// ICARUS Engine Interface File // // This file is the only section of the ICARUS systems that // is not directly portable from engine to engine. // // -- jweier // leave this line at the top for PCH reasons... #include "g_headers.h" #include "g_local.h" #include "g_functions.h" #include "Q3_Interface.h" #include "anims.h" #include "b_local.h" #include "events.h" #include "g_nav.h" #include "../cgame/cg_camera.h" #include "../game/objectives.h" #include "g_roff.h" #include "../cgame/cg_local.h" #include "wp_saber.h" #include "g_vehicles.h" extern cvar_t *com_buildScript; extern void InitMover( gentity_t *ent ); extern void MatchTeam( gentity_t *teamLeader, int moverState, int time ); //extern void SetMoverState( gentity_t *ent, moverState_t moverState, int time ); extern void ChangeWeapon( gentity_t *ent, int newWeapon ); extern char *G_GetLocationForEnt( gentity_t *ent ); extern void NPC_BSSearchStart( int homeWp, bState_t bState ); extern void InitMoverTrData( gentity_t *ent ); extern qboolean SpotWouldTelefrag2( gentity_t *mover, vec3_t dest ); extern cvar_t *g_sex; extern cvar_t *g_timescale; extern void G_SetEnemy( gentity_t *self, gentity_t *enemy ); //extern void FX_BorgTeleport( vec3_t org ); static void Q3_SetWeapon (int entID, const char *wp_name); static void Q3_SetItem (int entID, const char *item_name); extern void CG_ChangeWeapon( int num ); extern int TAG_GetOrigin2( const char *owner, const char *name, vec3_t origin ); extern void G_TeamRetaliation ( gentity_t *targ, gentity_t *attacker, qboolean stopIcarus ); extern void G_PlayDoorLoopSound( gentity_t *ent ); extern void G_PlayDoorSound( gentity_t *ent, int type ); extern void NPC_SetLookTarget( gentity_t *self, int entNum, int clearTime ); extern void NPC_ClearLookTarget( gentity_t *self ); extern void WP_SaberSetColor( gentity_t *ent, int saberNum, int bladeNum, char *colorName ); extern void WP_SetSaber( gentity_t *ent, int saberNum, char *saberName ); extern qboolean PM_HasAnimation( gentity_t *ent, int animation ); extern void G_ChangePlayerModel( gentity_t *ent, const char *newModel ); extern vehicleType_t TranslateVehicleName( char *name ); extern void WP_SetSaberOrigin( gentity_t *self, vec3_t newOrg ); extern void JET_FlyStart( gentity_t *self ); extern void JET_FlyStop( gentity_t *self ); extern void Rail_LockCenterOfTrack(const char* trackName); extern void Rail_UnLockCenterOfTrack(const char* trackName); extern void G_GetBoltPosition( gentity_t *self, int boltIndex, vec3_t pos, int modelIndex = 0 ); extern qboolean G_DoDismemberment( gentity_t *self, vec3_t point, int mod, int damage, int hitLoc, qboolean force = qfalse ); extern int BMS_START; extern int BMS_MID; extern int BMS_END; extern cvar_t *g_skippingcin; extern qboolean stop_icarus; static void PrisonerObjCheck(const char *name,const char *data); #define stringIDExpand(str, strEnum) str, strEnum, ENUM2STRING(strEnum) //#define stringIDExpand(str, strEnum) str,strEnum /* stringID_table_t tagsTable [] = { } */ stringID_table_t BSTable[] = { ENUM2STRING(BS_DEFAULT),//# default behavior for that NPC ENUM2STRING(BS_ADVANCE_FIGHT),//# Advance to captureGoal and shoot enemies if you can ENUM2STRING(BS_SLEEP),//# Play awake script when startled by sound ENUM2STRING(BS_FOLLOW_LEADER),//# Follow your leader and shoot any enemies you come across ENUM2STRING(BS_JUMP),//# Face navgoal and jump to it. ENUM2STRING(BS_SEARCH),//# Using current waypoint as a base), search the immediate branches of waypoints for enemies ENUM2STRING(BS_WANDER),//# Wander down random waypoint paths ENUM2STRING(BS_NOCLIP),//# Moves through walls), etc. ENUM2STRING(BS_REMOVE),//# Waits for player to leave PVS then removes itself ENUM2STRING(BS_CINEMATIC),//# Does nothing but face it's angles and move to a goal if it has one ENUM2STRING(BS_FLEE),//# Run toward the nav goal, avoiding danger //the rest are internal only "", -1, }; stringID_table_t BSETTable[] = { ENUM2STRING(BSET_SPAWN),//# script to use when first spawned ENUM2STRING(BSET_USE),//# script to use when used ENUM2STRING(BSET_AWAKE),//# script to use when awoken/startled ENUM2STRING(BSET_ANGER),//# script to use when aquire an enemy ENUM2STRING(BSET_ATTACK),//# script to run when you attack ENUM2STRING(BSET_VICTORY),//# script to run when you kill someone ENUM2STRING(BSET_LOSTENEMY),//# script to run when you can't find your enemy ENUM2STRING(BSET_PAIN),//# script to use when take pain ENUM2STRING(BSET_FLEE),//# script to use when take pain below 50% of health ENUM2STRING(BSET_DEATH),//# script to use when killed ENUM2STRING(BSET_DELAYED),//# script to run when self->delayScriptTime is reached ENUM2STRING(BSET_BLOCKED),//# script to run when blocked by a friendly NPC or player ENUM2STRING(BSET_BUMPED),//# script to run when bumped into a friendly NPC or player (can set bumpRadius) ENUM2STRING(BSET_STUCK),//# script to run when blocked by a wall ENUM2STRING(BSET_FFIRE),//# script to run when player shoots their own teammates ENUM2STRING(BSET_FFDEATH),//# script to run when player kills a teammate stringIDExpand("", BSET_INVALID), "", -1, }; stringID_table_t WPTable[] = { "NULL",WP_NONE, ENUM2STRING(WP_NONE), // Player weapons ENUM2STRING(WP_SABER), // NOTE: lots of code assumes this is the first weapon (... which is crap) so be careful -Ste. ENUM2STRING(WP_BLASTER_PISTOL), // apparently some enemy only version of the blaster ENUM2STRING(WP_BLASTER), ENUM2STRING(WP_DISRUPTOR), ENUM2STRING(WP_BOWCASTER), ENUM2STRING(WP_REPEATER), ENUM2STRING(WP_DEMP2), ENUM2STRING(WP_FLECHETTE), ENUM2STRING(WP_ROCKET_LAUNCHER), ENUM2STRING(WP_THERMAL), ENUM2STRING(WP_TRIP_MINE), ENUM2STRING(WP_DET_PACK), ENUM2STRING(WP_CONCUSSION), ENUM2STRING(WP_MELEE), // Any ol' melee attack //NOTE: player can only have up to 16 weapons), anything after that is enemy only ENUM2STRING(WP_STUN_BATON), // NPC enemy weapons ENUM2STRING(WP_BRYAR_PISTOL), ENUM2STRING(WP_EMPLACED_GUN), ENUM2STRING(WP_BOT_LASER), // Probe droid - Laser blast ENUM2STRING(WP_TURRET), // turret guns ENUM2STRING(WP_ATST_MAIN), ENUM2STRING(WP_ATST_SIDE), ENUM2STRING(WP_TIE_FIGHTER), ENUM2STRING(WP_RAPID_FIRE_CONC), ENUM2STRING(WP_JAWA), ENUM2STRING(WP_TUSKEN_RIFLE), ENUM2STRING(WP_TUSKEN_STAFF), ENUM2STRING(WP_SCEPTER), ENUM2STRING(WP_NOGHRI_STICK), "", NULL }; stringID_table_t INVTable[] = { ENUM2STRING(INV_ELECTROBINOCULARS), ENUM2STRING(INV_BACTA_CANISTER), ENUM2STRING(INV_SEEKER), ENUM2STRING(INV_LIGHTAMP_GOGGLES), ENUM2STRING(INV_SENTRY), "", NULL }; stringID_table_t eventTable[] = { //BOTH_h //END "", EV_BAD, }; stringID_table_t DMSTable[] = { "NULL",-1, ENUM2STRING(DM_AUTO), //# let the game determine the dynamic music as normal ENUM2STRING(DM_SILENCE), //# stop the music ENUM2STRING(DM_EXPLORE), //# force the exploration music to play ENUM2STRING(DM_ACTION), //# force the action music to play ENUM2STRING(DM_BOSS), //# force the boss battle music to play (if there is any) ENUM2STRING(DM_DEATH), //# force the "player dead" music to play "", -1 }; stringID_table_t HLTable[] = { "NULL",-1, ENUM2STRING(HL_FOOT_RT), ENUM2STRING(HL_FOOT_LT), ENUM2STRING(HL_LEG_RT), ENUM2STRING(HL_LEG_LT), ENUM2STRING(HL_WAIST), ENUM2STRING(HL_BACK_RT), ENUM2STRING(HL_BACK_LT), ENUM2STRING(HL_BACK), ENUM2STRING(HL_CHEST_RT), ENUM2STRING(HL_CHEST_LT), ENUM2STRING(HL_CHEST), ENUM2STRING(HL_ARM_RT), ENUM2STRING(HL_ARM_LT), ENUM2STRING(HL_HAND_RT), ENUM2STRING(HL_HAND_LT), ENUM2STRING(HL_HEAD), ENUM2STRING(HL_GENERIC1), ENUM2STRING(HL_GENERIC2), ENUM2STRING(HL_GENERIC3), ENUM2STRING(HL_GENERIC4), ENUM2STRING(HL_GENERIC5), ENUM2STRING(HL_GENERIC6), "", -1 }; stringID_table_t setTable[] = { ENUM2STRING(SET_SPAWNSCRIPT),//0 ENUM2STRING(SET_USESCRIPT), ENUM2STRING(SET_AWAKESCRIPT), ENUM2STRING(SET_ANGERSCRIPT), ENUM2STRING(SET_ATTACKSCRIPT), ENUM2STRING(SET_VICTORYSCRIPT), ENUM2STRING(SET_PAINSCRIPT), ENUM2STRING(SET_FLEESCRIPT), ENUM2STRING(SET_DEATHSCRIPT), ENUM2STRING(SET_DELAYEDSCRIPT), ENUM2STRING(SET_BLOCKEDSCRIPT), ENUM2STRING(SET_FFIRESCRIPT), ENUM2STRING(SET_FFDEATHSCRIPT), ENUM2STRING(SET_MINDTRICKSCRIPT), ENUM2STRING(SET_NO_MINDTRICK), ENUM2STRING(SET_ORIGIN), ENUM2STRING(SET_TELEPORT_DEST), ENUM2STRING(SET_ANGLES), ENUM2STRING(SET_XVELOCITY), ENUM2STRING(SET_YVELOCITY), ENUM2STRING(SET_ZVELOCITY), ENUM2STRING(SET_Z_OFFSET), ENUM2STRING(SET_ENEMY), ENUM2STRING(SET_LEADER), ENUM2STRING(SET_NAVGOAL), ENUM2STRING(SET_ANIM_UPPER), ENUM2STRING(SET_ANIM_LOWER), ENUM2STRING(SET_ANIM_BOTH), ENUM2STRING(SET_ANIM_HOLDTIME_LOWER), ENUM2STRING(SET_ANIM_HOLDTIME_UPPER), ENUM2STRING(SET_ANIM_HOLDTIME_BOTH), ENUM2STRING(SET_PLAYER_TEAM), ENUM2STRING(SET_ENEMY_TEAM), ENUM2STRING(SET_BEHAVIOR_STATE), ENUM2STRING(SET_BEHAVIOR_STATE), ENUM2STRING(SET_HEALTH), ENUM2STRING(SET_ARMOR), ENUM2STRING(SET_DEFAULT_BSTATE), ENUM2STRING(SET_CAPTURE), ENUM2STRING(SET_DPITCH), ENUM2STRING(SET_DYAW), ENUM2STRING(SET_EVENT), ENUM2STRING(SET_TEMP_BSTATE), ENUM2STRING(SET_COPY_ORIGIN), ENUM2STRING(SET_VIEWTARGET), ENUM2STRING(SET_WEAPON), ENUM2STRING(SET_ITEM), ENUM2STRING(SET_WALKSPEED), ENUM2STRING(SET_RUNSPEED), ENUM2STRING(SET_YAWSPEED), ENUM2STRING(SET_AGGRESSION), ENUM2STRING(SET_AIM), ENUM2STRING(SET_FRICTION), ENUM2STRING(SET_GRAVITY), ENUM2STRING(SET_IGNOREPAIN), ENUM2STRING(SET_IGNOREENEMIES), ENUM2STRING(SET_IGNOREALERTS), ENUM2STRING(SET_DONTSHOOT), ENUM2STRING(SET_DONTFIRE), ENUM2STRING(SET_LOCKED_ENEMY), ENUM2STRING(SET_NOTARGET), ENUM2STRING(SET_LEAN), ENUM2STRING(SET_CROUCHED), ENUM2STRING(SET_WALKING), ENUM2STRING(SET_RUNNING), ENUM2STRING(SET_CHASE_ENEMIES), ENUM2STRING(SET_LOOK_FOR_ENEMIES), ENUM2STRING(SET_FACE_MOVE_DIR), ENUM2STRING(SET_ALT_FIRE), ENUM2STRING(SET_DONT_FLEE), ENUM2STRING(SET_FORCED_MARCH), ENUM2STRING(SET_NO_RESPONSE), ENUM2STRING(SET_NO_COMBAT_TALK), ENUM2STRING(SET_NO_ALERT_TALK), ENUM2STRING(SET_UNDYING), ENUM2STRING(SET_TREASONED), ENUM2STRING(SET_DISABLE_SHADER_ANIM), ENUM2STRING(SET_SHADER_ANIM), ENUM2STRING(SET_INVINCIBLE), ENUM2STRING(SET_NOAVOID), ENUM2STRING(SET_SHOOTDIST), ENUM2STRING(SET_TARGETNAME), ENUM2STRING(SET_TARGET), ENUM2STRING(SET_TARGET2), ENUM2STRING(SET_LOCATION), ENUM2STRING(SET_PAINTARGET), ENUM2STRING(SET_TIMESCALE), ENUM2STRING(SET_VISRANGE), ENUM2STRING(SET_EARSHOT), ENUM2STRING(SET_VIGILANCE), ENUM2STRING(SET_HFOV), ENUM2STRING(SET_VFOV), ENUM2STRING(SET_DELAYSCRIPTTIME), ENUM2STRING(SET_FORWARDMOVE), ENUM2STRING(SET_RIGHTMOVE), ENUM2STRING(SET_LOCKYAW), ENUM2STRING(SET_SOLID), ENUM2STRING(SET_CAMERA_GROUP), ENUM2STRING(SET_CAMERA_GROUP_Z_OFS), ENUM2STRING(SET_CAMERA_GROUP_TAG), ENUM2STRING(SET_LOOK_TARGET), ENUM2STRING(SET_ADDRHANDBOLT_MODEL), ENUM2STRING(SET_REMOVERHANDBOLT_MODEL), ENUM2STRING(SET_ADDLHANDBOLT_MODEL), ENUM2STRING(SET_REMOVELHANDBOLT_MODEL), ENUM2STRING(SET_FACEAUX), ENUM2STRING(SET_FACEBLINK), ENUM2STRING(SET_FACEBLINKFROWN), ENUM2STRING(SET_FACEFROWN), ENUM2STRING(SET_FACENORMAL), ENUM2STRING(SET_FACEEYESCLOSED), ENUM2STRING(SET_FACEEYESOPENED), ENUM2STRING(SET_SCROLLTEXT), ENUM2STRING(SET_LCARSTEXT), ENUM2STRING(SET_CENTERTEXT), ENUM2STRING(SET_SCROLLTEXTCOLOR), ENUM2STRING(SET_CAPTIONTEXTCOLOR), ENUM2STRING(SET_CENTERTEXTCOLOR), ENUM2STRING(SET_PLAYER_USABLE), ENUM2STRING(SET_STARTFRAME), ENUM2STRING(SET_ENDFRAME), ENUM2STRING(SET_ANIMFRAME), ENUM2STRING(SET_LOOP_ANIM), ENUM2STRING(SET_INTERFACE), ENUM2STRING(SET_SHIELDS), ENUM2STRING(SET_NO_KNOCKBACK), ENUM2STRING(SET_INVISIBLE), ENUM2STRING(SET_VAMPIRE), ENUM2STRING(SET_FORCE_INVINCIBLE), ENUM2STRING(SET_GREET_ALLIES), ENUM2STRING(SET_PLAYER_LOCKED), ENUM2STRING(SET_LOCK_PLAYER_WEAPONS), ENUM2STRING(SET_NO_IMPACT_DAMAGE), ENUM2STRING(SET_PARM1), ENUM2STRING(SET_PARM2), ENUM2STRING(SET_PARM3), ENUM2STRING(SET_PARM4), ENUM2STRING(SET_PARM5), ENUM2STRING(SET_PARM6), ENUM2STRING(SET_PARM7), ENUM2STRING(SET_PARM8), ENUM2STRING(SET_PARM9), ENUM2STRING(SET_PARM10), ENUM2STRING(SET_PARM11), ENUM2STRING(SET_PARM12), ENUM2STRING(SET_PARM13), ENUM2STRING(SET_PARM14), ENUM2STRING(SET_PARM15), ENUM2STRING(SET_PARM16), ENUM2STRING(SET_DEFEND_TARGET), ENUM2STRING(SET_WAIT), ENUM2STRING(SET_COUNT), ENUM2STRING(SET_SHOT_SPACING), ENUM2STRING(SET_VIDEO_PLAY), ENUM2STRING(SET_VIDEO_FADE_IN), ENUM2STRING(SET_VIDEO_FADE_OUT), ENUM2STRING(SET_REMOVE_TARGET), ENUM2STRING(SET_LOADGAME), ENUM2STRING(SET_MENU_SCREEN), ENUM2STRING(SET_OBJECTIVE_SHOW), ENUM2STRING(SET_OBJECTIVE_HIDE), ENUM2STRING(SET_OBJECTIVE_SUCCEEDED), ENUM2STRING(SET_OBJECTIVE_SUCCEEDED_NO_UPDATE), ENUM2STRING(SET_OBJECTIVE_FAILED), ENUM2STRING(SET_MISSIONFAILED), ENUM2STRING(SET_TACTICAL_SHOW), ENUM2STRING(SET_TACTICAL_HIDE), ENUM2STRING(SET_FOLLOWDIST), ENUM2STRING(SET_SCALE), ENUM2STRING(SET_OBJECTIVE_CLEARALL), ENUM2STRING(SET_OBJECTIVE_LIGHTSIDE), ENUM2STRING(SET_MISSIONSTATUSTEXT), ENUM2STRING(SET_WIDTH), ENUM2STRING(SET_CLOSINGCREDITS), ENUM2STRING(SET_SKILL), ENUM2STRING(SET_MISSIONSTATUSTIME), ENUM2STRING(SET_FORCE_HEAL_LEVEL), ENUM2STRING(SET_FORCE_JUMP_LEVEL), ENUM2STRING(SET_FORCE_SPEED_LEVEL), ENUM2STRING(SET_FORCE_PUSH_LEVEL), ENUM2STRING(SET_FORCE_PULL_LEVEL), ENUM2STRING(SET_FORCE_MINDTRICK_LEVEL), ENUM2STRING(SET_FORCE_GRIP_LEVEL), ENUM2STRING(SET_FORCE_LIGHTNING_LEVEL), ENUM2STRING(SET_SABER_THROW), ENUM2STRING(SET_SABER_DEFENSE), ENUM2STRING(SET_SABER_OFFENSE), ENUM2STRING(SET_FORCE_RAGE_LEVEL), ENUM2STRING(SET_FORCE_PROTECT_LEVEL), ENUM2STRING(SET_FORCE_ABSORB_LEVEL), ENUM2STRING(SET_FORCE_DRAIN_LEVEL), ENUM2STRING(SET_FORCE_SIGHT_LEVEL), ENUM2STRING(SET_SABER1_COLOR1), ENUM2STRING(SET_SABER1_COLOR2), ENUM2STRING(SET_SABER2_COLOR1), ENUM2STRING(SET_SABER2_COLOR2), ENUM2STRING(SET_DISMEMBER_LIMB), ENUM2STRING(SET_VIEWENTITY), ENUM2STRING(SET_WATCHTARGET), ENUM2STRING(SET_SABERACTIVE), ENUM2STRING(SET_SABER1BLADEON), ENUM2STRING(SET_SABER1BLADEOFF), ENUM2STRING(SET_SABER2BLADEON), ENUM2STRING(SET_SABER2BLADEOFF), ENUM2STRING(SET_ADJUST_AREA_PORTALS), ENUM2STRING(SET_DMG_BY_HEAVY_WEAP_ONLY), ENUM2STRING(SET_SHIELDED), ENUM2STRING(SET_NO_GROUPS), ENUM2STRING(SET_FIRE_WEAPON), ENUM2STRING(SET_FIRE_WEAPON_NO_ANIM), ENUM2STRING(SET_SAFE_REMOVE), ENUM2STRING(SET_BOBA_JET_PACK), ENUM2STRING(SET_INACTIVE), ENUM2STRING(SET_FUNC_USABLE_VISIBLE), ENUM2STRING(SET_END_SCREENDISSOLVE), ENUM2STRING(SET_LOOPSOUND), ENUM2STRING(SET_ICARUS_FREEZE), ENUM2STRING(SET_ICARUS_UNFREEZE), ENUM2STRING(SET_SABER1), ENUM2STRING(SET_SABER2), ENUM2STRING(SET_PLAYERMODEL), ENUM2STRING(SET_VEHICLE), ENUM2STRING(SET_SECURITY_KEY), ENUM2STRING(SET_DAMAGEENTITY), ENUM2STRING(SET_USE_CP_NEAREST), ENUM2STRING(SET_MORELIGHT), ENUM2STRING(SET_CINEMATIC_SKIPSCRIPT), ENUM2STRING(SET_RAILCENTERTRACKLOCKED), ENUM2STRING(SET_RAILCENTERTRACKUNLOCKED), ENUM2STRING(SET_NO_FORCE), ENUM2STRING(SET_NO_FALLTODEATH), ENUM2STRING(SET_DISMEMBERABLE), ENUM2STRING(SET_NO_ACROBATICS), ENUM2STRING(SET_MUSIC_STATE), ENUM2STRING(SET_USE_SUBTITLES), ENUM2STRING(SET_CLEAN_DAMAGING_ENTS), ENUM2STRING(SET_HUD), //JKA ENUM2STRING(SET_NO_PVS_CULL), ENUM2STRING(SET_CLOAK), ENUM2STRING(SET_RENDER_CULL_RADIUS), ENUM2STRING(SET_DISTSQRD_TO_PLAYER), ENUM2STRING(SET_FORCE_HEAL), ENUM2STRING(SET_FORCE_SPEED), ENUM2STRING(SET_FORCE_PUSH), ENUM2STRING(SET_FORCE_PUSH_FAKE), ENUM2STRING(SET_FORCE_PULL), ENUM2STRING(SET_FORCE_MIND_TRICK), ENUM2STRING(SET_FORCE_GRIP), ENUM2STRING(SET_FORCE_LIGHTNING), ENUM2STRING(SET_FORCE_SABERTHROW), ENUM2STRING(SET_FORCE_RAGE), ENUM2STRING(SET_FORCE_PROTECT), ENUM2STRING(SET_FORCE_ABSORB), ENUM2STRING(SET_FORCE_DRAIN), ENUM2STRING(SET_WINTER_GEAR), ENUM2STRING(SET_NO_ANGLES), ENUM2STRING(SET_SABER_ORIGIN), ENUM2STRING(SET_SKIN), "", SET_, }; qboolean COM_ParseString( char **data, char **s ); //======================================================================= vec4_t textcolor_caption; vec4_t textcolor_center; vec4_t textcolor_scroll; /* ------------------------- void Q3_SetTaskID( gentity_t *ent, taskID_t taskType, int taskID ) ------------------------- */ static void Q3_TaskIDSet( gentity_t *ent, taskID_t taskType, int taskID ) { if ( taskType < TID_CHAN_VOICE || taskType >= NUM_TIDS ) { return; } //Might be stomping an old task, so complete and clear previous task if there was one Q3_TaskIDComplete( ent, taskType ); ent->taskID[taskType] = taskID; } /* ------------------------- SetTextColor ------------------------- */ static void SetTextColor ( vec4_t textcolor,const char *color) { if (Q_stricmp(color,"BLACK") == 0) { Vector4Copy( colorTable[CT_BLACK], textcolor ); } else if (Q_stricmp(color,"RED") == 0) { Vector4Copy( colorTable[CT_RED], textcolor ); } else if (Q_stricmp(color,"GREEN") == 0) { Vector4Copy( colorTable[CT_GREEN], textcolor ); } else if (Q_stricmp(color,"YELLOW") == 0) { Vector4Copy( colorTable[CT_YELLOW], textcolor ); } else if (Q_stricmp(color,"BLUE") == 0) { Vector4Copy( colorTable[CT_BLUE], textcolor ); } else if (Q_stricmp(color,"CYAN") == 0) { Vector4Copy( colorTable[CT_CYAN], textcolor ); } else if (Q_stricmp(color,"MAGENTA") == 0) { Vector4Copy( colorTable[CT_MAGENTA], textcolor ); } else if (Q_stricmp(color,"WHITE") == 0) { Vector4Copy( colorTable[CT_WHITE], textcolor ); } else { Vector4Copy( colorTable[CT_WHITE], textcolor ); } return; } /* ------------------------- void Q3_ClearTaskID( int *taskID ) WARNING: Clearing a taskID will make that task never finish unless you intend to return the same taskID from somewhere else. ------------------------- */ void Q3_TaskIDClear( int *taskID ) { *taskID = -1; } /* ------------------------- qboolean Q3_TaskIDPending( gentity_t *ent, taskID_t taskType ) ------------------------- */ qboolean Q3_TaskIDPending( gentity_t *ent, taskID_t taskType ) { if ( ent->m_iIcarusID == IIcarusInterface::ICARUS_INVALID /*!ent->sequencer || !ent->taskManager*/ ) { return qfalse; } if ( taskType < TID_CHAN_VOICE || taskType >= NUM_TIDS ) { return qfalse; } if ( ent->taskID[taskType] >= 0 )//-1 is none { return qtrue; } return qfalse; } /* ------------------------- void Q3_TaskIDComplete( gentity_t *ent, taskID_t taskType ) ------------------------- */ void Q3_TaskIDComplete( gentity_t *ent, taskID_t taskType ) { if ( taskType < TID_CHAN_VOICE || taskType >= NUM_TIDS ) { return; } if ( ent->m_iIcarusID != IIcarusInterface::ICARUS_INVALID /*ent->taskManager*/ && Q3_TaskIDPending( ent, taskType ) ) {//Complete it IIcarusInterface::GetIcarus()->Completed( ent->m_iIcarusID, ent->taskID[taskType] ); //See if any other tasks have the name number and clear them so we don't complete more than once int clearTask = ent->taskID[taskType]; for ( int tid = 0; tid < NUM_TIDS; tid++ ) { if ( ent->taskID[tid] == clearTask ) { Q3_TaskIDClear( &ent->taskID[tid] ); } } //clear it - should be cleared in for loop above //Q3_TaskIDClear( &ent->taskID[taskType] ); } //otherwise, wasn't waiting for a task to complete anyway } /* ============ Q3_CheckStringCounterIncrement Description : Return type : static float Argument : const char *string ============ */ static float Q3_CheckStringCounterIncrement( const char *string ) { char *numString; float val = 0.0f; if ( string[0] == '+' ) {//We want to increment whatever the value is by whatever follows the + if ( string[1] ) { numString = (char *)&string[1]; val = atof( numString ); } } else if ( string[0] == '-' ) {//we want to decrement if ( string[1] ) { numString = (char *)&string[1]; val = atof( numString ) * -1; } } return val; } /* ------------------------- Q3_GetAnimLower ------------------------- */ static char *Q3_GetAnimLower( gentity_t *ent ) { if ( ent->client == NULL ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_GetAnimLower: attempted to read animation state off non-client!\n" ); return NULL; } int anim = ent->client->ps.legsAnim; return (char *) GetStringForID( animTable, anim ); } /* ------------------------- Q3_GetAnimUpper ------------------------- */ static char *Q3_GetAnimUpper( gentity_t *ent ) { if ( ent->client == NULL ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_GetAnimUpper: attempted to read animation state off non-client!\n" ); return NULL; } int anim = ent->client->ps.torsoAnim; return (char *) GetStringForID( animTable, anim ); } /* ------------------------- Q3_GetAnimBoth ------------------------- */ static char *Q3_GetAnimBoth( gentity_t *ent ) { char *lowerName, *upperName; lowerName = Q3_GetAnimLower( ent ); upperName = Q3_GetAnimUpper( ent ); if ( VALIDSTRING( lowerName ) == false ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_GetAnimBoth: NULL legs animation string found!\n" ); return NULL; } if ( VALIDSTRING( upperName ) == false ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_GetAnimBoth: NULL torso animation string found!\n" ); return NULL; } if ( Q_stricmp( lowerName, upperName ) ) { #ifdef _DEBUG // sigh, cut down on tester reports that aren't important Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_GetAnimBoth: legs and torso animations did not match : returning legs\n" ); #endif } return lowerName; } /* ------------------------- Q3_SetObjective ------------------------- */ extern qboolean G_CheckPlayerDarkSide( void ); static void Q3_SetObjective(const char *ObjEnum, int status) { int objectiveID; gclient_t *client; objectives_t *objective; int *objectivesShown; client = &level.clients[0]; objectiveID = GetIDForString( objectiveTable, ObjEnum ); objective = &client->sess.mission_objectives[objectiveID]; objectivesShown = &client->sess.missionObjectivesShown; switch (status) { case SET_OBJ_HIDE : objective->display = OBJECTIVE_HIDE; break; case SET_OBJ_SHOW : objective->display = OBJECTIVE_SHOW; objectivesShown++; missionInfo_Updated = qtrue; // Activate flashing text break; case SET_OBJ_PENDING : objective->status = OBJECTIVE_STAT_PENDING; if (objective->display != OBJECTIVE_HIDE) { objectivesShown++; missionInfo_Updated = qtrue; // Activate flashing text } break; case SET_OBJ_SUCCEEDED : objective->status = OBJECTIVE_STAT_SUCCEEDED; if (objective->display != OBJECTIVE_HIDE) { objectivesShown++; missionInfo_Updated = qtrue; // Activate flashing text } break; case SET_OBJ_FAILED : objective->status = OBJECTIVE_STAT_FAILED; if (objective->display != OBJECTIVE_HIDE) { objectivesShown++; missionInfo_Updated = qtrue; // Activate flashing text } break; } if ( objectiveID == LIGHTSIDE_OBJ && status == SET_OBJ_FAILED ) {//don't do this unless we just set that specific objective (just turned to the dark side) with this SET_OBJECTIVE command G_CheckPlayerDarkSide(); } } /* ------------------------- Q3_SetMissionFailed ------------------------- */ extern void G_PlayerGuiltDeath( void ); static void Q3_SetMissionFailed(const char *TextEnum) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[0]; if ( ent->health > 0 ) { G_PlayerGuiltDeath(); } ent->health = 0; //FIXME: what about other NPCs? Scripts? // statusTextIndex is looked at on the client side. statusTextIndex = GetIDForString( missionFailedTable, TextEnum ); cg.missionStatusShow = qtrue; if ( ent->client ) {//hold this screen up for at least 2 seconds ent->client->respawnTime = level.time + 2000; } } /* ------------------------- Q3_SetStatusText ------------------------- */ static void Q3_SetStatusText(const char *StatusTextEnum) { int statusTextID; statusTextID = GetIDForString( statusTextTable, StatusTextEnum ); switch (statusTextID) { case STAT_INSUBORDINATION: case STAT_YOUCAUSEDDEATHOFTEAMMATE: case STAT_DIDNTPROTECTTECH: case STAT_DIDNTPROTECT7OF9: case STAT_NOTSTEALTHYENOUGH: case STAT_STEALTHTACTICSNECESSARY: case STAT_WATCHYOURSTEP: case STAT_JUDGEMENTMUCHDESIRED: statusTextIndex = statusTextID; break; default: assert(0); break; } } /* ------------------------- Q3_ObjectiveClearAll ------------------------- */ static void Q3_ObjectiveClearAll(void) { client = &level.clients[0]; memset(client->sess.mission_objectives,0,sizeof(client->sess.mission_objectives)); } /* ============= Q3_SetCaptionTextColor Change color text prints in ============= */ static void Q3_SetCaptionTextColor ( const char *color) { SetTextColor(textcolor_caption,color); } /* ============= Q3_SetCenterTextColor Change color text prints in ============= */ static void Q3_SetCenterTextColor ( const char *color) { SetTextColor(textcolor_center,color); } /* ============= Q3_SetScrollTextColor Change color text prints in ============= */ static void Q3_SetScrollTextColor ( const char *color) { SetTextColor(textcolor_scroll,color); } /* ============= Q3_ScrollText Prints a message in the center of the screen ============= */ static void Q3_ScrollText ( const char *id) { gi.SendServerCommand( NULL, "st \"%s\"", id); return; } /* ============= Q3_LCARSText Prints a message in the center of the screen giving it an LCARS frame around it ============= */ static void Q3_LCARSText ( const char *id) { gi.SendServerCommand( NULL, "lt \"%s\"", id); return; } /* ============= ` Returns the sequencer of the entity by the given name ============= */ /*static gentity_t *Q3_GetEntityByName( const char *name ) { gentity_t *ent; entitylist_t::iterator ei; char temp[1024]; if ( name == NULL || name[0] == NULL ) return NULL; strncpy( (char *) temp, name, sizeof(temp) ); temp[sizeof(temp)-1] = 0; ei = ICARUS_EntList.find( Q_strupr( (char *) temp ) ); if ( ei == ICARUS_EntList.end() ) return NULL; ent = &g_entities[(*ei).second]; return ent; // this now returns the ent instead of the sequencer -- dmv 06/27/01 // if (ent == NULL) // return NULL; // return ent->sequencer; }*/ /* ============= Q3_GetTime Get the current game time ============= */ /*static DWORD Q3_GetTime( void ) { return level.time; }*/ /* ============= G_AddSexToPlayerString Take any string, look for "jaden_male/" replace with "jaden_fmle/" based on "sex" And: Take any string, look for "/mr_" replace with "/ms_" based on "sex" returns qtrue if changed to ms ============= */ static qboolean G_AddSexToPlayerString ( char *string, qboolean qDoBoth ) { char *start; if VALIDSTRING( string ) { if ( g_sex->string[0] == 'f' ) { start = strstr( string, "jaden_male/" ); if ( start != NULL ) { strncpy( start, "jaden_fmle", 10 ); return qtrue; } else { start = strrchr( string, '/' ); //get the last slash before the wav if (start != NULL) { if (!strncmp( start, "/mr_", 4) ) { if (qDoBoth) { //we want to change mr to ms start[2] = 's'; //change mr to ms return qtrue; } else { //IF qDoBoth return qfalse; //don't want this one } } } //IF found slash } } //IF Female else { //i'm male start = strrchr( string, '/' ); //get the last slash before the wav if (start != NULL) { if (!strncmp( start, "/ms_", 4) ) { return qfalse; //don't want this one } } //IF found slash } } //if VALIDSTRING return qtrue; } /* /* ============= Q3_SetAngles Sets the angles of an entity directly ============= */ static void Q3_SetDYaw( int entID, float data ); static void Q3_SetAngles( int entID, vec3_t angles ) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetAngles: bad ent %d\n", entID); return; } if (ent->client) { SetClientViewAngle( ent, angles ); if ( ent->NPC ) { Q3_SetDYaw( entID, angles[YAW] ); } } else { VectorCopy( angles, ent->s.angles ); VectorCopy( angles, ent->s.apos.trBase ); VectorCopy( angles, ent->currentAngles ); } gi.linkentity( ent ); } /* ============= Q3_SetOrigin Sets the origin of an entity directly ============= */ static void Q3_SetOrigin( int entID, vec3_t origin ) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetOrigin: bad ent %d\n", entID); return; } gi.unlinkentity (ent); if(ent->client) { VectorCopy(origin, ent->client->ps.origin); VectorCopy(origin, ent->currentOrigin); ent->client->ps.origin[2] += 1; VectorClear (ent->client->ps.velocity); ent->client->ps.pm_time = 160; // hold time ent->client->ps.pm_flags |= PMF_TIME_KNOCKBACK; ent->client->ps.eFlags ^= EF_TELEPORT_BIT; // G_KillBox (ent); } else { G_SetOrigin( ent, origin ); } gi.linkentity( ent ); } /* ============ MoveOwner Description : Return type : void Argument : gentity_t *self ============ */ void MoveOwner( gentity_t *self ) { self->nextthink = level.time + FRAMETIME; self->e_ThinkFunc = thinkF_G_FreeEntity; if ( !self->owner || !self->owner->inuse ) { return; } if ( SpotWouldTelefrag2( self->owner, self->currentOrigin ) ) { self->e_ThinkFunc = thinkF_MoveOwner; } else { G_SetOrigin( self->owner, self->currentOrigin ); gi.linkentity( self->owner ); Q3_TaskIDComplete( self->owner, TID_MOVE_NAV ); } } /* ============= Q3_SetTeleportDest Copies passed origin to ent running script once there is nothing there blocking the spot ============= */ static qboolean Q3_SetTeleportDest( int entID, vec3_t org ) { gentity_t *teleEnt = &g_entities[entID]; if ( teleEnt ) { if ( SpotWouldTelefrag2( teleEnt, org ) ) { gentity_t *teleporter = G_Spawn(); G_SetOrigin( teleporter, org ); gi.linkentity( teleporter ); teleporter->owner = teleEnt; teleporter->e_ThinkFunc = thinkF_MoveOwner; teleporter->nextthink = level.time + FRAMETIME; return qfalse; } else { G_SetOrigin( teleEnt, org ); gi.linkentity( teleEnt ); } } return qtrue; } /* ============= Q3_SetCopyOrigin Copies origin of found ent into ent running script =============` */ static void Q3_SetCopyOrigin( int entID, const char *name ) { gentity_t *found = G_Find( NULL, FOFS(targetname), (char *) name); if(found) { Q3_SetOrigin( entID, found->currentOrigin ); SetClientViewAngle( &g_entities[entID], found->s.angles ); } else { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetCopyOrigin: ent %s not found!\n", name); } } /* ============= Q3_SetVelocity Set the velocity of an entity directly ============= */ static void Q3_SetVelocity( int entID, int axis, float speed ) { gentity_t *found = &g_entities[entID]; //FIXME: Not supported if(!found) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetVelocity invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if(!found->client) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetVelocity: not a client %d\n", entID); return; } //FIXME: add or set? found->client->ps.velocity[axis] += speed; found->client->ps.pm_time = 500; found->client->ps.pm_flags |= PMF_TIME_KNOCKBACK; } /* ============ Q3_SetAdjustAreaPortals Description : Return type : void Argument : int entID Argument : qboolean shields ============ */ static void Q3_SetAdjustAreaPortals( int entID, qboolean adjust ) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetAdjustAreaPortals: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } ent->svFlags = (adjust) ? (ent->svFlags|SVF_MOVER_ADJ_AREA_PORTALS) : (ent->svFlags&~SVF_MOVER_ADJ_AREA_PORTALS); } /* ============ Q3_SetDmgByHeavyWeapOnly Description : Return type : void Argument : int entID Argument : qboolean dmg ============ */ static void Q3_SetDmgByHeavyWeapOnly( int entID, qboolean dmg ) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetDmgByHeavyWeapOnly: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } ent->flags = (dmg) ? (ent->flags|FL_DMG_BY_HEAVY_WEAP_ONLY) : (ent->flags&~FL_DMG_BY_HEAVY_WEAP_ONLY); } /* ============ Q3_SetShielded Description : Return type : void Argument : int entID Argument : qboolean dmg ============ */ static void Q3_SetShielded( int entID, qboolean dmg ) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetShielded: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } ent->flags = (dmg) ? (ent->flags|FL_SHIELDED) : (ent->flags&~FL_SHIELDED); } /* ============ Q3_SetNoGroups Description : Return type : void Argument : int entID Argument : qboolean dmg ============ */ static void Q3_SetNoGroups( int entID, qboolean noGroups ) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetNoGroups: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !ent->NPC ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetNoGroups: ent %s is not an NPC!\n", ent->targetname ); return; } ent->NPC->scriptFlags = noGroups ? (ent->NPC->scriptFlags|SCF_NO_GROUPS) : (ent->NPC->scriptFlags&~SCF_NO_GROUPS); } /* ============= moverCallback Utility function ============= */ extern void misc_model_breakable_gravity_init( gentity_t *ent, qboolean dropToFloor ); void moverCallback( gentity_t *ent ) { //complete the task Q3_TaskIDComplete( ent, TID_MOVE_NAV ); // play sound ent->s.loopSound = 0;//stop looping sound G_PlayDoorSound( ent, BMS_END );//play end sound if ( ent->moverState == MOVER_1TO2 ) {//reached open // reached pos2 MatchTeam( ent, MOVER_POS2, level.time ); //SetMoverState( ent, MOVER_POS2, level.time ); } else if ( ent->moverState == MOVER_2TO1 ) {//reached closed MatchTeam( ent, MOVER_POS1, level.time ); //SetMoverState( ent, MOVER_POS1, level.time ); //close the portal if ( ent->svFlags & SVF_MOVER_ADJ_AREA_PORTALS ) { gi.AdjustAreaPortalState( ent, qfalse ); } } if ( ent->e_BlockedFunc == blockedF_Blocked_Mover ) { ent->e_BlockedFunc = blockedF_NULL; } if ( !Q_stricmp( "misc_model_breakable", ent->classname ) && ent->physicsBounce ) {//a gravity-affected model misc_model_breakable_gravity_init( ent, qfalse ); } } /* ============= anglerCallback Utility function ============= */ void anglerCallback( gentity_t *ent ) { //Complete the task Q3_TaskIDComplete( ent, TID_ANGLE_FACE ); // play sound ent->s.loopSound = 0;//stop looping sound G_PlayDoorSound( ent, BMS_END );//play end sound //Set the currentAngles, clear all movement VectorMA( ent->s.apos.trBase, (ent->s.apos.trDuration*0.001f), ent->s.apos.trDelta, ent->currentAngles ); VectorCopy( ent->currentAngles, ent->s.apos.trBase ); VectorClear( ent->s.apos.trDelta ); ent->s.apos.trDuration = 1; ent->s.apos.trType = TR_STATIONARY; ent->s.apos.trTime = level.time; //Stop thinking ent->e_ReachedFunc = reachedF_NULL; if ( ent->e_ThinkFunc == thinkF_anglerCallback ) { ent->e_ThinkFunc = thinkF_NULL; } //link gi.linkentity( ent ); } /* ============= moveAndRotateCallback Utility function ============= */ void moveAndRotateCallback( gentity_t *ent ) { //stop turning anglerCallback( ent ); //stop moving moverCallback( ent ); } void Blocked_Mover( gentity_t *ent, gentity_t *other ) { // remove anything other than a client -- no longer the case // don't remove security keys or goodie keys if ( (other->s.eType == ET_ITEM) && (other->item->giTag >= INV_GOODIE_KEY && other->item->giTag <= INV_SECURITY_KEY) ) { // should we be doing anything special if a key blocks it... move it somehow..? } // if your not a client, or your a dead client remove yourself... else if ( other->s.number && (!other->client || (other->client && other->health <= 0 && other->contents == CONTENTS_CORPSE && !other->message)) ) { if ( !IIcarusInterface::GetIcarus()->IsRunning( other->m_iIcarusID ) /*!other->taskManager || !other->taskManager->IsRunning()*/ ) { // if an item or weapon can we do a little explosion..? G_FreeEntity( other ); return; } } if ( ent->damage ) { G_Damage( other, ent, ent, NULL, NULL, ent->damage, 0, MOD_CRUSH ); } } /* ============= Q3_Lerp2Start Lerps the origin of an entity to its starting position ============= // NEEDED??? */ /*static void Q3_Lerp2Start( int entID, int taskID, float duration ) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if(!ent) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "Q3_Lerp2Start: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( ent->client || ent->NPC || Q_stricmp(ent->classname, "target_scriptrunner") == 0 ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( WL_ERROR, "Q3_Lerp2Start: ent %d is NOT a mover!\n", entID); return; } if ( ent->s.eType != ET_MOVER ) { ent->s.eType = ET_MOVER; } //FIXME: set up correctly!!! ent->moverState = MOVER_2TO1; ent->s.eType = ET_MOVER; ent->e_ReachedFunc = reachedF_moverCallback; //Callsback the the completion of the move if ( ent->damage ) { ent->e_BlockedFunc = blockedF_Blocked_Mover; } ent->s.pos.trDuration = duration * 10; //In seconds ent->s.pos.trTime = level.time; Q3_TaskIDSet( ent, TID_MOVE_NAV, taskID ); // starting sound G_PlayDoorLoopSound( ent ); G_PlayDoorSound( ent, BMS_START ); //?? gi.linkentity( ent ); }*/ /* ============= Q3_Lerp2End Lerps the origin of an entity to its ending position ============= // NEEDED??? */ /*static void Q3_Lerp2End( int entID, int taskID, float duration ) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if(!ent) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "Q3_Lerp2End: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( ent->client || ent->NPC || Q_stricmp(ent->classname, "target_scriptrunner") == 0 ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( WL_ERROR, "Q3_Lerp2End: ent %d is NOT a mover!\n", entID); return; } if ( ent->s.eType != ET_MOVER ) { ent->s.eType = ET_MOVER; } if ( ent->moverState == MOVER_POS1 ) {//open the portal if ( ent->svFlags & SVF_MOVER_ADJ_AREA_PORTALS ) { gi.AdjustAreaPortalState( ent, qtrue ); } } //FIXME: set up correctly!!! ent->moverState = MOVER_1TO2; ent->s.eType = ET_MOVER; ent->e_ReachedFunc = reachedF_moverCallback; //Callsback the the completion of the move if ( ent->damage ) { ent->e_BlockedFunc = blockedF_Blocked_Mover; } ent->s.pos.trDuration = duration * 10; //In seconds ent->s.time = level.time; Q3_TaskIDSet( ent, TID_MOVE_NAV, taskID ); // starting sound G_PlayDoorLoopSound( ent ); G_PlayDoorSound( ent, BMS_START ); //?? gi.linkentity( ent ); }*/ /* ============= Q3_Lerp2Pos Lerps the origin and angles of an entity to the destination values ============= */ /*static void Q3_Lerp2Pos( int taskID, int entID, vec3_t origin, vec3_t angles, float duration ) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; vec3_t ang; int i; if(!ent) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "Q3_Lerp2Pos: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( ent->client || ent->NPC || Q_stricmp(ent->classname, "target_scriptrunner") == 0 ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( WL_ERROR, "Q3_Lerp2Pos: ent %d is NOT a mover!\n", entID); return; } if ( ent->s.eType != ET_MOVER ) { ent->s.eType = ET_MOVER; } //Don't allow a zero duration if ( duration == 0 ) duration = 1; // // Movement moverState_t moverState = ent->moverState; if ( moverState == MOVER_POS1 || moverState == MOVER_2TO1 ) { VectorCopy( ent->currentOrigin, ent->pos1 ); VectorCopy( origin, ent->pos2 ); if ( moverState == MOVER_POS1 ) {//open the portal if ( ent->svFlags & SVF_MOVER_ADJ_AREA_PORTALS ) { gi.AdjustAreaPortalState( ent, qtrue ); } } moverState = MOVER_1TO2; } else /*if ( moverState == MOVER_POS2 || moverState == MOVER_1TO2 )*/ /* { VectorCopy( ent->currentOrigin, ent->pos2 ); VectorCopy( origin, ent->pos1 ); moverState = MOVER_2TO1; } InitMoverTrData( ent ); ent->s.pos.trDuration = duration; // start it going MatchTeam( ent, moverState, level.time ); //SetMoverState( ent, moverState, level.time ); //Only do the angles if specified if ( angles != NULL ) { // // Rotation for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { ang[i] = AngleDelta( angles[i], ent->currentAngles[i] ); ent->s.apos.trDelta[i] = ( ang[i] / ( duration * 0.001f ) ); } VectorCopy( ent->currentAngles, ent->s.apos.trBase ); if ( ent->alt_fire ) { ent->s.apos.trType = TR_LINEAR_STOP; } else { ent->s.apos.trType = TR_NONLINEAR_STOP; } ent->s.apos.trDuration = duration; ent->s.apos.trTime = level.time; ent->e_ReachedFunc = reachedF_moveAndRotateCallback; Q3_TaskIDSet( ent, TID_ANGLE_FACE, taskID ); } else { //Setup the last bits of information ent->e_ReachedFunc = reachedF_moverCallback; } if ( ent->damage ) { ent->e_BlockedFunc = blockedF_Blocked_Mover; } Q3_TaskIDSet( ent, TID_MOVE_NAV, taskID ); // starting sound G_PlayDoorLoopSound( ent ); G_PlayDoorSound( ent, BMS_START ); //?? gi.linkentity( ent ); }*/ /* ============= Q3_Lerp2Origin Lerps the origin to the destination value ============= */ static void Q3_Lerp2Origin( int taskID, int entID, vec3_t origin, float duration ) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if(!ent) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_Lerp2Origin: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( ent->client || ent->NPC || Q_stricmp(ent->classname, "target_scriptrunner") == 0 ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_Lerp2Origin: ent %d is NOT a mover!\n", entID); return; } if ( ent->s.eType != ET_MOVER ) { ent->s.eType = ET_MOVER; } moverState_t moverState = ent->moverState; if ( moverState == MOVER_POS1 || moverState == MOVER_2TO1 ) { VectorCopy( ent->currentOrigin, ent->pos1 ); VectorCopy( origin, ent->pos2 ); if ( moverState == MOVER_POS1 ) {//open the portal if ( ent->svFlags & SVF_MOVER_ADJ_AREA_PORTALS ) { gi.AdjustAreaPortalState( ent, qtrue ); } } moverState = MOVER_1TO2; } else if ( moverState == MOVER_POS2 || moverState == MOVER_1TO2 ) { VectorCopy( ent->currentOrigin, ent->pos2 ); VectorCopy( origin, ent->pos1 ); moverState = MOVER_2TO1; } InitMoverTrData( ent ); //FIXME: This will probably break normal things that are being moved... ent->s.pos.trDuration = duration; // start it going MatchTeam( ent, moverState, level.time ); //SetMoverState( ent, moverState, level.time ); ent->e_ReachedFunc = reachedF_moverCallback; if ( ent->damage ) { ent->e_BlockedFunc = blockedF_Blocked_Mover; } if ( taskID != -1 ) { Q3_TaskIDSet( ent, TID_MOVE_NAV, taskID ); } // starting sound G_PlayDoorLoopSound( ent );//start looping sound G_PlayDoorSound( ent, BMS_START ); //play start sound gi.linkentity( ent ); } static void Q3_SetOriginOffset( int entID, int axis, float offset ) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if(!ent) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetOriginOffset: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( ent->client || ent->NPC || Q_stricmp(ent->classname, "target_scriptrunner") == 0 ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetOriginOffset: ent %d is NOT a mover!\n", entID); return; } vec3_t origin; VectorCopy( ent->s.origin, origin ); origin[axis] += offset; float duration = 0; if ( ent->speed ) { duration = fabs(offset)/fabs(ent->speed)*1000.0f; } Q3_Lerp2Origin( -1, entID, origin, duration ); } /* ============= Q3_LerpAngles Lerps the angles to the destination value ============= */ /*static void Q3_Lerp2Angles( int taskID, int entID, vec3_t angles, float duration ) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; vec3_t ang; int i; if(!ent) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "Q3_Lerp2Angles: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( ent->client || ent->NPC || Q_stricmp(ent->classname, "target_scriptrunner") == 0 ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( WL_ERROR, "Q3_Lerp2Angles: ent %d is NOT a mover!\n", entID); return; } //If we want an instant move, don't send 0... ent->s.apos.trDuration = (duration>0) ? duration : 1; for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { ang [i] = AngleSubtract( angles[i], ent->currentAngles[i]); ent->s.apos.trDelta[i] = ( ang[i] / ( ent->s.apos.trDuration * 0.001f ) ); } VectorCopy( ent->currentAngles, ent->s.apos.trBase ); if ( ent->alt_fire ) { ent->s.apos.trType = TR_LINEAR_STOP; } else { ent->s.apos.trType = TR_NONLINEAR_STOP; } ent->s.apos.trTime = level.time; Q3_TaskIDSet( ent, TID_ANGLE_FACE, taskID ); //ent->e_ReachedFunc = reachedF_NULL; ent->e_ThinkFunc = thinkF_anglerCallback; ent->nextthink = level.time + duration; gi.linkentity( ent ); }*/ /* ============= Q3_GetTag Gets the value of a tag by the give name ============= */ /*static int Q3_GetTag( int entID, const char *name, int lookup, vec3_t info ) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[ entID ]; VALIDATEB( ent ); switch ( lookup ) { case TYPE_ORIGIN: //return TAG_GetOrigin( ent->targetname, name, info ); return TAG_GetOrigin( ent->ownername, name, info ); break; case TYPE_ANGLES: //return TAG_GetAngles( ent->targetname, name, info ); return TAG_GetAngles( ent->ownername, name, info ); break; } return false; }*/ /* ============= Q3_SetNavGoal Sets the navigational goal of an entity ============= */ static qboolean Q3_SetNavGoal( int entID, const char *name ) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[ entID ]; vec3_t goalPos; if ( !ent->health ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetNavGoal: tried to set a navgoal (\"%s\") on a corpse! \"%s\"\n", name, ent->script_targetname ); return qfalse; } if ( !ent->NPC ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetNavGoal: tried to set a navgoal (\"%s\") on a non-NPC: \"%s\"\n", name, ent->script_targetname ); return qfalse; } if ( !ent->NPC->tempGoal ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetNavGoal: tried to set a navgoal (\"%s\") on a dead NPC: \"%s\"\n", name, ent->script_targetname ); return qfalse; } if ( !ent->NPC->tempGoal->inuse ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetNavGoal: NPC's (\"%s\") navgoal is freed: \"%s\"\n", name, ent->script_targetname ); return qfalse; } if( Q_stricmp( "null", name) == 0 || Q_stricmp( "NULL", name) == 0 ) { ent->NPC->goalEntity = NULL; Q3_TaskIDComplete( ent, TID_MOVE_NAV ); return qfalse; } else { //Get the position of the goal if ( TAG_GetOrigin2( NULL, name, goalPos ) == false ) { gentity_t *targ = G_Find(NULL, FOFS(targetname), (char*)name); if ( !targ ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetNavGoal: can't find NAVGOAL \"%s\"\n", name ); return qfalse; } else { ent->NPC->goalEntity = targ; ent->NPC->goalRadius = sqrt(ent->maxs[0]+ent->maxs[0]) + sqrt(targ->maxs[0]+targ->maxs[0]); ent->NPC->aiFlags &= ~NPCAI_TOUCHED_GOAL; } } else { int goalRadius = TAG_GetRadius( NULL, name ); NPC_SetMoveGoal( ent, goalPos, goalRadius, qtrue ); //We know we want to clear the lastWaypoint here ent->NPC->goalEntity->lastWaypoint = WAYPOINT_NONE; ent->NPC->aiFlags &= ~NPCAI_TOUCHED_GOAL; #ifdef _DEBUG //this is *only* for debugging navigation ent->NPC->tempGoal->target = G_NewString( name ); #endif// _DEBUG return qtrue; } } return qfalse; } //----------------------------------------------- /* ============ SetLowerAnim Description : Return type : static void Argument : int entID Argument : int animID ============ */ static void SetLowerAnim( int entID, int animID) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "SetLowerAnim: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !ent->client ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "SetLowerAnim: ent %d is NOT a player or NPC!\n", entID); return; } NPC_SetAnim(ent,SETANIM_LEGS,animID,SETANIM_FLAG_RESTART|SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD|SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE); } /* ============ SetUpperAnim Description : Return type : static void Argument : int entID Argument : int animID ============ */ static void SetUpperAnim ( int entID, int animID) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "SetUpperAnim: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !ent->client ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "SetLowerAnim: ent %d is NOT a player or NPC!\n", entID); return; } NPC_SetAnim(ent,SETANIM_TORSO,animID,SETANIM_FLAG_RESTART|SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD|SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE); } //----------------------------------------------- /* ============= Q3_SetAnimUpper Sets the upper animation of an entity ============= */ static qboolean Q3_SetAnimUpper( int entID, const char *anim_name ) { int animID = 0; animID = GetIDForString( animTable, anim_name ); if( animID == -1 ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetAnimUpper: unknown animation sequence '%s'\n", anim_name ); return qfalse; } if ( !PM_HasAnimation( &g_entities[entID], animID ) ) { return qfalse; } SetUpperAnim( entID, animID ); return qtrue; } /* ============= Q3_SetAnimLower Sets the lower animation of an entity ============= */ static qboolean Q3_SetAnimLower( int entID, const char *anim_name ) { int animID = 0; //FIXME: Setting duck anim does not actually duck! animID = GetIDForString( animTable, anim_name ); if( animID == -1 ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetAnimLower: unknown animation sequence '%s'\n", anim_name ); return qfalse; } if ( !PM_HasAnimation( &g_entities[entID], animID ) ) { return qfalse; } SetLowerAnim( entID, animID ); return qtrue; } /* ============ Q3_SetAnimHoldTime Description : Return type : static void Argument : int entID Argument : int int_data Argument : qboolean lower ============ */ extern void PM_SetTorsoAnimTimer( gentity_t *ent, int *torsoAnimTimer, int time ); extern void PM_SetLegsAnimTimer( gentity_t *ent, int *legsAnimTimer, int time ); static void Q3_SetAnimHoldTime( int entID, int int_data, qboolean lower ) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetAnimHoldTime: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !ent->client ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetAnimHoldTime: ent %d is NOT a player or NPC!\n", entID); return; } if(lower) { PM_SetLegsAnimTimer( ent, &ent->client->ps.legsAnimTimer, int_data ); } else { PM_SetTorsoAnimTimer( ent, &ent->client->ps.torsoAnimTimer, int_data ); } } /* ============= Q3_SetEnemy Sets the enemy of an entity ============= */ static void Q3_SetEnemy( int entID, const char *name ) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetEnemy: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if( !Q_stricmp("NONE", name) || !Q_stricmp("NULL", name)) { if(ent->NPC) { G_ClearEnemy(ent); } else { ent->enemy = NULL; } } else { gentity_t *enemy = G_Find( NULL, FOFS(targetname), (char *) name); if(enemy == NULL) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetEnemy: no such enemy: '%s'\n", name ); return; } /*else if(enemy->health <= 0) { //Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetEnemy: ERROR - desired enemy has health %d\n", enemy->health ); return; }*/ else { if(ent->NPC) { G_SetEnemy( ent, enemy ); ent->cantHitEnemyCounter = 0; } else { G_SetEnemy(ent, enemy); } } } } /* ============= Q3_SetLeader Sets the leader of an NPC ============= */ static void Q3_SetLeader( int entID, const char *name ) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetLeader: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !ent->client ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetLeader: ent %d is NOT a player or NPC!\n", entID); return; } if( !Q_stricmp("NONE", name) || !Q_stricmp("NULL", name)) { ent->client->leader = NULL; } else { gentity_t *leader = G_Find( NULL, FOFS(targetname), (char *) name); if(leader == NULL) { //Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( WL_ERROR,"Q3_SetEnemy: unable to locate enemy: '%s'\n", name ); return; } else if(leader->health <= 0) { //Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( WL_ERROR,"Q3_SetEnemy: ERROR - desired enemy has health %d\n", enemy->health ); return; } else { ent->client->leader = leader; } } } stringID_table_t teamTable [] = { ENUM2STRING(TEAM_FREE), // ENUM2STRING(TEAM_STARFLEET), // ENUM2STRING(TEAM_BORG), // ENUM2STRING(TEAM_PARASITE), // ENUM2STRING(TEAM_SCAVENGERS), // ENUM2STRING(TEAM_KLINGON), // ENUM2STRING(TEAM_MALON), // ENUM2STRING(TEAM_HIROGEN), // ENUM2STRING(TEAM_IMPERIAL), // ENUM2STRING(TEAM_STASIS), // ENUM2STRING(TEAM_8472), // ENUM2STRING(TEAM_BOTS), // ENUM2STRING(TEAM_FORGE), // ENUM2STRING(TEAM_DISGUISE), ENUM2STRING(TEAM_PLAYER), ENUM2STRING(TEAM_ENEMY), ENUM2STRING(TEAM_NEUTRAL), "", TEAM_FREE, }; /* ============ Q3_SetPlayerTeam Description : Return type : static void Argument : int entID Argument : const char *teamName ============ */ static void Q3_SetPlayerTeam( int entID, const char *teamName ) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; team_t newTeam; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetPlayerTeam: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !ent->client ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetPlayerTeam: ent %d is NOT a player or NPC!\n", entID); return; } newTeam = (team_t)GetIDForString( teamTable, teamName ); ent->client->playerTeam = newTeam; } /* ============ Q3_SetEnemyTeam Description : Return type : static void Argument : int entID Argument : const char *teamName ============ */ static void Q3_SetEnemyTeam( int entID, const char *teamName ) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetEnemyTeam: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !ent->client ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetEnemyTeam: ent %d is NOT a player or NPC!\n", entID); return; } ent->client->enemyTeam = (team_t)GetIDForString( teamTable, teamName ); } /* ============ Q3_SetHealth Description : Return type : static void Argument : int entID Argument : int data ============ */ static void Q3_SetHealth( int entID, int data ) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetHealth: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } // FIXME : should we really let you set health on a dead guy? // this close to gold I won't change it, but warn you about it if( ent->health <= 0 ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetHealth: trying to set health on a dead guy! %d\n", entID); } if ( data < 0 ) { data = 0; } ent->health = data; // should adjust max if new health is higher than max if ( ent->health > ent->max_health ) { ent->max_health = ent->health; } if(!ent->client) { return; } ent->client->ps.stats[STAT_HEALTH] = data; if ( ent->s.number == 0 ) {//clamp health to max if ( ent->client->ps.stats[STAT_HEALTH] > ent->client->ps.stats[STAT_MAX_HEALTH] ) { ent->health = ent->client->ps.stats[STAT_HEALTH] = ent->client->ps.stats[STAT_MAX_HEALTH]; } if ( data == 0 ) {//artificially "killing" the player", don't let him respawn right away ent->client->ps.pm_type = PM_DEAD; //delay respawn for 2 seconds ent->client->respawnTime = level.time + 2000; //stop all scripts if (Q_stricmpn(level.mapname,"_holo",5)) { stop_icarus = qtrue; } //make the team killable //G_MakeTeamVulnerable(); } } } /* ============ Q3_SetArmor Description : Return type : static void Argument : int entID Argument : int data ============ */ static void Q3_SetArmor( int entID, int data ) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetArmor: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if(!ent->client) { return; } ent->client->ps.stats[STAT_ARMOR] = data; if ( ent->s.number == 0 ) {//clamp armor to max_health if ( ent->client->ps.stats[STAT_ARMOR] > ent->client->ps.stats[STAT_MAX_HEALTH] ) { ent->client->ps.stats[STAT_ARMOR] = ent->client->ps.stats[STAT_MAX_HEALTH]; } } } /* ============ Q3_SetBState Description : Return type : static qboolean Argument : int entID Argument : const char *bs_name FIXME: this should be a general NPC wrapper function that is called ANY time a bState is changed... ============ */ static qboolean Q3_SetBState( int entID, const char *bs_name ) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; bState_t bSID; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetBState: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return qtrue; } if ( !ent->NPC ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetBState: '%s' is not an NPC\n", ent->targetname ); return qtrue;//ok to complete } bSID = (bState_t)(GetIDForString( BSTable, bs_name )); if ( bSID > -1 ) { if ( bSID == BS_SEARCH || bSID == BS_WANDER ) { //FIXME: Reimplement if( ent->waypoint != WAYPOINT_NONE ) { NPC_BSSearchStart( ent->waypoint, bSID ); } else { ent->waypoint = NAV::GetNearestNode(ent); if( ent->waypoint != WAYPOINT_NONE ) { NPC_BSSearchStart( ent->waypoint, bSID ); } else { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetBState: '%s' is not in a valid waypoint to search from!\n", ent->targetname ); return qtrue; } } } ent->NPC->tempBehavior = BS_DEFAULT;//need to clear any temp behaviour if ( ent->NPC->behaviorState == BS_NOCLIP && bSID != BS_NOCLIP ) {//need to rise up out of the floor after noclipping ent->currentOrigin[2] += 0.125; G_SetOrigin( ent, ent->currentOrigin ); gi.linkentity( ent ); } ent->NPC->behaviorState = bSID; if ( bSID == BS_DEFAULT ) { ent->NPC->defaultBehavior = bSID; } } ent->NPC->aiFlags &= ~NPCAI_TOUCHED_GOAL; // if ( bSID == BS_FLY ) // {//FIXME: need a set bState wrapper // ent->client->moveType = MT_FLYSWIM; // } // else { //FIXME: these are presumptions! //Q3_SetGravity( entID, g_gravity->value ); //ent->client->moveType = MT_RUNJUMP; } if ( bSID == BS_NOCLIP ) { ent->client->noclip = true; } else { ent->client->noclip = false; } /* if ( bSID == BS_FACE || bSID == BS_POINT_AND_SHOOT || bSID == BS_FACE_ENEMY ) { ent->NPC->aimTime = level.time + 5 * 1000;//try for 5 seconds return qfalse;//need to wait for task complete message } */ // if ( bSID == BS_SNIPER || bSID == BS_ADVANCE_FIGHT ) if ( bSID == BS_ADVANCE_FIGHT ) { return qfalse;//need to wait for task complete message } /* if ( bSID == BS_SHOOT || bSID == BS_POINT_AND_SHOOT ) {//Let them shoot right NOW ent->NPC->shotTime = ent->attackDebounceTime = level.time; } */ if ( bSID == BS_JUMP ) { ent->NPC->jumpState = JS_FACING; } return qtrue;//ok to complete } /* ============ Q3_SetTempBState Description : Return type : static qboolean Argument : int entID Argument : const char *bs_name ============ */ static qboolean Q3_SetTempBState( int entID, const char *bs_name ) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; bState_t bSID; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetTempBState: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return qtrue; } if ( !ent->NPC ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetTempBState: '%s' is not an NPC\n", ent->targetname ); return qtrue;//ok to complete } bSID = (bState_t)(GetIDForString( BSTable, bs_name )); if ( bSID > -1 ) { ent->NPC->tempBehavior = bSID; } /* if ( bSID == BS_FACE || bSID == BS_POINT_AND_SHOOT || bSID == BS_FACE_ENEMY ) { ent->NPC->aimTime = level.time + 5 * 1000;//try for 5 seconds return qfalse;//need to wait for task complete message } */ /* if ( bSID == BS_SHOOT || bSID == BS_POINT_AND_SHOOT ) {//Let them shoot right NOW ent->NPC->shotTime = ent->attackDebounceTime = level.time; } */ return qtrue;//ok to complete } /* ============ Q3_SetDefaultBState Description : Return type : static void Argument : int entID Argument : const char *bs_name ============ */ static void Q3_SetDefaultBState( int entID, const char *bs_name ) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; bState_t bSID; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetDefaultBState: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !ent->NPC ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetDefaultBState: '%s' is not an NPC\n", ent->targetname ); return; } bSID = (bState_t)(GetIDForString( BSTable, bs_name )); if ( bSID > -1 ) { ent->NPC->defaultBehavior = bSID; } } /* ============ Q3_SetDPitch Description : Return type : static void Argument : int entID Argument : float data ============ */ static void Q3_SetDPitch( int entID, float data ) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetDPitch: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !ent->NPC || !ent->client ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetDPitch: '%s' is not an NPC\n", ent->targetname ); return; } int pitchMin = -ent->client->renderInfo.headPitchRangeUp + 1; int pitchMax = ent->client->renderInfo.headPitchRangeDown - 1; //clamp angle to -180 -> 180 data = AngleNormalize180( data ); //Clamp it to my valid range if ( data < -1 ) { if ( data < pitchMin ) { data = pitchMin; } } else if ( data > 1 ) { if ( data > pitchMax ) { data = pitchMax; } } ent->NPC->lockedDesiredPitch = ent->NPC->desiredPitch = data; } /* ============ Q3_SetDYaw Description : Return type : static void Argument : int entID Argument : float data ============ */ static void Q3_SetDYaw( int entID, float data ) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetDYaw: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !ent->NPC ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetDYaw: '%s' is not an NPC\n", ent->targetname ); return; } if(!ent->enemy) {//don't mess with this if they're aiming at someone ent->NPC->lockedDesiredYaw = ent->NPC->desiredYaw = ent->s.angles[1] = data; } else { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Could not set DYAW: '%s' has an enemy (%s)!\n", ent->targetname, ent->enemy->targetname ); } } /* ============ Q3_SetShootDist Description : Return type : static void Argument : int entID Argument : float data ============ */ static void Q3_SetShootDist( int entID, float data ) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetShootDist: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !ent->NPC ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetShootDist: '%s' is not an NPC\n", ent->targetname ); return; } ent->NPC->stats.shootDistance = data; } /* ============ Q3_SetVisrange Description : Return type : static void Argument : int entID Argument : float data ============ */ static void Q3_SetVisrange( int entID, float data ) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetVisrange: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !ent->NPC ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetVisrange: '%s' is not an NPC\n", ent->targetname ); return; } ent->NPC->stats.visrange = data; } /* ============ Q3_SetEarshot Description : Return type : static void Argument : int entID Argument : float data ============ */ static void Q3_SetEarshot( int entID, float data ) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetEarshot: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !ent->NPC ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetEarshot: '%s' is not an NPC\n", ent->targetname ); return; } ent->NPC->stats.earshot = data; } /* ============ Q3_SetVigilance Description : Return type : static void Argument : int entID Argument : float data ============ */ static void Q3_SetVigilance( int entID, float data ) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetVigilance: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !ent->NPC ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetVigilance: '%s' is not an NPC\n", ent->targetname ); return; } ent->NPC->stats.vigilance = data; } /* ============ Q3_SetVFOV Description : Return type : static void Argument : int entID Argument : int data ============ */ static void Q3_SetVFOV( int entID, int data ) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetVFOV: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !ent->NPC ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetVFOV: '%s' is not an NPC\n", ent->targetname ); return; } ent->NPC->stats.vfov = data; } /* ============ Q3_SetHFOV Description : Return type : static void Argument : int entID Argument : int data ============ */ static void Q3_SetHFOV( int entID, int data ) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetHFOV: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !ent->NPC ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetHFOV: '%s' is not an NPC\n", ent->targetname ); return; } ent->NPC->stats.hfov = data; } /* ============ Q3_SetWidth Description : Return type : static void Argument : int entID Argument : float data ============ */ static void Q3_SetWidth( int entID, int data ) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetWidth: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !ent->NPC ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetWidth: '%s' is not an NPC\n", ent->targetname ); return; } ent->maxs[0] = ent->maxs[1] = data; ent->mins[0] = ent->mins[1] = -data; } /* ============ Q3_GetTimeScale Description : Return type : static DWORD Argument : void ============ */ // NEEDED??? /*static DWORD Q3_GetTimeScale( void ) { //return Q3_TIME_SCALE; return g_timescale->value; }*/ /* ============ Q3_SetTimeScale Description : Return type : static void Argument : int entID Argument : const char *data ============ */ static void Q3_SetTimeScale( int entID, const char *data ) { // if we're skipping the script DO NOT allow timescale to be set (skipping needs it at 100) if ( g_skippingcin->integer ) { return; } gi.cvar_set("timescale", data); } /* ============ Q3_SetInvisible Description : Return type : static void Argument : int entID Argument : qboolean invisible ============ */ static void Q3_SetInvisible( int entID, qboolean invisible ) { gentity_t *self = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !self ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetInvisible: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( invisible ) { self->s.eFlags |= EF_NODRAW; if ( self->client ) { self->client->ps.eFlags |= EF_NODRAW; } self->contents = 0; } else { self->s.eFlags &= ~EF_NODRAW; if ( self->client ) { self->client->ps.eFlags &= ~EF_NODRAW; } } } /* ============ Q3_SetVampire Description : Return type : static void Argument : int entID Argument : qboolean vampire ============ */ static void Q3_SetVampire( int entID, qboolean vampire ) { gentity_t *self = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !self || !self->client ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetVampire: entID %d not a client\n", entID); return; } if ( vampire ) { self->client->ps.powerups[PW_DISINT_2] = Q3_INFINITE; } else { self->client->ps.powerups[PW_DISINT_2] = 0; } } /* ============ Q3_SetGreetAllies Description : Return type : static void Argument : int entID Argument : qboolean greet ============ */ static void Q3_SetGreetAllies( int entID, qboolean greet ) { gentity_t *self = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !self ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetGreetAllies: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !self->NPC ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetGreetAllies: ent %s is not an NPC!\n", self->targetname ); return; } if ( greet ) { self->NPC->aiFlags |= NPCAI_GREET_ALLIES; } else { self->NPC->aiFlags &= ~NPCAI_GREET_ALLIES; } } /* ============ Q3_SetViewTarget Description : Return type : static void Argument : int entID Argument : const char *name ============ */ static void Q3_SetViewTarget (int entID, const char *name) { gentity_t *self = &g_entities[entID]; gentity_t *viewtarget = G_Find( NULL, FOFS(targetname), (char *) name); vec3_t viewspot, selfspot, viewvec, viewangles; if ( !self ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetViewTarget: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !self->client ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetViewTarget: '%s' is not a player/NPC!\n", self->targetname ); return; } //FIXME: Exception handle here if (viewtarget == NULL) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetViewTarget: can't find ViewTarget: '%s'\n", name ); return; } //FIXME: should we set behavior to BS_FACE and keep facing this ent as it moves //around for a script-specified length of time...? VectorCopy ( self->currentOrigin, selfspot ); selfspot[2] += self->client->ps.viewheight; if ( viewtarget->client && (!g_skippingcin || !g_skippingcin->integer ) ) { VectorCopy ( viewtarget->client->renderInfo.eyePoint, viewspot ); } else { VectorCopy ( viewtarget->currentOrigin, viewspot ); } VectorSubtract( viewspot, selfspot, viewvec ); vectoangles( viewvec, viewangles ); Q3_SetDYaw( entID, viewangles[YAW] ); if ( !g_skippingcin || !g_skippingcin->integer ) { Q3_SetDPitch( entID, viewangles[PITCH] ); } } /* ============ Q3_SetWatchTarget Description : Return type : static void Argument : int entID Argument : const char *name ============ */ static void Q3_SetWatchTarget (int entID, const char *name) { gentity_t *self = &g_entities[entID]; gentity_t *watchTarget = NULL; if ( !self ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetWatchTarget: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !self->NPC ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetWatchTarget: '%s' is not an NPC!\n", self->targetname ); return; } if ( Q_stricmp( "NULL", name ) == 0 || Q_stricmp( "NONE", name ) == 0 || ( self->targetname && (Q_stricmp( self->targetname, name ) == 0) ) ) {//clearing watchTarget self->NPC->watchTarget = NULL; } watchTarget = G_Find( NULL, FOFS(targetname), (char *) name); if ( watchTarget == NULL ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetWatchTarget: can't find WatchTarget: '%s'\n", name ); return; } self->NPC->watchTarget = watchTarget; } void Q3_SetLoopSound(int entID, const char *name) { sfxHandle_t index; gentity_t *self = &g_entities[entID]; if ( Q_stricmp( "NULL", name ) == 0 || Q_stricmp( "NONE", name )==0) { self->s.loopSound = 0; return; } if ( self->s.eType == ET_MOVER ) { index = cgi_S_RegisterSound( name ); } else { index = G_SoundIndex( name ); } if (index) { self->s.loopSound = index; } else { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetLoopSound: can't find sound file: '%s'\n", name ); } } void Q3_SetICARUSFreeze( int entID, const char *name, qboolean freeze ) { gentity_t *self = G_Find( NULL, FOFS(targetname), name ); if ( !self ) {//hmm, targetname failed, try script_targetname? self = G_Find( NULL, FOFS(script_targetname), name ); } if ( !self ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetICARUSFreeze: invalid ent %s\n", name); return; } if ( freeze ) { self->svFlags |= SVF_ICARUS_FREEZE; } else { self->svFlags &= ~SVF_ICARUS_FREEZE; } } /* ============ Q3_SetViewEntity Description : Return type : static void Argument : int entID Argument : const char *name ============ */ extern qboolean G_ClearViewEntity( gentity_t *ent ); extern void G_SetViewEntity( gentity_t *self, gentity_t *viewEntity ); void Q3_SetViewEntity(int entID, const char *name) { gentity_t *self = &g_entities[entID]; gentity_t *viewtarget = G_Find( NULL, FOFS(targetname), (char *) name); if ( entID != 0 ) {//only valid on player Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetViewEntity: only valid on player\n", entID); return; } if ( !self ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetViewEntity: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !self->client ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetViewEntity: '%s' is not a player!\n", self->targetname ); return; } if ( !name ) { G_ClearViewEntity( self ); return; } if ( viewtarget == NULL ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetViewEntity: can't find ViewEntity: '%s'\n", name ); return; } G_SetViewEntity( self, viewtarget ); } /* ============ Q3_SetWeapon Description : Return type : static void Argument : int entID Argument : const char *wp_name ============ */ extern gentity_t *TossClientItems( gentity_t *self ); void G_SetWeapon( gentity_t *self, int wp ) { qboolean hadWeapon = qfalse; if ( !self->client ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetWeapon: '%s' is not a player/NPC!\n", self->targetname ); return; } if ( self->NPC ) {//since a script sets a weapon, we presume we don't want to auto-match the player's weapon anymore self->NPC->aiFlags &= ~NPCAI_MATCHPLAYERWEAPON; } if(wp == WP_NONE) {//no weapon self->client->ps.weapon = WP_NONE; G_RemoveWeaponModels( self ); if ( self->s.number < MAX_CLIENTS ) {//make sure the cgame-side knows this CG_ChangeWeapon( wp ); } return; } gitem_t *item = FindItemForWeapon( (weapon_t) wp); RegisterItem( item ); //make sure the weapon is cached in case this runs at startup if ( self->client->ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS]&( 1 << wp ) ) { hadWeapon = qtrue; } if ( self->NPC ) {//Should NPCs have only 1 weapon at a time? self->client->ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS] = ( 1 << wp ); self->client->ps.ammo[weaponData[wp].ammoIndex] = 999; ChangeWeapon( self, wp ); self->client->ps.weapon = wp; self->client->ps.weaponstate = WEAPON_READY;//WEAPON_RAISING; G_AddEvent( self, EV_GENERAL_SOUND, G_SoundIndex( "sound/weapons/change.wav" )); } else { self->client->ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS] |= ( 1 << wp ); self->client->ps.ammo[weaponData[wp].ammoIndex] = ammoData[weaponData[wp].ammoIndex].max; G_AddEvent( self, EV_ITEM_PICKUP, (item - bg_itemlist) ); //force it to change CG_ChangeWeapon( wp ); G_AddEvent( self, EV_GENERAL_SOUND, G_SoundIndex( "sound/weapons/change.wav" )); } G_RemoveWeaponModels( self ); if ( wp == WP_SABER ) { if ( !hadWeapon ) { WP_SaberInitBladeData( self ); } WP_SaberAddG2SaberModels( self ); } else { G_CreateG2AttachedWeaponModel( self, weaponData[wp].weaponMdl, self->handRBolt, 0 ); } } static void Q3_SetWeapon (int entID, const char *wp_name) { gentity_t *self = &g_entities[entID]; int wp = GetIDForString( WPTable, wp_name ); if ( !self ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetWeapon: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !self->client ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetWeapon: '%s' is not a player/NPC!\n", self->targetname ); return; } if ( self->NPC ) {//since a script sets a weapon, we presume we don't want to auto-match the player's weapon anymore self->NPC->aiFlags &= ~NPCAI_MATCHPLAYERWEAPON; } if(!Q_stricmp("drop", wp_name)) {//no weapon, drop it TossClientItems( self ); self->client->ps.weapon = WP_NONE; G_RemoveWeaponModels( self ); return; } G_SetWeapon( self, wp ); } /* ============ Q3_SetItem Description : Return type : static void Argument : int entID Argument : const char *wp_name ============ */ static void Q3_SetItem (int entID, const char *item_name) { gentity_t *self = &g_entities[entID]; int inv; if ( !self ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetWeapon: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !self->client ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetWeapon: '%s' is not a player/NPC!\n", self->targetname ); return; } inv = GetIDForString( INVTable, item_name ); gitem_t *item = FindItemForInventory(inv); RegisterItem( item ); //make sure the item is cached in case this runs at startup // G_AddEvent( self, EV_ITEM_PICKUP, (item - bg_itemlist) ); // G_AddEvent( self, EV_GENERAL_SOUND, G_SoundIndex( "sound/weapons/change.wav" )); self->client->ps.stats[STAT_ITEMS] |= (1<giTag); if( (inv == INV_ELECTROBINOCULARS) || (inv == INV_LIGHTAMP_GOGGLES) ) { self->client->ps.inventory[inv] = 1; return; } // else Bacta, seeker, sentry if( self->client->ps.inventory[inv] < 5 ) { self->client->ps.inventory[inv]++; } } /* ============ Q3_SetWalkSpeed Description : Return type : static void Argument : int entID Argument : int int_data ============ */ static void Q3_SetWalkSpeed (int entID, int int_data) { gentity_t *self = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !self ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetWalkSpeed: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !self->NPC ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetWalkSpeed: '%s' is not an NPC!\n", self->targetname ); return; } if(int_data == 0) { self->NPC->stats.walkSpeed = self->client->ps.speed = 1; } self->NPC->stats.walkSpeed = self->client->ps.speed = int_data; } /* ============ Q3_SetRunSpeed Description : Return type : static void Argument : int entID Argument : int int_data ============ */ static void Q3_SetRunSpeed (int entID, int int_data) { gentity_t *self = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !self ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetRunSpeed: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !self->NPC ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetRunSpeed: '%s' is not an NPC!\n", self->targetname ); return; } if(int_data == 0) { self->NPC->stats.runSpeed = self->client->ps.speed = 1; } self->NPC->stats.runSpeed = self->client->ps.speed = int_data; } /* ============ Q3_SetYawSpeed Description : Return type : static void Argument : int entID Argument : float float_data ============ */ static void Q3_SetYawSpeed (int entID, float float_data) { gentity_t *self = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !self ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetYawSpeed: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !self->NPC ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetYawSpeed: '%s' is not an NPC!\n", self->targetname ); return; } self->NPC->stats.yawSpeed = float_data; } /* ============ Q3_SetAggression Description : Return type : static void Argument : int entID Argument : int int_data ============ */ static void Q3_SetAggression(int entID, int int_data) { gentity_t *self = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !self ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetAggression: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !self->NPC ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetAggression: '%s' is not an NPC!\n", self->targetname ); return; } if(int_data < 1 || int_data > 5) return; self->NPC->stats.aggression = int_data; } /* ============ Q3_SetAim Description : Return type : static void Argument : int entID Argument : int int_data ============ */ static void Q3_SetAim(int entID, int int_data) { gentity_t *self = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !self ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetAim: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !self->NPC ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetAim: '%s' is not an NPC!\n", self->targetname ); return; } if(int_data < 1 || int_data > 5) return; self->NPC->stats.aim = int_data; } /* ============ Q3_SetFriction Description : Return type : static void Argument : int entID Argument : int int_data ============ */ static void Q3_SetFriction(int entID, int int_data) { gentity_t *self = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !self ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetFriction: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !self->client ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetFriction: '%s' is not an NPC/player!\n", self->targetname ); return; } self->client->ps.friction = int_data; } /* ============ Q3_SetGravity Description : Return type : static void Argument : int entID Argument : float float_data ============ */ static void Q3_SetGravity(int entID, float float_data) { gentity_t *self = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !self ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetGravity: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !self->client ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetGravity: '%s' is not an NPC/player!\n", self->targetname ); return; } //FIXME: what if we want to return them to normal global gravity? self->svFlags |= SVF_CUSTOM_GRAVITY; self->client->ps.gravity = float_data; } /* ============ Q3_SetWait Description : Return type : static void Argument : int entID Argument : float float_data ============ */ static void Q3_SetWait(int entID, float float_data) { gentity_t *self = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !self ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetWait: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } self->wait = float_data; } static void Q3_SetShotSpacing(int entID, int int_data) { gentity_t *self = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !self ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetShotSpacing: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !self->NPC ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetShotSpacing: '%s' is not an NPC!\n", self->targetname ); return; } self->NPC->aiFlags &= ~NPCAI_BURST_WEAPON; self->NPC->burstSpacing = int_data; } /* ============ Q3_SetFollowDist Description : Return type : static void Argument : int entID Argument : float float_data ============ */ static void Q3_SetFollowDist(int entID, float float_data) { gentity_t *self = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !self ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetFollowDist: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !self->client || !self->NPC ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetFollowDist: '%s' is not an NPC!\n", self->targetname ); return; } self->NPC->followDist = float_data; } /* ============ Q3_SetScale Description : Return type : static void Argument : int entID Argument : float float_data ============ */ static void Q3_SetScale(int entID, float float_data) { gentity_t *self = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !self ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetScale: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } self->s.scale = float_data; } /* ============ Q3_SetRenderCullRadius Description : allows NPCs to be drawn even when their origin is very far away from their model Return type : static void Argument : int entID Argument : float float_data (the new radius for render culling) ============ */ static void Q3_SetRenderCullRadius(int entID, float float_data) { gentity_t *self = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !self ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetRenderCullRadius: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } self->s.radius = float_data; } /* ============ Q3_SetCount Description : Return type : static void Argument : int entID Argument : const char *data ============ */ static void Q3_SetCount(int entID, const char *data) { gentity_t *self = &g_entities[entID]; float val = 0.0f; //FIXME: use FOFS() stuff here to make a generic entity field setting? if ( !self ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetCount: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( (val = Q3_CheckStringCounterIncrement( data )) ) { self->count += (int)(val); } else { self->count = atoi((char *) data); } } /* ============ Q3_SetSquadName Description : Return type : static void Argument : int entID Argument : const char *squadname ============ */ /* static void Q3_SetSquadName (int entID, const char *squadname) { gentity_t *self = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !self ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetSquadName: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !self->client ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetSquadName: '%s' is not an NPC/player!\n", self->targetname ); return; } if(!Q_stricmp("NULL", ((char *)squadname))) { self->client->squadname = NULL; } else { self->client->squadname = G_NewString(squadname); } } */ /* ============ Q3_SetTargetName Description : Return type : static void Argument : int entID Argument : const char *targetname ============ */ static void Q3_SetTargetName (int entID, const char *targetname) { gentity_t *self = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !self ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetTargetName: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if(!Q_stricmp("NULL", ((char *)targetname))) { self->targetname = NULL; } else { self->targetname = G_NewString( targetname ); } } /* ============ Q3_SetTarget Description : Return type : static void Argument : int entID Argument : const char *target ============ */ static void Q3_SetTarget (int entID, const char *target) { gentity_t *self = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !self ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetTarget: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if(!Q_stricmp("NULL", ((char *)target))) { self->target = NULL; } else { self->target = G_NewString( target ); } } /* ============ Q3_SetTarget2 Description : Return type : static void Argument : int entID Argument : const char *target ============ */ static void Q3_SetTarget2 (int entID, const char *target2) { gentity_t *self = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !self ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetTarget2: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if(!Q_stricmp("NULL", ((char *)target2))) { self->target2 = NULL; } else { self->target2 = G_NewString( target2 ); } } /* ============ Q3_SetRemoveTarget Description : Return type : static void Argument : int entID Argument : const char *target ============ */ static void Q3_SetRemoveTarget (int entID, const char *target) { gentity_t *self = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !self ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetRemoveTarget: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !self->NPC ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetRemoveTarget: '%s' is not an NPC!\n", self->targetname ); return; } if( !Q_stricmp("NULL", ((char *)target)) ) { self->target3 = NULL; } else { self->target3 = G_NewString( target ); } } /* ============ Q3_SetPainTarget Description : Return type : void Argument : int entID Argument : const char *targetname ============ */ static void Q3_SetPainTarget (int entID, const char *targetname) { gentity_t *self = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !self ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetPainTarget: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if(Q_stricmp("NULL", ((char *)targetname)) == 0) { self->paintarget = NULL; } else { self->paintarget = G_NewString((char *)targetname); } } static void Q3_SetMusicState( const char *dms ) { int newDMS = GetIDForString( DMSTable, dms ); if ( newDMS != -1 ) { level.dmState = newDMS; } } static void Q3_SetForcePowerLevel ( int entID, int forcePower, int forceLevel ) { if ( forcePower < FP_FIRST || forceLevel >= NUM_FORCE_POWERS ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetForcePowerLevel: Force Power index %d out of range (%d-%d)\n", forcePower, FP_FIRST, (NUM_FORCE_POWERS-1) ); return; } if ( forceLevel < 0 || forceLevel >= NUM_FORCE_POWER_LEVELS ) { if ( forcePower != FP_SABER_OFFENSE || forceLevel >= SS_NUM_SABER_STYLES ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetForcePowerLevel: Force power setting %d out of range (0-3)\n", forceLevel ); return; } } gentity_t *self = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !self ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetForcePowerLevel: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !self->client ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetForcePowerLevel: ent %s is not a player or NPC\n", self->targetname ); return; } if ((forceLevel > self->client->ps.forcePowerLevel[forcePower]) && (entID==0) && (forceLevel > 0)) { if (0) { if (!cg_updatedDataPadForcePower1.integer) { missionInfo_Updated = qtrue; // Activate flashing text gi.cvar_set("cg_updatedDataPadForcePower1", va("%d",forcePower+1)); // The +1 is offset in the print routine. It ain't pretty, I know. cg_updatedDataPadForcePower1.integer = forcePower+1; } else if (!cg_updatedDataPadForcePower2.integer) { missionInfo_Updated = qtrue; // Activate flashing text gi.cvar_set("cg_updatedDataPadForcePower2", va("%d",forcePower+1)); // The +1 is offset in the print routine. It ain't pretty, I know. cg_updatedDataPadForcePower2.integer = forcePower+1; } else if (!cg_updatedDataPadForcePower3.integer) { missionInfo_Updated = qtrue; // Activate flashing text gi.cvar_set("cg_updatedDataPadForcePower3", va("%d",forcePower+1)); // The +1 is offset in the print routine. It ain't pretty, I know. cg_updatedDataPadForcePower3.integer = forcePower+1; } } } self->client->ps.forcePowerLevel[forcePower] = forceLevel; if ( forceLevel ) { self->client->ps.forcePowersKnown |= ( 1 << forcePower ); } else { self->client->ps.forcePowersKnown &= ~( 1 << forcePower ); } } extern qboolean G_InventorySelectable( int index,gentity_t *other); static void Q3_GiveSecurityKey( int entID, char *keyname ) { gentity_t *other = &g_entities[entID]; int i, original; if ( !other ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_GiveSecurityKey: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !other->client ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_GiveSecurityKey: ent %s is not a player or NPC\n", other->targetname ); return; } if ( !keyname || !keyname[0] || !Q_stricmp( "none", keyname ) || !Q_stricmp( "null", keyname ) ) {//remove the key if ( other->message ) {//remove it INV_SecurityKeyTake( other, other->message ); } return; } other->client->ps.stats[STAT_ITEMS] |= (1<= INV_MAX)) { cg.inventorySelect = (INV_MAX - 1); } if ( G_InventorySelectable( cg.inventorySelect,other ) ) { return; } cg.inventorySelect++; } cg.inventorySelect = original; } /* ============ Q3_SetParm Description : Return type : void Argument : int entID Argument : int parmNum Argument : const char *parmValue ============ */ void Q3_SetParm (int entID, int parmNum, const char *parmValue) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; float val; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetParm: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( parmNum < 0 || parmNum >= MAX_PARMS ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "SET_PARM: parmNum %d out of range!\n", parmNum ); return; } if( !ent->parms ) { ent->parms = (parms_t *)G_Alloc( sizeof(parms_t) ); memset( ent->parms, 0, sizeof(parms_t) ); } if ( (val = Q3_CheckStringCounterIncrement( parmValue )) ) { val += atof( ent->parms->parm[parmNum] ); sprintf( ent->parms->parm[parmNum], "%f", val ); } else {//Just copy the string //copy only 16 characters strncpy( ent->parms->parm[parmNum], parmValue, sizeof(ent->parms->parm[0]) ); //set the last charcter to null in case we had to truncate their passed string if ( ent->parms->parm[parmNum][sizeof(ent->parms->parm[0]) - 1] != 0 ) {//Tried to set a string that is too long ent->parms->parm[parmNum][sizeof(ent->parms->parm[0]) - 1] = 0; Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "SET_PARM: parm%d string too long, truncated to '%s'!\n", parmNum, ent->parms->parm[parmNum] ); } } } /* ============= Q3_SetCaptureGoal Sets the capture spot goal of an entity ============= */ static void Q3_SetCaptureGoal( int entID, const char *name ) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; gentity_t *goal = G_Find( NULL, FOFS(targetname), (char *) name); if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetCaptureGoal: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !ent->NPC ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetCaptureGoal: '%s' is not an NPC!\n", ent->targetname ); return; } //FIXME: Exception handle here if (goal == NULL) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetCaptureGoal: can't find CaptureGoal target: '%s'\n", name ); return; } if(ent->NPC) { ent->NPC->captureGoal = goal; ent->NPC->goalEntity = goal; ent->NPC->goalTime = level.time + 100000; } } /* ============= Q3_SetEvent ? ============= */ static void Q3_SetEvent( int entID, const char *event_name ) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; // gentity_t *tent = NULL; int event; // vec3_t spot; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetEvent: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } event = GetIDForString( eventTable, event_name ); switch( event ) { /* case EV_DISINTEGRATE: if( VectorCompare( ent->currentOrigin, vec3_origin ) ) {//Brush with no origin VectorSubtract( ent->absmax, ent->absmin, spot ); VectorMA( ent->absmin, 0.5, spot, spot ); } else { VectorCopy( ent->currentOrigin, spot ); spot[2] += ent->maxs[2]/2; } tent = G_TempEntity( spot, EV_DISINTEGRATION ); tent->s.eventParm = PW_REGEN; tent->owner = ent; break; */ case EV_BAD: default: //Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR,"Q3_SetEvent: Invalid Event %d\n", event ); return; break; } } /* ============ Q3_Use Uses an entity ============ */ /*static void Q3_Use( int entID, const char *target ) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_Use: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if( !target || !target[0] ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_Use: string is NULL!\n" ); return; } G_UseTargets2(ent, ent, target); }*/ /* ============ Q3_SetBehaviorSet ? ============ */ static qboolean Q3_SetBehaviorSet( int entID, int toSet, const char *scriptname) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; bSet_t bSet = BSET_INVALID; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetBehaviorSet: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return qfalse; } switch(toSet) { case SET_SPAWNSCRIPT: bSet = BSET_SPAWN; break; case SET_USESCRIPT: bSet = BSET_USE; break; case SET_AWAKESCRIPT: bSet = BSET_AWAKE; break; case SET_ANGERSCRIPT: bSet = BSET_ANGER; break; case SET_ATTACKSCRIPT: bSet = BSET_ATTACK; break; case SET_VICTORYSCRIPT: bSet = BSET_VICTORY; break; case SET_LOSTENEMYSCRIPT: bSet = BSET_LOSTENEMY; break; case SET_PAINSCRIPT: bSet = BSET_PAIN; break; case SET_FLEESCRIPT: bSet = BSET_FLEE; break; case SET_DEATHSCRIPT: bSet = BSET_DEATH; break; case SET_DELAYEDSCRIPT: bSet = BSET_DELAYED; break; case SET_BLOCKEDSCRIPT: bSet = BSET_BLOCKED; break; case SET_FFIRESCRIPT: bSet = BSET_FFIRE; break; case SET_FFDEATHSCRIPT: bSet = BSET_FFDEATH; break; case SET_MINDTRICKSCRIPT: bSet = BSET_MINDTRICK; break; } if(bSet < BSET_SPAWN || bSet >= NUM_BSETS) { return qfalse; } if(!Q_stricmp("NULL", scriptname)) { if ( ent->behaviorSet[bSet] != NULL ) { // gi.TagFree( ent->behaviorSet[bSet] ); } ent->behaviorSet[bSet] = NULL; //memset( &ent->behaviorSet[bSet], 0, sizeof(ent->behaviorSet[bSet]) ); } else { if ( scriptname ) { if ( ent->behaviorSet[bSet] != NULL ) { // gi.TagFree( ent->behaviorSet[bSet] ); } ent->behaviorSet[bSet] = G_NewString( (char *) scriptname ); //FIXME: This really isn't good... } //ent->behaviorSet[bSet] = scriptname; //strncpy( (char *) &ent->behaviorSet[bSet], scriptname, MAX_BSET_LENGTH ); } return qtrue; } /* ============ Q3_SetDelayScriptTime ? ============ */ static void Q3_SetDelayScriptTime(int entID, int delayTime) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetDelayScriptTime: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } ent->delayScriptTime = level.time + delayTime; } /* ============ Q3_SetIgnorePain ? ============ */ static void Q3_SetIgnorePain( int entID, qboolean data) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetIgnorePain: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !ent->NPC ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetIgnorePain: '%s' is not an NPC!\n", ent->targetname ); return; } ent->NPC->ignorePain = data; } /* ============ Q3_SetIgnoreEnemies ? ============ */ static void Q3_SetIgnoreEnemies( int entID, qboolean data) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetIgnoreEnemies: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !ent->NPC ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetIgnoreEnemies: '%s' is not an NPC!\n", ent->targetname ); return; } if(data) { ent->svFlags |= SVF_IGNORE_ENEMIES; } else { ent->svFlags &= ~SVF_IGNORE_ENEMIES; } } /* ============ Q3_SetIgnoreAlerts ? ============ */ static void Q3_SetIgnoreAlerts( int entID, qboolean data) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetIgnoreAlerts: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !ent->NPC ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetIgnoreAlerts: '%s' is not an NPC!\n", ent->targetname ); return; } if(data) { ent->NPC->scriptFlags |= SCF_IGNORE_ALERTS; } else { ent->NPC->scriptFlags &= ~SCF_IGNORE_ALERTS; } } /* ============ Q3_SetNoTarget ? ============ */ static void Q3_SetNoTarget( int entID, qboolean data) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetNoTarget: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if(data) ent->flags |= FL_NOTARGET; else ent->flags &= ~FL_NOTARGET; } /* ============ Q3_SetDontShoot ? ============ */ static void Q3_SetDontShoot( int entID, qboolean add) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetDontShoot: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if(add) { ent->flags |= FL_DONT_SHOOT; } else { ent->flags &= ~FL_DONT_SHOOT; } } /* ============ Q3_SetDontFire ? ============ */ static void Q3_SetDontFire( int entID, qboolean add) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetDontFire: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !ent->NPC ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetDontFire: '%s' is not an NPC!\n", ent->targetname ); return; } if(add) { ent->NPC->scriptFlags |= SCF_DONT_FIRE; } else { ent->NPC->scriptFlags &= ~SCF_DONT_FIRE; } } /* ============ Q3_SetFireWeapon ? ============ */ static void Q3_SetFireWeapon(int entID, qboolean add) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_FireWeapon: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !ent->NPC ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetFireWeapon: '%s' is not an NPC!\n", ent->targetname ); return; } if(add) { ent->NPC->scriptFlags |= SCF_FIRE_WEAPON; } else { ent->NPC->scriptFlags &= ~SCF_FIRE_WEAPON; } } /* ============ Q3_SetFireWeaponNoAnim ? ============ */ static void Q3_SetFireWeaponNoAnim(int entID, qboolean add) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_FireWeaponNoAnim: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !ent->NPC ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetFireWeaponNoAnim: '%s' is not an NPC!\n", ent->targetname ); return; } if(add) { ent->NPC->scriptFlags |= SCF_FIRE_WEAPON_NO_ANIM; } else { ent->NPC->scriptFlags &= ~SCF_FIRE_WEAPON_NO_ANIM; } } /* ============ Q3_SetSafeRemove If true, NPC will remove itself once player is not in PVS ============ */ static void Q3_SetSafeRemove(int entID, qboolean add) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetSafeRemove: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !ent->NPC ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetSafeRemove: '%s' is not an NPC!\n", ent->targetname ); return; } if(add) { ent->NPC->scriptFlags |= SCF_SAFE_REMOVE; } else { ent->NPC->scriptFlags &= ~SCF_SAFE_REMOVE; } } /* ============ Q3_SetBobaJetPack Turn on/off Boba's jet pack ============ */ static void Q3_SetBobaJetPack(int entID, qboolean add) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetBobaJetPack: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !ent->NPC ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetBobaJetPack: '%s' is not an NPC!\n", ent->targetname ); return; } // make sure we this is Boba Fett if ( ent->client && ent->client->NPC_class != CLASS_BOBAFETT ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetBobaJetPack: '%s' is not Boba Fett!\n", ent->targetname ); return; } if(add) { if ( ent->genericBolt1 != -1 ) { G_PlayEffect( G_EffectIndex( "boba/jetSP" ), ent->playerModel, ent->genericBolt1, ent->s.number, ent->currentOrigin, qtrue, qtrue ); } if ( ent->genericBolt2 != -1 ) { G_PlayEffect( G_EffectIndex( "boba/jetSP" ), ent->playerModel, ent->genericBolt2, ent->s.number, ent->currentOrigin, qtrue, qtrue ); } //take-off sound G_SoundOnEnt( ent, CHAN_ITEM, "sound/chars/boba/bf_blast-off.wav" ); //jet loop sound ent->s.loopSound = G_SoundIndex( "sound/chars/boba/bf_jetpack_lp.wav" ); } else { if ( ent->genericBolt1 != -1 ) { G_StopEffect( "boba/jetSP", ent->playerModel, ent->genericBolt1, ent->s.number ); } if ( ent->genericBolt2 != -1 ) { G_StopEffect( "boba/jetSP", ent->playerModel, ent->genericBolt2, ent->s.number ); } //stop jet loop sound ent->s.loopSound = 0; G_SoundOnEnt( ent, CHAN_ITEM, "sound/chars/boba/bf_land.wav" ); } } /* ============ Q3_SetInactive ? ============ */ static void Q3_SetInactive(int entID, qboolean add) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetInactive: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if(add) { ent->svFlags |= SVF_INACTIVE; } else { ent->svFlags &= ~SVF_INACTIVE; } } /* ============ Q3_SetFuncUsableVisible ? ============ */ static void Q3_SetFuncUsableVisible(int entID, qboolean visible ) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetFuncUsableVisible: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } // Yeah, I know that this doesn't even do half of what the func_usable use code does, but if I've got two things on top of each other...and only // one is visible at a time....and neither can ever be used......and finally, the shader on it has the shader_anim stuff going on....It doesn't seem // like I can easily use the other version without nasty side effects. if( visible ) { ent->svFlags &= ~SVF_NOCLIENT; ent->s.eFlags &= ~EF_NODRAW; } else { ent->svFlags |= SVF_NOCLIENT; ent->s.eFlags |= EF_NODRAW; } } /* ============ Q3_SetLockedEnemy ? ============ */ static void Q3_SetLockedEnemy ( int entID, qboolean locked) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetLockedEnemy: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !ent->NPC ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetLockedEnemy: '%s' is not an NPC!\n", ent->targetname ); return; } //FIXME: make an NPCAI_FLAG if(locked) { ent->svFlags |= SVF_LOCKEDENEMY; } else { ent->svFlags &= ~SVF_LOCKEDENEMY; } } char cinematicSkipScript[64]; /* ============ Q3_SetCinematicSkipScript ============ */ static void Q3_SetCinematicSkipScript( char *scriptname ) { if(Q_stricmp("none", scriptname) == 0 || Q_stricmp("NULL", scriptname) == 0) { cinematicSkipScript[0] = 0; } else { Q_strncpyz(cinematicSkipScript,scriptname,sizeof(cinematicSkipScript)); } } /* ============ Q3_SetNoMindTrick ? ============ */ static void Q3_SetNoMindTrick( int entID, qboolean add) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetNoMindTrick: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !ent->NPC ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetNoMindTrick: '%s' is not an NPC!\n", ent->targetname ); return; } if(add) { ent->NPC->scriptFlags |= SCF_NO_MIND_TRICK; ent->NPC->confusionTime = 0; if ( ent->ghoul2.size() && ent->headBolt != -1 ) { G_StopEffect("force/confusion", ent->playerModel, ent->headBolt, ent->s.number ); } } else { ent->NPC->scriptFlags &= ~SCF_NO_MIND_TRICK; } } /* ============ Q3_SetCrouched ? ============ */ static void Q3_SetCrouched( int entID, qboolean add) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetCrouched: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !ent->NPC ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetCrouched: '%s' is not an NPC!\n", ent->targetname ); return; } if(add) { ent->NPC->scriptFlags |= SCF_CROUCHED; } else { ent->NPC->scriptFlags &= ~SCF_CROUCHED; } } /* ============ Q3_SetWalking ? ============ */ static void Q3_SetWalking( int entID, qboolean add) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetWalking: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !ent->NPC ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetWalking: '%s' is not an NPC!\n", ent->targetname ); return; } if(add) { ent->NPC->scriptFlags |= SCF_WALKING; } else { ent->NPC->scriptFlags &= ~SCF_WALKING; } } /* ============ Q3_SetRunning ? ============ */ static void Q3_SetRunning( int entID, qboolean add) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetRunning: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !ent->NPC ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetRunning: '%s' is not an NPC!\n", ent->targetname ); return; } if(add) { ent->NPC->scriptFlags |= SCF_RUNNING; } else { ent->NPC->scriptFlags &= ~SCF_RUNNING; } } /* ============ Q3_SetForcedMarch ? ============ */ static void Q3_SetForcedMarch( int entID, qboolean add) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetForcedMarch: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !ent->NPC ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetForcedMarch: '%s' is not an NPC!\n", ent->targetname ); return; } if(add) { ent->NPC->scriptFlags |= SCF_FORCED_MARCH; } else { ent->NPC->scriptFlags &= ~SCF_FORCED_MARCH; } } /* ============ Q3_SetChaseEnemies indicates whether the npc should chase after an enemy ============ */ static void Q3_SetChaseEnemies( int entID, qboolean add) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetChaseEnemies: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !ent->NPC ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetChaseEnemies: '%s' is not an NPC!\n", ent->targetname ); return; } if(add) { ent->NPC->scriptFlags |= SCF_CHASE_ENEMIES; } else { ent->NPC->scriptFlags &= ~SCF_CHASE_ENEMIES; } } /* ============ Q3_SetLookForEnemies if set npc will be on the look out for potential enemies if not set, npc will ignore enemies ============ */ static void Q3_SetLookForEnemies( int entID, qboolean add) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetLookForEnemies: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !ent->NPC ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetLookForEnemies: '%s' is not an NPC!\n", ent->targetname ); return; } if(add) { ent->NPC->scriptFlags |= SCF_LOOK_FOR_ENEMIES; } else { ent->NPC->scriptFlags &= ~SCF_LOOK_FOR_ENEMIES; } } /* ============ Q3_SetFaceMoveDir ============ */ static void Q3_SetFaceMoveDir( int entID, qboolean add) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetFaceMoveDir: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !ent->NPC ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetFaceMoveDir: '%s' is not an NPC!\n", ent->targetname ); return; } if(add) { ent->NPC->scriptFlags |= SCF_FACE_MOVE_DIR; } else { ent->NPC->scriptFlags &= ~SCF_FACE_MOVE_DIR; } } /* ============ Q3_SetAltFire ? ============ */ static void Q3_SetAltFire( int entID, qboolean add) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetAltFire: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !ent->NPC ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetAltFire: '%s' is not an NPC!\n", ent->targetname ); return; } if(add) { ent->NPC->scriptFlags |= SCF_ALT_FIRE; } else { ent->NPC->scriptFlags &= ~SCF_ALT_FIRE; } ChangeWeapon( ent, ent->client->ps.weapon ); } /* ============ Q3_SetDontFlee ? ============ */ static void Q3_SetDontFlee( int entID, qboolean add) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetDontFlee: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !ent->NPC ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetDontFlee: '%s' is not an NPC!\n", ent->targetname ); return; } if(add) { ent->NPC->scriptFlags |= SCF_DONT_FLEE; } else { ent->NPC->scriptFlags &= ~SCF_DONT_FLEE; } } /* ============ Q3_SetNoResponse ? ============ */ static void Q3_SetNoResponse( int entID, qboolean add) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetNoResponse: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !ent->NPC ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetNoResponse: '%s' is not an NPC!\n", ent->targetname ); return; } if(add) { ent->NPC->scriptFlags |= SCF_NO_RESPONSE; } else { ent->NPC->scriptFlags &= ~SCF_NO_RESPONSE; } } /* ============ Q3_SetCombatTalk ? ============ */ static void Q3_SetCombatTalk( int entID, qboolean add) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetCombatTalk: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !ent->NPC ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetCombatTalk: '%s' is not an NPC!\n", ent->targetname ); return; } if ( add ) { ent->NPC->scriptFlags |= SCF_NO_COMBAT_TALK; } else { ent->NPC->scriptFlags &= ~SCF_NO_COMBAT_TALK; } } /* ============ Q3_SetAlertTalk ? ============ */ static void Q3_SetAlertTalk( int entID, qboolean add) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetAlertTalk: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !ent->NPC ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetAlertTalk: '%s' is not an NPC!\n", ent->targetname ); return; } if ( add ) { ent->NPC->scriptFlags |= SCF_NO_ALERT_TALK; } else { ent->NPC->scriptFlags &= ~SCF_NO_ALERT_TALK; } } /* ============ Q3_SetUseCpNearest ? ============ */ static void Q3_SetUseCpNearest( int entID, qboolean add) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetUseCpNearest: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !ent->NPC ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetUseCpNearest: '%s' is not an NPC!\n", ent->targetname ); return; } if ( add ) { ent->NPC->scriptFlags |= SCF_USE_CP_NEAREST; } else { ent->NPC->scriptFlags &= ~SCF_USE_CP_NEAREST; } } /* ============ Q3_SetNoForce ? ============ */ static void Q3_SetNoForce( int entID, qboolean add) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetNoForce: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !ent->NPC ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetNoForce: '%s' is not an NPC!\n", ent->targetname ); return; } if ( add ) { ent->NPC->scriptFlags |= SCF_NO_FORCE; } else { ent->NPC->scriptFlags &= ~SCF_NO_FORCE; } } /* ============ Q3_SetNoAcrobatics ? ============ */ static void Q3_SetNoAcrobatics( int entID, qboolean add) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetNoAcrobatics: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !ent->NPC ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetNoAcrobatics: '%s' is not an NPC!\n", ent->targetname ); return; } if ( add ) { ent->NPC->scriptFlags |= SCF_NO_ACROBATICS; } else { ent->NPC->scriptFlags &= ~SCF_NO_ACROBATICS; } } /* ============ Q3_SetUseSubtitles ? ============ */ static void Q3_SetUseSubtitles( int entID, qboolean add) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetUseSubtitles: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !ent->NPC ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetUseSubtitles: '%s' is not an NPC!\n", ent->targetname ); return; } if ( add ) { ent->NPC->scriptFlags |= SCF_USE_SUBTITLES; } else { ent->NPC->scriptFlags &= ~SCF_USE_SUBTITLES; } } /* ============ Q3_SetNoFallToDeath ? ============ */ static void Q3_SetNoFallToDeath( int entID, qboolean add) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetNoFallToDeath: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !ent->NPC ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetNoFallToDeath: '%s' is not an NPC!\n", ent->targetname ); return; } if ( add ) { ent->NPC->scriptFlags |= SCF_NO_FALLTODEATH; } else { ent->NPC->scriptFlags &= ~SCF_NO_FALLTODEATH; } } /* ============ Q3_SetDismemberable ? ============ */ static void Q3_SetDismemberable( int entID, qboolean dismemberable) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetDismemberable: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !ent->client ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetDismemberable: '%s' is not an client!\n", ent->targetname ); return; } ent->client->dismembered = !dismemberable; } /* ============ Q3_SetMoreLight ? ============ */ static void Q3_SetMoreLight( int entID, qboolean add ) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetMoreLight: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !ent->NPC ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetMoreLight: '%s' is not an NPC!\n", ent->targetname ); return; } if ( add ) { ent->NPC->scriptFlags |= SCF_MORELIGHT; } else { ent->NPC->scriptFlags &= ~SCF_MORELIGHT; } } /* ============ Q3_SetUndying ? ============ */ static void Q3_SetUndying( int entID, qboolean undying) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetUndying: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if(undying) { ent->flags |= FL_UNDYING; } else { ent->flags &= ~FL_UNDYING; } } /* ============ Q3_SetInvincible ? ============ */ static void Q3_SetInvincible( int entID, qboolean invincible) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetInvincible: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !Q_stricmp( "func_breakable", ent->classname ) ) { if ( invincible ) { ent->spawnflags |= 1; } else { ent->spawnflags &= ~1; } return; } if ( invincible ) { ent->flags |= FL_GODMODE; } else { ent->flags &= ~FL_GODMODE; } } /* ============ Q3_SetForceInvincible Description : Return type : static void Argument : int entID Argument : qboolean forceInv ============ */ static void Q3_SetForceInvincible( int entID, qboolean forceInv ) { gentity_t *self = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !self || !self->client ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetForceInvincible: entID %d not a client\n", entID); return; } Q3_SetInvincible( entID, forceInv ); if ( forceInv ) { self->client->ps.powerups[PW_INVINCIBLE] = Q3_INFINITE; } else { self->client->ps.powerups[PW_INVINCIBLE] = 0; } } /* ============ Q3_SetNoAvoid ? ============ */ static void Q3_SetNoAvoid( int entID, qboolean noAvoid) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetNoAvoid: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !ent->NPC ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetNoAvoid: '%s' is not an NPC!\n", ent->targetname ); return; } if(noAvoid) { ent->NPC->aiFlags |= NPCAI_NO_COLL_AVOID; } else { ent->NPC->aiFlags &= ~NPCAI_NO_COLL_AVOID; } } /* ============ SolidifyOwner Description : Return type : void Argument : gentity_t *self ============ */ void SolidifyOwner( gentity_t *self ) { self->nextthink = level.time + FRAMETIME; self->e_ThinkFunc = thinkF_G_FreeEntity; if ( !self->owner || !self->owner->inuse ) { return; } int oldContents = self->owner->contents; self->owner->contents = CONTENTS_BODY; if ( SpotWouldTelefrag2( self->owner, self->owner->currentOrigin ) ) { self->owner->contents = oldContents; self->e_ThinkFunc = thinkF_SolidifyOwner; } else { if ( self->owner->NPC && !(self->owner->spawnflags & SFB_NOTSOLID) ) { self->owner->clipmask |= CONTENTS_BODY; } Q3_TaskIDComplete( self->owner, TID_RESIZE ); } } /* ============ Q3_SetSolid ? ============ */ static qboolean Q3_SetSolid( int entID, qboolean solid) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetSolid: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return qtrue; } if ( solid ) {//FIXME: Presumption int oldContents = ent->contents; ent->contents = CONTENTS_BODY; if ( SpotWouldTelefrag2( ent, ent->currentOrigin ) ) { gentity_t *solidifier = G_Spawn(); solidifier->owner = ent; solidifier->e_ThinkFunc = thinkF_SolidifyOwner; solidifier->nextthink = level.time + FRAMETIME; ent->contents = oldContents; return qfalse; } ent->clipmask |= CONTENTS_BODY; } else {//FIXME: Presumption if ( ent->s.eFlags & EF_NODRAW ) {//We're invisible too, so set contents to none ent->contents = 0; } else { ent->contents = CONTENTS_CORPSE; } if ( ent->NPC ) { if(!(ent->spawnflags & SFB_NOTSOLID)) { ent->clipmask &= ~CONTENTS_BODY; } } } return qtrue; } /* ============ Q3_SetLean ? ============ */ #define LEAN_NONE 0 #define LEAN_RIGHT 1 #define LEAN_LEFT 2 static void Q3_SetLean( int entID, int lean) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetLean: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !ent->NPC ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetLean: '%s' is not an NPC!\n", ent->targetname ); return; } if(lean == LEAN_RIGHT) { ent->NPC->scriptFlags |= SCF_LEAN_RIGHT; ent->NPC->scriptFlags &= ~SCF_LEAN_LEFT; } else if(lean == LEAN_LEFT) { ent->NPC->scriptFlags |= SCF_LEAN_LEFT; ent->NPC->scriptFlags &= ~SCF_LEAN_RIGHT; } else { ent->NPC->scriptFlags &= ~SCF_LEAN_LEFT; ent->NPC->scriptFlags &= ~SCF_LEAN_RIGHT; } } /* ============ Q3_SetForwardMove ? ============ */ static void Q3_SetForwardMove( int entID, int fmoveVal) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetForwardMove: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !ent->client ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetForwardMove: '%s' is not an NPC/player!\n", ent->targetname ); return; } ent->client->forced_forwardmove = fmoveVal; } /* ============ Q3_SetRightMove ? ============ */ static void Q3_SetRightMove( int entID, int rmoveVal) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetRightMove: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !ent->client ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetRightMove: '%s' is not an NPC/player!\n", ent->targetname ); return; } ent->client->forced_rightmove = rmoveVal; } /* ============ Q3_SetLockAngle ? ============ */ static void Q3_SetLockAngle( int entID, const char *lockAngle) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetLockAngle: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !ent->client ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetLockAngle: '%s' is not an NPC/player!\n", ent->targetname ); return; } if(Q_stricmp("off", lockAngle) == 0) {//free it ent->client->renderInfo.renderFlags &= ~RF_LOCKEDANGLE; } else { ent->client->renderInfo.renderFlags |= RF_LOCKEDANGLE; if(Q_stricmp("auto", lockAngle) == 0) {//use current yaw if( ent->NPC ) // I need this to work on NPCs, so their locked value { ent->NPC->lockedDesiredYaw = NPC->client->ps.viewangles[YAW]; // could also set s.angles[1] and desiredYaw to this value... } else { ent->client->renderInfo.lockYaw = ent->client->ps.viewangles[YAW]; } } else {//specified yaw if( ent->NPC ) // I need this to work on NPCs, so their locked value { ent->NPC->lockedDesiredYaw = atof((char *)lockAngle); // could also set s.angles[1] and desiredYaw to this value... } else { ent->client->renderInfo.lockYaw = atof((char *)lockAngle); } } } } /* ============ Q3_CameraGroup ? ============ */ static void Q3_CameraGroup( int entID, char *camG) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_CameraGroup: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } ent->cameraGroup = G_NewString(camG); } extern camera_t client_camera; /* ============ Q3_CameraGroupZOfs ? ============ */ static void Q3_CameraGroupZOfs( float camGZOfs ) { client_camera.cameraGroupZOfs = camGZOfs; } /* ============ Q3_CameraGroup ? ============ */ static void Q3_CameraGroupTag( char *camGTag ) { Q_strncpyz( client_camera.cameraGroupTag, camGTag, sizeof(client_camera.cameraGroupTag) ); } /* ============ Q3_RemoveRHandModel ============ */ static void Q3_RemoveRHandModel( int entID, char *addModel) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( ent->cinematicModel >= 0 ) { gi.G2API_RemoveGhoul2Model(ent->ghoul2,ent->cinematicModel); } } /* ============ Q3_AddRHandModel ============ */ static void Q3_AddRHandModel( int entID, char *addModel) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; ent->cinematicModel = gi.G2API_InitGhoul2Model(ent->ghoul2, addModel, G_ModelIndex( addModel )); if ( ent->cinematicModel != -1 ) { // attach it to the hand gi.G2API_AttachG2Model(&ent->ghoul2[ent->cinematicModel], &ent->ghoul2[ent->playerModel], ent->handRBolt, ent->playerModel); } } /* ============ Q3_AddLHandModel ============ */ static void Q3_AddLHandModel( int entID, char *addModel) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; ent->cinematicModel = gi.G2API_InitGhoul2Model(ent->ghoul2, addModel, G_ModelIndex( addModel )); if ( ent->cinematicModel != -1 ) { // attach it to the hand gi.G2API_AttachG2Model(&ent->ghoul2[ent->cinematicModel], &ent->ghoul2[ent->playerModel], ent->handLBolt, ent->playerModel); } } /* ============ Q3_RemoveLHandModel ============ */ static void Q3_RemoveLHandModel( int entID, char *addModel) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( ent->cinematicModel >= 0 ) { gi.G2API_RemoveGhoul2Model(ent->ghoul2, ent->cinematicModel); } } /* ============ Q3_LookTarget ? ============ */ static void Q3_LookTarget( int entID, char *targetName) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_LookTarget: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !ent->client ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_LookTarget: '%s' is not an NPC/player!\n", ent->targetname ); return; } if(Q_stricmp("none", targetName) == 0 || Q_stricmp("NULL", targetName) == 0) {//clearing look target NPC_ClearLookTarget( ent ); return; } gentity_t *targ = G_Find(NULL, FOFS(targetname), targetName); if(!targ) { targ = G_Find(NULL, FOFS(script_targetname), targetName); if (!targ) { targ = G_Find(NULL, FOFS(NPC_targetname), targetName); if (!targ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_LookTarget: Can't find ent %s\n", targetName ); return; } } } NPC_SetLookTarget( ent, targ->s.number, 0 ); } /* ============ Q3_Face ? ============ */ static void Q3_Face( int entID,int expression, float holdtime) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_Face: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !ent->client ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_Face: '%s' is not an NPC/player!\n", ent->targetname ); return; } //FIXME: change to milliseconds to be consistant! holdtime *= 1000; switch(expression) { case SET_FACEEYESCLOSED: ent->client->facial_blink = 1; break; case SET_FACEEYESOPENED: ent->client->facial_blink = -1; break; case SET_FACEBLINK: ent->client->facial_timer = -(level.time + holdtime); break; case SET_FACEAUX: ent->client->facial_timer = -(level.time + holdtime); ent->client->facial_anim = FACE_ALERT; break; case SET_FACEBLINKFROWN: ent->client->facial_blink = -(level.time + holdtime); //fall through case SET_FACEFROWN: ent->client->facial_timer = -(level.time + holdtime); ent->client->facial_anim = FACE_FROWN; break; case SET_FACENORMAL: ent->client->facial_timer = level.time + Q_flrand(6000.0, 10000.0); ent->client->facial_blink = level.time + Q_flrand(3000.0, 5000.0); break; } } /* ============ Q3_SetPlayerUsable Description : Return type : void Argument : int entID Argument : qboolean usable ============ */ static void Q3_SetPlayerUsable( int entID, qboolean usable ) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetPlayerUsable: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if(usable) { ent->svFlags |= SVF_PLAYER_USABLE; } else { ent->svFlags &= ~SVF_PLAYER_USABLE; } } /* ============ Q3_SetDisableShaderAnims Description : Return type : static void Argument : int entID Argument : int disabled ============ */ static void Q3_SetDisableShaderAnims( int entID, int disabled ) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetDisableShaderAnims: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( disabled ) { ent->s.eFlags |= EF_DISABLE_SHADER_ANIM; } else { ent->s.eFlags &= ~EF_DISABLE_SHADER_ANIM; } } /* ============ Q3_SetShaderAnim Description : Return type : static void Argument : int entID Argument : int disabled ============ */ static void Q3_SetShaderAnim( int entID, int disabled ) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetShaderAnim: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( disabled ) { ent->s.eFlags |= EF_SHADER_ANIM; } else { ent->s.eFlags &= ~EF_SHADER_ANIM; } } void Q3_SetBroadcast( int entID, qboolean broadcast ) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( broadcast ) { ent->svFlags |= SVF_BROADCAST; } else { ent->svFlags &= ~SVF_BROADCAST; } } void Q3_SetForcePower( int entID, int forcePower, qboolean powerOn ) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetForcePower: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !ent->client ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetForcePower: ent # %d not a client!\n", entID ); return; } if ( powerOn ) { ent->client->ps.forcePowersForced |= (1<client->ps.forcePowersForced &= ~(1<DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetStartFrame: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( ent->client ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetLoopAnim: command not valid on players/NPCs!\n" ); return; } if ( startFrame >= 0 ) { ent->s.frame = startFrame; ent->startFrame = startFrame; } } /* ============ Q3_SetEndFrame Description : Return type : static void Argument : int entID Argument : int endFrame ============ */ static void Q3_SetEndFrame( int entID, int endFrame ) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetEndFrame: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( ent->client ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetEndFrame: command not valid on players/NPCs!\n" ); return; } if ( endFrame >= 0 ) { ent->endFrame = endFrame; } } /* ============ Q3_SetAnimFrame Description : Return type : static void Argument : int entID Argument : int startFrame ============ */ static void Q3_SetAnimFrame( int entID, int animFrame ) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetAnimFrame: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( ent->client ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetAnimFrame: command not valid on players/NPCs!\n" ); return; } if ( animFrame >= ent->endFrame ) { ent->s.frame = ent->endFrame; } else if ( animFrame >= ent->startFrame ) { ent->s.frame = animFrame; } else { // FIXME/NOTE: Set s.frame anyway?? Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetAnimFrame: value must be valid number between StartFrame and EndFrame.\n" ); return; } } void InflateOwner( gentity_t *self ) { self->nextthink = level.time + FRAMETIME; self->e_ThinkFunc = thinkF_G_FreeEntity; if ( !self->owner || !self->owner->inuse ) { return; } trace_t trace; gi.trace( &trace, self->currentOrigin, self->mins, self->maxs, self->currentOrigin, self->owner->s.number, self->owner->clipmask&~(CONTENTS_SOLID|CONTENTS_MONSTERCLIP) ); if ( trace.allsolid || trace.startsolid ) { self->e_ThinkFunc = thinkF_InflateOwner; return; } if ( Q3_TaskIDPending( self->owner, TID_RESIZE ) ) { Q3_TaskIDComplete( self->owner, TID_RESIZE ); VectorCopy( self->mins, self->owner->mins ); VectorCopy( self->maxs, self->owner->maxs ); gi.linkentity( self->owner ); } } /* ============ Q3_SetLoopAnim Description : Return type : void Argument : int entID Argument : qboolean loopAnim ============ */ static void Q3_SetLoopAnim( int entID, qboolean loopAnim ) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetLoopAnim: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( ent->client ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetLoopAnim: command not valid on players/NPCs!\n" ); return; } ent->loopAnim = loopAnim; } /* ============ Q3_SetShields Description : Return type : void Argument : int entID Argument : qboolean shields ============ */ static void Q3_SetShields( int entID, qboolean shields ) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetShields: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !ent->NPC ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetShields: '%s' is not an NPC!\n", ent->targetname ); return; } if ( shields ) { ent->NPC->aiFlags |= NPCAI_SHIELDS; } else { ent->NPC->aiFlags &= ~NPCAI_SHIELDS; } } /* ============ Q3_SetSaberActive Description : Return type : void Argument : int entID Argument : qboolean shields ============ */ static void Q3_SetSaberActive( int entID, qboolean active ) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetSaberActive: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !ent->client ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetSaberActive: '%s' is not an player/NPC!\n", ent->targetname ); return; } if ( ent->client->ps.weapon != WP_SABER ) { if ( (ent->client->ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS]&(1<NPC ) { ChangeWeapon( ent, WP_SABER ); } else { gitem_t *item = FindItemForWeapon( WP_SABER ); RegisterItem( item ); //make sure the weapon is cached in case this runs at startup G_AddEvent( ent, EV_ITEM_PICKUP, (item - bg_itemlist) ); CG_ChangeWeapon( WP_SABER ); } ent->client->ps.weapon = WP_SABER; ent->client->ps.weaponstate = WEAPON_READY; G_AddEvent( ent, EV_GENERAL_SOUND, G_SoundIndex( "sound/weapons/change.wav" )); } else { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetSaberActive: '%s' is not using a saber!\n", ent->targetname ); return; } } if ( active ) { ent->client->ps.SaberActivate(); } else { ent->client->ps.SaberDeactivate(); } } /* ============ Name: Q3_SetSaberBladeActive Description: Make a specific blade of a specific Saber active or inactive. Created: 10/02/02 by Aurelio Reis, Modified: 10/02/02 by Aurelio Reis [in] int entID The ID of the Entity to modify. [in] int iSaber Which Saber to modify. [in] int iBlade Which blade to modify (0 - (NUM_BLADES - 1)). [in] bool bActive Whether to make it active (default true) or inactive (false). [return] void ============ */ static void Q3_SetSaberBladeActive( int entID, int iSaber, int iBlade, qboolean bActive = qtrue ) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetSaberBladeActive: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !ent->client ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetSaberBladeActive: '%s' is not an player/NPC!\n", ent->targetname ); return; } if ( ent->client->ps.weapon != WP_SABER ) { if ( (ent->client->ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS]&(1<NPC ) { ChangeWeapon( ent, WP_SABER ); } else { gitem_t *item = FindItemForWeapon( WP_SABER ); RegisterItem( item ); //make sure the weapon is cached in case this runs at startup G_AddEvent( ent, EV_ITEM_PICKUP, (item - bg_itemlist) ); CG_ChangeWeapon( WP_SABER ); } ent->client->ps.weapon = WP_SABER; ent->client->ps.weaponstate = WEAPON_READY; G_AddEvent( ent, EV_GENERAL_SOUND, G_SoundIndex( "sound/weapons/change.wav" )); } else { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_SetSaberBladeActive: '%s' is not using a saber!\n", ent->targetname ); return; } } // Activate the Blade. ent->client->ps.SaberBladeActivate( iSaber, iBlade, bActive ); } /* ============ Q3_SetNoKnockback Description : Return type : void Argument : int entID Argument : qboolean noKnockback ============ */ static void Q3_SetNoKnockback( int entID, qboolean noKnockback ) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetNoKnockback: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( noKnockback ) { ent->flags |= FL_NO_KNOCKBACK; } else { ent->flags &= ~FL_NO_KNOCKBACK; } } /* ============ Q3_SetCleanDamagingEnts Description : Return type : void ============ */ static void Q3_SetCleanDamagingEnts( void ) { gentity_t *ent = NULL; for ( int i = 0; i < ENTITYNUM_WORLD; i++ ) { if ( !PInUse( i )) { continue; } ent = &g_entities[i]; if ( ent ) { if ( !ent->client && ( ent->s.weapon == WP_DET_PACK || ent->s.weapon == WP_TRIP_MINE || ent->s.weapon == WP_THERMAL )) { // check for a client, otherwise we could remove someone holding this weapon G_FreeEntity( ent ); } else if ( ent->s.weapon == WP_TURRET && ent->activator && ent->activator->s.number == 0 && !Q_stricmp( "PAS", ent->classname )) { // is a player owner personal assault sentry gun. G_FreeEntity( ent ); } else if ( ent->client && ent->client->NPC_class == CLASS_SEEKER ) { // they blow up when they run out of ammo, so this may as well just do the same. G_Damage( ent, ent, ent, NULL, NULL, 999, 0, MOD_UNKNOWN ); } } } } /* ============ Q3_SetInterface Description : Return type : void Argument : int entID Argument : const char *data ============ */ static void Q3_SetInterface( int entID, const char *data ) { gi.cvar_set("cg_drawStatus", data); } /* ============ Q3_SetLocation Description : Return type : qboolean Argument : int entID Argument : const char *location ============ */ static qboolean Q3_SetLocation( int entID, const char *location ) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; char *currentLoc; if ( !ent ) { return qtrue; } currentLoc = G_GetLocationForEnt( ent ); if ( currentLoc && currentLoc[0] && Q_stricmp( location, currentLoc ) == 0 ) { return qtrue; } ent->message = G_NewString( location ); return qfalse; } /* ============ Q3_SetPlayerLocked Description : Return type : void Argument : int entID Argument : qboolean locked ============ */ qboolean player_locked = qfalse; static void Q3_SetPlayerLocked( int entID, qboolean locked ) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[0]; player_locked = locked; if ( ent && ent->client ) {//stop him too VectorClear(ent->client->ps.velocity); } } /* ============ Q3_SetLockPlayerWeapons Description : Return type : void Argument : int entID Argument : qboolean locked ============ */ static void Q3_SetLockPlayerWeapons( int entID, qboolean locked ) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[0]; ent->flags &= ~FL_LOCK_PLAYER_WEAPONS; if( locked ) { ent->flags |= FL_LOCK_PLAYER_WEAPONS; } } /* ============ Q3_SetNoImpactDamage Description : Return type : void Argument : int entID Argument : qboolean locked ============ */ static void Q3_SetNoImpactDamage( int entID, qboolean noImp ) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetNoImpactDamage: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } ent->flags &= ~FL_NO_IMPACT_DMG; if( noImp ) { ent->flags |= FL_NO_IMPACT_DMG; } } extern void CG_CameraAutoAim( const char *name ); extern void CG_CameraAutoTrack( const char *name ); /* ============ Q3_SetVar Description : Return type : static void Argument : int taskID Argument : int entID Argument : const char *type_name Argument : const char *data ============ */ /*void SetVar( int taskID, int entID, const char *type_name, const char *data ) { int vret = Q3_VariableDeclared( type_name ) ; float float_data; float val = 0.0f; if ( vret != VTYPE_NONE ) { switch ( vret ) { case VTYPE_FLOAT: //Check to see if increment command if ( (val = Q3_CheckStringCounterIncrement( data )) ) { Q3_GetFloatVariable( type_name, &float_data ); float_data += val; } else { float_data = atof((char *) data); } Q3_SetFloatVariable( type_name, float_data ); break; case VTYPE_STRING: Q3_SetStringVariable( type_name, data ); break; case VTYPE_VECTOR: Q3_SetVectorVariable( type_name, (char *) data ); break; } return; } Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "%s variable or field not found!\n", type_name ); }*/ /* ============ Q3_RemoveEnt Description : Return type : void Argument : gentity_t *victim ============ */ static void Q3_RemoveEnt( gentity_t *victim ) { if (!victim || !victim->inuse) { return; } if( victim->client ) { if ( victim->client->NPC_class == CLASS_VEHICLE ) {//eject everyone out of a vehicle that's about to remove itself Vehicle_t *pVeh = victim->m_pVehicle; if ( pVeh && pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo ) { pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->EjectAll( pVeh ); } } //ClientDisconnect(ent); victim->s.eFlags |= EF_NODRAW; victim->svFlags &= ~SVF_NPC; victim->s.eType = ET_INVISIBLE; victim->contents = 0; victim->health = 0; victim->targetname = NULL; if ( victim->NPC && victim->NPC->tempGoal != NULL ) { G_FreeEntity( victim->NPC->tempGoal ); victim->NPC->tempGoal = NULL; } if ( victim->client->ps.saberEntityNum != ENTITYNUM_NONE && victim->client->ps.saberEntityNum > 0 ) { if ( g_entities[victim->client->ps.saberEntityNum].inuse ) { G_FreeEntity( &g_entities[victim->client->ps.saberEntityNum] ); } victim->client->ps.saberEntityNum = ENTITYNUM_NONE; } //Disappear in half a second victim->e_ThinkFunc = thinkF_G_FreeEntity; victim->nextthink = level.time + 500; return; } else { victim->e_ThinkFunc = thinkF_G_FreeEntity; victim->nextthink = level.time + 100; } } /* ============ MakeOwnerInvis Description : Return type : void Argument : gentity_t *self ============ */ void MakeOwnerInvis(gentity_t *self) { if(self->owner && self->owner->client) { self->owner->client->ps.powerups[PW_CLOAKED] = level.time + 500; } //HACKHGACLHACK!! - MCG self->e_ThinkFunc = thinkF_RemoveOwner; self->nextthink = level.time + 400; } /* ============ MakeOwnerEnergy Description : Return type : void Argument : gentity_t *self ============ */ void MakeOwnerEnergy(gentity_t *self) { if(self->owner && self->owner->client) { // self->owner->client->ps.powerups[PW_QUAD] = level.time + 1000; } G_FreeEntity(self); } // NOTE! RemoveOwner() is a function used within the entity (a pointer to the function is // contained). This leads to a "funny" predicament: why is RemoveOwner() here??? // NOTE NOTE! This is also true of Q3_Remove, which should be eliminated as soon as possible. /* ============ Q3_Remove Description : Return type : void Argument : int entID Argument : const char *name ============ */ static void Q3_Remove( int entID, const char *name ) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; gentity_t *victim = NULL; if( !Q_stricmp( "self", name ) ) { victim = ent; if ( !victim ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_Remove: can't find %s\n", name ); return; } Q3_RemoveEnt( victim ); } else if( !Q_stricmp( "enemy", name ) ) { victim = ent->enemy; if ( !victim ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_Remove: can't find %s\n", name ); return; } Q3_RemoveEnt( victim ); } else { victim = G_Find( NULL, FOFS(targetname), (char *) name ); if ( !victim ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_Remove: can't find %s\n", name ); return; } while ( victim ) { Q3_RemoveEnt( victim ); victim = G_Find( victim, FOFS(targetname), (char *) name ); } } } /* ============ RemoveOwner Description : Return type : void Argument : gentity_t *self ============ */ void RemoveOwner (gentity_t *self) { if ( self->owner && self->owner->inuse ) {//I have an owner and they heavn't been freed yet Q3_Remove( self->owner->s.number, "self" ); } G_FreeEntity( self ); } void Q3_DismemberLimb( int entID, char *hitLocName ) { gentity_t *self = &g_entities[entID]; int hitLoc = GetIDForString( HLTable, hitLocName ); vec3_t point; if ( !self ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_DismemberLimb: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( !self->client ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_DismemberLimb: '%s' is not a player/NPC!\n", self->targetname ); return; } if ( !self->ghoul2.size() ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_DismemberLimb: '%s' is not a ghoul model!\n", self->targetname ); return; } if ( hitLoc <= HL_NONE || hitLoc >= HL_MAX ) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Q3_DismemberLimb: '%s' is not a valid hit location!\n", hitLocName ); return; } switch ( hitLoc ) { case HL_FOOT_RT: VectorCopy( self->client->renderInfo.footRPoint, point ); break; case HL_FOOT_LT: VectorCopy( self->client->renderInfo.footLPoint, point ); break; case HL_LEG_RT: G_GetBoltPosition( self, self->kneeRBolt, point ); break; case HL_LEG_LT: G_GetBoltPosition( self, self->kneeLBolt, point ); break; case HL_ARM_RT: case HL_CHEST_RT: case HL_BACK_LT: G_GetBoltPosition( self, self->elbowRBolt, point ); break; case HL_ARM_LT: case HL_CHEST_LT: case HL_BACK_RT: G_GetBoltPosition( self, self->elbowLBolt, point ); break; case HL_WAIST: case HL_BACK: case HL_CHEST: VectorCopy( self->client->renderInfo.torsoPoint, point ); break; case HL_HAND_RT: VectorCopy( self->client->renderInfo.handRPoint, point ); break; case HL_HAND_LT: VectorCopy( self->client->renderInfo.handLPoint, point ); break; case HL_HEAD: VectorCopy( self->client->renderInfo.headPoint, point ); break; case HL_GENERIC1: case HL_GENERIC2: case HL_GENERIC3: case HL_GENERIC4: case HL_GENERIC5: case HL_GENERIC6: VectorCopy( self->currentOrigin, point ); break; } G_DoDismemberment( self, point, MOD_SABER, 1000, hitLoc, qtrue ); } /* ------------------------- VariableDeclared ------------------------- */ int CQuake3GameInterface::VariableDeclared( const char *name ) { //Check the strings varString_m::iterator vsi = m_varStrings.find( name ); if ( vsi != m_varStrings.end() ) return VTYPE_STRING; //Check the floats varFloat_m::iterator vfi = m_varFloats.find( name ); if ( vfi != m_varFloats.end() ) return VTYPE_FLOAT; //Check the vectors varString_m::iterator vvi = m_varVectors.find( name ); if ( vvi != m_varVectors.end() ) return VTYPE_VECTOR; return VTYPE_NONE; } /* ------------------------- SetVar ------------------------- */ void CQuake3GameInterface::SetVar( int taskID, int entID, const char *type_name, const char *data ) { int vret = VariableDeclared( type_name ) ; float float_data; float val = 0.0f; int favre=0; if( Q_stricmp( type_name, "path_enemies_dead" )==0 ) { favre=4; } if( Q_stricmp( type_name, "path_door_open" )==0 ) { favre = 4; } if ( vret != VTYPE_NONE ) { switch ( vret ) { case VTYPE_FLOAT: //Check to see if increment command if ( (val = Q3_CheckStringCounterIncrement( data )) ) { GetFloatVariable( type_name, &float_data ); float_data += val; } else { float_data = atof((char *) data); } SetFloatVariable( type_name, float_data ); break; case VTYPE_STRING: SetStringVariable( type_name, data ); break; case VTYPE_VECTOR: SetVectorVariable( type_name, (char *) data ); break; } return; } DebugPrint( WL_ERROR, "%s variable or field not found!\n", type_name ); } /* ------------------------- GetFloatVariable ------------------------- */ int CQuake3GameInterface::GetFloatVariable( const char *name, float *value ) { //Check the floats varFloat_m::iterator vfi = m_varFloats.find( name ); if ( vfi != m_varFloats.end() ) { *value = (*vfi).second; return true; } return false; } /* ------------------------- GetStringVariable ------------------------- */ int CQuake3GameInterface::GetStringVariable( const char *name, const char **value ) { //Check the strings varString_m::iterator vsi = m_varStrings.find( name ); if ( vsi != m_varStrings.end() ) { *value = (const char *) ((*vsi).second).c_str(); return true; } return false; } /* ------------------------- GetVectorVariable ------------------------- */ int CQuake3GameInterface::GetVectorVariable( const char *name, vec3_t value ) { //Check the strings varString_m::iterator vvi = m_varVectors.find( name ); if ( vvi != m_varVectors.end() ) { const char *str = ((*vvi).second).c_str(); sscanf( str, "%f %f %f", &value[0], &value[1], &value[2] ); return true; } return false; } /* ------------------------- InitVariables ------------------------- */ void CQuake3GameInterface::InitVariables( void ) { m_varStrings.clear(); m_varFloats.clear(); m_varVectors.clear(); if ( m_numVariables > 0 ) DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "%d residual variables found!\n", m_numVariables ); m_numVariables = 0; } /* ------------------------- SetVariable_Float ------------------------- */ int CQuake3GameInterface::SetFloatVariable( const char *name, float value ) { //Check the floats varFloat_m::iterator vfi = m_varFloats.find( name ); if ( vfi == m_varFloats.end() ) return VTYPE_FLOAT; (*vfi).second = value; return true; } /* ------------------------- SetVariable_String ------------------------- */ int CQuake3GameInterface::SetStringVariable( const char *name, const char *value ) { //Check the strings varString_m::iterator vsi = m_varStrings.find( name ); if ( vsi == m_varStrings.end() ) return false; (*vsi).second = value; return true; } /* ------------------------- SetVariable_Vector ------------------------- */ int CQuake3GameInterface::SetVectorVariable( const char *name, const char *value ) { //Check the strings varString_m::iterator vvi = m_varVectors.find( name ); if ( vvi == m_varVectors.end() ) return false; (*vvi).second = value; return true; } /* ------------------------- VariableSaveFloats ------------------------- */ void CQuake3GameInterface::VariableSaveFloats( varFloat_m &fmap ) { int numFloats = fmap.size(); gi.AppendToSaveGame( 'FVAR', &numFloats, sizeof( numFloats ) ); varFloat_m::iterator vfi; STL_ITERATE( vfi, fmap ) { //Save out the map id int idSize = strlen( ((*vfi).first).c_str() ); //Save out the real data gi.AppendToSaveGame( 'FIDL', &idSize, sizeof( idSize ) ); gi.AppendToSaveGame( 'FIDS', (void *) ((*vfi).first).c_str(), idSize ); //Save out the float value gi.AppendToSaveGame( 'FVAL', &((*vfi).second), sizeof( float ) ); } } /* ------------------------- VariableSaveStrings ------------------------- */ void CQuake3GameInterface::VariableSaveStrings( varString_m &smap ) { int numStrings = smap.size(); gi.AppendToSaveGame( 'SVAR', &numStrings, sizeof( numStrings ) ); varString_m::iterator vsi; STL_ITERATE( vsi, smap ) { //Save out the map id int idSize = strlen( ((*vsi).first).c_str() ); //Save out the real data gi.AppendToSaveGame( 'SIDL', &idSize, sizeof( idSize ) ); gi.AppendToSaveGame( 'SIDS', (void *) ((*vsi).first).c_str(), idSize ); //Save out the string value idSize = strlen( ((*vsi).second).c_str() ); gi.AppendToSaveGame( 'SVSZ', &idSize, sizeof( idSize ) ); gi.AppendToSaveGame( 'SVAL', (void *) ((*vsi).second).c_str(), idSize ); } } /* ------------------------- VariableSave ------------------------- */ int CQuake3GameInterface::VariableSave( void ) { VariableSaveFloats( m_varFloats ); VariableSaveStrings( m_varStrings ); VariableSaveStrings( m_varVectors); return qtrue; } /* ------------------------- VariableLoadFloats ------------------------- */ void CQuake3GameInterface::VariableLoadFloats( varFloat_m &fmap ) { int numFloats; char tempBuffer[1024]; gi.ReadFromSaveGame( 'FVAR', &numFloats, sizeof( numFloats ) ); for ( int i = 0; i < numFloats; i++ ) { int idSize; gi.ReadFromSaveGame( 'FIDL', &idSize, sizeof( idSize ) ); gi.ReadFromSaveGame( 'FIDS', &tempBuffer, idSize ); tempBuffer[ idSize ] = 0; float val; gi.ReadFromSaveGame( 'FVAL', &val, sizeof( float ) ); DeclareVariable( TK_FLOAT, (const char *) &tempBuffer ); SetFloatVariable( (const char *) &tempBuffer, val ); } } /* ------------------------- VariableLoadStrings ------------------------- */ void CQuake3GameInterface::VariableLoadStrings( int type, varString_m &fmap ) { int numFloats; char tempBuffer[1024]; char tempBuffer2[1024]; gi.ReadFromSaveGame( 'SVAR', &numFloats, sizeof( numFloats ) ); for ( int i = 0; i < numFloats; i++ ) { int idSize; gi.ReadFromSaveGame( 'SIDL', &idSize, sizeof( idSize ) ); gi.ReadFromSaveGame( 'SIDS', &tempBuffer, idSize ); tempBuffer[ idSize ] = 0; gi.ReadFromSaveGame( 'SVSZ', &idSize, sizeof( idSize ) ); gi.ReadFromSaveGame( 'SVAL', &tempBuffer2, idSize ); tempBuffer2[ idSize ] = 0; switch ( type ) { case TK_STRING: DeclareVariable( TK_STRING, (const char *) &tempBuffer ); SetStringVariable( (const char *) &tempBuffer, (const char *) &tempBuffer2 ); break; case TK_VECTOR: DeclareVariable( TK_VECTOR, (const char *) &tempBuffer ); SetVectorVariable( (const char *) &tempBuffer, (const char *) &tempBuffer2 ); break; } } } /* ------------------------- VariableLoad ------------------------- */ int CQuake3GameInterface::VariableLoad( void ) { InitVariables(); VariableLoadFloats( m_varFloats ); VariableLoadStrings( TK_STRING, m_varStrings ); VariableLoadStrings( TK_VECTOR, m_varVectors); return qfalse; } // Static Singleton Instance. CQuake3GameInterface *CQuake3GameInterface::m_pInstance = NULL; // Destructor. IGameInterface::~IGameInterface() {} int IGameInterface::s_IcarusFlavorsNeeded = 1; // Get this Interface Instance. IGameInterface *IGameInterface::GetGame( int flavor ) { // If no instance exists, create one... if ( !CQuake3GameInterface::m_pInstance ) { CQuake3GameInterface::m_pInstance = new CQuake3GameInterface(); } return CQuake3GameInterface::m_pInstance; } // Destroy the game Instance. void IGameInterface::Destroy() { if ( CQuake3GameInterface::m_pInstance ) { delete CQuake3GameInterface::m_pInstance; CQuake3GameInterface::m_pInstance = NULL; } } // Constructor. CQuake3GameInterface::CQuake3GameInterface() : IGameInterface() { m_ScriptList.clear(); m_EntityList.clear(); m_numVariables = 0; m_entFilter = -1; gclient_t* client = &level.clients[0]; memset(&client->sess, 0, sizeof(client->sess)); } // Destructor. CQuake3GameInterface::~CQuake3GameInterface() { scriptlist_t::iterator iterScript; entitylist_t::iterator iterEntity; gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[0]; // Release all entities Icarus resources. for ( int i = 0; i < globals.num_entities; i++, ent++ ) { if ( !ent->inuse ) continue; FreeEntity( ent ); } // Clear out all precached script's. for ( iterScript = m_ScriptList.begin(); iterScript != m_ScriptList.end(); iterScript++ ) { Free( (*iterScript).second->buffer ); delete (*iterScript).second; } m_ScriptList.clear(); m_EntityList.clear(); } // Initialize an Entity by ID. bool CQuake3GameInterface::InitEntity( gentity_t *pEntity ) { //Make sure this is a fresh entity. assert( pEntity->m_iIcarusID == IIcarusInterface::ICARUS_INVALID ); if ( pEntity->m_iIcarusID != IIcarusInterface::ICARUS_INVALID ) return false; // Get an Icarus ID. pEntity->m_iIcarusID = IIcarusInterface::GetIcarus()->GetIcarusID( pEntity->s.number ); // Initialize all taskIDs to -1 memset( &pEntity->taskID, -1, sizeof( pEntity->taskID ) ); // Add this entity to a map of valid associated entity's for quick retrieval later. AssociateEntity( pEntity ); //Precache all the entity's scripts. PrecacheEntity( pEntity ); return false; } // Free an Entity by ID. void CQuake3GameInterface::FreeEntity( gentity_t *pEntity ) { //Make sure the entity is valid if ( pEntity->m_iIcarusID == IIcarusInterface::ICARUS_INVALID ) return; // Remove the Entity from the Entity map so that when their g_entity index is reused, // ICARUS doesn't try to affect the new (incorrect) pEntity. if VALIDSTRING( pEntity->script_targetname ) { char temp[1024]; strncpy( (char *) temp, pEntity->script_targetname, 1023 ); temp[ 1023 ] = 0; entitylist_t::iterator it = m_EntityList.find( Q_strupr(temp) ); if (it != m_EntityList.end()) { m_EntityList.erase(it); } } // Delete the Icarus ID, but lets not construct icarus to do it if (IIcarusInterface::GetIcarus(0,false)) { IIcarusInterface::GetIcarus()->DeleteIcarusID( pEntity->m_iIcarusID ); } } // Determines whether or not a Game Element needs ICARUS information. bool CQuake3GameInterface::ValidEntity( gentity_t *pEntity ) { int i; // Targeted by a script. if ( pEntity->script_targetname && pEntity->script_targetname[0] ) return true; // Potentially able to call a script. for ( i = 0; i < NUM_BSETS; i++ ) { if VALIDSTRING( pEntity->behaviorSet[i] ) { //Com_Printf( "WARNING: Entity %d (%s) has behaviorSet but no script_targetname -- using targetname\n", pEntity->s.number, pEntity->targetname ); pEntity->script_targetname = G_NewString(pEntity->targetname); return true; } } return false; } // Associate the entity's id and name so that it can be referenced later. void CQuake3GameInterface::AssociateEntity( gentity_t *pEntity ) { char temp[1024]; if ( VALIDSTRING( pEntity->script_targetname ) == false ) return; strncpy( (char *) temp, pEntity->script_targetname, 1023 ); temp[ 1023 ] = 0; m_EntityList[ Q_strupr( (char *) temp ) ] = pEntity->s.number; } // Make a valid script name. int CQuake3GameInterface::MakeValidScriptName( char **strScriptName ) { if ( !Q_stricmp( *strScriptName, "NULL" ) || !Q_stricmp( *strScriptName, "default" ) ) return 0; // ensure "scripts" (Q3_SCRIPT_DIR), which will be missing if this was called recursively... // MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH should really be MAX_QPATH (and 64 bytes instead of 1024), but this fits the rest of the code char sFilename[MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH]; if ( !Q_stricmpn( *strScriptName, Q3_SCRIPT_DIR, strlen( Q3_SCRIPT_DIR ) ) ) { Q_strncpyz( sFilename, *strScriptName, sizeof( sFilename ) ); } else { Q_strncpyz( sFilename, va( "%s/%s", Q3_SCRIPT_DIR, *strScriptName ), sizeof( sFilename ) ); } return 1; } // First looks to see if a script has already been loaded, if so, return SCRIPT_ALREADYREGISTERED. If a script has // NOT been already cached, that script is loaded and the return is SCRIPT_REGISTERED. If a script could not // be found cached and could not be loaded we return SCRIPT_COULDNOTREGISTER. int CQuake3GameInterface::RegisterScript( const char *strFileName, void **ppBuf, int &iLength ) { // If the file name is invalid, leave. if ( !strFileName || strFileName[0] == '\0' || !Q_stricmp( strFileName, "NULL" ) || !Q_stricmp( strFileName, "default" ) ) return SCRIPT_COULDNOTREGISTER; // Ensure "scripts" (Q3_SCRIPT_DIR), which will be missing if this was called recursively... // MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH should really be MAX_QPATH (and 64 bytes instead of 1024), but this fits the rest of the code char sFilename[MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH]; if ( !Q_stricmpn( strFileName, Q3_SCRIPT_DIR, strlen( Q3_SCRIPT_DIR ) ) ) { Q_strncpyz( sFilename, strFileName, sizeof( sFilename ) ); } else { Q_strncpyz( sFilename, va( "%s/%s", Q3_SCRIPT_DIR, strFileName ), sizeof( sFilename ) ); } scriptlist_t::iterator ei; pscript_t *pscript; // Make sure this isn't already cached ei = m_ScriptList.find( strFileName ); // If we found the script (didn't get to the end of the list), return true. if ( ei != m_ScriptList.end() ) { // Send back the script buffer info. (*ppBuf) = (*ei).second->buffer; iLength = (*ei).second->length; return SCRIPT_ALREADYREGISTERED; } // Prepare the name with the extension. char newname[MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH]; sprintf((char *) newname, "%s%s", sFilename, IBI_EXT ); qboolean qbIgnoreFileRead = qfalse; // NOTENOTE: For the moment I've taken this back out, to avoid doubling the number of fopen()'s per file. /*#if 0//#ifndef FINAL_BUILD // small update here, if called during interrogate, don't let gi.FS_ReadFile() complain because it can't // find stuff like BS_RUN_AND_SHOOT as scriptname... During FINALBUILD the message won't appear anyway, hence // the ifndef, this just cuts down on internal error reports while testing release mode... // if (bCalledDuringInterrogate) { fileHandle_t file; gi.FS_FOpenFile( newname, &file, FS_READ ); if ( file == NULL ) { qbIgnoreFileRead = qtrue; // warn disk code further down not to try FS_ReadFile() } else { gi.FS_FCloseFile( file ); } } #endif*/ // Read the Script File into the Buffer. char *pBuf = NULL; iLength = qbIgnoreFileRead ? -1 : gi.FS_ReadFile( newname, (void **) &pBuf ); if ( iLength <= 0 ) { // File not found, but keep quiet during interrogate stage, because of stuff like BS_RUN_AND_SHOOT as scriptname // /* if (!bCalledDuringInterrogate) { Com_Printf(S_COLOR_RED"Could not open file '%s'\n", newname ); }*/ return SCRIPT_COULDNOTREGISTER; } // Allocate a new pscript (Script Buffer). pscript = new pscript_t; // Allocate a buffer of the size we need then mem copy over the buffer. pscript->buffer = (char *)Malloc( iLength ); memcpy( pscript->buffer, pBuf, iLength ); pscript->length = iLength; // We (mem)copied the data over so release the original buffer. gi.FS_FreeFile( pBuf ); // Keep track of the buffer still. (*ppBuf) = pscript->buffer; // Add the Script Buffer to the STL map. m_ScriptList[strFileName] = pscript; return SCRIPT_REGISTERED; } // Precache all the resources needed by a Script and it's Entity (or vice-versa). int CQuake3GameInterface::PrecacheEntity( gentity_t *pEntity ) { extern stringID_table_t BSTable[]; int i; for ( i = 0; i < NUM_BSETS; i++ ) { if ( pEntity->behaviorSet[i] == NULL ) continue; if ( GetIDForString( BSTable, pEntity->behaviorSet[i] ) == -1 ) {//not a behavior set char *pBuf = NULL; int iLength = 0; // Try to register this script. if ( RegisterScript( pEntity->behaviorSet[i], (void **) &pBuf, iLength ) != SCRIPT_COULDNOTREGISTER ) { assert( pBuf ); assert( iLength ); if ( pBuf != NULL && iLength > 0 ) // Tell Icarus to precache the script data. IIcarusInterface::GetIcarus()->Precache( pBuf, iLength ); } else // otherwise try the next guy, maybe It will work. continue; } } return 0; } // Run the script. void CQuake3GameInterface::RunScript( const gentity_t *pEntity, const char *strScriptName ) { char *pBuf = NULL; int iLength = 0; switch( RegisterScript( strScriptName, (void **) &pBuf, iLength ) ) { // If could not be loaded, leave! case SCRIPT_COULDNOTREGISTER: DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "RunScript: Script was not found and could not be loaded!!! %s\n", strScriptName); return; // We loaded the script and registered it, so run it! case SCRIPT_REGISTERED: case SCRIPT_ALREADYREGISTERED: assert( pBuf ); assert( iLength ); if ( IIcarusInterface::GetIcarus()->Run( pEntity->m_iIcarusID, pBuf, iLength ) != IIcarusInterface::ICARUS_INVALID ) DebugPrint( WL_VERBOSE, "%d Script %s executed by %s %s\n", level.time, (char *) strScriptName, pEntity->classname, pEntity->targetname ); return; } } void CQuake3GameInterface::Svcmd( void ) { char *cmd = gi.argv( 1 ); if ( Q_stricmp( cmd, "log" ) == 0 ) { g_ICARUSDebug->integer = WL_DEBUG; if ( VALIDSTRING( gi.argv( 2 ) ) ) { gentity_t *ent = G_Find( NULL, FOFS( script_targetname ), gi.argv(2) ); if ( ent == NULL ) { Com_Printf( "Entity \"%s\" not found!\n", gi.argv(2) ); return; } //Start logging Com_Printf("Logging ICARUS info for entity %s\n", gi.argv(2) ); m_entFilter = ( ent->s.number == m_entFilter ) ? -1 : ent->s.number; } Com_Printf("Logging ICARUS info for all entities\n"); } } // Get the current Game flavor. int CQuake3GameInterface::GetFlavor() { return 0; } // Reads in a file and attaches the script directory properly. int CQuake3GameInterface::LoadFile( const char *name, void **buf ) { int iLength = 0; // Register the Script (or retrieve it). RegisterScript( name, buf, iLength ); return iLength; } // Prints a message in the center of the screen. void CQuake3GameInterface::CenterPrint( const char *format, ... ) { va_list argptr; char text[1024]; va_start (argptr, format); vsprintf (text, format, argptr); va_end (argptr); // FIXME: added '!' so you can print something that's hasn't been precached, '@' searches only for precache text // this is just a TEMPORARY placeholder until objectives are in!!! -- dmv 11/26/01 if ((text[0] == '@') || text[0] == '!') // It's a key { if( text[0] == '!') { gi.SendServerCommand( NULL, "cp \"%s\"", (text+1) ); return; } gi.SendServerCommand( NULL, "cp \"%s\"", text ); } DebugPrint( WL_VERBOSE, "%s\n", text); // Just a developers note } // Print a debug message. void CQuake3GameInterface::DebugPrint( e_DebugPrintLevel level, const char *format, ... ) { //Don't print messages they don't want to see if ( g_ICARUSDebug->integer < level ) return; va_list argptr; char text[1024]; va_start (argptr, format); vsprintf (text, format, argptr); va_end (argptr); //Add the color formatting switch ( level ) { case WL_ERROR: Com_Printf ( S_COLOR_RED"ERROR: %s", text ); break; case WL_WARNING: Com_Printf ( S_COLOR_YELLOW"WARNING: %s", text ); break; case WL_DEBUG: { int entNum; char *buffer; sscanf( text, "%d", &entNum ); if ( ( m_entFilter >= 0 ) && ( m_entFilter != entNum ) ) return; buffer = (char *) text; buffer += 5; if ( ( entNum < 0 ) || ( entNum > MAX_GENTITIES ) ) entNum = 0; Com_Printf ( S_COLOR_BLUE"DEBUG: %s(%d): %s\n", g_entities[entNum].script_targetname, entNum, buffer ); break; } default: case WL_VERBOSE: Com_Printf ( S_COLOR_GREEN"INFO: %s", text ); break; } } //Gets the current time unsigned int CQuake3GameInterface::GetTime( void ) { return level.time; } // DWORD CQuake3GameInterface::GetTimeScale(void ) {} // NOTE: This extern does not really fit here, fix later please... extern void G_SoundBroadcast( gentity_t *ent, int soundIndex ); // Plays a sound from an entity. int CQuake3GameInterface::PlaySound( int taskID, int entID, const char *name, const char *channel ) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; char finalName[MAX_QPATH]; soundChannel_t voice_chan = CHAN_VOICE; // set a default so the compiler doesn't bitch qboolean type_voice = qfalse; Q_strncpyz( finalName, name, MAX_QPATH, 0 ); Q_strlwr(finalName); G_AddSexToPlayerString( finalName, qtrue ); COM_StripExtension( (const char *)finalName, finalName ); int soundHandle = G_SoundIndex( (char *) finalName ); bool bBroadcast = false; if ( ( Q_stricmp( channel, "CHAN_ANNOUNCER" ) == 0 ) || (ent->classname && Q_stricmp("target_scriptrunner", ent->classname ) == 0) ) { bBroadcast = true; } // moved here from further down so I can easily check channel-type without code dup... // if ( Q_stricmp( channel, "CHAN_VOICE" ) == 0 ) { voice_chan = CHAN_VOICE; type_voice = qtrue; } else if ( Q_stricmp( channel, "CHAN_VOICE_ATTEN" ) == 0 ) { voice_chan = CHAN_VOICE_ATTEN; type_voice = qtrue; } else if ( Q_stricmp( channel, "CHAN_VOICE_GLOBAL" ) == 0 ) // this should broadcast to everyone, put only casue animation on G_SoundOnEnt... { voice_chan = CHAN_VOICE_GLOBAL; type_voice = qtrue; bBroadcast = true; } // if we're in-camera, check for skipping cinematic and ifso, no subtitle print (since screen is not being // updated anyway during skipping). This stops leftover subtitles being left onscreen after unskipping. // if (!in_camera || (!g_skippingcin || !g_skippingcin->integer) ) // paranoia towards project end { // Text on // certain NPC's we always want to use subtitles regardless of subtitle setting if (g_subtitles->integer == 1 || (ent->NPC && (ent->NPC->scriptFlags & SCF_USE_SUBTITLES) ) ) // Show all text { if ( in_camera) // Cinematic { gi.SendServerCommand( NULL, "ct \"%s\" %i", finalName, soundHandle ); } else //if (precacheWav[i].speaker==SP_NONE) // lower screen text { gentity_t *ent2 = &g_entities[0]; // the numbers in here were either the original ones Bob entered (350), or one arrived at from checking the distance Chell stands at in stasis2 by the computer core that was submitted as a bug report... // if (bBroadcast || (DistanceSquared(ent->currentOrigin, ent2->currentOrigin) < ((voice_chan == CHAN_VOICE_ATTEN)?(350 * 350):(1200 * 1200)) ) ) { gi.SendServerCommand( NULL, "ct \"%s\" %i", finalName, soundHandle ); } } } // Cinematic only else if (g_subtitles->integer == 2) // Show only talking head text and CINEMATIC { if ( in_camera) // Cinematic text { gi.SendServerCommand( NULL, "ct \"%s\" %i", finalName, soundHandle); } } } if ( type_voice ) { if ( g_timescale->value > 1.0f ) {//Skip the damn sound! return qtrue; } else { //This the voice channel G_SoundOnEnt( ent, voice_chan, ((char *) finalName) ); } //Remember we're waiting for this Q3_TaskIDSet( ent, TID_CHAN_VOICE, taskID ); //do not task_return complete // if( voice_chan == CHAN_VOICE_GLOBAL ) // { // G_SoundBroadcast( ent, soundHandle ); // } return qfalse; } if ( bBroadcast ) {//Broadcast the sound G_SoundBroadcast( ent, soundHandle ); } else { G_Sound( ent, soundHandle ); } return qtrue; } // Lerps the origin and angles of an entity to the destination values. void CQuake3GameInterface::Lerp2Pos( int taskID, int entID, vec3_t origin, vec3_t angles, float duration ) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; vec3_t ang; int i; if(!ent) { DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "Lerp2Pos: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( ent->client || ent->NPC || Q_stricmp(ent->classname, "target_scriptrunner") == 0 ) { DebugPrint( WL_ERROR, "Lerp2Pos: ent %d is NOT a mover!\n", entID); return; } if ( ent->s.eType != ET_MOVER ) { ent->s.eType = ET_MOVER; } //Don't allow a zero duration if ( duration == 0 ) duration = 1; // // Movement moverState_t moverState = ent->moverState; if ( moverState == MOVER_POS1 || moverState == MOVER_2TO1 ) { VectorCopy( ent->currentOrigin, ent->pos1 ); VectorCopy( origin, ent->pos2 ); if ( moverState == MOVER_POS1 ) {//open the portal if ( ent->svFlags & SVF_MOVER_ADJ_AREA_PORTALS ) { gi.AdjustAreaPortalState( ent, qtrue ); } } moverState = MOVER_1TO2; } else /*if ( moverState == MOVER_POS2 || moverState == MOVER_1TO2 )*/ { VectorCopy( ent->currentOrigin, ent->pos2 ); VectorCopy( origin, ent->pos1 ); moverState = MOVER_2TO1; } InitMoverTrData( ent ); ent->s.pos.trDuration = duration; // start it going MatchTeam( ent, moverState, level.time ); //SetMoverState( ent, moverState, level.time ); //Only do the angles if specified if ( angles != NULL ) { // // Rotation for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { ang[i] = AngleDelta( angles[i], ent->currentAngles[i] ); ent->s.apos.trDelta[i] = ( ang[i] / ( duration * 0.001f ) ); } VectorCopy( ent->currentAngles, ent->s.apos.trBase ); if ( ent->alt_fire ) { ent->s.apos.trType = TR_LINEAR_STOP; } else { ent->s.apos.trType = TR_NONLINEAR_STOP; } ent->s.apos.trDuration = duration; ent->s.apos.trTime = level.time; ent->e_ReachedFunc = reachedF_moveAndRotateCallback; Q3_TaskIDSet( ent, TID_ANGLE_FACE, taskID ); } else { //Setup the last bits of information ent->e_ReachedFunc = reachedF_moverCallback; } if ( ent->damage ) { ent->e_BlockedFunc = blockedF_Blocked_Mover; } Q3_TaskIDSet( ent, TID_MOVE_NAV, taskID ); // starting sound G_PlayDoorLoopSound( ent ); G_PlayDoorSound( ent, BMS_START ); //?? gi.linkentity( ent ); } // void CQuake3GameInterface::Lerp2Origin( int taskID, int entID, vec3_t origin, float duration ) {} // Lerps the angles to the destination value. void CQuake3GameInterface::Lerp2Angles( int taskID, int entID, vec3_t angles, float duration ) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; vec3_t ang; int i; if(!ent) { DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "Lerp2Angles: invalid entID %d\n", entID); return; } if ( ent->client || ent->NPC || Q_stricmp(ent->classname, "target_scriptrunner") == 0 ) { DebugPrint( WL_ERROR, "Lerp2Angles: ent %d is NOT a mover!\n", entID); return; } //If we want an instant move, don't send 0... ent->s.apos.trDuration = (duration>0) ? duration : 1; for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { ang [i] = AngleSubtract( angles[i], ent->currentAngles[i]); ent->s.apos.trDelta[i] = ( ang[i] / ( ent->s.apos.trDuration * 0.001f ) ); } VectorCopy( ent->currentAngles, ent->s.apos.trBase ); if ( ent->alt_fire ) { ent->s.apos.trType = TR_LINEAR_STOP; } else { ent->s.apos.trType = TR_NONLINEAR_STOP; } ent->s.apos.trTime = level.time; Q3_TaskIDSet( ent, TID_ANGLE_FACE, taskID ); //ent->e_ReachedFunc = reachedF_NULL; ent->e_ThinkFunc = thinkF_anglerCallback; ent->nextthink = level.time + duration; // starting sound G_PlayDoorLoopSound( ent ); G_PlayDoorSound( ent, BMS_START ); //?? gi.linkentity( ent ); } // Gets the value of a tag by the give name. int CQuake3GameInterface::GetTag( int entID, const char *name, int lookup, vec3_t info ) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[ entID ]; VALIDATEB( ent ); switch ( lookup ) { case TYPE_ORIGIN: //return TAG_GetOrigin( ent->targetname, name, info ); return TAG_GetOrigin( ent->ownername, name, info ); break; case TYPE_ANGLES: //return TAG_GetAngles( ent->targetname, name, info ); return TAG_GetAngles( ent->ownername, name, info ); break; } return false; } // void CQuake3GameInterface::Lerp2Start( int taskID, int entID, float duration ) {} // void CQuake3GameInterface::Lerp2End( int taskID, int entID, float duration ) {} void CQuake3GameInterface::Set( int taskID, int entID, const char *type_name, const char *data ) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; float float_data; int int_data, toSet; vec3_t vector_data; //Set this for callbacks toSet = GetIDForString( setTable, type_name ); //TODO: Throw in a showscript command that will list each command and what they're doing... // maybe as simple as printing that line of the script to the console preceeded by the person's name? // showscript can take any number of targetnames or "all"? Groupname? switch ( toSet ) { case SET_ORIGIN: sscanf( data, "%f %f %f", &vector_data[0], &vector_data[1], &vector_data[2] ); G_SetOrigin( ent, vector_data ); if ( Q_strncmp( "NPC_", ent->classname, 4 ) == 0 ) {//hack for moving spawners VectorCopy( vector_data, ent->s.origin); } if ( ent->client ) {//clear jump start positions so we don't take damage when we land... ent->client->ps.jumpZStart = ent->client->ps.forceJumpZStart = vector_data[2]; } gi.linkentity( ent ); break; case SET_TELEPORT_DEST: sscanf( data, "%f %f %f", &vector_data[0], &vector_data[1], &vector_data[2] ); if ( !Q3_SetTeleportDest( entID, vector_data ) ) { Q3_TaskIDSet( ent, TID_MOVE_NAV, taskID ); return; } break; case SET_COPY_ORIGIN: Q3_SetCopyOrigin( entID, (char *) data ); break; case SET_ANGLES: //Q3_SetAngles( entID, *(vec3_t *) data); sscanf( data, "%f %f %f", &vector_data[0], &vector_data[1], &vector_data[2] ); Q3_SetAngles( entID, vector_data); break; case SET_XVELOCITY: float_data = atof((char *) data); Q3_SetVelocity( entID, 0, float_data); break; case SET_YVELOCITY: float_data = atof((char *) data); Q3_SetVelocity( entID, 1, float_data); break; case SET_ZVELOCITY: float_data = atof((char *) data); Q3_SetVelocity( entID, 2, float_data); break; case SET_Z_OFFSET: float_data = atof((char *) data); Q3_SetOriginOffset( entID, 2, float_data); break; case SET_ENEMY: Q3_SetEnemy( entID, (char *) data ); break; case SET_LEADER: Q3_SetLeader( entID, (char *) data ); break; case SET_NAVGOAL: if ( Q3_SetNavGoal( entID, (char *) data ) ) { Q3_TaskIDSet( ent, TID_MOVE_NAV, taskID ); return; //Don't call it back } break; case SET_ANIM_UPPER: if ( Q3_SetAnimUpper( entID, (char *) data ) ) { Q3_TaskIDClear( &ent->taskID[TID_ANIM_BOTH] );//We only want to wait for the top Q3_TaskIDSet( ent, TID_ANIM_UPPER, taskID ); return; //Don't call it back } break; case SET_ANIM_LOWER: if ( Q3_SetAnimLower( entID, (char *) data ) ) { Q3_TaskIDClear( &ent->taskID[TID_ANIM_BOTH] );//We only want to wait for the bottom Q3_TaskIDSet( ent, TID_ANIM_LOWER, taskID ); return; //Don't call it back } break; case SET_ANIM_BOTH: { int both = 0; if ( Q3_SetAnimUpper( entID, (char *) data ) ) { Q3_TaskIDSet( ent, TID_ANIM_UPPER, taskID ); both++; } else { DebugPrint( WL_ERROR, "SetAnimUpper: %s does not have anim %s!\n", ent->targetname, (char *)data ); } if ( Q3_SetAnimLower( entID, (char *) data ) ) { Q3_TaskIDSet( ent, TID_ANIM_LOWER, taskID ); both++; } else { DebugPrint( WL_ERROR, "SetAnimLower: %s does not have anim %s!\n", ent->targetname, (char *)data ); } if ( both >= 2 ) { Q3_TaskIDSet( ent, TID_ANIM_BOTH, taskID ); } if ( both ) { return; //Don't call it back } } break; case SET_ANIM_HOLDTIME_LOWER: int_data = atoi((char *) data); Q3_SetAnimHoldTime( entID, int_data, qtrue ); Q3_TaskIDClear( &ent->taskID[TID_ANIM_BOTH] );//We only want to wait for the bottom Q3_TaskIDSet( ent, TID_ANIM_LOWER, taskID ); return; //Don't call it back break; case SET_ANIM_HOLDTIME_UPPER: int_data = atoi((char *) data); Q3_SetAnimHoldTime( entID, int_data, qfalse ); Q3_TaskIDClear( &ent->taskID[TID_ANIM_BOTH] );//We only want to wait for the top Q3_TaskIDSet( ent, TID_ANIM_UPPER, taskID ); return; //Don't call it back break; case SET_ANIM_HOLDTIME_BOTH: int_data = atoi((char *) data); Q3_SetAnimHoldTime( entID, int_data, qfalse ); Q3_SetAnimHoldTime( entID, int_data, qtrue ); Q3_TaskIDSet( ent, TID_ANIM_BOTH, taskID ); Q3_TaskIDSet( ent, TID_ANIM_UPPER, taskID ); Q3_TaskIDSet( ent, TID_ANIM_LOWER, taskID ); return; //Don't call it back break; case SET_PLAYER_TEAM: Q3_SetPlayerTeam( entID, (char *) data ); break; case SET_ENEMY_TEAM: Q3_SetEnemyTeam( entID, (char *) data ); break; case SET_HEALTH: int_data = atoi((char *) data); Q3_SetHealth( entID, int_data ); break; case SET_ARMOR: int_data = atoi((char *) data); Q3_SetArmor( entID, int_data ); break; case SET_BEHAVIOR_STATE: if( !Q3_SetBState( entID, (char *) data ) ) { Q3_TaskIDSet( ent, TID_BSTATE, taskID ); return;//don't complete } break; case SET_DEFAULT_BSTATE: Q3_SetDefaultBState( entID, (char *) data ); break; case SET_TEMP_BSTATE: if( !Q3_SetTempBState( entID, (char *) data ) ) { Q3_TaskIDSet( ent, TID_BSTATE, taskID ); return;//don't complete } break; case SET_CAPTURE: Q3_SetCaptureGoal( entID, (char *) data ); break; case SET_DPITCH://FIXME: make these set tempBehavior to BS_FACE and await completion? Or set lockedDesiredPitch/Yaw and aimTime? float_data = atof((char *) data); Q3_SetDPitch( entID, float_data ); Q3_TaskIDSet( ent, TID_ANGLE_FACE, taskID ); return; break; case SET_DYAW: float_data = atof((char *) data); Q3_SetDYaw( entID, float_data ); Q3_TaskIDSet( ent, TID_ANGLE_FACE, taskID ); return; break; case SET_EVENT: Q3_SetEvent( entID, (char *) data ); break; case SET_VIEWTARGET: Q3_SetViewTarget( entID, (char *) data ); Q3_TaskIDSet( ent, TID_ANGLE_FACE, taskID ); return; break; case SET_WATCHTARGET: Q3_SetWatchTarget( entID, (char *) data ); break; case SET_VIEWENTITY: Q3_SetViewEntity( entID, (char *) data ); break; case SET_LOOPSOUND: Q3_SetLoopSound( entID, (char *) data ); break; case SET_ICARUS_FREEZE: case SET_ICARUS_UNFREEZE: Q3_SetICARUSFreeze( entID, (char *) data, (toSet==SET_ICARUS_FREEZE) ); break; case SET_WEAPON: Q3_SetWeapon ( entID, (char *) data); break; case SET_ITEM: Q3_SetItem ( entID, (char *) data); break; case SET_WALKSPEED: int_data = atoi((char *) data); Q3_SetWalkSpeed ( entID, int_data); break; case SET_RUNSPEED: int_data = atoi((char *) data); Q3_SetRunSpeed ( entID, int_data); break; case SET_WIDTH: int_data = atoi((char *) data); Q3_SetWidth( entID, int_data ); return; break; case SET_YAWSPEED: float_data = atof((char *) data); Q3_SetYawSpeed ( entID, float_data); break; case SET_AGGRESSION: int_data = atoi((char *) data); Q3_SetAggression ( entID, int_data); break; case SET_AIM: int_data = atoi((char *) data); Q3_SetAim ( entID, int_data); break; case SET_FRICTION: int_data = atoi((char *) data); Q3_SetFriction ( entID, int_data); break; case SET_GRAVITY: float_data = atof((char *) data); Q3_SetGravity ( entID, float_data); break; case SET_WAIT: float_data = atof((char *) data); Q3_SetWait( entID, float_data); break; case SET_FOLLOWDIST: float_data = atof((char *) data); Q3_SetFollowDist( entID, float_data); break; case SET_SCALE: float_data = atof((char *) data); Q3_SetScale( entID, float_data); break; case SET_RENDER_CULL_RADIUS: float_data = atof((char *) data); Q3_SetRenderCullRadius(entID, float_data); break; case SET_COUNT: Q3_SetCount( entID, (char *) data); break; case SET_SHOT_SPACING: int_data = atoi((char *) data); Q3_SetShotSpacing( entID, int_data ); break; case SET_IGNOREPAIN: if(!Q_stricmp("true", ((char *)data))) Q3_SetIgnorePain( entID, qtrue); else if(!Q_stricmp("false", ((char *)data))) Q3_SetIgnorePain( entID, qfalse); break; case SET_IGNOREENEMIES: if(!Q_stricmp("true", ((char *)data))) Q3_SetIgnoreEnemies( entID, qtrue); else if(!Q_stricmp("false", ((char *)data))) Q3_SetIgnoreEnemies( entID, qfalse); break; case SET_IGNOREALERTS: if(!Q_stricmp("true", ((char *)data))) Q3_SetIgnoreAlerts( entID, qtrue); else if(!Q_stricmp("false", ((char *)data))) Q3_SetIgnoreAlerts( entID, qfalse); break; case SET_DONTSHOOT: if(!Q_stricmp("true", ((char *)data))) Q3_SetDontShoot( entID, qtrue); else if(!Q_stricmp("false", ((char *)data))) Q3_SetDontShoot( entID, qfalse); break; case SET_DONTFIRE: if(!Q_stricmp("true", ((char *)data))) Q3_SetDontFire( entID, qtrue); else if(!Q_stricmp("false", ((char *)data))) Q3_SetDontFire( entID, qfalse); break; case SET_LOCKED_ENEMY: if(!Q_stricmp("true", ((char *)data))) Q3_SetLockedEnemy( entID, qtrue); else if(!Q_stricmp("false", ((char *)data))) Q3_SetLockedEnemy( entID, qfalse); break; case SET_NOTARGET: if(!Q_stricmp("true", ((char *)data))) Q3_SetNoTarget( entID, qtrue); else if(!Q_stricmp("false", ((char *)data))) Q3_SetNoTarget( entID, qfalse); break; case SET_LEAN: if(!Q_stricmp("right", ((char *)data))) Q3_SetLean( entID, LEAN_RIGHT); else if(!Q_stricmp("left", ((char *)data))) Q3_SetLean( entID, LEAN_LEFT); else Q3_SetLean( entID, LEAN_NONE); break; case SET_SHOOTDIST: float_data = atof((char *) data); Q3_SetShootDist( entID, float_data ); break; case SET_TIMESCALE: Q3_SetTimeScale( entID, (char *) data ); break; case SET_VISRANGE: float_data = atof((char *) data); Q3_SetVisrange( entID, float_data ); break; case SET_EARSHOT: float_data = atof((char *) data); Q3_SetEarshot( entID, float_data ); break; case SET_VIGILANCE: float_data = atof((char *) data); Q3_SetVigilance( entID, float_data ); break; case SET_VFOV: int_data = atoi((char *) data); Q3_SetVFOV( entID, int_data ); break; case SET_HFOV: int_data = atoi((char *) data); Q3_SetHFOV( entID, int_data ); break; case SET_TARGETNAME: Q3_SetTargetName( entID, (char *) data ); break; case SET_TARGET: Q3_SetTarget( entID, (char *) data ); break; case SET_TARGET2: Q3_SetTarget2( entID, (char *) data ); break; case SET_LOCATION: if ( !Q3_SetLocation( entID, (char *) data ) ) { Q3_TaskIDSet( ent, TID_LOCATION, taskID ); return; } break; case SET_PAINTARGET: Q3_SetPainTarget( entID, (char *) data ); break; case SET_DEFEND_TARGET: DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "SetDefendTarget unimplemented\n", entID ); //Q3_SetEnemy( entID, (char *) data); break; case SET_PARM1: case SET_PARM2: case SET_PARM3: case SET_PARM4: case SET_PARM5: case SET_PARM6: case SET_PARM7: case SET_PARM8: case SET_PARM9: case SET_PARM10: case SET_PARM11: case SET_PARM12: case SET_PARM13: case SET_PARM14: case SET_PARM15: case SET_PARM16: Q3_SetParm( entID, (toSet-SET_PARM1), (char *) data ); break; case SET_SPAWNSCRIPT: case SET_USESCRIPT: case SET_AWAKESCRIPT: case SET_ANGERSCRIPT: case SET_ATTACKSCRIPT: case SET_VICTORYSCRIPT: case SET_PAINSCRIPT: case SET_FLEESCRIPT: case SET_DEATHSCRIPT: case SET_DELAYEDSCRIPT: case SET_BLOCKEDSCRIPT: case SET_FFIRESCRIPT: case SET_FFDEATHSCRIPT: case SET_MINDTRICKSCRIPT: if( !Q3_SetBehaviorSet(entID, toSet, (char *) data) ) DebugPrint( WL_ERROR, "SetBehaviorSet: Invalid bSet %s\n", type_name ); break; case SET_NO_MINDTRICK: if(!Q_stricmp("true", ((char *)data))) Q3_SetNoMindTrick( entID, qtrue); else Q3_SetNoMindTrick( entID, qfalse); break; case SET_CINEMATIC_SKIPSCRIPT : Q3_SetCinematicSkipScript((char *) data); break; case SET_RAILCENTERTRACKLOCKED : Rail_LockCenterOfTrack((char *) data); break; case SET_RAILCENTERTRACKUNLOCKED : Rail_UnLockCenterOfTrack((char *) data); break; case SET_DELAYSCRIPTTIME: int_data = atoi((char *) data); Q3_SetDelayScriptTime( entID, int_data ); break; case SET_CROUCHED: if(!Q_stricmp("true", ((char *)data))) Q3_SetCrouched( entID, qtrue); else Q3_SetCrouched( entID, qfalse); break; case SET_WALKING: if(!Q_stricmp("true", ((char *)data))) Q3_SetWalking( entID, qtrue); else Q3_SetWalking( entID, qfalse); break; case SET_RUNNING: if(!Q_stricmp("true", ((char *)data))) Q3_SetRunning( entID, qtrue); else Q3_SetRunning( entID, qfalse); break; case SET_CHASE_ENEMIES: if(!Q_stricmp("true", ((char *)data))) Q3_SetChaseEnemies( entID, qtrue); else Q3_SetChaseEnemies( entID, qfalse); break; case SET_LOOK_FOR_ENEMIES: if(!Q_stricmp("true", ((char *)data))) Q3_SetLookForEnemies( entID, qtrue); else Q3_SetLookForEnemies( entID, qfalse); break; case SET_FACE_MOVE_DIR: if(!Q_stricmp("true", ((char *)data))) Q3_SetFaceMoveDir( entID, qtrue); else Q3_SetFaceMoveDir( entID, qfalse); break; case SET_ALT_FIRE: if(!Q_stricmp("true", ((char *)data))) Q3_SetAltFire( entID, qtrue); else Q3_SetAltFire( entID, qfalse); break; case SET_DONT_FLEE: if(!Q_stricmp("true", ((char *)data))) Q3_SetDontFlee( entID, qtrue); else Q3_SetDontFlee( entID, qfalse); break; case SET_FORCED_MARCH: if(!Q_stricmp("true", ((char *)data))) Q3_SetForcedMarch( entID, qtrue); else Q3_SetForcedMarch( entID, qfalse); break; case SET_NO_RESPONSE: if(!Q_stricmp("true", ((char *)data))) Q3_SetNoResponse( entID, qtrue); else Q3_SetNoResponse( entID, qfalse); break; case SET_NO_COMBAT_TALK: if(!Q_stricmp("true", ((char *)data))) Q3_SetCombatTalk( entID, qtrue); else Q3_SetCombatTalk( entID, qfalse); break; case SET_NO_ALERT_TALK: if(!Q_stricmp("true", ((char *)data))) Q3_SetAlertTalk( entID, qtrue); else Q3_SetAlertTalk( entID, qfalse); break; case SET_USE_CP_NEAREST: if(!Q_stricmp("true", ((char *)data))) Q3_SetUseCpNearest( entID, qtrue); else Q3_SetUseCpNearest( entID, qfalse); break; case SET_NO_FORCE: if(!Q_stricmp("true", ((char *)data))) Q3_SetNoForce( entID, qtrue); else Q3_SetNoForce( entID, qfalse); break; case SET_NO_ACROBATICS: if(!Q_stricmp("true", ((char *)data))) Q3_SetNoAcrobatics( entID, qtrue); else Q3_SetNoAcrobatics( entID, qfalse); break; case SET_USE_SUBTITLES: if(!Q_stricmp("true", ((char *)data))) Q3_SetUseSubtitles( entID, qtrue); else Q3_SetUseSubtitles( entID, qfalse); break; case SET_NO_FALLTODEATH: if(!Q_stricmp("true", ((char *)data))) Q3_SetNoFallToDeath( entID, qtrue); else Q3_SetNoFallToDeath( entID, qfalse); break; case SET_DISMEMBERABLE: if(!Q_stricmp("true", ((char *)data))) Q3_SetDismemberable( entID, qtrue); else Q3_SetDismemberable( entID, qfalse); break; case SET_MORELIGHT: if(!Q_stricmp("true", ((char *)data))) Q3_SetMoreLight( entID, qtrue); else Q3_SetMoreLight( entID, qfalse); break; case SET_TREASONED: DebugPrint( WL_VERBOSE, "SET_TREASONED is disabled, do not use\n" ); /* G_TeamRetaliation( NULL, &g_entities[0], qfalse ); ffireLevel = FFIRE_LEVEL_RETALIATION; */ break; case SET_UNDYING: if(!Q_stricmp("true", ((char *)data))) Q3_SetUndying( entID, qtrue); else Q3_SetUndying( entID, qfalse); break; case SET_INVINCIBLE: if(!Q_stricmp("true", ((char *)data))) Q3_SetInvincible( entID, qtrue); else Q3_SetInvincible( entID, qfalse); break; case SET_NOAVOID: if(!Q_stricmp("true", ((char *)data))) Q3_SetNoAvoid( entID, qtrue); else Q3_SetNoAvoid( entID, qfalse); break; case SET_SOLID: if(!Q_stricmp("true", ((char *)data))) { if ( !Q3_SetSolid( entID, qtrue) ) { Q3_TaskIDSet( ent, TID_RESIZE, taskID ); return; } } else { Q3_SetSolid( entID, qfalse); } break; case SET_INVISIBLE: if( !Q_stricmp("true", ((char *)data)) ) Q3_SetInvisible( entID, qtrue ); else Q3_SetInvisible( entID, qfalse ); break; case SET_VAMPIRE: if( !Q_stricmp("true", ((char *)data)) ) Q3_SetVampire( entID, qtrue ); else Q3_SetVampire( entID, qfalse ); break; case SET_FORCE_INVINCIBLE: if( !Q_stricmp("true", ((char *)data)) ) Q3_SetForceInvincible( entID, qtrue ); else Q3_SetForceInvincible( entID, qfalse ); break; case SET_GREET_ALLIES: if( !Q_stricmp("true", ((char *)data)) ) Q3_SetGreetAllies( entID, qtrue ); else Q3_SetGreetAllies( entID, qfalse ); break; case SET_PLAYER_LOCKED: if( !Q_stricmp("true", ((char *)data)) ) Q3_SetPlayerLocked( entID, qtrue ); else Q3_SetPlayerLocked( entID, qfalse ); break; case SET_LOCK_PLAYER_WEAPONS: if( !Q_stricmp("true", ((char *)data)) ) Q3_SetLockPlayerWeapons( entID, qtrue ); else Q3_SetLockPlayerWeapons( entID, qfalse ); break; case SET_NO_IMPACT_DAMAGE: if( !Q_stricmp("true", ((char *)data)) ) Q3_SetNoImpactDamage( entID, qtrue ); else Q3_SetNoImpactDamage( entID, qfalse ); break; case SET_FORWARDMOVE: int_data = atoi((char *) data); Q3_SetForwardMove( entID, int_data); break; case SET_RIGHTMOVE: int_data = atoi((char *) data); Q3_SetRightMove( entID, int_data); break; case SET_LOCKYAW: Q3_SetLockAngle( entID, data); break; case SET_CAMERA_GROUP: Q3_CameraGroup(entID, (char *)data); break; case SET_CAMERA_GROUP_Z_OFS: float_data = atof((char *) data); Q3_CameraGroupZOfs( float_data ); break; case SET_CAMERA_GROUP_TAG: Q3_CameraGroupTag( (char *)data ); break; //FIXME: put these into camera commands case SET_LOOK_TARGET: Q3_LookTarget(entID, (char *)data); break; case SET_ADDRHANDBOLT_MODEL: Q3_AddRHandModel(entID, (char *)data); break; case SET_REMOVERHANDBOLT_MODEL: Q3_RemoveRHandModel(entID, (char *)data); break; case SET_ADDLHANDBOLT_MODEL: Q3_AddLHandModel(entID, (char *)data); break; case SET_REMOVELHANDBOLT_MODEL: Q3_RemoveLHandModel(entID, (char *)data); break; case SET_FACEEYESCLOSED: case SET_FACEEYESOPENED: case SET_FACEAUX: case SET_FACEBLINK: case SET_FACEBLINKFROWN: case SET_FACEFROWN: case SET_FACENORMAL: float_data = atof((char *) data); Q3_Face(entID, toSet, float_data); break; case SET_SCROLLTEXT: Q3_ScrollText( (char *)data ); break; case SET_LCARSTEXT: Q3_LCARSText( (char *)data ); break; case SET_CENTERTEXT: CenterPrint( (char *)data ); break; case SET_CAPTIONTEXTCOLOR: Q3_SetCaptionTextColor ( (char *)data ); break; case SET_CENTERTEXTCOLOR: Q3_SetCenterTextColor ( (char *)data ); break; case SET_SCROLLTEXTCOLOR: Q3_SetScrollTextColor ( (char *)data ); break; case SET_PLAYER_USABLE: if(!Q_stricmp("true", ((char *)data))) { Q3_SetPlayerUsable(entID, qtrue); } else { Q3_SetPlayerUsable(entID, qfalse); } break; case SET_STARTFRAME: int_data = atoi((char *) data); Q3_SetStartFrame(entID, int_data); break; case SET_ENDFRAME: int_data = atoi((char *) data); Q3_SetEndFrame(entID, int_data); Q3_TaskIDSet( ent, TID_ANIM_BOTH, taskID ); return; break; case SET_ANIMFRAME: int_data = atoi((char *) data); Q3_SetAnimFrame(entID, int_data); return; break; case SET_LOOP_ANIM: if(!Q_stricmp("true", ((char *)data))) { Q3_SetLoopAnim(entID, qtrue); } else { Q3_SetLoopAnim(entID, qfalse); } break; case SET_INTERFACE: if(!Q_stricmp("true", ((char *)data))) { Q3_SetInterface(entID, "1"); } else { Q3_SetInterface(entID, "0"); } break; case SET_SHIELDS: if(!Q_stricmp("true", ((char *)data))) { Q3_SetShields(entID, qtrue); } else { Q3_SetShields(entID, qfalse); } break; case SET_SABERACTIVE: if(!Q_stricmp("true", ((char *)data))) { Q3_SetSaberActive( entID, qtrue ); } else { Q3_SetSaberActive( entID, qfalse ); } break; // Created: 10/02/02 by Aurelio Reis, Modified: 10/02/02 // Make a specific Saber 1 Blade active. case SET_SABER1BLADEON: // Get which Blade to activate. int_data = atoi((char *) data); Q3_SetSaberBladeActive( entID, 0, int_data, qtrue ); break; // Make a specific Saber 1 Blade inactive. case SET_SABER1BLADEOFF: // Get which Blade to deactivate. int_data = atoi((char *) data); Q3_SetSaberBladeActive( entID, 0, int_data, qfalse ); break; // Make a specific Saber 2 Blade active. case SET_SABER2BLADEON: // Get which Blade to activate. int_data = atoi((char *) data); Q3_SetSaberBladeActive( entID, 1, int_data, qtrue ); break; // Make a specific Saber 2 Blade inactive. case SET_SABER2BLADEOFF: // Get which Blade to deactivate. int_data = atoi((char *) data); Q3_SetSaberBladeActive( entID, 1, int_data, qfalse ); break; case SET_DAMAGEENTITY: int_data = atoi((char *) data); G_Damage( ent, ent, ent, NULL, NULL, int_data, 0, MOD_UNKNOWN ); break; case SET_SABER_ORIGIN: sscanf( data, "%f %f %f", &vector_data[0], &vector_data[1], &vector_data[2] ); WP_SetSaberOrigin( ent, vector_data ); break; case SET_ADJUST_AREA_PORTALS: if(!Q_stricmp("true", ((char *)data))) { Q3_SetAdjustAreaPortals( entID, qtrue ); } else { Q3_SetAdjustAreaPortals( entID, qfalse ); } break; case SET_DMG_BY_HEAVY_WEAP_ONLY: if(!Q_stricmp("true", ((char *)data))) { Q3_SetDmgByHeavyWeapOnly( entID, qtrue ); } else { Q3_SetDmgByHeavyWeapOnly( entID, qfalse ); } break; case SET_SHIELDED: if(!Q_stricmp("true", ((char *)data))) { Q3_SetShielded( entID, qtrue ); } else { Q3_SetShielded( entID, qfalse ); } break; case SET_NO_GROUPS: if(!Q_stricmp("true", ((char *)data))) { Q3_SetNoGroups( entID, qtrue ); } else { Q3_SetNoGroups( entID, qfalse ); } break; case SET_FIRE_WEAPON: if(!Q_stricmp("true", ((char *)data))) { Q3_SetFireWeapon( entID, qtrue); } else if(!Q_stricmp("false", ((char *)data))) { Q3_SetFireWeapon( entID, qfalse); } break; case SET_FIRE_WEAPON_NO_ANIM: if(!Q_stricmp("true", ((char *)data))) { Q3_SetFireWeaponNoAnim( entID, qtrue); } else if(!Q_stricmp("false", ((char *)data))) { Q3_SetFireWeaponNoAnim( entID, qfalse); } break; case SET_SAFE_REMOVE: if(!Q_stricmp("true", ((char *)data))) { Q3_SetSafeRemove( entID, qtrue); } else if(!Q_stricmp("false", ((char *)data))) { Q3_SetSafeRemove( entID, qfalse); } break; case SET_BOBA_JET_PACK: if(!Q_stricmp("true", ((char *)data))) { Q3_SetBobaJetPack( entID, qtrue); } else if(!Q_stricmp("false", ((char *)data))) { Q3_SetBobaJetPack( entID, qfalse); } break; case SET_INACTIVE: if(!Q_stricmp("true", ((char *)data))) { Q3_SetInactive( entID, qtrue); } else if(!Q_stricmp("false", ((char *)data))) { Q3_SetInactive( entID, qfalse); } else if(!Q_stricmp("unlocked", ((char *)data))) { extern void UnLockDoors(gentity_t *const ent); UnLockDoors(&g_entities[entID]); } else if(!Q_stricmp("locked", ((char *)data))) { extern void LockDoors(gentity_t *const ent); LockDoors(&g_entities[entID]); } break; case SET_END_SCREENDISSOLVE: gi.SendConsoleCommand( "endscreendissolve\n"); break; case SET_FUNC_USABLE_VISIBLE: if(!Q_stricmp("true", ((char *)data))) { Q3_SetFuncUsableVisible( entID, qtrue); } else if(!Q_stricmp("false", ((char *)data))) { Q3_SetFuncUsableVisible( entID, qfalse); } break; case SET_NO_KNOCKBACK: if(!Q_stricmp("true", ((char *)data))) { Q3_SetNoKnockback(entID, qtrue); } else { Q3_SetNoKnockback(entID, qfalse); } break; case SET_VIDEO_PLAY: // don't do this check now, James doesn't want a scripted cinematic to also skip any Video cinematics as well, // the "timescale" and "skippingCinematic" cvars will be set back to normal in the Video code, so doing a // skip will now only skip one section of a multiple-part story (eg VOY1 bridge sequence) // // if ( g_timescale->value <= 1.0f ) { gi.SendConsoleCommand( va("inGameCinematic %s\n", (char *)data) ); } break; case SET_VIDEO_FADE_IN: if(!Q_stricmp("true", ((char *)data))) { gi.cvar_set("cl_VidFadeUp", "1"); } else { gi.cvar_set("cl_VidFadeUp", "0"); } break; case SET_VIDEO_FADE_OUT: if(!Q_stricmp("true", ((char *)data))) { gi.cvar_set("cl_VidFadeDown", "1"); } else { gi.cvar_set("cl_VidFadeDown", "0"); } break; case SET_REMOVE_TARGET: Q3_SetRemoveTarget( entID, (const char *) data ); break; case SET_LOADGAME: gi.SendConsoleCommand( va("load %s\n", (const char *) data ) ); break; case SET_MENU_SCREEN: //UI_SetActiveMenu( (const char *) data ); gi.SendConsoleCommand( va("uimenu %s\n", (char *)data) ); break; case SET_OBJECTIVE_SHOW: missionInfo_Updated = qtrue; // Activate flashing text gi.cvar_set("cg_updatedDataPadObjective", "1"); Q3_SetObjective((const char *) data ,SET_OBJ_SHOW); Q3_SetObjective((const char *) data ,SET_OBJ_PENDING); break; case SET_OBJECTIVE_HIDE: Q3_SetObjective((const char *) data ,SET_OBJ_HIDE); break; case SET_OBJECTIVE_SUCCEEDED: missionInfo_Updated = qtrue; // Activate flashing text gi.cvar_set("cg_updatedDataPadObjective", "1"); Q3_SetObjective((const char *) data ,SET_OBJ_SUCCEEDED); break; case SET_OBJECTIVE_SUCCEEDED_NO_UPDATE: Q3_SetObjective((const char *) data ,SET_OBJ_SUCCEEDED); break; case SET_OBJECTIVE_FAILED: Q3_SetObjective((const char *) data ,SET_OBJ_FAILED); break; case SET_OBJECTIVE_CLEARALL: Q3_ObjectiveClearAll(); break; case SET_MISSIONFAILED: Q3_SetMissionFailed((const char *) data); break; case SET_MISSIONSTATUSTEXT: Q3_SetStatusText((const char *) data); break; case SET_MISSIONSTATUSTIME: int_data = atoi((char *) data); cg.missionStatusDeadTime = level.time + int_data; break; case SET_CLOSINGCREDITS: gi.cvar_set("cg_endcredits", "1"); break; case SET_SKILL: // //can never be set break; case SET_DISABLE_SHADER_ANIM: if(!Q_stricmp("true", ((char *)data))) { Q3_SetDisableShaderAnims( entID, qtrue); } else { Q3_SetDisableShaderAnims( entID, qfalse); } break; case SET_SHADER_ANIM: if(!Q_stricmp("true", ((char *)data))) { Q3_SetShaderAnim( entID, qtrue); } else { Q3_SetShaderAnim( entID, qfalse); } break; case SET_MUSIC_STATE: Q3_SetMusicState( (char *) data ); break; case SET_CLEAN_DAMAGING_ENTS: Q3_SetCleanDamagingEnts(); break; case SET_HUD: if(!Q_stricmp("true", ((char *)data))) { gi.cvar_set("cg_drawHUD", "1"); } else { gi.cvar_set("cg_drawHUD", "0"); } break; case SET_FORCE_HEAL_LEVEL: case SET_FORCE_JUMP_LEVEL: case SET_FORCE_SPEED_LEVEL: case SET_FORCE_PUSH_LEVEL: case SET_FORCE_PULL_LEVEL: case SET_FORCE_MINDTRICK_LEVEL: case SET_FORCE_GRIP_LEVEL: case SET_FORCE_LIGHTNING_LEVEL: case SET_SABER_THROW: case SET_SABER_DEFENSE: case SET_SABER_OFFENSE: case SET_FORCE_RAGE_LEVEL: case SET_FORCE_PROTECT_LEVEL: case SET_FORCE_ABSORB_LEVEL: case SET_FORCE_DRAIN_LEVEL: case SET_FORCE_SIGHT_LEVEL: int_data = atoi((char *) data); Q3_SetForcePowerLevel( entID, (toSet-SET_FORCE_HEAL_LEVEL), int_data ); break; case SET_SABER1: case SET_SABER2: WP_SetSaber( &g_entities[entID], toSet-SET_SABER1, (char *)data ); break; case SET_PLAYERMODEL: G_ChangePlayerModel( &g_entities[entID], (const char *)data ); break; // NOTE: Preconditions for entering a vehicle still exist. This is not assured to work. -Areis case SET_VEHICLE: Use( entID, (char *)data ); // G_DriveVehicle( &g_entities[entID], NULL, (char *)data ); break; case SET_SECURITY_KEY: Q3_GiveSecurityKey( entID, (char *)data ); break; case SET_SABER1_COLOR1: case SET_SABER1_COLOR2: WP_SaberSetColor( &g_entities[entID], 0, toSet-SET_SABER1_COLOR1, (char *)data ); break; case SET_SABER2_COLOR1: case SET_SABER2_COLOR2: WP_SaberSetColor( &g_entities[entID], 1, toSet-SET_SABER2_COLOR1, (char *)data ); break; case SET_DISMEMBER_LIMB: Q3_DismemberLimb( entID, (char *)data ); break; case SET_NO_PVS_CULL: Q3_SetBroadcast( entID, (qboolean)(Q_stricmp("true",(char*)data)==0) ); break; // Set a Saboteur to cloak (true) or un-cloak (false). case SET_CLOAK: // Created: 01/08/03 by AReis. //extern void Jedi_Cloak( gentity_t *self ); extern void Saboteur_Cloak( gentity_t *self ); if( Q_stricmp("true", ((char *)data)) == 0 ) { Saboteur_Cloak( &g_entities[entID] ); } else { Saboteur_Decloak( &g_entities[entID] ); } break; case SET_FORCE_HEAL: Q3_SetForcePower( entID, FP_HEAL, (qboolean)(Q_stricmp("true",(char*)data)==0) ); break; case SET_FORCE_SPEED: Q3_SetForcePower( entID, FP_SPEED, (qboolean)(Q_stricmp("true",(char*)data)==0) ); break; case SET_FORCE_PUSH: Q3_SetForcePower( entID, FP_PUSH, (qboolean)(Q_stricmp("true",(char*)data)==0) ); break; case SET_FORCE_PUSH_FAKE: ForceThrow( &g_entities[entID], qfalse, qtrue ); break; case SET_FORCE_PULL: Q3_SetForcePower( entID, FP_PULL, (qboolean)(Q_stricmp("true",(char*)data)==0) ); break; case SET_FORCE_MIND_TRICK: Q3_SetForcePower( entID, FP_TELEPATHY, (qboolean)(Q_stricmp("true",(char*)data)==0) ); break; case SET_FORCE_GRIP: Q3_SetForcePower( entID, FP_GRIP, (qboolean)(Q_stricmp("true",(char*)data)==0) ); break; case SET_FORCE_LIGHTNING: Q3_SetForcePower( entID, FP_LIGHTNING, (qboolean)(Q_stricmp("true",(char*)data)==0) ); break; case SET_FORCE_SABERTHROW: Q3_SetForcePower( entID, FP_SABERTHROW, (qboolean)(Q_stricmp("true",(char*)data)==0) ); break; case SET_FORCE_RAGE: Q3_SetForcePower( entID, FP_RAGE, (qboolean)(Q_stricmp("true",(char*)data)==0) ); break; case SET_FORCE_PROTECT: Q3_SetForcePower( entID, FP_PROTECT, (qboolean)(Q_stricmp("true",(char*)data)==0) ); break; case SET_FORCE_ABSORB: Q3_SetForcePower( entID, FP_ABSORB, (qboolean)(Q_stricmp("true",(char*)data)==0) ); break; case SET_FORCE_DRAIN: Q3_SetForcePower( entID, FP_DRAIN, (qboolean)(Q_stricmp("true",(char*)data)==0) ); break; extern cvar_t *g_char_model; extern cvar_t *g_char_skin_head; extern cvar_t *g_char_skin_torso; extern cvar_t *g_char_skin_legs; case SET_WINTER_GEAR: // Created: 03/26/03 by AReis. { // If this is a (fake) Player NPC or this IS the Player... if ( entID == 0 || ( ent->NPC_type && Q_stricmp( ent->NPC_type, "player" ) == 0 ) ) { char strSkin[MAX_QPATH]; // Set the Winter Gear Skin if true, otherwise set back to normal configuration. if( Q_stricmp( "true", ((char *)data) ) == 0 ) { Com_sprintf( strSkin, sizeof( strSkin ), "models/players/%s/|%s|%s|%s", g_char_model->string, g_char_skin_head->string, "torso_g1", "lower_e1" ); } else { Com_sprintf( strSkin, sizeof( strSkin ), "models/players/%s/|%s|%s|%s", g_char_model->string, g_char_skin_head->string, g_char_skin_torso->string, g_char_skin_legs->string ); } int iSkinID = gi.RE_RegisterSkin( strSkin ); if ( iSkinID ) { gi.G2API_SetSkin( &ent->ghoul2[ent->playerModel], G_SkinIndex( strSkin ), iSkinID ); } } break; } case SET_NO_ANGLES: if ( entID >= 0 && entID < ENTITYNUM_WORLD ) { if ( (Q_stricmp("true",(char*)data)==0) ) { g_entities[entID].flags |= FL_NO_ANGLES; } else { g_entities[entID].flags &= ~FL_NO_ANGLES; } } break; case SET_SKIN: // If this is a (fake) Player NPC or this IS the Player... {//just blindly sets whatever skin you set! include full path after "base/"... eg: "models/players/tavion_new/model_possessed.skin" gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( ent && ent->inuse && ent->ghoul2.size() ) { int iSkinID = gi.RE_RegisterSkin( (char *)data ); if ( iSkinID ) { gi.G2API_SetSkin( &ent->ghoul2[ent->playerModel], G_SkinIndex( (char *)data ), iSkinID ); } } } break; default: //DebugPrint( WL_ERROR, "Set: '%s' is not a valid set field\n", type_name ); SetVar( taskID, entID, type_name, data ); PrisonerObjCheck(type_name,data); break; } IIcarusInterface::GetIcarus()->Completed( ent->m_iIcarusID, taskID ); } void CQuake3GameInterface::PrisonerObjCheck(const char *name,const char *data) { float float_data; int holdData; if (!Q_stricmp("ui_prisonerobj_currtotal",name)) { GetFloatVariable( name, &float_data ); holdData = (int) float_data; gi.cvar_set("ui_prisonerobj_currtotal", va("%d",holdData)); } else if (!Q_stricmp("ui_prisonerobj_maxtotal",name)) { gi.cvar_set("ui_prisonerobj_maxtotal", data); } } // Uses an entity. void CQuake3GameInterface::Use( int entID, const char *name ) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "Use: invalid entID %d\n", entID ); return; } if( !name || !name[0] ) { DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "Use: string is NULL!\n" ); return; } if ( ent->s.number == 0 && ent->client->NPC_class == CLASS_ATST ) {//a player trying to get out of his ATST GEntity_UseFunc( ent->activator, ent, ent ); return; } /* if ( ent->client ) {//put the button on him, too, since some other things (like getting out of a vehicle?) check for the use button directly... ent->client->usercmd.buttons |= BUTTON_USE; } */ G_UseTargets2( ent, ent, name ); } void CQuake3GameInterface::Activate( int entID, const char *name ) { Q3_SetInactive( entID, qtrue ); } void CQuake3GameInterface::Deactivate( int entID, const char *name ) { Q3_SetInactive( entID, qfalse ); } // Kill an entity. void CQuake3GameInterface::Kill( int entID, const char *name ) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; gentity_t *victim = NULL; int o_health; if( !Q_stricmp( name, "self") ) { victim = ent; } else if( !Q_stricmp( name, "enemy" ) ) { victim = ent->enemy; } else { victim = G_Find (NULL, FOFS(targetname), (char *) name ); } if ( !victim ) { DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "Kill: can't find %s\n", name); return; } /* if ( victim == ent ) { DebugPrint( WL_ERROR, "Kill: entity %s trying to kill self - not allowed!\n", name); return; } */ if ( victim == ent ) {//don't ICARUS_FreeEnt me, I'm in the middle of a script! (FIXME: shouldn't ICARUS handle this internally?) victim->svFlags |= SVF_KILLED_SELF; } o_health = victim->health; victim->health = 0; if ( victim->client ) { victim->flags |= FL_NO_KNOCKBACK; } //G_SetEnemy(victim, ent); if( victim->e_DieFunc != dieF_NULL ) // check can be omitted { GEntity_DieFunc( victim, NULL, NULL, o_health, MOD_UNKNOWN ); } } // Remove an entity. void CQuake3GameInterface::Remove( int entID, const char *name ) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; gentity_t *victim = NULL; if( !Q_stricmp( "self", name ) ) { victim = ent; if ( !victim ) { DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "Remove: can't find %s\n", name ); return; } Q3_RemoveEnt( victim ); } else if( !Q_stricmp( "enemy", name ) ) { victim = ent->enemy; if ( !victim ) { DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "Remove: can't find %s\n", name ); return; } Q3_RemoveEnt( victim ); } else { victim = G_Find( NULL, FOFS(targetname), (char *) name ); if ( !victim ) { DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "Remove: can't find %s\n", name ); return; } while ( victim ) { Q3_RemoveEnt( victim ); victim = G_Find( victim, FOFS(targetname), (char *) name ); } } } // Get a random (float) number. float CQuake3GameInterface::Random( float min, float max ) { return ((rand() * (max - min)) / 32768.0F) + min; } void CQuake3GameInterface::Play( int taskID, int entID, const char *type, const char *name ) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !Q_stricmp( type, "PLAY_ROFF" ) ) { // Try to load the requested ROFF if ( G_LoadRoff( name ) ) { ent->roff = G_NewString( name ); // Start the roff from the beginning ent->roff_ctr = 0; //Save this off for later Q3_TaskIDSet( ent, TID_MOVE_NAV, taskID ); // Let the ROFF playing start. ent->next_roff_time = level.time; // These need to be initialised up front... VectorCopy( ent->currentOrigin, ent->pos1 ); VectorCopy( ent->currentAngles, ent->pos2 ); gi.linkentity( ent ); } } } //Camera functions void CQuake3GameInterface::CameraPan( vec3_t angles, vec3_t dir, float duration ) { CGCam_Pan( angles, dir, duration ); } void CQuake3GameInterface::CameraMove( vec3_t origin, float duration ) { CGCam_Move( origin, duration ); } void CQuake3GameInterface::CameraZoom( float fov, float duration ) { CGCam_Zoom( fov, duration ); } void CQuake3GameInterface::CameraRoll( float angle, float duration ) { CGCam_Roll( angle, duration ); } void CQuake3GameInterface::CameraFollow( const char *name, float speed, float initLerp ) { CGCam_Follow( name, speed, initLerp ); } void CQuake3GameInterface::CameraTrack( const char *name, float speed, float initLerp ) { CGCam_Track( name, speed, initLerp ); } void CQuake3GameInterface::CameraDistance( float dist, float initLerp ) { CGCam_Distance( dist, initLerp ); } void CQuake3GameInterface::CameraFade( float sr, float sg, float sb, float sa, float dr, float dg, float db, float da, float duration ) { vec4_t src, dst; src[0] = sr; src[1] = sg; src[2] = sb; src[3] = sa; dst[0] = dr; dst[1] = dg; dst[2] = db; dst[3] = da; CGCam_Fade( src, dst, duration ); } void CQuake3GameInterface::CameraPath( const char *name ) { CGCam_StartRoff( G_NewString( name ) ); } void CQuake3GameInterface::CameraEnable( void ) { CGCam_Enable(); } void CQuake3GameInterface::CameraDisable( void ) { CGCam_Disable(); } void CQuake3GameInterface::CameraShake( float intensity, int duration ) { CGCam_Shake( intensity, duration ); } int CQuake3GameInterface::GetFloat( int entID, const char *name, float *value ) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; // gclient_t *client; if ( !ent ) { return false; } int toGet = GetIDForString( setTable, name ); //FIXME: May want to make a "getTable" as well //FIXME: I'm getting really sick of these huge switch statements! //NOTENOTE: return true if the value was correctly obtained switch ( toGet ) { case SET_PARM1: case SET_PARM2: case SET_PARM3: case SET_PARM4: case SET_PARM5: case SET_PARM6: case SET_PARM7: case SET_PARM8: case SET_PARM9: case SET_PARM10: case SET_PARM11: case SET_PARM12: case SET_PARM13: case SET_PARM14: case SET_PARM15: case SET_PARM16: if (ent->parms == NULL) { DebugPrint( WL_ERROR, "GET_PARM: %s %s did not have any parms set!\n", ent->classname, ent->targetname ); return false; // would prefer qfalse, but I'm fitting in with what's here } *value = atof( ent->parms->parm[toGet - SET_PARM1] ); break; case SET_COUNT: *value = ent->count; break; case SET_HEALTH: *value = ent->health; break; case SET_SKILL: *value = g_spskill->integer; break; case SET_XVELOCITY://## %f="0.0" # Velocity along X axis if ( ent->client == NULL ) { DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "GetFloat: SET_XVELOCITY, %s not a client\n", ent->targetname ); return false; } *value = ent->client->ps.velocity[0]; break; case SET_YVELOCITY://## %f="0.0" # Velocity along Y axis if ( ent->client == NULL ) { DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "GetFloat: SET_YVELOCITY, %s not a client\n", ent->targetname ); return false; } *value = ent->client->ps.velocity[1]; break; case SET_ZVELOCITY://## %f="0.0" # Velocity along Z axis if ( ent->client == NULL ) { DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "GetFloat: SET_ZVELOCITY, %s not a client\n", ent->targetname ); return false; } *value = ent->client->ps.velocity[2]; break; case SET_Z_OFFSET: *value = ent->currentOrigin[2] - ent->s.origin[2]; break; case SET_DPITCH://## %f="0.0" # Pitch for NPC to turn to if ( ent->NPC == NULL ) { DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "GetFloat: SET_DPITCH, %s not an NPC\n", ent->targetname ); return false; } *value = ent->NPC->desiredPitch; break; case SET_DYAW://## %f="0.0" # Yaw for NPC to turn to if ( ent->NPC == NULL ) { DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "GetFloat: SET_DYAW, %s not an NPC\n", ent->targetname ); return false; } *value = ent->NPC->desiredPitch; break; case SET_WIDTH://## %f="0.0" # Width of NPC bounding box if ( ent->NPC == NULL ) { DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "GetFloat: SET_WIDTH, %s not an NPC\n", ent->targetname ); return false; } *value = ent->mins[0]; break; case SET_TIMESCALE://## %f="0.0" # Speed-up slow down game (0 - 1.0) *value = g_timescale->value; break; case SET_CAMERA_GROUP_Z_OFS://## %s="NULL" # all ents with this cameraGroup will be focused on return false; break; case SET_VISRANGE://## %f="0.0" # How far away NPC can see if ( ent->NPC == NULL ) { DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "GetFloat: SET_VISRANGE, %s not an NPC\n", ent->targetname ); return false; } *value = ent->NPC->stats.visrange; break; case SET_EARSHOT://## %f="0.0" # How far an NPC can hear if ( ent->NPC == NULL ) { DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "GetFloat: SET_EARSHOT, %s not an NPC\n", ent->targetname ); return false; } *value = ent->NPC->stats.earshot; break; case SET_VIGILANCE://## %f="0.0" # How often to look for enemies (0 - 1.0) if ( ent->NPC == NULL ) { DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "GetFloat: SET_VIGILANCE, %s not an NPC\n", ent->targetname ); return false; } *value = ent->NPC->stats.vigilance; break; case SET_GRAVITY://## %f="0.0" # Change this ent's gravity - 800 default if ( (ent->svFlags&SVF_CUSTOM_GRAVITY) && ent->client ) { *value = ent->client->ps.gravity; } else { *value = g_gravity->value; } break; case SET_FACEEYESCLOSED: case SET_FACEEYESOPENED: case SET_FACEAUX: //## %f="0.0" # Set face to Aux expression for number of seconds case SET_FACEBLINK: //## %f="0.0" # Set face to Blink expression for number of seconds case SET_FACEBLINKFROWN: //## %f="0.0" # Set face to Blinkfrown expression for number of seconds case SET_FACEFROWN: //## %f="0.0" # Set face to Frown expression for number of seconds case SET_FACENORMAL: //## %f="0.0" # Set face to Normal expression for number of seconds DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "GetFloat: SET_FACE___ not implemented\n" ); return false; break; case SET_WAIT: //## %f="0.0" # Change an entity's wait field *value = ent->wait; break; case SET_FOLLOWDIST: //## %f="0.0" # How far away to stay from leader in BS_FOLLOW_LEADER if ( ent->NPC == NULL ) { DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "GetFloat: SET_FOLLOWDIST, %s not an NPC\n", ent->targetname ); return false; } *value = ent->NPC->followDist; break; //# #sep ints case SET_ANIM_HOLDTIME_LOWER://## %d="0" # Hold lower anim for number of milliseconds if ( ent->client == NULL ) { DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "GetFloat: SET_ANIM_HOLDTIME_LOWER, %s not a client\n", ent->targetname ); return false; } *value = ent->client->ps.legsAnimTimer; break; case SET_ANIM_HOLDTIME_UPPER://## %d="0" # Hold upper anim for number of milliseconds if ( ent->client == NULL ) { DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "GetFloat: SET_ANIM_HOLDTIME_UPPER, %s not a client\n", ent->targetname ); return false; } *value = ent->client->ps.torsoAnimTimer; break; case SET_ANIM_HOLDTIME_BOTH://## %d="0" # Hold lower and upper anims for number of milliseconds DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "GetFloat: SET_ANIM_HOLDTIME_BOTH not implemented\n" ); return false; break; case SET_ARMOR://## %d="0" # Change armor if ( ent->client == NULL ) { DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "GetFloat: SET_ARMOR, %s not a client\n", ent->targetname ); return false; } *value = ent->client->ps.stats[STAT_ARMOR]; break; case SET_WALKSPEED://## %d="0" # Change walkSpeed if ( ent->NPC == NULL ) { DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "GetFloat: SET_WALKSPEED, %s not an NPC\n", ent->targetname ); return false; } *value = ent->NPC->stats.walkSpeed; break; case SET_RUNSPEED://## %d="0" # Change runSpeed if ( ent->NPC == NULL ) { DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "GetFloat: SET_RUNSPEED, %s not an NPC\n", ent->targetname ); return false; } *value = ent->NPC->stats.runSpeed; break; case SET_YAWSPEED://## %d="0" # Change yawSpeed if ( ent->NPC == NULL ) { DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "GetFloat: SET_YAWSPEED, %s not an NPC\n", ent->targetname ); return false; } *value = ent->NPC->stats.yawSpeed; break; case SET_AGGRESSION://## %d="0" # Change aggression 1-5 if ( ent->NPC == NULL ) { DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "GetFloat: SET_AGGRESSION, %s not an NPC\n", ent->targetname ); return false; } *value = ent->NPC->stats.aggression; break; case SET_AIM://## %d="0" # Change aim 1-5 if ( ent->NPC == NULL ) { DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "GetFloat: SET_AIM, %s not an NPC\n", ent->targetname ); return false; } *value = ent->NPC->stats.aim; break; case SET_FRICTION://## %d="0" # Change ent's friction - 6 default if ( ent->client == NULL ) { DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "GetFloat: SET_FRICTION, %s not a client\n", ent->targetname ); return false; } *value = ent->client->ps.friction; break; case SET_SHOOTDIST://## %d="0" # How far the ent can shoot - 0 uses weapon if ( ent->NPC == NULL ) { DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "GetFloat: SET_SHOOTDIST, %s not an NPC\n", ent->targetname ); return false; } *value = ent->NPC->stats.shootDistance; break; case SET_HFOV://## %d="0" # Horizontal field of view if ( ent->NPC == NULL ) { DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "GetFloat: SET_HFOV, %s not an NPC\n", ent->targetname ); return false; } *value = ent->NPC->stats.hfov; break; case SET_VFOV://## %d="0" # Vertical field of view if ( ent->NPC == NULL ) { DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "GetFloat: SET_VFOV, %s not an NPC\n", ent->targetname ); return false; } *value = ent->NPC->stats.vfov; break; case SET_DELAYSCRIPTTIME://## %d="0" # How many seconds to wait before running delayscript *value = ent->delayScriptTime - level.time; break; case SET_FORWARDMOVE://## %d="0" # NPC move forward -127(back) to 127 if ( ent->client == NULL ) { DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "GetFloat: SET_FORWARDMOVE, %s not a client\n", ent->targetname ); return false; } *value = ent->client->forced_forwardmove; break; case SET_RIGHTMOVE://## %d="0" # NPC move right -127(left) to 127 if ( ent->client == NULL ) { DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "GetFloat: SET_RIGHTMOVE, %s not a client\n", ent->targetname ); return false; } *value = ent->client->forced_rightmove; break; case SET_STARTFRAME: //## %d="0" # frame to start animation sequence on *value = ent->startFrame; break; case SET_ENDFRAME: //## %d="0" # frame to end animation sequence on *value = ent->endFrame; break; case SET_ANIMFRAME: //## %d="0" # of current frame *value = ent->s.frame; break; case SET_SHOT_SPACING://## %d="1000" # Time between shots for an NPC - reset to defaults when changes weapon if ( ent->NPC == NULL ) { DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "GetFloat: SET_SHOT_SPACING, %s not an NPC\n", ent->targetname ); return false; } *value = ent->NPC->burstSpacing; break; case SET_MISSIONSTATUSTIME://## %d="0" # Amount of time until Mission Status should be shown after death *value = cg.missionStatusDeadTime - level.time; break; //# #sep booleans case SET_IGNOREPAIN://## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # Do not react to pain if ( ent->NPC == NULL ) { DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "GetFloat: SET_IGNOREPAIN, %s not an NPC\n", ent->targetname ); return false; } *value = ent->NPC->ignorePain; break; case SET_IGNOREENEMIES://## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # Do not acquire enemies *value = (ent->svFlags&SVF_IGNORE_ENEMIES); break; case SET_IGNOREALERTS://## Do not get enemy set by allies in area(ambush) if ( ent->NPC == NULL ) { DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "GetFloat: SET_IGNOREALERTS, %s not an NPC\n", ent->targetname ); return false; } *value = (ent->NPC->scriptFlags&SCF_IGNORE_ALERTS); case SET_DONTSHOOT://## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # Others won't shoot you *value = (ent->flags&FL_DONT_SHOOT); break; case SET_NOTARGET://## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # Others won't pick you as enemy *value = (ent->flags&FL_NOTARGET); break; case SET_DONTFIRE://## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # Don't fire your weapon if ( ent->NPC == NULL ) { DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "GetFloat: SET_DONTFIRE, %s not an NPC\n", ent->targetname ); return false; } *value = (ent->NPC->scriptFlags&SCF_DONT_FIRE); break; case SET_LOCKED_ENEMY://## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # Keep current enemy until dead *value = (ent->svFlags&SVF_LOCKEDENEMY); break; case SET_CROUCHED://## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # Force NPC to crouch if ( ent->NPC == NULL ) { DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "GetFloat: SET_CROUCHED, %s not an NPC\n", ent->targetname ); return false; } *value = (ent->NPC->scriptFlags&SCF_CROUCHED); break; case SET_WALKING://## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # Force NPC to move at walkSpeed if ( ent->NPC == NULL ) { DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "GetFloat: SET_WALKING, %s not an NPC\n", ent->targetname ); return false; } *value = (ent->NPC->scriptFlags&SCF_WALKING); break; case SET_RUNNING://## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # Force NPC to move at runSpeed if ( ent->NPC == NULL ) { DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "GetFloat: SET_RUNNING, %s not an NPC\n", ent->targetname ); return false; } *value = (ent->NPC->scriptFlags&SCF_RUNNING); break; case SET_CHASE_ENEMIES://## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # NPC will chase after enemies if ( ent->NPC == NULL ) { DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "GetFloat: SET_CHASE_ENEMIES, %s not an NPC\n", ent->targetname ); return false; } *value = (ent->NPC->scriptFlags&SCF_CHASE_ENEMIES); break; case SET_LOOK_FOR_ENEMIES://## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # NPC will be on the lookout for enemies if ( ent->NPC == NULL ) { DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "GetFloat: SET_LOOK_FOR_ENEMIES, %s not an NPC\n", ent->targetname ); return false; } *value = (ent->NPC->scriptFlags&SCF_LOOK_FOR_ENEMIES); break; case SET_FACE_MOVE_DIR://## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # NPC will face in the direction it's moving if ( ent->NPC == NULL ) { DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "GetFloat: SET_FACE_MOVE_DIR, %s not an NPC\n", ent->targetname ); return false; } *value = (ent->NPC->scriptFlags&SCF_FACE_MOVE_DIR); break; case SET_FORCED_MARCH://## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # Force NPC to move at runSpeed if ( ent->NPC == NULL ) { DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "GetFloat: SET_FORCED_MARCH, %s not an NPC\n", ent->targetname ); return false; } *value = (ent->NPC->scriptFlags&SET_FORCED_MARCH); break; case SET_UNDYING://## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # Can take damage down to 1 but not die *value = (ent->flags&FL_UNDYING); break; case SET_NOAVOID://## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # Will not avoid other NPCs or architecture if ( ent->NPC == NULL ) { DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "GetFloat: SET_NOAVOID, %s not an NPC\n", ent->targetname ); return false; } *value = (ent->NPC->aiFlags&NPCAI_NO_COLL_AVOID); break; case SET_SOLID://## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # Make yourself notsolid or solid *value = ent->contents; break; case SET_PLAYER_USABLE://## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # Can be activateby the player's "use" button *value = (ent->svFlags&SVF_PLAYER_USABLE); break; case SET_LOOP_ANIM://## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # For non-NPCs: loop your animation sequence *value = ent->loopAnim; break; case SET_INTERFACE://## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # Player interface on/off DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "GetFloat: SET_INTERFACE not implemented\n" ); return false; break; case SET_SHIELDS://## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # NPC has no shields (Borg do not adapt) if ( ent->NPC == NULL ) { DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "GetFloat: SET_SHIELDS, %s not an NPC\n", ent->targetname ); return false; } *value = (ent->NPC->aiFlags&NPCAI_SHIELDS); case SET_SABERACTIVE: if ( ent->client == NULL ) { DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "GetFloat: SET_SABERACTIVE, %s not a client\n", ent->targetname ); return false; } *value = (ent->client->ps.SaberActive()); break; case SET_INVISIBLE://## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # Makes an NPC not solid and not visible *value = (ent->s.eFlags&EF_NODRAW); break; case SET_VAMPIRE://## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # Makes an NPC not solid and not visible if ( !ent->client ) { return false; } else { *value = (ent->client->ps.powerups[PW_DISINT_2]>level.time); } break; case SET_FORCE_INVINCIBLE://## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # Makes an NPC not solid and not visible if ( !ent->client ) { return false; } else { *value = (ent->client->ps.powerups[PW_INVINCIBLE]>level.time); } break; case SET_GREET_ALLIES://## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # Makes an NPC greet teammates if ( ent->NPC == NULL ) { DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "GetFloat: SET_GREET_ALLIES, %s not an NPC\n", ent->targetname ); return false; } *value = (ent->NPC->aiFlags&NPCAI_GREET_ALLIES); break; case SET_VIDEO_FADE_IN://## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # Makes video playback fade in DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "GetFloat: SET_VIDEO_FADE_IN not implemented\n" ); return false; break; case SET_VIDEO_FADE_OUT://## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # Makes video playback fade out DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "GetFloat: SET_VIDEO_FADE_OUT not implemented\n" ); return false; break; case SET_PLAYER_LOCKED://## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # Makes it so player cannot move *value = player_locked; break; case SET_LOCK_PLAYER_WEAPONS://## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # Makes it so player cannot switch weapons *value = (ent->flags&FL_LOCK_PLAYER_WEAPONS); break; case SET_NO_IMPACT_DAMAGE://## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # Makes it so player cannot switch weapons *value = (ent->flags&FL_NO_IMPACT_DMG); break; case SET_NO_KNOCKBACK://## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # Stops this ent from taking knockback from weapons *value = (ent->flags&FL_NO_KNOCKBACK); break; case SET_ALT_FIRE://## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # Force NPC to use altfire when shooting if ( ent->NPC == NULL ) { DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "GetFloat: SET_ALT_FIRE, %s not an NPC\n", ent->targetname ); return false; } *value = (ent->NPC->scriptFlags&SCF_ALT_FIRE); break; case SET_NO_RESPONSE://## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # NPCs will do generic responses when this is on (usescripts override generic responses as well) if ( ent->NPC == NULL ) { DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "GetFloat: SET_NO_RESPONSE, %s not an NPC\n", ent->targetname ); return false; } *value = (ent->NPC->scriptFlags&SCF_NO_RESPONSE); break; case SET_INVINCIBLE://## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # Completely unkillable *value = (ent->flags&FL_GODMODE); break; case SET_MISSIONSTATUSACTIVE: //# Turns on Mission Status Screen *value = cg.missionStatusShow; break; case SET_NO_COMBAT_TALK://## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # NPCs will not do their combat talking noises when this is on if ( ent->NPC == NULL ) { DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "GetFloat: SET_NO_COMBAT_TALK, %s not an NPC\n", ent->targetname ); return false; } *value = (ent->NPC->scriptFlags&SCF_NO_COMBAT_TALK); break; case SET_NO_ALERT_TALK://## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # NPCs will not do their combat talking noises when this is on if ( ent->NPC == NULL ) { DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "GetFloat: SET_NO_ALERT_TALK, %s not an NPC\n", ent->targetname ); return false; } *value = (ent->NPC->scriptFlags&SCF_NO_ALERT_TALK); break; case SET_USE_CP_NEAREST://## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # NPCs will use their closest combat points, not try and find ones next to the player, or flank player if ( ent->NPC == NULL ) { DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "GetFloat: SET_USE_CP_NEAREST, %s not an NPC\n", ent->targetname ); return false; } *value = (ent->NPC->scriptFlags&SCF_USE_CP_NEAREST); break; case SET_DISMEMBERABLE://## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # NPC will not be affected by force powers if ( ent->client == NULL ) { DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "GetFloat: SET_DISMEMBERABLE, %s not a client\n", ent->targetname ); return false; } *value = !(ent->client->dismembered); break; case SET_NO_FORCE: if ( ent->NPC == NULL ) { DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "GetFloat: SET_NO_FORCE, %s not an NPC\n", ent->targetname ); return false; } *value = (ent->NPC->scriptFlags&SCF_NO_FORCE); break; case SET_NO_ACROBATICS: if ( ent->NPC == NULL ) { DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "GetFloat: SET_NO_ACROBATICS, %s not an NPC\n", ent->targetname ); return false; } *value = (ent->NPC->scriptFlags&SCF_NO_ACROBATICS); break; case SET_USE_SUBTITLES: if ( ent->NPC == NULL ) { DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "GetFloat: SET_USE_SUBTITLES, %s not an NPC\n", ent->targetname ); return false; } *value = (ent->NPC->scriptFlags&SCF_USE_SUBTITLES); break; case SET_NO_FALLTODEATH://## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # NPC will not be affected by force powers if ( ent->NPC == NULL ) { DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "GetFloat: SET_NO_FALLTODEATH, %s not an NPC\n", ent->targetname ); return false; } *value = (ent->NPC->scriptFlags&SCF_NO_FALLTODEATH); break; case SET_MORELIGHT://## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # NPCs will use their closest combat points, not try and find ones next to the player, or flank player if ( ent->NPC == NULL ) { DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "GetFloat: SET_MORELIGHT, %s not an NPC\n", ent->targetname ); return false; } *value = (ent->NPC->scriptFlags&SCF_MORELIGHT); break; case SET_TREASONED://## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # Player has turned on his own- scripts will stop: NPCs will turn on him and level changes load the brig DebugPrint( WL_VERBOSE, "SET_TREASONED is disabled, do not use\n" ); *value = 0;//(ffireLevel>=FFIRE_LEVEL_RETALIATION); break; case SET_DISABLE_SHADER_ANIM: //## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # Shaders won't animate *value = (ent->s.eFlags & EF_DISABLE_SHADER_ANIM); break; case SET_SHADER_ANIM: //## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # Shader will be under frame control *value = (ent->s.eFlags & EF_SHADER_ANIM); break; case SET_OBJECTIVE_LIGHTSIDE: { *value = level.clients[0].sess.mission_objectives[LIGHTSIDE_OBJ].status; break; } // kef 4/16/03 -- just trying to put together some scripted meta-AI for swoop riders case SET_DISTSQRD_TO_PLAYER: { vec3_t distSquared; VectorSubtract(player->currentOrigin, ent->s.origin, distSquared); *value = VectorLengthSquared(distSquared); break; } default: if ( VariableDeclared( name ) != VTYPE_FLOAT ) return false; return GetFloatVariable( name, value ); } return true; } int CQuake3GameInterface::GetVector( int entID, const char *name, vec3_t value ) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { return false; } int toGet = GetIDForString( setTable, name ); //FIXME: May want to make a "getTable" as well //FIXME: I'm getting really sick of these huge switch statements! //NOTENOTE: return true if the value was correctly obtained switch ( toGet ) { case SET_PARM1: case SET_PARM2: case SET_PARM3: case SET_PARM4: case SET_PARM5: case SET_PARM6: case SET_PARM7: case SET_PARM8: case SET_PARM9: case SET_PARM10: case SET_PARM11: case SET_PARM12: case SET_PARM13: case SET_PARM14: case SET_PARM15: case SET_PARM16: sscanf( ent->parms->parm[toGet - SET_PARM1], "%f %f %f", &value[0], &value[1], &value[2] ); break; case SET_ORIGIN: VectorCopy(ent->currentOrigin, value); break; case SET_ANGLES: VectorCopy(ent->currentAngles, value); break; case SET_TELEPORT_DEST://## %v="0.0 0.0 0.0" # Set origin here as soon as the area is clear DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "GetVector: SET_TELEPORT_DEST not implemented\n" ); return false; break; default: if ( VariableDeclared( name ) != VTYPE_VECTOR ) return false; return GetVectorVariable( name, value ); } return true; } int CQuake3GameInterface::GetString( int entID, const char *name, char **value ) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if ( !ent ) { return false; } int toGet = GetIDForString( setTable, name ); //FIXME: May want to make a "getTable" as well switch ( toGet ) { case SET_ANIM_BOTH: *value = (char *) Q3_GetAnimBoth( ent ); if ( VALIDSTRING( value ) == false ) return false; break; case SET_PARM1: case SET_PARM2: case SET_PARM3: case SET_PARM4: case SET_PARM5: case SET_PARM6: case SET_PARM7: case SET_PARM8: case SET_PARM9: case SET_PARM10: case SET_PARM11: case SET_PARM12: case SET_PARM13: case SET_PARM14: case SET_PARM15: case SET_PARM16: if ( ent->parms ) { *value = (char *) ent->parms->parm[toGet - SET_PARM1]; } else { DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "GetString: invalid ent %s has no parms!\n", ent->targetname ); return false; } break; case SET_TARGET: *value = (char *) ent->target; break; case SET_LOCATION: *value = G_GetLocationForEnt( ent ); if ( !value || !value[0] ) { return false; } break; //# #sep Scripts and other file paths case SET_SPAWNSCRIPT://## %s="NULL" !!"W:\game\base\scripts\!!#*.txt" # Script to run when spawned //0 - do not change these, these are equal to BSET_SPAWN, etc *value = ent->behaviorSet[BSET_SPAWN]; break; case SET_USESCRIPT://## %s="NULL" !!"W:\game\base\scripts\!!#*.txt" # Script to run when used *value = ent->behaviorSet[BSET_USE]; break; case SET_AWAKESCRIPT://## %s="NULL" !!"W:\game\base\scripts\!!#*.txt" # Script to run when startled *value = ent->behaviorSet[BSET_AWAKE]; break; case SET_ANGERSCRIPT://## %s="NULL" !!"W:\game\base\scripts\!!#*.txt" # Script run when find an enemy for the first time *value = ent->behaviorSet[BSET_ANGER]; break; case SET_ATTACKSCRIPT://## %s="NULL" !!"W:\game\base\scripts\!!#*.txt" # Script to run when you shoot *value = ent->behaviorSet[BSET_ATTACK]; break; case SET_VICTORYSCRIPT://## %s="NULL" !!"W:\game\base\scripts\!!#*.txt" # Script to run when killed someone *value = ent->behaviorSet[BSET_VICTORY]; break; case SET_LOSTENEMYSCRIPT://## %s="NULL" !!"W:\game\base\scripts\!!#*.txt" # Script to run when you can't find your enemy *value = ent->behaviorSet[BSET_LOSTENEMY]; break; case SET_PAINSCRIPT://## %s="NULL" !!"W:\game\base\scripts\!!#*.txt" # Script to run when hit *value = ent->behaviorSet[BSET_PAIN]; break; case SET_FLEESCRIPT://## %s="NULL" !!"W:\game\base\scripts\!!#*.txt" # Script to run when hit and low health *value = ent->behaviorSet[BSET_FLEE]; break; case SET_DEATHSCRIPT://## %s="NULL" !!"W:\game\base\scripts\!!#*.txt" # Script to run when killed *value = ent->behaviorSet[BSET_DEATH]; break; case SET_DELAYEDSCRIPT://## %s="NULL" !!"W:\game\base\scripts\!!#*.txt" # Script to run after a delay *value = ent->behaviorSet[BSET_DELAYED]; break; case SET_BLOCKEDSCRIPT://## %s="NULL" !!"W:\game\base\scripts\!!#*.txt" # Script to run when blocked by teammate *value = ent->behaviorSet[BSET_BLOCKED]; break; case SET_FFIRESCRIPT://## %s="NULL" !!"W:\game\base\scripts\!!#*.txt" # Script to run when player has shot own team repeatedly *value = ent->behaviorSet[BSET_FFIRE]; break; case SET_FFDEATHSCRIPT://## %s="NULL" !!"W:\game\base\scripts\!!#*.txt" # Script to run when player kills a teammate *value = ent->behaviorSet[BSET_FFDEATH]; break; //# #sep Standard strings case SET_ENEMY://## %s="NULL" # Set enemy by targetname if ( ent->enemy != NULL ) { *value = ent->enemy->targetname; } else return false; break; case SET_LEADER://## %s="NULL" # Set for BS_FOLLOW_LEADER if ( ent->client == NULL ) { DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "GetString: SET_LEADER, %s not a client\n", ent->targetname ); return false; } else if ( ent->client->leader ) { *value = ent->client->leader->targetname; } else return false; break; case SET_CAPTURE://## %s="NULL" # Set captureGoal by targetname if ( ent->NPC == NULL ) { DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "GetString: SET_CAPTURE, %s not an NPC\n", ent->targetname ); return false; } else if ( ent->NPC->captureGoal != NULL ) { *value = ent->NPC->captureGoal->targetname; } else return false; break; case SET_TARGETNAME://## %s="NULL" # Set/change your targetname *value = ent->targetname; break; case SET_PAINTARGET://## %s="NULL" # Set/change what to use when hit *value = ent->paintarget; break; case SET_PLAYERMODEL: *value = ent->NPC_type; break; case SET_CAMERA_GROUP://## %s="NULL" # all ents with this cameraGroup will be focused on *value = ent->cameraGroup; break; case SET_CAMERA_GROUP_TAG://## %s="NULL" # all ents with this cameraGroup will be focused on return false; break; case SET_LOOK_TARGET://## %s="NULL" # object for NPC to look at if ( ent->client == NULL ) { DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "GetString: SET_LOOK_TARGET, %s not a client\n", ent->targetname ); return false; } else { gentity_t *lookTarg = &g_entities[ent->client->renderInfo.lookTarget]; if ( lookTarg != NULL ) { *value = lookTarg->targetname; } else return false; } break; case SET_TARGET2://## %s="NULL" # Set/change your target2: on NPC's: this fires when they're knocked out by the red hypo *value = ent->target2; break; case SET_REMOVE_TARGET://## %s="NULL" # Target that is fired when someone completes the BS_REMOVE behaviorState *value = ent->target3; break; case SET_WEAPON: if ( ent->client == NULL ) { DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "GetString: SET_WEAPON, %s not a client\n", ent->targetname ); return false; } else { *value = (char *)GetStringForID( WPTable, ent->client->ps.weapon ); } break; case SET_ITEM: if ( ent->client == NULL ) { DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "GetString: SET_ITEM, %s not a client\n", ent->targetname ); return false; } else { // *value = (char *)GetStringForID( WPTable, ent->client->ps.weapon ); } break; case SET_MUSIC_STATE: *value = (char *)GetStringForID( DMSTable, level.dmState ); break; //The below cannot be gotten case SET_NAVGOAL://## %s="NULL" # *Move to this navgoal then continue script DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "GetString: SET_NAVGOAL not implemented\n" ); return false; break; case SET_VIEWTARGET://## %s="NULL" # Set angles toward ent by targetname DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "GetString: SET_VIEWTARGET not implemented\n" ); return false; break; case SET_WATCHTARGET://## %s="NULL" # Set angles toward ent by targetname if ( ent && ent->NPC && ent->NPC->watchTarget ) { *value = ent->NPC->watchTarget->targetname; } else { DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "GetString: SET_WATCHTARGET no watchTarget!\n" ); return false; } break; case SET_VIEWENTITY: DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "GetString: SET_VIEWENTITY not implemented\n" ); return false; break; case SET_CAPTIONTEXTCOLOR: //## %s="" # Color of text RED:WHITE:BLUE: YELLOW DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "GetString: SET_CAPTIONTEXTCOLOR not implemented\n" ); return false; break; case SET_CENTERTEXTCOLOR: //## %s="" # Color of text RED:WHITE:BLUE: YELLOW DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "GetString: SET_CENTERTEXTCOLOR not implemented\n" ); return false; break; case SET_SCROLLTEXTCOLOR: //## %s="" # Color of text RED:WHITE:BLUE: YELLOW DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "GetString: SET_SCROLLTEXTCOLOR not implemented\n" ); return false; break; case SET_COPY_ORIGIN://## %s="targetname" # Copy the origin of the ent with targetname to your origin DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "GetString: SET_COPY_ORIGIN not implemented\n" ); return false; break; case SET_DEFEND_TARGET://## %s="targetname" # This NPC will attack the target NPC's enemies DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "GetString: SET_COPY_ORIGIN not implemented\n" ); return false; break; case SET_VIDEO_PLAY://## %s="filename" !!"W:\game\base\video\!!#*.roq" # Play a Video (inGame) DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "GetString: SET_VIDEO_PLAY not implemented\n" ); return false; break; case SET_LOADGAME://## %s="exitholodeck" # Load the savegame that was auto-saved when you started the holodeck DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "GetString: SET_LOADGAME not implemented\n" ); return false; break; case SET_LOCKYAW://## %s="off" # Lock legs to a certain yaw angle (or "off" or "auto" uses current) DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "GetString: SET_LOCKYAW not implemented\n" ); return false; break; case SET_SCROLLTEXT: //## %s="" # key of text string to print DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "GetString: SET_SCROLLTEXT not implemented\n" ); return false; break; case SET_LCARSTEXT: //## %s="" # key of text string to print in LCARS frame DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "GetString: SET_LCARSTEXT not implemented\n" ); return false; break; case SET_CENTERTEXT: DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "GetString: SET_CENTERTEXT not implemented\n" ); return false; break; default: if ( VariableDeclared( name ) != VTYPE_STRING ) return false; return GetStringVariable( name, (const char **) value ); } return true; } int CQuake3GameInterface::Evaluate( int p1Type, const char *p1, int p2Type, const char *p2, int operatorType ) { float f1=0, f2=0; vec3_t v1, v2; char *c1=0, *c2=0; int i1=0, i2=0; //Always demote to int on float to integer comparisons if ( ( ( p1Type == TK_FLOAT ) && ( p2Type == TK_INT ) ) || ( ( p1Type == TK_INT ) && ( p2Type == TK_FLOAT ) ) ) { p1Type = TK_INT; p2Type = TK_INT; } //Cannot compare two disimilar types if ( p1Type != p2Type ) { DebugPrint( WL_ERROR, "Evaluate comparing two disimilar types!\n"); return false; } //Format the parameters switch ( p1Type ) { case TK_FLOAT: sscanf( p1, "%f", &f1 ); sscanf( p2, "%f", &f2 ); break; case TK_INT: sscanf( p1, "%d", &i1 ); sscanf( p2, "%d", &i2 ); break; case TK_VECTOR: sscanf( p1, "%f %f %f", &v1[0], &v1[1], &v1[2] ); sscanf( p2, "%f %f %f", &v2[0], &v2[1], &v2[2] ); break; case TK_STRING: case TK_IDENTIFIER: c1 = (char *) p1; c2 = (char *) p2; break; default: DebugPrint( WL_WARNING, "Evaluate unknown type used!\n"); return false; } //Compare them and return the result //FIXME: YUCK!!! Better way to do this? switch ( operatorType ) { // // EQUAL TO // case TK_EQUALS: switch ( p1Type ) { case TK_FLOAT: return (int) ( f1 == f2 ); break; case TK_INT: return (int) ( i1 == i2 ); break; case TK_VECTOR: return (int) VectorCompare( v1, v2 ); break; case TK_STRING: case TK_IDENTIFIER: return (int) !Q_stricmp( c1, c2 ); //NOTENOTE: The script uses proper string comparison logic (ex. ( a == a ) == true ) break; default: DebugPrint( WL_ERROR, "Evaluate unknown type used!\n"); return false; } break; // // GREATER THAN // case TK_GREATER_THAN: switch ( p1Type ) { case TK_FLOAT: return (int) ( f1 > f2 ); break; case TK_INT: return (int) ( i1 > i2 ); break; case TK_VECTOR: DebugPrint( WL_ERROR, "Evaluate vector comparisons of type GREATER THAN cannot be performed!"); return false; break; case TK_STRING: case TK_IDENTIFIER: DebugPrint( WL_ERROR, "Evaluate string comparisons of type GREATER THAN cannot be performed!"); return false; break; default: DebugPrint( WL_ERROR, "Evaluate unknown type used!\n"); return false; } break; // // LESS THAN // case TK_LESS_THAN: switch ( p1Type ) { case TK_FLOAT: return (int) ( f1 < f2 ); break; case TK_INT: return (int) ( i1 < i2 ); break; case TK_VECTOR: DebugPrint( WL_ERROR, "Evaluate vector comparisons of type LESS THAN cannot be performed!"); return false; break; case TK_STRING: case TK_IDENTIFIER: DebugPrint( WL_ERROR, "Evaluate string comparisons of type LESS THAN cannot be performed!"); return false; break; default: DebugPrint( WL_ERROR, "Evaluate unknown type used!\n"); return false; } break; // // NOT // case TK_NOT: //NOTENOTE: Implied "NOT EQUAL TO" switch ( p1Type ) { case TK_FLOAT: return (int) ( f1 != f2 ); break; case TK_INT: return (int) ( i1 != i2 ); break; case TK_VECTOR: return (int) !VectorCompare( v1, v2 ); break; case TK_STRING: case TK_IDENTIFIER: return (int) Q_stricmp( c1, c2 ); break; default: DebugPrint( WL_ERROR, "Evaluate unknown type used!\n"); return false; } break; // // GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO // case TK_GE: switch ( p1Type ) { case TK_FLOAT: return (int) ( f1 >= f2 ); break; case TK_INT: return (int) ( i1 >= i2 ); break; case TK_VECTOR: DebugPrint( WL_ERROR, "Evaluate vector comparisons of type GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO cannot be performed!"); return false; break; case TK_STRING: case TK_IDENTIFIER: DebugPrint( WL_ERROR, "Evaluate string comparisons of type GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO cannot be performed!"); return false; break; default: DebugPrint( WL_ERROR, "Evaluate unknown type used!\n"); return false; } break; // // LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO // case TK_LE: switch ( p1Type ) { case TK_FLOAT: return (int) ( f1 <= f2 ); break; case TK_INT: return (int) ( i1 <= i2 ); break; case TK_VECTOR: DebugPrint( WL_ERROR, "Evaluate vector comparisons of type LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO cannot be performed!"); return false; break; case TK_STRING: case TK_IDENTIFIER: DebugPrint( WL_ERROR, "Evaluate string comparisons of type LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO cannot be performed!"); return false; break; default: DebugPrint( WL_ERROR, "Evaluate unknown type used!\n"); return false; } break; default: DebugPrint( WL_ERROR, "Evaluate unknown operator used!\n"); break; } return false; } void CQuake3GameInterface::DeclareVariable( int type, const char *name ) { //Cannot declare the same variable twice if ( VariableDeclared( name ) != VTYPE_NONE ) return; if ( m_numVariables > MAX_VARIABLES ) { DebugPrint( WL_ERROR, "too many variables already declared, maximum is %d\n", MAX_VARIABLES ); return; } switch( type ) { case TK_FLOAT: m_varFloats[ name ] = 0.0f; break; case TK_STRING: m_varStrings[ name ] = "NULL"; break; case TK_VECTOR: m_varVectors[ name ] = "0.0 0.0 0.0"; break; default: DebugPrint( WL_ERROR, "unknown 'type' for declare() function!\n" ); return; break; } m_numVariables++; } void CQuake3GameInterface::FreeVariable( const char *name ) { //Check the strings varString_m::iterator vsi = m_varStrings.find( name ); if ( vsi != m_varStrings.end() ) { m_varStrings.erase( vsi ); m_numVariables--; return; } //Check the floats varFloat_m::iterator vfi = m_varFloats.find( name ); if ( vfi != m_varFloats.end() ) { m_varFloats.erase( vfi ); m_numVariables--; return; } //Check the strings varString_m::iterator vvi = m_varVectors.find( name ); if ( vvi != m_varVectors.end() ) { m_varVectors.erase( vvi ); m_numVariables--; return; } } //Save / Load functions int CQuake3GameInterface::WriteSaveData( unsigned int chid, void *data, int length ) { return gi.AppendToSaveGame( chid, data, length ); } int CQuake3GameInterface::ReadSaveData( unsigned int chid, void *address, int length, void **addressptr ) { return gi.ReadFromSaveGame( chid, address, length, addressptr ); } int CQuake3GameInterface::LinkGame( int entID, int icarusID ) { gentity_t *pEntity = &g_entities[entID]; if ( pEntity == NULL ) return false; // Set the icarus ID. pEntity->m_iIcarusID = icarusID; // Associate this Entity with the entity list. AssociateEntity( pEntity ); return true; } // Access functions int CQuake3GameInterface::CreateIcarus( int entID ) { gentity_t *pEntity = &g_entities[entID]; // If the entity doesn't have an Icarus ID, obtain and assign a new one. if ( pEntity->m_iIcarusID == IIcarusInterface::ICARUS_INVALID ) pEntity->m_iIcarusID = IIcarusInterface::GetIcarus()->GetIcarusID( entID ); return pEntity->m_iIcarusID; } //Polls the engine for the sequencer of the entity matching the name passed int CQuake3GameInterface::GetByName( const char *name ) { gentity_t *ent; entitylist_t::iterator ei; char temp[1024]; if ( name == NULL || name[0] == NULL ) return -1; strncpy( (char *) temp, name, sizeof(temp) ); temp[sizeof(temp)-1] = 0; ei = m_EntityList.find( Q_strupr( (char *) temp ) ); if ( ei == m_EntityList.end() ) return -1; ent = &g_entities[(*ei).second]; return ent->s.number; // this now returns the ent instead of the sequencer -- dmv 06/27/01 // if (ent == NULL) // return NULL; // return ent->sequencer; } // (g_entities[m_ownerID].svFlags&SVF_ICARUS_FREEZE) // return -1 indicates invalid int CQuake3GameInterface::IsFrozen( int entID ) { return (g_entities[entID].svFlags & SVF_ICARUS_FREEZE); } void CQuake3GameInterface::Free(void* data) { gi.Free( data ); } void* CQuake3GameInterface::Malloc( int size ) { return gi.Malloc( size, TAG_ICARUS, qtrue ); } float CQuake3GameInterface::MaxFloat(void) { // CHANGE! return 34000000; } // Script Precache functions. void CQuake3GameInterface::PrecacheRoff( const char *name ) { G_LoadRoff( name ); } void CQuake3GameInterface::PrecacheScript( const char *name ) { char newname[1024]; //static char newname[1024]; // Strip the extension since we want the real name of the script. COM_StripExtension( name, (char *) newname ); char *pBuf = NULL; int iLength = 0; // Try to Register the Script. switch( RegisterScript( newname, (void **) &pBuf, iLength ) ) { // If the script has already been registered (or could not be loaded), leave! case SCRIPT_COULDNOTREGISTER: if ( !Q_stricmp( newname, "NULL" ) || !Q_stricmp( newname, "default" ) ) {//these are not real errors, suppress warning return; } Quake3Game()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "PrecacheScript: Failed to load %s!\n", newname ); assert(SCRIPT_COULDNOTREGISTER); return; case SCRIPT_ALREADYREGISTERED: return; // We loaded the script and registered it, so precache it through Icarus now. case SCRIPT_REGISTERED: IIcarusInterface::GetIcarus()->Precache( pBuf, iLength ); return; } } void CQuake3GameInterface::PrecacheSound( const char *name ) { char finalName[MAX_QPATH]; Q_strncpyz( finalName, name, MAX_QPATH, 0 ); Q_strlwr(finalName); if (com_buildScript->integer) { //get the male sound first G_SoundIndex( finalName ); } G_AddSexToPlayerString( finalName, qtrue ); //now get female G_SoundIndex( finalName ); } void CQuake3GameInterface::PrecacheFromSet( const char *setname, const char *filename ) { //JW NOTENOTE: This will not catch special case get() inlines! (There's not really a good way to do that) // Get the id for this set identifier then check against valid types. switch ( GetIDForString( setTable, setname ) ) { case SET_SPAWNSCRIPT: case SET_USESCRIPT: case SET_AWAKESCRIPT: case SET_ANGERSCRIPT: case SET_ATTACKSCRIPT: case SET_VICTORYSCRIPT: case SET_LOSTENEMYSCRIPT: case SET_PAINSCRIPT: case SET_FLEESCRIPT: case SET_DEATHSCRIPT: case SET_DELAYEDSCRIPT: case SET_BLOCKEDSCRIPT: case SET_FFIRESCRIPT: case SET_FFDEATHSCRIPT: case SET_MINDTRICKSCRIPT: case SET_CINEMATIC_SKIPSCRIPT: PrecacheScript(filename); break; case SET_LOOPSOUND: //like ID_SOUND, but set's looping G_SoundIndex( filename ); break; case SET_VIDEO_PLAY: //in game cinematic if (com_buildScript->integer) { fileHandle_t file; char name[MAX_OSPATH]; if (strstr( filename, "/") == NULL && strstr( filename, "\\") == NULL) { Com_sprintf ( name, sizeof(name), "video/%s", filename ); } else { Com_sprintf ( name, sizeof(name), "%s", filename ); } COM_StripExtension( name, name ); COM_DefaultExtension( name, sizeof( name ), ".roq" ); gi.FS_FOpenFile( name, &file, FS_READ ); // trigger the file copy if (file) { gi.FS_FCloseFile( file ); } } break; case SET_ADDRHANDBOLT_MODEL: case SET_ADDLHANDBOLT_MODEL: { gi.G2API_PrecacheGhoul2Model( filename ); } break; case SET_WEAPON: { const int wp = GetIDForString( WPTable, filename ); if (wp > 0) { gitem_t *item = FindItemForWeapon( (weapon_t) wp); RegisterItem( item ); //make sure the weapon is cached in case this runs at startup } } break; default: break; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* END Quake 3 Interface Declarations END */ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////