Handle, // handle to file
offset, // bytes to move pointer
NULL, // bytes to move pointer
FILE_BEGIN // starting point
return 0;
//pass through function
int SG_ReadBytes(void * chid, int bytesize, fileHandle_t fhSaveGame)
return FS_Read( chid, bytesize, fhSaveGame);
int SG_Seek( fileHandle_t fhSaveGame, long offset, int origin )
return FS_Seek(fhSaveGame, offset, origin);
// Pass in pvAddress (or NULL if you want memory to be allocated)
// if pvAddress==NULL && ppvAddressPtr == NULL then the block is discarded/skipped.
// If iLength==0 then it counts as a query, else it must match the size found in the file
// function doesn't return if error (uses ERR_DROP), unless "qbSGReadIsTestOnly == qtrue", then NZ return = success
static int SG_Read_Actual(unsigned int chid, void *pvAddress, int iLength, void **ppvAddressPtr, qboolean bChunkIsOptional)
unsigned int uiLoadedCksum, uiCksum;
unsigned int uiLoadedLength;
unsigned int ulLoadedChid;
unsigned int uiLoaded;
char sChidText1[MAX_QPATH];
char sChidText2[MAX_QPATH];
qboolean qbTransient = qfalse;
Com_DPrintf("Attempting read of chunk %s length %d\n", SG_GetChidText(chid), iLength);
// Load in chid and length...
uiLoaded = SG_ReadBytes( &ulLoadedChid, sizeof(ulLoadedChid), fhSaveGame);
uiLoaded+= SG_ReadBytes( &uiLoadedLength, sizeof(uiLoadedLength),fhSaveGame);
qboolean bBlockIsCompressed = ((int)uiLoadedLength < 0);
if ( bBlockIsCompressed)
uiLoadedLength = -((int)uiLoadedLength);
// Make sure we are loading the correct chunk...
if( ulLoadedChid != chid)
if (bChunkIsOptional)
SG_Seek( fhSaveGame, -(int)uiLoaded, FS_SEEK_CUR );
return 0;
strcpy(sChidText1, SG_GetChidText(ulLoadedChid));
strcpy(sChidText2, SG_GetChidText(chid));
if (!qbSGReadIsTestOnly)
Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "Loaded chunk ID (%s) does not match requested chunk ID (%s)", sChidText1, sChidText2);
return 0;
// Find length of chunk and make sure it matches the requested length...
if( iLength ) // .. but only if there was one specified
if(iLength != (int)uiLoadedLength)
if (!qbSGReadIsTestOnly)
Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "Loaded chunk (%s) has different length than requested", SG_GetChidText(chid));
return 0;
iLength = uiLoadedLength; // for retval
// alloc?...
if ( !pvAddress )
pvAddress = Z_Malloc(iLength, TAG_SAVEGAME, qfalse);
// Pass load address back...
if( ppvAddressPtr )
*ppvAddressPtr = pvAddress;
qbTransient = qtrue; // if no passback addr, mark block for skipping
// Load in data and magic number...
unsigned int uiCompressedLength=0;
if (bBlockIsCompressed)
// read compressed data length...
uiLoaded += SG_ReadBytes( &uiCompressedLength, sizeof(uiCompressedLength),fhSaveGame);
// alloc space...
byte *pTempRLEData = (byte *)Z_Malloc(uiCompressedLength, TAG_SAVEGAME, qfalse);
// read compressed data...
uiLoaded += SG_ReadBytes( pTempRLEData, uiCompressedLength, fhSaveGame );
// decompress it...
DeCompress_RLE((byte *)pvAddress, pTempRLEData, iLength);
// free workspace...
Z_Free( pTempRLEData );
uiLoaded += SG_ReadBytes( pvAddress, iLength, fhSaveGame );
// Get checksum...
uiLoaded += SG_ReadBytes( &uiLoadedCksum, sizeof(uiLoadedCksum), fhSaveGame );
// Make sure the checksums match...
uiCksum = Com_BlockChecksum( pvAddress, iLength );
if ( uiLoadedCksum != uiCksum)
if (!qbSGReadIsTestOnly)
Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "Failed checksum check for chunk", SG_GetChidText(chid));
if ( qbTransient )
Z_Free( pvAddress );
return 0;
// Make sure we didn't encounter any read errors...
if ( uiLoaded != sizeof(ulLoadedChid) + sizeof(uiLoadedLength) + sizeof(uiLoadedCksum) + (bBlockIsCompressed?sizeof(uiCompressedLength):0) + (bBlockIsCompressed?uiCompressedLength:iLength))
if (!qbSGReadIsTestOnly)
Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "Error during loading chunk %s", SG_GetChidText(chid));
if ( qbTransient )
Z_Free( pvAddress );
return 0;
// If we are skipping the chunk, then free the memory...
if ( qbTransient )
Z_Free( pvAddress );
return iLength;
int SG_Read(unsigned int chid, void *pvAddress, int iLength, void **ppvAddressPtr /* = NULL */)
return SG_Read_Actual(chid, pvAddress, iLength, ppvAddressPtr, qfalse ); // qboolean bChunkIsOptional
int SG_ReadOptional(unsigned int chid, void *pvAddress, int iLength, void **ppvAddressPtr /* = NULL */)
return SG_Read_Actual(chid, pvAddress, iLength, ppvAddressPtr, qtrue); // qboolean bChunkIsOptional
void SG_TestSave(void)
if (sv_testsave->integer && sv.state == SS_GAME)
WriteGame (false);
////////////////// eof ////////////////////