// Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Id Software, Inc. // #ifndef G_PUBLIC_H // g_public.h -- game module information visible to server #define G_PUBLIC_H #include "../game/bg_vehicles.h" #define Q3_INFINITE 16777216 #define GAME_API_VERSION 8 // entity->svFlags // the server does not know how to interpret most of the values // in entityStates (level eType), so the game must explicitly flag // special server behaviors #define SVF_NOCLIENT 0x00000001 // don't send entity to clients, even if it has effects #define SVF_BOT 0x00000008 // set if the entity is a bot #define SVF_PLAYER_USABLE 0x00000010 // player can use this with the use button #define SVF_BROADCAST 0x00000020 // send to all connected clients #define SVF_PORTAL 0x00000040 // merge a second pvs at origin2 into snapshots #define SVF_USE_CURRENT_ORIGIN 0x00000080 // entity->r.currentOrigin instead of entity->s.origin // for link position (missiles and movers) #define SVF_SINGLECLIENT 0x00000100 // only send to a single client (entityShared_t->singleClient) #define SVF_NOSERVERINFO 0x00000200 // don't send CS_SERVERINFO updates to this client // so that it can be updated for ping tools without // lagging clients #define SVF_CAPSULE 0x00000400 // use capsule for collision detection instead of bbox #define SVF_NOTSINGLECLIENT 0x00000800 // send entity to everyone but one client // (entityShared_t->singleClient) #define SVF_OWNERNOTSHARED 0x00001000 // If it's owned by something and another thing owned by that something // hits it, it will still touch #define SVF_ICARUS_FREEZE 0x00008000 // NPCs are frozen, ents don't execute ICARUS commands #define SVF_GLASS_BRUSH 0x08000000 // Ent is a glass brush #define SVF_NO_BASIC_SOUNDS 0x10000000 // No basic sounds #define SVF_NO_COMBAT_SOUNDS 0x20000000 // No combat sounds #define SVF_NO_EXTRA_SOUNDS 0x40000000 // No extra or jedi sounds //rww - ghoul2 trace flags #define G2TRFLAG_DOGHOULTRACE 0x00000001 //do the ghoul2 trace #define G2TRFLAG_HITCORPSES 0x00000002 //will try g2 collision on the ent even if it's EF_DEAD #define G2TRFLAG_GETSURFINDEX 0x00000004 //will replace surfaceFlags with the ghoul2 surface index that was hit, if any. #define G2TRFLAG_THICK 0x00000008 //assures that the trace radius will be significantly large regardless of the trace box size. //=============================================================== //this structure is shared by gameside and in-engine NPC nav routines. typedef struct failedEdge_e { int startID; int endID; int checkTime; int entID; } failedEdge_t; typedef struct { qboolean linked; // qfalse if not in any good cluster int linkcount; int svFlags; // SVF_NOCLIENT, SVF_BROADCAST, etc int singleClient; // only send to this client when SVF_SINGLECLIENT is set qboolean bmodel; // if false, assume an explicit mins / maxs bounding box // only set by trap_SetBrushModel vec3_t mins, maxs; int contents; // CONTENTS_TRIGGER, CONTENTS_SOLID, CONTENTS_BODY, etc // a non-solid entity should set to 0 vec3_t absmin, absmax; // derived from mins/maxs and origin + rotation // currentOrigin will be used for all collision detection and world linking. // it will not necessarily be the same as the trajectory evaluation for the current // time, because each entity must be moved one at a time after time is advanced // to avoid simultanious collision issues vec3_t currentOrigin; vec3_t currentAngles; qboolean mIsRoffing; // set to qtrue when the entity is being roffed // when a trace call is made and passEntityNum != ENTITYNUM_NONE, // an ent will be excluded from testing if: // ent->s.number == passEntityNum (don't interact with self) // ent->s.ownerNum = passEntityNum (don't interact with your own missiles) // entity[ent->s.ownerNum].ownerNum = passEntityNum (don't interact with other missiles from owner) int ownerNum; // mask of clients that this entity should be broadcast too. The first 32 clients // are represented by the first array index and the latter 32 clients are represented // by the second array index. int broadcastClients[2]; } entityShared_t; //=============================================================== // // system traps provided by the main engine // typedef enum { //============== general Quake services ================== G_PRINT, // ( const char *string ); // print message on the local console G_ERROR, // ( const char *string ); // abort the game G_MILLISECONDS, // ( void ); // get current time for profiling reasons // this should NOT be used for any game related tasks, // because it is not journaled //Also for profiling.. do not use for game related tasks. G_PRECISIONTIMER_START, G_PRECISIONTIMER_END, // console variable interaction G_CVAR_REGISTER, // ( vmCvar_t *vmCvar, const char *varName, const char *defaultValue, int flags ); G_CVAR_UPDATE, // ( vmCvar_t *vmCvar ); G_CVAR_SET, // ( const char *var_name, const char *value ); G_CVAR_VARIABLE_INTEGER_VALUE, // ( const char *var_name ); G_CVAR_VARIABLE_STRING_BUFFER, // ( const char *var_name, char *buffer, int bufsize ); G_ARGC, // ( void ); // ClientCommand and ServerCommand parameter access G_ARGV, // ( int n, char *buffer, int bufferLength ); G_FS_FOPEN_FILE, // ( const char *qpath, fileHandle_t *file, fsMode_t mode ); G_FS_READ, // ( void *buffer, int len, fileHandle_t f ); G_FS_WRITE, // ( const void *buffer, int len, fileHandle_t f ); G_FS_FCLOSE_FILE, // ( fileHandle_t f ); G_SEND_CONSOLE_COMMAND, // ( const char *text ); // add commands to the console as if they were typed in // for map changing, etc //=========== server specific functionality ============= G_LOCATE_GAME_DATA, // ( gentity_t *gEnts, int numGEntities, int sizeofGEntity_t, // playerState_t *clients, int sizeofGameClient ); // the game needs to let the server system know where and how big the gentities // are, so it can look at them directly without going through an interface G_DROP_CLIENT, // ( int clientNum, const char *reason ); // kick a client off the server with a message G_SEND_SERVER_COMMAND, // ( int clientNum, const char *fmt, ... ); // reliably sends a command string to be interpreted by the given // client. If clientNum is -1, it will be sent to all clients G_SET_CONFIGSTRING, // ( int num, const char *string ); // config strings hold all the index strings, and various other information // that is reliably communicated to all clients // All of the current configstrings are sent to clients when // they connect, and changes are sent to all connected clients. // All confgstrings are cleared at each level start. G_GET_CONFIGSTRING, // ( int num, char *buffer, int bufferSize ); G_GET_USERINFO, // ( int num, char *buffer, int bufferSize ); // userinfo strings are maintained by the server system, so they // are persistant across level loads, while all other game visible // data is completely reset G_SET_USERINFO, // ( int num, const char *buffer ); G_GET_SERVERINFO, // ( char *buffer, int bufferSize ); // the serverinfo info string has all the cvars visible to server browsers G_SET_SERVER_CULL, //server culling to reduce traffic on open maps -rww G_SET_BRUSH_MODEL, // ( gentity_t *ent, const char *name ); // sets mins and maxs based on the brushmodel name G_TRACE, // ( trace_t *results, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, const vec3_t end, int passEntityNum, int contentmask ); // collision detection against all linked entities G_G2TRACE, // ( trace_t *results, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, const vec3_t end, int passEntityNum, int contentmask ); // collision detection against all linked entities with ghoul2 check G_POINT_CONTENTS, // ( const vec3_t point, int passEntityNum ); // point contents against all linked entities G_IN_PVS, // ( const vec3_t p1, const vec3_t p2 ); G_IN_PVS_IGNORE_PORTALS, // ( const vec3_t p1, const vec3_t p2 ); G_ADJUST_AREA_PORTAL_STATE, // ( gentity_t *ent, qboolean open ); G_AREAS_CONNECTED, // ( int area1, int area2 ); G_LINKENTITY, // ( gentity_t *ent ); // an entity will never be sent to a client or used for collision // if it is not passed to linkentity. If the size, position, or // solidity changes, it must be relinked. G_UNLINKENTITY, // ( gentity_t *ent ); // call before removing an interactive entity G_ENTITIES_IN_BOX, // ( const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, gentity_t **list, int maxcount ); // EntitiesInBox will return brush models based on their bounding box, // so exact determination must still be done with EntityContact G_ENTITY_CONTACT, // ( const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, const gentity_t *ent ); // perform an exact check against inline brush models of non-square shape // access for bots to get and free a server client (FIXME?) G_BOT_ALLOCATE_CLIENT, // ( void ); G_BOT_FREE_CLIENT, // ( int clientNum ); G_GET_USERCMD, // ( int clientNum, usercmd_t *cmd ) G_GET_ENTITY_TOKEN, // qboolean ( char *buffer, int bufferSize ) // Retrieves the next string token from the entity spawn text, returning // false when all tokens have been parsed. // This should only be done at GAME_INIT time. G_SIEGEPERSSET, G_SIEGEPERSGET, G_FS_GETFILELIST, G_DEBUG_POLYGON_CREATE, G_DEBUG_POLYGON_DELETE, G_REAL_TIME, G_SNAPVECTOR, G_TRACECAPSULE, // ( trace_t *results, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, const vec3_t end, int passEntityNum, int contentmask ); G_ENTITY_CONTACTCAPSULE, // ( const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, const gentity_t *ent ); // SP_REGISTER_SERVER_CMD, SP_GETSTRINGTEXTSTRING, G_ROFF_CLEAN, // qboolean ROFF_Clean(void); G_ROFF_UPDATE_ENTITIES, // void ROFF_UpdateEntities(void); G_ROFF_CACHE, // int ROFF_Cache(char *file); G_ROFF_PLAY, // qboolean ROFF_Play(int entID, int roffID, qboolean doTranslation); G_ROFF_PURGE_ENT, // qboolean ROFF_PurgeEnt( int entID ) //rww - dynamic vm memory allocation! G_TRUEMALLOC, G_TRUEFREE, //rww - icarus traps G_ICARUS_RUNSCRIPT, G_ICARUS_REGISTERSCRIPT, G_ICARUS_INIT, G_ICARUS_VALIDENT, G_ICARUS_ISINITIALIZED, G_ICARUS_MAINTAINTASKMANAGER, G_ICARUS_ISRUNNING, G_ICARUS_TASKIDPENDING, G_ICARUS_INITENT, G_ICARUS_FREEENT, G_ICARUS_ASSOCIATEENT, G_ICARUS_SHUTDOWN, G_ICARUS_TASKIDSET, G_ICARUS_TASKIDCOMPLETE, G_ICARUS_SETVAR, G_ICARUS_VARIABLEDECLARED, G_ICARUS_GETFLOATVARIABLE, G_ICARUS_GETSTRINGVARIABLE, G_ICARUS_GETVECTORVARIABLE, G_SET_SHARED_BUFFER, //BEGIN VM STUFF G_MEMSET = 100, G_MEMCPY, G_STRNCPY, G_SIN, G_COS, G_ATAN2, G_SQRT, G_MATRIXMULTIPLY, G_ANGLEVECTORS, G_PERPENDICULARVECTOR, G_FLOOR, G_CEIL, G_TESTPRINTINT, G_TESTPRINTFLOAT, G_ACOS, G_ASIN, //END VM STUFF //rww - BEGIN NPC NAV TRAPS G_NAV_INIT = 200, G_NAV_FREE, G_NAV_LOAD, G_NAV_SAVE, G_NAV_ADDRAWPOINT, G_NAV_CALCULATEPATHS, G_NAV_HARDCONNECT, G_NAV_SHOWNODES, G_NAV_SHOWEDGES, G_NAV_SHOWPATH, G_NAV_GETNEARESTNODE, G_NAV_GETBESTNODE, G_NAV_GETNODEPOSITION, G_NAV_GETNODENUMEDGES, G_NAV_GETNODEEDGE, G_NAV_GETNUMNODES, G_NAV_CONNECTED, G_NAV_GETPATHCOST, G_NAV_GETEDGECOST, G_NAV_GETPROJECTEDNODE, G_NAV_CHECKFAILEDNODES, G_NAV_ADDFAILEDNODE, G_NAV_NODEFAILED, G_NAV_NODESARENEIGHBORS, G_NAV_CLEARFAILEDEDGE, G_NAV_CLEARALLFAILEDEDGES, G_NAV_EDGEFAILED, G_NAV_ADDFAILEDEDGE, G_NAV_CHECKFAILEDEDGE, G_NAV_CHECKALLFAILEDEDGES, G_NAV_ROUTEBLOCKED, G_NAV_GETBESTNODEALTROUTE, G_NAV_GETBESTNODEALT2, G_NAV_GETBESTPATHBETWEENENTS, G_NAV_GETNODERADIUS, G_NAV_CHECKBLOCKEDEDGES, G_NAV_CLEARCHECKEDNODES, G_NAV_CHECKEDNODE, G_NAV_SETCHECKEDNODE, G_NAV_FLAGALLNODES, G_NAV_GETPATHSCALCULATED, G_NAV_SETPATHSCALCULATED, //rww - END NPC NAV TRAPS BOTLIB_SETUP = 250, // ( void ); BOTLIB_SHUTDOWN, // ( void ); BOTLIB_LIBVAR_SET, BOTLIB_LIBVAR_GET, BOTLIB_PC_ADD_GLOBAL_DEFINE, BOTLIB_START_FRAME, BOTLIB_LOAD_MAP, BOTLIB_UPDATENTITY, BOTLIB_TEST, BOTLIB_GET_SNAPSHOT_ENTITY, // ( int client, int ent ); BOTLIB_GET_CONSOLE_MESSAGE, // ( int client, char *message, int size ); BOTLIB_USER_COMMAND, // ( int client, usercmd_t *ucmd ); BOTLIB_AAS_ENABLE_ROUTING_AREA = 300, BOTLIB_AAS_BBOX_AREAS, BOTLIB_AAS_AREA_INFO, BOTLIB_AAS_ENTITY_INFO, BOTLIB_AAS_INITIALIZED, BOTLIB_AAS_PRESENCE_TYPE_BOUNDING_BOX, BOTLIB_AAS_TIME, BOTLIB_AAS_POINT_AREA_NUM, BOTLIB_AAS_TRACE_AREAS, BOTLIB_AAS_POINT_CONTENTS, BOTLIB_AAS_NEXT_BSP_ENTITY, BOTLIB_AAS_VALUE_FOR_BSP_EPAIR_KEY, BOTLIB_AAS_VECTOR_FOR_BSP_EPAIR_KEY, BOTLIB_AAS_FLOAT_FOR_BSP_EPAIR_KEY, BOTLIB_AAS_INT_FOR_BSP_EPAIR_KEY, BOTLIB_AAS_AREA_REACHABILITY, BOTLIB_AAS_AREA_TRAVEL_TIME_TO_GOAL_AREA, BOTLIB_AAS_SWIMMING, BOTLIB_AAS_PREDICT_CLIENT_MOVEMENT, BOTLIB_EA_SAY = 400, BOTLIB_EA_SAY_TEAM, BOTLIB_EA_COMMAND, BOTLIB_EA_ACTION, BOTLIB_EA_GESTURE, BOTLIB_EA_TALK, BOTLIB_EA_ATTACK, BOTLIB_EA_ALT_ATTACK, BOTLIB_EA_FORCEPOWER, BOTLIB_EA_USE, BOTLIB_EA_RESPAWN, BOTLIB_EA_CROUCH, BOTLIB_EA_MOVE_UP, BOTLIB_EA_MOVE_DOWN, BOTLIB_EA_MOVE_FORWARD, BOTLIB_EA_MOVE_BACK, BOTLIB_EA_MOVE_LEFT, BOTLIB_EA_MOVE_RIGHT, BOTLIB_EA_SELECT_WEAPON, BOTLIB_EA_JUMP, BOTLIB_EA_DELAYED_JUMP, BOTLIB_EA_MOVE, BOTLIB_EA_VIEW, BOTLIB_EA_END_REGULAR, BOTLIB_EA_GET_INPUT, BOTLIB_EA_RESET_INPUT, BOTLIB_AI_LOAD_CHARACTER = 500, BOTLIB_AI_FREE_CHARACTER, BOTLIB_AI_CHARACTERISTIC_FLOAT, BOTLIB_AI_CHARACTERISTIC_BFLOAT, BOTLIB_AI_CHARACTERISTIC_INTEGER, BOTLIB_AI_CHARACTERISTIC_BINTEGER, BOTLIB_AI_CHARACTERISTIC_STRING, BOTLIB_AI_ALLOC_CHAT_STATE, BOTLIB_AI_FREE_CHAT_STATE, BOTLIB_AI_QUEUE_CONSOLE_MESSAGE, BOTLIB_AI_REMOVE_CONSOLE_MESSAGE, BOTLIB_AI_NEXT_CONSOLE_MESSAGE, BOTLIB_AI_NUM_CONSOLE_MESSAGE, BOTLIB_AI_INITIAL_CHAT, BOTLIB_AI_REPLY_CHAT, BOTLIB_AI_CHAT_LENGTH, BOTLIB_AI_ENTER_CHAT, BOTLIB_AI_STRING_CONTAINS, BOTLIB_AI_FIND_MATCH, BOTLIB_AI_MATCH_VARIABLE, BOTLIB_AI_UNIFY_WHITE_SPACES, BOTLIB_AI_REPLACE_SYNONYMS, BOTLIB_AI_LOAD_CHAT_FILE, BOTLIB_AI_SET_CHAT_GENDER, BOTLIB_AI_SET_CHAT_NAME, BOTLIB_AI_RESET_GOAL_STATE, BOTLIB_AI_RESET_AVOID_GOALS, BOTLIB_AI_PUSH_GOAL, BOTLIB_AI_POP_GOAL, BOTLIB_AI_EMPTY_GOAL_STACK, BOTLIB_AI_DUMP_AVOID_GOALS, BOTLIB_AI_DUMP_GOAL_STACK, BOTLIB_AI_GOAL_NAME, BOTLIB_AI_GET_TOP_GOAL, BOTLIB_AI_GET_SECOND_GOAL, BOTLIB_AI_CHOOSE_LTG_ITEM, BOTLIB_AI_CHOOSE_NBG_ITEM, BOTLIB_AI_TOUCHING_GOAL, BOTLIB_AI_ITEM_GOAL_IN_VIS_BUT_NOT_VISIBLE, BOTLIB_AI_GET_LEVEL_ITEM_GOAL, BOTLIB_AI_AVOID_GOAL_TIME, BOTLIB_AI_INIT_LEVEL_ITEMS, BOTLIB_AI_UPDATE_ENTITY_ITEMS, BOTLIB_AI_LOAD_ITEM_WEIGHTS, BOTLIB_AI_FREE_ITEM_WEIGHTS, BOTLIB_AI_SAVE_GOAL_FUZZY_LOGIC, BOTLIB_AI_ALLOC_GOAL_STATE, BOTLIB_AI_FREE_GOAL_STATE, BOTLIB_AI_RESET_MOVE_STATE, BOTLIB_AI_MOVE_TO_GOAL, BOTLIB_AI_MOVE_IN_DIRECTION, BOTLIB_AI_RESET_AVOID_REACH, BOTLIB_AI_RESET_LAST_AVOID_REACH, BOTLIB_AI_REACHABILITY_AREA, BOTLIB_AI_MOVEMENT_VIEW_TARGET, BOTLIB_AI_ALLOC_MOVE_STATE, BOTLIB_AI_FREE_MOVE_STATE, BOTLIB_AI_INIT_MOVE_STATE, BOTLIB_AI_CHOOSE_BEST_FIGHT_WEAPON, BOTLIB_AI_GET_WEAPON_INFO, BOTLIB_AI_LOAD_WEAPON_WEIGHTS, BOTLIB_AI_ALLOC_WEAPON_STATE, BOTLIB_AI_FREE_WEAPON_STATE, BOTLIB_AI_RESET_WEAPON_STATE, BOTLIB_AI_GENETIC_PARENTS_AND_CHILD_SELECTION, BOTLIB_AI_INTERBREED_GOAL_FUZZY_LOGIC, BOTLIB_AI_MUTATE_GOAL_FUZZY_LOGIC, BOTLIB_AI_GET_NEXT_CAMP_SPOT_GOAL, BOTLIB_AI_GET_MAP_LOCATION_GOAL, BOTLIB_AI_NUM_INITIAL_CHATS, BOTLIB_AI_GET_CHAT_MESSAGE, BOTLIB_AI_REMOVE_FROM_AVOID_GOALS, BOTLIB_AI_PREDICT_VISIBLE_POSITION, BOTLIB_AI_SET_AVOID_GOAL_TIME, BOTLIB_AI_ADD_AVOID_SPOT, BOTLIB_AAS_ALTERNATIVE_ROUTE_GOAL, BOTLIB_AAS_PREDICT_ROUTE, BOTLIB_AAS_POINT_REACHABILITY_AREA_INDEX, BOTLIB_PC_LOAD_SOURCE, BOTLIB_PC_FREE_SOURCE, BOTLIB_PC_READ_TOKEN, BOTLIB_PC_SOURCE_FILE_AND_LINE, /* Ghoul2 Insert Start */ G_R_REGISTERSKIN, G_G2_LISTBONES, G_G2_LISTSURFACES, G_G2_HAVEWEGHOULMODELS, G_G2_SETMODELS, G_G2_GETBOLT, G_G2_GETBOLT_NOREC, G_G2_GETBOLT_NOREC_NOROT, G_G2_INITGHOUL2MODEL, G_G2_SETSKIN, G_G2_SIZE, G_G2_ADDBOLT, G_G2_SETBOLTINFO, G_G2_ANGLEOVERRIDE, G_G2_PLAYANIM, G_G2_GETBONEANIM, G_G2_GETGLANAME, G_G2_COPYGHOUL2INSTANCE, G_G2_COPYSPECIFICGHOUL2MODEL, G_G2_DUPLICATEGHOUL2INSTANCE, G_G2_HASGHOUL2MODELONINDEX, G_G2_REMOVEGHOUL2MODEL, G_G2_REMOVEGHOUL2MODELS, G_G2_CLEANMODELS, G_G2_COLLISIONDETECT, G_G2_COLLISIONDETECTCACHE, G_G2_SETROOTSURFACE, G_G2_SETSURFACEONOFF, G_G2_SETNEWORIGIN, G_G2_DOESBONEEXIST, G_G2_GETSURFACERENDERSTATUS, G_G2_ABSURDSMOOTHING, /* //rww - RAGDOLL_BEGIN */ G_G2_SETRAGDOLL, G_G2_ANIMATEG2MODELS, /* //rww - RAGDOLL_END */ //additional ragdoll options -rww G_G2_RAGPCJCONSTRAINT, G_G2_RAGPCJGRADIENTSPEED, G_G2_RAGEFFECTORGOAL, G_G2_GETRAGBONEPOS, G_G2_RAGEFFECTORKICK, G_G2_RAGFORCESOLVE, //rww - ik move method, allows you to specify a bone and move it to a world point (within joint constraints) //by using the majority of gil's existing bone angling stuff from the ragdoll code. G_G2_SETBONEIKSTATE, G_G2_IKMOVE, G_G2_REMOVEBONE, G_G2_ATTACHINSTANCETOENTNUM, G_G2_CLEARATTACHEDINSTANCE, G_G2_CLEANENTATTACHMENTS, G_G2_OVERRIDESERVER, G_G2_GETSURFACENAME, G_SET_ACTIVE_SUBBSP, G_CM_REGISTER_TERRAIN, G_RMG_INIT, G_BOT_UPDATEWAYPOINTS, G_BOT_CALCULATEPATHS /* Ghoul2 Insert End */ } gameImport_t; //bstate.h typedef enum //# bState_e {//These take over only if script allows them to be autonomous BS_DEFAULT = 0,//# default behavior for that NPC BS_ADVANCE_FIGHT,//# Advance to captureGoal and shoot enemies if you can BS_SLEEP,//# Play awake script when startled by sound BS_FOLLOW_LEADER,//# Follow your leader and shoot any enemies you come across BS_JUMP,//# Face navgoal and jump to it. BS_SEARCH,//# Using current waypoint as a base, search the immediate branches of waypoints for enemies BS_WANDER,//# Wander down random waypoint paths BS_NOCLIP,//# Moves through walls, etc. BS_REMOVE,//# Waits for player to leave PVS then removes itself BS_CINEMATIC,//# Does nothing but face it's angles and move to a goal if it has one //# #eol //internal bStates only BS_WAIT,//# Does nothing but face it's angles BS_STAND_GUARD, BS_PATROL, BS_INVESTIGATE,//# head towards temp goal and look for enemies and listen for sounds BS_STAND_AND_SHOOT, BS_HUNT_AND_KILL, BS_FLEE,//# Run away! NUM_BSTATES } bState_t; enum { EDGE_NORMAL, EDGE_PATH, EDGE_BLOCKED, EDGE_FAILED, EDGE_MOVEDIR }; enum { NODE_NORMAL, NODE_START, NODE_GOAL, NODE_NAVGOAL, }; typedef enum //# taskID_e { TID_CHAN_VOICE = 0, // Waiting for a voice sound to complete TID_ANIM_UPPER, // Waiting to finish a lower anim holdtime TID_ANIM_LOWER, // Waiting to finish a lower anim holdtime TID_ANIM_BOTH, // Waiting to finish lower and upper anim holdtimes or normal md3 animating TID_MOVE_NAV, // Trying to get to a navgoal or For ET_MOVERS TID_ANGLE_FACE, // Turning to an angle or facing TID_BSTATE, // Waiting for a certain bState to finish TID_LOCATION, // Waiting for ent to enter a specific trigger_location // TID_MISSIONSTATUS, // Waiting for player to finish reading MISSION STATUS SCREEN TID_RESIZE, // Waiting for clear bbox to inflate size TID_SHOOT, // Waiting for fire event NUM_TIDS, // for def of taskID array } taskID_t; typedef enum //# bSet_e {//This should check to matching a behavior state name first, then look for a script BSET_INVALID = -1, BSET_FIRST = 0, BSET_SPAWN = 0,//# script to use when first spawned BSET_USE,//# script to use when used BSET_AWAKE,//# script to use when awoken/startled BSET_ANGER,//# script to use when aquire an enemy BSET_ATTACK,//# script to run when you attack BSET_VICTORY,//# script to run when you kill someone BSET_LOSTENEMY,//# script to run when you can't find your enemy BSET_PAIN,//# script to use when take pain BSET_FLEE,//# script to use when take pain below 50% of health BSET_DEATH,//# script to use when killed BSET_DELAYED,//# script to run when self->delayScriptTime is reached BSET_BLOCKED,//# script to run when blocked by a friendly NPC or player BSET_BUMPED,//# script to run when bumped into a friendly NPC or player (can set bumpRadius) BSET_STUCK,//# script to run when blocked by a wall BSET_FFIRE,//# script to run when player shoots their own teammates BSET_FFDEATH,//# script to run when player kills a teammate BSET_MINDTRICK,//# script to run when player does a mind trick on this NPC NUM_BSETS } bSet_t; #define MAX_PARMS 16 #define MAX_PARM_STRING_LENGTH MAX_QPATH//was 16, had to lengthen it so they could take a valid file path typedef struct { char parm[MAX_PARMS][MAX_PARM_STRING_LENGTH]; } parms_t; #define MAX_FAILED_NODES 8 // the server looks at a sharedEntity, which is the start of the game's gentity_t structure //mod authors should not touch this struct typedef struct { entityState_t s; // communicated by server to clients playerState_t *playerState; //needs to be in the gentity for bg entity access //if you want to actually see the contents I guess //you will have to be sure to VMA it first. Vehicle_t *m_pVehicle; //vehicle data void *ghoul2; //g2 instance int localAnimIndex; //index locally (game/cgame) to anim data for this skel vec3_t modelScale; //needed for g2 collision //from here up must also be unified with bgEntity/centity entityShared_t r; // shared by both the server system and game //Script/ICARUS-related fields int taskID[NUM_TIDS]; parms_t *parms; char *behaviorSet[NUM_BSETS]; char *script_targetname; int delayScriptTime; char *fullName; //rww - targetname and classname are now shared as well. ICARUS needs access to them. char *targetname; char *classname; // set in QuakeEd //rww - and yet more things to share. This is because the nav code is in the exe because it's all C++. int waypoint; //Set once per frame, if you've moved, and if someone asks int lastWaypoint; //To make sure you don't double-back int lastValidWaypoint; //ALWAYS valid -used for tracking someone you lost int noWaypointTime; //Debouncer - so don't keep checking every waypoint in existance every frame that you can't find one int combatPoint; int failedWaypoints[MAX_FAILED_NODES]; int failedWaypointCheckTime; int next_roff_time; //rww - npc's need to know when they're getting roff'd } sharedEntity_t; #ifdef __cplusplus class CSequencer; class CTaskManager; //I suppose this could be in another in-engine header or something. But we never want to //include an icarus file before sharedentity_t is declared. extern CSequencer *gSequencers[MAX_GENTITIES]; extern CTaskManager *gTaskManagers[MAX_GENTITIES]; #include "../icarus/icarus.h" #include "../icarus/sequencer.h" #include "../icarus/taskmanager.h" #endif // // functions exported by the game subsystem // typedef enum { GAME_INIT, // ( int levelTime, int randomSeed, int restart ); // init and shutdown will be called every single level // The game should call G_GET_ENTITY_TOKEN to parse through all the // entity configuration text and spawn gentities. GAME_SHUTDOWN, // (void); GAME_CLIENT_CONNECT, // ( int clientNum, qboolean firstTime, qboolean isBot ); // return NULL if the client is allowed to connect, otherwise return // a text string with the reason for denial GAME_CLIENT_BEGIN, // ( int clientNum ); GAME_CLIENT_USERINFO_CHANGED, // ( int clientNum ); GAME_CLIENT_DISCONNECT, // ( int clientNum ); GAME_CLIENT_COMMAND, // ( int clientNum ); GAME_CLIENT_THINK, // ( int clientNum ); GAME_RUN_FRAME, // ( int levelTime ); GAME_CONSOLE_COMMAND, // ( void ); // ConsoleCommand will be called when a command has been issued // that is not recognized as a builtin function. // The game can issue trap_argc() / trap_argv() commands to get the command // and parameters. Return qfalse if the game doesn't recognize it as a command. BOTAI_START_FRAME, // ( int time ); GAME_ROFF_NOTETRACK_CALLBACK, // int entnum, char *notetrack GAME_SPAWN_RMG_ENTITY, //rwwRMG - added //rww - icarus callbacks GAME_ICARUS_PLAYSOUND, GAME_ICARUS_SET, GAME_ICARUS_LERP2POS, GAME_ICARUS_LERP2ORIGIN, GAME_ICARUS_LERP2ANGLES, GAME_ICARUS_GETTAG, GAME_ICARUS_LERP2START, GAME_ICARUS_LERP2END, GAME_ICARUS_USE, GAME_ICARUS_KILL, GAME_ICARUS_REMOVE, GAME_ICARUS_PLAY, GAME_ICARUS_GETFLOAT, GAME_ICARUS_GETVECTOR, GAME_ICARUS_GETSTRING, GAME_ICARUS_SOUNDINDEX, GAME_ICARUS_GETSETIDFORSTRING, GAME_NAV_CLEARPATHTOPOINT, GAME_NAV_CLEARLOS, GAME_NAV_CLEARPATHBETWEENPOINTS, GAME_NAV_CHECKNODEFAILEDFORENT, GAME_NAV_ENTISUNLOCKEDDOOR, GAME_NAV_ENTISDOOR, GAME_NAV_ENTISBREAKABLE, GAME_NAV_ENTISREMOVABLEUSABLE, GAME_NAV_FINDCOMBATPOINTWAYPOINTS, GAME_GETITEMINDEXBYTAG } gameExport_t; typedef struct { int taskID; int entID; char name[2048]; char channel[2048]; } T_G_ICARUS_PLAYSOUND; typedef struct { int taskID; int entID; char type_name[2048]; char data[2048]; } T_G_ICARUS_SET; typedef struct { int taskID; int entID; vec3_t origin; vec3_t angles; float duration; qboolean nullAngles; //special case } T_G_ICARUS_LERP2POS; typedef struct { int taskID; int entID; vec3_t origin; float duration; } T_G_ICARUS_LERP2ORIGIN; typedef struct { int taskID; int entID; vec3_t angles; float duration; } T_G_ICARUS_LERP2ANGLES; typedef struct { int entID; char name[2048]; int lookup; vec3_t info; } T_G_ICARUS_GETTAG; typedef struct { int entID; int taskID; float duration; } T_G_ICARUS_LERP2START; typedef struct { int entID; int taskID; float duration; } T_G_ICARUS_LERP2END; typedef struct { int entID; char target[2048]; } T_G_ICARUS_USE; typedef struct { int entID; char name[2048]; } T_G_ICARUS_KILL; typedef struct { int entID; char name[2048]; } T_G_ICARUS_REMOVE; typedef struct { int taskID; int entID; char type[2048]; char name[2048]; } T_G_ICARUS_PLAY; typedef struct { int entID; int type; char name[2048]; float value; } T_G_ICARUS_GETFLOAT; typedef struct { int entID; int type; char name[2048]; vec3_t value; } T_G_ICARUS_GETVECTOR; typedef struct { int entID; int type; char name[2048]; char value[2048]; } T_G_ICARUS_GETSTRING; typedef struct { char filename[2048]; } T_G_ICARUS_SOUNDINDEX; typedef struct { char string[2048]; } T_G_ICARUS_GETSETIDFORSTRING; #endif //G_PUBLIC_H