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//Anything above this #include will be ignored by the compiler
#include "../qcommon/exe_headers.h"
#include "cm_local.h"
#include "cm_landscape.h"
#ifdef _XBOX
#include "../renderer/tr_local.h"
// always use bbox vs. bbox collision and never capsule vs. bbox or vice versa
// always use capsule vs. capsule collision and never capsule vs. bbox or vice versa
void CM_TraceThroughTerrain( traceWork_t *tw, trace_t &trace, cbrush_t *brush );
Be sure to un-link entity in void SP_terrain(gentity_t *ent) (yeah, left this uncommented to cause error / attention )
void CM_TraceThroughTerrain( traceWork_t *tw, trace_t &trace, CCMLandScape *landscape);
void RotatePoint(vec3_t point, /*const*/ vec3_t matrix[3]) { // bk: FIXME
vec3_t tvec;
VectorCopy(point, tvec);
point[0] = DotProduct(matrix[0], tvec);
point[1] = DotProduct(matrix[1], tvec);
point[2] = DotProduct(matrix[2], tvec);
void TransposeMatrix(/*const*/ vec3_t matrix[3], vec3_t transpose[3]) { // bk: FIXME
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
transpose[i][j] = matrix[j][i];
void CreateRotationMatrix(const vec3_t angles, vec3_t matrix[3]) {
AngleVectors(angles, matrix[0], matrix[1], matrix[2]);
void CM_ProjectPointOntoVector( vec3_t point, vec3_t vStart, vec3_t vDir, vec3_t vProj )
vec3_t pVec;
VectorSubtract( point, vStart, pVec );
// project onto the directional vector for this segment
VectorMA( vStart, DotProduct( pVec, vDir ), vDir, vProj );
float CM_DistanceFromLineSquared(vec3_t p, vec3_t lp1, vec3_t lp2, vec3_t dir) {
vec3_t proj, t;
int j;
CM_ProjectPointOntoVector(p, lp1, dir, proj);
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
if ((proj[j] > lp1[j] && proj[j] > lp2[j]) ||
(proj[j] < lp1[j] && proj[j] < lp2[j]))
if (j < 3) {
if (fabs(proj[j] - lp1[j]) < fabs(proj[j] - lp2[j]))
VectorSubtract(p, lp1, t);
VectorSubtract(p, lp2, t);
return VectorLengthSquared(t);
VectorSubtract(p, proj, t);
return VectorLengthSquared(t);
float CM_VectorDistanceSquared(vec3_t p1, vec3_t p2) {
vec3_t dir;
VectorSubtract(p2, p1, dir);
return VectorLengthSquared(dir);
float SquareRootFloat(float number) {
long i;
float x, y;
const float f = 1.5F;
x = number * 0.5F;
y = number;
i = * ( long * ) &y;
i = 0x5f3759df - ( i >> 1 );
y = * ( float * ) &i;
y = y * ( f - ( x * y * y ) );
y = y * ( f - ( x * y * y ) );
return number * y;
void CM_TestBoxInBrush( traceWork_t *tw, trace_t &trace, cbrush_t *brush ) {
int i;
cplane_t *plane;
float dist;
float d1;
cbrushside_t *side;
float t;
vec3_t startp;
if (!brush->numsides) {
// special test for axial
if ( tw->bounds[0][0] > brush->bounds[1][0]
|| tw->bounds[0][1] > brush->bounds[1][1]
|| tw->bounds[0][2] > brush->bounds[1][2]
|| tw->bounds[1][0] < brush->bounds[0][0]
|| tw->bounds[1][1] < brush->bounds[0][1]
|| tw->bounds[1][2] < brush->bounds[0][2]
) {
if ( tw->sphere.use ) {
// the first six planes are the axial planes, so we only
// need to test the remainder
for ( i = 6 ; i < brush->numsides ; i++ ) {
side = brush->sides + i;
#ifdef _XBOX
plane = &cmg.planes[side->planeNum.GetValue()];
plane = side->plane;
// adjust the plane distance apropriately for radius
dist = plane->dist + tw->sphere.radius;
// find the closest point on the capsule to the plane
t = DotProduct( plane->normal, tw->sphere.offset );
if ( t > 0 )
VectorSubtract( tw->start, tw->sphere.offset, startp );
VectorAdd( tw->start, tw->sphere.offset, startp );
d1 = DotProduct( startp, plane->normal ) - dist;
// if completely in front of face, no intersection
if ( d1 > 0 ) {
} else {
// the first six planes are the axial planes, so we only
// need to test the remainder
for ( i = 6 ; i < brush->numsides ; i++ ) {
side = brush->sides + i;
#ifdef _XBOX
plane = &cmg.planes[side->planeNum.GetValue()];
plane = side->plane;
// adjust the plane distance apropriately for mins/maxs
dist = plane->dist - DotProduct( tw->offsets[ plane->signbits ], plane->normal );
d1 = DotProduct( tw->start, plane->normal ) - dist;
// if completely in front of face, no intersection
if ( d1 > 0 ) {
// inside this brush
trace.startsolid = trace.allsolid = qtrue;
trace.fraction = 0;
trace.contents = brush->contents;
#ifdef _XBOX
static int CM_GetSurfaceIndex(int firstLeafSurface)
if(firstLeafSurface > tr.world->nummarksurfaces || firstLeafSurface < 0) {
return cmg.leafsurfaces[ firstLeafSurface ] ;
} else {
return tr.world->marksurfaces[firstLeafSurface] - tr.world->surfaces;
void CM_TestInLeaf( traceWork_t *tw, trace_t &trace, cLeaf_t *leaf, clipMap_t *local )
int k;
int brushnum;
cbrush_t *b;
cPatch_t *patch;
// test box position against all brushes in the leaf
for (k=0 ; k<leaf->numLeafBrushes ; k++) {
brushnum = local->leafbrushes[leaf->firstLeafBrush+k];
b = &local->brushes[brushnum];
if (b->checkcount == local->checkcount) {
continue; // already checked this brush in another leaf
b->checkcount = local->checkcount;
if ( !(b->contents & tw->contents)) {
#ifndef BSPC
if (com_terrainPhysics->integer && cmg.landScape && (b->contents & CONTENTS_TERRAIN) )
// Invalidate the checkcount for terrain as the terrain brush has to be processed
// many times.
CM_TraceThroughTerrain( tw, trace, b );
// If inside a terrain brush don't bother with regular brush collision
CM_TestBoxInBrush( tw, trace, b );
if ( trace.allsolid ) {
// test against all patches
#ifdef BSPC
if (1) {
if ( !cm_noCurves->integer ) {
#endif //BSPC
for ( k = 0 ; k < leaf->numLeafSurfaces ; k++ ) {
//#ifdef _XBOX
// int index = CM_GetSurfaceIndex(leaf->firstLeafSurface + k);
// patch = local->surfaces[ index ];
patch = local->surfaces[ local->leafsurfaces[ leaf->firstLeafSurface + k ] ];
if ( !patch ) {
if ( patch->checkcount == local->checkcount ) {
continue; // already checked this brush in another leaf
patch->checkcount = local->checkcount;
if ( !(patch->contents & tw->contents)) {
if ( CM_PositionTestInPatchCollide( tw, patch->pc ) ) {
trace.startsolid = trace.allsolid = qtrue;
trace.fraction = 0;
trace.contents = patch->contents;
capsule inside capsule check
void CM_TestCapsuleInCapsule( traceWork_t *tw, trace_t &trace, clipHandle_t model ) {
int i;
vec3_t mins, maxs;
vec3_t top, bottom;
vec3_t p1, p2, tmp;
vec3_t offset, symetricSize[2];
float radius, halfwidth, halfheight, offs, r;
CM_ModelBounds(model, mins, maxs);
VectorAdd(tw->start, tw->sphere.offset, top);
VectorSubtract(tw->start, tw->sphere.offset, bottom);
for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ) {
offset[i] = ( mins[i] + maxs[i] ) * 0.5;
symetricSize[0][i] = mins[i] - offset[i];
symetricSize[1][i] = maxs[i] - offset[i];
halfwidth = symetricSize[ 1 ][ 0 ];
halfheight = symetricSize[ 1 ][ 2 ];
radius = ( halfwidth > halfheight ) ? halfheight : halfwidth;
offs = halfheight - radius;
r = Square(tw->sphere.radius + radius);
// check if any of the spheres overlap
VectorCopy(offset, p1);
p1[2] += offs;
VectorSubtract(p1, top, tmp);
if ( VectorLengthSquared(tmp) < r ) {
trace.startsolid = trace.allsolid = qtrue;
trace.fraction = 0;
VectorSubtract(p1, bottom, tmp);
if ( VectorLengthSquared(tmp) < r ) {
trace.startsolid = trace.allsolid = qtrue;
trace.fraction = 0;
VectorCopy(offset, p2);
p2[2] -= offs;
VectorSubtract(p2, top, tmp);
if ( VectorLengthSquared(tmp) < r ) {
trace.startsolid = trace.allsolid = qtrue;
trace.fraction = 0;
VectorSubtract(p2, bottom, tmp);
if ( VectorLengthSquared(tmp) < r ) {
trace.startsolid = trace.allsolid = qtrue;
trace.fraction = 0;
// if between cylinder up and lower bounds
if ( (top[2] >= p1[2] && top[2] <= p2[2]) ||
(bottom[2] >= p1[2] && bottom[2] <= p2[2]) ) {
// 2d coordinates
top[2] = p1[2] = 0;
// if the cylinders overlap
VectorSubtract(top, p1, tmp);
if ( VectorLengthSquared(tmp) < r ) {
trace.startsolid = trace.allsolid = qtrue;
trace.fraction = 0;
bounding box inside capsule check
void CM_TestBoundingBoxInCapsule( traceWork_t *tw, trace_t &trace, clipHandle_t model ) {
vec3_t mins, maxs, offset, size[2];
clipHandle_t h;
cmodel_t *cmod;
int i;
// mins maxs of the capsule
CM_ModelBounds(model, mins, maxs);
// offset for capsule center
for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ) {
offset[i] = ( mins[i] + maxs[i] ) * 0.5;
size[0][i] = mins[i] - offset[i];
size[1][i] = maxs[i] - offset[i];
tw->start[i] -= offset[i];
tw->end[i] -= offset[i];
// replace the bounding box with the capsule
tw->sphere.use = qtrue;
tw->sphere.radius = ( size[1][0] > size[1][2] ) ? size[1][2]: size[1][0];
tw->sphere.halfheight = size[1][2];
VectorSet( tw->sphere.offset, 0, 0, size[1][2] - tw->sphere.radius );
// replace the capsule with the bounding box
h = CM_TempBoxModel(tw->size[0], tw->size[1], qfalse);
// calculate collision
cmod = CM_ClipHandleToModel( h );
CM_TestInLeaf( tw, trace, &cmod->leaf, &cmg );
void CM_PositionTest( traceWork_t *tw, trace_t &trace ) {
int i;
leafList_t ll;
// identify the leafs we are touching
VectorAdd( tw->start, tw->size[0], ll.bounds[0] );
VectorAdd( tw->start, tw->size[1], ll.bounds[1] );
for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) {
ll.bounds[0][i] -= 1;
ll.bounds[1][i] += 1;
ll.count = 0;
ll.maxcount = MAX_POSITION_LEAFS;
ll.list = leafs;
ll.storeLeafs = CM_StoreLeafs;
ll.lastLeaf = 0;
ll.overflowed = qfalse;
CM_BoxLeafnums_r( &ll, 0 );
// test the contents of the leafs
for (i=0 ; i < ll.count ; i++) {
CM_TestInLeaf( tw, trace, &cmg.leafs[leafs[i]], &cmg );
if ( trace.allsolid ) {
void CM_TraceThroughPatch( traceWork_t *tw, trace_t &trace, cPatch_t *patch ) {
float oldFrac;
oldFrac = trace.fraction;
CM_TraceThroughPatchCollide( tw, trace, patch->pc );
if ( trace.fraction < oldFrac ) {
trace.surfaceFlags = patch->surfaceFlags;
trace.contents = patch->contents;
Returns false for a quick getout
bool CM_PlaneCollision(traceWork_t *tw, cbrushside_t *side)
float dist, f;
float d1, d2;
#ifdef _XBOX
cplane_t *plane = &cmg.planes[side->planeNum.GetValue()];
cplane_t *plane = side->plane;
// adjust the plane distance apropriately for mins/maxs
dist = plane->dist - DotProduct( tw->offsets[ plane->signbits ], plane->normal );
d1 = DotProduct( tw->start, plane->normal ) - dist;
d2 = DotProduct( tw->end, plane->normal ) - dist;
if (d2 > 0.0f)
// endpoint is not in solid
tw->getout = true;
if (d1 > 0.0f)
// startpoint is not in solid
tw->startout = true;
// if completely in front of face, no intersection with the entire brush
if ((d1 > 0.0f) && ( (d2 >= SURFACE_CLIP_EPSILON) || (d2 >= d1) ) )
// if it doesn't cross the plane, the plane isn't relevent
if ((d1 <= 0.0f) && (d2 <= 0.0f))
// crosses face
if (d1 > d2)
{ // enter
if ( f < 0.0f )
f = 0.0f;
if (f > tw->enterFrac)
tw->enterFrac = f;
tw->clipplane = plane;
tw->leadside = side;
else if (f > tw->enterFrac * (d1 - d2) )
tw->enterFrac = f / (d1 - d2);
tw->clipplane = plane;
tw->leadside = side;
{ // leave
if ( f < (d1 - d2) )
f = 1.0f;
if (f < tw->leaveFrac)
tw->leaveFrac = f;
else if (f > tw->leaveFrac * (d1 - d2) )
tw->leaveFrac = f / (d1 - d2);
void CM_TraceThroughBrush( traceWork_t *tw, trace_t &trace, cbrush_t *brush, bool infoOnly )
int i;
cbrushside_t *side;
tw->enterFrac = -1.0f;
tw->leaveFrac = 1.0f;
tw->clipplane = NULL;
if ( !brush->numsides )
// I'm not sure if test is strictly correct. Are all
// bboxes axis aligned? Do I care? It seems to work
// good enough...
if ( tw->bounds[0][0] > brush->bounds[1][0]
|| tw->bounds[0][1] > brush->bounds[1][1]
|| tw->bounds[0][2] > brush->bounds[1][2]
|| tw->bounds[1][0] < brush->bounds[0][0]
|| tw->bounds[1][1] < brush->bounds[0][1]
|| tw->bounds[1][2] < brush->bounds[0][2]
) {
tw->getout = false;
tw->startout = false;
tw->leadside = NULL;
// compare the trace against all planes of the brush
// find the latest time the trace crosses a plane towards the interior
// and the earliest time the trace crosses a plane towards the exterior
for (i = 0; i < brush->numsides; i++)
side = brush->sides + i;
if(!CM_PlaneCollision(tw, side))
// all planes have been checked, and the trace was not
// completely outside the brush
if (!tw->startout)
// original point was inside brush
trace.startsolid = qtrue;
if (!tw->getout)
trace.allsolid = qtrue;
trace.fraction = 0.0f;
tw->enterFrac = 0.0f;
if (tw->enterFrac < tw->leaveFrac)
if ((tw->enterFrac > -1.0f) && (tw->enterFrac < trace.fraction))
if (tw->enterFrac < 0.0f)
tw->enterFrac = 0.0f;
trace.fraction = tw->enterFrac;
trace.plane = *tw->clipplane;
trace.surfaceFlags = cmg.shaders[tw->leadside->shaderNum].surfaceFlags;
trace.contents = brush->contents;
During this routine the fraction is internal to the brush
and converted to a global fraction on exit.
#ifndef BSPC
void CM_TraceThroughTerrain( traceWork_t *tw, trace_t &trace, cbrush_t *brush )
CCMLandScape *landscape;
vec3_t tBegin, tEnd, tDistance, tStep;
vec3_t baseStart;
vec3_t baseEnd;
int count;
int i;
float fraction;
// At this point we know we may be colliding with a terrain brush (and we know we have a valid terrain structure)
landscape = (CCMLandScape *)cmg.landScape;
// Check for absolutely no connection
if(!CM_GenericBoxCollide(tw->bounds, landscape->GetBounds()))
// Now we know that at least some part of the trace needs to collide with the terrain
// The regular brush collision is handled elsewhere, so advance the ray to an edge in the terrain brush
CM_TraceThroughBrush( tw, trace, brush, true );
// Remember the base entering and leaving fractions
tw->baseEnterFrac = tw->enterFrac;
tw->baseLeaveFrac = tw->leaveFrac;
// Reset to full spread within the brush
tw->enterFrac = -1.0f;
tw->leaveFrac = 1.0f;
// Work out the corners of the AABB when the trace first hits the terrain brush and when it leaves
VectorAdvance(tw->start, tw->baseEnterFrac, tw->end, tBegin);
VectorAdvance(tw->start, tw->baseLeaveFrac, tw->end, tEnd);
VectorSubtract(tEnd, tBegin, tDistance);
// Calculate number of iterations to process
count = ceilf(VectorLength(tDistance) / (landscape->GetPatchScalarSize() * TERRAIN_STEP_MAGIC));
count = 1;
fraction = trace.fraction;
VectorScale(tDistance, 1.0f / count, tStep);
// Save the base start and end vectors
VectorCopy ( tw->start, baseStart );
VectorCopy ( tw->end, baseEnd );
// Use the terrain vectors. Start both at the beginning since the
// step will be added to the end as the first step of the loop
VectorCopy ( tBegin, tw->start );
VectorCopy ( tBegin, tw->end );
// Step thru terrain patches moving on about 1 patch at a time
for ( i = 0; i < count; i ++ )
// Add the step to the end
VectorAdd(tw->end, tStep, tw->end);
CM_CalcExtents(tBegin, tw->end, tw, tw->localBounds);
landscape->PatchCollide(tw, trace, tw->start, tw->end, brush->checkcount);
// If collision with something closer than water then just stop here
if ( trace.fraction < fraction )
// Convert the fraction of this sub tract into the full trace's fraction
trace.fraction = i * (1.0f / count) + (1.0f / count) * trace.fraction;
// Move the end to the start so the next trace starts
// where this one left off
VectorCopy(tw->end, tw->start);
// Put the original start and end back
VectorCopy ( baseStart, tw->start );
VectorCopy ( baseEnd, tw->end );
// Convert to global fraction only if something was hit along the way
if ( trace.fraction != 1.0 )
trace.fraction = tw->baseEnterFrac + ((tw->baseLeaveFrac - tw->baseEnterFrac) * trace.fraction);
trace.contents = brush->contents;
// Collide with any water
if ( tw->contents & CONTENTS_WATER )
fraction = landscape->WaterCollide(tw->start, tw->end, trace.fraction);
if( fraction < trace.fraction )
VectorSet(trace.plane.normal, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
trace.contents = landscape->GetWaterContents();
trace.fraction = fraction;
trace.surfaceFlags = landscape->GetWaterSurfaceFlags();
void CM_TraceThroughTerrain( traceWork_t *tw, trace_t &trace, CCMLandScape *landscape)
vec3_t tBegin, tEnd, tDistance, tStep;
vec3_t baseStart;
vec3_t baseEnd;
int count;
int i;
float fraction;
// Check for absolutely no connection
if(!CM_GenericBoxCollide(tw->bounds, landscape->GetBounds()))
tw->enterFrac = 0.0f;
tw->leaveFrac = 1.0f;
tw->clipplane = NULL;
tw->getout = false;
tw->startout = false;
tw->leadside = NULL;
// Remember the base entering and leaving fractions
tw->baseEnterFrac = tw->enterFrac;
tw->baseLeaveFrac = tw->leaveFrac;
// Reset to full spread within the brush
tw->enterFrac = -1.0f;
tw->leaveFrac = 1.0f;
// Work out the corners of the AABB when the trace first hits the terrain brush and when it leaves
VectorAdvance(tw->start, tw->baseEnterFrac, tw->end, tBegin);
VectorAdvance(tw->start, tw->baseLeaveFrac, tw->end, tEnd);
VectorSubtract(tEnd, tBegin, tDistance);
// Calculate number of iterations to process
count = ceilf(VectorLength(tDistance) / (landscape->GetPatchScalarSize() * TERRAIN_STEP_MAGIC));
count = 1;
fraction = trace.fraction;
VectorScale(tDistance, 1.0f / count, tStep);
// Save the base start and end vectors
VectorCopy ( tw->start, baseStart );
VectorCopy ( tw->end, baseEnd );
// Use the terrain vectors. Start both at the beginning since the
// step will be added to the end as the first step of the loop
VectorCopy ( tBegin, tw->start );
VectorCopy ( tBegin, tw->end );
// Step thru terrain patches moving on about 1 patch at a time
for ( i = 0; i < count; i ++ )
// Add the step to the end
VectorAdd(tw->end, tStep, tw->end);
CM_CalcExtents(tBegin, tw->end, tw, tw->localBounds);
landscape->PatchCollide(tw, trace, tw->start, tw->end, cmg.checkcount);
// If collision with something closer than water then just stop here
if ( trace.fraction < fraction )
// Convert the fraction of this sub tract into the full trace's fraction
trace.fraction = i * (1.0f / count) + (1.0f / count) * trace.fraction;
// Move the end to the start so the next trace starts
// where this one left off
VectorCopy(tw->end, tw->start);
// Put the original start and end back
VectorCopy ( baseStart, tw->start );
VectorCopy ( baseEnd, tw->end );
// Convert to global fraction only if something was hit along the way
if ( trace.fraction != 1.0 )
// trace.fraction = tw->baseEnterFrac + ((tw->baseLeaveFrac - tw->baseEnterFrac) * trace.fraction);
// Collide with any water
if ( tw->contents & CONTENTS_WATER )
fraction = landscape->WaterCollide(tw->start, tw->end, trace.fraction);
if( fraction < trace.fraction )
VectorSet(trace.plane.normal, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
trace.contents = landscape->GetWaterContents();
trace.fraction = fraction;
trace.surfaceFlags = landscape->GetWaterSurfaceFlags();
#endif // #ifdef TEST_TERRAIN_PHYSICS
By the time we get here we know the AABB is within the patch AABB ie there is a chance of collision
The collision data is made up of bounds, 2 triangle planes
There is an BB check for the terxel check to see if it is worth checking the planes.
Collide with both triangles to find the shortest fraction
void CM_HandlePatchCollision(struct traceWork_s *tw, trace_t &trace, const vec3_t tStart, const vec3_t tEnd, CCMPatch *patch, int checkcount)
int numBrushes, i;
cbrush_t *brush;
// Get the collision data
brush = patch->GetCollisionData();
numBrushes = patch->GetNumBrushes();
for(i = 0; i < numBrushes; i++, brush++)
if(brush->checkcount == checkcount)
// Generic collision of terxel bounds to line segment bounds
if(!CM_GenericBoxCollide(brush->bounds, tw->localBounds))
brush->checkcount = checkcount;
CM_TraceThroughBrush(tw, trace, brush, false );
if (trace.fraction <= 0.0)
bool CM_GenericBoxCollide(const vec3pair_t abounds, const vec3pair_t bbounds)
int i;
// Check for completely no intersection
for(i = 0; i < 3; i++)
if(abounds[1][i] < bbounds[0][i])
if(abounds[0][i] > bbounds[1][i])
void CM_TraceThroughLeaf( traceWork_t *tw, trace_t &trace, clipMap_t *local, cLeaf_t *leaf ) {
int k;
int brushnum;
cbrush_t *b;
cPatch_t *patch;
// trace line against all brushes in the leaf
for ( k = 0 ; k < leaf->numLeafBrushes ; k++ ) {
brushnum = local->leafbrushes[leaf->firstLeafBrush+k];
b = &local->brushes[brushnum];
if ( b->checkcount == local->checkcount ) {
continue; // already checked this brush in another leaf
b->checkcount = local->checkcount;
if ( !(b->contents & tw->contents) ) {
#ifndef BSPC
if (com_terrainPhysics->integer && cmg.landScape && (b->contents & CONTENTS_TERRAIN) )
// Invalidate the checkcount for terrain as the terrain brush has to be processed
// many times.
CM_TraceThroughTerrain( tw, trace, b );
CM_TraceThroughBrush( tw, trace, b, false );
if ( !trace.fraction ) {
// trace line against all patches in the leaf
#ifdef BSPC
if (1) {
if ( !cm_noCurves->integer ) {
for ( k = 0 ; k < leaf->numLeafSurfaces ; k++ ) {
//#ifdef _XBOX
// int index = CM_GetSurfaceIndex(leaf->firstLeafSurface + k);
// patch = local->surfaces[ index ];
patch = local->surfaces[ local->leafsurfaces[ leaf->firstLeafSurface + k ] ];
if ( !patch ) {
if ( patch->checkcount == local->checkcount ) {
continue; // already checked this patch in another leaf
patch->checkcount = local->checkcount;
if ( !(patch->contents & tw->contents) ) {
CM_TraceThroughPatch( tw, trace, patch );
if ( !trace.fraction ) {
#define RADIUS_EPSILON 1.0f
get the first intersection of the ray with the sphere
void CM_TraceThroughSphere( traceWork_t *tw, trace_t &trace, vec3_t origin, float radius, vec3_t start, vec3_t end ) {
float l1, l2, length, scale, fraction;
float a, b, c, d, sqrtd;
vec3_t v1, dir, intersection;
// if inside the sphere
VectorSubtract(start, origin, dir);
l1 = VectorLengthSquared(dir);
if (l1 < Square(radius)) {
trace.fraction = 0;
trace.startsolid = qtrue;
// test for allsolid
VectorSubtract(end, origin, dir);
l1 = VectorLengthSquared(dir);
if (l1 < Square(radius)) {
trace.allsolid = qtrue;
VectorSubtract(end, start, dir);
length = VectorNormalize(dir);
l1 = CM_DistanceFromLineSquared(origin, start, end, dir);
VectorSubtract(end, origin, v1);
l2 = VectorLengthSquared(v1);
// if no intersection with the sphere and the end point is at least an epsilon away
if (l1 >= Square(radius) && l2 > Square(radius+SURFACE_CLIP_EPSILON)) {
// | origin - (start + t * dir) | = radius
// a = dir[0]^2 + dir[1]^2 + dir[2]^2;
// b = 2 * (dir[0] * (start[0] - origin[0]) + dir[1] * (start[1] - origin[1]) + dir[2] * (start[2] - origin[2]));
// c = (start[0] - origin[0])^2 + (start[1] - origin[1])^2 + (start[2] - origin[2])^2 - radius^2;
VectorSubtract(start, origin, v1);
// dir is normalized so a = 1
a = 1.0f;//dir[0] * dir[0] + dir[1] * dir[1] + dir[2] * dir[2];
b = 2.0f * (dir[0] * v1[0] + dir[1] * v1[1] + dir[2] * v1[2]);
c = v1[0] * v1[0] + v1[1] * v1[1] + v1[2] * v1[2] - (radius+RADIUS_EPSILON) * (radius+RADIUS_EPSILON);
d = b * b - 4.0f * c;// * a;
if (d > 0) {
sqrtd = SquareRootFloat(d);
// = (- b + sqrtd) * 0.5f; // / (2.0f * a);
fraction = (- b - sqrtd) * 0.5f; // / (2.0f * a);
if (fraction < 0) {
fraction = 0;
else {
fraction /= length;
if ( fraction < trace.fraction ) {
trace.fraction = fraction;
VectorSubtract(end, start, dir);
VectorMA(start, fraction, dir, intersection);
VectorSubtract(intersection, origin, dir);
l2 = VectorLength(dir);
if (l2 < radius) {
int bah = 1;
scale = 1 / (radius+RADIUS_EPSILON);
VectorScale(dir, scale, dir);
VectorCopy(dir, trace.plane.normal);
VectorAdd( tw->modelOrigin, intersection, intersection);
trace.plane.dist = DotProduct(trace.plane.normal, intersection);
trace.contents = CONTENTS_BODY;
else if (d == 0) {
//t1 = (- b ) / 2;
// slide along the sphere
// no intersection at all
get the first intersection of the ray with the cylinder
the cylinder extends halfheight above and below the origin
void CM_TraceThroughVerticalCylinder( traceWork_t *tw, trace_t &trace, vec3_t origin, float radius, float halfheight, vec3_t start, vec3_t end) {
float length, scale, fraction, l1, l2;
float a, b, c, d, sqrtd;
vec3_t v1, dir, start2d, end2d, org2d, intersection;
// 2d coordinates
VectorSet(start2d, start[0], start[1], 0);
VectorSet(end2d, end[0], end[1], 0);
VectorSet(org2d, origin[0], origin[1], 0);
// if between lower and upper cylinder bounds
if (start[2] <= origin[2] + halfheight &&
start[2] >= origin[2] - halfheight) {
// if inside the cylinder
VectorSubtract(start2d, org2d, dir);
l1 = VectorLengthSquared(dir);
if (l1 < Square(radius)) {
trace.fraction = 0;
trace.startsolid = qtrue;
VectorSubtract(end2d, org2d, dir);
l1 = VectorLengthSquared(dir);
if (l1 < Square(radius)) {
trace.allsolid = qtrue;
VectorSubtract(end2d, start2d, dir);
length = VectorNormalize(dir);
l1 = CM_DistanceFromLineSquared(org2d, start2d, end2d, dir);
VectorSubtract(end2d, org2d, v1);
l2 = VectorLengthSquared(v1);
// if no intersection with the cylinder and the end point is at least an epsilon away
if (l1 >= Square(radius) && l2 > Square(radius+SURFACE_CLIP_EPSILON)) {
// (start[0] - origin[0] - t * dir[0]) ^ 2 + (start[1] - origin[1] - t * dir[1]) ^ 2 = radius ^ 2
// (v1[0] + t * dir[0]) ^ 2 + (v1[1] + t * dir[1]) ^ 2 = radius ^ 2;
// v1[0] ^ 2 + 2 * v1[0] * t * dir[0] + (t * dir[0]) ^ 2 +
// v1[1] ^ 2 + 2 * v1[1] * t * dir[1] + (t * dir[1]) ^ 2 = radius ^ 2
// t ^ 2 * (dir[0] ^ 2 + dir[1] ^ 2) + t * (2 * v1[0] * dir[0] + 2 * v1[1] * dir[1]) +
// v1[0] ^ 2 + v1[1] ^ 2 - radius ^ 2 = 0
VectorSubtract(start, origin, v1);
// dir is normalized so we can use a = 1
a = 1.0f;// * (dir[0] * dir[0] + dir[1] * dir[1]);
b = 2.0f * (v1[0] * dir[0] + v1[1] * dir[1]);
c = v1[0] * v1[0] + v1[1] * v1[1] - (radius+RADIUS_EPSILON) * (radius+RADIUS_EPSILON);
d = b * b - 4.0f * c;// * a;
if (d > 0) {
sqrtd = SquareRootFloat(d);
// = (- b + sqrtd) * 0.5f;// / (2.0f * a);
fraction = (- b - sqrtd) * 0.5f;// / (2.0f * a);
if (fraction < 0) {
fraction = 0;
else {
fraction /= length;
if ( fraction < trace.fraction ) {
VectorSubtract(end, start, dir);
VectorMA(start, fraction, dir, intersection);
// if the intersection is between the cylinder lower and upper bound
if (intersection[2] <= origin[2] + halfheight &&
intersection[2] >= origin[2] - halfheight) {
trace.fraction = fraction;
VectorSubtract(intersection, origin, dir);
dir[2] = 0;
l2 = VectorLength(dir);
if (l2 <= radius) {
int bah = 1;
scale = 1 / (radius+RADIUS_EPSILON);
VectorScale(dir, scale, dir);
VectorCopy(dir, trace.plane.normal);
VectorAdd( tw->modelOrigin, intersection, intersection);
trace.plane.dist = DotProduct(trace.plane.normal, intersection);
trace.contents = CONTENTS_BODY;
else if (d == 0) {
//t[0] = (- b ) / 2 * a;
// slide along the cylinder
// no intersection at all
capsule vs. capsule collision (not rotated)
void CM_TraceCapsuleThroughCapsule( traceWork_t *tw, trace_t &trace, clipHandle_t model ) {
int i;
vec3_t mins, maxs;
vec3_t top, bottom, starttop, startbottom, endtop, endbottom;
vec3_t offset, symetricSize[2];
float radius, halfwidth, halfheight, offs, h;
CM_ModelBounds(model, mins, maxs);
// test trace bounds vs. capsule bounds
if ( tw->bounds[0][0] > maxs[0] + RADIUS_EPSILON
|| tw->bounds[0][1] > maxs[1] + RADIUS_EPSILON
|| tw->bounds[0][2] > maxs[2] + RADIUS_EPSILON
|| tw->bounds[1][0] < mins[0] - RADIUS_EPSILON
|| tw->bounds[1][1] < mins[1] - RADIUS_EPSILON
|| tw->bounds[1][2] < mins[2] - RADIUS_EPSILON
) {
// top origin and bottom origin of each sphere at start and end of trace
VectorAdd(tw->start, tw->sphere.offset, starttop);
VectorSubtract(tw->start, tw->sphere.offset, startbottom);
VectorAdd(tw->end, tw->sphere.offset, endtop);
VectorSubtract(tw->end, tw->sphere.offset, endbottom);
// calculate top and bottom of the capsule spheres to collide with
for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ) {
offset[i] = ( mins[i] + maxs[i] ) * 0.5;
symetricSize[0][i] = mins[i] - offset[i];
symetricSize[1][i] = maxs[i] - offset[i];
halfwidth = symetricSize[ 1 ][ 0 ];
halfheight = symetricSize[ 1 ][ 2 ];
radius = ( halfwidth > halfheight ) ? halfheight : halfwidth;
offs = halfheight - radius;
VectorCopy(offset, top);
top[2] += offs;
VectorCopy(offset, bottom);
bottom[2] -= offs;
// expand radius of spheres
radius += tw->sphere.radius;
// if there is horizontal movement
if ( tw->start[0] != tw->end[0] || tw->start[1] != tw->end[1] ) {
// height of the expanded cylinder is the height of both cylinders minus the radius of both spheres
h = halfheight + tw->sphere.halfheight - radius;
// if the cylinder has a height
if ( h > 0 ) {
// test for collisions between the cylinders
CM_TraceThroughVerticalCylinder(tw, trace, offset, radius, h, tw->start, tw->end);
// test for collision between the spheres
CM_TraceThroughSphere(tw, trace, top, radius, startbottom, endbottom);
CM_TraceThroughSphere(tw, trace, bottom, radius, starttop, endtop);
bounding box vs. capsule collision
void CM_TraceBoundingBoxThroughCapsule( traceWork_t *tw, trace_t &trace, clipHandle_t model ) {
vec3_t mins, maxs, offset, size[2];
clipHandle_t h;
cmodel_t *cmod;
int i;
// mins maxs of the capsule
CM_ModelBounds(model, mins, maxs);
// offset for capsule center
for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ) {
offset[i] = ( mins[i] + maxs[i] ) * 0.5;
size[0][i] = mins[i] - offset[i];
size[1][i] = maxs[i] - offset[i];
tw->start[i] -= offset[i];
tw->end[i] -= offset[i];
// replace the bounding box with the capsule
tw->sphere.use = qtrue;
tw->sphere.radius = ( size[1][0] > size[1][2] ) ? size[1][2]: size[1][0];
tw->sphere.halfheight = size[1][2];
VectorSet( tw->sphere.offset, 0, 0, size[1][2] - tw->sphere.radius );
// replace the capsule with the bounding box
h = CM_TempBoxModel(tw->size[0], tw->size[1], qfalse);
// calculate collision
cmod = CM_ClipHandleToModel( h );
CM_TraceThroughLeaf( tw, trace, &cmg, &cmod->leaf );
void CM_TraceToLeaf( traceWork_t *tw, trace_t &trace, cLeaf_t *leaf, clipMap_t *local )
int k;
int brushnum;
cbrush_t *b;
cPatch_t *patch;
// trace line against all brushes in the leaf
for ( k = 0 ; k < leaf->numLeafBrushes ; k++ )
brushnum = local->leafbrushes[leaf->firstLeafBrush + k];
b = &local->brushes[brushnum];
if ( b->checkcount == local->checkcount )
continue; // already checked this brush in another leaf
b->checkcount = local->checkcount;
if ( !(b->contents & tw->contents) )
#ifndef BSPC
if ( com_terrainPhysics->integer && cmg.landScape && (b->contents & CONTENTS_TERRAIN) )
// Invalidate the checkcount for terrain as the terrain brush has to be processed
// many times.
CM_TraceThroughTerrain( tw, trace, b );
// If inside a terrain brush don't bother with regular brush collision
CM_TraceThroughBrush( tw, trace, b, false);
if ( !trace.fraction )
// trace line against all patches in the leaf
#ifdef BSPC
if (1) {
if ( !cm_noCurves->integer ) {
for ( k = 0 ; k < leaf->numLeafSurfaces ; k++ ) {
patch = local->surfaces[ local->leafsurfaces[ leaf->firstLeafSurface + k ] ];
if ( !patch ) {
if ( patch->checkcount == local->checkcount ) {
continue; // already checked this patch in another leaf
patch->checkcount = local->checkcount;
if ( !(patch->contents & tw->contents) ) {
CM_TraceThroughPatch( tw, trace, patch );
if ( !trace.fraction ) {
Traverse all the contacted leafs from the start to the end position.
If the trace is a point, they will be exactly in order, but for larger
trace volumes it is possible to hit something in a later leaf with
a smaller intercept fraction.
void CM_TraceThroughTree( traceWork_t *tw, trace_t &trace, clipMap_t *local, int num, float p1f, float p2f, vec3_t p1, vec3_t p2) {
cNode_t *node;
cplane_t *plane;
float t1, t2, offset;
float frac, frac2;
float idist;
vec3_t mid;
int side;
float midf;
if (trace.fraction <= p1f) {
return; // already hit something nearer
// if < 0, we are in a leaf node
if (num < 0) {
CM_TraceThroughLeaf( tw, trace, local, &local->leafs[-1-num] );
// find the point distances to the seperating plane
// and the offset for the size of the box
node = local->nodes + num;
#ifdef _XBOX
plane = cmg.planes + node->planeNum;//tr.world->nodes[num].planeNum;
plane = node->plane;
// adjust the plane distance apropriately for mins/maxs
if ( plane->type < 3 ) {
t1 = p1[plane->type] - plane->dist;
t2 = p2[plane->type] - plane->dist;
offset = tw->extents[plane->type];
} else {
t1 = DotProduct (plane->normal, p1) - plane->dist;
t2 = DotProduct (plane->normal, p2) - plane->dist;
if ( tw->isPoint ) {
offset = 0;
} else {
#if 0 // bk010201 - DEAD
// an axial brush right behind a slanted bsp plane
// will poke through when expanded, so adjust
// by sqrt(3)
offset = fabs(tw->extents[0]*plane->normal[0]) +
fabs(tw->extents[1]*plane->normal[1]) +
offset *= 2;
offset = tw->maxOffset;
// this is silly
offset = 2048;
// see which sides we need to consider
if ( t1 >= offset + 1 && t2 >= offset + 1 ) {
CM_TraceThroughTree( tw, trace, local, node->children[0], p1f, p2f, p1, p2 );
if ( t1 < -offset - 1 && t2 < -offset - 1 ) {
CM_TraceThroughTree( tw, trace, local, node->children[1], p1f, p2f, p1, p2 );
// put the crosspoint SURFACE_CLIP_EPSILON pixels on the near side
if ( t1 < t2 ) {
idist = 1.0/(t1-t2);
side = 1;
frac2 = (t1 + offset + SURFACE_CLIP_EPSILON)*idist;
frac = (t1 - offset + SURFACE_CLIP_EPSILON)*idist;
} else if (t1 > t2) {
idist = 1.0/(t1-t2);
side = 0;
frac2 = (t1 - offset - SURFACE_CLIP_EPSILON)*idist;
frac = (t1 + offset + SURFACE_CLIP_EPSILON)*idist;
} else {
side = 0;
frac = 1;
frac2 = 0;
// move up to the node
if ( frac < 0 ) {
frac = 0;
if ( frac > 1 ) {
frac = 1;
midf = p1f + (p2f - p1f)*frac;
mid[0] = p1[0] + frac*(p2[0] - p1[0]);
mid[1] = p1[1] + frac*(p2[1] - p1[1]);
mid[2] = p1[2] + frac*(p2[2] - p1[2]);
CM_TraceThroughTree( tw, trace, local, node->children[side], p1f, midf, p1, mid );
// go past the node
if ( frac2 < 0 ) {
frac2 = 0;
if ( frac2 > 1 ) {
frac2 = 1;
midf = p1f + (p2f - p1f)*frac2;
mid[0] = p1[0] + frac2*(p2[0] - p1[0]);
mid[1] = p1[1] + frac2*(p2[1] - p1[1]);
mid[2] = p1[2] + frac2*(p2[2] - p1[2]);
CM_TraceThroughTree( tw, trace, local, node->children[side^1], midf, p2f, mid, p2 );
void CM_CalcExtents(const vec3_t start, const vec3_t end, const traceWork_t *tw, vec3pair_t bounds)
int i;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ )
if ( start[i] < end[i] )
bounds[0][i] = start[i] + tw->size[0][i];
bounds[1][i] = end[i] + tw->size[1][i];
bounds[0][i] = end[i] + tw->size[0][i];
bounds[1][i] = start[i] + tw->size[1][i];
void CM_Trace( trace_t *trace, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t end,
const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs,
clipHandle_t model, const vec3_t origin, int brushmask, int capsule, sphere_t *sphere ) {
int i;
traceWork_t tw;
vec3_t offset;
cmodel_t *cmod;
clipMap_t *local = 0;
cmod = CM_ClipHandleToModel( model, &local );
local->checkcount++; // for multi-check avoidance
c_traces++; // for statistics, may be zeroed
// fill in a default trace
Com_Memset( &tw, 0, sizeof(tw) );
memset(trace, 0, sizeof(*trace));
trace->fraction = 1; // assume it goes the entire distance until shown otherwise
VectorCopy(origin, tw.modelOrigin);
if (!local->numNodes) {
return; // map not loaded, shouldn't happen
// allow NULL to be passed in for 0,0,0
if ( !mins ) {
mins = vec3_origin;
if ( !maxs ) {
maxs = vec3_origin;
// set basic parms
tw.contents = brushmask;
// adjust so that mins and maxs are always symetric, which
// avoids some complications with plane expanding of rotated
// bmodels
for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ) {
offset[i] = ( mins[i] + maxs[i] ) * 0.5;
tw.size[0][i] = mins[i] - offset[i];
tw.size[1][i] = maxs[i] - offset[i];
tw.start[i] = start[i] + offset[i];
tw.end[i] = end[i] + offset[i];
// if a sphere is already specified
if ( sphere ) {
tw.sphere = *sphere;
else {
tw.sphere.use = (qboolean)capsule;
tw.sphere.radius = ( tw.size[1][0] > tw.size[1][2] ) ? tw.size[1][2]: tw.size[1][0];
tw.sphere.halfheight = tw.size[1][2];
VectorSet( tw.sphere.offset, 0, 0, tw.size[1][2] - tw.sphere.radius );
tw.maxOffset = tw.size[1][0] + tw.size[1][1] + tw.size[1][2];
// tw.offsets[signbits] = vector to apropriate corner from origin
tw.offsets[0][0] = tw.size[0][0];
tw.offsets[0][1] = tw.size[0][1];
tw.offsets[0][2] = tw.size[0][2];
tw.offsets[1][0] = tw.size[1][0];
tw.offsets[1][1] = tw.size[0][1];
tw.offsets[1][2] = tw.size[0][2];
tw.offsets[2][0] = tw.size[0][0];
tw.offsets[2][1] = tw.size[1][1];
tw.offsets[2][2] = tw.size[0][2];
tw.offsets[3][0] = tw.size[1][0];
tw.offsets[3][1] = tw.size[1][1];
tw.offsets[3][2] = tw.size[0][2];
tw.offsets[4][0] = tw.size[0][0];
tw.offsets[4][1] = tw.size[0][1];
tw.offsets[4][2] = tw.size[1][2];
tw.offsets[5][0] = tw.size[1][0];
tw.offsets[5][1] = tw.size[0][1];
tw.offsets[5][2] = tw.size[1][2];
tw.offsets[6][0] = tw.size[0][0];
tw.offsets[6][1] = tw.size[1][1];
tw.offsets[6][2] = tw.size[1][2];
tw.offsets[7][0] = tw.size[1][0];
tw.offsets[7][1] = tw.size[1][1];
tw.offsets[7][2] = tw.size[1][2];
// calculate bounds
if ( tw.sphere.use ) {
for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ) {
if ( tw.start[i] < tw.end[i] ) {
tw.bounds[0][i] = tw.start[i] - fabs(tw.sphere.offset[i]) - tw.sphere.radius;
tw.bounds[1][i] = tw.end[i] + fabs(tw.sphere.offset[i]) + tw.sphere.radius;
} else {
tw.bounds[0][i] = tw.end[i] - fabs(tw.sphere.offset[i]) - tw.sphere.radius;
tw.bounds[1][i] = tw.start[i] + fabs(tw.sphere.offset[i]) + tw.sphere.radius;
else {
for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ) {
if ( tw.start[i] < tw.end[i] ) {
tw.bounds[0][i] = tw.start[i] + tw.size[0][i];
tw.bounds[1][i] = tw.end[i] + tw.size[1][i];
} else {
tw.bounds[0][i] = tw.end[i] + tw.size[0][i];
tw.bounds[1][i] = tw.start[i] + tw.size[1][i];
// check for position test special case
if (start[0] == end[0] && start[1] == end[1] && start[2] == end[2] &&
tw.size[0][0] == 0 && tw.size[0][1] == 0 && tw.size[0][2] == 0)
if ( model && cmod->firstNode == -1)
#ifdef ALWAYS_BBOX_VS_BBOX // bk010201 - FIXME - compile time flag?
if ( model == BOX_MODEL_HANDLE || model == CAPSULE_MODEL_HANDLE)
tw.sphere.use = qfalse;
CM_TestInLeaf( &tw, &cmod->leaf );
if ( model == BOX_MODEL_HANDLE || model == CAPSULE_MODEL_HANDLE)
CM_TestCapsuleInCapsule( &tw, model );
if ( model == CAPSULE_MODEL_HANDLE )
if ( tw.sphere.use )
CM_TestCapsuleInCapsule( &tw, *trace, model );
CM_TestBoundingBoxInCapsule( &tw, *trace, model );
CM_TestInLeaf( &tw, *trace, &cmod->leaf, local );
else if (cmg.landScape && !model && !cmod->firstNode)
CM_TraceThroughTerrain( &tw, *trace, cmg.landScape );
#endif // #ifdef TEST_TERRAIN_PHYSICS
else if (cmod->firstNode == -1)
CM_PositionTest( &tw, *trace );
CM_TraceThroughTree( &tw, *trace, local, cmod->firstNode, 0, 1, tw.start, tw.end );
// check for point special case
if ( tw.size[0][0] == 0 && tw.size[0][1] == 0 && tw.size[0][2] == 0 )
tw.isPoint = qtrue;
VectorClear( tw.extents );
tw.isPoint = qfalse;
tw.extents[0] = tw.size[1][0];
tw.extents[1] = tw.size[1][1];
tw.extents[2] = tw.size[1][2];
// general sweeping through world
if ( model && cmod->firstNode == -1)
if ( model == BOX_MODEL_HANDLE || model == CAPSULE_MODEL_HANDLE)
tw.sphere.use = qfalse;
CM_TraceThroughLeaf( &tw, &cmod->leaf );
if ( model == BOX_MODEL_HANDLE || model == CAPSULE_MODEL_HANDLE)
CM_TraceCapsuleThroughCapsule( &tw, model );
if ( model == CAPSULE_MODEL_HANDLE )
if ( tw.sphere.use )
CM_TraceCapsuleThroughCapsule( &tw, *trace, model );
CM_TraceBoundingBoxThroughCapsule( &tw, *trace, model );
CM_TraceThroughLeaf( &tw, *trace, local, &cmod->leaf );
else if (cmg.landScape && !model && !cmod->firstNode)
CM_TraceThroughTerrain( &tw, *trace, cmg.landScape );
#endif // #ifdef TEST_TERRAIN_PHYSICS
CM_TraceThroughTree( &tw, *trace, local, cmod->firstNode, 0, 1, tw.start, tw.end );
// generate endpos from the original, unmodified start/end
if ( trace->fraction == 1 ) {
VectorCopy (end, trace->endpos);
} else {
for ( i=0 ; i<3 ; i++ ) {
trace->endpos[i] = start[i] + trace->fraction * (end[i] - start[i]);
// If allsolid is set (was entirely inside something solid), the plane is not valid.
// If fraction == 1.0, we never hit anything, and thus the plane is not valid.
// Otherwise, the normal on the plane should have unit length
assert(trace->allsolid ||
trace->fraction == 1.0 ||
VectorLengthSquared(trace->plane.normal) > 0.9999);
void CM_BoxTrace( trace_t *results, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t end,
const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs,
clipHandle_t model, int brushmask, int capsule ) {
CM_Trace( results, start, end, mins, maxs, model, vec3_origin, brushmask, capsule, NULL );
Handles offseting and rotation of the end points for moving and
rotating entities
void CM_TransformedBoxTrace( trace_t *trace, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t end,
const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs,
clipHandle_t model, int brushmask,
const vec3_t origin, const vec3_t angles, int capsule ) {
vec3_t start_l, end_l;
qboolean rotated;
vec3_t offset;
vec3_t symetricSize[2];
vec3_t matrix[3], transpose[3];
int i;
float halfwidth;
float halfheight;
float t;
sphere_t sphere;
if ( !mins ) {
mins = vec3_origin;
if ( !maxs ) {
maxs = vec3_origin;
// adjust so that mins and maxs are always symetric, which
// avoids some complications with plane expanding of rotated
// bmodels
for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ) {
offset[i] = ( mins[i] + maxs[i] ) * 0.5;
symetricSize[0][i] = mins[i] - offset[i];
symetricSize[1][i] = maxs[i] - offset[i];
start_l[i] = start[i] + offset[i];
end_l[i] = end[i] + offset[i];
// subtract origin offset
VectorSubtract( start_l, origin, start_l );
VectorSubtract( end_l, origin, end_l );
// rotate start and end into the models frame of reference
if ( model != BOX_MODEL_HANDLE &&
(angles[0] || angles[1] || angles[2]) ) {
rotated = qtrue;
} else {
rotated = qfalse;
halfwidth = symetricSize[ 1 ][ 0 ];
halfheight = symetricSize[ 1 ][ 2 ];
sphere.use = (qboolean)capsule;
sphere.radius = ( halfwidth > halfheight ) ? halfheight : halfwidth;
sphere.halfheight = halfheight;
t = halfheight - sphere.radius;
if (rotated) {
// rotation on trace line (start-end) instead of rotating the bmodel
// NOTE: This is still incorrect for bounding boxes because the actual bounding
// box that is swept through the model is not rotated. We cannot rotate
// the bounding box or the bmodel because that would make all the brush
// bevels invalid.
// However this is correct for capsules since a capsule itself is rotated too.
CreateRotationMatrix(angles, matrix);
RotatePoint(start_l, matrix);
RotatePoint(end_l, matrix);
// rotated sphere offset for capsule
sphere.offset[0] = matrix[0][ 2 ] * t;
sphere.offset[1] = -matrix[1][ 2 ] * t;
sphere.offset[2] = matrix[2][ 2 ] * t;
else {
VectorSet( sphere.offset, 0, 0, t );
// sweep the box through the model
CM_Trace( trace, start_l, end_l, symetricSize[0], symetricSize[1], model, origin, brushmask, capsule, &sphere );
// if the bmodel was rotated and there was a collision
if ( rotated && trace->fraction != 1.0 ) {
// rotation of bmodel collision plane
TransposeMatrix(matrix, transpose);
RotatePoint(trace->plane.normal, transpose);
// re-calculate the end position of the trace because the trace.endpos
// calculated by CM_Trace could be rotated and have an offset
trace->endpos[0] = start[0] + trace->fraction * (end[0] - start[0]);
trace->endpos[1] = start[1] + trace->fraction * (end[1] - start[1]);
trace->endpos[2] = start[2] + trace->fraction * (end[2] - start[2]);
Returns true if culled out
bool CM_CullBox(const cplane_t *frustum, const vec3_t transformed[8])
int i, j;
const cplane_t *frust;
// check against frustum planes
for (i=0, frust=frustum; i<4 ; i++, frust++)
for (j=0 ; j<8 ; j++)
if (DotProduct(transformed[j], frust->normal) > frust->dist)
{ // a point is in front
if (j == 8)
{ // all points were behind one of the planes
return true;
return false;
Returns true if culled out
bool CM_CullWorldBox (const cplane_t *frustum, const vec3pair_t bounds)
int i;
vec3_t transformed[8];
for (i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++)
transformed[i][0] = bounds[i & 1][0];
transformed[i][1] = bounds[(i >> 1) & 1][1];
transformed[i][2] = bounds[(i >> 2) & 1][2];
return(CM_CullBox(frustum, transformed));