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// (c) 2002 Activision
// Common
// ------
// The raven libraries contain a number of common defines, enums, and typedefs which
// need to be accessed by all templates. Each of these is included here.
// Also included is a safeguarded assert file for all the asserts in RTL.
// This file is included in EVERY TEMPLATE, so it should be very light in order to
// reduce compile times.
// Format
// ------
// In order to simplify code and provide readability, the template library has some
// standard formats. Any new templates or functions should adhere to these formats:
// - All memory is statically allocated, usually by parameter SIZE
// - All classes provide an enum which defines constant variables, including CAPACITY
// - All classes which moniter the number of items allocated provide the following functions:
// size() - the number of objects
// empty() - does the container have zero objects
// full() - does the container have any room left for more objects
// clear() - remove all objects
// - Functions are defined in the following order:
// Capacity
// Constructors (copy, from string, etc...)
// Range (size(), empty(), full(), clear(), etc...)
// Access (operator[], front(), back(), etc...)
// Modification (add(), remove(), push(), pop(), etc...)
// Iteration (begin(), end(), insert(), erase(), find(), etc...)
#if !defined(RAGL_COMMON_INC)
// Includes
#if defined(RA_DEBUG_LINKING)
#pragma message("...including ragl_common.h")
#if !defined(RAGL_ASSERT_INC)
#include <assert.h>
#if !defined(FINAL_BUILD)
#if !defined(RAGL_PROFILE_INC) && !defined(_XBOX)
#include "Windows.h"
#if !defined(RAVL_VEC_INC)
#include "../Ravl/CVec.h"
#if !defined(RATL_COMMON_INC)
#include "../Ratl/ratl_common.h"
namespace ragl
// Enums
// Typedefs
// Defines
// The Graph Node Class
class CNode
CNode() {}
CNode(const CVec3& Pt) : mPoint(Pt) {}
// Access Operator (For Triangulation)
float operator[](int dimension)
return mPoint[dimension];
// Equality Operator (For KDTree)
bool operator==(const CNode& t) const
return (t.mPoint==mPoint);
// Left Right Test (For Triangulation)
virtual ESide LRTest(const CNode& A, const CNode& B) const
return (mPoint.LRTest(A.mPoint, B.mPoint));
// Point In Circle (For Triangulation)
virtual bool InCircle(const CNode& A, const CNode& B, const CNode& C) const
return (mPoint.PtInCircle(A.mPoint, B.mPoint, C.mPoint));
CVec3 mPoint;
// The Graph Edge Class
class CEdge
int mNodeA;
int mNodeB;
bool mOnHull;
float mDistance;
bool mCanBeInval;
bool mValid;
// The Geometric Reference Class
// This adds one additional function to the common ratl_ref class to allow access for
// various dimensions. It is used in both Triangulation and KDTree
template <class TDATA, class TDATAREF>
class ragl_ref
// Constructors
ragl_ref() {}
ragl_ref(const ragl_ref & r) {mDataRef = (TDATAREF)(r.mDataRef);}
ragl_ref(const TDATA & r) {mDataRef = (TDATAREF)(& r);}
ragl_ref(const TDATAREF r) {mDataRef = (TDATAREF)(r);}
// Assignment Operators
void operator=(const ragl_ref & r) {mDataRef = (TDATAREF)(r.mDataRef);}
void operator=(const TDATA & r) {mDataRef = (TDATAREF)(& r);}
void operator=(const TDATAREF r) {mDataRef = (TDATAREF)(r);}
// Access Operator (For Triangulation)
float operator[](int dimension) const {return (*mDataRef)[dimension];}
// Dereference Operator
TDATA & operator*() {return (*mDataRef);}
const TDATA & operator*() const {return (*mDataRef);}
TDATAREF handle() const {return mDataRef;}
// Equality / Inequality Operators
bool operator== (const ragl_ref& t) const {return (*mDataRef)==(*(t.mDataRef));}
bool operator!= (const ragl_ref& t) const {return (*mDataRef)!=(*(t.mDataRef));}
bool operator< (const ragl_ref& t) const {return (*mDataRef)< (*(t.mDataRef));}
bool operator> (const ragl_ref& t) const {return (*mDataRef)> (*(t.mDataRef));}
bool operator<= (const ragl_ref& t) const {return (*mDataRef)<=(*(t.mDataRef));}
bool operator>= (const ragl_ref& t) const {return (*mDataRef)>=(*(t.mDataRef));}
// Equality / Inequality Operators
bool operator== (const TDATA& t) const {return (*mDataRef)==t;}
bool operator!= (const TDATA& t) const {return (*mDataRef)!=t;}
bool operator< (const TDATA& t) const {return (*mDataRef)< t;}
bool operator> (const TDATA& t) const {return (*mDataRef)> t;}
bool operator<= (const TDATA& t) const {return (*mDataRef)<=t;}
bool operator>= (const TDATA& t) const {return (*mDataRef)>=t;}
// The Data Reference
#endif |