2013-04-19 02:52:48 +00:00
// leave this as first line for PCH reasons...
//Anything above this #include will be ignored by the compiler
# include "../qcommon/exe_headers.h"
# include "../client/client.h" //FIXME!! EVIL - just include the definitions needed
# ifdef _XBOX
# include "../qcommon/miniheap.h"
# endif
# if !defined(TR_LOCAL_H)
# include "tr_local.h"
# endif
# include "matcomp.h"
# if !defined(_QCOMMON_H_)
# include "../qcommon/qcommon.h"
# endif
# if !defined(G2_H_INC)
# include "../ghoul2/G2.h"
# endif
# include "../ghoul2/G2_local.h"
# ifdef _G2_GORE
# include "../ghoul2/G2_gore.h"
# endif
# include "matcomp.h"
# include "tr_lightmanager.h"
# endif
# pragma warning (disable: 4512) //default assignment operator could not be gened
# include "../qcommon/disablewarnings.h"
# define LL(x) x=LittleLong(x)
# include "../qcommon/timing.h"
timing_c G2PerformanceTimer_RenderSurfaces ;
timing_c G2PerformanceTimer_R_AddGHOULSurfaces ;
timing_c G2PerformanceTimer_G2_TransformGhoulBones ;
timing_c G2PerformanceTimer_G2_ProcessGeneratedSurfaceBolts ;
timing_c G2PerformanceTimer_ProcessModelBoltSurfaces ;
timing_c G2PerformanceTimer_G2_ConstructGhoulSkeleton ;
timing_c G2PerformanceTimer_RB_SurfaceGhoul ;
timing_c G2PerformanceTimer_G2_SetupModelPointers ;
timing_c G2PerformanceTimer_PreciseFrame ;
int G2PerformanceCounter_G2_TransformGhoulBones = 0 ;
int G2Time_RenderSurfaces = 0 ;
int G2Time_R_AddGHOULSurfaces = 0 ;
int G2Time_G2_TransformGhoulBones = 0 ;
int G2Time_G2_ProcessGeneratedSurfaceBolts = 0 ;
int G2Time_ProcessModelBoltSurfaces = 0 ;
int G2Time_G2_ConstructGhoulSkeleton = 0 ;
int G2Time_RB_SurfaceGhoul = 0 ;
int G2Time_G2_SetupModelPointers = 0 ;
int G2Time_PreciseFrame = 0 ;
void G2Time_ResetTimers ( void )
G2Time_RenderSurfaces = 0 ;
G2Time_R_AddGHOULSurfaces = 0 ;
G2Time_G2_TransformGhoulBones = 0 ;
G2Time_G2_ProcessGeneratedSurfaceBolts = 0 ;
G2Time_ProcessModelBoltSurfaces = 0 ;
G2Time_G2_ConstructGhoulSkeleton = 0 ;
G2Time_RB_SurfaceGhoul = 0 ;
G2Time_G2_SetupModelPointers = 0 ;
G2Time_PreciseFrame = 0 ;
G2PerformanceCounter_G2_TransformGhoulBones = 0 ;
void G2Time_ReportTimers ( void )
Com_Printf ( " \n --------------------------------- \n RenderSurfaces: %i \n R_AddGhoulSurfaces: %i \n G2_TransformGhoulBones: %i \n G2_ProcessGeneratedSurfaceBolts: %i \n ProcessModelBoltSurfaces: %i \n G2_ConstructGhoulSkeleton: %i \n RB_SurfaceGhoul: %i \n G2_SetupModelPointers: %i \n \n Precise frame time: %i \n TransformGhoulBones calls: %i \n --------------------------------- \n \n " ,
G2Time_RenderSurfaces ,
G2Time_R_AddGHOULSurfaces ,
G2Time_G2_TransformGhoulBones ,
G2Time_G2_ProcessGeneratedSurfaceBolts ,
G2Time_ProcessModelBoltSurfaces ,
G2Time_G2_ConstructGhoulSkeleton ,
G2Time_RB_SurfaceGhoul ,
G2Time_G2_SetupModelPointers ,
G2Time_PreciseFrame ,
) ;
# endif
# ifdef __linux__
# include <math.h>
# else
# include <float.h>
# endif
bool HackadelicOnClient = false ; // means this is a render traversal
qboolean G2_SetupModelPointers ( CGhoul2Info * ghlInfo ) ;
qboolean G2_SetupModelPointers ( CGhoul2Info_v & ghoul2 ) ;
extern cvar_t * r_Ghoul2AnimSmooth ;
extern cvar_t * r_Ghoul2UnSqashAfterSmooth ;
static inline int G2_Find_Bone_ByNum ( const model_t * mod , boneInfo_v & blist , const int boneNum )
int i = 0 ;
while ( i < blist . size ( ) )
if ( blist [ i ] . boneNumber = = boneNum )
return i ;
i + + ;
return - 1 ;
const static mdxaBone_t identityMatrix =
0.0f , - 1.0f , 0.0f , 0.0f ,
1.0f , 0.0f , 0.0f , 0.0f ,
0.0f , 0.0f , 1.0f , 0.0f
} ;
// I hate doing this, but this is the simplest way to get this into the routines it needs to be
mdxaBone_t worldMatrix ;
mdxaBone_t worldMatrixInv ;
# ifdef _G2_GORE
qhandle_t goreShader = - 1 ;
# endif
class CConstructBoneList
public :
int surfaceNum ;
int * boneUsedList ;
surfaceInfo_v & rootSList ;
model_t * currentModel ;
boneInfo_v & boneList ;
CConstructBoneList (
int initsurfaceNum ,
int * initboneUsedList ,
surfaceInfo_v & initrootSList ,
model_t * initcurrentModel ,
boneInfo_v & initboneList ) :
surfaceNum ( initsurfaceNum ) ,
boneUsedList ( initboneUsedList ) ,
rootSList ( initrootSList ) ,
currentModel ( initcurrentModel ) ,
boneList ( initboneList ) { }
} ;
class CTransformBone
public :
# ifdef _XBOX
float renderMatrix [ 16 ] ;
# endif
int touch ; // for minimal recalculation
int touchRender ;
mdxaBone_t boneMatrix ; //final matrix
int parent ; // only set once
# ifdef _XBOX
// This shouldn't be done like this. use declspec(aligned)?!
int pad [ 1 ] ; // must be 16-byte aligned!
# endif
CTransformBone ( )
touch = 0 ;
touchRender = 0 ;
} ;
struct SBoneCalc
int newFrame ;
int currentFrame ;
float backlerp ;
float blendFrame ;
int blendOldFrame ;
bool blendMode ;
float blendLerp ;
} ;
class CBoneCache ;
void G2_TransformBone ( int index , CBoneCache & CB ) ;
class CBoneCache
void SetRenderMatrix ( CTransformBone * bone )
# ifdef _XBOX
float * src = bone - > boneMatrix . matrix [ 0 ] ;
float * dst = bone - > renderMatrix ;
dst [ 0 ] = src [ 0 ] ;
dst [ 1 ] = src [ 4 ] ;
dst [ 2 ] = src [ 8 ] ;
dst [ 3 ] = 0 ;
dst [ 4 ] = src [ 1 ] ;
dst [ 5 ] = src [ 5 ] ;
dst [ 6 ] = src [ 9 ] ;
dst [ 7 ] = 0 ;
dst [ 8 ] = src [ 2 ] ;
dst [ 9 ] = src [ 6 ] ;
dst [ 10 ] = src [ 10 ] ;
dst [ 11 ] = 0 ;
dst [ 12 ] = src [ 3 ] ;
dst [ 13 ] = src [ 7 ] ;
dst [ 14 ] = src [ 11 ] ;
dst [ 15 ] = 1 ;
# endif
void EvalLow ( int index )
assert ( index > = 0 & & index < mBones . size ( ) ) ;
if ( mFinalBones [ index ] . touch ! = mCurrentTouch )
// need to evaluate the bone
# ifdef _XBOX
assert ( ( mFinalBones [ index ] . parent > = 0 & & mFinalBones [ index ] . parent < mNumBones ) | | ( index = = 0 & & mFinalBones [ index ] . parent = = - 1 ) ) ;
# else
assert ( ( mFinalBones [ index ] . parent > = 0 & & mFinalBones [ index ] . parent < mFinalBones . size ( ) ) | | ( index = = 0 & & mFinalBones [ index ] . parent = = - 1 ) ) ;
# endif
if ( mFinalBones [ index ] . parent > = 0 )
EvalLow ( mFinalBones [ index ] . parent ) ; // make sure parent is evaluated
SBoneCalc & par = mBones [ mFinalBones [ index ] . parent ] ;
mBones [ index ] . newFrame = par . newFrame ;
mBones [ index ] . currentFrame = par . currentFrame ;
mBones [ index ] . backlerp = par . backlerp ;
mBones [ index ] . blendFrame = par . blendFrame ;
mBones [ index ] . blendOldFrame = par . blendOldFrame ;
mBones [ index ] . blendMode = par . blendMode ;
mBones [ index ] . blendLerp = par . blendLerp ;
G2_TransformBone ( index , * this ) ;
# ifdef _XBOX
SetRenderMatrix ( mFinalBones + index ) ;
# endif
mFinalBones [ index ] . touch = mCurrentTouch ;
void SmoothLow ( int index )
if ( mSmoothBones [ index ] . touch = = mLastTouch )
int i ;
float * oldM = & mSmoothBones [ index ] . boneMatrix . matrix [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ;
float * newM = & mFinalBones [ index ] . boneMatrix . matrix [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ;
#if 0 //this is just too slow. I need a better way.
static float smoothFactor ;
smoothFactor = mSmoothFactor ;
//Special rag smoothing -rww
if ( smoothFactor < 0 )
{ //I need a faster way to do this but I do not want to store more in the bonecache
static int blistIndex ;
assert ( mod ) ;
assert ( rootBoneList ) ;
blistIndex = G2_Find_Bone_ByNum ( mod , * rootBoneList , index ) ;
assert ( blistIndex ! = - 1 ) ;
boneInfo_t & bone = ( * rootBoneList ) [ blistIndex ] ;
if ( bone . flags & BONE_ANGLES_RAGDOLL )
if ( ( bone . RagFlags & ( 0x00008 ) ) | | //pelvis
( bone . RagFlags & ( 0x00004 ) ) ) //model_root
{ //pelvis and root do not smooth much
smoothFactor = 0.2f ;
else if ( bone . solidCount > 4 )
{ //if stuck in solid a lot then snap out quickly
smoothFactor = 0.1f ;
{ //otherwise smooth a bunch
smoothFactor = 0.8f ;
{ //not a rag bone
smoothFactor = 0.3f ;
# endif
for ( i = 0 ; i < 12 ; i + + , oldM + + , newM + + )
* oldM = mSmoothFactor * ( * oldM - * newM ) + * newM ;
memcpy ( & mSmoothBones [ index ] . boneMatrix , & mFinalBones [ index ] . boneMatrix , sizeof ( mdxaBone_t ) ) ;
mdxaSkelOffsets_t * offsets = ( mdxaSkelOffsets_t * ) ( ( byte * ) header + sizeof ( mdxaHeader_t ) ) ;
mdxaSkel_t * skel = ( mdxaSkel_t * ) ( ( byte * ) header + sizeof ( mdxaHeader_t ) + offsets - > offsets [ index ] ) ;
mdxaBone_t tempMatrix ;
Multiply_3x4Matrix ( & tempMatrix , & mSmoothBones [ index ] . boneMatrix , & skel - > BasePoseMat ) ;
float maxl ;
maxl = VectorLength ( & skel - > BasePoseMat . matrix [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ) ;
VectorNormalize ( & tempMatrix . matrix [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ) ;
VectorNormalize ( & tempMatrix . matrix [ 1 ] [ 0 ] ) ;
VectorNormalize ( & tempMatrix . matrix [ 2 ] [ 0 ] ) ;
VectorScale ( & tempMatrix . matrix [ 0 ] [ 0 ] , maxl , & tempMatrix . matrix [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ) ;
VectorScale ( & tempMatrix . matrix [ 1 ] [ 0 ] , maxl , & tempMatrix . matrix [ 1 ] [ 0 ] ) ;
VectorScale ( & tempMatrix . matrix [ 2 ] [ 0 ] , maxl , & tempMatrix . matrix [ 2 ] [ 0 ] ) ;
Multiply_3x4Matrix ( & mSmoothBones [ index ] . boneMatrix , & tempMatrix , & skel - > BasePoseMatInv ) ;
# ifdef _XBOX
// Added by BTO (VV) - I hope this is right.
SetRenderMatrix ( mSmoothBones + index ) ;
# endif
mSmoothBones [ index ] . touch = mCurrentTouch ;
# ifdef _DEBUG
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i + + )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < 4 ; j + + )
assert ( ! _isnan ( mSmoothBones [ index ] . boneMatrix . matrix [ i ] [ j ] ) ) ;
# endif // _DEBUG
public :
int frameSize ;
const mdxaHeader_t * header ;
const model_t * mod ;
// these are split for better cpu cache behavior
vector < SBoneCalc > mBones ;
# ifdef _XBOX
CTransformBone * mFinalBones ;
CTransformBone * mSmoothBones ;
# else
vector < CTransformBone > mFinalBones ;
vector < CTransformBone > mSmoothBones ; // for render smoothing
# endif
//vector<mdxaSkel_t *> mSkels;
# ifdef _XBOX
int mNumBones ;
# endif
boneInfo_v * rootBoneList ;
mdxaBone_t rootMatrix ;
int incomingTime ;
int mCurrentTouch ;
int mCurrentTouchRender ;
int mLastTouch ;
int mLastLastTouch ;
// for render smoothing
bool mSmoothingActive ;
bool mUnsquash ;
float mSmoothFactor ;
CBoneCache ( const model_t * amod , const mdxaHeader_t * aheader ) :
mod ( amod ) ,
header ( aheader )
assert ( amod ) ;
assert ( aheader ) ;
mSmoothingActive = false ;
mUnsquash = false ;
mSmoothFactor = 0.0f ;
# ifdef _XBOX
mNumBones = header - > numBones ;
# endif
int numBones = header - > numBones ;
mBones . resize ( numBones ) ;
# ifdef _XBOX
mFinalBones = ( CTransformBone * ) Z_Malloc ( sizeof ( CTransformBone ) * mNumBones , TAG_GHOUL2 , qtrue , 16 ) ;
mSmoothBones = ( CTransformBone * ) Z_Malloc ( sizeof ( CTransformBone ) * mNumBones , TAG_GHOUL2 , qtrue , 16 ) ;
# else
mFinalBones . resize ( numBones ) ;
mSmoothBones . resize ( numBones ) ;
# endif
// mSkels.resize(numBones);
//rww - removed mSkels
mdxaSkelOffsets_t * offsets ;
mdxaSkel_t * skel ;
offsets = ( mdxaSkelOffsets_t * ) ( ( byte * ) header + sizeof ( mdxaHeader_t ) ) ;
int i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < numBones ; i + + )
skel = ( mdxaSkel_t * ) ( ( byte * ) header + sizeof ( mdxaHeader_t ) + offsets - > offsets [ i ] ) ;
mFinalBones [ i ] . parent = skel - > parent ;
mCurrentTouch = 3 ;
mLastTouch = 2 ;
mLastLastTouch = 1 ;
# ifdef _XBOX
~ CBoneCache ( )
// Alignment
Z_Free ( mFinalBones ) ;
Z_Free ( mSmoothBones ) ;
# endif
SBoneCalc & Root ( )
assert ( mBones . size ( ) ) ;
return mBones [ 0 ] ;
const mdxaBone_t & EvalUnsmooth ( int index )
EvalLow ( index ) ;
if ( mSmoothingActive & & mSmoothBones [ index ] . touch )
return mSmoothBones [ index ] . boneMatrix ;
return mFinalBones [ index ] . boneMatrix ;
const mdxaBone_t & Eval ( int index )
bool wasEval = EvalLow ( index ) ;
if ( mSmoothingActive )
if ( mSmoothBones [ index ] . touch ! = incomingTime | | wasEval )
float dif = float ( incomingTime ) - float ( mSmoothBones [ index ] . touch ) ;
if ( mSmoothBones [ index ] . touch & & dif < 300.0f )
if ( dif < 16.0f ) // 60 fps
dif = 16.0f ;
if ( dif > 100.0f ) // 10 fps
dif = 100.0f ;
float f = 1.0f - pow ( 1.0f - mSmoothFactor , 16.0f / dif ) ;
int i ;
float * oldM = & mSmoothBones [ index ] . boneMatrix . matrix [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ;
float * newM = & mFinalBones [ index ] . boneMatrix . matrix [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 12 ; i + + , oldM + + , newM + + )
* oldM = f * ( * oldM - * newM ) + * newM ;
if ( mUnsquash )
mdxaBone_t tempMatrix ;
Multiply_3x4Matrix ( & tempMatrix , & mSmoothBones [ index ] . boneMatrix , & mSkels [ index ] - > BasePoseMat ) ;
float maxl ;
maxl = VectorLength ( & mSkels [ index ] - > BasePoseMat . matrix [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ) ;
VectorNormalize ( & tempMatrix . matrix [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ) ;
VectorNormalize ( & tempMatrix . matrix [ 1 ] [ 0 ] ) ;
VectorNormalize ( & tempMatrix . matrix [ 2 ] [ 0 ] ) ;
VectorScale ( & tempMatrix . matrix [ 0 ] [ 0 ] , maxl , & tempMatrix . matrix [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ) ;
VectorScale ( & tempMatrix . matrix [ 1 ] [ 0 ] , maxl , & tempMatrix . matrix [ 1 ] [ 0 ] ) ;
VectorScale ( & tempMatrix . matrix [ 2 ] [ 0 ] , maxl , & tempMatrix . matrix [ 2 ] [ 0 ] ) ;
Multiply_3x4Matrix ( & mSmoothBones [ index ] . boneMatrix , & tempMatrix , & mSkels [ index ] - > BasePoseMatInv ) ;
memcpy ( & mSmoothBones [ index ] . boneMatrix , & mFinalBones [ index ] . boneMatrix , sizeof ( mdxaBone_t ) ) ;
mSmoothBones [ index ] . touch = incomingTime ;
return mSmoothBones [ index ] . boneMatrix ;
return mFinalBones [ index ] . boneMatrix ;
//Hey, this is what sof2 does. Let's try it out.
assert ( index > = 0 & & index < mBones . size ( ) ) ;
if ( mFinalBones [ index ] . touch ! = mCurrentTouch )
EvalLow ( index ) ;
return mFinalBones [ index ] . boneMatrix ;
const inline mdxaBone_t & EvalRender ( int index )
assert ( index > = 0 & & index < mBones . size ( ) ) ;
if ( mFinalBones [ index ] . touch ! = mCurrentTouch )
mFinalBones [ index ] . touchRender = mCurrentTouchRender ;
EvalLow ( index ) ;
if ( mSmoothingActive )
if ( mSmoothBones [ index ] . touch ! = mCurrentTouch )
SmoothLow ( index ) ;
return mSmoothBones [ index ] . boneMatrix ;
return mFinalBones [ index ] . boneMatrix ;
bool WasRendered ( int index )
assert ( index > = 0 & & index < mBones . size ( ) ) ;
return mFinalBones [ index ] . touchRender = = mCurrentTouchRender ;
int GetParent ( int index )
if ( index = = 0 )
return - 1 ;
assert ( index > = 0 & & index < mBones . size ( ) ) ;
return mFinalBones [ index ] . parent ;
# ifdef _XBOX
CTransformBone * EvalFull ( int index )
EvalRender ( index ) ;
if ( mSmoothingActive )
return mSmoothBones + index ;
return mFinalBones + index ;
# endif
} ;
void RemoveBoneCache ( CBoneCache * boneCache )
g_Ghoul2Allocations - = sizeof ( * boneCache ) ;
# endif
delete boneCache ;
void CopyBoneCache ( CBoneCache * to , CBoneCache * from )
memcpy ( to , from , sizeof ( CBoneCache ) ) ;
# endif
const mdxaBone_t & EvalBoneCache ( int index , CBoneCache * boneCache )
assert ( boneCache ) ;
return boneCache - > Eval ( index ) ;
const mdxaHeader_t * G2_GetModA ( CGhoul2Info & ghoul2 )
if ( ! ghoul2 . mBoneCache )
return 0 ;
CBoneCache & boneCache = * ghoul2 . mBoneCache ;
return boneCache . header ;
int G2_GetBoneDependents ( CGhoul2Info & ghoul2 , int boneNum , int * tempDependents , int maxDep )
// fixme, these should be precomputed
if ( ! ghoul2 . mBoneCache | | ! maxDep )
return 0 ;
CBoneCache & boneCache = * ghoul2 . mBoneCache ;
mdxaSkel_t * skel ;
mdxaSkelOffsets_t * offsets ;
offsets = ( mdxaSkelOffsets_t * ) ( ( byte * ) boneCache . header + sizeof ( mdxaHeader_t ) ) ;
skel = ( mdxaSkel_t * ) ( ( byte * ) boneCache . header + sizeof ( mdxaHeader_t ) + offsets - > offsets [ boneNum ] ) ;
int i ;
int ret = 0 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < skel - > numChildren ; i + + )
if ( ! maxDep )
return i ; // number added
* tempDependents = skel - > children [ i ] ;
assert ( * tempDependents > 0 & & * tempDependents < boneCache . header - > numBones ) ;
maxDep - - ;
tempDependents + + ;
ret + + ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < skel - > numChildren ; i + + )
int num = G2_GetBoneDependents ( ghoul2 , skel - > children [ i ] , tempDependents , maxDep ) ;
tempDependents + = num ;
ret + = num ;
maxDep - = num ;
assert ( maxDep > = 0 ) ;
if ( ! maxDep )
break ;
return ret ;
bool G2_WasBoneRendered ( CGhoul2Info & ghoul2 , int boneNum )
if ( ! ghoul2 . mBoneCache )
return false ;
CBoneCache & boneCache = * ghoul2 . mBoneCache ;
return boneCache . WasRendered ( boneNum ) ;
void G2_GetBoneBasepose ( CGhoul2Info & ghoul2 , int boneNum , mdxaBone_t * & retBasepose , mdxaBone_t * & retBaseposeInv )
if ( ! ghoul2 . mBoneCache )
// yikes
retBasepose = const_cast < mdxaBone_t * > ( & identityMatrix ) ;
retBaseposeInv = const_cast < mdxaBone_t * > ( & identityMatrix ) ;
return ;
assert ( ghoul2 . mBoneCache ) ;
CBoneCache & boneCache = * ghoul2 . mBoneCache ;
assert ( boneCache . mod ) ;
assert ( boneNum > = 0 & & boneNum < boneCache . header - > numBones ) ;
mdxaSkel_t * skel ;
mdxaSkelOffsets_t * offsets ;
offsets = ( mdxaSkelOffsets_t * ) ( ( byte * ) boneCache . header + sizeof ( mdxaHeader_t ) ) ;
skel = ( mdxaSkel_t * ) ( ( byte * ) boneCache . header + sizeof ( mdxaHeader_t ) + offsets - > offsets [ boneNum ] ) ;
retBasepose = & skel - > BasePoseMat ;
retBaseposeInv = & skel - > BasePoseMatInv ;
char * G2_GetBoneNameFromSkel ( CGhoul2Info & ghoul2 , int boneNum )
if ( ! ghoul2 . mBoneCache )
return NULL ;
CBoneCache & boneCache = * ghoul2 . mBoneCache ;
assert ( boneCache . mod ) ;
assert ( boneNum > = 0 & & boneNum < boneCache . header - > numBones ) ;
mdxaSkel_t * skel ;
mdxaSkelOffsets_t * offsets ;
offsets = ( mdxaSkelOffsets_t * ) ( ( byte * ) boneCache . header + sizeof ( mdxaHeader_t ) ) ;
skel = ( mdxaSkel_t * ) ( ( byte * ) boneCache . header + sizeof ( mdxaHeader_t ) + offsets - > offsets [ boneNum ] ) ;
return skel - > name ;
void G2_RagGetBoneBasePoseMatrixLow ( CGhoul2Info & ghoul2 , int boneNum , mdxaBone_t & boneMatrix , mdxaBone_t & retMatrix , vec3_t scale )
assert ( ghoul2 . mBoneCache ) ;
CBoneCache & boneCache = * ghoul2 . mBoneCache ;
assert ( boneCache . mod ) ;
assert ( boneNum > = 0 & & boneNum < boneCache . header - > numBones ) ;
mdxaSkel_t * skel ;
mdxaSkelOffsets_t * offsets ;
offsets = ( mdxaSkelOffsets_t * ) ( ( byte * ) boneCache . header + sizeof ( mdxaHeader_t ) ) ;
skel = ( mdxaSkel_t * ) ( ( byte * ) boneCache . header + sizeof ( mdxaHeader_t ) + offsets - > offsets [ boneNum ] ) ;
Multiply_3x4Matrix ( & retMatrix , & boneMatrix , & skel - > BasePoseMat ) ;
if ( scale [ 0 ] )
retMatrix . matrix [ 0 ] [ 3 ] * = scale [ 0 ] ;
if ( scale [ 1 ] )
retMatrix . matrix [ 1 ] [ 3 ] * = scale [ 1 ] ;
if ( scale [ 2 ] )
retMatrix . matrix [ 2 ] [ 3 ] * = scale [ 2 ] ;
VectorNormalize ( ( float * ) & retMatrix . matrix [ 0 ] ) ;
VectorNormalize ( ( float * ) & retMatrix . matrix [ 1 ] ) ;
VectorNormalize ( ( float * ) & retMatrix . matrix [ 2 ] ) ;
void G2_GetBoneMatrixLow ( CGhoul2Info & ghoul2 , int boneNum , const vec3_t scale , mdxaBone_t & retMatrix , mdxaBone_t * & retBasepose , mdxaBone_t * & retBaseposeInv )
if ( ! ghoul2 . mBoneCache )
retMatrix = identityMatrix ;
// yikes
retBasepose = const_cast < mdxaBone_t * > ( & identityMatrix ) ;
retBaseposeInv = const_cast < mdxaBone_t * > ( & identityMatrix ) ;
return ;
mdxaBone_t bolt ;
assert ( ghoul2 . mBoneCache ) ;
CBoneCache & boneCache = * ghoul2 . mBoneCache ;
assert ( boneCache . mod ) ;
assert ( boneNum > = 0 & & boneNum < boneCache . header - > numBones ) ;
mdxaSkel_t * skel ;
mdxaSkelOffsets_t * offsets ;
offsets = ( mdxaSkelOffsets_t * ) ( ( byte * ) boneCache . header + sizeof ( mdxaHeader_t ) ) ;
skel = ( mdxaSkel_t * ) ( ( byte * ) boneCache . header + sizeof ( mdxaHeader_t ) + offsets - > offsets [ boneNum ] ) ;
Multiply_3x4Matrix ( & bolt , ( mdxaBone_t * ) & boneCache . Eval ( boneNum ) , & skel - > BasePoseMat ) ; // DEST FIRST ARG
retBasepose = & skel - > BasePoseMat ;
retBaseposeInv = & skel - > BasePoseMatInv ;
if ( scale [ 0 ] )
bolt . matrix [ 0 ] [ 3 ] * = scale [ 0 ] ;
if ( scale [ 1 ] )
bolt . matrix [ 1 ] [ 3 ] * = scale [ 1 ] ;
if ( scale [ 2 ] )
bolt . matrix [ 2 ] [ 3 ] * = scale [ 2 ] ;
VectorNormalize ( ( float * ) & bolt . matrix [ 0 ] ) ;
VectorNormalize ( ( float * ) & bolt . matrix [ 1 ] ) ;
VectorNormalize ( ( float * ) & bolt . matrix [ 2 ] ) ;
Multiply_3x4Matrix ( & retMatrix , & worldMatrix , & bolt ) ;
# ifdef _DEBUG
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i + + )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < 4 ; j + + )
assert ( ! _isnan ( retMatrix . matrix [ i ] [ j ] ) ) ;
# endif // _DEBUG
int G2_GetParentBoneMatrixLow ( CGhoul2Info & ghoul2 , int boneNum , const vec3_t scale , mdxaBone_t & retMatrix , mdxaBone_t * & retBasepose , mdxaBone_t * & retBaseposeInv )
int parent = - 1 ;
if ( ghoul2 . mBoneCache )
CBoneCache & boneCache = * ghoul2 . mBoneCache ;
assert ( boneCache . mod ) ;
assert ( boneNum > = 0 & & boneNum < boneCache . header - > numBones ) ;
parent = boneCache . GetParent ( boneNum ) ;
if ( parent < 0 | | parent > = boneCache . header - > numBones )
parent = - 1 ;
retMatrix = identityMatrix ;
// yikes
retBasepose = const_cast < mdxaBone_t * > ( & identityMatrix ) ;
retBaseposeInv = const_cast < mdxaBone_t * > ( & identityMatrix ) ;
G2_GetBoneMatrixLow ( ghoul2 , parent , scale , retMatrix , retBasepose , retBaseposeInv ) ;
return parent ;
class CRenderSurface
public :
int surfaceNum ;
surfaceInfo_v & rootSList ;
shader_t * cust_shader ;
int fogNum ;
qboolean personalModel ;
CBoneCache * boneCache ;
int renderfx ;
skin_t * skin ;
model_t * currentModel ;
int lod ;
boltInfo_v & boltList ;
# ifdef _G2_GORE
shader_t * gore_shader ;
CGoreSet * gore_set ;
# endif
CRenderSurface (
int initsurfaceNum ,
surfaceInfo_v & initrootSList ,
shader_t * initcust_shader ,
int initfogNum ,
qboolean initpersonalModel ,
CBoneCache * initboneCache ,
int initrenderfx ,
skin_t * initskin ,
model_t * initcurrentModel ,
int initlod ,
# ifdef _G2_GORE
boltInfo_v & initboltList ,
shader_t * initgore_shader ,
CGoreSet * initgore_set ) :
# else
boltInfo_v & initboltList ) :
# endif
surfaceNum ( initsurfaceNum ) ,
rootSList ( initrootSList ) ,
cust_shader ( initcust_shader ) ,
fogNum ( initfogNum ) ,
personalModel ( initpersonalModel ) ,
boneCache ( initboneCache ) ,
renderfx ( initrenderfx ) ,
skin ( initskin ) ,
currentModel ( initcurrentModel ) ,
lod ( initlod ) ,
# ifdef _G2_GORE
boltList ( initboltList ) ,
gore_shader ( initgore_shader ) ,
gore_set ( initgore_set )
# else
boltList ( initboltList )
# endif
{ }
} ;
# ifdef _G2_GORE
# define MAX_RENDER_SURFACES (2048)
static CRenderableSurface RSStorage [ MAX_RENDER_SURFACES ] ;
static unsigned int NextRS = 0 ;
CRenderableSurface * AllocRS ( )
CRenderableSurface * ret = & RSStorage [ NextRS ] ;
ret - > Init ( ) ;
NextRS + + ;
return ret ;
# endif
All bones should be an identity orientation to display the mesh exactly
as it is specified .
For all other frames , the bones represent the transformation from the
orientation of the bone in the base frame to the orientation in this
frame .
= = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = =
static int R_GCullModel ( trRefEntity_t * ent ) {
// scale the radius if need be
float largestScale = ent - > e . modelScale [ 0 ] ;
if ( ent - > e . modelScale [ 1 ] > largestScale )
largestScale = ent - > e . modelScale [ 1 ] ;
if ( ent - > e . modelScale [ 2 ] > largestScale )
largestScale = ent - > e . modelScale [ 2 ] ;
if ( ! largestScale )
largestScale = 1 ;
// cull bounding sphere
switch ( R_CullLocalPointAndRadius ( vec3_origin , ent - > e . radius * largestScale ) )
case CULL_OUT :
tr . pc . c_sphere_cull_md3_out + + ;
return CULL_OUT ;
case CULL_IN :
tr . pc . c_sphere_cull_md3_in + + ;
return CULL_IN ;
case CULL_CLIP :
tr . pc . c_sphere_cull_md3_clip + + ;
return CULL_IN ;
return CULL_IN ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static int R_GComputeFogNum ( trRefEntity_t * ent ) {
int i , j ;
fog_t * fog ;
if ( tr . refdef . rdflags & RDF_NOWORLDMODEL ) {
return 0 ;
for ( i = 1 ; i < tr . world - > numfogs ; i + + ) {
fog = & tr . world - > fogs [ i ] ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j + + ) {
if ( ent - > e . origin [ j ] - ent - > e . radius > = fog - > bounds [ 1 ] [ j ] ) {
break ;
if ( ent - > e . origin [ j ] + ent - > e . radius < = fog - > bounds [ 0 ] [ j ] ) {
break ;
if ( j = = 3 ) {
return i ;
return 0 ;
// work out lod for this entity.
static int G2_ComputeLOD ( trRefEntity_t * ent , const model_t * currentModel , int lodBias )
float flod , lodscale ;
float projectedRadius ;
int lod ;
if ( currentModel - > numLods < 2 )
{ // model has only 1 LOD level, skip computations and bias
return ( 0 ) ;
if ( r_lodbias - > integer > lodBias )
lodBias = r_lodbias - > integer ;
// scale the radius if need be
float largestScale = ent - > e . modelScale [ 0 ] ;
if ( ent - > e . modelScale [ 1 ] > largestScale )
largestScale = ent - > e . modelScale [ 1 ] ;
if ( ent - > e . modelScale [ 2 ] > largestScale )
largestScale = ent - > e . modelScale [ 2 ] ;
if ( ! largestScale )
largestScale = 1 ;
if ( ( projectedRadius = ProjectRadius ( 0.75 * largestScale * ent - > e . radius , ent - > e . origin ) ) ! = 0 ) //we reduce the radius to make the LOD match other model types which use the actual bound box size
lodscale = ( r_lodscale - > value + r_autolodscalevalue - > value ) ;
if ( lodscale > 20 )
lodscale = 20 ;
else if ( lodscale < 0 )
lodscale = 0 ;
flod = 1.0f - projectedRadius * lodscale ;
// object intersects near view plane, e.g. view weapon
flod = 0 ;
# define myftol(x) ((int)(x))
# endif
flod * = currentModel - > numLods ;
lod = myftol ( flod ) ;
if ( lod < 0 )
lod = 0 ;
else if ( lod > = currentModel - > numLods )
lod = currentModel - > numLods - 1 ;
lod + = lodBias ;
if ( lod > = currentModel - > numLods )
lod = currentModel - > numLods - 1 ;
if ( lod < 0 )
lod = 0 ;
return lod ;
// Bone Manipulation code
void G2_CreateQuaterion ( mdxaBone_t * mat , vec4_t quat )
// this is revised for the 3x4 matrix we use in G2.
float t = 1 + mat - > matrix [ 0 ] [ 0 ] + mat - > matrix [ 1 ] [ 1 ] + mat - > matrix [ 2 ] [ 2 ] ;
float s ;
//If the trace of the matrix is greater than zero, then
//perform an "instant" calculation.
//Important note wrt. rouning errors:
//Test if ( T > 0.00000001 ) to avoid large distortions!
if ( t > 0.00000001 )
s = sqrt ( t ) * 2 ;
quat [ 0 ] = ( mat - > matrix [ 1 ] [ 2 ] - mat - > matrix [ 2 ] [ 1 ] ) / s ;
quat [ 1 ] = ( mat - > matrix [ 2 ] [ 0 ] - mat - > matrix [ 0 ] [ 2 ] ) / s ;
quat [ 2 ] = ( mat - > matrix [ 0 ] [ 1 ] - mat - > matrix [ 1 ] [ 0 ] ) / s ;
quat [ 3 ] = 0.25 * s ;
//If the trace of the matrix is equal to zero then identify
//which major diagonal element has the greatest value.
//Depending on this, calculate the following:
if ( mat - > matrix [ 0 ] [ 0 ] > mat - > matrix [ 1 ] [ 1 ] & & mat - > matrix [ 0 ] [ 0 ] > mat - > matrix [ 2 ] [ 2 ] ) { // Column 0:
s = sqrt ( 1.0 + mat - > matrix [ 0 ] [ 0 ] - mat - > matrix [ 1 ] [ 1 ] - mat - > matrix [ 2 ] [ 2 ] ) * 2 ;
quat [ 0 ] = 0.25 * s ;
quat [ 1 ] = ( mat - > matrix [ 0 ] [ 1 ] + mat - > matrix [ 1 ] [ 0 ] ) / s ;
quat [ 2 ] = ( mat - > matrix [ 2 ] [ 0 ] + mat - > matrix [ 0 ] [ 2 ] ) / s ;
quat [ 3 ] = ( mat - > matrix [ 1 ] [ 2 ] - mat - > matrix [ 2 ] [ 1 ] ) / s ;
} else if ( mat - > matrix [ 1 ] [ 1 ] > mat - > matrix [ 2 ] [ 2 ] ) { // Column 1:
s = sqrt ( 1.0 + mat - > matrix [ 1 ] [ 1 ] - mat - > matrix [ 0 ] [ 0 ] - mat - > matrix [ 2 ] [ 2 ] ) * 2 ;
quat [ 0 ] = ( mat - > matrix [ 0 ] [ 1 ] + mat - > matrix [ 1 ] [ 0 ] ) / s ;
quat [ 1 ] = 0.25 * s ;
quat [ 2 ] = ( mat - > matrix [ 1 ] [ 2 ] + mat - > matrix [ 2 ] [ 1 ] ) / s ;
quat [ 3 ] = ( mat - > matrix [ 2 ] [ 0 ] - mat - > matrix [ 0 ] [ 2 ] ) / s ;
} else { // Column 2:
s = sqrt ( 1.0 + mat - > matrix [ 2 ] [ 2 ] - mat - > matrix [ 0 ] [ 0 ] - mat - > matrix [ 1 ] [ 1 ] ) * 2 ;
quat [ 0 ] = ( mat - > matrix [ 2 ] [ 0 ] + mat - > matrix [ 0 ] [ 2 ] ) / s ;
quat [ 1 ] = ( mat - > matrix [ 1 ] [ 2 ] + mat - > matrix [ 2 ] [ 1 ] ) / s ;
quat [ 2 ] = 0.25 * s ;
quat [ 3 ] = ( mat - > matrix [ 0 ] [ 1 ] - mat - > matrix [ 1 ] [ 0 ] ) / s ;
void G2_CreateMatrixFromQuaterion ( mdxaBone_t * mat , vec4_t quat )
float xx = quat [ 0 ] * quat [ 0 ] ;
float xy = quat [ 0 ] * quat [ 1 ] ;
float xz = quat [ 0 ] * quat [ 2 ] ;
float xw = quat [ 0 ] * quat [ 3 ] ;
float yy = quat [ 1 ] * quat [ 1 ] ;
float yz = quat [ 1 ] * quat [ 2 ] ;
float yw = quat [ 1 ] * quat [ 3 ] ;
float zz = quat [ 2 ] * quat [ 2 ] ;
float zw = quat [ 2 ] * quat [ 3 ] ;
mat - > matrix [ 0 ] [ 0 ] = 1 - 2 * ( yy + zz ) ;
mat - > matrix [ 1 ] [ 0 ] = 2 * ( xy - zw ) ;
mat - > matrix [ 2 ] [ 0 ] = 2 * ( xz + yw ) ;
mat - > matrix [ 0 ] [ 1 ] = 2 * ( xy + zw ) ;
mat - > matrix [ 1 ] [ 1 ] = 1 - 2 * ( xx + zz ) ;
mat - > matrix [ 2 ] [ 1 ] = 2 * ( yz - xw ) ;
mat - > matrix [ 0 ] [ 2 ] = 2 * ( xz - yw ) ;
mat - > matrix [ 1 ] [ 2 ] = 2 * ( yz + xw ) ;
mat - > matrix [ 2 ] [ 2 ] = 1 - 2 * ( xx + yy ) ;
mat - > matrix [ 0 ] [ 3 ] = mat - > matrix [ 1 ] [ 3 ] = mat - > matrix [ 2 ] [ 3 ] = 0 ;
// nasty little matrix multiply going on here..
void Multiply_3x4Matrix ( mdxaBone_t * out , mdxaBone_t * in2 , mdxaBone_t * in )
// first row of out
out - > matrix [ 0 ] [ 0 ] = ( in2 - > matrix [ 0 ] [ 0 ] * in - > matrix [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ) + ( in2 - > matrix [ 0 ] [ 1 ] * in - > matrix [ 1 ] [ 0 ] ) + ( in2 - > matrix [ 0 ] [ 2 ] * in - > matrix [ 2 ] [ 0 ] ) ;
out - > matrix [ 0 ] [ 1 ] = ( in2 - > matrix [ 0 ] [ 0 ] * in - > matrix [ 0 ] [ 1 ] ) + ( in2 - > matrix [ 0 ] [ 1 ] * in - > matrix [ 1 ] [ 1 ] ) + ( in2 - > matrix [ 0 ] [ 2 ] * in - > matrix [ 2 ] [ 1 ] ) ;
out - > matrix [ 0 ] [ 2 ] = ( in2 - > matrix [ 0 ] [ 0 ] * in - > matrix [ 0 ] [ 2 ] ) + ( in2 - > matrix [ 0 ] [ 1 ] * in - > matrix [ 1 ] [ 2 ] ) + ( in2 - > matrix [ 0 ] [ 2 ] * in - > matrix [ 2 ] [ 2 ] ) ;
out - > matrix [ 0 ] [ 3 ] = ( in2 - > matrix [ 0 ] [ 0 ] * in - > matrix [ 0 ] [ 3 ] ) + ( in2 - > matrix [ 0 ] [ 1 ] * in - > matrix [ 1 ] [ 3 ] ) + ( in2 - > matrix [ 0 ] [ 2 ] * in - > matrix [ 2 ] [ 3 ] ) + in2 - > matrix [ 0 ] [ 3 ] ;
// second row of outf out
out - > matrix [ 1 ] [ 0 ] = ( in2 - > matrix [ 1 ] [ 0 ] * in - > matrix [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ) + ( in2 - > matrix [ 1 ] [ 1 ] * in - > matrix [ 1 ] [ 0 ] ) + ( in2 - > matrix [ 1 ] [ 2 ] * in - > matrix [ 2 ] [ 0 ] ) ;
out - > matrix [ 1 ] [ 1 ] = ( in2 - > matrix [ 1 ] [ 0 ] * in - > matrix [ 0 ] [ 1 ] ) + ( in2 - > matrix [ 1 ] [ 1 ] * in - > matrix [ 1 ] [ 1 ] ) + ( in2 - > matrix [ 1 ] [ 2 ] * in - > matrix [ 2 ] [ 1 ] ) ;
out - > matrix [ 1 ] [ 2 ] = ( in2 - > matrix [ 1 ] [ 0 ] * in - > matrix [ 0 ] [ 2 ] ) + ( in2 - > matrix [ 1 ] [ 1 ] * in - > matrix [ 1 ] [ 2 ] ) + ( in2 - > matrix [ 1 ] [ 2 ] * in - > matrix [ 2 ] [ 2 ] ) ;
out - > matrix [ 1 ] [ 3 ] = ( in2 - > matrix [ 1 ] [ 0 ] * in - > matrix [ 0 ] [ 3 ] ) + ( in2 - > matrix [ 1 ] [ 1 ] * in - > matrix [ 1 ] [ 3 ] ) + ( in2 - > matrix [ 1 ] [ 2 ] * in - > matrix [ 2 ] [ 3 ] ) + in2 - > matrix [ 1 ] [ 3 ] ;
// third row of out out
out - > matrix [ 2 ] [ 0 ] = ( in2 - > matrix [ 2 ] [ 0 ] * in - > matrix [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ) + ( in2 - > matrix [ 2 ] [ 1 ] * in - > matrix [ 1 ] [ 0 ] ) + ( in2 - > matrix [ 2 ] [ 2 ] * in - > matrix [ 2 ] [ 0 ] ) ;
out - > matrix [ 2 ] [ 1 ] = ( in2 - > matrix [ 2 ] [ 0 ] * in - > matrix [ 0 ] [ 1 ] ) + ( in2 - > matrix [ 2 ] [ 1 ] * in - > matrix [ 1 ] [ 1 ] ) + ( in2 - > matrix [ 2 ] [ 2 ] * in - > matrix [ 2 ] [ 1 ] ) ;
out - > matrix [ 2 ] [ 2 ] = ( in2 - > matrix [ 2 ] [ 0 ] * in - > matrix [ 0 ] [ 2 ] ) + ( in2 - > matrix [ 2 ] [ 1 ] * in - > matrix [ 1 ] [ 2 ] ) + ( in2 - > matrix [ 2 ] [ 2 ] * in - > matrix [ 2 ] [ 2 ] ) ;
out - > matrix [ 2 ] [ 3 ] = ( in2 - > matrix [ 2 ] [ 0 ] * in - > matrix [ 0 ] [ 3 ] ) + ( in2 - > matrix [ 2 ] [ 1 ] * in - > matrix [ 1 ] [ 3 ] ) + ( in2 - > matrix [ 2 ] [ 2 ] * in - > matrix [ 2 ] [ 3 ] ) + in2 - > matrix [ 2 ] [ 3 ] ;
static int G2_GetBonePoolIndex ( const mdxaHeader_t * pMDXAHeader , int iFrame , int iBone )
const int iOffsetToIndex = ( iFrame * pMDXAHeader - > numBones * 3 ) + ( iBone * 3 ) ;
mdxaIndex_t * pIndex = ( mdxaIndex_t * ) ( ( byte * ) pMDXAHeader + pMDXAHeader - > ofsFrames + iOffsetToIndex ) ;
return pIndex - > iIndex & 0x00FFFFFF ; // this will cause problems for big-endian machines... ;-)
/*static inline*/ void UnCompressBone ( float mat [ 3 ] [ 4 ] , int iBoneIndex , const mdxaHeader_t * pMDXAHeader , int iFrame )
mdxaCompQuatBone_t * pCompBonePool = ( mdxaCompQuatBone_t * ) ( ( byte * ) pMDXAHeader + pMDXAHeader - > ofsCompBonePool ) ;
MC_UnCompressQuat ( mat , pCompBonePool [ G2_GetBonePoolIndex ( pMDXAHeader , iFrame , iBoneIndex ) ] . Comp ) ;
# define DEBUG_G2_TIMING (0)
void G2_TimingModel ( boneInfo_t & bone , int currentTime , int numFramesInFile , int & currentFrame , int & newFrame , float & lerp )
assert ( bone . startFrame > = 0 ) ;
assert ( bone . startFrame < = numFramesInFile ) ;
assert ( bone . endFrame > = 0 ) ;
assert ( bone . endFrame < = numFramesInFile ) ;
// yes - add in animation speed to current frame
float animSpeed = bone . animSpeed ;
float time ;
if ( bone . pauseTime )
time = ( bone . pauseTime - bone . startTime ) / 50.0f ;
time = ( currentTime - bone . startTime ) / 50.0f ;
if ( time < 0.0f )
time = 0.0f ;
float newFrame_g = bone . startFrame + ( time * animSpeed ) ;
int animSize = bone . endFrame - bone . startFrame ;
float endFrame = ( float ) bone . endFrame ;
// we are supposed to be animating right?
if ( animSize )
// did we run off the end?
if ( ( ( animSpeed > 0.0f ) & & ( newFrame_g > endFrame - 1 ) ) | |
( ( animSpeed < 0.0f ) & & ( newFrame_g < endFrame + 1 ) ) )
// yep - decide what to do
if ( bone . flags & BONE_ANIM_OVERRIDE_LOOP )
// get our new animation frame back within the bounds of the animation set
if ( animSpeed < 0.0f )
// we don't use this case, or so I am told
// if we do, let me know, I need to insure the mod works
// should we be creating a virtual frame?
if ( ( newFrame_g < endFrame + 1 ) & & ( newFrame_g > = endFrame ) )
// now figure out what we are lerping between
// delta is the fraction between this frame and the next, since the new anim is always at a .0f;
lerp = float ( endFrame + 1 ) - newFrame_g ;
// frames are easy to calculate
currentFrame = endFrame ;
assert ( currentFrame > = 0 & & currentFrame < numFramesInFile ) ;
newFrame = bone . startFrame ;
assert ( newFrame > = 0 & & newFrame < numFramesInFile ) ;
if ( newFrame_g < = endFrame + 1 )
newFrame_g = endFrame + fmod ( newFrame_g - endFrame , animSize ) - animSize ;
// now figure out what we are lerping between
// delta is the fraction between this frame and the next, since the new anim is always at a .0f;
lerp = ( ceil ( newFrame_g ) - newFrame_g ) ;
// frames are easy to calculate
currentFrame = ceil ( newFrame_g ) ;
assert ( currentFrame > = 0 & & currentFrame < numFramesInFile ) ;
// should we be creating a virtual frame?
if ( currentFrame < = endFrame + 1 )
newFrame = bone . startFrame ;
assert ( newFrame > = 0 & & newFrame < numFramesInFile ) ;
newFrame = currentFrame - 1 ;
assert ( newFrame > = 0 & & newFrame < numFramesInFile ) ;
// should we be creating a virtual frame?
if ( ( newFrame_g > endFrame - 1 ) & & ( newFrame_g < endFrame ) )
// now figure out what we are lerping between
// delta is the fraction between this frame and the next, since the new anim is always at a .0f;
lerp = ( newFrame_g - ( int ) newFrame_g ) ;
// frames are easy to calculate
currentFrame = ( int ) newFrame_g ;
assert ( currentFrame > = 0 & & currentFrame < numFramesInFile ) ;
newFrame = bone . startFrame ;
assert ( newFrame > = 0 & & newFrame < numFramesInFile ) ;
if ( newFrame_g > = endFrame )
newFrame_g = endFrame + fmod ( newFrame_g - endFrame , animSize ) - animSize ;
// now figure out what we are lerping between
// delta is the fraction between this frame and the next, since the new anim is always at a .0f;
lerp = ( newFrame_g - ( int ) newFrame_g ) ;
// frames are easy to calculate
currentFrame = ( int ) newFrame_g ;
assert ( currentFrame > = 0 & & currentFrame < numFramesInFile ) ;
// should we be creating a virtual frame?
if ( newFrame_g > = endFrame - 1 )
newFrame = bone . startFrame ;
assert ( newFrame > = 0 & & newFrame < numFramesInFile ) ;
newFrame = currentFrame + 1 ;
assert ( newFrame > = 0 & & newFrame < numFramesInFile ) ;
// sanity check
assert ( ( newFrame < endFrame ) & & ( newFrame > = bone . startFrame ) | | ( animSize < 10 ) ) ;
if ( ( ( bone . flags & ( BONE_ANIM_OVERRIDE_FREEZE ) ) = = ( BONE_ANIM_OVERRIDE_FREEZE ) ) )
// if we are supposed to reset the default anim, then do so
if ( animSpeed > 0.0f )
currentFrame = bone . endFrame - 1 ;
assert ( currentFrame > = 0 & & currentFrame < numFramesInFile ) ;
currentFrame = bone . endFrame + 1 ;
assert ( currentFrame > = 0 & & currentFrame < numFramesInFile ) ;
newFrame = currentFrame ;
assert ( newFrame > = 0 & & newFrame < numFramesInFile ) ;
lerp = 0 ;
bone . flags & = ~ ( BONE_ANIM_TOTAL ) ;
if ( animSpeed > 0.0 )
// frames are easy to calculate
currentFrame = ( int ) newFrame_g ;
// figure out the difference between the two frames - we have to decide what frame and what percentage of that
// frame we want to display
lerp = ( newFrame_g - currentFrame ) ;
assert ( currentFrame > = 0 & & currentFrame < numFramesInFile ) ;
newFrame = currentFrame + 1 ;
// are we now on the end frame?
assert ( ( int ) endFrame < = numFramesInFile ) ;
if ( newFrame > = ( int ) endFrame )
// we only want to lerp with the first frame of the anim if we are looping
if ( bone . flags & BONE_ANIM_OVERRIDE_LOOP )
newFrame = bone . startFrame ;
assert ( newFrame > = 0 & & newFrame < numFramesInFile ) ;
// if we intend to end this anim or freeze after this, then just keep on the last frame
newFrame = bone . endFrame - 1 ;
assert ( newFrame > = 0 & & newFrame < numFramesInFile ) ;
assert ( newFrame > = 0 & & newFrame < numFramesInFile ) ;
lerp = ( ceil ( newFrame_g ) - newFrame_g ) ;
// frames are easy to calculate
currentFrame = ceil ( newFrame_g ) ;
if ( currentFrame > bone . startFrame )
currentFrame = bone . startFrame ;
newFrame = currentFrame ;
lerp = 0.0f ;
newFrame = currentFrame - 1 ;
// are we now on the end frame?
if ( newFrame < endFrame + 1 )
// we only want to lerp with the first frame of the anim if we are looping
if ( bone . flags & BONE_ANIM_OVERRIDE_LOOP )
newFrame = bone . startFrame ;
assert ( newFrame > = 0 & & newFrame < numFramesInFile ) ;
// if we intend to end this anim or freeze after this, then just keep on the last frame
newFrame = bone . endFrame + 1 ;
assert ( newFrame > = 0 & & newFrame < numFramesInFile ) ;
assert ( currentFrame > = 0 & & currentFrame < numFramesInFile ) ;
assert ( newFrame > = 0 & & newFrame < numFramesInFile ) ;
if ( animSpeed < 0.0 )
currentFrame = bone . endFrame + 1 ;
currentFrame = bone . endFrame - 1 ;
if ( currentFrame < 0 )
currentFrame = 0 ;
assert ( currentFrame > = 0 & & currentFrame < numFramesInFile ) ;
newFrame = currentFrame ;
assert ( newFrame > = 0 & & newFrame < numFramesInFile ) ;
lerp = 0 ;
assert ( currentFrame > = 0 & & currentFrame < numFramesInFile ) ;
assert ( newFrame > = 0 & & newFrame < numFramesInFile ) ;
assert ( lerp > = 0.0f & & lerp < = 1.0f ) ;
void G2_RagPrintMatrix ( mdxaBone_t * mat ) ;
# endif
//basically construct a seperate skeleton with full hierarchy to store a matrix
//off which will give us the desired settling position given the frame in the skeleton
//that should be used -rww
int G2_Add_Bone ( const model_t * mod , boneInfo_v & blist , const char * boneName ) ;
int G2_Find_Bone ( const model_t * mod , boneInfo_v & blist , const char * boneName ) ;
void G2_RagGetAnimMatrix ( CGhoul2Info & ghoul2 , const int boneNum , mdxaBone_t & matrix , const int frame )
mdxaBone_t animMatrix ;
mdxaSkel_t * skel ;
mdxaSkel_t * pskel ;
mdxaSkelOffsets_t * offsets ;
int parent ;
int bListIndex ;
int parentBlistIndex ;
bool actuallySet = false ;
# endif
assert ( ghoul2 . mBoneCache ) ;
assert ( ghoul2 . animModel ) ;
offsets = ( mdxaSkelOffsets_t * ) ( ( byte * ) ghoul2 . mBoneCache - > header + sizeof ( mdxaHeader_t ) ) ;
skel = ( mdxaSkel_t * ) ( ( byte * ) ghoul2 . mBoneCache - > header + sizeof ( mdxaHeader_t ) + offsets - > offsets [ boneNum ] ) ;
//find/add the bone in the list
if ( ! skel - > name | | ! skel - > name [ 0 ] )
bListIndex = - 1 ;
bListIndex = G2_Find_Bone ( ghoul2 . animModel , ghoul2 . mBlist , skel - > name ) ;
if ( bListIndex = = - 1 )
Com_Printf ( " Attempting to add %s \n " , skel - > name ) ;
# endif
bListIndex = G2_Add_Bone ( ghoul2 . animModel , ghoul2 . mBlist , skel - > name ) ;
assert ( bListIndex ! = - 1 ) ;
boneInfo_t & bone = ghoul2 . mBlist [ bListIndex ] ;
if ( bone . hasAnimFrameMatrix = = frame )
{ //already calculated so just grab it
matrix = bone . animFrameMatrix ;
return ;
//get the base matrix for the specified frame
UnCompressBone ( animMatrix . matrix , boneNum , ghoul2 . mBoneCache - > header , frame ) ;
parent = skel - > parent ;
if ( boneNum > 0 & & parent > - 1 )
//recursively call to assure all parent matrices are set up
G2_RagGetAnimMatrix ( ghoul2 , parent , matrix , frame ) ;
//assign the new skel ptr for our parent
pskel = ( mdxaSkel_t * ) ( ( byte * ) ghoul2 . mBoneCache - > header + sizeof ( mdxaHeader_t ) + offsets - > offsets [ parent ] ) ;
//taking bone matrix for the skeleton frame and parent's animFrameMatrix into account, determine our final animFrameMatrix
if ( ! pskel - > name | | ! pskel - > name [ 0 ] )
parentBlistIndex = - 1 ;
parentBlistIndex = G2_Find_Bone ( ghoul2 . animModel , ghoul2 . mBlist , pskel - > name ) ;
if ( parentBlistIndex = = - 1 )
parentBlistIndex = G2_Add_Bone ( ghoul2 . animModel , ghoul2 . mBlist , pskel - > name ) ;
assert ( parentBlistIndex ! = - 1 ) ;
boneInfo_t & pbone = ghoul2 . mBlist [ parentBlistIndex ] ;
assert ( pbone . hasAnimFrameMatrix = = frame ) ; //this should have been calc'd in the recursive call
Multiply_3x4Matrix ( & bone . animFrameMatrix , & pbone . animFrameMatrix , & animMatrix ) ;
if ( parentBlistIndex ! = - 1 & & bListIndex ! = - 1 )
actuallySet = true ;
Com_Printf ( " BAD LIST INDEX: %s, %s [%i] \n " , skel - > name , pskel - > name , parent ) ;
# endif
{ //root
Multiply_3x4Matrix ( & bone . animFrameMatrix , & ghoul2 . mBoneCache - > rootMatrix , & animMatrix ) ;
if ( bListIndex ! = - 1 )
actuallySet = true ;
Com_Printf ( " BAD LIST INDEX: %s \n " , skel - > name ) ;
# endif
//bone.animFrameMatrix = ghoul2.mBoneCache->mFinalBones[boneNum].boneMatrix;
//Maybe use this for the root, so that the orientation is in sync with the current
//root matrix? However this would require constant recalculation of this base
//skeleton which I currently do not want.
//never need to figure it out again
bone . hasAnimFrameMatrix = frame ;
if ( ! actuallySet )
Com_Printf ( " SET FAILURE \n " ) ;
G2_RagPrintMatrix ( & bone . animFrameMatrix ) ;
# endif
matrix = bone . animFrameMatrix ;
void G2_TransformBone ( int child , CBoneCache & BC )
SBoneCalc & TB = BC . mBones [ child ] ;
static mdxaBone_t tbone [ 6 ] ;
// mdxaFrame_t *aFrame=0;
// mdxaFrame_t *bFrame=0;
// mdxaFrame_t *aoldFrame=0;
// mdxaFrame_t *boldFrame=0;
static mdxaSkel_t * skel ;
static mdxaSkelOffsets_t * offsets ;
boneInfo_v & boneList = * BC . rootBoneList ;
static int j , boneListIndex ;
int angleOverride = 0 ;
bool printTiming = false ;
# endif
// should this bone be overridden by a bone in the bone list?
boneListIndex = G2_Find_Bone_In_List ( boneList , child ) ;
if ( boneListIndex ! = - 1 )
// we found a bone in the list - we need to override something here.
// do we override the rotational angles?
if ( ( boneList [ boneListIndex ] . flags ) & ( BONE_ANGLES_TOTAL ) )
angleOverride = ( boneList [ boneListIndex ] . flags ) & ( BONE_ANGLES_TOTAL ) ;
// set blending stuff if we need to
if ( boneList [ boneListIndex ] . flags & BONE_ANIM_BLEND )
float blendTime = BC . incomingTime - boneList [ boneListIndex ] . blendStart ;
// only set up the blend anim if we actually have some blend time left on this bone anim - otherwise we might corrupt some blend higher up the hiearchy
if ( blendTime > = 0.0f & & blendTime < boneList [ boneListIndex ] . blendTime )
TB . blendFrame = boneList [ boneListIndex ] . blendFrame ;
TB . blendOldFrame = boneList [ boneListIndex ] . blendLerpFrame ;
TB . blendLerp = ( blendTime / boneList [ boneListIndex ] . blendTime ) ;
TB . blendMode = true ;
TB . blendMode = false ;
else if ( /*r_Ghoul2NoBlend->integer||*/ ( ( boneList [ boneListIndex ] . flags ) & ( BONE_ANIM_OVERRIDE_LOOP | BONE_ANIM_OVERRIDE ) ) )
// turn off blending if we are just doing a straing animation override
TB . blendMode = false ;
// should this animation be overridden by an animation in the bone list?
if ( ( boneList [ boneListIndex ] . flags ) & ( BONE_ANIM_OVERRIDE_LOOP | BONE_ANIM_OVERRIDE ) )
G2_TimingModel ( boneList [ boneListIndex ] , BC . incomingTime , BC . header - > numFrames , TB . currentFrame , TB . newFrame , TB . backlerp ) ;
printTiming = true ;
# endif
if ( ( r_Ghoul2NoLerp - > integer ) | | ( ( boneList [ boneListIndex ] . flags ) & ( BONE_ANIM_NO_LERP ) ) )
TB . backlerp = 0.0f ;
// figure out where the location of the bone animation data is
assert ( TB . newFrame > = 0 & & TB . newFrame < BC . header - > numFrames ) ;
if ( ! ( TB . newFrame > = 0 & & TB . newFrame < BC . header - > numFrames ) )
TB . newFrame = 0 ;
// aFrame = (mdxaFrame_t *)((byte *)BC.header + BC.header->ofsFrames + TB.newFrame * BC.frameSize );
assert ( TB . currentFrame > = 0 & & TB . currentFrame < BC . header - > numFrames ) ;
if ( ! ( TB . currentFrame > = 0 & & TB . currentFrame < BC . header - > numFrames ) )
TB . currentFrame = 0 ;
// aoldFrame = (mdxaFrame_t *)((byte *)BC.header + BC.header->ofsFrames + TB.currentFrame * BC.frameSize );
// figure out where the location of the blended animation data is
assert ( ! ( TB . blendFrame < 0.0 | | TB . blendFrame > = ( BC . header - > numFrames + 1 ) ) ) ;
if ( TB . blendFrame < 0.0 | | TB . blendFrame > = ( BC . header - > numFrames + 1 ) )
TB . blendFrame = 0.0 ;
// bFrame = (mdxaFrame_t *)((byte *)BC.header + BC.header->ofsFrames + (int)TB.blendFrame * BC.frameSize );
assert ( TB . blendOldFrame > = 0 & & TB . blendOldFrame < BC . header - > numFrames ) ;
if ( ! ( TB . blendOldFrame > = 0 & & TB . blendOldFrame < BC . header - > numFrames ) )
TB . blendOldFrame = 0 ;
if ( ! HackadelicOnClient )
printTiming = false ;
# endif
if ( printTiming )
char mess [ 1000 ] ;
if ( TB . blendMode )
sprintf ( mess , " b %2d %5d %4d %4d %4d %4d %f %f \n " , boneListIndex , BC . incomingTime , ( int ) TB . newFrame , ( int ) TB . currentFrame , ( int ) TB . blendFrame , ( int ) TB . blendOldFrame , TB . backlerp , TB . blendLerp ) ;
sprintf ( mess , " a %2d %5d %4d %4d %f \n " , boneListIndex , BC . incomingTime , TB . newFrame , TB . currentFrame , TB . backlerp ) ;
OutputDebugString ( mess ) ;
const boneInfo_t & bone = boneList [ boneListIndex ] ;
if ( bone . flags & BONE_ANIM_BLEND )
sprintf ( mess , " bfb[%2d] %5d %5d (%5d-%5d) %4.2f %4x bt(%5d-%5d) %7.2f %5d \n " ,
boneListIndex ,
BC . incomingTime ,
bone . startTime ,
bone . startFrame ,
bone . endFrame ,
bone . animSpeed ,
bone . flags ,
bone . blendStart ,
bone . blendStart + bone . blendTime ,
bone . blendFrame ,
bone . blendLerpFrame
) ;
sprintf ( mess , " bfa[%2d] %5d %5d (%5d-%5d) %4.2f %4x \n " ,
boneListIndex ,
BC . incomingTime ,
bone . startTime ,
bone . startFrame ,
bone . endFrame ,
bone . animSpeed ,
bone . flags
) ;
// OutputDebugString(mess);
# endif
// boldFrame = (mdxaFrame_t *)((byte *)BC.header + BC.header->ofsFrames + TB.blendOldFrame * BC.frameSize );
// mdxaCompBone_t *compBonePointer = (mdxaCompBone_t *)((byte *)BC.header + BC.header->ofsCompBonePool);
assert ( child > = 0 & & child < BC . header - > numBones ) ;
// assert(bFrame->boneIndexes[child]>=0);
// assert(boldFrame->boneIndexes[child]>=0);
// assert(aFrame->boneIndexes[child]>=0);
// assert(aoldFrame->boneIndexes[child]>=0);
// decide where the transformed bone is going
// are we blending with another frame of anim?
if ( TB . blendMode )
float backlerp = TB . blendFrame - ( int ) TB . blendFrame ;
float frontlerp = 1.0 - backlerp ;
// MC_UnCompress(tbone[3].matrix,compBonePointer[bFrame->boneIndexes[child]].Comp);
// MC_UnCompress(tbone[4].matrix,compBonePointer[boldFrame->boneIndexes[child]].Comp);
UnCompressBone ( tbone [ 3 ] . matrix , child , BC . header , TB . blendFrame ) ;
UnCompressBone ( tbone [ 4 ] . matrix , child , BC . header , TB . blendOldFrame ) ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < 12 ; j + + )
( ( float * ) & tbone [ 5 ] ) [ j ] = ( backlerp * ( ( float * ) & tbone [ 3 ] ) [ j ] )
+ ( frontlerp * ( ( float * ) & tbone [ 4 ] ) [ j ] ) ;
// lerp this bone - use the temp space on the ref entity to put the bone transforms into
if ( ! TB . backlerp )
// MC_UnCompress(tbone[2].matrix,compBonePointer[aoldFrame->boneIndexes[child]].Comp);
UnCompressBone ( tbone [ 2 ] . matrix , child , BC . header , TB . currentFrame ) ;
// blend in the other frame if we need to
if ( TB . blendMode )
float blendFrontlerp = 1.0 - TB . blendLerp ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < 12 ; j + + )
( ( float * ) & tbone [ 2 ] ) [ j ] = ( TB . blendLerp * ( ( float * ) & tbone [ 2 ] ) [ j ] )
+ ( blendFrontlerp * ( ( float * ) & tbone [ 5 ] ) [ j ] ) ;
if ( ! child )
// now multiply by the root matrix, so we can offset this model should we need to
Multiply_3x4Matrix ( & BC . mFinalBones [ child ] . boneMatrix , & BC . rootMatrix , & tbone [ 2 ] ) ;
float frontlerp = 1.0 - TB . backlerp ;
// MC_UnCompress(tbone[0].matrix,compBonePointer[aFrame->boneIndexes[child]].Comp);
// MC_UnCompress(tbone[1].matrix,compBonePointer[aoldFrame->boneIndexes[child]].Comp);
UnCompressBone ( tbone [ 0 ] . matrix , child , BC . header , TB . newFrame ) ;
UnCompressBone ( tbone [ 1 ] . matrix , child , BC . header , TB . currentFrame ) ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < 12 ; j + + )
( ( float * ) & tbone [ 2 ] ) [ j ] = ( TB . backlerp * ( ( float * ) & tbone [ 0 ] ) [ j ] )
+ ( frontlerp * ( ( float * ) & tbone [ 1 ] ) [ j ] ) ;
// blend in the other frame if we need to
if ( TB . blendMode )
float blendFrontlerp = 1.0 - TB . blendLerp ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < 12 ; j + + )
( ( float * ) & tbone [ 2 ] ) [ j ] = ( TB . blendLerp * ( ( float * ) & tbone [ 2 ] ) [ j ] )
+ ( blendFrontlerp * ( ( float * ) & tbone [ 5 ] ) [ j ] ) ;
if ( ! child )
// now multiply by the root matrix, so we can offset this model should we need to
Multiply_3x4Matrix ( & BC . mFinalBones [ child ] . boneMatrix , & BC . rootMatrix , & tbone [ 2 ] ) ;
// figure out where the bone hirearchy info is
offsets = ( mdxaSkelOffsets_t * ) ( ( byte * ) BC . header + sizeof ( mdxaHeader_t ) ) ;
skel = ( mdxaSkel_t * ) ( ( byte * ) BC . header + sizeof ( mdxaHeader_t ) + offsets - > offsets [ child ] ) ;
// skel = BC.mSkels[child];
//rww - removed mSkels
int parent = BC . mFinalBones [ child ] . parent ;
assert ( ( parent = = - 1 & & child = = 0 ) | | ( parent > = 0 & & parent < BC . mBones . size ( ) ) ) ;
if ( angleOverride & BONE_ANGLES_REPLACE )
bool isRag = ! ! ( angleOverride & BONE_ANGLES_RAGDOLL ) ;
if ( ! isRag )
{ //do the same for ik.. I suppose.
isRag = ! ! ( angleOverride & BONE_ANGLES_IK ) ;
mdxaBone_t & bone = BC . mFinalBones [ child ] . boneMatrix ;
boneInfo_t & boneOverride = boneList [ boneListIndex ] ;
if ( isRag )
mdxaBone_t temp , firstPass ;
// give us the matrix the animation thinks we should have, so we can get the correct X&Y coors
Multiply_3x4Matrix ( & firstPass , & BC . mFinalBones [ parent ] . boneMatrix , & tbone [ 2 ] ) ;
// this is crazy, we are gonna drive the animation to ID while we are doing post mults to compensate.
Multiply_3x4Matrix ( & temp , & firstPass , & skel - > BasePoseMat ) ;
float matrixScale = VectorLength ( ( float * ) & temp ) ;
static mdxaBone_t toMatrix =
1.0f , 0.0f , 0.0f , 0.0f ,
0.0f , 1.0f , 0.0f , 0.0f ,
0.0f , 0.0f , 1.0f , 0.0f
} ;
toMatrix . matrix [ 0 ] [ 0 ] = matrixScale ;
toMatrix . matrix [ 1 ] [ 1 ] = matrixScale ;
toMatrix . matrix [ 2 ] [ 2 ] = matrixScale ;
toMatrix . matrix [ 0 ] [ 3 ] = temp . matrix [ 0 ] [ 3 ] ;
toMatrix . matrix [ 1 ] [ 3 ] = temp . matrix [ 1 ] [ 3 ] ;
toMatrix . matrix [ 2 ] [ 3 ] = temp . matrix [ 2 ] [ 3 ] ;
Multiply_3x4Matrix ( & temp , & toMatrix , & skel - > BasePoseMatInv ) ; //dest first arg
float blendTime = BC . incomingTime - boneList [ boneListIndex ] . boneBlendStart ;
float blendLerp = ( blendTime / boneList [ boneListIndex ] . boneBlendTime ) ;
if ( blendLerp > 0.0f )
// has started
if ( blendLerp > 1.0f )
// done
// Multiply_3x4Matrix(&bone, &BC.mFinalBones[parent].boneMatrix,&temp);
memcpy ( & bone , & temp , sizeof ( mdxaBone_t ) ) ;
// mdxaBone_t lerp;
// now do the blend into the destination
float blendFrontlerp = 1.0 - blendLerp ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < 12 ; j + + )
( ( float * ) & bone ) [ j ] = ( blendLerp * ( ( float * ) & temp ) [ j ] )
+ ( blendFrontlerp * ( ( float * ) & tbone [ 2 ] ) [ j ] ) ;
// Multiply_3x4Matrix(&bone, &BC.mFinalBones[parent].boneMatrix,&lerp);
mdxaBone_t temp , firstPass ;
// give us the matrix the animation thinks we should have, so we can get the correct X&Y coors
Multiply_3x4Matrix ( & firstPass , & BC . mFinalBones [ parent ] . boneMatrix , & tbone [ 2 ] ) ;
// are we attempting to blend with the base animation? and still within blend time?
if ( boneOverride . boneBlendTime & & ( ( ( boneOverride . boneBlendTime + boneOverride . boneBlendStart ) < BC . incomingTime ) ) )
// ok, we are supposed to be blending. Work out lerp
float blendTime = BC . incomingTime - boneList [ boneListIndex ] . boneBlendStart ;
float blendLerp = ( blendTime / boneList [ boneListIndex ] . boneBlendTime ) ;
if ( blendLerp < = 1 )
if ( blendLerp < 0 )
assert ( 0 ) ;
// now work out the matrix we want to get *to* - firstPass is where we are coming *from*
Multiply_3x4Matrix ( & temp , & firstPass , & skel - > BasePoseMat ) ;
float matrixScale = VectorLength ( ( float * ) & temp ) ;
mdxaBone_t newMatrixTemp ;
if ( HackadelicOnClient )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i + + )
for ( int x = 0 ; x < 3 ; x + + )
newMatrixTemp . matrix [ i ] [ x ] = boneOverride . newMatrix . matrix [ i ] [ x ] * matrixScale ;
newMatrixTemp . matrix [ 0 ] [ 3 ] = temp . matrix [ 0 ] [ 3 ] ;
newMatrixTemp . matrix [ 1 ] [ 3 ] = temp . matrix [ 1 ] [ 3 ] ;
newMatrixTemp . matrix [ 2 ] [ 3 ] = temp . matrix [ 2 ] [ 3 ] ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i + + )
for ( int x = 0 ; x < 3 ; x + + )
newMatrixTemp . matrix [ i ] [ x ] = boneOverride . matrix . matrix [ i ] [ x ] * matrixScale ;
newMatrixTemp . matrix [ 0 ] [ 3 ] = temp . matrix [ 0 ] [ 3 ] ;
newMatrixTemp . matrix [ 1 ] [ 3 ] = temp . matrix [ 1 ] [ 3 ] ;
newMatrixTemp . matrix [ 2 ] [ 3 ] = temp . matrix [ 2 ] [ 3 ] ;
Multiply_3x4Matrix ( & temp , & newMatrixTemp , & skel - > BasePoseMatInv ) ;
// now do the blend into the destination
float blendFrontlerp = 1.0 - blendLerp ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < 12 ; j + + )
( ( float * ) & bone ) [ j ] = ( blendLerp * ( ( float * ) & temp ) [ j ] )
+ ( blendFrontlerp * ( ( float * ) & firstPass ) [ j ] ) ;
bone = firstPass ;
// no, so just override it directly
Multiply_3x4Matrix ( & temp , & firstPass , & skel - > BasePoseMat ) ;
float matrixScale = VectorLength ( ( float * ) & temp ) ;
mdxaBone_t newMatrixTemp ;
if ( HackadelicOnClient )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i + + )
for ( int x = 0 ; x < 3 ; x + + )
newMatrixTemp . matrix [ i ] [ x ] = boneOverride . newMatrix . matrix [ i ] [ x ] * matrixScale ;
newMatrixTemp . matrix [ 0 ] [ 3 ] = temp . matrix [ 0 ] [ 3 ] ;
newMatrixTemp . matrix [ 1 ] [ 3 ] = temp . matrix [ 1 ] [ 3 ] ;
newMatrixTemp . matrix [ 2 ] [ 3 ] = temp . matrix [ 2 ] [ 3 ] ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i + + )
for ( int x = 0 ; x < 3 ; x + + )
newMatrixTemp . matrix [ i ] [ x ] = boneOverride . matrix . matrix [ i ] [ x ] * matrixScale ;
newMatrixTemp . matrix [ 0 ] [ 3 ] = temp . matrix [ 0 ] [ 3 ] ;
newMatrixTemp . matrix [ 1 ] [ 3 ] = temp . matrix [ 1 ] [ 3 ] ;
newMatrixTemp . matrix [ 2 ] [ 3 ] = temp . matrix [ 2 ] [ 3 ] ;
Multiply_3x4Matrix ( & bone , & newMatrixTemp , & skel - > BasePoseMatInv ) ;
else if ( angleOverride & BONE_ANGLES_PREMULT )
if ( ( angleOverride & BONE_ANGLES_RAGDOLL ) | | ( angleOverride & BONE_ANGLES_IK ) )
mdxaBone_t tmp ;
if ( ! child )
if ( HackadelicOnClient )
Multiply_3x4Matrix ( & tmp , & BC . rootMatrix , & boneList [ boneListIndex ] . newMatrix ) ;
Multiply_3x4Matrix ( & tmp , & BC . rootMatrix , & boneList [ boneListIndex ] . matrix ) ;
if ( HackadelicOnClient )
Multiply_3x4Matrix ( & tmp , & BC . mFinalBones [ parent ] . boneMatrix , & boneList [ boneListIndex ] . newMatrix ) ;
Multiply_3x4Matrix ( & tmp , & BC . mFinalBones [ parent ] . boneMatrix , & boneList [ boneListIndex ] . matrix ) ;
Multiply_3x4Matrix ( & BC . mFinalBones [ child ] . boneMatrix , & tmp , & tbone [ 2 ] ) ;
if ( ! child )
// use the in coming root matrix as our basis
if ( HackadelicOnClient )
Multiply_3x4Matrix ( & BC . mFinalBones [ child ] . boneMatrix , & BC . rootMatrix , & boneList [ boneListIndex ] . newMatrix ) ;
Multiply_3x4Matrix ( & BC . mFinalBones [ child ] . boneMatrix , & BC . rootMatrix , & boneList [ boneListIndex ] . matrix ) ;
// convert from 3x4 matrix to a 4x4 matrix
if ( HackadelicOnClient )
Multiply_3x4Matrix ( & BC . mFinalBones [ child ] . boneMatrix , & BC . mFinalBones [ parent ] . boneMatrix , & boneList [ boneListIndex ] . newMatrix ) ;
Multiply_3x4Matrix ( & BC . mFinalBones [ child ] . boneMatrix , & BC . mFinalBones [ parent ] . boneMatrix , & boneList [ boneListIndex ] . matrix ) ;
// now transform the matrix by it's parent, asumming we have a parent, and we aren't overriding the angles absolutely
if ( child )
Multiply_3x4Matrix ( & BC . mFinalBones [ child ] . boneMatrix , & BC . mFinalBones [ parent ] . boneMatrix , & tbone [ 2 ] ) ;
// now multiply our resulting bone by an override matrix should we need to
if ( angleOverride & BONE_ANGLES_POSTMULT )
mdxaBone_t tempMatrix ;
memcpy ( & tempMatrix , & BC . mFinalBones [ child ] . boneMatrix , sizeof ( mdxaBone_t ) ) ;
if ( HackadelicOnClient )
Multiply_3x4Matrix ( & BC . mFinalBones [ child ] . boneMatrix , & tempMatrix , & boneList [ boneListIndex ] . newMatrix ) ;
Multiply_3x4Matrix ( & BC . mFinalBones [ child ] . boneMatrix , & tempMatrix , & boneList [ boneListIndex ] . matrix ) ;
if ( r_Ghoul2UnSqash - > integer )
mdxaBone_t tempMatrix ;
Multiply_3x4Matrix ( & tempMatrix , & BC . mFinalBones [ child ] . boneMatrix , & skel - > BasePoseMat ) ;
float maxl ;
maxl = VectorLength ( & skel - > BasePoseMat . matrix [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ) ;
VectorNormalize ( & tempMatrix . matrix [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ) ;
VectorNormalize ( & tempMatrix . matrix [ 1 ] [ 0 ] ) ;
VectorNormalize ( & tempMatrix . matrix [ 2 ] [ 0 ] ) ;
VectorScale ( & tempMatrix . matrix [ 0 ] [ 0 ] , maxl , & tempMatrix . matrix [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ) ;
VectorScale ( & tempMatrix . matrix [ 1 ] [ 0 ] , maxl , & tempMatrix . matrix [ 1 ] [ 0 ] ) ;
VectorScale ( & tempMatrix . matrix [ 2 ] [ 0 ] , maxl , & tempMatrix . matrix [ 2 ] [ 0 ] ) ;
Multiply_3x4Matrix ( & BC . mFinalBones [ child ] . boneMatrix , & tempMatrix , & skel - > BasePoseMatInv ) ;
//rwwFIXMEFIXME: Care?
void G2_SetUpBolts ( mdxaHeader_t * header , CGhoul2Info & ghoul2 , mdxaBone_v & bonePtr , boltInfo_v & boltList )
mdxaSkel_t * skel ;
mdxaSkelOffsets_t * offsets ;
offsets = ( mdxaSkelOffsets_t * ) ( ( byte * ) header + sizeof ( mdxaHeader_t ) ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < boltList . size ( ) ; i + + )
if ( boltList [ i ] . boneNumber ! = - 1 )
// figure out where the bone hirearchy info is
skel = ( mdxaSkel_t * ) ( ( byte * ) header + sizeof ( mdxaHeader_t ) + offsets - > offsets [ boltList [ i ] . boneNumber ] ) ;
Multiply_3x4Matrix ( & boltList [ i ] . position , & bonePtr [ boltList [ i ] . boneNumber ] . second , & skel - > BasePoseMat ) ;
# define GHOUL2_RAG_STARTED 0x0010
//rwwFIXMEFIXME: Move this into the stupid header or something.
void G2_TransformGhoulBones ( boneInfo_v & rootBoneList , mdxaBone_t & rootMatrix , CGhoul2Info & ghoul2 , int time , bool smooth = true )
G2PerformanceTimer_G2_TransformGhoulBones . Start ( ) ;
G2PerformanceCounter_G2_TransformGhoulBones + + ;
# endif
model_t * currentModel ;
model_t * animModel ;
mdxaHeader_t * aHeader ;
//currentModel = R_GetModelByHandle(RE_RegisterModel(ghoul2.mFileName));
currentModel = R_GetModelByHandle ( ghoul2 . mModel ) ;
assert ( currentModel ) ;
assert ( currentModel - > mdxm ) ;
animModel = R_GetModelByHandle ( currentModel - > mdxm - > animIndex ) ;
assert ( animModel ) ;
aHeader = animModel - > mdxa ;
assert ( aHeader ) ;
model_t * currentModel = ( model_t * ) ghoul2 . currentModel ;
mdxaHeader_t * aHeader = ( mdxaHeader_t * ) ghoul2 . aHeader ;
assert ( ghoul2 . aHeader ) ;
assert ( ghoul2 . currentModel ) ;
assert ( ghoul2 . currentModel - > mdxm ) ;
if ( ! aHeader - > numBones )
assert ( 0 ) ; // this would be strange
return ;
if ( ! ghoul2 . mBoneCache )
ghoul2 . mBoneCache = new CBoneCache ( currentModel , aHeader ) ;
g_Ghoul2Allocations + = sizeof ( * ghoul2 . mBoneCache ) ;
# endif
ghoul2 . mBoneCache - > mod = currentModel ;
ghoul2 . mBoneCache - > header = aHeader ;
assert ( ghoul2 . mBoneCache - > mBones . size ( ) = = aHeader - > numBones ) ;
ghoul2 . mBoneCache - > mSmoothingActive = false ;
ghoul2 . mBoneCache - > mUnsquash = false ;
// master smoothing control
if ( HackadelicOnClient & & smooth & & ! com_dedicated - > integer )
ghoul2 . mBoneCache - > mLastTouch = ghoul2 . mBoneCache - > mLastLastTouch ;
float val = r_Ghoul2AnimSmooth - > value ;
if ( smooth & & val > 0.0f & & val < 1.0f )
// if (HackadelicOnClient)
// {
ghoul2 . mBoneCache - > mLastTouch = ghoul2 . mBoneCache - > mLastLastTouch ;
// }
ghoul2 . mBoneCache - > mSmoothFactor = val ;
ghoul2 . mBoneCache - > mSmoothingActive = true ;
if ( r_Ghoul2UnSqashAfterSmooth - > integer )
ghoul2 . mBoneCache - > mUnsquash = true ;
ghoul2 . mBoneCache - > mSmoothFactor = 1.0f ;
// master smoothing control
float val = r_Ghoul2AnimSmooth - > value ;
if ( val > 0.0f & & val < 1.0f )
//if (ghoul2.mFlags&GHOUL2_RESERVED_FOR_RAGDOLL)
# if 1
if ( ghoul2 . mFlags & GHOUL2_CRAZY_SMOOTH )
val = 0.9f ;
else if ( ghoul2 . mFlags & GHOUL2_RAG_STARTED )
int k ;
for ( k = 0 ; k < rootBoneList . size ( ) ; k + + )
boneInfo_t & bone = rootBoneList [ k ] ;
if ( bone . flags & BONE_ANGLES_RAGDOLL )
if ( bone . firstCollisionTime & &
bone . firstCollisionTime > time - 250 & &
bone . firstCollisionTime < time )
val = 0.9f ; //(val+0.8f)/2.0f;
else if ( bone . airTime > time )
val = 0.2f ;
val = 0.8f ;
break ;
# endif
// ghoul2.mBoneCache->mSmoothFactor=(val + 1.0f-pow(1.0f-val,50.0f/dif))/2.0f; // meaningless formula
ghoul2 . mBoneCache - > mSmoothFactor = val ; // meaningless formula
ghoul2 . mBoneCache - > mSmoothingActive = true ;
if ( r_Ghoul2UnSqashAfterSmooth - > integer )
ghoul2 . mBoneCache - > mUnsquash = true ;
ghoul2 . mBoneCache - > mSmoothFactor = 1.0f ;
ghoul2 . mBoneCache - > mCurrentTouch + + ;
if ( HackadelicOnClient )
ghoul2 . mBoneCache - > mLastLastTouch = ghoul2 . mBoneCache - > mCurrentTouch ;
ghoul2 . mBoneCache - > mCurrentTouchRender = ghoul2 . mBoneCache - > mCurrentTouch ;
ghoul2 . mBoneCache - > mCurrentTouchRender = 0 ;
ghoul2 . mBoneCache - > frameSize = 0 ; // can be deleted in new G2 format //(int)( &((mdxaFrame_t *)0)->boneIndexes[ ghoul2.aHeader->numBones ] );
ghoul2 . mBoneCache - > rootBoneList = & rootBoneList ;
ghoul2 . mBoneCache - > rootMatrix = rootMatrix ;
ghoul2 . mBoneCache - > incomingTime = time ;
SBoneCalc & TB = ghoul2 . mBoneCache - > Root ( ) ;
TB . newFrame = 0 ;
TB . currentFrame = 0 ;
TB . backlerp = 0.0f ;
TB . blendFrame = 0 ;
TB . blendOldFrame = 0 ;
TB . blendMode = false ;
TB . blendLerp = 0 ;
G2Time_G2_TransformGhoulBones + = G2PerformanceTimer_G2_TransformGhoulBones . End ( ) ;
# endif
# define MDX_TAG_ORIGIN 2
// Surface Manipulation code
// We've come across a surface that's designated as a bolt surface, process it and put it in the appropriate bolt place
void G2_ProcessSurfaceBolt ( mdxaBone_v & bonePtr , mdxmSurface_t * surface , int boltNum , boltInfo_v & boltList , surfaceInfo_t * surfInfo , model_t * mod )
mdxmVertex_t * v , * vert0 , * vert1 , * vert2 ;
vec3_t axes [ 3 ] , sides [ 3 ] ;
float pTri [ 3 ] [ 3 ] , d ;
int j , k ;
// now there are two types of tag surface - model ones and procedural generated types - lets decide which one we have here.
if ( surfInfo & & surfInfo - > offFlags = = G2SURFACEFLAG_GENERATED )
int surfNumber = surfInfo - > genPolySurfaceIndex & 0x0ffff ;
int polyNumber = ( surfInfo - > genPolySurfaceIndex > > 16 ) & 0x0ffff ;
// find original surface our original poly was in.
mdxmSurface_t * originalSurf = ( mdxmSurface_t * ) G2_FindSurface ( ( void * ) mod , surfNumber , surfInfo - > genLod ) ;
mdxmTriangle_t * originalTriangleIndexes = ( mdxmTriangle_t * ) ( ( byte * ) originalSurf + originalSurf - > ofsTriangles ) ;
// get the original polys indexes
int index0 = originalTriangleIndexes [ polyNumber ] . indexes [ 0 ] ;
int index1 = originalTriangleIndexes [ polyNumber ] . indexes [ 1 ] ;
int index2 = originalTriangleIndexes [ polyNumber ] . indexes [ 2 ] ;
// decide where the original verts are
vert0 = ( mdxmVertex_t * ) ( ( byte * ) originalSurf + originalSurf - > ofsVerts ) ;
vert0 + = index0 ;
vert1 = ( mdxmVertex_t * ) ( ( byte * ) originalSurf + originalSurf - > ofsVerts ) ;
vert1 + = index1 ;
vert2 = ( mdxmVertex_t * ) ( ( byte * ) originalSurf + originalSurf - > ofsVerts ) ;
vert2 + = index2 ;
// clear out the triangle verts to be
VectorClear ( pTri [ 0 ] ) ;
VectorClear ( pTri [ 1 ] ) ;
VectorClear ( pTri [ 2 ] ) ;
// mdxmWeight_t *w;
int * piBoneRefs = ( int * ) ( ( byte * ) originalSurf + originalSurf - > ofsBoneReferences ) ;
// now go and transform just the points we need from the surface that was hit originally
// w = vert0->weights;
float fTotalWeight = 0.0f ;
int iNumWeights = G2_GetVertWeights ( vert0 ) ;
for ( k = 0 ; k < iNumWeights ; k + + )
int iBoneIndex = G2_GetVertBoneIndex ( vert0 , k ) ;
float fBoneWeight = G2_GetVertBoneWeight ( vert0 , k , fTotalWeight , iNumWeights ) ;
# ifdef _XBOX
vec3_t vec ;
Q_CastShort2FloatScale ( & vec [ 0 ] , & vert0 - > vertCoords [ 0 ] , 1.f / ( float ) GLM_COMP_SIZE ) ;
Q_CastShort2FloatScale ( & vec [ 1 ] , & vert0 - > vertCoords [ 1 ] , 1.f / ( float ) GLM_COMP_SIZE ) ;
Q_CastShort2FloatScale ( & vec [ 2 ] , & vert0 - > vertCoords [ 2 ] , 1.f / ( float ) GLM_COMP_SIZE ) ;
pTri [ 0 ] [ 0 ] + = fBoneWeight * ( DotProduct ( bonePtr [ piBoneRefs [ iBoneIndex ] ] . second . matrix [ 0 ] , vec ) + bonePtr [ piBoneRefs [ iBoneIndex ] ] . second . matrix [ 0 ] [ 3 ] ) ;
pTri [ 0 ] [ 1 ] + = fBoneWeight * ( DotProduct ( bonePtr [ piBoneRefs [ iBoneIndex ] ] . second . matrix [ 1 ] , vec ) + bonePtr [ piBoneRefs [ iBoneIndex ] ] . second . matrix [ 1 ] [ 3 ] ) ;
pTri [ 0 ] [ 2 ] + = fBoneWeight * ( DotProduct ( bonePtr [ piBoneRefs [ iBoneIndex ] ] . second . matrix [ 2 ] , vec ) + bonePtr [ piBoneRefs [ iBoneIndex ] ] . second . matrix [ 2 ] [ 3 ] ) ;
# else
pTri [ 0 ] [ 0 ] + = fBoneWeight * ( DotProduct ( bonePtr [ piBoneRefs [ iBoneIndex ] ] . second . matrix [ 0 ] , vert0 - > vertCoords ) + bonePtr [ piBoneRefs [ iBoneIndex ] ] . second . matrix [ 0 ] [ 3 ] ) ;
pTri [ 0 ] [ 1 ] + = fBoneWeight * ( DotProduct ( bonePtr [ piBoneRefs [ iBoneIndex ] ] . second . matrix [ 1 ] , vert0 - > vertCoords ) + bonePtr [ piBoneRefs [ iBoneIndex ] ] . second . matrix [ 1 ] [ 3 ] ) ;
pTri [ 0 ] [ 2 ] + = fBoneWeight * ( DotProduct ( bonePtr [ piBoneRefs [ iBoneIndex ] ] . second . matrix [ 2 ] , vert0 - > vertCoords ) + bonePtr [ piBoneRefs [ iBoneIndex ] ] . second . matrix [ 2 ] [ 3 ] ) ;
# endif
// w = vert1->weights;
fTotalWeight = 0.0f ;
iNumWeights = G2_GetVertWeights ( vert1 ) ;
for ( k = 0 ; k < iNumWeights ; k + + )
int iBoneIndex = G2_GetVertBoneIndex ( vert1 , k ) ;
float fBoneWeight = G2_GetVertBoneWeight ( vert1 , k , fTotalWeight , iNumWeights ) ;
# ifdef _XBOX
vec3_t vec ;
Q_CastShort2FloatScale ( & vec [ 0 ] , & vert1 - > vertCoords [ 0 ] , 1.f / ( float ) GLM_COMP_SIZE ) ;
Q_CastShort2FloatScale ( & vec [ 1 ] , & vert1 - > vertCoords [ 1 ] , 1.f / ( float ) GLM_COMP_SIZE ) ;
Q_CastShort2FloatScale ( & vec [ 2 ] , & vert1 - > vertCoords [ 2 ] , 1.f / ( float ) GLM_COMP_SIZE ) ;
pTri [ 0 ] [ 0 ] + = fBoneWeight * ( DotProduct ( bonePtr [ piBoneRefs [ iBoneIndex ] ] . second . matrix [ 0 ] , vec ) + bonePtr [ piBoneRefs [ iBoneIndex ] ] . second . matrix [ 0 ] [ 3 ] ) ;
pTri [ 0 ] [ 1 ] + = fBoneWeight * ( DotProduct ( bonePtr [ piBoneRefs [ iBoneIndex ] ] . second . matrix [ 1 ] , vec ) + bonePtr [ piBoneRefs [ iBoneIndex ] ] . second . matrix [ 1 ] [ 3 ] ) ;
pTri [ 0 ] [ 2 ] + = fBoneWeight * ( DotProduct ( bonePtr [ piBoneRefs [ iBoneIndex ] ] . second . matrix [ 2 ] , vec ) + bonePtr [ piBoneRefs [ iBoneIndex ] ] . second . matrix [ 2 ] [ 3 ] ) ;
# else
pTri [ 1 ] [ 0 ] + = fBoneWeight * ( DotProduct ( bonePtr [ piBoneRefs [ iBoneIndex ] ] . second . matrix [ 0 ] , vert1 - > vertCoords ) + bonePtr [ piBoneRefs [ iBoneIndex ] ] . second . matrix [ 0 ] [ 3 ] ) ;
pTri [ 1 ] [ 1 ] + = fBoneWeight * ( DotProduct ( bonePtr [ piBoneRefs [ iBoneIndex ] ] . second . matrix [ 1 ] , vert1 - > vertCoords ) + bonePtr [ piBoneRefs [ iBoneIndex ] ] . second . matrix [ 1 ] [ 3 ] ) ;
pTri [ 1 ] [ 2 ] + = fBoneWeight * ( DotProduct ( bonePtr [ piBoneRefs [ iBoneIndex ] ] . second . matrix [ 2 ] , vert1 - > vertCoords ) + bonePtr [ piBoneRefs [ iBoneIndex ] ] . second . matrix [ 2 ] [ 3 ] ) ;
# endif
// w = vert2->weights;
fTotalWeight = 0.0f ;
iNumWeights = G2_GetVertWeights ( vert2 ) ;
for ( k = 0 ; k < iNumWeights ; k + + )
int iBoneIndex = G2_GetVertBoneIndex ( vert2 , k ) ;
float fBoneWeight = G2_GetVertBoneWeight ( vert2 , k , fTotalWeight , iNumWeights ) ;
# ifdef _XBOX
vec3_t vec ;
Q_CastShort2FloatScale ( & vec [ 0 ] , & vert2 - > vertCoords [ 0 ] , 1.f / ( float ) GLM_COMP_SIZE ) ;
Q_CastShort2FloatScale ( & vec [ 1 ] , & vert2 - > vertCoords [ 1 ] , 1.f / ( float ) GLM_COMP_SIZE ) ;
Q_CastShort2FloatScale ( & vec [ 2 ] , & vert2 - > vertCoords [ 2 ] , 1.f / ( float ) GLM_COMP_SIZE ) ;
pTri [ 0 ] [ 0 ] + = fBoneWeight * ( DotProduct ( bonePtr [ piBoneRefs [ iBoneIndex ] ] . second . matrix [ 0 ] , vec ) + bonePtr [ piBoneRefs [ iBoneIndex ] ] . second . matrix [ 0 ] [ 3 ] ) ;
pTri [ 0 ] [ 1 ] + = fBoneWeight * ( DotProduct ( bonePtr [ piBoneRefs [ iBoneIndex ] ] . second . matrix [ 1 ] , vec ) + bonePtr [ piBoneRefs [ iBoneIndex ] ] . second . matrix [ 1 ] [ 3 ] ) ;
pTri [ 0 ] [ 2 ] + = fBoneWeight * ( DotProduct ( bonePtr [ piBoneRefs [ iBoneIndex ] ] . second . matrix [ 2 ] , vec ) + bonePtr [ piBoneRefs [ iBoneIndex ] ] . second . matrix [ 2 ] [ 3 ] ) ;
# else
pTri [ 2 ] [ 0 ] + = fBoneWeight * ( DotProduct ( bonePtr [ piBoneRefs [ iBoneIndex ] ] . second . matrix [ 0 ] , vert2 - > vertCoords ) + bonePtr [ piBoneRefs [ iBoneIndex ] ] . second . matrix [ 0 ] [ 3 ] ) ;
pTri [ 2 ] [ 1 ] + = fBoneWeight * ( DotProduct ( bonePtr [ piBoneRefs [ iBoneIndex ] ] . second . matrix [ 1 ] , vert2 - > vertCoords ) + bonePtr [ piBoneRefs [ iBoneIndex ] ] . second . matrix [ 1 ] [ 3 ] ) ;
pTri [ 2 ] [ 2 ] + = fBoneWeight * ( DotProduct ( bonePtr [ piBoneRefs [ iBoneIndex ] ] . second . matrix [ 2 ] , vert2 - > vertCoords ) + bonePtr [ piBoneRefs [ iBoneIndex ] ] . second . matrix [ 2 ] [ 3 ] ) ;
# endif
vec3_t normal ;
vec3_t up ;
vec3_t right ;
vec3_t vec0 , vec1 ;
// work out baryCentricK
float baryCentricK = 1.0 - ( surfInfo - > genBarycentricI + surfInfo - > genBarycentricJ ) ;
// now we have the model transformed into model space, now generate an origin.
boltList [ boltNum ] . position . matrix [ 0 ] [ 3 ] = ( pTri [ 0 ] [ 0 ] * surfInfo - > genBarycentricI ) + ( pTri [ 1 ] [ 0 ] * surfInfo - > genBarycentricJ ) + ( pTri [ 2 ] [ 0 ] * baryCentricK ) ;
boltList [ boltNum ] . position . matrix [ 1 ] [ 3 ] = ( pTri [ 0 ] [ 1 ] * surfInfo - > genBarycentricI ) + ( pTri [ 1 ] [ 1 ] * surfInfo - > genBarycentricJ ) + ( pTri [ 2 ] [ 1 ] * baryCentricK ) ;
boltList [ boltNum ] . position . matrix [ 2 ] [ 3 ] = ( pTri [ 0 ] [ 2 ] * surfInfo - > genBarycentricI ) + ( pTri [ 1 ] [ 2 ] * surfInfo - > genBarycentricJ ) + ( pTri [ 2 ] [ 2 ] * baryCentricK ) ;
// generate a normal to this new triangle
VectorSubtract ( pTri [ 0 ] , pTri [ 1 ] , vec0 ) ;
VectorSubtract ( pTri [ 2 ] , pTri [ 1 ] , vec1 ) ;
CrossProduct ( vec0 , vec1 , normal ) ;
VectorNormalize ( normal ) ;
// forward vector
boltList [ boltNum ] . position . matrix [ 0 ] [ 0 ] = normal [ 0 ] ;
boltList [ boltNum ] . position . matrix [ 1 ] [ 0 ] = normal [ 1 ] ;
boltList [ boltNum ] . position . matrix [ 2 ] [ 0 ] = normal [ 2 ] ;
// up will be towards point 0 of the original triangle.
// so lets work it out. Vector is hit point - point 0
up [ 0 ] = boltList [ boltNum ] . position . matrix [ 0 ] [ 3 ] - pTri [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ;
up [ 1 ] = boltList [ boltNum ] . position . matrix [ 1 ] [ 3 ] - pTri [ 0 ] [ 1 ] ;
up [ 2 ] = boltList [ boltNum ] . position . matrix [ 2 ] [ 3 ] - pTri [ 0 ] [ 2 ] ;
// normalise it
VectorNormalize ( up ) ;
// that's the up vector
boltList [ boltNum ] . position . matrix [ 0 ] [ 1 ] = up [ 0 ] ;
boltList [ boltNum ] . position . matrix [ 1 ] [ 1 ] = up [ 1 ] ;
boltList [ boltNum ] . position . matrix [ 2 ] [ 1 ] = up [ 2 ] ;
// right is always straight
CrossProduct ( normal , up , right ) ;
// that's the up vector
boltList [ boltNum ] . position . matrix [ 0 ] [ 2 ] = right [ 0 ] ;
boltList [ boltNum ] . position . matrix [ 1 ] [ 2 ] = right [ 1 ] ;
boltList [ boltNum ] . position . matrix [ 2 ] [ 2 ] = right [ 2 ] ;
// no, we are looking at a normal model tag
int * piBoneRefs = ( int * ) ( ( byte * ) surface + surface - > ofsBoneReferences ) ;
// whip through and actually transform each vertex
v = ( mdxmVertex_t * ) ( ( byte * ) surface + surface - > ofsVerts ) ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j + + )
// mdxmWeight_t *w;
VectorClear ( pTri [ j ] ) ;
// w = v->weights;
const int iNumWeights = G2_GetVertWeights ( v ) ;
float fTotalWeight = 0.0f ;
for ( k = 0 ; k < iNumWeights ; k + + )
int iBoneIndex = G2_GetVertBoneIndex ( v , k ) ;
float fBoneWeight = G2_GetVertBoneWeight ( v , k , fTotalWeight , iNumWeights ) ;
//bone = bonePtr + piBoneRefs[w->boneIndex];
# ifdef _XBOX
vec3_t vec ;
Q_CastShort2FloatScale ( & vec [ 0 ] , & v - > vertCoords [ 0 ] , 1.f / ( float ) GLM_COMP_SIZE ) ;
Q_CastShort2FloatScale ( & vec [ 1 ] , & v - > vertCoords [ 1 ] , 1.f / ( float ) GLM_COMP_SIZE ) ;
Q_CastShort2FloatScale ( & vec [ 2 ] , & v - > vertCoords [ 2 ] , 1.f / ( float ) GLM_COMP_SIZE ) ;
pTri [ 0 ] [ 0 ] + = fBoneWeight * ( DotProduct ( bonePtr [ piBoneRefs [ iBoneIndex ] ] . second . matrix [ 0 ] , vec ) + bonePtr [ piBoneRefs [ iBoneIndex ] ] . second . matrix [ 0 ] [ 3 ] ) ;
pTri [ 0 ] [ 1 ] + = fBoneWeight * ( DotProduct ( bonePtr [ piBoneRefs [ iBoneIndex ] ] . second . matrix [ 1 ] , vec ) + bonePtr [ piBoneRefs [ iBoneIndex ] ] . second . matrix [ 1 ] [ 3 ] ) ;
pTri [ 0 ] [ 2 ] + = fBoneWeight * ( DotProduct ( bonePtr [ piBoneRefs [ iBoneIndex ] ] . second . matrix [ 2 ] , vec ) + bonePtr [ piBoneRefs [ iBoneIndex ] ] . second . matrix [ 2 ] [ 3 ] ) ;
# else
pTri [ j ] [ 0 ] + = fBoneWeight * ( DotProduct ( bonePtr [ piBoneRefs [ iBoneIndex ] ] . second . matrix [ 0 ] , v - > vertCoords ) + bonePtr [ piBoneRefs [ iBoneIndex ] ] . second . matrix [ 0 ] [ 3 ] ) ;
pTri [ j ] [ 1 ] + = fBoneWeight * ( DotProduct ( bonePtr [ piBoneRefs [ iBoneIndex ] ] . second . matrix [ 1 ] , v - > vertCoords ) + bonePtr [ piBoneRefs [ iBoneIndex ] ] . second . matrix [ 1 ] [ 3 ] ) ;
pTri [ j ] [ 2 ] + = fBoneWeight * ( DotProduct ( bonePtr [ piBoneRefs [ iBoneIndex ] ] . second . matrix [ 2 ] , v - > vertCoords ) + bonePtr [ piBoneRefs [ iBoneIndex ] ] . second . matrix [ 2 ] [ 3 ] ) ;
# endif
v + + ; // = (mdxmVertex_t *)&v->weights[/*v->numWeights*/surface->maxVertBoneWeights];
// clear out used arrays
memset ( axes , 0 , sizeof ( axes ) ) ;
memset ( sides , 0 , sizeof ( sides ) ) ;
// work out actual sides of the tag triangle
for ( j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j + + )
sides [ j ] [ 0 ] = pTri [ ( j + 1 ) % 3 ] [ 0 ] - pTri [ j ] [ 0 ] ;
sides [ j ] [ 1 ] = pTri [ ( j + 1 ) % 3 ] [ 1 ] - pTri [ j ] [ 1 ] ;
sides [ j ] [ 2 ] = pTri [ ( j + 1 ) % 3 ] [ 2 ] - pTri [ j ] [ 2 ] ;
// do math trig to work out what the matrix will be from this triangle's translated position
VectorNormalize2 ( sides [ iG2_TRISIDE_LONGEST ] , axes [ 0 ] ) ;
VectorNormalize2 ( sides [ iG2_TRISIDE_SHORTEST ] , axes [ 1 ] ) ;
// project shortest side so that it is exactly 90 degrees to the longer side
d = DotProduct ( axes [ 0 ] , axes [ 1 ] ) ;
VectorMA ( axes [ 0 ] , - d , axes [ 1 ] , axes [ 0 ] ) ;
VectorNormalize2 ( axes [ 0 ] , axes [ 0 ] ) ;
CrossProduct ( sides [ iG2_TRISIDE_LONGEST ] , sides [ iG2_TRISIDE_SHORTEST ] , axes [ 2 ] ) ;
VectorNormalize2 ( axes [ 2 ] , axes [ 2 ] ) ;
// set up location in world space of the origin point in out going matrix
boltList [ boltNum ] . position . matrix [ 0 ] [ 3 ] = pTri [ MDX_TAG_ORIGIN ] [ 0 ] ;
boltList [ boltNum ] . position . matrix [ 1 ] [ 3 ] = pTri [ MDX_TAG_ORIGIN ] [ 1 ] ;
boltList [ boltNum ] . position . matrix [ 2 ] [ 3 ] = pTri [ MDX_TAG_ORIGIN ] [ 2 ] ;
// copy axis to matrix - do some magic to orient minus Y to positive X and so on so bolt on stuff is oriented correctly
boltList [ boltNum ] . position . matrix [ 0 ] [ 0 ] = axes [ 1 ] [ 0 ] ;
boltList [ boltNum ] . position . matrix [ 0 ] [ 1 ] = axes [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ;
boltList [ boltNum ] . position . matrix [ 0 ] [ 2 ] = - axes [ 2 ] [ 0 ] ;
boltList [ boltNum ] . position . matrix [ 1 ] [ 0 ] = axes [ 1 ] [ 1 ] ;
boltList [ boltNum ] . position . matrix [ 1 ] [ 1 ] = axes [ 0 ] [ 1 ] ;
boltList [ boltNum ] . position . matrix [ 1 ] [ 2 ] = - axes [ 2 ] [ 1 ] ;
boltList [ boltNum ] . position . matrix [ 2 ] [ 0 ] = axes [ 1 ] [ 2 ] ;
boltList [ boltNum ] . position . matrix [ 2 ] [ 1 ] = axes [ 0 ] [ 2 ] ;
boltList [ boltNum ] . position . matrix [ 2 ] [ 2 ] = - axes [ 2 ] [ 2 ] ;
// now go through all the generated surfaces that aren't included in the model surface hierarchy and create the correct bolt info for them
void G2_ProcessGeneratedSurfaceBolts ( CGhoul2Info & ghoul2 , mdxaBone_v & bonePtr , model_t * mod_t )
G2PerformanceTimer_G2_ProcessGeneratedSurfaceBolts . Start ( ) ;
# endif
// look through the surfaces off the end of the pre-defined model surfaces
for ( int i = 0 ; i < ghoul2 . mSlist . size ( ) ; i + + )
// only look for bolts if we are actually a generated surface, and not just an overriden one
if ( ghoul2 . mSlist [ i ] . offFlags & G2SURFACEFLAG_GENERATED )
// well alrighty then. Lets see if there is a bolt that is attempting to use it
int boltNum = G2_Find_Bolt_Surface_Num ( ghoul2 . mBltlist , i , G2SURFACEFLAG_GENERATED ) ;
// yes - ok, processing time.
if ( boltNum ! = - 1 )
G2_ProcessSurfaceBolt ( bonePtr , NULL , boltNum , ghoul2 . mBltlist , & ghoul2 . mSlist [ i ] , mod_t ) ;
G2Time_G2_ProcessGeneratedSurfaceBolts + = G2PerformanceTimer_G2_ProcessGeneratedSurfaceBolts . End ( ) ;
# endif
# ifndef DEDICATED
void RenderSurfaces ( CRenderSurface & RS ) //also ended up just ripping right from SP.
G2PerformanceTimer_RenderSurfaces . Start ( ) ;
# endif
int i ;
const shader_t * shader = 0 ;
int offFlags = 0 ;
# ifdef _G2_GORE
bool drawGore = true ;
# endif
assert ( RS . currentModel ) ;
assert ( RS . currentModel - > mdxm ) ;
// back track and get the surfinfo struct for this surface
mdxmSurface_t * surface = ( mdxmSurface_t * ) G2_FindSurface ( RS . currentModel , RS . surfaceNum , RS . lod ) ;
mdxmHierarchyOffsets_t * surfIndexes = ( mdxmHierarchyOffsets_t * ) ( ( byte * ) RS . currentModel - > mdxm + sizeof ( mdxmHeader_t ) ) ;
mdxmSurfHierarchy_t * surfInfo = ( mdxmSurfHierarchy_t * ) ( ( byte * ) surfIndexes + surfIndexes - > offsets [ surface - > thisSurfaceIndex ] ) ;
// see if we have an override surface in the surface list
const surfaceInfo_t * surfOverride = G2_FindOverrideSurface ( RS . surfaceNum , RS . rootSList ) ;
// really, we should use the default flags for this surface unless it's been overriden
offFlags = surfInfo - > flags ;
// set the off flags if we have some
if ( surfOverride )
offFlags = surfOverride - > offFlags ;
// if this surface is not off, add it to the shader render list
if ( ! offFlags )
if ( RS . cust_shader )
shader = RS . cust_shader ;
else if ( RS . skin )
int j ;
// match the surface name to something in the skin file
shader = tr . defaultShader ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < RS . skin - > numSurfaces ; j + + )
// the names have both been lowercased
if ( ! strcmp ( RS . skin - > surfaces [ j ] - > name , surfInfo - > name ) )
shader = RS . skin - > surfaces [ j ] - > shader ;
break ;
shader = R_GetShaderByHandle ( surfInfo - > shaderIndex ) ;
//rww - catch surfaces with bad shaders
//assert(shader != tr.defaultShader);
//Alright, this is starting to annoy me because of the state of the assets. Disabling for now.
// we will add shadows even if the main object isn't visible in the view
// stencil shadows can't do personal models unless I polyhedron clip
//using z-fail now so can do personal models -rww
if ( /*!RS.personalModel
& & */ r_shadows - > integer = = 2
// && RS.fogNum == 0
& & ( RS . renderfx & RF_SHADOW_PLANE )
& & ! ( RS . renderfx & ( RF_NOSHADOW | RF_DEPTHHACK ) )
& & shader - > sort = = SS_OPAQUE )
{ // set the surface info to point at the where the transformed bone list is going to be for when the surface gets rendered out
CRenderableSurface * newSurf = new CRenderableSurface ;
# ifdef _XBOX //testing performance benefit vs ugliness
// On Xbox, we always use the lowest LOD
mdxmSurface_t * lowsurface = ( mdxmSurface_t * ) G2_FindSurface ( RS . currentModel , RS . surfaceNum , RS . currentModel - > numLods - 1 ) ;
newSurf - > surfaceData = lowsurface ;
# else
if ( surface - > numVerts > = SHADER_MAX_VERTEXES / 2 )
{ //we need numVerts*2 xyz slots free in tess to do shadow, if this surf is going to exceed that then let's try the lowest lod -rww
mdxmSurface_t * lowsurface = ( mdxmSurface_t * ) G2_FindSurface ( RS . currentModel , RS . surfaceNum , RS . currentModel - > numLods - 1 ) ;
newSurf - > surfaceData = lowsurface ;
newSurf - > surfaceData = surface ;
# endif
newSurf - > boneCache = RS . boneCache ;
R_AddDrawSurf ( ( surfaceType_t * ) newSurf , tr . shadowShader , 0 , qfalse ) ;
// projection shadows work fine with personal models
if ( r_shadows - > integer = = 3
// && RS.fogNum == 0
& & ( RS . renderfx & RF_SHADOW_PLANE )
& & shader - > sort = = SS_OPAQUE )
{ // set the surface info to point at the where the transformed bone list is going to be for when the surface gets rendered out
CRenderableSurface * newSurf = new CRenderableSurface ;
newSurf - > surfaceData = surface ;
newSurf - > boneCache = RS . boneCache ;
R_AddDrawSurf ( ( surfaceType_t * ) newSurf , tr . projectionShadowShader , 0 , qfalse ) ;
// don't add third_person objects if not viewing through a portal
if ( ! RS . personalModel )
{ // set the surface info to point at the where the transformed bone list is going to be for when the surface gets rendered out
CRenderableSurface * newSurf = new CRenderableSurface ;
newSurf - > surfaceData = surface ;
newSurf - > boneCache = RS . boneCache ;
R_AddDrawSurf ( ( surfaceType_t * ) newSurf , ( shader_t * ) shader , RS . fogNum , qfalse ) ;
# ifdef _G2_GORE
if ( RS . gore_set & & drawGore )
int curTime = G2API_GetTime ( tr . refdef . time ) ;
pair < multimap < int , SGoreSurface > : : iterator , multimap < int , SGoreSurface > : : iterator > range =
RS . gore_set - > mGoreRecords . equal_range ( RS . surfaceNum ) ;
multimap < int , SGoreSurface > : : iterator k , kcur ;
CRenderableSurface * last = newSurf ;
for ( k = range . first ; k ! = range . second ; )
kcur = k ;
k + + ;
GoreTextureCoordinates * tex = FindGoreRecord ( ( * kcur ) . second . mGoreTag ) ;
if ( ! tex | | // it is gone, lets get rid of it
( * kcur ) . second . mDeleteTime & & curTime > = ( * kcur ) . second . mDeleteTime ) // out of time
if ( tex )
( * tex ) . ~ GoreTextureCoordinates ( ) ;
//I don't know what's going on here, it should call the destructor for
//this when it erases the record but sometimes it doesn't. -rww
RS . gore_set - > mGoreRecords . erase ( kcur ) ;
else if ( tex - > tex [ RS . lod ] )
CRenderableSurface * newSurf2 = AllocRS ( ) ;
* newSurf2 = * newSurf ;
newSurf2 - > goreChain = 0 ;
newSurf2 - > alternateTex = tex - > tex [ RS . lod ] ;
newSurf2 - > scale = 1.0f ;
newSurf2 - > fade = 1.0f ;
newSurf2 - > impactTime = 1.0f ; // done with
int magicFactor42 = 500 ; // ms, impact time
if ( curTime > ( * kcur ) . second . mGoreGrowStartTime & & curTime < ( * kcur ) . second . mGoreGrowStartTime + magicFactor42 )
newSurf2 - > impactTime = float ( curTime - ( * kcur ) . second . mGoreGrowStartTime ) / float ( magicFactor42 ) ; // linear
if ( curTime < ( * kcur ) . second . mGoreGrowEndTime )
newSurf2 - > scale = 1.0f / ( ( curTime - ( * kcur ) . second . mGoreGrowStartTime ) * ( * kcur ) . second . mGoreGrowFactor + ( * kcur ) . second . mGoreGrowOffset ) ;
if ( newSurf2 - > scale < 1.0f )
newSurf2 - > scale = 1.0f ;
shader_t * gshader ;
if ( ( * kcur ) . second . shader )
gshader = R_GetShaderByHandle ( ( * kcur ) . second . shader ) ;
gshader = R_GetShaderByHandle ( goreShader ) ;
// Set fade on surf.
//Only if we have a fade time set, and let us fade on rgb if we want -rww
if ( ( * kcur ) . second . mDeleteTime & & ( * kcur ) . second . mFadeTime )
if ( ( * kcur ) . second . mDeleteTime - curTime < ( * kcur ) . second . mFadeTime )
newSurf2 - > fade = ( float ) ( ( * kcur ) . second . mDeleteTime - curTime ) / ( * kcur ) . second . mFadeTime ;
if ( ( * kcur ) . second . mFadeRGB )
{ //RGB fades are scaled from 2.0f to 3.0f (simply to differentiate)
newSurf2 - > fade + = 2.0f ;
if ( newSurf2 - > fade < 2.01f )
newSurf2 - > fade = 2.01f ;
last - > goreChain = newSurf2 ;
last = newSurf2 ;
R_AddDrawSurf ( ( surfaceType_t * ) newSurf2 , gshader , RS . fogNum , qfalse ) ;
# endif
// if we are turning off all descendants, then stop this recursion now
return ;
// now recursively call for the children
for ( i = 0 ; i < surfInfo - > numChildren ; i + + )
RS . surfaceNum = surfInfo - > childIndexes [ i ] ;
RenderSurfaces ( RS ) ;
G2Time_RenderSurfaces + = G2PerformanceTimer_RenderSurfaces . End ( ) ;
# endif
# endif //!DEDICATED
// Go through the model and deal with just the surfaces that are tagged as bolt on points - this is for the server side skeleton construction
void ProcessModelBoltSurfaces ( int surfaceNum , surfaceInfo_v & rootSList ,
mdxaBone_v & bonePtr , model_t * currentModel , int lod , boltInfo_v & boltList )
G2PerformanceTimer_ProcessModelBoltSurfaces . Start ( ) ;
# endif
int i ;
int offFlags = 0 ;
// back track and get the surfinfo struct for this surface
mdxmSurface_t * surface = ( mdxmSurface_t * ) G2_FindSurface ( ( void * ) currentModel , surfaceNum , 0 ) ;
mdxmHierarchyOffsets_t * surfIndexes = ( mdxmHierarchyOffsets_t * ) ( ( byte * ) currentModel - > mdxm + sizeof ( mdxmHeader_t ) ) ;
mdxmSurfHierarchy_t * surfInfo = ( mdxmSurfHierarchy_t * ) ( ( byte * ) surfIndexes + surfIndexes - > offsets [ surface - > thisSurfaceIndex ] ) ;
// see if we have an override surface in the surface list
surfaceInfo_t * surfOverride = G2_FindOverrideSurface ( surfaceNum , rootSList ) ;
// really, we should use the default flags for this surface unless it's been overriden
offFlags = surfInfo - > flags ;
// set the off flags if we have some
if ( surfOverride )
offFlags = surfOverride - > offFlags ;
// is this surface considered a bolt surface?
if ( surfInfo - > flags & G2SURFACEFLAG_ISBOLT )
// well alrighty then. Lets see if there is a bolt that is attempting to use it
int boltNum = G2_Find_Bolt_Surface_Num ( boltList , surfaceNum , 0 ) ;
// yes - ok, processing time.
if ( boltNum ! = - 1 )
G2_ProcessSurfaceBolt ( bonePtr , surface , boltNum , boltList , surfOverride , currentModel ) ;
// if we are turning off all descendants, then stop this recursion now
return ;
// now recursively call for the children
for ( i = 0 ; i < surfInfo - > numChildren ; i + + )
ProcessModelBoltSurfaces ( surfInfo - > childIndexes [ i ] , rootSList , bonePtr , currentModel , lod , boltList ) ;
G2Time_ProcessModelBoltSurfaces + = G2PerformanceTimer_ProcessModelBoltSurfaces . End ( ) ;
# endif
// build the used bone list so when doing bone transforms we can determine if we need to do it or not
void G2_ConstructUsedBoneList ( CConstructBoneList & CBL )
int i , j ;
int offFlags = 0 ;
// back track and get the surfinfo struct for this surface
const mdxmSurface_t * surface = ( mdxmSurface_t * ) G2_FindSurface ( ( void * ) CBL . currentModel , CBL . surfaceNum , 0 ) ;
const mdxmHierarchyOffsets_t * surfIndexes = ( mdxmHierarchyOffsets_t * ) ( ( byte * ) CBL . currentModel - > mdxm + sizeof ( mdxmHeader_t ) ) ;
const mdxmSurfHierarchy_t * surfInfo = ( mdxmSurfHierarchy_t * ) ( ( byte * ) surfIndexes + surfIndexes - > offsets [ surface - > thisSurfaceIndex ] ) ;
const model_t * mod_a = R_GetModelByHandle ( CBL . currentModel - > mdxm - > animIndex ) ;
const mdxaSkelOffsets_t * offsets = ( mdxaSkelOffsets_t * ) ( ( byte * ) mod_a - > mdxa + sizeof ( mdxaHeader_t ) ) ;
const mdxaSkel_t * skel , * childSkel ;
// see if we have an override surface in the surface list
const surfaceInfo_t * surfOverride = G2_FindOverrideSurface ( CBL . surfaceNum , CBL . rootSList ) ;
// really, we should use the default flags for this surface unless it's been overriden
offFlags = surfInfo - > flags ;
// set the off flags if we have some
if ( surfOverride )
offFlags = surfOverride - > offFlags ;
// if this surface is not off, add it to the shader render list
if ( ! ( offFlags & G2SURFACEFLAG_OFF ) )
int * bonesReferenced = ( int * ) ( ( byte * ) surface + surface - > ofsBoneReferences ) ;
// now whip through the bones this surface uses
for ( i = 0 ; i < surface - > numBoneReferences ; i + + )
int iBoneIndex = bonesReferenced [ i ] ;
CBL . boneUsedList [ iBoneIndex ] = 1 ;
// now go and check all the descendant bones attached to this bone and see if any have the always flag on them. If so, activate them
skel = ( mdxaSkel_t * ) ( ( byte * ) mod_a - > mdxa + sizeof ( mdxaHeader_t ) + offsets - > offsets [ iBoneIndex ] ) ;
// for every child bone...
for ( j = 0 ; j < skel - > numChildren ; j + + )
// get the skel data struct for each child bone of the referenced bone
childSkel = ( mdxaSkel_t * ) ( ( byte * ) mod_a - > mdxa + sizeof ( mdxaHeader_t ) + offsets - > offsets [ skel - > children [ j ] ] ) ;
// does it have the always on flag on?
if ( childSkel - > flags & G2BONEFLAG_ALWAYSXFORM )
// yes, make sure it's in the list of bones to be transformed.
CBL . boneUsedList [ skel - > children [ j ] ] = 1 ;
// now we need to ensure that the parents of this bone are actually active...
int iParentBone = skel - > parent ;
while ( iParentBone ! = - 1 )
if ( CBL . boneUsedList [ iParentBone ] ) // no need to go higher
break ;
CBL . boneUsedList [ iParentBone ] = 1 ;
skel = ( mdxaSkel_t * ) ( ( byte * ) mod_a - > mdxa + sizeof ( mdxaHeader_t ) + offsets - > offsets [ iParentBone ] ) ;
iParentBone = skel - > parent ;
// if we are turning off all descendants, then stop this recursion now
return ;
// now recursively call for the children
for ( i = 0 ; i < surfInfo - > numChildren ; i + + )
CBL . surfaceNum = surfInfo - > childIndexes [ i ] ;
G2_ConstructUsedBoneList ( CBL ) ;
// sort all the ghoul models in this list so if they go in reference order. This will ensure the bolt on's are attached to the right place
// on the previous model, since it ensures the model being attached to is built and rendered first.
// NOTE!! This assumes at least one model will NOT have a parent. If it does - we are screwed
static void G2_Sort_Models ( CGhoul2Info_v & ghoul2 , int * const modelList , int * const modelCount )
int startPoint , endPoint ;
int i , boltTo , j ;
* modelCount = 0 ;
// first walk all the possible ghoul2 models, and stuff the out array with those with no parents
for ( i = 0 ; i < ghoul2 . size ( ) ; i + + )
// have a ghoul model here?
if ( ghoul2 [ i ] . mModelindex = = - 1 )
continue ;
if ( ! ghoul2 [ i ] . mValid )
continue ;
// are we attached to anything?
if ( ghoul2 [ i ] . mModelBoltLink = = - 1 )
// no, insert us first
modelList [ ( * modelCount ) + + ] = i ;
startPoint = 0 ;
endPoint = * modelCount ;
// now, using that list of parentless models, walk the descendant tree for each of them, inserting the descendents in the list
while ( startPoint ! = endPoint )
for ( i = 0 ; i < ghoul2 . size ( ) ; i + + )
// have a ghoul model here?
if ( ghoul2 [ i ] . mModelindex = = - 1 )
continue ;
if ( ! ghoul2 [ i ] . mValid )
continue ;
// what does this model think it's attached to?
if ( ghoul2 [ i ] . mModelBoltLink ! = - 1 )
boltTo = ( ghoul2 [ i ] . mModelBoltLink > > MODEL_SHIFT ) & MODEL_AND ;
// is it any of the models we just added to the list?
for ( j = startPoint ; j < endPoint ; j + + )
// is this my parent model?
if ( boltTo = = modelList [ j ] )
// yes, insert into list and exit now
modelList [ ( * modelCount ) + + ] = i ;
break ;
// update start and end points
startPoint = endPoint ;
endPoint = * modelCount ;
void * G2_FindSurface_BC ( const model_s * mod , int index , int lod )
assert ( mod ) ;
assert ( mod - > mdxm ) ;
// point at first lod list
byte * current = ( byte * ) ( ( int ) mod - > mdxm + ( int ) mod - > mdxm - > ofsLODs ) ;
int i ;
//walk the lods
assert ( lod > = 0 & & lod < mod - > mdxm - > numLODs ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < lod ; i + + )
mdxmLOD_t * lodData = ( mdxmLOD_t * ) current ;
current + = lodData - > ofsEnd ;
// avoid the lod pointer data structure
current + = sizeof ( mdxmLOD_t ) ;
mdxmLODSurfOffset_t * indexes = ( mdxmLODSurfOffset_t * ) current ;
// we are now looking at the offset array
assert ( index > = 0 & & index < mod - > mdxm - > numSurfaces ) ;
current + = indexes - > offsets [ index ] ;
return ( void * ) current ;
//#define G2EVALRENDER
// We've come across a surface that's designated as a bolt surface, process it and put it in the appropriate bolt place
void G2_ProcessSurfaceBolt2 ( CBoneCache & boneCache , const mdxmSurface_t * surface , int boltNum , boltInfo_v & boltList , const surfaceInfo_t * surfInfo , const model_t * mod , mdxaBone_t & retMatrix )
mdxmVertex_t * v , * vert0 , * vert1 , * vert2 ;
vec3_t axes [ 3 ] , sides [ 3 ] ;
float pTri [ 3 ] [ 3 ] , d ;
int j , k ;
// now there are two types of tag surface - model ones and procedural generated types - lets decide which one we have here.
if ( surfInfo & & surfInfo - > offFlags = = G2SURFACEFLAG_GENERATED )
int surfNumber = surfInfo - > genPolySurfaceIndex & 0x0ffff ;
int polyNumber = ( surfInfo - > genPolySurfaceIndex > > 16 ) & 0x0ffff ;
// find original surface our original poly was in.
mdxmSurface_t * originalSurf = ( mdxmSurface_t * ) G2_FindSurface_BC ( mod , surfNumber , surfInfo - > genLod ) ;
mdxmTriangle_t * originalTriangleIndexes = ( mdxmTriangle_t * ) ( ( byte * ) originalSurf + originalSurf - > ofsTriangles ) ;
// get the original polys indexes
int index0 = originalTriangleIndexes [ polyNumber ] . indexes [ 0 ] ;
int index1 = originalTriangleIndexes [ polyNumber ] . indexes [ 1 ] ;
int index2 = originalTriangleIndexes [ polyNumber ] . indexes [ 2 ] ;
// decide where the original verts are
vert0 = ( mdxmVertex_t * ) ( ( byte * ) originalSurf + originalSurf - > ofsVerts ) ;
vert0 + = index0 ;
vert1 = ( mdxmVertex_t * ) ( ( byte * ) originalSurf + originalSurf - > ofsVerts ) ;
vert1 + = index1 ;
vert2 = ( mdxmVertex_t * ) ( ( byte * ) originalSurf + originalSurf - > ofsVerts ) ;
vert2 + = index2 ;
// clear out the triangle verts to be
VectorClear ( pTri [ 0 ] ) ;
VectorClear ( pTri [ 1 ] ) ;
VectorClear ( pTri [ 2 ] ) ;
int * piBoneReferences = ( int * ) ( ( byte * ) originalSurf + originalSurf - > ofsBoneReferences ) ;
// mdxmWeight_t *w;
// now go and transform just the points we need from the surface that was hit originally
// w = vert0->weights;
float fTotalWeight = 0.0f ;
int iNumWeights = G2_GetVertWeights ( vert0 ) ;
for ( k = 0 ; k < iNumWeights ; k + + )
int iBoneIndex = G2_GetVertBoneIndex ( vert0 , k ) ;
float fBoneWeight = G2_GetVertBoneWeight ( vert0 , k , fTotalWeight , iNumWeights ) ;
const mdxaBone_t & bone = boneCache . EvalRender ( piBoneReferences [ iBoneIndex ] ) ;
# else
const mdxaBone_t & bone = boneCache . Eval ( piBoneReferences [ iBoneIndex ] ) ;
# endif
# ifdef _XBOX
vec3_t vec ;
Q_CastShort2FloatScale ( & vec [ 0 ] , & vert0 - > vertCoords [ 0 ] , 1.f / ( float ) GLM_COMP_SIZE ) ;
Q_CastShort2FloatScale ( & vec [ 1 ] , & vert0 - > vertCoords [ 1 ] , 1.f / ( float ) GLM_COMP_SIZE ) ;
Q_CastShort2FloatScale ( & vec [ 2 ] , & vert0 - > vertCoords [ 2 ] , 1.f / ( float ) GLM_COMP_SIZE ) ;
pTri [ 0 ] [ 0 ] + = fBoneWeight * ( DotProduct ( bone . matrix [ 0 ] , vec ) + bone . matrix [ 0 ] [ 3 ] ) ;
pTri [ 0 ] [ 1 ] + = fBoneWeight * ( DotProduct ( bone . matrix [ 1 ] , vec ) + bone . matrix [ 1 ] [ 3 ] ) ;
pTri [ 0 ] [ 2 ] + = fBoneWeight * ( DotProduct ( bone . matrix [ 2 ] , vec ) + bone . matrix [ 2 ] [ 3 ] ) ;
# else
pTri [ 0 ] [ 0 ] + = fBoneWeight * ( DotProduct ( bone . matrix [ 0 ] , vert0 - > vertCoords ) + bone . matrix [ 0 ] [ 3 ] ) ;
pTri [ 0 ] [ 1 ] + = fBoneWeight * ( DotProduct ( bone . matrix [ 1 ] , vert0 - > vertCoords ) + bone . matrix [ 1 ] [ 3 ] ) ;
pTri [ 0 ] [ 2 ] + = fBoneWeight * ( DotProduct ( bone . matrix [ 2 ] , vert0 - > vertCoords ) + bone . matrix [ 2 ] [ 3 ] ) ;
# endif
// w = vert1->weights;
fTotalWeight = 0.0f ;
iNumWeights = G2_GetVertWeights ( vert1 ) ;
for ( k = 0 ; k < iNumWeights ; k + + )
int iBoneIndex = G2_GetVertBoneIndex ( vert1 , k ) ;
float fBoneWeight = G2_GetVertBoneWeight ( vert1 , k , fTotalWeight , iNumWeights ) ;
const mdxaBone_t & bone = boneCache . EvalRender ( piBoneReferences [ iBoneIndex ] ) ;
# else
const mdxaBone_t & bone = boneCache . Eval ( piBoneReferences [ iBoneIndex ] ) ;
# endif
# ifdef _XBOX
vec3_t vec ;
Q_CastShort2FloatScale ( & vec [ 0 ] , & vert1 - > vertCoords [ 0 ] , 1.f / ( float ) GLM_COMP_SIZE ) ;
Q_CastShort2FloatScale ( & vec [ 1 ] , & vert1 - > vertCoords [ 1 ] , 1.f / ( float ) GLM_COMP_SIZE ) ;
Q_CastShort2FloatScale ( & vec [ 2 ] , & vert1 - > vertCoords [ 2 ] , 1.f / ( float ) GLM_COMP_SIZE ) ;
pTri [ 1 ] [ 0 ] + = fBoneWeight * ( DotProduct ( bone . matrix [ 0 ] , vec ) + bone . matrix [ 0 ] [ 3 ] ) ;
pTri [ 1 ] [ 1 ] + = fBoneWeight * ( DotProduct ( bone . matrix [ 1 ] , vec ) + bone . matrix [ 1 ] [ 3 ] ) ;
pTri [ 1 ] [ 2 ] + = fBoneWeight * ( DotProduct ( bone . matrix [ 2 ] , vec ) + bone . matrix [ 2 ] [ 3 ] ) ;
# else
pTri [ 1 ] [ 0 ] + = fBoneWeight * ( DotProduct ( bone . matrix [ 0 ] , vert1 - > vertCoords ) + bone . matrix [ 0 ] [ 3 ] ) ;
pTri [ 1 ] [ 1 ] + = fBoneWeight * ( DotProduct ( bone . matrix [ 1 ] , vert1 - > vertCoords ) + bone . matrix [ 1 ] [ 3 ] ) ;
pTri [ 1 ] [ 2 ] + = fBoneWeight * ( DotProduct ( bone . matrix [ 2 ] , vert1 - > vertCoords ) + bone . matrix [ 2 ] [ 3 ] ) ;
# endif
// w = vert2->weights;
fTotalWeight = 0.0f ;
iNumWeights = G2_GetVertWeights ( vert2 ) ;
for ( k = 0 ; k < iNumWeights ; k + + )
int iBoneIndex = G2_GetVertBoneIndex ( vert2 , k ) ;
float fBoneWeight = G2_GetVertBoneWeight ( vert2 , k , fTotalWeight , iNumWeights ) ;
const mdxaBone_t & bone = boneCache . EvalRender ( piBoneReferences [ iBoneIndex ] ) ;
# else
const mdxaBone_t & bone = boneCache . Eval ( piBoneReferences [ iBoneIndex ] ) ;
# endif
# ifdef _XBOX
vec3_t vec ;
Q_CastShort2FloatScale ( & vec [ 0 ] , & vert2 - > vertCoords [ 0 ] , 1.f / ( float ) GLM_COMP_SIZE ) ;
Q_CastShort2FloatScale ( & vec [ 1 ] , & vert2 - > vertCoords [ 1 ] , 1.f / ( float ) GLM_COMP_SIZE ) ;
Q_CastShort2FloatScale ( & vec [ 2 ] , & vert2 - > vertCoords [ 2 ] , 1.f / ( float ) GLM_COMP_SIZE ) ;
pTri [ 2 ] [ 0 ] + = fBoneWeight * ( DotProduct ( bone . matrix [ 0 ] , vec ) + bone . matrix [ 0 ] [ 3 ] ) ;
pTri [ 2 ] [ 1 ] + = fBoneWeight * ( DotProduct ( bone . matrix [ 1 ] , vec ) + bone . matrix [ 1 ] [ 3 ] ) ;
pTri [ 2 ] [ 2 ] + = fBoneWeight * ( DotProduct ( bone . matrix [ 2 ] , vec ) + bone . matrix [ 2 ] [ 3 ] ) ;
# else
pTri [ 2 ] [ 0 ] + = fBoneWeight * ( DotProduct ( bone . matrix [ 0 ] , vert2 - > vertCoords ) + bone . matrix [ 0 ] [ 3 ] ) ;
pTri [ 2 ] [ 1 ] + = fBoneWeight * ( DotProduct ( bone . matrix [ 1 ] , vert2 - > vertCoords ) + bone . matrix [ 1 ] [ 3 ] ) ;
pTri [ 2 ] [ 2 ] + = fBoneWeight * ( DotProduct ( bone . matrix [ 2 ] , vert2 - > vertCoords ) + bone . matrix [ 2 ] [ 3 ] ) ;
# endif
vec3_t normal ;
vec3_t up ;
vec3_t right ;
vec3_t vec0 , vec1 ;
// work out baryCentricK
float baryCentricK = 1.0 - ( surfInfo - > genBarycentricI + surfInfo - > genBarycentricJ ) ;
// now we have the model transformed into model space, now generate an origin.
retMatrix . matrix [ 0 ] [ 3 ] = ( pTri [ 0 ] [ 0 ] * surfInfo - > genBarycentricI ) + ( pTri [ 1 ] [ 0 ] * surfInfo - > genBarycentricJ ) + ( pTri [ 2 ] [ 0 ] * baryCentricK ) ;
retMatrix . matrix [ 1 ] [ 3 ] = ( pTri [ 0 ] [ 1 ] * surfInfo - > genBarycentricI ) + ( pTri [ 1 ] [ 1 ] * surfInfo - > genBarycentricJ ) + ( pTri [ 2 ] [ 1 ] * baryCentricK ) ;
retMatrix . matrix [ 2 ] [ 3 ] = ( pTri [ 0 ] [ 2 ] * surfInfo - > genBarycentricI ) + ( pTri [ 1 ] [ 2 ] * surfInfo - > genBarycentricJ ) + ( pTri [ 2 ] [ 2 ] * baryCentricK ) ;
// generate a normal to this new triangle
VectorSubtract ( pTri [ 0 ] , pTri [ 1 ] , vec0 ) ;
VectorSubtract ( pTri [ 2 ] , pTri [ 1 ] , vec1 ) ;
CrossProduct ( vec0 , vec1 , normal ) ;
VectorNormalize ( normal ) ;
// forward vector
retMatrix . matrix [ 0 ] [ 0 ] = normal [ 0 ] ;
retMatrix . matrix [ 1 ] [ 0 ] = normal [ 1 ] ;
retMatrix . matrix [ 2 ] [ 0 ] = normal [ 2 ] ;
// up will be towards point 0 of the original triangle.
// so lets work it out. Vector is hit point - point 0
up [ 0 ] = retMatrix . matrix [ 0 ] [ 3 ] - pTri [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ;
up [ 1 ] = retMatrix . matrix [ 1 ] [ 3 ] - pTri [ 0 ] [ 1 ] ;
up [ 2 ] = retMatrix . matrix [ 2 ] [ 3 ] - pTri [ 0 ] [ 2 ] ;
// normalise it
VectorNormalize ( up ) ;
// that's the up vector
retMatrix . matrix [ 0 ] [ 1 ] = up [ 0 ] ;
retMatrix . matrix [ 1 ] [ 1 ] = up [ 1 ] ;
retMatrix . matrix [ 2 ] [ 1 ] = up [ 2 ] ;
// right is always straight
CrossProduct ( normal , up , right ) ;
// that's the up vector
retMatrix . matrix [ 0 ] [ 2 ] = right [ 0 ] ;
retMatrix . matrix [ 1 ] [ 2 ] = right [ 1 ] ;
retMatrix . matrix [ 2 ] [ 2 ] = right [ 2 ] ;
// no, we are looking at a normal model tag
// whip through and actually transform each vertex
v = ( mdxmVertex_t * ) ( ( byte * ) surface + surface - > ofsVerts ) ;
int * piBoneReferences = ( int * ) ( ( byte * ) surface + surface - > ofsBoneReferences ) ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j + + )
// mdxmWeight_t *w;
VectorClear ( pTri [ j ] ) ;
// w = v->weights;
const int iNumWeights = G2_GetVertWeights ( v ) ;
float fTotalWeight = 0.0f ;
for ( k = 0 ; k < iNumWeights ; k + + )
int iBoneIndex = G2_GetVertBoneIndex ( v , k ) ;
float fBoneWeight = G2_GetVertBoneWeight ( v , k , fTotalWeight , iNumWeights ) ;
const mdxaBone_t & bone = boneCache . EvalRender ( piBoneReferences [ iBoneIndex ] ) ;
# else
const mdxaBone_t & bone = boneCache . Eval ( piBoneReferences [ iBoneIndex ] ) ;
# endif
# ifdef _XBOX
vec3_t vec ;
Q_CastShort2FloatScale ( & vec [ 0 ] , & v - > vertCoords [ 0 ] , 1.f / ( float ) GLM_COMP_SIZE ) ;
Q_CastShort2FloatScale ( & vec [ 1 ] , & v - > vertCoords [ 1 ] , 1.f / ( float ) GLM_COMP_SIZE ) ;
Q_CastShort2FloatScale ( & vec [ 2 ] , & v - > vertCoords [ 2 ] , 1.f / ( float ) GLM_COMP_SIZE ) ;
pTri [ j ] [ 0 ] + = fBoneWeight * ( DotProduct ( bone . matrix [ 0 ] , vec ) + bone . matrix [ 0 ] [ 3 ] ) ;
pTri [ j ] [ 1 ] + = fBoneWeight * ( DotProduct ( bone . matrix [ 1 ] , vec ) + bone . matrix [ 1 ] [ 3 ] ) ;
pTri [ j ] [ 2 ] + = fBoneWeight * ( DotProduct ( bone . matrix [ 2 ] , vec ) + bone . matrix [ 2 ] [ 3 ] ) ;
# else
pTri [ j ] [ 0 ] + = fBoneWeight * ( DotProduct ( bone . matrix [ 0 ] , v - > vertCoords ) + bone . matrix [ 0 ] [ 3 ] ) ;
pTri [ j ] [ 1 ] + = fBoneWeight * ( DotProduct ( bone . matrix [ 1 ] , v - > vertCoords ) + bone . matrix [ 1 ] [ 3 ] ) ;
pTri [ j ] [ 2 ] + = fBoneWeight * ( DotProduct ( bone . matrix [ 2 ] , v - > vertCoords ) + bone . matrix [ 2 ] [ 3 ] ) ;
# endif
v + + ; // = (mdxmVertex_t *)&v->weights[/*v->numWeights*/surface->maxVertBoneWeights];
// clear out used arrays
memset ( axes , 0 , sizeof ( axes ) ) ;
memset ( sides , 0 , sizeof ( sides ) ) ;
// work out actual sides of the tag triangle
for ( j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j + + )
sides [ j ] [ 0 ] = pTri [ ( j + 1 ) % 3 ] [ 0 ] - pTri [ j ] [ 0 ] ;
sides [ j ] [ 1 ] = pTri [ ( j + 1 ) % 3 ] [ 1 ] - pTri [ j ] [ 1 ] ;
sides [ j ] [ 2 ] = pTri [ ( j + 1 ) % 3 ] [ 2 ] - pTri [ j ] [ 2 ] ;
// do math trig to work out what the matrix will be from this triangle's translated position
VectorNormalize2 ( sides [ iG2_TRISIDE_LONGEST ] , axes [ 0 ] ) ;
VectorNormalize2 ( sides [ iG2_TRISIDE_SHORTEST ] , axes [ 1 ] ) ;
// project shortest side so that it is exactly 90 degrees to the longer side
d = DotProduct ( axes [ 0 ] , axes [ 1 ] ) ;
VectorMA ( axes [ 0 ] , - d , axes [ 1 ] , axes [ 0 ] ) ;
VectorNormalize2 ( axes [ 0 ] , axes [ 0 ] ) ;
CrossProduct ( sides [ iG2_TRISIDE_LONGEST ] , sides [ iG2_TRISIDE_SHORTEST ] , axes [ 2 ] ) ;
VectorNormalize2 ( axes [ 2 ] , axes [ 2 ] ) ;
// set up location in world space of the origin point in out going matrix
retMatrix . matrix [ 0 ] [ 3 ] = pTri [ MDX_TAG_ORIGIN ] [ 0 ] ;
retMatrix . matrix [ 1 ] [ 3 ] = pTri [ MDX_TAG_ORIGIN ] [ 1 ] ;
retMatrix . matrix [ 2 ] [ 3 ] = pTri [ MDX_TAG_ORIGIN ] [ 2 ] ;
// copy axis to matrix - do some magic to orient minus Y to positive X and so on so bolt on stuff is oriented correctly
retMatrix . matrix [ 0 ] [ 0 ] = axes [ 1 ] [ 0 ] ;
retMatrix . matrix [ 0 ] [ 1 ] = axes [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ;
retMatrix . matrix [ 0 ] [ 2 ] = - axes [ 2 ] [ 0 ] ;
retMatrix . matrix [ 1 ] [ 0 ] = axes [ 1 ] [ 1 ] ;
retMatrix . matrix [ 1 ] [ 1 ] = axes [ 0 ] [ 1 ] ;
retMatrix . matrix [ 1 ] [ 2 ] = - axes [ 2 ] [ 1 ] ;
retMatrix . matrix [ 2 ] [ 0 ] = axes [ 1 ] [ 2 ] ;
retMatrix . matrix [ 2 ] [ 1 ] = axes [ 0 ] [ 2 ] ;
retMatrix . matrix [ 2 ] [ 2 ] = - axes [ 2 ] [ 2 ] ;
void G2_GetBoltMatrixLow ( CGhoul2Info & ghoul2 , int boltNum , const vec3_t scale , mdxaBone_t & retMatrix )
if ( ! ghoul2 . mBoneCache )
retMatrix = identityMatrix ;
return ;
assert ( ghoul2 . mBoneCache ) ;
CBoneCache & boneCache = * ghoul2 . mBoneCache ;
assert ( boneCache . mod ) ;
boltInfo_v & boltList = ghoul2 . mBltlist ;
assert ( boltNum > = 0 & & boltNum < boltList . size ( ) ) ;
#if 0 //rwwFIXMEFIXME: Disable this before release!!!!!! I am just trying to find a crash bug.
if ( boltNum < 0 | | boltNum > = boltList . size ( ) )
char fName [ MAX_QPATH ] ;
char mName [ MAX_QPATH ] ;
int bLink = ghoul2 . mModelBoltLink ;
if ( ghoul2 . currentModel )
strcpy ( mName , ghoul2 . currentModel - > name ) ;
strcpy ( mName , " NULL! " ) ;
if ( ghoul2 . mFileName & & ghoul2 . mFileName [ 0 ] )
strcpy ( fName , ghoul2 . mFileName ) ;
strcpy ( fName , " None?! " ) ;
Com_Error ( ERR_DROP , " Write down or save this error message, show it to Rich \n Bad bolt index on model %s (filename %s), index %i boltlink %i \n " , mName , fName , boltNum , bLink ) ;
# endif
if ( boltList [ boltNum ] . boneNumber > = 0 )
mdxaSkel_t * skel ;
mdxaSkelOffsets_t * offsets ;
offsets = ( mdxaSkelOffsets_t * ) ( ( byte * ) boneCache . header + sizeof ( mdxaHeader_t ) ) ;
skel = ( mdxaSkel_t * ) ( ( byte * ) boneCache . header + sizeof ( mdxaHeader_t ) + offsets - > offsets [ boltList [ boltNum ] . boneNumber ] ) ;
Multiply_3x4Matrix ( & retMatrix , ( mdxaBone_t * ) & boneCache . EvalUnsmooth ( boltList [ boltNum ] . boneNumber ) , & skel - > BasePoseMat ) ;
else if ( boltList [ boltNum ] . surfaceNumber > = 0 )
const surfaceInfo_t * surfInfo = 0 ;
int i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < ghoul2 . mSlist . size ( ) ; i + + )
surfaceInfo_t & t = ghoul2 . mSlist [ i ] ;
if ( t . surface = = boltList [ boltNum ] . surfaceNumber )
surfInfo = & t ;
mdxmSurface_t * surface = 0 ;
if ( ! surfInfo )
surface = ( mdxmSurface_t * ) G2_FindSurface_BC ( boneCache . mod , boltList [ boltNum ] . surfaceNumber , 0 ) ;
if ( ! surface & & surfInfo & & surfInfo - > surface < 10000 )
surface = ( mdxmSurface_t * ) G2_FindSurface_BC ( boneCache . mod , surfInfo - > surface , 0 ) ;
G2_ProcessSurfaceBolt2 ( boneCache , surface , boltNum , boltList , surfInfo , ( model_t * ) boneCache . mod , retMatrix ) ;
// we have a bolt without a bone or surface, not a huge problem but we ought to at least clear the bolt matrix
retMatrix = identityMatrix ;
static void RootMatrix ( CGhoul2Info_v & ghoul2 , int time , const vec3_t scale , mdxaBone_t & retMatrix )
int i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < ghoul2 . size ( ) ; i + + )
if ( ghoul2 [ i ] . mModelindex ! = - 1 & & ghoul2 [ i ] . mValid )
if ( ghoul2 [ i ] . mFlags & GHOUL2_NEWORIGIN )
mdxaBone_t bolt ;
mdxaBone_t tempMatrix ;
G2_ConstructGhoulSkeleton ( ghoul2 , time , false , scale ) ;
G2_GetBoltMatrixLow ( ghoul2 [ i ] , ghoul2 [ i ] . mNewOrigin , scale , bolt ) ;
tempMatrix . matrix [ 0 ] [ 0 ] = 1.0f ;
tempMatrix . matrix [ 0 ] [ 1 ] = 0.0f ;
tempMatrix . matrix [ 0 ] [ 2 ] = 0.0f ;
tempMatrix . matrix [ 0 ] [ 3 ] = - bolt . matrix [ 0 ] [ 3 ] ;
tempMatrix . matrix [ 1 ] [ 0 ] = 0.0f ;
tempMatrix . matrix [ 1 ] [ 1 ] = 1.0f ;
tempMatrix . matrix [ 1 ] [ 2 ] = 0.0f ;
tempMatrix . matrix [ 1 ] [ 3 ] = - bolt . matrix [ 1 ] [ 3 ] ;
tempMatrix . matrix [ 2 ] [ 0 ] = 0.0f ;
tempMatrix . matrix [ 2 ] [ 1 ] = 0.0f ;
tempMatrix . matrix [ 2 ] [ 2 ] = 1.0f ;
tempMatrix . matrix [ 2 ] [ 3 ] = - bolt . matrix [ 2 ] [ 3 ] ;
// Inverse_Matrix(&bolt, &tempMatrix);
Multiply_3x4Matrix ( & retMatrix , & tempMatrix , ( mdxaBone_t * ) & identityMatrix ) ;
return ;
retMatrix = identityMatrix ;
extern cvar_t * r_shadowRange ;
static inline bool bInShadowRange ( vec3_t location )
const float c = DotProduct ( tr . viewParms . ori . axis [ 0 ] , tr . viewParms . ori . origin ) ;
const float dist = DotProduct ( tr . viewParms . ori . axis [ 0 ] , location ) - c ;
// return (dist < tr.distanceCull/1.5f);
return ( dist < r_shadowRange - > value ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void R_AddGhoulSurfaces ( trRefEntity_t * ent ) {
# ifndef DEDICATED
G2PerformanceTimer_R_AddGHOULSurfaces . Start ( ) ;
# endif
shader_t * cust_shader = 0 ;
# ifdef _G2_GORE
shader_t * gore_shader = 0 ;
# endif
int fogNum = 0 ;
qboolean personalModel ;
int cull ;
int i , whichLod , j ;
skin_t * skin ;
int modelCount ;
mdxaBone_t rootMatrix ;
CGhoul2Info_v & ghoul2 = * ( ( CGhoul2Info_v * ) ent - > e . ghoul2 ) ;
if ( ! ghoul2 . IsValid ( ) )
return ;
// if we don't want server ghoul2 models and this is one, or we just don't want ghoul2 models at all, then return
if ( r_noServerGhoul2 - > integer )
return ;
if ( ! G2_SetupModelPointers ( ghoul2 ) )
return ;
int currentTime = G2API_GetTime ( tr . refdef . time ) ;
// cull the entire model if merged bounding box of both frames
// is outside the view frustum.
cull = R_GCullModel ( ent ) ;
if ( cull = = CULL_OUT )
return ;
HackadelicOnClient = true ;
// are any of these models setting a new origin?
RootMatrix ( ghoul2 , currentTime , ent - > e . modelScale , rootMatrix ) ;
// don't add third_person objects if not in a portal
personalModel = ( qboolean ) ( ( ent - > e . renderfx & RF_THIRD_PERSON ) & & ! tr . viewParms . isPortal ) ;
int modelList [ 256 ] ;
assert ( ghoul2 . size ( ) < = 255 ) ;
modelList [ 255 ] = 548 ;
// set up lighting now that we know we aren't culled
if ( ! personalModel ) {
VVLightMan . R_SetupEntityLighting ( & tr . refdef , ent ) ;
# else
if ( ! personalModel | | r_shadows - > integer > 1 ) {
R_SetupEntityLighting ( & tr . refdef , ent ) ;
# endif
// see if we are in a fog volume
fogNum = R_GComputeFogNum ( ent ) ;
// order sort the ghoul 2 models so bolt ons get bolted to the right model
G2_Sort_Models ( ghoul2 , modelList , & modelCount ) ;
assert ( modelList [ 255 ] = = 548 ) ;
# ifdef _G2_GORE
if ( goreShader = = - 1 )
goreShader = RE_RegisterShader ( " gfx/damage/burnmark1 " ) ;
# endif
// construct a world matrix for this entity
G2_GenerateWorldMatrix ( ent - > e . angles , ent - > e . origin ) ;
// walk each possible model for this entity and try rendering it out
for ( j = 0 ; j < modelCount ; j + + )
i = modelList [ j ] ;
if ( ghoul2 [ i ] . mValid & & ! ( ghoul2 [ i ] . mFlags & GHOUL2_NOMODEL ) & & ! ( ghoul2 [ i ] . mFlags & GHOUL2_NORENDER ) )
// figure out whether we should be using a custom shader for this model
skin = NULL ;
if ( ent - > e . customShader )
cust_shader = R_GetShaderByHandle ( ent - > e . customShader ) ;
cust_shader = NULL ;
// figure out the custom skin thing
if ( ghoul2 [ i ] . mCustomSkin )
skin = R_GetSkinByHandle ( ghoul2 [ i ] . mCustomSkin ) ;
else if ( ent - > e . customSkin )
skin = R_GetSkinByHandle ( ent - > e . customSkin ) ;
else if ( ghoul2 [ i ] . mSkin > 0 & & ghoul2 [ i ] . mSkin < tr . numSkins )
skin = R_GetSkinByHandle ( ghoul2 [ i ] . mSkin ) ;
if ( j & & ghoul2 [ i ] . mModelBoltLink ! = - 1 )
int boltMod = ( ghoul2 [ i ] . mModelBoltLink > > MODEL_SHIFT ) & MODEL_AND ;
int boltNum = ( ghoul2 [ i ] . mModelBoltLink > > BOLT_SHIFT ) & BOLT_AND ;
mdxaBone_t bolt ;
G2_GetBoltMatrixLow ( ghoul2 [ boltMod ] , boltNum , ent - > e . modelScale , bolt ) ;
G2_TransformGhoulBones ( ghoul2 [ i ] . mBlist , bolt , ghoul2 [ i ] , currentTime ) ;
G2_TransformGhoulBones ( ghoul2 [ i ] . mBlist , rootMatrix , ghoul2 [ i ] , currentTime ) ;
whichLod = G2_ComputeLOD ( ent , ghoul2 [ i ] . currentModel , ghoul2 [ i ] . mLodBias ) ;
G2_FindOverrideSurface ( - 1 , ghoul2 [ i ] . mSlist ) ; //reset the quick surface override lookup;
# ifdef _G2_GORE
CGoreSet * gore = 0 ;
if ( ghoul2 [ i ] . mGoreSetTag )
gore = FindGoreSet ( ghoul2 [ i ] . mGoreSetTag ) ;
if ( ! gore ) // my gore is gone, so remove it
ghoul2 [ i ] . mGoreSetTag = 0 ;
CRenderSurface RS ( ghoul2 [ i ] . mSurfaceRoot , ghoul2 [ i ] . mSlist , cust_shader , fogNum , personalModel , ghoul2 [ i ] . mBoneCache , ent - > e . renderfx , skin , ( model_t * ) ghoul2 [ i ] . currentModel , whichLod , ghoul2 [ i ] . mBltlist , gore_shader , gore ) ;
# else
CRenderSurface RS ( ghoul2 [ i ] . mSurfaceRoot , ghoul2 [ i ] . mSlist , cust_shader , fogNum , personalModel , ghoul2 [ i ] . mBoneCache , ent - > e . renderfx , skin , ( model_t * ) ghoul2 [ i ] . currentModel , whichLod , ghoul2 [ i ] . mBltlist ) ;
# endif
if ( ! personalModel & & ( RS . renderfx & RF_SHADOW_PLANE ) & & ! bInShadowRange ( ent - > e . origin ) )
RS . renderfx | = RF_NOSHADOW ;
RenderSurfaces ( RS ) ;
HackadelicOnClient = false ;
G2Time_R_AddGHOULSurfaces + = G2PerformanceTimer_R_AddGHOULSurfaces . End ( ) ;
# endif
# endif //!DEDICATED
qboolean G2API_OverrideServerWithClientData ( CGhoul2Info * serverInstance ) ;
# endif
bool G2_NeedsRecalc ( CGhoul2Info * ghlInfo , int frameNum )
G2_SetupModelPointers ( ghlInfo ) ;
// not sure if I still need this test, probably
if ( ghlInfo - > mSkelFrameNum ! = frameNum | |
! ghlInfo - > mBoneCache | |
ghlInfo - > mBoneCache - > mod ! = ghlInfo - > currentModel )
if ( ghlInfo - > entityNum ! = ENTITYNUM_NONE & &
G2API_OverrideServerWithClientData ( ghlInfo ) )
{ //if we can manage this, then we don't have to reconstruct
return false ;
# endif
ghlInfo - > mSkelFrameNum = frameNum ;
return true ;
return false ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = =
G2_ConstructGhoulSkeleton - builds a complete skeleton for all ghoul models in a CGhoul2Info_v class - using LOD 0
= = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void G2_ConstructGhoulSkeleton ( CGhoul2Info_v & ghoul2 , const int frameNum , bool checkForNewOrigin , const vec3_t scale )
G2PerformanceTimer_G2_ConstructGhoulSkeleton . Start ( ) ;
# endif
int i , j ;
int modelCount ;
mdxaBone_t rootMatrix ;
int modelList [ 256 ] ;
assert ( ghoul2 . size ( ) < = 255 ) ;
modelList [ 255 ] = 548 ;
if ( checkForNewOrigin )
RootMatrix ( ghoul2 , frameNum , scale , rootMatrix ) ;
rootMatrix = identityMatrix ;
G2_Sort_Models ( ghoul2 , modelList , & modelCount ) ;
assert ( modelList [ 255 ] = = 548 ) ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < modelCount ; j + + )
// get the sorted model to play with
i = modelList [ j ] ;
if ( ghoul2 [ i ] . mValid )
if ( j & & ghoul2 [ i ] . mModelBoltLink ! = - 1 )
int boltMod = ( ghoul2 [ i ] . mModelBoltLink > > MODEL_SHIFT ) & MODEL_AND ;
int boltNum = ( ghoul2 [ i ] . mModelBoltLink > > BOLT_SHIFT ) & BOLT_AND ;
mdxaBone_t bolt ;
G2_GetBoltMatrixLow ( ghoul2 [ boltMod ] , boltNum , scale , bolt ) ;
G2_TransformGhoulBones ( ghoul2 [ i ] . mBlist , bolt , ghoul2 [ i ] , frameNum , checkForNewOrigin ) ;
else if ( ghoul2 [ i ] . entityNum = = ENTITYNUM_NONE | | ghoul2 [ i ] . mSkelFrameNum ! = frameNum )
# else
# endif
G2_TransformGhoulBones ( ghoul2 [ i ] . mBlist , rootMatrix , ghoul2 [ i ] , frameNum , checkForNewOrigin ) ;
G2Time_G2_ConstructGhoulSkeleton + = G2PerformanceTimer_G2_ConstructGhoulSkeleton . End ( ) ;
# endif
# ifndef DEDICATED
static inline float G2_GetVertBoneWeightNotSlow ( const mdxmVertex_t * pVert , const int iWeightNum )
float fBoneWeight ;
int iTemp = pVert - > BoneWeightings [ iWeightNum ] ;
iTemp | = ( pVert - > uiNmWeightsAndBoneIndexes > > ( iG2_BONEWEIGHT_TOPBITS_SHIFT + ( iWeightNum * 2 ) ) ) & iG2_BONEWEIGHT_TOPBITS_AND ;
return fBoneWeight ;
# ifdef _XBOX
static inline void VertTransform ( float * out_vert , const float * mat , const float * in_vert )
push ESI
push EDI
push EAX
mov ESI , in_vert
mov EDI , out_vert
mov EAX , mat
movaps XMM4 , [ EAX + 0 ] // Load matrix columns
movaps XMM5 , [ EAX + 16 ]
movaps XMM6 , [ EAX + 32 ]
movaps XMM7 , [ EAX + 48 ]
movss XMM0 , [ ESI + 0 ] // Compute x * column 0
shufps XMM0 , XMM0 , 0x0
mulps XMM0 , XMM4
movss XMM1 , [ ESI + 4 ] // Compute y * column 1
shufps XMM1 , XMM1 , 0x0
mulps XMM1 , XMM5
movss XMM2 , [ ESI + 8 ] // Compute z * column 2
shufps XMM2 , XMM2 , 0x0
mulps XMM2 , XMM6
addps XMM0 , XMM1 // Add dot products
addps XMM0 , XMM2
addps XMM0 , XMM7 // Add translation
movaps [ EDI ] , XMM0 // Store result
pop EAX
pop EDI
pop ESI
static inline void VertTransformSR ( float * out_vert , const float * mat , const float * in_vert )
push ESI
push EDI
push EAX
mov ESI , in_vert
mov EDI , out_vert
mov EAX , mat
movaps XMM4 , [ EAX + 0 ] // Load matrix columns
movaps XMM5 , [ EAX + 16 ]
movaps XMM6 , [ EAX + 32 ]
movss XMM0 , [ ESI + 0 ] // Compute x * column 0
shufps XMM0 , XMM0 , 0x0
mulps XMM0 , XMM4
movss XMM1 , [ ESI + 4 ] // Compute y * column 1
shufps XMM1 , XMM1 , 0x0
mulps XMM1 , XMM5
movss XMM2 , [ ESI + 8 ] // Compute z * column 2
shufps XMM2 , XMM2 , 0x0
mulps XMM2 , XMM6
addps XMM0 , XMM1 // Add dot products
addps XMM0 , XMM2
movaps [ EDI ] , XMM0 // Store result
pop EAX
pop EDI
pop ESI
static inline void VertTransformWeighted ( float * out_vert , const float * mat , const float * in_vert , const float * weight )
push ESI
push EDI
push EAX
push EDX
mov ESI , in_vert
mov EDI , out_vert
mov EAX , mat
mov EDX , weight
movaps XMM4 , [ EAX + 0 ] // Load matrix columns
movaps XMM5 , [ EAX + 16 ]
movaps XMM6 , [ EAX + 32 ]
movaps XMM7 , [ EAX + 48 ]
movss XMM0 , [ ESI + 0 ] // Compute x * column 0
shufps XMM0 , XMM0 , 0x0
mulps XMM0 , XMM4
movss XMM1 , [ ESI + 4 ] // Compute y * column 1
shufps XMM1 , XMM1 , 0x0
mulps XMM1 , XMM5
movss XMM2 , [ ESI + 8 ] // Compute z * column 2
shufps XMM2 , XMM2 , 0x0
mulps XMM2 , XMM6
addps XMM0 , XMM1 // Add dot products
addps XMM0 , XMM2
addps XMM0 , XMM7 // Add translation
movss XMM4 , [ EDX ] // Weight the resulting vector
shufps XMM4 , XMM4 , 0x0
mulps XMM0 , XMM4
movaps XMM5 , [ EDI ] // Add the weighted vector to the current
addps XMM0 , XMM5
movaps [ EDI ] , XMM0 // Store result
pop EDX
pop EAX
pop EDI
pop ESI
static inline void VertTransformSRWeighted ( float * out_vert , const float * mat , const float * in_vert , const float * weight )
push ESI
push EDI
push EAX
push EDX
mov ESI , in_vert
mov EDI , out_vert
mov EAX , mat
mov EDX , weight
movaps XMM4 , [ EAX + 0 ] // Load matrix columns
movaps XMM5 , [ EAX + 16 ]
movaps XMM6 , [ EAX + 32 ]
movss XMM0 , [ ESI + 0 ] // Compute x * column 0
shufps XMM0 , XMM0 , 0x0
mulps XMM0 , XMM4
movss XMM1 , [ ESI + 4 ] // Compute y * column 1
shufps XMM1 , XMM1 , 0x0
mulps XMM1 , XMM5
movss XMM2 , [ ESI + 8 ] // Compute z * column 2
shufps XMM2 , XMM2 , 0x0
mulps XMM2 , XMM6
addps XMM0 , XMM1 // Add dot products
addps XMM0 , XMM2
movss XMM7 , [ EDX ] // Weight the resulting vector
shufps XMM7 , XMM7 , 0x0
mulps XMM0 , XMM7
movaps XMM4 , [ EDI ] // Add the weighted vector to the current
addps XMM0 , XMM4
movaps [ EDI ] , XMM0 // Store result
pop EDX
pop EAX
pop EDI
pop ESI
static void TransformRenderSurface ( const mdxmSurface_t * surf , CBoneCache * bones , shaderCommands_t * out )
const int * boneRefs = ( int * ) ( ( byte * ) surf + surf - > ofsBoneReferences ) ;
int numVerts = surf - > numVerts ;
const mdxmVertex_t * vert = ( mdxmVertex_t * ) ( ( byte * ) surf + surf - > ofsVerts ) ;
const mdxmVertexTexCoord_t * texCoord = ( mdxmVertexTexCoord_t * ) & vert [ numVerts ] ;
int boneIndex = - 1 ;
const float * bone = NULL ;
int baseVert = out - > numVertexes ;
while ( numVerts - - )
__declspec ( align ( 16 ) ) vec4_t vec ;
__declspec ( align ( 16 ) ) vec4_t nrm ;
# ifdef _XBOX
__declspec ( align ( 16 ) ) vec4_t tan ;
Q_CastShort2FloatScale ( & vec [ 0 ] , & vert - > vertCoords [ 0 ] , 1.f / GLM_COMP_SIZE ) ;
Q_CastShort2FloatScale ( & vec [ 1 ] , & vert - > vertCoords [ 1 ] , 1.f / GLM_COMP_SIZE ) ;
Q_CastShort2FloatScale ( & vec [ 2 ] , & vert - > vertCoords [ 2 ] , 1.f / GLM_COMP_SIZE ) ;
if ( tess . shader - > needsNormal | | tess . dlightBits )
nrm [ 0 ] = ( ( ( vert - > normal & 0x00FF0000 ) > > 16 ) - 128.f ) / 127.0f ;
nrm [ 1 ] = ( ( ( vert - > normal & 0x0000FF00 ) > > 8 ) - 128.f ) / 127.0f ;
nrm [ 2 ] = ( ( ( vert - > normal & 0x000000FF ) > > 0 ) - 128.f ) / 127.0f ;
if ( tess . shader - > needsTangent | | tess . dlightBits )
tan [ 0 ] = ( ( ( vert - > tangent & 0x00FF0000 ) > > 16 ) - 128.f ) / 127.0f ;
tan [ 1 ] = ( ( ( vert - > tangent & 0x0000FF00 ) > > 8 ) - 128.f ) / 127.0f ;
tan [ 2 ] = ( ( ( vert - > tangent & 0x000000FF ) > > 0 ) - 128.f ) / 127.0f ;
out - > setTangents = true ;
# else
VectorCopy ( vert - > vertCoords , vec ) ;
VectorCopy ( vert - > normal , nrm ) ;
# endif
const int numWeights = G2_GetVertWeights ( vert ) ;
if ( numWeights = = 1 )
// Slightly faster single weight path
int index = G2_GetVertBoneIndex ( vert , 0 ) ;
if ( index ! = boneIndex )
CTransformBone * tbone = bones - > EvalFull ( boneRefs [ index ] ) ;
bone = tbone - > renderMatrix ;
boneIndex = index ;
VertTransform ( out - > xyz [ baseVert ] , bone , vec ) ;
# ifdef _XBOX
if ( tess . shader - > needsNormal | | tess . dlightBits )
VertTransformSR ( out - > normal [ baseVert ] , bone , nrm ) ;
if ( tess . shader - > needsTangent | | tess . dlightBits )
VertTransformSR ( out - > tangent [ baseVert ] , bone , tan ) ;
# else
VertTransformSR ( out - > normal [ baseVert ] , bone , nrm ) ;
# endif
// Multi-weight blending path
VectorClear ( out - > xyz [ baseVert ] ) ;
// Special case for first weight, as it's the only one we use for the normals
boneIndex = G2_GetVertBoneIndex ( vert , 0 ) ;
CTransformBone * tbone = bones - > EvalFull ( boneRefs [ boneIndex ] ) ;
bone = tbone - > renderMatrix ;
__declspec ( align ( 16 ) ) float weight = G2_GetVertBoneWeightNotSlow ( vert , 0 ) ;
VertTransformWeighted ( out - > xyz [ baseVert ] , bone , vec , & weight ) ;
# ifdef _XBOX
if ( tess . shader - > needsNormal | | tess . dlightBits )
VertTransformSR ( out - > normal [ baseVert ] , bone , nrm ) ;
if ( tess . shader - > needsTangent | | tess . dlightBits )
VertTransformSR ( out - > tangent [ baseVert ] , bone , tan ) ;
# else
VertTransformSR ( out - > normal [ baseVert ] , bone , nrm ) ;
# endif
for ( int k = 1 ; k < numWeights ; + + k )
boneIndex = G2_GetVertBoneIndex ( vert , k ) ;
tbone = bones - > EvalFull ( boneRefs [ boneIndex ] ) ;
bone = tbone - > renderMatrix ;
weight = G2_GetVertBoneWeightNotSlow ( vert , k ) ;
VertTransformWeighted ( out - > xyz [ baseVert ] , bone , vec , & weight ) ;
# ifdef _XBOX
Q_CastShort2FloatScale ( & out - > texCoords [ baseVert ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ] , & texCoord - > texCoords [ 0 ] , 1.f / GLM_COMP_SIZE ) ;
Q_CastShort2FloatScale ( & out - > texCoords [ baseVert ] [ 0 ] [ 1 ] , & texCoord - > texCoords [ 1 ] , 1.f / GLM_COMP_SIZE ) ;
# else
out - > texCoords [ baseVert ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ] = texCoord - > texCoords [ 0 ] ;
out - > texCoords [ baseVert ] [ 0 ] [ 1 ] = texCoord - > texCoords [ 1 ] ;
# endif
+ + vert ;
+ + texCoord ;
+ + baseVert ;
// VVFIXME - BTO - commented this out, as it's still being done in SurfaceGhoul now.
// Really, I ought to move the Gore surfacing in here.
// out->numVertexes += surf->numVerts;
static void TransformCollideSurface ( const mdxmSurface_t * surf , CBoneCache * bones , vec3_t scale , float * out )
const int * boneRefs = ( int * ) ( ( byte * ) surf + surf - > ofsBoneReferences ) ;
int numVerts = surf - > numVerts ;
const mdxmVertex_t * vert = ( mdxmVertex_t * ) ( ( byte * ) surf + surf - > ofsVerts ) ;
const mdxmVertexTexCoord_t * texCoord = ( mdxmVertexTexCoord_t * ) & vert [ numVerts ] ;
int boneIndex = - 1 ;
const float * bone = NULL ;
# ifdef _XBOX
vec3_t scl ;
scl [ 0 ] = scale [ 0 ] * 1.f / GLM_COMP_SIZE ;
scl [ 1 ] = scale [ 1 ] * 1.f / GLM_COMP_SIZE ;
scl [ 2 ] = scale [ 2 ] * 1.f / GLM_COMP_SIZE ;
# endif
while ( numVerts - - )
__declspec ( align ( 16 ) ) vec4_t vec ;
# ifdef _XBOX
Q_CastShort2FloatScale ( & vec [ 0 ] , & vert - > vertCoords [ 0 ] , scl [ 0 ] ) ;
Q_CastShort2FloatScale ( & vec [ 1 ] , & vert - > vertCoords [ 1 ] , scl [ 1 ] ) ;
Q_CastShort2FloatScale ( & vec [ 2 ] , & vert - > vertCoords [ 2 ] , scl [ 2 ] ) ;
# else
VectorCopy ( vert - > vertCoords , vec ) ;
# endif
const int numWeights = G2_GetVertWeights ( vert ) ;
if ( numWeights = = 1 )
// Slightly faster single weight path
int index = G2_GetVertBoneIndex ( vert , 0 ) ;
if ( index ! = boneIndex )
CTransformBone * tbone = bones - > EvalFull ( boneRefs [ index ] ) ;
bone = tbone - > renderMatrix ;
boneIndex = index ;
__declspec ( align ( 16 ) ) vec4_t temp ;
VertTransform ( temp , bone , vec ) ;
out [ 0 ] = temp [ 0 ] ;
out [ 1 ] = temp [ 1 ] ;
out [ 2 ] = temp [ 2 ] ;
// Multi-weight blending path
float totalWeight = 0.0f ;
__declspec ( align ( 16 ) ) vec4_t temp ;
temp [ 0 ] = 0 ;
temp [ 1 ] = 0 ;
temp [ 2 ] = 0 ;
for ( int k = 0 ; k < numWeights ; + + k )
boneIndex = G2_GetVertBoneIndex ( vert , k ) ;
CTransformBone * tbone = bones - > EvalFull ( boneRefs [ boneIndex ] ) ;
bone = tbone - > renderMatrix ;
__declspec ( align ( 16 ) ) float weight =
G2_GetVertBoneWeight ( vert , k , totalWeight , numWeights ) ;
VertTransformWeighted ( temp , bone , vec , & weight ) ;
out [ 0 ] = temp [ 0 ] ;
out [ 1 ] = temp [ 1 ] ;
out [ 2 ] = temp [ 2 ] ;
# ifdef _XBOX
Q_CastShort2FloatScale ( out + 3 , & texCoord - > texCoords [ 0 ] , 1.f / GLM_COMP_SIZE ) ;
Q_CastShort2FloatScale ( out + 4 , & texCoord - > texCoords [ 1 ] , 1.f / GLM_COMP_SIZE ) ;
# else
out [ 3 ] = texCoord - > texCoords [ 0 ] ;
out [ 4 ] = texCoord - > texCoords [ 1 ] ;
# endif
+ + vert ;
+ + texCoord ;
out + = 5 ;
void R_TransformEachSurface ( const mdxmSurface_t * surface , vec3_t scale , CMiniHeap * G2VertSpace , int * TransformedVertsArray , CBoneCache * boneCache )
float * TransformedVerts ;
// alloc some space for the transformed verts to get put in
TransformedVerts = ( float * ) G2VertSpace - > MiniHeapAlloc ( surface - > numVerts * 5 * 4 ) ;
TransformedVertsArray [ surface - > thisSurfaceIndex ] = ( int ) TransformedVerts ;
if ( ! TransformedVerts )
assert ( 0 ) ;
Com_Error ( ERR_DROP , " Ran out of transform space for Ghoul2 Models. Adjust MiniHeapSize in SV_SpawnServer. \n " ) ;
TransformCollideSurface ( surface , boneCache , scale , TransformedVerts ) ;
# endif
//This is a slightly mangled version of the same function from the sof2sp base.
//It provides a pretty significant performance increase over the existing one.
void RB_SurfaceGhoul ( CRenderableSurface * surf )
G2PerformanceTimer_RB_SurfaceGhoul . Start ( ) ;
# endif
static int j , k ;
static int baseIndex , baseVertex ;
static int numVerts ;
static mdxmVertex_t * v ;
static int * triangles ;
static int indexes ;
static glIndex_t * tessIndexes ;
static mdxmVertexTexCoord_t * pTexCoords ;
static int * piBoneReferences ;
# ifdef _G2_GORE
if ( surf - > alternateTex )
// a gore surface ready to go.
sizeof ( int ) + // num verts
sizeof ( int ) + // num tris
sizeof ( int ) * newNumVerts + // which verts to copy from original surface
sizeof ( float ) * 4 * newNumVerts + // storgage for deformed verts
sizeof ( float ) * 4 * newNumVerts + // storgage for deformed normal
sizeof ( float ) * 2 * newNumVerts + // texture coordinates
sizeof ( int ) * newNumTris * 3 ; // new indecies
int * data = ( int * ) surf - > alternateTex ;
numVerts = * data + + ;
indexes = ( * data + + ) ;
// first up, sanity check our numbers
RB_CheckOverflow ( numVerts , indexes ) ;
indexes * = 3 ;
data + = numVerts ;
baseIndex = tess . numIndexes ;
baseVertex = tess . numVertexes ;
memcpy ( & tess . xyz [ baseVertex ] [ 0 ] , data , sizeof ( float ) * 4 * numVerts ) ;
data + = 4 * numVerts ;
memcpy ( & tess . normal [ baseVertex ] [ 0 ] , data , sizeof ( float ) * 4 * numVerts ) ;
data + = 4 * numVerts ;
assert ( numVerts > 0 ) ;
//float *texCoords = tess.texCoords[0][baseVertex];
float * texCoords = tess . texCoords [ baseVertex ] [ 0 ] ;
int hack = baseVertex ;
//rww - since the array is arranged as such we cannot increment
//the relative memory position to get where we want. Maybe this
//is why sof2 has the texCoords array reversed. In any case, I
//am currently too lazy to get around it.
//Or can you += array[.][x]+2?
if ( surf - > scale > 1.0f )
for ( j = 0 ; j < numVerts ; j + + )
texCoords [ 0 ] = ( ( * ( float * ) data ) - 0.5f ) * surf - > scale + 0.5f ;
data + + ;
texCoords [ 1 ] = ( ( * ( float * ) data ) - 0.5f ) * surf - > scale + 0.5f ;
data + + ;
//texCoords+=2;// Size of gore (s,t).
hack + + ;
texCoords = tess . texCoords [ hack ] [ 0 ] ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < numVerts ; j + + )
texCoords [ 0 ] = * ( float * ) ( data + + ) ;
texCoords [ 1 ] = * ( float * ) ( data + + ) ;
// texCoords+=2;// Size of gore (s,t).
hack + + ;
texCoords = tess . texCoords [ hack ] [ 0 ] ;
//now check for fade overrides -rww
if ( surf - > fade )
static int lFade ;
static int j ;
if ( surf - > fade < 1.0 )
tess . fading = true ;
lFade = myftol ( 254.4f * surf - > fade ) ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < numVerts ; j + + )
# ifdef _XBOX
DWORD rgb = tess . svars . colors [ j + baseVertex ] & 0x00ffffff ;
tess . svars . colors [ j + baseVertex ] = rgb | ( ( lFade & 0xff ) < < 24 ) ;
# else
tess . svars . colors [ j + baseVertex ] [ 3 ] = lFade ;
# endif
else if ( surf - > fade > 2.0f & & surf - > fade < 3.0f )
{ //hack to fade out on RGB if desired (don't want to add more to CRenderableSurface) -rww
tess . fading = true ;
lFade = myftol ( 254.4f * ( surf - > fade - 2.0f ) ) ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < numVerts ; j + + )
# ifdef _XBOX
if ( lFade < ( ( tess . svars . colors [ j + baseVertex ] & 0x00ff0000 ) > > 16 ) )
DWORD a = ( tess . svars . colors [ j + baseVertex ] & 0xff000000 ) > > 24 ;
tess . svars . colors [ j + baseVertex ] = D3DCOLOR_RGBA ( lFade , lFade , lFade , lFade ) ;
DWORD rgb = tess . svars . colors [ j + baseVertex ] & 0x00ffffff ;
tess . svars . colors [ j + baseVertex ] = rgb | ( ( lFade & 0xff ) < < 24 ) ;
# else
if ( lFade < tess . svars . colors [ j + baseVertex ] [ 0 ] )
{ //don't set it unless the fade is less than the current r value (to avoid brightening suddenly before we start fading)
tess . svars . colors [ j + baseVertex ] [ 0 ] = tess . svars . colors [ j + baseVertex ] [ 1 ] = tess . svars . colors [ j + baseVertex ] [ 2 ] = lFade ;
//Set the alpha as well I suppose, no matter what
tess . svars . colors [ j + baseVertex ] [ 3 ] = lFade ;
# endif
glIndex_t * indexPtr = & tess . indexes [ baseIndex ] ;
triangles = data ;
for ( j = indexes ; j ; j - - )
* indexPtr + + = baseVertex + ( * triangles + + ) ;
tess . numIndexes + = indexes ;
tess . numVertexes + = numVerts ;
return ;
# endif
// grab the pointer to the surface info within the loaded mesh file
mdxmSurface_t * surface = surf - > surfaceData ;
CBoneCache * bones = surf - > boneCache ;
# ifndef _G2_GORE //we use this later, for gore
delete surf ;
# endif
// Set any dynamic lighting needed
if ( backEnd . currentEntity - > dlightBits )
tess . dlightBits = backEnd . currentEntity - > dlightBits ;
# endif
// first up, sanity check our numbers
RB_CheckOverflow ( surface - > numVerts , surface - > numTriangles ) ;
// deform the vertexes by the lerped bones
// first up, sanity check our numbers
baseVertex = tess . numVertexes ;
triangles = ( int * ) ( ( byte * ) surface + surface - > ofsTriangles ) ;
baseIndex = tess . numIndexes ;
#if 0
indexes = surface - > numTriangles * 3 ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < indexes ; j + + ) {
tess . indexes [ baseIndex + j ] = baseVertex + triangles [ j ] ;
tess . numIndexes + = indexes ;
# else
indexes = surface - > numTriangles ; //*3; //unrolled 3 times, don't multiply
tessIndexes = & tess . indexes [ baseIndex ] ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < indexes ; j + + ) {
* tessIndexes + + = baseVertex + * triangles + + ;
* tessIndexes + + = baseVertex + * triangles + + ;
* tessIndexes + + = baseVertex + * triangles + + ;
tess . numIndexes + = indexes * 3 ;
# endif
numVerts = surface - > numVerts ;
# ifdef _XBOX
TransformRenderSurface ( surface , surf - > boneCache , & tess ) ;
# else
piBoneReferences = ( int * ) ( ( byte * ) surface + surface - > ofsBoneReferences ) ;
baseVertex = tess . numVertexes ;
v = ( mdxmVertex_t * ) ( ( byte * ) surface + surface - > ofsVerts ) ;
pTexCoords = ( mdxmVertexTexCoord_t * ) & v [ numVerts ] ;
// if (r_ghoul2fastnormals&&r_ghoul2fastnormals->integer==0)
#if 0
if ( 0 )
for ( j = 0 ; j < numVerts ; j + + , baseVertex + + , v + + )
const int iNumWeights = G2_GetVertWeights ( v ) ;
float fTotalWeight = 0.0f ;
k = 0 ;
int iBoneIndex = G2_GetVertBoneIndex ( v , k ) ;
float fBoneWeight = G2_GetVertBoneWeight ( v , k , fTotalWeight , iNumWeights ) ;
const mdxaBone_t * bone = & bones - > EvalRender ( piBoneReferences [ iBoneIndex ] ) ;
tess . xyz [ baseVertex ] [ 0 ] = fBoneWeight * ( DotProduct ( bone - > matrix [ 0 ] , v - > vertCoords ) + bone - > matrix [ 0 ] [ 3 ] ) ;
tess . xyz [ baseVertex ] [ 1 ] = fBoneWeight * ( DotProduct ( bone - > matrix [ 1 ] , v - > vertCoords ) + bone - > matrix [ 1 ] [ 3 ] ) ;
tess . xyz [ baseVertex ] [ 2 ] = fBoneWeight * ( DotProduct ( bone - > matrix [ 2 ] , v - > vertCoords ) + bone - > matrix [ 2 ] [ 3 ] ) ;
tess . normal [ baseVertex ] [ 0 ] = fBoneWeight * DotProduct ( bone - > matrix [ 0 ] , v - > normal ) ;
tess . normal [ baseVertex ] [ 1 ] = fBoneWeight * DotProduct ( bone - > matrix [ 1 ] , v - > normal ) ;
tess . normal [ baseVertex ] [ 2 ] = fBoneWeight * DotProduct ( bone - > matrix [ 2 ] , v - > normal ) ;
for ( k + + ; k < iNumWeights ; k + + )
iBoneIndex = G2_GetVertBoneIndex ( v , k ) ;
fBoneWeight = G2_GetVertBoneWeight ( v , k , fTotalWeight , iNumWeights ) ;
bone = & bones - > EvalRender ( piBoneReferences [ iBoneIndex ] ) ;
tess . xyz [ baseVertex ] [ 0 ] + = fBoneWeight * ( DotProduct ( bone - > matrix [ 0 ] , v - > vertCoords ) + bone - > matrix [ 0 ] [ 3 ] ) ;
tess . xyz [ baseVertex ] [ 1 ] + = fBoneWeight * ( DotProduct ( bone - > matrix [ 1 ] , v - > vertCoords ) + bone - > matrix [ 1 ] [ 3 ] ) ;
tess . xyz [ baseVertex ] [ 2 ] + = fBoneWeight * ( DotProduct ( bone - > matrix [ 2 ] , v - > vertCoords ) + bone - > matrix [ 2 ] [ 3 ] ) ;
tess . normal [ baseVertex ] [ 0 ] + = fBoneWeight * DotProduct ( bone - > matrix [ 0 ] , v - > normal ) ;
tess . normal [ baseVertex ] [ 1 ] + = fBoneWeight * DotProduct ( bone - > matrix [ 1 ] , v - > normal ) ;
tess . normal [ baseVertex ] [ 2 ] + = fBoneWeight * DotProduct ( bone - > matrix [ 2 ] , v - > normal ) ;
tess . texCoords [ baseVertex ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ] = pTexCoords [ j ] . texCoords [ 0 ] ;
tess . texCoords [ baseVertex ] [ 0 ] [ 1 ] = pTexCoords [ j ] . texCoords [ 1 ] ;
# endif
float fTotalWeight ;
float fBoneWeight ;
float t1 ;
float t2 ;
const mdxaBone_t * bone ;
const mdxaBone_t * bone2 ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < numVerts ; j + + , baseVertex + + , v + + )
bone = & bones - > EvalRender ( piBoneReferences [ G2_GetVertBoneIndex ( v , 0 ) ] ) ;
int iNumWeights = G2_GetVertWeights ( v ) ;
tess . normal [ baseVertex ] [ 0 ] = DotProduct ( bone - > matrix [ 0 ] , v - > normal ) ;
tess . normal [ baseVertex ] [ 1 ] = DotProduct ( bone - > matrix [ 1 ] , v - > normal ) ;
tess . normal [ baseVertex ] [ 2 ] = DotProduct ( bone - > matrix [ 2 ] , v - > normal ) ;
if ( iNumWeights = = 1 )
tess . xyz [ baseVertex ] [ 0 ] = ( DotProduct ( bone - > matrix [ 0 ] , v - > vertCoords ) + bone - > matrix [ 0 ] [ 3 ] ) ;
tess . xyz [ baseVertex ] [ 1 ] = ( DotProduct ( bone - > matrix [ 1 ] , v - > vertCoords ) + bone - > matrix [ 1 ] [ 3 ] ) ;
tess . xyz [ baseVertex ] [ 2 ] = ( DotProduct ( bone - > matrix [ 2 ] , v - > vertCoords ) + bone - > matrix [ 2 ] [ 3 ] ) ;
fBoneWeight = G2_GetVertBoneWeightNotSlow ( v , 0 ) ;
if ( iNumWeights = = 2 )
bone2 = & bones - > EvalRender ( piBoneReferences [ G2_GetVertBoneIndex ( v , 1 ) ] ) ;
useless transposition
tess . xyz [ baseVertex ] [ 0 ] =
v [ 0 ] * ( w * ( bone - > matrix [ 0 ] [ 0 ] - bone2 - > matrix [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ) + bone2 - > matrix [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ) +
v [ 1 ] * ( w * ( bone - > matrix [ 0 ] [ 1 ] - bone2 - > matrix [ 0 ] [ 1 ] ) + bone2 - > matrix [ 0 ] [ 1 ] ) +
v [ 2 ] * ( w * ( bone - > matrix [ 0 ] [ 2 ] - bone2 - > matrix [ 0 ] [ 2 ] ) + bone2 - > matrix [ 0 ] [ 2 ] ) +
w * ( bone - > matrix [ 0 ] [ 3 ] - bone2 - > matrix [ 0 ] [ 3 ] ) + bone2 - > matrix [ 0 ] [ 3 ] ;
t1 = ( DotProduct ( bone - > matrix [ 0 ] , v - > vertCoords ) + bone - > matrix [ 0 ] [ 3 ] ) ;
t2 = ( DotProduct ( bone2 - > matrix [ 0 ] , v - > vertCoords ) + bone2 - > matrix [ 0 ] [ 3 ] ) ;
tess . xyz [ baseVertex ] [ 0 ] = fBoneWeight * ( t1 - t2 ) + t2 ;
t1 = ( DotProduct ( bone - > matrix [ 1 ] , v - > vertCoords ) + bone - > matrix [ 1 ] [ 3 ] ) ;
t2 = ( DotProduct ( bone2 - > matrix [ 1 ] , v - > vertCoords ) + bone2 - > matrix [ 1 ] [ 3 ] ) ;
tess . xyz [ baseVertex ] [ 1 ] = fBoneWeight * ( t1 - t2 ) + t2 ;
t1 = ( DotProduct ( bone - > matrix [ 2 ] , v - > vertCoords ) + bone - > matrix [ 2 ] [ 3 ] ) ;
t2 = ( DotProduct ( bone2 - > matrix [ 2 ] , v - > vertCoords ) + bone2 - > matrix [ 2 ] [ 3 ] ) ;
tess . xyz [ baseVertex ] [ 2 ] = fBoneWeight * ( t1 - t2 ) + t2 ;
tess . xyz [ baseVertex ] [ 0 ] = fBoneWeight * ( DotProduct ( bone - > matrix [ 0 ] , v - > vertCoords ) + bone - > matrix [ 0 ] [ 3 ] ) ;
tess . xyz [ baseVertex ] [ 1 ] = fBoneWeight * ( DotProduct ( bone - > matrix [ 1 ] , v - > vertCoords ) + bone - > matrix [ 1 ] [ 3 ] ) ;
tess . xyz [ baseVertex ] [ 2 ] = fBoneWeight * ( DotProduct ( bone - > matrix [ 2 ] , v - > vertCoords ) + bone - > matrix [ 2 ] [ 3 ] ) ;
fTotalWeight = fBoneWeight ;
for ( k = 1 ; k < iNumWeights - 1 ; k + + )
bone = & bones - > EvalRender ( piBoneReferences [ G2_GetVertBoneIndex ( v , k ) ] ) ;
fBoneWeight = G2_GetVertBoneWeightNotSlow ( v , k ) ;
fTotalWeight + = fBoneWeight ;
tess . xyz [ baseVertex ] [ 0 ] + = fBoneWeight * ( DotProduct ( bone - > matrix [ 0 ] , v - > vertCoords ) + bone - > matrix [ 0 ] [ 3 ] ) ;
tess . xyz [ baseVertex ] [ 1 ] + = fBoneWeight * ( DotProduct ( bone - > matrix [ 1 ] , v - > vertCoords ) + bone - > matrix [ 1 ] [ 3 ] ) ;
tess . xyz [ baseVertex ] [ 2 ] + = fBoneWeight * ( DotProduct ( bone - > matrix [ 2 ] , v - > vertCoords ) + bone - > matrix [ 2 ] [ 3 ] ) ;
bone = & bones - > EvalRender ( piBoneReferences [ G2_GetVertBoneIndex ( v , k ) ] ) ;
fBoneWeight = 1.0f - fTotalWeight ;
tess . xyz [ baseVertex ] [ 0 ] + = fBoneWeight * ( DotProduct ( bone - > matrix [ 0 ] , v - > vertCoords ) + bone - > matrix [ 0 ] [ 3 ] ) ;
tess . xyz [ baseVertex ] [ 1 ] + = fBoneWeight * ( DotProduct ( bone - > matrix [ 1 ] , v - > vertCoords ) + bone - > matrix [ 1 ] [ 3 ] ) ;
tess . xyz [ baseVertex ] [ 2 ] + = fBoneWeight * ( DotProduct ( bone - > matrix [ 2 ] , v - > vertCoords ) + bone - > matrix [ 2 ] [ 3 ] ) ;
tess . texCoords [ baseVertex ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ] = pTexCoords [ j ] . texCoords [ 0 ] ;
tess . texCoords [ baseVertex ] [ 0 ] [ 1 ] = pTexCoords [ j ] . texCoords [ 1 ] ;
#if 0
# endif
# endif // _XBOX
# ifdef _G2_GORE
CRenderableSurface * storeSurf = surf ;
while ( surf - > goreChain )
surf = ( CRenderableSurface * ) surf - > goreChain ;
if ( surf - > alternateTex )
// get a gore surface ready to go.
sizeof ( int ) + // num verts
sizeof ( int ) + // num tris
sizeof ( int ) * newNumVerts + // which verts to copy from original surface
sizeof ( float ) * 4 * newNumVerts + // storgage for deformed verts
sizeof ( float ) * 4 * newNumVerts + // storgage for deformed normal
sizeof ( float ) * 2 * newNumVerts + // texture coordinates
sizeof ( int ) * newNumTris * 3 ; // new indecies
int * data = ( int * ) surf - > alternateTex ;
int gnumVerts = * data + + ;
data + + ;
float * fdata = ( float * ) data ;
fdata + = gnumVerts ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < gnumVerts ; j + + )
assert ( data [ j ] > = 0 & & data [ j ] < numVerts ) ;
memcpy ( fdata , & tess . xyz [ tess . numVertexes + data [ j ] ] [ 0 ] , sizeof ( float ) * 3 ) ;
fdata + = 4 ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < gnumVerts ; j + + )
assert ( data [ j ] > = 0 & & data [ j ] < numVerts ) ;
memcpy ( fdata , & tess . normal [ tess . numVertexes + data [ j ] ] [ 0 ] , sizeof ( float ) * 3 ) ;
fdata + = 4 ;
assert ( 0 ) ;
// NOTE: This is required because a ghoul model might need to be rendered twice a frame (don't cringe,
// it's not THAT bad), so we only delete it when doing the glow pass. Warning though, this assumes that
// the glow is rendered _second_!!! If that changes, change this!
extern bool g_bRenderGlowingObjects ;
extern bool g_bDynamicGlowSupported ;
# ifdef _XBOX // GLOWXXX
delete storeSurf ;
# else
if ( ! tess . shader - > hasGlow | | g_bRenderGlowingObjects | | ! g_bDynamicGlowSupported | | ! r_DynamicGlow - > integer )
delete storeSurf ;
# endif
# endif
tess . numVertexes + = surface - > numVerts ;
G2Time_RB_SurfaceGhoul + = G2PerformanceTimer_RB_SurfaceGhoul . End ( ) ;
# endif
# endif // !DEDICATED
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
R_LoadMDXM - load a Ghoul 2 Mesh file
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Some information used in the creation of the JK2 - JKA bone remap table
These are the old bones :
Complete list of all 72 bones :
int OldToNewRemapTable [ 72 ] = {
0 , // Bone 0: "model_root": Parent: "" (index -1)
1 , // Bone 1: "pelvis": Parent: "model_root" (index 0)
2 , // Bone 2: "Motion": Parent: "pelvis" (index 1)
3 , // Bone 3: "lfemurYZ": Parent: "pelvis" (index 1)
4 , // Bone 4: "lfemurX": Parent: "pelvis" (index 1)
5 , // Bone 5: "ltibia": Parent: "pelvis" (index 1)
6 , // Bone 6: "ltalus": Parent: "pelvis" (index 1)
6 , // Bone 7: "ltarsal": Parent: "pelvis" (index 1)
7 , // Bone 8: "rfemurYZ": Parent: "pelvis" (index 1)
8 , // Bone 9: "rfemurX": Parent: "pelvis" (index 1)
9 , // Bone10: "rtibia": Parent: "pelvis" (index 1)
10 , // Bone11: "rtalus": Parent: "pelvis" (index 1)
10 , // Bone12: "rtarsal": Parent: "pelvis" (index 1)
11 , // Bone13: "lower_lumbar": Parent: "pelvis" (index 1)
12 , // Bone14: "upper_lumbar": Parent: "lower_lumbar" (index 13)
13 , // Bone15: "thoracic": Parent: "upper_lumbar" (index 14)
14 , // Bone16: "cervical": Parent: "thoracic" (index 15)
15 , // Bone17: "cranium": Parent: "cervical" (index 16)
16 , // Bone18: "ceyebrow": Parent: "face_always_" (index 71)
17 , // Bone19: "jaw": Parent: "face_always_" (index 71)
18 , // Bone20: "lblip2": Parent: "face_always_" (index 71)
19 , // Bone21: "leye": Parent: "face_always_" (index 71)
20 , // Bone22: "rblip2": Parent: "face_always_" (index 71)
21 , // Bone23: "ltlip2": Parent: "face_always_" (index 71)
22 , // Bone24: "rtlip2": Parent: "face_always_" (index 71)
23 , // Bone25: "reye": Parent: "face_always_" (index 71)
24 , // Bone26: "rclavical": Parent: "thoracic" (index 15)
25 , // Bone27: "rhumerus": Parent: "thoracic" (index 15)
26 , // Bone28: "rhumerusX": Parent: "thoracic" (index 15)
27 , // Bone29: "rradius": Parent: "thoracic" (index 15)
28 , // Bone30: "rradiusX": Parent: "thoracic" (index 15)
29 , // Bone31: "rhand": Parent: "thoracic" (index 15)
29 , // Bone32: "mc7": Parent: "thoracic" (index 15)
34 , // Bone33: "r_d5_j1": Parent: "thoracic" (index 15)
35 , // Bone34: "r_d5_j2": Parent: "thoracic" (index 15)
35 , // Bone35: "r_d5_j3": Parent: "thoracic" (index 15)
30 , // Bone36: "r_d1_j1": Parent: "thoracic" (index 15)
31 , // Bone37: "r_d1_j2": Parent: "thoracic" (index 15)
31 , // Bone38: "r_d1_j3": Parent: "thoracic" (index 15)
32 , // Bone39: "r_d2_j1": Parent: "thoracic" (index 15)
33 , // Bone40: "r_d2_j2": Parent: "thoracic" (index 15)
33 , // Bone41: "r_d2_j3": Parent: "thoracic" (index 15)
32 , // Bone42: "r_d3_j1": Parent: "thoracic" (index 15)
33 , // Bone43: "r_d3_j2": Parent: "thoracic" (index 15)
33 , // Bone44: "r_d3_j3": Parent: "thoracic" (index 15)
34 , // Bone45: "r_d4_j1": Parent: "thoracic" (index 15)
35 , // Bone46: "r_d4_j2": Parent: "thoracic" (index 15)
35 , // Bone47: "r_d4_j3": Parent: "thoracic" (index 15)
36 , // Bone48: "rhang_tag_bone": Parent: "thoracic" (index 15)
37 , // Bone49: "lclavical": Parent: "thoracic" (index 15)
38 , // Bone50: "lhumerus": Parent: "thoracic" (index 15)
39 , // Bone51: "lhumerusX": Parent: "thoracic" (index 15)
40 , // Bone52: "lradius": Parent: "thoracic" (index 15)
41 , // Bone53: "lradiusX": Parent: "thoracic" (index 15)
42 , // Bone54: "lhand": Parent: "thoracic" (index 15)
42 , // Bone55: "mc5": Parent: "thoracic" (index 15)
43 , // Bone56: "l_d5_j1": Parent: "thoracic" (index 15)
44 , // Bone57: "l_d5_j2": Parent: "thoracic" (index 15)
44 , // Bone58: "l_d5_j3": Parent: "thoracic" (index 15)
43 , // Bone59: "l_d4_j1": Parent: "thoracic" (index 15)
44 , // Bone60: "l_d4_j2": Parent: "thoracic" (index 15)
44 , // Bone61: "l_d4_j3": Parent: "thoracic" (index 15)
45 , // Bone62: "l_d3_j1": Parent: "thoracic" (index 15)
46 , // Bone63: "l_d3_j2": Parent: "thoracic" (index 15)
46 , // Bone64: "l_d3_j3": Parent: "thoracic" (index 15)
45 , // Bone65: "l_d2_j1": Parent: "thoracic" (index 15)
46 , // Bone66: "l_d2_j2": Parent: "thoracic" (index 15)
46 , // Bone67: "l_d2_j3": Parent: "thoracic" (index 15)
47 , // Bone68: "l_d1_j1": Parent: "thoracic" (index 15)
48 , // Bone69: "l_d1_j2": Parent: "thoracic" (index 15)
48 , // Bone70: "l_d1_j3": Parent: "thoracic" (index 15)
52 // Bone71: "face_always_": Parent: "cranium" (index 17)
} ;
Bone 0 : " model_root " :
Parent : " " ( index - 1 )
# Kids: 1
Child 0 : ( index 1 ) , name " pelvis "
Bone 1 : " pelvis " :
Parent : " model_root " ( index 0 )
# Kids: 4
Child 0 : ( index 2 ) , name " Motion "
Child 1 : ( index 3 ) , name " lfemurYZ "
Child 2 : ( index 7 ) , name " rfemurYZ "
Child 3 : ( index 11 ) , name " lower_lumbar "
Bone 2 : " Motion " :
Parent : " pelvis " ( index 1 )
# Kids: 0
Bone 3 : " lfemurYZ " :
Parent : " pelvis " ( index 1 )
# Kids: 3
Child 0 : ( index 4 ) , name " lfemurX "
Child 1 : ( index 5 ) , name " ltibia "
Child 2 : ( index 49 ) , name " ltail "
Bone 4 : " lfemurX " :
Parent : " lfemurYZ " ( index 3 )
# Kids: 0
Bone 5 : " ltibia " :
Parent : " lfemurYZ " ( index 3 )
# Kids: 1
Child 0 : ( index 6 ) , name " ltalus "
Bone 6 : " ltalus " :
Parent : " ltibia " ( index 5 )
# Kids: 0
Bone 7 : " rfemurYZ " :
Parent : " pelvis " ( index 1 )
# Kids: 3
Child 0 : ( index 8 ) , name " rfemurX "
Child 1 : ( index 9 ) , name " rtibia "
Child 2 : ( index 50 ) , name " rtail "
Bone 8 : " rfemurX " :
Parent : " rfemurYZ " ( index 7 )
# Kids: 0
Bone 9 : " rtibia " :
Parent : " rfemurYZ " ( index 7 )
# Kids: 1
Child 0 : ( index 10 ) , name " rtalus "
Bone 10 : " rtalus " :
Parent : " rtibia " ( index 9 )
# Kids: 0
Bone 11 : " lower_lumbar " :
Parent : " pelvis " ( index 1 )
# Kids: 1
Child 0 : ( index 12 ) , name " upper_lumbar "
Bone 12 : " upper_lumbar " :
Parent : " lower_lumbar " ( index 11 )
# Kids: 1
Child 0 : ( index 13 ) , name " thoracic "
Bone 13 : " thoracic " :
Parent : " upper_lumbar " ( index 12 )
# Kids: 5
Child 0 : ( index 14 ) , name " cervical "
Child 1 : ( index 24 ) , name " rclavical "
Child 2 : ( index 25 ) , name " rhumerus "
Child 3 : ( index 37 ) , name " lclavical "
Child 4 : ( index 38 ) , name " lhumerus "
Bone 14 : " cervical " :
Parent : " thoracic " ( index 13 )
# Kids: 1
Child 0 : ( index 15 ) , name " cranium "
Bone 15 : " cranium " :
Parent : " cervical " ( index 14 )
# Kids: 1
Child 0 : ( index 52 ) , name " face_always_ "
Bone 16 : " ceyebrow " :
Parent : " face_always_ " ( index 52 )
# Kids: 0
Bone 17 : " jaw " :
Parent : " face_always_ " ( index 52 )
# Kids: 0
Bone 18 : " lblip2 " :
Parent : " face_always_ " ( index 52 )
# Kids: 0
Bone 19 : " leye " :
Parent : " face_always_ " ( index 52 )
# Kids: 0
Bone 20 : " rblip2 " :
Parent : " face_always_ " ( index 52 )
# Kids: 0
Bone 21 : " ltlip2 " :
Parent : " face_always_ " ( index 52 )
# Kids: 0
Bone 22 : " rtlip2 " :
Parent : " face_always_ " ( index 52 )
# Kids: 0
Bone 23 : " reye " :
Parent : " face_always_ " ( index 52 )
# Kids: 0
Bone 24 : " rclavical " :
Parent : " thoracic " ( index 13 )
# Kids: 0
Bone 25 : " rhumerus " :
Parent : " thoracic " ( index 13 )
# Kids: 2
Child 0 : ( index 26 ) , name " rhumerusX "
Child 1 : ( index 27 ) , name " rradius "
Bone 26 : " rhumerusX " :
Parent : " rhumerus " ( index 25 )
# Kids: 0
Bone 27 : " rradius " :
Parent : " rhumerus " ( index 25 )
# Kids: 9
Child 0 : ( index 28 ) , name " rradiusX "
Child 1 : ( index 29 ) , name " rhand "
Child 2 : ( index 30 ) , name " r_d1_j1 "
Child 3 : ( index 31 ) , name " r_d1_j2 "
Child 4 : ( index 32 ) , name " r_d2_j1 "
Child 5 : ( index 33 ) , name " r_d2_j2 "
Child 6 : ( index 34 ) , name " r_d4_j1 "
Child 7 : ( index 35 ) , name " r_d4_j2 "
Child 8 : ( index 36 ) , name " rhang_tag_bone "
Bone 28 : " rradiusX " :
Parent : " rradius " ( index 27 )
# Kids: 0
Bone 29 : " rhand " :
Parent : " rradius " ( index 27 )
# Kids: 0
Bone 30 : " r_d1_j1 " :
Parent : " rradius " ( index 27 )
# Kids: 0
Bone 31 : " r_d1_j2 " :
Parent : " rradius " ( index 27 )
# Kids: 0
Bone 32 : " r_d2_j1 " :
Parent : " rradius " ( index 27 )
# Kids: 0
Bone 33 : " r_d2_j2 " :
Parent : " rradius " ( index 27 )
# Kids: 0
Bone 34 : " r_d4_j1 " :
Parent : " rradius " ( index 27 )
# Kids: 0
Bone 35 : " r_d4_j2 " :
Parent : " rradius " ( index 27 )
# Kids: 0
Bone 36 : " rhang_tag_bone " :
Parent : " rradius " ( index 27 )
# Kids: 0
Bone 37 : " lclavical " :
Parent : " thoracic " ( index 13 )
# Kids: 0
Bone 38 : " lhumerus " :
Parent : " thoracic " ( index 13 )
# Kids: 2
Child 0 : ( index 39 ) , name " lhumerusX "
Child 1 : ( index 40 ) , name " lradius "
Bone 39 : " lhumerusX " :
Parent : " lhumerus " ( index 38 )
# Kids: 0
Bone 40 : " lradius " :
Parent : " lhumerus " ( index 38 )
# Kids: 9
Child 0 : ( index 41 ) , name " lradiusX "
Child 1 : ( index 42 ) , name " lhand "
Child 2 : ( index 43 ) , name " l_d4_j1 "
Child 3 : ( index 44 ) , name " l_d4_j2 "
Child 4 : ( index 45 ) , name " l_d2_j1 "
Child 5 : ( index 46 ) , name " l_d2_j2 "
Child 6 : ( index 47 ) , name " l_d1_j1 "
Child 7 : ( index 48 ) , name " l_d1_j2 "
Child 8 : ( index 51 ) , name " lhang_tag_bone "
Bone 41 : " lradiusX " :
Parent : " lradius " ( index 40 )
# Kids: 0
Bone 42 : " lhand " :
Parent : " lradius " ( index 40 )
# Kids: 0
Bone 43 : " l_d4_j1 " :
Parent : " lradius " ( index 40 )
# Kids: 0
Bone 44 : " l_d4_j2 " :
Parent : " lradius " ( index 40 )
# Kids: 0
Bone 45 : " l_d2_j1 " :
Parent : " lradius " ( index 40 )
# Kids: 0
Bone 46 : " l_d2_j2 " :
Parent : " lradius " ( index 40 )
# Kids: 0
Bone 47 : " l_d1_j1 " :
Parent : " lradius " ( index 40 )
# Kids: 0
Bone 48 : " l_d1_j2 " :
Parent : " lradius " ( index 40 )
# Kids: 0
Bone 49 : " ltail " :
Parent : " lfemurYZ " ( index 3 )
# Kids: 0
Bone 50 : " rtail " :
Parent : " rfemurYZ " ( index 7 )
# Kids: 0
Bone 51 : " lhang_tag_bone " :
Parent : " lradius " ( index 40 )
# Kids: 0
Bone 52 : " face_always_ " :
Parent : " cranium " ( index 15 )
# Kids: 8
Child 0 : ( index 16 ) , name " ceyebrow "
Child 1 : ( index 17 ) , name " jaw "
Child 2 : ( index 18 ) , name " lblip2 "
Child 3 : ( index 19 ) , name " leye "
Child 4 : ( index 20 ) , name " rblip2 "
Child 5 : ( index 21 ) , name " ltlip2 "
Child 6 : ( index 22 ) , name " rtlip2 "
Child 7 : ( index 23 ) , name " reye "
qboolean R_LoadMDXM ( model_t * mod , void * buffer , const char * mod_name , qboolean & bAlreadyCached ) {
int i , l , j ;
mdxmHeader_t * pinmodel , * mdxm ;
mdxmLOD_t * lod ;
mdxmSurface_t * surf ;
int version ;
int size ;
mdxmSurfHierarchy_t * surfInfo ;
# ifndef _M_IX86
int k ;
int frameSize ;
mdxmTag_t * tag ;
mdxmTriangle_t * tri ;
mdxmVertex_t * v ;
mdxmFrame_t * cframe ;
int * boneRef ;
# endif
pinmodel = ( mdxmHeader_t * ) buffer ;
// read some fields from the binary, but only LittleLong() them when we know this wasn't an already-cached model...
version = ( pinmodel - > version ) ;
size = ( pinmodel - > ofsEnd ) ;
if ( ! bAlreadyCached )
version = LittleLong ( version ) ;
size = LittleLong ( size ) ;
if ( version ! = MDXM_VERSION ) {
Com_Printf ( S_COLOR_YELLOW " R_LoadMDXM: %s has wrong version (%i should be %i) \n " ,
mod_name , version , MDXM_VERSION ) ;
return qfalse ;
mod - > type = MOD_MDXM ;
mod - > dataSize + = size ;
qboolean bAlreadyFound = qfalse ;
mdxm = mod - > mdxm = ( mdxmHeader_t * ) //Hunk_Alloc( size );
RE_RegisterModels_Malloc ( size , buffer , mod_name , & bAlreadyFound , TAG_MODEL_GLM ) ;
assert ( bAlreadyCached = = bAlreadyFound ) ;
if ( ! bAlreadyFound )
// horrible new hackery, if !bAlreadyFound then we've just done a tag-morph, so we need to set the
// bool reference passed into this function to true, to tell the caller NOT to do an FS_Freefile since
// we've hijacked that memory block...
// Aaaargh. Kill me now...
bAlreadyCached = qtrue ;
assert ( mdxm = = buffer ) ;
// memcpy( mdxm, buffer, size ); // and don't do this now, since it's the same thing
LL ( mdxm - > ident ) ;
LL ( mdxm - > version ) ;
LL ( mdxm - > numLODs ) ;
LL ( mdxm - > ofsLODs ) ;
LL ( mdxm - > numSurfaces ) ;
LL ( mdxm - > ofsSurfHierarchy ) ;
LL ( mdxm - > ofsEnd ) ;
// first up, go load in the animation file we need that has the skeletal animation info for this model
mdxm - > animIndex = RE_RegisterModel ( va ( " %s.gla " , mdxm - > animName ) ) ;
if ( ! mdxm - > animIndex )
Com_Printf ( S_COLOR_YELLOW " R_LoadMDXM: missing animation file %s for mesh %s \n " , mdxm - > animName , mdxm - > name ) ;
return qfalse ;
mod - > numLods = mdxm - > numLODs - 1 ; //copy this up to the model for ease of use - it wil get inced after this.
if ( bAlreadyFound )
return qtrue ; // All done. Stop, go no further, do not LittleLong(), do not pass Go...
bool isAnOldModelFile = false ;
if ( mdxm - > numBones = = 72 & & strstr ( mdxm - > animName , " _humanoid " ) )
isAnOldModelFile = true ;
surfInfo = ( mdxmSurfHierarchy_t * ) ( ( byte * ) mdxm + mdxm - > ofsSurfHierarchy ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < mdxm - > numSurfaces ; i + + )
LL ( surfInfo - > numChildren ) ;
LL ( surfInfo - > parentIndex ) ;
Q_strlwr ( surfInfo - > name ) ; //just in case
if ( ! strcmp ( & surfInfo - > name [ strlen ( surfInfo - > name ) - 4 ] , " _off " ) )
surfInfo - > name [ strlen ( surfInfo - > name ) - 4 ] = 0 ; //remove "_off" from name
// do all the children indexs
for ( j = 0 ; j < surfInfo - > numChildren ; j + + )
LL ( surfInfo - > childIndexes [ j ] ) ;
surfInfo - > shaderIndex = 0 ;
# else
shader_t * sh ;
// get the shader name
sh = R_FindShader ( surfInfo - > shader , lightmapsNone , stylesDefault , qtrue ) ;
// insert it in the surface list
if ( sh - > defaultShader )
surfInfo - > shaderIndex = 0 ;
surfInfo - > shaderIndex = sh - > index ;
# endif
RE_RegisterModels_StoreShaderRequest ( mod_name , & surfInfo - > shader [ 0 ] , & surfInfo - > shaderIndex ) ;
// find the next surface
surfInfo = ( mdxmSurfHierarchy_t * ) ( ( byte * ) surfInfo + ( int ) ( & ( ( mdxmSurfHierarchy_t * ) 0 ) - > childIndexes [ surfInfo - > numChildren ] ) ) ;
// swap all the LOD's (we need to do the middle part of this even for intel, because of shader reg and err-check)
lod = ( mdxmLOD_t * ) ( ( byte * ) mdxm + mdxm - > ofsLODs ) ;
for ( l = 0 ; l < mdxm - > numLODs ; l + + )
int triCount = 0 ;
LL ( lod - > ofsEnd ) ;
// swap all the surfaces
surf = ( mdxmSurface_t * ) ( ( byte * ) lod + sizeof ( mdxmLOD_t ) + ( mdxm - > numSurfaces * sizeof ( mdxmLODSurfOffset_t ) ) ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < mdxm - > numSurfaces ; i + + )
LL ( surf - > numTriangles ) ;
LL ( surf - > ofsTriangles ) ;
LL ( surf - > numVerts ) ;
LL ( surf - > ofsVerts ) ;
LL ( surf - > ofsEnd ) ;
LL ( surf - > ofsHeader ) ;
LL ( surf - > numBoneReferences ) ;
LL ( surf - > ofsBoneReferences ) ;
// LL(surf->maxVertBoneWeights);
triCount + = surf - > numTriangles ;
if ( surf - > numVerts > SHADER_MAX_VERTEXES ) {
Com_Error ( ERR_DROP , " R_LoadMDXM: %s has more than %i verts on a surface (%i) " ,
mod_name , SHADER_MAX_VERTEXES , surf - > numVerts ) ;
if ( surf - > numTriangles * 3 > SHADER_MAX_INDEXES ) {
Com_Error ( ERR_DROP , " R_LoadMDXM: %s has more than %i triangles on a surface (%i) " ,
mod_name , SHADER_MAX_INDEXES / 3 , surf - > numTriangles ) ;
// change to surface identifier
surf - > ident = SF_MDX ;
// register the shaders
# ifndef _M_IX86
// optimisation, we don't bother doing this for standard intel case since our data's already in that format...
// FIXME - is this correct?
// do all the bone reference data
boneRef = ( int * ) ( ( byte * ) surf + surf - > ofsBoneReferences ) ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < surf - > numBoneReferences ; j + + )
LL ( boneRef [ j ] ) ;
// swap all the triangles
tri = ( mdxmTriangle_t * ) ( ( byte * ) surf + surf - > ofsTriangles ) ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < surf - > numTriangles ; j + + , tri + + )
LL ( tri - > indexes [ 0 ] ) ;
LL ( tri - > indexes [ 1 ] ) ;
LL ( tri - > indexes [ 2 ] ) ;
// swap all the vertexes
v = ( mdxmVertex_t * ) ( ( byte * ) surf + surf - > ofsVerts ) ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < surf - > numVerts ; j + + )
v - > normal [ 0 ] = LittleFloat ( v - > normal [ 0 ] ) ;
v - > normal [ 1 ] = LittleFloat ( v - > normal [ 1 ] ) ;
v - > normal [ 2 ] = LittleFloat ( v - > normal [ 2 ] ) ;
v - > texCoords [ 0 ] = LittleFloat ( v - > texCoords [ 0 ] ) ;
v - > texCoords [ 1 ] = LittleFloat ( v - > texCoords [ 1 ] ) ;
v - > numWeights = LittleLong ( v - > numWeights ) ;
v - > offset [ 0 ] = LittleFloat ( v - > offset [ 0 ] ) ;
v - > offset [ 1 ] = LittleFloat ( v - > offset [ 1 ] ) ;
v - > offset [ 2 ] = LittleFloat ( v - > offset [ 2 ] ) ;
for ( k = 0 ; k < /*v->numWeights*/ surf - > maxVertBoneWeights ; k + + )
v - > weights [ k ] . boneIndex = LittleLong ( v - > weights [ k ] . boneIndex ) ;
v - > weights [ k ] . boneWeight = LittleFloat ( v - > weights [ k ] . boneWeight ) ;
v = ( mdxmVertex_t * ) & v - > weights [ /*v->numWeights*/ surf - > maxVertBoneWeights ] ;
# endif
if ( isAnOldModelFile )
int * boneRef = ( int * ) ( ( byte * ) surf + surf - > ofsBoneReferences ) ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < surf - > numBoneReferences ; j + + )
assert ( boneRef [ j ] > = 0 & & boneRef [ j ] < 72 ) ;
if ( boneRef [ j ] > = 0 & & boneRef [ j ] < 72 )
boneRef [ j ] = OldToNewRemapTable [ boneRef [ j ] ] ;
boneRef [ j ] = 0 ;
// find the next surface
surf = ( mdxmSurface_t * ) ( ( byte * ) surf + surf - > ofsEnd ) ;
// find the next LOD
lod = ( mdxmLOD_t * ) ( ( byte * ) lod + lod - > ofsEnd ) ;
return qtrue ;
# define CHILD_PADDING 4 //I don't know, I guess this can be changed.
static const char * rootParents [ NUM_ROOTPARENTS ] =
" rfemurYZ " ,
" rhumerus " ,
" lfemurYZ " ,
" lhumerus "
} ;
static const char * otherParents [ NUM_OTHERPARENTS ] =
" rhumerusX " ,
" rradius " ,
" rradiusX " ,
" lhumerusX " ,
" lradius " ,
" lradiusX " ,
" rfemurX " ,
" rtibia " ,
" rtalus " ,
" lfemurX " ,
" ltibia " ,
" ltalus "
} ;
static const char * bottomBones [ NUM_BOTTOMBONES ] =
" rtarsal " ,
" rhand " ,
" ltarsal " ,
" lhand "
} ;
qboolean BoneIsRootParent ( char * name )
int i = 0 ;
while ( i < NUM_ROOTPARENTS )
if ( ! Q_stricmp ( name , rootParents [ i ] ) )
return qtrue ;
i + + ;
return qfalse ;
qboolean BoneIsOtherParent ( char * name )
int i = 0 ;
while ( i < NUM_OTHERPARENTS )
if ( ! Q_stricmp ( name , otherParents [ i ] ) )
return qtrue ;
i + + ;
return qfalse ;
qboolean BoneIsBottom ( char * name )
int i = 0 ;
while ( i < NUM_BOTTOMBONES )
if ( ! Q_stricmp ( name , bottomBones [ i ] ) )
return qtrue ;
i + + ;
return qfalse ;
void ShiftMemoryDown ( mdxaSkelOffsets_t * offsets , mdxaHeader_t * mdxa , int boneIndex , byte * * endMarker )
int i = 0 ;
//where the next bone starts
byte * nextBone = ( ( byte * ) mdxa + sizeof ( mdxaHeader_t ) + offsets - > offsets [ boneIndex + 1 ] ) ;
int size = ( * endMarker - nextBone ) ;
memmove ( ( nextBone + CHILD_PADDING ) , nextBone , size ) ;
memset ( nextBone , 0 , CHILD_PADDING ) ;
* endMarker + = CHILD_PADDING ;
//Move the whole thing down CHILD_PADDING amount in memory, clear the new preceding space, and increment the end pointer.
i = boneIndex + 1 ;
//Now add CHILD_PADDING amount to every offset beginning at the offset of the bone that was moved.
while ( i < mdxa - > numBones )
offsets - > offsets [ i ] + = CHILD_PADDING ;
i + + ;
mdxa - > ofsFrames + = CHILD_PADDING ;
mdxa - > ofsCompBonePool + = CHILD_PADDING ;
mdxa - > ofsEnd + = CHILD_PADDING ;
//ofsSkel does not need to be updated because we are only moving memory after that point.
//Proper/desired hierarchy list
static const char * BoneHierarchyList [ ] =
" lfemurYZ " ,
" lfemurX " ,
" ltibia " ,
" ltalus " ,
" ltarsal " ,
" rfemurYZ " ,
" rfemurX " ,
" rtibia " ,
" rtalus " ,
" rtarsal " ,
" lhumerus " ,
" lhumerusX " ,
" lradius " ,
" lradiusX " ,
" lhand " ,
" rhumerus " ,
" rhumerusX " ,
" rradius " ,
" rradiusX " ,
" rhand " ,
} ;
//Gets the index of a child or parent. If child is passed as qfalse then parent is assumed.
int BoneParentChildIndex ( mdxaHeader_t * mdxa , mdxaSkelOffsets_t * offsets , mdxaSkel_t * boneInfo , qboolean child )
int i = 0 ;
int matchindex = - 1 ;
mdxaSkel_t * bone ;
const char * match = NULL ;
while ( BoneHierarchyList [ i ] )
if ( ! Q_stricmp ( boneInfo - > name , BoneHierarchyList [ i ] ) )
{ //we have a match, the slot above this will be our desired parent. (or below for child)
if ( child )
match = BoneHierarchyList [ i + 1 ] ;
match = BoneHierarchyList [ i - 1 ] ;
break ;
i + + ;
if ( ! match )
{ //no good
return - 1 ;
i = 0 ;
while ( i < mdxa - > numBones )
bone = ( mdxaSkel_t * ) ( ( byte * ) mdxa + sizeof ( mdxaHeader_t ) + offsets - > offsets [ i ] ) ;
if ( bone & & ! Q_stricmp ( bone - > name , match ) )
{ //this is the one
matchindex = i ;
break ;
i + + ;
return matchindex ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
R_LoadMDXA - load a Ghoul 2 animation file
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
qboolean R_LoadMDXA ( model_t * mod , void * buffer , const char * mod_name , qboolean & bAlreadyCached ) {
mdxaHeader_t * pinmodel , * mdxa ;
int version ;
int size ;
int oSize = 0 ;
byte * sizeMarker ;
# endif
# ifndef _M_IX86
int j , k , i ;
int frameSize ;
mdxaFrame_t * cframe ;
mdxaSkel_t * boneInfo ;
# endif
pinmodel = ( mdxaHeader_t * ) buffer ;
// read some fields from the binary, but only LittleLong() them when we know this wasn't an already-cached model...
version = ( pinmodel - > version ) ;
size = ( pinmodel - > ofsEnd ) ;
if ( ! bAlreadyCached )
version = LittleLong ( version ) ;
size = LittleLong ( size ) ;
if ( version ! = MDXA_VERSION ) {
Com_Printf ( S_COLOR_YELLOW " R_LoadMDXA: %s has wrong version (%i should be %i) \n " ,
mod_name , version , MDXA_VERSION ) ;
return qfalse ;
mod - > type = MOD_MDXA ;
mod - > dataSize + = size ;
qboolean bAlreadyFound = qfalse ;
oSize = size ;
size + = ( childNumber * ( CHILD_PADDING * 8 ) ) ; //Allocate us some extra space so we can shift memory down.
mdxa = mod - > mdxa = ( mdxaHeader_t * ) //Hunk_Alloc( size );
RE_RegisterModels_Malloc ( size ,
NULL , // I think this'll work, can't really test on PC
# else
buffer ,
# endif
mod_name , & bAlreadyFound , TAG_MODEL_GLA ) ;
assert ( bAlreadyCached = = bAlreadyFound ) ; // I should probably eliminate 'bAlreadyFound', but wtf?
if ( ! bAlreadyFound )
memcpy ( mdxa , buffer , oSize ) ;
# else
// horrible new hackery, if !bAlreadyFound then we've just done a tag-morph, so we need to set the
// bool reference passed into this function to true, to tell the caller NOT to do an FS_Freefile since
// we've hijacked that memory block...
// Aaaargh. Kill me now...
bAlreadyCached = qtrue ;
assert ( mdxa = = buffer ) ;
// memcpy( mdxa, buffer, size ); // and don't do this now, since it's the same thing
# endif
LL ( mdxa - > ident ) ;
LL ( mdxa - > version ) ;
LL ( mdxa - > numFrames ) ;
LL ( mdxa - > numBones ) ;
LL ( mdxa - > ofsFrames ) ;
LL ( mdxa - > ofsEnd ) ;
if ( ! bAlreadyFound )
mdxaSkel_t * boneParent ;
# ifdef _M_IX86
mdxaSkel_t * boneInfo ;
int i , k ;
# endif
sizeMarker = ( byte * ) mdxa + mdxa - > ofsEnd ;
//rww - This is probably temporary until we put actual hierarchy in for the models.
//It is necessary for the correct operation of ragdoll.
mdxaSkelOffsets_t * offsets = ( mdxaSkelOffsets_t * ) ( ( byte * ) mdxa + sizeof ( mdxaHeader_t ) ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < mdxa - > numBones ; i + + )
boneInfo = ( mdxaSkel_t * ) ( ( byte * ) mdxa + sizeof ( mdxaHeader_t ) + offsets - > offsets [ i ] ) ;
if ( boneInfo )
char * bname = boneInfo - > name ;
if ( BoneIsRootParent ( bname ) )
{ //These are the main parent bones. We don't want to change their parents, but we want to give them children.
ShiftMemoryDown ( offsets , mdxa , i , & sizeMarker ) ;
boneInfo = ( mdxaSkel_t * ) ( ( byte * ) mdxa + sizeof ( mdxaHeader_t ) + offsets - > offsets [ i ] ) ;
int newChild = BoneParentChildIndex ( mdxa , offsets , boneInfo , qtrue ) ;
if ( newChild ! = - 1 )
boneInfo - > numChildren + + ;
boneInfo - > children [ boneInfo - > numChildren - 1 ] = newChild ;
assert ( ! " Failed to find matching child for bone in hierarchy creation " ) ;
else if ( BoneIsOtherParent ( bname ) | | BoneIsBottom ( bname ) )
if ( ! BoneIsBottom ( bname ) )
{ //unless it's last in the chain it has the next bone as a child.
ShiftMemoryDown ( offsets , mdxa , i , & sizeMarker ) ;
boneInfo = ( mdxaSkel_t * ) ( ( byte * ) mdxa + sizeof ( mdxaHeader_t ) + offsets - > offsets [ i ] ) ;
int newChild = BoneParentChildIndex ( mdxa , offsets , boneInfo , qtrue ) ;
if ( newChild ! = - 1 )
boneInfo - > numChildren + + ;
boneInfo - > children [ boneInfo - > numChildren - 1 ] = newChild ;
assert ( ! " Failed to find matching child for bone in hierarchy creation " ) ;
//Before we set the parent we want to remove this as a child for whoever was parenting it.
int oldParent = boneInfo - > parent ;
if ( oldParent > - 1 )
boneParent = ( mdxaSkel_t * ) ( ( byte * ) mdxa + sizeof ( mdxaHeader_t ) + offsets - > offsets [ oldParent ] ) ;
boneParent = NULL ;
if ( boneParent )
k = 0 ;
while ( k < boneParent - > numChildren )
if ( boneParent - > children [ k ] = = i )
{ //this bone is the child
k + + ;
while ( k < boneParent - > numChildren )
boneParent - > children [ k - 1 ] = boneParent - > children [ k ] ;
k + + ;
boneParent - > children [ k - 1 ] = 0 ;
boneParent - > numChildren - - ;
break ;
k + + ;
//Now that we have cleared the original parent of ownership, mark the bone's new parent.
int newParent = BoneParentChildIndex ( mdxa , offsets , boneInfo , qfalse ) ;
if ( newParent ! = - 1 )
boneInfo - > parent = newParent ;
assert ( ! " Failed to find matching parent for bone in hierarchy creation " ) ;
if ( mdxa - > numFrames < 1 ) {
Com_Printf ( S_COLOR_YELLOW " R_LoadMDXA: %s has no frames \n " , mod_name ) ;
return qfalse ;
if ( bAlreadyFound )
return qtrue ; // All done, stop here, do not LittleLong() etc. Do not pass go...
# ifndef _M_IX86
// optimisation, we don't bother doing this for standard intel case since our data's already in that format...
// swap all the skeletal info
boneInfo = ( mdxaSkel_t * ) ( ( byte * ) mdxa + mdxa - > ofsSkel ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < mdxa - > numBones ; i + + )
LL ( boneInfo - > numChildren ) ;
LL ( boneInfo - > parent ) ;
for ( k = 0 ; k < boneInfo - > numChildren ; k + + )
LL ( boneInfo - > children [ k ] ) ;
// get next bone
boneInfo + = ( int ) ( & ( ( mdxaSkel_t * ) 0 ) - > children [ boneInfo - > numChildren ] ) ;
// swap all the frames
frameSize = ( int ) ( & ( ( mdxaFrame_t * ) 0 ) - > bones [ mdxa - > numBones ] ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < mdxa - > numFrames ; i + + )
cframe = ( mdxaFrame_t * ) ( ( byte * ) mdxa + mdxa - > ofsFrames + i * frameSize ) ;
cframe - > radius = LittleFloat ( cframe - > radius ) ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j + + )
cframe - > bounds [ 0 ] [ j ] = LittleFloat ( cframe - > bounds [ 0 ] [ j ] ) ;
cframe - > bounds [ 1 ] [ j ] = LittleFloat ( cframe - > bounds [ 1 ] [ j ] ) ;
cframe - > localOrigin [ j ] = LittleFloat ( cframe - > localOrigin [ j ] ) ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < mdxa - > numBones * sizeof ( mdxaBone_t ) / 2 ; j + + )
( ( short * ) cframe - > bones ) [ j ] = LittleShort ( ( ( short * ) cframe - > bones ) [ j ] ) ;
# endif
return qtrue ;