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Copyright (C) 1999-2007 id Software, Inc. and contributors.
For a list of contributors, see the accompanying CONTRIBUTORS file.
This file is part of GtkRadiant.
GtkRadiant is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
GtkRadiant is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with GtkRadiant; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include "plugin.h"
#include "version.h"
/*! \file plugin.cpp
\brief HydraToolz!
HydraToolz by Dominic Clifton - Hydra (Hydra@Hydras-World.com)
This plugin allows the user to rebuild the "wad" key pair in the worldspawn
so that it has a list of all the .wad files in use.
Version History
v0.1 - 28/May/2002
- Initial version.
v1.0 - 10/March/2003
- Added more console output
- Removed some old test code
- Tweaked dialog box.
- Fixed up for Radiant 1.3.5
// =============================================================================
// Globals
_QERFuncTable_1 g_FuncTable;
_QERFileSystemTable g_FileSystemTable;
_QEREntityTable g_EntityTable;
// =============================================================================
// Ripped from cmdlib.cpp
Extract file parts
void HYDRA_ExtractFilePath( const char *path, char *dest ){
const char *src;
src = path + strlen( path ) - 1;
// back up until a \ or the start
while ( src != path && *( src - 1 ) != '/' && *( src - 1 ) != '\\' )
memcpy( dest, path, src - path );
dest[src - path] = 0;
void HYDRA_ExtractFileName( const char *path, char *dest ){
const char *src;
src = path + strlen( path ) - 1;
// back up until a \ or the start
while ( src != path && *( src - 1 ) != '/'
&& *( src - 1 ) != '\\' )
while ( *src )
*dest++ = *src++;
*dest = 0;
void HYDRA_ConvertDOSToUnixName( char *dst, const char *src ){
while ( *src )
if ( *src == '\\' ) {
*dst = '/';
*dst = *src;
dst++; src++;
*dst = 0;
// End of rip from cmdlib.cpp
// =============================================================================
// Actual Plugin Code
// get the wad name from the shader name (or an actual wadname) and add to a list of wad names making
// sure we don't add duplicates.
GSList *AddToWadList( GSList *wadlist, const char *shadername, const char *wad ){
char tmpstr[QER_MAX_NAMELEN];
char *wadname;
if ( !shadername && !wad ) {
return wadlist;
if ( shadername ) {
if ( strcmp( shadername,"color" ) == 0 ) {
return wadlist;
HYDRA_ExtractFilePath( shadername,tmpstr );
// Sys_Printf("checking: %s\n",shadername);
int l = strlen( tmpstr ) - 1;
if ( tmpstr[l] == '/' || tmpstr[l] == '\\' ) {
tmpstr[l] = 0;
Sys_Printf( "HydraToolz: WARNING: Unknown wad file for shader %s\n",shadername );
return wadlist;
HYDRA_ExtractFileName( tmpstr,tmpstr );
wadname = (char *)malloc( strlen( tmpstr ) + 5 );
sprintf( wadname,"%s.wad",tmpstr );
wadname = strdup( wad );
for ( GSList *l = wadlist; l != NULL ; l = l->next )
if ( !stricmp( (char *)l->data,wadname ) ) {
free( wadname );
return wadlist;
Sys_Printf( "HydraToolz: Adding Wad File to WAD list: %s (reason: ",wadname );
if ( shadername ) {
Sys_Printf( "see shader \"%s\")\n", shadername );
Sys_Printf( "already in WAD key. )\n" );
return ( g_slist_append( wadlist, wadname ) );
void UpdateWadKeyPair( void ){
int i,nb;
char wads[2048]; // change to CString usage ?
*wads = 0;
char *p1,*p2;
entity_t *pEntity;
epair_t *pEpair;
GSList *wadlist = NULL;
face_t *f;
brush_t *b;
char cleanwadname[QER_MAX_NAMELEN];
char *actualwad;
pEntity = (entity_t *)g_FuncTable.m_pfnGetEntityHandle( 0 ); // get the worldspawn ent
Sys_Printf( "HydraToolz: Searching for in-use wad files...\n" );
for ( pEpair = pEntity->epairs; pEpair != NULL; pEpair = pEpair->next )
if ( stricmp( pEpair->key,"wad" ) == 0 ) {
strcpy( wads,pEpair->value );
HYDRA_ConvertDOSToUnixName( wads,wads );
Sys_Printf( "HydraToolz: Current wad key is \"%s\"!\n",wads );
// ok, we got the list of ; delimited wads, now split it into a GSList that contains
// just the wad names themselves.
p1 = wads;
p2 = strchr( p1,';' );
if ( p2 ) {
*p2 = 0; // swap the ; with a null terminator
if ( strchr( p1,'/' ) || strchr( p1,'\\' ) ) {
HYDRA_ExtractFileName( p1,cleanwadname );
wadlist = AddToWadList( wadlist, NULL, cleanwadname );
wadlist = AddToWadList( wadlist, NULL, p1 );
if ( p2 ) {
p1 = p2 + 1; // point back to the remainder of the string
p1 = NULL; // make it so we exit the loop.
} while ( p1 );
// ok, now we have a list of wads in GSList.
// now we need to add any new wadfiles (with their paths) to this list
// so scan all brushes and see what wads are in use
// FIXME: scan brushes only in the region ?
break; // we don't need to process any more key/pairs.
if ( !*wads ) {
Sys_Printf( "HydraToolz: No \"wad\" keypair wound in worldspawn\n" );
nb = g_FuncTable.m_pfnAllocateActiveBrushHandles();
for ( i = 0; i < nb; i++ )
b = (brush_t *)g_FuncTable.m_pfnGetActiveBrushHandle( i );
if ( b->patchBrush ) { // patches in halflife ?
wadlist = AddToWadList( wadlist, b->pPatch->pShader->getName(),NULL );
for ( f = b->brush_faces ; f ; f = f->next )
wadlist = AddToWadList( wadlist, f->pShader->getName(),NULL );
nb = g_FuncTable.m_pfnAllocateSelectedBrushHandles();
for ( i = 0; i < nb; i++ )
b = (brush_t *)g_FuncTable.m_pfnGetSelectedBrushHandle( i );
if ( b->patchBrush ) { // patches in halflife ?
wadlist = AddToWadList( wadlist, b->pPatch->pShader->getName(),NULL );
for ( f = b->brush_faces ; f ; f = f->next )
wadlist = AddToWadList( wadlist, f->pShader->getName(),NULL );
Sys_Printf( "HydraToolz: Rebuilding worldspawn's \"wad\" key-pair...\n" );
// Now we have a complete list of wadnames (without paths) so we just have to turn this
// back to a ; delimited list.
*wads = 0;
while ( wadlist )
// skip wad files if they start with "common-"
if ( strnicmp( (char *)wadlist->data,"common-",7 ) == 0 ) {
Sys_Printf( "HydraToolz: Skipping radiant/user-supplied wad file %s\n",(char *)wadlist->data );
if ( wads[0] ) {
strcat( wads,";" );
actualwad = vfsGetFullPath( (char *)wadlist->data, 0, 0 );
if ( actualwad ) {
strcat( wads, actualwad );
Sys_Printf( "HydraToolz: WARNING: could not locate wad file %s\n",(char *)wadlist->data );
strcat( wads, (char *)wadlist->data );
free( wadlist->data );
wadlist = g_slist_remove( wadlist, wadlist->data );
// store the wad list back in the worldspawn.
if ( *wads ) {
//pEpair->value = strdup(wads);
SetKeyValue( pEntity, "wad", wads );
Sys_Printf( "HydraToolz: Setting worldspawn \"wad\" key value to \"%s\"\n",wads );
Sys_Printf( "HydraToolz: Finished rebuilding wad keypair!\n" );
// =============================================================================
// plugin name
const char *PLUGIN_NAME = "HydraToolz";
// commands in the menu
const char *PLUGIN_COMMANDS = "About...;Create/Update WAD keypair";
const char *PLUGIN_ABOUT = "HydraToolz v1.0 for GTKRadiant\n\n"
"By Hydra!";
extern "C" void* WINAPI QERPlug_GetFuncTable(){
return &g_FuncTable;
const char* QERPlug_Init( void* hApp, void *pWidget ){
return "HydraToolz for GTKRadiant"; // do we need this ? hmmm
const char* QERPlug_GetName(){
return (char*)PLUGIN_NAME;
const char* QERPlug_GetCommandList(){
extern "C" void QERPlug_Dispatch( const char* p, vec3_t vMin, vec3_t vMax, bool bSingleBrush ){
if ( !strcmp( p, "Create/Update WAD keypair" ) ) {
else if ( !strcmp( p, "About..." ) ) {
g_FuncTable.m_pfnMessageBox( NULL, PLUGIN_ABOUT, "About", MB_OK, NULL );
// =============================================================================
CSynapseServer* g_pSynapseServer = NULL;
CSynapseClientHydraToolz g_SynapseClient;
#if __GNUC__ >= 4
#pragma GCC visibility push(default)
extern "C" CSynapseClient * SYNAPSE_DLL_EXPORT Synapse_EnumerateInterfaces( const char *version, CSynapseServer *pServer ) {
#if __GNUC__ >= 4
#pragma GCC visibility pop
if ( strcmp( version, SYNAPSE_VERSION ) ) {
Syn_Printf( "ERROR: synapse API version mismatch: should be '" SYNAPSE_VERSION "', got '%s'\n", version );
return NULL;
g_pSynapseServer = pServer;
Set_Syn_Printf( g_pSynapseServer->Get_Syn_Printf() );
g_SynapseClient.AddAPI( PLUGIN_MAJOR, "HydraToolz", sizeof( _QERPluginTable ) );
g_SynapseClient.AddAPI( RADIANT_MAJOR, NULL, sizeof( g_FuncTable ), SYN_REQUIRE, &g_FuncTable );
g_SynapseClient.AddAPI( VFS_MAJOR, "*", sizeof( g_FileSystemTable ), SYN_REQUIRE, &g_FileSystemTable ); // wad, typically
g_SynapseClient.AddAPI( ENTITY_MAJOR, NULL, sizeof( g_EntityTable ), SYN_REQUIRE, &g_EntityTable );
return &g_SynapseClient;
bool CSynapseClientHydraToolz::RequestAPI( APIDescriptor_t *pAPI ){
if ( !strcmp( pAPI->major_name, PLUGIN_MAJOR ) ) {
_QERPluginTable *pTable = static_cast<_QERPluginTable*>( pAPI->mpTable );
pTable->m_pfnQERPlug_Init = QERPlug_Init;
pTable->m_pfnQERPlug_GetName = QERPlug_GetName;
pTable->m_pfnQERPlug_GetCommandList = QERPlug_GetCommandList;
pTable->m_pfnQERPlug_Dispatch = QERPlug_Dispatch;
return true;
Syn_Printf( "ERROR: RequestAPI( '%s' ) not found in '%s'\n", pAPI->major_name, GetInfo() );
return false;
const char* CSynapseClientHydraToolz::GetInfo(){
return "HydraToolz plugin built " __DATE__ " " RADIANT_VERSION;