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synced 2025-03-12 22:01:33 +00:00
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325 lines
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// Filename:- win_video.cpp
// leave this as first line for PCH reasons...
#include "../server/exe_headers.h"
#include "../client/client.h"
#include "win_local.h"
#include "bink.h"
static HANDLE hBinkFile = NULL;
static HBINK hBink = NULL;
extern unsigned int SNDDMA_GetDSHandle(void);
extern int s_soundStarted; // if 0, game is running in silent mode
// ret qtrue if success...
qboolean VIDEO_GetDims(int *piWidth, int *piHeight)
if (hBink)
if (piWidth && piHeight)
// *piWidth = hBink->Width; // Width (1 based, 640 for example)
if (hBink->decompwidth == hBink->Width/2)
*piWidth = hBink->decompwidth;
*piWidth = hBink->Width;
if (hBink->decompheight == hBink->Height/2)
*piHeight = hBink->decompheight;
*piHeight = hBink->Height;
return qtrue;
return qfalse;
// ret qtrue if no reason to delay...
qboolean VIDEO_NextFrameReady(void)
/* if (hBink && BinkWait(hBink))
return qfalse;
return qtrue;
void VIDEO_Pause(qboolean bPaused)
if (hBink)
BinkPause(hBink, bPaused);
void VIDEO_Mute(qboolean bMute)
if (!s_soundStarted)
bMute = qtrue; // <g>
if (hBink)
// BinkSetSoundOnOff(hBink, !bMute); // this has a bug, and freezes video playback
BinkSetVolume(hBink,bMute?0:32768); // effectively the same, and instant, not just to next audio packet
// advance to the next Bink Frame, qtrue if not finished playback
//qboolean VIDEO_NextFrame( byte *pbDestBuffer ) // pbDestBuffer will be sizeof Vid dims *4
qboolean VIDEO_NextFrame( byte *pbDestBuffer, int iBytesPerLine, qboolean &bFrameSkipped)
if (hBink)
bFrameSkipped = BinkDoFrame(hBink);
if (!bFrameSkipped)
//extern cvar_t *r_speeds;
//int start,end;
//if ( r_speeds->integer )
// start = Sys_Milliseconds();
BinkCopyToBuffer( hBink, // HBINK bnk,
pbDestBuffer, // void* dest,
iBytesPerLine,//hBink->Width*4, // u32 destpitch (bytes, not pixels)
hBink->Height, // u32 destheight
0, // u32 destx
0, // u32 desty,
|BINKCOPYNOSCALING // important, or you'll crash on half-height compressed videos now!
//if ( r_speeds->integer )
// end = Sys_Milliseconds();
// Com_Printf( "BinkCopyToBuffer(): %i msec\n", end - start );
// finished?
qboolean bStillPlaying = qtrue;
if (hBink->FrameNum == hBink->Frames)
bStillPlaying = qfalse; // finished
return bStillPlaying;
return qfalse; // will only get here if some sort of error in Q3 logic (which does happen) so that this is called
// at the wrong time.
// called even if not fully opened, so check everything...
void VIDEO_Close(void)
if (hBink)
#ifdef _DEBUG
BinkGetSummary(hBink, &Summary);
Com_DPrintf("\nBINK Playback Summary:\n\n");
Com_DPrintf("TotalTime: %d\n",Summary.TotalTime); //
Com_DPrintf("FileFrameRate: %d\n",Summary.FileFrameRate); // frame rate
Com_DPrintf("FileFrameRateDiv: %d\n",Summary.FileFrameRateDiv); // frame rate divisor
Com_DPrintf("FrameRate: %d\n",Summary.FrameRate); // frame rate
Com_DPrintf("FrameRateDiv: %d\n",Summary.FrameRateDiv); // frame rate divisor
Com_DPrintf("TotalOpenTime: %d\n",Summary.TotalOpenTime); // Time to open and prepare for decompression
Com_DPrintf("TotalFrames: %d\n",Summary.TotalFrames); // Total Frames
Com_DPrintf("TotalPlayedFrames: %d\n",Summary.TotalPlayedFrames); // Total Frames played
Com_DPrintf("SkippedFrames: %d\n",Summary.SkippedFrames); // Total number of skipped frames
Com_DPrintf("SkippedBlits: %d\n",Summary.SkippedBlits); // Total number of skipped blits
Com_DPrintf("SoundSkips: %d\n",Summary.SoundSkips); // Total number of sound skips
Com_DPrintf("TotalBlitTime: %d\n",Summary.TotalBlitTime); // Total time spent blitting
Com_DPrintf("TotalReadTime: %d\n",Summary.TotalReadTime); // Total time spent reading
Com_DPrintf("TotalVideoDecompTime: %d\n",Summary.TotalVideoDecompTime); // Total time spent decompressing video
Com_DPrintf("TotalAudioDecompTime: %d\n",Summary.TotalAudioDecompTime); // Total time spent decompressing audio
Com_DPrintf("TotalBackReadTime: %d\n",Summary.TotalBackReadTime); // Total time spent reading in background
Com_DPrintf("TotalReadSpeed: %d\n",Summary.TotalReadSpeed); // Total io speed (bytes/second)
Com_DPrintf("SlowestFrameTime: %d\n",Summary.SlowestFrameTime); // Slowest single frame time (ms)
Com_DPrintf("Slowest2FrameTime: %d\n",Summary.Slowest2FrameTime); // Second slowest single frame time (ms)
Com_DPrintf("SlowestFrameNum: %d\n",Summary.SlowestFrameNum); // Slowest single frame number
Com_DPrintf("Slowest2FrameNum: %d\n",Summary.Slowest2FrameNum); // Second slowest single frame number
Com_DPrintf("AverageDataRate: %d\n",Summary.AverageDataRate); // Average data rate of the movie
Com_DPrintf("AverageFrameSize: %d\n",Summary.AverageFrameSize); // Average size of the frame
Com_DPrintf("HighestMemAmount: %d\n",Summary.HighestMemAmount); // Highest amount of memory allocated
Com_DPrintf("TotalIOMemory: %d\n",Summary.TotalIOMemory); // Total extra memory allocated
Com_DPrintf("HighestIOUsed: %d\n",Summary.HighestIOUsed); // Highest extra memory actually used
Com_DPrintf("Highest1SecRate: %d\n",Summary.Highest1SecRate); // Highest 1 second rate
Com_DPrintf("Highest1SecFrame: %d\n",Summary.Highest1SecFrame); // Highest 1 second start frame
hBink = NULL;
if (hBinkFile)
hBinkFile = NULL;
static qboolean VIDEO_Open2(char *psPathlessBaseName, qboolean qbInGame, qboolean qbTestOpenOnly, int iLanguageNumber)
char sLocalFilename[MAX_OSPATH];
// Get the Quake filesystem to see if it exists, and fill in some internal structs as to where it really is,
// and what offset (if PAK) etc...
Com_sprintf (sLocalFilename, sizeof(sLocalFilename), "video/%s.bik", psPathlessBaseName);
char *psActualFilename;
int iSeekOffset;
qboolean bResult = FS_GetExtendedInfo_FOpenFileRead(sLocalFilename, &psActualFilename, &iSeekOffset);
if (!bResult)
if (!qbTestOpenOnly)
Com_Printf(S_COLOR_RED"Couldn't open %s\n", sLocalFilename);
return qfalse;
if (qbTestOpenOnly)
return qtrue;
// Now re-open as a Windoze HANDLE, because Bink doesn't use FILE * types...
hBinkFile = CreateFile( psActualFilename, // LPCTSTR lpFileName, // pointer to name of the file
GENERIC_READ, // DWORD dwDesiredAccess, // access (read-write) mode
FILE_SHARE_READ, // DWORD dwShareMode, // share mode
NULL, // LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes, // pointer to security attributes
OPEN_EXISTING, // DWORD dwCreationDisposition, // how to create
FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN,// DWORD dwFlagsAndAttributes, // file attributes
NULL // HANDLE hTemplateFile // handle to file with attributes to
Com_Printf(S_COLOR_RED"Error converting FILE* to HANDLE for Bink, file: %s\n", psActualFilename);
return qfalse;
// Opened ok, now seek the handle to the correct position for starting (ie if inside a PAK file etc)
DWORD dwFileOffset = SetFilePointer(hBinkFile, // HANDLE hFile, // handle of file
iSeekOffset,// LONG lDistanceToMove, // number of bytes to move file pointer
NULL, // PLONG lpDistanceToMoveHigh, // pointer to high-order DWORD of distance to move
FILE_BEGIN // DWORD dwMoveMethod // how to move
if (dwFileOffset != iSeekOffset)
Com_Printf( S_COLOR_RED"Error seeking to Bink video start (offset %d), file: %s\n", iSeekOffset,psActualFilename);
return qfalse;
// ok, I think we're ready...
if (!cls.soundStarted || s_soundStarted) // sound system not started (occurs in very first video), or sound desired
BinkSetSoundTrack(iLanguageNumber); // select the language anyway here, regardless of multi-lingual file or not
// hBink = BinkOpen("d:\\kiss.bik",0);
hBink = BinkOpen((char *)hBinkFile,BINKFILEHANDLE | BINKSNDTRACK);
if (!hBink)
Com_Printf( S_COLOR_RED"Unrecognised video file: %s\n", psActualFilename);
return qfalse;
if (!s_soundStarted) // game running in silent mode?
return qtrue;
// now modified to take different languages into account...
qboolean VIDEO_Open(char *psPathlessBaseName, qboolean qbInGame, qboolean qbTestOpenOnly, int iLanguageNumber)
qboolean qbReturn = VIDEO_Open2(psPathlessBaseName, qbInGame, qbTestOpenOnly, iLanguageNumber);
if (qbReturn)
if (!qbTestOpenOnly && hBink)
// check we didn't try to (eg) select German audio on a file with 1 track (eg just music)
if (iLanguageNumber+1 > hBink->NumTracks)
return VIDEO_Open2(psPathlessBaseName, qbInGame, qbTestOpenOnly, 0);
return qbReturn;
return qfalse;
//////////////// eof //////////////////