//rww - Remember to update ext_data/MP/netf_overrides.txt if you change any of this!
//(for the sake of being consistent)
// BTO - This was mis-documented before. We do allow datatypes less than 32 bits on Xbox
// now, but our macros and such handle it all automagically. No need to be anal about
// keeping q_shared.h in sync with this.
// does this need to be 8 bits?
// changed from 12 to 16
{NETF(legsAnim),16},// Maximum number of animation sequences is 2048. Top bit is reserved for the togglebit
// suspicious
{NETF(torsoAnim),16},// Maximum number of animation sequences is 2048. Top bit is reserved for the togglebit
// large use beyond GENTITYNUM_BITS - should use generic1 insead
{NETF(genericenemyindex),32},//Do not change to GENTITYNUM_BITS, used as a time offset for seeker
// might be able to reduce
// flag states barely used - could be moved elsewhere
{NETF(event),10},// There is a maximum of 256 events (8 bits transmission, 2 high bits for uniqueness)
// used mostly for players and npcs - appears to be static / never changing
// used mostly for players and npcs - appears to be static / never changing
// only used in fx system (which rick did) and chunks
// why are npc's clientnum's that big?
{NETF(clientNum),GENTITYNUM_BITS},//with npc's clientnum can be > MAX_CLIENTS so use entnum bits now instead.
// used mostly for players and npcs - appears to be static / never changing
// used mostly for players and npcs - appears to be static / never changing
// multiple meanings
// could probably just eliminate and assume a big number
// used all over the place
// why was this changed from 0 to 8 ?
// unknown about size?
// why raised from 8 to -16?
// barely used, could probably be replaced
{NETF(emplacedOwner),32},//As above, also used as a time value (for electricity render time)
// shouldn't these be better off as flags? otherwise, they may consume more bits this way
// used mostly in saber and npc
// randomly used, not sure why this was used instead of svc_noclient
// if (cent->currentState.modelGhoul2 == 127)
// { //not ready to be drawn or initialized..
// return;
// }
// multiple purpose bit flag
// widely used, does not appear that they have to be 16 bits
{NETF(trickedentindex),16},//See note in PSF
// fully used
// why doesn't lookTarget just indicate this?
// used for both force pass and an emplaced gun - gun is just a flag indicator
// used to indicate health
{NETF(health),10},//if something's health exceeds 1024, then.. too bad!
// appears to have multiple means, could be eliminated by indicating a sound set differently
// both are used for NPCs sabers, though limited
// appear to only be 18 powers?
// used, doesn't appear to be flexible
{NETF(iModelScale),10},//0-1024 (guess it's gotta be increased if we want larger allowable scale.. but 1024% is pretty big)
// full bits used
// can this be reduced?
{NETF(soundSetIndex),8},//rww - if MAX_AMBIENT_SETS is changed from 256, REMEMBER TO CHANGE THIS
// looks like this can be reduced to 4? (ship parts = 4, people parts = 2)
{NETF(brokenLimbs),8},//up to 8 limbs at once (not that that many are used)
{NETF(csSounds_Std),8},//soundindex must be 8 unless max sounds is changed
// used extensively
// why not use torsoAnim and set a flag to do the same thing as forceFrame (saberLockFrame)
{NETF(forceFrame),16},//if you have over 65536 frames, then this will explode. Of course if you have that many things then lots of things will probably explode.
// do we really need 4 indexes?
{NETF(boneIndex1),6},//up to 64 bones can be accessed by this indexing method
// only 54 classes, could cut down 2 bits
// there appears to be only 2 different version of parms passed - a flag would better be suited
{NETF(boneOrient),9},//3 bits per orientation dir
// this looks to be a single bit flag
// in use for vehicles
{NETF(m_iVehicleNum),GENTITYNUM_BITS},// 10 bits fits all possible entity nums (2^10 = 1024). - AReis
// but why is there an opposite state of surfaces field?
// should be bit field
// should be bit field
// possible multiple definitions
// this does not appear to be used in any production or non-cheat fashion - REMOVE
// used only in one spot for seige
// used only for surfaces on NPCs
{NETF(surfacesOn),32},//allow up to 32 surfaces in the bitflag
//rww - for use by mod authors only
#ifndef _XBOX
// if (int)f == f and (int)f + ( 1<<(FLOAT_INT_BITS-1) ) < ( 1 << FLOAT_INT_BITS )
// the float will be sent with FLOAT_INT_BITS, otherwise all 32 bits will be sent
{PSF(speed),0},//sadly, the vehicles require negative speed values, so..
{PSF(legsAnim),16},// Maximum number of animation sequences is 2048. Top bit is reserved for the togglebit
{PSF(torsoAnim),16},// Maximum number of animation sequences is 2048. Top bit is reserved for the togglebit
{PSF(genericEnemyIndex),32},//NOTE: This isn't just an index all the time, it's often used as a time value, and thus needs 32 bits
{PSF(events[0]),10},// There is a maximum of 256 events (8 bits transmission, 2 high bits for uniqueness)
{PSF(events[1]),10},// There is a maximum of 256 events (8 bits transmission, 2 high bits for uniqueness)
{PSF(saberEntityNum),GENTITYNUM_BITS},//Also used for channel tracker storage, but should never exceed entity number
{PSF(saberMove),32},//This value sometimes exceeds the max LS_ value and gets set to a crazy amount, so it needs 32 bits
{PSF(fd.forcePowerLevel[FP_LEVITATION]),2},//unfortunately we need this for fall damage calculation (client needs to know the distance for the fall noise)
{PSF(inAirAnim),1},//just transmit it for the sake of knowing right when on the client to play a land anim, it's only 1 bit
{PSF(fd.forceSide),2},//so we know if we should apply greyed out shaders to dark/light force enlightenment
//{ PSF(vehOrientation[0]), 0 },
{PSF(weaponChargeSubtractTime),32},//? really need 32 bits??
//{ PSF(vehOrientation[1]), 0 },
//{ PSF(moveDir[1]), 0 },
//{ PSF(moveDir[0]), 0 },
{PSF(weaponChargeTime),32},//? really need 32 bits??
//{ PSF(vehOrientation[2]), 0 },
//{ PSF(moveDir[2]), 0 },
{PSF(loopSound),16},//rwwFIXMEFIXME: max sounds is 256, doesn't this only need to be 8?
{PSF(m_iVehicleNum),GENTITYNUM_BITS},// 10 bits fits all possible entity nums (2^10 = 1024). - AReis
//{ PSF(vehTurnaroundTime), 32 },//only used by vehicle?
{PSF(zoomMode),2},// NOTENOTE Are all of these necessary?
{PSF(zoomTime),32},// NOTENOTE Are all of these necessary?
{PSF(brokenLimbs),8},//up to 8 limbs at once (not that that many are used)
{PSF(zoomLocked),1},// NOTENOTE Are all of these necessary?
{PSF(zoomFov),0},// NOTENOTE Are all of these necessary?
{PSF(fd.forceMindtrickTargetIndex),16},//NOTE: Not just an index, used as a (1 << val) bitflag for up to 16 clients
{PSF(fd.forceMindtrickTargetIndex2),16},//NOTE: Not just an index, used as a (1 << val) bitflag for up to 16 clients
//{ PSF(vehWeaponsLinked), 1 },//only used by vehicle?
//{ PSF(hyperSpaceTime), 32 },//only used by vehicle?
{PSF(fd.forceMindtrickTargetIndex3),16},//NOTE: Not just an index, used as a (1 << val) bitflag for up to 16 clients
{PSF(fd.forceMindtrickTargetIndex4),16},//NOTE: Not just an index, used as a (1 << val) bitflag for up to 16 clients
//{ PSF(hyperSpaceAngles[1]), 0 },//only used by vehicle?
{PSF(lastHitLoc[1]),0},//currently only used so client knows to orient disruptor disintegration.. seems a bit much for just that though.
//{ PSF(vehBoarding), 1 }, //only used by vehicle? not like the normal boarding value, this is a simple "1 or 0" value
//{ PSF(vehTurnaroundIndex), GENTITYNUM_BITS },//only used by vehicle?
//{ PSF(vehSurfaces), 16 }, //only used by vehicle? allow up to 16 surfaces in the flag I guess
{PSF(fd.forcePowerLevel[FP_SEE]),2},//needed for knowing when to display players through walls
{PSF(fd.forceGripCripple),1},//should only be 0 or 1 ever
{PSF(iModelScale),10},//0-1024 (guess it's gotta be increased if we want larger allowable scale.. but 1024% is pretty big)
{PSF(hackingBaseTime),16},//up to 65536ms, over 10 seconds would just be silly anyway
//{ PSF(hyperSpaceAngles[0]), 0 },//only used by vehicle?
//{ PSF(hyperSpaceAngles[2]), 0 },//only used by vehicle?
//rww - for use by mod authors only
#ifndef _XBOX
{PSF(events[0]),10},// There is a maximum of 256 events (8 bits transmission, 2 high bits for uniqueness)
{PSF(events[1]),10},// There is a maximum of 256 events (8 bits transmission, 2 high bits for uniqueness)
{PSF(weaponChargeSubtractTime),32},//? really need 32 bits??
{PSF(weaponChargeTime),32},//? really need 32 bits??
{PSF(m_iVehicleNum),GENTITYNUM_BITS},// 10 bits fits all possible entity nums (2^10 = 1024). - AReis
{PSF(generic1),8},//used by passengers
//===THESE SHOULD NOT BE CHANGING OFTEN====================================================================
{PSF(legsAnim),16},// Maximum number of animation sequences is 2048. Top bit is reserved for the togglebit
{PSF(torsoAnim),16},// Maximum number of animation sequences is 2048. Top bit is reserved for the togglebit
{PSF(fd.forceMindtrickTargetIndex),16},//NOTE: Not just an index, used as a (1 << val) bitflag for up to 16 clients
{PSF(fd.forceMindtrickTargetIndex2),16},//NOTE: Not just an index, used as a (1 << val) bitflag for up to 16 clients
{PSF(fd.forceMindtrickTargetIndex3),16},//NOTE: Not just an index, used as a (1 << val) bitflag for up to 16 clients
{PSF(fd.forceMindtrickTargetIndex4),16},//NOTE: Not just an index, used as a (1 << val) bitflag for up to 16 clients
{PSF(fd.forcePowerLevel[FP_SEE]),2},//needed for knowing when to display players through walls
//===THE REST OF THESE SHOULD NOT BE RELEVANT, BUT, FOR SAFETY, INCLUDE THEM ANYWAY, JUST AT THE BOTTOM===============================================================
{PSF(speed),0},//sadly, the vehicles require negative speed values, so..
{PSF(genericEnemyIndex),32},//NOTE: This isn't just an index all the time, it's often used as a time value, and thus needs 32 bits
{PSF(saberEntityNum),GENTITYNUM_BITS},//Also used for channel tracker storage, but should never exceed entity number
{PSF(saberMove),32},//This value sometimes exceeds the max LS_ value and gets set to a crazy amount, so it needs 32 bits
{PSF(fd.forcePowerLevel[FP_LEVITATION]),2},//unfortunately we need this for fall damage calculation (client needs to know the distance for the fall noise)
{PSF(inAirAnim),1},//just transmit it for the sake of knowing right when on the client to play a land anim, it's only 1 bit
{PSF(fd.forceSide),2},//so we know if we should apply greyed out shaders to dark/light force enlightenment
{PSF(loopSound),16},//rwwFIXMEFIXME: max sounds is 256, doesn't this only need to be 8?
{PSF(zoomMode),2},// NOTENOTE Are all of these necessary?
{PSF(zoomTime),32},// NOTENOTE Are all of these necessary?
{PSF(brokenLimbs),8},//up to 8 limbs at once (not that that many are used)
{PSF(zoomLocked),1},// NOTENOTE Are all of these necessary?
{PSF(zoomFov),0},// NOTENOTE Are all of these necessary?
{PSF(lastHitLoc[1]),0},//currently only used so client knows to orient disruptor disintegration.. seems a bit much for just that though.
{PSF(fd.forceGripCripple),1},//should only be 0 or 1 ever
{PSF(iModelScale),10},//0-1024 (guess it's gotta be increased if we want larger allowable scale.. but 1024% is pretty big)
{PSF(hackingBaseTime),16},//up to 65536ms, over 10 seconds would just be silly anyway
//===NEVER SEND THESE, ONLY USED BY VEHICLES==============================================================
//{ PSF(vehOrientation[0]), 0 },
//{ PSF(vehOrientation[1]), 0 },
//{ PSF(vehOrientation[2]), 0 },
//{ PSF(vehTurnaroundTime), 32 },//only used by vehicle?
//{ PSF(vehWeaponsLinked), 1 },//only used by vehicle?
//{ PSF(hyperSpaceTime), 32 },//only used by vehicle?
//{ PSF(vehTurnaroundIndex), GENTITYNUM_BITS },//only used by vehicle?
//{ PSF(vehSurfaces), 16 }, //only used by vehicle? allow up to 16 surfaces in the flag I guess
//{ PSF(vehBoarding), 1 }, //only used by vehicle? not like the normal boarding value, this is a simple "1 or 0" value
//{ PSF(hyperSpaceAngles[1]), 0 },//only used by vehicle?
//{ PSF(hyperSpaceAngles[0]), 0 },//only used by vehicle?
//{ PSF(hyperSpaceAngles[2]), 0 },//only used by vehicle?
//rww - for use by mod authors only
#ifndef _XBOX
{PSF(speed),0},//sadly, the vehicles require negative speed values, so..
{PSF(legsAnim),16},// Maximum number of animation sequences is 2048. Top bit is reserved for the togglebit
//{ PSF(genericEnemyIndex), 32 }, //NOTE: This isn't just an index all the time, it's often used as a time value, and thus needs 32 bits
{PSF(events[0]),10},// There is a maximum of 256 events (8 bits transmission, 2 high bits for uniqueness)
{PSF(events[1]),10},// There is a maximum of 256 events (8 bits transmission, 2 high bits for uniqueness)
//{ PSF(customRGBA[0]), 8 }, //0-255
//{ PSF(movementDir), 4 },
//{ PSF(customRGBA[3]), 8 }, //0-255
//{ PSF(basespeed), -16 },
//{ PSF(customRGBA[1]), 8 }, //0-255
//{ PSF(duelIndex), GENTITYNUM_BITS },
//{ PSF(customRGBA[2]), 8 }, //0-255
//{ PSF(activeForcePass), 6 },//actually, you only need to know this for other vehicles, not your own
//{ PSF(fd.forceJumpZStart), 0 },//set on rider by vehicle, but not used by vehicle
{PSF(loopSound),16},//rwwFIXMEFIXME: max sounds is 256, doesn't this only need to be 8?
{PSF(m_iVehicleNum),GENTITYNUM_BITS},// 10 bits fits all possible entity nums (2^10 = 1024). - AReis
//{ PSF(generic1), 8 },//used by passengers of vehicles, but not vehicles themselves
{PSF(brokenLimbs),8},//up to 8 limbs at once (not that that many are used)
{PSF(vehBoarding),1},//not like the normal boarding value, this is a simple "1 or 0" value
{PSF(vehSurfaces),16},//allow up to 16 surfaces in the flag I guess
{PSF(speed),0},//sadly, the vehicles require negative speed values, so..
{PSF(legsAnim),16},// Maximum number of animation sequences is 2048. Top bit is reserved for the togglebit
{PSF(torsoAnim),16},// Maximum number of animation sequences is 2048. Top bit is reserved for the togglebit
{PSF(genericEnemyIndex),32},//NOTE: This isn't just an index all the time, it's often used as a time value, and thus needs 32 bits
{PSF(events[0]),10},// There is a maximum of 256 events (8 bits transmission, 2 high bits for uniqueness)
{PSF(events[1]),10},// There is a maximum of 256 events (8 bits transmission, 2 high bits for uniqueness)
{PSF(saberEntityNum),GENTITYNUM_BITS},//Also used for channel tracker storage, but should never exceed entity number
{PSF(saberMove),32},//This value sometimes exceeds the max LS_ value and gets set to a crazy amount, so it needs 32 bits
{PSF(fd.forcePowerLevel[FP_LEVITATION]),2},//unfortunately we need this for fall damage calculation (client needs to know the distance for the fall noise)
{PSF(inAirAnim),1},//just transmit it for the sake of knowing right when on the client to play a land anim, it's only 1 bit
{PSF(fd.forceSide),2},//so we know if we should apply greyed out shaders to dark/light force enlightenment
{PSF(weaponChargeSubtractTime),32},//? really need 32 bits??
{PSF(weaponChargeTime),32},//? really need 32 bits??
{PSF(loopSound),16},//rwwFIXMEFIXME: max sounds is 256, doesn't this only need to be 8?
{PSF(m_iVehicleNum),GENTITYNUM_BITS},// 10 bits fits all possible entity nums (2^10 = 1024). - AReis
{PSF(zoomMode),2},// NOTENOTE Are all of these necessary?
{PSF(zoomTime),32},// NOTENOTE Are all of these necessary?
{PSF(brokenLimbs),8},//up to 8 limbs at once (not that that many are used)
{PSF(zoomLocked),1},// NOTENOTE Are all of these necessary?
{PSF(zoomFov),0},// NOTENOTE Are all of these necessary?
{PSF(fd.forceMindtrickTargetIndex),16},//NOTE: Not just an index, used as a (1 << val) bitflag for up to 16 clients
{PSF(fd.forceMindtrickTargetIndex2),16},//NOTE: Not just an index, used as a (1 << val) bitflag for up to 16 clients
{PSF(fd.forceMindtrickTargetIndex3),16},//NOTE: Not just an index, used as a (1 << val) bitflag for up to 16 clients
{PSF(fd.forceMindtrickTargetIndex4),16},//NOTE: Not just an index, used as a (1 << val) bitflag for up to 16 clients
{PSF(lastHitLoc[1]),0},//currently only used so client knows to orient disruptor disintegration.. seems a bit much for just that though.
{PSF(vehBoarding),1},//not like the normal boarding value, this is a simple "1 or 0" value
{PSF(vehSurfaces),16},//allow up to 16 surfaces in the flag I guess
{PSF(fd.forcePowerLevel[FP_SEE]),2},//needed for knowing when to display players through walls
{PSF(fd.forceGripCripple),1},//should only be 0 or 1 ever
{PSF(iModelScale),10},//0-1024 (guess it's gotta be increased if we want larger allowable scale.. but 1024% is pretty big)
{PSF(hackingBaseTime),16},//up to 65536ms, over 10 seconds would just be silly anyway