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869 lines
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// Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Id Software, Inc.
// cg_localents.c -- every frame, generate renderer commands for locally
// processed entities, like smoke puffs, gibs, shells, etc.
#include "cg_local.h"
localEntity_t cg_localEntities[MAX_LOCAL_ENTITIES];
localEntity_t cg_activeLocalEntities; // double linked list
localEntity_t *cg_freeLocalEntities; // single linked list
This is called at startup and for tournement restarts
void CG_InitLocalEntities( void ) {
int i;
memset( cg_localEntities, 0, sizeof( cg_localEntities ) );
cg_activeLocalEntities.next = &cg_activeLocalEntities;
cg_activeLocalEntities.prev = &cg_activeLocalEntities;
cg_freeLocalEntities = cg_localEntities;
for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_LOCAL_ENTITIES - 1 ; i++ ) {
cg_localEntities[i].next = &cg_localEntities[i+1];
void CG_FreeLocalEntity( localEntity_t *le ) {
if ( !le->prev ) {
CG_Error( "CG_FreeLocalEntity: not active" );
// remove from the doubly linked active list
le->prev->next = le->next;
le->next->prev = le->prev;
// the free list is only singly linked
le->next = cg_freeLocalEntities;
cg_freeLocalEntities = le;
Will allways succeed, even if it requires freeing an old active entity
localEntity_t *CG_AllocLocalEntity( void ) {
localEntity_t *le;
if ( !cg_freeLocalEntities ) {
// no free entities, so free the one at the end of the chain
// remove the oldest active entity
CG_FreeLocalEntity( cg_activeLocalEntities.prev );
le = cg_freeLocalEntities;
cg_freeLocalEntities = cg_freeLocalEntities->next;
memset( le, 0, sizeof( *le ) );
// link into the active list
le->next = cg_activeLocalEntities.next;
le->prev = &cg_activeLocalEntities;
cg_activeLocalEntities.next->prev = le;
cg_activeLocalEntities.next = le;
return le;
A fragment localentity interacts with the environment in some way (hitting walls),
or generates more localentities along a trail.
Leave expanding blood puffs behind gibs
void CG_BloodTrail( localEntity_t *le ) {
int t;
int t2;
int step;
vec3_t newOrigin;
localEntity_t *blood;
step = 150;
t = step * ( (cg.time - cg.frametime + step ) / step );
t2 = step * ( cg.time / step );
for ( ; t <= t2; t += step ) {
BG_EvaluateTrajectory( &le->pos, t, newOrigin );
blood = CG_SmokePuff( newOrigin, vec3_origin,
20, // radius
1, 1, 1, 1, // color
2000, // trailTime
t, // startTime
0, // fadeInTime
0, // flags
/*cgs.media.bloodTrailShader*/0 );
// use the optimized version
blood->leType = LE_FALL_SCALE_FADE;
// drop a total of 40 units over its lifetime
blood->pos.trDelta[2] = 40;
void CG_FragmentBounceMark( localEntity_t *le, trace_t *trace ) {
int radius;
if ( le->leMarkType == LEMT_BLOOD ) {
radius = 16 + (rand()&31);
// CG_ImpactMark( cgs.media.bloodMarkShader, trace->endpos, trace->plane.normal, random()*360,
// 1,1,1,1, qtrue, radius, qfalse );
} else if ( le->leMarkType == LEMT_BURN ) {
radius = 8 + (rand()&15);
// CG_ImpactMark( cgs.media.burnMarkShader, trace->endpos, trace->plane.normal, random()*360,
// 1,1,1,1, qtrue, radius, qfalse );
// don't allow a fragment to make multiple marks, or they
// pile up while settling
le->leMarkType = LEMT_NONE;
void CG_FragmentBounceSound( localEntity_t *le, trace_t *trace ) {
// half the fragments will make a bounce sounds
if ( rand() & 1 )
sfxHandle_t s = 0;
switch( le->leBounceSoundType )
s = cgs.media.rockBounceSound[Q_irand(0,1)];
s = cgs.media.metalBounceSound[Q_irand(0,1)];// FIXME: make sure that this sound is registered properly...might still be rock bounce sound....
if ( s )
trap_S_StartSound( trace->endpos, ENTITYNUM_WORLD, CHAN_AUTO, s );
// bouncers only make the sound once...
// FIXME: arbitrary...change if it bugs you
le->leBounceSoundType = LEBS_NONE;
else if ( rand() & 1 )
// we may end up bouncing again, but each bounce reduces the chance of playing the sound again or they may make a lot of noise when they settle
// FIXME: maybe just always do this??
le->leBounceSoundType = LEBS_NONE;
void CG_ReflectVelocity( localEntity_t *le, trace_t *trace ) {
vec3_t velocity;
float dot;
int hitTime;
// reflect the velocity on the trace plane
hitTime = cg.time - cg.frametime + cg.frametime * trace->fraction;
BG_EvaluateTrajectoryDelta( &le->pos, hitTime, velocity );
dot = DotProduct( velocity, trace->plane.normal );
VectorMA( velocity, -2*dot, trace->plane.normal, le->pos.trDelta );
VectorScale( le->pos.trDelta, le->bounceFactor, le->pos.trDelta );
VectorCopy( trace->endpos, le->pos.trBase );
le->pos.trTime = cg.time;
// check for stop, making sure that even on low FPS systems it doesn't bobble
if ( trace->allsolid ||
( trace->plane.normal[2] > 0 &&
( le->pos.trDelta[2] < 40 || le->pos.trDelta[2] < -cg.frametime * le->pos.trDelta[2] ) ) ) {
le->pos.trType = TR_STATIONARY;
} else {
void CG_AddFragment( localEntity_t *le ) {
vec3_t newOrigin;
trace_t trace;
if (le->forceAlpha)
le->refEntity.renderfx |= RF_FORCE_ENT_ALPHA;
le->refEntity.shaderRGBA[3] = le->forceAlpha;
if ( le->pos.trType == TR_STATIONARY ) {
// sink into the ground if near the removal time
int t;
float t_e;
t = le->endTime - cg.time;
if ( t < (SINK_TIME*2) ) {
le->refEntity.renderfx |= RF_FORCE_ENT_ALPHA;
t_e = (float)((float)(le->endTime - cg.time)/(SINK_TIME*2));
t_e = (int)((t_e)*255);
if (t_e > 255)
t_e = 255;
if (t_e < 1)
t_e = 1;
if (le->refEntity.shaderRGBA[3] && t_e > le->refEntity.shaderRGBA[3])
t_e = le->refEntity.shaderRGBA[3];
le->refEntity.shaderRGBA[3] = t_e;
trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &le->refEntity );
} else {
trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &le->refEntity );
// calculate new position
BG_EvaluateTrajectory( &le->pos, cg.time, newOrigin );
// trace a line from previous position to new position
CG_Trace( &trace, le->refEntity.origin, NULL, NULL, newOrigin, -1, CONTENTS_SOLID );
if ( trace.fraction == 1.0 ) {
// still in free fall
VectorCopy( newOrigin, le->refEntity.origin );
if ( le->leFlags & LEF_TUMBLE ) {
vec3_t angles;
BG_EvaluateTrajectory( &le->angles, cg.time, angles );
AnglesToAxis( angles, le->refEntity.axis );
trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &le->refEntity );
// add a blood trail
if ( le->leBounceSoundType == LEBS_BLOOD ) {
CG_BloodTrail( le );
// if it is in a nodrop zone, remove it
// this keeps gibs from waiting at the bottom of pits of death
// and floating levels
if ( trap_CM_PointContents( trace.endpos, 0 ) & CONTENTS_NODROP ) {
CG_FreeLocalEntity( le );
if (!trace.startsolid)
// leave a mark
CG_FragmentBounceMark( le, &trace );
// do a bouncy sound
CG_FragmentBounceSound( le, &trace );
if (le->bounceSound)
{ //specified bounce sound (debris)
trap_S_StartSound(le->pos.trBase, ENTITYNUM_WORLD, CHAN_AUTO, le->bounceSound);
// reflect the velocity on the trace plane
CG_ReflectVelocity( le, &trace );
trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &le->refEntity );
These only do simple scaling or modulation before passing to the renderer
void CG_AddFadeRGB( localEntity_t *le ) {
refEntity_t *re;
float c;
re = &le->refEntity;
c = ( le->endTime - cg.time ) * le->lifeRate;
c *= 0xff;
re->shaderRGBA[0] = le->color[0] * c;
re->shaderRGBA[1] = le->color[1] * c;
re->shaderRGBA[2] = le->color[2] * c;
re->shaderRGBA[3] = le->color[3] * c;
trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( re );
static void CG_AddFadeScaleModel( localEntity_t *le )
refEntity_t *ent = &le->refEntity;
float frac = ( cg.time - le->startTime )/((float)( le->endTime - le->startTime ));
frac *= frac * frac; // yes, this is completely ridiculous...but it causes the shell to grow slowly then "explode" at the end
ent->nonNormalizedAxes = qtrue;
AxisCopy( axisDefault, ent->axis );
VectorScale( ent->axis[0], le->radius * frac, ent->axis[0] );
VectorScale( ent->axis[1], le->radius * frac, ent->axis[1] );
VectorScale( ent->axis[2], le->radius * 0.5f * frac, ent->axis[2] );
frac = 1.0f - frac;
ent->shaderRGBA[0] = le->color[0] * frac;
ent->shaderRGBA[1] = le->color[1] * frac;
ent->shaderRGBA[2] = le->color[2] * frac;
ent->shaderRGBA[3] = le->color[3] * frac;
// add the entity
trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( ent );
static void CG_AddMoveScaleFade( localEntity_t *le ) {
refEntity_t *re;
float c;
vec3_t delta;
float len;
re = &le->refEntity;
if ( le->fadeInTime > le->startTime && cg.time < le->fadeInTime ) {
// fade / grow time
c = 1.0 - (float) ( le->fadeInTime - cg.time ) / ( le->fadeInTime - le->startTime );
else {
// fade / grow time
c = ( le->endTime - cg.time ) * le->lifeRate;
re->shaderRGBA[3] = 0xff * c * le->color[3];
if ( !( le->leFlags & LEF_PUFF_DONT_SCALE ) ) {
re->radius = le->radius * ( 1.0 - c ) + 8;
BG_EvaluateTrajectory( &le->pos, cg.time, re->origin );
// if the view would be "inside" the sprite, kill the sprite
// so it doesn't add too much overdraw
VectorSubtract( re->origin, cg.refdef.vieworg, delta );
len = VectorLength( delta );
if ( len < le->radius ) {
CG_FreeLocalEntity( le );
trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( re );
static void CG_AddPuff( localEntity_t *le ) {
refEntity_t *re;
float c;
vec3_t delta;
float len;
re = &le->refEntity;
// fade / grow time
c = ( le->endTime - cg.time ) / (float)( le->endTime - le->startTime );
re->shaderRGBA[0] = le->color[0] * c;
re->shaderRGBA[1] = le->color[1] * c;
re->shaderRGBA[2] = le->color[2] * c;
if ( !( le->leFlags & LEF_PUFF_DONT_SCALE ) ) {
re->radius = le->radius * ( 1.0 - c ) + 8;
BG_EvaluateTrajectory( &le->pos, cg.time, re->origin );
// if the view would be "inside" the sprite, kill the sprite
// so it doesn't add too much overdraw
VectorSubtract( re->origin, cg.refdef.vieworg, delta );
len = VectorLength( delta );
if ( len < le->radius ) {
CG_FreeLocalEntity( le );
trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( re );
For rocket smokes that hang in place, fade out, and are
removed if the view passes through them.
There are often many of these, so it needs to be simple.
static void CG_AddScaleFade( localEntity_t *le ) {
refEntity_t *re;
float c;
vec3_t delta;
float len;
re = &le->refEntity;
// fade / grow time
c = ( le->endTime - cg.time ) * le->lifeRate;
re->shaderRGBA[3] = 0xff * c * le->color[3];
re->radius = le->radius * ( 1.0 - c ) + 8;
// if the view would be "inside" the sprite, kill the sprite
// so it doesn't add too much overdraw
VectorSubtract( re->origin, cg.refdef.vieworg, delta );
len = VectorLength( delta );
if ( len < le->radius ) {
CG_FreeLocalEntity( le );
trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( re );
This is just an optimized CG_AddMoveScaleFade
For blood mists that drift down, fade out, and are
removed if the view passes through them.
There are often 100+ of these, so it needs to be simple.
static void CG_AddFallScaleFade( localEntity_t *le ) {
refEntity_t *re;
float c;
vec3_t delta;
float len;
re = &le->refEntity;
// fade time
c = ( le->endTime - cg.time ) * le->lifeRate;
re->shaderRGBA[3] = 0xff * c * le->color[3];
re->origin[2] = le->pos.trBase[2] - ( 1.0 - c ) * le->pos.trDelta[2];
re->radius = le->radius * ( 1.0 - c ) + 16;
// if the view would be "inside" the sprite, kill the sprite
// so it doesn't add too much overdraw
VectorSubtract( re->origin, cg.refdef.vieworg, delta );
len = VectorLength( delta );
if ( len < le->radius ) {
CG_FreeLocalEntity( le );
trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( re );
static void CG_AddExplosion( localEntity_t *ex ) {
refEntity_t *ent;
ent = &ex->refEntity;
// add the entity
// add the dlight
if ( ex->light ) {
float light;
light = (float)( cg.time - ex->startTime ) / ( ex->endTime - ex->startTime );
if ( light < 0.5 ) {
light = 1.0;
} else {
light = 1.0 - ( light - 0.5 ) * 2;
light = ex->light * light;
trap_R_AddLightToScene(ent->origin, light, ex->lightColor[0], ex->lightColor[1], ex->lightColor[2] );
static void CG_AddSpriteExplosion( localEntity_t *le ) {
refEntity_t re;
float c;
re = le->refEntity;
c = ( le->endTime - cg.time ) / ( float ) ( le->endTime - le->startTime );
if ( c > 1 ) {
c = 1.0; // can happen during connection problems
re.shaderRGBA[0] = 0xff;
re.shaderRGBA[1] = 0xff;
re.shaderRGBA[2] = 0xff;
re.shaderRGBA[3] = 0xff * c * 0.33;
re.reType = RT_SPRITE;
re.radius = 42 * ( 1.0 - c ) + 30;
trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &re );
// add the dlight
if ( le->light ) {
float light;
light = (float)( cg.time - le->startTime ) / ( le->endTime - le->startTime );
if ( light < 0.5 ) {
light = 1.0;
} else {
light = 1.0 - ( light - 0.5 ) * 2;
light = le->light * light;
trap_R_AddLightToScene(re.origin, light, le->lightColor[0], le->lightColor[1], le->lightColor[2] );
void CG_AddRefEntity( localEntity_t *le ) {
if (le->endTime < cg.time) {
CG_FreeLocalEntity( le );
trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &le->refEntity );
#define NUMBER_SIZE 8
void CG_AddScorePlum( localEntity_t *le ) {
refEntity_t *re;
vec3_t origin, delta, dir, vec, up = {0, 0, 1};
float c, len;
int i, score, digits[10], numdigits, negative;
re = &le->refEntity;
c = ( le->endTime - cg.time ) * le->lifeRate;
score = le->radius;
if (score < 0) {
re->shaderRGBA[0] = 0xff;
re->shaderRGBA[1] = 0x11;
re->shaderRGBA[2] = 0x11;
else {
re->shaderRGBA[0] = 0xff;
re->shaderRGBA[1] = 0xff;
re->shaderRGBA[2] = 0xff;
if (score >= 50) {
re->shaderRGBA[1] = 0;
} else if (score >= 20) {
re->shaderRGBA[0] = re->shaderRGBA[1] = 0;
} else if (score >= 10) {
re->shaderRGBA[2] = 0;
} else if (score >= 2) {
re->shaderRGBA[0] = re->shaderRGBA[2] = 0;
if (c < 0.25)
re->shaderRGBA[3] = 0xff * 4 * c;
re->shaderRGBA[3] = 0xff;
re->radius = NUMBER_SIZE / 2;
VectorCopy(le->pos.trBase, origin);
origin[2] += 110 - c * 100;
VectorSubtract(cg.refdef.vieworg, origin, dir);
CrossProduct(dir, up, vec);
VectorMA(origin, -10 + 20 * sin(c * 2 * M_PI), vec, origin);
// if the view would be "inside" the sprite, kill the sprite
// so it doesn't add too much overdraw
VectorSubtract( origin, cg.refdef.vieworg, delta );
len = VectorLength( delta );
if ( len < 20 ) {
CG_FreeLocalEntity( le );
negative = qfalse;
if (score < 0) {
negative = qtrue;
score = -score;
for (numdigits = 0; !(numdigits && !score); numdigits++) {
digits[numdigits] = score % 10;
score = score / 10;
if (negative) {
digits[numdigits] = 10;
for (i = 0; i < numdigits; i++) {
VectorMA(origin, (float) (((float) numdigits / 2) - i) * NUMBER_SIZE, vec, re->origin);
re->customShader = cgs.media.numberShaders[digits[numdigits-1-i]];
trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( re );
For forcefields/other rectangular things
void CG_AddOLine( localEntity_t *le )
refEntity_t *re;
float frac, alpha;
re = &le->refEntity;
frac = (cg.time - le->startTime) / ( float ) ( le->endTime - le->startTime );
if ( frac > 1 )
frac = 1.0; // can happen during connection problems
else if (frac < 0)
frac = 0.0;
// Use the liferate to set the scale over time.
re->data.line.width = le->data.line.width + (le->data.line.dwidth * frac);
if (re->data.line.width <= 0)
CG_FreeLocalEntity( le );
// We will assume here that we want additive transparency effects.
alpha = le->alpha + (le->dalpha * frac);
re->shaderRGBA[0] = 0xff * alpha;
re->shaderRGBA[1] = 0xff * alpha;
re->shaderRGBA[2] = 0xff * alpha;
re->shaderRGBA[3] = 0xff * alpha; // Yes, we could apply c to this too, but fading the color is better for lines.
re->shaderTexCoord[0] = 1;
re->shaderTexCoord[1] = 1;
re->rotation = 90;
trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( re );
for beams and the like.
void CG_AddLine( localEntity_t *le )
refEntity_t *re;
re = &le->refEntity;
re->reType = RT_LINE;
trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( re );
void CG_AddLocalEntities( void ) {
localEntity_t *le, *next;
// walk the list backwards, so any new local entities generated
// (trails, marks, etc) will be present this frame
le = cg_activeLocalEntities.prev;
for ( ; le != &cg_activeLocalEntities ; le = next ) {
// grab next now, so if the local entity is freed we
// still have it
next = le->prev;
if ( cg.time >= le->endTime ) {
CG_FreeLocalEntity( le );
switch ( le->leType ) {
CG_Error( "Bad leType: %i", le->leType );
case LE_MARK:
CG_AddSpriteExplosion( le );
CG_AddExplosion( le );
CG_AddFadeScaleModel( le );
case LE_FRAGMENT: // gibs and brass
CG_AddFragment( le );
case LE_PUFF:
CG_AddPuff( le );
case LE_MOVE_SCALE_FADE: // water bubbles
CG_AddMoveScaleFade( le );
case LE_FADE_RGB: // teleporters, railtrails
CG_AddFadeRGB( le );
case LE_FALL_SCALE_FADE: // gib blood trails
CG_AddFallScaleFade( le );
case LE_SCALE_FADE: // rocket trails
CG_AddScaleFade( le );
CG_AddScorePlum( le );
case LE_OLINE:
CG_AddOLine( le );
CG_AddRefEntity( le );
case LE_LINE: // oriented lines for FX
CG_AddLine( le );