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// ICARUS Interface header file
#ifndef __INTERFACE__
#define __INTERFACE__
//#include "../server/server.h"
//#include "../game/g_public.h"
typedef unsigned long DWORD;
typedef float vec_t;
typedef vec_t vec3_t[3];
class CSequencer;
class CTaskManager;
typedef struct interface_export_s
int (*I_LoadFile)( const char *name, void **buf );
void (*I_CenterPrint)( const char *format, ... );
void (*I_DPrintf)( int, const char *, ... );
sharedEntity_t *(*I_GetEntityByName)( const char *name ); //Polls the engine for the sequencer of the entity matching the name passed
DWORD (*I_GetTime)( void ); //Gets the current time
DWORD (*I_GetTimeScale)(void );
int (*I_PlaySound)( int taskID, int entID, const char *name, const char *channel );
void (*I_Lerp2Pos)( int taskID, int entID, vec3_t origin, vec3_t angles, float duration );
void (*I_Lerp2Origin)( int taskID, int entID, vec3_t origin, float duration );
void (*I_Lerp2Angles)( int taskID, int entID, vec3_t angles, float duration );
int (*I_GetTag)( int entID, const char *name, int lookup, vec3_t info );
void (*I_Lerp2Start)( int taskID, int entID, float duration );
void (*I_Lerp2End)( int taskID, int entID, float duration );
void (*I_Set)( int taskID, int entID, const char *type_name, const char *data );
void (*I_Use)( int entID, const char *name );
void (*I_Kill)( int entID, const char *name );
void (*I_Remove)( int entID, const char *name );
float (*I_Random)( float min, float max );
void (*I_Play)( int taskID, int entID, const char *type, const char *name );
//Camera functions
void (*I_CameraPan)( vec3_t angles, vec3_t dir, float duration );
void (*I_CameraMove)( vec3_t origin, float duration );
void (*I_CameraZoom)( float fov, float duration );
void (*I_CameraRoll)( float angle, float duration );
void (*I_CameraFollow)( const char *name, float speed, float initLerp );
void (*I_CameraTrack)( const char *name, float speed, float initLerp );
void (*I_CameraDistance)( float dist, float initLerp );
void (*I_CameraFade)( float sr, float sg, float sb, float sa, float dr, float dg, float db, float da, float duration );
void (*I_CameraPath)( const char *name );
void (*I_CameraEnable)( void );
void (*I_CameraDisable)( void );
void (*I_CameraShake)( float intensity, int duration );
int (*I_GetFloat)( int entID, int type, const char *name, float *value );
int (*I_GetVector)( int entID, int type, const char *name, vec3_t value );
int (*I_GetString)( int entID, int type, const char *name, char **value );
int (*I_Evaluate)( int p1Type, const char *p1, int p2Type, const char *p2, int operatorType );
void (*I_DeclareVariable)( int type, const char *name );
void (*I_FreeVariable)( const char *name );
//Save / Load functions
int (*I_WriteSaveData)( unsigned long chid, void *data, int length );
// Below changed by BTO (VV). Visual C++ 7.1 compiler no longer allows default args on function pointers. Ack.
int (*I_ReadSaveData)( unsigned long chid, void *address, int length /* , void **addressptr = NULL */ );
int (*I_LinkEntity)( int entID, CSequencer *sequencer, CTaskManager *taskManager );
} interface_export_t;
#endif //__INTERFACE__