/* =========================================================================== Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Id Software, Inc. Copyright (C) 2005 Stuart Dalton (badcdev@gmail.com) This file is part of Quake III Arena source code. Quake III Arena source code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Quake III Arena source code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Quake III Arena source code; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA =========================================================================== */ #include "snd_local.h" #include "snd_codec.h" #include "client.h" #if USE_OPENAL #include "qal.h" // Console variables specific to OpenAL cvar_t *s_alPrecache; cvar_t *s_alGain; cvar_t *s_alSources; cvar_t *s_alDopplerFactor; cvar_t *s_alDopplerSpeed; cvar_t *s_alMinDistance; cvar_t *s_alRolloff; cvar_t *s_alDriver; /* ================= S_AL_Format ================= */ static ALuint S_AL_Format(int width, int channels) { ALuint format = AL_FORMAT_MONO16; // Work out format if(width == 1) { if(channels == 1) format = AL_FORMAT_MONO8; else if(channels == 2) format = AL_FORMAT_STEREO8; } else if(width == 2) { if(channels == 1) format = AL_FORMAT_MONO16; else if(channels == 2) format = AL_FORMAT_STEREO16; } return format; } /* ================= S_AL_ErrorMsg ================= */ static const char *S_AL_ErrorMsg(ALenum error) { switch(error) { case AL_NO_ERROR: return "No error"; case AL_INVALID_NAME: return "Invalid name"; case AL_INVALID_ENUM: return "Invalid enumerator"; case AL_INVALID_VALUE: return "Invalid value"; case AL_INVALID_OPERATION: return "Invalid operation"; case AL_OUT_OF_MEMORY: return "Out of memory"; default: return "Unknown error"; } } //=========================================================================== typedef struct alSfx_s { char filename[MAX_QPATH]; ALuint buffer; // OpenAL buffer qboolean isDefault; // Couldn't be loaded - use default FX qboolean inMemory; // Sound is stored in memory qboolean isLocked; // Sound is locked (can not be unloaded) int used; // Time last used struct alSfx_t *next; // Next entry in hash list } alSfx_t; static qboolean alBuffersInitialised = qfalse; // Sound effect storage, data structures #define MAX_SFX 4096 static alSfx_t knownSfx[MAX_SFX]; static int numSfx; static sfxHandle_t default_sfx; /* ================= S_AL_BufferFindFree Find a free handle ================= */ static sfxHandle_t S_AL_BufferFindFree( void ) { int i; for(i = 0; i < MAX_SFX; i++) { // Got one if(knownSfx[i].filename[0] == '\0') return i; } // Shit... Com_Error(ERR_FATAL, "S_AL_BufferFindFree: No free sound handles"); return -1; } /* ================= S_AL_BufferFind Find a sound effect if loaded, set up a handle otherwise ================= */ static sfxHandle_t S_AL_BufferFind(const char *filename) { // Look it up in the hash table sfxHandle_t sfx = -1; int i; for(i = 0; i < MAX_SFX; i++) { if(!Q_stricmp(knownSfx[i].filename, filename)) { sfx = i; break; } } // Not found in hash table? if(sfx == -1) { alSfx_t *ptr; sfx = S_AL_BufferFindFree(); // Clear and copy the filename over ptr = &knownSfx[sfx]; memset(ptr, 0, sizeof(*ptr)); strcpy(ptr->filename, filename); } // Return the handle return sfx; } /* ================= S_AL_BufferUseDefault ================= */ static void S_AL_BufferUseDefault(sfxHandle_t sfx) { if(sfx == default_sfx) Com_Error(ERR_FATAL, "Can't load default sound effect %s\n", knownSfx[sfx].filename); Com_Printf( "Warning: Using default sound for %s\n", knownSfx[sfx].filename); knownSfx[sfx].isDefault = qtrue; knownSfx[sfx].buffer = knownSfx[default_sfx].buffer; } /* ================= S_AL_BufferEvict Doesn't work yet, so if OpenAL reports that you're out of memory, you'll just get "Catastrophic sound memory exhaustion". Whoops. ================= */ static qboolean S_AL_BufferEvict( void ) { return qfalse; } /* ================= S_AL_BufferLoad ================= */ static void S_AL_BufferLoad(sfxHandle_t sfx) { ALenum error; void *data; snd_info_t info; ALuint format; // Nothing? if(knownSfx[sfx].filename[0] == '\0') return; // Player SFX if(knownSfx[sfx].filename[0] == '*') return; // Already done? if((knownSfx[sfx].inMemory) || (knownSfx[sfx].isDefault)) return; // Try to load data = S_CodecLoad(knownSfx[sfx].filename, &info); if(!data) { Com_Printf( "Can't load %s\n", knownSfx[sfx].filename); S_AL_BufferUseDefault(sfx); return; } format = S_AL_Format(info.width, info.channels); // Create a buffer qalGenBuffers(1, &knownSfx[sfx].buffer); if((error = qalGetError()) != AL_NO_ERROR) { S_AL_BufferUseDefault(sfx); Z_Free(data); Com_Printf( "Can't create a sound buffer for %s - %s\n", knownSfx[sfx].filename, S_AL_ErrorMsg(error)); return; } // Fill the buffer qalGetError(); qalBufferData(knownSfx[sfx].buffer, format, data, info.size, info.rate); error = qalGetError(); // If we ran out of memory, start evicting the least recently used sounds while(error == AL_OUT_OF_MEMORY) { qboolean rv = S_AL_BufferEvict(); if(!rv) { S_AL_BufferUseDefault(sfx); Z_Free(data); Com_Printf( "Out of memory loading %s\n", knownSfx[sfx].filename); return; } // Try load it again qalGetError(); qalBufferData(knownSfx[sfx].buffer, format, data, info.size, info.rate); error = qalGetError(); } // Some other error condition if(error != AL_NO_ERROR) { S_AL_BufferUseDefault(sfx); Z_Free(data); Com_Printf( "Can't fill sound buffer for %s - %s", knownSfx[sfx].filename, S_AL_ErrorMsg(error)); return; } // Free the memory Z_Free(data); // Woo! knownSfx[sfx].inMemory = qtrue; } /* ================= S_AL_BufferUse ================= */ static void S_AL_BufferUse(sfxHandle_t sfx) { if(knownSfx[sfx].filename[0] == '\0') return; if((!knownSfx[sfx].inMemory) && (!knownSfx[sfx].isDefault)) S_AL_BufferLoad(sfx); knownSfx[sfx].used = Com_Milliseconds(); } /* ================= S_AL_BufferInit ================= */ static qboolean S_AL_BufferInit( void ) { if(alBuffersInitialised) return qtrue; // Clear the hash table, and SFX table memset(knownSfx, 0, sizeof(knownSfx)); numSfx = 0; // Load the default sound, and lock it default_sfx = S_AL_BufferFind("sound/feedback/hit.wav"); S_AL_BufferUse(default_sfx); knownSfx[default_sfx].isLocked = qtrue; // All done alBuffersInitialised = qtrue; return qtrue; } /* ================= S_AL_BufferUnload ================= */ static void S_AL_BufferUnload(sfxHandle_t sfx) { ALenum error; if(knownSfx[sfx].filename[0] == '\0') return; if(!knownSfx[sfx].inMemory) return; // Delete it qalDeleteBuffers(1, &knownSfx[sfx].buffer); if((error = qalGetError()) != AL_NO_ERROR) Com_Printf( "Can't delete sound buffer for %s", knownSfx[sfx].filename); knownSfx[sfx].inMemory = qfalse; } /* ================= S_AL_BufferShutdown ================= */ static void S_AL_BufferShutdown( void ) { int i; if(!alBuffersInitialised) return; // Unlock the default sound effect knownSfx[default_sfx].isLocked = qfalse; // Free all used effects for(i = 0; i < MAX_SFX; i++) S_AL_BufferUnload(i); // Clear the tables memset(knownSfx, 0, sizeof(knownSfx)); // All undone alBuffersInitialised = qfalse; } /* ================= S_AL_RegisterSound ================= */ static sfxHandle_t S_AL_RegisterSound( const char *sample, qboolean compressed ) { sfxHandle_t sfx = S_AL_BufferFind(sample); if((s_alPrecache->integer == 1) && (!knownSfx[sfx].inMemory) && (!knownSfx[sfx].isDefault)) S_AL_BufferLoad(sfx); knownSfx[sfx].used = Com_Milliseconds(); return sfx; } /* ================= S_AL_BufferGet Return's an sfx's buffer ================= */ static ALuint S_AL_BufferGet(sfxHandle_t sfx) { return knownSfx[sfx].buffer; } //=========================================================================== typedef struct src_s { ALuint source; // OpenAL source object sfxHandle_t sfx; // Sound effect in use int lastUse; // Last time used alSrcPriority_t priority; // Priority int entity; // Owning entity (-1 if none) int channel; // Associated channel (-1 if none) int isActive; // Is this source currently in use? int isLocked; // This is locked (un-allocatable) int isLooping; // Is this a looping effect (attached to an entity) int isTracking; // Is this object tracking it's owner qboolean local; // Is this local (relative to the cam) } src_t; #define MAX_SRC 128 static src_t srcList[MAX_SRC]; static int srcCount = 0; static qboolean alSourcesInitialised = qfalse; static int ambientCount = 0; typedef struct sentity_s { vec3_t origin; // Object position int has_sfx; // Associated sound source int sfx; int touched; // Sound present this update? } sentity_t; static sentity_t entityList[MAX_GENTITIES]; /* ================= S_AL_SrcInit ================= */ static qboolean S_AL_SrcInit( void ) { int i; int limit; ALenum error; // Clear the sources data structure memset(srcList, 0, sizeof(srcList)); srcCount = 0; // Cap s_sources to MAX_SRC limit = s_alSources->integer; if(limit > MAX_SRC) limit = MAX_SRC; else if(limit < 16) limit = 16; // Allocate as many sources as possible for(i = 0; i < limit; i++) { qalGenSources(1, &srcList[i].source); if((error = qalGetError()) != AL_NO_ERROR) break; srcCount++; } // All done. Print this for informational purposes Com_Printf( "Allocated %d sources.\n", srcCount); alSourcesInitialised = qtrue; return qtrue; } /* ================= S_AL_SrcShutdown ================= */ static void S_AL_SrcShutdown( void ) { int i; if(!alSourcesInitialised) return; // Destroy all the sources for(i = 0; i < srcCount; i++) { if(srcList[i].isLocked) Com_DPrintf("Warning: Source %d is locked\n", i); qalSourceStop(srcList[i].source); qalDeleteSources(1, &srcList[i].source); } memset(srcList, 0, sizeof(srcList)); alSourcesInitialised = qfalse; } /* ================= S_AL_SrcSetup ================= */ static void S_AL_SrcSetup(srcHandle_t src, sfxHandle_t sfx, alSrcPriority_t priority, int entity, int channel, qboolean local) { ALuint buffer; float null_vector[] = {0, 0, 0}; // Mark the SFX as used, and grab the raw AL buffer S_AL_BufferUse(sfx); buffer = S_AL_BufferGet(sfx); // Set up src struct srcList[src].lastUse = Sys_Milliseconds(); srcList[src].sfx = sfx; srcList[src].priority = priority; srcList[src].entity = entity; srcList[src].channel = channel; srcList[src].isActive = qtrue; srcList[src].isLocked = qfalse; srcList[src].isLooping = qfalse; srcList[src].isTracking = qfalse; srcList[src].local = local; // Set up OpenAL source qalSourcei(srcList[src].source, AL_BUFFER, buffer); qalSourcef(srcList[src].source, AL_PITCH, 1.0f); qalSourcef(srcList[src].source, AL_GAIN, s_alGain->value * s_volume->value); qalSourcefv(srcList[src].source, AL_POSITION, null_vector); qalSourcefv(srcList[src].source, AL_VELOCITY, null_vector); qalSourcei(srcList[src].source, AL_LOOPING, AL_FALSE); qalSourcef(srcList[src].source, AL_REFERENCE_DISTANCE, s_alMinDistance->value); if(local) { qalSourcei(srcList[src].source, AL_SOURCE_RELATIVE, AL_TRUE); qalSourcef(srcList[src].source, AL_ROLLOFF_FACTOR, 0); } else { qalSourcei(srcList[src].source, AL_SOURCE_RELATIVE, AL_FALSE); qalSourcef(srcList[src].source, AL_ROLLOFF_FACTOR, s_alRolloff->value); } } /* ================= S_AL_SrcKill ================= */ static void S_AL_SrcKill(srcHandle_t src) { // I'm not touching it. Unlock it first. if(srcList[src].isLocked) return; // Stop it if it's playing if(srcList[src].isActive) qalSourceStop(srcList[src].source); // Remove the entity association if((srcList[src].isLooping) && (srcList[src].entity != -1)) { int ent = srcList[src].entity; entityList[ent].has_sfx = 0; entityList[ent].sfx = -1; entityList[ent].touched = qfalse; } // Remove the buffer qalSourcei(srcList[src].source, AL_BUFFER, 0); srcList[src].sfx = 0; srcList[src].lastUse = 0; srcList[src].priority = 0; srcList[src].entity = -1; srcList[src].channel = -1; srcList[src].isActive = qfalse; srcList[src].isLocked = qfalse; srcList[src].isLooping = qfalse; srcList[src].isTracking = qfalse; } /* ================= S_AL_SrcAlloc ================= */ static srcHandle_t S_AL_SrcAlloc( alSrcPriority_t priority, int entnum, int channel ) { int i; int empty = -1; int weakest = -1; int weakest_time = Sys_Milliseconds(); int weakest_pri = 999; for(i = 0; i < srcCount; i++) { // If it's locked, we aren't even going to look at it if(srcList[i].isLocked) continue; // Is it empty or not? if((!srcList[i].isActive) && (empty == -1)) empty = i; else if(srcList[i].priority < priority) { // If it's older or has lower priority, flag it as weak if((srcList[i].priority < weakest_pri) || (srcList[i].lastUse < weakest_time)) { weakest_pri = srcList[i].priority; weakest_time = srcList[i].lastUse; weakest = i; } } // Is it an exact match, and not on channel 0? if((srcList[i].entity == entnum) && (srcList[i].channel == channel) && (channel != 0)) { S_AL_SrcKill(i); return i; } } // Do we have an empty one? if(empty != -1) return empty; // No. How about an overridable one? if(weakest != -1) { S_AL_SrcKill(weakest); return weakest; } // Nothing. Return failure (cries...) return -1; } /* ================= S_AL_SrcFind Finds an active source with matching entity and channel numbers Returns -1 if there isn't one ================= */ #if 0 static srcHandle_t S_AL_SrcFind(int entnum, int channel) { int i; for(i = 0; i < srcCount; i++) { if(!srcList[i].isActive) continue; if((srcList[i].entity == entnum) && (srcList[i].channel == channel)) return i; } return -1; } #endif /* ================= S_AL_SrcLock Locked sources will not be automatically reallocated or managed ================= */ static void S_AL_SrcLock(srcHandle_t src) { srcList[src].isLocked = qtrue; } /* ================= S_AL_SrcUnlock Once unlocked, the source may be reallocated again ================= */ static void S_AL_SrcUnlock(srcHandle_t src) { srcList[src].isLocked = qfalse; } /* ================= S_AL_UpdateEntityPosition ================= */ static void S_AL_UpdateEntityPosition( int entityNum, const vec3_t origin ) { if ( entityNum < 0 || entityNum > MAX_GENTITIES ) Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "S_UpdateEntityPosition: bad entitynum %i", entityNum ); VectorCopy( origin, entityList[entityNum].origin ); } /* ================= S_AL_StartLocalSound Play a local (non-spatialized) sound effect ================= */ static void S_AL_StartLocalSound(sfxHandle_t sfx, int channel) { // Try to grab a source srcHandle_t src = S_AL_SrcAlloc(SRCPRI_LOCAL, -1, channel); if(src == -1) return; // Set up the effect S_AL_SrcSetup(src, sfx, SRCPRI_LOCAL, -1, channel, qtrue); // Start it playing qalSourcePlay(srcList[src].source); } #define POSITION_SCALE 1.0f /* ================= S_AL_StartSound Play a one-shot sound effect ================= */ static void S_AL_StartSound( vec3_t origin, int entnum, int entchannel, sfxHandle_t sfx ) { vec3_t sorigin; // Try to grab a source srcHandle_t src = S_AL_SrcAlloc(SRCPRI_ONESHOT, entnum, entchannel); if(src == -1) return; // Set up the effect S_AL_SrcSetup(src, sfx, SRCPRI_ONESHOT, entnum, entchannel, qfalse); if(origin == NULL) { srcList[src].isTracking = qtrue; VectorScale(entityList[entnum].origin, POSITION_SCALE, sorigin); } else VectorScale(origin, POSITION_SCALE, sorigin); qalSourcefv(srcList[src].source, AL_POSITION, sorigin); // Start it playing qalSourcePlay(srcList[src].source); } /* ================= S_AL_ClearLoopingSounds ================= */ static void S_AL_ClearLoopingSounds( qboolean killall ) { int i; for(i = 0; i < srcCount; i++) { if((srcList[i].isLooping) && (srcList[i].entity != -1)) entityList[srcList[i].entity].touched = qfalse; } } /* ================= S_AL_SrcLoop ================= */ static void S_AL_SrcLoop( alSrcPriority_t priority, sfxHandle_t sfx, const vec3_t origin, const vec3_t velocity, int entnum) { int src; qboolean need_to_play = qfalse; vec3_t sorigin; // Do we need to start a new sound playing? if(!entityList[entnum].has_sfx) { // Try to get a channel ambientCount++; src = S_AL_SrcAlloc(priority, entnum, -1); if(src == -1) return; need_to_play = qtrue; } else if(srcList[entityList[entnum].sfx].sfx != sfx) { // Need to restart. Just re-use this channel src = entityList[entnum].sfx; S_AL_SrcKill(src); need_to_play = qtrue; } else src = entityList[entnum].sfx; if(need_to_play) { // Set up the effect S_AL_SrcSetup(src, sfx, priority, entnum, -1, qfalse); qalSourcei(srcList[src].source, AL_LOOPING, AL_TRUE); srcList[src].isLooping = qtrue; // Set up the entity entityList[entnum].has_sfx = qtrue; entityList[entnum].sfx = src; need_to_play = qtrue; } // Set up the position and velocity VectorScale(entityList[entnum].origin, POSITION_SCALE, sorigin); qalSourcefv(srcList[src].source, AL_POSITION, sorigin); qalSourcefv(srcList[src].source, AL_VELOCITY, velocity); // Flag it entityList[entnum].touched = qtrue; // Play if need be if(need_to_play) qalSourcePlay(srcList[src].source); } /* ================= S_AL_AddLoopingSound ================= */ static void S_AL_AddLoopingSound( int entityNum, const vec3_t origin, const vec3_t velocity, sfxHandle_t sfx ) { S_AL_SrcLoop(SRCPRI_AMBIENT, sfx, origin, velocity, entityNum); } /* ================= S_AL_AddRealLoopingSound ================= */ static void S_AL_AddRealLoopingSound( int entityNum, const vec3_t origin, const vec3_t velocity, sfxHandle_t sfx ) { S_AL_SrcLoop(SRCPRI_ENTITY, sfx, origin, velocity, entityNum); } /* ================= S_AL_StopLoopingSound ================= */ static void S_AL_StopLoopingSound(int entityNum ) { if(entityList[entityNum].has_sfx) S_AL_SrcKill(entityList[entityNum].sfx); } /* ================= S_AL_SrcUpdate Update state (move things around, manage sources, and so on) ================= */ static void S_AL_SrcUpdate( void ) { int i; int ent; ALint state; for(i = 0; i < srcCount; i++) { if(srcList[i].isLocked) continue; if(!srcList[i].isActive) continue; // Check if it's done, and flag it qalGetSourcei(srcList[i].source, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &state); if(state == AL_STOPPED) { S_AL_SrcKill(i); continue; } // Update source parameters if((s_alGain->modified)||(s_volume->modified)) qalSourcef(srcList[i].source, AL_GAIN, s_alGain->value * s_volume->value); if((s_alRolloff->modified)&&(!srcList[i].local)) qalSourcef(srcList[i].source, AL_ROLLOFF_FACTOR, s_alRolloff->value); if(s_alMinDistance->modified) qalSourcef(srcList[i].source, AL_REFERENCE_DISTANCE, s_alMinDistance->value); ent = srcList[i].entity; // If a looping effect hasn't been touched this frame, kill it if(srcList[i].isLooping) { if(!entityList[ent].touched) { ambientCount--; S_AL_SrcKill(i); } continue; } // See if it needs to be moved if(srcList[i].isTracking) { vec3_t sorigin; VectorScale(entityList[ent].origin, POSITION_SCALE, sorigin); qalSourcefv(srcList[i].source, AL_POSITION, entityList[ent].origin); } } } /* ================= S_AL_SrcShutup ================= */ static void S_AL_SrcShutup( void ) { int i; for(i = 0; i < srcCount; i++) S_AL_SrcKill(i); } /* ================= S_AL_SrcGet ================= */ static ALuint S_AL_SrcGet(srcHandle_t src) { return srcList[src].source; } //=========================================================================== static srcHandle_t streamSourceHandle = -1; static qboolean streamPlaying = qfalse; static ALuint streamSource; /* ================= S_AL_AllocateStreamChannel ================= */ static void S_AL_AllocateStreamChannel( void ) { // Allocate a streamSource at high priority streamSourceHandle = S_AL_SrcAlloc(SRCPRI_STREAM, -2, 0); if(streamSourceHandle == -1) return; // Lock the streamSource so nobody else can use it, and get the raw streamSource S_AL_SrcLock(streamSourceHandle); streamSource = S_AL_SrcGet(streamSourceHandle); // Set some streamSource parameters qalSourcei (streamSource, AL_BUFFER, 0 ); qalSourcei (streamSource, AL_LOOPING, AL_FALSE ); qalSource3f(streamSource, AL_POSITION, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); qalSource3f(streamSource, AL_VELOCITY, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); qalSource3f(streamSource, AL_DIRECTION, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); qalSourcef (streamSource, AL_ROLLOFF_FACTOR, 0.0 ); qalSourcei (streamSource, AL_SOURCE_RELATIVE, AL_TRUE ); } /* ================= S_AL_FreeStreamChannel ================= */ static void S_AL_FreeStreamChannel( void ) { // Release the output streamSource S_AL_SrcUnlock(streamSourceHandle); streamSource = 0; streamSourceHandle = -1; } /* ================= S_AL_RawSamples ================= */ static void S_AL_RawSamples(int samples, int rate, int width, int channels, const byte *data, float volume) { ALuint buffer; ALuint format = AL_FORMAT_STEREO16; ALint state; // Work out AL format if(width == 1) { if(channels == 1) format = AL_FORMAT_MONO8; else if(channels == 2) format = AL_FORMAT_STEREO8; } else if(width == 2) { if(channels == 1) format = AL_FORMAT_MONO16; else if(channels == 2) format = AL_FORMAT_STEREO16; } // Create the streamSource if necessary if(streamSourceHandle == -1) { S_AL_AllocateStreamChannel(); // Failed? if(streamSourceHandle == -1) { Com_Printf( "Can't allocate streaming streamSource\n"); return; } } // Create a buffer, and stuff the data into it qalGenBuffers(1, &buffer); qalBufferData(buffer, format, data, (samples * width * channels), rate); // Shove the data onto the streamSource qalSourceQueueBuffers(streamSource, 1, &buffer); // Start the streamSource playing if necessary qalGetSourcei(streamSource, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &state); // Volume qalSourcef (streamSource, AL_GAIN, volume * s_volume->value * s_alGain->value); if(!streamPlaying) { qalSourcePlay(streamSource); streamPlaying = qtrue; } } /* ================= S_AL_StreamUpdate ================= */ static void S_AL_StreamUpdate( void ) { int processed; ALint state; if(streamSourceHandle == -1) return; // Un-queue any buffers, and delete them qalGetSourcei(streamSource, AL_BUFFERS_PROCESSED, &processed); if(processed) { while(processed--) { ALuint buffer; qalSourceUnqueueBuffers(streamSource, 1, &buffer); qalDeleteBuffers(1, &buffer); } } // If it's stopped, release the streamSource qalGetSourcei(streamSource, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &state); if(state == AL_STOPPED) { streamPlaying = qfalse; qalSourceStop(streamSource); S_AL_FreeStreamChannel(); } } /* ================= S_AL_StreamDie ================= */ static void S_AL_StreamDie( void ) { if(streamSourceHandle == -1) return; streamPlaying = qfalse; qalSourceStop(streamSource); S_AL_FreeStreamChannel(); } //=========================================================================== #define NUM_MUSIC_BUFFERS 4 #define MUSIC_BUFFER_SIZE 4096 static qboolean musicPlaying = qfalse; static srcHandle_t musicSourceHandle = -1; static ALuint musicSource; static ALuint musicBuffers[NUM_MUSIC_BUFFERS]; static snd_stream_t *mus_stream; static char s_backgroundLoop[MAX_QPATH]; static byte decode_buffer[MUSIC_BUFFER_SIZE]; /* ================= S_AL_MusicSourceGet ================= */ static void S_AL_MusicSourceGet( void ) { // Allocate a musicSource at high priority musicSourceHandle = S_AL_SrcAlloc(SRCPRI_STREAM, -2, 0); if(musicSourceHandle == -1) return; // Lock the musicSource so nobody else can use it, and get the raw musicSource S_AL_SrcLock(musicSourceHandle); musicSource = S_AL_SrcGet(musicSourceHandle); // Set some musicSource parameters qalSource3f(musicSource, AL_POSITION, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); qalSource3f(musicSource, AL_VELOCITY, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); qalSource3f(musicSource, AL_DIRECTION, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); qalSourcef (musicSource, AL_ROLLOFF_FACTOR, 0.0 ); qalSourcei (musicSource, AL_SOURCE_RELATIVE, AL_TRUE ); } /* ================= S_AL_MusicSourceFree ================= */ static void S_AL_MusicSourceFree( void ) { // Release the output musicSource S_AL_SrcUnlock(musicSourceHandle); musicSource = 0; musicSourceHandle = -1; } /* ================= S_AL_StopBackgroundTrack ================= */ static void S_AL_StopBackgroundTrack( void ) { if(!musicPlaying) return; // Stop playing qalSourceStop(musicSource); // De-queue the musicBuffers qalSourceUnqueueBuffers(musicSource, NUM_MUSIC_BUFFERS, musicBuffers); // Destroy the musicBuffers qalDeleteBuffers(NUM_MUSIC_BUFFERS, musicBuffers); // Free the musicSource S_AL_MusicSourceFree(); // Unload the stream if(mus_stream) S_CodecCloseStream(mus_stream); mus_stream = NULL; musicPlaying = qfalse; } /* ================= S_AL_MusicProcess ================= */ static void S_AL_MusicProcess(ALuint b) { int l; ALuint format; l = S_CodecReadStream(mus_stream, MUSIC_BUFFER_SIZE, decode_buffer); if(l == 0) { S_CodecCloseStream(mus_stream); mus_stream = S_CodecOpenStream(s_backgroundLoop); if(!mus_stream) { S_AL_StopBackgroundTrack(); return; } l = S_CodecReadStream(mus_stream, MUSIC_BUFFER_SIZE, decode_buffer); } format = S_AL_Format(mus_stream->info.width, mus_stream->info.channels); qalBufferData(b, format, decode_buffer, l, mus_stream->info.rate); } /* ================= S_AL_StartBackgroundTrack ================= */ static void S_AL_StartBackgroundTrack( const char *intro, const char *loop ) { int i; // Stop any existing music that might be playing S_AL_StopBackgroundTrack(); if ( !intro || !intro[0] ) { intro = loop; } if ( !loop || !loop[0] ) { loop = intro; } if((!intro || !intro[0]) && (!intro || !intro[0])) return; // Copy the loop over strncpy( s_backgroundLoop, loop, sizeof( s_backgroundLoop ) ); // Open the intro mus_stream = S_CodecOpenStream(intro); if(!mus_stream) return; // Allocate a musicSource S_AL_MusicSourceGet(); if(musicSourceHandle == -1) return; // Generate the musicBuffers qalGenBuffers(NUM_MUSIC_BUFFERS, musicBuffers); // Queue the musicBuffers up for(i = 0; i < NUM_MUSIC_BUFFERS; i++) S_AL_MusicProcess(musicBuffers[i]); qalSourceQueueBuffers(musicSource, NUM_MUSIC_BUFFERS, musicBuffers); // Start playing qalSourcePlay(musicSource); musicPlaying = qtrue; } /* ================= S_AL_MusicUpdate ================= */ static void S_AL_MusicUpdate( void ) { int processed; ALint state; if(!musicPlaying) return; qalGetSourcei(musicSource, AL_BUFFERS_PROCESSED, &processed); if(processed) { while(processed--) { ALuint b; qalSourceUnqueueBuffers(musicSource, 1, &b); S_AL_MusicProcess(b); qalSourceQueueBuffers(musicSource, 1, &b); } } // If it's not still playing, give it a kick qalGetSourcei(musicSource, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &state); if(state == AL_STOPPED) { Com_DPrintf( "Restarted OpenAL music musicSource\n"); qalSourcePlay(musicSource); } // Set the gain property qalSourcef(musicSource, AL_GAIN, s_alGain->value * s_musicVolume->value); } //=========================================================================== // Local state variables static ALCdevice *alDevice; static ALCcontext *alContext; #ifdef _WIN32 #define ALDRIVER_DEFAULT "OpenAL32.dll" #else #define ALDRIVER_DEFAULT "libopenal.so.0" #endif /* ================= S_AL_StopAllSounds ================= */ static void S_AL_StopAllSounds( void ) { S_AL_SrcShutup(); S_AL_StopBackgroundTrack(); } /* ================= S_AL_Respatialize ================= */ static void S_AL_Respatialize( int entityNum, const vec3_t origin, vec3_t axis[3], int inwater ) { // Axis[0] = Forward // Axis[2] = Up float velocity[] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}; float orientation[] = {axis[0][0], axis[0][1], axis[0][2], axis[2][0], axis[2][1], axis[2][2]}; vec3_t sorigin; // Set OpenAL listener paramaters VectorScale(origin, POSITION_SCALE, sorigin); qalListenerfv(AL_POSITION, origin); qalListenerfv(AL_VELOCITY, velocity); qalListenerfv(AL_ORIENTATION, orientation); } /* ================= S_AL_Update ================= */ static void S_AL_Update( void ) { // Update SFX channels S_AL_SrcUpdate(); // Update streams S_AL_StreamUpdate(); S_AL_MusicUpdate(); // Doppler if(s_doppler->modified) { s_alDopplerFactor->modified = qtrue; s_doppler->modified = qfalse; } // Doppler parameters if(s_alDopplerFactor->modified) { if(s_doppler->integer) qalDopplerFactor(s_alDopplerFactor->value); else qalDopplerFactor(0.0f); s_alDopplerFactor->modified = qfalse; } if(s_alDopplerSpeed->modified) { qalDopplerVelocity(s_alDopplerSpeed->value); s_alDopplerSpeed->modified = qfalse; } // Clear the modified flags on the other cvars s_alGain->modified = qfalse; s_volume->modified = qfalse; s_musicVolume->modified = qfalse; s_alMinDistance->modified = qfalse; s_alRolloff->modified = qfalse; } /* ================= S_AL_DisableSounds ================= */ static void S_AL_DisableSounds( void ) { S_AL_StopAllSounds(); } /* ================= S_AL_BeginRegistration ================= */ static void S_AL_BeginRegistration( void ) { } /* ================= S_AL_ClearSoundBuffer ================= */ static void S_AL_ClearSoundBuffer( void ) { } /* ================= S_AL_SoundList ================= */ static void S_AL_SoundList( void ) { } /* ================= S_AL_SoundInfo ================= */ static void S_AL_SoundInfo( void ) { Com_Printf( "OpenAL info:\n" ); Com_Printf( " Vendor: %s\n", qalGetString( AL_VENDOR ) ); Com_Printf( " Version: %s\n", qalGetString( AL_VERSION ) ); Com_Printf( " Renderer: %s\n", qalGetString( AL_RENDERER ) ); Com_Printf( " Extensions: %s\n", qalGetString( AL_EXTENSIONS ) ); } /* ================= S_AL_Shutdown ================= */ static void S_AL_Shutdown( void ) { // Shut down everything S_AL_StreamDie( ); S_AL_StopBackgroundTrack( ); S_AL_SrcShutdown( ); S_AL_BufferShutdown( ); // Check for Linux shutdown race condition // FIXME: this will probably not be necessary once OpenAL CVS // from 11/11/05 is released and prevelant if( Q_stricmp((const char*)qalGetString( AL_VENDOR ), "J. Valenzuela" ) ) { qalcMakeContextCurrent( NULL ); } qalcDestroyContext(alContext); qalcCloseDevice(alDevice); QAL_Shutdown(); } #endif /* ================= S_AL_Init ================= */ qboolean S_AL_Init( soundInterface_t *si ) { #if USE_OPENAL if( !si ) { return qfalse; } // New console variables s_alPrecache = Cvar_Get( "s_alPrecache", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE ); s_alGain = Cvar_Get( "s_alGain", "0.4", CVAR_ARCHIVE ); s_alSources = Cvar_Get( "s_alSources", "64", CVAR_ARCHIVE ); s_alDopplerFactor = Cvar_Get( "s_alDopplerFactor", "1.0", CVAR_ARCHIVE ); s_alDopplerSpeed = Cvar_Get( "s_alDopplerSpeed", "2200", CVAR_ARCHIVE ); s_alMinDistance = Cvar_Get( "s_alMinDistance", "80", CVAR_ARCHIVE ); s_alRolloff = Cvar_Get( "s_alRolloff", "0.25", CVAR_ARCHIVE ); s_alDriver = Cvar_Get( "s_alDriver", ALDRIVER_DEFAULT, CVAR_ARCHIVE ); // Load QAL if( !QAL_Init( s_alDriver->string ) ) { Com_Printf( "Failed to load library: \"%s\".\n", s_alDriver->string ); return qfalse; } // Open default device alDevice = qalcOpenDevice( NULL ); if( !alDevice ) { QAL_Shutdown( ); Com_Printf( "Failed to open OpenAL device.\n" ); return qfalse; } // Create OpenAL context alContext = qalcCreateContext( alDevice, NULL ); if( !alContext ) { QAL_Shutdown( ); qalcCloseDevice( alDevice ); Com_Printf( "Failed to create OpenAL context.\n" ); return qfalse; } qalcMakeContextCurrent( alContext ); // Initialize sources, buffers, music S_AL_BufferInit( ); S_AL_SrcInit( ); // Set up OpenAL parameters (doppler, etc) qalDopplerFactor( s_alDopplerFactor->value ); qalDopplerVelocity( s_alDopplerSpeed->value ); si->Shutdown = S_AL_Shutdown; si->StartSound = S_AL_StartSound; si->StartLocalSound = S_AL_StartLocalSound; si->StartBackgroundTrack = S_AL_StartBackgroundTrack; si->StopBackgroundTrack = S_AL_StopBackgroundTrack; si->RawSamples = S_AL_RawSamples; si->StopAllSounds = S_AL_StopAllSounds; si->ClearLoopingSounds = S_AL_ClearLoopingSounds; si->AddLoopingSound = S_AL_AddLoopingSound; si->AddRealLoopingSound = S_AL_AddRealLoopingSound; si->StopLoopingSound = S_AL_StopLoopingSound; si->Respatialize = S_AL_Respatialize; si->UpdateEntityPosition = S_AL_UpdateEntityPosition; si->Update = S_AL_Update; si->DisableSounds = S_AL_DisableSounds; si->BeginRegistration = S_AL_BeginRegistration; si->RegisterSound = S_AL_RegisterSound; si->ClearSoundBuffer = S_AL_ClearSoundBuffer; si->SoundInfo = S_AL_SoundInfo; si->SoundList = S_AL_SoundList; return qtrue; #else return qfalse; #endif }