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// Number of TriTreeNodes available
#define POOL_SIZE (50000)
#define TEXTURE_ALPHA_TL 0x000000ff
#define TEXTURE_ALPHA_TR 0x0000ff00
#define TEXTURE_ALPHA_BL 0x00ff0000
#define TEXTURE_ALPHA_BR 0x000000ff
#define INDEX_TL 0
#define INDEX_TR 1
#define INDEX_BL 2
#define INDEX_BR 3
#define VARIANCE_MIN 0.0f
#define VARIANCE_MAX 2000.0f
#define VectorAverage(a,b,c) (((c)[0]=((a)[0]+(b)[0])*0.5f),((c)[1]=((a)[1]+(b)[1])*0.5f),((c)[2]=((a)[2]+(b)[2])*0.5f))
class CTerVert
vec3_t coords; // real world coords of terxel
vec3_t normal; // required to calculate lighting and used in physics
color4ub_t tint; // tint at this terxel
float tex[2]; // texture coordinates at this terxel
int height; // Copy of heightmap data
int tessIndex; // Index of the vert in the tess array
int tessRegistration; // ...... for the tess with this registration
CTerVert( void ) { memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this)); }
~CTerVert( void ) { }
class CTRHeightDetails
qhandle_t mShader;
CTRHeightDetails( void ) { }
~CTRHeightDetails( void ) { }
const qhandle_t GetShader( void ) const { return(mShader); }
void SetShader(const qhandle_t shader) { mShader = shader; }
// Information of each patch (tessellated area) of a CTRLandScape
class CTRPatch
class CCMLandScape *owner;
class CTRLandScape *localowner;
CCMPatch *common;
vec3_t mCenter; // Real world center of the patch
// vec3_t mNormal[2];
// float mDistance[2];
CTerVert *mRenderMap; // Modulation value and texture coords per vertex
shader_t *mTLShader; // Dynamically created blended shader for the top left triangle
shader_t *mBRShader; // Dynamically created blended shader for the bottom right triangle
bool misVisible; // Is this patch visible in the current frame?
CTRPatch(void) { }
~CTRPatch(void) { }
// Accessors
const vec3_t &GetWorld(void) const { return(common->GetWorld()); }
const vec3_t &GetMins(void) const { return(common->GetMins()); }
const vec3_t &GetMaxs(void) const { return(common->GetMaxs()); }
const vec3pair_t &GetBounds(void) const { return(common->GetBounds()); }
shader_t *GetTLShader(void) { return mTLShader; }
shader_t *GetBRShader(void) { return mBRShader; }
void SetCommon(CCMPatch *in) { common = in; }
const CCMPatch *GetCommon(void) const { return(common); }
bool isVisible(void) { return(misVisible); }
void SetTLShader(qhandle_t in) { mTLShader = R_GetShaderByHandle(in); }
void SetBRShader(qhandle_t in) { mBRShader = R_GetShaderByHandle(in); }
void SetOwner(CCMLandScape *in) { owner = in; }
void SetLocalOwner(CTRLandScape *in) { localowner = in; }
void Clear(void) { memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this)); }
void SetCenter(void) { VectorAverage(common->GetMins(), common->GetMaxs(), mCenter); }
void CalcNormal(void);
// Prototypes
void SetVisibility(bool visCheck);
void RenderCorner(ivec5_t corner);
void Render(int Part);
void RecurseRender(int depth, ivec5_t left, ivec5_t right, ivec5_t apex);
void SetRenderMap(const int x, const int y);
int RenderWaterVert(int x, int y);
void RenderWater(void);
const bool HasWater(void) const;
#define PI_TOP 1
#define PI_BOTTOM 2
#define PI_BOTH 3
typedef struct SPatchInfo
CTRPatch *mPatch;
shader_t *mShader;
int mPart;
} TPatchInfo;
// The master class used to define an area of terrain
class CTRLandScape
const CCMLandScape *common;
CTRPatch *mTRPatches; // Local patch info
TPatchInfo *mSortedPatches;
int mPatchMinx, mPatchMaxx;
int mPatchMiny, mPatchMaxy;
int mMaxNode; // terxels * terxels = exit condition for splitting
int mSortedCount;
float mPatchSize;
shader_t *mShader; // shader the terrain got its contents from
CTerVert *mRenderMap; // modulation value and texture coords per vertex
float mTextureScale; // Scale of texture mapped to terrain
float mScalarSize;
shader_t *mWaterShader; // Water shader
qhandle_t mFlatShader; // Flat ground shader
CTRHeightDetails mHeightDetails[HEIGHT_RESOLUTION]; // Array of info specific to height
#if _DEBUG
int mCycleCount;
CTRLandScape(const char *configstring);
// Accessors
const int GetBlockWidth(void) const { return(common->GetBlockWidth()); }
const int GetBlockHeight(void) const { return(common->GetBlockHeight()); }
const vec3_t &GetMins(void) const { return(common->GetMins()); }
const vec3_t &GetMaxs(void) const { return(common->GetMaxs()); }
const vec3_t &GetTerxelSize(void) const { return(common->GetTerxelSize()); }
const vec3_t &GetPatchSize(void) const { return(common->GetPatchSize()); }
const int GetWidth(void) const { return(common->GetWidth()); }
const int GetHeight(void) const { return(common->GetHeight()); }
const int GetRealWidth(void) const { return(common->GetRealWidth()); }
const int GetRealHeight(void) const { return(common->GetRealHeight()); }
void SetCommon(const CCMLandScape *landscape) { common = landscape; }
const CCMLandScape *GetCommon( void ) const { return(common); }
const thandle_t GetCommonId( void ) const { return(common->GetTerrainId()); }
shader_t *GetShader(void) const { return(mShader); }
CTerVert *GetRenderMap(const int x, const int y) const { return(mRenderMap + x + (y * common->GetRealWidth())); }
CTRPatch *GetPatch(const int x, const int y) const { return(mTRPatches + (common->GetBlockWidth() * y) + x); }
const CTRHeightDetails *GetHeightDetail(int height) const { return(mHeightDetails + height); }
const float GetScalarSize(void) const { return(mScalarSize); }
const int GetMaxNode(void) const { return(mMaxNode); }
// Prototypes
void CalculateRegion(void);
void Reset(bool visCheck = true);
void Render(void);
void CalculateRealCoords(void);
void CalculateNormals(void);
void CalculateTextureCoords(void);
void CalculateLighting(void);
void CalculateShaders(void);
qhandle_t GetBlendedShader(qhandle_t a, qhandle_t b, qhandle_t c, bool surfaceSprites);
void LoadTerrainDef(const char *td);
void CopyHeightMap(void);
void SetShaders(const int height, const qhandle_t shader);
void R_CalcTerrainVisBounds(CTRLandScape *landscape);
void R_AddTerrainSurfaces(void);