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2149 lines
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Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Id Software, Inc.
This file is part of Quake III Arena source code.
Quake III Arena source code is free software; you can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
or (at your option) any later version.
Quake III Arena source code is distributed in the hope that it will be
useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Foobar; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
// light.c
#include "light.h"
#ifdef _WIN32
#include "pakstuff.h"
#include "../libs/pakstuff.h"
#define EXTRASCALE 2
typedef struct {
float plane[4];
vec3_t origin;
vec3_t vectors[2];
shaderInfo_t *si;
} filter_t;
#define MAX_FILTERS 1024
filter_t filters[MAX_FILTERS];
int numFilters;
extern char source[1024];
qboolean notrace;
qboolean patchshadows;
qboolean dump;
qboolean extra;
qboolean extraWide;
qboolean lightmapBorder;
qboolean noSurfaces;
int samplesize = 16; //sample size in units
int novertexlighting = 0;
int nogridlighting = 0;
// for run time tweaking of all area sources in the level
float areaScale = 0.25;
// for run time tweaking of all point sources in the level
float pointScale = 7500;
qboolean exactPointToPolygon = qtrue;
float formFactorValueScale = 3;
float linearScale = 1.0 / 8000;
light_t *lights;
int numPointLights;
int numAreaLights;
FILE *dumpFile;
int c_visible, c_occluded;
//int defaultLightSubdivide = 128; // vary by surface size?
int defaultLightSubdivide = 999; // vary by surface size?
vec3_t ambientColor;
vec3_t surfaceOrigin[ MAX_MAP_DRAW_SURFS ];
int entitySurface[ MAX_MAP_DRAW_SURFS ];
// 7,9,11 normalized to avoid being nearly coplanar with common faces
//vec3_t sunDirection = { 0.441835, 0.56807, 0.694313 };
//vec3_t sunDirection = { 0.45, 0, 0.9 };
//vec3_t sunDirection = { 0, 0, 1 };
// these are usually overrided by shader values
vec3_t sunDirection = { 0.45, 0.3, 0.9 };
vec3_t sunLight = { 100, 100, 50 };
typedef struct {
dbrush_t *b;
vec3_t bounds[2];
} skyBrush_t;
int numSkyBrushes;
skyBrush_t skyBrushes[MAX_MAP_BRUSHES];
the corners of a patch mesh will always be exactly at lightmap samples.
The dimensions of the lightmap will be equal to the average length of the control
mesh in each dimension divided by 2.
The lightmap sample points should correspond to the chosen subdivision points.
#define MAX_FACE_POINTS 128
Subdivide area lights that are very large
A light that is subdivided will never backsplash, avoiding weird pools of light near edges
void SubdivideAreaLight( shaderInfo_t *ls, winding_t *w, vec3_t normal,
float areaSubdivide, qboolean backsplash ) {
float area, value, intensity;
light_t *dl, *dl2;
vec3_t mins, maxs;
int axis;
winding_t *front, *back;
vec3_t planeNormal;
float planeDist;
if ( !w ) {
WindingBounds( w, mins, maxs );
// check for subdivision
for ( axis = 0 ; axis < 3 ; axis++ ) {
if ( maxs[axis] - mins[axis] > areaSubdivide ) {
VectorClear( planeNormal );
planeNormal[axis] = 1;
planeDist = ( maxs[axis] + mins[axis] ) * 0.5;
ClipWindingEpsilon ( w, planeNormal, planeDist, ON_EPSILON, &front, &back );
SubdivideAreaLight( ls, front, normal, areaSubdivide, qfalse );
SubdivideAreaLight( ls, back, normal, areaSubdivide, qfalse );
FreeWinding( w );
// create a light from this
area = WindingArea (w);
if ( area <= 0 || area > 20000000 ) {
dl = malloc(sizeof(*dl));
memset (dl, 0, sizeof(*dl));
dl->next = lights;
lights = dl;
dl->type = emit_area;
WindingCenter( w, dl->origin );
dl->w = w;
VectorCopy ( normal, dl->normal);
dl->dist = DotProduct( dl->origin, normal );
value = ls->value;
intensity = value * area * areaScale;
VectorAdd( dl->origin, dl->normal, dl->origin );
VectorCopy( ls->color, dl->color );
dl->photons = intensity;
// emitColor is irrespective of the area
VectorScale( ls->color, value*formFactorValueScale*areaScale, dl->emitColor );
dl->si = ls;
if ( ls->contents & CONTENTS_FOG ) {
dl->twosided = qtrue;
// optionally create a point backsplash light
if ( backsplash && ls->backsplashFraction > 0 ) {
dl2 = malloc(sizeof(*dl));
memset (dl2, 0, sizeof(*dl2));
dl2->next = lights;
lights = dl2;
dl2->type = emit_point;
VectorMA( dl->origin, ls->backsplashDistance, normal, dl2->origin );
VectorCopy( ls->color, dl2->color );
dl2->photons = dl->photons * ls->backsplashFraction;
dl2->si = ls;
void CountLightmaps( void ) {
int count;
int i;
dsurface_t *ds;
qprintf ("--- CountLightmaps ---\n");
count = 0;
for ( i = 0 ; i < numDrawSurfaces ; i++ ) {
// see if this surface is light emiting
ds = &drawSurfaces[i];
if ( ds->lightmapNum > count ) {
count = ds->lightmapNum;
numLightBytes = count * LIGHTMAP_WIDTH * LIGHTMAP_HEIGHT * 3;
if ( numLightBytes > MAX_MAP_LIGHTING ) {
Error("MAX_MAP_LIGHTING exceeded");
qprintf( "%5i drawSurfaces\n", numDrawSurfaces );
qprintf( "%5i lightmaps\n", count );
This creates area lights
void CreateSurfaceLights( void ) {
int i, j, side;
dsurface_t *ds;
shaderInfo_t *ls;
winding_t *w;
cFacet_t *f;
light_t *dl;
vec3_t origin;
drawVert_t *dv;
int c_lightSurfaces;
float lightSubdivide;
vec3_t normal;
qprintf ("--- CreateSurfaceLights ---\n");
c_lightSurfaces = 0;
for ( i = 0 ; i < numDrawSurfaces ; i++ ) {
// see if this surface is light emiting
ds = &drawSurfaces[i];
ls = ShaderInfoForShader( dshaders[ ds->shaderNum].shader );
if ( ls->value == 0 ) {
// determine how much we need to chop up the surface
if ( ls->lightSubdivide ) {
lightSubdivide = ls->lightSubdivide;
} else {
lightSubdivide = defaultLightSubdivide;
// an autosprite shader will become
// a point light instead of an area light
if ( ls->autosprite ) {
// autosprite geometry should only have four vertexes
if ( surfaceTest[i] ) {
// curve or misc_model
f = surfaceTest[i]->facets;
if ( surfaceTest[i]->numFacets != 1 || f->numBoundaries != 4 ) {
_printf( "WARNING: surface at (%i %i %i) has autosprite shader but isn't a quad\n",
(int)f->points[0], (int)f->points[1], (int)f->points[2] );
VectorAdd( f->points[0], f->points[1], origin );
VectorAdd( f->points[2], origin, origin );
VectorAdd( f->points[3], origin, origin );
VectorScale( origin, 0.25, origin );
} else {
// normal polygon
dv = &drawVerts[ ds->firstVert ];
if ( ds->numVerts != 4 ) {
_printf( "WARNING: surface at (%i %i %i) has autosprite shader but %i verts\n",
(int)dv->xyz[0], (int)dv->xyz[1], (int)dv->xyz[2] );
VectorAdd( dv[0].xyz, dv[1].xyz, origin );
VectorAdd( dv[2].xyz, origin, origin );
VectorAdd( dv[3].xyz, origin, origin );
VectorScale( origin, 0.25, origin );
dl = malloc(sizeof(*dl));
memset (dl, 0, sizeof(*dl));
dl->next = lights;
lights = dl;
VectorCopy( origin, dl->origin );
VectorCopy( ls->color, dl->color );
dl->photons = ls->value * pointScale;
dl->type = emit_point;
// possibly create for both sides of the polygon
for ( side = 0 ; side <= ls->twoSided ; side++ ) {
// create area lights
if ( surfaceTest[i] ) {
// curve or misc_model
for ( j = 0 ; j < surfaceTest[i]->numFacets ; j++ ) {
f = surfaceTest[i]->facets + j;
w = AllocWinding( f->numBoundaries );
w->numpoints = f->numBoundaries;
memcpy( w->p, f->points, f->numBoundaries * 12 );
VectorCopy( f->surface, normal );
if ( side ) {
winding_t *t;
t = w;
w = ReverseWinding( t );
FreeWinding( t );
VectorSubtract( vec3_origin, normal, normal );
SubdivideAreaLight( ls, w, normal, lightSubdivide, qtrue );
} else {
// normal polygon
w = AllocWinding( ds->numVerts );
w->numpoints = ds->numVerts;
for ( j = 0 ; j < ds->numVerts ; j++ ) {
VectorCopy( drawVerts[ds->firstVert+j].xyz, w->p[j] );
VectorCopy( ds->lightmapVecs[2], normal );
if ( side ) {
winding_t *t;
t = w;
w = ReverseWinding( t );
FreeWinding( t );
VectorSubtract( vec3_origin, normal, normal );
SubdivideAreaLight( ls, w, normal, lightSubdivide, qtrue );
_printf( "%5i light emitting surfaces\n", c_lightSurfaces );
void FindSkyBrushes( void ) {
int i, j;
dbrush_t *b;
skyBrush_t *sb;
shaderInfo_t *si;
dbrushside_t *s;
// find the brushes
for ( i = 0 ; i < numbrushes ; i++ ) {
b = &dbrushes[i];
for ( j = 0 ; j < b->numSides ; j++ ) {
s = &dbrushsides[ b->firstSide + j ];
if ( dshaders[ s->shaderNum ].surfaceFlags & SURF_SKY ) {
sb = &skyBrushes[ numSkyBrushes ];
sb->b = b;
sb->bounds[0][0] = -dplanes[ dbrushsides[ b->firstSide + 0 ].planeNum ].dist - 1;
sb->bounds[1][0] = dplanes[ dbrushsides[ b->firstSide + 1 ].planeNum ].dist + 1;
sb->bounds[0][1] = -dplanes[ dbrushsides[ b->firstSide + 2 ].planeNum ].dist - 1;
sb->bounds[1][1] = dplanes[ dbrushsides[ b->firstSide + 3 ].planeNum ].dist + 1;
sb->bounds[0][2] = -dplanes[ dbrushsides[ b->firstSide + 4 ].planeNum ].dist - 1;
sb->bounds[1][2] = dplanes[ dbrushsides[ b->firstSide + 5 ].planeNum ].dist + 1;
// default
VectorNormalize( sunDirection, sunDirection );
// find the sky shader
for ( i = 0 ; i < numDrawSurfaces ; i++ ) {
si = ShaderInfoForShader( dshaders[ drawSurfaces[i].shaderNum ].shader );
if ( si->surfaceFlags & SURF_SKY ) {
VectorCopy( si->sunLight, sunLight );
VectorCopy( si->sunDirection, sunDirection );
entity_t *FindTargetEntity( const char *target ) {
int i;
const char *n;
for ( i = 0 ; i < num_entities ; i++ ) {
n = ValueForKey (&entities[i], "targetname");
if ( !strcmp (n, target) ) {
return &entities[i];
return NULL;
void CreateEntityLights (void)
int i;
light_t *dl;
entity_t *e, *e2;
const char *name;
const char *target;
vec3_t dest;
const char *_color;
float intensity;
int spawnflags;
// entities
for ( i = 0 ; i < num_entities ; i++ ) {
e = &entities[i];
name = ValueForKey (e, "classname");
if (strncmp (name, "light", 5))
dl = malloc(sizeof(*dl));
memset (dl, 0, sizeof(*dl));
dl->next = lights;
lights = dl;
spawnflags = FloatForKey (e, "spawnflags");
if ( spawnflags & 1 ) {
dl->linearLight = qtrue;
GetVectorForKey (e, "origin", dl->origin);
dl->style = FloatForKey (e, "_style");
if (!dl->style)
dl->style = FloatForKey (e, "style");
if (dl->style < 0)
dl->style = 0;
intensity = FloatForKey (e, "light");
if (!intensity)
intensity = FloatForKey (e, "_light");
if (!intensity)
intensity = 300;
_color = ValueForKey (e, "_color");
if (_color && _color[0])
sscanf (_color, "%f %f %f", &dl->color[0],&dl->color[1],&dl->color[2]);
ColorNormalize (dl->color, dl->color);
dl->color[0] = dl->color[1] = dl->color[2] = 1.0;
intensity = intensity * pointScale;
dl->photons = intensity;
dl->type = emit_point;
// lights with a target will be spotlights
target = ValueForKey (e, "target");
if ( target[0] ) {
float radius;
float dist;
e2 = FindTargetEntity (target);
if (!e2) {
_printf ("WARNING: light at (%i %i %i) has missing target\n",
(int)dl->origin[0], (int)dl->origin[1], (int)dl->origin[2]);
} else {
GetVectorForKey (e2, "origin", dest);
VectorSubtract (dest, dl->origin, dl->normal);
dist = VectorNormalize (dl->normal, dl->normal);
radius = FloatForKey (e, "radius");
if ( !radius ) {
radius = 64;
if ( !dist ) {
dist = 64;
dl->radiusByDist = (radius + 16) / dist;
dl->type = emit_spotlight;
Find the offset values for inline models
void SetEntityOrigins( void ) {
int i, j;
entity_t *e;
vec3_t origin;
const char *key;
int modelnum;
dmodel_t *dm;
for ( i=0 ; i < num_entities ; i++ ) {
e = &entities[i];
key = ValueForKey (e, "model");
if ( key[0] != '*' ) {
modelnum = atoi( key + 1 );
dm = &dmodels[ modelnum ];
// set entity surface to true for all surfaces for this model
for ( j = 0 ; j < dm->numSurfaces ; j++ ) {
entitySurface[ dm->firstSurface + j ] = qtrue;
key = ValueForKey (e, "origin");
if ( !key[0] ) {
GetVectorForKey ( e, "origin", origin );
// set origin for all surfaces for this model
for ( j = 0 ; j < dm->numSurfaces ; j++ ) {
VectorCopy( origin, surfaceOrigin[ dm->firstSurface + j ] );
float PointToPolygonFormFactor( const vec3_t point, const vec3_t normal, const winding_t *w ) {
vec3_t triVector, triNormal;
int i, j;
float total;
float dot, angle, facing;
for ( i = 0 ; i < w->numpoints ; i++ ) {
VectorSubtract( w->p[i], point, dirs[i] );
VectorNormalize( dirs[i], dirs[i] );
// duplicate first vertex to avoid mod operation
VectorCopy( dirs[0], dirs[i] );
total = 0;
for ( i = 0 ; i < w->numpoints ; i++ ) {
j = i+1;
dot = DotProduct( dirs[i], dirs[j] );
// roundoff can cause slight creep, which gives an IND from acos
if ( dot > 1.0 ) {
dot = 1.0;
} else if ( dot < -1.0 ) {
dot = -1.0;
angle = acos( dot );
CrossProduct( dirs[i], dirs[j], triVector );
if ( VectorNormalize( triVector, triNormal ) < 0.0001 ) {
facing = DotProduct( normal, triNormal );
total += facing * angle;
if ( total > 6.3 || total < -6.3 ) {
static qboolean printed;
if ( !printed ) {
printed = qtrue;
_printf( "WARNING: bad PointToPolygonFormFactor: %f at %1.1f %1.1f %1.1f from %1.1f %1.1f %1.1f\n", total,
w->p[i][0], w->p[i][1], w->p[i][2], point[0], point[1], point[2]);
return 0;
total /= 2*3.141592657; // now in the range of 0 to 1 over the entire incoming hemisphere
return total;
Returns 0 to 1.0 filter fractions for the given trace
void FilterTrace( const vec3_t start, const vec3_t end, vec3_t filter ) {
float d1, d2;
filter_t *f;
int filterNum;
vec3_t point;
float frac;
int i;
float s, t;
int u, v;
int x, y;
byte *pixel;
float radius;
float len;
vec3_t total;
filter[0] = 1.0;
filter[1] = 1.0;
filter[2] = 1.0;
for ( filterNum = 0 ; filterNum < numFilters ; filterNum++ ) {
f = &filters[ filterNum ];
// see if the plane is crossed
d1 = DotProduct( start, f->plane ) - f->plane[3];
d2 = DotProduct( end, f->plane ) - f->plane[3];
if ( ( d1 < 0 ) == ( d2 < 0 ) ) {
// calculate the crossing point
frac = d1 / ( d1 - d2 );
for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ) {
point[i] = start[i] + frac * ( end[i] - start[i] );
VectorSubtract( point, f->origin, point );
s = DotProduct( point, f->vectors[0] );
t = 1.0 - DotProduct( point, f->vectors[1] );
if ( s < 0 || s >= 1.0 || t < 0 || t >= 1.0 ) {
// decide the filter size
radius = 10 * frac;
len = VectorLength( f->vectors[0] );
if ( !len ) {
radius = radius * len * f->si->width;
// look up the filter, taking multiple samples
VectorClear( total );
for ( u = -1 ; u <= 1 ; u++ ) {
for ( v = -1 ; v <=1 ; v++ ) {
x = s * f->si->width + u * radius;
if ( x < 0 ) {
x = 0;
if ( x >= f->si->width ) {
x = f->si->width - 1;
y = t * f->si->height + v * radius;
if ( y < 0 ) {
y = 0;
if ( y >= f->si->height ) {
y = f->si->height - 1;
pixel = f->si->pixels + ( y * f->si->width + x ) * 4;
total[0] += pixel[0];
total[1] += pixel[1];
total[2] += pixel[2];
filter[0] *= total[0]/(255.0*9);
filter[1] *= total[1]/(255.0*9);
filter[2] *= total[2]/(255.0*9);
Returns an amount of light to add at the point
int c_sunHit, c_sunMiss;
void SunToPoint( const vec3_t origin, traceWork_t *tw, vec3_t addLight ) {
int i;
trace_t trace;
skyBrush_t *b;
vec3_t end;
if ( !numSkyBrushes ) {
VectorClear( addLight );
VectorMA( origin, MAX_WORLD_COORD * 2, sunDirection, end );
TraceLine( origin, end, &trace, qtrue, tw );
// see if trace.hit is inside a sky brush
for ( i = 0 ; i < numSkyBrushes ; i++) {
b = &skyBrushes[ i ];
// this assumes that sky brushes are axial...
if ( trace.hit[0] < b->bounds[0][0]
|| trace.hit[0] > b->bounds[1][0]
|| trace.hit[1] < b->bounds[0][1]
|| trace.hit[1] > b->bounds[1][1]
|| trace.hit[2] < b->bounds[0][2]
|| trace.hit[2] > b->bounds[1][2] ) {
// trace again to get intermediate filters
TraceLine( origin, trace.hit, &trace, qtrue, tw );
// we hit the sky, so add sunlight
if ( numthreads == 1 ) {
addLight[0] = trace.filter[0] * sunLight[0];
addLight[1] = trace.filter[1] * sunLight[1];
addLight[2] = trace.filter[2] * sunLight[2];
if ( numthreads == 1 ) {
VectorClear( addLight );
void SunToPlane( const vec3_t origin, const vec3_t normal, vec3_t color, traceWork_t *tw ) {
float angle;
vec3_t sunColor;
if ( !numSkyBrushes ) {
angle = DotProduct( normal, sunDirection );
if ( angle <= 0 ) {
return; // facing away
SunToPoint( origin, tw, sunColor );
VectorMA( color, angle, sunColor, color );
void LightingAtSample( vec3_t origin, vec3_t normal, vec3_t color,
qboolean testOcclusion, qboolean forceSunLight, traceWork_t *tw ) {
light_t *light;
trace_t trace;
float angle;
float add;
float dist;
vec3_t dir;
VectorCopy( ambientColor, color );
// trace to all the lights
for ( light = lights ; light ; light = light->next ) {
//MrE: if the light is behind the surface
if ( DotProduct(light->origin, normal) - DotProduct(normal, origin) < 0 )
// testing exact PTPFF
if ( exactPointToPolygon && light->type == emit_area ) {
float factor;
float d;
vec3_t pushedOrigin;
// see if the point is behind the light
d = DotProduct( origin, light->normal ) - light->dist;
if ( !light->twosided ) {
if ( d < -1 ) {
continue; // point is behind light
// test occlusion and find light filters
// clip the line, tracing from the surface towards the light
if ( !notrace && testOcclusion ) {
TraceLine( origin, light->origin, &trace, qfalse, tw );
// other light rays must not hit anything
if ( trace.passSolid ) {
} else {
trace.filter[0] = 1.0;
trace.filter[1] = 1.0;
trace.filter[2] = 1.0;
// nudge the point so that it is clearly forward of the light
// so that surfaces meeting a light emiter don't get black edges
if ( d > -8 && d < 8 ) {
VectorMA( origin, (8-d), light->normal, pushedOrigin );
} else {
VectorCopy( origin, pushedOrigin );
// calculate the contribution
factor = PointToPolygonFormFactor( pushedOrigin, normal, light->w );
if ( factor <= 0 ) {
if ( light->twosided ) {
factor = -factor;
} else {
color[0] += factor * light->emitColor[0] * trace.filter[0];
color[1] += factor * light->emitColor[1] * trace.filter[1];
color[2] += factor * light->emitColor[2] * trace.filter[2];
// calculate the amount of light at this sample
if ( light->type == emit_point ) {
VectorSubtract( light->origin, origin, dir );
dist = VectorNormalize( dir, dir );
// clamp the distance to prevent super hot spots
if ( dist < 16 ) {
dist = 16;
angle = DotProduct( normal, dir );
if ( light->linearLight ) {
add = angle * light->photons * linearScale - dist;
if ( add < 0 ) {
add = 0;
} else {
add = light->photons / ( dist * dist ) * angle;
} else if ( light->type == emit_spotlight ) {
float distByNormal;
vec3_t pointAtDist;
float radiusAtDist;
float sampleRadius;
vec3_t distToSample;
float coneScale;
VectorSubtract( light->origin, origin, dir );
distByNormal = -DotProduct( dir, light->normal );
if ( distByNormal < 0 ) {
VectorMA( light->origin, distByNormal, light->normal, pointAtDist );
radiusAtDist = light->radiusByDist * distByNormal;
VectorSubtract( origin, pointAtDist, distToSample );
sampleRadius = VectorLength( distToSample );
if ( sampleRadius >= radiusAtDist ) {
continue; // outside the cone
if ( sampleRadius <= radiusAtDist - 32 ) {
coneScale = 1.0; // fully inside
} else {
coneScale = ( radiusAtDist - sampleRadius ) / 32.0;
dist = VectorNormalize( dir, dir );
// clamp the distance to prevent super hot spots
if ( dist < 16 ) {
dist = 16;
angle = DotProduct( normal, dir );
add = light->photons / ( dist * dist ) * angle * coneScale;
} else if ( light->type == emit_area ) {
VectorSubtract( light->origin, origin, dir );
dist = VectorNormalize( dir, dir );
// clamp the distance to prevent super hot spots
if ( dist < 16 ) {
dist = 16;
angle = DotProduct( normal, dir );
if ( angle <= 0 ) {
angle *= -DotProduct( light->normal, dir );
if ( angle <= 0 ) {
if ( light->linearLight ) {
add = angle * light->photons * linearScale - dist;
if ( add < 0 ) {
add = 0;
} else {
add = light->photons / ( dist * dist ) * angle;
if ( add <= 1.0 ) {
// clip the line, tracing from the surface towards the light
if ( !notrace && testOcclusion ) {
TraceLine( origin, light->origin, &trace, qfalse, tw );
// other light rays must not hit anything
if ( trace.passSolid ) {
} else {
trace.filter[0] = 1;
trace.filter[1] = 1;
trace.filter[2] = 1;
// add the result
color[0] += add * light->color[0] * trace.filter[0];
color[1] += add * light->color[1] * trace.filter[1];
color[2] += add * light->color[2] * trace.filter[2];
// trace directly to the sun
if ( testOcclusion || forceSunLight ) {
SunToPlane( origin, normal, color, tw );
For debugging
int width, int height ) {
int i, j;
_printf( "\n" );
for ( i = 0 ; i < height ; i++ ) {
for ( j = 0 ; j < width ; j++ ) {
_printf("%i", (int)occluded[j][i] );
_printf( "\n" );
Vertex lighting will completely ignore occlusion, because
shadows would not be resolvable anyway.
void VertexLighting( dsurface_t *ds, qboolean testOcclusion, qboolean forceSunLight, float scale, traceWork_t *tw ) {
int i, j;
drawVert_t *dv;
vec3_t sample, normal;
float max;
VectorCopy( ds->lightmapVecs[2], normal );
// generate vertex lighting
for ( i = 0 ; i < ds->numVerts ; i++ ) {
dv = &drawVerts[ ds->firstVert + i ];
if ( ds->patchWidth ) {
LightingAtSample( dv->xyz, dv->normal, sample, testOcclusion, forceSunLight, tw );
else if (ds->surfaceType == MST_TRIANGLE_SOUP) {
LightingAtSample( dv->xyz, dv->normal, sample, testOcclusion, forceSunLight, tw );
else {
LightingAtSample( dv->xyz, normal, sample, testOcclusion, forceSunLight, tw );
if (scale >= 0)
VectorScale(sample, scale, sample);
// clamp with color normalization
max = sample[0];
if ( sample[1] > max ) {
max = sample[1];
if ( sample[2] > max ) {
max = sample[2];
if ( max > 255 ) {
VectorScale( sample, 255/max, sample );
// save the sample
for ( j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j++ ) {
if ( sample[j] > 255 ) {
sample[j] = 255;
dv->color[j] = sample[j];
// Don't bother writing alpha since it will already be set to 255,
// plus we don't want to write over alpha generated by SetTerrainTextures
//dv->color[3] = 255;
For extra lighting, just midpoint one of the axis.
The edges are clamped at the original edges.
mesh_t *LinearSubdivideMesh( mesh_t *in ) {
int i, j;
mesh_t *out;
drawVert_t *v1, *v2, *vout;
out = malloc( sizeof( *out ) );
out->width = in->width * 2;
out->height = in->height;
out->verts = malloc( out->width * out->height * sizeof(*out->verts) );
for ( j = 0 ; j < in->height ; j++ ) {
out->verts[ j * out->width + 0 ] = in->verts[ j * in->width + 0 ];
out->verts[ j * out->width + out->width - 1 ] = in->verts[ j * in->width + in->width - 1 ];
for ( i = 1 ; i < out->width - 1 ; i+= 2 ) {
v1 = in->verts + j * in->width + (i >> 1);
v2 = v1 + 1;
vout = out->verts + j * out->width + i;
vout->xyz[0] = 0.75 * v1->xyz[0] + 0.25 * v2->xyz[0];
vout->xyz[1] = 0.75 * v1->xyz[1] + 0.25 * v2->xyz[1];
vout->xyz[2] = 0.75 * v1->xyz[2] + 0.25 * v2->xyz[2];
vout->normal[0] = 0.75 * v1->normal[0] + 0.25 * v2->normal[0];
vout->normal[1] = 0.75 * v1->normal[1] + 0.25 * v2->normal[1];
vout->normal[2] = 0.75 * v1->normal[2] + 0.25 * v2->normal[2];
VectorNormalize( vout->normal, vout->normal );
vout->xyz[0] = 0.25 * v1->xyz[0] + 0.75 * v2->xyz[0];
vout->xyz[1] = 0.25 * v1->xyz[1] + 0.75 * v2->xyz[1];
vout->xyz[2] = 0.25 * v1->xyz[2] + 0.75 * v2->xyz[2];
vout->normal[0] = 0.25 * v1->normal[0] + 0.75 * v2->normal[0];
vout->normal[1] = 0.25 * v1->normal[1] + 0.75 * v2->normal[1];
vout->normal[2] = 0.25 * v1->normal[2] + 0.75 * v2->normal[2];
VectorNormalize( vout->normal, vout->normal );
FreeMesh( in );
return out;
void ColorToBytes( const float *color, byte *colorBytes ) {
float max;
vec3_t sample;
VectorCopy( color, sample );
// clamp with color normalization
max = sample[0];
if ( sample[1] > max ) {
max = sample[1];
if ( sample[2] > max ) {
max = sample[2];
if ( max > 255 ) {
VectorScale( sample, 255/max, sample );
colorBytes[ 0 ] = sample[0];
colorBytes[ 1 ] = sample[1];
colorBytes[ 2 ] = sample[2];
void TraceLtm( int num ) {
dsurface_t *ds;
int i, j, k;
int x, y;
int position, numPositions;
vec3_t base, origin, normal;
traceWork_t tw;
vec3_t average;
int count;
mesh_t srcMesh, *mesh, *subdivided;
shaderInfo_t *si;
static float nudge[2][9] = {
{ 0, -1, 0, 1, -1, 1, -1, 0, 1 },
{ 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1 }
int sampleWidth, sampleHeight, ssize;
vec3_t lightmapOrigin, lightmapVecs[2];
int widthtable[LIGHTMAP_WIDTH], heighttable[LIGHTMAP_WIDTH];
ds = &drawSurfaces[num];
si = ShaderInfoForShader( dshaders[ ds->shaderNum].shader );
// vertex-lit triangle model
if ( ds->surfaceType == MST_TRIANGLE_SOUP ) {
VertexLighting( ds, !si->noVertexShadows, si->forceSunLight, 1.0, &tw );
if ( ds->lightmapNum == -1 ) {
return; // doesn't need lighting at all
if (!novertexlighting) {
// calculate the vertex lighting for gouraud shade mode
VertexLighting( ds, si->vertexShadows, si->forceSunLight, si->vertexScale, &tw );
if ( ds->lightmapNum < 0 ) {
return; // doesn't need lightmap lighting
si = ShaderInfoForShader( dshaders[ ds->shaderNum].shader );
ssize = samplesize;
if (si->lightmapSampleSize)
ssize = si->lightmapSampleSize;
if (si->patchShadows)
tw.patchshadows = qtrue;
tw.patchshadows = patchshadows;
if ( ds->surfaceType == MST_PATCH ) {
srcMesh.width = ds->patchWidth;
srcMesh.height = ds->patchHeight;
srcMesh.verts = drawVerts + ds->firstVert;
mesh = SubdivideMesh( srcMesh, 8, 999 );
PutMeshOnCurve( *mesh );
MakeMeshNormals( *mesh );
subdivided = RemoveLinearMeshColumnsRows( mesh );
mesh = SubdivideMeshQuads( subdivided, ssize, LIGHTMAP_WIDTH, widthtable, heighttable);
if ( mesh->width != ds->lightmapWidth || mesh->height != ds->lightmapHeight ) {
Error( "Mesh lightmap miscount");
if ( extra ) {
mesh_t *mp;
// chop it up for more light samples (leaking memory...)
mp = mesh;//CopyMesh( mesh );
mp = LinearSubdivideMesh( mp );
mp = TransposeMesh( mp );
mp = LinearSubdivideMesh( mp );
mp = TransposeMesh( mp );
mesh = mp;
} else {
VectorCopy( ds->lightmapVecs[2], normal );
if ( !extra ) {
VectorCopy( ds->lightmapOrigin, lightmapOrigin );
VectorCopy( ds->lightmapVecs[0], lightmapVecs[0] );
VectorCopy( ds->lightmapVecs[1], lightmapVecs[1] );
} else {
// sample at a closer spacing for antialiasing
VectorCopy( ds->lightmapOrigin, lightmapOrigin );
VectorScale( ds->lightmapVecs[0], 0.5, lightmapVecs[0] );
VectorScale( ds->lightmapVecs[1], 0.5, lightmapVecs[1] );
VectorMA( lightmapOrigin, -0.5, lightmapVecs[0], lightmapOrigin );
VectorMA( lightmapOrigin, -0.5, lightmapVecs[1], lightmapOrigin );
if ( extra ) {
sampleWidth = ds->lightmapWidth * 2;
sampleHeight = ds->lightmapHeight * 2;
} else {
sampleWidth = ds->lightmapWidth;
sampleHeight = ds->lightmapHeight;
memset ( color, 0, sizeof( color ) );
// determine which samples are occluded
memset ( occluded, 0, sizeof( occluded ) );
for ( i = 0 ; i < sampleWidth ; i++ ) {
for ( j = 0 ; j < sampleHeight ; j++ ) {
if ( ds->patchWidth ) {
numPositions = 9;
VectorCopy( mesh->verts[j*mesh->width+i].normal, normal );
// VectorNormalize( normal, normal );
// push off of the curve a bit
VectorMA( mesh->verts[j*mesh->width+i].xyz, 1, normal, base );
MakeNormalVectors( normal, lightmapVecs[0], lightmapVecs[1] );
} else {
numPositions = 9;
for ( k = 0 ; k < 3 ; k++ ) {
base[k] = lightmapOrigin[k] + normal[k]
+ i * lightmapVecs[0][k]
+ j * lightmapVecs[1][k];
VectorAdd( base, surfaceOrigin[ num ], base );
// we may need to slightly nudge the sample point
// if directly on a wall
for ( position = 0 ; position < numPositions ; position++ ) {
// calculate lightmap sample position
for ( k = 0 ; k < 3 ; k++ ) {
origin[k] = base[k] +
+ ( nudge[0][position]/16 ) * lightmapVecs[0][k]
+ ( nudge[1][position]/16 ) * lightmapVecs[1][k];
if ( notrace ) {
if ( !PointInSolid( origin ) ) {
// if none of the nudges worked, this sample is occluded
if ( position == numPositions ) {
occluded[i][j] = qtrue;
if ( numthreads == 1 ) {
if ( numthreads == 1 ) {
occluded[i][j] = qfalse;
LightingAtSample( origin, normal, color[i][j], qtrue, qfalse, &tw );
if ( dump ) {
PrintOccluded( occluded, sampleWidth, sampleHeight );
// calculate average values for occluded samples
for ( i = 0 ; i < sampleWidth ; i++ ) {
for ( j = 0 ; j < sampleHeight ; j++ ) {
if ( !occluded[i][j] ) {
// scan all surrounding samples
count = 0;
VectorClear( average );
for ( x = -1 ; x <= 1; x++ ) {
for ( y = -1 ; y <= 1 ; y++ ) {
if ( i + x < 0 || i + x >= sampleWidth ) {
if ( j + y < 0 || j + y >= sampleHeight ) {
if ( occluded[i+x][j+y] ) {
VectorAdd( color[i+x][j+y], average, average );
if ( count ) {
VectorScale( average, 1.0/count, color[i][j] );
// average together the values if we are extra sampling
if ( ds->lightmapWidth != sampleWidth ) {
for ( i = 0 ; i < ds->lightmapWidth ; i++ ) {
for ( j = 0 ; j < ds->lightmapHeight ; j++ ) {
for ( k = 0 ; k < 3 ; k++ ) {
float value, coverage;
value = color[i*2][j*2][k] + color[i*2][j*2+1][k] +
color[i*2+1][j*2][k] + color[i*2+1][j*2+1][k];
coverage = 4;
if ( extraWide ) {
// wider than box filter
if ( i > 0 ) {
value += color[i*2-1][j*2][k] + color[i*2-1][j*2+1][k];
value += color[i*2-2][j*2][k] + color[i*2-2][j*2+1][k];
coverage += 4;
if ( i < ds->lightmapWidth - 1 ) {
value += color[i*2+2][j*2][k] + color[i*2+2][j*2+1][k];
value += color[i*2+3][j*2][k] + color[i*2+3][j*2+1][k];
coverage += 4;
if ( j > 0 ) {
value += color[i*2][j*2-1][k] + color[i*2+1][j*2-1][k];
value += color[i*2][j*2-2][k] + color[i*2+1][j*2-2][k];
coverage += 4;
if ( j < ds->lightmapHeight - 1 ) {
value += color[i*2][j*2+2][k] + color[i*2+1][j*2+2][k];
value += color[i*2][j*2+3][k] + color[i*2+1][j*2+3][k];
coverage += 2;
color[i][j][k] = value / coverage;
// optionally create a debugging border around the lightmap
if ( lightmapBorder ) {
for ( i = 0 ; i < ds->lightmapWidth ; i++ ) {
color[i][0][0] = 255;
color[i][0][1] = 0;
color[i][0][2] = 0;
color[i][ds->lightmapHeight-1][0] = 255;
color[i][ds->lightmapHeight-1][1] = 0;
color[i][ds->lightmapHeight-1][2] = 0;
for ( i = 0 ; i < ds->lightmapHeight ; i++ ) {
color[0][i][0] = 255;
color[0][i][1] = 0;
color[0][i][2] = 0;
color[ds->lightmapWidth-1][i][0] = 255;
color[ds->lightmapWidth-1][i][1] = 0;
color[ds->lightmapWidth-1][i][2] = 0;
// clamp the colors to bytes and store off
for ( i = 0 ; i < ds->lightmapWidth ; i++ ) {
for ( j = 0 ; j < ds->lightmapHeight ; j++ ) {
k = ( ds->lightmapNum * LIGHTMAP_HEIGHT + ds->lightmapY + j)
* LIGHTMAP_WIDTH + ds->lightmapX + i;
ColorToBytes( color[i][j], lightBytes + k*3 );
if (ds->surfaceType == MST_PATCH)
vec3_t gridMins;
vec3_t gridSize = { 64, 64, 128 };
int gridBounds[3];
qboolean LightContributionToPoint( const light_t *light, const vec3_t origin,
vec3_t color, traceWork_t *tw ) {
trace_t trace;
float add;
add = 0;
VectorClear( color );
// testing exact PTPFF
if ( exactPointToPolygon && light->type == emit_area ) {
float factor;
float d;
vec3_t normal;
// see if the point is behind the light
d = DotProduct( origin, light->normal ) - light->dist;
if ( !light->twosided ) {
if ( d < 1 ) {
return qfalse; // point is behind light
// test occlusion
// clip the line, tracing from the surface towards the light
TraceLine( origin, light->origin, &trace, qfalse, tw );
if ( trace.passSolid ) {
return qfalse;
// calculate the contribution
VectorSubtract( light->origin, origin, normal );
if ( VectorNormalize( normal, normal ) == 0 ) {
return qfalse;
factor = PointToPolygonFormFactor( origin, normal, light->w );
if ( factor <= 0 ) {
if ( light->twosided ) {
factor = -factor;
} else {
return qfalse;
VectorScale( light->emitColor, factor, color );
return qtrue;
// calculate the amount of light at this sample
if ( light->type == emit_point || light->type == emit_spotlight ) {
vec3_t dir;
float dist;
VectorSubtract( light->origin, origin, dir );
dist = VectorLength( dir );
// clamp the distance to prevent super hot spots
if ( dist < 16 ) {
dist = 16;
if ( light->linearLight ) {
add = light->photons * linearScale - dist;
if ( add < 0 ) {
add = 0;
} else {
add = light->photons / ( dist * dist );
} else {
return qfalse;
if ( add <= 1.0 ) {
return qfalse;
// clip the line, tracing from the surface towards the light
TraceLine( origin, light->origin, &trace, qfalse, tw );
// other light rays must not hit anything
if ( trace.passSolid ) {
return qfalse;
// add the result
color[0] = add * light->color[0];
color[1] = add * light->color[1];
color[2] = add * light->color[2];
return qtrue;
typedef struct {
vec3_t dir;
vec3_t color;
} contribution_t;
Grid samples are foe quickly determining the lighting
of dynamically placed entities in the world
void TraceGrid( int num ) {
int x, y, z;
vec3_t origin;
light_t *light;
vec3_t color;
int mod;
vec3_t directedColor;
vec3_t summedDir;
contribution_t contributions[MAX_CONTRIBUTIONS];
int numCon;
int i;
traceWork_t tw;
float addSize;
mod = num;
z = mod / ( gridBounds[0] * gridBounds[1] );
mod -= z * ( gridBounds[0] * gridBounds[1] );
y = mod / gridBounds[0];
mod -= y * gridBounds[0];
x = mod;
origin[0] = gridMins[0] + x * gridSize[0];
origin[1] = gridMins[1] + y * gridSize[1];
origin[2] = gridMins[2] + z * gridSize[2];
if ( PointInSolid( origin ) ) {
vec3_t baseOrigin;
int step;
VectorCopy( origin, baseOrigin );
// try to nudge the origin around to find a valid point
for ( step = 9 ; step <= 18 ; step += 9 ) {
for ( i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++ ) {
VectorCopy( baseOrigin, origin );
if ( i & 1 ) {
origin[0] += step;
} else {
origin[0] -= step;
if ( i & 2 ) {
origin[1] += step;
} else {
origin[1] -= step;
if ( i & 4 ) {
origin[2] += step;
} else {
origin[2] -= step;
if ( !PointInSolid( origin ) ) {
if ( i != 8 ) {
if ( step > 18 ) {
// can't find a valid point at all
for ( i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++ ) {
gridData[ num*8 + i ] = 0;
VectorClear( summedDir );
// trace to all the lights
// find the major light direction, and divide the
// total light between that along the direction and
// the remaining in the ambient
numCon = 0;
for ( light = lights ; light ; light = light->next ) {
vec3_t add;
vec3_t dir;
float addSize;
if ( !LightContributionToPoint( light, origin, add, &tw ) ) {
VectorSubtract( light->origin, origin, dir );
VectorNormalize( dir, dir );
VectorCopy( add, contributions[numCon].color );
VectorCopy( dir, contributions[numCon].dir );
addSize = VectorLength( add );
VectorMA( summedDir, addSize, dir, summedDir );
if ( numCon == MAX_CONTRIBUTIONS-1 ) {
// trace directly to the sun
SunToPoint( origin, &tw, color );
addSize = VectorLength( color );
if ( addSize > 0 ) {
VectorCopy( color, contributions[numCon].color );
VectorCopy( sunDirection, contributions[numCon].dir );
VectorMA( summedDir, addSize, sunDirection, summedDir );
// now that we have identified the primary light direction,
// go back and seperate all the light into directed and ambient
VectorNormalize( summedDir, summedDir );
VectorCopy( ambientColor, color );
VectorClear( directedColor );
for ( i = 0 ; i < numCon ; i++ ) {
float d;
d = DotProduct( contributions[i].dir, summedDir );
if ( d < 0 ) {
d = 0;
VectorMA( directedColor, d, contributions[i].color, directedColor );
// the ambient light will be at 1/4 the value of directed light
d = 0.25 * ( 1.0 - d );
VectorMA( color, d, contributions[i].color, color );
// now do some fudging to keep the ambient from being too low
VectorMA( color, 0.25, directedColor, color );
// save the resulting value out
ColorToBytes( color, gridData + num*8 );
ColorToBytes( directedColor, gridData + num*8 + 3 );
VectorNormalize( summedDir, summedDir );
NormalToLatLong( summedDir, gridData + num*8 + 6);
void SetupGrid( void ) {
int i;
vec3_t maxs;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ) {
gridMins[i] = gridSize[i] * ceil( dmodels[0].mins[i] / gridSize[i] );
maxs[i] = gridSize[i] * floor( dmodels[0].maxs[i] / gridSize[i] );
gridBounds[i] = (maxs[i] - gridMins[i])/gridSize[i] + 1;
numGridPoints = gridBounds[0] * gridBounds[1] * gridBounds[2];
if (numGridPoints * 8 >= MAX_MAP_LIGHTGRID)
qprintf( "%5i gridPoints\n", numGridPoints );
void RemoveLightsInSolid(void)
light_t *light, *prev;
int numsolid = 0;
prev = NULL;
for ( light = lights ; light ; ) {
if (PointInSolid(light->origin))
if (prev) prev->next = light->next;
else lights = light->next;
if (light->w)
if (prev)
light = prev->next;
light = lights;
prev = light;
light = light->next;
_printf (" %7i lights in solid\n", numsolid);
void LightWorld (void) {
float f;
// determine the number of grid points
// find the optional world ambient
GetVectorForKey( &entities[0], "_color", ambientColor );
f = FloatForKey( &entities[0], "ambient" );
VectorScale( ambientColor, f, ambientColor );
// create lights out of patches and lights
qprintf ("--- CreateLights ---\n");
CreateEntityLights ();
qprintf ("%i point lights\n", numPointLights);
qprintf ("%i area lights\n", numAreaLights);
if (!nogridlighting) {
qprintf ("--- TraceGrid ---\n");
RunThreadsOnIndividual( numGridPoints, qtrue, TraceGrid );
qprintf( "%i x %i x %i = %i grid\n", gridBounds[0], gridBounds[1],
gridBounds[2], numGridPoints);
qprintf ("--- TraceLtm ---\n");
RunThreadsOnIndividual( numDrawSurfaces, qtrue, TraceLtm );
qprintf( "%5i visible samples\n", c_visible );
qprintf( "%5i occluded samples\n", c_occluded );
Look for transparent light filter surfaces.
This will only work for flat 3*3 patches that exactly hold one copy of the texture.
void CreateFilters( void ) {
int i;
filter_t *f;
dsurface_t *ds;
shaderInfo_t *si;
drawVert_t *v1, *v2, *v3;
vec3_t d1, d2;
int vertNum;
numFilters = 0;
for ( i = 0 ; i < numDrawSurfaces ; i++ ) {
ds = &drawSurfaces[i];
if ( !ds->patchWidth ) {
si = ShaderInfoForShader( dshaders[ ds->shaderNum ].shader );
if ( !(si->surfaceFlags & SURF_LIGHTFILTER) ) {
// we have a filter patch
v1 = &drawVerts[ ds->firstVert ];
if ( ds->patchWidth != 3 || ds->patchHeight != 3 ) {
_printf("WARNING: patch at %i %i %i has SURF_LIGHTFILTER but isn't a 3 by 3\n",
v1->xyz[0], v1->xyz[1], v1->xyz[2] );
if ( numFilters == MAX_FILTERS ) {
Error( "MAX_FILTERS" );
f = &filters[ numFilters ];
v2 = &drawVerts[ ds->firstVert + 2 ];
v3 = &drawVerts[ ds->firstVert + 6 ];
VectorSubtract( v2->xyz, v1->xyz, d1 );
VectorSubtract( v3->xyz, v1->xyz, d2 );
VectorNormalize( d1, d1 );
VectorNormalize( d2, d2 );
CrossProduct( d1, d2, f->plane );
f->plane[3] = DotProduct( v1->xyz, f->plane );
// make sure all the control points are on the plane
for ( vertNum = 0 ; vertNum < ds->numVerts ; vertNum++ ) {
float d;
d = DotProduct( drawVerts[ ds->firstVert + vertNum ].xyz, f->plane ) - f->plane[3];
if ( fabs( d ) > PLANAR_PATCH_EPSILON ) {
if ( vertNum != ds->numVerts ) {
_printf("WARNING: patch at %i %i %i has SURF_LIGHTFILTER but isn't flat\n",
v1->xyz[0], v1->xyz[1], v1->xyz[2] );
f = &filters[0];
numFilters = 1;
f->plane[0] = 1;
f->plane[1] = 0;
f->plane[2] = 0;
f->plane[3] = 448;
f->origin[0] = 448;
f->origin[1] = 192;
f->origin[2] = 0;
f->vectors[0][0] = 0;
f->vectors[0][1] = -1.0 / 128;
f->vectors[0][2] = 0;
f->vectors[1][0] = 0;
f->vectors[1][1] = 0;
f->vectors[1][2] = 1.0 / 128;
f->si = ShaderInfoForShader( "textures/hell/blocks11ct" );
void VertexLightingThread(int num) {
dsurface_t *ds;
traceWork_t tw;
shaderInfo_t *si;
ds = &drawSurfaces[num];
// vertex-lit triangle model
if ( ds->surfaceType == MST_TRIANGLE_SOUP ) {
if (novertexlighting)
if ( ds->lightmapNum == -1 ) {
return; // doesn't need lighting at all
si = ShaderInfoForShader( dshaders[ ds->shaderNum].shader );
// calculate the vertex lighting for gouraud shade mode
VertexLighting( ds, si->vertexShadows, si->forceSunLight, si->vertexScale, &tw );
void TriSoupLightingThread(int num) {
dsurface_t *ds;
traceWork_t tw;
shaderInfo_t *si;
ds = &drawSurfaces[num];
si = ShaderInfoForShader( dshaders[ ds->shaderNum].shader );
// vertex-lit triangle model
if ( ds->surfaceType == MST_TRIANGLE_SOUP ) {
VertexLighting( ds, !si->noVertexShadows, si->forceSunLight, 1.0, &tw );
void GridAndVertexLighting(void) {
CreateEntityLights ();
if (!nogridlighting) {
_printf ("--- TraceGrid ---\n");
RunThreadsOnIndividual( numGridPoints, qtrue, TraceGrid );
if (!novertexlighting) {
_printf ("--- Vertex Lighting ---\n");
RunThreadsOnIndividual( numDrawSurfaces, qtrue, VertexLightingThread );
_printf("--- Model Lighting ---\n");
RunThreadsOnIndividual( numDrawSurfaces, qtrue, TriSoupLightingThread );
int LightMain (int argc, char **argv) {
int i;
double start, end;
const char *value;
_printf ("----- Lighting ----\n");
verbose = qfalse;
for (i=1 ; i<argc ; i++) {
if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-tempname"))
} else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-v")) {
verbose = qtrue;
} else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-threads")) {
numthreads = atoi (argv[i+1]);
} else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-area")) {
areaScale *= atof(argv[i+1]);
_printf ("area light scaling at %f\n", areaScale);
} else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-point")) {
pointScale *= atof(argv[i+1]);
_printf ("point light scaling at %f\n", pointScale);
} else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-notrace")) {
notrace = qtrue;
_printf ("No occlusion tracing\n");
} else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-patchshadows")) {
patchshadows = qtrue;
_printf ("Patch shadow casting enabled\n");
} else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-extra")) {
extra = qtrue;
_printf ("Extra detail tracing\n");
} else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-extrawide")) {
extra = qtrue;
extraWide = qtrue;
_printf ("Extra wide detail tracing\n");
} else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-samplesize")) {
samplesize = atoi(argv[i+1]);
if (samplesize < 1) samplesize = 1;
_printf("lightmap sample size is %dx%d units\n", samplesize, samplesize);
} else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-novertex")) {
novertexlighting = qtrue;
_printf("no vertex lighting = true\n");
} else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-nogrid")) {
nogridlighting = qtrue;
_printf("no grid lighting = true\n");
} else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-border")) {
lightmapBorder = qtrue;
_printf ("Adding debug border to lightmaps\n");
} else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-nosurf")) {
noSurfaces = qtrue;
_printf ("Not tracing against surfaces\n" );
} else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-dump")) {
dump = qtrue;
_printf ("Dumping occlusion maps\n");
} else {
ThreadSetDefault ();
if (i != argc - 1) {
_printf("usage: q3map -light [-<switch> [-<switch> ...]] <mapname>\n"
" v = verbose output\n"
" threads <X> = set number of threads to X\n"
" area <V> = set the area light scale to V\n"
" point <W> = set the point light scale to W\n"
" notrace = don't cast any shadows\n"
" extra = enable super sampling for anti-aliasing\n"
" extrawide = same as extra but smoothen more\n"
" nogrid = don't calculate light grid for dynamic model lighting\n"
" novertex = don't calculate vertex lighting\n"
" samplesize <N> = set the lightmap pixel size to NxN units\n");
start = I_FloatTime ();
SetQdirFromPath (argv[i]);
#ifdef _WIN32
InitPakFile(gamedir, NULL);
strcpy (source, ExpandArg(argv[i]));
StripExtension (source);
DefaultExtension (source, ".bsp");
_printf ("reading %s\n", source);
LoadBSPFile (source);
value = ValueForKey( &entities[0], "gridsize" );
if (strlen(value)) {
sscanf( value, "%f %f %f", &gridSize[0], &gridSize[1], &gridSize[2] );
_printf("grid size = {%1.1f, %1.1f, %1.1f}\n", gridSize[0], gridSize[1], gridSize[2]);
_printf ("writing %s\n", source);
WriteBSPFile (source);
end = I_FloatTime ();
_printf ("%5.0f seconds elapsed\n", end-start);
return 0;