2013-04-19 02:52:48 +00:00
# ifdef _JK2 //SP does not have this preprocessor for game like MP does
# ifndef _JK2MP
# define _JK2MP
# endif
# endif
# ifdef _JK2MP
# include "q_shared.h"
# include "bg_public.h"
# include "bg_vehicles.h"
# include "bg_weapons.h"
//Could use strap stuff but I don't particularly care at the moment anyway.
# include "../namespace_begin.h"
extern int trap_FS_FOpenFile ( const char * qpath , fileHandle_t * f , fsMode_t mode ) ;
extern void trap_FS_Read ( void * buffer , int len , fileHandle_t f ) ;
extern void trap_FS_Write ( const void * buffer , int len , fileHandle_t f ) ;
extern void trap_FS_FCloseFile ( fileHandle_t f ) ;
extern int trap_FS_GetFileList ( const char * path , const char * extension , char * listbuf , int bufsize ) ;
# include "../namespace_end.h"
# else
# include "g_local.h"
# define QAGAME
# endif
# ifdef _JK2MP
# ifndef QAGAME
# ifndef CGAME
# define WE_ARE_IN_THE_UI
# include "../ui/ui_local.h"
# endif
# endif
# endif
# ifndef _JK2MP
# include "..\Ratl\string_vs.h"
# endif
# ifdef QAGAME
extern void G_SetSharedVehicleFunctions ( vehicleInfo_t * pVehInfo ) ;
extern int G_ModelIndex ( const char * name ) ;
extern int G_SoundIndex ( const char * name ) ;
# ifdef _JK2MP
extern int G_EffectIndex ( const char * name ) ;
# endif
# elif CGAME
# include "../namespace_begin.h"
extern qhandle_t trap_R_RegisterModel ( const char * name ) ; // returns rgb axis if not found
extern qhandle_t trap_R_RegisterSkin ( const char * name ) ; // returns all white if not found
extern qhandle_t trap_R_RegisterShader ( const char * name ) ;
extern qhandle_t trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip ( const char * name ) ;
extern int trap_FX_RegisterEffect ( const char * file ) ;
extern sfxHandle_t trap_S_RegisterSound ( const char * sample ) ; // returns buzz if not found
# include "../namespace_end.h"
# else //UI
# include "../namespace_begin.h"
extern qhandle_t trap_R_RegisterModel ( const char * name ) ; // returns rgb axis if not found
extern qhandle_t trap_R_RegisterSkin ( const char * name ) ; // returns all white if not found
extern qhandle_t trap_R_RegisterShader ( const char * name ) ; // returns all white if not found
extern qhandle_t trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip ( const char * name ) ; // returns all white if not found
extern sfxHandle_t trap_S_RegisterSound ( const char * sample ) ; // returns buzz if not found
# include "../namespace_end.h"
# endif
extern stringID_table_t animTable [ MAX_ANIMATIONS + 1 ] ;
// These buffers are filled in with the same contents and then just read from in
// a few places. We only need one copy on Xbox.
# define MAX_VEH_WEAPON_DATA_SIZE 0x20000
# define MAX_VEHICLE_DATA_SIZE 0x80000
# if !defined(_XBOX) || defined(QAGAME)
char VehWeaponParms [ MAX_VEH_WEAPON_DATA_SIZE ] ;
char VehicleParms [ MAX_VEHICLE_DATA_SIZE ] ;
void BG_ClearVehicleParseParms ( void )
//You can't strcat to these forever without clearing them!
VehWeaponParms [ 0 ] = 0 ;
VehicleParms [ 0 ] = 0 ;
# else
extern char VehWeaponParms [ MAX_VEH_WEAPON_DATA_SIZE ] ;
extern char VehicleParms [ MAX_VEHICLE_DATA_SIZE ] ;
# endif
# ifdef _JK2MP
# include "../namespace_begin.h"
# endif
# ifndef WE_ARE_IN_THE_UI
//These funcs are actually shared in both projects
extern void G_SetAnimalVehicleFunctions ( vehicleInfo_t * pVehInfo ) ;
extern void G_SetSpeederVehicleFunctions ( vehicleInfo_t * pVehInfo ) ;
extern void G_SetWalkerVehicleFunctions ( vehicleInfo_t * pVehInfo ) ;
extern void G_SetFighterVehicleFunctions ( vehicleInfo_t * pVehInfo ) ;
# endif
vehWeaponInfo_t g_vehWeaponInfo [ MAX_VEH_WEAPONS ] ;
int numVehicleWeapons = 1 ; //first one is null/default
vehicleInfo_t g_vehicleInfo [ MAX_VEHICLES ] ;
int numVehicles = 0 ; //first one is null/default
void BG_VehicleLoadParms ( void ) ;
typedef enum {
VF_LSTRING , // string on disk, pointer in memory, TAG_LEVEL
VF_WEAPON , // take string, resolve into index into VehWeaponParms
VF_MODEL , // take the string, get the G_ModelIndex
VF_MODEL_CLIENT , // (cgame only) take the string, get the G_ModelIndex
VF_EFFECT , // take the string, get the G_EffectIndex
VF_EFFECT_CLIENT , // (cgame only) take the string, get the index
VF_SHADER , // (cgame only) take the string, call trap_R_RegisterShader
VF_SHADER_NOMIP , // (cgame only) take the string, call trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip
VF_SOUND , // take the string, get the G_SoundIndex
VF_SOUND_CLIENT // (cgame only) take the string, get the index
} vehFieldType_t ;
typedef struct
char * name ;
int ofs ;
vehFieldType_t type ;
} vehField_t ;
vehField_t vehWeaponFields [ NUM_VWEAP_PARMS ] =
{ " name " , VWFOFS ( name ) , VF_LSTRING } , //unique name of the vehicle
{ " projectile " , VWFOFS ( bIsProjectile ) , VF_BOOL } , //traceline or entity?
{ " hasGravity " , VWFOFS ( bHasGravity ) , VF_BOOL } , //if a projectile, drops
{ " ionWeapon " , VWFOFS ( bIonWeapon ) , VF_BOOL } , //disables ship shields and sends them out of control
{ " saberBlockable " , VWFOFS ( bSaberBlockable ) , VF_BOOL } , //lightsabers can deflect this projectile
{ " muzzleFX " , VWFOFS ( iMuzzleFX ) , VF_EFFECT_CLIENT } , //index of Muzzle Effect
{ " model " , VWFOFS ( iModel ) , VF_MODEL_CLIENT } , //handle to the model used by this projectile
{ " shotFX " , VWFOFS ( iShotFX ) , VF_EFFECT_CLIENT } , //index of Shot Effect
{ " impactFX " , VWFOFS ( iImpactFX ) , VF_EFFECT_CLIENT } , //index of Impact Effect
{ " g2MarkShader " , VWFOFS ( iG2MarkShaderHandle ) , VF_SHADER } , //index of shader to use for G2 marks made on other models when hit by this projectile
{ " g2MarkSize " , VWFOFS ( fG2MarkSize ) , VF_FLOAT } , //size (diameter) of the ghoul2 mark
{ " loopSound " , VWFOFS ( iLoopSound ) , VF_SOUND_CLIENT } , //index of loopSound
{ " speed " , VWFOFS ( fSpeed ) , VF_FLOAT } , //speed of projectile/range of traceline
{ " homing " , VWFOFS ( fHoming ) , VF_FLOAT } , //0.0 = not homing, 0.5 = half vel to targ, half cur vel, 1.0 = all vel to targ
{ " homingFOV " , VWFOFS ( fHomingFOV ) , VF_FLOAT } , //missile will lose lock on if DotProduct of missile direction and direction to target ever drops below this (-1 to 1, -1 = never lose target, 0 = lose if ship gets behind missile, 1 = pretty much will lose it's target right away)
{ " lockOnTime " , VWFOFS ( iLockOnTime ) , VF_INT } , //0 = no lock time needed, else # of ms needed to lock on
{ " damage " , VWFOFS ( iDamage ) , VF_INT } , //damage done when traceline or projectile directly hits target
{ " splashDamage " , VWFOFS ( iSplashDamage ) , VF_INT } , //damage done to ents in splashRadius of end of traceline or projectile origin on impact
{ " splashRadius " , VWFOFS ( fSplashRadius ) , VF_FLOAT } , //radius that ent must be in to take splashDamage (linear fall-off)
{ " ammoPerShot " , VWFOFS ( iAmmoPerShot ) , VF_INT } , //how much "ammo" each shot takes
{ " health " , VWFOFS ( iHealth ) , VF_INT } , //if non-zero, projectile can be shot, takes this much damage before being destroyed
{ " width " , VWFOFS ( fWidth ) , VF_FLOAT } , //width of traceline or bounding box of projecile (non-rotating!)
{ " height " , VWFOFS ( fHeight ) , VF_FLOAT } , //height of traceline or bounding box of projecile (non-rotating!)
{ " lifetime " , VWFOFS ( iLifeTime ) , VF_INT } , //removes itself after this amount of time
{ " explodeOnExpire " , VWFOFS ( bExplodeOnExpire ) , VF_BOOL } , //when iLifeTime is up, explodes rather than simply removing itself
} ;
static qboolean BG_ParseVehWeaponParm ( vehWeaponInfo_t * vehWeapon , char * parmName , char * pValue )
int i ;
vec3_t vec ;
byte * b = ( byte * ) vehWeapon ;
int _iFieldsRead = 0 ;
vehicleType_t vehType ;
char value [ 1024 ] ;
Q_strncpyz ( value , pValue , sizeof ( value ) ) ;
// Loop through possible parameters
for ( i = 0 ; i < NUM_VWEAP_PARMS ; i + + )
if ( vehWeaponFields [ i ] . name & & ! Q_stricmp ( vehWeaponFields [ i ] . name , parmName ) )
// found it
switch ( vehWeaponFields [ i ] . type )
case VF_INT :
* ( int * ) ( b + vehWeaponFields [ i ] . ofs ) = atoi ( value ) ;
break ;
case VF_FLOAT :
* ( float * ) ( b + vehWeaponFields [ i ] . ofs ) = atof ( value ) ;
break ;
case VF_LSTRING : // string on disk, pointer in memory, TAG_LEVEL
if ( ! * ( char * * ) ( b + vehWeaponFields [ i ] . ofs ) )
{ //just use 1024 bytes in case we want to write over the string
# ifdef _JK2MP
* ( char * * ) ( b + vehWeaponFields [ i ] . ofs ) = ( char * ) BG_Alloc ( 1024 ) ; //(char *)BG_Alloc(strlen(value));
strcpy ( * ( char * * ) ( b + vehWeaponFields [ i ] . ofs ) , value ) ;
# else
( * ( char * * ) ( b + vehWeaponFields [ i ] . ofs ) ) = G_NewString ( value ) ;
# endif
break ;
case VF_VECTOR :
_iFieldsRead = sscanf ( value , " %f %f %f " , & vec [ 0 ] , & vec [ 1 ] , & vec [ 2 ] ) ;
assert ( _iFieldsRead = = 3 ) ;
if ( _iFieldsRead ! = 3 )
Com_Printf ( S_COLOR_YELLOW " BG_ParseVehWeaponParm: VEC3 sscanf() failed to read 3 floats ('angle' key bug?) \n " ) ;
( ( float * ) ( b + vehWeaponFields [ i ] . ofs ) ) [ 0 ] = vec [ 0 ] ;
( ( float * ) ( b + vehWeaponFields [ i ] . ofs ) ) [ 1 ] = vec [ 1 ] ;
( ( float * ) ( b + vehWeaponFields [ i ] . ofs ) ) [ 2 ] = vec [ 2 ] ;
break ;
case VF_BOOL :
* ( qboolean * ) ( b + vehWeaponFields [ i ] . ofs ) = ( qboolean ) ( atof ( value ) ! = 0 ) ;
break ;
vehType = ( vehicleType_t ) GetIDForString ( VehicleTable , value ) ;
* ( vehicleType_t * ) ( b + vehWeaponFields [ i ] . ofs ) = vehType ;
break ;
case VF_ANIM :
int anim = GetIDForString ( animTable , value ) ;
* ( int * ) ( b + vehWeaponFields [ i ] . ofs ) = anim ;
break ;
case VF_WEAPON : // take string, resolve into index into VehWeaponParms
//*(int *)(b+vehWeaponFields[i].ofs) = VEH_VehWeaponIndexForName( value );
break ;
case VF_MODEL : // take the string, get the G_ModelIndex
# ifdef QAGAME
* ( int * ) ( b + vehWeaponFields [ i ] . ofs ) = G_ModelIndex ( value ) ;
# else
* ( int * ) ( b + vehWeaponFields [ i ] . ofs ) = trap_R_RegisterModel ( value ) ;
# endif
break ;
case VF_MODEL_CLIENT : // (MP cgame only) take the string, get the G_ModelIndex
# ifndef _JK2MP
* ( int * ) ( b + vehWeaponFields [ i ] . ofs ) = G_ModelIndex ( value ) ;
# elif QAGAME
//*(int *)(b+vehWeaponFields[i].ofs) = G_ModelIndex( value );
# else
* ( int * ) ( b + vehWeaponFields [ i ] . ofs ) = trap_R_RegisterModel ( value ) ;
# endif
break ;
case VF_EFFECT : // take the string, get the G_EffectIndex
# ifdef QAGAME
* ( int * ) ( b + vehWeaponFields [ i ] . ofs ) = G_EffectIndex ( value ) ;
# elif CGAME
* ( int * ) ( b + vehWeaponFields [ i ] . ofs ) = trap_FX_RegisterEffect ( value ) ;
# endif
break ;
case VF_EFFECT_CLIENT : // (MP cgame only) take the string, get the index
# ifndef _JK2MP
* ( int * ) ( b + vehWeaponFields [ i ] . ofs ) = G_EffectIndex ( value ) ;
# elif QAGAME
//*(int *)(b+vehWeaponFields[i].ofs) = G_EffectIndex( value );
# elif CGAME
* ( int * ) ( b + vehWeaponFields [ i ] . ofs ) = trap_FX_RegisterEffect ( value ) ;
# endif
break ;
case VF_SHADER : // (cgame only) take the string, call trap_R_RegisterShader
# ifdef WE_ARE_IN_THE_UI
* ( int * ) ( b + vehWeaponFields [ i ] . ofs ) = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip ( value ) ;
# elif CGAME
* ( int * ) ( b + vehWeaponFields [ i ] . ofs ) = trap_R_RegisterShader ( value ) ;
# endif
break ;
case VF_SHADER_NOMIP : // (cgame only) take the string, call trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip
# ifndef QAGAME
* ( int * ) ( b + vehWeaponFields [ i ] . ofs ) = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip ( value ) ;
# endif
break ;
case VF_SOUND : // take the string, get the G_SoundIndex
# ifdef QAGAME
* ( int * ) ( b + vehWeaponFields [ i ] . ofs ) = G_SoundIndex ( value ) ;
# else
* ( int * ) ( b + vehWeaponFields [ i ] . ofs ) = trap_S_RegisterSound ( value ) ;
# endif
break ;
case VF_SOUND_CLIENT : // (MP cgame only) take the string, get the index
# ifndef _JK2MP
* ( int * ) ( b + vehWeaponFields [ i ] . ofs ) = G_SoundIndex ( value ) ;
# elif QAGAME
//*(int *)(b+vehWeaponFields[i].ofs) = G_SoundIndex( value );
# else
* ( int * ) ( b + vehWeaponFields [ i ] . ofs ) = trap_S_RegisterSound ( value ) ;
# endif
break ;
default :
//Unknown type?
return qfalse ;
break ;
break ;
if ( i = = NUM_VWEAP_PARMS )
return qfalse ;
return qtrue ;
int VEH_LoadVehWeapon ( const char * vehWeaponName )
{ //load up specified vehWeapon and save in array: g_vehWeaponInfo
const char * token ;
char parmName [ 128 ] ; //we'll assume that no parm name is longer than 128
char * value ;
const char * p ;
vehWeaponInfo_t * vehWeapon = NULL ;
//BG_VehWeaponSetDefaults( &g_vehWeaponInfo[0] );//set the first vehicle to default data
//try to parse data out
p = VehWeaponParms ;
# ifdef _JK2MP
COM_BeginParseSession ( " vehWeapons " ) ;
# else
COM_BeginParseSession ( ) ;
# endif
vehWeapon = & g_vehWeaponInfo [ numVehicleWeapons ] ;
// look for the right vehicle weapon
while ( p )
token = COM_ParseExt ( & p , qtrue ) ;
if ( token [ 0 ] = = 0 )
return qfalse ;
if ( ! Q_stricmp ( token , vehWeaponName ) )
break ;
SkipBracedSection ( & p ) ;
if ( ! p )
return qfalse ;
token = COM_ParseExt ( & p , qtrue ) ;
if ( token [ 0 ] = = 0 )
{ //barf
if ( Q_stricmp ( token , " { " ) ! = 0 )
// parse the vehWeapon info block
while ( 1 )
SkipRestOfLine ( & p ) ;
token = COM_ParseExt ( & p , qtrue ) ;
if ( ! token [ 0 ] )
Com_Printf ( S_COLOR_RED " ERROR: unexpected EOF while parsing Vehicle Weapon '%s' \n " , vehWeaponName ) ;
if ( ! Q_stricmp ( token , " } " ) )
break ;
Q_strncpyz ( parmName , token , sizeof ( parmName ) ) ;
value = COM_ParseExt ( & p , qtrue ) ;
if ( ! value | | ! value [ 0 ] )
Com_Printf ( S_COLOR_RED " ERROR: Vehicle Weapon token '%s' has no value! \n " , parmName ) ;
if ( ! BG_ParseVehWeaponParm ( vehWeapon , parmName , value ) )
Com_Printf ( S_COLOR_RED " ERROR: Unknown Vehicle Weapon key/value pair '%s','%s'! \n " , parmName , value ) ;
if ( vehWeapon - > fHoming )
{ //all lock-on weapons use these 2 sounds
# ifdef QAGAME
//Hmm, no need fo have server register this, is there?
//G_SoundIndex( "sound/weapons/torpedo/tick.wav" );
//G_SoundIndex( "sound/weapons/torpedo/lock.wav" );
# elif CGAME
trap_S_RegisterSound ( " sound/vehicles/weapons/common/tick.wav " ) ;
trap_S_RegisterSound ( " sound/vehicles/weapons/common/lock.wav " ) ;
trap_S_RegisterSound ( " sound/vehicles/common/lockalarm1.wav " ) ;
trap_S_RegisterSound ( " sound/vehicles/common/lockalarm2.wav " ) ;
trap_S_RegisterSound ( " sound/vehicles/common/lockalarm3.wav " ) ;
# else
trap_S_RegisterSound ( " sound/vehicles/weapons/common/tick.wav " ) ;
trap_S_RegisterSound ( " sound/vehicles/weapons/common/lock.wav " ) ;
trap_S_RegisterSound ( " sound/vehicles/common/lockalarm1.wav " ) ;
trap_S_RegisterSound ( " sound/vehicles/common/lockalarm2.wav " ) ;
trap_S_RegisterSound ( " sound/vehicles/common/lockalarm3.wav " ) ;
# endif
return ( numVehicleWeapons + + ) ;
int VEH_VehWeaponIndexForName ( const char * vehWeaponName )
int vw ;
if ( ! vehWeaponName | | ! vehWeaponName [ 0 ] )
Com_Printf ( S_COLOR_RED " ERROR: Trying to read Vehicle Weapon with no name! \n " ) ;
for ( vw = VEH_WEAPON_BASE ; vw < numVehicleWeapons ; vw + + )
if ( g_vehWeaponInfo [ vw ] . name
& & Q_stricmp ( g_vehWeaponInfo [ vw ] . name , vehWeaponName ) = = 0 )
{ //already loaded this one
return vw ;
//haven't loaded it yet
if ( vw > = MAX_VEH_WEAPONS )
{ //no more room!
Com_Printf ( S_COLOR_RED " ERROR: Too many Vehicle Weapons (max 16), aborting load on %s! \n " , vehWeaponName ) ;
//we have room for another one, load it up and return the index
//HMM... should we not even load the .vwp file until we want to?
vw = VEH_LoadVehWeapon ( vehWeaponName ) ;
if ( vw = = VEH_WEAPON_NONE )
Com_Printf ( S_COLOR_RED " ERROR: Could not find Vehicle Weapon %s! \n " , vehWeaponName ) ;
return vw ;
vehField_t vehicleFields [ ] =
{ " name " , VFOFS ( name ) , VF_LSTRING } , //unique name of the vehicle
//general data
{ " type " , VFOFS ( type ) , VF_VEHTYPE } , //what kind of vehicle
{ " numHands " , VFOFS ( numHands ) , VF_INT } , //if 2 hands, no weapons, if 1 hand, can use 1-handed weapons, if 0 hands, can use 2-handed weapons
{ " lookPitch " , VFOFS ( lookPitch ) , VF_FLOAT } , //How far you can look up and down off the forward of the vehicle
{ " lookYaw " , VFOFS ( lookYaw ) , VF_FLOAT } , //How far you can look left and right off the forward of the vehicle
{ " length " , VFOFS ( length ) , VF_FLOAT } , //how long it is - used for body length traces when turning/moving?
{ " width " , VFOFS ( width ) , VF_FLOAT } , //how wide it is - used for body length traces when turning/moving?
{ " height " , VFOFS ( height ) , VF_FLOAT } , //how tall it is - used for body length traces when turning/moving?
{ " centerOfGravity " , VFOFS ( centerOfGravity ) , VF_VECTOR } , //offset from origin: {forward, right, up} as a modifier on that dimension (-1.0f is all the way back, 1.0f is all the way forward)
//speed stats
{ " speedMax " , VFOFS ( speedMax ) , VF_FLOAT } , //top speed
{ " turboSpeed " , VFOFS ( turboSpeed ) , VF_FLOAT } , //turbo speed
{ " speedMin " , VFOFS ( speedMin ) , VF_FLOAT } , //if < 0, can go in reverse
{ " speedIdle " , VFOFS ( speedIdle ) , VF_FLOAT } , //what speed it drifts to when no accel/decel input is given
{ " accelIdle " , VFOFS ( accelIdle ) , VF_FLOAT } , //if speedIdle > 0, how quickly it goes up to that speed
{ " acceleration " , VFOFS ( acceleration ) , VF_FLOAT } , //when pressing on accelerator
{ " decelIdle " , VFOFS ( decelIdle ) , VF_FLOAT } , //when giving no input, how quickly it drops to speedIdle
{ " throttleSticks " , VFOFS ( throttleSticks ) , VF_BOOL } , //if true, speed stays at whatever you accel/decel to, unless you turbo or brake
{ " strafePerc " , VFOFS ( strafePerc ) , VF_FLOAT } , //multiplier on current speed for strafing. If 1.0f, you can strafe at the same speed as you're going forward, 0.5 is half, 0 is no strafing
//handling stats
{ " bankingSpeed " , VFOFS ( bankingSpeed ) , VF_FLOAT } , //how quickly it pitches and rolls (not under player control)
{ " pitchLimit " , VFOFS ( pitchLimit ) , VF_FLOAT } , //how far it can roll forward or backward
{ " rollLimit " , VFOFS ( rollLimit ) , VF_FLOAT } , //how far it can roll to either side
{ " braking " , VFOFS ( braking ) , VF_FLOAT } , //when pressing on decelerator
{ " mouseYaw " , VFOFS ( mouseYaw ) , VF_FLOAT } , // The mouse yaw override.
{ " mousePitch " , VFOFS ( mousePitch ) , VF_FLOAT } , // The mouse yaw override.
{ " turningSpeed " , VFOFS ( turningSpeed ) , VF_FLOAT } , //how quickly you can turn
{ " turnWhenStopped " , VFOFS ( turnWhenStopped ) , VF_BOOL } , //whether or not you can turn when not moving
{ " traction " , VFOFS ( traction ) , VF_FLOAT } , //how much your command input affects velocity
{ " friction " , VFOFS ( friction ) , VF_FLOAT } , //how much velocity is cut on its own
{ " maxSlope " , VFOFS ( maxSlope ) , VF_FLOAT } , //the max slope that it can go up with control
{ " speedDependantTurning " , VFOFS ( speedDependantTurning ) , VF_BOOL } , //vehicle turns faster the faster it's going
//durability stats
{ " mass " , VFOFS ( mass ) , VF_INT } , //for momentum and impact force (player mass is 10)
{ " armor " , VFOFS ( armor ) , VF_INT } , //total points of damage it can take
{ " shields " , VFOFS ( shields ) , VF_INT } , //energy shield damage points
{ " shieldRechargeMS " , VFOFS ( shieldRechargeMS ) , VF_INT } , //energy shield milliseconds per point recharged
{ " toughness " , VFOFS ( toughness ) , VF_FLOAT } , //modifies incoming damage, 1.0 is normal, 0.5 is half, etc. Simulates being made of tougher materials/construction
{ " malfunctionArmorLevel " , VFOFS ( malfunctionArmorLevel ) , VF_INT } , //when armor drops to or below this point, start malfunctioning
{ " surfDestruction " , VFOFS ( surfDestruction ) , VF_INT } ,
//visuals & sounds
{ " model " , VFOFS ( model ) , VF_LSTRING } , //what model to use - if make it an NPC's primary model, don't need this?
{ " skin " , VFOFS ( skin ) , VF_LSTRING } , //what skin to use - if make it an NPC's primary model, don't need this?
{ " g2radius " , VFOFS ( g2radius ) , VF_INT } , //render radius (really diameter, but...) for the ghoul2 model
{ " riderAnim " , VFOFS ( riderAnim ) , VF_ANIM } , //what animation the rider uses
{ " droidNPC " , VFOFS ( droidNPC ) , VF_LSTRING } , //NPC to attach to *droidunit tag (if it exists in the model)
# ifdef _JK2MP
{ " radarIcon " , VFOFS ( radarIconHandle ) , VF_SHADER_NOMIP } , //what icon to show on radar in MP
{ " dmgIndicFrame " , VFOFS ( dmgIndicFrameHandle ) , VF_SHADER_NOMIP } , //what image to use for the frame of the damage indicator
{ " dmgIndicShield " , VFOFS ( dmgIndicShieldHandle ) , VF_SHADER_NOMIP } , //what image to use for the shield of the damage indicator
{ " dmgIndicBackground " , VFOFS ( dmgIndicBackgroundHandle ) , VF_SHADER_NOMIP } , //what image to use for the background of the damage indicator
{ " icon_front " , VFOFS ( iconFrontHandle ) , VF_SHADER_NOMIP } , //what image to use for the front of the ship on the damage indicator
{ " icon_back " , VFOFS ( iconBackHandle ) , VF_SHADER_NOMIP } , //what image to use for the back of the ship on the damage indicator
{ " icon_right " , VFOFS ( iconRightHandle ) , VF_SHADER_NOMIP } , //what image to use for the right of the ship on the damage indicator
{ " icon_left " , VFOFS ( iconLeftHandle ) , VF_SHADER_NOMIP } , //what image to use for the left of the ship on the damage indicator
{ " crosshairShader " , VFOFS ( crosshairShaderHandle ) , VF_SHADER_NOMIP } , //what image to use as the crosshair
{ " shieldShader " , VFOFS ( shieldShaderHandle ) , VF_SHADER } , //What shader to use when drawing the shield shell
//individual "area" health -rww
{ " health_front " , VFOFS ( health_front ) , VF_INT } ,
{ " health_back " , VFOFS ( health_back ) , VF_INT } ,
{ " health_right " , VFOFS ( health_right ) , VF_INT } ,
{ " health_left " , VFOFS ( health_left ) , VF_INT } ,
# else
{ " radarIcon " , 0 , VF_IGNORE } , //what icon to show on radar in MP
# endif
{ " soundOn " , VFOFS ( soundOn ) , VF_SOUND } , //sound to play when get on it
{ " soundOff " , VFOFS ( soundOff ) , VF_SOUND } , //sound to play when get off
{ " soundLoop " , VFOFS ( soundLoop ) , VF_SOUND } , //sound to loop while riding it
{ " soundTakeOff " , VFOFS ( soundTakeOff ) , VF_SOUND } , //sound to play when ship takes off
{ " soundEngineStart " , VFOFS ( soundEngineStart ) , VF_SOUND_CLIENT } , //sound to play when ship's thrusters first activate
{ " soundSpin " , VFOFS ( soundSpin ) , VF_SOUND } , //sound to loop while spiraling out of control
{ " soundTurbo " , VFOFS ( soundTurbo ) , VF_SOUND } , //sound to play when turbo/afterburner kicks in
{ " soundHyper " , VFOFS ( soundHyper ) , VF_SOUND_CLIENT } , //sound to play when hits hyperspace
{ " soundLand " , VFOFS ( soundLand ) , VF_SOUND } , //sound to play when ship lands
{ " soundFlyBy " , VFOFS ( soundFlyBy ) , VF_SOUND_CLIENT } , //sound to play when they buzz you
{ " soundFlyBy2 " , VFOFS ( soundFlyBy2 ) , VF_SOUND_CLIENT } , //alternate sound to play when they buzz you
{ " soundShift1 " , VFOFS ( soundShift1 ) , VF_SOUND } , //sound to play when changing speeds
{ " soundShift2 " , VFOFS ( soundShift2 ) , VF_SOUND } , //sound to play when changing speeds
{ " soundShift3 " , VFOFS ( soundShift3 ) , VF_SOUND } , //sound to play when changing speeds
{ " soundShift4 " , VFOFS ( soundShift4 ) , VF_SOUND } , //sound to play when changing speeds
{ " exhaustFX " , VFOFS ( iExhaustFX ) , VF_EFFECT_CLIENT } , //exhaust effect, played from "*exhaust" bolt(s)
{ " turboFX " , VFOFS ( iTurboFX ) , VF_EFFECT_CLIENT } , //turbo exhaust effect, played from "*exhaust" bolt(s) when ship is in "turbo" mode
{ " turboStartFX " , VFOFS ( iTurboStartFX ) , VF_EFFECT } , //turbo start effect, played from "*exhaust" bolt(s) when ship is in "turbo" mode
{ " trailFX " , VFOFS ( iTrailFX ) , VF_EFFECT_CLIENT } , //trail effect, played from "*trail" bolt(s)
{ " impactFX " , VFOFS ( iImpactFX ) , VF_EFFECT_CLIENT } , //impact effect, for when it bumps into something
{ " explodeFX " , VFOFS ( iExplodeFX ) , VF_EFFECT } , //explosion effect, for when it blows up (should have the sound built into explosion effect)
{ " wakeFX " , VFOFS ( iWakeFX ) , VF_EFFECT_CLIENT } , //effect it makes when going across water
{ " dmgFX " , VFOFS ( iDmgFX ) , VF_EFFECT_CLIENT } , //effect to play on damage from a weapon or something
# ifdef _JK2MP
{ " injureFX " , VFOFS ( iInjureFX ) , VF_EFFECT_CLIENT } , //effect to play on partially damaged ship surface
{ " noseFX " , VFOFS ( iNoseFX ) , VF_EFFECT_CLIENT } , //effect for nose piece flying away when blown off
{ " lwingFX " , VFOFS ( iLWingFX ) , VF_EFFECT_CLIENT } , //effect for left wing piece flying away when blown off
{ " rwingFX " , VFOFS ( iRWingFX ) , VF_EFFECT_CLIENT } , //effect for right wing piece flying away when blown off
# else
{ " armorLowFX " , VFOFS ( iArmorLowFX ) , VF_EFFECT_CLIENT } , //effect to play on damage from a weapon or something
{ " armorGoneFX " , VFOFS ( iArmorGoneFX ) , VF_EFFECT_CLIENT } , //effect to play on damage from a weapon or something
# endif
// Weapon stuff:
{ " weap1 " , VFOFS ( weapon [ 0 ] . ID ) , VF_WEAPON } , //weapon used when press fire
{ " weap2 " , VFOFS ( weapon [ 1 ] . ID ) , VF_WEAPON } , //weapon used when press alt-fire
// The delay between shots for this weapon.
{ " weap1Delay " , VFOFS ( weapon [ 0 ] . delay ) , VF_INT } ,
{ " weap2Delay " , VFOFS ( weapon [ 1 ] . delay ) , VF_INT } ,
// Whether or not all the muzzles for each weapon can be linked together (linked delay = weapon delay * number of muzzles linked!)
{ " weap1Link " , VFOFS ( weapon [ 0 ] . linkable ) , VF_INT } ,
{ " weap2Link " , VFOFS ( weapon [ 1 ] . linkable ) , VF_INT } ,
// Whether or not to auto-aim the projectiles at the thing under the crosshair when we fire
{ " weap1Aim " , VFOFS ( weapon [ 0 ] . aimCorrect ) , VF_BOOL } ,
{ " weap2Aim " , VFOFS ( weapon [ 1 ] . aimCorrect ) , VF_BOOL } ,
//maximum ammo
{ " weap1AmmoMax " , VFOFS ( weapon [ 0 ] . ammoMax ) , VF_INT } ,
{ " weap2AmmoMax " , VFOFS ( weapon [ 1 ] . ammoMax ) , VF_INT } ,
//ammo recharge rate - milliseconds per unit (minimum of 100, which is 10 ammo per second)
{ " weap1AmmoRechargeMS " , VFOFS ( weapon [ 0 ] . ammoRechargeMS ) , VF_INT } ,
{ " weap2AmmoRechargeMS " , VFOFS ( weapon [ 1 ] . ammoRechargeMS ) , VF_INT } ,
//sound to play when out of ammo (plays default "no ammo" sound if none specified)
{ " weap1SoundNoAmmo " , VFOFS ( weapon [ 0 ] . soundNoAmmo ) , VF_SOUND_CLIENT } , //sound to play when try to fire weapon 1 with no ammo
{ " weap2SoundNoAmmo " , VFOFS ( weapon [ 1 ] . soundNoAmmo ) , VF_SOUND_CLIENT } , //sound to play when try to fire weapon 2 with no ammo
// Which weapon a muzzle fires (has to match one of the weapons this vehicle has).
{ " weapMuzzle1 " , VFOFS ( weapMuzzle [ 0 ] ) , VF_WEAPON } ,
{ " weapMuzzle2 " , VFOFS ( weapMuzzle [ 1 ] ) , VF_WEAPON } ,
{ " weapMuzzle3 " , VFOFS ( weapMuzzle [ 2 ] ) , VF_WEAPON } ,
{ " weapMuzzle4 " , VFOFS ( weapMuzzle [ 3 ] ) , VF_WEAPON } ,
{ " weapMuzzle5 " , VFOFS ( weapMuzzle [ 4 ] ) , VF_WEAPON } ,
{ " weapMuzzle6 " , VFOFS ( weapMuzzle [ 5 ] ) , VF_WEAPON } ,
{ " weapMuzzle7 " , VFOFS ( weapMuzzle [ 6 ] ) , VF_WEAPON } ,
{ " weapMuzzle8 " , VFOFS ( weapMuzzle [ 7 ] ) , VF_WEAPON } ,
{ " weapMuzzle9 " , VFOFS ( weapMuzzle [ 8 ] ) , VF_WEAPON } ,
{ " weapMuzzle10 " , VFOFS ( weapMuzzle [ 9 ] ) , VF_WEAPON } ,
// The max height before this ship (?) starts (auto)landing.
{ " landingHeight " , VFOFS ( landingHeight ) , VF_FLOAT } ,
//other misc stats
{ " gravity " , VFOFS ( gravity ) , VF_INT } , //normal is 800
{ " hoverHeight " , VFOFS ( hoverHeight ) , VF_FLOAT } , //if 0, it's a ground vehicle
{ " hoverStrength " , VFOFS ( hoverStrength ) , VF_FLOAT } , //how hard it pushes off ground when less than hover height... causes "bounce", like shocks
{ " waterProof " , VFOFS ( waterProof ) , VF_BOOL } , //can drive underwater if it has to
{ " bouyancy " , VFOFS ( bouyancy ) , VF_FLOAT } , //when in water, how high it floats (1 is neutral bouyancy)
{ " fuelMax " , VFOFS ( fuelMax ) , VF_INT } , //how much fuel it can hold (capacity)
{ " fuelRate " , VFOFS ( fuelRate ) , VF_INT } , //how quickly is uses up fuel
{ " turboDuration " , VFOFS ( turboDuration ) , VF_INT } , //how long turbo lasts
{ " turboRecharge " , VFOFS ( turboRecharge ) , VF_INT } , //how long turbo takes to recharge
{ " visibility " , VFOFS ( visibility ) , VF_INT } , //for sight alerts
{ " loudness " , VFOFS ( loudness ) , VF_INT } , //for sound alerts
{ " explosionRadius " , VFOFS ( explosionRadius ) , VF_FLOAT } , //range of explosion
{ " explosionDamage " , VFOFS ( explosionDamage ) , VF_INT } , //damage of explosion
//new stuff
{ " maxPassengers " , VFOFS ( maxPassengers ) , VF_INT } , // The max number of passengers this vehicle may have (Default = 0).
{ " hideRider " , VFOFS ( hideRider ) , VF_BOOL } , // rider (and passengers?) should not be drawn
{ " killRiderOnDeath " , VFOFS ( killRiderOnDeath ) , VF_BOOL } , //if rider is on vehicle when it dies, they should die
{ " flammable " , VFOFS ( flammable ) , VF_BOOL } , //whether or not the vehicle should catch on fire before it explodes
{ " explosionDelay " , VFOFS ( explosionDelay ) , VF_INT } , //how long the vehicle should be on fire/dying before it explodes
//camera stuff
{ " cameraOverride " , VFOFS ( cameraOverride ) , VF_BOOL } , //override the third person camera with the below values - normal is 0 (off)
{ " cameraRange " , VFOFS ( cameraRange ) , VF_FLOAT } , //how far back the camera should be - normal is 80
{ " cameraVertOffset " , VFOFS ( cameraVertOffset ) , VF_FLOAT } , //how high over the vehicle origin the camera should be - normal is 16
{ " cameraHorzOffset " , VFOFS ( cameraHorzOffset ) , VF_FLOAT } , //how far to left/right (negative/positive) of of the vehicle origin the camera should be - normal is 0
{ " cameraPitchOffset " , VFOFS ( cameraPitchOffset ) , VF_FLOAT } , //a modifier on the camera's pitch (up/down angle) to the vehicle - normal is 0
{ " cameraFOV " , VFOFS ( cameraFOV ) , VF_FLOAT } , //third person camera FOV, default is 80
{ " cameraAlpha " , VFOFS ( cameraAlpha ) , VF_FLOAT } , //fade out the vehicle to this alpha (0.1-1.0f) if it's in the way of the crosshair
{ " cameraPitchDependantVertOffset " , VFOFS ( cameraPitchDependantVertOffset ) , VF_BOOL } , //use the hacky AT-ST pitch dependant vertical offset
//Turret 1
{ " turret1Weap " , VFOFS ( turret [ 0 ] . iWeapon ) , VF_WEAPON } ,
{ " turret1Delay " , VFOFS ( turret [ 0 ] . iDelay ) , VF_INT } ,
{ " turret1AmmoMax " , VFOFS ( turret [ 0 ] . iAmmoMax ) , VF_INT } ,
{ " turret1AmmoRechargeMS " , VFOFS ( turret [ 0 ] . iAmmoRechargeMS ) , VF_INT } ,
{ " turret1YawBone " , VFOFS ( turret [ 0 ] . yawBone ) , VF_LSTRING } ,
{ " turret1PitchBone " , VFOFS ( turret [ 0 ] . pitchBone ) , VF_LSTRING } ,
{ " turret1YawAxis " , VFOFS ( turret [ 0 ] . yawAxis ) , VF_INT } ,
{ " turret1PitchAxis " , VFOFS ( turret [ 0 ] . pitchAxis ) , VF_INT } ,
{ " turret1ClampYawL " , VFOFS ( turret [ 0 ] . yawClampLeft ) , VF_FLOAT } , //how far the turret is allowed to turn left
{ " turret1ClampYawR " , VFOFS ( turret [ 0 ] . yawClampRight ) , VF_FLOAT } , //how far the turret is allowed to turn right
{ " turret1ClampPitchU " , VFOFS ( turret [ 0 ] . pitchClampUp ) , VF_FLOAT } , //how far the turret is allowed to title up
{ " turret1ClampPitchD " , VFOFS ( turret [ 0 ] . pitchClampDown ) , VF_FLOAT } , //how far the turret is allowed to tilt down
{ " turret1Muzzle1 " , VFOFS ( turret [ 0 ] . iMuzzle [ 0 ] ) , VF_INT } ,
{ " turret1Muzzle2 " , VFOFS ( turret [ 0 ] . iMuzzle [ 1 ] ) , VF_INT } ,
{ " turret1TurnSpeed " , VFOFS ( turret [ 0 ] . fTurnSpeed ) , VF_FLOAT } ,
{ " turret1AI " , VFOFS ( turret [ 0 ] . bAI ) , VF_BOOL } ,
{ " turret1AILead " , VFOFS ( turret [ 0 ] . bAILead ) , VF_BOOL } ,
{ " turret1AIRange " , VFOFS ( turret [ 0 ] . fAIRange ) , VF_FLOAT } ,
{ " turret1PassengerNum " , VFOFS ( turret [ 0 ] . passengerNum ) , VF_INT } , //which number passenger can control this turret
{ " turret1GunnerViewTag " , VFOFS ( turret [ 0 ] . gunnerViewTag ) , VF_LSTRING } ,
//Turret 2
{ " turret2Weap " , VFOFS ( turret [ 1 ] . iWeapon ) , VF_WEAPON } ,
{ " turret2Delay " , VFOFS ( turret [ 1 ] . iDelay ) , VF_INT } ,
{ " turret2AmmoMax " , VFOFS ( turret [ 1 ] . iAmmoMax ) , VF_INT } ,
{ " turret2AmmoRechargeMS " , VFOFS ( turret [ 1 ] . iAmmoRechargeMS ) , VF_INT } ,
{ " turret2YawBone " , VFOFS ( turret [ 1 ] . yawBone ) , VF_LSTRING } ,
{ " turret2PitchBone " , VFOFS ( turret [ 1 ] . pitchBone ) , VF_LSTRING } ,
{ " turret2YawAxis " , VFOFS ( turret [ 1 ] . yawAxis ) , VF_INT } ,
{ " turret2PitchAxis " , VFOFS ( turret [ 1 ] . pitchAxis ) , VF_INT } ,
{ " turret2ClampYawL " , VFOFS ( turret [ 1 ] . yawClampLeft ) , VF_FLOAT } , //how far the turret is allowed to turn left
{ " turret2ClampYawR " , VFOFS ( turret [ 1 ] . yawClampRight ) , VF_FLOAT } , //how far the turret is allowed to turn right
{ " turret2ClampPitchU " , VFOFS ( turret [ 1 ] . pitchClampUp ) , VF_FLOAT } , //how far the turret is allowed to title up
{ " turret2ClampPitchD " , VFOFS ( turret [ 1 ] . pitchClampDown ) , VF_FLOAT } , //how far the turret is allowed to tilt down
{ " turret2Muzzle1 " , VFOFS ( turret [ 1 ] . iMuzzle [ 0 ] ) , VF_INT } ,
{ " turret2Muzzle2 " , VFOFS ( turret [ 1 ] . iMuzzle [ 1 ] ) , VF_INT } ,
{ " turret2TurnSpeed " , VFOFS ( turret [ 1 ] . fTurnSpeed ) , VF_FLOAT } ,
{ " turret2AI " , VFOFS ( turret [ 1 ] . bAI ) , VF_BOOL } ,
{ " turret2AILead " , VFOFS ( turret [ 1 ] . bAILead ) , VF_BOOL } ,
{ " turret2AIRange " , VFOFS ( turret [ 1 ] . fAIRange ) , VF_FLOAT } ,
{ " turret2PassengerNum " , VFOFS ( turret [ 1 ] . passengerNum ) , VF_INT } , //which number passenger can control this turret
{ " turret2GunnerViewTag " , VFOFS ( turret [ 1 ] . gunnerViewTag ) , VF_LSTRING } ,
//===END TURRETS===========================================================================
//terminating entry
{ 0 , - 1 , VF_INT }
} ;
stringID_table_t VehicleTable [ VH_NUM_VEHICLES + 1 ] =
ENUM2STRING ( VH_WALKER ) , //something you ride inside of, it walks like you, like an AT-ST
ENUM2STRING ( VH_FIGHTER ) , //something you fly inside of, like an X-Wing or TIE fighter
ENUM2STRING ( VH_SPEEDER ) , //something you ride on that hovers, like a speeder or swoop
ENUM2STRING ( VH_ANIMAL ) , //animal you ride on top of that walks, like a tauntaun
ENUM2STRING ( VH_FLIER ) , //animal you ride on top of that flies, like a giant mynoc?
0 , - 1
} ;
// Setup the shared functions (one's that all vehicles would generally use).
void BG_SetSharedVehicleFunctions ( vehicleInfo_t * pVehInfo )
# ifdef QAGAME
//only do the whole thing if we're on game
G_SetSharedVehicleFunctions ( pVehInfo ) ;
# endif
# ifndef WE_ARE_IN_THE_UI
switch ( pVehInfo - > type )
G_SetSpeederVehicleFunctions ( pVehInfo ) ;
break ;
case VH_ANIMAL :
G_SetAnimalVehicleFunctions ( pVehInfo ) ;
break ;
G_SetFighterVehicleFunctions ( pVehInfo ) ;
break ;
case VH_WALKER :
G_SetWalkerVehicleFunctions ( pVehInfo ) ;
break ;
# endif
void BG_VehicleSetDefaults ( vehicleInfo_t * vehicle )
memset ( vehicle , 0 , sizeof ( vehicleInfo_t ) ) ;
# if _JK2MP
if ( ! vehicle - > name )
vehicle - > name = ( char * ) BG_Alloc ( 1024 ) ;
strcpy ( vehicle - > name , " default " ) ;
# else
vehicle - > name = G_NewString ( " default " ) ;
# endif
//general data
vehicle - > type = VH_SPEEDER ; //what kind of vehicle
//FIXME: no saber or weapons if numHands = 2, should switch to speeder weapon, no attack anim on player
vehicle - > numHands = 0 ; //if 2 hands, no weapons, if 1 hand, can use 1-handed weapons, if 0 hands, can use 2-handed weapons
vehicle - > lookPitch = 0 ; //How far you can look up and down off the forward of the vehicle
vehicle - > lookYaw = 5 ; //How far you can look left and right off the forward of the vehicle
vehicle - > length = 0 ; //how long it is - used for body length traces when turning/moving?
vehicle - > width = 0 ; //how wide it is - used for body length traces when turning/moving?
vehicle - > height = 0 ; //how tall it is - used for body length traces when turning/moving?
VectorClear ( vehicle - > centerOfGravity ) ; //offset from origin: {forward, right, up} as a modifier on that dimension (-1.0f is all the way back, 1.0f is all the way forward)
//speed stats - note: these are DESIRED speed, not actual current speed/velocity
vehicle - > speedMax = VEH_DEFAULT_SPEED_MAX ; //top speed
vehicle - > turboSpeed = 0 ; //turboBoost
vehicle - > speedMin = 0 ; //if < 0, can go in reverse
vehicle - > speedIdle = 0 ; //what speed it drifts to when no accel/decel input is given
vehicle - > accelIdle = 0 ; //if speedIdle > 0, how quickly it goes up to that speed
vehicle - > acceleration = VEH_DEFAULT_ACCEL ; //when pressing on accelerator (1/2 this when going in reverse)
vehicle - > decelIdle = VEH_DEFAULT_DECEL ; //when giving no input, how quickly it desired speed drops to speedIdle
vehicle - > strafePerc = VEH_DEFAULT_STRAFE_PERC ; //multiplier on current speed for strafing. If 1.0f, you can strafe at the same speed as you're going forward, 0.5 is half, 0 is no strafing
//handling stats
vehicle - > bankingSpeed = VEH_DEFAULT_BANKING_SPEED ; //how quickly it pitches and rolls (not under player control)
vehicle - > rollLimit = VEH_DEFAULT_ROLL_LIMIT ; //how far it can roll to either side
vehicle - > pitchLimit = VEH_DEFAULT_PITCH_LIMIT ; //how far it can pitch forward or backward
vehicle - > braking = VEH_DEFAULT_BRAKING ; //when pressing on decelerator (backwards)
vehicle - > turningSpeed = VEH_DEFAULT_TURNING_SPEED ; //how quickly you can turn
vehicle - > turnWhenStopped = qfalse ; //whether or not you can turn when not moving
vehicle - > traction = VEH_DEFAULT_TRACTION ; //how much your command input affects velocity
vehicle - > friction = VEH_DEFAULT_FRICTION ; //how much velocity is cut on its own
vehicle - > maxSlope = VEH_DEFAULT_MAX_SLOPE ; //the max slope that it can go up with control
//durability stats
vehicle - > mass = VEH_DEFAULT_MASS ; //for momentum and impact force (player mass is 10)
vehicle - > armor = VEH_DEFAULT_MAX_ARMOR ; //total points of damage it can take
vehicle - > toughness = VEH_DEFAULT_TOUGHNESS ; //modifies incoming damage, 1.0 is normal, 0.5 is half, etc. Simulates being made of tougher materials/construction
vehicle - > malfunctionArmorLevel = 0 ; //when armor drops to or below this point, start malfunctioning
//visuals & sounds
//vehicle->model = "models/map_objects/ships/swoop.md3"; //what model to use - if make it an NPC's primary model, don't need this?
if ( ! vehicle - > model )
vehicle - > model = ( char * ) BG_Alloc ( 1024 ) ;
strcpy ( vehicle - > model , " models/map_objects/ships/swoop.md3 " ) ;
vehicle - > modelIndex = 0 ; //set internally, not until this vehicle is spawned into the level
vehicle - > skin = NULL ; //what skin to use - if make it an NPC's primary model, don't need this?
vehicle - > riderAnim = BOTH_GUNSIT1 ; //what animation the rider uses
vehicle - > soundOn = NULL ; //sound to play when get on it
vehicle - > soundLoop = NULL ; //sound to loop while riding it
vehicle - > soundOff = NULL ; //sound to play when get off
vehicle - > exhaustFX = NULL ; //exhaust effect, played from "*exhaust" bolt(s)
vehicle - > trailFX = NULL ; //trail effect, played from "*trail" bolt(s)
vehicle - > impactFX = NULL ; //explosion effect, for when it blows up (should have the sound built into explosion effect)
vehicle - > explodeFX = NULL ; //explosion effect, for when it blows up (should have the sound built into explosion effect)
vehicle - > wakeFX = NULL ; //effect itmakes when going across water
//other misc stats
vehicle - > gravity = VEH_DEFAULT_GRAVITY ; //normal is 800
vehicle - > hoverHeight = 0 ; //VEH_DEFAULT_HOVER_HEIGHT; //if 0, it's a ground vehicle
vehicle - > hoverStrength = 0 ; //VEH_DEFAULT_HOVER_STRENGTH;//how hard it pushes off ground when less than hover height... causes "bounce", like shocks
vehicle - > waterProof = qtrue ; //can drive underwater if it has to
vehicle - > bouyancy = 1.0f ; //when in water, how high it floats (1 is neutral bouyancy)
vehicle - > fuelMax = 1000 ; //how much fuel it can hold (capacity)
vehicle - > fuelRate = 1 ; //how quickly is uses up fuel
vehicle - > visibility = VEH_DEFAULT_VISIBILITY ; //radius for sight alerts
vehicle - > loudness = VEH_DEFAULT_LOUDNESS ; //radius for sound alerts
vehicle - > explosionRadius = VEH_DEFAULT_EXP_RAD ;
vehicle - > explosionDamage = VEH_DEFAULT_EXP_DMG ;
vehicle - > maxPassengers = 0 ;
//new stuff
vehicle - > hideRider = qfalse ; // rider (and passengers?) should not be drawn
vehicle - > killRiderOnDeath = qfalse ; //if rider is on vehicle when it dies, they should die
vehicle - > flammable = qfalse ; //whether or not the vehicle should catch on fire before it explodes
vehicle - > explosionDelay = 0 ; //how long the vehicle should be on fire/dying before it explodes
//camera stuff
vehicle - > cameraOverride = qfalse ; //whether or not to use all of the following 3rd person camera override values
vehicle - > cameraRange = 0.0f ; //how far back the camera should be - normal is 80
vehicle - > cameraVertOffset = 0.0f ; //how high over the vehicle origin the camera should be - normal is 16
vehicle - > cameraHorzOffset = 0.0f ; //how far to left/right (negative/positive) of of the vehicle origin the camera should be - normal is 0
vehicle - > cameraPitchOffset = 0.0f ; //a modifier on the camera's pitch (up/down angle) to the vehicle - normal is 0
vehicle - > cameraFOV = 0.0f ; //third person camera FOV, default is 80
vehicle - > cameraAlpha = qfalse ; //fade out the vehicle if it's in the way of the crosshair
void BG_VehicleClampData ( vehicleInfo_t * vehicle )
{ //sanity check and clamp the vehicle's data
int i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i + + )
if ( vehicle - > centerOfGravity [ i ] > 1.0f )
vehicle - > centerOfGravity [ i ] = 1.0f ;
else if ( vehicle - > centerOfGravity [ i ] < - 1.0f )
vehicle - > centerOfGravity [ i ] = - 1.0f ;
// Validate passenger max.
if ( vehicle - > maxPassengers > VEH_MAX_PASSENGERS )
vehicle - > maxPassengers = VEH_MAX_PASSENGERS ;
else if ( vehicle - > maxPassengers < 0 )
vehicle - > maxPassengers = 0 ;
static qboolean BG_ParseVehicleParm ( vehicleInfo_t * vehicle , char * parmName , char * pValue )
int i ;
vec3_t vec ;
byte * b = ( byte * ) vehicle ;
int _iFieldsRead = 0 ;
vehicleType_t vehType ;
char value [ 1024 ] ;
Q_strncpyz ( value , pValue , sizeof ( value ) ) ;
// Loop through possible parameters
for ( i = 0 ; vehicleFields [ i ] . ofs ! = - 1 ; i + + )
if ( ! Q_stricmp ( vehicleFields [ i ] . name , parmName ) )
// found it
switch ( vehicleFields [ i ] . type )
case VF_IGNORE :
break ;
case VF_INT :
* ( int * ) ( b + vehicleFields [ i ] . ofs ) = atoi ( value ) ;
break ;
case VF_FLOAT :
* ( float * ) ( b + vehicleFields [ i ] . ofs ) = atof ( value ) ;
break ;
case VF_LSTRING : // string on disk, pointer in memory, TAG_LEVEL
if ( ! * ( char * * ) ( b + vehicleFields [ i ] . ofs ) )
{ //just use 128 bytes in case we want to write over the string
# ifdef _JK2MP
* ( char * * ) ( b + vehicleFields [ i ] . ofs ) = ( char * ) BG_Alloc ( 128 ) ; //(char *)BG_Alloc(strlen(value));
strcpy ( * ( char * * ) ( b + vehicleFields [ i ] . ofs ) , value ) ;
# else
( * ( char * * ) ( b + vehicleFields [ i ] . ofs ) ) = G_NewString ( value ) ;
# endif
break ;
case VF_VECTOR :
_iFieldsRead = sscanf ( value , " %f %f %f " , & vec [ 0 ] , & vec [ 1 ] , & vec [ 2 ] ) ;
assert ( _iFieldsRead = = 3 ) ;
if ( _iFieldsRead ! = 3 )
Com_Printf ( S_COLOR_YELLOW " BG_ParseVehicleParm: VEC3 sscanf() failed to read 3 floats ('angle' key bug?) \n " ) ;
( ( float * ) ( b + vehWeaponFields [ i ] . ofs ) ) [ 0 ] = vec [ 0 ] ;
( ( float * ) ( b + vehWeaponFields [ i ] . ofs ) ) [ 1 ] = vec [ 1 ] ;
( ( float * ) ( b + vehWeaponFields [ i ] . ofs ) ) [ 2 ] = vec [ 2 ] ;
break ;
case VF_BOOL :
* ( qboolean * ) ( b + vehicleFields [ i ] . ofs ) = ( qboolean ) ( atof ( value ) ! = 0 ) ;
break ;
vehType = ( vehicleType_t ) GetIDForString ( VehicleTable , value ) ;
* ( vehicleType_t * ) ( b + vehicleFields [ i ] . ofs ) = vehType ;
break ;
case VF_ANIM :
int anim = GetIDForString ( animTable , value ) ;
* ( int * ) ( b + vehicleFields [ i ] . ofs ) = anim ;
break ;
case VF_WEAPON : // take string, resolve into index into VehWeaponParms
* ( int * ) ( b + vehicleFields [ i ] . ofs ) = VEH_VehWeaponIndexForName ( value ) ;
break ;
case VF_MODEL : // take the string, get the G_ModelIndex
# ifdef QAGAME
* ( int * ) ( b + vehicleFields [ i ] . ofs ) = G_ModelIndex ( value ) ;
# else
* ( int * ) ( b + vehicleFields [ i ] . ofs ) = trap_R_RegisterModel ( value ) ;
# endif
break ;
case VF_MODEL_CLIENT : // (MP cgame only) take the string, get the G_ModelIndex
# ifndef _JK2MP
* ( int * ) ( b + vehicleFields [ i ] . ofs ) = G_ModelIndex ( value ) ;
# elif QAGAME
//*(int *)(b+vehicleFields[i].ofs) = G_ModelIndex( value );
# else
* ( int * ) ( b + vehicleFields [ i ] . ofs ) = trap_R_RegisterModel ( value ) ;
# endif
break ;
case VF_EFFECT : // take the string, get the G_EffectIndex
# ifdef QAGAME
* ( int * ) ( b + vehicleFields [ i ] . ofs ) = G_EffectIndex ( value ) ;
# elif CGAME
* ( int * ) ( b + vehicleFields [ i ] . ofs ) = trap_FX_RegisterEffect ( value ) ;
# endif
break ;
case VF_EFFECT_CLIENT : // (MP cgame only) take the string, get the G_EffectIndex
# ifndef _JK2MP
* ( int * ) ( b + vehicleFields [ i ] . ofs ) = G_EffectIndex ( value ) ;
# elif QAGAME
//*(int *)(b+vehicleFields[i].ofs) = G_EffectIndex( value );
# elif CGAME
* ( int * ) ( b + vehicleFields [ i ] . ofs ) = trap_FX_RegisterEffect ( value ) ;
# endif
break ;
case VF_SHADER : // (cgame only) take the string, call trap_R_RegisterShader
# ifdef WE_ARE_IN_THE_UI
* ( int * ) ( b + vehicleFields [ i ] . ofs ) = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip ( value ) ;
# elif CGAME
* ( int * ) ( b + vehicleFields [ i ] . ofs ) = trap_R_RegisterShader ( value ) ;
# endif
break ;
case VF_SHADER_NOMIP : // (cgame only) take the string, call trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip
# ifndef QAGAME
* ( int * ) ( b + vehicleFields [ i ] . ofs ) = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip ( value ) ;
# endif
break ;
case VF_SOUND : // take the string, get the G_SoundIndex
# ifdef QAGAME
* ( int * ) ( b + vehicleFields [ i ] . ofs ) = G_SoundIndex ( value ) ;
# else
* ( int * ) ( b + vehicleFields [ i ] . ofs ) = trap_S_RegisterSound ( value ) ;
# endif
break ;
case VF_SOUND_CLIENT : // (MP cgame only) take the string, get the G_SoundIndex
# ifndef _JK2MP
* ( int * ) ( b + vehicleFields [ i ] . ofs ) = G_SoundIndex ( value ) ;
# elif QAGAME
//*(int *)(b+vehicleFields[i].ofs) = G_SoundIndex( value );
# else
* ( int * ) ( b + vehicleFields [ i ] . ofs ) = trap_S_RegisterSound ( value ) ;
# endif
break ;
default :
//Unknown type?
return qfalse ;
break ;
break ;
if ( vehicleFields [ i ] . ofs = = - 1 )
return qfalse ;
return qtrue ;
int VEH_LoadVehicle ( const char * vehicleName )
{ //load up specified vehicle and save in array: g_vehicleInfo
const char * token ;
//we'll assume that no parm name is longer than 128
char parmName [ 128 ] = { 0 } ;
char weap1 [ 128 ] = { 0 } , weap2 [ 128 ] = { 0 } ;
char weapMuzzle1 [ 128 ] = { 0 } ;
char weapMuzzle2 [ 128 ] = { 0 } ;
char weapMuzzle3 [ 128 ] = { 0 } ;
char weapMuzzle4 [ 128 ] = { 0 } ;
char weapMuzzle5 [ 128 ] = { 0 } ;
char weapMuzzle6 [ 128 ] = { 0 } ;
char weapMuzzle7 [ 128 ] = { 0 } ;
char weapMuzzle8 [ 128 ] = { 0 } ;
char weapMuzzle9 [ 128 ] = { 0 } ;
char weapMuzzle10 [ 128 ] = { 0 } ;
char * value = NULL ;
const char * p = NULL ;
vehicleInfo_t * vehicle = NULL ;
// Load the vehicle parms if no vehicles have been loaded yet.
if ( numVehicles = = 0 )
BG_VehicleLoadParms ( ) ;
//try to parse data out
p = VehicleParms ;
# ifdef _JK2MP
COM_BeginParseSession ( " vehicles " ) ;
# else
COM_BeginParseSession ( ) ;
# endif
vehicle = & g_vehicleInfo [ numVehicles ] ;
// look for the right vehicle
while ( p )
token = COM_ParseExt ( & p , qtrue ) ;
if ( token [ 0 ] = = 0 )
if ( ! Q_stricmp ( token , vehicleName ) )
break ;
SkipBracedSection ( & p ) ;
if ( ! p )
token = COM_ParseExt ( & p , qtrue ) ;
if ( token [ 0 ] = = 0 )
{ //barf
if ( Q_stricmp ( token , " { " ) ! = 0 )
BG_VehicleSetDefaults ( vehicle ) ;
// parse the vehicle info block
while ( 1 )
SkipRestOfLine ( & p ) ;
token = COM_ParseExt ( & p , qtrue ) ;
if ( ! token [ 0 ] )
Com_Printf ( S_COLOR_RED " ERROR: unexpected EOF while parsing Vehicle '%s' \n " , vehicleName ) ;
if ( ! Q_stricmp ( token , " } " ) )
break ;
Q_strncpyz ( parmName , token , sizeof ( parmName ) ) ;
value = COM_ParseExt ( & p , qtrue ) ;
if ( ! value | | ! value [ 0 ] )
Com_Printf ( S_COLOR_RED " ERROR: Vehicle token '%s' has no value! \n " , parmName ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( " weap1 " , parmName ) = = 0 )
{ //hmm, store this off because we don't want to call another one of these text parsing routines while we're in the middle of one...
Q_strncpyz ( weap1 , value , sizeof ( weap1 ) ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( " weap2 " , parmName ) = = 0 )
{ //hmm, store this off because we don't want to call another one of these text parsing routines while we're in the middle of one...
Q_strncpyz ( weap2 , value , sizeof ( weap2 ) ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( " weapMuzzle1 " , parmName ) = = 0 )
{ //hmm, store this off because we don't want to call another one of these text parsing routines while we're in the middle of one...
Q_strncpyz ( weapMuzzle1 , value , sizeof ( weapMuzzle1 ) ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( " weapMuzzle2 " , parmName ) = = 0 )
{ //hmm, store this off because we don't want to call another one of these text parsing routines while we're in the middle of one...
Q_strncpyz ( weapMuzzle2 , value , sizeof ( weapMuzzle2 ) ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( " weapMuzzle3 " , parmName ) = = 0 )
{ //hmm, store this off because we don't want to call another one of these text parsing routines while we're in the middle of one...
Q_strncpyz ( weapMuzzle3 , value , sizeof ( weapMuzzle3 ) ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( " weapMuzzle4 " , parmName ) = = 0 )
{ //hmm, store this off because we don't want to call another one of these text parsing routines while we're in the middle of one...
Q_strncpyz ( weapMuzzle4 , value , sizeof ( weapMuzzle4 ) ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( " weapMuzzle5 " , parmName ) = = 0 )
{ //hmm, store this off because we don't want to call another one of these text parsing routines while we're in the middle of one...
Q_strncpyz ( weapMuzzle5 , value , sizeof ( weapMuzzle5 ) ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( " weapMuzzle6 " , parmName ) = = 0 )
{ //hmm, store this off because we don't want to call another one of these text parsing routines while we're in the middle of one...
Q_strncpyz ( weapMuzzle6 , value , sizeof ( weapMuzzle6 ) ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( " weapMuzzle7 " , parmName ) = = 0 )
{ //hmm, store this off because we don't want to call another one of these text parsing routines while we're in the middle of one...
Q_strncpyz ( weapMuzzle7 , value , sizeof ( weapMuzzle7 ) ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( " weapMuzzle8 " , parmName ) = = 0 )
{ //hmm, store this off because we don't want to call another one of these text parsing routines while we're in the middle of one...
Q_strncpyz ( weapMuzzle8 , value , sizeof ( weapMuzzle8 ) ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( " weapMuzzle9 " , parmName ) = = 0 )
{ //hmm, store this off because we don't want to call another one of these text parsing routines while we're in the middle of one...
Q_strncpyz ( weapMuzzle9 , value , sizeof ( weapMuzzle9 ) ) ;
else if ( Q_stricmp ( " weapMuzzle10 " , parmName ) = = 0 )
{ //hmm, store this off because we don't want to call another one of these text parsing routines while we're in the middle of one...
Q_strncpyz ( weapMuzzle10 , value , sizeof ( weapMuzzle10 ) ) ;
if ( ! BG_ParseVehicleParm ( vehicle , parmName , value ) )
# ifndef FINAL_BUILD
Com_Printf ( S_COLOR_RED " ERROR: Unknown Vehicle key/value pair '%s', '%s'! \n " , parmName , value ) ;
# endif
//NOW: if we have any weapons, go ahead and load them
if ( weap1 [ 0 ] )
if ( ! BG_ParseVehicleParm ( vehicle , " weap1 " , weap1 ) )
# ifndef FINAL_BUILD
Com_Printf ( S_COLOR_RED " ERROR: Unknown Vehicle key/value pair 'weap1', '%s'! \n " , weap1 ) ;
# endif
if ( weap2 [ 0 ] )
if ( ! BG_ParseVehicleParm ( vehicle , " weap2 " , weap2 ) )
# ifndef FINAL_BUILD
Com_Printf ( S_COLOR_RED " ERROR: Unknown Vehicle key/value pair 'weap2', '%s'! \n " , weap2 ) ;
# endif
if ( weapMuzzle1 [ 0 ] )
if ( ! BG_ParseVehicleParm ( vehicle , " weapMuzzle1 " , weapMuzzle1 ) )
# ifndef FINAL_BUILD
Com_Printf ( S_COLOR_RED " ERROR: Unknown Vehicle key/value pair 'weapMuzzle1', '%s'! \n " , weapMuzzle1 ) ;
# endif
if ( weapMuzzle2 [ 0 ] )
if ( ! BG_ParseVehicleParm ( vehicle , " weapMuzzle2 " , weapMuzzle2 ) )
# ifndef FINAL_BUILD
Com_Printf ( S_COLOR_RED " ERROR: Unknown Vehicle key/value pair 'weapMuzzle2', '%s'! \n " , weapMuzzle2 ) ;
# endif
if ( weapMuzzle3 [ 0 ] )
if ( ! BG_ParseVehicleParm ( vehicle , " weapMuzzle3 " , weapMuzzle3 ) )
# ifndef FINAL_BUILD
Com_Printf ( S_COLOR_RED " ERROR: Unknown Vehicle key/value pair 'weapMuzzle3', '%s'! \n " , weapMuzzle3 ) ;
# endif
if ( weapMuzzle4 [ 0 ] )
if ( ! BG_ParseVehicleParm ( vehicle , " weapMuzzle4 " , weapMuzzle4 ) )
# ifndef FINAL_BUILD
Com_Printf ( S_COLOR_RED " ERROR: Unknown Vehicle key/value pair 'weapMuzzle4', '%s'! \n " , weapMuzzle4 ) ;
# endif
if ( weapMuzzle5 [ 0 ] )
if ( ! BG_ParseVehicleParm ( vehicle , " weapMuzzle5 " , weapMuzzle5 ) )
# ifndef FINAL_BUILD
Com_Printf ( S_COLOR_RED " ERROR: Unknown Vehicle key/value pair 'weapMuzzle5', '%s'! \n " , weapMuzzle5 ) ;
# endif
if ( weapMuzzle6 [ 0 ] )
if ( ! BG_ParseVehicleParm ( vehicle , " weapMuzzle6 " , weapMuzzle6 ) )
# ifndef FINAL_BUILD
Com_Printf ( S_COLOR_RED " ERROR: Unknown Vehicle key/value pair 'weapMuzzle6', '%s'! \n " , weapMuzzle6 ) ;
# endif
if ( weapMuzzle7 [ 0 ] )
if ( ! BG_ParseVehicleParm ( vehicle , " weapMuzzle7 " , weapMuzzle7 ) )
# ifndef FINAL_BUILD
Com_Printf ( S_COLOR_RED " ERROR: Unknown Vehicle key/value pair 'weapMuzzle7', '%s'! \n " , weapMuzzle7 ) ;
# endif
if ( weapMuzzle8 [ 0 ] )
if ( ! BG_ParseVehicleParm ( vehicle , " weapMuzzle8 " , weapMuzzle8 ) )
# ifndef FINAL_BUILD
Com_Printf ( S_COLOR_RED " ERROR: Unknown Vehicle key/value pair 'weapMuzzle8', '%s'! \n " , weapMuzzle8 ) ;
# endif
if ( weapMuzzle9 [ 0 ] )
if ( ! BG_ParseVehicleParm ( vehicle , " weapMuzzle9 " , weapMuzzle9 ) )
# ifndef FINAL_BUILD
Com_Printf ( S_COLOR_RED " ERROR: Unknown Vehicle key/value pair 'weapMuzzle9', '%s'! \n " , weapMuzzle9 ) ;
# endif
if ( weapMuzzle10 [ 0 ] )
if ( ! BG_ParseVehicleParm ( vehicle , " weapMuzzle10 " , weapMuzzle10 ) )
# ifndef FINAL_BUILD
Com_Printf ( S_COLOR_RED " ERROR: Unknown Vehicle key/value pair 'weapMuzzle10', '%s'! \n " , weapMuzzle10 ) ;
# endif
# ifdef _JK2MP
//let's give these guys some defaults
if ( ! vehicle - > health_front )
vehicle - > health_front = vehicle - > armor / 4 ;
if ( ! vehicle - > health_back )
vehicle - > health_back = vehicle - > armor / 4 ;
if ( ! vehicle - > health_right )
vehicle - > health_right = vehicle - > armor / 4 ;
if ( ! vehicle - > health_left )
vehicle - > health_left = vehicle - > armor / 4 ;
# endif
if ( vehicle - > model )
# ifdef QAGAME
vehicle - > modelIndex = G_ModelIndex ( va ( " models/players/%s/model.glm " , vehicle - > model ) ) ;
# else
vehicle - > modelIndex = trap_R_RegisterModel ( va ( " models/players/%s/model.glm " , vehicle - > model ) ) ;
# endif
# ifndef _JK2MP
if ( vehicle - > skin
& & vehicle - > skin [ 0 ] )
ratl : : string_vs < 256 > skins ( vehicle - > skin ) ;
for ( ratl : : string_vs < 256 > : : tokenizer i = skins . begin ( " | " ) ; i ! = skins . end ( ) ; i + + )
//this will just turn off surfs if there is a *off shader on a surf, the skin will actually get thrown away when cgame starts
gi . RE_RegisterSkin ( va ( " models/players/%s/model_%s.skin " , vehicle - > model , * i ) ) ;
//this is for the server-side call, it will propgate down to cgame with configstrings and register it at the same time as all the other skins for ghoul2 models
G_SkinIndex ( va ( " models/players/%s/model_%s.skin " , vehicle - > model , * i ) ) ;
//this will just turn off surfs if there is a *off shader on a surf, the skin will actually get thrown away when cgame starts
gi . RE_RegisterSkin ( va ( " models/players/%s/model_default.skin " , vehicle - > model ) ) ;
//this is for the server-side call, it will propgate down to cgame with configstrings and register it at the same time as all the other skins for ghoul2 models
G_SkinIndex ( va ( " models/players/%s/model_default.skin " , vehicle - > model ) ) ;
# else
# ifndef QAGAME
if ( vehicle - > skin
& & vehicle - > skin [ 0 ] )
trap_R_RegisterSkin ( va ( " models/players/%s/model_%s.skin " , vehicle - > model , vehicle - > skin ) ) ;
# endif
# endif
//sanity check and clamp the vehicle's data
BG_VehicleClampData ( vehicle ) ;
// Setup the shared function pointers.
BG_SetSharedVehicleFunctions ( vehicle ) ;
//misc effects... FIXME: not even used in MP, are they?
if ( vehicle - > explosionDamage )
# ifdef QAGAME
G_EffectIndex ( " ships/ship_explosion_mark " ) ;
# elif CGAME
trap_FX_RegisterEffect ( " ships/ship_explosion_mark " ) ;
# endif
if ( vehicle - > flammable )
# ifdef QAGAME
G_SoundIndex ( " sound/vehicles/common/fire_lp.wav " ) ;
# elif CGAME
trap_S_RegisterSound ( " sound/vehicles/common/fire_lp.wav " ) ;
# else
trap_S_RegisterSound ( " sound/vehicles/common/fire_lp.wav " ) ;
# endif
if ( vehicle - > hoverHeight > 0 )
# ifndef _JK2MP
G_EffectIndex ( " ships/swoop_dust " ) ;
# elif QAGAME
G_EffectIndex ( " ships/swoop_dust " ) ;
# elif CGAME
trap_FX_RegisterEffect ( " ships/swoop_dust " ) ;
# endif
# ifdef QAGAME
G_EffectIndex ( " volumetric/black_smoke " ) ;
G_EffectIndex ( " ships/fire " ) ;
G_SoundIndex ( " sound/vehicles/common/release.wav " ) ;
# elif CGAME
trap_R_RegisterShader ( " gfx/menus/radar/bracket " ) ;
trap_R_RegisterShader ( " gfx/menus/radar/lead " ) ;
trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip ( " gfx/menus/radar/asteroid " ) ;
trap_S_RegisterSound ( " sound/vehicles/common/impactalarm.wav " ) ;
trap_S_RegisterSound ( " sound/vehicles/common/linkweaps.wav " ) ;
trap_S_RegisterSound ( " sound/vehicles/common/release.wav " ) ;
trap_FX_RegisterEffect ( " effects/ships/dest_burning.efx " ) ;
trap_FX_RegisterEffect ( " effects/ships/dest_destroyed.efx " ) ;
trap_FX_RegisterEffect ( " volumetric/black_smoke " ) ;
trap_FX_RegisterEffect ( " ships/fire " ) ;
trap_FX_RegisterEffect ( " ships/hyperspace_stars " ) ;
if ( vehicle - > hideRider )
trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip ( " gfx/menus/radar/circle_base " ) ;
trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip ( " gfx/menus/radar/circle_base_frame " ) ;
trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip ( " gfx/menus/radar/circle_base_shield " ) ;
# endif
return ( numVehicles + + ) ;
int VEH_VehicleIndexForName ( const char * vehicleName )
int v ;
if ( ! vehicleName | | ! vehicleName [ 0 ] )
Com_Printf ( S_COLOR_RED " ERROR: Trying to read Vehicle with no name! \n " ) ;
for ( v = VEHICLE_BASE ; v < numVehicles ; v + + )
if ( g_vehicleInfo [ v ] . name
& & Q_stricmp ( g_vehicleInfo [ v ] . name , vehicleName ) = = 0 )
{ //already loaded this one
return v ;
//haven't loaded it yet
if ( v > = MAX_VEHICLES )
{ //no more room!
Com_Printf ( S_COLOR_RED " ERROR: Too many Vehicles (max 64), aborting load on %s! \n " , vehicleName ) ;
//we have room for another one, load it up and return the index
//HMM... should we not even load the .veh file until we want to?
v = VEH_LoadVehicle ( vehicleName ) ;
if ( v = = VEHICLE_NONE )
Com_Printf ( S_COLOR_RED " ERROR: Could not find Vehicle %s! \n " , vehicleName ) ;
return v ;
void BG_VehWeaponLoadParms ( void )
int len , totallen , vehExtFNLen , mainBlockLen , fileCnt , i ;
char * holdChar , * marker ;
char vehWeaponExtensionListBuf [ 2048 ] ; // The list of file names read in
fileHandle_t f ;
char * tempReadBuffer ;
len = 0 ;
//remember where to store the next one
totallen = mainBlockLen = len ;
marker = VehWeaponParms + totallen ;
* marker = 0 ;
//now load in the extra .veh extensions
# ifdef _JK2MP
fileCnt = trap_FS_GetFileList ( " ext_data/vehicles/weapons " , " .vwp " , vehWeaponExtensionListBuf , sizeof ( vehWeaponExtensionListBuf ) ) ;
# else
fileCnt = gi . FS_GetFileList ( " ext_data/vehicles/weapons " , " .vwp " , vehWeaponExtensionListBuf , sizeof ( vehWeaponExtensionListBuf ) ) ;
# endif
holdChar = vehWeaponExtensionListBuf ;
# ifdef _JK2MP
tempReadBuffer = ( char * ) BG_TempAlloc ( MAX_VEH_WEAPON_DATA_SIZE ) ;
# else
tempReadBuffer = ( char * ) gi . Malloc ( MAX_VEH_WEAPON_DATA_SIZE , TAG_G_ALLOC , qtrue ) ;
# endif
// NOTE: Not use TempAlloc anymore...
//Make ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN that BG_Alloc/etc. is not used before
//the subsequent BG_TempFree or the pool will be screwed.
for ( i = 0 ; i < fileCnt ; i + + , holdChar + = vehExtFNLen + 1 )
vehExtFNLen = strlen ( holdChar ) ;
// Com_Printf( "Parsing %s\n", holdChar );
# ifdef _JK2MP
len = trap_FS_FOpenFile ( va ( " ext_data/vehicles/weapons/%s " , holdChar ) , & f , FS_READ ) ;
# else
// len = gi.FS_ReadFile( va( "ext_data/vehicles/weapons/%s", holdChar), (void **) &buffer );
len = gi . FS_FOpenFile ( va ( " ext_data/vehicles/weapons/%s " , holdChar ) , & f , FS_READ ) ;
# endif
if ( len = = - 1 )
Com_Printf ( " error reading file \n " ) ;
# ifdef _JK2MP
trap_FS_Read ( tempReadBuffer , len , f ) ;
tempReadBuffer [ len ] = 0 ;
# else
gi . FS_Read ( tempReadBuffer , len , f ) ;
tempReadBuffer [ len ] = 0 ;
# endif
// Don't let it end on a } because that should be a stand-alone token.
if ( totallen & & * ( marker - 1 ) = = ' } ' )
strcat ( marker , " " ) ;
totallen + + ;
marker + + ;
if ( totallen + len > = MAX_VEH_WEAPON_DATA_SIZE ) {
Com_Error ( ERR_DROP , " Vehicle Weapon extensions (*.vwp) are too large " ) ;
strcat ( marker , tempReadBuffer ) ;
# ifdef _JK2MP
trap_FS_FCloseFile ( f ) ;
# else
gi . FS_FCloseFile ( f ) ;
# endif
totallen + = len ;
marker = VehWeaponParms + totallen ;
# ifdef _JK2MP
# else
gi . Free ( tempReadBuffer ) ; tempReadBuffer = NULL ;
# endif
void BG_VehicleLoadParms ( void )
{ //HMM... only do this if there's a vehicle on the level?
int len , totallen , vehExtFNLen , mainBlockLen , fileCnt , i ;
// const char *filename = "ext_data/vehicles.dat";
char * holdChar , * marker ;
char vehExtensionListBuf [ 2048 ] ; // The list of file names read in
fileHandle_t f ;
char * tempReadBuffer ;
len = 0 ;
//remember where to store the next one
totallen = mainBlockLen = len ;
marker = VehicleParms + totallen ;
* marker = 0 ;
//now load in the extra .veh extensions
# ifdef _JK2MP
fileCnt = trap_FS_GetFileList ( " ext_data/vehicles " , " .veh " , vehExtensionListBuf , sizeof ( vehExtensionListBuf ) ) ;
# else
fileCnt = gi . FS_GetFileList ( " ext_data/vehicles " , " .veh " , vehExtensionListBuf , sizeof ( vehExtensionListBuf ) ) ;
# endif
holdChar = vehExtensionListBuf ;
# ifdef _JK2MP
tempReadBuffer = ( char * ) BG_TempAlloc ( MAX_VEHICLE_DATA_SIZE ) ;
# else
tempReadBuffer = ( char * ) gi . Malloc ( MAX_VEHICLE_DATA_SIZE , TAG_G_ALLOC , qtrue ) ;
# endif
// NOTE: Not use TempAlloc anymore...
//Make ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN that BG_Alloc/etc. is not used before
//the subsequent BG_TempFree or the pool will be screwed.
for ( i = 0 ; i < fileCnt ; i + + , holdChar + = vehExtFNLen + 1 )
vehExtFNLen = strlen ( holdChar ) ;
// Com_Printf( "Parsing %s\n", holdChar );
# ifdef _JK2MP
len = trap_FS_FOpenFile ( va ( " ext_data/vehicles/%s " , holdChar ) , & f , FS_READ ) ;
# else
// len = gi.FS_ReadFile( va( "ext_data/vehicles/%s", holdChar), (void **) &buffer );
len = gi . FS_FOpenFile ( va ( " ext_data/vehicles/%s " , holdChar ) , & f , FS_READ ) ;
# endif
if ( len = = - 1 )
Com_Printf ( " error reading file \n " ) ;
# ifdef _JK2MP
trap_FS_Read ( tempReadBuffer , len , f ) ;
tempReadBuffer [ len ] = 0 ;
# else
gi . FS_Read ( tempReadBuffer , len , f ) ;
tempReadBuffer [ len ] = 0 ;
# endif
// Don't let it end on a } because that should be a stand-alone token.
if ( totallen & & * ( marker - 1 ) = = ' } ' )
strcat ( marker , " " ) ;
totallen + + ;
marker + + ;
if ( totallen + len > = MAX_VEHICLE_DATA_SIZE ) {
Com_Error ( ERR_DROP , " Vehicle extensions (*.veh) are too large " ) ;
strcat ( marker , tempReadBuffer ) ;
# ifdef _JK2MP
trap_FS_FCloseFile ( f ) ;
# else
gi . FS_FCloseFile ( f ) ;
# endif
totallen + = len ;
marker = VehicleParms + totallen ;
# ifdef _JK2MP
# else
gi . Free ( tempReadBuffer ) ; tempReadBuffer = NULL ;
# endif
numVehicles = 1 ; //first one is null/default
//set the first vehicle to default data
BG_VehicleSetDefaults ( & g_vehicleInfo [ VEHICLE_BASE ] ) ;
//sanity check and clamp the vehicle's data
BG_VehicleClampData ( & g_vehicleInfo [ VEHICLE_BASE ] ) ;
// Setup the shared function pointers.
BG_SetSharedVehicleFunctions ( & g_vehicleInfo [ VEHICLE_BASE ] ) ;
//Load the Vehicle Weapons data, too
BG_VehWeaponLoadParms ( ) ;
int BG_VehicleGetIndex ( const char * vehicleName )
return ( VEH_VehicleIndexForName ( vehicleName ) ) ;
//We get the vehicle name passed in as modelname
//with a $ in front of it.
//we are expected to then get the model for the
//vehicle and stomp over modelname with it.
void BG_GetVehicleModelName ( char * modelname )
char * vehName = & modelname [ 1 ] ;
int vIndex = BG_VehicleGetIndex ( vehName ) ;
assert ( modelname [ 0 ] = = ' $ ' ) ;
if ( vIndex = = VEHICLE_NONE )
Com_Error ( ERR_DROP , " BG_GetVehicleModelName: couldn't find vehicle %s " , vehName ) ;
strcpy ( modelname , g_vehicleInfo [ vIndex ] . model ) ;
void BG_GetVehicleSkinName ( char * skinname )
char * vehName = & skinname [ 1 ] ;
int vIndex = BG_VehicleGetIndex ( vehName ) ;
assert ( skinname [ 0 ] = = ' $ ' ) ;
if ( vIndex = = VEHICLE_NONE )
Com_Error ( ERR_DROP , " BG_GetVehicleSkinName: couldn't find vehicle %s " , vehName ) ;
if ( ! g_vehicleInfo [ vIndex ] . skin
| | ! g_vehicleInfo [ vIndex ] . skin [ 0 ] )
skinname [ 0 ] = 0 ;
strcpy ( skinname , g_vehicleInfo [ vIndex ] . skin ) ;
# ifdef _JK2MP
# ifndef WE_ARE_IN_THE_UI
//so cgame can assign the function pointer for the vehicle attachment without having to
//bother with all the other funcs that don't really exist cgame-side.
extern int BG_GetTime ( void ) ;
extern int trap_G2API_AddBolt ( void * ghoul2 , int modelIndex , const char * boneName ) ;
extern qboolean trap_G2API_GetBoltMatrix ( void * ghoul2 , const int modelIndex , const int boltIndex , mdxaBone_t * matrix ,
const vec3_t angles , const vec3_t position , const int frameNum , qhandle_t * modelList , vec3_t scale ) ;
void AttachRidersGeneric ( Vehicle_t * pVeh )
// If we have a pilot, attach him to the driver tag.
if ( pVeh - > m_pPilot )
mdxaBone_t boltMatrix ;
vec3_t yawOnlyAngles ;
bgEntity_t * parent = pVeh - > m_pParentEntity ;
bgEntity_t * pilot = pVeh - > m_pPilot ;
int crotchBolt = trap_G2API_AddBolt ( parent - > ghoul2 , 0 , " *driver " ) ;
assert ( parent - > playerState ) ;
VectorSet ( yawOnlyAngles , 0 , parent - > playerState - > viewangles [ YAW ] , 0 ) ;
// Get the driver tag.
trap_G2API_GetBoltMatrix ( parent - > ghoul2 , 0 , crotchBolt , & boltMatrix ,
yawOnlyAngles , parent - > playerState - > origin ,
BG_GetTime ( ) , NULL , parent - > modelScale ) ;
BG_GiveMeVectorFromMatrix ( & boltMatrix , ORIGIN , pilot - > playerState - > origin ) ;
# endif
# include "../namespace_end.h"
# endif // _JK2MP