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<title>Q3Radiant Editor Manual: Contents</title>
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<h1 class = "MsoTitle">Q3Radiant Editor Manual</h1>
<h6>Based on Version 192 - partly updated to GtkRadiant</h6>
<p style = "font-weight: bold">By Paul Jaquays
<p class = "heading">With additional contributions by Astrocreep, Christian Antkow,
<br>EutecTic, Inolen, Mr. Elusive, Maddog, Martin Kaai Cluney,
<br>Robert A. Duffy, Small Pile of Gibs, Suicide20, and The Dog!</em>
<p class = "heading">Special thanks go out to the members of the Quake3world Editing forum.
<p class = "heading">Your questions prompted many of the sections in this manual.
<p class = "heading"> thanks John Hutton for re-formating this manual into a more
web friendly version.
<h1>Table of Contents</h1>
<a href = "ch01/pg1_1.htm#pref" class = "MsoToc2">Preface</a>
<br><a href = "ch01/pg1_1.htm#intro" class = "MsoToc2">Introduction</a>
<br><a href = "ch01/pg1_1.htm#minsysreq" class = "MsoToc2">Minimum System Requirements</a>
<ul style = "margin-top: 0em"><a href = "ch01/pg1_1.htm#minsys">Minimum System</a>
<br><a href = "ch01/pg1_1.htm#recsys">Recommended System</a>
<br><a href = "ch01/pg1_1.htm#nowork">What Doesnt Work (well) … and How to fix it</a>
<a href = "ch01/pg1_2.htm#install" class = "MsoToc2">Installation & set-up</a>
<ul style = "margin-top: 0em"><a href = "ch01/pg1_2.htm#insted">Installing the editor</a>
<br><a href = "ch01/pg1_2.htm#instpath">Setting up paths</a>
<br><a href = "ch01/pg1_2.htm#imprperf">Improving performance</a>
<br><a href = "ch01/pg1_2.htm#setpref">Setting up preferences</a>
<br><a href = "ch01/pg1_2.htm#projfile">The Project File</a>
<br><a href = "ch01/pg1_2.htm#setwin">Setting up the windows</a>
<a href = "ch02/pg2_1.htm#entities" class = "MsoToc2">Entities and assets</a>
<ul style = "margin-top: 0em"><a href = "ch02/pg2_1.htm#whatent">What are entities?</a>
<br><a href = "ch02/pg2_1.htm#whatass">What are assets?</a>
<br><a href = "ch02/pg2_1.htm#newass">Creating new assets</a>
<br><a href = "ch02/pg2_1.htm#makepk3">Making the .pk3 file</a>
<a href = "gtkrad/pg1_1.htm#gtkrad" class = "MsoToc2">New Functionalities in GtkRadiant</a>
<ul style = "margin-top: 0em">
<a href="gtkrad/pg1_1.htm#camera">Better movement in camera window</a>
<br><a href="gtkrad/pg1_1.htm#mods">Mod support</a>
<br><a href="gtkrad/pg1_1.htm#misc">Misc functionalities</a>
<br><a href="gtkrad/pg1_1.htm#issues">Known issues</a>
<a href = "ch03/pg3_1.htm#mapbuild" class = "MsoToc2">Map-building basics</a>
<ul style = "margin-top: 0em"><a href = "ch03/pg3_1.htm#move">Moving around</a>
<br><a href = "ch03/pg3_1.htm#basictut">Basic construction tutorial</a>
<a href = "ch04/pg4_1.htm#tools1" class = "MsoToc2">Tools 1: Selecting and deselecting</a>
<ul style = "margin-top: 0em"><a href = "ch04/pg4_1.htm#comptool">The component handling tools</a>
<br><a href = "ch04/pg4_1.htm#groupsel">Group component selections</a>
<br><a href = "ch04/pg4_1.htm#copy">Copying, pasting, cloning, deleting and prefabs</a>
<br><a href = "ch04/pg4_1.htm#workreg">Working with regions</a>
<a href = "ch05/pg5_1.htm#tools2" class = "MsoToc2">Tools 2: Working with brushes</a>
<ul style = "margin-top: 0em"><a href = "ch05/pg5_1.htm#geohand">Geometry brush handling tools</a>
<br><a href = "ch05/pg5_1.htm#brushmenu">Brush menu commands</a>
<br><a href = "ch05/pg5_1.htm#movebrush">Moving selected brushes</a>
<br><a href = "ch05/pg5_1.htm#brusheff">Efficient brush building techniques</a>
<a href = "ch06/pg6_1.htm#tools3" class = "MsoToc2">Tools 3: Working with curve patches</a>
<ul style = "margin-top: 0em"><a href = "ch06/pg6_1.htm#curvemen">Curve menu commands</a>
<br><a href = "ch06/pg6_1.htm#patchtool">Patch tool bar</a>
<br><a href = "ch06/pg6_1.htm#patchmove">Moving patches</a>
<a href = "ch07/pg7_1.htm#tools4" class = "MsoToc2">Tools 4: Working with textures</a>
<ul style = "margin-top: 0em"><a href = "ch07/pg7_1.htm#brushprim">Brush primitives: A new format</a>
<br><a href = "ch07/pg7_1.htm#newtex">Texture creation: Making new assets</a>
<br><a href = "ch07/pg7_1.htm#texman">Texture manipulation: Shader overview</a>
<br><a href = "ch07/pg7_1.htm#texapplic">Texture application: Texture handling tools</a>
<br><a href = "ch07/pg7_1.htm#interactex">Using interactive textures</a>
<a href = "ch08/pg8_1.htm#tools5" class = "MsoToc2">Tools 5: Working with entities</a>
<ul style = "margin-top: 0em"><a href = "ch08/pg8_1.htm#entitywin">The entity window</a>
<br><a href = "ch08/pg8_1.htm#enttools">Entity handling tools</a>
<a href = "ch09/pg9_1.htm#tools6" class = "MsoToc2">Tools 6: Lights & lighting</a>
<br><a href = "ch10/pg10_1.htm#tools7" class = "MsoToc2">Tools 7: Miscellaneous commands</a>
<ul style = "margin-top: 0em"><a href = "ch10/pg10_1.htm#feedback">Feedback & read-outs</a>
<br><a href = "ch10/pg10_1.htm#viewsee">Viewing, seeing, not seeing, and hiding</a>
<br><a href = "ch10/pg10_1.htm#fileman">File management commands</a>
<br><a href = "ch10/pg10_1.htm#projpref">Projects and preferences</a>
<br><a href = "ch10/pg10_1.htm#misc">Miscellaneous commands</a>
<br><a href = "ch10/pg10_1.htm#openmen">Opening menus from the keyboard</a>
<a href = "ch11/pg11_1.htm#tools8" class = "MsoToc2">Tools 8: Compilings maps</a>
<br><a href = "ch12/pg12_1.htm#tools9" class = "MsoToc2">Tools 9: Debugging maps</a>
<ul style = "margin-top: 0em"><a href = "ch12/pg12_1.htm#eddebug">The editors debug tools</a>
<br><a href = "ch12/pg12_1.htm#gamedebug">In-game Debug tools</a>
<br><a href = "ch12/pg12_1.htm#sparklies">Curves, caulk, T-Junctions and cracks</a>
<br><a href = "ch12/pg12_1.htm#debugconf">A debug config</a>
<a href = "appndx/appn_a.htm" class = "MsoToc2">Appendix A: Glossary of Terms</a>
<br><a href = "appndx/appn_b_1.htm" class = "MsoToc2">Appendix B: Entity descriptions</a>
<ul style = "margin-top: 0em"><a href = "appndx/appn_b_1.htm#basinfo">Basic key information</a>
<br><a href = "appndx/appn_b_1.htm#ammo">Ammo_* entities</a>
<br><a href = "appndx/appn_b_2.htm#func">Func_* entities</a>
<br><a href = "appndx/appn_b_3.htm#hold">Holdable_* entities</a>
<br><a href = "appndx/appn_b_4.htm#info">Info_* entities</a>
<br><a href = "appndx/appn_b_5.htm#item">Item_* entities</a>
<br><a href = "appndx/appn_b_5.htm#light">Light entity</a>
<br><a href = "appndx/appn_b_6.htm#misc">Misc_* entity</a>
<br><a href = "appndx/appn_b_6.htm#path">Path_* entities</a>
<br><a href = "appndx/appn_b_6.htm#shooter">Shooter_* entities</a>
<br><a href = "appndx/appn_b_7.htm#target">Target_* entities</a>
<br><a href = "appndx/appn_b_8.htm#team">Team_* entities</a>
<br><a href = "appndx/appn_b_8.htm#trigger">Trigger_* entities</a>
<br><a href = "appndx/appn_b_9.htm#weapon">Weapon entities</a>
<br><a href = "appndx/appn_b_9.htm#world">Worldspawn entity</a>
<a href = "appndx/appn_c.htm" class = "MsoToc2">Appendix C: Bot navigation files</a>
<ul style = "margin-top: 0em"><a href = "appndx/appn_c.htm#intro">Introduction</a>
<br><a href = "appndx/appn_c.htm#desc">Description</a>
<br><a href = "appndx/appn_c.htm#install">Installation</a>
<br><a href = "appndx/appn_c.htm#usage">Usage</a>
<br><a href = "appndx/appn_c.htm#update">Updating the entity lump</a>
<br><a href = "appndx/appn_c.htm#leaks">Leaks</a>
<br><a href = "appndx/appn_c.htm#mapinfo">Useful map information</a>
<br><a href = "appndx/appn_c.htm#optimise">Optimizing a map for bspc compiling</a>
<br><a href = "appndx/appn_c.htm#entnav">Entities & the navigation file</a>
<br><a href = "appndx/appn_c.htm#testaas">Testing AAS files</a>
<br><a href = "appndx/appn_c.htm#version">Version changes</a>
<a href = "appndx/appn_d.htm" class = "MsoToc2">Appendix D: Tips, tricks, and tutorials</a>
<ul style = "margin-top: 0em"><a href = "appndx/appn_d.htm#deathsnd">Making the death-fall sound</a>
<br><a href = "appndx/appn_d.htm#mirror">Making a mirror</a>
<br><a href = "appndx/appn_d.htm#jumppad">Making a jump pad</a>
<br><a href = "appndx/appn_d.htm#launchpad">Making a launch pad</a>
<br><a href = "appndx/appn_d.htm#RA3">Making a "Rocket Arena" style map</a>
<br><a href = "appndx/appn_d.htm#envbox">Making an environment box</a>
<br><a href = "appndx/appn_d.htm#shooter">Making a shooter</a>
<a href = "appndx/appn_e.htm" class = "MsoToc2">Appendix E: Online resources</a>
<ul style = "margin-top: 0em"><a href = "appndx/appn_e.htm#news">News about the editor</a>
<br><a href = "appndx/appn_e.htm#edtuts">Editing tutorials</a>
<br><a href = "appndx/appn_e.htm#edtools">Editing tools</a>
<br><a href = "appndx/appn_e.htm#prefabs">Prefab sources</a>
<br><a href = "appndx/appn_e.htm#textures">Texture sources</a>
<br><a href = "appndx/appn_e.htm#object">Map object model sources</a>
<br><a href = "appndx/appn_e.htm#sounds">Sounds</a>
<br><a href = "appndx/appn_e.htm#FAQ">Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)</a>
<br><a href = "appndx/appn_e.htm#maprev">Map reviews, general information</a>
<a href = "appndx/appn_f.htm" class = "MsoToc2">Appendix F: Default key shortcuts</a>
<br><a href = "appndx/sskey_dl.htm" class = "MsoToc2">Appendix G: Shortcut keys and mouse functions</a>
<ul style = "margin-top: 0em">Preface
<br><a href = "appndx/sskey_dl.htm#intro">1. Introduction</a>
<br><a href = "appndx/sskey_dl.htm#keylist">2. Shortcut key list</a>
<br><a href = "appndx/sskey_dl.htm#mousefunc">3. Mouse function list</a>