// Tokenizer.h // #ifndef __TOKENIZER_H #define __TOKENIZER_H #pragma warning( disable : 4786 ) // identifier was truncated #pragma warning (push, 3) // go back down to 3 for the stl include #pragma warning (disable:4503) // decorated name length xceeded, name was truncated #include <string> #include <vector> #include <map> #pragma warning (pop) #pragma warning (disable:4503) // decorated name length xceeded, name was truncated using namespace std; //#include <windows.h> #include "../qcommon/platform.h" typedef unsigned char byte; typedef unsigned short word; #define MAX_STRING_LENGTH 256 #define MAX_IDENTIFIER_LENGTH 128 #define TKF_IGNOREDIRECTIVES 0x00000001 // skip over lines starting with # #define TKF_USES_EOL 0x00000002 // generate end of line tokens #define TKF_NODIRECTIVES 0x00000004 // don't treat # in any special way #define TKF_WANTUNDEFINED 0x00000008 // if token not found in symbols create undefined token #define TKF_WIDEUNDEFINEDSYMBOLS 0x00000010 // when undefined token encountered, accumulate until space #define TKF_RAWSYMBOLSONLY 0x00000020 #define TKF_NUMERICIDENTIFIERSTART 0x00000040 #define TKF_IGNOREKEYWORDS 0x00000080 #define TKF_NOCASEKEYWORDS 0x00000100 #define TKF_NOUNDERSCOREINIDENTIFIER 0x00000200 #define TKF_NODASHINIDENTIFIER 0x00000400 #define TKF_COMMENTTOKENS 0x00000800 enum { TKERR_NONE, TKERR_UNKNOWN, TKERR_BUFFERCREATE, TKERR_UNRECOGNIZEDSYMBOL, TKERR_DUPLICATESYMBOL, TKERR_STRINGLENGTHEXCEEDED, TKERR_IDENTIFIERLENGTHEXCEEDED, TKERR_EXPECTED_INTEGER, TKERR_EXPECTED_IDENTIFIER, TKERR_EXPECTED_STRING, TKERR_EXPECTED_CHAR, TKERR_EXPECTED_FLOAT, TKERR_UNEXPECTED_TOKEN, TKERR_INVALID_DIRECTIVE, TKERR_INCLUDE_FILE_NOTFOUND, TKERR_UNMATCHED_DIRECTIVE, TKERR_USERERROR, }; enum { TK_EOF = -1, TK_UNDEFINED, TK_COMMENT, TK_EOL, TK_CHAR, TK_STRING, TK_INT, TK_INTEGER = TK_INT, TK_FLOAT, TK_IDENTIFIER, TK_USERDEF, }; typedef struct { char* m_keyword; int m_tokenvalue; } keywordArray_t; class lessstr { public: bool operator()(LPCTSTR str1, LPCTSTR str2) const {return (strcmp(str1, str2) < 0);}; }; class CParseStream { public: CParseStream(); ~CParseStream(); static CParseStream* Create(); virtual void Delete(); virtual bool NextChar(byte& theByte); virtual int GetCurLine(); virtual void GetCurFilename(char** theBuff); virtual long GetRemainingSize(); CParseStream* GetNext(); void SetNext(CParseStream* next); virtual bool IsThisDefinition(void* theDefinition); protected: virtual bool Init(); CParseStream* m_next; }; class CToken { public: CToken(); ~CToken(); static CToken* Create(); virtual void Delete(); virtual int GetType(); CToken* GetNext(); void SetNext(CToken* theToken); virtual int GetIntValue(); virtual LPCTSTR GetStringValue(); virtual float GetFloatValue(); protected: virtual void Init(); char* m_string; CToken* m_next; }; class CCharToken : public CToken { public: CCharToken(); ~CCharToken(); static CCharToken* Create(byte theByte); virtual void Delete(); virtual int GetType(); protected: virtual void Init(byte theByte); }; class CStringToken : public CToken { public: CStringToken(); ~CStringToken(); static CStringToken* Create(LPCTSTR theString); virtual void Delete(); virtual int GetType(); protected: virtual void Init(LPCTSTR theString); }; class CIntToken : public CToken { public: CIntToken(); ~CIntToken(); static CIntToken* Create(long value); virtual void Delete(); virtual int GetType(); virtual float GetFloatValue(); virtual int GetIntValue(); virtual LPCTSTR GetStringValue(); protected: virtual void Init(long value); long m_value; }; class CFloatToken : public CToken { public: CFloatToken(); ~CFloatToken(); static CFloatToken* Create(float value); virtual void Delete(); virtual int GetType(); virtual float GetFloatValue(); virtual LPCTSTR GetStringValue(); protected: virtual void Init(float value); float m_value; }; class CIdentifierToken : public CToken { public: CIdentifierToken(); ~CIdentifierToken(); static CIdentifierToken* Create(LPCTSTR name); virtual void Delete(); virtual int GetType(); protected: virtual void Init(LPCTSTR name); }; class CCommentToken : public CToken { public: CCommentToken(); ~CCommentToken(); static CCommentToken* Create(LPCTSTR name); virtual void Delete(); virtual int GetType(); protected: virtual void Init(LPCTSTR name); }; class CUserToken : public CToken { public: CUserToken(); ~CUserToken(); static CUserToken* Create(int value, LPCTSTR string); virtual void Delete(); virtual int GetType(); protected: virtual void Init(int value, LPCTSTR string); int m_value; }; class CUndefinedToken : public CToken { public: CUndefinedToken(); ~CUndefinedToken(); static CUndefinedToken* Create(LPCTSTR string); virtual void Delete(); virtual int GetType(); protected: virtual void Init(LPCTSTR string); }; class CSymbol { public: CSymbol(); virtual ~CSymbol(); static CSymbol* Create(LPCTSTR symbolName); virtual void Delete(); LPCTSTR GetName(); protected: virtual void Init(LPCTSTR symbolName); char* m_symbolName; }; typedef map<LPCTSTR, CSymbol*, lessstr> symbolmap_t; class CDirectiveSymbol : public CSymbol { public: CDirectiveSymbol(); ~CDirectiveSymbol(); static CDirectiveSymbol* Create(LPCTSTR symbolName); virtual void Delete(); void SetValue(LPCTSTR value); LPCTSTR GetValue(); protected: virtual void Init(LPCTSTR symbolName); char* m_value; }; class CIntSymbol : public CSymbol { public: CIntSymbol(); static CIntSymbol* Create(LPCTSTR symbolName, int value); virtual void Delete(); int GetValue(); protected: virtual void Init(LPCTSTR symbolName, int value); int m_value; }; class CSymbolTable { public: CSymbolTable(); ~CSymbolTable(); static CSymbolTable* Create(); void Delete(); bool AddSymbol(CSymbol* theSymbol); CSymbol* FindSymbol(LPCTSTR symbolName); CSymbol* ExtractSymbol(LPCTSTR symbolName); void RemoveSymbol(LPCTSTR symbolName); void DiscardSymbols(); protected: void Init(); symbolmap_t m_symbols; }; class CSymbolLookup { public: CSymbolLookup(); ~CSymbolLookup(); static CSymbolLookup* Create(byte theByte); virtual void Delete(); CSymbolLookup* GetNext(); void SetNext(CSymbolLookup* next); void SetParent(CSymbolLookup* parent); CSymbolLookup* GetParent(); void SetValue(int value); int GetValue(); byte GetByte(); protected: void Init(byte theByte); CSymbolLookup* m_child; CSymbolLookup* m_sibling; CSymbolLookup* m_parent; int m_value; byte m_byte; }; class CTokenizerState { public: CTokenizerState(); ~CTokenizerState(); static CTokenizerState* Create(bool skip); virtual void Delete(); CTokenizerState* GetNext(); void SetNext(CTokenizerState* next); virtual bool ProcessElse(); bool Skipping(); protected: void Init(bool skip); bool m_skip; bool m_elseHit; CTokenizerState* m_next; }; class CTokenizerHolderState : public CTokenizerState { public: CTokenizerHolderState(); ~CTokenizerHolderState(); static CTokenizerHolderState* Create(); virtual void Delete(); virtual bool ProcessElse(); protected: void Init(); }; typedef void (*LPTokenizerErrorProc)(LPCTSTR errString); #ifdef USES_MODULES class CTokenizer : public CModule #else class CTokenizer #endif { public: CTokenizer(); ~CTokenizer(); static CTokenizer* Create(UINT dwFlags = 0); virtual void Delete(); virtual void Error(int theError); virtual void Error(int theError, LPCTSTR errString); virtual void Error(LPCTSTR errString, int theError = TKERR_UNKNOWN); CToken* GetToken(UINT onFlags = 0, UINT offFlags = 0); CToken* GetToken(keywordArray_t* keywords, UINT onFlags, UINT offFlags); void PutBackToken(CToken* theToken, bool commented = false, LPCTSTR addedChars = NULL, bool bIgnoreThisTokenType = false); bool RequireToken(int tokenType); void ScanUntilToken(int tokenType); void SkipToLineEnd(); CToken* GetToEndOfLine(int tokenType = TK_IDENTIFIER); keywordArray_t* SetKeywords(keywordArray_t* theKeywords); void SetSymbols(keywordArray_t* theSymbols); void SetAdditionalErrors(keywordArray_t* theErrors); void SetErrorProc(LPTokenizerErrorProc errorProc); void AddParseStream(byte* data, long datasize); bool AddParseFile(LPCTSTR filename); COLORREF ParseRGB(); long GetRemainingSize(); UINT GetFlags(); void SetFlags(UINT flags); void GetCurFilename(char** filename); int GetCurLine(); LPCTSTR LookupToken(int tokenID, keywordArray_t* theTable = NULL); protected: void SetError(int theError, LPCTSTR errString); virtual void Init(UINT dwFlags = 0); CToken* FetchToken(); bool AddDefineSymbol(CDirectiveSymbol* definesymbol); bool NextChar(byte& theByte); byte Escapement(); void InsertSymbol(LPCTSTR theSymbol, int theValue); void PutBackChar(byte theByte, int curLine = 0, LPCTSTR filename = NULL); CToken* TokenFromName(LPCTSTR name); CToken* HandleDirective(); CToken* HandleSlash(); CToken* HandleString(); CToken* HandleQuote(); CToken* HandleIdentifier(byte theByte); CToken* HandleNumeric(byte theByte); CToken* HandleFloat(bool thesign = false, long value = 0); CToken* HandleDecimal(bool thesign = false); CToken* HandleSymbol(byte theByte); CToken* HandleHex(bool thesize); CToken* HandleOctal(bool thesize); int DirectiveFromName(LPCTSTR name); CParseStream* m_curParseStream; keywordArray_t* m_keywords; keywordArray_t* m_symbols; keywordArray_t* m_errors; CSymbolLookup* m_symbolLookup; CToken* m_nextToken; CSymbolTable m_defines; CTokenizerState* m_state; UINT m_flags; LPTokenizerErrorProc m_errorProc; static keywordArray_t errorMessages[]; static keywordArray_t directiveKeywords[]; }; class CKeywordTable { public: CKeywordTable(CTokenizer* tokenizer, keywordArray_t* keywords); ~CKeywordTable(); protected: CTokenizer* m_tokenizer; keywordArray_t* m_holdKeywords; }; class CParsePutBack : public CParseStream { public: CParsePutBack(); ~CParsePutBack(); static CParsePutBack* Create(byte theByte, int curLine, LPCTSTR filename); virtual void Delete(); virtual bool NextChar(byte& theByte); virtual int GetCurLine(); virtual void GetCurFilename(char** theBuff); virtual long GetRemainingSize(); protected: virtual void Init(byte theByte, int curLine, LPCTSTR filename); byte m_byte; bool m_consumed; int m_curLine; char* m_curFile; }; class CParseMemory : public CParseStream { public: CParseMemory(); ~CParseMemory(); static CParseMemory* Create(byte* data, long datasize); virtual void Delete(); virtual bool NextChar(byte& theByte); virtual int GetCurLine(); virtual void GetCurFilename(char** theBuff); virtual long GetRemainingSize(); protected: virtual void Init(byte* data, long datasize); byte* m_data; int m_curLine; long m_curPos; long m_datasize; long m_offset; }; class CParseBlock : public CParseMemory { public: CParseBlock(); ~CParseBlock(); static CParseBlock* Create(byte* data, long datasize); virtual void Delete(); protected: virtual void Init(byte* data, long datasize); }; class CParseToken : public CParseStream { public: CParseToken(); ~CParseToken(); static CParseToken* Create(CToken* token); virtual void Delete(); virtual bool NextChar(byte& theByte); virtual int GetCurLine(); virtual void GetCurFilename(char** theBuff); virtual long GetRemainingSize(); protected: virtual void Init(CToken* token); byte* m_data; int m_curLine; long m_curPos; long m_datasize; long m_offset; }; class CParseDefine : public CParseMemory { public: CParseDefine(); ~CParseDefine(); static CParseDefine* Create(CDirectiveSymbol* definesymbol); virtual void Delete(); virtual bool IsThisDefinition(void* theDefinition); protected: virtual void Init(CDirectiveSymbol* definesymbol); CDirectiveSymbol* m_defineSymbol; }; class CParseFile : public CParseStream { public: CParseFile(); ~CParseFile(); static CParseFile* Create(); static CParseFile* Create(LPCTSTR filename, CTokenizer* tokenizer); // static CParseFile* Create(CFile* file, CTokenizer* tokenizer); virtual void Delete(); virtual int GetCurLine(); virtual void GetCurFilename(char** theBuff); virtual long GetRemainingSize(); virtual bool NextChar(byte& theByte); protected: virtual bool Init(); virtual bool Init(LPCTSTR filename, CTokenizer* tokenizer); // virtual void Init(CFile* file, CTokenizer* tokenizer); DWORD GetFileSize(); void Read(void* buff, UINT buffsize); // CFile* m_file; HANDLE m_fileHandle; char* m_fileName; int m_curLine; int m_curPos; byte* m_buff; DWORD m_curByte; DWORD m_filesize; bool m_ownsFile; }; #endif//__TOKENIZER_H