//Anything above this #include will be ignored by the compiler #include "../qcommon/exe_headers.h" #include "client.h" #include "FXScheduler.h" //#define __FXCHECKER #ifdef __FXCHECKER #include #endif // __FXCHECKER int FX_RegisterEffect(const char *file) { return theFxScheduler.RegisterEffect(file, true); } void FX_PlayEffect( const char *file, vec3_t org, vec3_t fwd, int vol, int rad ) { #ifdef __FXCHECKER if (_isnan(org[0]) || _isnan(org[1]) || _isnan(org[2])) { assert(0); } if (_isnan(fwd[0]) || _isnan(fwd[1]) || _isnan(fwd[2])) { assert(0); } if (fabs(fwd[0]) < 0.1 && fabs(fwd[1]) < 0.1 && fabs(fwd[2]) < 0.1) { assert(0); } #endif // __FXCHECKER theFxScheduler.PlayEffect(file, org, fwd, vol, rad); } void FX_PlayEffectID( int id, vec3_t org, vec3_t fwd, int vol, int rad, qboolean isPortal ) { #ifdef __FXCHECKER if (_isnan(org[0]) || _isnan(org[1]) || _isnan(org[2])) { assert(0); } if (_isnan(fwd[0]) || _isnan(fwd[1]) || _isnan(fwd[2])) { assert(0); } if (fabs(fwd[0]) < 0.1 && fabs(fwd[1]) < 0.1 && fabs(fwd[2]) < 0.1) { assert(0); } #endif // __FXCHECKER theFxScheduler.PlayEffect(id, org, fwd, vol, rad, !!isPortal ); } void FX_PlayBoltedEffectID( int id, vec3_t org, const int boltInfo, int iGhoul2, int iLooptime, qboolean isRelative ) { theFxScheduler.PlayEffect(id, org, 0, boltInfo, iGhoul2, -1, -1, -1, qfalse, iLooptime, !!isRelative ); } void FX_PlayEntityEffectID( int id, vec3_t org, vec3_t axis[3], const int boltInfo, const int entNum, int vol, int rad ) { #ifdef __FXCHECKER if (_isnan(org[0]) || _isnan(org[1]) || _isnan(org[2])) { assert(0); } #endif // __FXCHECKER theFxScheduler.PlayEffect(id, org, axis, boltInfo, NULL, -1, vol, rad ); } void FX_AddScheduledEffects( qboolean portal ) { theFxScheduler.AddScheduledEffects(!!portal); } void FX_Draw2DEffects( float screenXScale, float screenYScale ) { theFxScheduler.Draw2DEffects( screenXScale, screenYScale ); } int FX_InitSystem( refdef_t* refdef ) { return FX_Init( refdef ); } void FX_SetRefDefFromCGame( refdef_t* refdef ) { FX_SetRefDef( refdef ); } qboolean FX_FreeSystem( void ) { return (qboolean)FX_Free( true ); } void FX_AdjustTime( int time ) { theFxHelper.AdjustTime(time); }