//Anything above this #include will be ignored by the compiler #include "../qcommon/exe_headers.h" #include "../qcommon/cm_local.h" #include "../cgame/tr_types.h" #include "RM_Headers.h" //#include "../qcommon/q_imath.h" #pragma optimize("", off) void R_LoadDataImage ( const char *name, byte **pic, int *width, int *height); void R_InvertImage ( byte *data, int width, int height, int depth); void R_Resample ( byte *source, int swidth, int sheight, byte *dest, int dwidth, int dheight, int components); void RE_GetModelBounds (refEntity_t *refEnt, vec3_t bounds1, vec3_t bounds2); static CRMLandScape *rm_landscape; static CCMLandScape *origin_land; CRMLandScape::CRMLandScape(void) { common = NULL; mDensityMap = NULL; } CRMLandScape::~CRMLandScape(void) { if(mDensityMap) { Z_Free(mDensityMap); mDensityMap = NULL; } } void CCGHeightDetails::AddModel(const CRandomModel *hd) { if(mNumModels < MAX_RANDOM_MODELS) { mTotalFrequency += hd->GetFrequency(); mModels[mNumModels++] = *hd; } } void CRMLandScape::AddModel(const int height, int maxheight, const CRandomModel *hd) { int i; if(maxheight > HEIGHT_RESOLUTION) { maxheight = HEIGHT_RESOLUTION; } for(i = height; hd->GetModel() && (i < maxheight); i++) { mHeightDetails[i].AddModel(hd); } } void CRMLandScape::LoadMiscentDef(const char *td) { char miscentDef[MAX_QPATH]; CGenericParser2 parse; CGPGroup *basegroup, *classes, *items, *model; CGPValue *pair; Com_sprintf(miscentDef, MAX_QPATH, "ext_data/RMG/%s.miscents", Info_ValueForKey(td, "miscentDef")); Com_DPrintf("CG_Terrain: Loading and parsing miscentDef %s.....\n", Info_ValueForKey(td, "miscentDef")); if(!Com_ParseTextFile(miscentDef, parse)) { Com_sprintf(miscentDef, MAX_QPATH, "ext_data/arioche/%s.miscents", Info_ValueForKey(td, "miscentDef")); if(!Com_ParseTextFile(miscentDef, parse)) { Com_Printf("Could not open %s\n", miscentDef); return; } } // The whole file.... basegroup = parse.GetBaseParseGroup(); // The root { } struct classes = basegroup->GetSubGroups(); while(classes) { items = classes->GetSubGroups(); while(items) { if(!stricmp(items->GetName(), "miscent")) { int height, maxheight; // Height must exist - the rest are optional height = atol(items->FindPairValue("height", "0")); maxheight = atol(items->FindPairValue("maxheight", "255")); model = items->GetSubGroups(); while(model) { if(!stricmp(model->GetName(), "model")) { CRandomModel hd; // Set defaults hd.SetModel(""); hd.SetFrequency(1.0f); hd.SetMinScale(1.0f); hd.SetMaxScale(1.0f); pair = model->GetPairs(); while(pair) { if(!stricmp(pair->GetName(), "name")) { hd.SetModel(pair->GetTopValue()); } else if(!stricmp(pair->GetName(), "frequency")) { hd.SetFrequency((float)atof(pair->GetTopValue())); } else if(!stricmp(pair->GetName(), "minscale")) { hd.SetMinScale((float)atof(pair->GetTopValue())); } else if(!stricmp(pair->GetName(), "maxscale")) { hd.SetMaxScale((float)atof(pair->GetTopValue())); } pair = (CGPValue *)pair->GetNext(); } AddModel(height, maxheight, &hd); } model = (CGPGroup *)model->GetNext(); } } items = (CGPGroup *)items->GetNext(); } classes = (CGPGroup *)classes->GetNext(); } Com_ParseTextFileDestroy(parse); } void CG_Decrease(byte *work, float lerp, int *info) { int val; val = *work - origin_land->irand(2, 5); *work = (byte)Com_Clampi(1, 255, val); } void CRMLandScape::CreateRandomDensityMap(byte *density, int width, int height, int seed) { // int i, border, inc; int x, y, count; // byte *work, *work2; CArea *area; vec3_t derxelSize, pos; ivec3_t dmappos; byte *hm_map = common->GetHeightMap(); int hm_width = common->GetRealWidth(); int hm_height = common->GetRealHeight(); int xpos, ypos, dx, dy; byte *densityPos = density; bool foundUneven; // Init to linear spread memset(density, 0, width * height); /* // Make more prevalent towards the edges border = Com_Clamp(6, 12, (width + height) >> 4); for(i = 0; i < border; i++) { inc = (border - i + 1) * 9; // Top line work = density + i + (i * width); for(x = i; x < width - i; x++, work++) { *work += (byte)common->irand(inc >> 1, inc); } // Left and right edges work = density + i + ((i + 1) * width); work2 = density + (width - i) + ((i + 1) * width); for(y = i + 1; y < height - i - 2; y++, work += width, work2 += width) { *work += (byte)common->irand(inc >> 1, inc); *work2 += (byte)common->irand(inc >> 1, inc); } // Bottom line work = density + i + ((height - i - 1) * width); for(x = i; x < width - i; x++, work++) { *work += (byte)common->irand(inc >> 1, inc); } } */ count = 0; for(y=0;y<height;y++) { for(x=0;x<width;x++,densityPos++) { xpos = (x * hm_width / width); ypos = (y * hm_height / height); ypos = hm_height - ypos - 1; if (hm_map[ypos*hm_width + xpos] < 150) { continue; } foundUneven = false; for(dx=-4;(dx<=4 && !foundUneven);dx++) { for(dy=-4;(dy<=4 && !foundUneven);dy++) { if (dx == 0 && dy == 0) { continue; } if ((xpos+dx) >= 0 && (xpos+dx) < hm_width && (ypos+dy) >= 0 && (ypos+dy) < hm_height) { if (hm_map[(ypos+dy)*hm_width + (xpos+dx)] < 190) { *densityPos = 205; count++; foundUneven = true; } } } } } } /* FILE *FH; FH = fopen("c:\o.raw", "wb"); fwrite(hm_map, 1, common->GetRealWidth() * common->GetRealHeight(), FH); fclose(FH); FH = fopen("c:\d.raw", "wb"); fwrite(density, 1, width*height, FH); fclose(FH); */ // Reduce severely for any settlements/buildings/objectives VectorScale(common->GetSize(), 1.0f / width, derxelSize); origin_land = common; area = common->GetFirstArea(); while(area) { // Skip group types since they encompass to much open area if ( area->GetType ( ) == AT_GROUP ) { area = common->GetNextArea(); continue; } VectorSubtract(area->GetPosition(), common->GetMins(), pos); VectorInverseScaleVector(pos, derxelSize, dmappos); // Damn upside down gensurf dmappos[1] = height - dmappos[1]; count = ceilf(area->GetRadius() / derxelSize[1]); while(count > 0) { CM_CircularIterate(density, width, height, dmappos[0], dmappos[1], 0, count, NULL, CG_Decrease); count--; } area = common->GetNextArea(); } } void CRMLandScape::LoadDensityMap(const char *td) { char densityMap[MAX_QPATH]; byte *imageData; int iWidth, iHeight, seed; char *ptr; // Fill in with default values mDensityMap = (byte *)Z_Malloc(common->GetBlockCount(), TAG_TERRAIN); memset(mDensityMap, 128, common->GetBlockCount()); // Load in density map (if any) Com_sprintf(densityMap, MAX_QPATH, "%s", Info_ValueForKey(td, "densityMap")); if(strlen(densityMap)) { Com_DPrintf("CG_Terrain: Loading density map %s.....\n", densityMap); #ifdef DEDICATED imageData = NULL; #else R_LoadDataImage(densityMap, &imageData, &iWidth, &iHeight); if(imageData) { if(strstr(densityMap, "density_")) { seed = strtoul(Info_ValueForKey(td, "seed"),&ptr,10); CreateRandomDensityMap(imageData, iWidth, iHeight, seed); } R_Resample(imageData, iWidth, iHeight, mDensityMap, common->GetBlockWidth(), common->GetBlockHeight(), 1); R_InvertImage(mDensityMap, common->GetBlockWidth(), common->GetBlockHeight(), 1); Z_Free(imageData); } #endif } } CRandomModel *CCGHeightDetails::GetRandomModel(CCMLandScape *land) { int seek, i; seek = land->irand(0, mTotalFrequency); for(i = 0; i < mNumModels; i++) { seek -= mModels[i].GetFrequency(); if(seek <= 0) { return(mModels + i); } } assert(0); return(NULL); } #ifndef DEDICATED void CRMLandScape::Sprinkle(CCMPatch *patch, CCGHeightDetails *hd, int level) { int i, count, px, py; float density; vec3_t origin, scale, angles, bounds[2]; refEntity_t refEnt; CRandomModel *rm; CArea area; // int areaTypes[] = { AT_BSP, AT_OBJECTIVE }; TCGMiscEnt *data = (TCGMiscEnt *)cl.mSharedMemory; TCGTrace *td = (TCGTrace *)cl.mSharedMemory; // memset(&refEnt, 0, sizeof(refEntity_t)); px = patch->GetHeightMapX() / common->GetTerxels(); py = patch->GetHeightMapY() / common->GetTerxels(); // Get a number -5.3f to 5.3f density = (mDensityMap[px + (common->GetBlockWidth() * py)] - 128) / 24.0f; // ..and multiply that into the count count = Round(common->GetPatchScalarSize() * hd->GetAverageFrequency() * powf(2.0f, density) * 0.001); for(i = 0; i < count; i++) { if(!common->irand(0, 10)) { vec3_t temp; float average; rm = hd->GetRandomModel(common); refEnt.hModel = re.RegisterModel(rm->GetModelName()); refEnt.frame = 0; RE_GetModelBounds(&refEnt, bounds[0], bounds[1]); // Calculate the scale using some magic to help ensure that the // scales are never too different from eachother. Otherwise you // could get an entity that is really small on one axis but huge // on another. temp[0] = common->flrand(rm->GetMinScale(), rm->GetMaxScale()); temp[1] = common->flrand(rm->GetMinScale(), rm->GetMaxScale()); temp[2] = common->flrand(rm->GetMinScale(), rm->GetMaxScale()); // Average of the three random numbers and divide that by two average = ( ( temp[0] + temp[1] + temp[2] ) / 3) / 2; // Add in half of the other two numbers and then subtract half the average to prevent. // any number from going beyond the range. If all three numbers were the same then // they would remain unchanged after this calculation. scale[0] = temp[0] + (temp[1]+temp[2]) / 2 - average; scale[1] = temp[1] + (temp[0]+temp[2]) / 2 - average; scale[2] = temp[2] + (temp[0]+temp[1]) / 2 - average; angles[0] = 0.0f; angles[1] = common->flrand(-M_PI, M_PI); angles[2] = 0.0f; VectorCopy(patch->GetMins(), origin); origin[0] += common->flrand(0.0f, common->GetPatchWidth()); origin[1] += common->flrand(0.0f, common->GetPatchHeight()); // Get above world height float slope = common->GetWorldHeight(origin, bounds, true); if (slope > 1.33) { // spot has too steep of a slope continue; } if(origin[2] < common->GetWaterHeight()) { continue; } // very that we aren't dropped too low if (origin[2] < common->CalcWorldHeight(level)) { continue; } // Hack-ariffic, don't allow them to drop below the big player clip brush. if (origin[2] < 1280 ) { continue; } // FIXME: shouldn't be using a hard-coded 1280 number, only allow to spawn if inside player clip brush? // if( !(CONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP & VM_Call( cgvm, CG_POINT_CONTENTS )) ) // { // continue; // } // Simple radius check for buildings /* area.Init(origin, VectorLength(bounds[0])); if(common->AreaCollision(&area, areaTypes, sizeof(areaTypes) / sizeof(int))) { continue; }*/ // Make sure there is no architecture around - doesn't work for ents though =( memset(td, sizeof(*td), 0); VectorCopy(origin, td->mStart); VectorCopy(bounds[0], td->mMins); VectorCopy(bounds[1], td->mMaxs); VectorCopy(origin, td->mEnd); td->mSkipNumber = -1; td->mMask = MASK_PLAYERSOLID; VM_Call( cgvm, CG_TRACE ); if(td->mResult.surfaceFlags & SURF_NOMISCENTS) { continue; } if(td->mResult.startsolid) { // continue; } // Get minimum height of area common->GetWorldHeight(origin, bounds, false); // Account for relative origin origin[2] -= bounds[0][2] * scale[2]; origin[2] -= common->flrand(2.0, (bounds[1][2] - bounds[0][2]) / 4); // Spawn the client model strcpy(data->mModel, rm->GetModelName()); VectorCopy(origin, data->mOrigin); VectorCopy(angles, data->mAngles); VectorCopy(scale, data->mScale); VM_Call( cgvm, CG_MISC_ENT); mModelCount++; } } } #endif // !DEDICATED void CRMLandScape::SpawnPatchModels(CCMPatch *patch) { #ifndef DEDICATED int i; CCGHeightDetails *hd; // Rand_Init(10); for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) { hd = mHeightDetails + patch->GetHeight(i); if(hd->GetNumModels()) { Sprinkle(patch, hd, patch->GetHeight(i)); } } #endif // !DEDICATED } void SpawnPatchModelsWrapper(CCMPatch *patch, void *userdata) { CRMLandScape *landscape = (CRMLandScape *)userdata; landscape->SpawnPatchModels(patch); } void RM_CreateRandomModels(int terrainId, const char *terrainInfo) { CRMLandScape *landscape; landscape = rm_landscape = new CRMLandScape; landscape->SetCommon(cmg.landScape); Com_DPrintf("CG_Terrain: Creating random models.....\n"); landscape->LoadMiscentDef(terrainInfo); landscape->LoadDensityMap(terrainInfo); landscape->ClearModelCount(); CM_TerrainPatchIterate(landscape->GetCommon(), SpawnPatchModelsWrapper, landscape); Com_DPrintf(".....%d random client models spawned\n", landscape->GetModelCount()); } void RM_InitTerrain(void) { rm_landscape = NULL; } void RM_ShutdownTerrain(void) { CRMLandScape *landscape; landscape = rm_landscape; if(landscape) { delete landscape; rm_landscape = NULL; } } // end #pragma optimize("", on)