2013-04-19 02:52:48 +00:00
# ifndef TR_LOCAL_H
# define TR_LOCAL_H
typedef const char * LPCSTR ;
typedef unsigned short USHORT ;
typedef unsigned int GLuint ;
# endif
# include "../qcommon/qfiles.h"
# include "tr_public.h"
# if defined(_XBOX)
# include "qgl_console.h"
# include "glext_console.h"
# else
# ifndef DEDICATED
# include "qgl.h"
# endif
# endif
# include "../ghoul2/ghoul2_shared.h" //rwwRMG - added
# ifdef _XBOX
typedef unsigned short glIndex_t ;
# else
typedef unsigned int glIndex_t ;
# endif
// fast float to int conversion
# if id386 && !( (defined __linux__ || defined __FreeBSD__ ) && (defined __i386__ ) ) // rb010123
inline long myftol ( float f ) ;
# else
# define myftol(x) ((int)(x))
# endif
//for 3d textures -rww
# define GL_TEXTURE_3D 0x806F
// 14 bits
# ifdef _XBOX
# define MAX_SHADERS 2048
# else
# define MAX_SHADERS 16384
# endif
// can't be increased without changing bit packing for drawsurfs
# define MAX_SHADER_STATES 2048
# define MAX_STATE_NAME 32
typedef enum
} eDLightTypes ;
typedef struct dlight_s {
eDLightTypes mType ;
vec3_t origin ;
vec3_t mProjOrigin ; // projected light's origin
vec3_t color ; // range from 0.0 to 1.0, should be color normalized
float radius ;
float mProjRadius ; // desired radius of light
int additive ; // texture detail is lost tho when the lightmap is dark
vec3_t transformed ; // origin in local coordinate system
vec3_t mProjTransformed ; // projected light's origin in local coordinate system
vec3_t mDirection ;
vec3_t mBasis2 ;
vec3_t mBasis3 ;
vec3_t mTransDirection ;
vec3_t mTransBasis2 ;
vec3_t mTransBasis3 ;
} dlight_t ;
// a trMiniRefEntity_t has all the information passed in by
// the client game, other info will come from it's parent main ref entity
typedef struct
miniRefEntity_t e ;
} trMiniRefEntity_t ;
// a trRefEntity_t has all the information passed in by
// the client game, as well as some locally derived info
typedef struct {
refEntity_t e ;
float axisLength ; // compensate for non-normalized axis
qboolean needDlights ; // true for bmodels that touch a dlight
qboolean lightingCalculated ;
vec3_t lightDir ; // normalized direction towards light
vec3_t ambientLight ; // color normalized to 0-255
int ambientLightInt ; // 32 bit rgba packed
vec3_t directedLight ;
int dlightBits ;
} trRefEntity_t ;
typedef struct {
vec3_t origin ; // in world coordinates
vec3_t axis [ 3 ] ; // orientation in world
vec3_t viewOrigin ; // viewParms->or.origin in local coordinates
float modelMatrix [ 16 ] ;
} orientationr_t ;
# ifdef _XBOX
typedef struct image_s {
int imgCode ;
USHORT width , height ; // source image
GLuint texnum ; // gl texture binding
int internalFormat ;
int wrapClampMode ; // GL_CLAMP or GL_REPEAT
bool isLightmap ;
bool isSystem ;
int mipcount ;
bool allowPicmip ;
short iLastLevelUsedOn ;
} image_t ;
# else // _XBOX
typedef struct image_s {
char imgName [ MAX_QPATH ] ; // game path, including extension
USHORT width , height ; // after power of two and picmip but not including clamp to MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE
GLuint texnum ; // gl texture binding
int frameUsed ; // for texture usage in frame statistics
int internalFormat ;
int wrapClampMode ; // GL_CLAMP or GL_REPEAT
bool mipmap ;
bool allowPicmip ;
short iLastLevelUsedOn ;
} image_t ;
# endif // _XBOX
typedef enum {
SS_PORTAL , // mirrors, portals, viewscreens
SS_ENVIRONMENT , // sky box
SS_OPAQUE , // opaque
SS_DECAL , // scorch marks, etc.
SS_SEE_THROUGH , // ladders, grates, grills that may have small blended edges
// in addition to alpha test
SS_INSIDE , // inside body parts (i.e. heart)
SS_OUTSIDE , // outside body parts (i.e. ribs)
SS_UNDERWATER , // for items that should be drawn in front of the water plane
SS_BLEND0 , // regular transparency and filters
SS_BLEND1 , // generally only used for additive type effects
SS_ALMOST_NEAREST , // gun smoke puffs
SS_NEAREST // blood blobs
} shaderSort_t ;
typedef enum {
} genFunc_t ;
typedef enum {
} deform_t ;
typedef enum {
} alphaGen_t ;
typedef enum {
CGEN_IDENTITY_LIGHTING , // tr.identityLight
CGEN_IDENTITY , // always (1,1,1,1)
CGEN_ENTITY , // grabbed from entity's modulate field
CGEN_ONE_MINUS_ENTITY , // grabbed from 1 - entity.modulate
CGEN_EXACT_VERTEX , // tess.vertexColors
CGEN_VERTEX , // tess.vertexColors * tr.identityLight
CGEN_WAVEFORM , // programmatically generated
CGEN_LIGHTING_DIFFUSE_ENTITY , //diffuse lighting * entity
CGEN_FOG , // standard fog
CGEN_CONST , // fixed color
} colorGen_t ;
typedef enum {
TCGEN_IDENTITY , // clear to 0,0
TCGEN_VECTOR // S and T from world coordinates
} texCoordGen_t ;
typedef enum {
} acff_t ;
typedef enum {
} EGLFogOverride ;
typedef struct {
genFunc_t func ;
float base ;
float amplitude ;
float phase ;
float frequency ;
} waveForm_t ;
# define TR_MAX_TEXMODS 4
typedef enum {
} texMod_t ;
typedef struct {
deform_t deformation ; // vertex coordinate modification type
vec3_t moveVector ;
waveForm_t deformationWave ;
float deformationSpread ;
float bulgeWidth ;
float bulgeHeight ;
float bulgeSpeed ;
} deformStage_t ;
typedef struct {
texMod_t type ;
waveForm_t wave ;
// used for TMOD_TRANSFORM
float matrix [ 2 ] [ 2 ] ; // s' = s * m[0][0] + t * m[1][0] + trans[0]
float translate [ 2 ] ; // t' = s * m[0][1] + t * m[0][1] + trans[1]
// used for TMOD_SCALE
//(moved to translate)
// float scale[2]; // s *= scale[0]
// t *= scale[1]
// used for TMOD_SCROLL
//(moved to translate)
// float scroll[2]; // s' = s + scroll[0] * time
// t' = t + scroll[1] * time
// + = clockwise
// - = counterclockwise
////(moved to translate[0])
// float rotateSpeed;
} texModInfo_t ;
typedef struct surfaceSprite_s
int surfaceSpriteType ;
float width , height , density , wind , windIdle , fadeDist , fadeMax , fadeScale ;
float fxAlphaStart , fxAlphaEnd , fxDuration , vertSkew ;
vec2_t variance , fxGrow ;
int facing ; // Hangdown on vertical sprites, faceup on others.
} surfaceSprite_t ;
typedef struct {
image_t * image ;
texCoordGen_t tcGen ;
vec3_t * tcGenVectors ;
texModInfo_t * texMods ;
short numTexMods ;
short numImageAnimations ;
float imageAnimationSpeed ;
bool isLightmap ;
bool oneShotAnimMap ;
bool vertexLightmap ;
bool isVideoMap ;
int videoMapHandle ;
} textureBundle_t ;
typedef struct {
bool active ;
bool isDetail ;
# ifdef _XBOX
byte isEnvironment ;
# endif
byte isSpecular ;
byte isBumpMap ;
# endif
byte index ; // index of stage
byte lightmapStyle ;
textureBundle_t bundle [ NUM_TEXTURE_BUNDLES ] ;
waveForm_t rgbWave ;
colorGen_t rgbGen ;
waveForm_t alphaWave ;
alphaGen_t alphaGen ;
byte constantColor [ 4 ] ; // for CGEN_CONST and AGEN_CONST
unsigned int stateBits ; // GLS_xxxx mask
acff_t adjustColorsForFog ;
EGLFogOverride mGLFogColorOverride ;
surfaceSprite_t * ss ;
// Whether this object emits a glow or not.
bool glow ;
} shaderStage_t ;
struct shaderCommands_s ;
# define LIGHTMAP_2D -4 // shader is for 2D rendering
# define LIGHTMAP_BY_VERTEX -3 // pre-lit triangle models
# define LIGHTMAP_NONE -1
typedef enum {
} cullType_t ;
typedef enum {
FP_NONE , // surface is translucent and will just be adjusted properly
FP_EQUAL , // surface is opaque but possibly alpha tested
FP_LE , // surface is trnaslucent, but still needs a fog pass (fog surface)
} fogPass_t ;
typedef struct {
float cloudHeight ;
image_t * outerbox [ 6 ] ;
} skyParms_t ;
typedef struct {
vec3_t color ;
float depthForOpaque ;
} fogParms_t ;
typedef struct shader_s {
char name [ MAX_QPATH ] ; // game path, including extension
int lightmapIndex [ MAXLIGHTMAPS ] ; // for a shader to match, both name and lightmapIndex must match
byte styles [ MAXLIGHTMAPS ] ;
int index ; // this shader == tr.shaders[index]
int sortedIndex ; // this shader == tr.sortedShaders[sortedIndex]
float sort ; // lower numbered shaders draw before higher numbered
int surfaceFlags ; // if explicitlyDefined, this will have SURF_* flags
int contentFlags ;
bool defaultShader ; // we want to return index 0 if the shader failed to
// load for some reason, but R_FindShader should
// still keep a name allocated for it, so if
// something calls RE_RegisterShader again with
// the same name, we don't try looking for it again
bool explicitlyDefined ; // found in a .shader file
bool entityMergable ; // merge across entites optimizable (smoke, blood)
bool isBumpMap ;
# ifdef _XBOX
bool needsNormal ;
bool needsTangent ;
# endif
skyParms_t * sky ;
fogParms_t * fogParms ;
float portalRange ; // distance to fog out at
int multitextureEnv ; // 0, GL_MODULATE, GL_ADD (FIXME: put in stage)
cullType_t cullType ; // CT_FRONT_SIDED, CT_BACK_SIDED, or CT_TWO_SIDED
bool polygonOffset ; // set for decals and other items that must be offset
bool noMipMaps ; // for console fonts, 2D elements, etc.
bool noPicMip ; // for images that must always be full resolution
bool noTC ; // for images that don't want to be texture compressed (eg skies)
fogPass_t fogPass ; // draw a blended pass, possibly with depth test equals
vec3_t bumpVector ; // The given light vector for bump-mapping
deformStage_t * deforms [ MAX_SHADER_DEFORMS ] ;
short numDeforms ;
short numUnfoggedPasses ;
shaderStage_t * stages ;
float clampTime ; // time this shader is clamped to
float timeOffset ; // current time offset for this shader
# ifndef _XBOX // GLOWXXX
// True if this shader has a stage with glow in it (just an optimization).
bool hasGlow ;
# endif
int numStates ; // if non-zero this is a state shader
struct shader_s * currentShader ; // current state if this is a state shader
struct shader_s * parentShader ; // current state if this is a state shader
int currentState ; // current state index for cycle purposes
long expireTime ; // time in milliseconds this expires
int shaderStates [ MAX_STATES_PER_SHADER ] ; // index to valid shader states
struct shader_s * remappedShader ; // current shader this one is remapped too
struct shader_s * next ;
} shader_t ;
typedef struct shaderState_s {
char shaderName [ MAX_QPATH ] ; // name of shader this state belongs to
char name [ MAX_STATE_NAME ] ; // name of this state
char stateShader [ MAX_QPATH ] ; // shader this name invokes
int cycleTime ; // time this cycle lasts, <= 0 is forever
shader_t * shader ;
} shaderState_t ;
Ghoul2 Insert Start
// bogus little registration system for hit and location based damage files in hunk memory
typedef struct
byte * loc ;
int width ;
int height ;
char name [ MAX_QPATH ] ;
} hitMatReg_t ;
# define MAX_HITMAT_ENTRIES 1000
extern hitMatReg_t hitMatReg [ MAX_HITMAT_ENTRIES ] ;
Ghoul2 Insert End
// trRefdef_t holds everything that comes in refdef_t,
// as well as the locally generated scene information
typedef struct {
int x , y , width , height ;
float fov_x , fov_y ;
vec3_t vieworg ;
vec3_t viewaxis [ 3 ] ; // transformation matrix
int time ; // time in milliseconds for shader effects and other time dependent rendering issues
int frametime ;
int rdflags ; // RDF_NOWORLDMODEL, etc
// 1 bits will prevent the associated area from rendering at all
byte areamask [ MAX_MAP_AREA_BYTES ] ;
qboolean areamaskModified ; // qtrue if areamask changed since last scene
float floatTime ; // tr.refdef.time / 1000.0
// text messages for deform text shaders
int num_entities ;
trRefEntity_t * entities ;
trMiniRefEntity_t * miniEntities ;
# ifndef VV_LIGHTING
int num_dlights ;
struct dlight_s * dlights ;
# endif
int numPolys ;
struct srfPoly_s * polys ;
int numDrawSurfs ;
struct drawSurf_s * drawSurfs ;
} trRefdef_t ;
// skins allow models to be retextured without modifying the model file
typedef struct {
char name [ MAX_QPATH ] ;
shader_t * shader ;
} skinSurface_t ;
typedef struct skin_s {
char name [ MAX_QPATH ] ; // game path, including extension
int numSurfaces ;
skinSurface_t * surfaces [ 128 ] ;
} skin_t ;
typedef struct {
int originalBrushNumber ;
vec3_t bounds [ 2 ] ;
unsigned colorInt ; // in packed byte format
float tcScale ; // texture coordinate vector scales
fogParms_t parms ;
// for clipping distance in fog when outside
qboolean hasSurface ;
float surface [ 4 ] ;
} fog_t ;
typedef struct {
orientationr_t ori ; // Can't use "or" as it is a reserved word with gcc DREWS 2/2/2002
orientationr_t world ;
vec3_t pvsOrigin ; // may be different than or.origin for portals
qboolean isPortal ; // true if this view is through a portal
qboolean isMirror ; // the portal is a mirror, invert the face culling
int frameSceneNum ; // copied from tr.frameSceneNum
int frameCount ; // copied from tr.frameCount
cplane_t portalPlane ; // clip anything behind this if mirroring
int viewportX , viewportY , viewportWidth , viewportHeight ;
float fovX , fovY ;
float projectionMatrix [ 16 ] ;
cplane_t frustum [ 4 ] ;
vec3_t visBounds [ 2 ] ;
float zFar ;
} viewParms_t ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
// any changes in surfaceType must be mirrored in rb_surfaceTable[]
typedef enum {
SF_SKIP , // ignore
SF_TERRAIN , //rwwRMG - added
SF_MD3 ,
Ghoul2 Insert Start
Ghoul2 Insert End
SF_ENTITY , // beams, rails, lightning, etc that can be determined by entity
SF_MAX = 0xffffffff // ensures that sizeof( surfaceType_t ) == sizeof( int )
} surfaceType_t ;
typedef struct drawSurf_s {
unsigned sort ; // bit combination for fast compares
surfaceType_t * surface ; // any of surface*_t
} drawSurf_t ;
# define MAX_FACE_POINTS 64
# define MAX_PATCH_SIZE 32 // max dimensions of a patch mesh in map file
# define MAX_GRID_SIZE 65 // max dimensions of a grid mesh in memory
// when cgame directly specifies a polygon, it becomes a srfPoly_t
// as soon as it is called
typedef struct srfPoly_s {
surfaceType_t surfaceType ;
qhandle_t hShader ;
int fogIndex ;
int numVerts ;
polyVert_t * verts ;
} srfPoly_t ;
typedef struct srfDisplayList_s {
surfaceType_t surfaceType ;
int listNum ;
} srfDisplayList_t ;
# ifdef _XBOX
typedef struct srfFlare_s {
surfaceType_t surfaceType ;
unsigned short origin [ 3 ] ;
unsigned short normal [ 3 ] ;
byte color [ 3 ] ;
} srfFlare_t ;
# else // _XBOX
typedef struct srfFlare_s {
surfaceType_t surfaceType ;
vec3_t origin ;
vec3_t normal ;
vec3_t color ;
} srfFlare_t ;
# endif
# ifdef _XBOX
// Added tangent size in here
# define VERTEX_LM 8
# define VERTEX_COLOR(flags) (VERTEX_LM + (((flags) & 0x7F) * 2))
# else
# define VERTEX_LM 5
# endif
# ifdef _XBOX
# define NEXT_SURFPOINT(flags) (VERTEX_LM + (((flags) & 0x7F) * 2) + ((((flags) & 0x80) >> 7) * 4));
# define POINTS_ST_SCALE 128.0f
# define POINTS_LIGHT_SCALE 65536.0f
# define GLM_COMP_SIZE 64.0f
# endif // _XBOX
typedef struct srfTerrain_s
surfaceType_t surfaceType ;
class CTRLandScape * landscape ;
} srfTerrain_t ;
typedef struct srfGridMesh_s {
surfaceType_t surfaceType ;
// dynamic lighting information
int dlightBits ;
// culling information
vec3_t meshBounds [ 2 ] ;
vec3_t localOrigin ;
float meshRadius ;
// lod information, which may be different
// than the culling information to allow for
// groups of curves that LOD as a unit
vec3_t lodOrigin ;
float lodRadius ;
int lodFixed ;
int lodStitched ;
// vertexes
int width , height ;
float * widthLodError ;
float * heightLodError ;
drawVert_t verts [ 1 ] ; // variable sized
} srfGridMesh_t ;
# ifdef _XBOX
# pragma pack (push, 1)
typedef struct {
surfaceType_t surfaceType ;
cplane_t plane ;
// dynamic lighting information
int dlightBits ;
// triangle definitions (no normals at points)
unsigned char numPoints ;
unsigned short numIndices ;
unsigned short ofsIndices ;
unsigned char flags ; //highest bit - true if face uses vertex colors,
//low 7 bits - number of light maps
// vec3_t *tangents;
unsigned short * srfPoints ; // variable sized
// there is a variable length list of indices here also
} srfSurfaceFace_t ;
# pragma pack (pop)
# else // _XBOX
typedef struct {
surfaceType_t surfaceType ;
cplane_t plane ;
// dynamic lighting information
int dlightBits ;
// triangle definitions (no normals at points)
int numPoints ;
int numIndices ;
int ofsIndices ;
float points [ 1 ] [ VERTEXSIZE ] ; // variable sized
// there is a variable length list of indices here also
} srfSurfaceFace_t ;
# endif // _XBOX
// misc_models in maps are turned into direct geometry by q3map
typedef struct {
surfaceType_t surfaceType ;
// dynamic lighting information
int dlightBits ;
// culling information (FIXME: use this!)
vec3_t bounds [ 2 ] ;
// vec3_t localOrigin;
// float radius;
// triangle definitions
int numIndexes ;
int * indexes ;
int numVerts ;
drawVert_t * verts ;
// vec3_t *tangents;
} srfTriangles_t ;
extern void ( * rb_surfaceTable [ SF_NUM_SURFACE_TYPES ] ) ( void * ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void RE_InitRendererTerrain ( const char * info ) ;
void RB_SurfaceTerrain ( surfaceInfo_t * surface ) ;
void R_TerrainInit ( void ) ;
void R_TerrainShutdown ( void ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
// in memory representation
# define SIDE_FRONT 0
# define SIDE_BACK 1
# define SIDE_ON 2
typedef struct msurface_s {
int viewCount ; // if == tr.viewCount, already added
struct shader_s * shader ;
int fogIndex ;
surfaceType_t * data ; // any of srf*_t
} msurface_t ;
# define CONTENTS_NODE -1
# ifdef _XBOX
# pragma pack (push, 1)
typedef struct mnode_s {
// common with leaf and node
signed char contents ; // -1 for nodes, to differentiate from leafs
int visframe ; // node needs to be traversed if current
short mins [ 3 ] , maxs [ 3 ] ; // for bounding box culling
struct mnode_s * parent ;
// node specific
unsigned int planeNum ;
struct mnode_s * children [ 2 ] ;
} mnode_t ;
struct mleaf_s {
// common with leaf and node
signed char contents ; // -1 for nodes, to differentiate from leafs
int visframe ; // node needs to be traversed if current
short mins [ 3 ] , maxs [ 3 ] ; // for bounding box culling
struct mnode_s * parent ;
// leaf specific
short cluster ;
signed char area ;
unsigned short firstMarkSurfNum ;
short nummarksurfaces ;
} ;
# pragma pack (pop)
# else // _XBOX
typedef struct mnode_s {
// common with leaf and node
int contents ; // -1 for nodes, to differentiate from leafs
int visframe ; // node needs to be traversed if current
vec3_t mins , maxs ; // for bounding box culling
struct mnode_s * parent ;
// node specific
cplane_t * plane ;
struct mnode_s * children [ 2 ] ;
// leaf specific
int cluster ;
int area ;
msurface_t * * firstmarksurface ;
int nummarksurfaces ;
} mnode_t ;
# endif // _XBOX
typedef struct {
vec3_t bounds [ 2 ] ; // for culling
msurface_t * firstSurface ;
int numSurfaces ;
} bmodel_t ;
# ifdef _XBOX
# pragma pack(push, 1)
typedef struct {
byte flags ;
byte latLong [ 2 ] ;
int data ;
flags has the following bits :
0 - ambientLight [ 0 ] and directLight [ 0 ] are not all zeros
1 - ambientLight [ 1 ] and directLight [ 1 ] are not all zeros
2 - ambientLight [ 2 ] and directLight [ 2 ] are not all zeros
3 - ambientLight [ 3 ] and directLight [ 3 ] are not all zeros
4 - styles [ 0 ] is not LS_NONE
5 - styles [ 1 ] is not LS_NONE
6 - styles [ 2 ] is not LS_NONE
7 - styles [ 3 ] is not LS_NONE
data points to memory which stores ambientLight , directLight and
styles when they are not 0 or LS_NONE .
} mgrid_t ;
# pragma pack(pop)
# else // _XBOX
typedef struct
byte ambientLight [ MAXLIGHTMAPS ] [ 3 ] ;
byte directLight [ MAXLIGHTMAPS ] [ 3 ] ;
byte styles [ MAXLIGHTMAPS ] ;
byte latLong [ 2 ] ;
// byte pad[2]; // to align to a cache line
} mgrid_t ;
# endif // _XBOX
# ifdef _XBOX
template < class T >
class SPARC ;
typedef struct {
char name [ MAX_QPATH ] ; // ie: maps/tim_dm2.bsp
char baseName [ MAX_QPATH ] ; // ie: tim_dm2
int numShaders ;
dshader_t * shaders ;
bmodel_t * bmodels ;
int numplanes ;
cplane_t * planes ;
int numnodes ; // includes leafs
int numDecisionNodes ;
mnode_t * nodes ;
int numleafs ;
mleaf_s * leafs ;
int numsurfaces ;
msurface_t * surfaces ;
int nummarksurfaces ;
msurface_t * * marksurfaces ;
int numfogs ;
fog_t * fogs ;
int globalFog ;
int startLightMapIndex ;
vec3_t lightGridOrigin ;
vec3_t lightGridSize ;
vec3_t lightGridInverseSize ;
int lightGridBounds [ 3 ] ;
mgrid_t * lightGridData ;
unsigned short * lightGridArray ;
int numGridArrayElements ;
int numClusters ;
int clusterBytes ;
SPARC < byte > * vis ;
byte * novis ; // clusterBytes of 0xff
qboolean portalPresent ;
char * entityString ;
char * entityParsePoint ;
} world_t ;
# else // _XBOX
typedef struct {
char name [ MAX_QPATH ] ; // ie: maps/tim_dm2.bsp
char baseName [ MAX_QPATH ] ; // ie: tim_dm2
int dataSize ;
int numShaders ;
dshader_t * shaders ;
bmodel_t * bmodels ;
int numplanes ;
cplane_t * planes ;
int numnodes ; // includes leafs
int numDecisionNodes ;
mnode_t * nodes ;
int numsurfaces ;
msurface_t * surfaces ;
int nummarksurfaces ;
msurface_t * * marksurfaces ;
int numfogs ;
fog_t * fogs ;
int globalFog ;
vec3_t lightGridOrigin ;
vec3_t lightGridSize ;
vec3_t lightGridInverseSize ;
int lightGridBounds [ 3 ] ;
int lightGridOffsets [ 8 ] ;
vec3_t lightGridStep ;
mgrid_t * lightGridData ;
word * lightGridArray ;
int numGridArrayElements ;
int numClusters ;
int clusterBytes ;
const byte * vis ; // may be passed in by CM_LoadMap to save space
byte * novis ; // clusterBytes of 0xff
char * entityString ;
char * entityParsePoint ;
} world_t ;
# endif // _XBOX
Ghoul2 Insert Start
# include "mdx_format.h"
Ghoul2 Insert End
typedef enum {
Ghoul2 Insert Start
Ghoul2 Insert End
} modtype_t ;
typedef struct model_s {
char name [ MAX_QPATH ] ;
modtype_t type ;
int index ; // model = tr.models[model->index]
int dataSize ; // just for listing purposes
bmodel_t * bmodel ; // only if type == MOD_BRUSH
md3Header_t * md3 [ MD3_MAX_LODS ] ; // only if type == MOD_MESH
Ghoul2 Insert Start
mdxmHeader_t * mdxm ; // only if type == MOD_GL2M which is a GHOUL II Mesh file NOT a GHOUL II animation file
mdxaHeader_t * mdxa ; // only if type == MOD_GL2A which is a GHOUL II Animation file
Ghoul2 Insert End
int numLods ;
qboolean bspInstance ;
} model_t ;
# define MAX_MOD_KNOWN 1024
void R_ModelInit ( void ) ;
void R_InitDecals ( void ) ;
model_t * R_GetModelByHandle ( qhandle_t hModel ) ;
int R_LerpTag ( orientation_t * tag , qhandle_t handle , int startFrame , int endFrame ,
float frac , const char * tagName ) ;
void R_ModelBounds ( qhandle_t handle , vec3_t mins , vec3_t maxs ) ;
void R_Modellist_f ( void ) ;
// An offscreen buffer used for secondary rendering and render-to-texture support (RTT). - AReis
# ifndef _XBOX // GLOWXXX
# ifndef DEDICATED
private :
// Pixel Buffer Rendering and Device Contexts.
HDC m_hDC ;
// The render and device contexts for the previous render target.
HGLRC m_hOldRC ;
HDC m_hOldDC ;
// Buffer handle.
// Buffer Dimensions.
int m_iWidth , m_iHeight ;
// Color, depth, and stencil bits for this buffer.
int m_iColorBits , m_iDepthBits , m_iStencilBits ;
public :
// Texture used for displaying the pbuffer.
GLuint m_uiPBufferTexture ;
// Constructor.
CPBUFFER ( ) { }
// Destructor.
~ CPBUFFER ( ) { }
// Allocate and create a new PBuffer.
bool Create ( int iWidth , int iHeight , int iColorBits , int iDepthBits , int iStencilBits ) ;
// Destroy and deallocate a PBuffer.
void Destroy ( ) ;
// Make this PBuffer the current render device.
bool Begin ( ) ;
// Restore the previous render device.
bool End ( ) ;
} ;
# endif // DEDICATED
# endif // _XBOX
# define MAX_DRAWIMAGES 2048
# define MAX_LIGHTMAPS 256
# define MAX_SKINS 1024
# ifdef _XBOX
# define MAX_DRAWSURFS 0x4000
# else
# define MAX_DRAWSURFS 0x10000
# endif
the drawsurf sort data is packed into a single 32 bit value so it can be
compared quickly during the qsorting process
the bits are allocated as follows :
18 - 31 : sorted shader index
7 - 17 : entity index
2 - 6 : fog index
0 - 1 : dlightmap index
extern int gl_filter_min , gl_filter_max ;
* * performanceCounters_t
typedef struct {
int c_sphere_cull_patch_in , c_sphere_cull_patch_clip , c_sphere_cull_patch_out ;
int c_box_cull_patch_in , c_box_cull_patch_clip , c_box_cull_patch_out ;
int c_sphere_cull_md3_in , c_sphere_cull_md3_clip , c_sphere_cull_md3_out ;
int c_box_cull_md3_in , c_box_cull_md3_clip , c_box_cull_md3_out ;
int c_leafs ;
int c_dlightSurfaces ;
int c_dlightSurfacesCulled ;
} frontEndCounters_t ;
# define FOG_TABLE_SIZE 256
# define FUNCTABLE_SIZE 1024
# define FUNCTABLE_SIZE2 10
// the renderer front end should never modify glstate_t
typedef struct {
int currenttextures [ 2 ] ;
int currenttmu ;
qboolean finishCalled ;
int texEnv [ 2 ] ;
int faceCulling ;
unsigned long glStateBits ;
} glstate_t ;
typedef struct {
int c_surfaces , c_shaders , c_vertexes , c_indexes , c_totalIndexes ;
float c_overDraw ;
int c_dlightVertexes ;
int c_dlightIndexes ;
int c_flareAdds ;
int c_flareTests ;
int c_flareRenders ;
int msec ; // total msec for backend run
} backEndCounters_t ;
// all state modified by the back end is seperated
// from the front end state
typedef struct {
trRefdef_t refdef ;
viewParms_t viewParms ;
orientationr_t ori ; // Can't use or as it is a c++ reserved word DREWS 2/2/2002
backEndCounters_t pc ;
qboolean isHyperspace ;
trRefEntity_t * currentEntity ;
qboolean skyRenderedThisView ; // flag for drawing sun
qboolean projection2D ; // if qtrue, drawstretchpic doesn't need to change modes
byte color2D [ 4 ] ;
qboolean vertexes2D ; // shader needs to be finished
trRefEntity_t entity2D ; // currentEntity will point at this when doing 2D rendering
} backEndState_t ;
* * trGlobals_t
* *
* * Most renderer globals are defined here .
* * backend functions should never modify any of these fields ,
* * but may read fields that aren ' t dynamically modified
* * by the frontend .
# ifdef _XBOX
# else
# endif
typedef struct {
qboolean registered ; // cleared at shutdown, set at beginRegistration
int visCount ; // incremented every time a new vis cluster is entered
int frameCount ; // incremented every frame
int sceneCount ; // incremented every scene
int viewCount ; // incremented every view (twice a scene if portaled)
// and every R_MarkFragments call
int frameSceneNum ; // zeroed at RE_BeginFrame
qboolean worldMapLoaded ;
world_t * world ;
# ifdef _XBOX
SPARC < byte > * externalVisData ; // from RE_SetWorldVisData, shared with CM_Load
# else
const byte * externalVisData ; // from RE_SetWorldVisData, shared with CM_Load
# endif
image_t * defaultImage ;
image_t * scratchImage [ NUM_SCRATCH_IMAGES ] ;
image_t * fogImage ;
image_t * dlightImage ; // inverse-quare highlight for projective adding
image_t * flareImage ;
image_t * whiteImage ; // full of 0xff
image_t * identityLightImage ; // full of tr.identityLightByte
image_t * screenImage ; //reserve us a gl texnum to use with RF_DISTORTION
# ifndef _XBOX // GLOWXXX
// Handle to the Glow Effect Vertex Shader. - AReis
GLuint glowVShader ;
// Handle to the Glow Effect Pixel Shader. - AReis
GLuint glowPShader ;
// Image the glowing objects are rendered to. - AReis
GLuint screenGlow ;
// A rectangular texture representing the normally rendered scene.
GLuint sceneImage ;
// Image used to downsample and blur scene to. - AReis
GLuint blurImage ;
# endif
shader_t * defaultShader ;
shader_t * shadowShader ;
shader_t * distortionShader ;
shader_t * projectionShadowShader ;
shader_t * sunShader ;
int numLightmaps ;
image_t * lightmaps [ MAX_LIGHTMAPS ] ;
trRefEntity_t * currentEntity ;
trRefEntity_t worldEntity ; // point currentEntity at this when rendering world
int currentEntityNum ;
int shiftedEntityNum ; // currentEntityNum << QSORT_ENTITYNUM_SHIFT
model_t * currentModel ;
viewParms_t viewParms ;
float identityLight ; // 1.0 / ( 1 << overbrightBits )
int identityLightByte ; // identityLight * 255
int overbrightBits ; // r_overbrightBits->integer, but set to 0 if no hw gamma
orientationr_t ori ; // for current entity
trRefdef_t refdef ;
int viewCluster ;
vec3_t sunLight ; // from the sky shader for this level
vec3_t sunDirection ;
int sunSurfaceLight ; // from the sky shader for this level
vec3_t sunAmbient ; // from the sky shader (only used for John's terrain system)
frontEndCounters_t pc ;
int frontEndMsec ; // not in pc due to clearing issue
// put large tables at the end, so most elements will be
// within the +/32K indexed range on risc processors
model_t * models [ MAX_MOD_KNOWN ] ;
int numModels ;
world_t bspModels [ MAX_SUB_BSP ] ;
int numBSPModels ;
// shader indexes from other modules will be looked up in tr.shaders[]
// shader indexes from drawsurfs will be looked up in sortedShaders[]
// lower indexed sortedShaders must be rendered first (opaque surfaces before translucent)
int numShaders ;
shader_t * shaders [ MAX_SHADERS ] ;
shader_t * sortedShaders [ MAX_SHADERS ] ;
int numSkins ;
skin_t * skins [ MAX_SKINS ] ;
float sinTable [ FUNCTABLE_SIZE ] ;
float squareTable [ FUNCTABLE_SIZE ] ;
float triangleTable [ FUNCTABLE_SIZE ] ;
float sawToothTable [ FUNCTABLE_SIZE ] ;
float inverseSawToothTable [ FUNCTABLE_SIZE ] ;
float fogTable [ FOG_TABLE_SIZE ] ;
float rangedFog ;
float distanceCull , distanceCullSquared ; //rwwRMG - added
srfTerrain_t landScape ; //rwwRMG - added
} trGlobals_t ;
int R_Images_StartIteration ( void ) ;
image_t * R_Images_GetNextIteration ( void ) ;
void R_Images_Clear ( void ) ;
void R_Images_DeleteLightMaps ( void ) ;
void R_Images_DeleteImage ( image_t * pImage ) ;
extern backEndState_t backEnd ;
extern trGlobals_t tr ;
extern glconfig_t glConfig ; // outside of TR since it shouldn't be cleared during ref re-init
extern glstate_t glState ; // outside of TR since it shouldn't be cleared during ref re-init
// cvars
extern cvar_t * r_ignore ; // used for debugging anything
extern cvar_t * r_verbose ; // used for verbose debug spew
extern cvar_t * r_znear ; // near Z clip plane
extern cvar_t * r_stencilbits ; // number of desired stencil bits
extern cvar_t * r_depthbits ; // number of desired depth bits
extern cvar_t * r_colorbits ; // number of desired color bits, only relevant for fullscreen
extern cvar_t * r_stereo ; // desired pixelformat stereo flag
extern cvar_t * r_texturebits ; // number of desired texture bits
// 0 = use framebuffer depth
// 16 = use 16-bit textures
// 32 = use 32-bit textures
// all else = error
extern cvar_t * r_texturebitslm ; // number of desired lightmap texture bits
extern cvar_t * r_measureOverdraw ; // enables stencil buffer overdraw measurement
extern cvar_t * r_lodbias ; // push/pull LOD transitions
extern cvar_t * r_lodscale ;
extern cvar_t * r_autolodscalevalue ;
extern cvar_t * r_primitives ; // "0" = based on compiled vertex array existance
// "1" = glDrawElemet tristrips
// "2" = glDrawElements triangles
// "-1" = no drawing
extern cvar_t * r_inGameVideo ; // controls whether in game video should be draw
extern cvar_t * r_fastsky ; // controls whether sky should be cleared or drawn
extern cvar_t * r_drawSun ; // controls drawing of sun quad
extern cvar_t * r_dynamiclight ; // dynamic lights enabled/disabled
// rjr - removed for hacking extern cvar_t *r_dlightBacks; // dlight non-facing surfaces for continuity
extern cvar_t * r_norefresh ; // bypasses the ref rendering
extern cvar_t * r_drawentities ; // disable/enable entity rendering
extern cvar_t * r_drawworld ; // disable/enable world rendering
extern cvar_t * r_drawfog ; // disable/enable fog rendering
extern cvar_t * r_speeds ; // various levels of information display
extern cvar_t * r_detailTextures ; // enables/disables detail texturing stages
extern cvar_t * r_novis ; // disable/enable usage of PVS
extern cvar_t * r_nocull ;
extern cvar_t * r_facePlaneCull ; // enables culling of planar surfaces with back side test
extern cvar_t * r_cullRoofFaces ; //attempted smart method of culling out upwards facing surfaces on roofs for automap shots -rww
extern cvar_t * r_roofCullCeilDist ; //ceiling distance cull tolerance -rww
extern cvar_t * r_roofCullFloorDist ; //floor distance cull tolerance -rww
extern cvar_t * r_nocurves ;
extern cvar_t * r_showcluster ;
extern cvar_t * r_autoMap ; //automap renderside toggle for debugging -rww
extern cvar_t * r_autoMapBackAlpha ; //alpha of automap bg -rww
extern cvar_t * r_autoMapDisable ;
extern cvar_t * r_dlightStyle ;
extern cvar_t * r_surfaceSprites ;
extern cvar_t * r_surfaceWeather ;
extern cvar_t * r_windSpeed ;
extern cvar_t * r_windAngle ;
extern cvar_t * r_windGust ;
extern cvar_t * r_windDampFactor ;
extern cvar_t * r_windPointForce ;
extern cvar_t * r_windPointX ;
extern cvar_t * r_windPointY ;
extern cvar_t * r_mode ; // video mode
extern cvar_t * r_fullscreen ;
extern cvar_t * r_gamma ;
extern cvar_t * r_displayRefresh ; // optional display refresh option
extern cvar_t * r_ignorehwgamma ; // overrides hardware gamma capabilities
extern cvar_t * r_allowExtensions ; // global enable/disable of OpenGL extensions
extern cvar_t * r_ext_compressed_textures ; // these control use of specific extensions
extern cvar_t * r_ext_compressed_lightmaps ; // turns on compression of lightmaps, off by default
extern cvar_t * r_ext_preferred_tc_method ;
extern cvar_t * r_ext_gamma_control ;
extern cvar_t * r_ext_texenv_op ;
extern cvar_t * r_ext_multitexture ;
extern cvar_t * r_ext_compiled_vertex_array ;
extern cvar_t * r_ext_texture_env_add ;
extern cvar_t * r_ext_texture_filter_anisotropic ;
extern cvar_t * r_DynamicGlow ;
extern cvar_t * r_DynamicGlowPasses ;
extern cvar_t * r_DynamicGlowDelta ;
extern cvar_t * r_DynamicGlowIntensity ;
extern cvar_t * r_DynamicGlowSoft ;
extern cvar_t * r_DynamicGlowWidth ;
extern cvar_t * r_DynamicGlowHeight ;
extern cvar_t * r_nobind ; // turns off binding to appropriate textures
extern cvar_t * r_singleShader ; // make most world faces use default shader
extern cvar_t * r_colorMipLevels ; // development aid to see texture mip usage
extern cvar_t * r_picmip ; // controls picmip values
extern cvar_t * r_finish ;
extern cvar_t * r_swapInterval ;
extern cvar_t * r_markcount ;
extern cvar_t * r_textureMode ;
extern cvar_t * r_offsetFactor ;
extern cvar_t * r_offsetUnits ;
extern cvar_t * r_fullbright ; // avoid lightmap pass
extern cvar_t * r_lightmap ; // render lightmaps only
extern cvar_t * r_vertexLight ; // vertex lighting mode for better performance
extern cvar_t * r_uiFullScreen ; // ui is running fullscreen
extern cvar_t * r_logFile ; // number of frames to emit GL logs
extern cvar_t * r_showtris ; // enables wireframe rendering of the world
extern cvar_t * r_showsky ; // forces sky in front of all surfaces
extern cvar_t * r_shownormals ; // draws wireframe normals
extern cvar_t * r_clear ; // force screen clear every frame
extern cvar_t * r_shadows ; // controls shadows: 0 = none, 1 = blur, 2 = stencil, 3 = black planar projection
extern cvar_t * r_flares ; // light flares
extern cvar_t * r_intensity ;
extern cvar_t * r_lockpvs ;
extern cvar_t * r_noportals ;
extern cvar_t * r_portalOnly ;
extern cvar_t * r_subdivisions ;
extern cvar_t * r_lodCurveError ;
extern cvar_t * r_skipBackEnd ;
extern cvar_t * r_ignoreGLErrors ;
extern cvar_t * r_overBrightBits ;
extern cvar_t * r_debugSurface ;
extern cvar_t * r_simpleMipMaps ;
extern cvar_t * r_showImages ;
extern cvar_t * r_debugSort ;
# ifdef _XBOX
extern cvar_t * r_hdreffect ;
extern cvar_t * r_sundir_x ;
extern cvar_t * r_sundir_y ;
extern cvar_t * r_sundir_z ;
extern cvar_t * r_hdrbloom ;
# endif
Ghoul2 Insert Start
# ifdef _DEBUG
extern cvar_t * r_noPrecacheGLA ;
# endif
extern cvar_t * r_noServerGhoul2 ;
Ghoul2 Insert End
float R_NoiseGet4f ( float x , float y , float z , float t ) ;
void R_NoiseInit ( void ) ;
void R_SwapBuffers ( int ) ;
void R_RenderView ( viewParms_t * parms ) ;
void R_AddMD3Surfaces ( trRefEntity_t * e ) ;
void R_AddNullModelSurfaces ( trRefEntity_t * e ) ;
void R_AddBeamSurfaces ( trRefEntity_t * e ) ;
void R_AddRailSurfaces ( trRefEntity_t * e , qboolean isUnderwater ) ;
void R_AddLightningBoltSurfaces ( trRefEntity_t * e ) ;
void R_AddPolygonSurfaces ( void ) ;
void R_DecomposeSort ( unsigned sort , int * entityNum , shader_t * * shader ,
int * fogNum , int * dlightMap ) ;
void R_AddDrawSurf ( surfaceType_t * surface , shader_t * shader , int fogIndex , int dlightMap ) ;
# define CULL_IN 0 // completely unclipped
# define CULL_CLIP 1 // clipped by one or more planes
# define CULL_OUT 2 // completely outside the clipping planes
void R_LocalNormalToWorld ( const vec3_t local , vec3_t world ) ;
void R_LocalPointToWorld ( const vec3_t local , vec3_t world ) ;
void R_WorldNormalToEntity ( const vec3_t localVec , vec3_t world ) ;
int R_CullLocalBox ( const vec3_t bounds [ 2 ] ) ;
int R_CullPointAndRadius ( const vec3_t origin , float radius ) ;
int R_CullLocalPointAndRadius ( const vec3_t origin , float radius ) ;
void R_RotateForEntity ( const trRefEntity_t * ent , const viewParms_t * viewParms , orientationr_t * ori ) ;
void R_SetupEntityLightingGrid ( trRefEntity_t * ent ) ;
void R_AddWorldSurface ( msurface_t * surf , int dlightBits , qboolean noViewCount = qfalse ) ;
# endif
* * GL wrapper / helper functions
void GL_Bind ( image_t * image ) ;
void GL_Bind3D ( image_t * image ) ;
void GL_SetDefaultState ( void ) ;
void GL_SelectTexture ( int unit ) ;
void GL_TextureMode ( const char * string ) ;
void GL_CheckErrors ( void ) ;
void GL_State ( unsigned long stateVector ) ;
void GL_TexEnv ( int env ) ;
void GL_Cull ( int cullType ) ;
# define GLS_SRCBLEND_ZERO 0x00000001
# define GLS_SRCBLEND_ONE 0x00000002
# define GLS_SRCBLEND_DST_COLOR 0x00000003
# define GLS_SRCBLEND_SRC_ALPHA 0x00000005
# define GLS_SRCBLEND_DST_ALPHA 0x00000007
# define GLS_SRCBLEND_BITS 0x0000000f
# define GLS_DSTBLEND_ZERO 0x00000010
# define GLS_DSTBLEND_ONE 0x00000020
# define GLS_DSTBLEND_SRC_COLOR 0x00000030
# define GLS_DSTBLEND_SRC_ALPHA 0x00000050
# define GLS_DSTBLEND_DST_ALPHA 0x00000070
# define GLS_DSTBLEND_BITS 0x000000f0
# define GLS_DEPTHMASK_TRUE 0x00000100
# define GLS_POLYMODE_LINE 0x00001000
# define GLS_DEPTHTEST_DISABLE 0x00010000
# define GLS_DEPTHFUNC_EQUAL 0x00020000
# define GLS_ATEST_GT_0 0x10000000
# define GLS_ATEST_LT_80 0x20000000
# define GLS_ATEST_GE_80 0x40000000
# define GLS_ATEST_GE_C0 0x80000000
# define GLS_ATEST_BITS 0xF0000000
void RE_StretchRaw ( int x , int y , int w , int h , int cols , int rows , const byte * data , int client , qboolean dirty ) ;
void RE_UploadCinematic ( int cols , int rows , const byte * data , int client , qboolean dirty ) ;
void RE_BeginFrame ( stereoFrame_t stereoFrame ) ;
void RE_BeginRegistration ( glconfig_t * glconfig ) ;
void R_ColorShiftLightingBytes ( byte in [ 4 ] , byte out [ 4 ] ) ; //rwwRMG - added
void RE_LoadWorldMap ( const char * mapname ) ;
# ifdef _XBOX
void RE_SetWorldVisData ( SPARC < byte > * vis ) ;
# else
void RE_SetWorldVisData ( const byte * vis ) ;
# endif
qhandle_t RE_RegisterServerModel ( const char * name ) ;
qhandle_t RE_RegisterModel ( const char * name ) ;
qhandle_t RE_RegisterSkin ( const char * name ) ;
void RE_Shutdown ( qboolean destroyWindow ) ;
void RE_RegisterMedia_LevelLoadBegin ( const char * psMapName , ForceReload_e eForceReload ) ;
void RE_RegisterMedia_LevelLoadEnd ( void ) ;
int RE_RegisterMedia_GetLevel ( void ) ;
//void RE_RegisterModels_LevelLoadBegin(const char *psMapName);
qboolean RE_RegisterModels_LevelLoadEnd ( qboolean bDeleteEverythingNotUsedThisLevel = qfalse ) ;
void * RE_RegisterModels_Malloc ( int iSize , void * pvDiskBufferIfJustLoaded , const char * psModelFileName , qboolean * pqbAlreadyFound , memtag_t eTag ) ;
void RE_RegisterModels_StoreShaderRequest ( const char * psModelFileName , const char * psShaderName , int * piShaderIndexPoke ) ;
void RE_RegisterModels_Info_f ( void ) ;
//void RE_RegisterImages_LevelLoadBegin(const char *psMapName);
qboolean RE_RegisterImages_LevelLoadEnd ( void ) ;
void RE_RegisterImages_Info_f ( void ) ;
qboolean R_GetEntityToken ( char * buffer , int size ) ;
model_t * R_AllocModel ( void ) ;
void R_Init ( void ) ;
# ifndef DEDICATED
# ifdef _XBOX
void R_LoadImage ( const char * shortname , byte * * pic , int * width , int * height , int * mipcount , GLenum * format ) ;
# else
void R_LoadImage ( const char * name , byte * * pic , int * width , int * height , GLenum * format ) ;
# endif
# endif // DEDICATED
image_t * R_FindImageFile ( const char * name , qboolean mipmap , qboolean allowPicmip , qboolean allowTC , int glWrapClampMode ) ;
# ifndef DEDICATED
# ifdef _XBOX
image_t * R_CreateImage ( const char * name , const byte * pic , int width , int height , GLenum format , qboolean mipmap , qboolean allowPicmip , int wrapClampMode ) ;
# else
image_t * R_CreateImage ( const char * name , const byte * pic , int width , int height , GLenum format , qboolean mipmap
, qboolean allowPicmip , qboolean allowTC , int wrapClampMode , bool bRectangle = false ) ;
# endif // _XBOX
# endif // DEDICATED
qboolean R_GetModeInfo ( int * width , int * height , int mode ) ;
void R_SetColorMappings ( void ) ;
void R_GammaCorrect ( byte * buffer , int bufSize ) ;
void R_ImageList_f ( void ) ;
void R_SkinList_f ( void ) ;
void R_ScreenShot_f ( void ) ;
void R_InitFogTable ( void ) ;
float R_FogFactor ( float s , float t ) ;
void R_InitImages ( void ) ;
void R_DeleteTextures ( void ) ;
float R_SumOfUsedImages ( qboolean bUseFormat ) ;
void R_InitSkins ( void ) ;
skin_t * R_GetSkinByHandle ( qhandle_t hSkin ) ;
// tr_shader.c
extern const int lightmapsNone [ MAXLIGHTMAPS ] ;
extern const int lightmaps2d [ MAXLIGHTMAPS ] ;
extern const int lightmapsVertex [ MAXLIGHTMAPS ] ;
extern const int lightmapsFullBright [ MAXLIGHTMAPS ] ;
extern const byte stylesDefault [ MAXLIGHTMAPS ] ;
qhandle_t RE_RegisterShaderLightMap ( const char * name , const int * lightmapIndex , const byte * styles ) ;
qhandle_t RE_RegisterShader ( const char * name ) ;
qhandle_t RE_RegisterShaderNoMip ( const char * name ) ;
const char * RE_ShaderNameFromIndex ( int index ) ;
qhandle_t RE_RegisterShaderFromImage ( const char * name , int * lightmapIndex , byte * styles , image_t * image , qboolean mipRawImage ) ;
shader_t * R_FindShader ( const char * name , const int * lightmapIndex , const byte * styles , qboolean mipRawImage ) ;
shader_t * R_GetShaderByHandle ( qhandle_t hShader ) ;
shader_t * R_GetShaderByState ( int index , long * cycleTime ) ;
shader_t * R_FindShaderByName ( const char * name ) ;
void R_InitShaders ( qboolean server ) ;
void R_ShaderList_f ( void ) ;
void R_RemapShader ( const char * oldShader , const char * newShader , const char * timeOffset ) ;
//rwwRMG: Added:
qhandle_t R_GetShaderByNum ( int index , world_t & worldData ) ;
qhandle_t R_CreateBlendedShader ( qhandle_t a , qhandle_t b , qhandle_t c , bool surfaceSprites ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void GLimp_Init ( void ) ;
void GLimp_Shutdown ( void ) ;
void GLimp_EndFrame ( void ) ;
void GLimp_LogComment ( char * comment ) ;
# ifndef _XBOX
void GLimp_SetGamma ( unsigned char red [ 256 ] ,
unsigned char green [ 256 ] ,
unsigned char blue [ 256 ] ) ;
# endif
# ifdef _XBOX
typedef struct
char levelName [ _MAX_PATH ] ;
vec3_t sundir ;
bool hdrEnable ;
float hdrBloom ;
} levelLightParm_t ;
void R_GetLightParmsForLevel ( ) ;
void R_LoadLevelLightParms ( ) ;
# endif
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
typedef byte color4ub_t [ 4 ] ;
typedef struct stageVars
# ifdef _XBOX
unsigned long colors [ SHADER_MAX_VERTEXES ] ;
# else
color4ub_t colors [ SHADER_MAX_VERTEXES ] ;
# endif
} stageVars_t ;
struct shaderCommands_s
glIndex_t indexes [ SHADER_MAX_INDEXES ] ;
vec4_t xyz [ SHADER_MAX_VERTEXES ] ;
vec4_t normal [ SHADER_MAX_VERTEXES ] ;
# ifdef _XBOX
vec4_t tangent [ SHADER_MAX_VERTEXES ] ;
# endif
vec2_t texCoords [ SHADER_MAX_VERTEXES ] [ NUM_TEX_COORDS ] ;
color4ub_t vertexColors [ SHADER_MAX_VERTEXES ] ;
byte vertexAlphas [ SHADER_MAX_VERTEXES ] [ 4 ] ; //rwwRMG - added support
int vertexDlightBits [ SHADER_MAX_VERTEXES ] ;
stageVars_t svars ;
shader_t * shader ;
float shaderTime ;
int fogNum ;
int dlightBits ; // or together of all vertexDlightBits
int numIndexes ;
int numVertexes ;
// info extracted from current shader
int numPasses ;
# ifdef _XBOX
int currentPass ;
bool setTangents ;
# endif
void ( * currentStageIteratorFunc ) ( void ) ;
shaderStage_t * xstages ;
int registration ;
qboolean SSInitializedWind ;
//rww - doing a fade, don't compute shader color/alpha overrides
bool fading ;
} ;
# ifndef DEDICATED
typedef __declspec ( align ( 16 ) ) shaderCommands_s shaderCommands_t ;
extern shaderCommands_t tess ;
# endif
extern color4ub_t styleColors [ MAX_LIGHT_STYLES ] ;
void RB_BeginSurface ( shader_t * shader , int fogNum ) ;
void RB_EndSurface ( void ) ;
void RB_CheckOverflow ( int verts , int indexes ) ;
# define RB_CHECKOVERFLOW(v,i) if (tess.numVertexes + (v) >= SHADER_MAX_VERTEXES || tess.numIndexes + (i) >= SHADER_MAX_INDEXES ) {RB_CheckOverflow(v,i);}
void RB_StageIteratorGeneric ( void ) ;
void RB_StageIteratorSky ( void ) ;
void RB_AddQuadStamp ( vec3_t origin , vec3_t left , vec3_t up , byte * color ) ;
void RB_AddQuadStampExt ( vec3_t origin , vec3_t left , vec3_t up , byte * color , float s1 , float t1 , float s2 , float t2 ) ;
void RB_ShowImages ( void ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void R_AddBrushModelSurfaces ( trRefEntity_t * e ) ;
void R_AddWorldSurfaces ( void ) ;
qboolean R_inPVS ( const vec3_t p1 , const vec3_t p2 , byte * mask ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void R_ClearFlares ( void ) ;
void RB_AddFlare ( void * surface , int fogNum , vec3_t point , vec3_t color , vec3_t normal ) ;
void RB_AddDlightFlares ( void ) ;
void RB_RenderFlares ( void ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void R_DlightBmodel ( bmodel_t * bmodel , bool NoLight ) ;
void R_SetupEntityLighting ( const trRefdef_t * refdef , trRefEntity_t * ent ) ;
void R_TransformDlights ( int count , dlight_t * dl , orientationr_t * ori ) ;
int R_LightForPoint ( vec3_t point , vec3_t ambientLight , vec3_t directedLight , vec3_t lightDir ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void RB_ShadowTessEnd ( void ) ;
void RB_ShadowFinish ( void ) ;
void RB_ProjectionShadowDeform ( void ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
# ifndef DEDICATED
void R_BuildCloudData ( shaderCommands_t * shader ) ;
void R_InitSkyTexCoords ( float cloudLayerHeight ) ;
void R_DrawSkyBox ( shaderCommands_t * shader ) ;
void RB_DrawSun ( void ) ;
void RB_ClipSkyPolygons ( shaderCommands_t * shader ) ;
# endif
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
# ifdef _XBOX
srfGridMesh_t * R_SubdividePatchToGrid ( int width , int height ,
drawVert_t * points ,
drawVert_t * ctl , float * errorTable ) ;
# else
srfGridMesh_t * R_SubdividePatchToGrid ( int width , int height ,
drawVert_t points [ MAX_PATCH_SIZE * MAX_PATCH_SIZE ] ) ;
# endif // _XBOX
srfGridMesh_t * R_GridInsertColumn ( srfGridMesh_t * grid , int column , int row , vec3_t point , float loderror ) ;
srfGridMesh_t * R_GridInsertRow ( srfGridMesh_t * grid , int row , int column , vec3_t point , float loderror ) ;
void R_FreeSurfaceGridMesh ( srfGridMesh_t * grid ) ;
Ghoul2 Insert Start
float ProjectRadius ( float r , vec3_t location ) ;
Ghoul2 Insert End
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
int R_MarkFragments ( int numPoints , const vec3_t * points , const vec3_t projection ,
int maxPoints , vec3_t pointBuffer , int maxFragments , markFragment_t * fragmentBuffer ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void R_ToggleSmpFrame ( void ) ;
void RE_ClearScene ( void ) ;
void RE_ClearDecals ( void ) ;
void RE_AddRefEntityToScene ( const refEntity_t * ent ) ;
void RE_AddMiniRefEntityToScene ( const miniRefEntity_t * ent ) ;
void RE_AddPolyToScene ( qhandle_t hShader , int numVerts , const polyVert_t * verts , int num ) ;
void RE_AddDecalToScene ( qhandle_t shader , const vec3_t origin , const vec3_t dir , float orientation , float r , float g , float b , float a , qboolean alphaFade , float radius , qboolean temporary ) ;
void RE_AddLightToScene ( const vec3_t org , float intensity , float r , float g , float b ) ;
void RE_AddAdditiveLightToScene ( const vec3_t org , float intensity , float r , float g , float b ) ;
void RE_RenderScene ( const refdef_t * fd ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void R_MakeAnimModel ( model_t * model ) ;
void R_AddAnimSurfaces ( trRefEntity_t * ent ) ;
Ghoul2 Insert Start
# pragma warning (disable: 4512) //default assignment operator could not be gened
class CRenderableSurface
public :
# ifdef _G2_GORE
int ident ;
# else
const int ident ; // ident of this surface - required so the materials renderer knows what sort of surface this refers to
# endif
CBoneCache * boneCache ;
mdxmSurface_t * surfaceData ; // pointer to surface data loaded into file - only used by client renderer DO NOT USE IN GAME SIDE - if there is a vid restart this will be out of wack on the game
# ifdef _G2_GORE
float * alternateTex ; // alternate texture coordinates.
void * goreChain ;
float scale ;
float fade ;
float impactTime ; // this is a number between 0 and 1 that dictates the progression of the bullet impact
# endif
# ifdef _G2_GORE
CRenderableSurface & operator = ( const CRenderableSurface & src )
ident = src . ident ;
boneCache = src . boneCache ;
surfaceData = src . surfaceData ;
alternateTex = src . alternateTex ;
goreChain = src . goreChain ;
return * this ;
# endif
CRenderableSurface ( ) :
ident ( SF_MDX ) ,
boneCache ( 0 ) ,
# ifdef _G2_GORE
surfaceData ( 0 ) ,
alternateTex ( 0 ) ,
goreChain ( 0 )
# else
surfaceData ( 0 )
# endif
{ }
# ifdef _G2_GORE
void Init ( )
ident = SF_MDX ;
boneCache = 0 ;
surfaceData = 0 ;
alternateTex = 0 ;
goreChain = 0 ;
# endif
} ;
void R_AddGhoulSurfaces ( trRefEntity_t * ent ) ;
void RB_SurfaceGhoul ( CRenderableSurface * surface ) ;
Ghoul2 Insert End
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void R_TransformModelToClip ( const vec3_t src , const float * modelMatrix , const float * projectionMatrix ,
vec4_t eye , vec4_t dst ) ;
void R_TransformClipToWindow ( const vec4_t clip , const viewParms_t * view , vec4_t normalized , vec4_t window ) ;
void RB_DeformTessGeometry ( void ) ;
void RB_CalcEnvironmentTexCoords ( float * dstTexCoords ) ;
void RB_CalcFogTexCoords ( float * dstTexCoords ) ;
void RB_CalcScrollTexCoords ( const float scroll [ 2 ] , float * dstTexCoords ) ;
void RB_CalcRotateTexCoords ( float rotSpeed , float * dstTexCoords ) ;
void RB_CalcScaleTexCoords ( const float scale [ 2 ] , float * dstTexCoords ) ;
void RB_CalcTurbulentTexCoords ( const waveForm_t * wf , float * dstTexCoords ) ;
void RB_CalcTransformTexCoords ( const texModInfo_t * tmi , float * dstTexCoords ) ;
void RB_CalcStretchTexCoords ( const waveForm_t * wf , float * texCoords ) ;
# ifdef _XBOX
void RB_CalcWaveColor ( const waveForm_t * wf , DWORD * dstColors ) ;
void RB_CalcColorFromEntity ( DWORD * dstColors ) ;
void RB_CalcColorFromOneMinusEntity ( DWORD * dstColors ) ;
void RB_CalcWaveAlpha ( const waveForm_t * wf , DWORD * dstColors ) ;
void RB_CalcSpecularAlpha ( DWORD * alphas ) ;
void RB_CalcAlphaFromEntity ( DWORD * dstColors ) ;
void RB_CalcAlphaFromOneMinusEntity ( DWORD * dstColors ) ;
void RB_CalcModulateColorsByFog ( DWORD * dstColors ) ;
void RB_CalcModulateAlphasByFog ( DWORD * dstColors ) ;
void RB_CalcModulateRGBAsByFog ( DWORD * dstColors ) ;
void RB_CalcDisintegrateColors ( DWORD * colors ) ;
# else
void RB_CalcModulateColorsByFog ( unsigned char * dstColors ) ;
void RB_CalcModulateAlphasByFog ( unsigned char * dstColors ) ;
void RB_CalcModulateRGBAsByFog ( unsigned char * dstColors ) ;
void RB_CalcWaveAlpha ( const waveForm_t * wf , unsigned char * dstColors ) ;
void RB_CalcWaveColor ( const waveForm_t * wf , unsigned char * dstColors ) ;
void RB_CalcAlphaFromEntity ( unsigned char * dstColors ) ;
void RB_CalcAlphaFromOneMinusEntity ( unsigned char * dstColors ) ;
void RB_CalcColorFromEntity ( unsigned char * dstColors ) ;
void RB_CalcColorFromOneMinusEntity ( unsigned char * dstColors ) ;
void RB_CalcSpecularAlpha ( unsigned char * alphas ) ;
void RB_CalcDisintegrateColors ( unsigned char * colors ) ;
# endif // _XBOX
void RB_CalcDiffuseColor ( unsigned char * colors ) ;
void RB_CalcDiffuseEntityColor ( unsigned char * colors ) ;
void RB_CalcDisintegrateVertDeform ( void ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void RB_RenderThread ( void ) ;
void RB_ExecuteRenderCommands ( const void * data ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
# ifdef _XBOX
# define MAX_RENDER_COMMANDS 0x18000
# else
# define MAX_RENDER_COMMANDS 0x40000
# endif
typedef struct {
byte cmds [ MAX_RENDER_COMMANDS ] ;
int used ;
} renderCommandList_t ;
typedef struct {
int commandId ;
float color [ 4 ] ;
} setColorCommand_t ;
typedef struct {
int commandId ;
int buffer ;
} drawBufferCommand_t ;
typedef struct {
int commandId ;
image_t * image ;
int width ;
int height ;
void * data ;
} subImageCommand_t ;
typedef struct {
int commandId ;
} swapBuffersCommand_t ;
typedef struct {
int commandId ;
int buffer ;
} endFrameCommand_t ;
typedef struct {
int commandId ;
shader_t * shader ;
float x , y ;
float w , h ;
float s1 , t1 ;
float s2 , t2 ;
} stretchPicCommand_t ;
typedef struct {
int commandId ;
shader_t * shader ;
float x , y ;
float w , h ;
float s1 , t1 ;
float s2 , t2 ;
float a ;
} rotatePicCommand_t ;
typedef struct {
int commandId ;
trRefdef_t refdef ;
viewParms_t viewParms ;
drawSurf_t * drawSurfs ;
int numDrawSurfs ;
} drawSurfsCommand_t ;
typedef enum {
} renderCommand_t ;
// these are sort of arbitrary limits.
// the limits apply to the sum of all scenes in a frame --
// the main view, all the 3D icons, etc
# define MAX_POLYS 600
# define MAX_POLYVERTS 3000
// all of the information needed by the back end must be
// contained in a backEndData_t. This entire structure is
// duplicated so the front and back end can run in parallel
// on an SMP machine
typedef struct {
drawSurf_t drawSurfs [ MAX_DRAWSURFS ] ;
# ifndef VV_LIGHTING
dlight_t dlights [ MAX_DLIGHTS ] ;
# endif
trRefEntity_t entities [ MAX_ENTITIES ] ;
trMiniRefEntity_t miniEntities [ MAX_MINI_ENTITIES ] ;
srfPoly_t * polys ; //[MAX_POLYS];
polyVert_t * polyVerts ; //[MAX_POLYVERTS];
renderCommandList_t commands ;
} backEndData_t ;
extern int max_polys ;
extern int max_polyverts ;
extern backEndData_t * backEndData ;
void * R_GetCommandBuffer ( int bytes ) ;
void RB_ExecuteRenderCommands ( const void * data ) ;
void R_InitCommandBuffers ( void ) ;
void R_ShutdownCommandBuffers ( void ) ;
void R_SyncRenderThread ( void ) ;
void R_AddDrawSurfCmd ( drawSurf_t * drawSurfs , int numDrawSurfs ) ;
void RE_SetColor ( const float * rgba ) ;
void RE_StretchPic ( float x , float y , float w , float h ,
float s1 , float t1 , float s2 , float t2 , qhandle_t hShader ) ;
void RE_RotatePic ( float x , float y , float w , float h ,
float s1 , float t1 , float s2 , float t2 , float a , qhandle_t hShader ) ;
void RE_RotatePic2 ( float x , float y , float w , float h ,
float s1 , float t1 , float s2 , float t2 , float a , qhandle_t hShader ) ;
void RE_BeginFrame ( stereoFrame_t stereoFrame ) ;
void RE_EndFrame ( int * frontEndMsec , int * backEndMsec ) ;
void SaveJPG ( char * filename , int quality , int image_width , int image_height , unsigned char * image_buffer ) ;
Ghoul2 Insert Start
// tr_ghoul2.cpp
void Create_Matrix ( const float * angle , mdxaBone_t * matrix ) ;
void Multiply_3x4Matrix ( mdxaBone_t * out , mdxaBone_t * in2 , mdxaBone_t * in ) ;
extern qboolean R_LoadMDXM ( model_t * mod , void * buffer , const char * name , qboolean & bAlreadyCached ) ;
extern qboolean R_LoadMDXA ( model_t * mod , void * buffer , const char * name , qboolean & bAlreadyCached ) ;
bool LoadTGAPalletteImage ( const char * name , byte * * pic , int * width , int * height ) ;
void RE_InsertModelIntoHash ( const char * name , model_t * mod ) ;
Ghoul2 Insert End
# define MAX_DECAL_POLYS 500
typedef struct decalPoly_s
int time ;
int fadetime ;
qhandle_t shader ;
float color [ 4 ] ;
poly_t poly ;
polyVert_t verts [ MAX_VERTS_ON_DECAL_POLY ] ;
} decalPoly_t ;
# ifndef DEDICATED
// tr_surfacesprites
void RB_DrawSurfaceSprites ( shaderStage_t * stage , shaderCommands_t * input ) ;
# endif
# ifdef _XBOX
DWORD dwSize ;
DWORD dwFlags ;
DWORD dwFourCC ;
DWORD dwRGBBitCount ;
DWORD dwRBitMask ;
DWORD dwGBitMask ;
DWORD dwBBitMask ;
DWORD dwABitMask ;
} ;
DWORD dwSize ;
DWORD dwHeaderFlags ;
DWORD dwHeight ;
DWORD dwWidth ;
DWORD dwPitchOrLinearSize ;
DWORD dwDepth ;
DWORD dwMipMapCount ;
DWORD dwReserved1 [ 11 ] ;
DWORD dwSurfaceFlags ;
DWORD dwCubemapFlags ;
DWORD dwReserved2 [ 3 ] ;
} ;
# endif
# endif //TR_LOCAL_H