#ifndef __BG_VEHICLES_H #define __BG_VEHICLES_H #include "q_shared.h" typedef struct Vehicle_s Vehicle_t; typedef struct bgEntity_s bgEntity_t; typedef enum { VH_NONE = 0, //0 just in case anyone confuses VH_NONE and VEHICLE_NONE below VH_WALKER, //something you ride inside of, it walks like you, like an AT-ST VH_FIGHTER, //something you fly inside of, like an X-Wing or TIE fighter VH_SPEEDER, //something you ride on that hovers, like a speeder or swoop VH_ANIMAL, //animal you ride on top of that walks, like a tauntaun VH_FLIER, //animal you ride on top of that flies, like a giant mynoc? VH_NUM_VEHICLES } vehicleType_t; typedef enum { WPOSE_NONE = 0, WPOSE_BLASTER, WPOSE_SABERLEFT, WPOSE_SABERRIGHT, } EWeaponPose; #include "../namespace_begin.h" extern stringID_table_t VehicleTable[VH_NUM_VEHICLES+1]; #include "../namespace_end.h" //=========================================================================================================== //START VEHICLE WEAPONS //=========================================================================================================== typedef struct { //*** IMPORTANT!!! *** the number of variables in the vehWeaponStats_t struct (including all elements of arrays) must be reflected by NUM_VWEAP_PARMS!!! //*** IMPORTANT!!! *** vWeapFields table correponds to this structure! char *name; qboolean bIsProjectile; //traceline or entity? qboolean bHasGravity; //if a projectile, drops qboolean bIonWeapon;//disables ship shields and sends them out of control qboolean bSaberBlockable;//lightsabers can deflect this projectile int iMuzzleFX; //index of Muzzle Effect int iModel; //handle to the model used by this projectile int iShotFX; //index of Shot Effect int iImpactFX; //index of Impact Effect int iG2MarkShaderHandle; //index of shader to use for G2 marks made on other models when hit by this projectile float fG2MarkSize;//size (diameter) of the ghoul2 mark int iLoopSound; //index of loopSound float fSpeed; //speed of projectile/range of traceline float fHoming; //0.0 = not homing, 0.5 = half vel to targ, half cur vel, 1.0 = all vel to targ float fHomingFOV; //missile will lose lock on if DotProduct of missile direction and direction to target ever drops below this (-1 to 1, -1 = never lose target, 0 = lose if ship gets behind missile, 1 = pretty much will lose it's target right away) int iLockOnTime; //0 = no lock time needed, else # of ms needed to lock on int iDamage; //damage done when traceline or projectile directly hits target int iSplashDamage;//damage done to ents in splashRadius of end of traceline or projectile origin on impact float fSplashRadius;//radius that ent must be in to take splashDamage (linear fall-off) int iAmmoPerShot; //how much "ammo" each shot takes int iHealth; //if non-zero, projectile can be shot, takes this much damage before being destroyed float fWidth; //width of traceline or bounding box of projecile (non-rotating!) float fHeight; //height of traceline or bounding box of projecile (non-rotating!) int iLifeTime; //removes itself after this amount of time qboolean bExplodeOnExpire; //when iLifeTime is up, explodes rather than simply removing itself } vehWeaponInfo_t; //NOTE: this MUST stay up to date with the number of variables in the vehFields table!!! #define NUM_VWEAP_PARMS 25 #define VWFOFS(x) ((int)&(((vehWeaponInfo_t *)0)->x)) #define MAX_VEH_WEAPONS 16 //sigh... no more than 16 different vehicle weapons #define VEH_WEAPON_BASE 0 #define VEH_WEAPON_NONE -1 #include "../namespace_begin.h" extern vehWeaponInfo_t g_vehWeaponInfo[MAX_VEH_WEAPONS]; extern int numVehicleWeapons; #include "../namespace_end.h" //=========================================================================================================== //END VEHICLE WEAPONS //=========================================================================================================== #define MAX_VEHICLE_MUZZLES 12 #define MAX_VEHICLE_EXHAUSTS 12 #define MAX_VEHICLE_WEAPONS 2 #define MAX_VEHICLE_TURRETS 2 #define MAX_VEHICLE_TURRET_MUZZLES 2 typedef struct { int iWeapon; //what vehWeaponInfo index to use int iDelay; //delay between turret muzzle shots int iAmmoMax; //how much ammo it has int iAmmoRechargeMS; //how many MS between every point of recharged ammo char *yawBone; //bone on ship that this turret uses to yaw char *pitchBone; //bone on ship that this turret uses to pitch int yawAxis; //axis on yawBone to which we should to apply the yaw angles int pitchAxis; //axis on pitchBone to which we should to apply the pitch angles float yawClampLeft; //how far the turret is allowed to turn left float yawClampRight; //how far the turret is allowed to turn right float pitchClampUp; //how far the turret is allowed to title up float pitchClampDown; //how far the turret is allowed to tilt down int iMuzzle[MAX_VEHICLE_TURRET_MUZZLES];//iMuzzle-1 = index of ship's muzzle to fire this turret's 1st and 2nd shots from char *gunnerViewTag;//Where to put the view origin of the gunner (name) float fTurnSpeed; //how quickly the turret can turn qboolean bAI; //whether or not the turret auto-targets enemies when it's not manned qboolean bAILead;//whether float fAIRange; //how far away the AI will look for enemies int passengerNum;//which passenger, if any, has control of this turret (overrides AI) } turretStats_t; typedef struct { //*** IMPORTANT!!! *** See note at top of next structure!!! *** // Weapon stuff. int ID;//index into the weapon data // The delay between shots for each weapon. int delay; // Whether or not all the muzzles for each weapon can be linked together (linked delay = weapon delay * number of muzzles linked!) int linkable; // Whether or not to auto-aim the projectiles/tracelines at the thing under the crosshair when we fire qboolean aimCorrect; //maximum ammo int ammoMax; //ammo recharge rate - milliseconds per unit (minimum of 100, which is 10 ammo per second) int ammoRechargeMS; //sound to play when out of ammo (plays default "no ammo" sound if none specified) int soundNoAmmo; } vehWeaponStats_t; typedef struct { //*** IMPORTANT!!! *** vehFields table correponds to this structure! char *name; //unique name of the vehicle //general data vehicleType_t type; //what kind of vehicle int numHands; //if 2 hands, no weapons, if 1 hand, can use 1-handed weapons, if 0 hands, can use 2-handed weapons float lookPitch; //How far you can look up and down off the forward of the vehicle float lookYaw; //How far you can look left and right off the forward of the vehicle float length; //how long it is - used for body length traces when turning/moving? float width; //how wide it is - used for body length traces when turning/moving? float height; //how tall it is - used for body length traces when turning/moving? vec3_t centerOfGravity;//offset from origin: {forward, right, up} as a modifier on that dimension (-1.0f is all the way back, 1.0f is all the way forward) //speed stats float speedMax; //top speed float turboSpeed; //turbo speed float speedMin; //if < 0, can go in reverse float speedIdle; //what speed it drifts to when no accel/decel input is given float accelIdle; //if speedIdle > 0, how quickly it goes up to that speed float acceleration; //when pressing on accelerator float decelIdle; //when giving no input, how quickly it drops to speedIdle float throttleSticks; //if true, speed stays at whatever you accel/decel to, unless you turbo or brake float strafePerc; //multiplier on current speed for strafing. If 1.0f, you can strafe at the same speed as you're going forward, 0.5 is half, 0 is no strafing //handling stats float bankingSpeed; //how quickly it pitches and rolls (not under player control) float rollLimit; //how far it can roll to either side float pitchLimit; //how far it can roll forward or backward float braking; //when pressing on decelerator float mouseYaw; // The mouse yaw override. float mousePitch; // The mouse pitch override. float turningSpeed; //how quickly you can turn qboolean turnWhenStopped;//whether or not you can turn when not moving float traction; //how much your command input affects velocity float friction; //how much velocity is cut on its own float maxSlope; //the max slope that it can go up with control qboolean speedDependantTurning;//vehicle turns faster the faster it's going //durability stats int mass; //for momentum and impact force (player mass is 10) int armor; //total points of damage it can take int shields; //energy shield damage points int shieldRechargeMS;//energy shield milliseconds per point recharged float toughness; //modifies incoming damage, 1.0 is normal, 0.5 is half, etc. Simulates being made of tougher materials/construction int malfunctionArmorLevel;//when armor drops to or below this point, start malfunctioning int surfDestruction; //can parts of this thing be torn off on impact? -rww //individual "area" health -rww int health_front; int health_back; int health_right; int health_left; //visuals & sounds char *model; //what model to use - if make it an NPC's primary model, don't need this? char *skin; //what skin to use - if make it an NPC's primary model, don't need this? int g2radius; //render radius for the ghoul2 model int riderAnim; //what animation the rider uses int radarIconHandle;//what icon to show on radar in MP int dmgIndicFrameHandle;//what image to use for the frame of the damage indicator int dmgIndicShieldHandle;//what image to use for the shield of the damage indicator int dmgIndicBackgroundHandle;//what image to use for the background of the damage indicator int iconFrontHandle;//what image to use for the front of the ship on the damage indicator int iconBackHandle; //what image to use for the back of the ship on the damage indicator int iconRightHandle;//what image to use for the right of the ship on the damage indicator int iconLeftHandle; //what image to use for the left of the ship on the damage indicator int crosshairShaderHandle;//what image to use for the left of the ship on the damage indicator int shieldShaderHandle;//What shader to use when drawing the shield shell char *droidNPC; //NPC to attach to *droidunit tag (if it exists in the model) int soundOn; //sound to play when get on it int soundTakeOff; //sound to play when ship takes off int soundEngineStart;//sound to play when ship's thrusters first activate int soundLoop; //sound to loop while riding it int soundSpin; //sound to loop while spiraling out of control int soundTurbo; //sound to play when turbo/afterburner kicks in int soundHyper; //sound to play when ship lands int soundLand; //sound to play when ship lands int soundOff; //sound to play when get off int soundFlyBy; //sound to play when they buzz you int soundFlyBy2; //alternate sound to play when they buzz you int soundShift1; //sound to play when accelerating int soundShift2; //sound to play when accelerating int soundShift3; //sound to play when decelerating int soundShift4; //sound to play when decelerating int iExhaustFX; //exhaust effect, played from "*exhaust" bolt(s) int iTurboFX; //turbo exhaust effect, played from "*exhaust" bolt(s) when ship is in "turbo" mode int iTurboStartFX; //turbo begin effect, played from "*exhaust" bolts when "turbo" mode begins int iTrailFX; //trail effect, played from "*trail" bolt(s) int iImpactFX; //impact effect, for when it bumps into something int iExplodeFX; //explosion effect, for when it blows up (should have the sound built into explosion effect) int iWakeFX; //effect it makes when going across water int iDmgFX; //effect to play on damage from a weapon or something int iInjureFX; int iNoseFX; //effect for nose piece flying away when blown off int iLWingFX; //effect for left wing piece flying away when blown off int iRWingFX; //effect for right wing piece flying away when blown off //Weapon stats vehWeaponStats_t weapon[MAX_VEHICLE_WEAPONS]; // Which weapon a muzzle fires (has to match one of the weapons this vehicle has). So 1 would be weapon 1, // 2 would be weapon 2 and so on. int weapMuzzle[MAX_VEHICLE_MUZZLES]; //turrets (if any) on the vehicle turretStats_t turret[MAX_VEHICLE_TURRETS]; // The max height before this ship (?) starts (auto)landing. float landingHeight; //other misc stats int gravity; //normal is 800 float hoverHeight; //if 0, it's a ground vehicle float hoverStrength; //how hard it pushes off ground when less than hover height... causes "bounce", like shocks qboolean waterProof; //can drive underwater if it has to float bouyancy; //when in water, how high it floats (1 is neutral bouyancy) int fuelMax; //how much fuel it can hold (capacity) int fuelRate; //how quickly is uses up fuel int turboDuration; //how long turbo lasts int turboRecharge; //how long turbo takes to recharge int visibility; //for sight alerts int loudness; //for sound alerts float explosionRadius;//range of explosion int explosionDamage;//damage of explosion int maxPassengers; // The max number of passengers this vehicle may have (Default = 0). qboolean hideRider; // rider (and passengers?) should not be drawn qboolean killRiderOnDeath;//if rider is on vehicle when it dies, they should die qboolean flammable; //whether or not the vehicle should catch on fire before it explodes int explosionDelay; //how long the vehicle should be on fire/dying before it explodes //camera stuff qboolean cameraOverride; //whether or not to use all of the following 3rd person camera override values float cameraRange; //how far back the camera should be - normal is 80 float cameraVertOffset;//how high over the vehicle origin the camera should be - normal is 16 float cameraHorzOffset;//how far to left/right (negative/positive) of of the vehicle origin the camera should be - normal is 0 float cameraPitchOffset;//a modifier on the camera's pitch (up/down angle) to the vehicle - normal is 0 float cameraFOV; //third person camera FOV, default is 80 float cameraAlpha; //fade out the vehicle to this alpha (0.1-1.0f) if it's in the way of the crosshair qboolean cameraPitchDependantVertOffset;//use the hacky AT-ST pitch dependant vertical offset //NOTE: some info on what vehicle weapon to use? Like ATST or TIE bomber or TIE fighter or X-Wing...? //===VEH_PARM_MAX======================================================================== //*** IMPORTANT!!! *** vehFields table correponds to this structure! //THE FOLLOWING FIELDS are not in the vehFields table because they are internal variables, not read in from the .veh file int modelIndex; //set internally, not until this vehicle is spawned into the level // NOTE: Please note that most of this stuff has been converted from C++ classes to generic C. // This part of the structure is used to simulate inheritance for vehicles. The basic idea is that all vehicle use // this vehicle interface since they declare their own functions and assign the function pointer to the // corresponding function. Meanwhile, the base logic can still call the appropriate functions. In C++ talk all // of these functions (pointers) are pure virtuals and this is an abstract base class (although it cannot be // inherited from, only contained and reimplemented (through an object and a setup function respectively)). -AReis // Makes sure that the vehicle is properly animated. void (*AnimateVehicle)( Vehicle_t *pVeh ); // Makes sure that the rider's in this vehicle are properly animated. void (*AnimateRiders)( Vehicle_t *pVeh ); // Determine whether this entity is able to board this vehicle or not. qboolean (*ValidateBoard)( Vehicle_t *pVeh, bgEntity_t *pEnt ); // Set the parent entity of this Vehicle NPC. void (*SetParent)( Vehicle_t *pVeh, bgEntity_t *pParentEntity ); // Add a pilot to the vehicle. void (*SetPilot)( Vehicle_t *pVeh, bgEntity_t *pPilot ); // Add a passenger to the vehicle (false if we're full). qboolean (*AddPassenger)( Vehicle_t *pVeh ); // Animate the vehicle and it's riders. void (*Animate)( Vehicle_t *pVeh ); // Board this Vehicle (get on). The first entity to board an empty vehicle becomes the Pilot. qboolean (*Board)( Vehicle_t *pVeh, bgEntity_t *pEnt ); // Eject an entity from the vehicle. qboolean (*Eject)( Vehicle_t *pVeh, bgEntity_t *pEnt, qboolean forceEject ); // Eject all the inhabitants of this vehicle. qboolean (*EjectAll)( Vehicle_t *pVeh ); // Start a delay until the vehicle dies. void (*StartDeathDelay)( Vehicle_t *pVeh, int iDelayTime ); // Update death sequence. void (*DeathUpdate)( Vehicle_t *pVeh ); // Register all the assets used by this vehicle. void (*RegisterAssets)( Vehicle_t *pVeh ); // Initialize the vehicle (should be called by Spawn?). qboolean (*Initialize)( Vehicle_t *pVeh ); // Like a think or move command, this updates various vehicle properties. qboolean (*Update)( Vehicle_t *pVeh, const usercmd_t *pUcmd ); // Update the properties of a Rider (that may reflect what happens to the vehicle). // // [return] bool True if still in vehicle, false if otherwise. qboolean (*UpdateRider)( Vehicle_t *pVeh, bgEntity_t *pRider, usercmd_t *pUcmd ); // ProcessMoveCommands the Vehicle. void (*ProcessMoveCommands)( Vehicle_t *pVeh ); // ProcessOrientCommands the Vehicle. void (*ProcessOrientCommands)( Vehicle_t *pVeh ); // Attachs all the riders of this vehicle to their appropriate position/tag (*driver, *pass1, *pass2, whatever...). void (*AttachRiders)( Vehicle_t *pVeh ); // Make someone invisible and un-collidable. void (*Ghost)( Vehicle_t *pVeh, bgEntity_t *pEnt ); // Make someone visible and collidable. void (*UnGhost)( Vehicle_t *pVeh, bgEntity_t *pEnt ); // Get the pilot of this vehicle. const bgEntity_t *(*GetPilot)( Vehicle_t *pVeh ); // Whether this vehicle is currently inhabited (by anyone) or not. qboolean (*Inhabited)( Vehicle_t *pVeh ); } vehicleInfo_t; #define VFOFS(x) ((int)&(((vehicleInfo_t *)0)->x)) #define MAX_VEHICLES 16 //sigh... no more than 64 individual vehicles #define VEHICLE_BASE 0 #define VEHICLE_NONE -1 #include "../namespace_begin.h" extern vehicleInfo_t g_vehicleInfo[MAX_VEHICLES]; extern int numVehicles; #include "../namespace_end.h" #define VEH_DEFAULT_SPEED_MAX 800.0f #define VEH_DEFAULT_ACCEL 10.0f #define VEH_DEFAULT_DECEL 10.0f #define VEH_DEFAULT_STRAFE_PERC 0.5f #define VEH_DEFAULT_BANKING_SPEED 0.5f #define VEH_DEFAULT_ROLL_LIMIT 60.0f #define VEH_DEFAULT_PITCH_LIMIT 90.0f #define VEH_DEFAULT_BRAKING 10.0f #define VEH_DEFAULT_TURNING_SPEED 1.0f #define VEH_DEFAULT_TRACTION 8.0f #define VEH_DEFAULT_FRICTION 1.0f #define VEH_DEFAULT_MAX_SLOPE 0.85f #define VEH_DEFAULT_MASS 200 #define VEH_DEFAULT_MAX_ARMOR 200 #define VEH_DEFAULT_TOUGHNESS 2.5f #define VEH_DEFAULT_GRAVITY 800 #define VEH_DEFAULT_HOVER_HEIGHT 64.0f #define VEH_DEFAULT_HOVER_STRENGTH 10.0f #define VEH_DEFAULT_VISIBILITY 0 #define VEH_DEFAULT_LOUDNESS 0 #define VEH_DEFAULT_EXP_RAD 400.0f #define VEH_DEFAULT_EXP_DMG 1000 #define VEH_MAX_PASSENGERS 10 #define MAX_STRAFE_TIME 2000.0f//FIXME: extern? #define MIN_LANDING_SPEED 200//equal to or less than this and close to ground = auto-slow-down to land #define MIN_LANDING_SLOPE 0.8f//must be pretty flat to land on the surf #define VEH_MOUNT_THROW_LEFT -5 #define VEH_MOUNT_THROW_RIGHT -6 typedef enum { VEH_EJECT_LEFT, VEH_EJECT_RIGHT, VEH_EJECT_FRONT, VEH_EJECT_REAR, VEH_EJECT_TOP, VEH_EJECT_BOTTOM }; // Vehicle flags. typedef enum { VEH_NONE = 0, VEH_FLYING = 0x00000001, VEH_CRASHING = 0x00000002, VEH_LANDING = 0x00000004, VEH_BUCKING = 0x00000010, VEH_WINGSOPEN = 0x00000020, VEH_GEARSOPEN = 0x00000040, VEH_SLIDEBREAKING = 0x00000080, VEH_SPINNING = 0x00000100, VEH_OUTOFCONTROL = 0x00000200, VEH_SABERINLEFTHAND = 0x00000400 } vehFlags_t; //defines for impact damage surface stuff #define SHIPSURF_FRONT 0 #define SHIPSURF_BACK 1 #define SHIPSURF_RIGHT 2 #define SHIPSURF_LEFT 3 #define SHIPSURF_DAMAGE_FRONT_LIGHT 0 #define SHIPSURF_DAMAGE_BACK_LIGHT 1 #define SHIPSURF_DAMAGE_RIGHT_LIGHT 2 #define SHIPSURF_DAMAGE_LEFT_LIGHT 3 #define SHIPSURF_DAMAGE_FRONT_HEAVY 4 #define SHIPSURF_DAMAGE_BACK_HEAVY 5 #define SHIPSURF_DAMAGE_RIGHT_HEAVY 6 #define SHIPSURF_DAMAGE_LEFT_HEAVY 7 //generic part bits #define SHIPSURF_BROKEN_A (1<<0) //gear 1 #define SHIPSURF_BROKEN_B (1<<1) //gear 1 #define SHIPSURF_BROKEN_C (1<<2) //wing 1 #define SHIPSURF_BROKEN_D (1<<3) //wing 2 #define SHIPSURF_BROKEN_E (1<<4) //wing 3 #define SHIPSURF_BROKEN_F (1<<5) //wing 4 #define SHIPSURF_BROKEN_G (1<<6) //front typedef struct { //linked firing mode qboolean linked;//weapon 1's muzzles are in linked firing mode //current weapon ammo int ammo; //debouncer for ammo recharge int lastAmmoInc; //which muzzle will fire next int nextMuzzle; } vehWeaponStatus_t; typedef struct { //current weapon ammo int ammo; //debouncer for ammo recharge int lastAmmoInc; //which muzzle will fire next int nextMuzzle; //which entity they're after int enemyEntNum; //how long to hold on to our current enemy int enemyHoldTime; } vehTurretStatus_t; // This is the implementation of the vehicle interface and any of the other variables needed. This // is what actually represents a vehicle. -AReis. struct Vehicle_s { // The entity who pilots/drives this vehicle. // NOTE: This is redundant (since m_pParentEntity->owner _should_ be the pilot). This makes things clearer though. bgEntity_t *m_pPilot; int m_iPilotTime; //if spawnflag to die without pilot and this < level.time then die. int m_iPilotLastIndex; //index to last pilot qboolean m_bHasHadPilot; //qtrue once the vehicle gets its first pilot // The passengers of this vehicle. //bgEntity_t **m_ppPassengers; bgEntity_t *m_ppPassengers[VEH_MAX_PASSENGERS]; //the droid unit NPC for this vehicle, if any bgEntity_t *m_pDroidUnit; // The number of passengers currently in this vehicle. int m_iNumPassengers; // The entity from which this NPC comes from. bgEntity_t *m_pParentEntity; // If not zero, how long to wait before we can do anything with the vehicle (we're getting on still). // -1 = board from left, -2 = board from right, -3 = jump/quick board. -4 & -5 = throw off existing pilot int m_iBoarding; // Used to check if we've just started the boarding process qboolean m_bWasBoarding; // The speed the vehicle maintains while boarding occurs (often zero) vec3_t m_vBoardingVelocity; // Time modifier (must only be used in ProcessMoveCommands() and ProcessOrientCommands() and is updated in Update()). float m_fTimeModifier; // Ghoul2 Animation info. //int m_iDriverTag; int m_iLeftExhaustTag; int m_iRightExhaustTag; int m_iGun1Tag; int m_iGun1Bone; int m_iLeftWingBone; int m_iRightWingBone; int m_iExhaustTag[MAX_VEHICLE_EXHAUSTS]; int m_iMuzzleTag[MAX_VEHICLE_MUZZLES]; int m_iDroidUnitTag; int m_iGunnerViewTag[MAX_VEHICLE_TURRETS];//Where to put the view origin of the gunner (index) //this stuff is a little bit different from SP, because I am lazy -rww int m_iMuzzleTime[MAX_VEHICLE_MUZZLES]; // These are updated every frame and represent the current position and direction for the specific muzzle. vec3_t m_vMuzzlePos[MAX_VEHICLE_MUZZLES], m_vMuzzleDir[MAX_VEHICLE_MUZZLES]; // This is how long to wait before being able to fire a specific muzzle again. This is based on the firing rate // so that a firing rate of 10 rounds/sec would make this value initially 100 miliseconds. int m_iMuzzleWait[MAX_VEHICLE_MUZZLES]; // The user commands structure. usercmd_t m_ucmd; // The direction an entity will eject from the vehicle towards. int m_EjectDir; // Flags that describe the vehicles behavior. unsigned long m_ulFlags; // NOTE: Vehicle Type ID, Orientation, and Armor MUST be transmitted over the net. // The ID of the type of vehicle this is. int m_iVehicleTypeID; // Current angles of this vehicle. //vec3_t m_vOrientation; float *m_vOrientation; //Yeah, since we use the SP code for vehicles, I want to use this value, but I'm going //to make it a pointer to a vec3_t in the playerstate for prediction's sake. -rww // How long you have strafed left or right (increments every frame that you strafe to right, decrements every frame you strafe left) int m_fStrafeTime; // Previous angles of this vehicle. vec3_t m_vPrevOrientation; // Previous viewangles of the rider vec3_t m_vPrevRiderViewAngles; // When control is lost on a speeder, current angular velocity is stored here and applied until landing float m_vAngularVelocity; vec3_t m_vFullAngleVelocity; // Current armor and shields of your vehicle (explodes if armor to 0). int m_iArmor; //hull strength - STAT_HEALTH on NPC int m_iShields; //energy shielding - STAT_ARMOR on NPC //mp-specific int m_iHitDebounce; // Timer for all cgame-FX...? ex: exhaust? int m_iLastFXTime; // When to die. int m_iDieTime; // This pointer is to a valid VehicleInfo (which could be an animal, speeder, fighter, whatever). This // contains the functions actually used to do things to this specific kind of vehicle as well as shared // information (max speed, type, etc...). vehicleInfo_t *m_pVehicleInfo; // This trace tells us if we're within landing height. trace_t m_LandTrace; // TEMP: The wing angles (used to animate it). vec3_t m_vWingAngles; //amount of damage done last impact int m_iLastImpactDmg; //bitflag of surfaces that have broken off int m_iRemovedSurfaces; int m_iDmgEffectTime; // the last time this vehicle fired a turbo burst int m_iTurboTime; //how long it should drop like a rock for after freed from SUSPEND int m_iDropTime; int m_iSoundDebounceTimer; //last time we incremented the shields int lastShieldInc; //so we don't hold it down and toggle it back and forth qboolean linkWeaponToggleHeld; //info about our weapons (linked, ammo, etc.) vehWeaponStatus_t weaponStatus[MAX_VEHICLE_WEAPONS]; vehTurretStatus_t turretStatus[MAX_VEHICLE_TURRETS]; //the guy who was previously the pilot bgEntity_t * m_pOldPilot; }; #include "../namespace_begin.h" extern int BG_VehicleGetIndex( const char *vehicleName ); #include "../namespace_end.h" #endif // __BG_VEHICLES_H