2013-04-04 17:35:38 -05:00

280 lines
6.9 KiB

#ifndef __G_NAVIGATOR__
#define __G_NAVIGATOR__
#define __NEWCOLLECT 1
#define _HARD_CONNECT 1
//Node flags
#define NF_ANY 0
//#define NF_CLEAR_LOS 0x00000001
#define NF_CLEAR_PATH 0x00000002
#define NF_RECALC 0x00000004
//Edge flags
#define EFLAG_NONE 0
#define EFLAG_BLOCKED 0x00000001
#define EFLAG_FAILED 0x00000002
//Miscellaneous defines
#define NODE_NONE -1
#define NAV_HEADER_ID 'JNV5'
#pragma warning( disable : 4786)
#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_XBOX)
#include <objbase.h>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <list>
using namespace std;
#include "../server.h"
#include "../../game/q_shared.h"
typedef multimap<int, int> EdgeMultimap;
typedef multimap<int, int>::iterator EdgeMultimapIt;
class CEdge
CEdge( void );
CEdge( int first, int second, int cost );
~CEdge( void );
int m_first;
int m_second;
int m_cost;
class CNode
typedef struct edge_s
int ID;
int cost;
BYTE flags;
} edge_t;
typedef vector< edge_t > edge_v;
CNode( void );
~CNode( void );
static CNode *Create( vec3_t position, int flags, int radius, int ID );
static CNode *Create( void );
void AddEdge( int ID, int cost, int flags = EFLAG_NONE );
void AddRank( int ID, int rank );
void Draw( qboolean radius );
int GetID( void ) const { return m_ID; }
void GetPosition( vec3_t position ) const { if ( position ) VectorCopy( m_position, position ); }
int GetNumEdges( void ) const { return m_numEdges; }
int GetEdgeNumToNode( int ID );
int GetEdge( int edgeNum );
int GetEdgeCost( int edgeNum );
BYTE GetEdgeFlags( int edgeNum );
void SetEdgeFlags( int edgeNum, int newFlags );
int GetRadius( void ) const { return m_radius; }
void InitRanks( int size );
int GetRank( int ID );
int GetFlags( void ) const { return m_flags; }
void AddFlag( int newFlag ) { m_flags |= newFlag; }
void RemoveFlag( int oldFlag ) { m_flags &= ~oldFlag; }
int Save( int numNodes, fileHandle_t file );
int Load( int numNodes, fileHandle_t file );
vec3_t m_position;
int m_flags;
int m_radius;
int m_ID;
edge_v m_edges;
int *m_ranks;
int m_numEdges;
class CNavigator
typedef vector < CNode * > node_v;
typedef list < CEdge > edge_l;
typedef struct nodeList_t
int nodeID;
unsigned int distance;
typedef list < nodeList_t > nodeChain_l;
#endif //__NEWCOLLECT
CNavigator( void );
~CNavigator( void );
void Init( void );
void Free( void );
bool Load( const char *filename, int checksum );
bool Save( const char *filename, int checksum );
int AddRawPoint( vec3_t point, int flags, int radius );
void CalculatePaths( qboolean recalc=qfalse );
void HardConnect( int first, int second );
void ShowNodes( void );
void ShowEdges( void );
void ShowPath( int start, int end );
int GetNearestNode( sharedEntity_t *ent, int lastID, int flags, int targetID );
int GetBestNode( int startID, int endID, int rejectID = NODE_NONE );
int GetNodePosition( int nodeID, vec3_t out );
int GetNodeNumEdges( int nodeID );
int GetNodeEdge( int nodeID, int edge );
float GetNodeLeadDistance( int nodeID );
int GetNumNodes( void ) const { return m_nodes.size(); }
bool Connected( int startID, int endID );
unsigned int GetPathCost( int startID, int endID );
unsigned int GetEdgeCost( int startID, int endID );
int GetProjectedNode( vec3_t origin, int nodeID );
void CheckFailedNodes( sharedEntity_t *ent );
void AddFailedNode( sharedEntity_t *ent, int nodeID );
qboolean NodeFailed( sharedEntity_t *ent, int nodeID );
qboolean NodesAreNeighbors( int startID, int endID );
void ClearFailedEdge( failedEdge_t *failedEdge );
void ClearAllFailedEdges( void );
int EdgeFailed( int startID, int endID );
void AddFailedEdge( int entID, int startID, int endID );
qboolean CheckFailedEdge( failedEdge_t *failedEdge );
void CheckAllFailedEdges( void );
qboolean RouteBlocked( int startID, int testEdgeID, int endID, int rejectRank );
int GetBestNodeAltRoute( int startID, int endID, int *pathCost, int rejectID = NODE_NONE );
int GetBestNodeAltRoute( int startID, int endID, int rejectID = NODE_NONE );
int GetBestPathBetweenEnts( sharedEntity_t *ent, sharedEntity_t *goal, int flags );
int GetNodeRadius( int nodeID );
void CheckBlockedEdges( void );
void ClearCheckedNodes( void );
byte CheckedNode(int wayPoint,int ent);
void SetCheckedNode(int wayPoint,int ent,byte value);
void FlagAllNodes( int newFlag );
qboolean pathsCalculated;
//MCG Added END
int TestNodePath( sharedEntity_t *ent, int okToHitEntNum, vec3_t position, qboolean includeEnts );
int TestNodeLOS( sharedEntity_t *ent, vec3_t position );
int TestBestFirst( sharedEntity_t *ent, int lastID, int flags );
int CollectNearestNodes( vec3_t origin, int radius, int maxCollect, nodeChain_l &nodeChain );
int CollectNearestNodes( vec3_t origin, int radius, int maxCollect, int *nodeChain );
#endif //__NEWCOLLECT
char GetChar( fileHandle_t file );
int GetInt( fileHandle_t file );
float GetFloat( fileHandle_t file );
long GetLong( fileHandle_t file );
//void ConnectNodes( void );
void SetEdgeCost( int ID1, int ID2, int cost );
int GetEdgeCost( CNode *first, CNode *second );
void AddNodeEdges( CNode *node, int addDist, edge_l &edgeList, bool *checkedNodes );
void CalculatePath( CNode *node );
//rww - made failedEdges private as it doesn't seem to need to be public.
//And I'd rather shoot myself than have to devise a way of setting/accessing this
//array via trap calls.
failedEdge_t failedEdges[MAX_FAILED_EDGES];
node_v m_nodes;
EdgeMultimap m_edgeLookupMap;
// class Priority Queue
class CPriorityQueue
CPriorityQueue() {};
// Functionality
CEdge* Pop();
CEdge* Find(int npNum);
void Push( CEdge* theEdge );
void Update(CEdge* edge );
bool Empty();
vector<CEdge*> mHeap;
extern CNavigator navigator;
#endif //__G_NAVIGATOR__