2013-04-19 02:52:48 +00:00
// Filename:- cg_credits.cpp
// module for end credits code
// this line must stay at top so the whole PCH thing works...
#include "cg_headers.h"
//#include "cg_local.h"
#include "cg_media.h"
#define max(a,b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
#define fCARD_FADESECONDS 1.0f // fade up time, also fade down time
#define fCARD_SUSTAINSECONDS 2.0f // hold time before fade down
#define fLINE_SECONDTOSCROLLUP 15.0f // how long one line takes to scroll up the screen
#define MAX_LINE_BYTES 2048
qhandle_t ghFontHandle = 0;
float gfFontScale = 1.0f;
vec4_t gv4Color = {0};
struct StringAndSize_t
int iStrLenPixels;
string str;
iStrLenPixels = -1;
str = "";
StringAndSize_t(const char *psString)
iStrLenPixels = -1;
str = psString;
StringAndSize_t & operator = (const char *psString)
iStrLenPixels = -1;
str = psString;
return *this;
const char *c_str(void)
return str.c_str();
int GetPixelLength(void)
if (iStrLenPixels == -1)
iStrLenPixels = cgi_R_Font_StrLenPixels(str.c_str(), ghFontHandle, gfFontScale);
return iStrLenPixels;
bool IsEmpty(void)
return str.empty();
struct CreditCard_t
int iTime;
StringAndSize_t strTitle;
vector<StringAndSize_t> vstrText;
iTime = -1; // flag "not set yet"
struct CreditLine_t
int iLine;
StringAndSize_t strText;
vector<StringAndSize_t> vstrText;
bool bDotted;
typedef list <CreditLine_t> CreditLines_t;
typedef list <CreditCard_t> CreditCards_t;
struct CreditData_t
int iStartTime;
CreditCards_t CreditCards;
CreditLines_t CreditLines;
bool Running(void)
return !!( CreditCards.size() || CreditLines.size() );
CreditData_t CreditData;
static LPCSTR Capitalize(LPCSTR psTest)
static char sTemp[MAX_LINE_BYTES];
Q_strncpyz(sTemp, psTest, sizeof(sTemp));
// if (!cgi_Language_IsAsian()) // we don't have asian credits, so this is ok to do now
strupr(sTemp); // capitalise titles (if not asian!!!!)
return sTemp;
// cope with hyphenated names and initials (awkward gits)...
static bool CountsAsWhiteSpaceForCaps( unsigned /* avoid euro-char sign-extend assert within isspace()*/char c )
return !!(isspace(c) || c == '-' || c == '.' || c == '(' || c == ')' || c=='\'');
static LPCSTR UpperCaseFirstLettersOnly(LPCSTR psTest)
static char sTemp[MAX_LINE_BYTES];
Q_strncpyz(sTemp, psTest, sizeof(sTemp));
// if (!cgi_Language_IsAsian()) // we don't have asian credits, so this is ok to do now
char *p = sTemp;
while (*p)
while (*p && CountsAsWhiteSpaceForCaps(*p)) p++;
if (*p)
*p = toupper(*p);
while (*p && !CountsAsWhiteSpaceForCaps(*p)) p++;
// now restore any weird stuff...
char *p = strstr(sTemp," Mc"); // eg "Mcfarrell" should be "McFarrell"
if (p && isalpha(p[3]))
p[3] = toupper(p[3]);
p = strstr(sTemp," O'"); // eg "O'flaherty" should be "O'Flaherty" (this is probably done automatically now, but wtf.
if (p && isalpha(p[3]))
p[3] = toupper(p[3]);
p = strstr(sTemp,"Lucasarts");
if (p)
p[5] = 'A'; // capitalise the 'A' in LucasArts (jeez...)
return sTemp;
static const char *GetSubString(string &strResult)
static char sTemp[MAX_LINE_BYTES];
if (!strlen(strResult.c_str()))
return NULL;
char *psSemiColon = strchr(sTemp,';');
if ( psSemiColon)
*psSemiColon = '\0';
// no semicolon found, probably last entry? (though i think even those have them on, oh well)
return sTemp;
// sort entries by their last name (starts at back of string and moves forward until start or just before whitespace)
// ...
static int SortBySurname(const void *elem1, const void *elem2)
StringAndSize_t *p1 = (StringAndSize_t *) elem1;
StringAndSize_t *p2 = (StringAndSize_t *) elem2;
LPCSTR psSurName1 = p1->c_str() + (strlen(p1->c_str())-1);
LPCSTR psSurName2 = p2->c_str() + (strlen(p2->c_str())-1);
while (psSurName1 > p1->c_str() && !isspace(*psSurName1)) psSurName1--;
while (psSurName2 > p2->c_str() && !isspace(*psSurName2)) psSurName2--;
if (isspace(*psSurName1)) psSurName1++;
if (isspace(*psSurName2)) psSurName2++;
return stricmp(psSurName1, psSurName2);
void CG_Credits_Init( LPCSTR psStripReference, vec4_t *pv4Color)
// Play the light side end credits music.
if ( g_entities[0].client->sess.mission_objectives[0].status != 2 )
cgi_S_StartBackgroundTrack( "music/endcredits.mp3", NULL, false );
// Play the dark side end credits music.
cgi_S_StartBackgroundTrack( "music/vjun3/vjun3_explore.mp3", NULL, false );
// could make these into parameters later, but for now...
ghFontHandle = cgs.media.qhFontMedium;
gfFontScale = 1.0f;
memcpy(gv4Color,pv4Color,sizeof(gv4Color)); // memcpy so we can poke into alpha channel
// first, ask the strlen of the final string...
int iStrLen = cgi_SP_GetStringTextString( psStripReference, NULL, 0 );
if (!iStrLen)
Com_Printf("WARNING: CG_Credits_Init(): invalid text key :'%s'\n", psStripReference);
// malloc space to hold it...
char *psMallocText = (char *) cgi_Z_Malloc( iStrLen+1, TAG_TEMP_WORKSPACE );
// now get the string...
iStrLen = cgi_SP_GetStringTextString( psStripReference, psMallocText, iStrLen+1 );
//ensure we found a match
if (!iStrLen)
assert(0); // should never get here now, but wtf?
Com_Printf("WARNING: CG_Credits_Init(): invalid text key :'%s'\n", psStripReference);
// read whole string in and process as cards, lines etc...
typedef enum
eNothing = 0,
} Mode_e;
Mode_e eMode = eNothing;
qboolean bCardsFinished = qfalse;
int iLineNumber = 0;
const char *psTextParse = psMallocText;
while (*psTextParse != NULL)
// read a line...
char sLine[MAX_LINE_BYTES];
qboolean bWasCommand = qtrue;
while (1)
qboolean bIsTrailingPunctuation;
int iAdvanceCount;
unsigned int uiLetter = cgi_AnyLanguage_ReadCharFromString(psTextParse, &iAdvanceCount, &bIsTrailingPunctuation);
psTextParse += iAdvanceCount;
// concat onto string so far...
if (uiLetter == 32 && sLine[0] == '\0')
continue; // unless it's a space at the start of a line, in which case ignore it.
if (uiLetter == '\n' || uiLetter == '\0' )
// have we got a command word?...
if (!strnicmp(sLine,"(#",2))
// yep...
if (!stricmp(sLine, "(#CARD)"))
if (!bCardsFinished)
eMode = eCard;
Com_Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW "CG_Credits_Init(): No current support for cards after scroll!\n" );
eMode = eNothing;
if (!stricmp(sLine, "(#TITLE)"))
eMode = eTitle;
bCardsFinished = qtrue;
if (!stricmp(sLine, "(#LINE)"))
eMode = eLine;
bCardsFinished = qtrue;
if (!stricmp(sLine, "(#DOTENTRY)"))
eMode = eDotEntry;
bCardsFinished = qtrue;
Com_Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW "CG_Credits_Init(): bad keyword \"%s\"!\n", sLine );
eMode = eNothing;
// I guess not...
bWasCommand = qfalse;
// must be a letter...
if (uiLetter > 255)
assert(0); // this means we're attempting to display asian credits, and we don't
// support these now because the auto-capitalisation rules etc would have to
// be inhibited.
Q_strcat(sLine, sizeof(sLine), va("%c%c",uiLetter >> 8, uiLetter & 0xFF));
Q_strcat(sLine, sizeof(sLine), va("%c",uiLetter & 0xFF));
// command?...
if (bWasCommand)
// this'll just be a mode change, so ignore...
// else we've got some text to display...
switch (eMode)
case eNothing: break;
case eLine:
CreditLine_t CreditLine;
CreditLine.iLine = iLineNumber++;
CreditLine.strText = sLine;
CreditData.CreditLines.push_back( CreditLine );
case eDotEntry:
CreditLine_t CreditLine;
CreditLine.iLine = iLineNumber;
CreditLine.bDotted = true;
string strResult(sLine);
const char *p;
while ((p=GetSubString(strResult)) != NULL)
if (CreditLine.strText.IsEmpty())
CreditLine.strText = p;
CreditLine.vstrText.push_back( UpperCaseFirstLettersOnly(p) );
if (!CreditLine.strText.IsEmpty() && CreditLine.vstrText.size())
// sort entries RHS dotted entries by alpha...
qsort(&CreditLine.vstrText[0], CreditLine.vstrText.size(), sizeof(CreditLine.vstrText[0]), SortBySurname);
CreditData.CreditLines.push_back( CreditLine );
iLineNumber += CreditLine.vstrText.size();
case eTitle:
iLineNumber++; // leading blank line
CreditLine_t CreditLine;
CreditLine.iLine = iLineNumber++;
CreditLine.strText = Capitalize(sLine);
CreditData.CreditLines.push_back( CreditLine );
iLineNumber++; // trailing blank line
case eCard:
CreditCard_t CreditCard;
string strResult(sLine);
const char *p;
while ((p=GetSubString(strResult)) != NULL)
if (CreditCard.strTitle.IsEmpty())
CreditCard.strTitle = Capitalize( p );
CreditCard.vstrText.push_back( UpperCaseFirstLettersOnly( p ) );
if (!CreditCard.strTitle.IsEmpty())
// sort entries by alpha...
qsort(&CreditCard.vstrText[0], CreditCard.vstrText.size(), sizeof(CreditCard.vstrText[0]), SortBySurname);
CreditData.iStartTime = cg.time;
qboolean CG_Credits_Running( void )
return CreditData.Running();
// returns qtrue if still drawing...
qboolean CG_Credits_Draw( void )
if ( CG_Credits_Running() )
const int iFontHeight = (int) (1.5f * (float) cgi_R_Font_HeightPixels(ghFontHandle, gfFontScale)); // taiwanese & japanese need 1.5 fontheight spacing
// cgi_R_SetColor( *gpv4Color );
// display cards first...
if (CreditData.CreditCards.size())
// grab first card off the list (we know there's at least one here, so...)
CreditCard_t &CreditCard = (*CreditData.CreditCards.begin());
if (CreditCard.iTime == -1)
// onceonly time init...
CreditCard.iTime = cg.time;
// play with the alpha channel for fade up/down...
const float fMilliSecondsElapsed = cg.time - CreditCard.iTime;
const float fSecondsElapsed = fMilliSecondsElapsed / 1000.0f;
if (fSecondsElapsed < fCARD_FADESECONDS)
// fading up...
gv4Color[3] = fSecondsElapsed / fCARD_FADESECONDS;
// OutputDebugString(va("fade up: %f\n",gv4Color[3]));
// fading down...
const float fFadeDownSeconds = fSecondsElapsed - (fCARD_FADESECONDS + fCARD_SUSTAINSECONDS);
gv4Color[3] = 1.0f - (fFadeDownSeconds / fCARD_FADESECONDS);
// OutputDebugString(va("fade dw: %f\n",gv4Color[3]));
gv4Color[3] = 1.0f;
// OutputDebugString(va("normal: %f\n",gv4Color[3]));
if (gv4Color[3] < 0.0f)
gv4Color[3] = 0.0f; // ... otherwise numbers that have dipped slightly -ve flash up fullbright after fade down
// how many lines is it?
int iLines = CreditCard.vstrText.size() + 2; // +2 for title itself & one seperator line
int iYpos = (SCREEN_HEIGHT - (iLines * iFontHeight))/2;
// draw it, title first...
int iWidth = CreditCard.strTitle.GetPixelLength();
int iXpos = (SCREEN_WIDTH - iWidth)/2;
cgi_R_Font_DrawString(iXpos, iYpos, CreditCard.strTitle.c_str(), gv4Color, ghFontHandle, -1, gfFontScale);
iYpos += iFontHeight*2; // skip blank line then move to main pos
for (int i=0; i<CreditCard.vstrText.size(); i++)
StringAndSize_t &StringAndSize = CreditCard.vstrText[i];
iWidth = StringAndSize.GetPixelLength();
iXpos = (SCREEN_WIDTH - iWidth)/2;
cgi_R_Font_DrawString(iXpos, iYpos, StringAndSize.c_str(), gv4Color, ghFontHandle, -1, gfFontScale);
iYpos += iFontHeight;
// next card?...
// yep, so erase the first entry (which will trigger the next one to be initialised on re-entry)...
CreditData.CreditCards.erase( CreditData.CreditCards.begin() );
if (!CreditData.CreditCards.size())
// all cards gone, so re-init timer for lines...
CreditData.iStartTime = cg.time;
return qtrue;
// doing scroll text...
if (CreditData.CreditLines.size())
// process all lines...
const float fMilliSecondsElapsed = cg.time - CreditData.iStartTime;
const float fSecondsElapsed = fMilliSecondsElapsed / 1000.0f;
bool bEraseOccured = false;
for (CreditLines_t::iterator it = CreditData.CreditLines.begin(); it != CreditData.CreditLines.end(); bEraseOccured ? it : ++it)
CreditLine_t &CreditLine = (*it);
bEraseOccured = false;
static const float fPixelsPerSecond = ((float)SCREEN_HEIGHT / fLINE_SECONDTOSCROLLUP);
int iYpos = SCREEN_HEIGHT + (CreditLine.iLine * iFontHeight);
iYpos-= (int) (fPixelsPerSecond * fSecondsElapsed);
int iTextLinesThisItem = max(CreditLine.vstrText.size(),1);
if (iYpos + (iTextLinesThisItem * iFontHeight) < 0)
// scrolled off top of screen, so erase it...
it = CreditData.CreditLines.erase( it );
bEraseOccured = true;
if (iYpos < SCREEN_HEIGHT)
// onscreen, so print it...
bool bIsDotted = !!CreditLine.vstrText.size(); // eg "STUNTS ...................... MR ED"
int iWidth = CreditLine.strText.GetPixelLength();
int iXpos = bIsDotted ? 4 : (SCREEN_WIDTH - iWidth)/2;
gv4Color[3] = 1.0f;
cgi_R_Font_DrawString(iXpos, iYpos, CreditLine.strText.c_str(), gv4Color, ghFontHandle, -1, gfFontScale);
// now print any dotted members...
for (int i=0; i<CreditLine.vstrText.size(); i++)
StringAndSize_t &StringAndSize = CreditLine.vstrText[i];
iWidth = StringAndSize.GetPixelLength();
iXpos = (SCREEN_WIDTH-4 - iWidth);
cgi_R_Font_DrawString(iXpos, iYpos, StringAndSize.c_str(), gv4Color, ghFontHandle, -1, gfFontScale);
iYpos += iFontHeight;
return qtrue;
return qfalse;
////////////////////// eof /////////////////////