/* =========================================================================== Copyright (C) 2011 Andrei Drexler, Richard Allen, James Canete This file is part of Reaction source code. Reaction source code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Reaction source code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Reaction source code; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA =========================================================================== */ #include "tr_local.h" void RB_ToneMap(FBO_t *hdrFbo, ivec4_t hdrBox, FBO_t *ldrFbo, ivec4_t ldrBox, int autoExposure) { ivec4_t srcBox, dstBox; vec4_t color; static int lastFrameCount = 0; if (autoExposure) { if (lastFrameCount == 0 || tr.frameCount < lastFrameCount || tr.frameCount - lastFrameCount > 5) { // determine average log luminance FBO_t *srcFbo, *dstFbo, *tmp; int size = 256; lastFrameCount = tr.frameCount; VectorSet4(dstBox, 0, 0, size, size); FBO_Blit(hdrFbo, hdrBox, NULL, tr.textureScratchFbo[0], dstBox, &tr.calclevels4xShader[0], NULL, 0); srcFbo = tr.textureScratchFbo[0]; dstFbo = tr.textureScratchFbo[1]; // downscale to 1x1 texture while (size > 1) { VectorSet4(srcBox, 0, 0, size, size); //size >>= 2; size >>= 1; VectorSet4(dstBox, 0, 0, size, size); if (size == 1) dstFbo = tr.targetLevelsFbo; //FBO_Blit(targetFbo, srcBox, NULL, tr.textureScratchFbo[nextScratch], dstBox, &tr.calclevels4xShader[1], NULL, 0); FBO_FastBlit(srcFbo, srcBox, dstFbo, dstBox, GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT, GL_LINEAR); tmp = srcFbo; srcFbo = dstFbo; dstFbo = tmp; } } // blend with old log luminance for gradual change VectorSet4(srcBox, 0, 0, 0, 0); color[0] = color[1] = color[2] = 1.0f; if (glRefConfig.textureFloat) color[3] = 0.03f; else color[3] = 0.1f; FBO_Blit(tr.targetLevelsFbo, srcBox, NULL, tr.calcLevelsFbo, NULL, NULL, color, GLS_SRCBLEND_SRC_ALPHA | GLS_DSTBLEND_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); } // tonemap color[0] = color[1] = color[2] = pow(2, r_cameraExposure->value - autoExposure); //exp2(r_cameraExposure->value); color[3] = 1.0f; if (autoExposure) GL_BindToTMU(tr.calcLevelsImage, TB_LEVELSMAP); else GL_BindToTMU(tr.fixedLevelsImage, TB_LEVELSMAP); FBO_Blit(hdrFbo, hdrBox, NULL, ldrFbo, ldrBox, &tr.tonemapShader, color, 0); } /* ============= RB_BokehBlur Blurs a part of one framebuffer to another. Framebuffers can be identical. ============= */ void RB_BokehBlur(FBO_t *src, ivec4_t srcBox, FBO_t *dst, ivec4_t dstBox, float blur) { // ivec4_t srcBox, dstBox; vec4_t color; blur *= 10.0f; if (blur < 0.004f) return; if (glRefConfig.framebufferObject) { // bokeh blur if (blur > 0.0f) { ivec4_t quarterBox; quarterBox[0] = 0; quarterBox[1] = tr.quarterFbo[0]->height; quarterBox[2] = tr.quarterFbo[0]->width; quarterBox[3] = -tr.quarterFbo[0]->height; // create a quarter texture //FBO_Blit(NULL, NULL, NULL, tr.quarterFbo[0], NULL, NULL, NULL, 0); FBO_FastBlit(src, srcBox, tr.quarterFbo[0], quarterBox, GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT, GL_LINEAR); } #ifndef HQ_BLUR if (blur > 1.0f) { // create a 1/16th texture //FBO_Blit(tr.quarterFbo[0], NULL, NULL, tr.textureScratchFbo[0], NULL, NULL, NULL, 0); FBO_FastBlit(tr.quarterFbo[0], NULL, tr.textureScratchFbo[0], NULL, GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT, GL_LINEAR); } #endif if (blur > 0.0f && blur <= 1.0f) { // Crossfade original with quarter texture VectorSet4(color, 1, 1, 1, blur); FBO_Blit(tr.quarterFbo[0], NULL, NULL, dst, dstBox, NULL, color, GLS_SRCBLEND_SRC_ALPHA | GLS_DSTBLEND_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); } #ifndef HQ_BLUR // ok blur, but can see some pixelization else if (blur > 1.0f && blur <= 2.0f) { // crossfade quarter texture with 1/16th texture FBO_Blit(tr.quarterFbo[0], NULL, NULL, dst, dstBox, NULL, NULL, 0); VectorSet4(color, 1, 1, 1, blur - 1.0f); FBO_Blit(tr.textureScratchFbo[0], NULL, NULL, dst, dstBox, NULL, color, GLS_SRCBLEND_SRC_ALPHA | GLS_DSTBLEND_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); } else if (blur > 2.0f) { // blur 1/16th texture then replace int i; for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { vec2_t blurTexScale; float subblur; subblur = ((blur - 2.0f) / 2.0f) / 3.0f * (float)(i + 1); blurTexScale[0] = blurTexScale[1] = subblur; color[0] = color[1] = color[2] = 0.5f; color[3] = 1.0f; if (i != 0) FBO_Blit(tr.textureScratchFbo[0], NULL, blurTexScale, tr.textureScratchFbo[1], NULL, &tr.bokehShader, color, GLS_SRCBLEND_ONE | GLS_DSTBLEND_ONE); else FBO_Blit(tr.textureScratchFbo[0], NULL, blurTexScale, tr.textureScratchFbo[1], NULL, &tr.bokehShader, color, 0); } FBO_Blit(tr.textureScratchFbo[1], NULL, NULL, dst, dstBox, NULL, NULL, 0); } #else // higher quality blur, but slower else if (blur > 1.0f) { // blur quarter texture then replace int i; src = tr.quarterFbo[0]; dst = tr.quarterFbo[1]; VectorSet4(color, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1); for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { vec2_t blurTexScale; float subblur; subblur = (blur - 1.0f) / 2.0f * (float)(i + 1); blurTexScale[0] = blurTexScale[1] = subblur; color[0] = color[1] = color[2] = 1.0f; if (i != 0) color[3] = 1.0f; else color[3] = 0.5f; FBO_Blit(tr.quarterFbo[0], NULL, blurTexScale, tr.quarterFbo[1], NULL, &tr.bokehShader, color, GLS_SRCBLEND_SRC_ALPHA | GLS_DSTBLEND_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); } FBO_Blit(tr.quarterFbo[1], NULL, NULL, dst, dstBox, NULL, NULL, 0); } #endif } } static void RB_RadialBlur(FBO_t *srcFbo, FBO_t *dstFbo, int passes, float stretch, float x, float y, float w, float h, float xcenter, float ycenter, float alpha) { ivec4_t srcBox, dstBox; int srcWidth, srcHeight; vec4_t color; const float inc = 1.f / passes; const float mul = powf(stretch, inc); float scale; alpha *= inc; VectorSet4(color, alpha, alpha, alpha, 1.0f); srcWidth = srcFbo ? srcFbo->width : glConfig.vidWidth; srcHeight = srcFbo ? srcFbo->height : glConfig.vidHeight; VectorSet4(srcBox, 0, 0, srcWidth, srcHeight); VectorSet4(dstBox, x, y, w, h); FBO_Blit(srcFbo, srcBox, NULL, dstFbo, dstBox, NULL, color, 0); --passes; scale = mul; while (passes > 0) { float iscale = 1.f / scale; float s0 = xcenter * (1.f - iscale); float t0 = (1.0f - ycenter) * (1.f - iscale); srcBox[0] = s0 * srcWidth; srcBox[1] = t0 * srcHeight; srcBox[2] = iscale * srcWidth; srcBox[3] = iscale * srcHeight; FBO_Blit(srcFbo, srcBox, NULL, dstFbo, dstBox, NULL, color, GLS_SRCBLEND_ONE | GLS_DSTBLEND_ONE ); scale *= mul; --passes; } } static qboolean RB_UpdateSunFlareVis(void) { GLuint sampleCount = 0; if (!glRefConfig.occlusionQuery) return qtrue; tr.sunFlareQueryIndex ^= 1; if (!tr.sunFlareQueryActive[tr.sunFlareQueryIndex]) return qtrue; /* debug code */ if (0) { int iter; for (iter=0 ; ; ++iter) { GLint available = 0; qglGetQueryObjectiv(tr.sunFlareQuery[tr.sunFlareQueryIndex], GL_QUERY_RESULT_AVAILABLE, &available); if (available) break; } ri.Printf(PRINT_DEVELOPER, "Waited %d iterations\n", iter); } qglGetQueryObjectuiv(tr.sunFlareQuery[tr.sunFlareQueryIndex], GL_QUERY_RESULT, &sampleCount); return sampleCount > 0; } void RB_SunRays(FBO_t *srcFbo, ivec4_t srcBox, FBO_t *dstFbo, ivec4_t dstBox) { vec4_t color; float dot; const float cutoff = 0.25f; qboolean colorize = qtrue; // float w, h, w2, h2; mat4_t mvp; vec4_t pos, hpos; dot = DotProduct(tr.sunDirection, backEnd.viewParms.or.axis[0]); if (dot < cutoff) return; if (!RB_UpdateSunFlareVis()) return; // From RB_DrawSun() { float dist; mat4_t trans, model; Mat4Translation( backEnd.viewParms.or.origin, trans ); Mat4Multiply( backEnd.viewParms.world.modelMatrix, trans, model ); Mat4Multiply(backEnd.viewParms.projectionMatrix, model, mvp); dist = backEnd.viewParms.zFar / 1.75; // div sqrt(3) VectorScale( tr.sunDirection, dist, pos ); } // project sun point //Mat4Multiply(backEnd.viewParms.projectionMatrix, backEnd.viewParms.world.modelMatrix, mvp); Mat4Transform(mvp, pos, hpos); // transform to UV coords hpos[3] = 0.5f / hpos[3]; pos[0] = 0.5f + hpos[0] * hpos[3]; pos[1] = 0.5f + hpos[1] * hpos[3]; // initialize quarter buffers { float mul = 1.f; ivec4_t rayBox, quarterBox; int srcWidth = srcFbo ? srcFbo->width : glConfig.vidWidth; int srcHeight = srcFbo ? srcFbo->height : glConfig.vidHeight; VectorSet4(color, mul, mul, mul, 1); rayBox[0] = srcBox[0] * tr.sunRaysFbo->width / srcWidth; rayBox[1] = srcBox[1] * tr.sunRaysFbo->height / srcHeight; rayBox[2] = srcBox[2] * tr.sunRaysFbo->width / srcWidth; rayBox[3] = srcBox[3] * tr.sunRaysFbo->height / srcHeight; quarterBox[0] = 0; quarterBox[1] = tr.quarterFbo[0]->height; quarterBox[2] = tr.quarterFbo[0]->width; quarterBox[3] = -tr.quarterFbo[0]->height; // first, downsample the framebuffer if (colorize) { FBO_FastBlit(srcFbo, srcBox, tr.quarterFbo[0], quarterBox, GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT, GL_LINEAR); FBO_Blit(tr.sunRaysFbo, rayBox, NULL, tr.quarterFbo[0], quarterBox, NULL, color, GLS_SRCBLEND_DST_COLOR | GLS_DSTBLEND_ZERO); } else { FBO_FastBlit(tr.sunRaysFbo, rayBox, tr.quarterFbo[0], quarterBox, GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT, GL_LINEAR); } } // radial blur passes, ping-ponging between the two quarter-size buffers { const float stretch_add = 2.f/3.f; float stretch = 1.f + stretch_add; int i; for (i=0; i<2; ++i) { RB_RadialBlur(tr.quarterFbo[i&1], tr.quarterFbo[(~i) & 1], 5, stretch, 0.f, 0.f, tr.quarterFbo[0]->width, tr.quarterFbo[0]->height, pos[0], pos[1], 1.125f); stretch += stretch_add; } } // add result back on top of the main buffer { float mul = 1.f; VectorSet4(color, mul, mul, mul, 1); FBO_Blit(tr.quarterFbo[0], NULL, NULL, dstFbo, dstBox, NULL, color, GLS_SRCBLEND_ONE | GLS_DSTBLEND_ONE); } } static void RB_BlurAxis(FBO_t *srcFbo, FBO_t *dstFbo, float strength, qboolean horizontal) { float dx, dy; float xmul, ymul; float weights[3] = { 0.227027027f, 0.316216216f, 0.070270270f, }; float offsets[3] = { 0.f, 1.3846153846f, 3.2307692308f, }; xmul = horizontal; ymul = 1.f - xmul; xmul *= strength; ymul *= strength; { ivec4_t srcBox, dstBox; vec4_t color; VectorSet4(color, weights[0], weights[0], weights[0], 1.0f); VectorSet4(srcBox, 0, 0, srcFbo->width, srcFbo->height); VectorSet4(dstBox, 0, 0, dstFbo->width, dstFbo->height); FBO_Blit(srcFbo, srcBox, NULL, dstFbo, dstBox, NULL, color, 0); VectorSet4(color, weights[1], weights[1], weights[1], 1.0f); dx = offsets[1] * xmul; dy = offsets[1] * ymul; VectorSet4(srcBox, dx, dy, srcFbo->width, srcFbo->height); FBO_Blit(srcFbo, srcBox, NULL, dstFbo, dstBox, NULL, color, GLS_SRCBLEND_ONE | GLS_DSTBLEND_ONE); VectorSet4(srcBox, -dx, -dy, srcFbo->width, srcFbo->height); FBO_Blit(srcFbo, srcBox, NULL, dstFbo, dstBox, NULL, color, GLS_SRCBLEND_ONE | GLS_DSTBLEND_ONE); VectorSet4(color, weights[2], weights[2], weights[2], 1.0f); dx = offsets[2] * xmul; dy = offsets[2] * ymul; VectorSet4(srcBox, dx, dy, srcFbo->width, srcFbo->height); FBO_Blit(srcFbo, srcBox, NULL, dstFbo, dstBox, NULL, color, GLS_SRCBLEND_ONE | GLS_DSTBLEND_ONE); VectorSet4(srcBox, -dx, -dy, srcFbo->width, srcFbo->height); FBO_Blit(srcFbo, srcBox, NULL, dstFbo, dstBox, NULL, color, GLS_SRCBLEND_ONE | GLS_DSTBLEND_ONE); } } static void RB_HBlur(FBO_t *srcFbo, FBO_t *dstFbo, float strength) { RB_BlurAxis(srcFbo, dstFbo, strength, qtrue); } static void RB_VBlur(FBO_t *srcFbo, FBO_t *dstFbo, float strength) { RB_BlurAxis(srcFbo, dstFbo, strength, qfalse); } void RB_GaussianBlur(float blur) { //float mul = 1.f; float factor = Com_Clamp(0.f, 1.f, blur); if (factor <= 0.f) return; { ivec4_t srcBox, dstBox; vec4_t color; VectorSet4(color, 1, 1, 1, 1); // first, downsample the framebuffer FBO_FastBlit(NULL, NULL, tr.quarterFbo[0], NULL, GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT, GL_LINEAR); FBO_FastBlit(tr.quarterFbo[0], NULL, tr.textureScratchFbo[0], NULL, GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT, GL_LINEAR); // set the alpha channel qglColorMask(GL_FALSE, GL_FALSE, GL_FALSE, GL_TRUE); FBO_BlitFromTexture(tr.whiteImage, NULL, NULL, tr.textureScratchFbo[0], NULL, NULL, color, GLS_DEPTHTEST_DISABLE); qglColorMask(GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE); // blur the tiny buffer horizontally and vertically RB_HBlur(tr.textureScratchFbo[0], tr.textureScratchFbo[1], factor); RB_VBlur(tr.textureScratchFbo[1], tr.textureScratchFbo[0], factor); // finally, merge back to framebuffer VectorSet4(srcBox, 0, 0, tr.textureScratchFbo[0]->width, tr.textureScratchFbo[0]->height); VectorSet4(dstBox, 0, 0, glConfig.vidWidth, glConfig.vidHeight); color[3] = factor; FBO_Blit(tr.textureScratchFbo[0], srcBox, NULL, NULL, dstBox, NULL, color, GLS_SRCBLEND_SRC_ALPHA | GLS_DSTBLEND_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); } }