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Thomas Köppe f061ce9990 Change winding_t, winding_accu_t and brush_t to use flexible array members rather than fixed-sized arrays.
The arrays were always meant to be variably sized, and objects are only ever allocated dynamically. Object size computations are simplified with this change.

Flexible arrays were introduced in C99, so this change means that we will require a C99-conforming compiler henceforth.
2018-01-22 02:23:23 +00:00

2410 lines
76 KiB

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Copyright (C) 1999-2007 id Software, Inc. and contributors.
For a list of contributors, see the accompanying CONTRIBUTORS file.
This file is part of GtkRadiant.
GtkRadiant is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
GtkRadiant is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with GtkRadiant; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
This code has been altered significantly from its original form, to support
several games based on the Quake III Arena engine, in the form of "Q3Map2."
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* marker */
#ifndef Q3MAP2_H
#define Q3MAP2_H
/* version */
#define Q3MAP_VERSION "2.5.17"
#define Q3MAP_MOTD "We're still here"
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
QuakeLive stuff from unzip.c (q3-common)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// used to tell unzip.c that you are opening ql pk3's 1 = quakelive 0 = everything else
// **NOTE** - should be set as early as possible e.g before the first call to VFSInitDirectory()
extern int unz_GAME_QL;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* platform-specific */
#if defined( __linux__ ) || defined( __FreeBSD__ ) || defined( __APPLE__ )
#define Q_UNIX
#ifdef Q_UNIX
#include <unistd.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include <limits.h>
#ifdef WIN32
#include <windows.h>
/* general */
#include "version.h" /* ttimo: might want to guard that if built outside of the GtkRadiant tree */
#include "cmdlib.h"
#include "mathlib.h"
#include "md5lib.h"
#include "md4lib.h"
#include "ddslib.h"
#include "picomodel.h"
#include "scriplib.h"
#include "polylib.h"
#include "imagelib.h"
#include "qthreads.h"
#include "inout.h"
#include "vfs.h"
#include "png.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define MIN(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
#define MAX(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
port-related hacks
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#if defined( __APPLE__ ) && MAC_STATIC_HACK
#define MAC_STATIC static
#define MAC_STATIC
#if 1
#ifdef WIN32
#define Q_stricmp stricmp
#define Q_strncasecmp strnicmp
#define Q_stricmp strcasecmp
#define Q_strncasecmp strncasecmp
/* macro version */
#define VectorMA( a, s, b, c ) ( ( c )[ 0 ] = ( a )[ 0 ] + ( s ) * ( b )[ 0 ], ( c )[ 1 ] = ( a )[ 1 ] + ( s ) * ( b )[ 1 ], ( c )[ 2 ] = ( a )[ 2 ] + ( s ) * ( b )[ 2 ] )
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* temporary hacks and tests (please keep off in SVN to prevent anyone's legacy map from screwing up) */
/* 2011-01-10 TTimo says we should turn these on in SVN, so turning on now */
/* general */
#define MAX_QPATH 64
#define MAX_IMAGES 512
#define DEFAULT_IMAGE "*default"
#define MAX_MODELS 512
#define DEF_BACKSPLASH_FRACTION 0.05f /* 5% backsplash by default */
#define DEF_RADIOSITY_BOUNCE 1.0f /* ydnar: default to 100% re-emitted light */
#define MAX_SHADER_INFO 8192
#define MAX_JITTERS 256
/* epair parsing (note case-sensitivity directive) */
#define EPAIR_STRCMP Q_stricmp
#define EPAIR_STRCMP strcmp
/* ydnar: compiler flags, because games have widely varying content/surface flags */
#define C_SOLID 0x00000001
#define C_TRANSLUCENT 0x00000002
#define C_STRUCTURAL 0x00000004
#define C_HINT 0x00000008
#define C_NODRAW 0x00000010
#define C_LIGHTGRID 0x00000020
#define C_ALPHASHADOW 0x00000040
#define C_LIGHTFILTER 0x00000080
#define C_VERTEXLIT 0x00000100
#define C_LIQUID 0x00000200
#define C_FOG 0x00000400
#define C_SKY 0x00000800
#define C_ORIGIN 0x00001000
#define C_AREAPORTAL 0x00002000
#define C_ANTIPORTAL 0x00004000 /* like hint, but doesn't generate portals */
#define C_SKIP 0x00008000 /* like hint, but skips this face (doesn't split bsp) */
#define C_NOMARKS 0x00010000 /* no decals */
#define C_DETAIL 0x08000000 /* THIS MUST BE THE SAME AS IN RADIANT! */
/* shadow flags */
/* bsp */
#define MAX_PATCH_SIZE 32
#define MAX_BRUSH_SIDES 1024
#define MAX_BUILD_SIDES 300
#define CLIP_EPSILON 0.1f
#define PLANESIDE_EPSILON 0.001f
#define PLANENUM_LEAF -1
#define HINT_PRIORITY 1000 /* ydnar: force hint splits first and antiportal/areaportal splits last */
#define PSIDE_FRONT 1
#define PSIDE_BACK 2
#define PSIDE_FACING 4
/* vis */
#define SEPERATORCACHE /* seperator caching helps a bit */
#define MAX_PORTALS 32768
#define MAX_POINTS_ON_FIXED_WINDING 24 /* ydnar: increased this from 12 at the expense of more memory */
/* light */
#define EMIT_POINT 0
#define EMIT_AREA 1
#define EMIT_SPOT 2
#define EMIT_SUN 3
#define LIGHT_GRID 16
#define LIGHT_DARK 64 /* probably never use this */
#define LIGHT_FAST 256
#define LIGHT_FAST_TEMP 512
#define LIGHT_NEGATIVE 1024
#define LUXEL_EPSILON 0.125f
#define VERTEX_EPSILON -0.125f
#define GRID_EPSILON 0.0f
#define EXTRA_SCALE 2 /* -extrawide = -super 2 */
#define EXTRAWIDE_SCALE 2 /* -extrawide = -super 2 -filter */
#define BSP_LUXEL_SIZE 3
#define RAD_LUXEL_SIZE 3
#define VERTEX_LUXEL( s, v ) ( vertexLuxels[ s ] + ( ( v ) * VERTEX_LUXEL_SIZE ) )
#define RAD_VERTEX_LUXEL( s, v )( radVertexLuxels[ s ] + ( ( v ) * VERTEX_LUXEL_SIZE ) )
#define BSP_LUXEL( s, x, y ) ( lm->bspLuxels[ s ] + ( ( ( ( y ) * lm->w ) + ( x ) ) * BSP_LUXEL_SIZE ) )
#define RAD_LUXEL( s, x, y ) ( lm->radLuxels[ s ] + ( ( ( ( y ) * lm->w ) + ( x ) ) * RAD_LUXEL_SIZE ) )
#define SUPER_LUXEL( s, x, y ) ( lm->superLuxels[ s ] + ( ( ( ( y ) * lm->sw ) + ( x ) ) * SUPER_LUXEL_SIZE ) )
#define SUPER_DELUXEL( x, y ) ( lm->superDeluxels + ( ( ( ( y ) * lm->sw ) + ( x ) ) * SUPER_DELUXEL_SIZE ) )
#define BSP_DELUXEL( x, y ) ( lm->bspDeluxels + ( ( ( ( y ) * lm->w ) + ( x ) ) * BSP_DELUXEL_SIZE ) )
#define SUPER_CLUSTER( x, y ) ( lm->superClusters + ( ( ( y ) * lm->sw ) + ( x ) ) )
#define SUPER_ORIGIN( x, y ) ( lm->superOrigins + ( ( ( ( y ) * lm->sw ) + ( x ) ) * SUPER_ORIGIN_SIZE ) )
#define SUPER_NORMAL( x, y ) ( lm->superNormals + ( ( ( ( y ) * lm->sw ) + ( x ) ) * SUPER_NORMAL_SIZE ) )
#define SUPER_DIRT( x, y ) ( lm->superNormals + ( ( ( ( y ) * lm->sw ) + ( x ) ) * SUPER_NORMAL_SIZE ) + 3 ) /* stash dirtyness in normal[ 3 ] */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
abstracted bsp file
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#define EXTERNAL_LIGHTMAP "lm_%04d.tga"
#define MAX_LIGHTMAPS 4 /* RBSP */
#define LS_NORMAL 0x00
#define LS_UNUSED 0xFE
#define LS_NONE 0xFF
/* ok to increase these at the expense of more memory */
#define MAX_MAP_MODELS 0x400
#define MAX_MAP_BRUSHES 0x10000
#define MAX_MAP_ENTITIES 0x1000 //% 0x800 /* ydnar */
#define MAX_MAP_ENTSTRING 0x80000 //% 0x40000 /* ydnar */
#define MAX_MAP_SHADERS 0x800 //% 0x400 /* ydnar */
#define MAX_MAP_AREAS 0x100 /* MAX_MAP_AREA_BYTES in q_shared must match! */
#define MAX_MAP_FOGS 30 //& 0x100 /* RBSP (32 - world fog - goggles) */
#define MAX_MAP_PLANES 0x100000 //% 0x20000 /* ydnar for md */
#define MAX_MAP_NODES 0x20000
#define MAX_MAP_BRUSHSIDES 0x100000 //% 0x20000 /* ydnar */
#define MAX_MAP_LEAFS 0x20000
#define MAX_MAP_LEAFFACES 0x100000 //% 0x20000 /* ydnar */
#define MAX_MAP_LEAFBRUSHES 0x40000
#define MAX_MAP_PORTALS 0x20000
#define MAX_MAP_LIGHTING 0x800000
#define MAX_MAP_LIGHTGRID 0x100000 //% 0x800000 /* ydnar: set to points, not bytes */
// some recent QL maps have started hitting the limit (old value was 0x200000). QBall
// below has been 'borrowed' from the netradiant fork
#define MAX_MAP_DRAW_SURFS 0x20000
#define MAX_MAP_DRAW_VERTS 0x100000
#define MAX_MAP_DRAW_INDEXES 0x80000
/* key / value pair sizes in the entities lump */
#define MAX_KEY 32
#define MAX_VALUE 1024
/* the editor uses these predefined yaw angles to orient entities up or down */
#define ANGLE_UP -1
#define ANGLE_DOWN -2
#define LIGHTMAP_WIDTH 128
#define MIN_WORLD_COORD ( -65536 )
#define MAX_WORLD_COORD ( 65536 )
typedef void ( *bspFunc )( const char * );
typedef struct
int offset, length;
typedef struct
char ident[ 4 ];
int version;
bspLump_t lumps[ 100 ]; /* theoretical maximum # of bsp lumps */
typedef struct
float mins[ 3 ], maxs[ 3 ];
int firstBSPSurface, numBSPSurfaces;
int firstBSPBrush, numBSPBrushes;
typedef struct
char shader[ MAX_QPATH ];
int surfaceFlags;
int contentFlags;
/* planes x^1 is allways the opposite of plane x */
typedef struct
float normal[ 3 ];
float dist;
typedef struct
int planeNum;
int children[ 2 ]; /* negative numbers are -(leafs+1), not nodes */
int mins[ 3 ]; /* for frustom culling */
int maxs[ 3 ];
typedef struct
int cluster; /* -1 = opaque cluster (do I still store these?) */
int area;
int mins[ 3 ]; /* for frustum culling */
int maxs[ 3 ];
int firstBSPLeafSurface;
int numBSPLeafSurfaces;
int firstBSPLeafBrush;
int numBSPLeafBrushes;
typedef struct
int planeNum; /* positive plane side faces out of the leaf */
int shaderNum;
int surfaceNum; /* RBSP */
typedef struct
int firstSide;
int numSides;
int shaderNum; /* the shader that determines the content flags */
typedef struct
char shader[ MAX_QPATH ];
int brushNum;
int visibleSide; /* the brush side that ray tests need to clip against (-1 == none) */
typedef struct
vec3_t xyz;
float st[ 2 ];
float lightmap[ MAX_LIGHTMAPS ][ 2 ]; /* RBSP */
vec3_t normal;
byte color[ MAX_LIGHTMAPS ][ 4 ]; /* RBSP */
typedef enum
typedef struct bspGridPoint_s
byte ambient[ MAX_LIGHTMAPS ][ 3 ];
byte directed[ MAX_LIGHTMAPS ][ 3 ];
byte styles[ MAX_LIGHTMAPS ];
byte latLong[ 2 ];
typedef struct
int shaderNum;
int fogNum;
int surfaceType;
int firstVert;
int numVerts;
int firstIndex;
int numIndexes;
byte lightmapStyles[ MAX_LIGHTMAPS ]; /* RBSP */
byte vertexStyles[ MAX_LIGHTMAPS ]; /* RBSP */
int lightmapNum[ MAX_LIGHTMAPS ]; /* RBSP */
int lightmapX[ MAX_LIGHTMAPS ], lightmapY[ MAX_LIGHTMAPS ]; /* RBSP */
int lightmapWidth, lightmapHeight;
vec3_t lightmapOrigin;
vec3_t lightmapVecs[ 3 ]; /* on patches, [ 0 ] and [ 1 ] are lodbounds */
int patchWidth;
int patchHeight;
/* advertisements */
typedef struct {
int cellId;
vec3_t normal;
vec3_t rect[4];
char model[ MAX_QPATH ];
} bspAdvertisement_t;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
general types
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ydnar: for smaller structs */
typedef char qb_t;
/* ydnar: for q3map_tcMod */
typedef float tcMod_t[ 3 ][ 3 ];
/* ydnar: for multiple game support */
typedef struct surfaceParm_s
char *name;
int contentFlags, contentFlagsClear;
int surfaceFlags, surfaceFlagsClear;
int compileFlags, compileFlagsClear;
typedef struct game_s
char *arg; /* -game matches this */
char *gamePath; /* main game data dir */
char *homeBasePath; /* home sub-dir on unix */
char *magic; /* magic word for figuring out base path */
char *shaderPath; /* shader directory */
int maxLMSurfaceVerts; /* default maximum meta surface verts */
int maxSurfaceVerts; /* default maximum surface verts */
int maxSurfaceIndexes; /* default maximum surface indexes (tris * 3) */
qboolean emitFlares; /* when true, emit flare surfaces */
char *flareShader; /* default flare shader (MUST BE SET) */
qboolean wolfLight; /* when true, lights work like wolf q3map */
int lightmapSize; /* bsp lightmap width/height */
float lightmapGamma; /* default lightmap gamma */
float lightmapCompensate; /* default lightmap compensate value */
char *bspIdent; /* 4-letter bsp file prefix */
int bspVersion; /* bsp version to use */
qboolean lumpSwap; /* cod-style len/ofs order */
bspFunc load, write; /* load/write function pointers */
surfaceParm_t surfaceParms[ 128 ]; /* surfaceparm array */
typedef struct image_s
char *name, *filename;
int refCount;
int width, height;
byte *pixels;
typedef struct sun_s
struct sun_s *next;
vec3_t direction, color;
float photons, deviance, filterRadius;
int numSamples, style;
typedef struct surfaceModel_s
struct surfaceModel_s *next;
char model[ MAX_QPATH ];
float density, odds;
float minScale, maxScale;
float minAngle, maxAngle;
qboolean oriented;
/* ydnar/sd: foliage stuff for wolf et (engine-supported optimization of the above) */
typedef struct foliage_s
struct foliage_s *next;
char model[ MAX_QPATH ];
float scale, density, odds;
int inverseAlpha;
typedef struct foliageInstance_s
vec3_t xyz, normal;
typedef struct remap_s
struct remap_s *next;
char from[ 1024 ];
char to[ MAX_QPATH ];
/* wingdi.h hack, it's the same: 0 */
#undef CM_NONE
typedef enum
typedef struct colorMod_s
struct colorMod_s *next;
colorModType_t type;
vec_t data[ 16 ];
typedef enum
typedef struct shaderInfo_s
char shader[ MAX_QPATH ];
int surfaceFlags;
int contentFlags;
int compileFlags;
float value; /* light value */
char *flareShader; /* for light flares */
char *damageShader; /* ydnar: sof2 damage shader name */
char *backShader; /* for surfaces that generate different front and back passes */
char *cloneShader; /* ydnar: for cloning of a surface */
char *remapShader; /* ydnar: remap a shader in final stage */
surfaceModel_t *surfaceModel; /* ydnar: for distribution of models */
foliage_t *foliage; /* ydnar/splash damage: wolf et foliage */
float subdivisions; /* from a "tesssize xxx" */
float backsplashFraction; /* floating point value, usually 0.05 */
float backsplashDistance; /* default 16 */
float lightSubdivide; /* default 999 */
float lightFilterRadius; /* ydnar: lightmap filtering/blurring radius for lights created by this shader (default: 0) */
int lightmapSampleSize; /* lightmap sample size */
float lightmapSampleOffset; /* ydnar: lightmap sample offset (default: 1.0) */
float bounceScale; /* ydnar: radiosity re-emission [0,1.0+] */
float offset; /* ydnar: offset in units */
float shadeAngleDegrees; /* ydnar: breaking angle for smooth shading (degrees) */
vec3_t mins, maxs; /* ydnar: for particle studio vertexDeform move support */
qb_t legacyTerrain; /* ydnar: enable legacy terrain crutches */
qb_t indexed; /* ydnar: attempt to use indexmap (terrain alphamap style) */
qb_t forceMeta; /* ydnar: force metasurface path */
qb_t noClip; /* ydnar: don't clip into bsp, preserve original face winding */
qb_t noFast; /* ydnar: supress fast lighting for surfaces with this shader */
qb_t invert; /* ydnar: reverse facing */
qb_t nonplanar; /* ydnar: for nonplanar meta surface merging */
qb_t tcGen; /* ydnar: has explicit texcoord generation */
vec3_t vecs[ 2 ]; /* ydnar: explicit texture vectors for [0,1] texture space */
tcMod_t mod; /* ydnar: q3map_tcMod matrix for djbob :) */
vec3_t lightmapAxis; /* ydnar: explicit lightmap axis projection */
colorMod_t *colorMod; /* ydnar: q3map_rgb/color/alpha/Set/Mod support */
int furNumLayers; /* ydnar: number of fur layers */
float furOffset; /* ydnar: offset of each layer */
float furFade; /* ydnar: alpha fade amount per layer */
qb_t splotchFix; /* ydnar: filter splotches on lightmaps */
qb_t hasPasses; /* false if the shader doesn't define any rendering passes */
qb_t globalTexture; /* don't normalize texture repeats */
qb_t twoSided; /* cull none */
qb_t autosprite; /* autosprite shaders will become point lights instead of area lights */
qb_t polygonOffset; /* ydnar: don't face cull this or against this */
qb_t patchShadows; /* have patches casting shadows when using -light for this surface */
qb_t vertexShadows; /* shadows will be casted at this surface even when vertex lit */
qb_t forceSunlight; /* force sun light at this surface even tho we might not calculate shadows in vertex lighting */
qb_t notjunc; /* don't use this surface for tjunction fixing */
qb_t fogParms; /* ydnar: has fogparms */
qb_t noFog; /* ydnar: supress fogging */
qb_t clipModel; /* ydnar: solid model hack */
qb_t noVertexLight; /* ydnar: leave vertex color alone */
byte styleMarker; /* ydnar: light styles hack */
float vertexScale; /* vertex light scale */
char skyParmsImageBase[ MAX_QPATH ]; /* ydnar: for skies */
char editorImagePath[ MAX_QPATH ]; /* use this image to generate texture coordinates */
char lightImagePath[ MAX_QPATH ]; /* use this image to generate color / averageColor */
char normalImagePath[ MAX_QPATH ]; /* ydnar: normalmap image for bumpmapping */
implicitMap_t implicitMap; /* ydnar: enemy territory implicit shaders */
char implicitImagePath[ MAX_QPATH ];
image_t *shaderImage;
image_t *lightImage;
image_t *normalImage;
float skyLightValue; /* ydnar */
int skyLightIterations; /* ydnar */
sun_t *sun; /* ydnar */
vec3_t color; /* normalized color */
vec4_t averageColor;
byte lightStyle;
qb_t lmMergable; /* ydnar */
int lmCustomWidth, lmCustomHeight; /* ydnar */
float lmBrightness; /* ydnar */
float lmFilterRadius; /* ydnar: lightmap filtering/blurring radius for this shader (default: 0) */
int shaderWidth, shaderHeight; /* ydnar */
float stFlat[ 2 ];
vec3_t fogDir; /* ydnar */
char *shaderText; /* ydnar */
qb_t custom;
qb_t finished;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bsp structures
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
typedef struct face_s
struct face_s *next;
int planenum;
int priority;
qboolean checked;
int compileFlags;
winding_t *w;
typedef struct plane_s
vec3_t normal;
vec_t dist;
int type;
struct plane_s *hash_chain;
typedef struct side_s
int planenum;
int outputNum; /* set when the side is written to the file list */
float texMat[ 2 ][ 3 ]; /* brush primitive texture matrix */
float vecs[ 2 ][ 4 ]; /* old-style texture coordinate mapping */
winding_t *winding;
winding_t *visibleHull; /* convex hull of all visible fragments */
shaderInfo_t *shaderInfo;
int contentFlags; /* from shaderInfo */
int surfaceFlags; /* from shaderInfo */
int compileFlags; /* from shaderInfo */
int value; /* from shaderInfo */
qboolean visible; /* choose visble planes first */
qboolean bevel; /* don't ever use for bsp splitting, and don't bother making windings for it */
qboolean culled; /* ydnar: face culling */
typedef struct sideRef_s
struct sideRef_s *next;
side_t *side;
/* ydnar: generic index mapping for entities (natural extension of terrain texturing) */
typedef struct indexMap_s
int w, h, numLayers;
char name[ MAX_QPATH ], shader[ MAX_QPATH ];
float offsets[ 256 ];
byte *pixels;
typedef struct brush_s
struct brush_s *next;
struct brush_s *nextColorModBrush; /* ydnar: colorMod volume brushes go here */
struct brush_s *original; /* chopped up brushes will reference the originals */
int entityNum, brushNum; /* editor numbering */
int outputNum; /* set when the brush is written to the file list */
/* ydnar: for shadowcasting entities */
int castShadows;
int recvShadows;
shaderInfo_t *contentShader;
shaderInfo_t *celShader; /* :) */
/* ydnar: gs mods */
float lightmapScale;
vec3_t eMins, eMaxs;
indexMap_t *im;
int contentFlags;
int compileFlags; /* ydnar */
qboolean detail;
qboolean opaque;
int portalareas[ 2 ];
vec3_t mins, maxs;
int numsides;
side_t sides[]; /* variably sized */
typedef struct fog_s
shaderInfo_t *si;
brush_t *brush;
int visibleSide; /* the brush side that ray tests need to clip against (-1 == none) */
typedef struct
int width, height;
bspDrawVert_t *verts;
typedef struct parseMesh_s
struct parseMesh_s *next;
int entityNum, brushNum; /* ydnar: editor numbering */
/* ydnar: for shadowcasting entities */
int castShadows;
int recvShadows;
mesh_t mesh;
shaderInfo_t *shaderInfo;
shaderInfo_t *celShader; /* :) */
/* ydnar: gs mods */
float lightmapScale;
vec3_t eMins, eMaxs;
indexMap_t *im;
/* grouping */
qboolean grouped;
float longestCurve;
int maxIterations;
ydnar: the drawsurf struct was extended to allow for:
- non-convex planar surfaces
- non-planar brushface surfaces
- lightmapped terrain
- planar patches
typedef enum
/* ydnar: these match up exactly with bspSurfaceType_t */
SURFACE_FOLIAGE, /* wolf et */
/* ydnar: compiler-relevant surface types */
char *surfaceTypes[ NUM_SURFACE_TYPES ]
#ifndef MAIN_C
/* ydnar: this struct needs an overhaul (again, heh) */
typedef struct mapDrawSurface_s
surfaceType_t type;
qboolean planar;
int outputNum; /* ydnar: to match this sort of thing up */
qboolean fur; /* ydnar: this is kind of a hack, but hey... */
qboolean skybox; /* ydnar: yet another fun hack */
qboolean backSide; /* ydnar: q3map_backShader support */
struct mapDrawSurface_s *parent; /* ydnar: for cloned (skybox) surfaces to share lighting data */
struct mapDrawSurface_s *clone; /* ydnar: for cloned surfaces */
struct mapDrawSurface_s *cel; /* ydnar: for cloned cel surfaces */
shaderInfo_t *shaderInfo;
shaderInfo_t *celShader;
brush_t *mapBrush;
parseMesh_t *mapMesh;
sideRef_t *sideRef;
int fogNum;
int numVerts; /* vertexes and triangles */
bspDrawVert_t *verts;
int numIndexes;
int *indexes;
int planeNum;
vec3_t lightmapOrigin; /* also used for flares */
vec3_t lightmapVecs[ 3 ]; /* also used for flares */
int lightStyle; /* used for flares */
/* ydnar: per-surface (per-entity, actually) lightmap sample size scaling */
float lightmapScale;
/* ydnar: surface classification */
vec3_t mins, maxs;
vec3_t lightmapAxis;
int sampleSize;
/* ydnar: shadow group support */
int castShadows, recvShadows;
/* ydnar: texture coordinate range monitoring for hardware with limited texcoord precision (in texel space) */
float bias[ 2 ];
int texMins[ 2 ], texMaxs[ 2 ], texRange[ 2 ];
/* ydnar: for patches */
float longestCurve;
int maxIterations;
int patchWidth, patchHeight;
vec3_t bounds[ 2 ];
/* ydnar/sd: for foliage */
int numFoliageInstances;
/* ydnar: editor/useful numbering */
int entityNum;
int surfaceNum;
typedef struct drawSurfRef_s
struct drawSurfRef_s *nextRef;
int outputNum;
/* ydnar: metasurfaces are constructed from lists of metatriangles so they can be merged in the best way */
typedef struct metaTriangle_s
shaderInfo_t *si;
side_t *side;
int entityNum, surfaceNum, planeNum, fogNum, sampleSize, castShadows, recvShadows;
vec4_t plane;
vec3_t lightmapAxis;
int indexes[ 3 ];
typedef struct epair_s
struct epair_s *next;
char *key, *value;
typedef struct
vec3_t origin;
brush_t *brushes, *lastBrush, *colorModBrushes;
parseMesh_t *patches;
int mapEntityNum, firstDrawSurf;
int firstBrush, numBrushes; /* only valid during BSP compile */
epair_t *epairs;
typedef struct node_s
/* both leafs and nodes */
int planenum; /* -1 = leaf node */
struct node_s *parent;
vec3_t mins, maxs; /* valid after portalization */
brush_t *volume; /* one for each leaf/node */
/* nodes only */
side_t *side; /* the side that created the node */
struct node_s *children[ 2 ];
int compileFlags; /* ydnar: hint, antiportal */
int tinyportals;
vec3_t referencepoint;
/* leafs only */
qboolean opaque; /* view can never be inside */
qboolean areaportal;
qboolean skybox; /* ydnar: a skybox leaf */
qboolean sky; /* ydnar: a sky leaf */
int cluster; /* for portalfile writing */
int area; /* for areaportals */
brush_t *brushlist; /* fragments of all brushes in this leaf */
drawSurfRef_t *drawSurfReferences;
int occupied; /* 1 or greater can reach entity */
entity_t *occupant; /* for leak file testing */
struct portal_s *portals; /* also on nodes during construction */
typedef struct portal_s
plane_t plane;
node_t *onnode; /* NULL = outside box */
node_t *nodes[ 2 ]; /* [ 0 ] = front side of plane */
struct portal_s *next[ 2 ];
winding_t *winding;
qboolean sidefound; /* false if ->side hasn't been checked */
int compileFlags; /* from original face that caused the split */
side_t *side; /* NULL = non-visible */
typedef struct
node_t *headnode;
node_t outside_node;
vec3_t mins, maxs;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
vis structures
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
typedef struct
vec3_t normal;
float dist;
typedef struct
int numpoints;
vec3_t points[ MAX_POINTS_ON_FIXED_WINDING ]; /* variable sized */
typedef struct passage_s
struct passage_s *next;
byte cansee[ 1 ]; /* all portals that can be seen through this passage */
} passage_t;
typedef enum
typedef struct
int num;
qboolean hint; /* true if this portal was created from a hint splitter */
qboolean removed;
visPlane_t plane; /* normal pointing into neighbor */
int leaf; /* neighbor */
vec3_t origin; /* for fast clip testing */
float radius;
fixedWinding_t *winding;
vstatus_t status;
byte *portalfront; /* [portals], preliminary */
byte *portalflood; /* [portals], intermediate */
byte *portalvis; /* [portals], final */
int nummightsee; /* bit count on portalflood for sort */
passage_t *passages; /* there are just as many passages as there */
/* are portals in the leaf this portal leads */
typedef struct leaf_s
int numportals;
int merged;
vportal_t *portals[MAX_PORTALS_ON_LEAF];
typedef struct pstack_s
byte mightsee[ MAX_PORTALS / 8 ];
struct pstack_s *next;
leaf_t *leaf;
vportal_t *portal; /* portal exiting */
fixedWinding_t *source;
fixedWinding_t *pass;
fixedWinding_t windings[ 3 ]; /* source, pass, temp in any order */
int freewindings[ 3 ];
visPlane_t portalplane;
int depth;
visPlane_t seperators[ 2 ][ MAX_SEPERATORS ];
int numseperators[ 2 ];
typedef struct
vportal_t *base;
int c_chains;
pstack_t pstack_head;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
light structures
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ydnar: new light struct with flags */
typedef struct light_s
struct light_s *next;
int type;
int flags; /* ydnar: condensed all the booleans into one flags int */
shaderInfo_t *si;
vec3_t origin;
vec3_t normal; /* for surfaces, spotlights, and suns */
float dist; /* plane location along normal */
float photons;
int style;
vec3_t color;
float radiusByDist; /* for spotlights */
float fade; /* ydnar: from wolf, for linear lights */
float angleScale; /* ydnar: stolen from vlight for K */
float add; /* ydnar: used for area lights */
float envelope; /* ydnar: units until falloff < tolerance */
float envelope2; /* ydnar: envelope squared (tiny optimization) */
vec3_t mins, maxs; /* ydnar: pvs envelope */
int cluster; /* ydnar: cluster light falls into */
winding_t *w;
vec3_t emitColor; /* full out-of-gamut value */
float falloffTolerance; /* ydnar: minimum attenuation threshold */
float filterRadius; /* ydnar: lightmap filter radius in world units, 0 == default */
typedef struct
/* constant input */
qboolean testOcclusion, forceSunlight, testAll;
int recvShadows;
int numSurfaces;
int *surfaces;
int numLights;
light_t **lights;
qboolean twoSided;
/* per-sample input */
int cluster;
vec3_t origin, normal;
vec_t inhibitRadius; /* sphere in which occluding geometry is ignored */
/* per-light input */
light_t *light;
vec3_t end;
/* calculated input */
vec3_t displacement, direction;
vec_t distance;
/* input and output */
vec3_t color; /* starts out at full color, may be reduced if transparent surfaces are crossed */
/* output */
vec3_t hit;
int compileFlags; /* for determining surface compile flags traced through */
qboolean passSolid;
qboolean opaque;
/* working data */
int numTestNodes;
int testNodes[ MAX_TRACE_TEST_NODES ];
/* must be identical to bspDrawVert_t except for float color! */
typedef struct
vec3_t xyz;
float st[ 2 ];
float lightmap[ MAX_LIGHTMAPS ][ 2 ];
vec3_t normal;
float color[ MAX_LIGHTMAPS ][ 4 ];
typedef struct
int numVerts;
radVert_t verts[ MAX_POINTS_ON_WINDING ];
/* crutch for poor local allocations in win32 smp */
typedef struct
vec_t dists[ MAX_POINTS_ON_WINDING + 4 ];
int sides[ MAX_POINTS_ON_WINDING + 4 ];
/* ydnar: new lightmap handling code */
typedef struct outLightmap_s
int lightmapNum, extLightmapNum;
int customWidth, customHeight;
int numLightmaps;
int freeLuxels;
int numShaders;
shaderInfo_t *shaders[ MAX_LIGHTMAP_SHADERS ];
byte *lightBits;
byte *bspLightBytes;
byte *bspDirBytes;
typedef struct rawLightmap_s
qboolean finished, splotchFix, wrap[ 2 ];
int customWidth, customHeight;
float brightness;
float filterRadius;
int firstLightSurface, numLightSurfaces; /* index into lightSurfaces */
int numLightClusters, *lightClusters;
int sampleSize, actualSampleSize, axisNum;
int entityNum;
int recvShadows;
vec3_t mins, maxs, axis, origin, *vecs;
float *plane;
int w, h, sw, sh, used;
qboolean solid[ MAX_LIGHTMAPS ];
vec3_t solidColor[ MAX_LIGHTMAPS ];
int numStyledTwins;
struct rawLightmap_s *twins[ MAX_LIGHTMAPS ];
int outLightmapNums[ MAX_LIGHTMAPS ];
int twinNums[ MAX_LIGHTMAPS ];
int lightmapX[ MAX_LIGHTMAPS ], lightmapY[ MAX_LIGHTMAPS ];
byte styles[ MAX_LIGHTMAPS ];
float *bspLuxels[ MAX_LIGHTMAPS ];
float *radLuxels[ MAX_LIGHTMAPS ];
float *superLuxels[ MAX_LIGHTMAPS ];
float *superOrigins;
float *superNormals;
int *superClusters;
float *superDeluxels; /* average light direction */
float *bspDeluxels;
typedef struct rawGridPoint_s
vec3_t ambient[ MAX_LIGHTMAPS ];
vec3_t directed[ MAX_LIGHTMAPS ];
vec3_t dir;
byte styles[ MAX_LIGHTMAPS ];
typedef struct surfaceInfo_s
bspModel_t *model;
shaderInfo_t *si;
rawLightmap_t *lm;
int parentSurfaceNum, childSurfaceNum;
int entityNum, castShadows, recvShadows, sampleSize, patchIterations;
float longestCurve;
float *plane;
vec3_t axis, mins, maxs;
qboolean hasLightmap, approximated;
int firstSurfaceCluster, numSurfaceClusters;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* main.c */
vec_t Random( void );
char *Q_strncpyz( char *dst, const char *src, size_t len );
char *Q_strcat( char *dst, size_t dlen, const char *src );
char *Q_strncat( char *dst, size_t dlen, const char *src, size_t slen );
/* path_init.c */
game_t *GetGame( char *arg );
void InitPaths( int *argc, char **argv );
/* fixaas.c */
int FixAASMain( int argc, char **argv );
/* bsp.c */
int BSPMain( int argc, char **argv );
/* bsp_analyze.c */
int AnalyzeBSPMain( int argc, char **argv );
/* bsp_info.c */
int BSPInfoMain( int argc, char **argv );
/* bsp_scale.c */
int ScaleBSPMain( int argc, char **argv );
/* convert_bsp.c */
int ConvertBSPMain( int argc, char **argv );
/* convert_map.c */
int ConvertBSPToMap( char *bspName );
/* convert_ase.c */
int ConvertBSPToASE( char *bspName );
/* brush.c */
sideRef_t *AllocSideRef( side_t *side, sideRef_t *next );
int CountBrushList( brush_t *brushes );
brush_t *AllocBrush( int numsides );
void FreeBrush( brush_t *brushes );
void FreeBrushList( brush_t *brushes );
brush_t *CopyBrush( brush_t *brush );
qboolean BoundBrush( brush_t *brush );
qboolean CreateBrushWindings( brush_t *brush );
brush_t *BrushFromBounds( vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs );
vec_t BrushVolume( brush_t *brush );
void WriteBSPBrushMap( char *name, brush_t *list );
void FilterDetailBrushesIntoTree( entity_t *e, tree_t *tree );
void FilterStructuralBrushesIntoTree( entity_t *e, tree_t *tree );
int BoxOnPlaneSide( vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, plane_t *plane );
qboolean WindingIsTiny( winding_t *w );
void SplitBrush( brush_t *brush, int planenum, brush_t **front, brush_t **back );
tree_t *AllocTree( void );
node_t *AllocNode( void );
/* mesh.c */
void LerpDrawVert( bspDrawVert_t *a, bspDrawVert_t *b, bspDrawVert_t *out );
void LerpDrawVertAmount( bspDrawVert_t *a, bspDrawVert_t *b, float amount, bspDrawVert_t *out );
void FreeMesh( mesh_t *m );
mesh_t *CopyMesh( mesh_t *mesh );
void PrintMesh( mesh_t *m );
mesh_t *TransposeMesh( mesh_t *in );
void InvertMesh( mesh_t *m );
mesh_t *SubdivideMesh( mesh_t in, float maxError, float minLength );
int IterationsForCurve( float len, int subdivisions );
mesh_t *SubdivideMesh2( mesh_t in, int iterations );
mesh_t *SubdivideMeshQuads( mesh_t *in, float minLength, int maxsize, int *widthtable, int *heighttable );
mesh_t *RemoveLinearMeshColumnsRows( mesh_t *in );
void MakeMeshNormals( mesh_t in );
void PutMeshOnCurve( mesh_t in );
void MakeNormalVectors( vec3_t forward, vec3_t right, vec3_t up );
/* map.c */
void LoadMapFile( char *filename, qboolean onlyLights );
int FindFloatPlane( vec3_t normal, vec_t dist, int numPoints, vec3_t *points );
int PlaneTypeForNormal( vec3_t normal );
void AddBrushBevels( void );
brush_t *FinishBrush( void );
/* portals.c */
void MakeHeadnodePortals( tree_t *tree );
void MakeNodePortal( node_t *node );
void SplitNodePortals( node_t *node );
qboolean PortalPassable( portal_t *p );
qboolean FloodEntities( tree_t *tree );
void FillOutside( node_t *headnode );
void FloodAreas( tree_t *tree );
face_t *VisibleFaces( entity_t *e, tree_t *tree );
void FreePortal( portal_t *p );
void MakeTreePortals( tree_t *tree );
/* leakfile.c */
xmlNodePtr LeakFile( tree_t *tree );
/* prtfile.c */
void NumberClusters( tree_t *tree );
void WritePortalFile( tree_t *tree );
/* writebsp.c */
void SetModelNumbers( void );
void SetLightStyles( void );
int EmitShader( const char *shader, int *contentFlags, int *surfaceFlags );
void BeginBSPFile( void );
void EndBSPFile( void );
void EmitBrushes( brush_t *brushes, int *firstBrush, int *numBrushes );
void EmitFogs( void );
void BeginModel( void );
void EndModel( entity_t *e, node_t *headnode );
/* tree.c */
void FreeTree( tree_t *tree );
void FreeTree_r( node_t *node );
void PrintTree_r( node_t *node, int depth );
void FreeTreePortals_r( node_t *node );
/* patch.c */
void ParsePatch( qboolean onlyLights );
mesh_t *SubdivideMesh( mesh_t in, float maxError, float minLength );
void PatchMapDrawSurfs( entity_t *e );
/* tjunction.c */
void FixTJunctions( entity_t *e );
/* fog.c */
winding_t *WindingFromDrawSurf( mapDrawSurface_t *ds );
void FogDrawSurfaces( entity_t *e );
int FogForPoint( vec3_t point, float epsilon );
int FogForBounds( vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, float epsilon );
void CreateMapFogs( void );
/* facebsp.c */
face_t *MakeStructuralBSPFaceList( brush_t *list );
face_t *MakeVisibleBSPFaceList( brush_t *list );
tree_t *FaceBSP( face_t *list );
/* model.c */
void PicoPrintFunc( int level, const char *str );
void PicoLoadFileFunc( char *name, byte **buffer, int *bufSize );
picoModel_t *FindModel( char *name, int frame );
picoModel_t *LoadModel( char *name, int frame );
void InsertModel( char *name, int frame, m4x4_t transform, remap_t *remap, shaderInfo_t *celShader, int eNum, int castShadows, int recvShadows, int spawnFlags, float lightmapScale );
void AddTriangleModels( entity_t *e );
/* surface.c */
mapDrawSurface_t *AllocDrawSurface( surfaceType_t type );
void FinishSurface( mapDrawSurface_t *ds );
void StripFaceSurface( mapDrawSurface_t *ds );
qboolean CalcSurfaceTextureRange( mapDrawSurface_t *ds );
qboolean CalcLightmapAxis( vec3_t normal, vec3_t axis );
void ClassifySurfaces( int numSurfs, mapDrawSurface_t *ds );
void ClassifyEntitySurfaces( entity_t *e );
void TidyEntitySurfaces( entity_t *e );
mapDrawSurface_t *CloneSurface( mapDrawSurface_t *src, shaderInfo_t *si );
mapDrawSurface_t *MakeCelSurface( mapDrawSurface_t *src, shaderInfo_t *si );
qboolean IsTriangleDegenerate( bspDrawVert_t *points, int a, int b, int c );
void ClearSurface( mapDrawSurface_t *ds );
void AddEntitySurfaceModels( entity_t *e );
mapDrawSurface_t *DrawSurfaceForSide( entity_t *e, brush_t *b, side_t *s, winding_t *w );
mapDrawSurface_t *DrawSurfaceForMesh( entity_t *e, parseMesh_t *p, mesh_t *mesh );
mapDrawSurface_t *DrawSurfaceForFlare( int entNum, vec3_t origin, vec3_t normal, vec3_t color, char *flareShader, int lightStyle );
mapDrawSurface_t *DrawSurfaceForShader( char *shader );
void ClipSidesIntoTree( entity_t *e, tree_t *tree );
void MakeDebugPortalSurfs( tree_t *tree );
void MakeFogHullSurfs( entity_t *e, tree_t *tree, char *shader );
void SubdivideFaceSurfaces( entity_t *e, tree_t *tree );
void AddEntitySurfaceModels( entity_t *e );
int AddSurfaceModels( mapDrawSurface_t *ds );
void FilterDrawsurfsIntoTree( entity_t *e, tree_t *tree );
/* surface_fur.c */
void Fur( mapDrawSurface_t *src );
/* surface_foliage.c */
void Foliage( mapDrawSurface_t *src );
/* ydnar: surface_meta.c */
void ClearMetaTriangles( void );
int FindMetaTriangle( metaTriangle_t *src, bspDrawVert_t *a, bspDrawVert_t *b, bspDrawVert_t *c, int planeNum );
void MakeEntityMetaTriangles( entity_t *e );
void FixMetaTJunctions( void );
void SmoothMetaTriangles( void );
void MergeMetaTriangles( void );
/* surface_extra.c */
void SetDefaultSampleSize( int sampleSize );
void SetSurfaceExtra( mapDrawSurface_t *ds, int num );
shaderInfo_t *GetSurfaceExtraShaderInfo( int num );
int GetSurfaceExtraParentSurfaceNum( int num );
int GetSurfaceExtraEntityNum( int num );
int GetSurfaceExtraCastShadows( int num );
int GetSurfaceExtraRecvShadows( int num );
int GetSurfaceExtraSampleSize( int num );
float GetSurfaceExtraLongestCurve( int num );
void GetSurfaceExtraLightmapAxis( int num, vec3_t lightmapAxis );
void WriteSurfaceExtraFile( const char *path );
void LoadSurfaceExtraFile( const char *path );
/* decals.c */
void ProcessDecals( void );
void MakeEntityDecals( entity_t *e );
/* brush_primit.c */
void ComputeAxisBase( vec3_t normal, vec3_t texX, vec3_t texY );
/* vis.c */
fixedWinding_t *NewFixedWinding( int points );
int VisMain( int argc, char **argv );
/* visflow.c */
int CountBits( byte *bits, int numbits );
void PassageFlow( int portalnum );
void CreatePassages( int portalnum );
void PassageMemory( void );
void BasePortalVis( int portalnum );
void BetterPortalVis( int portalnum );
void PortalFlow( int portalnum );
void PassagePortalFlow( int portalnum );
/* light.c */
float PointToPolygonFormFactor( const vec3_t point, const vec3_t normal, const winding_t *w );
int LightContributionToSample( trace_t *trace );
void LightingAtSample( trace_t * trace, byte styles[ MAX_LIGHTMAPS ], vec3_t colors[ MAX_LIGHTMAPS ] );
int LightContributionToPoint( trace_t *trace );
int LightMain( int argc, char **argv );
/* light_trace.c */
void SetupTraceNodes( void );
void TraceLine( trace_t *trace );
float SetupTrace( trace_t *trace );
/* light_bounce.c */
qboolean RadSampleImage( byte * pixels, int width, int height, float st[ 2 ], float color[ 4 ] );
void RadLightForTriangles( int num, int lightmapNum, rawLightmap_t *lm, shaderInfo_t *si, float scale, float subdivide, clipWork_t *cw );
void RadLightForPatch( int num, int lightmapNum, rawLightmap_t *lm, shaderInfo_t *si, float scale, float subdivide, clipWork_t *cw );
void RadCreateDiffuseLights( void );
void RadFreeLights();
/* light_ydnar.c */
void ColorToBytes( const float *color, byte *colorBytes, float scale );
void SmoothNormals( void );
void MapRawLightmap( int num );
void SetupDirt();
float DirtForSample( trace_t *trace );
void DirtyRawLightmap( int num );
void IlluminateRawLightmap( int num );
void IlluminateVertexes( int num );
void SetupBrushes( void );
void SetupClusters( void );
qboolean ClusterVisible( int a, int b );
qboolean ClusterVisibleToPoint( vec3_t point, int cluster );
int ClusterForPoint( vec3_t point );
int ClusterForPointExt( vec3_t point, float epsilon );
int ClusterForPointExtFilter( vec3_t point, float epsilon, int numClusters, int *clusters );
int ShaderForPointInLeaf( vec3_t point, int leafNum, float epsilon, int wantContentFlags, int wantSurfaceFlags, int *contentFlags, int *surfaceFlags );
void SetupEnvelopes( qboolean forGrid, qboolean fastFlag );
void FreeTraceLights( trace_t *trace );
void CreateTraceLightsForBounds( vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, vec3_t normal, int numClusters, int *clusters, int flags, trace_t *trace );
void CreateTraceLightsForSurface( int num, trace_t *trace );
/* lightmaps_ydnar.c */
void ExportLightmaps( void );
int ExportLightmapsMain( int argc, char **argv );
int ImportLightmapsMain( int argc, char **argv );
void SetupSurfaceLightmaps( void );
void StitchSurfaceLightmaps( void );
void StoreSurfaceLightmaps( void );
/* exportents.c */
void ExportEntities( void );
int ExportEntitiesMain( int argc, char **argv );
/* image.c */
void ImageFree( image_t *image );
image_t *ImageFind( const char *filename );
image_t *ImageLoad( const char *filename );
/* shaders.c */
void ColorMod( colorMod_t *am, int numVerts, bspDrawVert_t *drawVerts );
void TCMod( tcMod_t mod, float st[ 2 ] );
void TCModIdentity( tcMod_t mod );
void TCModMultiply( tcMod_t a, tcMod_t b, tcMod_t out );
void TCModTranslate( tcMod_t mod, float s, float t );
void TCModScale( tcMod_t mod, float s, float t );
void TCModRotate( tcMod_t mod, float euler );
qboolean ApplySurfaceParm( char *name, int *contentFlags, int *surfaceFlags, int *compileFlags );
void BeginMapShaderFile( const char *mapFile );
void WriteMapShaderFile( void );
shaderInfo_t *CustomShader( shaderInfo_t *si, char *find, char *replace );
void EmitVertexRemapShader( char *from, char *to );
void LoadShaderInfo( void );
shaderInfo_t *ShaderInfoForShader( const char *shader );
/* bspfile_abstract.c */
void SetGridPoints( int n );
void SetDrawVerts( int n );
void IncDrawVerts();
void SetDrawSurfaces( int n );
void SetDrawSurfacesBuffer();
void BSPFilesCleanup();
void SwapBlock( int *block, int size );
int GetLumpElements( bspHeader_t *header, int lump, int size );
void *GetLump( bspHeader_t *header, int lump );
int CopyLump( bspHeader_t *header, int lump, void *dest, int size );
void AddLump( FILE *file, bspHeader_t *header, int lumpNum, const void *data, int length );
void LoadBSPFile( const char *filename );
void WriteBSPFile( const char *filename );
void PrintBSPFileSizes( void );
epair_t *ParseEPair( void );
void ParseEntities( void );
void UnparseEntities( void );
void PrintEntity( const entity_t *ent );
void SetKeyValue( entity_t *ent, const char *key, const char *value );
const char *ValueForKey( const entity_t *ent, const char *key );
int IntForKey( const entity_t *ent, const char *key );
vec_t FloatForKey( const entity_t *ent, const char *key );
void GetVectorForKey( const entity_t *ent, const char *key, vec3_t vec );
entity_t *FindTargetEntity( const char *target );
void GetEntityShadowFlags( const entity_t *ent, const entity_t *ent2, int *castShadows, int *recvShadows );
/* bspfile_ibsp.c */
void LoadIBSPFile( const char *filename );
void WriteIBSPFile( const char *filename );
/* bspfile_rbsp.c */
void LoadRBSPFile( const char *filename );
void WriteRBSPFile( const char *filename );
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bsp/general global variables
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#ifdef MAIN_C
#define Q_EXTERN
#define Q_ASSIGN( a ) = a
#define Q_EXTERN extern
#define Q_ASSIGN( a )
/* game support */
Q_EXTERN game_t games[]
#ifndef MAIN_C
#include "game_quake3.h"
#include "game_quakelive.h" /* most be after game_quake3.h as they share defines! */
#include "game_nexuiz.h" /* most be after game_quake3.h as they share defines! */
#include "game_tremulous.h" /*LinuxManMikeC: must be after game_quake3.h, depends on #define's set in it */
#include "game_unvanquished.h" /* must be after game_quake3.h as they share defines! */
#include "game_tenebrae.h"
#include "game_wolf.h"
#include "game_wolfet.h" /* most be after game_wolf.h as they share defines! */
#include "game_etut.h"
#include "game_ef.h"
#include "game_sof2.h"
#include "game_jk2.h" /* most be after game_sof2.h as they share defines! */
#include "game_ja.h" /* most be after game_jk2.h as they share defines! */
#include "game_qfusion.h" /* qfusion game */
#include "game_reaction.h" /* must be after game_quake3.h */
{ NULL } /* null game */
Q_EXTERN game_t *game Q_ASSIGN( &games[ 0 ] );
/* general */
Q_EXTERN int numImages Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN image_t images[ MAX_IMAGES ];
Q_EXTERN int numPicoModels Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN picoModel_t *picoModels[ MAX_MODELS ];
Q_EXTERN shaderInfo_t *shaderInfo Q_ASSIGN( NULL );
Q_EXTERN int numShaderInfo Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN int numVertexRemaps Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN surfaceParm_t custSurfaceParms[ MAX_CUST_SURFACEPARMS ];
Q_EXTERN int numCustSurfaceParms Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN char mapName[ MAX_QPATH ]; /* ydnar: per-map custom shaders for larger lightmaps */
Q_EXTERN char mapShaderFile[ 1024 ];
Q_EXTERN qboolean warnImage Q_ASSIGN( qtrue );
/* ydnar: sinusoid samples */
Q_EXTERN float jitters[ MAX_JITTERS ];
/* commandline arguments */
Q_EXTERN qboolean verbose;
Q_EXTERN qboolean verboseEntities Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean force Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean infoMode Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean useCustomInfoParms Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean noprune Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean leaktest Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean nodetail Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean nosubdivide Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean notjunc Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean fulldetail Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean nowater Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean noCurveBrushes Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean fakemap Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean coplanar Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean nofog Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean noHint Q_ASSIGN( qfalse ); /* ydnar */
Q_EXTERN qboolean renameModelShaders Q_ASSIGN( qfalse ); /* ydnar */
Q_EXTERN qboolean skyFixHack Q_ASSIGN( qfalse ); /* ydnar */
Q_EXTERN int patchSubdivisions Q_ASSIGN( 8 ); /* ydnar: -patchmeta subdivisions */
Q_EXTERN int maxLMSurfaceVerts Q_ASSIGN( 64 ); /* ydnar */
Q_EXTERN int maxSurfaceVerts Q_ASSIGN( 999 ); /* ydnar */
Q_EXTERN int maxSurfaceIndexes Q_ASSIGN( 6000 ); /* ydnar */
Q_EXTERN float npDegrees Q_ASSIGN( 0.0f ); /* ydnar: nonplanar degrees */
Q_EXTERN int bevelSnap Q_ASSIGN( 0 ); /* ydnar: bevel plane snap */
Q_EXTERN int texRange Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN qboolean flat Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean meta Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean patchMeta Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean emitFlares Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean debugSurfaces Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean debugInset Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean debugPortals Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
// Increasing the normalEpsilon to compensate for new logic in SnapNormal(), where
// this epsilon is now used to compare against 0 components instead of the 1 or -1
// components. Unfortunately, normalEpsilon is also used in PlaneEqual(). So changing
// this will affect anything that calls PlaneEqual() as well (which are, at the time
// of this writing, FindFloatPlane() and AddBrushBevels()).
Q_EXTERN double normalEpsilon Q_ASSIGN( 0.00005 );
Q_EXTERN double normalEpsilon Q_ASSIGN( 0.00001 );
// NOTE: This distanceEpsilon is too small if parts of the map are at maximum world
// extents (in the range of plus or minus 2^16). The smallest epsilon at values
// close to 2^16 is about 0.007, which is greater than distanceEpsilon. Therefore,
// maps should be constrained to about 2^15, otherwise slightly undesirable effects
// may result. The 0.01 distanceEpsilon used previously is just too coarse in my
// opinion. The real fix for this problem is to have 64 bit distances and then make
// this epsilon even smaller, or to constrain world coordinates to plus minus 2^15
// (or even 2^14).
Q_EXTERN double distanceEpsilon Q_ASSIGN( 0.005 );
Q_EXTERN double distanceEpsilon Q_ASSIGN( 0.01 );
/* bsp */
Q_EXTERN int numMapEntities Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN int blockSize[ 3 ] /* should be the same as in radiant */
#ifndef MAIN_C
= { 1024, 1024, 1024 };
Q_EXTERN char name[ 1024 ];
Q_EXTERN char source[ 1024 ];
Q_EXTERN char outbase[ 32 ];
Q_EXTERN int sampleSize; /* lightmap sample size in units */
Q_EXTERN int mapEntityNum Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN int entitySourceBrushes;
Q_EXTERN plane_t mapplanes[ MAX_MAP_PLANES ]; /* mapplanes[ num ^ 1 ] will always be the mirror or mapplanes[ num ] */
Q_EXTERN int nummapplanes; /* nummapplanes will always be even */
Q_EXTERN int numMapPatches;
Q_EXTERN vec3_t mapMins, mapMaxs;
Q_EXTERN int defaultFogNum Q_ASSIGN( -1 ); /* ydnar: cleaner fog handling */
Q_EXTERN int numMapFogs Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN fog_t mapFogs[ MAX_MAP_FOGS ];
Q_EXTERN entity_t *mapEnt;
Q_EXTERN brush_t *buildBrush;
Q_EXTERN int numActiveBrushes;
Q_EXTERN int g_bBrushPrimit;
Q_EXTERN int numStrippedLights Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
/* surface stuff */
Q_EXTERN mapDrawSurface_t *mapDrawSurfs Q_ASSIGN( NULL );
Q_EXTERN int numMapDrawSurfs;
Q_EXTERN int numSurfacesByType[ NUM_SURFACE_TYPES ];
Q_EXTERN int numClearedSurfaces;
Q_EXTERN int numStripSurfaces;
Q_EXTERN int numFanSurfaces;
Q_EXTERN int numMergedSurfaces;
Q_EXTERN int numMergedVerts;
Q_EXTERN int numRedundantIndexes;
Q_EXTERN int numSurfaceModels Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN byte debugColors[ 12 ][ 3 ]
#ifndef MAIN_C
{ 255, 0, 0 },
{ 192, 128, 128 },
{ 255, 255, 0 },
{ 192, 192, 128 },
{ 0, 255, 255 },
{ 128, 192, 192 },
{ 0, 0, 255 },
{ 128, 128, 192 },
{ 255, 0, 255 },
{ 192, 128, 192 },
{ 0, 255, 0 },
{ 128, 192, 128 }
Q_EXTERN qboolean skyboxPresent Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN int skyboxArea Q_ASSIGN( -1 );
Q_EXTERN m4x4_t skyboxTransform;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
vis global variables
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* commandline arguments */
Q_EXTERN qboolean fastvis;
Q_EXTERN qboolean noPassageVis;
Q_EXTERN qboolean passageVisOnly;
Q_EXTERN qboolean mergevis;
Q_EXTERN qboolean nosort;
Q_EXTERN qboolean saveprt;
Q_EXTERN qboolean hint; /* ydnar */
Q_EXTERN char inbase[ MAX_QPATH ];
/* other bits */
Q_EXTERN int totalvis;
Q_EXTERN float farPlaneDist; /* rr2do2, rf, mre, ydnar all contributed to this one... */
Q_EXTERN int numportals;
Q_EXTERN int portalclusters;
Q_EXTERN vportal_t *portals;
Q_EXTERN leaf_t *leafs;
Q_EXTERN vportal_t *faces;
Q_EXTERN leaf_t *faceleafs;
Q_EXTERN int numfaces;
Q_EXTERN int c_portaltest, c_portalpass, c_portalcheck;
Q_EXTERN int c_portalskip, c_leafskip;
Q_EXTERN int c_vistest, c_mighttest;
Q_EXTERN int c_chains;
Q_EXTERN byte *vismap, *vismap_p, *vismap_end;
Q_EXTERN int testlevel;
Q_EXTERN byte *uncompressed;
Q_EXTERN int leafbytes, leaflongs;
Q_EXTERN int portalbytes, portallongs;
Q_EXTERN vportal_t *sorted_portals[ MAX_MAP_PORTALS * 2 ];
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
light global variables
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* commandline arguments */
Q_EXTERN qboolean wolfLight Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean loMem Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean noStyles Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean noVertexLighting Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean noGridLighting Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean noTrace Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean noSurfaces Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean patchShadows Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean cpmaHack Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean deluxemap Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean debugDeluxemap Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean fast Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean faster Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean fastgrid Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean fastbounce Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean cheap Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean cheapgrid Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN int bounce Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN qboolean bounceOnly Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean bouncing Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean bouncegrid Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean normalmap Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean trisoup Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean shade Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN float shadeAngleDegrees Q_ASSIGN( 0.0f );
Q_EXTERN int superSample Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN int lightSamples Q_ASSIGN( 1 );
Q_EXTERN qboolean filter Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean dark Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean sunOnly Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN int approximateTolerance Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN qboolean noCollapse Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean exportLightmaps Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean externalLightmaps Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean dirty Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean dirtDebug Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN int dirtMode Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN float dirtDepth Q_ASSIGN( 128.0f );
Q_EXTERN float dirtScale Q_ASSIGN( 1.0f );
Q_EXTERN float dirtGain Q_ASSIGN( 1.0f );
Q_EXTERN qboolean dump Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean debug Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean debugUnused Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean debugAxis Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean debugCluster Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean debugOrigin Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean lightmapBorder Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
/* longest distance across the map */
Q_EXTERN float maxMapDistance Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
/* for run time tweaking of light sources */
Q_EXTERN float pointScale Q_ASSIGN( 7500.0f );
Q_EXTERN float areaScale Q_ASSIGN( 0.25f );
Q_EXTERN float skyScale Q_ASSIGN( 1.0f );
Q_EXTERN float bounceScale Q_ASSIGN( 0.25f );
/* ydnar: lightmap gamma/compensation */
Q_EXTERN float lightmapGamma Q_ASSIGN( 1.0f );
Q_EXTERN float lightmapCompensate Q_ASSIGN( 1.0f );
/* ydnar: for runtime tweaking of falloff tolerance */
Q_EXTERN float falloffTolerance Q_ASSIGN( 1.0f );
Q_EXTERN qboolean exactPointToPolygon Q_ASSIGN( qtrue );
Q_EXTERN float formFactorValueScale Q_ASSIGN( 3.0f );
Q_EXTERN float linearScale Q_ASSIGN( 1.0f / 8000.0f );
Q_EXTERN light_t *lights;
Q_EXTERN int numPointLights;
Q_EXTERN int numSpotLights;
Q_EXTERN int numSunLights;
Q_EXTERN int numAreaLights;
/* ydnar: for luxel placement */
Q_EXTERN int numSurfaceClusters, maxSurfaceClusters;
Q_EXTERN int *surfaceClusters;
/* ydnar: for radiosity */
Q_EXTERN int numDiffuseLights;
Q_EXTERN int numBrushDiffuseLights;
Q_EXTERN int numTriangleDiffuseLights;
Q_EXTERN int numPatchDiffuseLights;
/* ydnar: general purpose extra copy of drawvert list */
Q_EXTERN bspDrawVert_t *yDrawVerts;
/* ydnar: for tracing statistics */
Q_EXTERN int minSurfacesTested;
Q_EXTERN int maxSurfacesTested;
Q_EXTERN int totalSurfacesTested;
Q_EXTERN int totalTraces;
Q_EXTERN FILE *dumpFile;
Q_EXTERN int c_visible, c_occluded;
Q_EXTERN int c_subsampled; /* ydnar */
Q_EXTERN int defaultLightSubdivide Q_ASSIGN( 999 );
Q_EXTERN vec3_t ambientColor;
Q_EXTERN vec3_t minLight, minVertexLight, minGridLight;
Q_EXTERN int *entitySurface;
Q_EXTERN vec3_t *surfaceOrigin;
Q_EXTERN vec3_t sunDirection;
Q_EXTERN vec3_t sunLight;
/* tracing */
Q_EXTERN int c_totalTrace;
Q_EXTERN int c_cullTrace, c_testTrace;
Q_EXTERN int c_testFacets;
/* ydnar: light optimization */
Q_EXTERN int numOpaqueBrushes, maxOpaqueBrush;
Q_EXTERN byte *opaqueBrushes;
Q_EXTERN int numLights;
Q_EXTERN int numCulledLights;
Q_EXTERN int gridBoundsCulled;
Q_EXTERN int gridEnvelopeCulled;
Q_EXTERN int lightsBoundsCulled;
Q_EXTERN int lightsEnvelopeCulled;
Q_EXTERN int lightsPlaneCulled;
Q_EXTERN int lightsClusterCulled;
/* ydnar: radiosity */
Q_EXTERN float diffuseSubdivide Q_ASSIGN( 256.0f );
Q_EXTERN float minDiffuseSubdivide Q_ASSIGN( 64.0f );
Q_EXTERN int numDiffuseSurfaces Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
/* ydnar: list of surface information necessary for lightmap calculation */
Q_EXTERN surfaceInfo_t *surfaceInfos Q_ASSIGN( NULL );
/* ydnar: sorted list of surfaces */
Q_EXTERN int *sortSurfaces Q_ASSIGN( NULL );
/* clumps of surfaces that share a raw lightmap */
Q_EXTERN int numLightSurfaces Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN int *lightSurfaces Q_ASSIGN( NULL );
/* raw lightmaps */
Q_EXTERN int numRawSuperLuxels Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN int numRawLightmaps Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN rawLightmap_t *rawLightmaps Q_ASSIGN( NULL );
Q_EXTERN int *sortLightmaps Q_ASSIGN( NULL );
/* vertex luxels */
Q_EXTERN float *vertexLuxels[ MAX_LIGHTMAPS ];
Q_EXTERN float *radVertexLuxels[ MAX_LIGHTMAPS ];
/* bsp lightmaps */
Q_EXTERN int numLightmapShaders Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN int numSolidLightmaps Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN int numOutLightmaps Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN int numBSPLightmaps Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN int numExtLightmaps Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN outLightmap_t *outLightmaps Q_ASSIGN( NULL );
/* grid points */
Q_EXTERN int numRawGridPoints Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN rawGridPoint_t *rawGridPoints Q_ASSIGN( NULL );
Q_EXTERN int numSurfsVertexLit Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN int numSurfsVertexForced Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN int numSurfsVertexApproximated Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN int numSurfsLightmapped Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN int numPlanarsLightmapped Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN int numNonPlanarsLightmapped Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN int numPatchesLightmapped Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN int numPlanarPatchesLightmapped Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN int numLuxels Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN int numLuxelsMapped Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN int numLuxelsOccluded Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN int numLuxelsIlluminated Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN int numVertsIlluminated Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
/* lightgrid */
Q_EXTERN vec3_t gridMins;
Q_EXTERN int gridBounds[ 3 ];
Q_EXTERN vec3_t gridSize
#ifndef MAIN_C
= { 64, 64, 128 };
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
abstracted bsp globals
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Q_EXTERN int numEntities Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN int numBSPEntities Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN entity_t entities[ MAX_MAP_ENTITIES ];
Q_EXTERN int numBSPModels Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN bspModel_t bspModels[ MAX_MAP_MODELS ];
Q_EXTERN int numBSPShaders Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN bspShader_t bspShaders[ MAX_MAP_MODELS ];
Q_EXTERN int bspEntDataSize Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN int numBSPLeafs Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN bspLeaf_t bspLeafs[ MAX_MAP_LEAFS ];
Q_EXTERN int numBSPPlanes Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN bspPlane_t bspPlanes[ MAX_MAP_PLANES ];
Q_EXTERN int numBSPNodes Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN bspNode_t bspNodes[ MAX_MAP_NODES ];
Q_EXTERN int numBSPLeafSurfaces Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN int bspLeafSurfaces[ MAX_MAP_LEAFFACES ];
Q_EXTERN int numBSPLeafBrushes Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN int numBSPBrushes Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN bspBrush_t bspBrushes[ MAX_MAP_BRUSHES ];
Q_EXTERN int numBSPBrushSides Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN bspBrushSide_t bspBrushSides[ MAX_MAP_BRUSHSIDES ];
Q_EXTERN int numBSPLightBytes Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN byte *bspLightBytes Q_ASSIGN( NULL );
//% Q_EXTERN int numBSPGridPoints Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
//% Q_EXTERN byte *bspGridPoints Q_ASSIGN( NULL );
Q_EXTERN int numBSPGridPoints Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN bspGridPoint_t *bspGridPoints Q_ASSIGN( NULL );
Q_EXTERN int numBSPVisBytes Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN int numBSPDrawVerts Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN bspDrawVert_t *bspDrawVerts Q_ASSIGN( NULL );
Q_EXTERN int numBSPDrawIndexes Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN int bspDrawIndexes[ MAX_MAP_DRAW_INDEXES ];
Q_EXTERN int numBSPDrawSurfaces Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN bspDrawSurface_t *bspDrawSurfaces Q_ASSIGN( NULL );
Q_EXTERN int numBSPFogs Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN bspFog_t bspFogs[ MAX_MAP_FOGS ];
Q_EXTERN int numBSPAds Q_ASSIGN( 0 );
Q_EXTERN bspAdvertisement_t bspAds[ MAX_MAP_ADVERTISEMENTS ];
/* end marker */