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synced 2025-03-12 22:01:33 +00:00
833 lines
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//Anything above this #include will be ignored by the compiler
#include "../qcommon/exe_headers.h"
#include "server.h"
Delta encode a client frame onto the network channel
A normal server packet will look like:
4 sequence number (high bit set if an oversize fragment)
<optional reliable commands>
1 svc_snapshot
4 last client reliable command
4 serverTime
1 lastframe for delta compression
1 snapFlags
1 areaBytes
Writes a delta update of an entityState_t list to the message.
static void SV_EmitPacketEntities( clientSnapshot_t *from, clientSnapshot_t *to, msg_t *msg ) {
entityState_t *oldent, *newent;
int oldindex, newindex;
int oldnum, newnum;
int from_num_entities;
// generate the delta update
if ( !from ) {
from_num_entities = 0;
} else {
from_num_entities = from->num_entities;
newent = NULL;
oldent = NULL;
newindex = 0;
oldindex = 0;
while ( newindex < to->num_entities || oldindex < from_num_entities ) {
if ( newindex >= to->num_entities ) {
newnum = 9999;
} else {
newent = &svs.snapshotEntities[(to->first_entity+newindex) % svs.numSnapshotEntities];
newnum = newent->number;
if ( oldindex >= from_num_entities ) {
oldnum = 9999;
} else {
oldent = &svs.snapshotEntities[(from->first_entity+oldindex) % svs.numSnapshotEntities];
oldnum = oldent->number;
if ( newnum == oldnum ) {
// delta update from old position
// because the force parm is qfalse, this will not result
// in any bytes being emited if the entity has not changed at all
MSG_WriteDeltaEntity (msg, oldent, newent, qfalse );
if ( newnum < oldnum ) {
// this is a new entity, send it from the baseline
MSG_WriteDeltaEntity (msg, &sv.svEntities[newnum].baseline, newent, qtrue );
if ( newnum > oldnum ) {
// the old entity isn't present in the new message
MSG_WriteDeltaEntity (msg, oldent, NULL, qtrue );
MSG_WriteBits( msg, (MAX_GENTITIES-1), GENTITYNUM_BITS ); // end of packetentities
static void SV_WriteSnapshotToClient( client_t *client, msg_t *msg ) {
clientSnapshot_t *frame, *oldframe;
int lastframe;
int i;
int snapFlags;
// this is the snapshot we are creating
frame = &client->frames[ client->netchan.outgoingSequence & PACKET_MASK ];
// try to use a previous frame as the source for delta compressing the snapshot
if ( client->deltaMessage <= 0 || client->state != CS_ACTIVE ) {
// client is asking for a retransmit
oldframe = NULL;
lastframe = 0;
} else if ( client->netchan.outgoingSequence - client->deltaMessage
>= (PACKET_BACKUP - 3) ) {
// client hasn't gotten a good message through in a long time
Com_DPrintf ("%s: Delta request from out of date packet.\n", client->name);
oldframe = NULL;
lastframe = 0;
} else {
// we have a valid snapshot to delta from
oldframe = &client->frames[ client->deltaMessage & PACKET_MASK ];
lastframe = client->netchan.outgoingSequence - client->deltaMessage;
// the snapshot's entities may still have rolled off the buffer, though
if ( oldframe->first_entity <= svs.nextSnapshotEntities - svs.numSnapshotEntities ) {
Com_DPrintf ("%s: Delta request from out of date entities.\n", client->name);
oldframe = NULL;
lastframe = 0;
MSG_WriteByte (msg, svc_snapshot);
// NOTE, MRE: now sent at the start of every message from server to client
// let the client know which reliable clientCommands we have received
//MSG_WriteLong( msg, client->lastClientCommand );
// send over the current server time so the client can drift
// its view of time to try to match
MSG_WriteLong (msg, svs.time);
// what we are delta'ing from
MSG_WriteByte (msg, lastframe);
snapFlags = svs.snapFlagServerBit;
if ( client->rateDelayed ) {
if ( client->state != CS_ACTIVE ) {
MSG_WriteByte (msg, snapFlags);
// send over the areabits
MSG_WriteByte (msg, frame->areabytes);
MSG_WriteData (msg, frame->areabits, frame->areabytes);
// delta encode the playerstate
if ( oldframe ) {
MSG_WriteDeltaPlayerstate( msg, &oldframe->ps, &frame->ps, frame->pDeltaOneBit, frame->pDeltaNumBit );
MSG_WriteDeltaPlayerstate( msg, &oldframe->ps, &frame->ps );
if (frame->ps.m_iVehicleNum)
{ //then write the vehicle's playerstate too
if (!oldframe->ps.m_iVehicleNum)
{ //if last frame didn't have vehicle, then the old vps isn't gonna delta
//properly (because our vps on the client could be anything)
MSG_WriteDeltaPlayerstate( msg, NULL, &frame->vps, NULL, NULL, qtrue );
MSG_WriteDeltaPlayerstate( msg, NULL, &frame->vps, qtrue );
MSG_WriteDeltaPlayerstate( msg, &oldframe->vps, &frame->vps, frame->pDeltaOneBitVeh, frame->pDeltaNumBitVeh, qtrue );
MSG_WriteDeltaPlayerstate( msg, &oldframe->vps, &frame->vps, qtrue );
} else {
MSG_WriteDeltaPlayerstate( msg, NULL, &frame->ps, NULL, NULL );
MSG_WriteDeltaPlayerstate( msg, NULL, &frame->ps );
if (frame->ps.m_iVehicleNum)
{ //then write the vehicle's playerstate too
MSG_WriteDeltaPlayerstate( msg, NULL, &frame->vps, NULL, NULL, qtrue );
MSG_WriteDeltaPlayerstate( msg, NULL, &frame->vps, qtrue );
// delta encode the entities
SV_EmitPacketEntities (oldframe, frame, msg);
// padding for rate debugging
if ( sv_padPackets->integer ) {
for ( i = 0 ; i < sv_padPackets->integer ; i++ ) {
MSG_WriteByte (msg, svc_nop);
(re)send all server commands the client hasn't acknowledged yet
void SV_UpdateServerCommandsToClient( client_t *client, msg_t *msg ) {
int i;
// write any unacknowledged serverCommands
for ( i = client->reliableAcknowledge + 1 ; i <= client->reliableSequence ; i++ ) {
MSG_WriteByte( msg, svc_serverCommand );
MSG_WriteLong( msg, i );
MSG_WriteString( msg, client->reliableCommands[ i & (MAX_RELIABLE_COMMANDS-1) ] );
client->reliableSent = client->reliableSequence;
Build a client snapshot structure
typedef struct {
int numSnapshotEntities;
int snapshotEntities[MAX_SNAPSHOT_ENTITIES];
} snapshotEntityNumbers_t;
static int QDECL SV_QsortEntityNumbers( const void *a, const void *b ) {
int *ea, *eb;
ea = (int *)a;
eb = (int *)b;
if ( *ea == *eb ) {
Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "SV_QsortEntityStates: duplicated entity" );
if ( *ea < *eb ) {
return -1;
return 1;
static void SV_AddEntToSnapshot( svEntity_t *svEnt, sharedEntity_t *gEnt, snapshotEntityNumbers_t *eNums ) {
// if we have already added this entity to this snapshot, don't add again
if ( svEnt->snapshotCounter == sv.snapshotCounter ) {
svEnt->snapshotCounter = sv.snapshotCounter;
// if we are full, silently discard entities
if ( eNums->numSnapshotEntities == MAX_SNAPSHOT_ENTITIES ) {
eNums->snapshotEntities[ eNums->numSnapshotEntities ] = gEnt->s.number;
float g_svCullDist = -1.0f;
static void SV_AddEntitiesVisibleFromPoint( vec3_t origin, clientSnapshot_t *frame,
snapshotEntityNumbers_t *eNums, qboolean portal ) {
int e, i;
sharedEntity_t *ent;
svEntity_t *svEnt;
int l;
int clientarea, clientcluster;
int leafnum;
int c_fullsend;
#ifdef _XBOX
const byte *clientpvs;
const byte *bitvector;
byte *clientpvs;
byte *bitvector;
vec3_t difference;
float length, radius;
// during an error shutdown message we may need to transmit
// the shutdown message after the server has shutdown, so
// specfically check for it
if ( !sv.state ) {
leafnum = CM_PointLeafnum (origin);
clientarea = CM_LeafArea (leafnum);
clientcluster = CM_LeafCluster (leafnum);
// calculate the visible areas
frame->areabytes = CM_WriteAreaBits( frame->areabits, clientarea );
clientpvs = CM_ClusterPVS (clientcluster);
c_fullsend = 0;
for ( e = 0 ; e < sv.num_entities ; e++ ) {
ent = SV_GentityNum(e);
// never send entities that aren't linked in
if ( !ent->r.linked ) {
if (ent->s.eFlags & EF_PERMANENT)
{ // he's permanent, so don't send him down!
if (ent->s.number != e) {
Com_DPrintf ("FIXING ENT->S.NUMBER!!!\n");
ent->s.number = e;
// entities can be flagged to explicitly not be sent to the client
if ( ent->r.svFlags & SVF_NOCLIENT ) {
// entities can be flagged to be sent to only one client
if ( ent->r.svFlags & SVF_SINGLECLIENT ) {
if ( ent->r.singleClient != frame->ps.clientNum ) {
// entities can be flagged to be sent to everyone but one client
if ( ent->r.svFlags & SVF_NOTSINGLECLIENT ) {
if ( ent->r.singleClient == frame->ps.clientNum ) {
svEnt = SV_SvEntityForGentity( ent );
// don't double add an entity through portals
if ( svEnt->snapshotCounter == sv.snapshotCounter ) {
// broadcast entities are always sent, and so is the main player so we don't see noclip weirdness
if ( ent->r.svFlags & SVF_BROADCAST || (e == frame->ps.clientNum) || (ent->r.broadcastClients[frame->ps.clientNum/32] & (1<<(frame->ps.clientNum%32))))
SV_AddEntToSnapshot( svEnt, ent, eNums );
if (ent->s.isPortalEnt)
{ //rww - portal entities are always sent as well
SV_AddEntToSnapshot( svEnt, ent, eNums );
if (com_RMG && com_RMG->integer)
VectorAdd(ent->r.absmax, ent->r.absmin, difference);
VectorScale(difference, 0.5f, difference);
VectorSubtract(origin, difference, difference);
length = VectorLength(difference);
// calculate the diameter
VectorSubtract(ent->r.absmax, ent->r.absmin, difference);
radius = VectorLength(difference);
if (length-radius < /*sv_RMGDistanceCull->integer*/5000.0f)
{ // more of a diameter check
SV_AddEntToSnapshot( svEnt, ent, eNums );
// ignore if not touching a PV leaf
// check area
if ( !CM_AreasConnected( clientarea, svEnt->areanum ) ) {
// doors can legally straddle two areas, so
// we may need to check another one
if ( !CM_AreasConnected( clientarea, svEnt->areanum2 ) ) {
continue; // blocked by a door
bitvector = clientpvs;
// check individual leafs
if ( !svEnt->numClusters ) {
l = 0;
#ifdef _XBOX
if(bitvector) {
for ( i=0 ; i < svEnt->numClusters ; i++ ) {
l = svEnt->clusternums[i];
if ( bitvector[l >> 3] & (1 << (l&7) ) ) {
#ifdef _XBOX
// if we haven't found it to be visible,
// check overflow clusters that coudln't be stored
#ifdef _XBOX
if ( bitvector && i == svEnt->numClusters ) {
if ( i == svEnt->numClusters ) {
if ( svEnt->lastCluster ) {
for ( ; l <= svEnt->lastCluster ; l++ ) {
if ( bitvector[l >> 3] & (1 << (l&7) ) ) {
if ( l == svEnt->lastCluster ) {
continue; // not visible
} else {
if (g_svCullDist != -1.0f)
{ //do a distance cull check
VectorAdd(ent->r.absmax, ent->r.absmin, difference);
VectorScale(difference, 0.5f, difference);
VectorSubtract(origin, difference, difference);
length = VectorLength(difference);
// calculate the diameter
VectorSubtract(ent->r.absmax, ent->r.absmin, difference);
radius = VectorLength(difference);
if (length-radius >= g_svCullDist)
{ //then don't add it
// add it
SV_AddEntToSnapshot( svEnt, ent, eNums );
// if its a portal entity, add everything visible from its camera position
if ( ent->r.svFlags & SVF_PORTAL ) {
if ( ent->s.generic1 ) {
vec3_t dir;
VectorSubtract(ent->s.origin, origin, dir);
if ( VectorLengthSquared(dir) > (float) ent->s.generic1 * ent->s.generic1 ) {
SV_AddEntitiesVisibleFromPoint( ent->s.origin2, frame, eNums, qtrue );
#ifdef _XBOX
//Must get clientpvs again since above call destroyed it.
clientpvs = CM_ClusterPVS (clientcluster);
Decides which entities are going to be visible to the client, and
copies off the playerstate and areabits.
This properly handles multiple recursive portals, but the render
currently doesn't.
For viewing through other player's eyes, clent can be something other than client->gentity
static void SV_BuildClientSnapshot( client_t *client ) {
vec3_t org;
clientSnapshot_t *frame;
snapshotEntityNumbers_t entityNumbers;
int i;
sharedEntity_t *ent;
entityState_t *state;
svEntity_t *svEnt;
sharedEntity_t *clent;
playerState_t *ps;
// bump the counter used to prevent double adding
// this is the frame we are creating
frame = &client->frames[ client->netchan.outgoingSequence & PACKET_MASK ];
// clear everything in this snapshot
entityNumbers.numSnapshotEntities = 0;
Com_Memset( frame->areabits, 0, sizeof( frame->areabits ) );
frame->num_entities = 0;
clent = client->gentity;
if ( !clent || client->state == CS_ZOMBIE ) {
// grab the current playerState_t
ps = SV_GameClientNum( client - svs.clients );
frame->ps = *ps;
frame->pDeltaOneBit = &ps->deltaOneBits;
frame->pDeltaNumBit = &ps->deltaNumBits;
if (ps->m_iVehicleNum)
{ //get the vehicle's playerstate too then
sharedEntity_t *veh = SV_GentityNum(ps->m_iVehicleNum);
if (veh && veh->playerState)
{ //Now VMA it and we've got ourselves a playerState
playerState_t *vps = ((playerState_t *)VM_ArgPtr((int)veh->playerState));
frame->vps = *vps;
frame->pDeltaOneBitVeh = &vps->deltaOneBits;
frame->pDeltaNumBitVeh = &vps->deltaNumBits;
int clientNum;
// never send client's own entity, because it can
// be regenerated from the playerstate
clientNum = frame->ps.clientNum;
if ( clientNum < 0 || clientNum >= MAX_GENTITIES ) {
Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "SV_SvEntityForGentity: bad gEnt" );
svEnt = &sv.svEntities[ clientNum ];
svEnt->snapshotCounter = sv.snapshotCounter;
// find the client's viewpoint
VectorCopy( ps->origin, org );
org[2] += ps->viewheight;
// add all the entities directly visible to the eye, which
// may include portal entities that merge other viewpoints
SV_AddEntitiesVisibleFromPoint( org, frame, &entityNumbers, qfalse );
// if there were portals visible, there may be out of order entities
// in the list which will need to be resorted for the delta compression
// to work correctly. This also catches the error condition
// of an entity being included twice.
qsort( entityNumbers.snapshotEntities, entityNumbers.numSnapshotEntities,
sizeof( entityNumbers.snapshotEntities[0] ), SV_QsortEntityNumbers );
// now that all viewpoint's areabits have been OR'd together, invert
// all of them to make it a mask vector, which is what the renderer wants
for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_MAP_AREA_BYTES/4 ; i++ ) {
((int *)frame->areabits)[i] = ((int *)frame->areabits)[i] ^ -1;
// copy the entity states out
frame->num_entities = 0;
frame->first_entity = svs.nextSnapshotEntities;
for ( i = 0 ; i < entityNumbers.numSnapshotEntities ; i++ ) {
ent = SV_GentityNum(entityNumbers.snapshotEntities[i]);
state = &svs.snapshotEntities[svs.nextSnapshotEntities % svs.numSnapshotEntities];
*state = ent->s;
// this should never hit, map should always be restarted first in SV_Frame
if ( svs.nextSnapshotEntities >= 0x7FFFFFFE ) {
Com_Error(ERR_FATAL, "svs.nextSnapshotEntities wrapped");
Return the number of msec a given size message is supposed
to take to clear, based on the current rate
#define HEADER_RATE_BYTES 48 // include our header, IP header, and some overhead
static int SV_RateMsec( client_t *client, int messageSize ) {
int rate;
int rateMsec;
// individual messages will never be larger than fragment size
if ( messageSize > 1500 ) {
messageSize = 1500;
rate = client->rate;
if ( sv_maxRate->integer ) {
if ( sv_maxRate->integer < 1000 ) {
Cvar_Set( "sv_MaxRate", "1000" );
if ( sv_maxRate->integer < rate ) {
rate = sv_maxRate->integer;
rateMsec = ( messageSize + HEADER_RATE_BYTES ) * 1000 / rate;
return rateMsec;
Called by SV_SendClientSnapshot and SV_SendClientGameState
void SV_SendMessageToClient( msg_t *msg, client_t *client ) {
int rateMsec;
// MW - my attempt to fix illegible server message errors caused by
// packet fragmentation of initial snapshot.
// send additional message fragments if the last message
// was too large to send at once
Com_Printf ("[ISM]SV_SendClientGameState() [1] for %s, writing out old fragments\n", client->name);
// record information about the message
client->frames[client->netchan.outgoingSequence & PACKET_MASK].messageSize = msg->cursize;
client->frames[client->netchan.outgoingSequence & PACKET_MASK].messageSent = svs.time;
client->frames[client->netchan.outgoingSequence & PACKET_MASK].messageAcked = -1;
// send the datagram
SV_Netchan_Transmit( client, msg ); //msg->cursize, msg->data );
// set nextSnapshotTime based on rate and requested number of updates
// local clients get snapshots every frame
if ( client->netchan.remoteAddress.type == NA_LOOPBACK || Sys_IsLANAddress (client->netchan.remoteAddress) ) {
client->nextSnapshotTime = svs.time - 1;
// normal rate / snapshotMsec calculation
rateMsec = SV_RateMsec( client, msg->cursize );
if ( rateMsec < client->snapshotMsec ) {
// never send more packets than this, no matter what the rate is at
rateMsec = client->snapshotMsec;
client->rateDelayed = qfalse;
} else {
client->rateDelayed = qtrue;
client->nextSnapshotTime = svs.time + rateMsec;
// don't pile up empty snapshots while connecting
if ( client->state != CS_ACTIVE ) {
// a gigantic connection message may have already put the nextSnapshotTime
// more than a second away, so don't shorten it
// do shorten if client is downloading
#ifdef _XBOX // No downloads on Xbox
if ( client->nextSnapshotTime < svs.time + 1000 ) {
if ( !*client->downloadName && client->nextSnapshotTime < svs.time + 1000 ) {
client->nextSnapshotTime = svs.time + 1000;
Also called by SV_FinalMessage
extern cvar_t *fs_gamedirvar;
void SV_SendClientSnapshot( client_t *client ) {
byte msg_buf[MAX_MSGLEN];
msg_t msg;
if (!client->sentGamedir)
{ //rww - if this is the case then make sure there is an svc_setgame sent before this snap
int i = 0;
MSG_Init (&msg, msg_buf, sizeof(msg_buf));
//have to include this for each message.
MSG_WriteLong( &msg, client->lastClientCommand );
MSG_WriteByte (&msg, svc_setgame);
while (fs_gamedirvar->string[i])
MSG_WriteByte(&msg, fs_gamedirvar->string[i]);
MSG_WriteByte(&msg, 0);
// MW - my attempt to fix illegible server message errors caused by
// packet fragmentation of initial snapshot.
//rww - reusing this code here
// send additional message fragments if the last message
// was too large to send at once
Com_Printf ("[ISM]SV_SendClientGameState() [1] for %s, writing out old fragments\n", client->name);
// record information about the message
client->frames[client->netchan.outgoingSequence & PACKET_MASK].messageSize = msg.cursize;
client->frames[client->netchan.outgoingSequence & PACKET_MASK].messageSent = svs.time;
client->frames[client->netchan.outgoingSequence & PACKET_MASK].messageAcked = -1;
// send the datagram
SV_Netchan_Transmit( client, &msg ); //msg->cursize, msg->data );
client->sentGamedir = qtrue;
// build the snapshot
SV_BuildClientSnapshot( client );
// bots need to have their snapshots build, but
// the query them directly without needing to be sent
if ( client->gentity && client->gentity->r.svFlags & SVF_BOT ) {
MSG_Init (&msg, msg_buf, sizeof(msg_buf));
msg.allowoverflow = qtrue;
// NOTE, MRE: all server->client messages now acknowledge
// let the client know which reliable clientCommands we have received
MSG_WriteLong( &msg, client->lastClientCommand );
// (re)send any reliable server commands
SV_UpdateServerCommandsToClient( client, &msg );
// send over all the relevant entityState_t
// and the playerState_t
SV_WriteSnapshotToClient( client, &msg );
// Add any download data if the client is downloading
#ifndef _XBOX // No downloads on Xbox
SV_WriteDownloadToClient( client, &msg );
// check for overflow
if ( msg.overflowed ) {
Com_Printf ("WARNING: msg overflowed for %s\n", client->name);
MSG_Clear (&msg);
SV_SendMessageToClient( &msg, client );
void SV_SendClientMessages( void ) {
int i;
client_t *c;
// send a message to each connected client
for (i=0, c = svs.clients ; i < sv_maxclients->integer ; i++, c++) {
if (!c->state) {
continue; // not connected
if ( svs.time < c->nextSnapshotTime ) {
continue; // not time yet
// send additional message fragments if the last message
// was too large to send at once
if ( c->netchan.unsentFragments ) {
c->nextSnapshotTime = svs.time +
SV_RateMsec( c, c->netchan.unsentLength - c->netchan.unsentFragmentStart );
SV_Netchan_TransmitNextFragment( &c->netchan );
// generate and send a new message
SV_SendClientSnapshot( c );