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#ifndef __Q_SHARED_H
#define __Q_SHARED_H
// q_shared.h -- included first by ALL program modules.
// A user mod should never modify this file
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma warning(disable : 4018) // signed/unsigned mismatch
//#pragma warning(disable : 4032) //formal parameter 'number' has different type when promoted
//#pragma warning(disable : 4051) //type conversion; possible loss of data
//#pragma warning(disable : 4057) // slightly different base types
#pragma warning(disable : 4100) // unreferenced formal parameter
//#pragma warning(disable : 4115) //'type' : named type definition in parentheses
#pragma warning(disable : 4125) // decimal digit terminates octal escape sequence
#pragma warning(disable : 4127) // conditional expression is constant
//#pragma warning(disable : 4136) //conversion between different floating-point types
//#pragma warning(disable : 4201) //nonstandard extension used : nameless struct/union
//#pragma warning(disable : 4214) //nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
//#pragma warning(disable : 4220) // varargs matches remaining parameters
#pragma warning(disable : 4244) //'conversion' conversion from 'type1' to 'type2', possible loss of data
#pragma warning(disable : 4284) // return type not UDT
//#pragma warning(disable : 4305) // truncation from const double to float
#pragma warning(disable : 4310) // cast truncates constant value
#pragma warning(disable : 4514) //unreferenced inline/local function has been removed
#pragma warning(disable : 4710) // not inlined
#pragma warning(disable : 4711) // selected for automatic inline expansion
#pragma warning(disable : 4786) // identifier was truncated
//rww - conveniently toggle "gore" code, for model decals and stuff.
#ifndef _XBOX
#define _G2_GORE
#include <assert.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#ifdef _XBOX
#define tvector(T) std::vector< T >
#define tdeque(T) std::deque< T >
#define tlist(T) std::list< T >
#define tslist(T) std::slist< T >
#define tset(T) std::set< T, std::less< T > >
#define tmultiset(T) std::multiset< T, std::less< T > >
#define tcset(T,C) std::set< T, C >
#define tcmultiset(T,C) std::multiset< T, C >
#define tmap(K,T) std::map< K, T, std::less< K > >
#define tmultimap(K,T) std::multimap< K, T, std::less< K > >
#define tcmap(K,T,C) std::map< K, T, C >
#define tcmultimap(K,T,C) std::multimap< K, T, C >
#endif // _XBOX
// this is the define for determining if we have an asm version of a C function
#if (defined _M_IX86 || defined __i386__) && !defined __sun__ && !defined __LCC__
#define id386 1
#define id386 0
// for windows fastcall option
#define QDECL
//======================= WIN32 DEFINES =================================
#ifdef WIN32
#define MAC_STATIC
#undef QDECL
#define QDECL __cdecl
// buildstring will be incorporated into the version string
#ifdef NDEBUG
#ifdef _M_IX86
#define CPUSTRING "win-x86"
#elif defined _M_ALPHA
#define CPUSTRING "win-AXP"
#ifdef _M_IX86
#define CPUSTRING "win-x86-debug"
#elif defined _M_ALPHA
#define CPUSTRING "win-AXP-debug"
#define PATH_SEP '\\'
//======================= MAC OS X SERVER DEFINES =====================
#if defined(__MACH__) && defined(__APPLE__)
#define MAC_STATIC
#ifdef __ppc__
#define CPUSTRING "MacOSXS-ppc"
#elif defined __i386__
#define CPUSTRING "MacOSXS-i386"
#define CPUSTRING "MacOSXS-other"
#define PATH_SEP '/'
//======================= MAC DEFINES =================================
#ifdef __MACOS__
#define MAC_STATIC static
#define PATH_SEP ':'
void Sys_PumpEvents( void );
//======================= LINUX DEFINES =================================
// the mac compiler can't handle >32k of locals, so we
// just waste space and make big arrays static...
#ifdef __linux__
#define MAC_STATIC
#ifdef __i386__
#define CPUSTRING "linux-i386"
#elif defined __axp__
#define CPUSTRING "linux-alpha"
#define CPUSTRING "linux-other"
#define PATH_SEP '/'
typedef unsigned long ulong;
typedef unsigned short word;
typedef unsigned char byte;
typedef const char *LPCSTR;
typedef enum {qfalse, qtrue} qboolean;
#define qboolean int //don't want strict type checking on the qboolean
typedef int qhandle_t;
typedef int thandle_t;
typedef int fxHandle_t;
typedef int sfxHandle_t;
typedef int fileHandle_t;
typedef int clipHandle_t;
#ifndef NULL
#define NULL ((void *)0)
#define MAX_QINT 0x7fffffff
#define MIN_QINT (-MAX_QINT-1)
// angle indexes
#define PITCH 0 // up / down
#define YAW 1 // left / right
#define ROLL 2 // fall over
// the game guarantees that no string from the network will ever
#define MAX_STRING_CHARS 1024 // max length of a string passed to Cmd_TokenizeString
#define MAX_STRING_TOKENS 256 // max tokens resulting from Cmd_TokenizeString
#define MAX_TOKEN_CHARS 1024 // max length of an individual token
#define MAX_INFO_STRING 1024
#define MAX_INFO_KEY 1024
#define MAX_INFO_VALUE 1024
#define MAX_QPATH 64 // max length of a quake game pathname
#define MAX_OSPATH 260 // max length of a filesystem pathname
#define MAX_NAME_LENGTH 32 // max length of a client name
// paramters for command buffer stuffing
typedef enum {
EXEC_NOW, // don't return until completed, a VM should NEVER use this,
// because some commands might cause the VM to be unloaded...
EXEC_INSERT, // insert at current position, but don't run yet
EXEC_APPEND // add to end of the command buffer (normal case)
} cbufExec_t;
// these aren't needed by any of the VMs. put in another header?
#define MAX_MAP_AREA_BYTES 32 // bit vector of area visibility
// Light Style Constants
#define LS_NUM_STYLES 32
#define LS_NUM_SWITCH 32
// print levels from renderer (FIXME: set up for game / cgame?)
typedef enum {
PRINT_DEVELOPER, // only print when "developer 1"
} printParm_t;
// parameters to the main Error routine
typedef enum {
ERR_FATAL, // exit the entire game with a popup window
ERR_DROP, // print to console and disconnect from game
ERR_DISCONNECT, // don't kill server
ERR_NEED_CD // pop up the need-cd dialog
} errorParm_t;
// font rendering values used by ui and cgame
#define PROP_GAP_WIDTH 2
//#define PROP_GAP_WIDTH 3
#define PROP_HEIGHT 16
#define PROP_BIG_HEIGHT 24
#define BLINK_DIVISOR 600
#define PULSE_DIVISOR 75
#define UI_LEFT 0x00000000 // default
#define UI_CENTER 0x00000001
#define UI_RIGHT 0x00000002
#define UI_FORMATMASK 0x00000007
#define UI_SMALLFONT 0x00000010
#define UI_BIGFONT 0x00000020 // default
#define UI_GIANTFONT 0x00000040
#define UI_DROPSHADOW 0x00000800
#define UI_BLINK 0x00001000
#define UI_INVERSE 0x00002000
#define UI_PULSE 0x00004000
#define UI_UNDERLINE 0x00008000
#define UI_TINYFONT 0x00010000
// stuff for TA's ROQ cinematic code...
#define CIN_system 1
#define CIN_loop 2
#define CIN_hold 4
#define CIN_silent 8
#define CIN_shader 16
typedef float vec_t;
typedef vec_t vec2_t[2];
typedef vec_t vec3_t[3];
typedef vec_t vec4_t[4];
typedef vec_t vec5_t[5];
typedef vec3_t vec3pair_t[2];
typedef int ivec2_t[2];
typedef int ivec3_t[3];
typedef int ivec4_t[4];
typedef int ivec5_t[5];
typedef int fixed4_t;
typedef int fixed8_t;
typedef int fixed16_t;
#ifndef M_PI
#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846 // matches value in gcc v2 math.h
extern vec3_t bytedirs[NUMVERTEXNORMALS];
// all drawing is done to a 640*480 virtual screen size
// and will be automatically scaled to the real resolution
#define SCREEN_WIDTH 640
#define SCREEN_HEIGHT 480
#define BIGCHAR_WIDTH 16
typedef enum
} ct_table_t;
extern vec4_t colorTable[CT_MAX];
#define Q_COLOR_ESCAPE '^'
// you MUST have the last bit on here about colour strings being less than 7 or taiwanese strings register as colour!!!!
#define Q_IsColorString(p) ( p && *(p) == Q_COLOR_ESCAPE && *((p)+1) && *((p)+1) != Q_COLOR_ESCAPE && *((p)+1) <= '7' && *((p)+1) >= '0' )
#define COLOR_BLACK '0'
#define COLOR_RED '1'
#define COLOR_GREEN '2'
#define COLOR_YELLOW '3'
#define COLOR_BLUE '4'
#define COLOR_CYAN '5'
#define COLOR_MAGENTA '6'
#define COLOR_WHITE '7'
#define ColorIndex(c) ( ( (c) - '0' ) & 7 )
#define S_COLOR_BLACK "^0"
#define S_COLOR_RED "^1"
#define S_COLOR_GREEN "^2"
#define S_COLOR_YELLOW "^3"
#define S_COLOR_BLUE "^4"
#define S_COLOR_CYAN "^5"
#define S_COLOR_MAGENTA "^6"
#define S_COLOR_WHITE "^7"
extern vec4_t g_color_table[8];
#define MAKERGB( v, r, g, b ) v[0]=r;v[1]=g;v[2]=b
#define MAKERGBA( v, r, g, b, a ) v[0]=r;v[1]=g;v[2]=b;v[3]=a
// Player weapons effects
typedef enum
} saber_colors_t;
#define MAX_BATTERIES 2500
#define PI_DIV_180 0.017453292519943295769236907684886
#define INV_PI_DIV_180 57.295779513082320876798154814105
// Punish Aurelio if you don't like these performance enhancements. :-)
#define DEG2RAD( a ) ( ( (a) * PI_DIV_180 ) )
#define RAD2DEG( a ) ( ( (a) * INV_PI_DIV_180 ) )
// A divide can be avoided by just multiplying by PI_DIV_180 which is PI divided by 180. - Aurelio
//#define DEG2RAD( a ) ( ( (a) * M_PI ) / 180.0F )
// A divide can be avoided by just multiplying by INV_PI_DIV_180(inverse of PI/180) which is 180 divided by PI. - Aurelio
//#define RAD2DEG( a ) ( ( (a) * 180.0f ) / M_PI )
#define ENUM2STRING(arg) #arg,arg
struct cplane_s;
extern const vec3_t vec3_origin;
extern const vec3_t axisDefault[3];
#define nanmask (255<<23)
#define IS_NAN(x) (((*(int *)&x)&nanmask)==nanmask)
#define Q_isnan(x) (isnan(x))
#ifdef _XBOX
inline void Q_CastShort2Float(float *f, const short *s)
*f = ((float)*s);
inline void Q_CastUShort2Float(float *f, const unsigned short *s)
*f = ((float)*s);
inline void Q_CastShort2FloatScale(float *f, const short *s, float scale)
*f = ((float)*s) * scale;
inline void Q_CastUShort2FloatScale(float *f, const unsigned short *s, float scale)
*f = ((float)*s) * scale;
float Q_fabs( float f );
float Q_rsqrt( float f ); // reciprocal square root
#define SQRTFAST( x ) ( 1.0f / Q_rsqrt( x ) )
signed char ClampChar( int i );
signed short ClampShort( int i );
// this isn't a real cheap function to call!
int DirToByte( vec3_t dir );
void ByteToDir( int b, vec3_t dir );
#define _DotProduct(x,y) ((x)[0]*(y)[0]+(x)[1]*(y)[1]+(x)[2]*(y)[2])
#define _VectorSubtract(a,b,c) ((c)[0]=(a)[0]-(b)[0],(c)[1]=(a)[1]-(b)[1],(c)[2]=(a)[2]-(b)[2])
#define _VectorAdd(a,b,c) ((c)[0]=(a)[0]+(b)[0],(c)[1]=(a)[1]+(b)[1],(c)[2]=(a)[2]+(b)[2])
#define _VectorCopy(a,b) ((b)[0]=(a)[0],(b)[1]=(a)[1],(b)[2]=(a)[2])
#define _VectorScale(v, s, o) ((o)[0]=(v)[0]*(s),(o)[1]=(v)[1]*(s),(o)[2]=(v)[2]*(s))
#define _VectorMA(v, s, b, o) ((o)[0]=(v)[0]+(b)[0]*(s),(o)[1]=(v)[1]+(b)[1]*(s),(o)[2]=(v)[2]+(b)[2]*(s))
#define VectorClear(a) ((a)[0]=(a)[1]=(a)[2]=0)
#define VectorNegate(a,b) ((b)[0]=-(a)[0],(b)[1]=-(a)[1],(b)[2]=-(a)[2])
#define VectorSet(v, x, y, z) ((v)[0]=(x), (v)[1]=(y), (v)[2]=(z))
#define Vector4Copy(a,b) ((b)[0]=(a)[0],(b)[1]=(a)[1],(b)[2]=(a)[2],(b)[3]=(a)[3])
#define SnapVector(v) {v[0]=(int)v[0];v[1]=(int)v[1];v[2]=(int)v[2];}
// just in case you do't want to use the macros
inline void VectorMA( const vec3_t veca, float scale, const vec3_t vecb, vec3_t vecc) {
vecc[0] = veca[0] + scale*vecb[0];
vecc[1] = veca[1] + scale*vecb[1];
vecc[2] = veca[2] + scale*vecb[2];
#ifdef _XBOX
inline void VectorMA( const vec3_t veca, float scale, const short vecb[3], vec3_t vecc) {
// The only time this overload gets used is with normals, so
// (I think) it's safe to do this....
vecc[0] = veca[0] + scale * ((float)vecb[0] / 32767.0f);
vecc[1] = veca[1] + scale * ((float)vecb[1] / 32767.0f);
vecc[2] = veca[2] + scale * ((float)vecb[2] / 32767.0f);
inline vec_t DotProduct( const vec3_t v1, const vec3_t v2 ) {
#ifdef _XBOX /// use SSE
float res;
__asm {
mov edx, v1
movss xmm1, [edx]
movhps xmm1, [edx+4]
mov edx, v2
movss xmm2, [edx]
movhps xmm2, [edx+4]
mulps xmm1, xmm2
movaps xmm0, xmm1
shufps xmm0, xmm0, 32h
addps xmm1, xmm0
shufps xmm0, xmm0, 32h
addps xmm1, xmm0
movss [res], xmm1
return res;
return v1[0]*v2[0] + v1[1]*v2[1] + v1[2]*v2[2];
#ifdef _XBOX
inline vec_t DotProduct( const short v1[3], const vec3_t v2 ) {
return v1[0]*v2[0] + v1[1]*v2[1] + v1[2]*v2[2];
inline void CrossProduct( const vec3_t v1, const vec3_t v2, vec3_t cross ) {
cross[0] = v1[1]*v2[2] - v1[2]*v2[1];
cross[1] = v1[2]*v2[0] - v1[0]*v2[2];
cross[2] = v1[0]*v2[1] - v1[1]*v2[0];
inline void VectorSubtract( const vec3_t veca, const vec3_t vecb, vec3_t o ) {
#ifdef _XBOX
__asm {
mov ecx, veca
movss xmm0, [ecx]
movhps xmm0, [ecx+4]
mov edx, vecb
movss xmm1, [edx]
movhps xmm1, [edx+4]
subps xmm0, xmm1
mov eax, o
movss [eax], xmm0
movhps [eax+4], xmm0
o[0] = veca[0]-vecb[0];
o[1] = veca[1]-vecb[1];
o[2] = veca[2]-vecb[2];
#ifdef _XBOX
inline void VectorSubtract( const short veca[3], const vec3_t vecb, vec3_t o ) {
o[0] = veca[0]-vecb[0];
o[1] = veca[1]-vecb[1];
o[2] = veca[2]-vecb[2];
inline void VectorSubtract( const vec3_t veca, const short vecb[3], vec3_t o ) {
o[0] = veca[0]-vecb[0];
o[1] = veca[1]-vecb[1];
o[2] = veca[2]-vecb[2];
inline void VectorSubtract( const short veca[3], const short vecb[3], vec3_t o ) {
o[0] = veca[0]-vecb[0];
o[1] = veca[1]-vecb[1];
o[2] = veca[2]-vecb[2];
inline void VectorAdd( const vec3_t veca, const vec3_t vecb, vec3_t o ) {
#ifdef _XBOX
__asm {
mov ecx, veca
movss xmm0, [ecx]
movhps xmm0, [ecx+4]
mov edx, vecb
movss xmm1, [edx]
movhps xmm1, [edx+4]
addps xmm0, xmm1
mov eax, o
movss [eax], xmm0
movhps [eax+4], xmm0
o[0] = veca[0]+vecb[0];
o[1] = veca[1]+vecb[1];
o[2] = veca[2]+vecb[2];
inline void VectorCopy( const vec3_t in, vec3_t out ) {
out[0] = in[0];
out[1] = in[1];
out[2] = in[2];
#ifdef _XBOX
inline void VectorCopy( const short in[3], vec3_t out ) {
out[0] = (float)in[0];
out[1] = (float)in[1];
out[2] = (float)in[2];
inline void VectorScale( const vec3_t i, vec_t scale, vec3_t o ) {
#ifdef _XBOX
__asm {
movss xmm0, scale
shufps xmm0, xmm0, 0h
mov edx, i
movss xmm1, [edx]
movhps xmm1, [edx+4]
mulps xmm0, xmm1
mov eax, o
movss [eax], xmm0
movhps [eax+4], xmm0
o[0] = i[0]*scale;
o[1] = i[1]*scale;
o[2] = i[2]*scale;
float DotProductNormalize( const vec3_t inVec1, const vec3_t inVec2 );
unsigned ColorBytes3 (float r, float g, float b);
unsigned ColorBytes4 (float r, float g, float b, float a);
float NormalizeColor( const vec3_t in, vec3_t out );
float RadiusFromBounds( const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs );
void ClearBounds( vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs );
#ifdef _XBOX
inline void AddPointToBounds( const short v[3], vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs ) {
if ( v[0] < mins[0] ) {
mins[0] = v[0];
if ( v[0] > maxs[0]) {
maxs[0] = v[0];
if ( v[1] < mins[1] ) {
mins[1] = v[1];
if ( v[1] > maxs[1]) {
maxs[1] = v[1];
if ( v[2] < mins[2] ) {
mins[2] = v[2];
if ( v[2] > maxs[2]) {
maxs[2] = v[2];
inline void AddPointToBounds( const vec3_t v, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs ) {
if ( v[0] < mins[0] ) {
mins[0] = v[0];
if ( v[0] > maxs[0]) {
maxs[0] = v[0];
if ( v[1] < mins[1] ) {
mins[1] = v[1];
if ( v[1] > maxs[1]) {
maxs[1] = v[1];
if ( v[2] < mins[2] ) {
mins[2] = v[2];
if ( v[2] > maxs[2]) {
maxs[2] = v[2];
inline int VectorCompare( const vec3_t v1, const vec3_t v2 ) {
if (v1[0] != v2[0] || v1[1] != v2[1] || v1[2] != v2[2]) {
return 0;
return 1;
//NOTE: less precise
inline int VectorCompare2( const vec3_t v1, const vec3_t v2 ) {
if ( v1[0] > v2[0]+0.0001f || v1[0] < v2[0]-0.0001f
|| v1[1] > v2[1]+0.0001f || v1[1] < v2[1]-0.0001f
|| v1[2] > v2[2]+0.0001f || v1[2] < v2[2]-0.0001f ) {
return 0;
return 1;
inline vec_t VectorLength( const vec3_t v ) {
#ifdef _XBOX
float res;
__asm {
mov edx, v
movss xmm1, [edx]
movhps xmm1, [edx+4]
movaps xmm2, xmm1
mulps xmm1, xmm2
movaps xmm0, xmm1
shufps xmm0, xmm0, 32h
addps xmm1, xmm0
shufps xmm0, xmm0, 32h
addps xmm1, xmm0
sqrtss xmm1, xmm1
movss [res], xmm1
return res;
return (vec_t)sqrt (v[0]*v[0] + v[1]*v[1] + v[2]*v[2]);
inline vec_t VectorLengthSquared( const vec3_t v ) {
#ifdef _XBOX
float res;
__asm {
mov edx, v
movss xmm1, [edx]
movhps xmm1, [edx+4]
movaps xmm2, xmm1
mulps xmm1, xmm2
movaps xmm0, xmm1
shufps xmm0, xmm0, 32h
addps xmm1, xmm0
shufps xmm0, xmm0, 32h
addps xmm1, xmm0
movss [res], xmm1
return res;
return (v[0]*v[0] + v[1]*v[1] + v[2]*v[2]);
inline vec_t Distance( const vec3_t p1, const vec3_t p2 ) {
vec3_t v;
VectorSubtract (p2, p1, v);
return VectorLength( v );
inline vec_t DistanceSquared( const vec3_t p1, const vec3_t p2 ) {
vec3_t v;
VectorSubtract (p2, p1, v);
return v[0]*v[0] + v[1]*v[1] + v[2]*v[2];
// fast vector normalize routine that does not check to make sure
// that length != 0, nor does it return length, uses rsqrt approximation
inline void VectorNormalizeFast( vec3_t v )
float ilength;
ilength = Q_rsqrt( DotProduct( v, v ) );
v[0] *= ilength;
v[1] *= ilength;
v[2] *= ilength;
inline void VectorInverse( vec3_t v ){
v[0] = -v[0];
v[1] = -v[1];
v[2] = -v[2];
inline void VectorRotate( vec3_t in, vec3_t matrix[3], vec3_t out )
out[0] = DotProduct( in, matrix[0] );
out[1] = DotProduct( in, matrix[1] );
out[2] = DotProduct( in, matrix[2] );
//if length is 0, v is untouched otherwise v is normalized
inline vec_t VectorNormalize( vec3_t v ) {
float length, ilength;
length = v[0]*v[0] + v[1]*v[1] + v[2]*v[2];
length = sqrt (length);
if ( length > 0.0001f ) {
ilength = 1/length;
v[0] *= ilength;
v[1] *= ilength;
v[2] *= ilength;
return length;
//if length is 0, out is cleared, otherwise out is normalized
inline vec_t VectorNormalize2( const vec3_t v, vec3_t out) {
float length, ilength;
length = v[0]*v[0] + v[1]*v[1] + v[2]*v[2];
length = sqrt (length);
if (length)
ilength = 1/length;
out[0] = v[0]*ilength;
out[1] = v[1]*ilength;
out[2] = v[2]*ilength;
} else {
VectorClear( out );
return length;
#ifdef _XBOX
inline vec_t VectorNormalize2( const vec3_t v, short out[3]) {
float length, ilength;
length = v[0]*v[0] + v[1]*v[1] + v[2]*v[2];
length = sqrt (length);
if (length)
ilength = 1/length;
out[0] = (short)(v[0]*ilength * 32767.0f);
out[1] = (short)(v[1]*ilength * 32767.0f);
out[2] = (short)(v[2]*ilength * 32767.0f);
} else {
VectorClear( out );
return length;
int Q_log2(int val);
inline int Q_rand( int *seed ) {
*seed = (69069 * *seed + 1);
return *seed;
inline float Q_random( int *seed ) {
return ( Q_rand( seed ) & 0xffff ) / (float)0x10000;
inline float Q_crandom( int *seed ) {
return 2.0F * ( Q_random( seed ) - 0.5f );
// Returns a float min <= x < max (exclusive; will get max - 0.00001; but never max
inline float Q_flrand(float min, float max) {
return ((rand() * (max - min)) / (float)(RAND_MAX)) + min;
// Returns an integer min <= x <= max (ie inclusive)
inline int Q_irand(int min, int max) {
max++; //so it can round down
return ((rand() * (max - min)) / (RAND_MAX)) + min;
//returns a float between 0 and 1.0
#define random() ((rand () & 0x7fff) / ((float)0x7fff))
//returns a float between -1 and 1.0
#define crandom() (2.0F * (random() - 0.5F))
float erandom( float mean );
void AngleVectors( const vec3_t angles, vec3_t forward, vec3_t right, vec3_t up);
inline void AnglesToAxis( const vec3_t angles, vec3_t axis[3] ) {
vec3_t right;
// angle vectors returns "right" instead of "y axis"
AngleVectors( angles, axis[0], right, axis[2] );
VectorSubtract( vec3_origin, right, axis[1] );
inline void AxisClear( vec3_t axis[3] ) {
axis[0][0] = 1;
axis[0][1] = 0;
axis[0][2] = 0;
axis[1][0] = 0;
axis[1][1] = 1;
axis[1][2] = 0;
axis[2][0] = 0;
axis[2][1] = 0;
axis[2][2] = 1;
inline void AxisCopy( const vec3_t in[3], vec3_t out[3] ) {
VectorCopy( in[0], out[0] );
VectorCopy( in[1], out[1] );
VectorCopy( in[2], out[2] );
void vectoangles( const vec3_t value1, vec3_t angles);
vec_t DistanceHorizontal( const vec3_t p1, const vec3_t p2 );
vec_t DistanceHorizontalSquared( const vec3_t p1, const vec3_t p2 );
inline vec_t GetYawForDirection( const vec3_t p1, const vec3_t p2 ) {
vec3_t v, angles;
VectorSubtract( p2, p1, v );
vectoangles( v, angles );
return angles[YAW];
inline void GetAnglesForDirection( const vec3_t p1, const vec3_t p2, vec3_t out ) {
vec3_t v;
VectorSubtract( p2, p1, v );
vectoangles( v, out );
void SetPlaneSignbits( struct cplane_s *out );
int BoxOnPlaneSide (vec3_t emins, vec3_t emaxs, struct cplane_s *plane);
//float AngleMod(float a);
inline float LerpAngle (float from, float to, float frac) {
float a;
if ( to - from > 180 ) {
to -= 360;
if ( to - from < -180 ) {
to += 360;
a = from + frac * (to - from);
return a;
Always returns a value from -180 to 180
inline float AngleSubtract( float a1, float a2 ) {
float a;
a = a1 - a2;
while ( a > 180 ) {
a -= 360;
while ( a < -180 ) {
a += 360;
return a;
inline void AnglesSubtract( vec3_t v1, vec3_t v2, vec3_t v3 ) {
v3[0] = AngleSubtract( v1[0], v2[0] );
v3[1] = AngleSubtract( v1[1], v2[1] );
v3[2] = AngleSubtract( v1[2], v2[2] );
returns angle normalized to the range [0 <= angle < 360]
inline float AngleNormalize360 ( float angle ) {
return (360.0 / 65536) * ((int)(angle * (65536 / 360.0)) & 65535);
returns angle normalized to the range [-180 < angle <= 180]
inline float AngleNormalize180 ( float angle ) {
angle = AngleNormalize360( angle );
if ( angle > 180.0 ) {
angle -= 360.0;
return angle;
returns the normalized delta from angle1 to angle2
inline float AngleDelta ( float angle1, float angle2 ) {
return AngleNormalize180( angle1 - angle2 );
qboolean PlaneFromPoints( vec4_t plane, const vec3_t a, const vec3_t b, const vec3_t c );
#ifdef _XBOX
qboolean PlaneFromPoints( vec4_t plane, const short a[3], const short b[3], const short c[3] );
void ProjectPointOnPlane( vec3_t dst, const vec3_t p, const vec3_t normal );
void RotatePointAroundVector( vec3_t dst, const vec3_t dir, const vec3_t point, float degrees );
void RotateAroundDirection( vec3_t axis[3], float yaw );
void MakeNormalVectors( const vec3_t forward, vec3_t right, vec3_t up );
// perpendicular vector could be replaced by this
int PlaneTypeForNormal (vec3_t normal);
void MatrixMultiply(float in1[3][3], float in2[3][3], float out[3][3]);
void PerpendicularVector( vec3_t dst, const vec3_t src );
float Com_Clamp( float min, float max, float value );
char *COM_SkipPath( char *pathname );
void COM_StripExtension( const char *in, char *out );
void COM_DefaultExtension( char *path, int maxSize, const char *extension );
#ifdef _XBOX
void COM_BeginParseSession( bool nested = false );
void COM_BeginParseSession( void );
int COM_GetCurrentParseLine( void );
char *COM_Parse( const char **data_p );
char *COM_ParseExt( const char **data_p, qboolean allowLineBreak );
int COM_Compress( char *data_p );
qboolean COM_ParseString( const char **data, const char **s );
qboolean COM_ParseInt( const char **data, int *i );
qboolean COM_ParseFloat( const char **data, float *f );
qboolean COM_ParseVec4( const char **buffer, vec4_t *c);
// data is an in/out parm, returns a parsed out token
void COM_MatchToken( char**buf_p, char *match );
void SkipBracedSection (const char **program);
void SkipRestOfLine ( const char **data );
void Parse1DMatrix (const char **buf_p, int x, float *m);
void Parse2DMatrix (const char **buf_p, int y, int x, float *m);
void Parse3DMatrix (const char **buf_p, int z, int y, int x, float *m);
void QDECL Com_sprintf (char *dest, int size, const char *fmt, ...);
// mode parm for FS_FOpenFile
typedef enum {
} fsMode_t;
typedef enum {
} fsOrigin_t;
int Q_isprint( int c );
int Q_islower( int c );
int Q_isupper( int c );
int Q_isalpha( int c );
// portable case insensitive compare
//inline int Q_stricmp (const char *s1, const char *s2) {return Q_stricmpn (s1, s2, 99999);}
//int Q_strncmp (const char *s1, const char *s2, int n);
//int Q_stricmpn (const char *s1, const char *s2, int n);
//char *Q_strlwr( char *s1 );
//char *Q_strupr( char *s1 );
//char *Q_strrchr( const char* string, int c );
// NON-portable (but faster) versions
#ifdef WIN32
inline int Q_stricmp (const char *s1, const char *s2) { return stricmp(s1, s2); }
inline int Q_strnicmp (const char *s1, const char *s2, int n) { return strnicmp(s1, s2, n); }
inline int Q_strcmpi (const char *s1, const char *s2) { return strcmpi(s1, s2); }
inline int Q_strncmp (const char *s1, const char *s2, int n) { return strncmp(s1, s2, n); }
inline int Q_stricmpn (const char *s1, const char *s2, int n) { return strnicmp(s1, s2, n); }
inline char *Q_strlwr( char *s1 ) { return strlwr(s1); }
inline char *Q_strupr( char *s1 ) { return strupr(s1); }
inline int Q_stricmp (const char *s1, const char *s2) { return strcasecmp(s1, s2); }
inline int Q_strnicmp (const char *s1, const char *s2, int n) { return strncasecmp(s1, s2, n); }
inline int Q_strcmpi (const char *s1, const char *s2) { return strcasecmp(s1, s2); }
inline int Q_strncmp (const char *s1, const char *s2, int n) { return strncasecmp(s1, s2, n); }
inline int Q_stricmpn (const char *s1, const char *s2, int n) { return strncasecmp(s1, s2, n); }
inline char *Q_strlwr( char *s1 )
char *s;
s = s1;
while ( *s ) {
*s = tolower(*s);
return s1;
inline char *Q_strupr( char *s1 )
char *s;
s = s1;
while ( *s ) {
*s = toupper(*s);
return s1;
inline char *Q_strrchr( const char* str, int c ) { return strrchr(str, c); }
// buffer size safe library replacements
void Q_strncpyz( char *dest, const char *src, int destsize, qboolean bBarfIfTooLong=qfalse );
void Q_strcat( char *dest, int size, const char *src );
// strlen that discounts Quake color sequences
int Q_PrintStrlen( const char *string );
// removes color sequences from string
char *Q_CleanStr( char *string );
#ifdef _M_IX86
// optimised stuff for Intel, since most of our data is in that format anyway...
short BigShort(short l);
int BigLong (int l);
float BigFloat (float l);
#define LittleShort(l) l
#define LittleLong(l) l
#define LittleFloat(l) l
// standard smart-swap code...
short BigShort(short l);
short LittleShort(short l);
int BigLong (int l);
int LittleLong (int l);
float BigFloat (float l);
float LittleFloat (float l);
void Swap_Init (void);
char * QDECL va(const char *format, ...);
// key / value info strings
char *Info_ValueForKey( const char *s, const char *key );
void Info_RemoveKey( char *s, const char *key );
void Info_SetValueForKey( char *s, const char *key, const char *value );
qboolean Info_Validate( const char *s );
void Info_NextPair( const char **s, char key[MAX_INFO_KEY], char value[MAX_INFO_VALUE] );
// this is only here so the functions in q_shared.c and bg_*.c can link
void QDECL Com_Error( int level, const char *error, ... );
void QDECL Com_Printf( const char *msg, ... );
CVARS (console variables)
Many variables can be used for cheating purposes, so when
cheats is zero, force all unspecified variables to their
default values.
#define CVAR_TEMP 0 // can be set even when cheats are disabled, but is not archived
#define CVAR_ARCHIVE 1 // set to cause it to be saved to vars.rc
// used for system variables, not for player
// specific configurations
#define CVAR_USERINFO 2 // sent to server on connect or change
#define CVAR_SERVERINFO 4 // sent in response to front end requests
#define CVAR_SYSTEMINFO 8 // these cvars will be duplicated on all clients
#define CVAR_INIT 16 // don't allow change from console at all,
// but can be set from the command line
#define CVAR_LATCH 32 // will only change when C code next does
// a Cvar_Get(), so it can't be changed
// without proper initialization. modified
// will be set, even though the value hasn't
// changed yet
#define CVAR_ROM 64 // display only, cannot be set by user at all
#define CVAR_USER_CREATED 128 // created by a set command
#define CVAR_SAVEGAME 256 // store this in the savegame
#define CVAR_CHEAT 512 // can not be changed if cheats are disabled
#define CVAR_NORESTART 1024 // do not clear when a cvar_restart is issued
// nothing outside the Cvar_*() functions should modify these fields!
typedef struct cvar_s {
char *name;
char *string;
char *resetString; // cvar_restart will reset to this value
char *latchedString; // for CVAR_LATCH vars
int flags;
qboolean modified; // set each time the cvar is changed
int modificationCount; // incremented each time the cvar is changed
float value; // atof( string )
int integer; // atoi( string )
struct cvar_s *next;
} cvar_t;
typedef int cvarHandle_t;
// the modules that run in the virtual machine can't access the cvar_t directly,
// so they must ask for structured updates
typedef struct {
cvarHandle_t handle;
int modificationCount;
float value;
int integer;
} vmCvar_t;
#include "surfaceflags.h" // shared with the q3map utility
// plane types are used to speed some tests
// 0-2 are axial planes
#define PLANE_X 0
#define PLANE_Y 1
#define PLANE_Z 2
// plane_t structure
// !!! if this is changed, it must be changed in asm code too !!!
typedef struct cplane_s {
vec3_t normal;
float dist;
byte type; // for fast side tests: 0,1,2 = axial, 3 = nonaxial
byte signbits; // signx + (signy<<1) + (signz<<2), used as lookup during collision
byte pad[2];
} cplane_t;
Ghoul2 Insert Start
#if !defined(GHOUL2_SHARED_H_INC)
#include "../game/ghoul2_shared.h" //for CGhoul2Info_v
Ghoul2 Insert End
#define MAX_G2_COLLISIONS 16
// a trace is returned when a box is swept through the world
typedef struct {
qboolean allsolid; // if true, plane is not valid
qboolean startsolid; // if true, the initial point was in a solid area
float fraction; // time completed, 1.0 = didn't hit anything
vec3_t endpos; // final position
cplane_t plane; // surface normal at impact, transformed to world space
int surfaceFlags; // surface hit
int contents; // contents on other side of surface hit
int entityNum; // entity the contacted sirface is a part of
Ghoul2 Insert Start
CCollisionRecord G2CollisionMap[MAX_G2_COLLISIONS]; // map that describes all of the parts of ghoul2 models that got hit
Ghoul2 Insert End
} trace_t;
// trace->entityNum can also be 0 to (MAX_GENTITIES-1)
// markfragments are returned by CM_MarkFragments()
typedef struct {
int firstPoint;
int numPoints;
} markFragment_t;
typedef struct {
vec3_t origin;
vec3_t axis[3];
} orientation_t;
// in order from highest priority to lowest
// if none of the catchers are active, bound key strings will be executed
#define KEYCATCH_UI 2
// sound channels
// channel 0 never willingly overrides
// other channels will allways override a playing sound on that channel
#include "channels.h"
#define ANGLE2SHORT(x) ((int)((x)*65536/360) & 65535)
#define SHORT2ANGLE(x) ((x)*(360.0/65536))
#define SNAPFLAG_NOT_ACTIVE 2 // snapshot used during connection and for zombies
#define SNAPFLAG_SERVERCOUNT 4 // toggled every map_restart so transitions can be detected
// per-level limits
#define MAX_CLIENTS 1 // 128 // absolute limit
#define MAX_TERRAINS 1 //32
#define GENTITYNUM_BITS 10 // don't need to send any more
// entitynums are communicated with GENTITY_BITS, so any reserved
// values thatare going to be communcated over the net need to
// also be in this range
#define MAX_MODELS 256
#define MAX_SOUNDS 380
#define MAX_SUB_BSP 32
#define MAX_FORCES 96
#endif // _IMMERSION
#define MAX_SUBMODELS 512 // nine bits
#define MAX_FX 128
#define MAX_WORLD_FX 66 // was 16 // was 4
Ghoul2 Insert Start
#define MAX_CHARSKINS 64 // character skins
Ghoul2 Insert End
#define MAX_CONFIGSTRINGS 1300//1024 //rww - I had to up this for terrains
// these are the only configstrings that the system reserves, all the
// other ones are strictly for servergame to clientgame communication
#define CS_SERVERINFO 0 // an info string with all the serverinfo cvars
#define CS_SYSTEMINFO 1 // an info string for server system to client system configuration (timescale, etc)
#define RESERVED_CONFIGSTRINGS 2 // game can't modify below this, only the system can
// config strings are a general means of communicating variable length strings
// from the server to all connected clients.
// CS_SERVERINFO and CS_SYSTEMINFO are defined in q_shared.h
#define CS_MUSIC 2
#define CS_MESSAGE 3 // from the map worldspawn's message field
#define CS_ITEMS 4 // string of 0's and 1's that tell which items are present
#define CS_AMBIENT_SET 5 // ambient set information for the player
#define CS_MODELS 10
#define CS_SKYBOXORG (CS_MODELS+MAX_MODELS) //rww - skybox info
#endif // _IMMERSION
Ghoul2 Insert Start
Ghoul2 Insert End
#error overflow: (CS_MAX) > MAX_CONFIGSTRINGS
typedef struct {
int stringOffsets[MAX_CONFIGSTRINGS];
char stringData[MAX_GAMESTATE_CHARS];
int dataCount;
} gameState_t;
typedef enum
FP_FIRST = 0,//marker
FP_HEAL = 0,//instant
//new Jedi Academy powers
FP_RAGE,//duration - speed, invincibility and extra damage for short period, drains your health and leaves you weak and slow afterwards.
FP_PROTECT,//duration - protect against physical/energy (level 1 stops blaster/energy bolts, level 2 stops projectiles, level 3 protects against explosions)
FP_ABSORB,//duration - protect against dark force powers (grip, lightning, drain - maybe push/pull, too?)
FP_DRAIN,//hold/duration - drain force power for health
FP_SEE,//duration - detect/see hidden enemies
} forcePowers_t;
typedef enum
} saberType_t;
// bit field limits
#define MAX_STATS 16
// NOTE!!! be careful about altering this because although it's used to define an array size, the entry indexes come from
// the typedef'd enum "persEnum_t" in bg_public.h, and there's no compile-tie between the 2 -slc
#define MAX_POWERUPS 16
#define MAX_WEAPONS 32
#define MAX_AMMO 10
#define MAX_INVENTORY 15 // See INV_MAX
#define MAX_PS_EVENTS 2 // this must be a power of 2 unless you change some &'s to %'s -ste
#define MAX_WORLD_COORD ( 64*1024 )
#define MIN_WORLD_COORD ( -64*1024 )
typedef enum
} waterHeightLevel_t;
// !!!!!!! loadsave affecting struct !!!!!!!
typedef struct
// Actual trail stuff
int inAction; // controls whether should we even consider starting one
int duration; // how long each trail seg stays in existence
int lastTime; // time a saber segement was last stored
vec3_t base;
vec3_t tip;
// Marks stuff
qboolean haveOldPos[2];
vec3_t oldPos[2];
vec3_t oldNormal[2]; // store this in case we don't have a connect-the-dots situation
// ..then we'll need the normal to project a mark blob onto the impact point
} saberTrail_t;
// !!!!!!!!!!!!! loadsave affecting struct !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
typedef struct
qboolean active;
saber_colors_t color;
float radius;
float length;
float lengthMax;
float lengthOld;
vec3_t muzzlePoint;
vec3_t muzzlePointOld;
vec3_t muzzleDir;
vec3_t muzzleDirOld;
saberTrail_t trail;
void ActivateTrail ( float duration )
trail.inAction = qtrue;
trail.duration = duration;
void DeactivateTrail ( float duration )
trail.inAction = qfalse;
trail.duration = duration;
} bladeInfo_t;
#define MAX_BLADES 8
typedef enum
SS_NONE = 0,
} saber_styles_t;
//Old bools converted to a flag now
#define SFL_NOT_LOCKABLE (1<<0)//can't get into a saberlock
#define SFL_NOT_THROWABLE (1<<1)//can't be thrown - FIXME: maybe make this a max level of force saber throw that can be used with this saber?
#define SFL_NOT_DISARMABLE (1<<2)//can't be dropped
#define SFL_NOT_ACTIVE_BLOCKING (1<<3)//don't to try to block incoming shots with this saber
#define SFL_TWO_HANDED (1<<4)//uses both hands
#define SFL_SINGLE_BLADE_THROWABLE (1<<5)//can throw this saber if only the first blade is on
#define SFL_RETURN_DAMAGE (1<<6)//when returning from a saber throw, it keeps spinning and doing damage
#define SFL_ON_IN_WATER (1<<7)//if set, weapon stays active even in water
#define SFL_BOUNCE_ON_WALLS (1<<8)//if set, the saber will bounce back when it hits solid architecture (good for real-sword type mods)
#define SFL_BOLT_TO_WRIST (1<<9)//if set, saber model is bolted to wrist, not in hand... useful for things like claws & shields, etc.
//#define SFL_STICK_ON_IMPACT (1<<?)//if set, the saber will stick in the wall when thrown and hits solid architecture (good for sabers that are meant to be thrown).
//#define SFL_NO_ATTACK (1<<?)//if set, you cannot attack with the saber (for sabers/weapons that are meant to be thrown only, not used as melee weapons).
//Move Restrictions
#define SFL_NO_PULL_ATTACK (1<<10)//if set, cannot do pull+attack move (move not available in MP anyway)
#define SFL_NO_BACK_ATTACK (1<<11)//if set, cannot do back-stab moves
#define SFL_NO_STABDOWN (1<<12)//if set, cannot do stabdown move (when enemy is on ground)
#define SFL_NO_WALL_RUNS (1<<13)//if set, cannot side-run or forward-run on walls
#define SFL_NO_WALL_FLIPS (1<<14)//if set, cannot do backflip off wall or side-flips off walls
#define SFL_NO_WALL_GRAB (1<<15)//if set, cannot grab wall & jump off
#define SFL_NO_ROLLS (1<<16)//if set, cannot roll
#define SFL_NO_FLIPS (1<<17)//if set, cannot do flips
#define SFL_NO_CARTWHEELS (1<<18)//if set, cannot do cartwheels
#define SFL_NO_KICKS (1<<19)//if set, cannot do kicks (can't do kicks anyway if using a throwable saber/sword)
#define SFL_NO_MIRROR_ATTACKS (1<<20)//if set, cannot do the simultaneous attack left/right moves (only available in Dual Lightsaber Combat Style)
#define SFL_NO_ROLL_STAB (1<<21)//if set, cannot do roll-stab move at end of roll
//Primary Blade Style
#define SFL2_NO_WALL_MARKS (1<<0)//if set, stops the saber from drawing marks on the world (good for real-sword type mods)
#define SFL2_NO_DLIGHT (1<<1)//if set, stops the saber from drawing a dynamic light (good for real-sword type mods)
#define SFL2_NO_BLADE (1<<2)//if set, stops the saber from drawing a blade (good for real-sword type mods)
#define SFL2_NO_CLASH_FLARE (1<<3)//if set, the saber will not do the big, white clash flare with other sabers
#define SFL2_NO_DISMEMBERMENT (1<<4)//if set, the saber never does dismemberment (good for pointed/blunt melee weapons)
#define SFL2_NO_IDLE_EFFECT (1<<5)//if set, the saber will not do damage or any effects when it is idle (not in an attack anim). (good for real-sword type mods)
#define SFL2_ALWAYS_BLOCK (1<<6)//if set, the blades will always be blocking (good for things like shields that should always block)
#define SFL2_NO_MANUAL_DEACTIVATE (1<<7)//if set, the blades cannot manually be toggled on and off
#define SFL2_TRANSITION_DAMAGE (1<<8)//if set, the blade does damage in start, transition and return anims (like strong style does)
//Secondary Blade Style
#define SFL2_NO_WALL_MARKS2 (1<<9)//if set, stops the saber from drawing marks on the world (good for real-sword type mods)
#define SFL2_NO_DLIGHT2 (1<<10)//if set, stops the saber from drawing a dynamic light (good for real-sword type mods)
#define SFL2_NO_BLADE2 (1<<11)//if set, stops the saber from drawing a blade (good for real-sword type mods)
#define SFL2_NO_CLASH_FLARE2 (1<<12)//if set, the saber will not do the big, white clash flare with other sabers
#define SFL2_NO_DISMEMBERMENT2 (1<<13)//if set, the saber never does dismemberment (good for pointed/blunt melee weapons)
#define SFL2_NO_IDLE_EFFECT2 (1<<14)//if set, the saber will not do damage or any effects when it is idle (not in an attack anim). (good for real-sword type mods)
#define SFL2_ALWAYS_BLOCK2 (1<<15)//if set, the blades will always be blocking (good for things like shields that should always block)
#define SFL2_NO_MANUAL_DEACTIVATE2 (1<<16)//if set, the blades cannot manually be toggled on and off
#define SFL2_TRANSITION_DAMAGE2 (1<<17)//if set, the blade does damage in start, transition and return anims (like strong style does)
// !!!!!!!!!!!! loadsave affecting struct !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
typedef struct
char *name; //entry in sabers.cfg, if any
char *fullName; //the "Proper Name" of the saber, shown in the UI
saberType_t type; //none, single or staff
char *model; //hilt model
char *skin; //hilt custom skin
int soundOn; //game soundindex for turning on sound
int soundLoop; //game soundindex for hum/loop sound
int soundOff; //game soundindex for turning off sound
int numBlades;
bladeInfo_t blade[MAX_BLADES]; //blade info - like length, trail, origin, dir, etc.
int stylesLearned; //styles you get when you get this saber, if any
int stylesForbidden; //styles you cannot use with this saber, if any
int maxChain; //how many moves can be chained in a row with this weapon (-1 is infinite, 0 is use default behavior)
int forceRestrictions; //force powers that cannot be used while this saber is on (bitfield) - FIXME: maybe make this a limit on the max level, per force power, that can be used with this type?
int lockBonus; //in saberlocks, this type of saber pushes harder or weaker
int parryBonus; //added to strength of parry with this saber
int breakParryBonus; //added to strength when hit a parry
int breakParryBonus2; //for bladeStyle2 (see bladeStyle2Start below)
int disarmBonus; //added to disarm chance when win saberlock or have a good parry (knockaway)
int disarmBonus2; //for bladeStyle2 (see bladeStyle2Start below)
saber_styles_t singleBladeStyle; //makes it so that you use a different style if you only have the first blade active
char *brokenSaber1; //if saber is actually hit by another saber, it can be cut in half/broken and will be replaced with this saber in your right hand
char *brokenSaber2; //if saber is actually hit by another saber, it can be cut in half/broken and will be replaced with this saber in your left hand
//these values are global to the saber, like all of the ones above
int saberFlags; //from SFL_ list above
int saberFlags2; //from SFL2_ list above
//done in cgame (client-side code)
qhandle_t spinSound; //none - if set, plays this sound as it spins when thrown
qhandle_t swingSound[3]; //none - if set, plays one of these 3 sounds when swung during an attack - NOTE: must provide all 3!!!
qhandle_t fallSound[3]; //none - if set, plays one of these 3 sounds when weapon drops to the ground - NOTE: must provide all 3!!!
//done in game (server-side code)
float moveSpeedScale; //1.0 - you move faster/slower when using this saber
float animSpeedScale; //1.0 - plays normal attack animations faster/slower
//done in both cgame and game (BG code)
int kataMove; //LS_INVALID - if set, player will execute this move when they press both attack buttons at the same time
int lungeAtkMove; //LS_INVALID - if set, player will execute this move when they crouch+fwd+attack
int jumpAtkUpMove; //LS_INVALID - if set, player will execute this move when they jump+attack
int jumpAtkFwdMove; //LS_INVALID - if set, player will execute this move when they jump+fwd+attack
int jumpAtkBackMove; //LS_INVALID - if set, player will execute this move when they jump+back+attack
int jumpAtkRightMove; //LS_INVALID - if set, player will execute this move when they jump+rightattack
int jumpAtkLeftMove; //LS_INVALID - if set, player will execute this move when they jump+left+attack
int readyAnim; //-1 - anim to use when standing idle
int drawAnim; //-1 - anim to use when drawing weapon
int putawayAnim; //-1 - anim to use when putting weapon away
int tauntAnim; //-1 - anim to use when hit "taunt"
int bowAnim; //-1 - anim to use when hit "bow"
int meditateAnim; //-1 - anim to use when hit "meditate"
int flourishAnim; //-1 - anim to use when hit "flourish"
int gloatAnim; //-1 - anim to use when hit "gloat"
//***NOTE: you can only have a maximum of 2 "styles" of blades, so this next value, "bladeStyle2Start" is the number of the first blade to use these value on... all blades before this use the normal values above, all blades at and after this number use the secondary values below***
int bladeStyle2Start; //0 - if set, blades from this number and higher use the following values (otherwise, they use the normal values already set)
//***The following can be different for the extra blades - not setting them individually defaults them to the value for the whole saber (and first blade)***
//===PRIMARY BLADES=====================
//done in cgame (client-side code)
int trailStyle; //0 - default (0) is normal, 1 is a motion blur and 2 is no trail at all (good for real-sword type mods)
char g2MarksShader[MAX_QPATH]; //none - if set, the game will use this shader for marks on enemies instead of the default "gfx/damage/saberglowmark"
char g2WeaponMarkShader[MAX_QPATH]; //none - if set, the game will ry to project this shader onto the weapon when it damages a person (good for a blood splatter on the weapon)
//int bladeShader; //none - if set, overrides the shader used for the saber blade?
//int trailShader; //none - if set, overrides the shader used for the saber trail?
qhandle_t hitSound[3]; //none - if set, plays one of these 3 sounds when saber hits a person - NOTE: must provide all 3!!!
qhandle_t blockSound[3]; //none - if set, plays one of these 3 sounds when saber/sword hits another saber/sword - NOTE: must provide all 3!!!
qhandle_t bounceSound[3]; //none - if set, plays one of these 3 sounds when saber/sword hits a wall and bounces off (must set bounceOnWall to 1 to use these sounds) - NOTE: must provide all 3!!!
int blockEffect; //none - if set, plays this effect when the saber/sword hits another saber/sword (instead of "saber/saber_block.efx")
int hitPersonEffect; //none - if set, plays this effect when the saber/sword hits a person (instead of "saber/blood_sparks_mp.efx")
int hitOtherEffect; //none - if set, plays this effect when the saber/sword hits something else damagable (instead of "saber/saber_cut.efx")
int bladeEffect; //none - if set, plays this effect at the blade tag
//done in game (server-side code)
float knockbackScale; //0 - if non-zero, uses damage done to calculate an appropriate amount of knockback
float damageScale; //1 - scale up or down the damage done by the saber
float splashRadius; //0 - radius of splashDamage
int splashDamage; //0 - amount of splashDamage, 100% at a distance of 0, 0% at a distance = splashRadius
float splashKnockback; //0 - amount of splashKnockback, 100% at a distance of 0, 0% at a distance = splashRadius
//===SECONDARY BLADES===================
//done in cgame (client-side code)
int trailStyle2; //0 - default (0) is normal, 1 is a motion blur and 2 is no trail at all (good for real-sword type mods)
char g2MarksShader2[MAX_QPATH]; //none - if set, the game will use this shader for marks on enemies instead of the default "gfx/damage/saberglowmark"
char g2WeaponMarkShader2[MAX_QPATH]; //none - if set, the game will ry to project this shader onto the weapon when it damages a person (good for a blood splatter on the weapon)
//int bladeShader2; //none - if set, overrides the shader used for the saber blade?
//int trailShader2; //none - if set, overrides the shader used for the saber trail?
qhandle_t hit2Sound[3]; //none - if set, plays one of these 3 sounds when saber hits a person - NOTE: must provide all 3!!!
qhandle_t block2Sound[3]; //none - if set, plays one of these 3 sounds when saber/sword hits another saber/sword - NOTE: must provide all 3!!!
qhandle_t bounce2Sound[3]; //none - if set, plays one of these 3 sounds when saber/sword hits a wall and bounces off (must set bounceOnWall to 1 to use these sounds) - NOTE: must provide all 3!!!
int blockEffect2; //none - if set, plays this effect when the saber/sword hits another saber/sword (instead of "saber/saber_block.efx")
int hitPersonEffect2; //none - if set, plays this effect when the saber/sword hits a person (instead of "saber/blood_sparks_mp.efx")
int hitOtherEffect2; //none - if set, plays this effect when the saber/sword hits something else damagable (instead of "saber/saber_cut.efx")
int bladeEffect2; //none - if set, plays this effect at the blade tag
//done in game (server-side code)
float knockbackScale2; //0 - if non-zero, uses damage done to calculate an appropriate amount of knockback
float damageScale2; //1 - scale up or down the damage done by the saber
float splashRadius2; //0 - radius of splashDamage
int splashDamage2; //0 - amount of splashDamage, 100% at a distance of 0, 0% at a distance = splashRadius
float splashKnockback2; //0 - amount of splashKnockback, 100% at a distance of 0, 0% at a distance = splashRadius
void Activate( void )
for ( int i = 0; i < numBlades; i++ )
blade[i].active = qtrue;
void Deactivate( void )
for ( int i = 0; i < numBlades; i++ )
blade[i].active = qfalse;
// Description: Activate a specific Blade of this Saber.
// Created: 10/03/02 by Aurelio Reis, Modified: 10/03/02 by Aurelio Reis.
// [in] int iBlade Which Blade to activate.
// [in] bool bActive Whether to activate it (default true), or deactivate it (false).
// [return] void
void BladeActivate( int iBlade, qboolean bActive = qtrue )
// Validate blade ID/Index.
if ( iBlade < 0 || iBlade >= numBlades )
blade[iBlade].active = bActive;
qboolean Active()
for ( int i = 0; i < numBlades; i++ )
if ( blade[i].active )
return qtrue;
return qfalse;
qboolean ActiveManualOnly()
for ( int i = 0; i < numBlades; i++ )
if ( bladeStyle2Start > 0 )
if ( i >= bladeStyle2Start )
if ( (saberFlags2&SFL2_NO_MANUAL_DEACTIVATE2) )
{//don't count this blade
else if ( (saberFlags2&SFL2_NO_MANUAL_DEACTIVATE) )
{//don't count this blade
else if ( (saberFlags2&SFL2_NO_MANUAL_DEACTIVATE) )
{//don't count any of these blades!
else if ( blade[i].active )
return qtrue;
return qfalse;
void SetLength( float length )
for ( int i = 0; i < numBlades; i++ )
blade[i].length = length;
float Length()
{//return largest length
float len1 = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < numBlades; i++ )
if ( blade[i].length > len1 )
len1 = blade[i].length;
return len1;
float LengthMax()
float len1 = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < numBlades; i++ )
if ( blade[i].lengthMax > len1 )
len1 = blade[i].lengthMax;
return len1;
void ActivateTrail ( float duration )
for ( int i = 0; i < numBlades; i++ )
blade[i].ActivateTrail( duration );
void DeactivateTrail ( float duration )
for ( int i = 0; i < numBlades; i++ )
blade[i].DeactivateTrail( duration );
} saberInfo_t;
//NOTE: Below is the *retail* version of the saberInfo_t structure - it is ONLY used for loading retail-version savegames (we load the savegame into this smaller structure, then copy each field into the appropriate field in the new structure - see SG_ConvertRetailSaberinfoToNewSaberinfo()
typedef struct
char *name; //entry in sabers.cfg, if any
char *fullName; //the "Proper Name" of the saber, shown in the UI
saberType_t type; //none, single or staff
char *model; //hilt model
char *skin; //hilt custom skin
int soundOn; //game soundindex for turning on sound
int soundLoop; //game soundindex for hum/loop sound
int soundOff; //game soundindex for turning off sound
int numBlades;
bladeInfo_t blade[MAX_BLADES]; //blade info - like length, trail, origin, dir, etc.
saber_styles_t style; //locked style to use, if any
int maxChain; //how many moves can be chained in a row with this weapon (-1 is infinite, 0 is use default behavior)
qboolean lockable; //can get into a saberlock
qboolean throwable; //whether or not this saber can be thrown - FIXME: maybe make this a max level of force saber throw that can be used with this saber?
qboolean disarmable; //whether or not this saber can be dropped
qboolean activeBlocking; //whether or not to try to block incoming shots with this saber
qboolean twoHanded; //uses both hands
int forceRestrictions; //force powers that cannot be used while this saber is on (bitfield) - FIXME: maybe make this a limit on the max level, per force power, that can be used with this type?
int lockBonus; //in saberlocks, this type of saber pushes harder or weaker
int parryBonus; //added to strength of parry with this saber
int breakParryBonus; //added to strength when hit a parry
int disarmBonus; //added to disarm chance when win saberlock or have a good parry (knockaway)
saber_styles_t singleBladeStyle; //makes it so that you use a different style if you only have the first blade active
qboolean singleBladeThrowable; //makes it so that you can throw this saber if only the first blade is on
char *brokenSaber1; //if saber is actually hit by another saber, it can be cut in half/broken and will be replaced with this saber in your right hand
char *brokenSaber2; //if saber is actually hit by another saber, it can be cut in half/broken and will be replaced with this saber in your left hand
qboolean returnDamage; //when returning from a saber throw, it keeps spinning and doing damage
void Activate( void )
for ( int i = 0; i < numBlades; i++ )
blade[i].active = qtrue;
void Deactivate( void )
for ( int i = 0; i < numBlades; i++ )
blade[i].active = qfalse;
// Description: Activate a specific Blade of this Saber.
// Created: 10/03/02 by Aurelio Reis, Modified: 10/03/02 by Aurelio Reis.
// [in] int iBlade Which Blade to activate.
// [in] bool bActive Whether to activate it (default true), or deactivate it (false).
// [return] void
void BladeActivate( int iBlade, qboolean bActive = qtrue )
// Validate blade ID/Index.
if ( iBlade < 0 || iBlade >= numBlades )
blade[iBlade].active = bActive;
qboolean Active()
for ( int i = 0; i < numBlades; i++ )
if ( blade[i].active )
return qtrue;
return qfalse;
void SetLength( float length )
for ( int i = 0; i < numBlades; i++ )
blade[i].length = length;
float Length()
{//return largest length
float len1 = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < numBlades; i++ )
if ( blade[i].length > len1 )
len1 = blade[i].length;
return len1;
float LengthMax()
float len1 = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < numBlades; i++ )
if ( blade[i].lengthMax > len1 )
len1 = blade[i].lengthMax;
return len1;
void ActivateTrail ( float duration )
for ( int i = 0; i < numBlades; i++ )
blade[i].ActivateTrail( duration );
void DeactivateTrail ( float duration )
for ( int i = 0; i < numBlades; i++ )
blade[i].DeactivateTrail( duration );
} saberInfoRetail_t;
#define MAX_SABERS 2 // if this ever changes then update the table "static const save_field_t savefields_gClient[]"!!!!!!!!!!!!
// playerState_t is the information needed by both the client and server
// to predict player motion and actions
// nothing outside of pmove should modify these, or some degree of prediction error
// will occur
// you can't add anything to this without modifying the code in msg.c
// playerState_t is a full superset of entityState_t as it is used by players,
// so if a playerState_t is transmitted, the entityState_t can be fully derived
// from it.
// !!!!!!!!!! LOADSAVE-affecting structure !!!!!!!!!!
typedef struct playerState_s {
int commandTime; // cmd->serverTime of last executed command
int pm_type;
int bobCycle; // for view bobbing and footstep generation
int pm_flags; // ducked, jump_held, etc
int pm_time;
vec3_t origin;
vec3_t velocity;
int weaponTime;
int weaponChargeTime;
int rechargeTime; // for the phaser
int gravity;
int leanofs;
int friction;
int speed;
int delta_angles[3]; // add to command angles to get view direction
// changed by spawns, rotating objects, and teleporters
int groundEntityNum;// ENTITYNUM_NONE = in air
int legsAnim; //
int legsAnimTimer; // don't change low priority animations on legs until this runs out
int torsoAnim; //
int torsoAnimTimer; // don't change low priority animations on torso until this runs out
int movementDir; // a number 0 to 7 that represents the relative angle
// of movement to the view angle (axial and diagonals)
// when at rest, the value will remain unchanged
// used to twist the legs during strafing
int eFlags; // copied to entityState_t->eFlags
int eventSequence; // pmove generated events
int events[MAX_PS_EVENTS];
int eventParms[MAX_PS_EVENTS];
int externalEvent; // events set on player from another source
int externalEventParm;
int externalEventTime;
int clientNum; // ranges from 0 to MAX_CLIENTS-1
int weapon; // copied to entityState_t->weapon
int weaponstate;
int batteryCharge;
vec3_t viewangles; // for fixed views
float legsYaw; // actual legs forward facing
int viewheight;
// damage feedback
int damageEvent; // when it changes, latch the other parms
int damageYaw;
int damagePitch;
int damageCount;
int stats[MAX_STATS];
int persistant[MAX_PERSISTANT]; // stats that aren't cleared on death
int powerups[MAX_POWERUPS]; // level.time that the powerup runs out
int ammo[MAX_AMMO];
int inventory[MAX_INVENTORY]; // Count of each inventory item.
char security_key_message[MAX_SECURITY_KEYS][MAX_SECURITY_KEY_MESSSAGE]; // Security key types
vec3_t serverViewOrg;
qboolean saberInFlight;
int viewEntity; // For overriding player movement controls and vieworg
int forcePowersActive; //prediction needs to know this
//NEW vehicle stuff
// This has been localized to the vehicle stuff (NOTE: We can still use it later, I'm just commenting it to
// root out all the calls. We can store the data in vehicles and update by copying it here).
//int vehicleIndex; // Index into vehicleData table
//vec3_t vehicleAngles; // current angles of your vehicle
//int vehicleArmor; // current armor of your vehicle (explodes if drops to 0)
// !!
// not communicated over the net at all
// !!
//int vehicleLastFXTime; //timer for all cgame-FX...?
//int vehicleExplodeTime; //when it will go BOOM!
int useTime; //not sent
int lastShotTime;//last time you shot your weapon
int ping; // server to game info for scoreboard
int lastOnGround; //last time you were on the ground
int lastStationary; //last time you were on the ground
int weaponShotCount;
//FIXME: maybe allocate all these structures (saber, force powers, vehicles)
// or descend them as classes - so not every client has all this info
saberInfo_t saber[MAX_SABERS];
qboolean dualSabers;
qboolean SaberStaff( void ) { return ( saber[0].type == SABER_STAFF || (dualSabers && saber[1].type == SABER_STAFF) ); };
qboolean SaberActive() { return ( saber[0].Active() || (dualSabers&&saber[1].Active()) ); };
void SetSaberLength( float length )
saber[0].SetLength( length );
if ( dualSabers )
saber[1].SetLength( length );
float SaberLength()
{//return largest length
float len1 = saber[0].Length();
if ( dualSabers && saber[1].Length() > len1 )
return saber[1].Length();
return len1;
float SaberLengthMax()
if ( saber[0].LengthMax() > saber[1].LengthMax() )
return saber[0].LengthMax();
else if ( dualSabers )
return saber[1].LengthMax();
return 0.0f;
// Activate or deactivate a specific Blade of a Saber.
// Created: 10/03/02 by Aurelio Reis, Modified: 10/03/02 by Aurelio Reis.
// [in] int iSaber Which Saber to modify.
// [in] int iBlade Which blade to modify (0 - (NUM_BLADES - 1)).
// [in] bool bActive Whether to make it active (default true) or inactive (false).
// [return] void
void SaberBladeActivate( int iSaber, int iBlade, qboolean bActive = qtrue )
// Validate saber (if it's greater than or equal to zero, OR it above the first saber but we
// are not doing duel Sabers, leave, something is not right.
if ( iSaber < 0 || ( iSaber > 0 && !dualSabers ) )
saber[iSaber].BladeActivate( iBlade, bActive );
void SaberActivate( void )
if ( dualSabers )
void SaberDeactivate( void )
void SaberActivateTrail ( float duration )
saber[0].ActivateTrail( duration );
if ( dualSabers )
saber[1].ActivateTrail( duration );
void SaberDeactivateTrail ( float duration )
saber[0].DeactivateTrail( duration );
if ( dualSabers )
saber[1].DeactivateTrail( duration );
int SaberDisarmBonus( int bladeNum )
int disarmBonus = 0;
if ( saber[0].Active() )
if ( saber[0].bladeStyle2Start > 0
&& bladeNum >= saber[0].bladeStyle2Start )
disarmBonus += saber[0].disarmBonus2;
disarmBonus += saber[0].disarmBonus;
if ( dualSabers && saber[1].Active() )
{//bonus for having 2 sabers
if ( saber[1].bladeStyle2Start > 0
&& bladeNum >= saber[1].bladeStyle2Start )
disarmBonus += 1 + saber[1].disarmBonus2;
disarmBonus += 1 + saber[1].disarmBonus;
return disarmBonus;
int SaberParryBonus( void )
int parryBonus = 0;
if ( saber[0].Active() )
parryBonus += saber[0].parryBonus;
if ( dualSabers && saber[1].Active() )
{//bonus for having 2 sabers
parryBonus += 1 + saber[1].parryBonus;
return parryBonus;
short saberMove;
short saberMoveNext;
short saberBounceMove;
short saberBlocking;
short saberBlocked;
short leanStopDebounceTime;
int saberEntityNum;
float saberEntityDist;
int saberThrowTime;
int saberEntityState;
int saberDamageDebounceTime;
int saberHitWallSoundDebounceTime;
int saberEventFlags;
int saberBlockingTime;
int saberAnimLevel;
int saberAttackChainCount;
int saberLockTime;
int saberLockEnemy;
int saberStylesKnown;
int forcePowersKnown;
int forcePowerDuration[NUM_FORCE_POWERS]; //for effects that have a duration
int forcePowerDebounce[NUM_FORCE_POWERS]; //for effects that must have an interval
int forcePower;
int forcePowerMax;
int forcePowerRegenDebounceTime;
int forcePowerRegenRate; //default is 100ms
int forcePowerRegenAmount; //default is 1
int forcePowerLevel[NUM_FORCE_POWERS]; //so we know the max forceJump power you have
float forceJumpZStart; //So when you land, you don't get hurt as much
float forceJumpCharge; //you're current forceJump charge-up level, increases the longer you hold the force jump button down
int forceGripEntityNum; //what entity I'm gripping
vec3_t forceGripOrg; //where the gripped ent should be lifted to
int forceDrainEntityNum; //what entity I'm draining
vec3_t forceDrainOrg; //where the drained ent should be lifted to
int forceHealCount; //how many points of force heal have been applied so far
//new Jedi Academy force powers
int forceAllowDeactivateTime;
int forceRageDrainTime;
int forceRageRecoveryTime;
int forceDrainEntNum;
float forceDrainTime;
int forcePowersForced; //client is being forced to use these powers (FIXME: and only these?)
int pullAttackEntNum;
int pullAttackTime;
int lastKickedEntNum;
int taunting; //replaced BUTTON_GESTURE
float jumpZStart; //So when you land, you don't get hurt as much
vec3_t moveDir;
float waterheight; //exactly what the z org of the water is (will be +4 above if under water, -4 below if not in water)
waterHeightLevel_t waterHeightLevel; //how high it really is
//testing IK grabbing
qboolean ikStatus; //for IK
int heldClient; //for IK, who I'm grabbing, if anyone
int heldByClient; //for IK, someone is grabbing me
int heldByBolt; //for IK, what bolt I'm attached to on the holdersomeone is grabbing me by
int heldByBone; //for IK, what bone I'm being held by
//vehicle turn-around stuff... FIXME: only vehicles need this in SP...
int vehTurnaroundIndex;
int vehTurnaroundTime;
//NOTE: not really used in SP, just for Fighter Vehicle damage stuff
int brokenLimbs;
int electrifyTime;
} playerState_t;
// usercmd_t->button bits, many of which are generated by the client system,
// so they aren't game/cgame only definitions
#define BUTTON_FORCE_LIGHTNING 2 // displays talk balloon and disables actions
#define BUTTON_FORCE_DRAIN 8 // draining
#define BUTTON_VEH_SPEED 8 // used for some horrible vehicle hack... :)
#define BUTTON_WALKING 16 // walking can't just be infered from MOVE_RUN because a key pressed late in the frame will
// only generate a small move value for that frame walking will use different animations and
// won't generate footsteps
#define BUTTON_USE 32 // the ol' use key returns!
#define BUTTON_FORCEGRIP 64 //
#define BUTTON_FORCE_FOCUS 256 // any key whatsoever
#define MOVE_RUN 120 // if forwardmove or rightmove are >= MOVE_RUN,
// then BUTTON_WALKING should be set
typedef enum
} genCmds_t;
// usercmd_t is sent to the server each client frame
// !!!!!!!!!! LOADSAVE-affecting structure !!!!!!!!!!
typedef struct usercmd_s {
int serverTime;
int buttons;
byte weapon;
int angles[3];
byte generic_cmd;
signed char forwardmove, rightmove, upmove;
} usercmd_t;
// if entityState->solid == SOLID_BMODEL, modelindex is an inline model number
#define SOLID_BMODEL 0xffffff
typedef enum {// !!!!!!!!!!! LOADSAVE-affecting struct !!!!!!!!!!
TR_INTERPOLATE, // non-parametric, but interpolate between snapshots
TR_SINE, // value = base + sin( time / duration ) * delta
} trType_t;
typedef struct {// !!!!!!!!!!! LOADSAVE-affecting struct !!!!!!!!!!
trType_t trType;
int trTime;
int trDuration; // if non 0, trTime + trDuration = stop time
vec3_t trBase;
vec3_t trDelta; // velocity, etc
} trajectory_t;
// entityState_t is the information conveyed from the server
// in an update message about entities that the client will
// need to render in some way
// Different eTypes may use the information in different ways
// The messages are delta compressed, so it doesn't really matter if
// the structure size is fairly large
typedef struct entityState_s {// !!!!!!!!!!! LOADSAVE-affecting struct !!!!!!!!!!!!!
int number; // entity index
int eType; // entityType_t
int eFlags;
trajectory_t pos; // for calculating position
trajectory_t apos; // for calculating angles
int time;
int time2;
vec3_t origin;
vec3_t origin2;
vec3_t angles;
vec3_t angles2;
int otherEntityNum; // shotgun sources, etc
int otherEntityNum2;
int groundEntityNum; // -1 = in air
int constantLight; // r + (g<<8) + (b<<16) + (intensity<<24)
int loopSound; // constantly loop this sound
int modelindex;
int modelindex2;
int modelindex3;
int clientNum; // 0 to (MAX_CLIENTS - 1), for players and corpses
int frame;
int solid; // for client side prediction, gi.linkentity sets this properly
int event; // impulse events -- muzzle flashes, footsteps, etc
int eventParm;
// for players
int powerups; // bit flags
int weapon; // determines weapon and flash model, etc
int legsAnim; //
int legsAnimTimer; // don't change low priority animations on legs until this runs out
int torsoAnim; //
int torsoAnimTimer; // don't change low priority animations on torso until this runs out
int scale; //Scale players
//FIXME: why did IMMERSION dupe these 2 fields here? There's no reason for this!!!
qboolean saberInFlight;
qboolean saberActive;
//int vehicleIndex; // What kind of vehicle you're driving
vec3_t vehicleAngles; //
int vehicleArmor; // current armor of your vehicle (explodes if drops to 0)
// 0 if not in a vehicle, otherwise the client number.
int m_iVehicleNum;
Ghoul2 Insert Start
vec3_t modelScale; // used to scale models in any axis
int radius; // used for culling all the ghoul models attached to this ent NOTE - this is automatically scaled by Ghoul2 if/when you scale the model. This is a 100% size value
int boltInfo; // info used for bolting entities to Ghoul2 models - NOT used for bolting ghoul2 models to themselves, more for stuff like bolting effects to ghoul2 models
Ghoul2 Insert End
qboolean isPortalEnt;
} entityState_t;
typedef enum {
CA_DISCONNECTED, // not talking to a server
CA_CONNECTING, // sending request packets to the server
CA_CHALLENGING, // sending challenge packets to the server
CA_CONNECTED, // netchan_t established, getting gamestate
CA_LOADING, // only during cgame initialization, never during main loop
CA_PRIMED, // got gamestate, waiting for first frame
CA_ACTIVE, // game views should be displayed
CA_CINEMATIC // playing a cinematic or a static pic, not connected to a server
} connstate_t;
typedef struct SSkinGoreData_s
vec3_t angles;
vec3_t position;
int currentTime;
int entNum;
vec3_t rayDirection; // in world space
vec3_t hitLocation; // in world space
vec3_t scale;
float SSize; // size of splotch in the S texture direction in world units
float TSize; // size of splotch in the T texture direction in world units
float theta; // angle to rotate the splotch
vec3_t uaxis; //mark direction
float depthStart; // limit marks begin depth
float depthEnd; // depth to stop making marks
bool useTheta;
bool frontFaces;
bool backFaces;
bool fadeRGB; //specify fade method to modify RGB (by default, the alpha is set instead)
// growing stuff
int growDuration; // time over which we want this to scale up, set to -1 for no scaling
float goreScaleStartFraction; // fraction of the final size at which we want the gore to initially appear
//qboolean baseModelOnly;
int lifeTime; // effect expires after this amount of time
int firstModel; // which model to start the gore on (can skip the first)
int fadeOutTime; //specify the duration of fading, from the lifeTime (e.g. 3000 will start fading 3 seconds before removal and be faded entirely by removal)
//int shrinkOutTime; // unimplemented
//float alphaModulate; // unimplemented
//vec3_t tint; // unimplemented
//float impactStrength; // unimplemented
int shader; // shader handle
int myIndex; // used internally
} SSkinGoreData;
//rww - used for my ik stuff (ported directly from mp)
typedef struct
vec3_t angles;
vec3_t position;
vec3_t scale;
vec3_t velocity;
int me;
} sharedRagDollUpdateParams_t;
//rww - update parms for ik bone stuff
typedef struct
char boneName[512]; //name of bone
vec3_t desiredOrigin; //world coordinate that this bone should be attempting to reach
vec3_t origin; //world coordinate of the entity who owns the g2 instance that owns the bone
float movementSpeed; //how fast the bone should move toward the destination
} sharedIKMoveParams_t;
typedef struct
vec3_t pcjMins; //ik joint limit
vec3_t pcjMaxs; //ik joint limit
vec3_t origin; //origin of caller
vec3_t angles; //angles of caller
vec3_t scale; //scale of caller
float radius; //bone rad
int blendTime; //bone blend time
int pcjOverrides; //override ik bone flags
int startFrame; //base pose start
int endFrame; //base pose end
} sharedSetBoneIKStateParams_t;
enum sharedEIKMoveState
String ID Tables
typedef struct stringID_table_s
char *name;
int id;
} stringID_table_t;
int GetIDForString ( const stringID_table_t *table, const char *string );
const char *GetStringForID( const stringID_table_t *table, int id );
// savegame screenshot size stuff...
//#define SG_SCR_WIDTH 512 //256
//#define SG_SCR_HEIGHT 512 //256
#define iSG_COMMENT_SIZE 64
#define sCVARNAME_PLAYERSAVE "playersave" // used for level-transition, accessed by game and server modules
Ghoul2 Insert Start
// For ghoul2 axis use
enum Eorientations
Ghoul2 Insert End
typedef struct parseData_s
char fileName[MAX_QPATH]; // Name of current file being read in
int com_lines; // Number of lines read in
const char *bufferStart; // Start address of buffer holding data that was read in
const char *bufferCurrent; // Where data is currently being parsed from buffer
} parseData_t;
//JFLCALLOUT include
//changed to array
extern parseData_t parseData[];
extern int parseDataCount;
// cinematic states
typedef enum {
FMV_PLAY, // play
FMV_EOF, // all other conditions, i.e. stop/EOF/abort
} e_status;
// define the new memory tags for the zone, used by all modules now
#define TAGDEF(blah) TAG_ ## blah
enum {
#include "../qcommon/tags.h"
typedef char memtag_t;
// stuff to help out during development process, force reloading/uncacheing of certain filetypes...
typedef enum
} ForceReload_e;
#include "../game/genericparser2.h"
#include "../ff/ff_public.h"
#endif // _IMMERSION
#endif // __Q_SHARED_H