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synced 2025-03-07 01:41:17 +00:00
* Quote http://zerowing.idsoftware.com/pipermail/gtkradiant/2008-July/011094.html : Attached to this message is a patch for a "somewhat working" brush primitives surface dialog. It is an ugly hack, as it converts between fake texdef notations and brush primitives whenever values are needed. Had to fix an accuracy bug: the surface dialog rounded all rotation values to integer angles, which SEVERELY broke things for me (changed the Gtk spin object to use 4 digits, which is enough for me). Also, I changed the fake texdef / brush primitives conversions to use long double internally, as float's roundoff errors were quite visible to me when testing. Hope the remaining roundoff errors from converting back and forth won't kill me, but it worked for a simple map example. Also, I had to separate out "Snap to grid" and "Don't clamp" into two separare options. They now mean: - Snap to grid: snaps drag/etc. actions to the grid - Don't clamp: disable brush point snapping during many operations, like merely shifting brushes, editing texturing parameters, map loading, etc. The reason is that I do need the grid, but I don't want to get my objects messed up by the snapping in my map. As I am using free rotations, this DOES change quite much. The config.py change is needed for compilation on Debian stable; Debian's scons does not use the CFLAGS variable, but just CCFLAGS and CXXFLAGS. In newer scons versions, CFLAGS is _shared_ flags for C and C++, so if you want to require these, you don't need to include the CFLAGS in CXXFLAGS too. git-svn-id: svn://svn.icculus.org/gtkradiant/GtkRadiant/trunk@301 8a3a26a2-13c4-0310-b231-cf6edde360e5
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Copyright (C) 1999-2007 id Software, Inc. and contributors.
For a list of contributors, see the accompanying CONTRIBUTORS file.
This file is part of GtkRadiant.
GtkRadiant is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
GtkRadiant is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with GtkRadiant; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include "stdafx.h"
// compute a determinant using Sarrus rule
//++timo "inline" this with a macro
// NOTE : the three vec3_t are understood as columns of the matrix
vec_t SarrusDet(vec3_t a, vec3_t b, vec3_t c)
return a[0]*b[1]*c[2]+b[0]*c[1]*a[2]+c[0]*a[1]*b[2]
// in many case we know three points A,B,C in two axis base B1 and B2
// and we want the matrix M so that A(B1) = T * A(B2)
// NOTE: 2D homogeneous space stuff
// NOTE: we don't do any check to see if there's a solution or we have a particular case .. need to make sure before calling
// NOTE: the third coord of the A,B,C point is ignored
// NOTE: see the commented out section to fill M and D
//++timo TODO: update the other members to use this when possible
void MatrixForPoints( vec3_t M[3], vec3_t D[2], brushprimit_texdef_t *T )
// vec3_t M[3]; // columns of the matrix .. easier that way (the indexing is not standard! it's column-line .. later computations are easier that way)
vec_t det;
// vec3_t D[2];
M[2][0]=1.0f; M[2][1]=1.0f; M[2][2]=1.0f;
#if 0
// fill the data vectors
M[0][0]=A2[0]; M[0][1]=B2[0]; M[0][2]=C2[0];
M[1][0]=A2[1]; M[1][1]=B2[1]; M[1][2]=C2[1];
M[2][0]=1.0f; M[2][1]=1.0f; M[2][2]=1.0f;
// solve
det = SarrusDet( M[0], M[1], M[2] );
T->coords[0][0] = SarrusDet( D[0], M[1], M[2] ) / det;
T->coords[0][1] = SarrusDet( M[0], D[0], M[2] ) / det;
T->coords[0][2] = SarrusDet( M[0], M[1], D[0] ) / det;
T->coords[1][0] = SarrusDet( D[1], M[1], M[2] ) / det;
T->coords[1][1] = SarrusDet( M[0], D[1], M[2] ) / det;
T->coords[1][2] = SarrusDet( M[0], M[1], D[1] ) / det;
//++timo replace everywhere texX by texS etc. ( ----> and in q3map !)
// NOTE : ComputeAxisBase here and in q3map code must always BE THE SAME !
// WARNING : special case behaviour of atan2(y,x) <-> atan(y/x) might not be the same everywhere when x == 0
// rotation by (0,RotY,RotZ) assigns X to normal
void ComputeAxisBase(vec3_t normal,vec3_t texS,vec3_t texT )
vec_t RotY,RotZ;
// do some cleaning
if (fabs(normal[0])<1e-6)
if (fabs(normal[1])<1e-6)
if (fabs(normal[2])<1e-6)
// rotate (0,1,0) and (0,0,1) to compute texS and texT
// the texT vector is along -Z ( T texture coorinates axis )
void FaceToBrushPrimitFace(face_t *f)
vec3_t texX,texY;
vec3_t proj;
// ST of (0,0) (1,0) (0,1)
vec_t ST[3][5]; // [ point index ] [ xyz ST ]
//++timo not used as long as brushprimit_texdef and texdef are static
/* f->brushprimit_texdef.contents=f->texdef.contents;
strcpy(f->brushprimit_texdef.name,f->texdef.name); */
#ifdef DBG_BP
if ( f->plane.normal[0]==0.0f && f->plane.normal[1]==0.0f && f->plane.normal[2]==0.0f )
Sys_Printf("Warning : f->plane.normal is (0,0,0) in FaceToBrushPrimitFace\n");
// check d_texture
if (!f->d_texture)
Sys_Printf("Warning : f.d_texture is NULL in FaceToBrushPrimitFace\n");
// compute axis base
// compute projection vector
// (0,0) in plane axis base is (0,0,0) in world coordinates + projection on the affine plane
// (1,0) in plane axis base is texX in world coordinates + projection on the affine plane
// (0,1) in plane axis base is texY in world coordinates + projection on the affine plane
// use old texture code to compute the ST coords of these points
EmitTextureCoordinates(ST[0], f->d_texture, f);
EmitTextureCoordinates(ST[1], f->d_texture, f);
EmitTextureCoordinates(ST[2], f->d_texture, f);
// compute texture matrix
// compute texture coordinates for the winding points
void EmitBrushPrimitTextureCoordinates(face_t * f, winding_t * w)
vec3_t texX,texY;
vec_t x,y;
// compute axis base
// in case the texcoords matrix is empty, build a default one
// same behaviour as if scale[0]==0 && scale[1]==0 in old code
if (f->brushprimit_texdef.coords[0][0]==0 && f->brushprimit_texdef.coords[1][0]==0 && f->brushprimit_texdef.coords[0][1]==0 && f->brushprimit_texdef.coords[1][1]==0)
f->brushprimit_texdef.coords[0][0] = 1.0f;
f->brushprimit_texdef.coords[1][1] = 1.0f;
ConvertTexMatWithQTexture( &f->brushprimit_texdef, NULL, &f->brushprimit_texdef, f->d_texture );
int i;
for (i=0 ; i<w->numpoints ; i++)
#ifdef DBG_BP
if (g_qeglobals.bNeedConvert)
// check we compute the same ST as the traditional texture computation used before
vec_t S=f->brushprimit_texdef.coords[0][0]*x+f->brushprimit_texdef.coords[0][1]*y+f->brushprimit_texdef.coords[0][2];
vec_t T=f->brushprimit_texdef.coords[1][0]*x+f->brushprimit_texdef.coords[1][1]*y+f->brushprimit_texdef.coords[1][2];
if ( fabs(S-w->points[i][3])>1e-2 || fabs(T-w->points[i][4])>1e-2 )
if ( fabs(S-w->points[i][3])>1e-4 || fabs(T-w->points[i][4])>1e-4 )
Sys_Printf("Warning : precision loss in brush -> brush primitive texture computation\n");
Sys_Printf("Warning : brush -> brush primitive texture computation bug detected\n");
// compute a fake shift scale rot representation from the texture matrix
// these shift scale rot values are to be understood in the local axis base
void TexMatToFakeTexCoords( vec_t texMat[2][3], float shift[2], float *rot, float scale[2] )
#ifdef DBG_BP
// check this matrix is orthogonal
if (fabs(texMat[0][0]*1.0L*texMat[0][1]+texMat[1][0]*1.0L*texMat[1][1])>ZERO_EPSILON)
Sys_Printf("Warning : non orthogonal texture matrix in TexMatToFakeTexCoords\n");
#ifdef DBG_BP
if (scale[0]<ZERO_EPSILON || scale[1]<ZERO_EPSILON)
Sys_Printf("Warning : unexpected scale==0 in TexMatToFakeTexCoords\n");
// compute rotate value
if (fabs(texMat[0][0])<ZERO_EPSILON)
#ifdef DBG_BP
// check brushprimit_texdef[1][0] is not zero
if (fabs(texMat[1][0])<ZERO_EPSILON)
Sys_Printf("Warning : unexpected texdef[1][0]==0 in TexMatToFakeTexCoords\n");
// rotate is +-90
if (texMat[1][0]>0)
*rot = RAD2DEG( atan2( texMat[1][0]*1.0L, texMat[0][0]*1.0L ) );
shift[0] = -texMat[0][2];
shift[1] = texMat[1][2];
// compute back the texture matrix from fake shift scale rot
// the matrix returned must be understood as a qtexture_t with width=2 height=2 ( the default one )
void FakeTexCoordsToTexMat( float shift[2], float rot, float scale[2], vec_t texMat[2][3] )
texMat[0][0] = scale[0] *1.0L* cos( DEG2RAD( 1.0L*rot ) );
texMat[1][0] = scale[0] *1.0L* sin( DEG2RAD( 1.0L*rot ) );
texMat[0][1] = -scale[1] *1.0L* sin( DEG2RAD( 1.0L*rot ) );
texMat[1][1] = scale[1] *1.0L* cos( DEG2RAD( 1.0L*rot ) );
texMat[0][2] = -shift[0];
texMat[1][2] = shift[1];
// convert a texture matrix between two qtexture_t
// if NULL for qtexture_t, basic 2x2 texture is assumed ( straight mapping between s/t coordinates and geometric coordinates )
void ConvertTexMatWithQTexture( vec_t texMat1[2][3], qtexture_t *qtex1, vec_t texMat2[2][3], qtexture_t *qtex2 )
float s1,s2;
s1 = ( qtex1 ? static_cast<float>( qtex1->width ) : 2.0f ) / ( qtex2 ? static_cast<float>( qtex2->width ) : 2.0f );
s2 = ( qtex1 ? static_cast<float>( qtex1->height ) : 2.0f ) / ( qtex2 ? static_cast<float>( qtex2->height ) : 2.0f );
void ConvertTexMatWithQTexture( brushprimit_texdef_t *texMat1, qtexture_t *qtex1, brushprimit_texdef_t *texMat2, qtexture_t *qtex2 )
ConvertTexMatWithQTexture(texMat1->coords, qtex1, texMat2->coords, qtex2);
// used for texture locking
// will move the texture according to a geometric vector
void ShiftTextureGeometric_BrushPrimit(face_t *f, vec3_t delta)
vec3_t texS,texT;
vec_t tx,ty;
vec3_t M[3]; // columns of the matrix .. easier that way
vec_t det;
vec3_t D[2];
// compute plane axis base ( doesn't change with translation )
ComputeAxisBase( f->plane.normal, texS, texT );
// compute translation vector in plane axis base
tx = DotProduct( delta, texS );
ty = DotProduct( delta, texT );
// fill the data vectors
M[0][0]=tx; M[0][1]=1.0f+tx; M[0][2]=tx;
M[1][0]=ty; M[1][1]=ty; M[1][2]=1.0f+ty;
M[2][0]=1.0f; M[2][1]=1.0f; M[2][2]=1.0f;
// solve
det = SarrusDet( M[0], M[1], M[2] );
f->brushprimit_texdef.coords[0][0] = SarrusDet( D[0], M[1], M[2] ) / det;
f->brushprimit_texdef.coords[0][1] = SarrusDet( M[0], D[0], M[2] ) / det;
f->brushprimit_texdef.coords[0][2] = SarrusDet( M[0], M[1], D[0] ) / det;
f->brushprimit_texdef.coords[1][0] = SarrusDet( D[1], M[1], M[2] ) / det;
f->brushprimit_texdef.coords[1][1] = SarrusDet( M[0], D[1], M[2] ) / det;
f->brushprimit_texdef.coords[1][2] = SarrusDet( M[0], M[1], D[1] ) / det;
// shift a texture (texture adjustments) along it's current texture axes
// x and y are geometric values, which we must compute as ST increments
// this depends on the texture size and the pixel/texel ratio
void ShiftTextureRelative_BrushPrimit( face_t *f, float x, float y)
float s,t;
// as a ratio against texture size
// the scale of the texture is not relevant here (we work directly on a transformation from the base vectors)
s = (x * 2.0) / (float)f->d_texture->width;
t = (y * 2.0) / (float)f->d_texture->height;
f->brushprimit_texdef.coords[0][2] -= s;
f->brushprimit_texdef.coords[1][2] -= t;
// TTimo: FIXME: I don't like that, it feels broken
// (and it's likely that it's not used anymore)
// best fitted 2D vector is x.X+y.Y
void ComputeBest2DVector( vec3_t v, vec3_t X, vec3_t Y, int &x, int &y )
double sx,sy;
sx = DotProduct( v, X );
sy = DotProduct( v, Y );
if ( fabs(sy) > fabs(sx) )
x = 0;
if ( sy > 0.0 )
y = 1;
y = -1;
y = 0;
if ( sx > 0.0 )
x = 1;
x = -1;
//++timo FIXME quick'n dirty hack, doesn't care about current texture settings (angle)
// can be improved .. bug #107311
// mins and maxs are the face bounding box
//++timo fixme: we use the face info, mins and maxs are irrelevant
void Face_FitTexture_BrushPrimit( face_t *f, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, int nHeight, int nWidth )
vec3_t BBoxSTMin, BBoxSTMax;
winding_t *w;
int i,j;
vec_t val;
vec3_t M[3],D[2];
// vec3_t N[2],Mf[2];
brushprimit_texdef_t N;
vec3_t Mf[2];
// we'll be working on a standardized texture size
// ConvertTexMatWithQTexture( &f->brushprimit_texdef, f->d_texture, &f->brushprimit_texdef, NULL );
// compute the BBox in ST coords
EmitBrushPrimitTextureCoordinates( f, f->face_winding );
ClearBounds( BBoxSTMin, BBoxSTMax );
w = f->face_winding;
for (i=0 ; i<w->numpoints ; i++)
// AddPointToBounds in 2D on (S,T) coordinates
for (j=0 ; j<2 ; j++)
val = w->points[i][j+3];
if (val < BBoxSTMin[j])
BBoxSTMin[j] = val;
if (val > BBoxSTMax[j])
BBoxSTMax[j] = val;
// we have the three points of the BBox (BBoxSTMin[0].BBoxSTMin[1]) (BBoxSTMax[0],BBoxSTMin[1]) (BBoxSTMin[0],BBoxSTMax[1]) in ST space
// the BP matrix we are looking for gives (0,0) (nwidth,0) (0,nHeight) coordinates in (Sfit,Tfit) space to these three points
// we have A(Sfit,Tfit) = (0,0) = Mf * A(TexS,TexT) = N * M * A(TexS,TexT) = N * A(S,T)
// so we solve the system for N and then Mf = N * M
M[0][0] = BBoxSTMin[0]; M[0][1] = BBoxSTMax[0]; M[0][2] = BBoxSTMin[0];
M[1][0] = BBoxSTMin[1]; M[1][1] = BBoxSTMin[1]; M[1][2] = BBoxSTMax[1];
D[0][0] = 0.0f; D[0][1] = nWidth; D[0][2] = 0.0f;
D[1][0] = 0.0f; D[1][1] = 0.0f; D[1][2] = nHeight;
MatrixForPoints( M, D, &N );
#if 0
// FIT operation gives coordinates of three points of the bounding box in (S',T'), our target axis base
// A(S',T')=(0,0) B(S',T')=(nWidth,0) C(S',T')=(0,nHeight)
// and we have them in (S,T) axis base: A(S,T)=(BBoxSTMin[0],BBoxSTMin[1]) B(S,T)=(BBoxSTMax[0],BBoxSTMin[1]) C(S,T)=(BBoxSTMin[0],BBoxSTMax[1])
// we compute the N transformation so that: A(S',T') = N * A(S,T)
VectorSet( N[0], (BBoxSTMax[0]-BBoxSTMin[0])/(float)nWidth, 0.0f, BBoxSTMin[0] );
VectorSet( N[1], 0.0f, (BBoxSTMax[1]-BBoxSTMin[1])/(float)nHeight, BBoxSTMin[1] );
// the final matrix is the product (Mf stands for Mfit)
Mf[0][0] = N.coords[0][0] * f->brushprimit_texdef.coords[0][0] + N.coords[0][1] * f->brushprimit_texdef.coords[1][0];
Mf[0][1] = N.coords[0][0] * f->brushprimit_texdef.coords[0][1] + N.coords[0][1] * f->brushprimit_texdef.coords[1][1];
Mf[0][2] = N.coords[0][0] * f->brushprimit_texdef.coords[0][2] + N.coords[0][1] * f->brushprimit_texdef.coords[1][2] + N.coords[0][2];
Mf[1][0] = N.coords[1][0] * f->brushprimit_texdef.coords[0][0] + N.coords[1][1] * f->brushprimit_texdef.coords[1][0];
Mf[1][1] = N.coords[1][0] * f->brushprimit_texdef.coords[0][1] + N.coords[1][1] * f->brushprimit_texdef.coords[1][1];
Mf[1][2] = N.coords[1][0] * f->brushprimit_texdef.coords[0][2] + N.coords[1][1] * f->brushprimit_texdef.coords[1][2] + N.coords[1][2];
// copy back
VectorCopy( Mf[0], f->brushprimit_texdef.coords[0] );
VectorCopy( Mf[1], f->brushprimit_texdef.coords[1] );
// handle the texture size
// ConvertTexMatWithQTexture( &f->brushprimit_texdef, NULL, &f->brushprimit_texdef, f->d_texture );
void BrushPrimitFaceToFace(face_t *f)
#if 0
// we have parsed brush primitives and need conversion back to standard format
// NOTE: converting back is a quick hack, there's some information lost and we can't do anything about it
// FIXME: if we normalize the texture matrix to a standard 2x2 size, we end up with wrong scaling
// I tried various tweaks, no luck .. seems shifting is lost
brushprimit_texdef_t aux;
ConvertTexMatWithQTexture( &face->brushprimit_texdef, face->d_texture, &aux, NULL );
TexMatToFakeTexCoords( aux.coords, face->texdef.shift, &face->texdef.rotate, face->texdef.scale );
// new method by divVerent@alientrap.org: Shift and scale no longer get lost when opening a BP map in texdef mode.
vec3_t texX,texY;
vec3_t proj;
vec_t ST[3][5];
ST[0][3] = f->brushprimit_texdef.coords[0][2];
ST[0][4] = f->brushprimit_texdef.coords[1][2];
ST[1][3] = f->brushprimit_texdef.coords[0][0] + ST[0][3];
ST[1][4] = f->brushprimit_texdef.coords[1][0] + ST[0][4];
ST[2][3] = f->brushprimit_texdef.coords[0][1] + ST[0][3];
ST[2][4] = f->brushprimit_texdef.coords[1][1] + ST[0][4];
Face_TexdefFromTextureCoordinates(ST[0], ST[1], ST[2], f->d_texture, f);
// TEXTURE LOCKING -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// (Relevant to the editor only?)
// internally used for texture locking on rotation and flipping
// the general algorithm is the same for both lockings, it's only the geometric transformation part that changes
// so I wanted to keep it in a single function
// if there are more linear transformations that need the locking, going to a C++ or code pointer solution would be best
// (but right now I want to keep brush_primit.cpp striclty C)
qboolean txlock_bRotation;
// rotation locking params
int txl_nAxis;
float txl_fDeg;
vec3_t txl_vOrigin;
// flip locking params
vec3_t txl_matrix[3];
vec3_t txl_origin;
void TextureLockTransformation_BrushPrimit(face_t *f)
vec3_t Orig,texS,texT; // axis base of initial plane
// used by transformation algo
vec3_t temp; int j;
vec3_t vRotate; // rotation vector
vec3_t rOrig,rvecS,rvecT; // geometric transformation of (0,0) (1,0) (0,1) { initial plane axis base }
vec3_t rNormal,rtexS,rtexT; // axis base for the transformed plane
vec3_t lOrig,lvecS,lvecT; // [2] are not used ( but usefull for debugging )
vec3_t M[3];
vec_t det;
vec3_t D[2];
// compute plane axis base
ComputeAxisBase( f->plane.normal, texS, texT );
VectorSet(Orig, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
// compute coordinates of (0,0) (1,0) (0,1) ( expressed in initial plane axis base ) after transformation
// (0,0) (1,0) (0,1) ( expressed in initial plane axis base ) <-> (0,0,0) texS texT ( expressed world axis base )
// input: Orig, texS, texT (and the global locking params)
// ouput: rOrig, rvecS, rvecT, rNormal
if (txlock_bRotation) {
// rotation vector
VectorSet( vRotate, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
VectorRotateOrigin ( Orig, vRotate, txl_vOrigin, rOrig );
VectorRotateOrigin ( texS, vRotate, txl_vOrigin, rvecS );
VectorRotateOrigin ( texT, vRotate, txl_vOrigin, rvecT );
// compute normal of plane after rotation
VectorRotate ( f->plane.normal, vRotate, rNormal );
VectorSubtract (Orig, txl_origin, temp);
for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++)
rOrig[j] = DotProduct(temp, txl_matrix[j]) + txl_origin[j];
VectorSubtract (texS, txl_origin, temp);
for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++)
rvecS[j] = DotProduct(temp, txl_matrix[j]) + txl_origin[j];
VectorSubtract (texT, txl_origin, temp);
for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++)
rvecT[j] = DotProduct(temp, txl_matrix[j]) + txl_origin[j];
// we also need the axis base of the target plane, apply the transformation matrix to the normal too..
for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++)
rNormal[j] = DotProduct(f->plane.normal, txl_matrix[j]);
// compute rotated plane axis base
ComputeAxisBase( rNormal, rtexS, rtexT );
// compute S/T coordinates of the three points in rotated axis base ( in M matrix )
lOrig[0] = DotProduct( rOrig, rtexS );
lOrig[1] = DotProduct( rOrig, rtexT );
lvecS[0] = DotProduct( rvecS, rtexS );
lvecS[1] = DotProduct( rvecS, rtexT );
lvecT[0] = DotProduct( rvecT, rtexS );
lvecT[1] = DotProduct( rvecT, rtexT );
M[0][0] = lOrig[0]; M[1][0] = lOrig[1]; M[2][0] = 1.0f;
M[0][1] = lvecS[0]; M[1][1] = lvecS[1]; M[2][1] = 1.0f;
M[0][2] = lvecT[0]; M[1][2] = lvecT[1]; M[2][2] = 1.0f;
// fill data vector
// solve
det = SarrusDet( M[0], M[1], M[2] );
f->brushprimit_texdef.coords[0][0] = SarrusDet( D[0], M[1], M[2] ) / det;
f->brushprimit_texdef.coords[0][1] = SarrusDet( M[0], D[0], M[2] ) / det;
f->brushprimit_texdef.coords[0][2] = SarrusDet( M[0], M[1], D[0] ) / det;
f->brushprimit_texdef.coords[1][0] = SarrusDet( D[1], M[1], M[2] ) / det;
f->brushprimit_texdef.coords[1][1] = SarrusDet( M[0], D[1], M[2] ) / det;
f->brushprimit_texdef.coords[1][2] = SarrusDet( M[0], M[1], D[1] ) / det;
// texture locking
// called before the points on the face are actually rotated
void RotateFaceTexture_BrushPrimit(face_t *f, int nAxis, float fDeg, vec3_t vOrigin )
// this is a placeholder to call the general texture locking algorithm
txlock_bRotation = true;
txl_nAxis = nAxis;
txl_fDeg = fDeg;
VectorCopy(vOrigin, txl_vOrigin);
// compute the new brush primit texture matrix for a transformation matrix and a flip order flag (change plane orientation)
// this matches the select_matrix algo used in select.cpp
// this needs to be called on the face BEFORE any geometric transformation
// it will compute the texture matrix that will represent the same texture on the face after the geometric transformation is done
void ApplyMatrix_BrushPrimit(face_t *f, vec3_t matrix[3], vec3_t origin)
// this is a placeholder to call the general texture locking algorithm
txlock_bRotation = false;
VectorCopy(matrix[0], txl_matrix[0]);
VectorCopy(matrix[1], txl_matrix[1]);
VectorCopy(matrix[2], txl_matrix[2]);
VectorCopy(origin, txl_origin);
// don't do C==A!
void BPMatMul(vec_t A[2][3], vec_t B[2][3], vec_t C[2][3])
C[0][0] = A[0][0]*B[0][0]+A[0][1]*B[1][0];
C[1][0] = A[1][0]*B[0][0]+A[1][1]*B[1][0];
C[0][1] = A[0][0]*B[0][1]+A[0][1]*B[1][1];
C[1][1] = A[1][0]*B[0][1]+A[1][1]*B[1][1];
C[0][2] = A[0][0]*B[0][2]+A[0][1]*B[1][2]+A[0][2];
C[1][2] = A[1][0]*B[0][2]+A[1][1]*B[1][2]+A[1][2];
void BPMatDump(vec_t A[2][3])
Sys_Printf("%g %g %g\n%g %g %g\n0 0 1\n", A[0][0], A[0][1], A[0][2], A[1][0], A[1][1], A[1][2]);
void BPMatRotate(vec_t A[2][3], float theta)
vec_t m[2][3];
vec_t aux[2][3];
memset(&m, 0, sizeof(vec_t)*6);
m[0][0] = cos(theta*Q_PI/180.0);
m[0][1] = -sin(theta*Q_PI/180.0);
m[1][0] = -m[0][1];
m[1][1] = m[0][0];
BPMatMul(A, m, aux);
// get the relative axes of the current texturing
void BrushPrimit_GetRelativeAxes(face_t *f, vec3_t vecS, vec3_t vecT)
vec_t vS[2],vT[2];
// first we compute them as expressed in plane axis base
// BP matrix has coordinates of plane axis base expressed in geometric axis base
// so we use the line vectors
vS[0] = f->brushprimit_texdef.coords[0][0];
vS[1] = f->brushprimit_texdef.coords[0][1];
vT[0] = f->brushprimit_texdef.coords[1][0];
vT[1] = f->brushprimit_texdef.coords[1][1];
// now compute those vectors in geometric space
vec3_t texS, texT; // axis base of the plane (geometric)
ComputeAxisBase(f->plane.normal, texS, texT);
// vecS[] = vS[0].texS[] + vS[1].texT[]
// vecT[] = vT[0].texS[] + vT[1].texT[]
vecS[0] = vS[0]*texS[0] + vS[1]*texT[0];
vecS[1] = vS[0]*texS[1] + vS[1]*texT[1];
vecS[2] = vS[0]*texS[2] + vS[1]*texT[2];
vecT[0] = vT[0]*texS[0] + vT[1]*texT[0];
vecT[1] = vT[0]*texS[1] + vT[1]*texT[1];
vecT[2] = vT[0]*texS[2] + vT[1]*texT[2];
// GL matrix 4x4 product (3D homogeneous matrix)
// NOTE: the crappy thing is that GL doesn't follow the standard convention [line][column]
// otherwise it's all good
void GLMatMul(vec_t M[4][4], vec_t A[4], vec_t B[4])
unsigned short i,j;
for (i=0;i<4;i++)
B[i] = 0.0;
for (j=0;j<4;j++)
B[i] += M[j][i]*A[j];
qboolean IsBrushPrimitMode()