/* * UNPUBLISHED -- Rights reserved under the copyright laws of the * United States. Use of a copyright notice is precautionary only and * does not imply publication or disclosure. * * THIS DOCUMENTATION CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY INFORMATION * OF VICARIOUS VISIONS, INC. ANY DUPLICATION, MODIFICATION, * DISTRIBUTION, OR DISCLOSURE IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED WITHOUT THE PRIOR * EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION OF VICARIOUS VISIONS, INC. */ // leave this as first line for PCH reasons... // #include "../server/exe_headers.h" #include "win_local.h" #include "../client/openal/al.h" #include "../client/openal/alc.h" #include //#include #include "snd_fx_img.h" #include #include #include #define QAL_STREAM_WAIT_TIME (500) #define QAL_MAX_STREAM_PACKETS (2) // About 1 second of audio at 44100, stereo, ADPCM #define QAL_STREAM_PACKET_SIZE (44136) // Un-comment to enable 5-channel 3-d sound mixing //#define _FIVE_CHANNEL extern HANDLE Sys_FileStreamMutex; extern const char* Sys_GetFileCodeName(int code); /*********************************************** * * OpenAL STATE - Main container for all AL objects * ************************************************/ struct QALState { IDirectSound8* m_SoundObject; ALuint m_MemoryUsed; ALenum m_Error; FLOAT m_Gain; struct ListenerInfo { D3DXVECTOR3 m_Position; D3DXMATRIX m_LTM; }; typedef std::map listener_t; listener_t m_Listeners; ALuint m_NextListener; struct SourceInfo { typedef std::map voice_t; voice_t m_Voices; ALuint m_Buffer; FLOAT m_Gain; bool m_GainDirty; bool m_Loop; bool m_Is3d; D3DXVECTOR3 m_Position; }; typedef std::map source_t; source_t m_Sources; ALuint m_NextSource; struct BufferInfo { void* m_Data; DWORD m_DataOffset; XBOXADPCMWAVEFORMAT m_WAVFormat; DWORD m_Freq; DWORD m_Size; bool m_Valid; }; typedef std::map buffer_t; buffer_t m_Buffers; ALuint m_NextBuffer; struct StreamInfo { IDirectSoundStream* m_pVoice; XFileMediaObject* m_pFile; unsigned int m_StartTime; bool m_Open; bool m_Playing; bool m_Valid; FLOAT m_Gain; bool m_GainDirty; bool m_Looping; void* m_pPacketBuffer; DWORD m_PacketStatus[QAL_MAX_STREAM_PACKETS]; DWORD m_CurrentPacket; HANDLE m_Thread; HANDLE m_Mutex; HANDLE m_QueueLen; enum RequestType { REQ_NOP, REQ_PLAY, REQ_STOP, REQ_SHUTDOWN, }; struct Request { RequestType m_Type; DWORD m_Data[3]; }; typedef std::deque queue_t; queue_t m_Queue; }; StreamInfo m_Stream; }; static QALState* s_pState = NULL; /*********************************************** * * DEVICES AND CONTEXTS * ************************************************/ ALCdevice* alcOpenDevice(ALCubyte *deviceName) { if (s_pState) return NULL; s_pState = new QALState; s_pState->m_Gain = 1.f; s_pState->m_Error = AL_NO_ERROR; s_pState->m_MemoryUsed = 0; s_pState->m_NextBuffer = 1; s_pState->m_NextListener = 1; s_pState->m_NextSource = 1; s_pState->m_Stream.m_Valid = false; // init the sound hardware if (DirectSoundCreate(NULL, &s_pState->m_SoundObject, NULL) != DS_OK) { delete s_pState; return NULL; } DirectSoundUseFullHRTF(); // download effects image to hardware void* image; int len = FS_ReadFile("sound/dsstdfx.bin", &image); if (len <= 0) { delete s_pState; return NULL; } LPDSEFFECTIMAGEDESC desc; DSEFFECTIMAGELOC effect; effect.dwI3DL2ReverbIndex = GraphI3DL2_I3DL2Reverb; effect.dwCrosstalkIndex = GraphXTalk_XTalk; s_pState->m_SoundObject->DownloadEffectsImage(image, len, &effect, &desc); Z_Free(image); // setup default reverb DSI3DL2LISTENER reverb = { DSI3DL2_ENVIRONMENT_PRESET_NOREVERB }; s_pState->m_SoundObject->SetI3DL2Listener(&reverb, DS3D_DEFERRED); return (ALCdevice*)s_pState->m_SoundObject; } ALCvoid alcCloseDevice(ALCdevice *device) { // shutdown the sound hardware s_pState->m_SoundObject->Release(); delete s_pState; s_pState = NULL; } ALCcontext* alcCreateContext(ALCdevice *device,ALCint *attrList) { return (ALCcontext*)1; } ALCboolean alcMakeContextCurrent(ALCcontext *context) { return true; } ALCcontext* alcGetCurrentContext(ALCvoid) { return (ALCcontext*)1; } ALCdevice* alcGetContextsDevice(ALCcontext *context) { if (!s_pState) return NULL; return (ALCdevice*)s_pState->m_SoundObject; } ALCvoid alcDestroyContext(ALCcontext *context) { } ALCenum alcGetError(ALCdevice *device) { return ALC_NO_ERROR; } /*********************************************** * * LISTENERS * ************************************************/ ALvoid alGenListeners( ALsizei n, ALuint* listeners ) { while (n--) { QALState::ListenerInfo* info = new QALState::ListenerInfo; info->m_Position.x = 0.f; info->m_Position.y = 0.f; info->m_Position.z = 0.f; D3DXMatrixIdentity(&info->m_LTM); s_pState->m_Listeners[s_pState->m_NextListener] = info; listeners[n] = s_pState->m_NextListener++; } } ALvoid alDeleteListeners( ALsizei n, ALuint* listeners ) { while (n--) { QALState::listener_t::iterator i = s_pState->m_Listeners.find(listeners[n]); if (i != s_pState->m_Listeners.end()) { delete i->second; s_pState->m_Listeners.erase(i); } } } ALvoid alListenerfv( ALuint listener, ALenum param, ALfloat* values ) { assert(s_pState->m_Listeners.find(listener) != s_pState->m_Listeners.end()); QALState::ListenerInfo* info = s_pState->m_Listeners[listener]; D3DXVECTOR3 right; D3DXMATRIX trans; FLOAT det; switch (param) { case AL_POSITION: info->m_Position.x = values[0]; info->m_Position.y = values[1]; info->m_Position.z = values[2]; // translation D3DXMatrixTranslation(&trans, -values[0], -values[1], -values[2]); D3DXMatrixMultiply(&info->m_LTM, &trans, &info->m_LTM); break; case AL_ORIENTATION: D3DXMatrixIdentity(&info->m_LTM); // at vector info->m_LTM(2, 0) = values[0]; info->m_LTM(2, 1) = values[1]; info->m_LTM(2, 2) = values[2]; // up vector info->m_LTM(1, 0) = values[3]; info->m_LTM(1, 1) = values[4]; info->m_LTM(1, 2) = values[5]; // Hack. We switched the sign on values[2] up above, need to do that here D3DXVec3Cross(&right, (D3DXVECTOR3*)&values[0], (D3DXVECTOR3*)&values[3]); // right vector info->m_LTM(0, 0) = right.x; info->m_LTM(0, 1) = right.y; info->m_LTM(0, 2) = right.z; // convert to local space transform D3DXMatrixInverse(&info->m_LTM, &det, &info->m_LTM); // translation D3DXMatrixTranslation(&trans, -info->m_Position.x, -info->m_Position.y, -info->m_Position.z); D3DXMatrixMultiply(&info->m_LTM, &trans, &info->m_LTM); break; } } /*********************************************** * * SOURCES * ************************************************/ static void _wavSetFormat(XBOXADPCMWAVEFORMAT* wav, ALenum format, ALsizei freq) { switch (format) { case AL_FORMAT_MONO4: wav->wfx.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_XBOX_ADPCM; wav->wfx.nChannels = 1; wav->wfx.nSamplesPerSec = freq; wav->wfx.nBlockAlign = 36 * wav->wfx.nChannels; wav->wfx.nAvgBytesPerSec = wav->wfx.nSamplesPerSec * wav->wfx.nBlockAlign / 64; wav->wfx.wBitsPerSample = 4; wav->wfx.cbSize = sizeof(XBOXADPCMWAVEFORMAT) - sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX); wav->wSamplesPerBlock = 64; break; case AL_FORMAT_STEREO4: wav->wfx.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_XBOX_ADPCM; wav->wfx.nChannels = 2; wav->wfx.nSamplesPerSec = freq; wav->wfx.nBlockAlign = 36 * wav->wfx.nChannels; wav->wfx.nAvgBytesPerSec = wav->wfx.nSamplesPerSec * wav->wfx.nBlockAlign / 64; wav->wfx.wBitsPerSample = 4; wav->wfx.cbSize = sizeof(XBOXADPCMWAVEFORMAT) - sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX); wav->wSamplesPerBlock = 64; break; case AL_FORMAT_MONO8: case AL_FORMAT_STEREO8: case AL_FORMAT_MONO16: case AL_FORMAT_STEREO16: default: assert(0); break; } } static int _genSource(bool is3d) { // alloc a new source QALState::SourceInfo* sinfo = new QALState::SourceInfo; // describe the voice XBOXADPCMWAVEFORMAT wav; _wavSetFormat(&wav, AL_FORMAT_MONO4, 22050); DSBUFFERDESC desc; desc.dwSize = sizeof(desc); if (is3d) desc.dwFlags = DSBCAPS_CTRL3D | DSBCAPS_MUTE3DATMAXDISTANCE; else desc.dwFlags = 0; desc.dwBufferBytes = 0; desc.lpwfxFormat = (WAVEFORMATEX*)&wav; desc.lpMixBins = NULL; desc.dwInputMixBin = 0; // create voice for all listeners for (QALState::listener_t::iterator l = s_pState->m_Listeners.begin(); l != s_pState->m_Listeners.end(); ++l) { // create the voice IDirectSoundBuffer* voice; if (s_pState->m_SoundObject->CreateSoundBuffer(&desc, &voice, NULL) != DS_OK) { s_pState->m_Error = AL_OUT_OF_MEMORY; return false; } sinfo->m_Voices[l->first] = voice; // only create a single voice for 2d sounds if (!is3d) break; } // setup some defaults sinfo->m_Buffer = 0; sinfo->m_Gain = 1.f; sinfo->m_GainDirty = true; sinfo->m_Loop = false; sinfo->m_Is3d = is3d; sinfo->m_Position.x = 0.f; sinfo->m_Position.y = 0.f; sinfo->m_Position.z = 0.f; s_pState->m_Sources[s_pState->m_NextSource] = sinfo; return true; } static void _attachBuffer(ALuint source, ALuint buffer) { assert(s_pState->m_Sources.find(source) != s_pState->m_Sources.end()); assert(s_pState->m_Buffers.find(buffer) != s_pState->m_Buffers.end()); QALState::SourceInfo* sinfo = s_pState->m_Sources[source]; QALState::BufferInfo* binfo = s_pState->m_Buffers[buffer]; // setup voices for all listeners for (QALState::SourceInfo::voice_t::iterator v = sinfo->m_Voices.begin(); v != sinfo->m_Voices.end(); ++v) { v->second->SetFormat((WAVEFORMATEX*)&binfo->m_WAVFormat); #ifdef _FIVE_CHANNEL DSMIXBINVOLUMEPAIR dsmbvp[6] = { DSMIXBINVOLUMEPAIRS_DEFAULT_5CHANNEL_3D, }; DSMIXBINS dsmb; dsmb.dwMixBinCount = 6; dsmb.lpMixBinVolumePairs = dsmbvp; v->second->SetMixBins(&dsmb); #endif v->second->SetBufferData((char*)binfo->m_Data + binfo->m_DataOffset, binfo->m_Size); } sinfo->m_Buffer = buffer; } static void _dettachBuffer(ALuint source) { assert(s_pState->m_Sources.find(source) != s_pState->m_Sources.end()); QALState::SourceInfo* info = s_pState->m_Sources[source]; // clear buffer on voices for (QALState::SourceInfo::voice_t::iterator v = info->m_Voices.begin(); v != info->m_Voices.end(); ++v) { v->second->Stop(); v->second->SetBufferData(NULL, 0); } info->m_Buffer = 0; } static void _sourceSetRefDist(QALState::SourceInfo* info, FLOAT value) { for (QALState::SourceInfo::voice_t::iterator v = info->m_Voices.begin(); v != info->m_Voices.end(); ++v) { // In order to prevent debug DX from complaining that // the max dist is greater than the min dist, I clear // the min dist _before_ setting the max. Ug. v->second->SetMinDistance(1, DS3D_DEFERRED); // New algorithm - ref dist is supposed to be dist at which sound is 1/2 volume, // which happens at double min distance in DS, thus: (reverted) v->second->SetMaxDistance(value * 10.f, DS3D_DEFERRED); v->second->SetMinDistance(value, DS3D_DEFERRED); // v->second->SetMinDistance(value / 2.f, DS3D_DEFERRED); } } ALvoid alGenSources2D( ALsizei n, ALuint* sources ) { while (n--) { if (!_genSource(false)) break; sources[n] = s_pState->m_NextSource++; } } ALvoid alGenSources3D( ALsizei n, ALuint* sources ) { while (n--) { if (!_genSource(true)) break; sources[n] = s_pState->m_NextSource++; } } ALvoid alDeleteSources( ALsizei n, ALuint* sources ) { while (n--) { QALState::source_t::iterator i = s_pState->m_Sources.find(sources[n]); if (i != s_pState->m_Sources.end()) { QALState::SourceInfo* info = i->second; // stop using any buffers _dettachBuffer(sources[n]); // free associated voices for (QALState::SourceInfo::voice_t::iterator v = info->m_Voices.begin(); v != info->m_Voices.end(); ++v) { v->second->Release(); } delete info; s_pState->m_Sources.erase(i); } } } ALvoid alSourcei( ALuint source, ALenum param, ALint value ) { assert(s_pState->m_Sources.find(source) != s_pState->m_Sources.end()); switch (param) { case AL_LOOPING: s_pState->m_Sources[source]->m_Loop = value; break; case AL_BUFFER: if (value) _attachBuffer(source, value); break; default: assert(0); break; } } ALvoid alSourcef( ALuint source, ALenum param, ALfloat value ) { assert(s_pState->m_Sources.find(source) != s_pState->m_Sources.end()); QALState::SourceInfo* info = s_pState->m_Sources[source]; switch (param) { case AL_REFERENCE_DISTANCE: _sourceSetRefDist(info, value); break; case AL_GAIN: info->m_Gain = value; info->m_GainDirty = true; break; default: assert(0); break; } } ALvoid alSourcefv( ALuint source, ALenum param, ALfloat* values ) { assert(s_pState->m_Sources.find(source) != s_pState->m_Sources.end()); QALState::SourceInfo* info = s_pState->m_Sources[source]; switch (param) { case AL_POSITION: assert(info->m_Is3d); info->m_Position.x = values[0]; info->m_Position.y = values[1]; info->m_Position.z = values[2]; break; default: assert(0); break; } } ALvoid alSourceStop( ALuint source ) { assert(s_pState->m_Sources.find(source) != s_pState->m_Sources.end()); QALState::SourceInfo* info = s_pState->m_Sources[source]; // stop playing for all listeners for (QALState::SourceInfo::voice_t::iterator v = info->m_Voices.begin(); v != info->m_Voices.end(); ++v) { v->second->Stop(); DWORD status = 1; // Wait for voice to turn off do { v->second->GetStatus(&status); } while (status != 0); } } ALvoid alSourcePlay( ALuint source ) { assert(s_pState->m_Sources.find(source) != s_pState->m_Sources.end()); QALState::SourceInfo* info = s_pState->m_Sources[source]; if (!info->m_Buffer) { return; } // start playing for all listeners for (QALState::SourceInfo::voice_t::iterator v = info->m_Voices.begin(); v != info->m_Voices.end(); ++v) { v->second->SetCurrentPosition(0); v->second->Play(0, 0, info->m_Loop ? DSBPLAY_LOOPING : 0); } } ALvoid alGetSourcei( ALuint source, ALenum param, ALint* value ) { assert(s_pState->m_Sources.find(source) != s_pState->m_Sources.end()); QALState::SourceInfo* info = s_pState->m_Sources[source]; switch (param) { case AL_SOURCE_STATE: { DWORD status; info->m_Voices.begin()->second->GetStatus(&status); *value = (status & DSBSTATUS_PLAYING) ? AL_PLAYING : AL_STOPPED; } break; default: assert(0); break; } } /*********************************************** * * BUFFERS * ************************************************/ ALvoid alGenBuffers( ALsizei n, ALuint* buffers ) { while (n--) { QALState::BufferInfo* info = new QALState::BufferInfo; info->m_Valid = false; s_pState->m_Buffers[s_pState->m_NextBuffer] = info; buffers[n] = s_pState->m_NextBuffer++; } } ALvoid alDeleteBuffers( ALsizei n, ALuint* buffers ) { while (n--) { QALState::buffer_t::iterator b = s_pState->m_Buffers.find(buffers[n]); // check if the buffer exists if (b != s_pState->m_Buffers.end()) { QALState::BufferInfo* binfo = b->second; if (binfo->m_Valid) { // dettach buffer from any sources using it (may block) for (QALState::source_t::iterator s = s_pState->m_Sources.begin(); s != s_pState->m_Sources.end(); ++s) { QALState::SourceInfo* sinfo = s->second; if (sinfo->m_Buffer == buffers[n]) { _dettachBuffer(s->first); } } // free the memory Z_Free(binfo->m_Data); s_pState->m_MemoryUsed -= binfo->m_Size; } delete b->second; s_pState->m_Buffers.erase(b); } } } ALvoid alBufferData( ALuint buffer, ALenum format, ALvoid* data, ALsizei size, ALsizei freq ) { assert(s_pState->m_Buffers.find(buffer) != s_pState->m_Buffers.end()); QALState::BufferInfo* info = s_pState->m_Buffers[buffer]; // if this buffer has been used before, clear the old data if (info->m_Valid) { Z_Free(info->m_Data); s_pState->m_MemoryUsed -= info->m_Size; info->m_Valid = false; } info->m_Data = data; // assume we have a wave file... WAVEFORMATEX* wav = (WAVEFORMATEX*)((char*)data + 20); info->m_DataOffset = 20 + sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX) + wav->cbSize + 8; info->m_Size = size; s_pState->m_MemoryUsed += info->m_Size; _wavSetFormat(&info->m_WAVFormat, format, freq); info->m_Valid = true; } /*********************************************** * * STREAMS * ************************************************/ static int _streamFromFile(void) { DWORD total = 0; DWORD used = 0; // setup a media packet for reading from the file XMEDIAPACKET xmp; ZeroMemory(&xmp, sizeof(xmp)); xmp.pvBuffer = (BYTE *)s_pState->m_Stream.m_pPacketBuffer + (QAL_STREAM_PACKET_SIZE * s_pState->m_Stream.m_CurrentPacket); xmp.dwMaxSize = QAL_STREAM_PACKET_SIZE; xmp.pdwCompletedSize = &used; WaitForSingleObject(Sys_FileStreamMutex, INFINITE); // loop until we have a full packet of data while (total < QAL_STREAM_PACKET_SIZE) { if (DS_OK != s_pState->m_Stream.m_pFile->Process(NULL, &xmp)) { ReleaseMutex(Sys_FileStreamMutex); return -1; } total += used; // did we get enough data? if (used < xmp.dwMaxSize) { if (s_pState->m_Stream.m_Looping) { // must have reached the end of the file, loop back // around to the beginning and get more data xmp.pvBuffer = (BYTE*)xmp.pvBuffer + used; xmp.dwMaxSize = xmp.dwMaxSize - used; if (DS_OK != s_pState->m_Stream.m_pFile->Seek( 0, FILE_BEGIN, NULL)) { ReleaseMutex(Sys_FileStreamMutex); return -1; } } else { // reached end, finish up s_pState->m_Stream.m_Playing = false; ReleaseMutex(Sys_FileStreamMutex); return used; } } } ReleaseMutex(Sys_FileStreamMutex); return QAL_STREAM_PACKET_SIZE; } static void _streamToVoice(int size) { // setup a packet with the current data XMEDIAPACKET xmp; ZeroMemory(&xmp, sizeof(xmp)); xmp.pvBuffer = (BYTE *)s_pState->m_Stream.m_pPacketBuffer + (QAL_STREAM_PACKET_SIZE * s_pState->m_Stream.m_CurrentPacket); xmp.dwMaxSize = size; xmp.pdwStatus = &s_pState->m_Stream.m_PacketStatus[ s_pState->m_Stream.m_CurrentPacket]; // sent to the voice s_pState->m_Stream.m_pVoice->Process(&xmp, NULL); // make sure we're playing s_pState->m_Stream.m_pVoice->Pause(DSSTREAMPAUSE_RESUME); if (s_pState->m_Stream.m_StartTime == 0) { s_pState->m_Stream.m_StartTime = Sys_Milliseconds(); } } static void _streamFill(void) { // do we have any free packets? if (XMEDIAPACKET_STATUS_PENDING != s_pState->m_Stream.m_PacketStatus[s_pState->m_Stream.m_CurrentPacket]) { // get some data int size = _streamFromFile(); if (size > 0) { _streamToVoice(size); // next packet... ++s_pState->m_Stream.m_CurrentPacket; s_pState->m_Stream.m_CurrentPacket %= QAL_MAX_STREAM_PACKETS; } if (!s_pState->m_Stream.m_Playing) { // Non-looping stream finished playback s_pState->m_Stream.m_pVoice->Discontinuity(); } } } static void _streamOpen(DWORD file, DWORD offset, bool loop) { if (s_pState->m_Stream.m_Open) { // if a stream is current playing, interrupt it s_pState->m_Stream.m_pVoice->Flush(); s_pState->m_Stream.m_pFile->Release(); s_pState->m_Stream.m_Playing = false; s_pState->m_Stream.m_Open = false; } const char* name = Sys_GetFileCodeName(file); WaitForSingleObject(Sys_FileStreamMutex, INFINITE); // open the file for streaming LPCWAVEFORMATEX fmt; if (DS_OK == XWaveFileCreateMediaObject( name, &fmt, &s_pState->m_Stream.m_pFile)) { // set the voice based on the file format s_pState->m_Stream.m_pVoice->SetFormat(fmt); #ifdef _FIVE_CHANNEL DSMIXBINVOLUMEPAIR dsmbvp[6] = { DSMIXBINVOLUMEPAIRS_DEFAULT_5CHANNEL_3D, }; DSMIXBINS dsmb; dsmb.dwMixBinCount = 6; dsmb.lpMixBinVolumePairs = dsmbvp; s_pState->m_Stream.m_pVoice->SetMixBins(&dsmb); #endif // seek the requested start position s_pState->m_Stream.m_pFile->Seek(RoundDown(offset, 72), FILE_BEGIN, NULL); s_pState->m_Stream.m_StartTime = 0; s_pState->m_Stream.m_Looping = loop; s_pState->m_Stream.m_Playing = true; s_pState->m_Stream.m_Open = true; } ReleaseMutex(Sys_FileStreamMutex); } static void _streamClose(void) { if (s_pState->m_Stream.m_Open) { // stop the stream s_pState->m_Stream.m_pVoice->Flush(); s_pState->m_Stream.m_pFile->Release(); s_pState->m_Stream.m_Playing = false; s_pState->m_Stream.m_Open = false; } } static DWORD WINAPI _streamThread(LPVOID lpParameter) { for (;;) { QALState::StreamInfo* strm = &s_pState->m_Stream; QALState::StreamInfo::Request req; // Wait for the queue to fill WaitForSingleObject(strm->m_QueueLen, QAL_STREAM_WAIT_TIME); // Grab the next request WaitForSingleObject(strm->m_Mutex, INFINITE); if (!strm->m_Queue.empty()) { req = strm->m_Queue.front(); strm->m_Queue.pop_front(); } else { req.m_Type = QALState::StreamInfo::REQ_NOP; } ReleaseMutex(strm->m_Mutex); // Process request switch (req.m_Type) { case QALState::StreamInfo::REQ_PLAY: _streamOpen(req.m_Data[0], req.m_Data[1], req.m_Data[2]); break; case QALState::StreamInfo::REQ_STOP: _streamClose(); break; case QALState::StreamInfo::REQ_SHUTDOWN: ExitThread(0); break; case QALState::StreamInfo::REQ_NOP: break; } // fill the stream with data if (strm->m_Open && strm->m_Playing) { _streamFill(); } } } static void _postStreamRequest(const QALState::StreamInfo::Request& req) { // Add request to queue WaitForSingleObject(s_pState->m_Stream.m_Mutex, INFINITE); s_pState->m_Stream.m_Queue.push_back(req); ReleaseMutex(s_pState->m_Stream.m_Mutex); // Let thread know it has one more pending request ReleaseSemaphore(s_pState->m_Stream.m_QueueLen, 1, NULL); // Give the stream thread some CPU Sleep(0); } ALvoid alGenStream( ALvoid ) { assert(!s_pState->m_Stream.m_Valid); // describe the stream XBOXADPCMWAVEFORMAT wav; _wavSetFormat(&wav, AL_FORMAT_STEREO4, 44100); DSSTREAMDESC desc; ZeroMemory(&desc, sizeof(desc)); desc.dwMaxAttachedPackets = QAL_MAX_STREAM_PACKETS; desc.lpwfxFormat = (WAVEFORMATEX*)&wav; // create a voice for the stream if (s_pState->m_SoundObject->CreateSoundStream(&desc, &s_pState->m_Stream.m_pVoice, NULL) != DS_OK) { s_pState->m_Error = AL_OUT_OF_MEMORY; return; } // get some memory to hold the stream data s_pState->m_Stream.m_pPacketBuffer = XPhysicalAlloc(QAL_MAX_STREAM_PACKETS * QAL_STREAM_PACKET_SIZE, MAXULONG_PTR, 0, PAGE_READWRITE | PAGE_NOCACHE); // setup some defaults s_pState->m_Stream.m_Gain = 1.f; s_pState->m_Stream.m_GainDirty = true; s_pState->m_Stream.m_CurrentPacket = 0; for (int p = 0; p < QAL_MAX_STREAM_PACKETS; ++p) { s_pState->m_Stream.m_PacketStatus[p] = XMEDIAPACKET_STATUS_SUCCESS; } s_pState->m_Stream.m_Open = false; s_pState->m_Stream.m_Playing = false; s_pState->m_Stream.m_Valid = true; // setup a thread to service the stream (keep blocking IO out // of the main thread) s_pState->m_Stream.m_QueueLen = CreateSemaphore(NULL, 0, 256, NULL); s_pState->m_Stream.m_Mutex = CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, NULL); s_pState->m_Stream.m_Thread = CreateThread(NULL, 64*1024, _streamThread, NULL, 0, NULL ); } ALvoid alDeleteStream( ALvoid ) { assert(s_pState->m_Stream.m_Valid); // stop the audio alStreamStop(); // kill the thread QALState::StreamInfo::Request req; req.m_Type = QALState::StreamInfo::REQ_SHUTDOWN; _postStreamRequest(req); // Wait for thread to close WaitForSingleObject(s_pState->m_Stream.m_Thread, INFINITE); // thread handles CloseHandle(s_pState->m_Stream.m_Thread); CloseHandle(s_pState->m_Stream.m_Mutex); CloseHandle(s_pState->m_Stream.m_QueueLen); // release the stream s_pState->m_Stream.m_pVoice->Release(); XPhysicalFree(s_pState->m_Stream.m_pPacketBuffer); s_pState->m_Stream.m_Valid = false; } ALvoid alStreamStop( ALvoid ) { assert(s_pState->m_Stream.m_Valid); QALState::StreamInfo::Request req; req.m_Type = QALState::StreamInfo::REQ_STOP; _postStreamRequest(req); } ALvoid alStreamPlay( ALsizei offset, ALint file, ALint loop ) { assert(s_pState->m_Stream.m_Valid); QALState::StreamInfo::Request req; req.m_Type = QALState::StreamInfo::REQ_PLAY; req.m_Data[0] = file; req.m_Data[1] = offset; req.m_Data[2] = loop; _postStreamRequest(req); s_pState->m_Stream.m_Playing = true; } ALvoid alStreamf( ALenum param, ALfloat value ) { assert(s_pState->m_Stream.m_Valid); switch (param) { case AL_GAIN: s_pState->m_Stream.m_Gain = value; s_pState->m_Stream.m_GainDirty = true; break; default: assert(0); break; } } ALvoid alGetStreamf( ALenum param, ALfloat* value ) { assert(s_pState->m_Stream.m_Valid); switch (param) { case AL_TIME: if (s_pState->m_Stream.m_Open && s_pState->m_Stream.m_StartTime) { *value = (float)(Sys_Milliseconds() - s_pState->m_Stream.m_StartTime) / 1000.f; } else { *value = 0.f; } break; default: assert(0); break; } } ALvoid alGetStreami( ALenum param, ALint* value ) { assert(s_pState->m_Stream.m_Valid); switch (param) { case AL_SOURCE_STATE: *value = s_pState->m_Stream.m_Playing ? AL_PLAYING : AL_STOPPED; break; default: assert(0); break; } } /*********************************************** * * ADDITIONAL FUNCTIONS * ************************************************/ static void _updateVoiceGain(IDirectSoundBuffer* voice, FLOAT gain) { // compute aggregate gain FLOAT g = s_pState->m_Gain * gain; if (g <= 0.f) { // mute the sound voice->SetVolume(DSBVOLUME_MIN); } else { // convert to dB g = 20.f * log10(g); if(g < -100.0f) { g = -100.0f; } // set the volume voice->SetVolume(g * 100.f); } } static void _updateVoicePos(IDirectSoundBuffer* voice, D3DXVECTOR3* pos, QALState::ListenerInfo* listener) { // get source pos in listener space D3DXVECTOR4 lpos; D3DXVec3Transform(&lpos, pos, &listener->m_LTM); voice->SetPosition(lpos.x, lpos.y, lpos.z, DS3D_DEFERRED); } static void _updateSource(QALState::SourceInfo* source) { // loop through all the voices at this source for (QALState::SourceInfo::voice_t::iterator v = source->m_Voices.begin(); v != source->m_Voices.end(); ++v) { // update the gain if (source->m_GainDirty) { _updateVoiceGain(v->second, source->m_Gain); } // update position if (source->m_Is3d) { // get the listener for this voice QALState::listener_t::iterator l = s_pState->m_Listeners.find(v->first); if (l != s_pState->m_Listeners.end()) { _updateVoicePos( v->second, &source->m_Position, l->second); } } } source->m_GainDirty = false; } static void _updateStream(void) { if (s_pState->m_Stream.m_Open && s_pState->m_Stream.m_GainDirty) { // compute aggregate gain FLOAT g = s_pState->m_Gain * s_pState->m_Stream.m_Gain; if (g <= 0.f) { // mute the sound s_pState->m_Stream.m_pVoice->SetVolume(DSBVOLUME_MIN); } else { // convert to dB g = 20.f * log10(g); if(g < -100.0f) { g = -100.0f; } // set the volume s_pState->m_Stream.m_pVoice->SetVolume(g * 100.f); } s_pState->m_Stream.m_GainDirty = false; } } ALenum alGetError( ALvoid ) { ALenum error = s_pState->m_Error; s_pState->m_Error = AL_NO_ERROR; return error; } ALvoid alUpdate( ALvoid ) { DirectSoundDoWork(); // update sources for (QALState::source_t::iterator i = s_pState->m_Sources.begin(); i != s_pState->m_Sources.end(); ++i) { QALState::SourceInfo* info = i->second; // 3d sounds and dirty sources must be updated if (info->m_Is3d || info->m_GainDirty) { // only playing sources should be updated DWORD status; info->m_Voices.begin()->second->GetStatus(&status); if (status & DSBSTATUS_PLAYING) { _updateSource(info); } } } // update stream _updateStream(); s_pState->m_SoundObject->CommitDeferredSettings(); } ALvoid alGeti( ALenum param, ALint* value ) { switch (param) { case AL_MEMORY_USED: *value = s_pState->m_MemoryUsed; break; default: assert(0); } } ALvoid alGain( ALfloat value ) { s_pState->m_Gain = value; // set gain dirty for all sources for (QALState::source_t::iterator i = s_pState->m_Sources.begin(); i != s_pState->m_Sources.end(); ++i) { i->second->m_GainDirty = true; } // set gain dirty for stream s_pState->m_Stream.m_GainDirty = true; }