mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 22:32:19 +00:00
git-svn-id: svn://svn.icculus.org/gtkradiant/GtkRadiant/branches/ZeroRadiant@183 8a3a26a2-13c4-0310-b231-cf6edde360e5
790 lines
21 KiB
790 lines
21 KiB
Copyright (C) 1999-2007 id Software, Inc. and contributors.
For a list of contributors, see the accompanying CONTRIBUTORS file.
This file is part of GtkRadiant.
GtkRadiant is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
GtkRadiant is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with GtkRadiant; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include "mathlib.h"
#include "memory.h"
void m4x4_identity(m4x4_t matrix)
matrix[1] = matrix[2] = matrix[3] =
matrix[4] = matrix[6] = matrix[7] =
matrix[8] = matrix[9] = matrix[11] =
matrix[12] = matrix[13] = matrix[14] = 0;
matrix[0] = matrix[5] = matrix[10] = matrix[15] = 1;
void m4x4_translation_for_vec3(m4x4_t matrix, const vec3_t translation)
matrix[1] = matrix[2] = matrix[3] =
matrix[4] = matrix[6] = matrix[7] =
matrix[8] = matrix[9] = matrix[11] = 0;
matrix[0] = matrix[5] = matrix[10] = matrix[15] = 1;
matrix[12] = translation[0];
matrix[13] = translation[1];
matrix[14] = translation[2];
void m4x4_rotation_for_vec3(m4x4_t matrix, const vec3_t euler, eulerOrder_t order)
double cx, sx, cy, sy, cz, sz;
cx = cos(DEG2RAD(euler[0]));
sx = sin(DEG2RAD(euler[0]));
cy = cos(DEG2RAD(euler[1]));
sy = sin(DEG2RAD(euler[1]));
cz = cos(DEG2RAD(euler[2]));
sz = sin(DEG2RAD(euler[2]));
case eXYZ:
#if 1
matrix[0] = (vec_t)(cy*cz);
matrix[1] = (vec_t)(cy*sz);
matrix[2] = (vec_t)-sy;
matrix[4] = (vec_t)(sx*sy*cz + cx*-sz);
matrix[5] = (vec_t)(sx*sy*sz + cx*cz);
matrix[6] = (vec_t)(sx*cy);
matrix[8] = (vec_t)(cx*sy*cz + sx*sz);
matrix[9] = (vec_t)(cx*sy*sz + -sx*cz);
matrix[10] = (vec_t)(cx*cy);
matrix[12] = matrix[13] = matrix[14] = matrix[3] = matrix[7] = matrix[11] = 0;
matrix[15] = 1;
matrix[5] =(vec_t) cx; matrix[6] =(vec_t) sx;
matrix[9] =(vec_t)-sx; matrix[10]=(vec_t) cx;
m4x4_t temp;
temp[0] =(vec_t) cy; temp[2] =(vec_t)-sy;
temp[8] =(vec_t) sy; temp[10]=(vec_t) cy;
m4x4_premultiply_by_m4x4(matrix, temp);
temp[0] =(vec_t) cz; temp[1] =(vec_t) sz;
temp[4] =(vec_t)-sz; temp[5] =(vec_t) cz;
m4x4_premultiply_by_m4x4(matrix, temp);
case eYZX:
matrix[0] =(vec_t) cy; matrix[2] =(vec_t)-sy;
matrix[8] =(vec_t) sy; matrix[10]=(vec_t) cy;
m4x4_t temp;
temp[5] =(vec_t) cx; temp[6] =(vec_t) sx;
temp[9] =(vec_t)-sx; temp[10]=(vec_t) cx;
m4x4_premultiply_by_m4x4(matrix, temp);
temp[0] =(vec_t) cz; temp[1] =(vec_t) sz;
temp[4] =(vec_t)-sz; temp[5] =(vec_t) cz;
m4x4_premultiply_by_m4x4(matrix, temp);
case eZXY:
matrix[0] =(vec_t) cz; matrix[1] =(vec_t) sz;
matrix[4] =(vec_t)-sz; matrix[5] =(vec_t) cz;
m4x4_t temp;
temp[5] =(vec_t) cx; temp[6] =(vec_t) sx;
temp[9] =(vec_t)-sx; temp[10]=(vec_t) cx;
m4x4_premultiply_by_m4x4(matrix, temp);
temp[0] =(vec_t) cy; temp[2] =(vec_t)-sy;
temp[8] =(vec_t) sy; temp[10]=(vec_t) cy;
m4x4_premultiply_by_m4x4(matrix, temp);
case eXZY:
matrix[5] =(vec_t) cx; matrix[6] =(vec_t) sx;
matrix[9] =(vec_t)-sx; matrix[10]=(vec_t) cx;
m4x4_t temp;
temp[0] =(vec_t) cz; temp[1] =(vec_t) sz;
temp[4] =(vec_t)-sz; temp[5] =(vec_t) cz;
m4x4_premultiply_by_m4x4(matrix, temp);
temp[0] =(vec_t) cy; temp[2] =(vec_t)-sy;
temp[8] =(vec_t) sy; temp[10]=(vec_t) cy;
m4x4_premultiply_by_m4x4(matrix, temp);
case eYXZ:
/* transposed
| cy.cz + sx.sy.-sz + -cx.sy.0 0.cz + cx.-sz + sx.0 sy.cz + -sx.cy.-sz + cx.cy.0 |
| cy.sz + sx.sy.cz + -cx.sy.0 0.sz + cx.cz + sx.0 sy.sz + -sx.cy.cz + cx.cy.0 |
| cy.0 + sx.sy.0 + -cx.sy.1 0.0 + cx.0 + sx.1 sy.0 + -sx.cy.0 + cx.cy.1 |
#if 1
matrix[0] = (vec_t)(cy*cz + sx*sy*-sz);
matrix[1] = (vec_t)(cy*sz + sx*sy*cz);
matrix[2] = (vec_t)(-cx*sy);
matrix[4] = (vec_t)(cx*-sz);
matrix[5] = (vec_t)(cx*cz);
matrix[6] = (vec_t)(sx);
matrix[8] = (vec_t)(sy*cz + -sx*cy*-sz);
matrix[9] = (vec_t)(sy*sz + -sx*cy*cz);
matrix[10] = (vec_t)(cx*cy);
matrix[12] = matrix[13] = matrix[14] = matrix[3] = matrix[7] = matrix[11] = 0;
matrix[15] = 1;
matrix[0] =(vec_t) cy; matrix[2] =(vec_t)-sy;
matrix[8] =(vec_t) sy; matrix[10]=(vec_t) cy;
m4x4_t temp;
temp[5] =(vec_t) cx; temp[6] =(vec_t) sx;
temp[9] =(vec_t)-sx; temp[10]=(vec_t) cx;
m4x4_premultiply_by_m4x4(matrix, temp);
temp[0] =(vec_t) cz; temp[1] =(vec_t) sz;
temp[4] =(vec_t)-sz; temp[5] =(vec_t) cz;
m4x4_premultiply_by_m4x4(matrix, temp);
case eZYX:
#if 1
matrix[0] = (vec_t)(cy*cz);
matrix[4] = (vec_t)(cy*-sz);
matrix[8] = (vec_t)sy;
matrix[1] = (vec_t)(sx*sy*cz + cx*sz);
matrix[5] = (vec_t)(sx*sy*-sz + cx*cz);
matrix[9] = (vec_t)(-sx*cy);
matrix[2] = (vec_t)(cx*-sy*cz + sx*sz);
matrix[6] = (vec_t)(cx*-sy*-sz + sx*cz);
matrix[10] = (vec_t)(cx*cy);
matrix[12] = matrix[13] = matrix[14] = matrix[3] = matrix[7] = matrix[11] = 0;
matrix[15] = 1;
matrix[0] =(vec_t) cz; matrix[1] =(vec_t) sz;
matrix[4] =(vec_t)-sz; matrix[5] =(vec_t) cz;
m4x4_t temp;
temp[0] =(vec_t) cy; temp[2] =(vec_t)-sy;
temp[8] =(vec_t) sy; temp[10]=(vec_t) cy;
m4x4_premultiply_by_m4x4(matrix, temp);
temp[5] =(vec_t) cx; temp[6] =(vec_t) sx;
temp[9] =(vec_t)-sx; temp[10]=(vec_t) cx;
m4x4_premultiply_by_m4x4(matrix, temp);
void m4x4_scale_for_vec3(m4x4_t matrix, const vec3_t scale)
matrix[1] = matrix[2] = matrix[3] =
matrix[4] = matrix[6] = matrix[7] =
matrix[8] = matrix[9] = matrix[11] =
matrix[12] = matrix[13] = matrix[14] = 0;
matrix[15] = 1;
matrix[0] = scale[0];
matrix[5] = scale[1];
matrix[10] = scale[2];
void m4x4_rotation_for_quat(m4x4_t matrix, const vec4_t rotation)
float xx,xy,xz,xw,yy,yz,yw,zz,zw;
xx = rotation[0] * rotation[0];
xy = rotation[0] * rotation[1];
xz = rotation[0] * rotation[2];
xw = rotation[0] * rotation[3];
yy = rotation[1] * rotation[1];
yz = rotation[1] * rotation[2];
yw = rotation[1] * rotation[3];
zz = rotation[2] * rotation[2];
zw = rotation[2] * rotation[3];
matrix[0] = 1 - 2 * ( yy + zz );
matrix[4] = 2 * ( xy - zw );
matrix[8] = 2 * ( xz + yw );
matrix[1] = 2 * ( xy + zw );
matrix[5] = 1 - 2 * ( xx + zz );
matrix[9] = 2 * ( yz - xw );
matrix[2] = 2 * ( xz - yw );
matrix[6] = 2 * ( yz + xw );
matrix[10] = 1 - 2 * ( xx + yy );
matrix[3] = matrix[7] = matrix[11] = matrix[12] = matrix[13] = matrix[14] = 0;
matrix[15] = 1;
void m4x4_rotation_for_axisangle(m4x4_t matrix, const vec3_t axis, vec_t angle)
vec4_t rotation;
angle *= 0.5;
rotation[3] = (float)sin((float)(angle));
rotation[0] = axis[0] * rotation[3];
rotation[1] = axis[1] * rotation[3];
rotation[2] = axis[2] * rotation[3];
rotation[3] = (float)cos((float)(angle));
m4x4_rotation_for_quat(matrix, rotation);
void m4x4_translate_by_vec3(m4x4_t matrix, const vec3_t translation)
m4x4_t temp;
m4x4_translation_for_vec3(temp, translation);
m4x4_multiply_by_m4x4(matrix, temp);
void m4x4_rotate_by_vec3(m4x4_t matrix, const vec3_t euler, eulerOrder_t order)
m4x4_t temp;
m4x4_rotation_for_vec3(temp, euler, order);
m4x4_multiply_by_m4x4(matrix, temp);
void m4x4_scale_by_vec3(m4x4_t matrix, const vec3_t scale)
m4x4_t temp;
m4x4_scale_for_vec3(temp, scale);
m4x4_multiply_by_m4x4(matrix, temp);
void m4x4_rotate_by_quat(m4x4_t matrix, const vec4_t rotation)
m4x4_t temp;
m4x4_rotation_for_quat(temp, rotation);
m4x4_multiply_by_m4x4(matrix, temp);
void m4x4_rotate_by_axisangle(m4x4_t matrix, const vec3_t axis, vec_t angle)
m4x4_t temp;
m4x4_rotation_for_axisangle(temp, axis, angle);
m4x4_multiply_by_m4x4(matrix, temp);
void m4x4_transform_by_vec3(m4x4_t matrix, const vec3_t translation, const vec3_t euler, eulerOrder_t order, const vec3_t scale)
m4x4_translate_by_vec3(matrix, translation);
m4x4_rotate_by_vec3(matrix, euler, order);
m4x4_scale_by_vec3(matrix, scale);
void m4x4_pivoted_rotate_by_vec3(m4x4_t matrix, const vec3_t euler, eulerOrder_t order, const vec3_t pivotpoint)
vec3_t vec3_temp;
VectorNegative(pivotpoint, vec3_temp);
m4x4_translate_by_vec3(matrix, pivotpoint);
m4x4_rotate_by_vec3(matrix, euler, order);
m4x4_translate_by_vec3(matrix, vec3_temp);
void m4x4_pivoted_scale_by_vec3(m4x4_t matrix, const vec3_t scale, const vec3_t pivotpoint)
vec3_t vec3_temp;
VectorNegative(pivotpoint, vec3_temp);
m4x4_translate_by_vec3(matrix, pivotpoint);
m4x4_scale_by_vec3(matrix, scale);
m4x4_translate_by_vec3(matrix, vec3_temp);
void m4x4_pivoted_transform_by_vec3(m4x4_t matrix, const vec3_t translation, const vec3_t euler, eulerOrder_t order, const vec3_t scale, const vec3_t pivotpoint)
vec3_t vec3_temp;
VectorAdd(pivotpoint, translation, vec3_temp);
m4x4_translate_by_vec3(matrix, vec3_temp);
m4x4_rotate_by_vec3(matrix, euler, order);
m4x4_scale_by_vec3(matrix, scale);
VectorNegative(pivotpoint, vec3_temp);
m4x4_translate_by_vec3(matrix, vec3_temp);
void m4x4_pivoted_rotate_by_quat(m4x4_t matrix, const vec4_t rotation, const vec3_t pivotpoint)
vec3_t vec3_temp;
VectorNegative(pivotpoint, vec3_temp);
m4x4_translate_by_vec3(matrix, pivotpoint);
m4x4_rotate_by_quat(matrix, rotation);
m4x4_translate_by_vec3(matrix, vec3_temp);
void m4x4_pivoted_rotate_by_axisangle(m4x4_t matrix, const vec3_t axis, vec_t angle, const vec3_t pivotpoint)
vec3_t vec3_temp;
VectorNegative(pivotpoint, vec3_temp);
m4x4_translate_by_vec3(matrix, pivotpoint);
m4x4_rotate_by_axisangle(matrix, axis, angle);
m4x4_translate_by_vec3(matrix, vec3_temp);
A = A.B
A0 = B0 * A0 + B1 * A4 + B2 * A8 + B3 * A12
A4 = B4 * A0 + B5 * A4 + B6 * A8 + B7 * A12
A8 = B8 * A0 + B9 * A4 + B10* A8 + B11* A12
A12= B12* A0 + B13* A4 + B14* A8 + B15* A12
A1 = B0 * A1 + B1 * A5 + B2 * A9 + B3 * A13
A5 = B4 * A1 + B5 * A5 + B6 * A9 + B7 * A13
A9 = B8 * A1 + B9 * A5 + B10* A9 + B11* A13
A13= B12* A1 + B13* A5 + B14* A9 + B15* A13
A2 = B0 * A2 + B1 * A6 + B2 * A10+ B3 * A14
A6 = B4 * A2 + B5 * A6 + B6 * A10+ B7 * A14
A10= B8 * A2 + B9 * A6 + B10* A10+ B11* A14
A14= B12* A2 + B13* A6 + B14* A10+ B15* A14
A3 = B0 * A3 + B1 * A7 + B2 * A11+ B3 * A15
A7 = B4 * A3 + B5 * A7 + B6 * A11+ B7 * A15
A11= B8 * A3 + B9 * A7 + B10* A11+ B11* A15
A15= B12* A3 + B13* A7 + B14* A11+ B15* A15
void m4x4_multiply_by_m4x4(m4x4_t dst, const m4x4_t src)
vec_t dst0, dst1, dst2, dst3;
#if 1
dst0 = src[0] * dst[0] + src[1] * dst[4] + src[2] * dst[8] + src[3] * dst[12];
dst1 = src[4] * dst[0] + src[5] * dst[4] + src[6] * dst[8] + src[7] * dst[12];
dst2 = src[8] * dst[0] + src[9] * dst[4] + src[10]* dst[8] + src[11]* dst[12];
dst3 = src[12]* dst[0] + src[13]* dst[4] + src[14]* dst[8] + src[15]* dst[12];
dst[0] = dst0; dst[4] = dst1; dst[8] = dst2; dst[12]= dst3;
dst0 = src[0] * dst[1] + src[1] * dst[5] + src[2] * dst[9] + src[3] * dst[13];
dst1 = src[4] * dst[1] + src[5] * dst[5] + src[6] * dst[9] + src[7] * dst[13];
dst2 = src[8] * dst[1] + src[9] * dst[5] + src[10]* dst[9] + src[11]* dst[13];
dst3 = src[12]* dst[1] + src[13]* dst[5] + src[14]* dst[9] + src[15]* dst[13];
dst[1] = dst0; dst[5] = dst1; dst[9] = dst2; dst[13]= dst3;
dst0 = src[0] * dst[2] + src[1] * dst[6] + src[2] * dst[10]+ src[3] * dst[14];
dst1 = src[4] * dst[2] + src[5] * dst[6] + src[6] * dst[10]+ src[7] * dst[14];
dst2 = src[8] * dst[2] + src[9] * dst[6] + src[10]* dst[10]+ src[11]* dst[14];
dst3 = src[12]* dst[2] + src[13]* dst[6] + src[14]* dst[10]+ src[15]* dst[14];
dst[2] = dst0; dst[6] = dst1; dst[10]= dst2; dst[14]= dst3;
dst0 = src[0] * dst[3] + src[1] * dst[7] + src[2] * dst[11]+ src[3] * dst[15];
dst1 = src[4] * dst[3] + src[5] * dst[7] + src[6] * dst[11]+ src[7] * dst[15];
dst2 = src[8] * dst[3] + src[9] * dst[7] + src[10]* dst[11]+ src[11]* dst[15];
dst3 = src[12]* dst[3] + src[13]* dst[7] + src[14]* dst[11]+ src[15]* dst[15];
dst[3] = dst0; dst[7] = dst1; dst[11]= dst2; dst[15]= dst3;
vec_t * p = dst;
for(int i=0;i<4;i++)
dst1 = src[0] * p[0];
dst1 += src[1] * p[4];
dst1 += src[2] * p[8];
dst1 += src[3] * p[12];
dst2 = src[4] * p[0];
dst2 += src[5] * p[4];
dst2 += src[6] * p[8];
dst2 += src[7] * p[12];
dst3 = src[8] * p[0];
dst3 += src[9] * p[4];
dst3 += src[10] * p[8];
dst3 += src[11] * p[12];
dst4 = src[12] * p[0];
dst4 += src[13] * p[4];
dst4 += src[14] * p[8];
dst4 += src[15] * p[12];
p[0] = dst1;
p[4] = dst2;
p[8] = dst3;
p[12] = dst4;
A = B.A
A0 = A0 * B0 + A1 * B4 + A2 * B8 + A3 * B12
A1 = A0 * B1 + A1 * B5 + A2 * B9 + A3 * B13
A2 = A0 * B2 + A1 * B6 + A2 * B10+ A3 * B14
A3 = A0 * B3 + A1 * B7 + A2 * B11+ A3 * B15
A4 = A4 * B0 + A5 * B4 + A6 * B8 + A7 * B12
A5 = A4 * B1 + A5 * B5 + A6 * B9 + A7 * B13
A6 = A4 * B2 + A5 * B6 + A6 * B10+ A7 * B14
A7 = A4 * B3 + A5 * B7 + A6 * B11+ A7 * B15
A8 = A8 * B0 + A9 * B4 + A10* B8 + A11* B12
A9 = A8 * B1 + A9 * B5 + A10* B9 + A11* B13
A10= A8 * B2 + A9 * B6 + A10* B10+ A11* B14
A11= A8 * B3 + A9 * B7 + A10* B11+ A11* B15
A12= A12* B0 + A13* B4 + A14* B8 + A15* B12
A13= A12* B1 + A13* B5 + A14* B9 + A15* B13
A14= A12* B2 + A13* B6 + A14* B10+ A15* B14
A15= A12* B3 + A13* B7 + A14* B11+ A15* B15
void m4x4_premultiply_by_m4x4(m4x4_t dst, const m4x4_t src)
vec_t dst0, dst1, dst2, dst3;
#if 1
dst0 = dst[0] * src[0] + dst[1] * src[4] + dst[2] * src[8] + dst[3] * src[12];
dst1 = dst[0] * src[1] + dst[1] * src[5] + dst[2] * src[9] + dst[3] * src[13];
dst2 = dst[0] * src[2] + dst[1] * src[6] + dst[2] * src[10]+ dst[3] * src[14];
dst3 = dst[0] * src[3] + dst[1] * src[7] + dst[2] * src[11]+ dst[3] * src[15];
dst[0] = dst0; dst[1] = dst1; dst[2] = dst2; dst[3]= dst3;
dst0 = dst[4] * src[0] + dst[5] * src[4] + dst[6] * src[8] + dst[7] * src[12];
dst1 = dst[4] * src[1] + dst[5] * src[5] + dst[6] * src[9] + dst[7] * src[13];
dst2 = dst[4] * src[2] + dst[5] * src[6] + dst[6] * src[10]+ dst[7] * src[14];
dst3 = dst[4] * src[3] + dst[5] * src[7] + dst[6] * src[11]+ dst[7] * src[15];
dst[4] = dst0; dst[5] = dst1; dst[6] = dst2; dst[7]= dst3;
dst0 = dst[8] * src[0] + dst[9] * src[4] + dst[10]* src[8] + dst[11]* src[12];
dst1 = dst[8] * src[1] + dst[9] * src[5] + dst[10]* src[9] + dst[11]* src[13];
dst2 = dst[8] * src[2] + dst[9] * src[6] + dst[10]* src[10]+ dst[11]* src[14];
dst3 = dst[8] * src[3] + dst[9] * src[7] + dst[10]* src[11]+ dst[11]* src[15];
dst[8] = dst0; dst[9] = dst1; dst[10] = dst2; dst[11]= dst3;
dst0 = dst[12]* src[0] + dst[13]* src[4] + dst[14]* src[8] + dst[15]* src[12];
dst1 = dst[12]* src[1] + dst[13]* src[5] + dst[14]* src[9] + dst[15]* src[13];
dst2 = dst[12]* src[2] + dst[13]* src[6] + dst[14]* src[10]+ dst[15]* src[14];
dst3 = dst[12]* src[3] + dst[13]* src[7] + dst[14]* src[11]+ dst[15]* src[15];
dst[12] = dst0; dst[13] = dst1; dst[14] = dst2; dst[15]= dst3;
vec_t* p = dst;
for(int i=0;i<4;i++)
dst1 = src[0] * p[0];
dst2 = src[1] * p[0];
dst3 = src[2] * p[0];
dst4 = src[3] * p[0];
dst1 += src[4] * p[1];
dst2 += src[5] * p[1];
dst3 += src[6] * p[1];
dst4 += src[7] * p[1];
dst1 += src[8] * p[2];
dst2 += src[9] * p[2];
dst4 += src[11] * p[2];
dst3 += src[10] * p[2];
dst1 += src[12] * p[3];
dst2 += src[13] * p[3];
dst3 += src[14] * p[3];
dst4 += src[15] * p[3];
*p++ = dst1;
*p++ = dst2;
*p++ = dst3;
*p++ = dst4;
void m4x4_transform_point(const m4x4_t matrix, vec3_t point)
float out1, out2, out3;
out1 = matrix[0] * point[0];
out2 = matrix[1] * point[0];
out3 = matrix[2] * point[0];
out1 += matrix[4] * point[1];
out2 += matrix[5] * point[1];
out3 += matrix[6] * point[1];
out1 += matrix[8] * point[2];
out2 += matrix[9] * point[2];
out3 += matrix[10] * point[2];
out1 += matrix[12];
out2 += matrix[13];
out3 += matrix[14];
point[0] = out1;
point[1] = out2;
point[2] = out3;
void m4x4_transform_normal(const m4x4_t matrix, vec3_t normal)
float out1, out2, out3;
out1 = matrix[0] * normal[0];
out2 = matrix[1] * normal[0];
out3 = matrix[2] * normal[0];
out1 += matrix[4] * normal[1];
out2 += matrix[5] * normal[1];
out3 += matrix[6] * normal[1];
out1 += matrix[8] * normal[2];
out2 += matrix[9] * normal[2];
out3 += matrix[10] * normal[2];
normal[0] = out1;
normal[1] = out2;
normal[2] = out3;
void m4x4_transform_vec4(const m4x4_t matrix, vec4_t vector)
float out1, out2, out3, out4;
out1 = matrix[0] * vector[0];
out2 = matrix[1] * vector[0];
out3 = matrix[2] * vector[0];
out4 = matrix[3] * vector[0];
out1 += matrix[4] * vector[1];
out2 += matrix[5] * vector[1];
out3 += matrix[6] * vector[1];
out4 += matrix[7] * vector[1];
out1 += matrix[8] * vector[2];
out2 += matrix[9] * vector[2];
out3 += matrix[10] * vector[2];
out4 += matrix[11] * vector[2];
out1 += matrix[12] * vector[3];
out2 += matrix[13] * vector[3];
out3 += matrix[14] * vector[3];
out4 += matrix[15] * vector[3];
vector[0] = out1;
vector[1] = out2;
vector[2] = out3;
vector[3] = out4;
void m4x4_transpose(m4x4_t matrix)
int i, j;
float temp, *p1, *p2;
for (i=1; i<4; i++) {
for (j=0; j<i; j++) {
p1 = matrix+(j*4+i);
p2 = matrix+(i*4+j);
temp = *p1;
void m4x4_orthogonal_invert(m4x4_t matrix)
float temp;
temp = -matrix[3];
matrix[3] = matrix[12];
matrix[12] = temp;
temp = -matrix[7];
matrix[7] = matrix[13];
matrix[13] = temp;
temp = -matrix[11];
matrix[11] = matrix[14];
matrix[14] = temp;
temp = matrix[1];
matrix[1] = matrix[4];
matrix[4] = temp;
temp = matrix[2];
matrix[2] = matrix[8];
matrix[8] = temp;
temp = matrix[6];
matrix[6] = matrix[9];
matrix[9] = temp;
matrix[3] = -matrix[3];
matrix[7] = -matrix[7];
matrix[11] = -matrix[11];
float m3_det( m3x3_t mat )
float det;
det = mat[0] * ( mat[4]*mat[8] - mat[7]*mat[5] )
- mat[1] * ( mat[3]*mat[8] - mat[6]*mat[5] )
+ mat[2] * ( mat[3]*mat[7] - mat[6]*mat[4] );
return( det );
void m3_inverse( m3x3_t mr, m3x3_t ma )
float det = m3_det( ma );
if ( fabs( det ) < 0.0005 )
m3_identity( ma );
mr[0] = ma[4]*ma[8] - ma[5]*ma[7] / det;
mr[1] = -( ma[1]*ma[8] - ma[7]*ma[2] ) / det;
mr[2] = ma[1]*ma[5] - ma[4]*ma[2] / det;
mr[3] = -( ma[3]*ma[8] - ma[5]*ma[6] ) / det;
mr[4] = ma[0]*ma[8] - ma[6]*ma[2] / det;
mr[5] = -( ma[0]*ma[5] - ma[3]*ma[2] ) / det;
mr[6] = ma[3]*ma[7] - ma[6]*ma[4] / det;
mr[7] = -( ma[0]*ma[7] - ma[6]*ma[1] ) / det;
mr[8] = ma[0]*ma[4] - ma[1]*ma[3] / det;
void m4_submat( m4x4_t mr, m3x3_t mb, int i, int j )
int ti, tj, idst, jdst;
for ( ti = 0; ti < 4; ti++ )
if ( ti < i )
idst = ti;
if ( ti > i )
idst = ti-1;
for ( tj = 0; tj < 4; tj++ )
if ( tj < j )
jdst = tj;
if ( tj > j )
jdst = tj-1;
if ( ti != i && tj != j )
mb[idst*3 + jdst] = mr[ti*4 + tj ];
float m4_det( m4x4_t mr )
float det, result = 0, i = 1;
m3x3_t msub3;
int n;
for ( n = 0; n < 4; n++, i *= -1 )
m4_submat( mr, msub3, 0, n );
det = m3_det( msub3 );
result += mr[n] * det * i;
return result;
int m4x4_invert(m4x4_t matrix)
float mdet = m4_det( matrix );
m3x3_t mtemp;
int i, j, sign;
m4x4_t m4x4_temp;
if ( fabs( mdet ) < 0.0000000001 ) //% 0.0005
return 1;
memcpy(m4x4_temp, matrix, sizeof(m4x4_t));
for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
for ( j = 0; j < 4; j++ )
sign = 1 - ( (i +j) % 2 ) * 2;
m4_submat( m4x4_temp, mtemp, i, j );
matrix[i+j*4] = ( m3_det( mtemp ) * sign ) / mdet;
return 0;