mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 02:41:09 +00:00
1127 lines
27 KiB
1127 lines
27 KiB
Copyright (C) 1999-2007 id Software, Inc. and contributors.
For a list of contributors, see the accompanying CONTRIBUTORS file.
This file is part of GtkRadiant.
GtkRadiant is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
GtkRadiant is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with GtkRadiant; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include <assert.h>
#include "q3data.h"
static int s_resample_width = 256;
static int s_resample_height = 256;
#define OUTPUT_TGAS 1
static int s_compression_method = BTC_COMPRESSION;
static const char *CIN_EXTENSION = "cn2";
static const int CIN_SIGNATURE = ( 'C' << 24 ) | ( 'I' << 16 ) | ( 'N' << 8 ) | ( '2' );
static byte *s_soundtrack;
static char s_base[32];
static char s_output_base[32];
WAV loading
typedef struct
int rate;
int width;
int channels;
int loopstart;
int samples;
int dataofs; // chunk starts this many bytes from file start
} wavinfo_t;
byte *data_p;
byte *iff_end;
byte *last_chunk;
byte *iff_data;
int iff_chunk_len;
static int s_samplecounts[0x10000];
static wavinfo_t s_wavinfo;
short GetLittleShort( void ){
short val = 0;
val = *data_p;
val = val + ( *( data_p + 1 ) << 8 );
data_p += 2;
return val;
int GetLittleLong( void ){
int val = 0;
val = *data_p;
val = val + ( *( data_p + 1 ) << 8 );
val = val + ( *( data_p + 2 ) << 16 );
val = val + ( *( data_p + 3 ) << 24 );
data_p += 4;
return val;
void FindNextChunk( char *name ){
while ( 1 )
data_p = last_chunk;
if ( data_p >= iff_end ) { // didn't find the chunk
data_p = NULL;
data_p += 4;
iff_chunk_len = GetLittleLong();
if ( iff_chunk_len < 0 ) {
data_p = NULL;
// if (iff_chunk_len > 1024*1024)
// Sys_Error ("FindNextChunk: %i length is past the 1 meg sanity limit", iff_chunk_len);
data_p -= 8;
last_chunk = data_p + 8 + ( ( iff_chunk_len + 1 ) & ~1 );
if ( !strncmp( data_p, name, 4 ) ) {
void FindChunk( char *name ){
last_chunk = iff_data;
FindNextChunk( name );
void DumpChunks( void ){
char str[5];
str[4] = 0;
data_p = iff_data;
memcpy( str, data_p, 4 );
data_p += 4;
iff_chunk_len = GetLittleLong();
printf( "0x%x : %s (%d)\n", (int)( data_p - 4 ), str, iff_chunk_len );
data_p += ( iff_chunk_len + 1 ) & ~1;
} while ( data_p < iff_end );
wavinfo_t GetWavinfo( char *name, byte *wav, int wavlength ){
wavinfo_t info;
int i;
int format;
int samples;
memset( &info, 0, sizeof( info ) );
if ( !wav ) {
return info;
iff_data = wav;
iff_end = wav + wavlength;
// find "RIFF" chunk
FindChunk( "RIFF" );
if ( !( data_p && !strncmp( data_p + 8, "WAVE", 4 ) ) ) {
printf( "Missing RIFF/WAVE chunks\n" );
return info;
// get "fmt " chunk
iff_data = data_p + 12;
// DumpChunks ();
FindChunk( "fmt " );
if ( !data_p ) {
printf( "Missing fmt chunk\n" );
return info;
data_p += 8;
format = GetLittleShort();
if ( format != 1 ) {
printf( "Microsoft PCM format only\n" );
return info;
info.channels = GetLittleShort();
info.rate = GetLittleLong();
data_p += 4 + 2;
info.width = GetLittleShort() / 8;
// get cue chunk
FindChunk( "cue " );
if ( data_p ) {
data_p += 32;
info.loopstart = GetLittleLong();
// Com_Printf("loopstart=%d\n", sfx->loopstart);
// if the next chunk is a LIST chunk, look for a cue length marker
FindNextChunk( "LIST" );
if ( data_p ) {
if ( !strncmp( data_p + 28, "mark", 4 ) ) { // this is not a proper parse, but it works with cooledit...
data_p += 24;
i = GetLittleLong(); // samples in loop
info.samples = info.loopstart + i;
info.loopstart = -1;
// find data chunk
FindChunk( "data" );
if ( !data_p ) {
printf( "Missing data chunk\n" );
return info;
data_p += 4;
samples = GetLittleLong();
if ( info.samples ) {
if ( samples < info.samples ) {
Error( "Sound %s has a bad loop length", name );
info.samples = samples;
info.dataofs = data_p - wav;
return info;
void LoadSoundtrack( void ){
char name[1024];
FILE *f;
int len;
int i, val, j;
s_soundtrack = NULL;
sprintf( name, "%svideo/%s/%s.wav", gamedir, s_base, s_base );
printf( "WAV: %s\n", name );
f = fopen( name, "rb" );
if ( !f ) {
printf( "no soundtrack for %s\n", s_base );
len = Q_filelength( f );
s_soundtrack = malloc( len );
fread( s_soundtrack, 1, len, f );
fclose( f );
s_wavinfo = GetWavinfo( name, s_soundtrack, len );
// count samples for compression
memset( s_samplecounts, 0, sizeof( s_samplecounts ) );
j = s_wavinfo.samples / 2;
for ( i = 0 ; i < j ; i++ )
val = ( (unsigned short *)( s_soundtrack + s_wavinfo.dataofs ) )[i];
val = 0;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 0x10000 ; i++ )
if ( s_samplecounts[i] ) {
printf( "%i unique sample values\n", val );
void WriteSound( FILE *output, int frame ){
int start, end;
int count;
int empty = 0;
int i;
int sample;
int width;
width = s_wavinfo.width * s_wavinfo.channels;
start = frame * s_wavinfo.rate / 14;
end = ( frame + 1 ) * s_wavinfo.rate / 14;
count = end - start;
for ( i = 0 ; i < count ; i++ )
sample = start + i;
if ( sample > s_wavinfo.samples || !s_soundtrack ) {
fwrite( &empty, 1, width, output );
fwrite( s_soundtrack + s_wavinfo.dataofs + sample * width, 1, width,output );
static float s_resampleXRatio;
static float s_resampleYRatio;
static void BoxFilterHorizontalElements( unsigned char *dst, unsigned char *src, float s0, float s1 ){
float w;
float rSum = 0, gSum = 0, bSum = 0;
float x = s0;
float sumWeight = 0;
for ( x = s0; x < s1; x++, src += 4 )
if ( x == s0 ) {
w = ( int ) ( s0 + 1 ) - x;
else if ( x + 1 >= s1 ) {
w = s1 - ( int ) x;
w = 1.0f;
rSum += src[0] * w;
gSum += src[1] * w;
bSum += src[2] * w;
sumWeight += w;
rSum /= sumWeight;
gSum /= sumWeight;
bSum /= sumWeight;
dst[0] = ( unsigned char ) ( rSum + 0.5 );
dst[1] = ( unsigned char ) ( gSum + 0.5 );
dst[2] = ( unsigned char ) ( bSum + 0.5 );
static void BoxFilterVerticalElements( unsigned char *dst, // destination of the filter process
unsigned char *src, // source pixels
int srcStep, // stride of the source pixels
float s0, float s1 ){
float w;
float rSum = 0, gSum = 0, bSum = 0;
float y = s0;
float sumWeight = 0;
for ( y = s0; y < ( int ) ( s1 + 1 ) ; y++, src += srcStep )
if ( y == s0 ) {
w = ( int ) ( s0 + 1 ) - y;
else if ( y + 1 >= s1 ) {
w = s1 - ( int ) y;
w = 1.0f;
rSum += src[0] * w;
gSum += src[1] * w;
bSum += src[2] * w;
sumWeight += w;
rSum /= sumWeight;
gSum /= sumWeight;
bSum /= sumWeight;
dst[0] = ( unsigned char ) ( rSum + 0.5 );
dst[1] = ( unsigned char ) ( gSum + 0.5 );
dst[2] = ( unsigned char ) ( bSum + 0.5 );
dst[3] = 0xff;
static void BoxFilterRow( unsigned char *dstStart, cblock_t *in, int dstRow, int rowWidth ){
int i;
unsigned char *indata = ( unsigned char * ) in->data;
indata += 4 * dstRow * in->width;
for ( i = 0; i < rowWidth; i++ )
float c0 = i * s_resampleXRatio;
float c1 = ( i + 1 ) * s_resampleXRatio;
BoxFilterHorizontalElements( &dstStart[i * 4], &indata[( ( int ) c0 ) * 4], c0, c1 );
static void BoxFilterColumn( unsigned char *dstStart, unsigned char *srcStart, int dstCol, int dstRowWidth, int dstColHeight, int srcRowWidthInPels ){
float c0, c1;
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < dstColHeight; i++ )
c0 = i * s_resampleYRatio;
c1 = ( i + 1 ) * s_resampleYRatio;
BoxFilterVerticalElements( &dstStart[i * 4 * dstRowWidth], &srcStart[(int)c0 * srcRowWidthInPels * 4], srcRowWidthInPels * 4, c0, c1 );
#define DROP_SAMPLE 0
#define BOX_FILTER 1
static void ResampleFrame( cblock_t *in, unsigned char *out, int method, int outWidth, int outHeight ){
int row, column;
unsigned char *indata = ( unsigned char * ) in->data;
s_resampleXRatio = in->width / ( float ) outWidth;
s_resampleYRatio = in->height / ( float ) outHeight;
if ( method == DROP_SAMPLE ) {
for ( row = 0; row < outHeight; row++ )
int r = ( int ) ( row * s_resampleYRatio );
for ( column = 0; column < outWidth; column++ )
int c = ( int ) ( column * s_resampleXRatio );
out[( row * outWidth + column ) * 4 + 0] = indata[( r * in->width + c ) * 4 + 0];
out[( row * outWidth + column ) * 4 + 1] = indata[( r * in->width + c ) * 4 + 1];
out[( row * outWidth + column ) * 4 + 2] = indata[( r * in->width + c ) * 4 + 2];
out[( row * outWidth + column ) * 4 + 3] = 0xff;
else if ( method == BOX_FILTER ) {
unsigned char intermediate[1024 * 1024 * 4];
assert( in->height <= 1024 );
assert( in->width <= 1024 );
// filter our M x N source image into a RESAMPLE_WIDTH x N horizontally filtered image
for ( row = 0; row < in->height; row++ )
BoxFilterRow( &intermediate[row * 4 * outWidth], in, row, outWidth );
// filter our RESAMPLE_WIDTH x N horizontally filtered image into a RESAMPLE_WIDTH x RESAMPLE_HEIGHT filtered image
for ( column = 0; column < outWidth; column++ )
BoxFilterColumn( &out[column * 4], &intermediate[column * 4], column, outWidth, outHeight, s_resample_width );
static float BTCDistanceSquared( float a[3], float b[3] ){
return ( b[0] - a[0] ) * ( b[0] - a[0] ) +
( b[1] - a[1] ) * ( b[1] - a[1] ) +
( b[2] - a[2] ) * ( b[2] - a[2] );
static void BTCFindEndpoints( float inBlock[4][4][3], unsigned int endPoints[2][2] ){
float longestDistance = -1;
int bX, bY;
// find the two points farthest from each other
for ( bY = 0; bY < 4; bY++ )
for ( bX = 0; bX < 4; bX++ )
int cX, cY;
float d;
// check the rest of the current row
for ( cX = bX + 1; cX < 4; cX++ )
if ( ( d = BTCDistanceSquared( inBlock[bY][bX], inBlock[bY][cX] ) ) > longestDistance ) {
longestDistance = d;
endPoints[0][0] = bX;
endPoints[0][1] = bY;
endPoints[1][0] = cX;
endPoints[1][1] = bY;
// check remaining rows and columns
for ( cY = bY + 1; cY < 4; cY++ )
for ( cX = 0; cX < 4; cX++ )
if ( ( d = BTCDistanceSquared( inBlock[bY][bX], inBlock[cY][cX] ) ) > longestDistance ) {
longestDistance = d;
endPoints[0][0] = bX;
endPoints[0][1] = bY;
endPoints[1][0] = cX;
endPoints[1][1] = cY;
static float BTCQuantizeBlock( float inBlock[4][4][3], unsigned long endPoints[2][2], int btcQuantizedBlock[4][4], float bestError ){
int i;
int blockY, blockX;
float dR, dG, dB;
float R, G, B;
float error = 0;
float colorLine[4][3];
// build the color line
dR = inBlock[endPoints[1][1]][endPoints[1][0]][0] -
dG = inBlock[endPoints[1][1]][endPoints[1][0]][1] -
dB = inBlock[endPoints[1][1]][endPoints[1][0]][2] -
dR *= 0.33f;
dG *= 0.33f;
dB *= 0.33f;
R = inBlock[endPoints[0][1]][endPoints[0][0]][0];
G = inBlock[endPoints[0][1]][endPoints[0][0]][1];
B = inBlock[endPoints[0][1]][endPoints[0][0]][2];
for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
colorLine[i][0] = R;
colorLine[i][1] = G;
colorLine[i][2] = B;
R += dR;
G += dG;
B += dB;
// quantize each pixel into the appropriate range
for ( blockY = 0; blockY < 4; blockY++ )
for ( blockX = 0; blockX < 4; blockX++ )
float distance = 10000000000;
int shortest = -1;
for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
float d;
if ( ( d = BTCDistanceSquared( inBlock[blockY][blockX], colorLine[i] ) ) < distance ) {
distance = d;
shortest = i;
error += distance;
// if bestError is not -1 then that means this is a speculative quantization
if ( bestError != -1 ) {
if ( error > bestError ) {
return error;
btcQuantizedBlock[blockY][blockX] = shortest;
return error;
** float BTCCompressBlock
static float BTCCompressBlock( float inBlock[4][4][3], unsigned long out[2] ){
int i;
int btcQuantizedBlock[4][4]; // values should be [0..3]
unsigned long encodedEndPoints, encodedBitmap;
unsigned int endPoints[2][2]; // endPoints[0] = color start, endPoints[1] = color end
int blockY, blockX;
float error = 0;
float bestError = 10000000000;
unsigned int bestEndPoints[2][2];
#if 0
// find the "ideal" end points for the color vector
BTCFindEndpoints( inBlock, endPoints );
error = BTCQuantizeBlock( inBlock, endPoints, btcQuantizedBlock );
memcpy( bestEndPoints, endPoints, sizeof( bestEndPoints ) );
for ( blockY = 0; blockY < 4; blockY++ )
for ( blockX = 0; blockX < 4; blockX++ )
int x2, y2;
for ( y2 = 0; y2 < 4; y2++ )
for ( x2 = 0; x2 < 4; x2++ )
if ( ( x2 == blockX ) && ( y2 == blockY ) ) {
endPoints[0][0] = blockX;
endPoints[0][1] = blockY;
endPoints[1][0] = x2;
endPoints[1][1] = y2;
error = BTCQuantizeBlock( inBlock, endPoints, btcQuantizedBlock, -1 ); //bestError );
if ( error < bestError ) {
bestError = error;
memcpy( bestEndPoints, endPoints, sizeof( bestEndPoints ) );
error = BTCQuantizeBlock( inBlock, bestEndPoints, btcQuantizedBlock, -1.0f );
// encode the results
encodedBitmap = 0;
for ( blockY = 0; blockY < 4; blockY++ )
for ( blockX = 0; blockX < 4; blockX++ )
int shift = ( blockX + blockY * 4 ) * 2;
encodedBitmap |= btcQuantizedBlock[blockY][blockX] << shift;
// encode endpoints
encodedEndPoints = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
int iR, iG, iB;
iR = ( ( int ) inBlock[bestEndPoints[i][1]][bestEndPoints[i][0]][0] );
if ( iR > 255 ) {
iR = 255;
else if ( iR < 0 ) {
iR = 0;
iR >>= 3;
iG = ( ( int ) inBlock[bestEndPoints[i][1]][bestEndPoints[i][0]][1] );
if ( iG > 255 ) {
iG = 255;
else if ( iG < 0 ) {
iG = 0;
iG >>= 2;
iB = ( ( int ) inBlock[bestEndPoints[i][1]][bestEndPoints[i][0]][2] );
if ( iB > 255 ) {
iB = 255;
else if ( iB < 0 ) {
iB = 0;
iB >>= 3;
encodedEndPoints |= ( ( ( iR << 11 ) | ( iG << 5 ) | ( iB ) ) << ( i * 16 ) );
// store
out[0] = encodedBitmap;
out[1] = encodedEndPoints;
return error;
** void BTCDecompressFrame
static void BTCDecompressFrame( unsigned long *src, unsigned char *dst ){
int x, y;
int iR, iG, iB;
int dstX, dstY;
float colorStart[3], colorEnd[3];
unsigned char colorRampABGR[4][4];
unsigned encoded;
memset( colorRampABGR, 0xff, sizeof( colorRampABGR ) );
for ( y = 0; y < s_resample_height / 4; y++ )
for ( x = 0; x < s_resample_width / 4; x++ )
unsigned colorStartPacked = src[( y * s_resample_width / 4 + x ) * 2 + 1] & 0xffff;
unsigned colorEndPacked = src[( y * s_resample_width / 4 + x ) * 2 + 1] >> 16;
// grab the end points
// 0 = color start
// 1 = color end
iR = ( ( colorStartPacked >> 11 ) & ( ( 1 << 5 ) - 1 ) );
iR = ( iR << 3 ) | ( iR >> 2 );
iG = ( ( colorStartPacked >> 5 ) & ( ( 1 << 6 ) - 1 ) );
iG = ( iG << 2 ) | ( iG >> 4 );
iB = ( ( colorStartPacked ) & ( ( 1 << 5 ) - 1 ) );
iB = ( iB << 3 ) | ( iB >> 2 );
colorStart[0] = iR;
colorStart[1] = iG;
colorStart[2] = iB;
colorRampABGR[0][0] = iR;
colorRampABGR[0][1] = iG;
colorRampABGR[0][2] = iB;
iR = ( ( colorEndPacked >> 11 ) & ( ( 1 << 5 ) - 1 ) );
iR = ( iR << 3 ) | ( iR >> 2 );
iG = ( ( colorEndPacked >> 5 ) & ( ( 1 << 6 ) - 1 ) );
iG = ( iG << 2 ) | ( iG >> 4 );
iB = ( colorEndPacked & ( ( 1 << 5 ) - 1 ) );
iB = ( iB << 3 ) | ( iB >> 2 );
colorEnd[0] = iR;
colorEnd[1] = iG;
colorEnd[2] = iB;
colorRampABGR[3][0] = iR;
colorRampABGR[3][1] = iG;
colorRampABGR[3][2] = iB;
// compute this block's color ramp
// FIXME: This needs to be reversed on big-endian machines
colorRampABGR[1][0] = colorStart[0] * 0.66f + colorEnd[0] * 0.33f;
colorRampABGR[1][1] = colorStart[1] * 0.66f + colorEnd[1] * 0.33f;
colorRampABGR[1][2] = colorStart[2] * 0.66f + colorEnd[2] * 0.33f;
colorRampABGR[2][0] = colorStart[0] * 0.33f + colorEnd[0] * 0.66f;
colorRampABGR[2][1] = colorStart[1] * 0.33f + colorEnd[1] * 0.66f;
colorRampABGR[2][2] = colorStart[2] * 0.33f + colorEnd[2] * 0.66f;
// decode the color data
// information is encoded in 2-bit pixels, with low order bits corresponding
// to upper left pixels. These 2-bit values are indexed into the block's
// computer color ramp.
encoded = src[( y * s_resample_width / 4 + x ) * 2 + 0];
for ( dstY = 0; dstY < 4; dstY++ )
for ( dstX = 0; dstX < 4; dstX++ )
memcpy( &dst[( y * 4 + dstY ) * s_resample_width * 4 + x * 4 * 4 + dstX * 4], colorRampABGR[encoded & 3], sizeof( colorRampABGR[0] ) );
encoded >>= 2;
** BTCCompressFrame
** Perform a BTC compression using a 2-bit encoding at each pixel. This
** compression method is performed by decomposing the incoming image into
** a sequence of 4x4 blocks. At each block two color values are computed
** that define the endpoints of a vector in color space that represent
** the two colors "farthest apart".
static float BTCCompressFrame( unsigned char *src, unsigned long *dst ){
int x, y;
int bX, bY;
float btcBlock[4][4][3];
float error = 0;
for ( y = 0; y < s_resample_height / 4; y++ )
for ( x = 0; x < s_resample_width / 4; x++ )
// fill in the BTC block with raw values
for ( bY = 0; bY < 4; bY++ )
for ( bX = 0; bX < 4; bX++ )
btcBlock[bY][bX][0] = src[( y * 4 + bY ) * s_resample_width * 4 + ( x * 4 + bX ) * 4 + 0];
btcBlock[bY][bX][1] = src[( y * 4 + bY ) * s_resample_width * 4 + ( x * 4 + bX ) * 4 + 1];
btcBlock[bY][bX][2] = src[( y * 4 + bY ) * s_resample_width * 4 + ( x * 4 + bX ) * 4 + 2];
error += BTCCompressBlock( btcBlock, &dst[( y * s_resample_width / 4 + x ) * 2] );
return error / ( ( s_resample_width / 4 ) * ( s_resample_height / 4 ) );
cblock_t LoadFrame( char *base, int frame, int digits, byte **palette ){
int ten3, ten2, ten1, ten0;
cblock_t in;
int width, height;
char name[1024];
FILE *f;
in.data = NULL;
in.count = -1;
ten3 = frame / 1000;
ten2 = ( frame - ten3 * 1000 ) / 100;
ten1 = ( frame - ten3 * 1000 - ten2 * 100 ) / 10;
ten0 = frame % 10;
if ( digits == 4 ) {
sprintf( name, "%svideo/%s/%s%i%i%i%i.tga", gamedir, base, base, ten3, ten2, ten1, ten0 );
sprintf( name, "%svideo/%s/%s%i%i%i.tga", gamedir, base, base, ten2, ten1, ten0 );
f = fopen( name, "rb" );
if ( !f ) {
in.data = NULL;
return in;
fclose( f );
printf( "%s", name );
LoadTGA( name, ( unsigned char ** ) &in.data, &width, &height );
if ( palette ) {
*palette = 0;
// Load256Image (name, &in.data, palette, &width, &height);
in.count = width * height;
in.width = width;
in.height = height;
// FIXME: map 0 and 255!
#if 0
// rle compress
rle = RLE( in );
free( in.data );
return rle;
return in;
video <directory> <framedigits>
void Cmd_Video( void ){
float sumError = 0, error = 0, maxError = 0;
char savename[1024];
char name[1024];
FILE *output;
int startframe, frame;
int width, height;
int i;
int digits;
int minutes;
float fseconds;
int remSeconds;
cblock_t in;
unsigned char *resampled;
unsigned long *compressed;
clock_t start, stop;
GetToken( qfalse );
strcpy( s_base, token );
if ( g_release ) {
// sprintf (savename, "video/%s.cin", token);
// ReleaseFile (savename);
GetToken( qfalse );
strcpy( s_output_base, token );
GetToken( qfalse );
digits = atoi( token );
GetToken( qfalse );
if ( !strcmp( token, "btc" ) ) {
s_compression_method = BTC_COMPRESSION;
printf( "Compression: BTC\n" );
else if ( !strcmp( token, "uc" ) ) {
s_compression_method = UNCOMPRESSED;
printf( "Compression: none\n" );
Error( "Uknown compression method '%s'\n", token );
GetToken( qfalse );
s_resample_width = atoi( token );
GetToken( qfalse );
s_resample_height = atoi( token );
resampled = malloc( sizeof( unsigned char ) * 4 * s_resample_width * s_resample_height );
compressed = malloc( sizeof( long ) * 2 * ( s_resample_width / 4 ) * ( s_resample_height / 4 ) );
printf( "Resample width: %d\n", s_resample_width );
printf( "Resample height: %d\n", s_resample_height );
// optionally skip frames
if ( TokenAvailable() ) {
GetToken( qfalse );
startframe = atoi( token );
startframe = 0;
sprintf( savename, "%svideo/%s.%s", writedir, s_output_base, CIN_EXTENSION );
// load the entire sound wav file if present
if ( digits == 4 ) {
sprintf( name, "%svideo/%s/%s0000.tga", gamedir, s_base, s_base );
sprintf( name, "%svideo/%s/%s000.tga", gamedir, s_base, s_base );
printf( "%s\n", name );
LoadTGA( name, NULL, &width, &height );
output = fopen( savename, "wb" );
if ( !output ) {
Error( "Can't open %s", savename );
// write header info
i = LittleLong( CIN_SIGNATURE );
fwrite( &i, 4, 1, output );
i = LittleLong( s_resample_width );
fwrite( &i, 4, 1, output );
i = LittleLong( s_resample_height );
fwrite( &i, 4, 1, output );
i = LittleLong( s_wavinfo.rate );
fwrite( &i, 4, 1, output );
i = LittleLong( s_wavinfo.width );
fwrite( &i, 4, 1, output );
i = LittleLong( s_wavinfo.channels );
fwrite( &i, 4, 1, output );
i = LittleLong( s_compression_method );
fwrite( &i, 4, 1, output );
start = clock();
// perform compression on a per frame basis
for ( frame = startframe ; ; frame++ )
printf( "%02d: ", frame );
in = LoadFrame( s_base, frame, digits, 0 );
if ( !in.data ) {
ResampleFrame( &in, ( unsigned char * ) resampled, BOX_FILTER, s_resample_width, s_resample_height );
if ( s_compression_method == UNCOMPRESSED ) {
printf( "\n" );
fwrite( resampled, 1, sizeof( unsigned char ) * s_resample_width * s_resample_height * 4, output );
int x, y;
char buffer[1000];
for ( y = 0; y < s_resample_height / 2; y++ )
for ( x = 0; x < s_resample_width; x++ )
unsigned char tmp[4];
tmp[0] = resampled[( s_resample_height - 1 - y ) * s_resample_width * 4 + x * 4 + 0];
tmp[1] = resampled[( s_resample_height - 1 - y ) * s_resample_width * 4 + x * 4 + 1];
tmp[2] = resampled[( s_resample_height - 1 - y ) * s_resample_width * 4 + x * 4 + 2];
tmp[3] = resampled[( s_resample_height - 1 - y ) * s_resample_width * 4 + x * 4 + 3];
resampled[( s_resample_height - 1 - y ) * s_resample_width * 4 + x * 4 + 0] = resampled[y * s_resample_width * 4 + x * 4 + 0];
resampled[( s_resample_height - 1 - y ) * s_resample_width * 4 + x * 4 + 1] = resampled[y * s_resample_width * 4 + x * 4 + 1];
resampled[( s_resample_height - 1 - y ) * s_resample_width * 4 + x * 4 + 2] = resampled[y * s_resample_width * 4 + x * 4 + 2];
resampled[( s_resample_height - 1 - y ) * s_resample_width * 4 + x * 4 + 3] = resampled[y * s_resample_width * 4 + x * 4 + 3];
resampled[y * s_resample_width * 4 + x * 4 + 0] = tmp[0];
resampled[y * s_resample_width * 4 + x * 4 + 1] = tmp[1];
resampled[y * s_resample_width * 4 + x * 4 + 2] = tmp[2];
resampled[y * s_resample_width * 4 + x * 4 + 3] = tmp[3];
sprintf( buffer, "%svideo/%s/uc%04d.tga", gamedir, s_base, frame );
WriteTGA( buffer, resampled, s_resample_width, s_resample_height );
else if ( s_compression_method == BTC_COMPRESSION ) {
error = BTCCompressFrame( resampled, compressed );
sumError += error;
if ( error > maxError ) {
maxError = error;
printf( " (error = %f)\n", error );
fwrite( compressed, 1, 2 * sizeof( long ) * ( s_resample_width / 4 ) * ( s_resample_height / 4 ), output );
int x, y;
unsigned char *uncompressed;
char buffer[1000];
uncompressed = malloc( sizeof( unsigned char ) * 4 * s_resample_width * s_resample_height );
BTCDecompressFrame( compressed, uncompressed );
for ( y = 0; y < s_resample_height / 2; y++ )
for ( x = 0; x < s_resample_width; x++ )
unsigned char tmp[4];
tmp[0] = uncompressed[( s_resample_height - 1 - y ) * s_resample_width * 4 + x * 4 + 0];
tmp[1] = uncompressed[( s_resample_height - 1 - y ) * s_resample_width * 4 + x * 4 + 1];
tmp[2] = uncompressed[( s_resample_height - 1 - y ) * s_resample_width * 4 + x * 4 + 2];
tmp[3] = uncompressed[( s_resample_height - 1 - y ) * s_resample_width * 4 + x * 4 + 3];
uncompressed[( s_resample_height - 1 - y ) * s_resample_width * 4 + x * 4 + 0] = uncompressed[y * s_resample_width * 4 + x * 4 + 0];
uncompressed[( s_resample_height - 1 - y ) * s_resample_width * 4 + x * 4 + 1] = uncompressed[y * s_resample_width * 4 + x * 4 + 1];
uncompressed[( s_resample_height - 1 - y ) * s_resample_width * 4 + x * 4 + 2] = uncompressed[y * s_resample_width * 4 + x * 4 + 2];
uncompressed[( s_resample_height - 1 - y ) * s_resample_width * 4 + x * 4 + 3] = uncompressed[y * s_resample_width * 4 + x * 4 + 3];
uncompressed[y * s_resample_width * 4 + x * 4 + 0] = tmp[0];
uncompressed[y * s_resample_width * 4 + x * 4 + 1] = tmp[1];
uncompressed[y * s_resample_width * 4 + x * 4 + 2] = tmp[2];
uncompressed[y * s_resample_width * 4 + x * 4 + 3] = tmp[3];
sprintf( buffer, "%svideo/%s/btc%04d.tga", gamedir, s_base, frame );
WriteTGA( buffer, uncompressed, s_resample_width, s_resample_height );
free( uncompressed );
WriteSound( output, frame );
free( in.data );
stop = clock();
printf( "\n" );
printf( "Total size: %i\n", ftell( output ) );
printf( "Average error: %f\n", sumError / ( frame - startframe ) );
printf( "Max error: %f\n", maxError );
fseconds = ( stop - start ) / 1000.0f;
minutes = fseconds / 60;
remSeconds = fseconds - minutes * 60;
printf( "Total time: %d s (%d m %d s)\n", ( int ) fseconds, minutes, remSeconds );
printf( "Time/frame: %.2f seconds\n", fseconds / ( frame - startframe ) );
fclose( output );
if ( s_soundtrack ) {
free( s_soundtrack );
s_soundtrack = 0;